Properties of Fats and Oils

Introduction Ingredients constituting the diet regimen play essential role in enhancing the delicacy and nutrient value of a given food item. These may vary from naturally available plant or animal sources to chemically synthesized ones. The preparation of certain food items necessitates the utility of specific compounds such as oils...

What Resources Should Builders Use So as Not to Harm Ecology

Introduction In the contemporary world, the topics of climate change and sustainable living become more and more relevant. One of the main reasons for that is the fact that because of constant technological advancement and the appearance of new developments people see a chance to make their lives better, more...

Understanding Epigenetic Mechanisms in Breast Cancer

Introduction Human cells become cancerous when they undergo genetic modifications that make them acquire growth and multiplication advantages. Cancerous cells do not carry out normal physiological roles in human beings. The processes that culminate in genetic changes occur in an orderly manner that involves the accumulation of inherited changes that...

Social Aspects of HIV/AIDS, Education & Community Mobilisation

Introduction HIV/AIDS is a slow progressing disease, which may exhibit different symptoms from different people. Oropeza, Bradley, and Johnson (2006, p.6) opined that these symptoms are identified by the stage of development. At the initial stages, the symptoms are few or none at all. After a longer duration, it is...

Call Standard in EFL Instructions in Saudi Arabian Education

Introduction In the given paper, the issues concerning the way students and teachers in Saudi Arabia access, use and treat the CALL standard in EFL instructions concerning the preparatory year program at the University of Tabuk are going to be considered and the existing approaches are going to be evaluated....

FOXP2 – A Hormone’ Review

Introduction FOXP2 is a hormone that has been identified by scientists in living organisms which is responsible for the sounds that they produce. Science has made and is still making discoveries about the systems of living organisms with the effort to find out what causes them to behave in a...

Scope of Ergonomics in XYZ Limited

Executive Summary In any working environment that include operation of heavy equipment people are bound to pick up injuries that cut their efficiency in the work situation. These health effects cut the productivity in the workplace. Assessment of ergonomic issues is essential to ensure reduction of risks in the workplace...

The Public Health Campaign on STDs Among the Youth

Abstract Sexually transmitted infections account for high numbers of deaths and infections among the youth. A safe sex campaign can be an important initiative to reduce sexually transmitted infections. This essay discusses unprotected sex among teenagers as a public health issue that promulgates the spread of STDs. A large number...

Marijuana Legalization and Its Use Among American Teenagers

For the last four decades, the debate about legalization of marijuana has attracted myriad controversies (Scorza 32). Intransigent proponents of permissive marijuana policies support the notion that individuals should be allowed access to restricted amounts of marijuana for personal use. In addition, they criticize the numerous criminal sanctions associated with...

Medical Negligence Case Study

Summary of the Case with Critiques The outbreak of the COVID-19, commonly known as the coronavirus disease, has created new challenges to healthcare institutions in the United States, especially those that offer care to the elderly. The case study shows that hospitals, skilled nursing centers, and personal care homes are...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Rheumatoid Arthritis as a Chronic Illness

The human body is arguably among the most complex form ever to be studied. Over the years, scientists and other specialists have dedicated significant efforts towards trying to understand how different parts of the bodywork. Through these studies, the origins of various ailments have been discovered and solutions to the...

Financial Analysis in Healthcare Organizations

Introduction Financial analysis relies on accurate data This information is too complex to be useful It is organized into simpler financial statements They can be analyzed to judge business performance Principal Financial Statements Statement of operations Balance sheet Statement of cash flows Statement of changes in net assets Statement of...

Diabetics: Types, Symptoms, Diagnostics, Treatment

Introduction Diabetes is a terminal disease that is caused by increased sugar levels in the blood. It leads to a rise in blood glucose (sugar) levels. The food that we eat gets converted into simple sugar i.e. glucose. Insulin is a hormone that is secreted by the beta cells of...

Implementing Effective Management in Healthcare

Summary of the Study This study explores the importance of implementing effective management processes within healthcare systems. It reviews the California health care system. Effective administration of health services is critical. Administration entails allocation of resources, coordination of staff and enhancement of operations. These operations are evaluated within the California...

Factors that Contribute to the Housework Gender Gap

Introduction The issue of gender as it applies to housework in heterosexual couples is not a recent problem in the United States and other countries. In the United States, the problem of gender inequality in household chores emerged in the second half of the twentieth century when the female labor...

Adressing the Healthcare Crisis Through Telehealth Evaluating Needs

Introduction Many people miss out on adequate care; Key barriers: lack of insurance, high costs of care, long wait times, lack of transportation; Challenges addressing chronic conditions; Patients in rural areas do not receive the needed level of care; Need to treat patients regardless of access barriers; An immediate and...

Mergers and Acquisitions in Business

Introduction Mergers and acquisitions make possible complete changes in the business. However, this process poses major challenges to the parties involved as it can be quite chaotic if adequate strategies are not instituted (DePamphilis, 2008, pp. 77). Individuals charged with the responsibility of overseeing the mergers and acquisitions must have...

Through the Looking Glass of an MNC and Its Culture

There is a direct link between national culture and the success of a business model. Venaik and Midgley (2015) argue that national culture, in relation to business, can influence purchasing behaviors, consumer patterns and even use of disposal income. Additionally, national culture influences organizational culture, which can in turn, determine...

Arms Smuggling as a Form of Transitional Organized Crime

Introduction National and international security is being threatened by the recent rise in transitional organized crimes ‘TOC’. The most tragic reality is the fact that the general public is the most vulnerable to the implications TOCs. Organized crimes can take different forms and can be described in various approaches. Interestingly,...

Mechanisms to Fight Serious Forms of Organized Crime in Italy

Introduction Safety in Italy has been a challenge in Italy. Organized crimes range from corporate crime, Neapolitan Camorra and mafia. The violence is sometimes racial and affects Italian citizens. In major cities where people are overcrowding and at parking lot, crimes such as pick pocketing and handbag snatching. Other overcrowded...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Childhood Obesity as an International Problem

Introduction Childhood obesity has become an international problem since the past few decades. There are several children around the world who are being diagnosed with obesity at early stages in life (Whitman, Shah & Benjamins, 2010). Seeking various solutions to resolve this problem is one of the major areas of...

Personal Financial Plan: Personal Experiences

One of the first things that I would like to deal with is the financial challenge of student loan debt. I believe that its impact could be detrimental, so it is essential to manage all the unplanned expenditures and make sure that I am going to accumulate enough wealth to...

The Ferguson Missouri Incident

Abstract The Ferguson Missouri shooting is an incident that has attracted national outrage and global criticism. The incident involved the shooting of a black teenager who was suspected of being involved in an altercation. A police officer shot the teenager several times before he succumbed. Demonstrations followed the incident that...

Capital Structure and Cost of Capital in Telecom Sector

Introduction This paper has chosen Vodafone plc (or “Vodafone”) and British Telecom plc (or “BT”) under the telecommunications industry for purposes of comparing capital structure and cost of capital. This will also study the impact of industry and economic conditions for the pair of companies and will explore the current...

Marketing Plan for 3-D Virtual Scanning

Executive Summary 3-D virtual tours have been around for barely two decades, and during this period, many people have switched from traditional 2-D methods of viewing objects to 3-D virtual tours that are more engaging and detailed. Additionally, virtual tours are a convenient way for an individual to explore a...

Aldus Corporation’s Marketing Strategy

Introduction This report examines the marketing strategies as applied in Aldus Corporation. The corporation operates in the computer software development industry since its establishment in 1984. In spite of the successes that the firm initially enjoyed, changes in the business environment led to reduced sales revenues hence need to change...

Ethnic Inequality: Black Lives Matter

Introduction It is undoubted that every person’s life should be cherished and valued as the greatest gift. However, it seems that the evident nature of such a statement is not so clear to many people living in the world. The question of ethnic inequality is rather pronounced in the USA,...

Researching the Neural Networks

Introduction A neural network refers to an information-processing model operating in a manner that is similar to the natural nervous systems of the human brain (Stergiou and Siganos, 1997). The novel structure is the primary component of this model comprising numerous integrated processing components (neurons) that function together to offer...

Mobile Forensics: Investigating BlackBerry Devices

Mobile Forensics is a term used in reference to the act of retrieving information from mobile phones (Mobile and PDA Forensics 2007). The current population is increasingly using mobile phones as a tool for personal communication and as such, the device is valuable in a majority of the legal cases,...

The Most Important Advanced Practice Roles in Nursing

Introduction Nursing is one of the essential healthcare careers that offer a wide variety of services to patients who are in need. This speciality has grown from the traditional support role for other health practitioners to one that is universally respected. This growth has also led to improvement in training...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Congenital Heart Disease in Children

Introduction Children make the potential future populace with possibilities of enhanced creativity in their regime considerably high given the underlying exposure to contemporary technologies in the world. Infants are in most cases helpless and depend mostly on adults for proper growth and development. Research has indicated that a considerable number,...

Type II Diabetes: Disease Analysis

Introduction The symptoms experienced by Mrs Possingham over the last two weeks are the typical case of diabetes. From the case study, it is revealed that Mrs Possingham had shown some symptoms that can be linked with the complication of diabetes mellitus. The objective of this paper is to confirm...

Evidence Based Medicine Analysis

Introduction Evidence-Based Medicine (EBM) is also known as Evidence-Based Practice (EBP) and targets to achieve the application of the finest evidence acquired from scientific methods for the benefit of taking medical decisions. It makes efforts to evaluate the potency of evidence accrued to the risk and the benefit of treatment...

Proposition 63: Should Other States Follow California’s Lead

Introduction On November 2, 2004, the state of California passed an initiative associated with increasing financial support for mental health care. Known as Proposition 63, the plan facilitated the creation of the Mental Health Services Act that implied the dedication of funds for mental health services through imposing a 1%...

Integrated Concepts of Disease Management

Abstract Disease management plays a central role in the improvement of nursing outcomes in healthcare systems. The integrated approach of disease management is effective in the management of chronic diseases among patients. The course has contributed significantly to the achievement of my professional and personal goals because it provided insights,...

Victorian Literature: Conan Doyle and Robert Browning

Sexuality in Victorian novels seems to be a fragrance that is merely palatable but is still there letting the reader feel it and know it is there. The strict social code of behavior for women and the dresses that cover around 90% of the body, letting only the neck be...

Design and Aesthetics of Architectural Styles

Introduction Architecture is more of a civic art than a fine art. An architect derives fame and pleasure from the satisfaction of people who appreciate architecture as a fine art. More importantly, the recognition of architecture as a civic art bestows respect and admiration to the profession while binding together...

The Link Between Relative Deprivation and Crime

Introduction To better understand radical criminology theory, it is important to first have a basic idea on what is criminology. Criminology is a field of study that endeavours to establish the main causes of crime, definition of crime in terms of law and the reaction of people in the society...

Adult Obesity: Treatment Program

Introduction The occurrence of obesity is growing around the globe at a disturbing rate in both developed as well as developing countries (World Health Organization, 2000). In the European countries, the prevalence of obesity ranges between 10 and 20% in men and between 15 and 25% in women, while in...

Reproductive Diseases and Disorders

Abstract This exemplar focuses on analyzing reproductive diseases and disorders and on determining the benefits of using assisted reproductive technology like in vitro fertilization (IVF) and preimplantation genetic screening or diagnosis (PGS/PGD). The particular case that is discussed in this exemplar is associated with a reproductive disorder known as recurrent...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Physical Activity in Pregnancy: A Qualitative Study

Abstract Conducting a qualitative study means being especially careful with the completion of the key steps required by the existing standards. Carrying out a basic qualitative research in their article, Weir, Bush, Robson, McParlin, Rankin and Bell (2010) have managed to incorporate all basic elements that the existing standards demand...

Modernization Theory: Context and Sociological Issues

Background information Different development theories have been invented by scholars in bid to unravel the mystery behind varied developments in the society. In their bid to come up with strong argument, scholars have employed different social scientific phenomena. One of the development theories that were established in early 1940s is...

Globalization of the SK-II Brand

Introducton Procter and gamble company began its operations in the year 1837 and immediately after the Second World War it globalized its operations. P&G as it has come to be known focuses on transforming slow-moving products into promising business ventures. The company has been said to concentrate on its core...

The Low-Cost Airlines and Their Role in International Tourism

Abstract To sustain the existence of the human race environment is a vital issue and hence awareness relating to environmental impacts of Low-Cost Carriers (LCCs) and Tourism is rising globally. It is proven that the so-called myth of degradation of environment finally is judged right and the raised the questions...

Environmental Impact of International Tourism

Causes of Low-Cost Airlines Success In the context of airlines before deregulation, activities in the airlines industry were an antithesis of competitive markets. Airlines were monopolized by local governments, or big business houses, which actively discouraged competition through a restrictive and regulatory regime, meant essentially to avoid private enterprises entering...

Digital Divide in Sub Saharan Africa

Introduction The Organization for Economic Cooperation and development (OECD) 2001 refers to the economic divide as, “… gap between individuals, households, businesses and geographic areas at different socio-economic levels with regard both to their opportunities to access information and communication technologies (ICTs) and to their use of the Internet for...

Unequal International Flow in News: China

Introduction The processes of globalization, trade liberalization and the overall development of the influence of the mass media are currently modifying the whole human society turning it from a community of separate countries with their borders and laws into a single global homogeneous platform where reciprocal trade and communication between...

Marks & Spencer: Detailed Equity Report

Marks & Spencer (M&S) is one of the major UK retailers, that have a great chain of over 840 stores in 30 regions around the globe and they have over 600 domestic and 285 international stores. Marks & Spencer is commonly renowned as the major clothing retailer of the United...

Responsive Skins and Surfaces in Design

Introduction A specialized interior designer is someone who is qualified through education and experience in this particular field. Part of his education includes learning and knowing the basic principles which include: light and colour, surface and textures, furniture and accessories. Light and colours are one of the major elements to...

A Gift for Antoni Gaudi Analysis

Introduction Antoni Gaudi was a genius architect whose name became one of the biggest trademarks for Barcelona and Spain in general. Despite his rather complicated childhood, Gaudi represented the change that Barcelona needed to stand out finally among other European gems. Gaudi’s attitude became the main reason why he was...

Cyberspace: Analysis of Current Information Technology Issue

The cyberspace has developed from a simple academic and research network to a complex communication network used to perpetrate many activities on a day to day basis. According to Spinello (2011), cyberspace have turned the world into a global village; but at the same time, it has hacked into lots...

Protection of Information Assets

Introduction Information asset protection is a very critical aspect of business management process for the successful operations and continuity of any business. Any form of threat to the security of the electronic or computerized information and its process is a definite threat to the quality of business end result (Boran,...

How to Develop an Effective Nursing Course Design

Introduction Developing a nursing course design requires an understanding of the fundamental concepts relevant to the changing nursing environment. It is clear from the analysis of the three assignments that the nursing environment has changed due to the changes brought about by technology. In order to develop an effective nursing...

The Bakery Store Standley’s Bakery – Project Case of Buisness

Description of the Business Standley’s Bakery is a new bakery store that is based in Ruston that will be primarily selling cakes and cupcakes in Ruston and its neighbourhood. Although Ruston has several bakery stores, it lacks a store that provides high-quality organic cakes and cupcakes at an optimal price....

Information Systems Development Methods

Abstraction In this method, the process of defining and analyzing data requirements to support the business process of an organization is known as data modeling. All data is stored in a model called concept model which has data definitions. It is implemented using logical models. There are different data models...

Neurovascular Impairment and Compartment Syndrome

Background and description of neurovascular impairment compartment syndrome This nursing essay explores various aspects of neurovascular impairment compartment syndrome as an exemplar of the neurovascular condition of musculoskeletal (Wright, 2009). It covers pathophysiology, signs and symptoms, treatment modalities, and nurse role in the collaborative setting particularly in critical care clinical...

Graduation Rate Between SEC vs. ACC Schools

Introduction The graduation rate surveys were done by the AFCA (American Football Coaches Association) to honor nine ACC (Atlantic Coast Conference) schools. The schools had graduated over seventy percent of their football student athletes in the annual Academic Achievement Awards. Boston and Duke Colleges emerged in the top a hundred...

Performance Enhancing Drugs Legalization in Sports

Performance Improvement and Drugs Performance enhancing drugs are defined as those substances that are used by athletes in order to improve their performance in sports in which they have engaged. The trend of increased usage of these drugs had resulted in their ban by a number of international organizations and...

Substance Abuse, Lack of Treatment, Prejudice and Incarceration – A Community Health Problem

Substance abuse and poor mental health form some of the biggest concerns of society. People of all ages especially the young are influenced by substance abuse. Child and spousal abuse, school failure, teen pregnancy, becoming infected by sexually transmitted diseases including AIDS, frequent disruptions in the family, personal life and...

Jane Austen’s “Emma”

Jane Austen’s Emma Emma, published in 1816, like other novels of Jane Austen, deals with one major subject, that is, young lady’s attempts at finding proper husbands. Although superficially this seems to be the storyline of the novel, there is much more than only this at the deeper level. The...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Robert Wilson Contribution in the Development of Economic Thought

Introduction Economics is a branch of social science that deals with the manner in which goods and services are produced, distributed, consumed, and managed. This is an integral part of society with regard to improving the standards of living. The effectiveness of economic theories in achieving this feat depends on...

Cyber Crime : Issues and Threats

Introduction Developments in technology have come with both advantages and disadvantages. The close association of technology and crime is neither new nor young. Over time, the potential to create harm through the supposed advantage of technologies has grown exponentially especially on the lines that exploit chains of trust of people...

The Radio Frequency IDentification Revolution

Introduction RFID is fast taking shape as manifested by the recent media blitz and newspaper articles about the technology. Not many people are able to distinguish the different categories and benefits that the technology brings. It is the purpose of this paper to highlight on the history, uses and benefits...

Determination of the Effectiveness of Opiate Detoxification Programs

Introduction Opiate abuse has grown over the years, currently reaching crisis levels. One in eleven Americans could be classified as either dependent on or an abuser of illicit drugs as described in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, 4th edition (DSMIV, 2008) guidelines. A significantly larger population, as...

The Cardiovascular Disease: Crucial Issues

Introduction Cardiovascular disease (CVD) is a leading cause of mortality in the developed nations. The condition has been the single largest cause of death for a long period in the United States of America. According to Lakic, Tasic, and Kos (2014), CVD is a large burden to the society in...

The Difference Between Civil Law and Common Law

Introduction The curiosity of lawyers around law systems and the desire to compare them is not new to the researchers. Civil law, or else called the Roman law, is a name for a system of legislation that was firstly induced in Europe. The core of the civil law is compiled...

Non-christian World Religions: History, Concepts, and Beliefs of Buddhism

Introduction Religion can be described as a set of beliefs about the origin, purpose and the nature of the universe more especially when it is considered to have been created by supernatural agencies or agency. The believers have a set of rituals they observe and a moral code that governs...

Knowledge Sharing In Global Business

Introduction In the contemporary world, technology and business management have become inseparable. Technological advancements especially in the development of various software programmes have made business collaborations possible, convenient and more widespread. This has especially been facilitated by social media applications, which have given the users the freedom to control and...

Obesity Prevention in Ramsey County, Minnesota

Community Description This study was conducted at Ramsey County, Minnesota. Based on the 2000 National Census, the County had a population of about 511,000 people in 18 cities, one township, and two unincorporated areas within 170 square miles. This is the smallest County, yet among the most densely populated in...

1929-1931 Financial Crisis and 2007-2010 Financial Crisis Comparison

Introduction A financial crisis refers to a situation where there is a large loss of value by some financial institutions. Most financial crises are attributable to bank panics or sudden changes in the value of currency making it hard for it to serve its purpose. Many other situations may result...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Linking Activity Theory and Aging Adult

Introduction Since Havinghurst and Albrecht’s first study of the importance of activity engagement in successful aging in 1953, activity theory has become an important area in gerontological research. The notion that successful aging is inseparable from active lifestyle is as old as social gerontology. As people age, they are forced...

Student Development Concept: Cognitive Development

Introduction Human development is an intriguing process that involves the integration of many factors. All these various factors are necessary to achieve full development. The factors involve interplay between, on the one hand, the genetic materials inherited from parents commonly referred to as nature and on the other hand, the...

A Mental Health Nursing Social Interventions for Patients With Schizophrenia

Introduction This assignment aims at exploring the psychosocial interventions for patients with schizophrenia. It achieves this by expounding on a case scenario of a patient named Geoff. The observed experiences of Geoff by both his parents and teachers clearly reveal that he is suffering from schizophrenia. The term schizophrenia is...

Theories of Juvenile Crimes

Background Juvenile crimes have risen in the past years with more adolescents engaging in all types of crimes in society. It has become a major concern with the courts handling more than 60% of criminal cases, 20% of the cases having been committed by persons under the age of 18...

Non-Surgical Reduction of Obesity and Overweight in Young Adults

Outline Obesity is a global crisis that is posing as one of the major public health nightmares due to its exponential rise, especially among young adults (Jiang, Xai, Greiner, Lian & Rosengvist, 2005). Many experts attribute this fact to the increased consumption of carbonated drinks sweetened with sugar, which have...

Right to Food as a Fundamental Right

Introduction Food has become a major human right issue today. Food is a necessity to every person since no person can live without it. The increase in, famine, hunger, malnutrition and other food related problems in the world have motivated more commitment to food. Access to adequate and quality food...

Bureau of Indian Affairs for Indigenous in America

The relationship between the Native Americans and the government of the United States comes through the entire history of the country. In 1824, the federal authorities created the country’s primary agency responsible for the government’s dealings with the Native population – the Bureau of Indian Affairs or BIA (Indian Country...

Hardships of Mexican-Americans in the United States

Mexican Americans in America descend from people whose ancestry is Spanish and Mexican Indian. After the Spanish conquest of present-day Mexico in the early sixteenth century, Iberian males intermixed with Indian women. Therefore the cultures blended and those people of a fused heritage and culture moved Northward from Mexico and...

Mars Exploration Mission: Martian Atmosphere Studies

Outline Since the discovery of the existence of other physical bodies in the universe, scientists have spent most of their time in the laboratories looking for ways and means of critically studying these bodies. For that reason equipments have been made and signals placed in them to make it possible...

Alternative Approaches in Medical Treatment

Introduction Improvements in the medical field have resulted in the development of several treatment approaches aimed at enhancing long term recovery. In view of this, alternative approaches such as art and music therapy have become popular with much of their application observed in mental and emotional health. Therapeutic Treatment as...

Popular Research Paper Topics

The Correction Systems: US and Mexico

Introduction The United States (U.S.) and Mexico are two large countries in North America, which shares several similarities and differences in various aspects. Geographically, both countries border each other; that is, U. S borders Mexico on the North. In the basis of security and criminology, corrections systems in U. S...

The Musculoskeletal System

Musculoskeletal System Anatomy The musculoskeletal system provides humans with the ability to move and perform different tasks using their skeletal and muscular systems. Therefore, the body gets its form, movement capability, and overall stability from the strength of its muscular and skeletal formations. The musculoskeletal system (also known as the...

Organizational Management and Performance: Inter-Organizational Relationships

Organization An organization is formed when a group of people joins together intentionally, to accomplish a common goal or goals (McNamara, 2007). People composition in an organization ranges from two to thousands of people. In every organization, a policy must be put in place to define its conducts and relationship...

Impact of Generalized Anxiety Disorder on Single Parents

Abstract Single parenthood is generally associated with challenging circumstances and experiences that can lead to certain mental disorders. This paper focuses on the impact of generalized anxiety disorder on single parents and the most significant aspects of their lives. It examines the major symptoms of the disorder in connection with...

S-Corporations and C-Corporations Transition and Taxes

Introduction C Corporations are also known as a traditional corporation, a form of business that is founded as a separate and distinct entity in relation to its owners, once this kind of corporation is formed it can possess its own bank accounts, property, have the capacity to conduct business on...

Social Media and Friendships Overview

Introduction The Internet revolution of the 21st century has redefined the way people meet, make friends, and sustain friendships. Social network sites (SNSs) have changed the conventional meet-and-talk scenarios where people would have face-to-face communication, know each other, and form meaningful friendships. SNSs encourage individuals to visit various social media...

Being Human: Human-Computer Interaction

Computers are everywhere. Computers already pervaded the homes and offices of many industrialised countries. Computers used to be considered as mere machines, tools to help man become more efficient. A complex machine that is a great help when it comes to processing a considerable amount of data. Computers can be...

Fujitsu Siemens Computers: Joint Ventures and Strategies

Abstract Research reveals that contemporary businesses are increasingly faced with dilemmas in making business decisions; such decisions can take the form of a decision to attract new clients as well as maintaining old customers. It is for this reason that two or more business units join forces in terms of...

All About the Role of Genetic Engineering and Biopiracy

Introduction The term genetic engineering makes the headline invariably every other day in newspapers. With demand for surplus growth, every attempt is made to increase productions and control pest damage using artificial and secondary methods. In India, the government has given the clearance for the first time, the testing of...

Latinos in US Media: Stereotypes, Values, Culture

Media is one of the most powerful sources of information about people, events, nations, and any type of progress. Though its quality is hard to control, consumers cannot neglect an opportunity but rely on the material they observe in movies and find in articles online. Despite the number of concerns...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Utilization of Solar Energy for Thermal Desalination

The Rationale Industrial-scale desalination plants cannot be scaled down for use in remote areas due to the complexity of the technology. Therefore, the need for scaled-down desalination plants to meet specific consumer needs for clean water particularly in remote desert and semi-desert areas cannot be overemphasized. That reinforces the need...

New Marketing Rules Used in Healthcare

Review of the Book Marketing twenty years ago and today has many differences, since the Internet has significantly reduced the importance of television, newspapers, and radio in people’s lives. Today customers see advertisements, buy goods or services and often even use them without leaving the global network; hence, marketing strategies...

Rem Koolhaas and Junk Space

The term junk-space is increasingly being used in the modern architectural world especially after Rem Koolhaas won the Pritkter prize. What is junk space and what is its implication in the modern architecture? The term Junk space refers to the residue materials that human beings leave on the earth. According...

Vital Issues of Terrorism and Ways to Counter Terrorism

International Terrorism and the Essential Elements of the Phenomenon of Terrorism In the twenty-first century, when most controversial situations and disagreements among individual communities and even countries are still resolved through armed conflicts, the problem of terrorism is particularly acute. The evolution of weapons and the development of technology have...

Natural Selection Process and Evidence of Evolution

Chapter 1 The first chapter of the book Why Evolution is True by Coyne is an introduction to evolution and how it is driven by natural selection. Charles Darwin coined the theory that all life forms resulted from evolution, which was largely propelled by natural selection, which bases on the...

Wal-Mart: Managing Relationships with Stakeholders

Background In the early 1960s, Sam Walton incorporated his enterprise as Wal-Mart Stores and a few decades later, it became a global retailing juggernaut with revenues of more or less 300 billion dollars in 2006 alone. Aside from that this company boasts of employing close to two million employees worldwide....

Homelessness Crisis in Canada

Introduction Homelessness is becoming a major concern across Canada, especially in the lower mainland. According to a recent government survey, it is estimated that over 250,000 people are homeless in the country (Kouyoumdjian et al., 2019). The number could be twice or three times higher than this estimate because of...

US Homeland Security Structures and Technologies

Water Supply With the advancement in technology around the world, almost every system is exposed to cyber threats, which have become more common than before. Unlike in the last century, where computer systems registered the highest risk of cyber threats, every company today is a potential target for hackers or...

Energy Infrastructure Management in the United States

Compare, contrast the impact of the current unrest in the North African and Middle East countries on the followings: World politics. Energy policies Energy prices and the overall economy The current unrest in the North African and Middle East countries has had an impact on world politics, energy policies and...

Software Workshops and Seminars Reflections

Introduction I have had the good luck of attending several workshops recently and these workshops have been very inspirational. They provide opportunities for people to ask questions about a certain subject or process if a business seminar is and so forth. However, my interest has increased dramatically to attend more...

Gathering, Analyzing, and Presenting Digital Evidence: Computer Forensic Investigators

Abstract The field of computer forensics involves gathering, analyzing, and presenting digital evidence. In the contemporary digital world, many cases involve unauthorized access to digital information and its use. Crime scene investigation is exemplified by five phases, which are the preservation, survey, documentation, search and collection, and presentation phases. Computer...

Taxation Law and System in Australia

Introduction Taxation has been present since the late nineteenth century and plays a significant function in society. Every administration in each country needs revenue to sponsor its activities. With no taxes, governments would be unable to operate effectively as they are required to raise revenue, and the most efficient method...

Amazon Company: RFID Technology Implementation Plan

Introduction Amazon Corporation is one of the leading competitors in the global e-commerce market segment. Founded in 1994, the corporation has grown very fast through the constant acquisition of businesses, introduction of superior products, and appreciation of emerging technologies to improve its operational model. The company has an effective research...

Cheesy Pizza Company’s Rewards System

Introduction As a human resource consultant hired by Cheesy Pizza Company, I am going to assist it with the implementation of a rewards system. As the organization is now focused on the extension to the Singapore and Hong Kong markets in three years, it needs to ensure that its employees...

Religion and Community: The Impact of Religion on Social Life

Introduction According to Kurtz (6), globalization of social life refers to the innumerable ways through which our global society has been integrated into one small village in the sense that anything that happens in one part of the world could potentially have a large effect or influence on other parts...

A Personal Reflection of Culture and Families in Global Perspective

Family is one of the few things that accompany us through life, regardless of the circumstances. Whatever a person is, whatever happens on his life path, there is always a family. It can be happy and complete or exist only as memories of ancestors, but each of us has relatives....

Seasonal Influenza Vaccination Program

Introduction The focus of this paper is on the Center for Disease Control (CDC) vaccination program on seasonal influenza. The study aims at investigating the effectiveness of the program in terms of seeking long-term and viable solutions to seasonal influenza. This will be achieved by exploring various peer-reviewed literature that...

Panama Canal Expansion: Goals and Effectiveness

Introduction The Panama Canal expansion is a mega construction project initiated in 2007 by the Panama Canal Authority (ACP) – a Panamanian government agency – with a goal of doubling the shipping capacity of the passage and enhancing ship calls to the East/Gulf coast. The Canal is a fifty-mile long...

Type 2 Diabetes: Possible Interventions and Prevention

The last several decades could be characterized by the increased importance of dietary habits and the impact they have on the state of a person health. The fact is that the tendency towards the deterioration of the quality of products triggered by the alterations in the environment and numerous food...

The Patriot Act of the United States of America

Introduction The origin of knowing the respective constitution of the United States of America directs towards the daily routine ways of life of the people living in that specific country basically. Every one living in an identical region might start their company or else profitable institution in order to produce...

Tunnel Design and Construction

Underground Tunneling Underground pathways and tunnels are among the most extraordinary engineering constructions ever built by man. By definition, “a tunnel is an underground pathway that is fully enclosed except for an opening for egress, commonly at each end” (Tunnel Encyclopedia, n.d). According to the International Tunneling Association (ITA), Tunneling...

Information System Development Methods

Introduction Information system development methodologies can be defined as a set of procedures and techniques aided with the necessary documentation that is used to design and implement a new information system or update an existing information system (Blanchard & Fabrycky, 2006). The methods of development are usually based on a...

Baldrige Standards for Performance Excellence

Introduction In the business world, the realization of business excellence is pivotal towards fostering the success of an enterprise. In this respect, business organizations need to engage in actions that facilitate performance excellence. The areas of business operations that need a considerable extent of excellence include customer satisfaction, workforce fulfillment,...

Safety Risks in the Modern Aviation Industry

Introduction The modern globalised world cannot exist without the aviation industry which is the key factor guaranteeing the stable and fast intercourse, transportation, conveyance of air passengers, and cargo delivery. Being a strategic mean of transport, aviation also provides numerous opportunities for the further development of the international relations, states...

Student Veterans on Campus: Issues and Benefits

In the contemporary political context, the issues affecting American veterans are especially prominent. After defending the country’s interests abroad, veterans come back to the United States to face concerns regarding their future and the future of their families. In particular, retirement from the military usually means that people need to...

Herbal Company’s International Business Plan

Executive Summary Cancer is one of the deadliest diseases in the world. It has a very high mortality rate; over 7 million people die from cancer every year (WHO). The only treatment for cancer is chemotherapy, but it is a dangerous process that has a low success rate in the...

Conflicts and Resolution at Engineering Companies

Introduction In a rapidly-paced organisational environment, conflicts and disagreements occur on a regular basis, and this is not necessarily linked to negative outcomes. In many cases, conflicts can help improve team collaboration and the development of positive solutions. As ideas are shared between workers, priorities and responsibilities are distributed and...

The Currency Devaluation Concept in the Food Industry

Introduction Finances and exchange rates play a substantial role in the functioning of the international market while ensuring the circulations of goods and services. The importance of these economic matters cannot be underestimated, as the currency devaluation caused by the fluctuations in the exchange rates could be regarded as a...

Evolution of Skyscraper Design Since 1920

Introduction Concrete, in contrast with subsequent structural edifice substance, permeates an architect as well as engineers to select not only its approach of fabrication, but its material characteristics in addition. Myriad factors are put into consideration especially when architects and engineers call for a corporeal structural configuration, this constitute, strength,...

The Drug Enforcement Administration Business Model

Introduction The Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) operates under a business model that ensures efficient activities of its employees and good cooperation with partners. However, two building blocks of the existing canvas can be altered to enhance the efficiency of operations. Firstly, approaches to the coordination of actions and cooperation can...

Prescription Opioid Addiction in the United States

Prescription Opioid Addiction (POA) is now viewed by many as a serious epidemic in the United States. Approximately 2.5 million of Americans over 12 years old abused opioids in 2012, and this trend is still increasing (Volkow et al. 2064). Additionally, the country has seen an increase in the number...

The Contemporary Relevance of Little Red Riding Hood

Introduction Classic fairy tales have always been a big part of Western culture. In most American societies, educational institutions provide us with assignments that involve analyzing various fairy tales’ characters or their intentions. These stories have remained for a long time because of the messages they can communicate with both...

Canadian Regulation of Multinational Corporations

Introduction Purpose and context of the report The prime principle of globalization is featured by the interconnected holistic phenomenon. Due to globalization, the world has become a village in terms of politics, economic endeavors, and cultural interaction. Understanding the position of globalization in the Canadian society requires critical analysis of...

International Finance and Globalization

The exchange-rate determination of any country can be determined using theories such as the purchasing power parity, the balance of payment approach and the monetary and Portfolio Approach. A majority of the countries have now adopted the theory of purchasing power parity as a way of calculating the rate of...

Corrosion: Factors, Chemistry and Thermodynamics

Introduction Corrosion is defined as the breakup of materials to its component atoms after series of chemical reactions caused by its immediate surrounding or immediate environment. This article is going to examine the dynamics involving corrosion of materials. The corrosion of materials is attributed to a number of factors that...

War on Drugs: Fighting the Way We Are Not Likely to Win

Introduction The Problem The global problem of drug use continues to pose a serious threat to health, safety and well-being of humanity. Today, drug addiction among children and youth is of particular concern. The United States is one of the countries where the most critical situation shaped in this area....

The Concept of Death and Dying

Death represents a significant stage in human development and has different perceptions among individuals. Death in the social context is not connected to the physiological causes and consequences or the theological perspective of death and dying. Instead, sociology focuses on how the members of society interpret death, what they think...

The Future Aviation Workforce in the US

Introduction Many private and commercial aircraft are broadly utilized for daily travel via air. The efficiency and safety of airborne voyagers are enhanced by massive system facilities for the regulation of air traffic for secure departure and landing at their designated destinations. The successful operations in the aviation sector demand...

Mass Prophylaxis Dispensing Plan in Dallas, Texas

Introduction The purpose of this paper is to develop a mass prophylaxis dispensing plan that will be used in Dallas County of Texas. The company that will be responsible for the dispensation plan will be the Federal Health Services Department in Dallas. To understand the dispensation plan, a definition of...

The Function of Respiratory System

Introduction The respiratory system is accountable for providing oxygen to the body since energy is required for life on day to day basis. Oxygen is required to obtain energy from the food that is consumed. We breathe in air that is rich in oxygen (Miller et al, 2005). Oxygen is...

Non-Surgical Reduction of Obesity in Young Adults

Outline The unprecedented rise of obesity in recent years has presented one of the greatest challenges to society and the health sectors in specific (Picot, Jones, Colquitt, Gospodarevskaya, Lovemen & Baxter, 2009). It has been associated with the consumption of carbonated drinks sweetened with sugar, which have a high glycaemic...

Enigma and Its Decoding

Introduction With the advent of telegraph and radio communications in the XX century, the interception of messages became commonplace. At the same time, the complexity of ciphers and volumes of correspondence significantly increased the risk of errors during encryption. The story of Enigma and its decoding might be among the...

Construction Management and Law in United Kingdom: An Analysis

First of all, for any construction work in UK, the following provisions shall apply; A building construction project needs the following: building contractor quantity surveyors for measurement and valuation of work-in-progress and for cost planning. If contract involves specialised new technologies, the services of structural engineer will be needed. Project...

Unconventional Warfare on the Global War on Terror

The use of the term “unconventional” about warfare becomes so common that more and more of its main aspects become “conventional”, so to speak. Throughout history leading conventional warfare implied that two military forces of states engaged in an armed conflict, and accordingly they face each other on a battlefield...

Social Media’ and Business’ Relationships in Indonesia

Introduction In 2013, Indonesia was ranked among the top five countries worldwide on Facebook usage. The state is democratic (Aspinall, 2010, p. 20), and this form of governance allows the growth of social media as opposed to China, where such liberties are curtailed. Indonesians use social media for economic purposes,...

Use of the iPad in Education

Introduction Lately the iPad has been gaining a significant amount of momentum in the U.S. as an additional teaching tool within various kindergartens to grade 6 classrooms (Banister 2010, 121). As various school districts and teachers have noted students are able to relate better with technology driven lessons rather than...

Telemedicine in the Mount Sinai Hospital

In this project, healthcare organizations will be considered, i.e., the hospitals and medical clinics are the major areas of research. The Mount Sinai Hospital in New York is the best example of hospitals that needs telemedicine. A significant number of hospitals has ignored the positive impacts of technology on the...

Medical Ethics: Ron’s Hypertension Case Study

Introduction An eighteen year old is brought to the Emergency Department of a reputable hospital from a motor vehicle accident. The young man had his seat belt on at the time of the accident and he was driving. The patient’s name is Ron. He is awake, alert, and oriented. Initial...

Unmanned Systems in Poaching Prevention

Introduction The poaching of various high-value, and often endangered wildlife is an immense conservation challenge in the contemporary environment. Conservational efforts of many African megafaunas are further hindered by a variety of socio-economical issues, including political instability, economic strife, and a highly evolving and expanding international market for illicit wildlife...

Hedge Funds and Financial Markets in Africa and USA

Introduction This paper investigates issues involved in financial markets in both Africa and North America and what is fast becoming a global economic village as countries are becoming interconnected and economies becoming more and more converged. Financial markets in North America are more juxtaposed and epitomized than anywhere in the...

Violent Behavior among Children and Adolescents

Introduction Violent behavior among children and adolescents can be attributed to various things. Sarmini and Azizah (2018) argue that there is a link between childhood aggression and the father figure actions. In particular, they hold a study that looks into gambling and child aggression. Arguably, children will be more manageable...

Language Developmental Curriculum for Early Childhood Education

Early childhood education is the background for preparing young children for primary school education. During this stage, the children are equipped with strategies of reading, writing, and doing some other works. The education given to children at early childhood is meant to encourage them to interact with the environment, play...

HR Management in Sustainable Competitive Advantage

Introduction Employees are critical to achieving sustainable competitive advantage in work organizations. Therefore, human resource practices need to be integrated with the corporate strategy and the human resource specialists should help organizational controllers to meet both efficiency and equity objectives. The management of people is no different from the management...

Aspects of Globalization: Positive and Negative Effects

Introduction Economic globalization is the increased economic integration and interdependence that goes beyond national, regional, and continental borders. Economic integration occurs through the globalization of production, technology, marketing, labor, and other factors of production. Economic globalization is heavily dependent on Information Communication Technology (ICT). This paper will explore the aspects...

Radical Feminism as a Significant Step in the Development of Feministic Theories

The present paper focuses on radical feminism as a significant step in the development of feministic theories. In order to understand the specific ideology of radical feminism, its history is traced as a basis for the peculiar character of this type of feminism. Further on, the key notions of radical...

Technology and Warfare

It has been a long-held view of many historical military strategists, as well as modern military historians, that despite changes in technology and their effect on the way war is practiced the fundamentals of warfare remain the same. Several modern strategists disagree, but their arguments are less than convincing. Though...

Fairy Tale Fantasy in Children’s Literature

Introduction Fairy tales have always been a major part of any child’s education and upbringing, which makes a significant impact on their development of worldview. It is important to understand that such stories can have both negative and positive implications, where the tales possess certain agenda as well as controversies....

Industrial Plant’s Equipment and Staff Issues

Abstract The present work contains an analysis of the case of Hank Kolb, quality assurance director. Kolb has identified that the equipment is not functioning properly, being used for purposes, for which it was not originally created. In this work, the main problems that Kolb has to solve, such as...

The Price Role in Alcohol and Cigarettes Consumption

Introduction The price of goods and services is one of the factors that the consumers consider before making decisions on what they need to purchase.The law of demand shows how demand of a commodity changes as own price changes. Price elasticity of demand is an indicator of the rate at...

The Mysterious Ways in Which God Moves

Introduction The discussion of the existence of evil and, more importantly, its coexistence with the forces of good as the cornerstone contradiction that may disrupt the very premise of the Divine existence has been discussed in theology for centuries. The dilemma can be worded in the following way: if God...