The Influence and Effects of Colour on Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder Children

Introduction Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) is a prevalent childhood chronic condition with various implications on an individual’s behavior, impulsiveness, and self-control. Although ADHD is classified as a neurodevelopmental disorder, it is not a disability as individuals can adopt unique management approaches to address the implications of condition and avoid...

Strategy Formulations: Dell Going Private Then Public

Introduction Dell is one of the largest computer companies established in the 1980s. Since its inception, Dell has achieved great success as a company specializing in the PC market. Dell struggled to maintain a competitive edge during its 2013 privatization (Case Study). Investor Carl Icahn took to social media to...

Health Care Policy for Veterans With Mental Illness

Introduction Veterans refer to people who served in military or disciplined forces. These groups are referred to as veterans after retiring from the disciplined forces. As of 2017, the National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH) projected that 46.6 million adults have mental illness issues (Alexander & Wynn, 2018). From the...

The Issue of Rising Levels of Opioid Addiction in the Military

Introduction The opioid epidemic has taken away several lives in the last two decades. The use of prescription opioid for chronic and acute pain management has contributed to the crisis by making the drugs readily available to the masses. Opioid use has negative consequences to its users and communities, including...

Lawrence City’s Community Assessment

Introduction Lawrence city is an urban community in Essex County, Massachusetts, United States of America. The group is boundary-less since membership solely depends on citizenship. Hispanics constitute the most significant population by race, with 66,079 persons, forming about 82.6% (Lawrence, Massachusetts, 2022). On the other hand, Whites comprise the second...

McDonald’s and Starbucks in the Canadian Market

Current and Recent Economic Conditions The Canadian economy is currently experiencing growth that had already surpassed, in some ways, the pre-pandemic period when there was a significant recession. It is evidenced by GDP and unemployment figures, which slightly exceed the values ​​of January-February 2020 after a prolonged increase from May...

The Fourth Industrial Revolution and Globalization

Introduction The fourth industrial revolution marked a period of technological development in the last half of the 18th century that has mainly changed the manufacturing, assembling, textile, and economic growth in the European and other Asian countries. Most commodities that were being crafted by hand initially have started to be...

Research Project on the Teaching and Training of Evidence-Based Practices

Introduction Caring for children requires the use of best practices in handling their everyday needs. Nannies have to make different decisions pertaining to the care of young children, including their health status. The decisions need to be supported by the best available evidence. The development of evidence-based practices (EBPs) in...

Rum’s A Woman Is No Man vs. Komba’s I Am Not My Skin

Introduction While discrimination occurs in Palestine against women due to their weak state in a patriarchal culture, it also happens in Tanzania to people with albinism in ordinary people’s culture. The story of the albinism nature of Yona makes him weak in a community with ordinary people, a similar weakness...

Autism Spectrum Disorder Analysis

Introduction Autism spectrum disorder (ASD) is a collection of neurological conditions in which a person’s speech, motor motions, and social interaction are disrupted. ASD is categorized as a cognitive disorder as its symptoms usually develop within the first two years of life. Autism is classified as a spectrum condition since...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Promotion of Change Regarding Adolescent Depression

Introduction Depression is a mental health issue characterized by a bad mood, lack of motivation, and the feeling of being personally worthless. According to the data provided by the World Health Organization (2021), about 280 million people in the world suffer from depression. The present essay focuses on depression among...

Heart Disease and Its Causes: Stroke Statistics

This literature review examines what heart disease is and the causes of heart disease. According to a study published in the American Journal of Nursing, the leading cause of heart disease is lifestyle choices (Coffey et al., 2021). Poor diet, lack of exercise, and smoking are all major contributing factors...

Aspects of Supply Chain in Walmart

Introduction Walmart is an American multinational retail corporation that operates a chain of hypermarkets, discount department stores, and grocery stores. Headquartered in Bentonville, Arkansas, the company was founded by Sam Walton in 1962 and incorporated on October 31, 1969; it similarly owns and operates Sam’s Club retail warehouses (Izadpanah, 2020)....

Climate Changes Effects on the North and South Pole

In the recent past, temperatures and weather patterns have drastically changed. Initially, these changes were natural, but human activities have become the leading cause of late. The continuous burning of fossil fuels greatly contributes to the production of greenhouse gases which causes global warming. Climate change is not only a...

The Evaluation of Susan Glaspell’s Trifles

Today, family abuse is a severe problem affecting numerous people throughout the world. Women from developed nations face the problem, meaning that the population of developing countries suffers from the issue even more significantly. That is why there emerge many non-profit organizations that aim to reduce the prevalence of the...

Effective Communication and Quality in Healthcare

Introduction The Joint Commission determined that the underlying cause of 66 percent of the sentinel events that occurred between 1995 and 2005 was inadequate communication. If the commission and other organizations had prioritized effective communication more, most of these events could have been avoided. As a result, businesses ought to...

Teenage Pregnancy as a Global Problem

Introduction Adolescent pregnancy refers to the pregnancy of an underage adolescent girl (usually 11-17 years old). The problem with adolescent pregnancy stems from a mismatch between the age of sexual and social maturity. The age and criteria of social maturity vary from country to country and culture to culture. The...

Alibaba Corporation’s Financial Management

Introduction Indicators of performance and financial ratios can reveal a significant amount of information about a company’s current position in the market. Analyzing the relevant markers of productivity, profit indexes, and loss numbers makes it possible to establish how well the firm is performing under the present circumstances (Scott, 2019)....

The Mediating Effect of Job Happiness on the Relationship Between Job Satisfaction

Introduction Employee happiness has attracted significant attention from scholars and practitioners because employees who are committed and engaged in their work exhibit greater performance and lower turnover intentions (Othman et al., 2018). Studies frequently associate workplace social contract, psychological contract, and work engagement with employee happiness. However, these studies mainly...

The Great Fire of Chicago Causes Analysis

Background The Great Fire of Chicago of 1871 has been one of the highly debatable issues in the history of the United States. The exact cause leading to the spread of the Great Fire of Chicago and the aftermath of the conflagration remains a critical topic of research for the...

Popular Research Paper Topics

The Kotka-Hamina City-Region and EU Policy-Making

Policy-making in the European Union is distinctive because of the multi-level government. In particular, the member countries of the Union are under pressure from both national and supranational politicians. With regard to spatial planning, these institutional constraints can represent a significant obstacle to the effective development of territories. However, the...

The Main Approaches in Improving Learning

Behaviorist Views of Learning Issues In behaviorism theory, there is the concept of operant conditioning, which dictates that learning happens through a process of reinforcing an ideal voluntary response to a stimulus in the surroundings. The problems affecting the students’ performance in reading involve how the teachers use reinforcement and...

Celebrity Endorsement Influence on Customer Purchase Intention

Introduction Brands need to make much effort to draw attention to their products and support attractiveness among their target audience. The company’s image plays a significant role in this task, and therefore brands strive to create a positive opinion about themselves and communicate with consumers (Febrian and Fadly, 2021, p....

Virtual Tour in Ancient Cities

The Architecture of the Athenian Acropolis The first scene to hit my eye is the Parthenon with a base ground resembling a rectangle. The temple has ionic columns sculpted by the people from Pheidias. Acropolis is a hill at the center of Athens city where the Parthenon is built. Before...

Oncology Nursing Practice Change Simulation

Introduction: Goal and Objectives of the Study Strategic plans for change always have a defined course of action that must be followed to achieve the goal quickly and successfully. In the case of oncology nursing practice, the problem of inadequate skills can become critical in the delivery of care and...

The Co-Creation Phenomenon in Business

Introduction Globalization, the importance of Research & Development, and consumer involvement, all underpinned by technological advancement, urge a more strategic use of co-creation efforts. Fierce competition nowadays urges firms to remain close to their customers to match their requests better. As a result, companies started to innovate to provide the...

Going Public in the USA: Lifecycle Information Transformation

Financial markets provide an avenue for selling and exchanging physical assets, and many businesses go into these markets to raise capital and make investments. The markets have five major components; the derivative market, equity market, debt market, foreign-exchange market, and mortgage market (Sobti, 2018). The derivative market is a component...

Patient Safety Improvement After Sentinel Event

The sentinel event deals with a 37-year-old woman named Sady with diabetes and high blood pressure complications during the intrapartum phase of pregnancy who started developing hypertension despite her efforts to keep glucose low. The patient’s physician was able to keep her hypertension stable by monitoring her glucose and BP...

Essential Skills for Effective Leadership and Management

Introduction In the digital era, leadership and business management have taken a new direction, necessitating advanced skills for handling the complex business industry. Leadership and management are two different concepts in which individuals need to consider the context of their applications for successful operations. Leaders and managers have relied on...

What Was Reconstruction, and How Did it Come to an End?

Ways of returning the rebellious states to the Union were discussed before the end of the Civil War. It was to determine the future of the states themselves, the fate of the fighters against the federal government, and the situation of the freed slaves. President Lincoln, a supporter of the...

Popular Research Paper Topics

The Marketing Process Within the Energy Drink Industry: V Fusion + Energy

Abstract The current business climate influences any marketing strategy’s success. The marketing manager must thoroughly analyze the market while designing a marketing strategy to identify the most influential environmental factors. Regulators and the general public are becoming concerned about the potential dangers of energy drinks. The marketing manager’s job is...

Leadership in Church and Its Theological Aspects

Introduction Leadership in church, as well as change, are two things that require individuals who are committed to serving others. The two depend on one another in the sense that in order for change to happen, good leaders need to be present. A good leader is characterized by the ability...

Exploring Patterns and Relationships in Mathematics

Abstract This paper proposes solutions for three learning problems: each of the proposed problems was solved using concrete, that is, taking into account the manipulation of real objects, and abstract, that is, by adopting a mathematical symbolic language, approaches. Polya’s approach of conceptualizing and fragmenting the overall problem was used...

Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises in the US Economy

Introduction The study’s main objectives include identifying the role of SMEs in the U.S. economy. The research will consider the number of SMEs in a specific city, identify their primary activities, find the number of employees working in a specific SME, and estimate these changes. The project will also aim...

The “Clearing the Plains” Book by James Daschuk

Justified by archeological records, Canadian history, and empirical proof, in the book Clearing the Plains, James Daschuk gives an in-depth account of political, economic, and ecological systems that prompted the existing disparities between the indigenous Canadians, also referred to as the people of the plains and the settlers. With a...

A Plan for Health Behavior Change in Case of Mr. Green

Introduction Mr. Green is a 52 year old African-American male employed full-time as a managerial consultant. His job requires frequent travel, and he is on the road about three weeks of each month visiting clients around the country. During a typical work week, he spends most of his time sitting...

Immigrant Children and the Second Generation: Integration in America

Overview The United States is among the countries with the highest number of immigrants in the world. Although the U.S. has often adopted a policy allowing people from other nations to live within it, the challenges facing these immigrants and their children have attracted attention from various scholars. Second-generation immigrants...

Analysis of Amazon Company

Introduction Amazon is a giant online retailer that sells everything from books to electronics and clothing. Moreover, the company is a significant provider of cloud services. Given its size and scope, the organization has one of the most complex supply chains. One of the biggest challenges Amazon faces is managing...

Structural Family vs. Solution-Focused Brief Therapy

Abstract This work deals with studying the effectiveness of modernist and postmodern therapy. The first is called structural family therapy, and the second is called solution-focused brief therapy. The main difference between these two approaches is the focus in the process of work. The latter method aims to focus on...

The Burger King Firm’s Relocation to Canada

Introduction In the context of a marketplace setting, most businesses nowadays, particularly multinational ones, are looking for better conditions outside their home countries. Their activities are spread throughout numerous countries to take advantage of the overseas markets. Many of the least favorable elements for a company’s long-term existence, such as...

Popular Research Paper Topics

HPV Anti-Vaxxers Policy: Anti-Vaccination Attitudes

Introduction HPV is the designation given to a group of pretty prevalent viruses. There are many different forms of HPV, some of which are considered “high risk” because they have been related to cervical cancer, anal cancer, genital cancers, and head and neck cancers. Other kinds can create warts or...

Tesla Inc.’s Corporate and Competitive Strategy

Introduction Companies’ corporate and competitive strategies determine how well they will operate their respective markets and compete with other players. Tesla Inc. is an automobile manufacturer that competes with other large firms that have been in the market for decades, such as General Motors Company and Bavarian Motor Works (BMW)....

The Social Construction of Reality

Richard Powers conveys one of his essential ideas through the memories of Dr. Patricia Westerford: She squints and sees her father. The voice is wrong but there are the rimless glasses, the high, surprised eyebrows, the constant curiosity. All those first lessons from half a century ago cloud around her,...

Cinematography and Animation Courses in Nigeria

The current situation with cinema in Nigeria is the most promising public sector of the entertainment industry. The film industry is the second-largest globally in terms of the number of films produced while contributing significant percentage shares to the national GDP: in 2016 alone, there were about three (Etuk, 2020)....

Aspects of Christianity and Suffering

Introduction Every system of religious belief seeks to explain and justify the role of pain in human lives. One of the common factors that unite all people regardless of race or creed is our subjective experience of both physical and psychological suffering. We all feel the aches of illness, hunger,...

Choosing Suitable Engine for The Witcher-1

Introduction At the current moment, CD Projekt RED is a company respected and beloved by players, who created one of the main games of the decade. However, their first ambitious role-playing game – The Witcher-1 –almost turned out to be of poor quality due to a lot of wrong decisions...

Impact of Kendrick Lamar Music on Racism

Introduction Popular music, and rap music in particular, has always played a major role in addressing social and economic issues of the mankind. Many rap songs were written with the idea of reflecting topical problems and making people think over the ways to resolve them. Kendrick Lamar’s music has stood...

Violence in Movies: Adverse Effects on the Adolescents

Introduction The technological advancements that led to the establishment of television and movie production significantly impacted society. Through it, the general population got ways in which entertainment could be practiced through watching films or television programs. Since these advancements were made, the youth have been constantly exposed. Television and movies...

Christianity: Origin and Adaptation

Introduction Christianity is studied as a monotheistic religion with many followers in almost every corner of the globe. Its doctrines differ significantly from those of other leading faiths, such as Hinduism, Islam, and Judaism. Its success is attributable to numerous factors that existed in various parts of the world in...

Coups in Latin America: The Role of the US

Counter-Narratives The Mexican Revolution was a milestone on the way to the formation of statehood in the country and the movement toward social reforms designed to improve citizens’ standard of living. However, despite the dominant view that the events of the early 20th century had exclusively positive effects, this can...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Aspects of IKEA HR Management

Introduction IKEA is a multinational conglomerate and retailer best known for selling furniture, home appliances, and other décor, goods, and accessories for the space. Being founded in Sweden in 1953, it has since then grown to be a global brand with a reputation for simple but stylish designs, utmost level...

Assessment of Clients with Substance Abuse

The number of individuals depending on the intake of different substances grows exponentially. Up-to-date medicine struggles between treating humans’ bodies and spirit as sometimes spending more attention to the first aspect lead to an increase in humans’ addictions. By people’s nature, it is challenging to fight the feelings of craving...

Negative Effects of Using Cell Phones and the Internet during Social Interactions

Introduction The use of the internet and cell phones has significantly changed people’s level of interaction. Smartphone users connect to their family and friends through social media websites. Although phones make it easy to communicate with people from a distance, they reduce face-to-face interactions. The extensive use of cell phones...

Receiving Salvation in Luke 17:11-21

Introduction One illustration that refers to Jesus’s teachings and the overall concept of receiving salvation is Luke 17:11-21. The 19th chapter tells the story of the ten lepers. The story portrays the different reactions to the miracles of God, refers to certain aspects of the healing power of Jesus, and...

Advanced Pathophysiology: Anemias

The present paper aims at studying the pathophysiology of anemias based on the case of J.L. The patient is a 12-year-old male with an ongoing diagnosis of sickle cell anemia. When attending the clinic for his routine 6-month follow-up visit, the physician noticed that J.L. has jaundiced sclera. The patient...

Digital Forensics in Law Enforcement

Introduction Forensic science has a digital forensics branch that aims to identify, acquire, evaluate, and report on data stored in electronic form. Evidence in the electronic form is a part of every criminal activity, and digital forensics support is critical for investigators. The information can be collected from various sources,...

Fate vs. Free Will in “The Odyssey” and “Oedipus the King”

Introduction The concepts of fate and free will have ensued debates among many people and communities for centuries. Some individuals believe in fate, some believe in free will, while others believe that both concepts play a significant role in one’s destiny. Religious groups believe that a supreme god controls one’s...

Technological Changes in Business Management

Introduction The advancement in technology has affected many areas of society. Business management has also experienced a significant change as companies, small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs), and other business enterprises use technology. Technological development is enormous as innovation is being identified daily. This advancement brings numerous business benefits, making some...

Evaluation Approach for Improving Education, Training, and Innovation

There are various aspects that should be considered when developing an evaluation approach. In the case of developing it for the improvement of education, training, and innovation, it is necessary to use basic rules of design while understanding the nuances of the specific area that is going to be evaluated...

The Hornbach Company’s Challenges in Ukraine

All organizations in the world must be divided into categories. This is done so that when considering a unique opportunity to buy or sell a stake in a company, one can conduct a thoughtful analysis, proper analysis, development strategy, and many other factors. In addition, it is worth considering the...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Global Communication in Society and Business

Introduction In the modern world, communication plays one of the decisive roles in the functioning of many spheres of society. Global communication plays a unique role as a way to exchange information with people anywhere in the world. This is facilitated by the development of multiple innovative technologies, such as...

Oradour-Sur-Glane Massacre Discussion

Introduction Oradour-Sur-Glane is a site that represents an atrocity event that happened during the first world war era where the entire village and the natives were liquidated by German troops two years after a similar occurrence was experienced by the natives of Lidice, a Czechoslovakian village. The Nazi-occupied a larger...

Enhacing Asda Stores’ Effectiveness and Productivity

Introduction Asda stores is one of the leading retailer chains in the UK and positions itself as a discounter that sells food, clothes and goods for home and office. Nowadays many Asda branches are becoming unprofitable as the inflation skyrockets in the country and people are less able to spend...

Rhinovirus and Its Different Variants

What is known as the common cold is an infectious viral disease that may have mild or severe consequences. Rhinovirus was first discovered in the 1950s when clinical laboratories investigated the pathogenic cause of this disease. Contact with micro-droplets from an infected person’s mucosal fluid in nasal mucus or saliva...

Frederick Douglass’ Illustrations Concerning Slavery

American Slavery Frederick Douglass was an abolitionist and social reformer who fought for the emancipation of slaves in the United States. He was born into slavery in Maryland but escaped to freedom in 1838. He became a prominent speaker and writer on the subject of abolition, and his autobiography, “Narrative...

The Issue of Artificial Intelligence Integration in Private Health Sector

Overview of the Issue It is possible to develop a particular insight into the perspectives of Artificial Intelligence (AI) integration in the private health sector. The range of options through which AI-driven robots can enhance healthcare delivery is broad. An instance is AI machine learning that serves replacement for traditional...

How Socrates from The Golden Ass Is Inferior

Introduction Tragedies in a book or movie may portray men as worse than they are in real life, while comedies portray them as better. In a tragedy, the protagonist finds himself in a dire situation; in a comedy, he finds himself in a favorable one. According to Aristotle, tragic hero...

Kenji Mizoguchi as Global Cinema Figure

Kenji Mizoguchi is widely regarded as one of the greatest prominent figures in global cinema. In 1898 in Hongo, Tokyo, he was born in a middle-class neighborhood. Regrettably, he died from leukemia at 53 years of age in 1956 (Yomota 110). Mizoguchi did not immediately become a director; however, in...

Bullying of Learners with Disabilities

Introduction Disabled persons fall within the category of marginalized or underserved populations in many communities. In learning institutions, school-going children with such physical, emotional, or cognitive challenges find it hard to achieve their goals when there are cases of abuse. Bullying has become a systemic challenge that members of this...

Employee Satisfaction Using Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs

Executive summary A range of employee satisfaction problems were identified in the company: low wages, a tense atmosphere, and disrespectful communication from supervisors. The proposed solution was based on Maslow’s hierarchy, engaging in conversations with the upper management regarding wage raises and promotion opportunities and retraining supervising personnel in matters...

General Motors Firm’s Organizational Analysis

Introduction Organizations often change due to internal and external factors, and General Motors (GM) is one such company that has experienced a transformation. Kuppler (2014) describes the corporation as a major automotive manufacturer facing an ignition switch crisis that led to the deaths of several people. The enterprise’s main attributes...

The Role of Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises to the U.S. Economy

Introduction Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises (SMEs) refer to independent or non-subsidiary firms that employ a few workers. In other words, an SME refers to a small or medium-sized business enterprise that is independently owned and requires hundreds of employees for their effective management (Godil et al., 1). Most of these...

Should Everyone Be a Feminist?

Introduction Feminism is the advocacy of equal human rights for women based on gender equality between men and women. It outlines that women and men should have equal rights and opportunities in social, political, and economic settings. Feminism supports the idea of equality for all human beings and condemns the...

American Church’s Complicity in Racism

A country’s history of racial, political, and religious practices depicts the values held by the people and their influence in today’s sociopolitical environment. Tisby (2020), in the “Color of Compromise,” demonstrates what happens whenever the American church is “engaged in racism and prepared to repudiate the teachings of Jesus to...

Financial Geographies of Housing

Investment is the act of putting money in a business to make it grow and receive more profits. Examples of investor characteristics include goal setting, knowledge of the market, and effective decision-making skills. It is also important to consider project objectives and policies, such as those guiding financial decisions, savings,...

The Shetland Wool Company: Costing and Pricing Strategies

Introduction The Shetland Wool Company is a small family-owned business that manufactures very high-quality hand-knitted wool sweaters. The company owns an office where all operations not related to the manufacturing process are conducted. On the other hand, the production process is not centralized as employees work from their homes. Finished...

Influence of Anne Frank’s Diary on Dutch and World Society

Biography of Anne Frank Anne Frank was a diarist who was born in Frankfurt am Main, Germany, in 1929. Before she died in Bergen-Belsen in 1945, she was able to maintain a two-year-long diary reflecting on her life under Nazi occupation in Amsterdam that has influenced literature since its first...

Race and Caste: Religion-Based Caste System

Introduction Race and caste have increasingly formed a divergence in human perceptions. How both race and caste have been reiterated, have effectively supported this. For instance, several researchers have reiterated the basic commonalities and differences between the two. Caste is a setup comprised of individuals belonging to a specific social...

Capitalism as a Means of Promoting Inequality

In this paper, I will prove that capitalism is the means through which the rich subjugate the rest of society, as evidenced by the pervasiveness of inequality in “The Jungle” by Upton Sinclair and the “Address to the Prisoners of Cook County Jail” by Clarence Darrow. The degree to which...

“Minimal” Facts Approach to the Resurrection Question

The set of reasons in favor of the resurrection of Christ can be summed up in its simplest form as the minimal facts approach. The approach’s most vital point is that most historians agree that all of these arguments should be treated as historical truths. In addition, it employs solely...

Terrorism: The Faith-Based Discourses

Introduction Terrorism acts are generally considered inhumane atrocities that ought to be condemned. However, different discourses emerge when terrorists are viewed from a religious perspective. The observers, victims, and extremists all think of acts of terrorism in light of God. For example, the suicide bombers may state that they are...

Consumer Product-Based Look at Ocean’s 8 Film

Introduction Consumer technology is rapidly evolving with time, becoming capable of delivering more value to people. Coming from the minds of gifted individuals and companies seeking to bring innovation onto the market, new products arrive at new and increasing audiences within the globalized economy. However, many technologies and inventions people...

Controversy of Testing Players for Steroids

Introduction Steroids are drugs used to reduce inflammation in the body that are synthetic copies of hormones that the adrenal glands produce. Steroids, in addition to their anti-inflammatory properties, can help improve an individual’s athletic performance, which leads to their widespread use among professional athletes. This is the main argument...

Discussion: Omer Bartov’s Hitler’s Army

Omer Bartov is a distinguished professor of history whose works on various books are appreciated globally. He has written many articles and books, the most popular being his extensive studies concerning the German Nazi Army atrocities committed in World War II. In this regard, his opinion is mainly based on...

Poverty in 1930s Europe and in the 21st Century US

Significant Differences Poverty in 1930s Europe In the spring of 1928 Orwell moved to Paris on the pretext of ‘living on less money while writing two novels’ and ‘learning French’ (Orwell, ‘Introduction’ 221). Having made little in the way of his writing efforts, he was finally forced to look for...

The African American Community

Introduction The selected group for this analysis is the African American community. Members of this population are of the African descent and arrived in the Americas as immigrants or slaves. Having become part of the American culture, they live among other racial groups. A proper assessment of their social and...

Apple Inc.: The Ethical Dilemmas

Abstract Business ethics is a critical field that guides organizational managers to pursue desirable practices while fulfilling their stakeholders’ needs. The presence of proper mechanisms makes it possible for companies to remain ethical. However, the issues arising from supply chains and the process of continuous innovative can lead to certain...

Rolls-Royce Holdings PLC.: Company Analysis

Introduction The individual coursework focuses on Rolls-Royce by highlighting its standard industrial classification codes (25300, 25620, and 28110), which helps categorize the firm based on energy and propulsion industry. An understanding of the business structure and organization is illustrated to give a contextual understanding of how the business operates. Further,...

Leadership in Hospitality Industry and Nursing

Kantanen, K., Kaunonen, M., Helminen, M., & Suominen, T. (2017). Leadership and management competencies of head nurses and directors of nursing in Finnish social and health care. Journal of Research in Nursing, 22(3), 228–244. Web. The article is devoted to head nurses’ leadership and management competencies and directors of nursing...

Tuberculosis: Diagnostics and Treatment

Classification of the Organism Tuberculosis has been a significant global health concern for centuries. This disease is caused by Mycobacterium tuberculosis, which is a pathogenic bacteria belonging to the order Actinomycetales, family Mycobacteriaceae, and genus Mycobacterium (Bandaru et al., 2020). M. tuberculosis belongs to a group of obligate pathogens referred...

Social-Emotional Development in Early Childhood

The emotional development of young children and older children is an essential aspect of education. Usually, preschoolers who are not capable of the usual expression of their emotions and definition of the emotional background of another person are more depressed and closed to the outside world. As a consequence, this...

Restricting the Volume of Sale of Fast Foods and Genetically Modified Foods

Introduction There has been a surge in the number of fast-food joints in Arizona, which mostly sell junk and genetically altered food. This is clearly due to the increased market for these foods and their popularity in most areas. This business has been booming in the last few years due,...

Civil Rights and Black Power Movements

Introduction In a climate of obstruction among segregationists and the indifference of most white citizens, federal and civil rights laws in the South, the stronghold of American racism, were not enforced. The status of a discriminated and disenfranchised racial minority has been a daily reality for many generations of blacks....

Social and Economic Factors of International Migration

Human migration is a process of movement of people from one country to another, usually from one country to another. It usually includes long-distance travel across geographical areas. Colonialism is the act or policy of controlling other individuals by creating colonies, usually for economic gain. As part of colonialism, colonialists...

“Remaking Hiroshima and Nagasaki” Book by Nemoto

Subject & Thesis Statement This article is devoted to the most popular misconceptions about the atomic bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki. It describes the attitude of Europeans to the catastrophe and popular points of view about this strategic decision of Truman (Nemoto, 2019). The author’s opinion on this issue boils...

Contemporary Leadership Practices at Apple

Introduction Effective leadership in any business organization guides followers to pursue their goals diligently, engage each other, and address most emerging challenges. Managers must establish a positive culture whereby workers can operate in teams and promote continuous innovation. Companies characterized by strong leadership practices find it easier to achieve their...

Guitar: Evolution of Instrument

The paper is devoted to the development of the guitar and the emergence of its new types, such as the electric one. Thus, the origins of the classical guitar are not known precisely (StringJoy, 2016). It is supposed that it emerged in Spain in the 16th century (StringJoy, 2016). One...

Electrification and Development of Namibia

The electrification of Namibia is an urgent issue that determines its economic development. Scientists analyze the processes of electricity supply from various angles, including dependence on oil and biofuels, and compare the alternatives of ecologically friendly sustainable energy solutions. Hoeck et al. (2021) say that in Namibia and sub-Saharan Africa,...

Family of Service User Dissatisfied with Quality of Care

Social care challenges Social care entails all aspects of individual and practical care and assistance. As much as social care is linked to medicinal situations, it is particularly focused on means of assisting people in ways that allow them to survive independently. Social care is usually dispensed in respective individuals’...

The Social Crisis Caused by COVID-19

Introduction During and immediately after a pandemic, the effects of “social scars” in the form of unrest may not manifest themselves immediately. Humanitarian crises lead to disruption of transportation services, changes in the way cities are supplied with food, and increasing wage gaps. Society tends to rally under challenging times,...

Popular Research Paper Topics

The Importance of Emergency Action Plans for Athletes

The sports industry involves not only state-of-the-art medical achievements to provide excellent performance but is complex from the organizational point of view. Sporting events are some of the most attended events in modern society; therefore, it is crucial to ensure safety for both visitors and athletes. Therefore, various guards, medical...

Fashion and Technology: Modern Fashion

The consolidation of fashion and technology is becoming one of the most modern trends in the creative industry that need detailed research and identification of prospects. The issue is of particular interest in the context of its novelty and little study. Even though the combination of digital practicality and the...

Usage of Container Technology in Micro-Service Driven Application Segmentation

Introduction By nature, containerization technology is derived from virtualization advancements. This report focuses on the utilization of container technology. It defines containers, outlines container’s run time engine such as dockers, container-native open-source software (OSS), and containers running in hypervisors, container orchestration technologies such as Kubernetes, network segmentation, or running containers,...

Nursing Informatics: Healthcare Blockchain System

Introduction Nursing informatics is presently the discipline that combines computer science, nursing, and data systems to transmit information, knowledge, as well as intelligence in the nursing profession. Nursing informatics empowers health care institutions to convert data into information which allows healthcare workers, such as doctors and nurses, to provide the...

Transcription and DNA Replication

The central dogma of molecular biology postulates the formation of polypeptides and proteins from DNA by two processes called transcription and translation. The biological meaning of these processes, united by the name of protein biosynthesis, is the creation of protein structures in the body. These proteins are used from different...

The Causes of the French Revolution

Introduction French Revolution was a movement that took place between 1787 and 1799. Due to the fact that it reached its climax in 1789, it is also known as the Revolution of 1789. The movement brought a new era of liberalism, republicanism, feminism, abolitionism, and nationalism to the Western world,...

Understanding General Medical Ethics Principles

General Ethical Principles In terms of medical ethics, it is crucial for every healthcare practitioner to maintain general ethical principles throughout their professional practice. Ahmed et al. (2020) state that ethical principles are “intended to shape the moral values and professional conduct” of practitioners in order to “prioritize the well-being...

The Horizons for Homeless Children Agency’s Work

The social determinants of health are economic and social factors like the neighborhood, physical environment, education, and employment that impact a person’s health. The purpose of the project is to raise awareness of the role social determinants of health play in Horizons for Homeless Children’s work and health in general....

“Portrait of a Married Couple” by J. Van Der Zee

Being an artist and a photographer are two different careers. For James Van Der Zee, he created art out of photography of Harlem during its renaissance in the 1920s and 1930s. The National Gallery of Art, Washington displays various portrays that Van Der Zee took and documented, including the negatives....

Community Health Assessment Evaluation & SWOT Analysis

Wake County is one of the most highly rated living and working environments in the United States and North Carolina. Thankfully to great opportunities, Wake County keeps growing on big scales. The County has more than 1 million people, and it is the largest population in North Carolina (U.S. Census...

Healthcare Disparities in the LGBT Community

Introduction Apart from the disparities representatives of the LGBT community face in everyday life, they also deal with some major challenges as to their access to appropriate health care services. Consequently, they are experiencing worse health outcomes, as stated by Kates, Ranji, Beamesderfer, Salganicoff, and Dawson (2016). Some of the...

Assisted Suicide and Its Morality Aspects

Introduction Assisted suicide or euthanasia used to be allowed only in some European countries, but today residents of several US states are eligible for AS. The essence of the idea of AS is to allow a person who suffers from an incurable disease and experiences severe pain symptoms to die...

Psychological Testing in the Service of Disability Determination

Introduction Professionals working in the mental health field have sought to measure people’s personalities to understand why they behave in specific ways. Projective and objective methods of personality measurement are the most common methods of assessment (Gregory, 2014). Objective methods, such as measures of self-reporting, depend on the personal responses...

Business Plan of Pharma Supplies

Business Plan Pitch Pharma Supplies LLC is a medical courier company that will be involved in transporting medical tools to patients and healthcare practitioners, samples to medical workrooms, and transport donor organs and receiver patients to health facilities. The main objective of the business is to become one of the...

Disabilities and Additional Support Needs

Introduction It is fair to notice that all people and children are very different. For some kids, studying is very easy because they have many friends, wealthy and responsible parents, proper social skills and good health. However, some children and teenagers have difficulties with concentration or acquiring basic learning abilities....

Healthcare Informatics: Introduction to Theory

The Use of Electronic Health Records The introduction of electronic health records (EHR) is changing the paper records system for many healthcare workers. EHR can alert the nurse on a patient’s potential issues, such as allergies or intolerance to a specific medication. The latest technology in data mining and record-keeping...

Research Approaches in European Studies

Choosing a long-term research design when developing a research design is a key step in obtaining reliable results and validating the theory. Currently, in science, there are two main approaches to data analysis, which are divided into quantitative and qualitative. While quantitative methods are most commonly used in the natural...

Overview of the Malcolm Baldridge Award

Introduction The Malcolm Baldrige Prize is an award created by the United States Legislature in 1987 to enhance top-notch administration consciousness and to honor firms in the United States that have successfully integrated continuous improvement. The Presidential Medal of Freedom is the country’s highest distinction for outstanding accomplishment. Baldrige assists...

Fast Fashion and Its Impacts on Global Warming

Literature Review Fast fashion refers to the expensive clothing and accessories that mass-market retailers produce quickly to close a market gap and respond to their needs. Fashion conforms to the latest trends, and as soon as the trend disappears, the fashion evolves into another new trend (Garcia-Torres et al., 2017)....

How Social Media Contribute to Mental Health

The influence of Social Media on Mental Health Humans are social beings who thrive when they are in the company of others. The nature of their bonds influences their mental state and happiness. Socially connected people can survive stress, worry, and sadness, increase self-confidence, bring happiness and peace, and alleviate...

Passive Smoking and Pancreatic Cancer in Women

Introduction Pancreatic cancer has been known to result from active smoking, but the role passive smoking plays in the development of pancreatic carcinogenesis is not clear. Cigarette smoking has been identified by many studies as the main risk factor for this disease. According to Bao et al. (2009), smokers have...

The “Blue Dancers” Painting by Edgar Degas

“Blue Dancers” is a painting by the French painter Edgar Degas. It was painted in 1897 and in pastel on special textured paper. This picture immediately evokes an emotional response due to the fact that it reflects the unusual reality of the backstage life of ballerinas. Other feelings are associated...

Cross-Body Men’s Bag: Trend Analysis

Introduction The market is a volatile environment characterized by the emergence, fast evolution and disappearance of various trends affecting the work of various companies. The increased demand for specific products is explained by their ability to satisfy specific groups of clients and fill their needs for a particular product. The...

The Individual’s Position in Society: Impact of Ethnicity

Introduction An individual’s position in society may depend on many identities, one of which is ethnic origin. This work focuses on ways in which ethnic identity impacts individual social standing. The definitions of an individual’s position in society and ethnicity are examined to provide background for the discussion. Then, impact...

The Lake Side Restaurant Business Plan

Businesses are a cornerstone of localized communities in a challenging socio-economic situation. The restaurant business promotes regional employment development, benefits local farmers as their agricultural products are purchased, and retains customer money in the neighborhood. This is a business plan for a restaurant preparing and serving meals and beverages to...

Analysis of Oral Language Aspects

Introduction Oral language is one of the fundamental parts of human development. This aspect is the basis for the formation of reading and writing skills that young children will develop at further stages of development. Having a well-formed foundation in oral speech will also help develop communication, as well as...

Analysis of RadFlight Firm’s Business Letter

To best understand how the structure of a business letter is built, it is necessary to study examples that are the basis of high-quality communication in this area. In this assignment, the letter is a text that aims to create a foundation for cooperation between the two companies. This business...

Hurricane Katrina in New Orleans

Hurricane Katrina made landfall in New Orleans, on the United States Gulf Coast, on August 29, 2005, leaving a path of devastation and flooding in her wake. Katrina claimed the lives of over 1,800 people and inflicted more than $100 billion in damage (Groen et al, 2020). Because of the...

Mysteries about President John F. Kennedy Assassination

JFK assassination is a mystery, and no one knows exactly what happened. After more than half a century of research and discussion, there are still discrepancies in peoples’ understanding of the mystery. The murder of President John Fitzgerald Kennedy 50 years ago remains unsolved; for this reason, many conspiracy theories...

Hepatitis C: Description, Diagnosis, and Treatment

Overview Someone can get infected through contact with an infected individual’s blood. Nowadays, majority of the people get it after sharing needles used to inject or prepare drugs. For some, the condition is short-term whereas for others, it is long-term to the extent it is referred to as chronic. At...

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Market Values: Almarai Stock Analysis

Introduction The valuation of a company’s shares on the stock market can occur in various ways. Various models allow estimating or predicting the price of shares both for investors in terms of the company’s attractiveness or its profitability and for the company’s internal management in terms of sustainable development. However,...

How Social Media Shapes Our Identity

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The American College of Healthcare Executives: Leadership Reflection

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Organismal Biology: Succession and Its Characteristics

It is difficult to disagree with the suggested quotation because, in my understanding, it turns out to be absolutely correct. In order to justify my agreement with this opinion, it is necessary first of all to understand what exactly flowering plants, or, as they are often called, Angiospermae, are. Angiospermae...

Genetically Modified Crops: Impact on Human Health

Introduction Genetically modified (GM) crops are increasingly shaping the agricultural sector. However, in the past few years, much attention has been on understanding the importance and the side effects of GM crops. In fact, majority of the consumers, are worried about the long-term effects of consuming foods such as GM...

Ethical Marketing: Sex Workers

Virtue ethics is a general classification for ideas that emphasize the significance of personality and virtue rather than fulfilling one’s duty or acting to get successful outcomes. Most virtue ethics ideas are based on Aristotle’s definition of an ethical person as someone with perfect personality characteristics. This philosophical approach could...

The Impact of the Cold War on European History

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The Animal Cruelty Issue and Its Causes

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Substance Abuse Issues in Modern Society

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Candidiasis: Pathophysiology and Treatment

Summary Candidiasis is a wide word that refers to infections of the skin, mucosa, and deep-seated organs caused by a fungus of the Candida type. These infections can occur at any age and are frequently associated with plainly recognizable risk factors for infection. Invasive Candidiasis includes Candida spp. bloodstream infections...