Experiments in High-Frequency Trading

Introduction With the evolving technology the nature of trading is also changing drastically. High-frequency trading (HFT) is one example that enables firms, private businesses, and other institutions to execute a trade within fractions of seconds using certain algorithms and different computer programs. This method of trading has become very popular...

Mitsubishi Corporation’s Business Strategies and Core Capabilities

Mitsubishi corporation There are various motor vehicle manufacturing companies, thus creating great competition. This calls for involved organizations to create better and innovative strategies to compete in the market. Mitsubishi Motors Corporation is one of the senior automobile manufacturers in Japan, with its headquarters in Minato, Tokyo, Japan (Bhasin, 2017)....

Greenway Hotel Group’s International Human Resource Management

Introduction International Human Resource Management (IHRM) can be described as a combination of actions aimed at worldwide personnel administration. It aspires to accomplish company goals and get a competitive edge over rivals on a domestic and global level (Carbery and Cross, 2018). On the other hand, strategic human resource management...

Eating Disorders and Programs That Address Body Image Issues

Introduction Eating disorders are mental health diseases in which a person’s attitudes toward food, motor activity, physical image, or other self-image hurt their health. They are accompanied by physical hazards and complications that stem from abnormal eating behaviors. Lifelong emotional cycles and low self-esteem, a tendency to ignore feelings and...

Amazon.com, Inc.: Digital Marketing Strategy

The Company Amazon.com, Inc. is the e-commerce company chosen for this digital marketing acquisition, conversion, and retention strategy analysis. Amazon.com, Inc. is a multinational e-commerce company currently operating in multiple industries by offering e-commerce, cloud computing, artificial intelligence (AI), and digital streaming services (“What We Do,” 2022). The rationale for...

Sexually Transmitted Diseases Transmission Involving Drug Use

Sexually transmitted diseases (STDs) have become a significant issue in the twenty-first century. Studies show that most of the infections can be traced to drug addicts and sex workers (Abad et al. 1705-1706). The high prevalence of STDs is often a result of sharing syringes to insert drugs and an...

The Weaknesses of Kuomintang During the Chinese Civil War

Introduction The People’s Republic of China traces its history back to the first half of the 20th century when it emerged victorious in the struggle against other political forces in China. However, this outcome was in no way easy or predetermined, and, for most of the period, the Chinese Communist...

Henri Cartier-Bresson: Seville Photograph

Biography Henri Cartier-Bresson was born in 1908 in France and died in 2004. Marthe, who was his mother, substantially motivated him to attend chamber music proms and reading poetry constantly. Cartier-Bresson had an extensive interest in painting at the age of five, after which his parents employed two art tutors...

Perioperative Hypothermia and Surgical Site Infections

Introduction This study aims to identify the association between perioperative hypothermia and surgical site infection (SSI). I will begin by conducting some research to critically analyze evidenced-based data collected. My objective is to contribute some measures in my department in the management and prevention of perioperative hypothermia, thus reducing SSI...

The Gender Pay Gap in Australia

Executive Summary This paper tests the idea that a gender wage gap exists for the case study of Australian workers. The research methodology included simple and multiple linear regression models to detect differences in the significance of gender for the wage gap. Statistical analyses were conducted in MS Excel. In...

The History of Islam and Arabs and Their Contributions to Global Civilization

Introduction Since Islam stemmed and grew from the Arab traditions, other cultures which have embraced Islam also seem to be influenced by the Arabic customs. Therefore, Arabs and Muslims have cultural affinities, although every group has maintained its distinguishing features. This implies that Arabs are not necessarily Islamic and Muslims...

Home Falls Prevention, Visits and Education

Introduction Home falls are one of the most complex health care issues, and researchers have looked into the most efficient ways of reducing home falls. There are many ways of reducing the reported cases of home falls such as the development of home visit programs, home renovation and modification, and...

Direct Democracy from Rousseau’s Perspective

Introduction Jean-Jacques Rousseau is one of the most recognizable figures of the European Enlightenment. His contributions to political philosophy go beyond theoretical avenue. As an active political activist of his era, Rousseau substantially influenced the French Revolution and further paths of development of ideas in the fields of politics, philosophy,...

Organizational Development and Organizational Change in Medical Organizations

Introduction In the context of frequent healthcare reforms, a consistent and well-thought-out strategy for managing changes in the healthcare sector is of particular importance. Therefore, it seems appropriate to use the concepts of change managemental, organizational and economic changes in healthcare represent. All of them contribute to the development of...

Abortion in Hanafi and Maliki Schools of Islamic Thought

Introduction It is a well-known fact that the Quran outlines the ethical and practical principles that were designed to be followed in 7th-century Arabia. At the same time, Islam as a global religion aims to translate a universally applicable worldview that, at least theoretically, should work in every situation and...

The Precision Electronic Parts’ System Design Specifications

Introduction The Precision Electronic Parts (PEP) is a small private entity with an escalated demand for the low voltage motors for the community healthcare centers. However, the existing billing and invoicing system do not support the increased need for the product. The phenomenon has resulted in an elevated backlog while...

Crime Explanation Using Biology and Psychology

Comprehensive explanations on the theory of Cesare Lombroso’s have been discussed indicating that criminals could be picked out and determined by their physique, attributes and appearance. Another theory covered that supports this explanation is the theory of Bowlby’s that portrays maternal deprivation and violence coupled with trauma during childhood affects...

Mass Media Ethics in News Coverage

Introduction News coverage plays an important role in shaping readers’ perceptions of the world around them, which is especially relevant for political events. Members of the City Council of a small town are doing their best to accuse supporters of the opposite faction of lies and corruption. However, none of...

Aging Our Way: Issues Associated With Populace Aging

Introduction As opposed to the earlier perceptions that older people encounter massive challenges, Loe acknowledges that they practically navigate those living obstacles, making them stay independent and healthy. Old age is not a social problem, as the elders have experiences for improving their former versions, thus being connected and comfortable....

Aspects of Project Management

Introduction There are many definitions of project management, when using the word “project” today, users most often do not have a clear idea of the models, methods, tools and technologies of project management. It is believed that the project is a very simple way to prepare and implement ideas and...

The Samsung Leadership and Strategy

Introduction The Samsung Electronics company fairly holds the rank of one of the leaders in the world market of electronics. Samsung has evolved from an insignificant company in the global marketplace in the early 1990s to a top-tier corporation in the second decade of the 21st century (Shin, 2017). This...

Overcoming Racism in the United States in the 1960s

Introduction In the Heat of the Night, racism was socially acceptable behavior. This movie can be seen as a reflection of the reality in which Black people lived in the twentieth century. At that time, people in southern communities had no experience working with Black folks as equals, making encounters...

Stereotyping Related to Parkinson’s Disease

Introduction Parkinson’s disease is one of the most common conditions among older adults, and currently, it does not have any cure. Moreover, Parkinson’s disease negatively impacts people’s nervous systems and prevents them from functioning properly over time. At the same time, individuals with Parkinson’s disease also experience a certain social...

Perceiving “The Holy Grail” in Le Morte D’Arthur and Idylls of the King

Introduction In the history of Christianity, symbolism has been a significant aspect of religion, with various objects, animals, and features playing an essential role in symbolizing different things. One of the most common symbols in the Christian faith is the ‘Holy Grail,’ which generally represents the vessel that Jesus and...

Tuberculosis and Preventive Measures in India

Executive Summary The coronavirus pandemic in India has awakened one of the country’s top health problems, namely Tuberculosis (TB). Public clinics sacrifice other services to address the COVID-19 issue, while private medical facilities charge prices beyond the reach of the most damaged social groups. The problem was analyzed, and two...

Impacts of Unethical Acts in the Financial Sector

Companies whose reputations are questionable due to unethical practices marred the American business environment. Wells Fargo is one of the American giant banking companies which has suffered the wrath of unethical business practices. Wells Fargo operates by selling services to clients, and it offers to check accounts, saving accounts, mortgages,...

Schizophrenia in Young Women and Men

Schizophrenia is a human mental disorder that alters and affects peoples thinking capabilities, actions, and emotions. Moreover, the conditions also change people’s perception of reality and influence a person’s social behavior. In this sense, schizophrenia determines people’s relationships and circles. Although schizophrenia is rare compared to other mental disorders, the...

Hamilton’s “The City Always Wins” and Pamuk’s “Istanbul” Comparison

Introduction Hamilton’s “The City Always Wins” and Pamuk’s “Istanbul” are two major literary works that describe the development of cities, their historical heritage, and the way they reflect the culture of the country and its people. At first glance, the books seem different as “The City Always Wins” deals with...

The Short Story “The Cold Equations” by Tom Godwin

Introduction Tom Godwin’s “The Cold Equations,” initially published in August 1954, is a widely distributed, contentious, and oft-reprinted work of science fiction. Science fiction is often defined as the literature of ideas, but the ideas behind “The Cold Equations” depend on one’s assumptions about the genre. If one approaches the...

Epidemic of Type 2 Diabetes Among Hispanic Males

Introduction Diabetes is a condition whereby the body’s ability to produce or act to insulin is altered. This leads to high blood sugar levels due to abnormal metabolism. In the Hispanic population blood, sugar readings of more than 11.0 mml/L indicate diabetes. In the United States, the Hispanic population’s preference...

Overcrowding in Prisons and Its Impact on Health

Background Overcrowding in prison is a significant issue that affects a lot of countries. It is challenging to detect this controversial term as there is no single and uniform internationally accepted standard. Undoubtedly, this notion must be neutralized and counteracted, as inmates’ mental and physical conditions might be negatively affected...

Domestic Violence Against Women in India

Introduction Domestic vehemence is a severe social problem in India, with among the world’s highest rates. Around 30 percent of all women in India have suffered family abuse at minimum once for 15 years (Domestic Violence and Women’s Health in India: Insights from NFHS-4, 2022, para. 4). Approximately 4 percent...

The Fourth Amendment and Its Impact

Introduction The relationship between the government and its citizens is critical for peaceful coexistence in a nation. In America, the Bill of Rights provides a framework on which the conduct of the United States government and its citizens are evaluated. America’s Bill of Rights contains the first ten constitutional amendments...

Innisfree Marketing Strategy & Innisfree Marketing Plan

Introduction: Innisfree Mission and Vision Innisfree is a South Korean (SK) natural cosmetics brand with more than 900 in SK. The brand’s name reflects the core concept of its mission and vision: it is derived from the words “innis” (island) and “free.” Through its cosmetics, Innisfree wants its customers to...

Consumer Buying Behaviour Overview

Executive Summary Two mobile phone customers are analyzed in this report. One consumer A, purchased Samsung Galaxy S21 5G to replace Samsung S7 after losing his previous phone. Customer B purchased iPhone 12 Max as an upgrade from iPhone 11. Customer B has a habit of upgrading to the newest...

Classic and New Leadership and Management Theories

Introduction Leadership and management theories have helped form and shape the way organizations are governed. However, these theories are different and can be applied to achieve different organizational purposes. For example, transformational leadership is one of the classic theories where leaders motivate their followers by increasing self-efficacy (Yukl & Gardner,...

Leadership: Forms and Theories

Introduction A charismatic leader can influence people through their ability to communicate, persuasion, and charm. Every captivating leader is unique in their appearance and in the manner in which they operate. This makes it possible for such leaders to influence their subordinate to embrace a particular desirable pattern of operation....

Eco-Friendly Carnival and Its Impact on Bulgaria

Introduction The organisation of events for the general public plays an important role in forming social opinions on some pivotal issues and raising awareness about tentative problems. That is why it might be used to make an impact on a local or even global scale by educating the public and...

Netflix Organizational Change: The Change Event

The transformation that was inculcated into the company happened in the year 2007. This change was the second transformation after the first in 1999, where selling DVDs through mails and rentals was shifted to the DVD subscription model. According to Snyman & Gilliard (2019), Netflix incorporated an online video streaming...

The Aircraft Accident Investigation

Introduction The report is based on the aircraft accident of a Rans aircraft S-19 Class 2 Microlight ZK-MBX, which was operated on a private cross-country flight. The flight was part of a planned group fly away with seven other aircraft, from Taieri Aerodrome to Omarama Aerodrome for a group lunch...

The Cuba Missile Crisis: War Causation and the Deterrence Theory

Progression of Events After World War II, the superpowers were immensely engaged in a new war, the Cold War. It was a race to see who had the best and most powerful nuclear arsenals among the then superpowers. The US and USSR felt the need to arm themselves with more...

Construction of Fertilizer Blending Plants in Nigeria: Cost and Schedule Impact

Summary Research Background The recent focus on the use of the available resources in order to produce NPK fertilizers has opened the door for Nigeria o enjoy multiple opportunities for attracting investors from overseas, thus, allowing the state to support and maintain its economic growth. Due to its recent foray...

Biomedical and Biopsychosocial Model

The biological model is a health and illness structure that intellectualizes disease in which prognosis, diagnosis, treatment, and cause are based on the physical and biological elements. In this framework, little or no attention is given to an illness’s environmental, psychological, social, and spiritual aspects. The biomedical model explains the...

Evaluation of “Obscuring Causality in Rape Discourse” by Hilton

Abstract The fundamental problem of the article “Obscuring causality in rape discourse: A quantitative analysis of variation in argument Structure” is the choice of the right word combination that will clearly explain the situation of sexual violence. At the same time, an essential point is a reason why people use...

McKinsey Opioid Scandal: The Case Study

Case Facts McKinsey and Company, a leading consulting agency, has agreed to pay US$573 as a settlement for advising Purdue Pharma, a drug company, on how to “supercharge” opioid sales. The agreement to pay the settlement was reached after the management of the consultation firm agreed with attorney generals of...

Critical Evaluation of Management Practices in Managing the Project Life Cycle

Introduction Every organisation, irrespective of its area of focus, should draw sufficient attention to project management activities. The rationale behind this claim is that numerous tasks and activities such as constructing a building, increasing employees’ performance levels, running a marketing strategy and so on are considered projects that require management....

Pfizer Inc. Changing Business Models

Introduction Pfizer, Inc. is an American pharmaceutical company that specializes in the research, advancement, production, and promotion of prescription medicines for people and animals. Pfizer is among the largest global biomedical and pharmaceutical corporations. The firm’s headquarters is located York City, New York, USA (Pfizer, 2019). Charles Pfizer, a German...

The Impact of COVID-19 on the Economy

Since it was discovered in December 2019 in Wuhan, China, COVID-19 has caused massive human suffering and undermined the global economy. The lives of billions of the world’s populations have been turned upside down by the pandemic, which has significantly affected the social, environmental, health, and economic domains. By now,...

E-Commerce Business Models

Introduction The era of electronic commerce has existed since 1995. The computer revolution in the business world has since changed immensely with the introduction of Business-to-Business (B2B), Business-to-Consumer (B2C), Consumer-to-Consumer (C2C) and m-commerce models. Majority of the business firms have adopted e-commerce in harnessing growth and development (Loudon & Traver,...

Performance Management and Strategic Planning

Introduction Today, no organization can deny the importance of performance management. Strategic planning is closely connected to it. Together, they form a framework that leads to good employee performance and effective achievement of business objectives. However, not all businesses understand the relationship between performance management and strategic planning. This paper...

Kant’s Moral Rule of Principle

The normative rules and principles determine the things needed or permitted, whether good or bad. The normative rules and principles determine what agents are expected to do, what they can do, or what deserves to receive promotion, approval, and praise (Kahn 78). Principles and normative rules play an important function...

Use of Teamwork in Organizations

Introduction Teamwork in organizations involves taking collective actions at all levels at the workplace to ensure collaboration. Cooperation is in contrast to the concept of individual effort that is devoid of collaboration amongst members of a workplace. Teamwork insists on ensuring that all members of the workplace are put into...

Examples of Conflict Between Personal and Professional Values

Introduction The profession of a social worker is meant to enhance human wellbeing by helping the needy people. In addition, it focuses on the empowerment of the socially marginalized people in a given society. In other words, the social work entails caring for the needy, which calls for professionals with...

Octavia Butler’s Kindred: Essay Example

Kindred Essay: Introduction “Kindred” is a novel written by Octavia Butler, American writer who created an extraordinary combination of science fiction events and the issue of slavery. The book was published in 1979 and became popular in no time because it discusses the problems that are on the front burner...

Practices in Managing the Project Life Cycle

Abstract The implementation of project plans is a task that requires extensive preparation due to the multitasking and a wide range of conventions to take into account. One of the essential factors is the assessment of management at each of the four stages – initiation, planning, execution and closure. This...

Management of Change: Shell Case Study

Shell Change Management Case Study: Introduction This assignment is a case study on organizational change and change management. The case study is based on a Canadian based organization known as Shell Canada. This organization is one of the many organizations which have undergone through major changes in the recent past....

Necessity of Internet Censorship: Essay Sample

Internet Censorship: Essay Introduction Technological advancement in the world has made many people adopt the use of computers and internet in their daily lives; this is due to the ease of carrying out tasks enabled by computer technology. Many people have transformed their houses into work stations since they can...

Singapore Airlines’ Strategic Plan During the COVID-19 Pandemic

Executive Summary The COVID-19 pandemic has represented a significant hit on the airline industry, including Singapore Airlines, which has relied heavily on the Chinese market. As the world begins to open new destinations, it is essential that the company attracts customers and communicates value and dedication to high-quality service. Due...

Royal Mail Group: Strategic Marketing

Introduction and Core Issues Charles I had established a company called The Post Office in 1635 which grew since then to a very wide company, but later in the 90’s it broke off into two segments; one that handled the post and one that handled the media. In 2002, The...

Postmodernism Film: Run Lola Run Analysis

With the advent of postmodernism as a new philosophy of art, new opportunities were open for filmmakers to discuss topical societal issues. Furthermore, the postmodern cinema invites the audience to participate in the dialogue. Run Lola Run, a movie produced by Tom Tykwer, is the specimen of the era that...

Reducing Bullying in Schools by Involving Stakeholders

The number of research examining the participation of instructors in anti-bullying efforts is increasing all the time. Because it assists with classroom management, subject matter instruction, and setting high standards for students, teachers’ involvement in bullying prevention is essential. Effective teacher management is required as part of an anti-bullying campaign....

Cyber-Attacks on the Colonial Pipeline Organization

Colonial Pipeline Company is an oil company based in Texas, Houston and carries jet oil and gasoline to the southeastern part of the states. On May 7th, 2021 it experienced a ransom with cyber-attack that resulted in computerized equipment running the pipeline being invaded by the hackers. As a result...

Leckie’s “Ancillary Justice”: Sci-Fi, Gothic, and Queer Theory

Topic Overview Each of the pieces in Leckie’s “Ancillary Justice” investigates and broadens the critical connotations of both the labels “queer” and “Gothic.” Queering the Gothic is a genre of writing about queerness and Gothicism. With works ranging from the first wave of eighteenth-century and Romantic Gothic fiction to nineteenth-century...

Evaluation of Project Management Practices

Abstract Depending on the phase, projects require different focus points and implementations. The project management (PM) lifecycle includes initiation, planning, execution, and closure. The initiation correlates with an assessment of the possibilities of the project. Managers need to pay more attention to estimating the costs, assessing the possible risks, and...

The Luus Project Management Plan and Analysis

Project Summary This project aims to enter the American market with the Australian catering company Luus. The project has various quantitative and qualitative objectives. First, it is necessary to go to the California region, impose competition on American Range, build a warehouse and service center, and achieve $500,000 in sales...

Suspension of Flights and Impact on Engineers’ Skills

The COVID-19 pandemic has significantly affected the whole world and all areas of business, causing financial and job losses. Moreover, pandemics bring changes in the operations of industries due to the need to adapt to new working conditions and provide safe services. However, one of the hardest-hit industries was aviation,...

South Africa in World War II

Introduction South Africa is not a country typically associated with active participation in the World War II today. Yet, without South African ports, thousands of Allies’ troops would not have reached the Middle East theatre. The notion of South Africa’s role in that conflict surprises many people, who believe that...

Medical Humanities’ Impact on Gun Violence

Introduction Mass shootings may be regarded as a serious complex social issue that regularly affects a considerable number of people. However, in order to minimize its scope, it is essential to understand what causes gun violence. From the medical perspective, mental health disorders are regarded as major factors that lead...

Leadership Analysis of St. John the Compassionate Mission

Introduction Servant leadership is a vital concept that every person aspiring to be a captain should strive to practice for their followers. This notion is profoundly portrayed in case 8.2: St. John the Compassionate Mission. The concept depicts how organizational culture and managerial tactics can be used to develop and...

Impact of Depth of Processing on Memory

Abstract Researchers conducted a study to identify whether the items in deep processing conditions are more remembered than those in the shallow processing conditions. One hundred fifty-three participants were involved in the study, and the gender distribution was 84 males and 69 females with different ethnical backgrounds. The research study...

Production Decisions in UK Manufacturing Between 2010 to 2019

Introduction The accessibility of goods and services is among the key determinants of how effective the economy of a certain state currently is. Specifically, it shows what amount of a particular product is available to the population and what those can afford. These parameters are directly dependent on supply, which,...

Leadership in the Hospitality Sector

Introduction On the surface, leadership in the hospitality sector has very few distinctive features that make it any different from leadership in any other domain. Indeed, like most other industries, the hospitality sector seeks primarily to promote innovation (Shariff et al., 2020). However, several specific characteristics that make the hospitality...

Tourism in Paris: Theme Parks in the Spotlight

Introduction International tourism is one of the main results of intensified globalization processes, which are characteristic of the modern world. It is difficult to overestimate the importance of tourism for individuals, communities, and humanity as a whole: it brings economic, geopolitical, cultural, and spiritual benefits. Including there are many reasons...

Fight Against Crime and Its General Characteristics

Introduction Everything that was considered by scientists earlier, including crime, its causes, and the criminal’s identity, ultimately pursues the goal of mastering modern criminological knowledge about crime prevention. At its core, crime prevention is a specific area of social regulation, management, and control, which has a multi-level character and pursues...

Discussion of Problem of Teen Pregnant

Introduction Over centuries as lifespan has increased with the advent of modern medicine and industrialization, societal expectations, and development of each person through life has shifted. However, biologically, the body has remained the same, meaning that with the arrival of puberty, individuals can conceive and have children. It is well...

Tesla and Ritz Carlton Firms’ Strategic Analysis

Introduction This paper provides a comparison between strategical analysis results, MOP practices, and organizational structures implemented within the companies TESLA and Ritz Carlton. It observes the way the differences between industry requirements for a civil engineering production-based firm and a service sector firm affect the KPI interpretations within the businesses....

The Toronto-Dominion Bank in the Industry

Which company are we looking at? The Toronto-Dominion (TD) Bank Where does it take place? In Canada What is the time frame? In 2021 What industry are we analyzing? The paper analyzes the banking industry but with more focus made on digital banking External Analysis (PESTEL + CDG) Political Factors: The...

Nigeria’s Oil and Gas Industry’s Prospects & Gains

Introduction Any country’s energy industry is impacted by an array of specific factors induced by the political environment, social and economic situation, as well as the geographical position, resource availability, and environmental issues. Alternatively, different economic sectors have their own particularities that predetermine their capabilities in a given market, opportunities...

Supply Chain and Its Future Challenges

Introduction A supply chain is a complete system that involves producing and delivering goods and services, starting from the initial stages of getting the raw materials from their sources to the final phases of providing the goods and services to the consumers. Factually, the supply chain encompasses all the aspects...

Evolution of Indigenous Rights and Governance in Canada

Like other indigenous people across the world, indigenous people in Canada are the most discriminated against in society. Historically, indigenous people in Canada have been discriminated against in social, economic, and political aspects. Various forms of discrimination instigated towards the aboriginal people in Canada informed the fight against marginalization (Gathii...

Heritage and Cultural Sector in the Travel and Tourism Industry

Tourism is one of the most rapidly growing industries that generate billions of dollars and create thousands of job places across the globe. As the world is increasingly globalizing, more people have resources and the desire to travel to other parts of the world. Specifically, tourists want to familiarize themselves...

“The Image” Concept in Anthropology and Philosophy

Introduction An image is simply defined as a visual representation of something meaning to reproduce its likeness (Marriam-Webster, 2020). This can be photographic material, pictures, paintings, and even human memory and imagination. This paper will seek to explore “the image” in its many forms from a range of perspectives and...

Sexuality in Playboy: Factors and Interpretations

Introduction In contemporary society, the expression of sexuality is viewed by antagonistic feminists as the pinnacle of moral decay. However, irrespective of the stand, both the protagonists and antagonists share the same view that human beings have had a deep interest in pornographic material in the image of sex. Authors...

Report on company Pfizer, INC.

Introduction Aims of the Report The current paper contains an analysis of the recent major issue faced by Pfizer, Inc, and the way the company solved it. In addition to that, the report critically analyzes Pfizer’s problem-solving approach and suggests alternative approaches to the issue that will be outlined below....

Nestle: Internationalization of Business

Introduction Today, the global economy can be characterized by the increasing tendency of internationalization. These changes can be explained by the free movement of goods, people, and resources, the growing importance of international trade, and the overall trend of globalization in many spheres of business. Companies worldwide start to target...

Medical Personnel Shortage: Evidence-Based Proposal

Introduction Medical personnel shortage is the main threat to the modern worldwide healthcare system and one of the leading healthcare barriers. There are several reasons for this issue, including the aging and retirement of medical workers and their transition to higher-paid jobs. It leads to the remaining of their positions...

Native American Poems’ Comparative Analysis

Introduction Unfortunately, much of human history consists of the events of one group of people conquering another and erasing the culture of the defeated nation, so the latter submit. Thankfully, the latter does not always happen, and sometimes the culture of those who lost replaces that of the invaders, or...

Border Management Agencies and Principles

Introduction The modern world is characterized by a high level of globalization and multiple travel opportunities. The development of different means of transport, especially civil aviation, provided millions of individuals with a chance to move to numerous states. This openness is viewed as one of the most outstanding achievements; however,...

The Impact of Quality Customer Service on Amazon’s Success

Introduction Amazon is one of the biggest and most profitable companies in the world, and it owes a substantial part of its success to its customer-centric approach. Since it was founded, the e-commerce giant has set an example across the retail industry on customer service excellence. Customer service plays a...

Trident Seafoods Company’s Corporate Governance

Introduction The success of any business firm depends on the level of leadership involvement and the willingness to respond to the changing economic times. Companies that fail to focus on emerging forces, formulate proper models, and address identified challenges find it hard to achieve their business aims. Organizational theorists propose...

Corporate Governance: AGL’s CSR and Risk Management

Corporate Social Responsibility CSR Prior to discussing the specifics of corporate social responsibility (CSR) in the modern business world, it is necessary to define major terms and concepts that will be utilized further in the paper. CSR can be referred to as the major business initiative enabling companies to operate...

Sequentially Planned Integrative Counselling for Children Model Approach

Introduction The Sequentially Planned Integrative Cancelling for Children (SPICC) is a model developed to assist in child psychotherapy through five phases: applying theories to assist in counseling children with psychological distress. The purpose of the essay is to evaluate the theoretical framework of the SPICC, considering the strengths of the...

Travel Industry Recovery From the COVID-19 Restrictions

Introduction The global pandemic caused significant economic, social, and even political consequences worldwide. Restrictions influenced almost every aspect of everyday life. Some industries suffered devastating blows, whereas others managed to benefit from the new economic paradigm. In many cases, the well-being of businesses depended on their ability to adapt to...

Northwell Health Care System Evaluation

Introduction Northwell Health Care System is a healthcare institution that provides health-related services to a consortium of at least 800 hospitals and care centers. Northwell Certified Home Health Agency (CHHA), a constituent of the Northwell Health Care System provides a range of professional home health services to its clientele. Medication...

The Australian Biscuit Market Analysis

The Market The Australian biscuit market is facing rapid growth due to the changes in preference for snacks. Relevant sources have projected the consumer market of the Australian biscuits to rise to an average of $4 billion by the year 2025. The market recorded a 2.2% growth rate from 2010...

Euthanasia: The Legal and Ethical Perspectives

Introduction Many people feel that they have no control about when or how they are born, but they do have control over how they die. Individuals who have been diagnosed with diseases or chronic conditions may wish to end their lives early by suicide based on the fear of experiencing...

The Global Impact of Climate Change Into Our Homes and Families

Introduction A home is a space used either permanently or semi-permanent by an individual, family, or group. A home can be semi-sheltered or fully sheltered and contain both interior and exterior aspects (Universal Declaration of Human Rights, 1948). For instance, homes provide shelter and rooms for domestic activities such as...

The Ideal Society and Form of Government

Introduction Although socialism, capitalism, and communism offer various benefits to society, libertarianism’s strong valuation of individual freedoms, distributive justice, and the protection against state authority interference makes it the ideal form of government. The ideal societies are characterized by free citizens with equal and inalienable rights coexisting within an egalitarian...

Nature Journal Report Sample

Wildlife plays a vital role in economic, ecological, environmental as well ascultural spheres. It can include a broad range of species, ranging from amphibians, insects, and birds to mammals. As a rule, fauna includes some organisms that are native and the ones that were introduced or re-introduced to their current...

Trends of Modern Tourism Industry

Understanding Modern Tourism Industry Within a fast-growing, technology-based society, the majority of leading industries aim to keep up with the latest changes to achieve stable progress. Tourism is generally considered one of the most prosperous business domains, which faced critical challenges over the past year. The dramatic spread of COVID-19...

Sustainable Supply Chain Management

The main criteria for the effectiveness of government procurement are the purchase price and the cost of subsequent ownership. The main task is to buy goods, works, or services of the required quality with minimum spending of budgetary funds. The activity, which consists in the implementation of procurement, is complex...

Foreign Aid to Africa: A Vicious Cycle

Introduction Africa has been a historically underdeveloped and financially disadvantaged region due to various factors, both internal and external. According to the neo-liberal school of thought, the problem is rather internal, with the blame focused on Africa’s corrupt and inefficient governments. Others disagree with the claim, suggesting that most of...

Contract Managers’ Code of Ethics in Acquisition

Introduction Contract management is the sphere, which implies achieving compromises between different sides and fulfilling their interests, which may contradict each other in some cases. In this context, misunderstandings and conflicts are highly likely to arise, and in order to avoid them, the contract manager’s Code of Ethics has been...

Epistemology of Ebola Virus Disease (EVD)

Introduction The Zaire Ebola virus is amongst the most contagious pathogens among the disease-causing hemorrhagic fevers, with reported case fatality rates of approximately 90%. EVD causes severe bleeding complications and multi-organ failure resulting in death. By October 2014, the World Health Organization (WHO) had reported 5335 cases of EVD (probable,...

New Zealand Investment for Sainsbury’s Supermarket

Summary Today’s economic landscape is characterized by its rapid globalization, prompting brands to expand their operations. Once an organization succeeds in its local market, it is natural for the management to consider international opportunities by launching a new project in other locations. However, such a development process can pose certain...

Financial Inclusion and Income Inequality

Introduction Financial inclusion is important in improving economic growth by reducing income inequalities. Economists agree that reducing income inequality increases disposable income among the poor, which is a primary demand. Governments have attempted various strategies to tackle the issue over time. Income distribution through financial institutions has been given prominent...

Social Distribution of Illness in the United States

Introduction Health and illness sociology is a discipline that scrutinizes the interactions between society and health. The main objective that sociology seeks to achieve is to determine how people’s social life affects mortality rate and morbidity and vice versa. The difference between this sociology and medical sociology is that branches...

The Analysis of Microeconomics of Sberbank

Introduction Exploring the nature of the company’s microeconomics is an essential part of developing a successful strategy for its future growth. This paper will review the banking and financial management of the Russian company Sberbank, which began to expand globally in recent years. Frexias and Rochet (2008) describe banks as...

Social Justice: American Arab, Jewish American, and Africans

American Arab Culture and Values American Arabs are people who came from the Middle East or Africa, and their native language is Arabic. The main cultural feature of these people is collectivism and close relations between members of an extended family (Sue & Sue, 2016). This feature is both a...

The Concept of PREA (Prison Rape Elimination Act)

Rape remains among the dominant crimes in the USA; almost every minute an American becomes a victim of it. The problem is especially acute in penitentiaries, and, for the record, staff members are reported as offenders 16% more frequent as compared to inmates. However, reporting apparently is dramatically insufficient since...

Legalization of Recreational Marijuana

Introduction In recent years, the United States public has seen a strong debate about the legalization of marijuana for recreational use. As some states began implementing various levels of decriminalization for the substance, marijuana remains a highly illegal Schedule I drug at the federal level prompting discussions at the policy...

Aircraft Solutions Company’s Security Assessment

Aircraft Solutions (AS) is a recognized leader in the design and fabrication of component products and services for companies in the electronics, commercial, defense, and aerospace industry. The mission of AS is to provide customer success through machined products and related services and to meet cost, quality, and schedule requirements....

KLM and Pan Am Accident Due to Human Factors

Unfortunately, plane crashes are a frequent occurrence, and they take away the lives of hundreds of people at once. The danger of such accidents is that the conditions in which the aircraft is located, precisely high speed and altitude, significantly reduce the likelihood of rescue and survival. At the same...

Occupational Health Nursing Theory and Model

Introduction Whitaker and Baranski described occupational health nursing as “a frontline role involving a range of aspects, namely: clinician, specialist, manager, coordinator, advisor, health educator, counselor and researcher” (Oakley, 2008, p.1). At the same time, the discipline can be seen to be at the forefront in addressing the question of...

Medical History Patient With Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease

Introduction Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) is among the leading causes of death globally and is estimated to be the fourth leading cause of morbidity and mortality in 2030. Even though the obstruction of airways characterizes COPD, it is linked to metabolic disorders, which include obesity, cardiovascular disease, dyslipidemia, and...

Producing the “Devil’s Gold”: Mining Practices and Labor Standards in Indonesian Sulfur Mines

Introduction The increased media coverage of the dismal working conditions exhibited in the Kawah Ijen Volcano mines and escalating demand for sulfur in contemporary industries has led to a heightened public awareness of the sulfur supply chain. There are two primary methods of extracting sulfur, including the extraction from subterranean...

Ireland’s Aviation Safety Strategic Plan

Introduction Safety is one of the primary concerns for air transport. Although it is always relevant for aviation, the recent events, for instance, COVID-19, have underlined the need for better safety measures and regulations, as the number of risk areas has increased. Irish airlines strive to provide their services while...

Lowering Incarceration Rate in the United States

Introduction Criminal punishment has been a greatly debated topic for quite some time between citizens and various organizations. Justice is considered served when the offender is either fined or imprisoned for a specific period of life. The imprisonment verdict is authorized by the head of the court, such as a...

Who Can Become a Donor For the Milk Bank?

Introduction Providing assistance to the milk bank is an essential condition for donor help that vulnerable recipients need. At the same time, not every woman can become a donor since the verification and preparation procedure requires a preliminary assessment of about one to two weeks. In addition, the number of...

Italian Futurism of 1909-1944 and Its Influences

Introduction Futurism refers to a social and artistic movement that Marinetti established in Italy in 1909 and which lasted to 1944. The movement championed machine age advancements and urban environment significance, propelling people in a progressive mindset. It advocated for science and technology with its mantra seeking to provide answers...

Genetic Testing and Privacy & Discrimination Issues

Introduction An opportunity to use genetic testing as a way to predict and eliminate dangerous diseases is a unique phenomenon that was not possible several decades ago. Today, people can undergo laboratory tests to protect themselves from unwanted diagnoses and maintain confidence in the absence of health risks. However, genetic...

Boeing 737 Max Accidents and the Company’s Reaction

Introduction The crash of two Boeing 737 Max planes was one of the most significant aircraft accidents affecting the entire world. Hundreds of people died in the two crashes, and many families are still looking for a fair solution and an apology from the company. The main reason for the...

9/11 Attacks as a Turning Point of Contemporary History

Contemporary history develops at a rapid pace, as globalization has the entire planet deeply interconnected. Political and economic processes, which happen in one area, may affect the rest of the world to a considerable degree, and the density of important events is also on the increase. Nevertheless, it is possible...

The Molecular Cause of Cystic Fibrosis

Abstract Cystic fibrosis, a chronic disease that develops gradually is a disease that would cause one to have a reduced life expectancy. This is a disease that affects some systems in the body specifically the digestive, reproductive, and the respiratory affecting young adults as well as children. This may also...

Management of Working Capital in Business

Working capital demonstrates how much liquid asset is accessible to satisfy the short-term cash requirements obligatory by current liabilities in a business. The working capital assumes that current asset and current obligation are short-term concepts; thus, it is defined as a short-term concept. A working capital shows the efficiency and...

Computer Supported Cooperative Work and Google Wave

Since the invention of the internet protocol, communication has astronomically advanced creating new possibilities that did not exist before. Computer Supported Cooperative Work (C.S.C.W) is a technology that seeks to use computer systems to allow, coordinate and monitor collaborative group work. Developed recently, Google Wave is a web service technology...

Community Health: Assessment of New York’s Chinatown

Introduction Good health is a necessity for all individuals because it determines their quality of life and productivity. The government takes necessary measures to ensure that the community has healthy living. Nevertheless, health disparities among communities living in New York, a city that contributes significantly to the American economy, continues...

4Fingers Entering Vietnamese Market

Executive Summary 4Fingers is a successful business with operations in Singapore, Indonesia, and Malaysia. Since entering new markets requires a thorough analysis, the purpose of this paper is to present a comprehensive description of the attractiveness of the Vietnamese market, including market size, growth rate, pricing trends, and competition. Besides,...

System Simulation and Modelling: Arena Operating Software

The term Arena as used in software and technology science represents an object-oriented, hierarchized, rapid, and broad advancement in simulation technology that enables the use of enterprise-wide simulation. It is extendible and provides a complete simulation environment that supports all the base steps in a study [1]. The Arena simulation...

Business Relationship With Its Stakeholders

Executive summary Stakeholders can be defined as people who are interested and directed by a business’ actions. They stand to either lose or gain from a business’ operations and many times influence its decisions. A business’ stakeholders include preferred and common shareholders, creditors, manufactures of its products, employees, suppliers, customers,...

Changes in the Global Water Cycle

Introduction Evidence does exist of the rise in the global mean surface air temperature in the twentieth century. More so, even if there are several uncertainties about the level of climatic change in the future, several types of research carried out show that in the future, global warming is quite...

Elusive Records: Marketing Strategy

Executive Summary The marketing strategy for Elusive Records is to ensure the artists get the best publicity to increase album sales. This is why the promotional activities are taken as such great opportunities to ensure adequate exposure for the overall marketing objectives. The Old Blue Last and Peacock are known...

Homeland Security-Protecting Critical Infrastructures

Criticism against FBI post 9/11 Post 11th September, 2001 attacks on the twin towers of World Trade Center; the FBI has faced a brunt of a lot of criticism from the public and media alike. Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), the primary unit in the United States Department of Justice,...

Athena as an Important Symbol for Women

Introduction Mythology is one of the richest sources of knowledge left by ancient people. It contains information about all spheres of human activity, objects of worship, mysteries, and values peculiar to society at a certain period of time. Creating various gods and giving them superpowers, people tried to explain phenomena...

Supply Chain as a Crucial Component of Sustainability in the Fashion Industry

Introduction The fashion industry has always been one of the most influential drivers of society. For many decades, designers of apparel dictated the rules, and millions of people all over the world obeyed them. However, with the recent emergence of the movement towards sustainable development, the roles have switched. Nowadays,...

Sex Trafficking by Organized Crime Groups

Introduction The modern world is experiencing tremendous paradigm shifts as consistent and systemic efforts are being made to eliminate discrimination and create a tolerant and egalitarian society. Feminism is a movement and ideology which seeks to redefine social attitudes towards women and establish the provision of equal rights. Despite significant...

Vancouver’s Housing Crisis and Solution

Introduction The city of Vancouver has encountered a significant problem concerning the crisis in the sphere of real estate. The prices for houses and apartments inconsistently grow to produce non-realistic costs of real estate, thus causing difficulties for the residents of Vancouver to purchase or rent accommodation. Such a critical...

The Events of 9/11 from a Sociological Standpoint

September 11 aroused not only national grief, pride, and rage, but also a prevalent feeling of frustration at the way things were since the fall of communism. In the Cold War era, the United States had operated via a containment policy in an attempt to prevent the propagation of communism,...

Theology: Virgin Mary as a Goddess

Goddesses have always been part of various pantheons during the various stages of human history. Their role is inseparable from the role of women in ancient, medieval, and modern societies, as religion was used as a blueprint for morality, proper behavior, and the establishment of societal and gender roles. Ancient...

Invisible Wounds of Stigmatized Individuals

Stigma affects several many people around the world and results in great suffering among them. Several causes of stigma include abuse, sexual assault, violence, and discrimination. The effect of stigma is detrimental and varies from a loss of self-worth, trauma, stress, and mental illness that affect personal life as well...

United Airlines’ Employment Ethical Dilemma

Introduction Sexual harassment in the workplace is one of the most heinous and underreported crimes in the world. The rising effectiveness of awareness campaigns, the popularity of the #MeToo movement, and the increasing attention from the media and the press have managed to turn the tide and bring about the...

Local Police Response to Terrorism

Abstract Timely response to possible terrorist threats and prevention of extremist attacks are a direct responsibility of law enforcement agencies. The purpose of this work is to determine how the police respond to this danger. This paper describes possible measures taken by law enforcement agencies to protect civilians from the...

Amazon’s, Zara’s, Ocado’s E-Business Processes

Explain Amazon’s core business model People know Amazon as the world’s largest online retail store. The Amazon name traces its way to the Amazon River. In 1994, Jeff Bezos incorporated the company as an online bookstore (although the company publicly started a business the following year) (Schneider 2011). The companies...

Multinational Companies and Global Imbalances

Examine the opportunities for multinational companies to shift resources around the world and the implications of this for nation-states Why Multinational Corporations shift Resources A multinational company refers to a firm whose business operations are spread out in more than one country. For the last two decades, there has been...

A Modus Ponens Deductive Logic in Defense of JTA Argument 36

Rene Descartes was not the first philosopher to show concern over dreaming as an epistemological issue. However, his treatment of the matter popularized it and occasioned its development, over the years, into a Cartesian argument. Today, epistemologists agree that people must defeat this argument for “knowledge of the external world”...

Oman Oil Companies’ Third-Party Logistics

Abstract This paper aims at investigating transportation and logistics management in the oil industry. Two companies of the Sultanate of Oman, Oman Oil Company and Oman Shell Company, are chosen for the analysis. These companies demonstrate good results in the development of their transport and logistics services. Their experiences could...

Microsoft Company: Employee Motivation and Retention

Executive Summary For companies to stay at the peak of their performance and to make their competitors struggle, retaining motivated employees who have positive attitudes is essential. High rates of employee turnover usually lead to additional expenses while also contributing to lowering the morale of those workers who are retained....

Business Law: Consent and Contract Enforceability

Introduction Individuals operating in the modern business environment must be able to form a contract by taking a rigidly schematic approach to rights, duties, and privileges of all the parties involved. Those entering the world of business should also know how to evaluate the enforceability of a legally binding agreement...

The Film Review: “Scarface”

Scarface (1983): A Cross-genre Creation The image of a man riddled with bullets, in the last scene of Scarface (1983), screaming in agony creates a rush of adrenalin felt by the audience. Next, the sequence shows, an army of assassins showering bullets at the already fallen body, when the bullet-ridden...