Fishing Gear and Equipment Shop in the UAE

Opportunity Sportswear is a business that is growing rapidly in the United Arab Emirates. However, the researcher noticed that most of these stores often focus on sportswear for men. It was also evident that fishing as a sporting activity is also becoming popular, but the local retailers are yet to...

Communication: Message Creation and Delivery

Introduction Several factors are considered in the crafting of effective messages. They include communication organization, audience analysis, and researching the subject. Each of these factors plays a different role in the achievement of the purpose for which a message is developed. Communication organization reflects the clarity of thinking and facilitates...

Seamus Company and Technological Solutions

Abstract Seamus Company produces educational materials for middle school students and is seeking additional educational solutions for its line of products. This paper presents a proposal for the enhancing of the Seamus Company product catalog through an innovative technological solution. The current abundance of smartphones, tablets, and other mobile technology...

Todd McFarlane’s Leadership Approach

The contemporary global business environment dictates which capabilities, talents, and competencies company leaders should have. It is true that expertise and experience are vital to managing organizations well, but they may not be enough. Personal character traits, innovativeness, and inquisitiveness are important for being successful as well. This essay will...

New Ontario Employment Standards Act

Introduction Global development has an increasing impact on how people work, from determining areas where the demand for employees is high to offering opportunities for international cooperation. Preparing to work in the changing world is one of the central goals of the millennials, as they are required to find a...

Marriott Company’s New Hotel Marketing Plan

Introduction Marriott Hotels is one of the best hotels in the US. It offers various goods and services that include fast foods, drinks, and lodge services where customers can get rooms to rest after taking part in heavy duties either during the daytime or at night. The management realized that...

Advertising Analytics and Marketing Innovations

Advertising Analytics The modern advancements in computing, communication, and analytics can provide significant benefits to any organization looking to improve its marketing strategy. One of the main barriers to modern analytics comes from the overwhelming amount of data being registered and monitored by various electronic devices. The use of cloud...

Price Wars in the Wireless Market

Who are the key players in the industry? Out of the five cell phone companies, two of these hold a larger market share. These are Verizon Wireless, with 32%, followed by AT%T at 29%. They account for 61%, which is more than half of the US’s mobile subscribers. From the...

Global and Multi-Domestic Marketing Approaches

Introduction In the contemporary world, marketing is used mainly to realise sustainable growth, to survive in the local market that is much threatened by global players and also to target international markets that have increased in influence. What is always a fundamental principle in the international market is for an...

International Logistics, Business, and Banking

Exporters typically prefer conservative measures when managing foreign receivables What are the reasons for this conservativism? Conservative decisions are quite typical in the realm of financial operations for numerous reasons, the high possibility of a failure as a result of the lack of proper testing being the key factor. The...

Trimco Company’s Business Model

While Trimco is QS 9000 certified, its quality control procedure varies. Please find online how QS9000 certification is conducted, and develop a plan for Navistar to audit the performance of Trimco by itself (hint: you may determine whether you want to audit an area which has already been audited by...

Small and Medium-Sized Fashion Retail Enterprises

Abstract The current dissertation proposal offers to investigate several success factors for small and medium-sized enterprises in fashion retail business in the UK. These factors include the skills and qualifications of business managers and owners, the funding, the customer service strategies, and the ways to obtain funding for new businesses....

Emirates Airline: Arabian Adventures and Skywards

Introduction Based in Dubai, Arabian adventure is part of Leisure Management division and destination of Emirates airlines. It has major offices in Abu Dhabi and Fajita with associate companies based in the gulf. The company has more than 300 qualified and professional staff employees who provide professional services ranging from...

Marketing, Sponsorship and Fundraising Activities

Please list 8 possible reasons a company might want to sponsor an event or an organization The major reasons why companies sponsor events or organizations include: To benefit from continued media coverage and exposure. To increase the perceived brand image (Lynn, 2011). Ensure the brand is recognized by more people....

Legal Frameworks for Starting Own Business

Introduction LEGAL FRAMEWORK Include the legal aspects involved in setting up STRENGTH WEAKNESS Sole trader Business is controlled by one person. Can employ workers. Easy to organize and comply with legal requirements; Does not require large initial investment; Easy to operate and organize since few employees are involved. The business...

Amazon and eBay: E-Business Applications Development

Despite the fact that the majority of the online stores were created at the end of the twentieth century, only a few of them possessed the continuing supremacy of Amazon and eBay. These two e-Commerce websites retail a wide variety of goods, from the products of personal hygiene to large...

Marketing Strategy of David’s Tea

Case Study David’s Tea was founded in 2008 by tea enthusiast, David Segal, and his cousin, Herschel Segal. Headquartered in Montreal, the duo opened their first retail space on Queen Street in Toronto and quickly expanded to over 75 stores in North America. David’s Tea built its business on selling...

Logistics Outsourcing Impact on Business Performance

An Overview of the Study In view of the development of the internet, the business world has found a new life. The term “electronic commerce” was introduced, and a virtual marketplace was created, providing a brand new and unique medium for organizations and their clients to connect with each other...

Corporate Social Responsibility Practices

Summary of the Chapter Corporate social responsibility (CSR) is one of the best practices in every business organization. This chapter identifies CSR as “a corporation’s duty to create its wealth using methods that enhance social welfare” (Steiner & Steiner, 2012, p. 123). The CSR idea evolved in the last half...

Implementation of the Corporate Social Responsibility Strategy

Summary of the Chapter Corporate social responsibility (CSR) is a relevant initiative towards promoting new social actions. The chapter explains why corporate culture supports the business goals of many organizations. This corporate culture should be “aligned with the organization’s strategic intent” (Steiner & Steiner, 2012, p. 170). Every business should...

Democratic Leadership Style and Responsibilities

Leadership theories refer to the approach that a manager adopts to exercise authority in the workplace and direct staff towards meeting the organizational mandate as outlined in their job descriptions (Foti). It is the way that a manager resorts to discharge all the total responsibilities that entail management and leadership....

Service Quality Factors in the Airline Industry

Executive Summary This study was done to determine how a business can survive and thrive in the wake of increased business environmental challenges by developing suggestions and recommendations. The study would mainly focus on analysing the application of the customers’ expectation management of the service quality towards the e-commerce and...

Coffee Maker’s Incorporated: Transfer Pricing

Summary of data for division A and B Division Type of unit bought Market price per unit Units bought from Division C Units bought from an external source Total number of units Transfer price A 101 $900 3000 1500 4500 $1,000 B 201 $1900 1000 500 1500 $2,000 The table...

Toyota Company: Organizational Learning and Solving Problems

Introduction Leadership requires detailed information to make favorable decisions. The Toyota Company recognized this and came up with strategies to provide the organization with a blueprint for leadership. The Toyota Way is a policy initiative for developing and sustaining leadership in organizations. Genchi Genbutsu Section IV of the Toyota Way...

Relations Between an Employer and Employee

There is no use denying the fact that the sphere of relations between an employer and employee is a very complicated issue. There are many various peculiarities that introduce some limits or describe terms of the relations between these two agents. Under these conditions, the working contract between an employer...

“Rethinking Marketing” by Rust et al.

Main Messages, Ideas, and Implications Nowadays, there is a need to transform marketing based on the opportunity for direct interaction and customer cultivation. The formation of long-term relationships is the key message revealed in the article Rethinking Marketing by Rust et al. (96). At this point, a customer-manager-driven organization should...

Online Grocery Shopping Behaviors

Behaviors involved in online grocery shopping Personal thought Online grocery shopping calls for consumers to make adjustments to their purchasing procedure. They can combine information contact with product contact and transaction, such as reading a review when selecting a product online and having the system deduct funds from their account...

Doha Bank Qatar’s Strategic Thinking and Leadership

Abstract The strategy is a plan that describes the course of action in the future. Strategies are adopted by organizations to help them determine their course of action in the future. The strategy needs to be flexible enough to reflect environmental factors and changes. Organizations have two environments; the external...

Financial Constraints and Investment Cash Flow Sensitivity

Abstract A number of studies have used investment-cash-flow sensitivity as a yardstick for measuring financial constraints in firms, where as there are equal instances of disagreement for adopting the instrument. This disparity can be attributed majorly to variation in opinions as concerning separation of financially-constrained firms from non- financially-constrained firms....

Dream Water Company’s Product Marketing

Dream Water: Core Product, Actual Product, and Augmented Product Core Product The core product is the main benefit that the product brings to the consumer. For Dream Water, the core product is the medication against insomnia. This is the main benefit offered for the potential consumers: a drug allowing for...

Marketing: “How to Make Choosing Easier” by Iyengar

The problem of choice paralysis is acute due to such processes as new consumer attitudes, new IT opportunities, and the psychological and economic restructuring of the supply – demand ratio. The classic marketing model is still applicable; nevertheless, it is crucial to develop preventive measures that will enable companies to...

Validity of the Marketing Mix Model

Abstract The research report is based on judging whether or not the Marketing Mix is a valid option used in companies for marketing purposes or not. The detailed study takes reference from multiple sources which include credible authors’ research papers and one to one interview. The marketing mix model has...

Managing Project Value: Value Engineering and Value Management

Abstract Value engineering and value management as significant features of capital projects are two project management techniques that identified as critical in optimizing project value for the target cost. Research has shown that value management and value engineering thrive on hard and soft system thinking paradigms, with value engineering mainly...

Conflict and Negotiation in the Workplace

Chapter Summary When people are working together, conflicts are inevitable; however, when solved and managed effectively, they can lead to better understanding among team members and yield high performances. There are different methods of solving conflicts that a leader can adopt depending with the situation at hand, some situations calls...

Management Within a Multifaceted Culture

The working environments of organizations across the world are very dynamic now especially with the advent of globalization. These environments are in a continuous state of fluctuation and are not fixed to a particular concept or model. This is due to a multifaceted culture in the workplace brought about by...

Human Resources and Organization Management

What advice can you offer Parker about his approach to empowerment? A good manager should always realize that every employee is an asset to the Company, in fact, employees, are some of the most important resources that a Company can have (Kurtz and Boone,2010). However, if management fails to realize...

Developing Professional Practice

Explain what you think it means to conduct yourself as a ‘professional’, not just generally but with specific reference to ‘professionalism’ within the HR function. Professionalism is a concept that cannot be defined in one term. Considering professionalism within different professions, each new definition will be different from the previous...

Skills for Approaching a Job Interview on Marketer

My early childhood involuntarily set me up for a sales and marketing career. I was an assistant to my father in his art gallery and with time, I gained first-hand expertise in customer service, sales, and marketing. I developed a liking for this job and with time I sought to...

Authentic Leadership’ Aspects

The qualities and abilities described in the model of authentic leadership are not just knowledge and skills. A few different aspects may be included in this phenomenon: ethical and moral values, internal motives, etc. The concept of authentic leadership emerged not very long ago, but within a short period, it...

F.A.O Schwarz: Case Study

Executive Summary In the contemporary business world, strategy is of the essence when carrying out business activities. The main aims of strategies are to enhance the profitability of a company, competitive advantage in the market, market share, and most importantly, to increase shareholders’ funds. There are a number of strategies...

Vodafone Total Communications Strategy in the UK Market

Comparison of communications industries The market for fixed-line telephone communication became stagnant during the period between 2006 and 2008. In particular, one can speak about the great threat of substitute products such as mobile communication or voice over IP technologies. Furthermore, one should mention the growing bargaining power of clients...

Strategic Planning and Success

Economy deals with the utilization of scarce resource with an aim of maximizing profits. Having the knowledge of economy helps people draw up strategies that will foster this principle of economics perfectly. In drawing up strategies, it should be clear that it has a single part comprising of both a...

Organizational Behavior: Issues of Personnel Management

Introduction The book “Organizational Behavior” by, MeShane, Olekalns, and Travaglione, offered a detailed training on different issues facing organizations; the main focus was teams and their management. Posting of chapters 4, 5&6 and 7 were the most interesting postings as far as I am concerned. The chapters discuss different issue...

Implementing Strategies of Career Development

Introduction Despite the economic downturn, pursuing a career in the construction industry is still a rational goal that one can set his eyes on, and achieve. People will still want to build more houses and businesses will still need more facilities to expand, keeping the demand for this industry constant....

Qatari Family-Owned Businesses and Management

Data Analysis Descriptive statistics were used to analyze the data. As such, various features of the data were presented in their simplest forms and summaries to aid understanding of Qatari family-owned businesses. Alongside simple frequencies, percentage, and graphics analysis, a robust quantitative analysis was conducted to describe and present data...

Starbucks Customer-Brand Identity and Its Evaluation

What item and /or brand defines you? Why does it define you? Among the many things and brands that I love, the one that defines me is coffee. In particular, I love Starbucks’ coffee. I fell in love with coffee back in the days when I used to take caffeinated...

Starbucks Coffee Employees Training: New Equipment Usage

Introduction and Background The concept of employee training has become a common subject for researchers and practitioners over the years. The primary principle behind training is providing a workforce with flexibility and freedom in making decisions related to work based on knowledge and skills. This is an anti-thesis of traditional...

John Ilhan and His Managerial Skill

Management refers to all the activities and one’s duties undertaken by one or more persons to plan and control the duties and activities of others to do a given goal or complete a given duty. Management also involves staffing, directing, and controlling the employees of a given company or organization...

McDonald Corporation: Operations Management and Productivity

Introduction Operations management is a key aspect in an organization and centers on planning and control of an organization whether a product or service through study of concepts from several engineering angles such as design, industrial and management which comprises information systems, production and accounting. Customers of different companies order... Company’s Missions and Environments

Introduction is an organization that is based in the United States of America. The company was launched in 1999. conducts its business online. This article evaluates the mission and vision statement of The paper will also focus on the major stakeholders of the company and how it...

Amazon Inc.’s Consolidation Process and Tax Benefits

Amazon, Inc. is a global company that has developed particularly as a result of acquisitions. For instance, Amazon, Inc. purchased Whole Foods Marketplace in 2017, and the company’s revenues are now part of Amazon’s consolidated financial statements. Amazon’s corporate structure allows for consolidation by using a hierarchal framework, with varying...

Business Ethics and Corporate Responsibilities

Introduction The concept of business ethics is understood differently by various people. However, it all comes down to doing what is right in the workplace as dictated by the set rules and regulations regarding the conduct’s effects on products, services, and interactions with stakeholders. These norms which are in most...

Walmart Company’s Employment Practices

Employment practice The topic for the research is Wal-Mart’s employment practice, so the major focus of the paper will be made on it. To provide a good analysis of the topic it is important to limit it to a specific area. It is suggested that the employment practices in Wal-Mart...

Resolving Workplace Conflict: Challenges and Strategies

Introduction An organization requires a workforce working to achieve its goals. The early organization was based on the classical organization theories which failed to capture the “human” aspect of the employees in the organization. An organization’s productivity overrode the employee wellness; the employee was therefore treated mechanically, as a machine...

Bose Corporation Competing by Being Truly Different

Based on the business philosophies of Amar Bose, how do you think the Bose Corporation goes about analyzing its competition? The impetus for Bose Corporation came, not surprisingly, from a sub-par stereo that had been purchased by founder Amar Bose in 1956. The poor performance of the stereo and tough...

Competition in Video Game Consoles

Business Strategy Question 1 Critically analyze the resources and competencies that a company in the video game consoles industry needs to possess to achieve a competitive advantage. Discuss and justify your arguments. To gain a competitive advantage in the video game console segment, a company needs to adopt strategies that...

Leadership Skills Analysis and Comparison

Introduction Strong leadership abilities are necessary to ensure the success of any activity performed by a team. Leadership refers to a process through which one person uses the help and support of others towards achieving a particular goal or task. For one to be a truly effective leader, he/she must...

Human Resources Function Managment and Coordination

Briefly describe the major features you would expect to find in an HR function which has adopted the ‘Ulrich model’ as the basis for its structure. Explain the thinking behind this approach to the organization of an HR function. In what types of organization do you think it works best...

Hilton Hotels’ Information Technology Application

What are the problems associated with measuring the ROI on a CRM system? ROI is the acronym for return on investment, a measure of performance that helps in evaluating the efficiency of an investment singly in comparison with other investments. The enterprise-wide impact, the effect on revenue and costs, the...

Ocean Spray Cranberries Inc.’s Supply Chain Relationships

The rationale offered by Oceanic spray in support of the idea of using a 3PL firm The third-party logistics provider is a firm used by companies for supply-chain management functions and it provides one-stop-shop services. The firm specializes in transportation and warehousing operation services that are scaled according to the...

Risk Perception in British and Saudi Arabia Cultures

Introduction Overview One of the most peculiar aspects of post-industrial living is the fact that, during the course of few recent decades, the pace of technological progress in the field of informational technologies, had attained a clearly defined exponential momentum. In its turn, this created objective preconditions for the growing...

Apple Inc. in the Retailing of Consumer Electronics

Today Apple takes one of the leading positions in the industry among such developed computer companies as Sony, ACER, Samsung, HP, Lenovo, ASUS, and some others which are popular with the customers of the United Kingdom (Harps 2002). This market is rather competitive and requires following the tendencies in the...

Advertising Effectiveness in International Marketing

Introduction Product promotion is one of the major aspects of marketing. For a long time, marketing had been viewed as an operational function under the production department. However, as the competition started to rise, many firms came to realize that marketing is one of the main strategic functions of a...

MG Rover Group’s Car Production and Business Ethics

MG Rover’s car production and loss reduction MG Rover business was a very important economic pillar in the motor industry in Britain, contributing greatly to employment opportunities, governments’ revenue, and the company’s continuity. It is unfortunate therefore that despite all the efforts the company and the government put to safeguard...

Warren Buffet’s and Al Gore’s Leadership Styles

A literature review of key theories of the nature and exercise of leadership in organizations Introduction Leadership related studies have for a long time attracted the attention of both academic researchers and practitioners such as organizational managers. There have been many definitions as to what exactly is meant by leadership....

Career Opportunity in the Accounting Industry

Introduction Knowledge about business-related courses was not clear to me and I had no intention of pursuing any business-related course. That was back in my early education days, even though my father managed a fairly large business firm in the region. It was not until my college studies when I...

Unruly Customers and Employee Turnover Intention

Introduction The ‘customer is always right’ is a slogan popularized by the management to encourage staffs to take customer complaints seriously (Zikmund & Babin, 2006). This view assumes that customers are always “rational and functional” in their encounters with employees (Harris & Reynolds, 2003). While honest customer feedback is vital...

Unilever Company’s Business Environment & Product Development

External Environment and the Organization Unilever is one of the largest companies in the world and produces dozens of different products under numerous brands. As a result, this creates the necessity for developing a leadership strategy that enables the company to simultaneously control such brands over numerous international markets (The...

Market Potential Indicator for Laptop Company

MPI Factors Seeing that the Market Potential Indicator (MPI) must provide a precise analysis of the opportunities that a certain market has for an average company, the need to incorporate not only basic economic factors but also the ones concerning the population of the market in question, the commercial infrastructure,...

Human Capital Reporting and Team Development

Human capital reporting: Should it be industry-specific? Analysis In their paper, O’Donnell, Kramar, and Dyball discuss the importance of a more standardized method of human capital reporting in determining the investors’ decisions. In this case, human capital is viewed as the competencies, attitudes, abilities, qualities, and skills of an organization’s...

Human Resource Management and Service Delivery

Key recommendations and development plans Developing plans in HR is a sure way of achieving HRM objectives hence ensuring higher productivity among employees. Bratton and Gold (2007) assert that the development of HRM plans to attract, recruit utilize, develop and retain employees of the desired quality, and quantity for the...

Decision-Making in Financial Advisors

As a financial advisor, are there factors other than return and risk that should be considered in making this decision? When making a decision regarding the company’s further investment in a specific stock, one needs to be especially careful as the company’s further success hinges on the choice made by...

Salim Group Company’s Multinational Flexibility

In 2006, Anthony Salim wants his Group to operate flexibly “in order to capture whatever opportunities may arise… on the axis between Australia, ASEAN and China” (case p. 2). Using module theory and evidence from the Salim Group case study, critically evaluate his chances of success Introduction In order to...

The Ivory Furniture Company’s Financial Analysis

Introduction Financial data, along with other pertinent information, assist company managers in investment and financial decision-making. This information equally provides very useful signals to customers and creditors in determining the financial performance of a firm in which they have either extended credit, invested their funds, or even consider viable in...

Organizational Studies as an Academic Discipline

Description of Discipline / Subject Matter Organization involves the application of knowledge to study and investigate the actions of people within organizations. The organizational study belongs to the same group of disciplines as organizational psychology which also aims at investigating the behavior of workers in an organization. Additionally, the field...

Morals and Ethics in the Workplace

The place of morals and ethics in the workplace has changed over the last few decades. Previously, a strong moral code was not valuable to employers as compared to hard work and dedication. Nevertheless, most work environments have since started valuing the importance of moral ethics. For instance, in modern...

Marketing and Banquet Management Strategies

Management The JWU student’s organization is a body made up of students undertaking business-oriented courses in my school. The organization is made up of 55 students from various departments in the Faculty of hotel and lodging management. The main objective of the students is to nurture their skills in business....

The Interrelationship Between Leadership and Management

Introduction Management and leadership are two key success factors of an organization. It is imperative that all individuals who are willing to take leadership positions to understand their superiors and subordinates. This would assist them in understanding the various leadership styles to apply in different situations. Ultimately, this would result...

Online Shopping App Effects on Impulsive Buying Behaviour

Dissertation Title The Impact of Online Shopping Applications on Impulsive Buying Behaviour: An Analysis of the Differences in the Behaviour of Online and Offline Shoppers Proposal Summary The presented proposal describes a dissertation that would aim to investigate the effects of online shopping applications on impulsive buying behaviour. The topic...

Strutledge Art School’s Resource Allocation

What action would you recommend to the Board of Regents? It is essential for the Board of Regents to make sure that the resources used by the organization are allocated in a manner as reasonable and efficient as possible. Despite the fact that the introduction of the MBA program is...

Team Management and Leadership

Are human beings superhuman? It depends on your views, basing on their performance. In fact, man makes mistakes. He is not perfect. This extends to where man works. We do not expect an individual being recruited for a certain job to have all that it takes to perform the job...

The Movers and Checkers of New World: Google Case

Abstract In this case study, Google is the company for the analysis. The main reason for why this organisation is chosen is its current achievements and success in continuous innovation and impressive management practices (He 2013). People want to know more about the ideas developed by Google and about the...

AirAsia X as Long-Haul Low-Cost Airline

Introduction Traveling has become an inevitable element of modern people’s lives, and airline companies are the ones capable of making long-distance commuting easier. However, while all of such organizations can offer speed, hardly any of them guarantees cheapness. AirAsia X is one of the newest low-cost airlines providing people with...

Nintendo Company’s Strategic Management

Introduction Nintendo is a Japan based Company founded in the 20th century by Fusajiro Yamauchi. This company specializes in the making of video games. An Analysis of the company Although this company had at first been founded to make playing cards, its innovation and excellent leadership has helped it become...

Bechtel Group Inc.: Project Management Practices

Case Scenario The company selected for this scenario is Bechtel Group Inc. It is the largest construction and civil engineering company in the US, which specializes nearly every sphere of construction work ranging from infrastructure to mining and metals, oil, gas, chemicals, and nuclear engineering. It is famous for its...

Microsoft Corporation’s Case Analysis

Is MS’s market share so massive that it can behave like a monopoly? According to the case study, Microsoft’s world market share is so massive that the company behaves like a monopoly firm. The article indicates that Microsoft manages 90 % of all operating systems installed on computers. Similarly, the...

Not-For-Profit Marketing and Communication Strategies

Marketing has traditionally been a concept in commercial sector due to associated costs and strategic aim of selling a product, neither of which pertain to not-for-profit organizations. However, the application of marketing has been broadened in the nonprofit sector as a variety of mediums appeared that could be used to...

Leaders Influence on Organization

How do your organization’s leaders influence your organization’s culture? How does the leadership of your organization achieve organizational goals? The leaders at my place of work have adopted various strategies that aim at transforming the organization’s culture and achieve relevant organizational values. The organization has established various programs in which...

Training Design Proposal for Employees

When it comes to the performance of a particular organization, every employee and employer are affected by training. Every worker participates in training at some time in his or her career, usually a number of times. While managers need to be sure that they possess required competencies to occupy supervising...

Alternative Management in Critical Theory

Introduction There is no use denying the fact that the modern age could be characterized by the blistering development of society and a great number of various issues connected with it. Thus, one can admit the fact that this development to a greater degree became possible due to the evolution...

Different Leadership Styles Comparison

Introduction It can be assumed that effective leadership implies the presence of a variety of skills in management, which will allow it to promote and encourage the active participation of employees in the work processes. Nevertheless, the importance of effective followership should not be underestimated since it is the workforce...

Shipping Model for Cheap Waste Transportation

Introduction Transport models are useful in cost limitation (Anderson, Sweeney, Williams, Camm, Martin, 2010). The shipping and transportation model proposed in this paper aims to limit the costs incurred in the transportation of wastes from various plants (per week). The model ensures that only the cheapest options are included. Consideration...

Direct Interactive and Digital Marketing

As 2009 progressed we saw Digital Marketing outstrip “traditional” approaches to marketing. Why has Digital Marketing grown? Digital marketing is an advertising strategy where brands are marketed using digital Medias such as the internet, televisions, and phones. However, digital marketing becomes interactive if the customers are able to communicate with...

Biofoam: The Snack Food That’s Packing America

Is Biofoam likely to succeed or fail? Biofoam is likely to succeed due to its product nature. It is a resilient, lightweight, and inexpensive product. It leaves no residue of dust, resists the urge to shift in transit, conforms to any shape in bulk, and protects in a much superb...

Lenovo Company: Dimensions of Culture

In management, culture is seen as a system of common rules, norms, and perceptions that govern day-to-day operations in an organization. It is a key aspect of both public and private, profit and non-profits organizations that guides and aids the control of human labor towards the achievement of desired goals...

Managing Organizational Change: Cases Analysis

Beth Israel The story of Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center serves as an example of an influence that a committed leader can have on an organization. The corporate turnaround was successful because the leader, Levy, set realistic, although tough, goals. Levy also focused on transparency – this approach allowed him...

Development and Implementation of Training Programs: Executive Team Roles

The executive team that works in the organization can contribute to the development and implementation of training programs significantly. It is important to note that the leaders’ knowledge and experience can be used actively when it is necessary to design or improve training programs in a company (Lee-Kelley & Blackman,...

Group Coordinator’s Leadership and Ethical Issues

Problem Identification This case study focuses on a brand new employee who is being trained to be a coordinator of the group by a person currently holding the position. The latter’s performance proved to be ineffective due to his negative attitude and inability to properly communicate with employees. He defames...

Work Environment and Organizational Culture

Class – HRM Human Resource Management (HRM) provides a deeper understanding of the importance of careful identification of staff who will add value to an organization. Singh and Gopalakrishna explain that HRM directly impacts the productivity and profitability of a company in two ways (52). The first is by identifying...

The Role of Human Resource Management in an Organization

Contemporary Modern Definitions of Management Management is the activity of administering an organization. It includes the formulation of the strategy for an organization, as well as the effective coordination of the efforts of the people who are employed in that organization with the purpose of achieving its goals via the...

Business Ethics in Global Approach

Overview Globalization has a great impact on how organizations do business. Removal of political, geographical, and economic barriers has allowed the organization to not only do business but also invest in foreign countries. However, issues may arise in the process of doing business that can have high implications for an...

Volkswagen Emission Scandal, Its Roots and Outcome

Introduction Ever since the theory of global warming has made its way into the general public’s minds, environmental concerns became some of the most pressing issues for large-scale production companies. Car manufacturing companies all over the world are fighting to get a competitive advantage by implementing sustainable production practices and...

Segmentation, Targeting, and Positioning Model

Executive Summary Segmentation, targeting, and positioning model have been widely used within different industries by diverse companies. Irrespective of their features, companies manage to promote their products effectively due to the flexibility and comprehensiveness of the model. The framework is characterized by helpful details that are relevant in the modern...

Conflicts and Resolution at Engineering Companies

Introduction In a rapidly-paced organisational environment, conflicts and disagreements occur on a regular basis, and this is not necessarily linked to negative outcomes. In many cases, conflicts can help improve team collaboration and the development of positive solutions. As ideas are shared between workers, priorities and responsibilities are distributed and...

Debenhams Plc: Company’s Financial Accounting

Abstract Financial statements are an accumulation of reports of a firm’s monetary outcome, money-related condition, and cash flows. Budgetary statements signify a formal record of the money-related activities of an organization. These are composed of reports that measure the financial status, execution, and liquidity of an organization. Financial statements reveal...

Thomas Cook Tour Operators Disintermediation Issues

Introduction The International Business Times (2010) and Scuffham (2010), rate Thomas cook as “Europe’s second biggest travel firm”.Thomas cook travel company was established in 2007 and it has its headquarters in Peterborough, England. It was formed after the merger between Thomas Cook AG and My Travel Group Incorporated. The company...

Creating an Advising Company in UAE

Introduction Advisory services provided by a company encompass a broad range of services that business consultants offer. Such services include advice on the formation of capital, the management of financial assets or cash flow, the integration of successful business strategies, and so on. An advisory company may assist its clients...

SEC Adventures: Hybrid Travel Agency’s Marketing

Executive Summary SEC Adventures is a start-up company that will compete in the adventure tourism industry. In the present business climate, the industry’s leader, Mountain Travel Sobek, or MTS is the benchmark when it comes to business operations. However, SEC Adventures sees opportunities in niche marketing, specifically with focused target...

Eli Lilly and Company: Drug Firm Analysis

About the Company Eli Lilly and Company is an American drug firm whose head office is situated in Indianapolis, Indiana, U.S.A (, 2016). Other branches of the company are found in Puerto Rico and 17 other countries. The company sells its commodities to about 125 countries. Eli Lilly and Company...

Progressive Corporation’s International Business Plan

The proposed business plan presents an entry strategy into the Belgian market and an effective marketing plan for penetration and sustainable business for the auto insurance policy product. This means that the company should select an effective internationalization strategy for business survival and sustainability in the short and long term....

Azercell Telecom Company’s Mobile Financial Services

Introduction Evidently enough, the development of contemporary technologies continues to have a vast impact on nearly every sphere of the life of modern society. Throughout the world, the use of mobile services and the Internet is steadily increasing, which implies the extension of opportunities for the development of various business...

Apple, Inc.: Financial Reporting Problem

Total Cost and Book Value Based on the historical cost principle, companies are required to record the assets in the balance sheet statement at cost. This value is reduced periodically using accumulated depreciation. The cost of an asset should be calculated properly because failure to do that can affect the...

John Lewis Partnerships Company’s Delivery Operations

Major Facts John Lewis Partnership is one of the leading UK retailers with 28 department stores, 234 Waitrose supermarkets, and other businesses (Mangan & Lalwani, 2016). The company’s stores stock over 350,000 goods lines. The retailer’s growth led to the development and introduction of the so-called SANDC (Semi-Automated National Distribution...

Employee Satisfactions on Empowerment

Executive Summary The study tends to determine the relationship between employees’ satisfaction and empowerment, compensation, and career development, taking ADNOC as the case. Both qualitative and quantitative methods of data collection were applied. Besides, the literature review, a survey was conducted among thirty participants to determine the correlation between the...

Roche Diagnostics Middle East Company’s Issues

Executive Summary Roche Diagnostics Middle East experiences issues with creativity, which could be caused by organizational barriers to innovation. The present report applies the interactionalist model of creativity and innovation to identify and explain organizational creativity setbacks. Based on the analysis, the paper also provides four recommendations for improvement. The...

Hiring and Managing Staff Process

Introduction The process of hiring and managing staff for a construction site includes many details that should not be overlooked by the project manager. Although one’s decision to hire subcontractors offers the supervisor an opportunity to employ workers with specific knowledge and skills and reduce possible expenses, some procedures should...

Government Accounting, Its Approaches and Future

Introduction All entities involved in the management and the oversight of governmental operations and all parties that work in the sphere of local or state finances need to have an understanding of governmental accounting, which is based on a specific set of principles and procedures. Thus, government accounting is defined...

Knowledge-Oriented Leadership and Open Innovation

Abstract Leadership is a popular concept among researchers who are keen on investigating how it has been transforming over time. Leadership approaches that were effective two centuries ago may not be applicable in modern society. Knowledge-oriented leadership is one of the new approaches to managing people. In this study, it...

Hoffmann-La Roche Ltd.’s Work Environment Leadership

Introduction Organisational and personal leadership mindsets are significant pillars for determining the level of effectiveness in decision-making. The Hoffmann-La Roche is a subsidiary of the Swizz-based Roche Holding AG and operates under the agency of National Pharmacy L.L.C. As a successful healthcare-based company, the subsidiary in Oman has employees who...

Marketing Action Plan and Cost-Benefit Analysis

When preparing a new marketing strategy, it is crucial to determine the impact that it will have on a particular establishment. Due to the fact that St. Anthony’s Medical Center aims to revise its approach to the labor and delivery (L&D), it is necessary to review the financial resources that...

WestJet Company’s Information Technology Governance

When Cheryl Smith, the new CIO, arrived at WestJet, she was asked by the CEO to advise whether the company had an adequate IT infrastructure. Assessed Aspects of the WestJet IT Situation One of the overarching purposes for WestJet to hire Cheryl Smith was to receive an accurate assessment of...

Islamic and Western Corporate Social Responsibility

Executive Summary Corporate social responsibility encourages organizations and investors to conduct their operations in a principled way. Thus, corporate social responsibility enhances the image and growth potentials of business investments. However, the term social responsibility portrays different meanings across borders. This paper seeks to discuss corporate social responsibility from the...

Technological Innovation: Self-service Checkouts

Introduction Queuing for service checkouts is a common experience among all shoppers. To address this obstacle, organisations employ self-service checkout machines. Such machines are important during peak times. They provide customers with an opportunity to make choices about how they would like to complete shopping processes. They can choose to...

Engaging Others with Leadership

Leadership is an evidence-based practice that seeks to maximize the performance and effectiveness of others. Leaders can engage their subordinates through the use of powerful dexterities such as teamwork, appropriate coordination, personal influence, and communication of a vision. Successful managers understand how to engage others by addressing their concerns, identifying...

Human Resource Manager’s Career Opportunities

Introduction This research paper covers some aspects of a possible career in human resource management. The career is important because it involves the management of the most vital resources – human resources in any organization. Hence, it is imperative to recognize that human resource management (HRM) is now considered a...

British Airways: Company Information

Abstract The blistering rise of digital devices preconditioned the increased importance of IT technologies for the functioning of the majority of organizations and corporations. In this regard, the given paper is devoted to the precise investigation of the main aspects of a certain company that benefits from the exploration of...

General Worldwide Insurance Company Information Technology

Professional Postgraduate Diploma in GRC – Masterclass Evaluation template for Executive Summary Preamble Generali Worldwide Insurance Company (hereinafter referred to as Generali Group) recognizes the need for the effective and safe use of information technology (IT) for furthering its governance, risk, and compliance (GRC) functions. The company’s GRC practitioners take...

Managers Financial and Non-Financial Performance Indicators

Balance Scorecard Developed in the 1990s, the balanced scorecard technique emerged as a holistic strategic management tool for reviewing organizational performance (Jeffs, Merkley, Richardson, Eli, & McAllister, 2011). It encouraged managers to avoid using a narrow assessment of corporate behavior, which is based on financial metrics, and instead develop one...

HSBC Bank’s Staffing Change: Communication Plan

The Need for the Change in Staffing and its Impact on all Stakeholders HSBC Bank wishes to appreciate the contribution of all its employees to the organization’s productivity, thanks to the company’s advanced knowledge sharing base and its excellent connection with the widening array of co-workers and consultants. The outcome...

Advanced Management Accounting in Business

Introduction Business leaders are becoming increasingly aware that environmental factors affect their profits in significant ways. As a result, Environmental Management Accounting (EMA) has emerged as a mechanism for assessing the extent to which organizational activities affect the environment in addition to how the underlying costs influence their businesses. EMA...

TSC’s Project: Distribution and Inventory Management

Key Issues Short-Term Objectives The major component of TSC’s Project 275 aimed to achieve growth in sales, EBITDA, and RONA is distribution center storage and throughout capacity. The analysis helped the company to reveal some constraints in distribution and inventory management which are primarily correlated with poor logic and lack...

Communication Skills’ Interview: A Business Professional’s Personal Experience

Memo This memo presents a detailed descriptive report of an interview that was conducted for the purpose of gaining expert knowledge shared by an experienced business-professional working in the industry of choice. The interviewed person was approached several days ago and kindly agreed to participate in the project and answer...

Wal-Mart Company’s SWOT and Strategies in 2014

Overview of the company Wal-Mart operates in retail stores that are widespread in the United States. The stores are also available in other countries. The enterprise branches include discount stores, neighborhood markets, and supercenters. The company has a distinguished competitive advantage in the market. The firm is the largest retailer...

Facebook Inc.’s Leadership Practices

Description of the organization This paper is aimed at examining the functioning of such a company as Facebook, Inc. This organization maintains a social networking site that is accessible in various regions of the world. Currently, the number of their active subscribers equals approximately 1.11 billion (Hubbard, Rice, & Galvin,...

Laura Ashley Company’s Analysis

SWOT Analysis Investing in Laura Ashley was a viable opportunity for MUI because the company was associated with several strengths in the business. First, it was apparent that the company had a leadership function that was equipped with the necessary talents to identify the pressures in the market that were...

Effective Manager Training in the Company

Acquire training resources For any training to occur, the trainer and the trainee have to be ready for transfer and acquisition of knowledge. The training resources include writing materials, training locations, and facilities. It may also require the trainer to use electronic gadgets like the projector, laptop, and the public...

Tesla Motors Brand Marketing Communications

Executive Summary Tesla Motors considers its future performance to oscillate around the better placement of Model S in the marketplace. Currently, it employs an excess of 2000 people across all its fully owned subsidiaries that are situated in Asia, North America, and Europe. It also opened a new outlet in...

Starbucks vs. Dunkin’ Donuts: Menu and Performance

Nowadays, coffee has become so popular that it is no longer served as a simple black beverage. Various syrups, creams, sauces, and alcohol drinks are added to it in order to attract potential customers. Starbucks and Dunkin Donuts are the most popular coffee shops in the country, each with its...

Marketing Mix and Its Importance for Brand Loyalty

Introduction The proposed study is aimed at examining the role played by various element of the marketing mix in creating and sustaining brand loyalty. In particular, it is necessary to focus on price, promotion, place, and distribution. This study should answer the following research questions: What elements of the marketing...

Employee Compensation and Benefits Package

Introduction In this paper, a comprehensive employee compensation and benefits package will be developed. The package is for a secretary who will work in the human resource department of a company that manufactures ice cream in Brooklyn. The paper will begin with an overview of the compensation and benefits package....

Jim Mallozzi’s Positive Leadership in Real Estate

What elements of positive change do you see implemented by Jim Mallozzi? At the outset Jim Mallozzi explores the use of optimistic energy with a view of realizing organizational goals. Optimism, based on positive thinking, is regarded as a great tool in leading business institutions (Kelly and Cameron 215). This...

United Parcel Service’s Environmental Management

UPS’s alternative-fuels fleet as a response to trends taking place in the company’s general environment Every country exists in a constantly changing environment that can be subdivided into the internal and external layers. The general environment is a part of the external environment and consists of international, technological, natural, sociocultural,...

Worldwide Chemical Company’s Operations Management

The current “fix it” approach maintained by the Worldwide Chemical Company is ultimately faulty. As described in the case study, it leads to the decreased first-quality product yields and on-time deliveries, compromising the production cycle and hampering profits. Thus, the best way to maintain the company’s TQM effort is to...

Sun Life Financial Company’s Audit Plan

Introduction The audit plan is prepared after collecting basic information of the client. The information will then be used for identifying the risk level and developing audit strategies (Pickett 43). The basic information of Sun Life Financial is provided in the following. Products Sun Life Financial is a leading financial...

Contract Management in the Ugandan Internal Market

Contract management in enterprises of different profiles includes those processes that are necessary to obtain all the essential resources through the establishment of partnership agreements. The purpose of this paper is summarizing the article “Contract Management, Inter Functional Coordination, Trust and Contract performance of Works Contracts in Ugandan Public Procuring...

Super Nanny Middle East Business and ABCDE Model

Super Nanny Middle East The Super Nanny Middle East is a unique business that is going to transform an industry that has remained unregulated for a very long time. The idea of training nannies and making them better equipped to meet the educational, nutritional, health, physical, and wellness needs of...

Earthquake Bed Product in the Italian Market

An earthquake bed is a new product that elicited mixed reactions from the general public. However, it is highly necessary to assess the probability of the success of launching this product in a specific country. There are several factors that have to be considered. The main goal of this paper...

Management’ and Employees’ Relationship

In the last 100 years, the world has experienced tremendous technological changes in different fields. The emergence of modern technology is one of the changes that has influenced our lives both positively and negatively. Many scholars have argued that technological changes, which happened in the 21st century, affected almost all...

New Balance Men’s 611 Product Marketing Plan

Executive Summary The New Balance Company is attempting at entering the environment of the global economy with its latest Men’s 611 brand. However, competing with the brands that have already become household names is bound to be rather tricky. Therefore, the firm will need an elaborate branding strategy and an...

Big Data Usage in Supply Chain Management

Abstract This paper gives a summary of the research that was conducted to understand the unique issues surrounding the use of big data in the supply chain. The discussion identifies the major opportunities associated with the continued use of big data. The emerging obstacles affecting the use of big data...