Customer Involvement in LEGO Group’s Innovation Process

Introduction LEGO Group is a successful designer and manufacturer of toys aimed at meeting the changing needs of different children. This company engages its customers through the use of various online platforms, such as its website and social media networks. The concept of innovation is what guides LEGO’s actions, initiatives,...

Planned Parenthood’s Ethical Conduct: Challenges & Solutions

Abstract Planned Parenthood is a major healthcare provider and a nonprofit organization that faces multiple ethical issues. Most of them are related to the ethical challenges common for healthcare institutions, which means that they can be framed with the help of medical ethics principles. As a result, Planned Parenthood has...

Trimco and Navistar’s Supply Management Issues

Situation Analysis The lacking performance of Navistar’s supplier, Trimco, resulted in the delivery of low-quality components or kits that were missing specific parts. However, the company remained an essential partner, and “Navistar: Supply Management” describes it as key (5). The reason lay in the lacking quality control procedures conducted by...

Quantitative Techniques in Business to Manage Quality

Abstract Business organizations are facing quality issues concerning their operations and products. Business scenarios are rapidly changing at a time when phenomena are not only influenced by the traditional aspects of economics but also by an accumulation of data. Therefore, management teams should adopt the best techniques to handle these...

Analyzing Amazon’s Strategic Business Moves and Market Performance

Introduction Businesses that operate in the present-day competitive market may not record optimal performance if they disregard the prevailing regulatory standards. Such guiding principles have been put in place to inform companies’ economic decision-making processes. Contravening the laid-down ethical, accounting, monetary, and government policies may subject organizations to significant penalties,...

Alternative Organizational Change Theories

Concrete Experience and Reflective Observation As the leader of a certain department, I correctly realize the fact that the functioning of an organization is a complex and multilevel process that might demand the introduction of multiple approaches or methods to achieve the best possible result. There were numerous situations in...

Communication Style Differences at Work: Effects on Team Dynamics

Concrete Experience and Reflective Observation Working in a diverse environment will inevitably lead to the necessity to reconcile differences in the approaches to communication that people belonging to different social groups have. These include specifics of interactions accepted within groups of particular gender, ethnicity, age, and culture. No matter how...

Performance Appraisal Process and Its Elements

Concrete Experience and Reflective Observation Firstly, as a supervisor at Bridgestone’s Mixing Department, part of my job is to monitor department results and create measures that can help improve those. Based on my experience, I can say that the appraisal process requires a systematic approach with a transparent system that...

Scholarly Research Methods for Persuasion

Concrete Experience and Reflective Observation My 13-year-old working experience at Bridgestone required the identification and development of multiple skills and knowledge in the field of leadership, cooperation, and management. To be persuasive means to be ready to present credible information and clear facts and explain how to use the material....

Leadership Skills and Theories Enhancing Organizational Success

Concrete Experience and Reflective Observation From my personal practice at Bridgestone Aiken (BA), managers have always been concerned with developing various methodical ways and processes to reach organizational objectives in a systematic way, measuring metrics and other tools associated with achieving business goals. In my experience, effective managers should have...

Group Decision-Making and Conflict Management

Concrete Experience and Reflective Observation My experience and the evidence show that continuous improvement and monitoring are the two key areas of effective conflict management and decision-making in a group (Griffin, 2017). In this connection, I train my supervisors on developing countermeasures and observing the results of the department. At...

Perception in Behavior, Learning, Decision-Making

Understanding employees’ perception of the workplace and evaluating changes in it is another step toward enhancing performance quality and changing the workplace atmosphere toward a better one. It is important to motivate staff members to excel in their workplace performance. With a change in the staff members’ perception of their...

Change and Its Elements in an Organization

Concrete Experience and Reflective Observation Any progress that occurs within our department is the result of the competent work of all its employees. The mode of changes promoted to improve such factors as performance indicators, quality control, effective interaction, and other criteria are achieved through preliminary planning and the evaluation...

Managing Power Dynamics & Conflict in Work Teams

Relationships within work teams are pretty complex due to the intricate balance of power and conflict in the workplace setting. Understanding the principles based on which these relationships develop is the key to resolving workplace conflicts successfully and managing the power dynamics within a team to ensure that staff members...

Organizational Structures and Their Differences

To function properly, an organization has to have a specific structure according to which the relationships within its context are built, and the principles of the corporate culture are redesigned. An organizational structure defines the distribution of power across a company and the hierarchy within it. Thus, the quality of...

Enhancing Professional Growth Through Effective Interpersonal Communication

Concrete Experience and Reflective Observation Even though workplace communication is a natural phenomenon that remains self-sustainable in most corporate settings, it still requires managing numerous hindrances that may make workplace conversation more productive. For instance, reducing the levels of emotional strain and the pressure of workplace-related constraints should be regarded...

Legal Business Categories Definition

Introduction The structure of a business is essential to its functioning, as it defines the legal framework that surrounds the company, including taxes, ownership, and the overall status of the enterprise. A successful entrepreneur should understand the differences between various forms of organization, their advantages and disadvantages, and the conditions...

Motivation, Job Satisfaction, Involvement, Stress

Concrete Experience and Reflective Observation Improving quality standards is one of my responsibilities as a leader. Since the role of the individual contribution of each employee in achieving his goals is significant, I have always strived to ensure that workers understood the range of personal responsibilities. While operating as a...

Effective Conflict Resolution Strategies & Theories

Concrete Experience and Reflective Observation There are five behavior strategies in a conflict, such as withdrawal, coercion, compromise, concession, and cooperation. In my view, cooperation is the most effective strategy of behavior in a conflict. It implies opponents’ desire to the constructive discussion of the problem, paying attention to the...

Supervision Change Dynamics: Key Factors and Implications

Concrete Experience and Reflective Observation The 13 years of professional experience taught me that there could be a range of external pressures and complications that affect organizations’ need to change. These can range from disruptions in the market to new technologies or shifts in the preferences of customers. Any organizational...

Motivation Theories: Explaining Individual Behavior and Performance

Understanding the factors that motivate employees to perform and deliver better results is inherent to successfully manage organizational issues and meeting the set goals. However, motivational theories are numerous and varied, providing different perspectives on how staff members can be encouraged to perform better and attain stellar results. Although delivering...

Group Communication in Organizations

I believe that insufficient development of communication is the main obstacle to achieving the effectiveness of the activities of the organizations. The exchange of information is an essential link in all the activities of the organization. Therefore, if communication links, both internal and external, do not exist or operate, this...

Organizational Change’s Effect on People

Concrete Experience and Reflective Observation I have been working for more than thirteen years as a successful leader managing people and organizing their functioning in the most effective ways. At the moment, I am a section leader for the Mixing Department at the Bridgestone Aiken plant. There are 191 employees...

Effective Persuasive Arguments: Methods & Theories

Concrete Experience and Reflective Observation There are many important qualities that a person has to develop as a leader. For me, to be a successful leader means to be good at persuasion and details. When my employees know what I want to do, their cooperation and support are priceless for...

Power and Conflict: Influencing Employee Behavior and Management

Concrete Experience and Reflective Observation Since I interact with my subordinates and members of the supervisory board, the senior management, and regional supervisors, I can study the role of power and its influence in practice. When I use certain skills and knowledge gained in such interaction, I can notice that...

Factors Influencing Employee Attitudes, Behavior, and Job Satisfaction

Employees’ philosophies and ethical standards affect the decisions they make in the workplace, the pace at which they acquire new competencies, and the extent to which they enjoy their work. Therefore, it is critical to cultivating the atmosphere in which staff members feel fulfilled and are eager to build commitment...

Effective Groups, Teams and Participation

Concrete Experience and Reflective Observation Teamwork skills constitute some of the crucial components of a skill set required to be productive in any workplace setting. Therefore, as a leader and a manager, one needs to encourage staff members to cooperate in the corporate setting. However, as my experience has shown,...

Legal and Ethical Aspects of Personnel Recruitment and Equal Opportunity Laws

Concrete Experience and Reflective Observation In my company, the recruitment process involves an inquiry from a department for a specific position addressed to human resources. An essential element here is that managerial positions, such as mine, can be filled using the current employees if those possess the necessary skills. One...

Persuasive Communication Techniques: Analyzing Information for Maximum Impact

Concrete Experience and Reflective Observation Leaders in business organizations are occupied with several tasks and duties. One of the experiences I obtain as a leader in data analysis is based on persuasive messages. A persuasive message is one of the central sources of information that may call to action, convince,...

Policies Related to Personnel Management Issues

Concrete Experience and Reflective Observation The main issue faced in my industry is the motivation of employees, especially the newcomers. Laws and policies that regulate this problem in the US are connected to the incentives of empowerment of the staff and recruitment (“Employee motivation law and legal definition,” n.d.). The...

Group Participation Dimensions in Organizations

Concrete Experience and Reflective Observation My professional experience consists of 13 years working as a leader for the Bridgestone Aiken plant in the flagship department. I currently manage 191 employees and five supervisors, focusing on operations, personnel, and customer satisfaction. As a qualified leader, I have substantial skills and knowledge...

Navigating Multicultural Factors in Supervisory Processes for Effective Management

Concrete Experience and Reflective Observation In my experience, the work of a supervisor in a multicultural context should be linked to support for cultural issues and openness to their discussion. Supervisors must provide opportunities for employees to work in multicultural contexts and increase the perceptions of supervisees” multicultural competence. This...

Organizational Change: Need and Process

Concrete Experience and Reflective Observation From my personal experience, I can also state that the articulation and explanation of the need for change are among the most difficult phases of any transformation process. The fact is that workers already have some experience working in particular environments that remain comfortable for...

Employee Training and Its Benefit to the Organization

Concrete Experience and Reflective Observation Motivation and engagement are vital issues that I face in my work as a supervisor, and I think that this largely depends on the type of training that a company provides to its employees. Training of employees is the process that requires continuous attention from...

Unionization and Right-To-Work: Arguments Against

Unions are formed to facilitate labor working in unionized workplaces. It is immaterial whether employees are members of the union or not but they all have to pay union dues. A union requires funds to remain proactive of issues related to the rights of workers. Therefore, unions charge membership fees...

Organizational Group Formation: Steps and Processes

Concrete Experience and Reflective Observation As one of the group leaders, I have to monitor not only such significant performance indicators as productivity, initiative, and other criteria for success but also the quality of teamwork. When undergoing training for a managerial position, we were taught that group formation had several...

Employee Management Supervision in Complex Organizations

Concrete Experience and Reflective Observation From my experience working at Bridgestone Aiken (BA), good supervision is always based on the relationships working in favor of organizations. It offers safe environments for critical reflection, professional support, and challenge. In my experience, setting the standards of quality and expertise for a position...

Persuasive Communication and Leadership Theories

Concrete Experience and Reflective Observation My experience in management and leadership at Bridgestone helped create several persuasive arguments in communication regarding ethical standards and organizational norms. It was not enough to demonstrate good skills in leading people. My goal was to achieve excellent results by demonstrating strong communication skills, developing...

Mediated Communication’s Role in Enhancing Organizational and Group Dynamics

Concrete Experience and Reflective Observation One cannot deny the fact that the recent technological advances and the massive breakthrough that has been made in the IT and ICT domains have affected the way in which people interact in modern society. The breakthrough in question includes the influence that communication technology...

Organizational Change: Stakeholders and Principles

Concrete Experience and Reflective Observation I have always realized that any complex process presupposes the existence of multiple stakeholders and contexts that precondition its further evolution. The same idea can be applied to the functioning of organizations. Traditionally, I am the person who prefers to consider all existing actors that...

Ethics and Social Responsibility in Organizations

Introduction Social responsibility and ethics are the integral components of organizational performance; they play a relevant part in developing a company’s strategic plan. The researchers define the mentioned plan as the scope of measures aimed at achieving long-term objectives and strengthening the firm’s position in the market (Setó-Pamies & Papaoikonomou,...

Abu Dhabi Airports: Pioneering Innovations in Aviation Technology

Contemporary economic development is under the significant influence of innovation. New technologies provide companies with outstanding opportunities to improve their performance and achieve sustainability. One of the industries that benefit from technological advancement in aviation. This report focuses on innovative aspects in the activity of Abu Dhabi Airports, one of...

Strategic Human Resource Management Models

Human resource management is a critical aspect of the functioning of any company as it determines the effectiveness of the organization’s operations and quality of results. In support, certain models may provide guidance that improves decision-making and strategic planning. The CHRM framework is one such model that focuses on assessing...

Servant Leadership’s Impact on Organizational Culture and Employee Engagement

In every company and organization, the central role belongs to its leader as he or she is responsible for its prosperity and success. There are different kinds of leaders, and it is hard to disagree that the best leaders are the ones who care about their employees. The purpose of...

Addressing Challenges in International Staffing Policies for Global Companies

In the case under consideration, a British company, possessing a top secret manufacturing technology, decides to expand overseas, particularly, in China and Bangladesh. The company aims to establish new manufacturing factories in these countries. Therefore, the problem of choosing a suitable staffing policy arises. According to Subba Rao (2009), there...

Living Foods Company’s Business Plan: Strategies and Goals

Executive Summary The proposed business is ‘Living Foods,’ which will produce and sell microwaveable healthy grilled-food items in the UK. The business owner is Mr. XYZ who has worked for more than seven years in different food companies. He has mastered the art of cooking and has developed amazing recipes... Inc: Market Position, Financials, and Trends

Overview The company to be analyzed is, Inc. (Amazon), a listed company located in the United States that operates in the technology industry and the consumer cyclical market. The company has online and physical stores and provides a third-party marketplace to buyers and sellers. In terms of retail, Amazon...

Global Hiring and Merging Processes: Strategies and Best Practices

In the case under consideration, an American beverage company plans to expand to French and Indian markets, also aiming to merge with some local companies. The first question is in which country the merging process will be easier to perform? Secondly, it is also essential to identify the best suitable... Enhancing Teen Consulting with Efficiency & Care

Introduction The positioning map for can be placed into two dimensions that define the market of consulting and educational services: efficiency and customer-centric approach. The rationale behind this choice lies in the fact that the problems that customers, mainly teenagers, and their parents, address the organization with, are very...

Coca-Cola Company’s Marketing Plan and Performance

Customer Relationship Management In the Coca-Cola company, customer relationship management is at an advanced level due to effective and modern interaction strategies. The evaluation of this parameter is carried out by analyzing consumer satisfaction as a key indicator of brand success. According to Habib and Aslam (2014), Coca-Cola leadership promotes...

Amazon’s Competitive Issues: Data Collection & Improvement Plan

The existing problem that significantly affects Amazon is the emergence of multiple rivals because of the growing popularity of online services, their convenience, and, at the same time, poor management of the Internet market. The majority of strategies implemented and utilized by Amazon demonstrated limited efficiency and were unable to...

VASA Company Rethinking Distribution Logistics

Evaluation Sanchez Loppacher et al. (2013) report about three possible options available to VASA. First, the glass producer can utilize its fleet to ensure complete control over its delivery operations. Second, the company can “take direct action with” its partners to ensure high-quality delivery to its customers (Sanchez Loppacher et...

TECHSOL’s Innovation Strategy: Launching Social Media Analytics

Introduction TECHSOL is a high-tech start-up company that does not have any recent experience in the market. Nevertheless, its CEO, Pedro Gonzalez, is aiming to launch a social media monitoring and analytics platform for businesses. This technology is rather innovative since it provides the opportunity to understand what customers say...

US Corporate Executive’s Cultural Shock in China

The case under consideration investigates the situation in which Rick, an American corporate executive, experiences culture shock when he finds himself assigned to the company’s China branch. The problem is that Rick is unfamiliar with the country’s cultural norms and traditions. Thus, this case study aims to investigate how the...

VASA Company Reorganizing Distribution Logistics

Maintaining Current Partnerships Due to the increase in market demand and the company’s expansion to other markets, VASA faces various challenges and can consider several solutions. First, it is possible to focus on the solutions associated with the maintenance of the partnerships with the two transportation companies. This option can...

Corporate Social Responsibility & Business Ethics

Introduction Conventionally, businesses are primarily created as profit-making entities, thus the majority of decisions seek to maximize the shareholders’ investment. However, the assumption that organizations exist solely to make money has changed over time with the emergence of the idea that such entities have some responsibilities to society. This premise...

Ethical Dilemmas in MNCs International Staffing Policies: A Conceptual Framework

Introduction Multinational corporations face numerous challenges and ethical dilemmas in their global operation. According to Keinert-Kisin, one of the main issues that these companies face is the staffing dilemma (51). When a country chooses to open a new branch in a foreign country, it is always challenging to recruit the...

Job Satisfaction Factors in the United Arab Emirates

Introduction Job satisfaction refers to the extent to which workers feel satisfied, motivated, and content with their work It happens when workers feel that they have career development, job stability, and a good work-life balance. Having satisfied employees is vital for an organization because such employees are dedicated to delivering...

Cross-Cultural Personal and Professional Development

Introduction In today’s global economy, working with people from different cultures is becoming the norm. Although this brings many rewards, it also introduces challenges for both workers and management alike. All managers know that motivating their staff is the key to a successful business. To do this, they must understand...

SAS Institute’s Generic & Business Strategies

Introduction The report by Stanford University shows that SAS uses a differentiation strategy. The differentiation strategy is focused on the development of a product and service that offers exclusive attributes that are needed by a customer. The company tries to provide a high level of service, and its customer-driven development...

“The 360 Degree Leader” by John Maxwell

Introduction Leadership skills development is essential for any person who wants to succeed or even fit in modern society. When thinking about leaders’ roles, people tend to focus on the ability to influence others and make them follow. However, in his famous book, John C. Maxwell unveiled the value of...

Authentic Leadership in the Construction Industry

Introduction Leadership remains a critical practice or strategy in every field, organization, and institution. Within the construction industry, there is a need for managers to promote and portray desirable attributes that can empower followers and make it possible for them to deliver positive results. Many projects are usually complex, demanding,...

Muja’s Poultry Farm’s Business Plan

General Description Muja’s Poultry Farm is a farming enterprise located in Houston, Texas. The farm raises domesticated birds in order to harvest them for meat, eggs, and feathers to be used in other types of production (Mountney 119). The farm’s stock consists of chickens, ducks, geese, and turkeys. The farm...

Twitter’s Use of Google Analytics for Marketing

The selected company is Twitter, which is a social networking platform that was launched in 2006 (“About,” 2019). The venue currently boasts of over 100 million active users posting at least 340 tweets every day (“About,” 2019). The success of the platform has been pinned on several factors. For example,...

&pizza Brand’s Situational Analysis

The 21st century has brought people various new possibilities in marketing and sales. Nowadays, opening a new place, whether it is an expensive restaurant or a small coffee shop, has become more accessible than ever before. On the other hand, however, the constant expansion of the market makes it complicated...

CAVA Company’s Recruiting Practices

At the moment, CAVA company faces some challenges that might prevent it from further development and growth. The low entry-level payment in fast casual restaurants might serve as a limiting factor for the acquisition of new employees and cooperation with talented workers. For this reason, there is a critical need...

Millennial Leaders: Context, Training, and Adaptation

At the end of the 21st century, people began approaching the world in a more complicated manner. Traditional views on leadership, management, and corporative psychology were interchanged by the paradigms that account for the complexity of human character. The context is another crucial factor that influences the ability to lead....

Coca-Cola Company’s Strategic Analysis and Management

The development of many modern and well-known brands depends largely on how effectively the principle of managing all the areas of work is organized. In various corporations, directors pay specific attention to those spheres that they consider the most significant – interaction with consumers, building partnerships, attracting sponsors, and other...

Leadership Theories and Examples

Trait Leadership Definition/Characteristics The timeframe in which the theory was popular is between the 1880s and the middle of the 1940s. According to it, one can be born a leader; thus, no further efforts would contribute to the development of the needed skills (Nahavandi, 2015). Trait leadership theory takes into...

Twitch: Organization Analysis

The rapid development of digital technology throughout the 00s has made possible the spread of fast and high-quality Internet connections around the world. In 2011, Justin Kan launched Twitch, which allowed a large number of viewers to watch live how other people play video games (Dave). According to Investopedia, “,...

Social Responsibility’s Influence on Modern Consumer Behavior and Corporate Ethics

Social responsibility is the reasonable and high-quality production of the goods or provision of the services. Moreover, it is the company’s responsible attitude towards customers, investors, employees, and the environment. Responsibility towards customers might be the most crucial area because it helps to increase loyalty and trust of customers. Customers...

Ethics in Business: Child Labor in Chocolate Industry

Business organizations are required to act ethically if they have to meet the demands of all stakeholders. Unfortunately, some companies will pursue specific malpractices in an attempt to maximize profits. This paper describes a newspaper paper that discusses an unethical business practice and how the affected companies can improve its... Start-Up Plan for Young People’s Services

Why and Who The majority of organizations in the modern world focus on gaining profit and concentrate merely on the financial aspect of a business. Many fail to understand that many customers struggle with various interpersonal issues that need addressing, and companies can contribute to addressing these problems. Because of...

Corporate Governance & Hedge Fund Activism

Introduction Corporate governance can be defined as a system of norms and rules implemented to control how a company is managed. Boards of directors play a primary role in corporate governance. According to Tricker, their main duties include but are not limited to the selection of chief executive officers (CEOs),...

Employee Motivation and Involvement Types

Employee motivation and involvement have been a long-debated topic in the workplace. Whereas some critics state that issues revolving around the topic give employees too much entitlement in the workplace, others agree that the subject is essential in ensuring employees are as productive as possible. There are several ways companies...

Rebranding MyRepublic: Strategies to Boost Growth & Client Base

Introduction Rebranding is one of the elements of this or that company reorganisation with the purpose of expanding the client base, increasing profits, and creating new and interesting offers for consumers. Nevertheless, this measure is necessary not for all organisations but only those that have some business challenges and are...

Smith Photo Incorporation’s Business Plan

Statement of Purpose and Mission Purpose Smith Photo Incorporation is a business that specializes in photography. The business idea is informed by the need to provide flexible and affordable digital photography services to clients. The proposed Smith Photo Incorporation is projected to be successful since there is no business at...

Facebook Company’s Marketing Development Plan

This document contains information relating to a marketing campaign aimed at increasing the market share of Facebook among young people aged between 16 and 24 years. It is informed by a declining interest of the same demographic in the online social networking site and its struggle to keep existing users...

Solar-Powered Bicycles’ Market Barriers

Barriers to entry into the market are objective and subjective factors that can complicate the process of introducing solar-powered electric bicycles. When it comes to bicycles as an alternative to road transport, people tend to note the environmental dimension of this choice. Of course, cycling, especially solar-powered electric bike, eliminates...

Multinational Companies’ Marketing in Vietnam

Expansion Opportunity Entering the Vietnam market was a rather controversial decision due to the presence of the factors such as corruption and bureaucracy. However, the opportunities that an educated workforce and comparatively low production costs opened for MNC in the economic setting of the Vietnam market made the specified endeavor...

Organizational Change: Types and Challenges

Concept and Types of Organizational Change The idea of organizational change is linked to the necessity to update the quality of the company’s services in order to meet the standards set in the market and create a competitive advantage over key rivals. Therefore, organizational change can be described as the...

ABC Company Opens Father Branch in Jeddah

Introduction When planning to open a new branch in the market, it is important to monitor external environmental forces that may affect the level of success of a firm. Forrest et al. explains that the ability of a firm to sustain its operations depends on how effectively the management and...

Treasury and Risk Management Functions

Introduction The Bank of International Settlements (BIS) is the representative of 60 central banks from around the world which holds the responsibility for about 95% of the world GDP. It was established in 1930 on the quest of being a trustee in connection, facilitating collaboration among the international financial institutions,...

The Impact of Globalization on Markets: Levitt’s Standardization

Summary The process of globalization has affected modern economic relationships on a range of levels, including changes in the market system. In his article, Theodore Levitt reviews the effects that globalization has had on markets. Providing an interesting retrospect into the market relationships in the early 90ies, the article indicates...

International Marketing: Global Corporation vs. Company

EPRG Framework The Ethnocentric, Polycentric, Regiocentric, and Geocentric (EPRG) framework allows defining organizations based on their scale and scope. Specifically, ethnocentric companies shape their customer segmentation strategies based on culture-specific characteristics thereof, whereas regiocentric and geocentric ones focus primarily on geographic location. The regiocentric approach also serves as the link...

The Molly Maguires: 19th-Century Labor Struggles in Pennsylvania

Introduction The workplace environment has evolved over time but seemingly, modern-day workers face almost the same problems as their counterparts from the 19th century. In the 1800s, coal mining was one of the economic mainstays in Pennsylvania, and thus most immigrants trooped into the region in search of job opportunities....

Leadership & Management: What the Future Looks Like

The success of any organization will depend on the existing business model or strategy. Companies can introduce effective leadership styles and produce goods or services that will compete efficiently in the global market. The concepts of success and failure are critical for managers who want to take their firms from...

Big Business and Exploitation of Workers in the US

At the beginning of the 20th century, people in America felt the strong necessity of reforms in the domestic economy. In response to this need, the progressive movement emerged, whose intention was to make the government more responsible for social inequity (Media Rich Communications [MRC], 2004). This paper will explore...

COVID-19 Economic Impact: Global Responses & Innovations

The COVID-19 outbreak has had a serious and widespread impact on the global economy. Different countries’ issues resulted in economic failure as most economies depend on international trade, tourism, raw materials exports, and external financing. Governments in many developed countries have taken effective stimulus measures, while lower-middle-income and emerging countries...

Leadership: What It Means to Be a Charismatic Leader?

Various organizations set different goals and objectives to become successful, and each of them has its strategy that they follow. In the same way, different styles of leadership may work for some organizations and may not work for others. In the current exploration, it was chosen to focus on charismatic...

Muja’s Poultry Farm’s Business Plan and Management

Introduction Poultry farming is one of the most fitting and profitable business models for Texas. The state has all the necessary prerequisites encouraging such activities. The business memorandum provided below describes Muja’s Poultry Farm as well as its products and services, business location, equipment, and the documents required for launching...

Online Shopping: Security Concerns vs. Convenience

Results This study is based on the data obtained through a survey that involved 23 volunteering participants (13 males and 10 females). The age of the people who completed the questionnaire ranged from 18 to 35, so the research reveals the views of young adults and adults. The participants were...

Rebranding Project for Local and Global Companies

Introduction The use of such marketing technique as rebranding can be effective for various reasons – insufficiently high consumer demand, inability to withstand competition in the market, and other factors. In order to assess the success of this method, five companies will be analysed to find the best ways to...

Fitbit Company’s Marketing, Consumer, and Product

Fitbit is a company that produces and sells fitness trackers, smart watches, and accessories and develops apps aimed at improving the health and fitness of their users. The company offers a narrow selection of products targeting people interested in maintaining an active lifestyle. The present paper will introduce the three...

Buyer Behavior Model & Fitbit: Influences on Consumer Choices

Introduction The Buyer Behavior Model is a useful tool that represents the various influences affecting consumer behavior and purchase decisions. The model includes external and situational influences, as well as internal factors and processes that result in the purchase and evaluation of a particular product. The present paper will apply...

Fitbit Promotion: B2B Strategy & Digital Marketing Success

In the recent wake of healthy lifestyle habits, Fitbit is likely to gain a significant amount of attention once it is marketed appropriately. The choice of a promotion strategy and the channels that will be used to ensure consistent communication with target audiences will define the project’s success in the...

Sexual Harassment Education for Managers

Sexual harassment has become a prevalent and important issue in the workplace. It is defined as unwelcome sexual advances, the conduct of a sexual nature, or solicitation of sexual favors that are inappropriate, intimidating, or make the victim feel uncomfortable. There is a broad range of examples for sexual harassment,...

Fitbit Firm’s Marketing, Consumer, and Product

Fitbit’s position in the tech market is influenced by three key marketing environmental factors: the competitive landscape, the popularity of social media, and trends in lifestyle and health. Each of these factors can have a positive or negative influence on the company’s success depending on Fitbit’s approach to managing it....

Amazon Inc.’s Strategy and Financial Expenditures

Introduction Amazon is among the most successful electronic trading businesses in the United States. Being founded more than twenty years ago, the company has managed to create the largest online marketplace in the world, which indicates the presence of a well-developed marketing strategy. Considering that studying the experience of market...

Isuzu Australia’s Shift to Collaborative Digital Solutions

Introduction Initially, Isuzu Australia Limited (IAL) was manually distributing information to other truck dealerships within the region; however, this method proved to consume a substantial amount of cost and time and was susceptible to errors. The effects associated with the manual technique were a potential threat to IAL’s market position....

Emotional Intelligence: Experiences and Skills

Emotional intelligence (EI) is regarded as one of the important components of effective leadership. Batool (2013) points to the strong link between EI and leadership style. It is also found that leaders tend to receive higher EI scores than their followers (Siegling, Nielsen & Petrides 2014). Being a Human Resources...

Redhook’s Market Expansion: Analysis and Strategies

SWOT Analysis Strengths Advanced technology and new equipment Popularity in the market Strong brand presence Weaknesses Relatively high prices Focus on freshness complicates large-scale distribution. Refusal to accept contract brewing makes expansion more difficult Opportunities Large geographic areas for expansion Younger populations discovering craft beer Large general growth in the...

Comparing IASB vs. FASB: Global Accounting Standards Analysis

The Financial Standard Accounting Board (FASB) and the International Accounting Standards Board (FASB) are the two worldly recognized authorities that determine the field of financial reporting for organizations as well as various regulatory bodies (Hlaciuc, Grosu, Socoliuc, & Maciuca, 2014). A single, unified system of international accounting standards is necessary...

United Continental Holdings, Inc.: Ethical Dilemma

Introduction In theory, entrepreneurs and corporations will always do what is desirable and right to their customers and stakeholders. Many companies focus on existing principles, values, and laws to ensure that their processes are admirable. Ethical businesses also implement and promote appropriate action plans and initiatives that can maximize customer...

Business Plan for Dementia Training in Correctional Institutions

Project Proposal Based on the investigation of the needs of the correctional institution that is the workplace of the researcher, the present paper will offer a business plan that will target the identified issue. The latter is concerned with the lack of staff training on the topic of dementia management,...

HR’s Contribution to Organizational Performance

Business performance and its evaluation The business performance evaluation is an essential part of the working process in a sustainable company. Usually, it has the form of measurement and quantification and is the first step to any improvement. The business performance evaluation aims to find the areas that require managerial...

Importance of Negotiation Contracts in the Business

Introduction Contracts enable the parties that are willing to cooperate to agree on and set a list of rules that will guide their collaboration. Written contracts may consist of different sections, including the preamble, definitions of terms, the words of agreement, and the duties that each side promises to fulfill....

Virgin Atlantic Airway’s Employee Treatment

Introduction Human resources are widely considered to be critical to organisational success. Companies should strive to develop a motivated and committed workforce in order to improve organisational functioning, boost performance, and successfully implement organisational changes. When planning an organisational transition, it is thus critical to acknowledge the effect it will...

Leadership vs Management: Differences and Impacts

Introduction The concepts of management and leadership have been misused and misinterpreted to mean the same thing. Actually, leadership and management are two distinct concepts that are complex in application and coverage. This report differentiates leadership and management from functional application perspectives. The paper also explores the theoretical application of...

Environmental Balanced Scorecard for the Everest Retail Company

Introduction Over the last decade, the environmental attributes of the business organization have been outlined as significant in affecting the outcome and general sustainability. The environmental concerns are propelled by the rise in legislation, pollution, and stakeholder pressure. This means that evaluation of environmental performance for a business is an...

Barnes & Noble Nook Media Failure Analysis and Recovery Strategies

Barnes and Noble is a 6.8 billion company with 675 locations throughout the country, which also operates 686 college bookstores that make up the company’s Nook Media unit. During the tenure of William Lynch as the head of Nook Media in 2010-2013, the company suffered significant losses (Berfield). This paper...

Developing an Effective Business Plan for a Fictional Biotech Company

A fictional company that I would choose is a biotech business. I know several people who work for an international pharma group and have experience protecting medical inventions through intellectual property patents. I asked them about their knowledge, and they told me that a biotech business could be profitable. The...

Strategies to Become an Effective Human Resource Practitioner

Introduction Creating a capable HR department in any given organisation is traditionally aimed at generating additional value by attracting and managing talent in an administrative role. However, in recent decades, HR departments have been striving for a more strategic role in the business organisation and an advisory role to the...

Purchasing Strategies: Centralized vs. Decentralized

Introduction The key strategies in the context of today’s companies’ management are the ones concerning supply and purchasing control. Regarding the company type and size, purchasing strategies are then usually divided into three major categories: centralized, decentralized, and hybrid approach, which serves as a symbiosis of the previous two types....

Best Buy’s Strategy Elements

Best Buy Co. is a company that operates in the United States, Canada, and Mexico and focuses on the delivery of various technologies to enrich the lives of people. The range of services varies from entertainment to food preparation and health wellness, and the company promotes services that aim to...

Opening Your New Dunkin’ Donuts Locations

Introduction The nature of the Dunkin’s Donuts’ system is determined not so much by its constituent elements but by their relationship between each other and each element individually with the system as a whole. These relations form the structure of the system, the main purpose of which is to ensure...

The Impact of a CEO in an Organization

In general, Chief Executive Officers (CEOs) have a significant influence on their respective organizations. From the perspective of organizational psychology, CEOs have a considerable effect on the performance of an organization as a whole because of their influence on the lower levels of management. Liden, Fu, Liu, and Song (2016)...

Business Plan for SLMC Wellness Center: Feasibility and Goals

Introduction Enhancing the range and scope of services provided by an organization can help it to attract new customers and generate more revenues. However, when undertaking new projects, it is critical for the management to understand their long-term outcomes and possible considerations. The proposed project is to open a new...

SWOT Analysis of Axon Enterprise: Strengths and Challenges

Axon Enterprise, Inc. specializes in technology and weapon items for law enforcement and is one of the leading companies in its industry. A necessary activity of such a corporation is performing a SWOT analysis in order to be aware of the company’s situation. SWOT analysis is a general tool examining...

iPhone Sales Trends: Decline, Future Outlook, and Market Impact

Current Business Situation and Sales Projections Apple’s iPhone is arguably the most popular and recognizable smartphone on the planet. Since its launch in 2007, the corporation has sold over 1.3 billion iPhones. Between the years 2001 and 2018, the stock price of Apple had increased by an impressive 15,000%, which...

Smart Healthcare Marketing: Success Stories & Pitfalls

Nowadays with the rise of technology, the abundance of information online and growing consumerism, among other issues, it is twice as important to have a smart healthcare marketing strategy. Understanding the uniqueness of your brand is key to building the right initiative. For example, one of the best marketing strategies...

The Problem of Lookism at Workplaces

Nowadays the world sees a range of social issues that affect different groups of people. Lookism, which is a tendency among employers to hire such candidates whose appearance corresponds with the so-called standards of beauty, belongs to the most concerning problems. Specialists note that this trend influences mostly women leading...

Coke and Subaru Case Studies

Coke’s Case Coke introduced a new taste to the audience in 1985; however, the company received negative feedback from the customers. Coke decided to alter an old taste after Pepsi presented the “Pepsi challenge” advertisement that had success, and Coke started losing its popularity. Hence, they decided to develop a...

Role of Ethics Within Leadership

Ethical leadership involves embracing practices that comply with the set moral beliefs and values, such as observing the dignity of others and respecting people’s civil liberties. Ethics refers to concepts such as trust, equality, integrity, and charisma (Grandy & Sliwa, 2017). Complying with some laid-down ethical principles results in ineffective...

Factors for Starbucks’ Successful Market Expansion

Expansion to a new market presupposes consideration of vital elements that are required for success. First of all, for Starbucks, it can be recommended to communicate the brand successfully. The entry to a new area demands this element as a part of the preparation for the functioning of a company...

Axon Enterprise: Mission, Vision, and Strategic Alignment

Mission and vision of a company are one of the essential concepts that define the reason for its existence. Without specifying the purpose, all decisions in an organization would be made only based on the individual values of managers. The mission and vision determine the status of the company and...

Integrated Marketing Campaign Stories: Subaru’s Short Video Commercials

Big corporations with well-designed brands, company mission, vision, and values integrate their priorities in captivating messages that they address to their target audience through marketing tools. An integrated marketing campaign (IMC) is a combined set of promotional messages distributed through various channels of communications so that brands can reach their...

Managing Workplace Conflicts in ICU: Insights and Solutions

Recurring Conflict: Description Arguments often occur in the workplace due to the pressure of deadlines and the presence of factors contributing to misunderstandings, diversity levels being the key one. With several cultures being represented in the environment of an organization, misconceptions will occur due to incongruences between the viewpoints of...

Vehicle Exporting: From United States to Mexico

Purpose The purpose of the given executive business plan is to demonstrate the underlying ideas, market features, and business approach of exporting vehicle or auto parts from US to Mexico. Therefore, the latter country will be analyzed and overviewed in detail, because it is a target market. In order to...

Targeting Subaru’s Market: The Cosmopolitans & European Strategies

The best-matched lifestage group is The Cosmopolitans: Upscale Younger Family Mix which belongs to the urban uptown social group and the midlife success lifestyle group. This group can be predominately found in major metropolitan areas and regions known for high economic success. There is a significant number present of this...

Ethical Business Principles: Teleology, Utilitarianism, Justice

Teleology, Utilitarianism, and Justice in the Frameworks of Business Ethics The study of theoretical and practical components of business activity involves not only the analysis of exact numbers and mathematical formulas but also the research of the people’s principles of thinking and decision making. After all, human beings and their...

Importance of Intercultural Competence in Business

Cultural studies are rapidly developing and influencing every sphere of activity nowadays so that different approaches have been applied to the understanding of what intercultural communication is. Living in the intercultural society in the period of globalization presupposes incessant interaction with diverse representatives of one’s nation, so the interpersonal connection...

Profitability of Sole Proprietorships

In recent times, many people prefer to work for their profit rather than benefit “the big boss.” Modern times and free access to the Internet give people a much better chance to sell what they are good at and get profit from it. The popularization of social networks such as...

Best Practice Companies: Netflix

The companies that operate in the context of technological advancement and the active inclusion of millennials into the workforce need to adjust to the new requirements within all the spheres of performance. One of the most crucial elements in the work of any company is the sphere of HR management,...

Edges and Shortcomings of Offshoring

Introduction Background information For the first time, the practice of offshoring began to be applied in the 60s of the 20th century by European and American companies; however, the term itself appeared only in the late 70s. It is important to note that the phenomenon of offshoring involves the separation...

The Advantages of Business Combinations

Reasons to Consider Different Types of Business Combinations Company mergers are a rather common occurrence in the contemporary realm of the global economy. The concept of a merger implies that two organizations join to create a single entity (Hill, n.d.). The specified phenomenon has several explanations, the opportunities for increasing...

Young Learners Early Learning Centre’s Shift Plan

Introduction The Young Learners Early Learning Centre is an organization specialized in early childhood education. However, it is currently failing to attract children due to a variety of issues, and so, it is unable to perform its duties satisfactorily. Its current primary needs are increasing its occupancy rate and changing...

Hot Topic: Case Study

Introduction Hot Topic has been in operation for the last two decades. Within this period, this retailer has managed to grow from less than 20 to around 800 stores. This means that it has become one of the leading players in its sector today. The discussion presented below describes the...

Unmanned Vehicles in Cargo Transport: Trends & Challenges

Although unmanned vehicles have been used for decades, their applicability in cargo transport is now slowly being recognized (Knoblauch et al., 2019). As a venture capitalist seeking a start-up company, the use of unmanned systems in the commercial sector, especially long-distance cargo transport, is a relatively new technological adaptation that...

Current Organizational Issue: Technological Changes

Introduction Organizational leaders should be aware of the changes experienced in their respective sectors or industries. This knowledge can empower them to recruit competent employees and be prepared for potential challenges that might affect performance. They should also form partnerships with different stakeholders whose ideas and practices resonate with the...

Enhancing IT Compliance: UPS and IT4IT Value Chain

Summary of Article The selected article is about a case study for IT4IT authored by the Open Group (2015). The article posits that the information technology (IT) value chain complements service delivery and improves compliance to organizational plans. Therefore, IT processes are critical to the success of organizational processes because...

Analyzing Logical Fallacies in Tim Gurner’s Wealth Advice

Arguing a specific idea might seem like a rather basic exercise in the ability to build a constructive statement, yet the presence of a biased experience may cause one to succumb to traditional logical fallacies. An article by Sam Levin showcases an example of a logical fallacy that enters a...

Coca-Cola: Marketing Department’s Mistakes

Identification The more popular a brand is, the more attention its blunders receive from the public. Coca-Cola, the world’s leader in the soft drinks market, always tries to make its campaigns attractive and unusual. However, the attention driven by the organization’s advertising endeavors is not always positive. Over the long...

Building Effective Organizational Culture: Key Strategies

Introduction Organizational culture is a set of underlying principles, assumptions, and interactions which guide behavior and create a specific social and psychological environment within a workplace. Such culture can be complex, consisting of various factors such as leadership, company vision, expectations from employees, and overall practices and inner-workings of the...

Integrating Leadership Models for Enhanced Nursing Practice

Model of Leadership and Its Application Playing the role of a leader invites a range of opportunities for altering and improving the process of meeting the set goals. As a leader, one should focus not only on accomplishing a basic objective of implementing a particular project or raising the revenue...

Amazon’s E-Commerce Strategy

Introduction Amazon’s latest IT/ IS strategy is a massive expansion of its e-commerce platform and the creation of a new website to further encourage online shopping. Over the last couple of decades, Amazon has made a great effort to reinvent the very notion of a marketplace for consumer goods. In...

Amazon: Local and Global Markets

Executive Summary Based on sales, revenues, and global market share, Amazon has become one of the hallmarks of e-commerce in the United States. The advancements in information technology have contributed immensely to the growth and development of Amazon as a market leader in e-commerce, machine intelligence, and cloud computing industries....

How Procurement Optimization Adds Value to Organizations

Component 1: Primary Research What are you doing in your daily procurement in your daily work? My primary duty as a procurement officer is to ensure that my company has a regular supply of the needed raw materials to facilitate normal operations. On a daily basis, I have to plan...

Hot Topic Case Study: Success Through Employee Engagement

Introduction Hot Topic is almost unique in terms of employee experience and success as a business venture at the same time. The special atmosphere where each worker is valued and recognized is indeed the knowledge worth studying and disseminating. In this paper, the Hot Topic case study will be reviewed...