Introduction Personal and commercial vehicles that people drive every day represent a significant cause for many environmental problems, including global warming. Together, cars and trucks make up around a fifth of all emissions in the US only, emitting up to 24 pounds of carbon dioxide and other harmful gases Transportation,...
Topic: Climate Change
Words: 558
Pages: 2
Introduction The topics of weather and climate are increasingly addressed at international meetings and summits and cause concern not only among environmentalists but also ordinary citizens. The modern consequences of high anthropogenic activities, fluctuations in natural cycles, and other factors have led the topic of climate change to be widely...
Topic: Climate
Words: 879
Pages: 3
Introduction Mount Everest has always been surrounded by mysteries and tales of tragedies, despite the tremendous successes achieved by many climbers who managed to reach its peak. The events of spring 1996 are now remembered as one of the most unfortunate as fifteen individuals lost their lives during the summit...
Topic: Disaster
Words: 573
Pages: 2
Introduction Water plays a central role in the sustenance of any form of life, which underscores its importance in the current world. However, water could also be a source of life-threatening health conditions if not handled carefully. The present levels of pollution aggravate the situation because thousands of chemicals and...
Topic: Water
Words: 867
Pages: 3
Introduction Issues affecting the environment and people’s livelihood in a changing climate are the subject of many studies and discussions and, as a rule, evoke a lively public interest. Some authors consider these problems comprehensively, and some focus on specific topics, conducting in-depth studies and analyzing the current situation from...
Topic: Climate
Words: 861
Pages: 3
The first step of the emergency planning process is assessing the existing risks (Lang, 2017). The risks Harris County is exposed to include natural hazards, such as fire hazards and hurricanes, and homeland security events, such as terrorist attacks (Harris County, n.d.). It is possible to say that the likelihood...
Topic: Environment
Words: 288
Pages: 1
Introduction Before making any decisions regarding the promotion of occupational health and the reduction of dust and particulate matter exposure, Sun Coast should evaluate the current situation. To do so, it needs to formulate a research framework and carry it out in practice, obtaining data and analyzing it. Such a...
Topic: Environment
Words: 895
Pages: 3
Literature Review A literature review was performed based on quantitative research articles found through the Columbia Southern University Library. Peer-reviewed quantitative papers and reviews published between 2015 and 2020 were included to ensure the high quality of information gathered. A total of six studies on five problem areas were included...
Topic: Environment
Words: 1215
Pages: 4
The work of an American environmentalist and writer Terry Tempest Williams “Refuge: an Unnatural History of Family and Place” deals with the issues of life in its multiple manifestations. In this book, Williams delivers a story of her life experience as a woman, a daughter, a person who loves nature,...
Topic: Environment
Words: 563
Pages: 2
Introduction The slowly overheating planet may carry a wide variety of repercussions for humanity as one of the species living on its surface. From a drastic increase in the amounts of CO2 gas present in the atmosphere and dangerously rising sea levels to weather-related chain reactions, global warming affects humankind...
Topic: Climate Change
Words: 822
Pages: 3
Introduction Human beings rely on different sources to generate energy for both industrial and domestic use. Some of the common ones include water, natural gas, coal, solar, and nuclear plants. Many emerging and developed economies are currently considering additional solutions that can promote sustainability and protect the natural environment. This...
Topic: Alternative Energy
Words: 1111
Pages: 4
The Earth is commonly referred to as the green planet as it is the only planet that is known to contain plants. Plants are the primary producers in the food chain; thus, they are considered to be the root support of every organism subsequent in the chain. Over the years,...
Topic: Environment
Words: 1193
Pages: 4
Introduction Emergency management, both on state and local levels, demands coordinated actions from a diversity of agencies involved in this process. To meet the needs of communities and individuals affected by disasters and avoid unlawful discrimination, the US state departments developed “Guidance to state and local governments and other federally...
Topic: Disaster
Words: 836
Pages: 3
Introduction As part of the natural world, humankind has interacted with the environment to some extent throughout its history. If initially, it was a harmonious relationship with other animals and plants, then the human began to show more consumerism. Over time, the world community began to show concern for the...
Topic: Climate
Words: 5492
Pages: 20
Abstract This paper is dedicated to researching the problem of global warming and its effect on the environment. Scholarly literature on the topic was employed in order to retrieve information about global warming and climate change. Several definitions for the concept of global warming were provided, andalso the connection between...
Topic: Climate
Words: 866
Pages: 3
Introduction The ecological system of Florida contains several distinct life forms with rarest species as compared to other ecosystems. Florida’s geographical location and longitudinal range makes it situated in a manner that almost all parts of South Florida have a tropical climate and the central and northern parts of Florida’s...
Topic: Biodiversity
Words: 1805
Pages: 6
It has been acknowledged that people have had a substantial impact on the environment and biodiversity. Deforestation and pollution are regarded as some of the primary negative effects that influence the planet (Tomalty & Mallach, 2016). At the same type, other factors related to human activity are significant factors contributing...
Topic: Biodiversity
Words: 562
Pages: 2
Introduction The Paris Accord, which is a worldwide agreement among nations, is intended to counter the effects of climate change. Its primary purpose is to strengthen the international response to the dangers of this appalling effect by maintaining global temperature increments below 2 degrees Celsius (Falkner 1109). This move is...
Topic: Climate Change
Words: 1744
Pages: 6
Greywater Definition Water is vital for the creation and sustainability of life on the planet and is essential for growing crops. Because the majority of water on Earth is salty and is not appropriate for irrigation purposes, the scientific community should assess the possibility of greywater use and its effects...
Topic: Recycling
Words: 931
Pages: 3
Global warming has been an internationally recognized problem for approximately two decades now. Being an issue around the world, climate change is regarded as something so distant and abstract that we are never expected to be conscious when its impact finally becomes noticeable. By reviewing and summarizing the assigned reading,...
Topic: Climate
Words: 680
Pages: 1
As sources for comparison, the articles by Reeder-Myers and Robinson et al. are used. Both scholarly studies deal with the archaeological safety of the coastal territories of the United States, and this is a key similarity. Also, certain nuances of the studies are similar given a single topic. For instance,...
Topic: Environment
Words: 274
Pages: 1
The article by Reeder-Myers describes the problems of changing the structure of coastal territories in the 21st century under the influence of both external natural and anthropogenic factors. Soil erosion, global warming, intensive building projects, and other issues are mentioned as the factors that adversely affect coastal conditions. The US...
Topic: Environment
Words: 372
Pages: 1
Introduction Clean, fresh water is a valuable natural resource that ensures the survivability of the nation. Despite having 6% of the world’s water resources, Indonesia’s management and environmental policies have not only been raising concerns but also pushed the country to the brink of water crisis (“Indonesia’s water and sanitation...
Topic: Pollution
Words: 578
Pages: 2
Introduction Over the last century, there has been a significant population shift from rural to urban areas worldwide. New town residents needed more space, so municipalities have been growing in size, merging into huge metropolitan areas to meet people’s needs. One of the world’s capitals that have been suffering from...
Topic: Air Pollution
Words: 603
Pages: 2
Introduction Climate change has become a significant concern within the past several decades. Its effects are becoming more evident, and many local and national strategies for their elimination start to emerge. Every individual can contribute to decreasing the impact of climate change but may not be possible to eliminate it...
Topic: Climate
Words: 1221
Pages: 4
Introduction The issues of water and coastal pollution cause serious concern among ecologists today because the high anthropogenic activity and the expansion of industrial influence inevitably entail contamination. In some places, landfills and temporary waste are disposed of timely, but there are areas where garbage and sewage accumulate over the...
Topic: Environment
Words: 2787
Pages: 10
Introduction The extinction crisis is a phenomenon characterized by a dramatic decline in the population of particular species and their consequent disappearance. As frightening as it sounds, such crises are predominantly natural, and the world has already seen six waves of species extinction. However, while the previous crises could be...
Topic: Endangered Species
Words: 604
Pages: 2
Executive Summary Solar energy is a sustainable source of energy because low levels of environmental pollution are associated with its use. The purpose of this paper is to determine the impact of solar energy on the environment. The major positive impact is the minimal emission of greenhouse gases. However, negative...
Topic: Alternative Energy
Words: 949
Pages: 3
Pollution caused by cars and other types of transport is a well-known problem connected with the development of modern technology. In Los Angeles and other cities in the United States, high car fuel consumption causes both environmental and health issues. The most cost-effective solution is to replace all cars in...
Topic: Pollution
Words: 600
Pages: 2
Dear Mr. Trudeau, I am writing regarding the environmental issue that has recently been placed on the agenda of the Canadian economy and foreign policy. The connection between economy and environment is especially tight in Canada. Because of the rise in the air pollution rates that have been witnessed over...
Topic: Climate
Words: 1450
Pages: 5
Executive Summary The United States of America has been leading the effort to fight climate change that is threatening the very existence of human beings on the planet earth. For a long time, scientists had warned about the imminent dangers of global warming directly caused by greenhouse gases. However, little...
Topic: Alternative Energy
Words: 1353
Pages: 5
The firm’s premise is Climate Change is real, but if you do not believe this is the case, it still makes sense to embrace clean, renewable energy sources and energy efficiency measures. Discuss your understanding of: renewable energy, energy efficiency. The major difference between renewable energy the non-renewable one is...
Topic: Energy
Words: 750
Pages: 2
Florida may have new nuclear power plants in the nearest future. These facilities are regarded as the optimal strategy to address the power needs of the area while reducing CO2 emissions (Hemlock). However, one of the major issues to be addressed is the retirement procedures of these plants that will...
Topic: Environment
Words: 310
Pages: 2
Abstract Environmental change has both beneficial and severe effects on human well-being. Some effects of environmental change are easy to detect, while others are hard to identify. Studies show that environmental changes result in the establishment of conditions that support deadly diseases. For example, floods encourage the breeding of mosquitoes...
Topic: Environment
Words: 1416
Pages: 7
Executive Summary This comprehensive project plan presents a strategic and practical solution to increasing temperatures in the city of London. The three proposals presented are promotion of a standardised greening strategy for existing projects, establishment of a development policy for new infrastructure and creation of heatwave warning systems. Through a...
Topic: Environment
Words: 4950
Pages: 18
Environmental planning nowadays is crucial to ensuring the sustainable development of every country. In his article A Trail Across, Time Daniels analyzes the environmental planning in the United States, defining five periods of its formation. The activists of the Progressive era in the early XX century advocated for physical measures...
Topic: Environment
Words: 627
Pages: 2
How do social psychologists’ study the environment and define new understandings and models for addressing environmental concerns? Social psychologists study the environment by considering the individual-environment relation, for which goal they scrutinize “environmental perceptions, attitudes, evaluations and representations, and accompanying behavior” (Millon, Lerner, & Weiner, 2003, p. 421). They pay...
Topic: Environment
Words: 297
Pages: 2
Summary In this chapter, the authors examine the impact of industrial activities on the environment. In the beginning, they discuss how the American landscape was transformed by sawmills, ironworks, or foundries (Steiner & Steiner, 2012, p. 436). Furthermore, they discuss various threats that arise from the activities of many companies....
Topic: Environment
Words: 576
Pages: 2
Introduction Global warming is the abnormal rise in the average temperature on the surface of the earth. This has been caused by human advancement towards industrialization and modernization. The outcome of global warming has been exhibited by the melting of ice and snows in areas such as the Antarctic, which...
Topic: Climate Change
Words: 1696
Pages: 6
Recycling is the process of changing wastes into new usable products. The purpose of recycling wastes is to prevent dumping potentially useful products, reduce environmental pollution, and control the use of raw materials. Recycling is an important method that is used in the modern world to dispose of and manage...
Topic: Recycling
Words: 616
Pages: 2
Executive Summary The world population is growing exponentially. Due to this growth, world energy demand is also increasing. It is becoming harder to satisfy this demand. Today crude oil tops the list of energy sources. Crude oil reserves are reducing at a fast pace. Energy consumption demand is increasing and...
Topic: Energy
Words: 14403
Pages: 52
Introduction Industrial activities are essentials for the quality of life because the products derived from the same makes life worth living. The dawn of the 21st century has illuminated myriads of industrial activities. The majority of the countries with a considerable GDP are highly industrialized. As a trend towards development,...
Topic: Environment
Words: 6226
Pages: 22
The concept of capacity is viewed through the lens of the technical properties of the wastewater plant. When mentioning the phenomenon under analysis, the contributors to the site imply the ability of the plant to contain a certain amount of water, produce a particular amount of work, etc. Therefore, although...
Topic: Environment
Words: 553
Pages: 2
Defining the Topic The global warming phenomena has been traced to the continued release of greenhouse gases by factories, cars, and a variety of other industrial processes that have continued to grow unabated for the past century. As human civilization continues to expand it brings with it an ever-increasing demand...
Topic: Climate Change
Words: 1146
Pages: 4
Should Australia develop a domestic nuclear power industry – what problems would such a venture confront? The environmental environment, which causes global warming, is one of the most significant problems facing the world. Humans are progressively destroying the world due to excessive industrial emissions, which complicates the future of life...
Topic: Environment
Words: 1436
Pages: 5
Introduction Background of the Problem This proposal is being written due to the decision of the E227 Global Solutions Company management to reduce the rate of its factory’s toxic outbursts into the atmosphere by twenty-five percent within the next year. Therefore, it is necessary to conduct an appropriate strategy that...
Topic: Pollution
Words: 1857
Pages: 7
Challenger Disaster Challenger refers to a space shuttle that was owned by the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA). The Challenger was scheduled to launch on 28th January 1986. On the scheduled day, the challenger lit off but it disintegrated immediately after liftoff (Chow). It is estimated that it was...
Topic: Environment
Words: 1385
Pages: 4
The context in Energy Demand in Pakistan (Energy share, energy dependency) In recent years, as the world globalizes, new usage of energy has increased and this has led to the threat and observation that oil fields are likely to dry. In the case of Pakistan, there has also been an...
Topic: Energy
Words: 5250
Pages: 18
What do you advise leaders at GE to do about satisfying customers who are not so environmentally conscious? General Electric Company is a mega-company that seeks to expand its business and gain a larger share of the market. The issues of global warming due to the emission of carbon dioxide...
Topic: Challenges
Words: 702
Pages: 2
Introduction Australia is one of the driest continents in the world. This condition informs policies concerning water; various governmental and non-governmental institutions have teamed up to face the challenges facing people as far as water is concerned. The organizations have joined hands to lobby the government and town councils to...
Topic: Management
Words: 1121
Pages: 4
The ultimate aim of many works on e-waste recycling has been to try and find the answer to the question whether recycling matters at all even though it is mandated. With the techniques so seemingly effective and politics nominally having recycling issues under strict control, Graham Pickren asserts that recycling...
Topic: Environment
Words: 541
Pages: 2
Remote sensing is defined as the measurement of information and area property on the Earth’ surface by means of satellites and aircrafts. This process helps to evaluate and obtain data at a distance in case the object under consideration is not located in direct contact (Schowengerdt 2). In this regard,...
Topic: Climate
Words: 1439
Pages: 5
Give examples of the things you have seen at events that you would consider eco-friendly A number of sporting events take place in the world, for example, the Olympics, the FIFA World Cup, and Commonwealth Games. The size of these world games is so huge that it is difficult to...
Topic: Environment
Words: 811
Pages: 2
For a great number of contemporary people, it is hard to imagine living in a house with no energy. Energy use is needed to lighten our houses, prepare food, secure our access to the Internet, and keep us warm. However, in many developing countries, as well as among disadvantaged populations...
Topic: Energy
Words: 1122
Pages: 4
Heberlein argues that the environment should be protected not only by people but also from people because people are the number one threat to the environment. Issues of global freezing and warming have all come about due to the activities of man. Moreover, technology has a big role to play...
Topic: Environment
Words: 678
Pages: 3
How are glaciers a part of the hydrologic and rock cycles? Glaciers are frozen water. When water penetrates the structure of a rock and then freezes, it tends to expand and destroy the rock formation around it. The glaciers are the reason for the erosion of the rocks. The glaciers...
Topic: Environment
Words: 610
Pages: 2
My trip took me through a series of observations spanning the ecology of water of the Blackland Prairie. Characterized by heavy black soils, a gentle topology, and vast tall grasslands, the land is sparsely dotted with native prairie sites, the home of a variety of ecological organisms. It is descriptive...
Topic: Environment
Words: 897
Pages: 2
Article Summary: Methods, Key Arguments and Results In their article titled “Nitrogen oxides emissions from thermal power plants in China: current status and future predictions,” Hezhong Tian, Kaiyun Liu, Jiming Hao, Yan Wang, Jiajia Gao, Peipei Qiu, and Chuanyong Zhu evaluate the data acquired from China’s major power plants and...
Topic: Environment
Words: 567
Pages: 2
Purpose This proposal was prepared by Stephen Smith from the Procurement and Budgeting department of Crumbs Bakery. The purpose of this proposal is to request approval to conduct investigations to establish the importance of installing solar panels to reduce energy costs that form a huge part of the expenses of...
Topic: Alternative Energy
Words: 1383
Pages: 5
Abstract Managing construction waste is often a difficult process because its poor implementation could lead to unintended consequences for contractors, clients, and the public. This is why the evidence presented in this paper demonstrates that the failure to look for effective waste minimisation strategies is unsustainable. Therefore, effective elimination and...
Topic: Construction
Words: 13009
Pages: 48
Introduction Climate change refers to the long term alteration in the statistical properties of the weather patterns within a specific region, or even globally. Some of these changes would include temperatures, precipitation, and cloud cover, among others. Contributed factors to climatic change are classified into two main categories; natural and...
Topic: Climate
Words: 4836
Pages: 18
Executive Summary Individuals and organisations should engage in activities that are viewed to promote environmental sustainability. The reason behind this is to ensure their survival, as well as that of their future generations. Increasing levels of greenhouse gases emitted into the atmosphere has mainly been attributed to industrial processes in...
Topic: Environment
Words: 20993
Pages: 76
Man cannot live without necessities, such as air, food, shelter, and water. It has been said that man can live for many days without food but only a few without water. It is, therefore, a comforting fact that like air, water is free. No one owns the water, and because...
Topic: Management
Words: 586
Pages: 2
The journal article on a survey carried out in Zaria, Kaduna state on pollution of water by open waste disposal uses qualitative research method, since the research aims at characterizing the physical qualities of the subsoil, from which the level of pollution by leachate from the open landfills can be...
Topic: Environment
Words: 389
Pages: 2
Global warming is a serious environmental problem that results from the rising of global temperatures, causing the earth to heat up, leading to climate changes. Temperature changes in the world are attributed to external forces some of which are natural such as volcano eruptions, which lead to the cooling of...
Topic: Climate Change
Words: 469
Pages: 2
What are the challenges in educating consumers to reduce food waste? It is estimated that Australians discard food over $5 billion annually (Baker, Fear, and Denniss 6). Thus, government efforts to reduce food waste would result in significant financial savings. However, the government’s public education efforts face many challenges. First,...
Topic: Food
Words: 1251
Pages: 4
According to Hajer (1997), a discussion coalition is the clothing of a set of tale collections, the characters that utter these tale collections, and the methods that comply with these tale collections, all organized around a discourse. A discussion coalition can be said to control a given governmental region only...
Topic: Environment
Words: 1128
Pages: 4
Storms and forests as John Muir’s point of interest John Muir observed that human beings and the environment are highly interdependent in the universe. Noting that human beings rely upon their natural environment in surviving and living a blissful life, Muir got attracted to the beauty of storm and forests...
Topic: Environment
Words: 1523
Pages: 5
Early naturalists often shot what they were studying. Is this a contradiction for naturalists or a scientific method of the times? It is such a pity that Swifts suffered such a fate in the hands of those who should have been the campaigners of conservation. Naturalists are, by description, friends...
Topic: Environment
Words: 598
Pages: 2
Introduction Sustainability is one of the most crucial issues of the 21st century when it comes to development. In essence, countries, institutions, and individuals are seeking to engage in sustainable development practices (Mesci, Coruh & Ergun 75). Ottawa University is one of the institutions that have embraced sustainable practices. As...
Topic: Food
Words: 2049
Pages: 7
Speth’s Forces of Change to bring about change in how humanity relates to the Earth Among Speth’s forces of change that produce massive and random devastating changes to the environment, capitalism carries the day. He suggests that nothing less than a fundamental shift in technology, politics, and economics culture and...
Topic: Environment
Words: 382
Pages: 1
Chapter 10 of “Plan B 4.0″ by Lester R. Brown devotes itself to answering whether people can mobilize fast enough with minimal time to counter the effects of human economic activities on degradation. If all the world nations realize the need and take pragmatic roles in the warlike mobilization of...
Topic: Environment
Words: 621
Pages: 1
Background Summary The article by Murthy (2013) focused on water sanitation as a major concern that affects many nations around the world. The target population in this article was the poor members of the global society who are sometimes denied access to clean water because of over-privatization. The outcome of...
Topic: Water
Words: 2255
Pages: 7
Environmental justice concerns: The location of hazardous waste facilities in poor communities The research title of the study is made purposely to explore hazardous waste facilities the poor communities face through investigating or examining the disposal of both solid and liquid wastes and their related impacts on the environment. The...
Topic: Management
Words: 379
Pages: 2
The effects of projected energy consumption on world politics and economics What must first be understood is that population density as well as the industrial infrastructure within a given country directly affects the consumption of electricity. The greater the population density within a country the higher the likelihood is of...
Topic: Ecosystem
Words: 520
Pages: 2
Accident Description The crisis that began in Flint, Michigan in 2014 brought many problems to the area and affected its current population and environment. The timeline of the crisis shows that the problem is not entirely resolved to this day, although the authorities state that the central issue is solved...
Topic: Environment
Words: 1494
Pages: 5
The development of environmental ethic as a possible solution of environmental problems Land use entails proper execution as well as adaptation of natural environment into finer fields, purposes of settlements and pastures. It can also be referred to as the arrangement of actions together with inputs that are undertaken by...
Topic: Environment
Words: 1083
Pages: 4
The debate surrounding non-renewable resources and ecological wellbeing is akin to having pessimists on one side and optimists on the other. However, it is important to consider how non-renewable resource-extraction will affect the quest for alternative energy. There are several externalities that apply to the depletion of non-renewable resources and...
Topic: Environment
Words: 1155
Pages: 4
Introduction Parks and recreational facilities are the heart of the city, and they play a significant role in the lives of citizens. Parks are the place where people can spend their free time, get to know each other in a safe environment, have a rest from the bustle of the...
Topic: Safety
Words: 2262
Pages: 8
Introduction There are at least two major incentives for resolving Beijing’s air pollution problems. First, humanitarian reasons dictate the urgency of reducing the mortality rates as a result of poor air quality. Second, the implementation of a cost-efficient and effective air pollution strategy inevitably leads to a treasure trove of...
Topic: Air Pollution
Words: 1433
Pages: 5
Introduction Sustainable business is the business that has no negative impact on the society, environment, or economy. This kind of business is sometimes referred to as the green business and is always accompanied by well-stipulated policies to protect the environment and the individuals in the society to ensure that the...
Topic: Environment
Words: 755
Pages: 2
The 20th century was characterized by rapid economic growth, which widely used natural and energy resources. This was the main reason for the increasing environmental pollution and depletion of valuable natural resources. Green engineering aims at the design and manufacture of products to preserve natural resources in terms of sustainable...
Topic: Environment
Words: 554
Pages: 2
Asir National Park on 2 August 2011 I decide to take a drive through Asir national park making various stopovers to enable me to cover as much distance as possible to experience the diverse ecosystem. I notice that one of the most outstanding features in Asir is its diverse vegetation....
Topic: Ecosystem
Words: 1184
Pages: 4
The concept of science has always been considered detached and objective, representing the ultimate truth for the global community disregarding the ethnical, cultural, linguistic or geographical differences. Science reflects the laws of physics, nature and space that affect the human activity and exist without the possibility of human interference with...
Topic: Environment
Words: 1258
Pages: 4
Summary of the Primary Paper The article ‘Improvement of Tsunami Countermeasures Based on Lessons from the 2011 Great East Japan Earthquake and Tsunami- Situation after Five Years’ focuses on measures that should be taken to deal with similar disasters in future. The goal of the article is to eliminate or...
Topic: Environment
Words: 3994
Pages: 14
Federal Offshore Wind Plan The federal offshore wind plan will cost the United States government up to $50.5 million in research and development of the potential production sites (Tiffany). This amount will be incurred in over five years during which time the project will be undergoing implementation. Most of the...
Topic: Environment
Words: 564
Pages: 2
Introduction Data centers consume a significant share of energy produced globally. With the growing demand for services, the number and scale of data centers are expected to rise further over the next few years. Given that the vast majority of data centers use non-renewable energy, this adds to the global...
Topic: Energy
Words: 1674
Pages: 6
Introduction Managing evacuations from hurricanes and other natural catastrophes present recurrent challenges to the people responsible for such evacuations. A major challenge is how to best inform and direct the public responses to the imminent emergencies. A chronic challenge for emergency personnel is gaining public acquiescence with directives to evacuate...
Topic: Disaster
Words: 2027
Pages: 7
Since the humankind and the environment are in an ongoing interaction, the attempts to restore the damage that has already been done by industrialization and minimize its future impacts on the ecology are actually long-term contributions to the public health of the population of the entire planet. Due to the...
Topic: Environment
Words: 1336
Pages: 5
Waste treatment processes prior to land disposal of hazardous waste The five waste management processes include a chemical, biological, thermal, and physical examination and separation and encapsulation. Chemical waste management processes involve the addition or removal of chemicals from waste to produce a less hazardous chemical by neutralization or stabilization....
Topic: Environment
Words: 1090
Pages: 4
High Water Humanity perceives water as the substance of life, the most important liquid in the world: after all, it is a part of every human body, and the Earth is called ‘the blue planet’ for a particular reason. In the earliest childhood, we get acquainted with the water as...
Topic: Disaster
Words: 852
Pages: 3
The United States of America is heavily dependent on fossil fuels. Fossil fuels are carbon-based fuels that are extracted from the remains of ancient plants and animal matter. Examples of fossil fuels are: 1) crude oil; 2) coal; and 3) natural gas. It is high time to consider the adoption...
Topic: Alternative Energy
Words: 883
Pages: 3
In the aftermath of Hurricane Hanna, the region struggles to recover. In particular, the utility companies are proceeding to restore power in the conditions of catastrophic flooding while state governments and the Federal Emergency Management Agency [FEMA] (n.d.) provide emergency supplies to the survivors. FEMA (n.d.) also reports that the...
Topic: Disaster
Words: 628
Pages: 3
Professor Anthony John Allan introduced a revolutionary concept in 2003 when he coined the term “Virtual Water Content” or VWC (Yang, Wang, Abbaspour, and Zehnder 443). Allan pointed out the obvious when he highlighted that one could measure the exact amount of water utilized in producing a particular commodity. However,...
Topic: Water
Words: 1348
Pages: 5
Abstract That human activity alters natural environments is difficult to deny. Global climate change is believed to be the main result of human activity. Like many other parts of the world, Delaware is extremely susceptible to the risks of environmental degradation. This paper provides an overview of the local and...
Topic: Environment
Words: 1416
Pages: 6
Introduction The United Nations office for disaster risk reduction defines a natural disaster as “a serious disruption of the functioning of a community or society involving widespread human, material, economic or environmental losses and impacts, which exceeds the ability of the affected community or society to cope with using its...
Topic: Disaster
Words: 4113
Pages: 15
Introduction Today, the citizens of all countries face the same concern about the possible threat of global warming and people’s contributions to climate change. During the last two decades, the question of economic development and growth and its direct connection to energy consumption and carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions has become...
Topic: Climate Change
Words: 1364
Pages: 5
According to Hoekstra, freshwater remains one of the essential resources in modern society (54). However, it is unfortunate that fresh is increasingly becoming scarce in various parts of the world. Sub-Sahara Africa, the Middle East, and multiple parts of Asia and North Africa are now water-inefficient. The problem is caused...
Topic: Agriculture
Words: 1086
Pages: 4
Introduction Nowadays, when the volumes of produced waste emphasize the need for the use of appropriate solid waste disposal techniques, it is considered that waste incineration serves as a good alternative to landfill methods as it decreases the volume of waste and takes smaller space (Hu, Li, Nguyen, & Kavan,...
Topic: Social Issues
Words: 623
Pages: 3
Introduction The brown bear (Urus arctoss) is also referred to as a grizzly bear. Chamberlain, Rutherford, and Gibeau (2012) allege that the animal is among the largest carnivores living nowadays. The Grizzly bear is “one of the symbols of Canada’s remaining wilderness” (Chamberlain et al., 2012, p. 424). The animal...
Topic: Environment
Words: 2476
Pages: 10
Increasing environmental pressures have prompted countries to seek ways of saving domestic water resources by utilizing virtual water imports. Overall, national water savings can lead to a reduction in water consumption at a global stage when areas with high water production direct their resources to areas with low water production....
Topic: Agriculture
Words: 1115
Pages: 5
India, 2001 At 0316 GMT (0846 local times) January 26, 2001, the major tremor hit the Indian state Gujarat. The nearest town, Bhuj was nearly destroyed by the earthquake with the magnitude rated from 7.6 to 7.9 using the Richter scale. It was reported as the most significant earthquake in...
Topic: Disaster
Words: 1132
Pages: 5
Introduction Global warming is one of the most important issues that the global community encountered in the last 50 years. Despite the mounting evidence and increasing public unrest, the reality of the situation falls on the death ears of the government. The recent withdrawal of the United States from the...
Topic: Climate Change
Words: 1926
Pages: 8
The whole idea of a national park was created by a small group of people in the 19th century. Yellowstone was established as the first one in 1872 (Runte 197). It is located in the territories of Idaho, Wyoming, and Montana. A few years later, more parks were authorized by...
Topic: National Parks
Words: 298
Pages: 2
The production of the plastic began in the early 1940ies, and the material became essential very fast. Plastic is the most widespread and used material in the modern world. It is everywhere, starting from the smartphones that people use every day, fleece, teeth brush, and food containers. Goods made of...
Topic: Environment
Words: 1110
Pages: 5
Introduction Hurricane Katrina was a storm that struck the Gulf Coast of the United States in 2005 and that caused massive damages that affected the social and economic lifestyles of the affected areas extensively. Government statistics indicate that the Hurricane caused more than 1,836 deaths, displacement of hundreds of thousands...
Topic: Disaster
Words: 1489
Pages: 6
Global warming has the capability to destroy the planet due to rising sea levels and unpredictable weather changes (Webersik 19). Global warming is made possible by greenhouse gases or GHG (Victor 193). The critical component of GHG is carbon dioxide (Weart 12). The GHG effect is a phenomenon that traps...
Topic: Climate Change
Words: 1103
Pages: 5
Introduction The policy issue to be analyzed is the Clean Air Act. It is a special law adopted in 1970, which aims at correcting the situation with harmful emissions into the atmosphere and was designed to reduce the overall level of air pollution (Lashof et al., 2014). The Act solves...
Topic: Air Pollution
Words: 1367
Pages: 5
Nowadays, there is a new trend in doing business – sustainability. Its popularity is stimulated by the negative human- and industry-induced changes in the natural environment, which result in the changing demand for products and manufacturing. In this way, the overall green consciousness grows and companies are forced to alter...
Topic: Environment
Words: 1439
Pages: 6
The term nature is defined as the collectiveness of the physical world phenomena that includes animals, plants and world landscapes. The concept of nature, as discussed in realms of environment, refers to living as well as non-living things found naturally on the surface of the earth. The environment can be...
Topic: Biodiversity
Words: 1428
Pages: 6
Project Objectives Project definition The Nuclear International Development Association (NIDA) proposes a nuclear conference to discuss the future of nuclear energy in light of the recent disasters in Japan. The objective of the project is to reassure the world that despite the risks, nuclear power remains viable. The fit of...
Topic: Nuclear Power
Words: 1532
Pages: 6
A crisis is an event that results in a hazardous and detrimental situation that affects a group, community, country, or a region. It is considered to bring undesirable changes in the economic, political, social, security, and environmental aspects. Crises occur unplanned, and if people are not well prepared to cope...
Topic: Disaster
Words: 554
Pages: 3
Importance of a New Environmental Assessment Regime Nowadays, there are many problems and challenges people have to deal with in order to survive and provide their children and grandchildren with a safe future. People try to solve the existing political, economic, and cultural problems. Still, not many people pay enough...
Topic: Liberalism
Words: 2607
Pages: 10
Introduction Human activities have increasingly led to global warming due to the greenhouse gas emissions and other factors. Human existence is highly dependent on the changes in environmental patterns, which translates into the transmission of vector-borne diseases such as malaria across central and southern Africa. Climatic changes due to greenhouse...
Topic: Climate
Words: 2996
Pages: 11
Introduction Environmental conditions have profound effects on the well-being of the humankind. However, despite the recognition of their importance, they remain unaddressed by many business entities. Such an approach is considered undesirable both for the corporate and individual stakeholders in the long run. The following case study explores the effect...
Topic: Water
Words: 1462
Pages: 6
Introduction The state of Florida has 1,197 miles of coastline, and sand beaches cover more than 660 miles of this seashore (the State of Florida, 2017). These coastlines can be used for different purposes, and sand beaches can be public and private, as well as appropriate for recreational or residential...
Topic: Disaster
Words: 4988
Pages: 19
Response to Kimberly’s Post Using the case of the Indonesian earthquake of 2004, the student has presented meaningful recommendations that can be used after a disaster. The idea of using adequate planning after a disaster can minimize wastes and promote recovery efforts (Reiss-Brennan et al., 2016). The decision of different...
Topic: Disaster
Words: 569
Pages: 3
The current state of the environment is classified as disturbing. Various pieces of evidence prove that the climate change is a real problem facing the today’s society. While some officials still deny the existence of this problem, various weather disasters become more frequent each year, causing changes in people’s lives....
Topic: Climate
Words: 624
Pages: 3
Introduction The economics of energy efficiency form one of the highly debated topics on natural resource economics. Natural resource economies focus on the efficient utilization of natural resources, which include energy deposits, minerals, water resources, land, forests, and fish, among others. Public reliance and control of these resources, their significant...
Topic: Challenges
Words: 2836
Pages: 11
Abstract The paper deals with the descriptive review of the book Sustainability and Energy Politics: Ecological Modernization and Corporate Social Responsibility by Giorel Curran. It deals with the relevant issues that should be solved immediately, namely the role of the ecological modernization and corporate social responsibility to the environmental politics....
Topic: Energy
Words: 1960
Pages: 8
Deforestation is considered to be an internal problem for not only the affected countries but for the whole world because it does not only cause harm to the country in question but to the entire ecosystem of the planet. This explains why any bit of deforestation experienced in any country...
Topic: Deforestation
Words: 549
Pages: 2
Abstract The research findings suggest illegal dumping is detrimental to the ecosystems and the biodiversity, implying it affects life. The Houston community has no option other than adopting the radical measures proposed, which include recycling of the waste products, dumping the waste products in accordance to the set laws and...
Topic: Management
Words: 2172
Pages: 8
Introduction Human beings require energy for survival. This energy is obtained from different sources. However, some sources of energy pollute the natural environment. This situation explains why renewable energy has become common today (Trefil & Hazen, 2012). The American government should use modern technologies to produce alternative sources of energy...
Topic: Energy
Words: 887
Pages: 4
The topic of interest My major research interests are related to industrial ecology. Several important aspects can be distinguished. For example, I would like to gain a better understanding of such a phenomenon as industrial metabolism or a set of processes that transform energy and raw materials into products as...
Topic: Environment
Words: 528
Pages: 2
The China’s solar power mega project, which will be implemented in phases, is set to make a remarkable supplement in China total national energy production. The first phase, which will provide 50MW, will set the ball rolling, with the final project expected to provide 1000 MW of electricity by year...
Topic: Energy
Words: 577
Pages: 3
The Problem of Global Warming General Purpose To persuade. Specific Purpose By the end of my speech, the audience will believe that it is necessary for everyone to contribute to preventing global warming and to take action in the form of a series of easy steps to address the problem....
Topic: Climate Change
Words: 1110
Pages: 5
Introduction Nowadays, the world experiences continuous changes, and governmental authorities have to design sufficient governmental programs to be prepared for various natural and manmade disasters. The cataclysms with both origins tend to have an adverse and devastating effect on society and infrastructure (Turchetti, Cannizzo, & Trieste, 2012). For example, Hurricane...
Topic: Disaster
Words: 2789
Pages: 11
Introduction Information campaigns are some of the more frequent methods of healthcare promotion used by hospitals, clinics, and other community healthcare organizations around the world. These campaigns are aimed at the elimination of ignorance, prejudices, and wrong assumptions about certain healthcare issues, diseases, and factors that may contribute to a...
Topic: Air Pollution
Words: 1672
Pages: 7
Elimination The process of eliminating waste, though seemingly simple, in fact, requires a careful analysis of the factors that contribute to it. In the realm of an organization, the identified process will require embracing the operations performed in every single department, which is a rather challenging task. However, reaching the...
Topic: Environment
Words: 571
Pages: 3
Human civilization takes advantage of technological and scientific achievements and can make a certain prognosis about the future. However, the problem of climate change has always been in the scope of researchers, as it is one of the topical and burning questions nowadays. Dangerous natural climate processes and anthropogenic factor...
Topic: Environment
Words: 832
Pages: 4
In a crisis situation, the immediate response is vitally important. Timely help to the survivals and the prevention of the disaster spread are the steps to be taken. As long as the situations may be different, each needs a peculiar approach. Back Home Again: Evacuations End, but Colorado Fire Still...
Topic: Environment
Words: 898
Pages: 4
Introduction First phase of the environmental assessment on the site had already been done. The investigation was done to complete a cursory assessment of the abandoned industrial site so as to determine its conditions which indicate the prospects of environmental liability. Assessment Process Objectives The purpose of the environmental risk...
Topic: Environment
Words: 1626
Pages: 6
Introduction and Context There is an increasing recognition that environmental valuation in economic terms is crucial to determine costs and hence aid in policy considerations. It is through environmental valuation that economic benefits can be realized (Health and Environment Linkages Initiative par. 1). By putting into consideration the implications of...
Topic: Environment
Words: 1097
Pages: 4
The idea of virtual, or embedded, water was initially created as a method for assessing how water-rare nations could offer food, clothing and other water-intensive products to their residents (Water Footprint Network para. 1). The global commerce of products has ensured that nations with minimum water resources can depend on...
Topic: Agriculture
Words: 1072
Pages: 4
Context of Climate Change and Its Importance The issues related to climate change have attracted a lot of attention and have become a part of the agenda of socially responsible companies. According to IPCC (2014), there is no doubt about “human influence on the climate system” and its “widespread impacts...
Topic: BP
Words: 2536
Pages: 10
In this essay, a main theme, two subthemes, and global connections are presented. For several years, global leaders have proposed various recommendations to curb climate change, but with minimal results. However, on November 18, the United Nations announced a big news that the conclusion of the Marrakech meeting led to...
Topic: Climate
Words: 850
Pages: 4
Abstract World leaders were forced to hold discussions in Kigali, Rwanda, in late 2016 to establish a deal addressing mechanisms to be adopted to curb global warming. Although nature is responsible for harboring harmful elements that trigger climatic changes, it is alarming that all talks seem to agree that human...
Topic: Climate Change
Words: 917
Pages: 4
Introduction The world is increasingly getting competitive. Firms are faced with a difficult situation of having to deal with the dynamics in the corporate world. The emerging technologies and environmental concerns are some of the factors that corporate bodies have to deal with in order to ensure smooth operations. According...
Topic: Environment
Words: 2199
Pages: 8
Introduction Natural disasters are very critical events that affect people’s lives adversely because of the devastations they cause. Such things as hurricanes, earthquakes, and floods can result in property damage and also kill people. Realizing how crucial the effects of natural disasters are, governments develop specific emergency management plans that...
Topic: Disaster
Words: 1473
Pages: 6
Introduction Florida has been known as a tourist destination and the epicentre of the U.S. agricultural growth for quite a while (Hodges, Rahmani, & Stevens, 2013). However, the recent changes in the environment, particularly, the rise in the sea levels and the subsequent threat of its most attractive and useful...
Topic: Environment
Words: 1399
Pages: 6
Significance of the Topic The existing research reveals that inter-annual and inter-decade climate variation has a greater influence on the history of vector-borne maladies. The studies prove that global temperatures are expected to rise from 0.1 to 3.5 degrees centigrade in the near future, which means vector-borne diseases, such as...
Topic: Climate
Words: 550
Pages: 2
Introduction and Context The article in question deals with people’s willingness to pay for better air quality in Sweden. The purpose of the study is to evaluate “individual” willingness to pay for improved air in the areas where the participants of the study lived and worked as well as more...
Topic: Environment
Words: 1087
Pages: 4
Introduction The global community has been involved in measure to ensure that the world adopts sustainable living standards. For the last few decades, every country has been formulating laws and regulations that are focused on reducing the rampant environmental degradation. Sustainability, in most cases, focuses on the environment and the...
Topic: Environment
Words: 866
Pages: 4
Introduction Energy is a fundamental resource due to the critical roles that it plays in running industrial operations and private undertakings. Oil accounts for a huge percentage of the world’s energy requirements, and it is availed by different petroleum-producing countries in different continents. Venezuela is one of the countries endowed...
Topic: Challenges
Words: 641
Pages: 3
Introduction Smart electric grids are an innovative solution in the field of electric infrastructure. These networks use digital technologies to improve monitoring of networks and address the environmental concerns. Along with the advantages offered by smart electric grids, the installation of these systems is rather costly and their widespread use...
Topic: Environment
Words: 556
Pages: 3
Abstract Global warming has been altering climatic rhythms and behavior of different living organisms. This development raises questions on what can be done to slow down the rate at which these changes are taking place. Other people are thinking along the lines of what can be done to enable humanity...
Topic: Climate Change
Words: 3601
Pages: 14
Introduction The significance of nature and its purposive relationship with humans have been prevalent throughout the history of mankind. Its aspects affect human life in one way or another. For nature means more than just material abundance of the money-worshiping civilization. It represents an inexhaustible fons et origo (the source...
Topic: Environment
Words: 5005
Pages: 19
Introduction and Context Authors Lauraine Chestnut and David Mills documented the benefits and cost assessment of the US acid rain reduction platform. Special attention was given to the parameters specified under the US Acid Rain Program, specifically Title IV of the 1990 Clean Air Act Amendments. To accomplish that goal,...
Topic: Environment
Words: 1107
Pages: 5
Introduction and Context The article “A Note on Benefits and Costs of Adjusting Forestry to Meet Recreational Demands” is devoted to one of the most important environmental issues of Sweden – logging industry. To be more specific, the Swedish government is concerned with the consequences of the most profitable as...
Topic: Environment
Words: 1104
Pages: 5
The question regarding the beaver exploitation and the relation of the Native Americans towards the issue seems to be significantly important to examine. As a matter of fact, Indians played an essential role in the depletion of the beaver population in Canada. The major objective of the paper is to...
Topic: Population
Words: 574
Pages: 3