Recycling of Materials: Entrepreneurship Assignment

Recycling of materials has been a very crucial part of our economic activities. It forms a part of the national income and also secures jobs for some individuals within the economy. Recycling itself involves the transformation of the already used products in other useful products that can be sold for...

Indigenous Rights and Ecological Wisdom in Amazon

Introduction In any part of the world, indigenous groups will always feel threatened when an outside group arrives to settle on their land. Many parts of the world have so far been opened up thanks to the colonization process in the course of so many years. Cultures and ways of...

Was the BP Oil Spill Disaster in the Gulf Avoidable

Introduction Oil spillage refers to the release of hydrocarbon petroleum liquid in the environment. This is mainly a result of human activities. It is one of the greatest forms and causes of pollution. It involves crude oil spillage from tankers, platforms, wells, and drilling rigs. Spillage could also be from...

Gas Emissions Standard Policies

Introduction Emissions are part of externalities because they have both positive and negative impacts that can be interpreted in monetary value. Two policies that can be adopted to curb emissions include reducing the emission of greenhouse gases by giving incentives to firms and institutions that have cut emissions. In addition,...

Global Warming: Do Human Activities Threaten to Change Climate?

This is a debate that has been there since time immemorial given the fact that change of global climate has continued to be experienced in different parts of the globe. Controversy has always occurred when scientists carry out research on global climate change and establish that it has been caused...

Volcanoes and Their Origin, Features and Types

Definition of Earthquake An Earthquake also known as tremor or quake, an Earthquake is the behavior by the earth’s surface blocks to suddenly slide past one another casing tearing of the blocks. The plane from which the block slides from is refferred to as fault plane. The position that is...

Global Warming and Mitigation Strategies

Abstract The environment is supposed to be conserved if all living organisms were to live comfortably on earth. This means that any damage done to the environment will have a negative implication to life of most of the living organisms on the globe. This paper discusses in detail the effects...

Marina Barrage: Land Contamination and Noise Pollution Assessment

Land Contamination Overview Marina Barrage building presupposes the division of the basin into three areas: industrial, agricultural and recreation. Industrial region will be featured with chemical contamination, and contamination with heavy metals. Agricultural region is featured with pesticide and herbicide contamination, while recreational area is subjected to littering. The prediction...

Global Warming: Is It Caused by Nature or Mankind?

Introduction The greenhouse effect is a term that describes an increase of the average global temperature and is often associated with global warming which is the subject of great debate and concern worldwide. Although warnings about the human generated causes of an enhanced greenhouse effect and the subsequent catastrophic outcomes...

Sea Shepherd: Public Relations Proposal

Executive Summary Sea shepherd is an international non-governmental organization involved in the activities aimed at conserving the whales. Sea shepherd believes that, the whales need to be preserved for the future generation to have the opportunity to see them. The organization has faced stiff opposition and criticisms from the various...

Climate of San Francisko’s Region

Introduction San Francisco’s region has a Mediterranean type of a climate and is characterized by moderate temperature which rarely ranges between the high of 35 degrees and the low of 10 degrees. With this ideal type of climate sometimes it is called, “the-conditioned city”. The weather in the region is...

Wind Works Ltd.: Wind Energy Development Methodology

Introduction Wind Works Ltd, as the company, which provides the alternative energy sources, and makes them available for the wide range of the population needs to resort to a particular assessment strategies. The fact is that, environmental costs, which are required to be calculated for the entire implementation of the...

Ethical and Legal Issues During Catastrophes or Disasters

Introduction Haiti is located in the Caribbean between the North Atlantic Ocean and the Caribbean Sea and to the north of the Dominican Republic. It has a tropical semiarid climate; however, it lies in the hurricane belt and is prone to storms, floods, droughts and earthquakes. It has a population...

Controversy About Global Warming: Skepticism and Reality

Introduction Global warming is a process that heats up the earth’s surface. The activities on earth’s surface produce green house gases, which entrap light and heat from the sun causing temperature of the earth surface to increase. The green house gases include nitrous oxide, water vapor, methane, and carbon dioxide....

The Historical Reconstruction of the Deschutes River Area Through Maupin in Central Oregon

Abstract The proposal has a high degree of potential strengths regarding to the subject for the development of this Historical Reconstruction of our ecology. On this issue of project formulation the very key ingredient missing on the other hand requires my devotion preliminary commentary to suggest the definition of necessary...

Humans and Preserving of Representative Sample of All Biomes and Aquatic Zones

Introduction Biodiversity is normally the change in the life cycle of living things in a given geographical zone or area. In this research, the focus will be on the effects of extinction on various aquatic organs and their biodiversity. Biological systems of living things are measured by taking into consideration...

Managing Emergencies and Disasters

Introduction The level of America’s preparedness in dealing with emergencies and disasters has been tested by many disasters and emergencies. The top ones that have had far-reaching effects are the Exxon Valdez Oil Spill, Hurricane Katrina, Hurricane Gustav, and the BP Oil Spill. The responses to these disasters were different...

Environmental Pollution Impact and Ways to Reduce It

Introduction Pollution can be defined as the introduction of contaminants into the environment which can cause environmental imbalances, instability and harm to living organisms. There are many forms of pollution. These include air, water, and noise pollution among others (Lalitkhungar, n.d, P.1). The individuals or organizations that cause pollution are...

Wolf Dombrowsky’s View on Disaster as a Concept

Introduction It is difficult to define what a natural disaster is. It is assumed that influences from nature have an effect that is catastrophic such that t a great impact is experienced on human beings (Barton 1969 and Drabek 1986). The traditional understanding of disasters is that disasters are divided...

Energy Safety and Earthquake Hazards Program

Introduction Earthquakes have been a major issue for mankind for a long time. Many people have lost their lives during earthquakes. Property worth billions of dollars has been destroyed as well. The fact that it is not possible to predict with certainty when an earth quake is going to strike...

Wolf Dombrowsky’s View on the Term ‘Disaster’

If I was to base this as my case point of interest, I would try to understand what a disaster is. A disaster is defined as a sudden event that occurs causing damage. Damage may mean loss of life or property and other related hardships. It may be a natural...

“The Great Work: Our Way into the Future” by Tom Berry

Ecological problems the world is facing now, their causes and possible solutions to them have recently become the point of wide discussions among scientists and people who care about their future. Ozone holes, global warming, greenhouse effect and polluted air are the results of people’s activities and improper utilization of...

Buncefield Oil Depot Explosion and Its Environmental Impact

Introduction On December 11 the year 2005, a great explosion occurred at the Buncefield Oil Depot. This is a major depot that stores and distributes fuel situated near Hemel Hempstead which is in the northwest direction of central London, 40 kilometers apart. Following the explosion that occurred, the fire was...

Drinking-Water in Third World Countries

Introduction Nowadays, it became a statement of good taste, on the part of neo-Liberal politicians, to look at issues of socio-political importance through the lenses of perceptional irrationalism, without being unable to understand that such their attitude can hardly be held in any value, whatsoever. The shortage of drinking water...

Water: An Often Overlooked Essential Element in Our Environment

The freshwater required for growing food and livestock is also in great demand by the large numbers of inhabitants in the world’s cities and towns. Even though our planet is so rich with water supplies that it appears blue from space as the water reflects the blue light rays from...

Environmental Management Plan: Managing the Hospitality Context

Site selection The site selection criteria for a tourist class hotel should be done in a qualitative and quantitative manner. Site selection should be done by a team of experts who have adequate knowledge regarding the hotel environment. The selecting team should have a laid down selection consideration guided by...

The Alleviation Plans to Air Pollution Throughout the World

Introduction Atmospheric pollution may be used to refer to the not only the man made process but also to the natural processes that contribute to the release of the gases such as in the volcanic eruption where very dangerous gases are releases and the aftermath of the eruption is the...

The Economics of Race, Agriculture and Environment

Introduction The United States of America is a nation that has great diversity in terms of race and ethnicity. This kind of diversity brings in some effects in terms of resource use. This research paper is going to answer the question; do public policies reduce or enhance racial inequality in...

The Importance of Documentation in Environmental Management

Introduction The article for discussion “ISO 14000: Environmental Management” is written by Beverly A. Graves (2009) who discussed the procedures the companies should do in order to minimize the harmful effect they provide on the environment in detail. One of the points in the article is the document control procedure...

Hurricane Katrina as One of the Worst National Disasters in the USA

Hurricane Katrina can be regarded as one of the worst catastrophes ever recorded as a national disaster by the government of the United States of America. This disaster occurred in the New Orleans levees, which were destroyed beyond recognition. As a result of this Hurricane disaster, many people lost their...

Future Measures for Wildfire Protection

Introduction For many years, wildfire has been a major threat to the United States. Many fatalities and injuries have resulted from this problem. In the last decade, about seventy-seven firefighters and twenty-three civilians perished with over half a million citizens being left homeless as a result of wildfire. Some of...

Global Warming and Other Ecology Issues

Introduction “Global warming refers to the increase in the temperatures of the global surface causing various effects on the climate of the world,” (Spencer, 2003). Changes in climate will include change in the patterns of rainfall, rise in the sea level among other climate changes. This affects the life of...

Concept of Energy Consumption in Environmental Design

Energy consumption can be seen as one of the problems related to environmental design in architecture. In that regard, a confirmation of the aforementioned statement can be seen in that “about 50% of all energy consumption in Europe and 60% in the US is building related” (Holm, 2006, p. 247)....

Global Warming: Harmful Impact on the Polar Bears

Over the last 50 years, human activities have considerably worsened the ecological situation. The Earth suffers from heat-trapping gases that lead to global warming. The rise of temperature increased the sea level that made the Arctic ice melt. As a result, the survival of polar bear population is under the...

Earth Solution: Definition and Explanation of the Earth Initiative Charter

Introduction The world as it is today is in peril. All are in quick transition causing people to be irresponsible in conserving their moral and political duties. Production and resource use is on a downward trend. Devastation and depletion of resources have led to the total destruction of species that...

Meadow Brook: Developing a Performance Management System

Introduction Rapid globalization in the world in the recent years has led to a number of shared environmental problems. “As globalization continues and the earth’s natural processes transform local problems into international issues, few societies are being left untouched by major environmental problems.” (Environmental problems, 1999, para.1). One among these,...

Environmental Studies: The Importance of Oil Exploration

Introduction Oil exploration is a major global economic activity. Most states in the world are entirely dependent on oil as their only sole revenue-generating unit. In the recent moment many countries are either in cold war over ownership of oil deposits or are actually in serious physical conflicts. This trend...

Issues Dumping Chemical Wastes in the Lake

Introduction To begin with it is necessary to mention that the solution of this situation fully depends on Joelle’s personal situation: whether she really needs this job, whether there is an opportunity to find another job, and what the reputation of the company is. The further events may be different...

Urban Solid Wastes Management in the USA

Introduction Solid waste management has emerged as a global problem of a considerable magnitude. The pursuit towards decreasing the solid wastes quantities as well as recovering the scarce resources from the bundles of waste generated on daily basis throughout the world has in the last few years broadened the scope...

Ethics on Environment: Practical and Theoretical Constructs

Introduction Ethical behavior produces and preserves value in the world. A morally good person knows what has value and acts to produce and preserve it. From 1990s, it has become common and clear to make appeals for what is good for environment, and/ or nature (Attfield, 2003). The question of...

The Reducing of Harmful Wastes

Introduction This study talks about how to manage harmful waste. The impact it has in terms of cost to individual firms and the society at large. This can be achieved by reducing the quantity of wastes that a producer releases. The three ways of reducing include source reduction, treatment as...

Global Warming: Issue Analysis

Introduction Global warming is a term commonly used to describe the consequences of man- made pollutants overloading the naturally-occurring greenhouse gases causing an increase of the average global temperature, the subject of great debate and concern worldwide. According to all peer-reviewed scientific studies, if the amount of greenhouse gasses being...

Changes in the Global Water Cycle

Introduction Evidence does exist of the rise in the global mean surface air temperature in the twentieth century. More so, even if there are several uncertainties about the level of climatic change in the future, several types of research carried out show that in the future, global warming is quite...

Environmental Challenges for NAFTA and Their Solutions

Introduction Over the last few decades, the relationship between the United States, Mexico, and Canada have continued to strengthen; the three countries have in the past enjoyed close relationships in matters of trade and environmental relations. In fact, they are not only close neighbors but also share common environmental heritage,...

Research Environmental Discrimination and Environmental Justice

Introduction In recent years, environmental discrimination becomes an inevitable evil affected all geographical regions. In the real world, people strive for the national interest as they subjectively perceive it. The relationship between the objective and subjective versions of the concept is inevitably problematic. Is there an objective national interest that...

Evaluation of Three Solutions to the Problem of Pollution Externalities

Introduction In economics terms an externality or a spill-over can be defined as an effect caused by a party that is not directly concerned with making the economic decision. This happens when an economic activity makes a third party incur external costs (or gains) while not directly taking part in...

Oil and Gas Industry Response to Global Warming

How should the oil and gas industry respond to global warming? Global warming is a contemporary serious threat to our planet for the combustion of oil, coal, and natural gas contributes in changing the atmospheric balance of carbon dioxide, and other naturally occurring ‘trace gases’ as well as chemicals created...

Underground Water Overdraft in Southern California

Introduction Statement of the Problem Underground waters form one of the most widely relied upon water sources not only in the United States of America but also in many other parts all over the globe (Maureen et al, 2004). Due to the scarcity and inaccessibility of the surface waters in...

Ineos Chemical Company Performance & Environmental Risks

Introduction The chemical industry is one of the fast-growing industries in the world and the UK influenced by technological changes and innovations. In this industry, technological developments and changing market environments are externally based, whereas research and development, and modifications of products, packages, marketing channels, and advertising campaigns, are internally...

Questions on Environmental Ethics Concerns

Is the classical free-market view of economics an adequate guide for protecting the environment? Or, do we require a new, more socialist or nature-centered approach? Defend your response using information from Environmental Ethics. Under the classical free-market perspective of economics, the rights and titles of property vest with private individuals,...

Global Warming: Causes and Solutions

The modern world faced the problem of global warming which is considered to be the growth of Earth’s average temperature within oceans and air. It is necessary to underline the fact that this climate change has started to develop since the 20th century and is still in a progressive state...

Three Solutions to Problem of Pollution Externalities

Introduction In economics terms an externality or a spill-over can be defined as an effect caused by a party that is not directly concerned with making the economic decision. There can be both negative externalities as well as positive externalities. The externalities can also be called spill over effect.This happens...

Destructive Force: Earthquake in Aquila, Italy

Introduction There are a few natural processes that can be as scary as an earthquake. A human can brace for typhoons by staying indoors. A well-constructed house can withstand normal typhoons. Flooding can be defeated by planning and create mechanisms that will limit the rapid collection of water in cities...

The Kyoto Protocol: First Framework for Fighting Global Warming

Introduction Since the industrial revolution took place, it has been observed that there has been a steady and gradual increase in temperature at the earth’s lower atmosphere and this global warming is the result of a natural process called the greenhouse effect. Visible, shortwave light from the sun travels through...

Water and Soil Pollution: Effects on the Environment

In this research, we are going to explore the adverse effects of pollution on our environment. Pollution is the process of contaminating the environment (Oxford advanced learners dictionary pg 900). This causes discomfort, disorder, instability or even harm to physical features and living things of a place. It comes in...

Hurricane Katrina and the USA’s South

Introduction That racial discrimination has been a significant mark in the history of America has never been in doubt. Undoubtedly throughout the history of the American south, racial discrimination has played a significant part. There is the existence of sharp and deep differences between the predominantly white and affluent North...

Global Warming as Not a New-Fangled Issue

Awareness and concerns regarding health and environmental safety have been rising in the past years. It has been realized by the people that the environment has been damaged to such an extent that the proper action needs to be taken to save the environment from any further destruction. Global warming...

International Studies: Global Disasters

Natural disasters traditionally have been reasoned to be an effect of environmental conditions like volcanoes, cyclones, earthquakes, droughts, etc. They have considered human contribution in the disasters as passive agents. However in the early 1980s there had been radical critique from social geographers on environmental lines, who argued that humans...

Commercial Fishing: Environmental Ethics Case Study

This case study takes up the matter of commercial fishing. It is believed that: Over-indulgence in fishing has destroyed fish stocks in rivers and coastal areas and has lowered yields dramatically. The use of trawlers has damaged the river beds beyond repair and has caused discomfort to marine life. Perhaps,...

How the Freeze-Thaw Earth Era Ended

Working on possible explanations of how the freeze-thaw Earth era ended, Martin Kennedy of the University of California, Riverside, and Nicholas Christie-Blick and Sohl of Columbia University published an exciting new hypothesis this year in Geology. They questioned the hypothesis that the cap carbonates deposited over the tillites resulted from...

Bottled Water: Culture and Environmental Impact

Executive Summary The cultural approach in the reality of the contemporary world cannot but disappoint an ordinary individual due to the threats which some cultural peculiarities represent toward the environment. In this respect bottled water became the source for discussion. This particular branch of the industrial growth in countries throughout...

Earth System Science: Natural Hazards in Alexandria

Abstract The city of Alexandria is located in northern Egypt. The city has been one of the major ports in the Mediterranean and many tourists travel to the beautiful city. Geographically the city is located on the coast of Egypt and a major portion of the city is composed of...

Alternative Energy Sources: A Collaborative Approach in Water Management

Introduction With the increasingly high prices of gasoline in particular and fossil fuels in general there is a need to find an alternative source of energy. But at the same time the use of fossil fuels and the rapid increase in world populations is exerting pressure on natural resources. There...

Hurricane Katrina: Determining Management Approach

There are various approaches to organizational change; among them, we can mark out hierarchical and network models, both of them can be used effectively under certain circumstances. In this paper, we need to discuss their advantages and disadvantages in connection with emergency management. In particular, we may focus on such...

Scientific Responsibility for Earthquakes in Japan

Introduction Evolution through scientific development has taken the most credit for the modernization of mankind. It is rather interesting how a simple invention like the wheel over 5000 years ago played its part in today’s the automobile. Critics are however worried that mankind is getting ahead of himself with his...

Protecting Wilderness: History, Problems, Debates

Introduction Nowadays, more and more people grow to realize that the issue of protecting the environment can no longer be thought of as such stands second or third in importance, when compared to other socio-political issues of global concern. The validity of this idea became painfully clear ever since the...

The Problem of Energetic Supply in State Ohio

Introduction The conscientiousness of the United States people props up against the systematic character of all bodies of power in each state. This division is quite understandable due to the historical cut of the US, but due to the difficulties of the American state political and economic structure, undoubtedly, there...

A Throw-Away Society and Green Consumption Trends

Introduction A society, such as our own, which produces excessive amounts of disposable products and is in the grip of consumerism, is commonly referred to as a throw-away society. Although there have been several attempts to move towards Green Consumption (Hardliner and Rice 89), the average person in a Throw-Away...

Productivity & Program Evaluation of Municipal Parks

The park is a suitable setting that can stimulate reflection by its grandeur as well as complexity mixed with entertainment. The municipal departments can create enough revenues, if the parks provide untrammeled ecosystems to urban systems. From them, the municipal departments can increase their productivity in service-oriented sector with fewer...

Industrial Pollution in China and the USA

Introduction Pollution can be termed as the introduction or contamination of the environment which include the water (both underground and surface water), land and the air that may cause discomfort, unsteadiness and disorder to the physical, psychological and emotional system of the living things. On the other hand, industrial pollution...

Bioremediation Technology Against Environmental Pollution

Pollution of the environment can be classified into various forms; air pollution, visual pollution, soil contamination, radioactive contamination, thermal pollution, noise pollution and water pollution. All these different forms of pollution contribute to health predicaments and also lower the quality of someone’s life. For example excessive noise pollution can lead...

Ethics and Environmental Situation in China

Introduction Today, China is facing a harsh environmental degradation mainly due to population explosion and economic development. The country was not concerned about the protection and development of the environment while it was forging ahead with rapid economic growth. Fast economic development of this country has led to an increase...

Skunked: Crisis in New England Fisheries

Short report This case study takes up the matter of commercial fishing in the once flourishing fishing zones of Georges Bank in New England, Massachusetts. Over some time, cut-throat competition, gross commercialization of fishing rights, unethical fishing practices and , most critically overfishing in these waters caused a virtual extinction...

The Global Warming Crisis and Ways of its Solution

Global warming is a term used to describe the results of man-made pollutants that are offsetting the naturally occurring greenhouse gases of the planet which causes an increase in the average global temperature. It is a subject that attracts great debate and causes tumultuous arguments worldwide. According to all scientific...

Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons Effect on Water

Introduction Seventy percent of the earth is covered by water or oceans. A large number of pollutants by way of land runoff and direct discharge are hurled into the ocean waters (Cui et al, 2008). The sediments could be having crude oil or a mixed group of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons...

Peak Oil and Texas’ Energy Future

Introduction The concept of peak oil refers to situations regarding the reserves of oil in the world is limited and being gradually being depleted due to excessive use. Ultimately a situation would come when such reserves would start to run out and the production of oil will start showing a...

Gasoline Consumption Statistics and Reduction of Environmental Pollution

Introduction In every day life, there are many activities that we do which have negative impact on the environment. Most of the environmental degradation occurs from the use of resources or exploitation of these resources. However, consumption remains the major cause of environmental pollution that is done throughout ones life....

Chuck Plunkett “Prius Effect”: Energy Efficient Cars Harmful Effects on the Environment

Introduction The “Prius effect: Energy-efficient cars undercut the appeal of the light rail” was written by Chuck Plunkett for The Denver Post. The main idea of the article is that energy-efficient cars made the light rail, which has harmful effects on the environment, less attractive for the passengers. Plunkett explains...

Methods of Planet Pollution Prevention

Introduction The world is currently experiencing several environmental problems. The majority of these problems are due to drastic globalization and the vast natural processes. Many of these problems originate from localized sources and then they keep on accumulating and undergoing transformation to become so challenging and of high injurious impacts....

Environmental Hazards Around the Company and Its Rectifications

Introduction Having just completed a 3 week survey on the landscape surrounding your company, I submit a report which will highlight the flaws in the landscape and provide concrete solutions to those problems. One of the major flaws that stood out during my survey was muddy and unpaved walkway between...

Lack of Water in California as an Environmental Issue

Introduction In recent years, California can run out of water because of technological and social problems affecting the region. From a policy perspective, defining water resources “development” is critically important. That concept typically now includes just such environmental and political attributes; and recently or currently favored approaches to development, such...

“Proactive Corporate Environmental Strategies” by Aragon-Correa

Introduction This report gives a Critical review of the journal article “Proactive corporate environmental strategies: Myths and misunderstandings by Juan Alberto Aragon-Correa and Enrique A. Rubio Lopez. Due to increased global environmental challenges and other concerns, scholars, consultants, researchers, firms, world governments and all the stake holders who are conscious...

Rail Road and Environment. “Sounds” by Thoreau

Henry David Thoreau in the passage entitled “Sounds” describes lucidly how a peaceful village is transformed due to the developments that occurred after the arrival of the railroad. The statement -“The rays which stream through the shutter will be no longer remembered when the shutter is wholly removed…” gives the...

Philanthropy: Recycling Programs in Los Angeles

Introduction The current increasing use of the earth’s natural resources put a raising pressure on our planet’s ecosystem. This ecosystem which supplies vital resources is one of the key factors that human life depends on, along with waste absorption. What happens if human life using all of the available natural...

The Issue of Unstoppable Global Warming and Its Effects

Introduction Are we seeing the last days of planet earth? That is indeed the question that comes to the fore considering the seemingly insurmountable challenges that global warming poses to the survival of the planet. Disappearing Islands, melting polar ice, floods like never seen before, famine and outbreak of tropical...

Natural Resource Management. Environmental Paradox

Introduction Nuclear power plant is the best source of electric energy in the world. This source should be exploited and more stations be built to ensure energy security. This is good news to the technologically advancing world. However this sends cold shivers to another group of professionals in the environment...

Air Pollution: Effects and Regulations

Introduction The problem of environmental protection is one of the most important challenges of modern society. Among different components of ecological crisis (exhaustion of raw resources, the shortage of clean freshwater, possible climatic catastrophes) the most threatening characteristic is the problem of the pollution of irreplaceable natural resources – air,...

Pollution And Health: An Analysis

Introduction Global warming is a real threat to the global community, and we can save the future generations by employing simple solutions to considerably minimize pollution and the global warming. It is to be ensured that global warming reduction must be initiated within 10 years to save the earth from...

Fossils and Edwards Aquifer Rocks in Texas

The looming water crisis in Texas has been attributed to the fact that serious tensions are observed in big cities in respect of securing water rights. For example, a land owner must obtain a permit from EAA to withdraw water from his or her land. At the initial stages of...

Environmental Degradation as a Result of Growing Population

It is often claimed that the constant increase in the population is the sole cause of environmental degradation. The population is indeed a concern and so is the environmental degradation but there is no concrete reason why it is blamed upon the growth in the population or rather the poor...

Vapi Pharmaceutical Firms: Strategies for Toxic Waste Disposal

Introduction Vapi (India) pharmaceutical companies’ strategies on toxic waste products don’t satisfy and comply with laws and legislation on toxic waste management. The toxic waste products management procedures don’t reflect relevant training on staff with regard to management of toxic waste products. The machinery used in management of toxic waste...

Media Coverage of the China 2008 Earthquake

Introduction The tenets of the theoretical framework of deconstruction are some of the offer valuable insights in the analyses of particular art forms, artifact and as well as various media forms. The use of the term was initialized in the 9160s by Jacques Derrida. Gavin Ambrose et al (20010 offer...

Can Pollution Free Corporations Exist?

Introduction A multinational corporation refers to an enterprise that delivers services in at least two countries. In addition to this, a multi-national corporation manages production establishments. These companies through the processes of production have been known to cause pollution to the environment of the host country and at the same...

Bio-Based Materials: Alternative Energy

Introduction With the world economies improving and expanding at an alarming rate, individual government are more than ever before challenged by the task of dwindling natural resources, and this has led to the questioning of exactly how sustainable such resources are. In fact, the issue of environmental sustainability transcends natural,...

Vulnerability of Hazardville to Flooding Disasters

Introduction History, research and the recent catastrophes of Hurricane Katrina, Hurricane Rita and the more recent Midwest floods have determined that the United States of America is highly vulnerable to natural disasters. The Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) confirms that folds are undoubtedly, the most frequent and costly among all...

Solving the Climate Problem for Next 50 Years.

The articles taken for this critique, are three in number, and are relevant to the technologies being used for the solving of climate problems in the world, for the upcoming fifty years. The first article is written by members of the Princeton University, the second is a review only by...

“Lost Mountain: A Year in the Vanishing Wilderness” by Erik Reece

One can hardly imagine the existence of society without various sociological issues that it has to deal with. Developing a set of social practices and social institutions helps to solve such sociological problems as allocation of resources (wealth, power), organization of material existence of the society (work), the establishment of...

Environment Protection Authority and Chemical Waste

Introduction Chemical wastes are those chemicals by-products in form of solids, liquids, or gases produced by factories that are harmful to animal and plant life. On the other hand, petrochemical wastes are those chemicals derived from some reaction involving natural gas or petroleum. However, unlike chemical wastes, petrochemical wastes sometimes...

Biotechnology: Methodology in Basic Genetics

Project Summary The material presented in this research proposal illustrates the possibilities of ecological genetics, in particular, the development of eco-genetical models, based on the usage of species linked by one food chain as consumers and producers. The consumer’s metabolic dependence on producer allows altering the metabolism of the producer...

Issue of the Global Warming

Introduction Global warming is an issue of growing concern, with the consequences of climatic change being felt in different parts of the world. An evaluation of the causes of global warming shows that it is the indiscriminate use of energy resources to satisfy the growing energy requirements that are spurring...

Environmental Management Approaches and Waste Audit

Environmental strategies, waste audit and cost-efficiency The purpose of current research is to provide the comprehensive analysis of environmental management approaches in terms of conducting full-spectrum waste audit. Currently existing ecological problems pose new challenges to enterprising units which are obliged according to national legislation to utilize environmentally safe equipment...

Global Warming: Solving a Social Problem

Global warming is the phenomenon that will melt the world’s glaciers and sea ice. The gradual rise of the Earth’s average surface temperature, due to greenhouse gases in the atmosphere is called Global warming. Global warming maybe because of the cooling in some parts of the world. Global warming can...

Radioactive Uranium and Cesium Levels in Kuwait Bay Seawater

Abstract The development of a continuous monitoring program of the radioisotopes levels has an extreme significance in maintaining the radiological safety of the environment. This study aimed to evaluate the radiological safety of locally-sourced desalinated water and seafood. The establishment of baseline data for observing the nuclear activities already existing...

“High Noon” Article in The Amicus Journal

Introduction The article under analysis is an editorial in The Amicus Journal published in 2001. The writing dwells upon the importance of the implementation of the Kyoto Protocol and the effects of global warming, as well as possible solutions to the problem. The author targets a wide audience with a...

Potential Threats to Water Supplies in Ottawa

Introduction The problems of drinking water quality of city water supply systems are fundamental in determining risk factors for public health. Furthermore, they are crucial in evaluating the effectiveness of the control and supervision activities in the field of drinking water supply for the population of Ottawa. The purpose of...

Weather and Climate Change: Physical Equations

Introduction The topics of weather and climate are increasingly addressed at international meetings and summits and cause concern not only among environmentalists but also ordinary citizens. The modern consequences of high anthropogenic activities, fluctuations in natural cycles, and other factors have led the topic of climate change to be widely...

Natural Sciences. 1996 Mount Everest Disaster

Introduction Mount Everest has always been surrounded by mysteries and tales of tragedies, despite the tremendous successes achieved by many climbers who managed to reach its peak. The events of spring 1996 are now remembered as one of the most unfortunate as fifteen individuals lost their lives during the summit...

Water Quality in Savannah, Georgia

Introduction Water plays a central role in the sustenance of any form of life, which underscores its importance in the current world. However, water could also be a source of life-threatening health conditions if not handled carefully. The present levels of pollution aggravate the situation because thousands of chemicals and...

The Climate Tragedy and Adaptation to Disasters

Introduction Issues affecting the environment and people’s livelihood in a changing climate are the subject of many studies and discussions and, as a rule, evoke a lively public interest. Some authors consider these problems comprehensively, and some focus on specific topics, conducting in-depth studies and analyzing the current situation from...

Emergency Preparedness: Continuity Plan

The first step of the emergency planning process is assessing the existing risks (Lang, 2017). The risks Harris County is exposed to include natural hazards, such as fire hazards and hurricanes, and homeland security events, such as terrorist attacks (Harris County, n.d.). It is possible to say that the likelihood...

Sun Coast Remediation: Research Methodology, Design, and Methods

Introduction Before making any decisions regarding the promotion of occupational health and the reduction of dust and particulate matter exposure, Sun Coast should evaluate the current situation. To do so, it needs to formulate a research framework and carry it out in practice, obtaining data and analyzing it. Such a...

Global Warming and Its Various Consequences

Introduction The slowly overheating planet may carry a wide variety of repercussions for humanity as one of the species living on its surface. From a drastic increase in the amounts of CO2 gas present in the atmosphere and dangerously rising sea levels to weather-related chain reactions, global warming affects humankind...

Solar Power as the Best Source of Energy

Introduction Human beings rely on different sources to generate energy for both industrial and domestic use. Some of the common ones include water, natural gas, coal, solar, and nuclear plants. Many emerging and developed economies are currently considering additional solutions that can promote sustainability and protect the natural environment. This...

Plants’ Role for American Society

The Earth is commonly referred to as the green planet as it is the only planet that is known to contain plants. Plants are the primary producers in the food chain; thus, they are considered to be the root support of every organism subsequent in the chain. Over the years,...

The WWF’s Environmental Advertisement on Marine and Ocean Pollution

Rhetoric and the art of persuasion are generally associated with spoken language and oratory. However, a visual image can also make a convincing point, and this is particularly applicable to social and environmental advertising. Its efficiency largely depends on the performance of all possible persuasive means, which Aristotle previously divided...

Deforestation and Emissions in Salt Lake City and Los Angeles

Introduction Forests have a diverse effect on natural complexes and the biosphere as a whole. The conservation and functioning of eco and geosystems largely depend on the state of forests. Therefore, forest protection is of paramount importance when solving many issues related to the environment. However, deforestation has become a...

National Guidance During Hurricane Katrina

Introduction Emergency management, both on state and local levels, demands coordinated actions from a diversity of agencies involved in this process. To meet the needs of communities and individuals affected by disasters and avoid unlawful discrimination, the US state departments developed “Guidance to state and local governments and other federally...

Climate Change Factors and Impacts on Blue Crab Populations

Introduction As part of the natural world, humankind has interacted with the environment to some extent throughout its history. If initially, it was a harmonious relationship with other animals and plants, then the human began to show more consumerism. Over time, the world community began to show concern for the...

Global Warming Leads Climate Change

Abstract This paper is dedicated to researching the problem of global warming and its effect on the environment. Scholarly literature on the topic was employed in order to retrieve information about global warming and climate change. Several definitions for the concept of global warming were provided, andalso the connection between...

Climate Change Impacts Florida’s Biodiversity

Introduction The ecological system of Florida contains several distinct life forms with rarest species as compared to other ecosystems. Florida’s geographical location and longitudinal range makes it situated in a manner that almost all parts of South Florida have a tropical climate and the central and northern parts of Florida’s...

Urban Sprawl and Biodiversity

It has been acknowledged that people have had a substantial impact on the environment and biodiversity. Deforestation and pollution are regarded as some of the primary negative effects that influence the planet (Tomalty & Mallach, 2016). At the same type, other factors related to human activity are significant factors contributing...

The Paris Accord: Macroeconomics and Global Warming

Introduction The Paris Accord, which is a worldwide agreement among nations, is intended to counter the effects of climate change. Its primary purpose is to strengthen the international response to the dangers of this appalling effect by maintaining global temperature increments below 2 degrees Celsius (Falkner 1109). This move is...

US Coasts in Reeder-Myers’ and Robinson’s Articles

As sources for comparison, the articles by Reeder-Myers and Robinson et al. are used. Both scholarly studies deal with the archaeological safety of the coastal territories of the United States, and this is a key similarity. Also, certain nuances of the studies are similar given a single topic. For instance,...

American Coastal Territories in the 21st Century

The article by Reeder-Myers describes the problems of changing the structure of coastal territories in the 21st century under the influence of both external natural and anthropogenic factors. Soil erosion, global warming, intensive building projects, and other issues are mentioned as the factors that adversely affect coastal conditions. The US...

Toxic Air Pollutants: Environmental Health

I did not know that toxic air pollutants present in the air can result in the emergence of cancer or serious health problems. Cancer risk associated with this issue is about one per million; however, it can be considered a critically high percentage because of the severe complications associated with...

Unconventional Natural Gas Development and Hospitalizations in Pennsylvania

Introduction Hydraulic fracturing, colloquially known as fracking, is a method of well stimulation through high-pressure fluid injection (Denham et al. 17). In their longitudinal observational study, Denham et al. studied the adverse effects of fracking on public health. The research question posed by the scientists was as follows: “Does residing...

Water Pollution Index of Batujai Reservoir, Central Lombok Regency-Indonesia

Introduction Clean, fresh water is a valuable natural resource that ensures the survivability of the nation. Despite having 6% of the world’s water resources, Indonesia’s management and environmental policies have not only been raising concerns but also pushed the country to the brink of water crisis (“Indonesia’s water and sanitation...

Climate Change as Political Leaders’ Primary Concern

Introduction Climate change has become a significant concern within the past several decades. Its effects are becoming more evident, and many local and national strategies for their elimination start to emerge. Every individual can contribute to decreasing the impact of climate change but may not be possible to eliminate it...

Extinction Vulnerability in Central European Bees

Introduction The Earth is facing another extinction crisis, an otherwise natural phenomenon that has already taken place before but this time is characterized by the dominant role of the human impact. Bees are undergoing what scientists call a “colony collapse disorder.” Since the 1990s, the bees’ population has been on...

Dead Horse Bay Beach: The Dirtiest in New York

Introduction The issues of water and coastal pollution cause serious concern among ecologists today because the high anthropogenic activity and the expansion of industrial influence inevitably entail contamination. In some places, landfills and temporary waste are disposed of timely, but there are areas where garbage and sewage accumulate over the...

Pharmacologic Industry Impact on Human Ecology

Introduction Human ecology addresses significant topics related to the interaction of individuals and their natural and social environments. One of the issues it may address is the environmental impact of industries. This paper provides a summary of the article that discusses the effects of the pharmacologic industry on human ecology....

Saving Endangered Species Using Adaptive Management

Introduction The extinction crisis is a phenomenon characterized by a dramatic decline in the population of particular species and their consequent disappearance. As frightening as it sounds, such crises are predominantly natural, and the world has already seen six waves of species extinction. However, while the previous crises could be...

Climate Change Initiative in Canada

Dear Mr. Trudeau, I am writing regarding the environmental issue that has recently been placed on the agenda of the Canadian economy and foreign policy. The connection between economy and environment is especially tight in Canada. Because of the rise in the air pollution rates that have been witnessed over...

Promoting the Use of Green Energy in Emerging Economies

Executive Summary The United States of America has been leading the effort to fight climate change that is threatening the very existence of human beings on the planet earth. For a long time, scientists had warned about the imminent dangers of global warming directly caused by greenhouse gases. However, little...

Pollution Impact on the Environment

Pollution remains one of the most tremendous problems in the world at the present moment. Scholars claim that various gases and toxic substances that are constantly released by a number of factories all over the planet might lead to the problem of global warming (Victor, 2018). It appears that all...

Carbon Cowboys: Environmental Protection & Energy Efficiency

The firm’s premise is Climate Change is real, but if you do not believe this is the case, it still makes sense to embrace clean, renewable energy sources and energy efficiency measures. Discuss your understanding of: renewable energy, energy efficiency. The major difference between renewable energy the non-renewable one is...

Wastewater Management Systems in Orange County

Wastewater management systems in the Orange County water district have proved to be effective and become an illustration of potential solutions for areas where droughts are severe. One of the major benefits of the system and using treated wastewater is the provision of access to high-quality drinking water in territories...

Florida Power & Light Nuclear Plants and Benefits

Florida may have new nuclear power plants in the nearest future. These facilities are regarded as the optimal strategy to address the power needs of the area while reducing CO2 emissions (Hemlock). However, one of the major issues to be addressed is the retirement procedures of these plants that will...

Designing the Cool City: Temperatures in London

Executive Summary This comprehensive project plan presents a strategic and practical solution to increasing temperatures in the city of London. The three proposals presented are promotion of a standardised greening strategy for existing projects, establishment of a development policy for new infrastructure and creation of heatwave warning systems. Through a...

The Article “A Trail Across” by Tim Daniels

Environmental planning nowadays is crucial to ensuring the sustainable development of every country. In his article A Trail Across, Time Daniels analyzes the environmental planning in the United States, defining five periods of its formation. The activists of the Progressive era in the early XX century advocated for physical measures...

Social Psychologists and the Environment Studying

How do social psychologists’ study the environment and define new understandings and models for addressing environmental concerns? Social psychologists study the environment by considering the individual-environment relation, for which goal they scrutinize “environmental perceptions, attitudes, evaluations and representations, and accompanying behavior” (Millon, Lerner, & Weiner, 2003, p. 421). They pay...

Industrial Pollution and Environmental Regulation

Summary In this chapter, the authors examine the impact of industrial activities on the environment. In the beginning, they discuss how the American landscape was transformed by sawmills, ironworks, or foundries (Steiner & Steiner, 2012, p. 436). Furthermore, they discuss various threats that arise from the activities of many companies....

Global Warming and Its Health Implications

Introduction Global warming is the abnormal rise in the average temperature on the surface of the earth. This has been caused by human advancement towards industrialization and modernization. The outcome of global warming has been exhibited by the melting of ice and snows in areas such as the Antarctic, which...

Energy Demand and Political Will to Alternatives

Executive Summary The world population is growing exponentially. Due to this growth, world energy demand is also increasing. It is becoming harder to satisfy this demand. Today crude oil tops the list of energy sources. Crude oil reserves are reducing at a fast pace. Energy consumption demand is increasing and...

Chitosan Use for Treatment of Tannery Effluents

Introduction Industrial activities are essentials for the quality of life because the products derived from the same makes life worth living. The dawn of the 21st century has illuminated myriads of industrial activities. The majority of the countries with a considerable GDP are highly industrialized. As a trend towards development,...

The Nature Conservancy Problems

Introduction The Nature Conservancy (TNC) is a non-profit organization in America. It has done well in many respects. However, the organization had a problem in achieving its mission. This mission statement focuses on the preservation of plants, animals, and any other part of nature that enhances sustainability on earth. Attainment...

Wastewater Treatment Plant: Defining Capacity

The concept of capacity is viewed through the lens of the technical properties of the wastewater plant. When mentioning the phenomenon under analysis, the contributors to the site imply the ability of the plant to contain a certain amount of water, produce a particular amount of work, etc. Therefore, although...

Global Warming and Its Threats: Debates

Defining the Topic The global warming phenomena has been traced to the continued release of greenhouse gases by factories, cars, and a variety of other industrial processes that have continued to grow unabated for the past century. As human civilization continues to expand it brings with it an ever-increasing demand...

Environmental Planning Models by Hostovsky

Hostovsky’s models of environmental planning include the rational comprehensive model (RCM), the advocacy model, the adaptive model, the participatory model, and the incremental model (Hostovsky, 2000). RCM is mainly used in waste planning because it is the most common model used by planners to optimize the location of facilities (Hostovsky,...