E-book vs. Paper Book: Advantages and Disadvantages

What are the similarities and differences between physical and e-books? Find out in this essay sample on e-book vs print book advantages and disadvantages! Get some ideas and inspiration for your paper and learn more about e-book and paper book advantages and disadvantages. E-book vs Print Book: Advantages and Disadvantages...

Appearance vs Reality: Hamlet Theme Analysis

Hamlet’s Appearance vs Reality Theme: Introduction Shakespeare’s Hamlet is full of a seeming technique highlighting the tensions or gaps between appearance and reality. That is, how things seem in appearance and the reality behind the complex screen of appearances among characters and events. One can identify appearance and reality in...

Features of Post-Colonial Literature

Introduction The post-colonial literature which is also referred to as the new English literature is an art of writing that specifically targets issues to do with the process of decolonization or the freedom of people that had been previously subjected to colonial rule. These modes of writing also try to...

John Milton’s Poems “L’Allegro” and “IL Penseroso”

John Milton’s corresponding poems “L’Allegro” and “Il Penseroso” explore the value and the pleasures that people take in two competing but complementary lifestyles and the attractions of two competing sources of artistic inspiration. “L’Allegro” is a celebration of the beauty of rural nature and urban vitality and glorifies mirth and...

The Seven Soliloquies of Shakespeare’s Hamlet

In total, there are 7 soliloquies in Hamlet. Soliloquies help reveal his personality and state of mind. This analysis presents all of Hamlet’s seven soliloquies in order with explanations. “The Tragedy of Hamlet, Prince of Denmark” is among William Shakespeare’s most famous works. The play is centered around the titular...

Literary Devices in Sonnet 18 by William Shakespeare

William Shakespeare captures the true meaning of love and beauty. Shakespeare has written many great poems in his time. This sonnet is one of the most beautiful verses in the English language. Shakespeare is comparing his adored love to a summer’s day. When one hears about love and beauty in...

Analysis of “Preface to Shakespeare” by Samuel Johnson

Introduction “Preface to Shakespeare” is one of the classic and universally recognized documents in the field of literary criticism in English society, which came from the pen of Samuel Johnson. This work is a collection of reliable knowledge, assumptions, and ideas of the author about the great playwright’s life moments...

The Theme of Money and Marriage in “Pride and Prejudice”

Introduction Marriage and its strong relationship with wealth and social position are one of the key topics in “Pride and Prejudice.” According to Austen, a middle-class lady did not frequently have the means to marry entirely based on love; she needed to be aware of the man’s potential to provide...

Houyhnhnms and Yahoos in Gulliver’s Travels by Swift

The Houyhnhnms say that the Yahoos, a name given to us by them, are savages, animals who lead useless lives. They teach that the Houyhnhnms are the masters, and they train us, send us away, or keep us near to work for them, picking crops and eating wild animals and...

Phases of Geoffrey Chaucer’s Poetic Career

Introduction Geoffrey Chaucer is considered among England’s influential poets. He was born in 1340 and lived for sixty years until 1400, when he died. He is a famous figure in English literature and is regarded as the founding father of English poetry. This is not to say that England was...

Romantic Poetry: Wordsworth, Shelley, Coleridge, Keats

One of the topics that are especially pertinent to Romantic poetry is imagination. This concept is notable because it cannot be defined clearly and can be considered motif readers can see in the works of the period. The purpose of this paper is to explain how the imagination is relevant...

Wuthering Heights as a Gothic Novel

Wuthering Heights is an eminent work by Emily Bronte which was written in the Victorian epoch of British literature. The concept of the novel is widely discussed until now. A huge range of writers who were contemporary to E. Bronte and lived after her admit that the novel is full...

Play “All for Love” by John Dryden

Introduction The main theme of All for Love is love, which is shown through the relationship and hardships of lovers Antony and Cleopatra. Their tragic love storyline accentuates the tension between a person’s private aspirations and their duty to the nation, society, and the public good. This conflict between love...

Epiphany in Joyce’s The Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man

Epiphany is a literary metaphor in which characters are struck with life-changing insights that change the course of history. Simple everyday encounters and experiences often cause revelation. Joyce introduced epiphany as a sudden revelation in the novel The Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man. It is the moment...

“The Explosion”: Philip Larkin Poem Analysis

This “The Explosion” poem analysis presents the poem’s summary and its theme. In “The Explosion”, Larkin presented profound ideas. Keep reading to learn more. “The Explosion” by Philip Larkin Analysis Introduction In his poem “The Explosion,” Philip Larkin discusses the dramatic event of the mine disaster observed in 1969. This...

Gulliver’s Travels Satire Examples & Critical Analysis

Gulliver’s Travels Satire Examples: Introduction Gulliver’s Travels tells the story of Lemuel Gulliver. He tours different parts of the world after the failure of his business. He first goes to Lilliput, where he meets tiny people before he goes back to his home through Blefuscu. He stays with his family...

William Shakespeare’s 18th Sonnet: Poetic Elements

Metaphor The central theme of William Shakespeare’s sonnet No. 18 is love. The lyrical hero admires his beloved and compares her with a beautiful sunny day in May, as in his eyes, she turns out to be “sweeter and more beautiful.” The poem is built on the antithesis since he...

The Story of an Hour Analysis & Summary – Essay Example

This sample will help you write a The Story of an Hour analysis essay! Here you’ll find a The Story of an Hour summary. Essay also contains a plot and character analysis. The Story of an Hour is a short story written by Kate Chopin in 1894. This famous piece...

Shakespeare’s “Hamlet” as a Tragedy

The tragedy of Hamlet has remained a mystery to many people. Over the years, many people have questioned if the Hamlet fits the description of a tragedy outlined by Aristotle in the poetics. In a classic tragedy, there is a noble and heroic protagonist whose destruction is caused by a...

Paper Books and E-Books in the Modern Society

Introduction During the recent years, the opposition between paper books and e-books has become quite topical. Numerous people nowadays argue about whether it is more comfortable to use a printed book or a digital device for reading. Although an increasing number of people choose e-books over paper ones, printed editions...

Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austen: What Does the Title Mean?

“Pride” and “Prejudice” are both depicted as qualities that each character needs in proper balance. “Pride” and “Prejudice,” are potentially dangerous qualities that Fitzwilliam Darcy and Elizabeth Bennet must overcome or avoid if they are to build a successful life together. Although Mr Darcy is often referred to in the...

The Necklace From the Marxist Theory Perspective

Introduction The Necklace by Guy de Maupassant depicts a woman who is unsatisfied by her social position and desires to be accepted among the upper class. Although the author dwells on several issues, including the role of gender in society or psychological conflict, the Marxist theory is best applied to...

Jacobs’s The Monkey’s Paw Literary Analysis

The Monkey’s Paw: Analysis Introduction The Monkey’s Paw is a horror short story written by William Wymark Jacobs in the early twentieth century. Despite telling about mysterious events and matters, the story feels probable due to realistic settings and characters. The synthesis of the real and unreal world helps the...

“The Road Not Taken” by Robert Frost

Introduction Robert Frost was born in 1874 in San Francisco, California, which is a surprising fact to many people. Although he lived in small apartments throughout the city during his first 11 years, Frost is more commonly associated with the natural scenes of the New England countryside that is used...

The Theme of Goodness in “The Good Person of Setzuan” by Hoit Hilsman

There are many instances portraying goodness in the play “the good person of Setzuan.” One has to say that “goodness” as portrayed in the play is a multifaceted phenomenon. During Wong’s absence, the gods show their fears about the possibility of failing to achieve their mission of finding a good...

Similarities and Character Differences of Hamlet and Laertes

Hamlet and Laertes received the same types of education and were taught to follow the same ideals and morals. This made both of them exhibit comparable aspects of respect, love, and revenge. Although Hamlet and Laertes display similar qualities, they vary in that Hamlet is indecisive, rational, wise, and motivated...

Frankenstein as a Gothic Novel and an Example of Romanticism

Mary Shelley is an iconic writer who lived from 1797 and died in 1851. The writer lived and wrote during the era of literature when romanticism bloomed and flourished. Shelley’s works can prove that she was significantly impacted by her times because she shows major elements of romantic writing. One...

Shakespearean Hamlet’s and Ophelia’s Relationship

Introduction Shakespeare’s Hamlet transcends time and generations as it illuminates universal themes, with love and revenge being among the prominent ones. The relationship between Hamlet and Ophelia serves as an example of the theme of love in the play, with its complexities illustrating the ups and downs as well as...

Symbolism in “The Road Not Taken” by Frost

The poem “The Road Not Taken” depicts personal philosophy and perception of life by the author. This poem is full of symbolism which helps Robert Frost to create unique messages and appeal to the emotions and imagination of readers. This paper finds and describes unique symbols running through Robert Frost’s...

The Meaning of Love in Neruda’s Poem: Sonnet XVII

I extremely love this poem; it is magnificently and affectionately written and it always rouses my feelings and makes me feel contented. One thing I love about this poem is that Neruda’s work was an inspiration from his wife and so he did not write this poem for the sake...

Modern Society’ Mirror in the Drama “Ghost” by Henrik Ibsen

Each family has its skeleton in the cupboard. Thus, Alving’s cupboard would have been better never to open. We meet this family on the pages of the Ghost, a famous play written by a prominent Norwegian playwriter, Henrik Ibsen. This author is known for his desire to make the world...

The Poem “The United Fruit Company” by Pablo Neruda

Worker rights are a contemporary issue whose depth and importance were similarly relevant in previous centuries. Pablo Neruda utilizes his poem, ‘The United Fruit Company; to satirize the actions of Latin American leaders in the twentieth century, specifically as they associate with foreign international corporations. Their suppressive actions favoring imperialistic...

Analysis of “Requiem” by Anna Akhmatova

Language and Metaphor in Anna Akhmatova’s “Requiem” Of all verbal arts, poetry might be the most saturated with metaphors and other means of communicating emotional subtext. Anna Akhmatova’s “Requiem”, a long poem mourning the victims of the Soviet repressions is not an exception. To express the feelings of loss, the...

French Revolution and Dickens’ “A Tale of Two Cities”

Charles Dickens is believed to be one of the most prominent writers of the so-called Victorian Era. He is renowned for his style, creation of unique and unforgettable characters, but the overwhelming majority of literary critics focus attention on his social sensitivity because undoubtedly, the authors works often concentrate on...

“Strange Meeting” by Wilfred Owens

Introduction Wilfred Owen is often considered as one of the eminent war poets in English literature who exhibits real pathos in his poems. His war poetry shows an astonishing advance in expressions as well as contents. Owen had previous experimented with a variety of new technical devices, such as half–rhymes,...

The Short Story “The Mortal Immortal” by Mary Shelley

Introduction In the short story “The Mortal Immortal” Mary Shelley talks about the burden of immortality on the example of a young man Winzy, who accidentally drank the elixir that gives eternal life. The protagonist, driven by the desire to marry his beloved, works for the scientist Cornelius Agrippa, who...

Books vs. Movies: Comparison of Features

We all have a friend who yells during a movie that this moment was shown differently in the book. At the same time, another friend says that he or she is bored with reading and would rather wait for the movie adaptation. Both of these friends can be right, since...

“My Last Duchess” by Robert Browning

Introduction “My Last Duchess” is a beautiful poem written by Robert Browning and it also reveals the poet’s style of using dramatic monologue in writing his poems. The sixteenth century Italian background of the story adds richness to the theme, as Italy was the centre of arts. The attention of...

Symbolism in Wuthering Heights

Wuthering Heights is a tragic novel written by Emily Bronte. Today, it is presented as classical literature and does not lose its relevance. Along with the popularity of the book, a tragic love story between Catherine and Heathcliff remains one of the most notable stories for readers around the world....

Feminism in “The Mill on the Floss” by George Eliot

George Eliot, as a moralist emphasizes what makes a woman, an object of sympathy while keeping in a traditional line of interpretation, and this is what has made Eliot to be considered among the greatest creators of woman characters. The Mill on the Floss (1860) tells the story of a...

Hamlet and Gertrude Relationship Analysis – Research Paper

Who is Hamlet’s mother? How does Hamlet feel about his mother? How did Hamlet’s mother act toward his father, the king, when he was alive? Read this essay to find answers to all of your questions about Hamlet’s relationship with his mother. The famous British playwright, William Shakespeare, explored the...

Auden’s “The Unknown Citizen” Poem Interpretation

Wystan Hugh Auden’s poem ” The Unknown Citizen” is a portrayal of a conflict between individualism and government control and the central theme of the poem is the attitude of the government towards its citizen. W H. Auden’s poem “The Unknown Citizen” is a government’s outlook of the ideal contemporary...

“Mrs. Dutta Writes a Letter” by Chitra Banerjee Divakaruni

Introduction Mrs. Dutta Writes a Letter, a short story by Chitra Banerjee Divakaruni, tells the readers about Mrs. Dutta, an elderly Indian woman who moved to California to live together with her son and his family after her husband died. The story shows how hard it is for the old...

Henrik Ibsen – A Doll’s House: Setting

Setting in A Doll’s House: Summary The play ‘The Dollhouse’ was written in 1879. In this work, Henrik Ibsen criticizes Victorian marriage and the secondary roles of women in society. The freedom and independence of the main character, Nora, is limited by her husband and father. Ibsen skillfully uses settings...

The Poem “Identity Card” by Mahmoud Darwish

Introduction “Identity Card” is among Mahmoud Darwish’s most notable and well-known poems, which was first published in the Leaves of Olives collection back in 1964 and translated from Arabic. When the poet first read the poem to the public, there was a tumultuous reaction among Palestinians who were “without identity”...

Explication of the Poem “The Lamb” by William Blake

The illustrated poetry “The Lamb” was written by William Blake, born in 1757 in London. The speaker of the verse is the author who addresses the little lamb, God’s creation. The poem’s addressee is a little lamb and a reader who observes the dialogue between the addressee and the speaker....

“My Mistress’ Eyes” by William Shakespeare Critical Analysis

William Shakespeare’s “My Mistress’ eyes” jumps into the theme of loving one another’s imperfections and flaws. The poem is a sonnet that is in iambic pentameter. “The rhyme scheme of the sonnet is highly regular” (Zsoldos line 24). That is, it follows a regular rhyming pattern. The rhyme of the...

The Revenge Theme in Shakespeare’s “Hamlet”

Shakespeare’s Hamlet is a play driven by revenge, with many of the main characters falling victim to it. There is no denying that revenge is a powerful feeling that can completely dominate and destroy a human’s life. One of the most common justifications for revenge is the pursuit of justice...

The Lottery Analysis: Essay on Shirley Jackson’s Short Story

Are you about to write The Lottery summary essay and looking for examples? Then check out this The Lottery analysis essay sample! Here, you’ll find information on the setting, themes, and other aspects of the story. The Lottery by Shirley Jackson is one of the most recognized short pieces of...

“Lady Lazarus” by Sylvia Plath: The Theme of Death and Resurrection

Sylvia Plath’s “Lady Lazarus” is a poem published in 1965, two years after the poet’s suicide. It is considered to be one of the most illustrative examples of Plath’s artistic style and explores the topic of death. The purpose of this short essay is to analyze how the author develops...

Unlikable Characters and Their Importance in the Story

Detailing the main characters is a significant task for any writer aiming to create a fascinating story. While most well-recognized literary characters are protagonists, the antagonists may also become the audience’s favorite heroes due to their interesting personalities or relatable motives. In this regard, unlikable characters can also make for...

Chaucer’s “The Canterbury Tales” and Three Main Classes

In The Canterbury Tales, Chaucer presents a complex social structure in his imaginative world. It was during feudal and Medieval England when Chaucer was writing The Canterbury Tales. The author successfully satirizes the English society by carefully ranking his characters using “degree” to classify people (Chaucer 55). The book revolves...

Romantic Period and Victorian Period Poetry Comparison

Romantic and Victorian poetry refers to verses produced during the Romantic and Victorian periods. The poems that have been chosen for my analysis, “Porphyria’s Lover” and “She Walks in Beauty”, demonstrate the most striking features of each of the literary eras. Both the Romantic and Victorian periods were two significant...

Analysis of “Funeral Blues” Poem

In his arguably the most illustrious artwork titled “Funeral Blues,” first printed in 1938, Wystan Hugh Auden presents a morose, sorrowful elegy that brilliantly outlines the feelings linked to grieving. The poet mainly talks about the immensity of pain through an unmentioned speaker experiencing great discomfort after his extensively cherished...

Allegory in “Young Goodman Brown” by Nathaniel Hawthorne

Faith is Goodman Brown’s young wife; they have been married for three months. She is believed to symbolize his spiritual faith, and her pink ribbons are mentioned by the author as a symbol of her innocence. At the end of the story, when Goodman comes back to the village, he...

Two Narrators in Heart of Darkness by Joseph Conrad

The novel Heart Of Darkness by Joseph Conrad is written in a very peculiar way: Conrad uses a framing structure which makes up a story in a story. The story is recounted by two narrators, which makes it sound more verisimilar and impressive. The novel opens up with the description...

E. Poe’s “The Black Cat” Literary Analysis Essay

“I had walled the monster up within the tomb” — this chilling quote comes from Poe’s famous story. Read this The Black Cat literary analysis to learn more about The Black Cat literary devices and themes. Introduction Alan Poe is one of the writers who advanced dark romanticism in the...

Oedipus Rex: A Man of Destiny

Introduction The Oedipus play by Sophocles truly stood the test of time. The themes of fate and predestination revealed in the play are universal and have aroused interest centuries after they were first introduced in 429 BC. The mysteries of fate remain unsolved and continue to excite the imagination of...

The Room by Harold Pinter: A Play Review

Harold Pinter’s The Room is a play written in the genre of realistic comedy. Indeed, the author talks about an average couple living in a studio. Rose and Bert seem to be comfortable with each other’s strange personalities. However, their seemingly peaceful existence is distracted by strangers who want to...

The Importance of Legends for Humanity

Myths and legends are an important part of human culture that has historically shaped the way people perceive the world around them. Legends describe events that are believed to have occurred in the past, but the focus is placed on the narrative and characters rather than historical accuracy. While it...

Absurdity in “The Metamorphosis” and “The Stranger”

Just like The Metamorphosis by Kafka, The Stranger by Camus is characterized by existentialism, humanity, and alienation. Learn about absurdity in The Metamorphosis and The Stranger from this essay sample. Absurdism in The Metamorphosis and The Stranger: Essay Introduction The Metamorphosis by Franz Kafka and The Stranger by Albert Camus...

“When You Are Old” Poem by William Butler Yeats

Introduction William Butler Yeats was a master poet in that he was able to convey tremendous depth of meaning within his poetry while keeping the subject relatively tightly confined. Yeats truly understood the modern concept of permitting a poem to stand on its own as a piece of art open...

Corruption in The Heart of Darkness by Joseph Conrad

Introduction Moral corruption is a serious threat that poses in the doors of humanity. This eventually become widespread threat for social corruption if major percentage in society will be afflicted. Literary experts say that the moon shadow of the humanities’ moral and social practices can be easily discern in some...

Art Spiegelman’s Maus: Animal Imagery

When people think about Art Spiegelman’s graphic novel Maus, animal imagery is the first thing that comes to mind. Different animals are used to represent various races, which is an example of anthropomorphism. But what does Art Spiegelman’s choice in portraying the Jews as mice and the Nazis as cats...

The Failure of American Dream in Death of a Salesman

‘Death of a salesman, written by Arthur Miller portrays the real life of a typical American middle-class man who dedicates most part of his life to a private company. The central character in the play, Willy Loman, and his wife fail to understand the real pulse of society. He is...

Women’s Role in “Top Girls” Play by Caryl Churchill

Caryl Churchill is the Playwright of the famous Play ‘Top Girls’ which captures a charming and amusing approach of some of the famous women in history and the role of women in contemporary society. The story has been described on the thematic structure of feminist ideas of women’s role in...

“Waiting for Godot” by Beckett

“Waiting for Godot,” a play written by Samuel Beckett, postulates the idea that a human being’s life is wholly dependant on chance, meaningfulness and the futile reliance on ‘Godot.’ The two characters in this story, Estrogon and Vladimir, have evoked pity in me as they wait for hope to arrive....

The American Dream in Fitzgerald’s The Great Gatsby

Introduction The Great Gatsby is a chef-d’oeuvre tragic love story and a pessimistic critique of the idea of the American Dream as written by F. Scott Fitzgerald in 1925. The American Dream is the meritocratic belief that anyone, irrespective of his or her class, race, gender, or nationality can become...

Importance and Power of Storytelling

Introduction People have been telling stories for thousands of years and will continue to do so in thousands of years ahead. The reasons for such extraordinary longevity of stories are multiple. First of all, stories reflect the world around us and help us understand our place in it. Ancient people...

Chekhov’s “The Cherry Orchard”: Tragedy or Comedy?

Introduction It does not make sense when someone calls Anton Chekhov’s poem The Cherry Orchard a comedy, but as one progresses to analyze the book, this idea becomes a reality. The play is centered on Lyubov Andreyevna whose irresponsible mannerism leads their family into a tragedy of financial collapse and...

Revenge in Wuthering Heights

Since its release, Wuthering Heights has been a subject of criticism for many. The only novel by Emily Jane Bronte, written in 1847, has been put under the spotlight due to its doubtful theme, which is revenge and its causes in people’s lives. The author smartly narrates the story about...

Significance of the Title “Fences” by August Wilson

Fences is a play by an American scriptwriter, August Wilson, written in 1985, which addresses the challenges barring Blacks from success and having a united family. Wilson uses symbolism to advance the themes and build his characters in the play. The play talks about Troy, the main character, who rose...

“I Think It Rains” Poem by Wole Soyinka

The poem “I Think It Rains” by Soyinka possesses a distinctive structure, which in itself is built in metaphor. A hard-to-follow narrative results from the poet’s ability to express his ideas in rain-like drops, using the images of rain and smoke to explore the author’s state of mind. The rain...

The “Diamond Necklace” by Guy de Maupassant: The Character of Mathilde

Introduction The ‘Diamond Necklace’ is a short story written by Guy de Maupassant in 1907. In the story, the focus is on a lady known as Mathilde, who was married to Loisel, an employee at the ministry of public instruction. De Maupassant introduced Mathilde as a humble woman who had...

The Last Leaf by O. Henry

This The Last Leaf essay sample explores O. Henry’s short story. Learn more about the themes, setting, dialogues, and other details of the story with our The Last Leaf critique essay sample! The Last Leaf Essay Introduction I have read several short stories, but none inspired me, as The Last...

Emily Dickinson vs Walt Whitman: Poems Comparison

Walt Whitman and Emily Dickinson are often compared to each other. Why? Well, there are many similarities between Whitman and Dickinson, but the most important aspect is the attitude towards nature that makes them such important poets. So, how do both Dickinson and Whitman show they value nature in 324...

Theme of Marriage in “A Doll’s House” by Henrik Ibsen

In A Doll’s House, Henrik Ibsen explores the theme of love and marriage. In particular, he is searching for the answers to whether there is love in marriage and how a successful marriage should be. In addition, he reflects upon the role of social standards and expectations in relation to...

Symbolism in “Araby” Short Story by James Joyce

Symbolism is a rather significant literary device that is widely used by a variety of authors and takes their works on a higher level. A short story “Araby,” written by a great Irish novelist James Joyce and in 1914 published in his Dubliners collection, is filled with different symbols. Some...

Oedipus Rex & Hamlet: Compare & Contrast Essay

In this compare and contrast essay, Oedipus Rex and Hamlet’s characters are analyzed and discussed. Being the creations of two different authors, they still resemble each other in some exciting ways.  Introduction: Similarities between Oedipus and Hamlet Oedipus is a character of Sophocles’ Oedipus the King. He searches for the...

The Dead – James Joyce: Themes, Symbolism, and Title Significance

What is the significance of the title and the moral lesson of The Dead by James Joyce? Keep reading to find out! This essay example is here to provide you with some ideas and inspiration for your paper. The Dead James Joyce: Themes The main theme of the short story...

“Julius Caesar” by William Shakespeare Summary

Julius Caesar is a history play written by William Shakespeare. The plot of the piece concerns Brutus and Cassius’ conspiracy to assassinate Julius Caesar and, in some way, the consequences of these actions. The play’s first act establishes Caesar’s influence and the motivations for his assassination, which lies in the...

Historical, Cultural and Social Aspects of “The Metamorphosis” by Kafka

Introduction Kafka’s novella represents a tale of a traveling salesman who finds himself transformed into an insect after he wakes up one morning. He brought out in this story many things about his life, including his father, his family and his future. He used metaphors to show his love for...

Greek Concept of the “Therapon” in the “Iliad” by Homer

Introduction The Greek concept of “Therapon”, as one of the central in the Ancient Greek culture, plays an important historical and cultural role in the “Iliad” by Homer. On the whole, the Ancient Greece contributed greatly to the development of the world culture of today, and the above mentioned concept...

A Good Man Is Hard to Find: Critique Paper

Introduction Flannery O’ Connor’s works were paradoxical in the sense that element of religion, humor and horror appear at the same time. She has become famous especially as a short story writer and had an impressive collection in her short life of just 39 years. She died in 1964 from...

“Jane Eyre” and “Tess of the D’Urbervilles” Novels Comparison

The comparison and contrast opinion of the two novels (Jane Eyre by Charlotte Bronte and Tess of the D’Urbervilles by Thomas Hardy) is made possible by the fact that both authors wrote these books during the same time period. The aspects of the two books can therefore be attributed as...

The Book “Wonder” by R.J Palacio

R.J. Palacio’s debut book Wonder was first published in 2012. The author was working as a visual designer and writing the novel at the same time. The book focuses on August, who suffers from a facial deformation that stopped him from attending a public school (Palacio, 2012). However, this situation...

Superdisappointed Story by Drew Hayden Taylor

Introduction The story of Superdisappointed is about the difficulties of becoming the first Ojibwe superhero. Kyle is pleased at first when he gains powers on his own and tries to make the world a better place. From beginning to end, the Kyle tale is full of contradictions. Kyle was simply...

Housewife’s Role in “Woman’s Work” by Julia Alvarez

Women are often required to be good wives, mothers, nurses, teachers, breadwinners, and housekeepers at the same time. All of them deserve gratitude and praise, but women’s work is often invisible. In her poem “Woman’s Work,” Julia Alvarez discusses the domestic role of women and their input in the family....

Imperialism in “Shooting an Elephant” by Orwell

Introduction “Shooting an Elephant” is an early essay by George Orwell. It is unclear whether this essay is autobiographical, or portrays a fictionalized version of a real experience. However, the strong imagery and symbolism of the story make its nature almost irrelevant to the message it tries to convey. The...

Love and Sexuality in “Tom Jones” by H. Fielding

Introduction Sexuality and the construct of ideal love in the novel Tom Jones by Henry Fielding is an explication of the new form of love and sexuality prevalent in the eighteenth century. Love in its discoursed ideal, sentimental form is little presented in the novel. Instead, Fielding presents male love...

John Donne’s “Death Be Not Proud” Poem Analysis

John Donne is often considered as one of the most remarkable literary figures of the Elizabethan age. ‘Death Be Not Proud’ is regarded as his most widely accepted religious poem. A closer examination and analysis of his religious poems reveals that Donne broke away from the conventional Elizabethan traditions and...

“Kubla Khan” by Coleridge: Plot, Symbols, and Writing Style

Introduction ‘Kubla Khan’ is a fantasy epic authored by Coleridge, an English romantic poet in 1797. The poem revolves around the dream vision whereby a Mongolian leader called Kubla Khan orders some of his servants to build him a domed building for recreation and pleasure at the banks of river...

Analysis of “Sonnet 75” by Edmund Spenser

Introduction Sonnet 75 is part of Edmund Spenser’s 89 sonnets about his wife, Elizabeth Boyle. The 89 short poems are collectively called Amoretti and were first published in 1595. Sonnet 75 carries the themes of love and time that seem to clash. The friction between the two themes is prominent...

“Upon Wedlock, and Death of Children” by E. Taylor

Edward Taylor’s poem ‘Upon wedlock and death of children’ shows the poet’s grief after losing his children. Apparently, the piece was written for personal use only, considering the emotional attachment he develops in the poem. In the beginning, the poem appears to be happy and uplifting. For instance, the poet...

Marriage Theme in “The Importance of Being Earnest” by Oscar Wilde

The play “The Importance of Being Earnest” is considered one of the main works of Oscar Wilde. The writer criticizes the hypocrisy of high society in Victorian England and its traditions. The social customs of that epoch were focused on the pursuit of love and marriage. Wilde mocks the institution...

Portrayal of Racism in Forster’s ‘a Passage to India’

Outline The following paper discusses portrayal of racism in ‘passage to India’ by bringing the relationship between the concept of racism and the contents of the novel. The analysis focuses to establish whether the content of the novel establishes at any point either resistance to racism, or it submits to...

Book Report: “Rich Dad Poor Dad”

Introduction The book “Rich Dad Poor Dad” was written by Robert Kiyosaki. The novel aims at enlightening people on how to achieve monetary success through rewarding business activities. It draws insights from the lives of two fathers who have disparate personalities and perspectives of money. The author compares the principles,...

The Canterbury Tales: the Wife of Bath and the Prioress Character Analyses

Introduction In creating his Canterbury Tales, Chaucer introduced several characters that represented the extremes of the society in which he lived. Rather than being true representations of the times, these characters approach the realm of caricature in their personality makeup and behaviors. In several cases, he opted to throw two...

“Paradise Lost” by John Milton

Paradise Lost is an epic poem written by John Milton which discloses the well-known biblical story of Adam and Eve. This book was originally written in 1667 in 10 books. There were a lot of authors who created their works based on this masterpiece and they reflected their vision of...

Heidi: by Johanna Spyri

Heidi: by Johanna Spyri Essay Introduction “Heidi” is a children’s book by the Swiss author Johanna Spyri and it was first published in the late nineteenth century. The book’s intended audience is children and it has managed to remain relevant a century after it was published. It is not usual...

Critical Analysis of “The Jewelry” by Guy de Maupassant

Guy de Maupassant used an active literary element called irony to illustrate the people’s pretension and vanity in late 19th century France in his short story “The Jewelry.” Famous French novelist Henri René Albert Guy de Maupassant is regarded as a master of the fast tale genre (Kapau et al.)....

Relationships in “The Merchant of Venice” by Shakespeare

Introduction The Merchant of Venice is a play written by William Shakespeare during the 16th century. The characters in the play demonstrate virtues of friendship, love, and hate. Shakespeare highlights typical examples of true friendship and romantic love in the play. The theme of love mainly revolves between Bassanio and...

Women by Alice Walker. Analysis of the Poem

Alice Walker is a multifaceted author, excelling in both prose and poetry, and her works are deeply influenced by her experience as an African-American woman. She is very concerned with women’s plight and rights and explores the topic in most of her bibliography. While one may be more familiar with...

Power and Powerlessness in William Shakespeare’s Hamlet

The Marxist theory plays a critical role in displaying how the nobles gain control of the social, economic, and political aspects of society and its impact on the lower class. Besides, Marxism suggests that human beings’ motivation stems from the social struggle between the upper and lower class. William Shakespeare’s...

“The Beggar’s Opera” by John Gay

This essay will analyze the character of Captain Macheath from John Gay’s The Beggar’s Opera. The character analysis will pay particular attention to the multi-faceted nature of Macheath. Rather than adopting one position or another in plot and circumstance, Macheath drives the action of The Beggar’s Opera specifically by showing...

Literary Analysis of Haruki Murakami’s “A Shinagawa Monkey”

The peculiar story of the monkey and the girl Mizuki is full of symbols and metaphors. Mizuki leads an ordinary and, at first glance, satisfying life. Still, at the same time, in her childhood, she has gone through horrible traumas that made her suppress her feelings and emotions because it...

Book Report “Alice in Wonderland” by Lewis Carroll

Introduction “Alice in Wonderland” by Lewis Carroll is one of the most significant provocative works in world literature. It is an unusual fairy tale that does not leave either adults or children indifferent. On the beautiful summer day on July 4, 1862, the English writer traveled on the River Thames...

“In the Grove” Story by Ryūnosuke Akutagawa

In the story “In the Grove,” written by Ryūnosuke Akutagawa, there are several pieces of evidence of the murder of Kanazawa no Takehiro presented by different characters. Despite their seeming credibility, the testimony given by Tajomaru is more likely to be accurate than the stories of other people. This conclusion...

Toni Morrison’s Novel “Beloved”: Slavery Theme

This essay sample explores the major theme in Beloved: slavery and its dehumanizing effects. Read it if you are curious about the theme of slavery in Beloved its connection to the theme of motherhood. Slavery in Beloved: Introduction Slavery is one of the major distressing issues in society bearing in...

Amanda Wingfield in Tennessee William’s “Glass Menagerie”

Amanda Wingfield is the protagonist of Tennessee William’s Glass Menagerie. She is the mother of the two other characters – Tom and Laura. She is a character with admirable qualities and her personality is beyond any sympathy. Her character is that of a dreamer who in the end turns a...

Narrative and Graphic Framing of Persepolis by Marjane Satrapi

Introduction Persepolis is a graphic novel by Marjane Satrapi, published for the first time in 2000-2003 in France. The work is autobiographical and depicts the author’s adolescence in Iran during the Islamic Revolution. Ostby notes that the narrative is a “cross-cultural self-representation and misinterpretation that has proved both entertaining and...

Psychoanalytic Criticism of “The Lottery” by Shirley Jackson

Shirley Jackson’s story, which shook society in the last century’s forties, became a kind of accusatory revelation. The plot in The Lottery is reduced to the fact that in a particular abstract town a lottery is held, where all residents gather. From their conversations, it becomes clear that this is...

Humanism in “Macbeth” and “Romeo and Juliet”

Introduction English Renaissance marks a period in the history of artistic and cultural transformation between the late fifteenth and early seventeenth century. It is linked to the European Renaissance that is considered to begin in Italy at the end of the fourteenth century. The transformation that English society and culture...

“Mericans” by Cisneros and “In Response to Executive Order 9066” by Okita

“Mericans” by Sandra Cisneros and “In Response to Executive Order 9066” by Dwight Okita are the two works that have a common theme of the way people of different cultures lived in the United States in the twentieth century. The first story describes Mexicans, and the second poem is about...

“The Tempest” by William Shakespeare

Introduction The tragicomedy The Tempest by the great playwright William Shakespeare is an outstanding and world-famous work that is full of quotes and sayings, which, in turn, have become catchphrases. Some characters of this story are endowed with magical powers, which allows the author to convey his subtexts and ideas...

Torvald Helmer’s Character in Ibsen’s “A Doll’s House”

One of the two main characters in the play is Torvald Helmer, a husband and a head of the family, whose “doll’s house” is torn apart at the end of the play. Torvald is a successful lawyer who is characterized by adherence to principles, pedantry, and purposefulness. He is far...

English Enlightenment Through the Perspectives of Defoe and Swift

The Age of Enlightenment occurring in the 17th and 18th century England and Europe remains one of the most prominent periods of history and development in human civilization. This period was chosen along with the respective works and their authors because of the changes that occurred in the literary space...

Shakespeare vs Marlowe

During many years, nearly two centuries, many literary critics and lovers of the literature are pointing out the great similarity between the works of William Shakespeare and Christopher Marlowe. Some people approve that this is the one and the same person. Others claim that Marlowe is one of the predecessors...

Mercy vs. Justice in Shakespeare’s “The Merchant of Venice”

Introduction Mercy is a virtue that allows one to forgive sinners or those guilty of crimes, while justice is the principle of punishing criminals commensurate with the severity of their crimes. Thus, it seems that these two concepts conflict with each other. The main actors of the play are Venetian...

Short Story Analysis: Sleepy by Anton Chekhov

Introduction Anton Chekhov’s “Sleepy”, was published in 1888. The author in his story describes in-depth how one feels when one is deprived of a need- a necessity. In this case, the need is nothing but the most basic necessity- sleep. Right from “half-open eyes”, and “her half slumbering brain”, to...

Love in “Hamlet” Play by William Shakespeare

Hamlet written by William Shakespeare is a play-tragedy disclosing a lot of aspects of the social and personal lives of its characters. The author managed to raise the most important problems of humanity combining negative and positive emotions in his heroes. One of the most brightest and significant aspects described...

Literary Analysis of The Necklace: Essay Example

The Necklace: Introduction of the Essay The Necklace (La Parure) is one of the most famous short stories by Guy De Maupassant. It tells a story about a middle-class French couple in the 19th century. The wife is longing for a luxurious life, unappreciative of her husband, and a relatively...

Symbols in “When Lilacs in the Dooryard Bloom’d” Poem by Whitman

The poem “When Lilacs in the Dooryard Bloom’d” is one of the masterpieces of Walt Whitman containing deep symbolism. It is used to convey feelings and emotions and help readers to understand the central message of the author. The star, the lilac, and the bird are the three words that...

The Great Gatsby: Book Review

“The Great Gatsby” written by F. Scott Fitzgerald is the bestseller published in 1925. This book is a masterpiece in the writings of Fitzgerald. It’s a classic for the readers and most prominent in the American fiction. It occurred as the milestone as it has been reread by many readers....

“Because I Could Not Stop For Death” by Emily Dickinson Poem Analysis And Explication

Introduction Emily Dickinson’s poem “Because I Could Not Stop for Death’ expresses the writer’s perception of death. The writer focuses mainly on the construct of life after death. The setting of the poem reflects the contexts in which death draws near, and the writer puts these circumstances as genial and...

Gender Roles in The Tempest

Gender Roles in The Tempest: Essay Introduction The works of William Shakespeare have received a lot of attention throughout history. His works have been analyzed by themes, line by line, or the characters he invented. His works can be interpreted one way or another, and as such, Shakespeare seems to...

Ophelia in “Hamlet” by William Shakespeare

Without any substantial maternal guidance, Ophelia is a lost soul in William Shakespeare’s play, “Hamlet.” Right from the beginning, it is clear that Ophelia is subordinate to the men she interacts with. On the other hand, the men she interacts with are aware of this fact as exemplified by how...

The Role of Letters in Austen’s “Pride and Prejudice”

Introduction Written in 1813, Pride and Prejudice is an epistolary romantic novel by Jane Austen unraveling a love story between the protagonists, Elizabeth Bennet and Fitzwilliam Darcy. One of the main characteristics of this chef-d’oeuvre novel is the use of letters as a literary device. In the 19th century when...

The Analysis of “The Tale of the Three Brothers” by J. K. Rowling

“The Tale of the Three Brothers” by J. K. Rowling explores the topic of humans’ desires that always have negative consequences. It tells a story of three brothers that encounter Death, who offers them prizes for safely crossing the river. Two gullible brothers do not spot the trap imposed on...

Satan as the Protagonist in “Paradise Lost”

“Paradise Lost,” a poem in blank verse written by John Milton, an English poet, was published in 1667 in ten books and republished in 1674 in twelve books. In general, the poem presents the story of the Fall of Men, when Adam and Eve were tempted by the fallen angel...

Walt Whitman’s Poetry: Transcendentalism Beliefs

Walt Whitman was the American poet who represented the transcendentalist movement in the nineteenth century. Transcendentalism’s general belief is that human senses are not enough to provide the profound truth as they are limited to physical knowledge of life. Rueben concludes transcendentalism as “the intuitive faculty, instead of the rational...

Sight and Blindness in Sophocles’ “Oedipus the King”

Sight is a word that describes more than physical vision, or eyesight. Sophocles’ play, Oedipus Rex, offers an ironic comparison between Oedipus, who is blessed with vision yet can not comprehend what goes on around him, and Tiresias who is blind but aware of the truth. The author shows how...

Justice and Morality in “Things Fall Apart” by Chinua Achebe

Introduction Things Fall Apart by Chinua Achebe is considered as one of the greatest novel not only in Africa but also in the world. This is because it was intended to extinguish the myth that the African culture was primitive, this is by telling the story of African colonization from...

Character Analysis of the Knight from The Canterbury Tales

Want to know about social status and other characteristics of the Knight character in Canterbury tales? This critical analysis of the Knight from The Canterbury Tales has everything you need! Introduction The Canterbury Tales by Geoffrey Chaucer is considered as one of the most significant literary works of the Middle...

William Shakespeare’s “Macbeth” Summary

Introduction Macbeth tells the story of Macbeth, a royal general who, following the prophecy that he will become king, kills many on his way to the royal throne and becomes a paranoid tyrant and loses everything at the and. Summary of Act I and II Two royal generals, one is...

“The Frogs” Comedy Analysis

Introduction It begins with Dionysus’ trip. At first it is described as an attempt to save the tragedy but latter it turns into an attempt to save Athens. His trip assumes a double function and purpose. The first one, the salvation of the theatre is easy to be identified. Meanwhile...

Theme of Hatred in Wuthering Heights

The novel Wuthering Heights was published by Emily Bronte in 1847, and it is considered to be one of the best-written novels of the Victorian Age. Emily Bronte published the novel under the pseudonym of Ellis Bell. “In the century since its publication, Wuthering Heights, like the play of Shakespeare...

Symbolism in The Story of an Hour by Kate Chopin

Symbolism in The Story of an Hour: Introduction The action in Kate Chopin’s The Story of an Hour takes place in the Mallards’ house, were learning about her husband’s death, Mrs. Mallard experiences freedom and dies when she sees him alive within an hour. The setting of this story is...

Henrik Ibsen and His Portrayal of Women

Outline This paper discusses Henrik Ibsen portrayal of women. Ibsen was one of the finest novelists of Norwegian history. His novels were very controversial about the role of women during that time. Though, he highlights different shades of women characters. This paper discusses his works and highlight how he portrays...

The Philosophy of Money by Georg Simmel

The Philosophy of Money was written by Georg Simmel and first published in the year 1900. Being a Philosopher, he had students learning under him. Like others before him and after him he thought through the mysteries of life. His main subject was about man and money. In the book,...

Analysis of “The Damned Human Race” Essay

The Damned Human Race is an essay written by an American writer, Mark Twain. In this satirical paper, the author reveals a very original and peculiar theory, according to which humankind is not the highest point of evolution, but the lowest. Mark Twain provides very convincing arguments to defend his...

Gloria Anzaldua’s “To Live in the Borderlands”

The borderland is a special subjectivity and self-awareness of the one who cannot cross the border but lives inside its rift. In her poem “To Live in the Borderlands,” Mexican-American frontier philosopher, poet, writer, and Chicana theorist Gloria Anzaldua describes the experience of people inhabiting the space between several different...

“Beauty” by Jane Martin Drama

Introduction Carla and Bethany are the main characters in the play ‘Beauty’ by Jane Martin. Both characters can be regarded as the protagonists in the play. Carla and Bethany share some common traits, most of which are apparent among young American women. For instance, Bethany is a very fun-, loving...

Reality vs. Illusions: Death of a Salesman Analysis Essay

Introduction Death of a Salesman takes place in 1949, four years after World War II has ended. America is enjoying a postwar economic boom, but the war has caused a shake-up in American society, changing the way people view business, leisure, themselves, and others, making the American way of life...

Analysis of Identity Dilemmas in “The Paper Menagerie” by Ken Liu

Introduction From a cultural standpoint, the problem of self-identity has established several controversies. Culture shapes how and if people prioritize such characteristics as modesty, personality, courtesy, and confidence. On the other hand, identity, as a common phrase, refers to one’s concept of self that stems from any type of ownership...

Supernatural in Poetry of British Romantic Period

The world of literature is rich in the outstanding writers and poets. Prose and poetry were developing throughout years when each epoch gave birth to another one. Thus, it is vital to pay special attention to the British poetry and the eminence the Romantic period that created grounds for the...

Nick Hornsby’s “About a Boy”

Introduction Nick Hornby’s novel, About A Boy, explores the multifaceted relationship between two characters, Marcus and Will. The story is based on Marcus, a twelve-year-old who is eccentric, bullied, and extremely introverted. The entire story describes Marcus’s intricacy of finding a sense of balance between being a child and being...

Browning’s “How Do I Love Thee” Poem Analysis

Introduction A poem is a piece of literature that is written to pass certain messages to people or express various emotions such as love, hate, or even anger (Glennis, 98). It is because of these reasons that poetry requires skillful selection of words and sentence structures so as to make...

Spiritual Barrenness in “The Waste Land” Poem

Introduction T.S. Eliot is one of the most significant modernist poets, particularly due to his use of vivid imagery in the exploration of social issues pertaining to the British community of the time. The Waste Land, written in 1922, is a long poem that has captured the attention of many...

Ibsen’s A Doll’s House: Critical Analysis

Introduction Henrik Ibsen’s play “A Doll House” is now being commonly referred to as one of the finest examples of feminist literature of 19th century. The theme of women’s liberation can be found throughout play’s entirety, even though this theme is being spared of aggressive undertones, with which we usually...