The Role of Conflicts in Hamlet by William Shakespeare

Conflict in Hamlet: Essay Introduction The play Hamlet is one of the appealing literary works of the world’s renowned play writer, William Shakespeare. The play is about one character that is, Hamlet who is the prince and son of the late king who was allegedly murdered by the current king...

Main Conflicts in “The Catcher in the Rye” by J.D. Salinger

The Catcher in the Rye was a novel written by J.D Slinger. The novel’s protagonist is a young man struggling with various issues in his adolescence. Holden Caulfield, aged 16, was the name of the young man. For the fourth time, he had been kicked out of class. Salinger uses...

Napoleon’s Domestic Reforms Post-French Revolution

Napoleon Bonaparte also recognized as Napoleon l, lived from 1769 to 1821, was a French emperor and leader who succeeded in conquering most parts of Europe during the 19th century. In the period between 1789-1799, Napoleon rose through various ranks within the military (Van der Burg, 2021). In a 1799...

The Poem “Daddy” by Sylvia Plath

Introduction An intensely tumultuous beat runs through the poem Daddy by Sylvia Plath. She composes a poem about her father, Otto Plath, as an experience, including an unsolved complicated relationship. Plath regarded her father so highly that she alluded to him as an idol and a Nazi while comparing his...

“Earth Poem” by Mahmoud Darwish

In “Earth Poem,” Darwish shares his love, grief, and expectations for the future in these Palestinian poems with other world peoples. Through his perceptive metaphors and detailed descriptions of the country, the author sounds the voice of the Palestinian Resistance. The main themes of his poetry are his nation and...

Beauty in The Bluest Eye by Toni Morrison

The idea of beauty has always been important to human society. People use specific standards to consider someone more attractive than others and provide them with privileged status. At the same time, failure to meet dominant standards might result in exclusion, isolation, and loneliness. Thus, beauty is one of the...

“The Red Dress” by Alice Munroe

Introduction “The Red Dress” is a short story by Alice Munroe, published in 1946. The tale is told from the point of view of a young girl who goes to high school and lives with her mother, who sews outfits for her daughter. The purpose of this paper is to...

Hamlet and Oedipus: Resilience Compared

According to Aristotle’s definition of tragedy, every tragic character has to face an unexpected reveal. When encountering it, Hamlet demonstrates greater resilience than Oedipus. Hamlet does not break down under the new knowledge, he does not relent even as the situation worsens, and he does not allow his attachments to...

Sea Poems by Keats and Wordsworth

Introduction The sea is frequently the central theme of many authors’ compositions. The poem “On the Sea” by John Keats (1800) illustrates the incredible power and subtlety of the waves, as well as their capacity to treat troubled eyes and torn ears. It demonstrates freedom and solace that can be...

Modernism and Vanity in The Story “Araby”

Introduction The story “Araby” is a first-person narration of a boy who is trying to impress a girl. The narration is on behalf of a boy in love with his friend’s sister. He learns from her that she wants to go to a charity bazaar called “Araby”. He promises the...

The Killers: Short Story Genre of Earnest Hemingway

The literary style of Earnest Hemingway, Nobel laureate in 1954, is direct, terse, and often monotonous, yet suited to elemental subject matters. His fiction and short stories usually focus on people living essential, dangerous lives, controlling the pain and difficulty of their existence, with stoic courage. Hemingway’s characters plainly embody...

“Suddenly, Last Summer” by Tennessee Williams

Individual versus society is probably the oldest theme employed by writers, playwrights, and film producers to demonstrate a difference one might make by their positive or negative deeds. In “Suddenly, Last Summer,” Tennessee Williams shows homosexuality as the central point of the conflict between the characters and makes broader implications,...

“Don Quixote” Novel by Miguel de Cervantes

Introduction Don Quixote is a fictional book written by Miguel de Cervantes (Saavedra) and later translated by John Ormsby. The main character builds on imaginary things and works to accomplish what he reads in books. The article analyses how far a person’s imagination can drive someone to do some things...

The Cask of Amontillado Summary and Analysis

Introduction The stories of Edgar Allan Poe impress a lot with their gloominess, terrible reality, and cruelness. The Cask of Amontillado is one of such stories with a simple plot but rather complicated techniques and ideas. On the one hand, The Cask of Amontillado is a story of one person’s...

“I Wandered Lonely as a Cloud” by William Wordsworth

The poem by William Wordsworth titled “I wandered lonely as a cloud” or “Daffodils” is a beautiful and inspirational work in which the author attempted to portray the wonderfulness of nature and communicate his admiration for it. In addition to its light and cheerful mood and diversity of descriptions, the...

“Felix Randal” by Gerard Manley Hopkins Literature Analysis

Felix Randal grew up like any other person, normal. Normal in that amongst his peers, he could be loved and cherished, and that he could also grow up to be hated or be hateful. The narrator tells his story and tries to explore and bring out the various facets of...

Theme of Money in “A Doll’s House” by Ibsen

Introduction The play entitled A Doll’s House, written by Henrik Ibsen, shows a few days of the life of one married couple: Nora and Torvald Helmer. Several themes can be identified in this play, including love and marriage, deceit, gender roles, reputation, and money. This paper will focus on the...

Alcott’s Little Women as a Bildungsroman Novel

Introduction Among well-known coming-of-age novels in the world’s history, Little Women has just been recognized by academics as one of the most powerful Bildungsroman novels for its ability to depict the growth and maturity of the characters. The work by Louisa May Alcott, written in the 19th century, is a...

Three Waves of Feminism in Cunningham’s “The Hours” Novel

Introduction The Hours by Michael Cunningham is a novel, which follows and describes a day from three women’s lives. The main characters are Virginia Woolf, Laura Brown, and Clarissa Vaughn. The actions of these women take place during different timelines and locations. Virginia Woolf is an author who is writing...

The Main Themes in “Dead Men’s Path”

Introduction Various paths of presenting leading ideas can be implemented in literary writings. Understanding the themes discussed by the author and underlining the primary examples behind them is an exceptionally prominent topic of discussion. Chinua Achebe’s Dead Men’s Path offers a negative example of an authoritative figure’s disregard towards the...

The Role of Women in “Sir Gawain and the Green Knight”

Introduction In Arthurian literature, women certainly played important roles. They repeatedly and constantly prejudiced the protagonists of such stories in countless ways and also held a strong sway over the occurrences in the story and, accordingly, over the story line as well. In her work, To the Glory of Her...

The Necklace: Mathilde Character Analysis

Introduction Every woman wants to be graceful and refined, beautiful and elegant, admirable and fascinating. Though the appearances can be deceptive, it is natural for people to pretend to be what they really want to be. Women are considered to be more deceptive than men because they use their natural...

Willy Loman: Character Analysis

In the play “Death of the Salesman”, Author Miller creates a vivid character of an old who has wasted his life searching for the American dream. The tragedy of Loman show the case with the American dreamer and loser who fails to find its place in this life. The main...

The Representation of the American Dream in Death of a Salesman

Living in a society where each person can achieve success and respect regardless of their origin, gender, or race was a general idea of the American Dream at the beginning of the 20th century. However, the American Dream is slowly fading and becoming more of an illusion after the Depression...

Feminism in Marie de France’s “Lanval” Poem

Introduction Marie de France’s Lanval is a twelfth-century poem about a knight who has become a social outcast. The love between Lanval and a mysterious lady does not seem to fit in the cruelty and filth of the real world, and the lovers leave for a mystical realm of Avalon....

The Short Story “The Man From Mars” by Margaret Atwood

“The Man From Mars” by Margaret Atwood is a short story about a young man who finds himself on another planet and the psychological implications of his experience (Atwood). In this work, it is possible to see how repression can structure and inform the work, as the protagonist is attempting...

Themes in “The Lady or the Tiger” by Frank Stockton

Introduction Intractable moral choices have been known to capture the attention of readers for a long time. In the short story “The Lady or the Tiger”, the author, Frank Stockton, highlights two most intriguing choices, one involving love and the other about death. The story, which explores a variety of...

The Role and Significance of Women in “Beowulf”

Introduction Beowulf is a poetic text in English literature depicting the events of a heroic man in the 6th century. Beowulf primarily focuses on the heroic deeds of male characters. The poet characterizes male heroism with courage, strength, loyalty, and generosity. However, in-between the lines, the plot has female characters...

Eveline Short Story by James Joyce

Eveline is a short story written by James Joyce about a 19-year-old woman making a hard choice regarding the direction of her entire life. Eveline lives in Dublin with her old abusive father; she works hard and looks after the house. Her mother and one of her brothers – Ernest...

Analysis of “My Wicked Wicked Ways” Poem by Sandra Cisneros

Background It is hard to disagree that the topic of the family may be difficult and heartbreaking for many people. To make it easier to relive happy or sad memories of the family, some poets devote their poems to this topic. For example, in “My Wicked Wicked Ways,” written in...

Comparison Between “Young Goodman Brown” and “Rip Van Winkle”

Young Goodman Brown and Rip Van Winkle both tell stories of family men, of which each starts their story as one person and becomes completely different by the end of it. The two stories are written in different narrations and settings; however, they have something in common. While it may...

Stylistic and Literary Devices of “Hamlet”

The play Hamlet is one of the most dubious and intriguing works of William Shakespeare. The author shows Hamlet, an educated man, always in the search process, with a deep sense of empathy for everything that surrounds him. However, life forces him to face true evil in various manifestations. With...

The Theme of Culture in “A Doll’s House” by Henrik

Culture is a vital aspect of every society, depicted through gender roles, power distribution, and the place of men and women in society. Literature serves to highlight the cultural practices engraved in society. The play A Doll’s House is a three-part play by the renowned playwright Henrik Ibsen. A Doll’s...

The Poems “We Are Really Cool” and “Malcolm X” by Gwendolyn Brooks

Introduction Gwendolyn Brooks is an important and well-known figure in American poetry of the 20th century. “We are really cool” and “Malcolm X” is one of the greatest poems written by Brooks. She is the kind of author who widely employs syntactic means to express her texts’ significant meanings. In...

A Psychoanalytical Reading of Chopin’s “The Story of an Hour”

The close reading of Kate Chopin’s “Story of an Hour” reveals the fact that the story’s motifs may be well discussed within the context of the Freudian theory of psychoanalysis; as they provide us with insight into the oppression-related essence of the main character’s existential anxieties. In this paper, we...

The Lottery Short Story: Personal Response

Introduction Shirley Jackson’s “The Lottery” is a short story which reveals the dark side of human nature. It depicts the collective unconscious of the people of a village, of about three hundred people. The author brings them together to take part in an annual rite in the form of a...

“Heart of Darkness” by Joseph Conrad

In the novel Heart of Darkness, Joseph Conrad fully explores the concept of imperialism and the effects it has on everyone who is involved with the process. He does this while employing a new modern means of characterization and expression. It is difficult to describe this new form of expression...

“The Kite Runner” by Khaled Hosseini – Book Review

The book by Khaled Hosseini The Kite Runner is the heart-piercing story about the childhood of Afghan boys. This story represents rather realistic features of Afghanistan and is based on direct relation to time prospects in this country some 30 years ago. In this respect the author provides a scope...

Light and Dark Imagery in Conrad’s “Heart of Darkness”

Joseph Conrad, a Polish writer, was born in the Polish part of Ukraine, in the epoch of imperialism. Most of his writings clearly highlight these issues as well as the bridge between Victorian values and the most progressive modernist ideas. Although the main characters of “Heart of Darkness’ face a...

Examples of Racism in The Great Gatsby

Examples of Racism in The Great Gatsby: Essay Introduction The novel “The Great Gatsby” by Scott Fitzgerald is a very symbolistic piece of writing in which each reader can find aspects interesting for him or her only. The writer’s ability to intertwine symbolism with the realistic flow of the story...

Settings in “Richard III” Play by Shakespeare

Introduction Literature is a priceless heritage of humanity that provides people with an opportunity to understand people’s nature, their motifs, ideas, fears, and beliefs. Being an effective way to convey messages, novels, stories, or poems contributed to the increased attention to the events in history that were significant for the...

Love and Madness in Shakespeare’s “Twelfth Night”

The tone of drama is usually dictated by its beginning so that the reader can anticipate the ending reading the first scenes of the play. This tendency seems inapplicable to Shakespeare’s “Twelfth Night”, in which the atmosphere of chaos, spontaneous love, and madness is established in the introductory scenes, which...

The Role of Money in “The Forged Coupon” by Leo Tolstoy

Introduction When one hears the name of Leo Tolstoy, the first thing that comes to mind is his great novels War and Peace or Anna Karenina. However, this famous Russian writer created more than 150 works, including short stories, autobiographical novels, and novellas. The Forged Coupon is one of the...

Literary Analysis: The Things They Carried by Tim O’Brien

The Things They Carried Analysis: Essay Introduction O’Brien, in the short story “The Things They Carried”, captures the predicaments of soldiers during the Vietnam War. Each soldier carries a literal and symbolic object that links the past to the present. The symbols serve to distract the solders from the realities...

Literature Analysis of Hamlet’s Soliloquies

Check out our Hamlet’s soliloquies analysis sample! Get more ideas and insights about the famous “To Be or Not To Be” quote for your Hamlet soliloquy essay. Hamlet Soliloquy Essay Introduction In his many conversations, Hamlet reminds the people around him and especially his mother that she does not know...

The “Moving Camp Too Far” Poem by Nila NorthSun

Introduction The role of analyzing literary works includes revealing their literal and symbolic meanings. In literature, poets develop poems to communicate specific messages to the readers literally or symbolically. In relation to “Moving Camp Too Far” by Nila northSun, one can decipher the different techniques the poet used to deliver...

“The Elephant in the Village of the Blind” by Linda Brewer

Peoples experiences and backgrounds severely impact how they perceive the world around them and the phenomena that occur in them. This power is realized by storytellers who use a change of perspective as a unique tool in storytelling. Hence, an excellent example is “The Elephant in the Village of the...

The First Person’s Point of View in Poe’s “The Tell-tale Heart”

The Tell-Tale Heart is a story by Edgar Allan Poe initially published in 1843. The writer utilizes various poetic techniques to deliver the internal state of the character who experiences a mental disorder. The most important one is the use of first-person narration. This point of view allows us to...

Gender Roles in “The Handmaid’s Tale” by Atwood

Introduction Margaret Atwood’s The Handmaid’s Tale is a novel illustrating a dystopian system in which fertile women become the maids of couples who cannot conceive. The United States (Gilead) has become a military, patriarchal, autocratic country where all males and females serve a purpose. Males, depending on their status, can...

“The Song of Myself” by Walt Whitman

Introduction The Song of Myself is a 52-part poem written by Walt Whitman in 1855. In the poem, the speaker praises the human body for its ability to join with self and nature. This union between the body and self provides a religious experience for the speaker and all humanity....

Monologues in “Things I Know to Be True” by Bovell

“Things I Know to be True” is a family drama written by Australian author Andrew Bovell. Geordie Brookman and Scott Graham staged the play and showed it in the UK and the USA, where it became a success. An abundance of literary and dramatic devices, as well as special effects,...

“Where Are You Going, Where Have You Been” by J. Oates

The plot of the book Where Are You Going, Where Have You Been written by Joyce Carol Oates, was inspired by the real situation that occurred in Arizona. It was a series of crimes committed by Charles Schmidt. The protagonist of the book is a fifteen-year-old girl called Connie (Oates...

Element of Drama in “Oedipus the King” by Sophocles

“Oedipus the King” is an enigmatic tragedy account where fate makes the main character to kill his father and marry his mother unknowingly. Sophocles borrows heavily from Aristotles’ tragedy ideas to make a tragic hero with a noble personality who is made to fall by mere errors in life caused...

Life of Charles Dickens

Introduction Born in February 7, 1812 in Portsmouth, Charles Dickens lived to become a prolific 19th century writer of fiction novels, short stories and plays. His father worked as a pay clerk in the navy office, with a salary hardly enough to support the family (Sanders p.1). Charles was as...

“The Barrelmaker Brimful of Love” by Ihara Saikaku

“The Barrelmaker Brimful of Love” is a short story written by a famous Japanese poet Ihara Saikaku. In this work, the author addresses several issues: first, the relationships between love and religion, in particular Buddhism. Secondly, he explores the conflict between individual happiness and general welfare within the context of...

Achilles and Hector in The Iliad by Homer: Comparison

Achilles and Hector are two heroic characters in Homer’s classic Iliad and both these fearless warriors display honour and virtue in their characters. The personal resolve, decisions, behaviour, valour and the commitment shown by these two act as the key to the development of the plot of the book. Both...

Characterization in “Jin Ping Mei” Novel by Sheng

David Tod Roy translated the Plum in the Golden Vase, a Chinese novel which was originally composed in the vernacular Chinese during the reign of the latter part of the Ming Dynasty in 1368 by unknown author who signed the literary work as Lanling Xiaoxiao Sheng. Initially, the famous Chinese...

“Mhudi” by Sol Plaatje: A Chance for Unity

The book Mhudi, which was written by Sol Plaatje in 1920 and first published in 1930, is a novel that tells a story of indigenous African tribes, the complex relations between them, and the facts that impact these relations greatly. The sophisticated atmosphere is perfectly shown by the author, who...

Kafka’s Metamorphosis: Biographical Criticism

Introduction Metamorphosis is a work in which an exciting storyline develops from the beginning. The protagonist, Gregor, wakes up in the morning and finds that he has turned into an insect with insect legs, scales, and a shell-like back. Moreover, Gregor has to come to terms with this situation and...

Rashomon by Akutagawa: A Short Story Analysis

The narrator in the story under consideration plays the role of a modernist, interpreting the servant’s consciousness in everything and not just conveying his actions. This story is one of Akutagawa’s shortest works, but it is very memorable because of the complexity and multilevel nature of the narrative. The author...

The “Old Boys, Old Girls” Story by Edward Jones

According to Rolston (2018), Edward Jones’s stories, mainly Old Boys, Old Girls, reflect how institutions and social circumstances shape the life and struggles of the African American male ex-convicts. Indeed, by portraying the life of Caesar Matthews, Edward Jones’ stories give insight into the African-American individuals’ criminal record complicate their...

The Break Novel by Katherena Vermette

Many bad things happen around; some are noticed and fairly discussed, while others remain neglected. In 2016, Katherena Vermette wrote The Break to show how dangerous and traumatic the human experience could be in a seemingly ideal community. One of its most outstanding issues is that there are no properly...

The Poems of William Wordsworth: Depiction of Nature

Introduction William Wordsworth’s poems defined Naturalism and Romanticism since the author was known to be the poet of nature. The poet was a key figure of the Romantic Movement, especially considering his early poems. The life of the author was closely connected to nature, which is why his art was...

Hypocrisy and Christianity in “Tartuffe” by Molière

In Tartuffe, one of the primary topics that the author raises is the hypocrisy of some members of the society of that time and the detrimental effect of blind trust given to faithful people. To prove his point, the author uses Orgon’s family to show the result of this belief...

Comparing “The Egg” by Weir and “Other People” by Gaiman

The Overview In Neil Gaiman’s short story Other People, a person finds himself in Hell, and his greatest torture is to relive his life through the eyes of those he hurt. It is a circular narrative in the sense that it ends just like it began: an arrogant person enters...

Symbol of the Cat in the Story “Black Cat” by Edgar Allan Poe

The works of Edgar Allan Poe are famous for their gothic style, the penchant for depression and melancholy, as well as sinister motives of imminent death and evil fate. So, in the “Black Cat,” the story of alcoholism, madness, and movement towards destruction unfolds. The cat is the main symbol...

Reflection of the Poem Epic of Gilgamesh

Introduction Reading poems can always be a daunting way of studying, but can also be fulfilling. I have had a first-hand experience reading Epic of Gilgamesh as part of my classwork. While it was a generally enjoyable experience, I did make certain mistakes during the action. However, I gained some...

The Role of the Supernatural

Introduction The term “supernatural” has several meanings and is used in both everyday speech and scholarly works on philosophy, psychology, and literature. In its most general meaning, the adjective “supernatural” means something not explained naturally, which is not subject to the laws of nature. In the field of fiction, the...

The Review of “A Cyborg Manifesto”

Summary The essay “A cyborg manifesto” by Donna Haraway presents a revolutionary view of humanity’s future developments. In her work, the intersections between dualistic concepts like genders, primitivism, truth, deific/humane, order/chaos, and others must be eradicated in order to create a cyborg society (Haraway, 2016). The author chooses the concept...

Setting in Margaret Atwood’s “The Handmaid’s Tale”

Margaret Atwood’s The Handmaid’s Tale, which was first published in 1985, is one of the most controversial dystopian novels. The key themes that are discussed by the author in her work include social inequality between men and women, power, oppression, gender roles, freedoms, and rights among others. The complex discussion...

Puritanism and Enlightenment Writers

During the Colonial age, American Literature was mainly influenced by religious, gender, and ethnic diversity. Puritanism was a belief-oriented religious movement that was led by a group of English Protestants between the 16th and 19th centuries (Scanlan 281). Puritan writers were guided by values and ideas such as courage, business,...

Hamlet’s Vision and Candide’s Consideration of Love

Love is the ruling force of the evolution. People all over the world consider love as the brightest and the warmest feeling. Love is often the main theme of the greatest works of world literature. The theme of romantic love is also discussed in such masterpieces as William Shakespeare’s Hamlet...

A Comparison of “Hamlet” by Shakespeare and “Wuthering Heights” by Bronte

Literature has a way of continuing to explore many of the same themes that seem to plague mankind throughout history. One of the common themes that continues to appear throughout much of earlier literature is a representation of women as nearly hysterical creatures that needed the guiding and calming hand...

“The Overcoat” the Story by N. Gogol

Introduction In the short story “The Overcoat” N. Gogol portrays a small man influenced by social conditions and urban city. The main character of the story is Akakii Akakievich, who works as a clerk copying documents. His single intense desire is not for a rifle, but for an overcoat to...

Agamemnon in the Iliad: Character Analysis

Pride, ego, high self-esteem are all harbingers of dissatisfaction and clashes. In the classic Iliad by Homer, Agamemnon is shown to be a person with a high of all of these. He has to give up his prized possession, a girl whom he won when the city of Priam was...

The Glass Menagerie: Analysis of Relationships

The Glass Menagerie is a play about a dysfunctional family, each caught in between their feelings and dreams. The conflicts experienced in the Wingfield’s family primarily lie deep within themselves, but also intertwine with each other. This essay will analyze the complicated relationship between Amanda–the mother and Laura—the daughter and...

Nora’s Decision in H. Ibsen’s “The Doll’s House”

The power of classic literature and dramaturgy is in their ability to withstand the influence of time and remain relevant for society even after years since creation. This assumption might be applied to Henrik Ibsen’s play titled “The Doll’s House.” It was written at the end of the 19th century...

“Moll Flanders” a Novel by Daniel Defoe

The Fortunes & Misfortunes of the Famous Moll Flanders by Daniel Defoe is a novel that already includes the main plot in the title since it tells about the whirlwind life of a criminal – Moll Flanders. Written as a collection of Moll’s memories, the novel follows the main character...

“The Watcher at the Gate” by Gail Godwin Literature Analysis

Gail Godwin’s The Watcher at the Gate offers a personal reflection on the myriad manifestation of the critical voice, a voice that typically blocks any and all creative endeavor before the implementation stage. Godwin’s essay recounts the effect of the critical voice on novelists specifically, however her “watcher” refers to...

Symbolism in “The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll & Mr. Hyde” by Stevenson

Literary symbols have a significant role in defining the relationships between characters. For example, symbols such as personal items can point to the similarities or differences between the main characters. Thus, symbolism is often used in literary works with stories focused on the juxtaposition of two heroes in order to...

The Play “King Lear” by William Shakespeare: Marxist Approach

Among the core insights of the Marxist theory is that the class struggle has characterized the history of societies’ development. Because art, both literature and theater, does not exist separately from society, it has become a crucial aspect of the historical process and people’s comprehension of the world. Thus, it...

Poetic Devices in Jane Kenyon’s “Happiness”

Jane Kenyon’s poem “Happiness” briefly describes how she views happiness and how it occurs most unexpectedly. She provides different scenarios in which happiness can occur to an individual. The poetic uses several poetic devices to structure her poem to give meaning to her ideas. The most notable poetic devices identified...

Comparison of Mythology: Prometheus and Loki

Examining the individual gods in the story gives us new respect for how similar Greek and Norse myths are. Many elements and qualities of Prometheus in Greek mythology and Loki in Norse mythology are the same. They both behave in the same way because they are both their own mythical...

Analysis of “Native Son” Story by Richard Wright

Introduction Native Son is a story by American writer Richard Wright, which was written in 1940. The story is about Bigger Thomas, a growing black man who existed in absolute lack in a bad neighborhood in the southern part of Chicago. Without apologizing for Bigger’s violations, Wright presents an inextricable...

Analysis of “The Bride Comes to Yellow Sky” by Stephen Crane

The novel’s main character, Mr. Potter, is a Texas marshal returning to Yellow Sky with his eastern wife. Sheriff Wilson and his thugs are about to be confronted by gunman Scratchy Wilson, but the sheriff’s wife and an older man talk him out of it. It was written as a...

“A Doll’s House,” “Pygmalion,” “Blasted”: Similarities

Literature has always been used to mirror society; thus, the changes that occurred in women’s stance can be learned through literary representations. The main characters of all three plays, Nora, Eliza, and Cate, reflect greatly on the similarities in terms of a rigid stance of a woman in a patriarchal...

Cherie Dimaline’s “Marrow Thieves” Novel Analysis

From the Marrow Thieves, the narrator of the novel is a sixteen-year-old Métis lad. Francis is his given name; however, he is rarely addressed as such. By the age of eleven, Frenchie had lost his father, mother, and older brother, Mitch. Frenchie is profoundly affected by his parents’ absences. Even...

“Goblin Market” Poem by Christina Rossetti

Introduction The goblin market is a poem published in the 18th century by Christina Rossetti. The poem unfolds the story of two sisters, Laura and Lizzie, who enter the Goblin market when men are selling their fruits in the streets. The fruits represent sexual activities advertised by the merchants in...

An Analysis of “Hamlet” by William Shakespeare

Introduction The first scene in Hamlet is one of the most profound first scenes in the history of drama. It starts when one of the guards asks, “who is there?” (Shakespeare, 1602, p. 5). This depicts a revealing of one’s identity. The answer the other guard gives is quite strange....

Jealousy and Its Examples in Literature

Introduction Jealousy occurs when a person longs for something they do not possess, whether it is a relationship, talent, or a material object. People may choose to control the natural reactions regarding this feeling or exhibit them freely regardless of the consequences. Jealousy could occur toward other humans, dead or...

“Disgrace” by John Coetzee: Analysis

Introduction “Disgrace” by John Coetzee is a novel about loss, pain, and the efforts to reconcile with oneself. The main characters are disgraced and deprived of all dignity in different circumstances. Even though the characters David Lurie and Lucy Lurie have in common the suffering of facing traumatic sexual experiences,...

Figurative Language of “Persuasion” by Jane Austen

The novel Persuasion written by Jane Austen tells the story of two lovers, Anne Elliot and Frederick Wentworth who are not allowed to marry because Anne’s parents are prejudiced against Frederick. Jane Austen uses third-person narrator in order to portray characters and their actions. Overall, this novel presents a sharp...

Theme of Little Red Riding Hood: Comparing the Versions of Perrault vs Grimm

Are you wondering about the theme of Little Red Riding Hood? This Little Red Riding Hood analysis essay compares how the themes of this story differ in the versions written by Jacob and Wilhelm Grimm and by Charles Perrault. Read on to learn this fairy tale’s genre, setting, symbolism, and...

A Letter to Rosaline from Romeo in Shakespeare’s Romeo and Juliet

A Letter to Rosaline from Romeo. Romeo is expressing his heart-ache, pledges his devotion, begs for a meeting. Dear Rosaline, This letter I write to request thee to give me a place in thy heart. Written hath I many a love poem to express my love to thee to reply...

The Concept of Resilience in Literature

Introduction As psychologists understand it, resilience is the ability to bounce back from adversity. The concept is especially pertinent in war and other catastrophes that cause significant harm to individuals and groups. The concept of resilience has always been wide-ranging in its scope, from its core philosophy from social psychology...

Miller’s Death of a Salesman vs. Ibsen’s A Doll’s House

Henrik Ibsen’s A Doll’s House and Arthur Miller’s Death of a Salesman are successful dramas produced in 1879 and 1949, respectively. Due to their relevance to contemporary challenges, both writings have garnered high praise from critics and are debated by academics worldwide. Despite being created in various eras and nations,...

Irony of “Nebraska” Poem by Bruce Springsteen

The poem is about a man who went on a murder spree alongside his girlfriend. As he went into the badlands of Wyoming, he killed everything that appeared on his way, including humans. The person is not sorry for the murder he has committed. Instead, he insists that he had...

Kafka’s “A Hunger Artist” Analysis

“A Hunger Artist” is a short story focusing on a performer who sits in a cage and refuses to eat for forty days while the viewers observe his efforts. This short story is dystopian because it shows the degradation of society’s perception of art, which should be a way of...

“The Drama Trifles” by Susan Glaspell

“The Drama Trifles” is a play by Susan Glaspell that focuses on gender, isolation, and justice. The drama primarily centers on the oppression of women, which is a common issue in many communities. In this case, the male character in the play wants to gather evidence of Mrs. Wright’s crime,...

Jean-Paul Sartre’s Nausea: An Analysis

Introduction Jean-Paul Sartre’s Nausea is a philosophical novel examining human existence and experience through the protagonist’s deteriorating psychological and emotional condition. The hero of the novel, Antoine Roquentin, is a historian who begins to suffer from a constant nauseating feeling that inhibits every aspect of his life. Roquentin’s crisis prompts...

“American Born Chinese”: Theme of religion

Introduction Religion is a contemporary issue influencing civilization, morals, laws, and cultural societies globally. The American Born Chinese written by Gene Luen Yang’s narrates the experiences of immigrants in America using three different tales. This book conveys three major morals, which are resisting the urge to be assimilated, not denying...

Samuel Johnson’s “Rambler #5” and “Idler #31”

“Idler #31” Samuel Johnson revealed his ideas on idle people and the nature of idleness in his essay “Idler #31”. The author contemplates the essence of idleness. First, Johnson depicts an idler who buries him/herself in the complete darkness. One could understand Johnson’s words literally, but the author does not...

Anne Bradstreet’s Poem “Contemplations”

In the literary scholarship, Anne Bradstreet’s poetry is usually discussed as Puritan and feminist. Therefore, Bradstreet’s poems should be considered as unique representations of the revolutionary female vision that combines the discussion of religious ideas and the discussion of a woman’s place in the world. “Contemplations” is the most vivid...

Analysis of “Room” by Emma Donoghue

Introduction Room by Emma Donoghue is a novel that reveals the essential aspects of child abuse, psychological trauma, and social adaptation through a child’s eyes. The events in this book are fictional, although the experiences that the author put in her work require a thorough examination and comprehension. Depicting such...

Literary Analysis of Fences by August Wilson

The play Fences by August Wilson covers a variety of complex themes, such as race, family relationships, history, identity, change, morality, culture, dreams, duty, and others. Written in 1986, this literary work “clearly displayed the tensions among blacks who wanted to clutch their African legacy” (Ali 1). One of the...

Cheever’s The Enormous Radio Stylistic and Character Analysis

The Enormous Radio – the short story by John Cheever in the 20th century – covers the themes of privacy and has an exceptional plot with underlying irony. The writer narrates the story from the third perspective to portray the life of a happy first-glance family. The reader witnesses how...

What Is Destiny? Literary Works Answer

Introduction Destiny is something that is to happen or has happened to a particular person or thing. In addition, destiny can be potentially characterized as the unknown and inevitable future or a predefined condition and life path. Someone can think that destiny is unavoidable that has to happen, but, to...

What Is Shakespeare’s Definition of Love?

William Shakespeare, an English poet, and playwright wrote “Sonnet 116.” It was most likely written in the 1590s, during English literature when sonnets were famous, although it was not published until 1609. Although Shakespeare’s sonnets were not well received during his lifetime, “Sonnet 116” has become one of the most...

Play “Fences” by August Wilson Analysis

Introduction “Fences” is an American play composed by playwriter August Wilson in the year 1985. The play examines the progressing African-American life experiences related to cultural practices and races among other themes. It is important to analyze the play fences and understand how different perceptions of the characters regarding their...

“To Live in the Borderlands Means You” by Gloria Anzaldua

Poems can be a successful and interesting avenue to explore new ideas, as well as to comment on the daily necessities of life and its various events. In particular, ideas can be utilized very efficiently in communicating meaning across individuals and being used for their informational value. For the purposes...

Role of Evil in Shakespeare’s Macbeth

The Three Prophecies and Meaning of Each Prophecies in Shakespeare’s Macbeth occurs in act 1 and act 4. These prophecies play a significant role in advancing the themes of good and evil, treachery and betrayal, loyalty, crime, and violence, which are common in the play. Shakespeare used various characters and...

“Midterm Break” by Seamus Heaney: Aging, Death and Dying

Introduction Death is notably one of the universal fears that translates to almost every culture, time, and age. All people eventually face death in their lifetime: either their own or their loved ones. Therefore, it comes as no surprise that dying is a widely researched topic in many literary works....

“Squatter” by Rohinton Mistry

Rohinton Mistry is an author of Squatter, a story about two individuals, narrated to the local young boys by Nariman Hansotia. One of the characters in the story is Savukshaw, a great cyclist, pole-vaulter, hunter, and cricketer. The other one is Sarosh; a Parsi immigrant who lived in Canada and...

“Understand This” by Jervey Tervalon

Introduction Within the past few weeks, the United States has experienced one of the most turbulent times in its history following the death of George Floyd. This intentional murder of the African American forced many citizens across the country to stand up against the mistreatment of black people, a malpractice...

Hamlet, Laertes, and Fortinbras: The Theme of Vendetta

Hamlet is an outstanding tragedy by William Shakespeare, which is considered an example of skillful language and complicated plot. The play has always drawn the attention of researchers, and even today, litterateurs still analyze its peculiarities. Through his vivid characters, Shakespeare speaks about eternal issues: the problems of doubts, love,...

The Theme of Change in Poetry

“Omnia mutabantur, mutantur, mutabuntur” as the Latin proverb has it. Antiquity has supplied us with perfect food for reflection since ancient literary sources are the treasury of wisdom, just as the sayings that have lived during centuries to supply humanity of the present with eternal wisdom. Everything changes. It is...

Emilia’s Role in the Play Othello by Shakespeare

Outline This paper is an attempt to analyze the character of Emilia in William Shakespeare’s tragic play Othello. It begins with a thesis statement and the body discusses various questions like what is the role of Emilia. Is Emilia responsible for Desdemona’s death? What is her role in the handkerchief...

Green Light in The Great Gatsby

Introduction Francis Scott Key Fitzgerald is an American writer whose works were never given proper appreciation to when he was alive. This was a person who died with a firm belief that he was a failure. Most of his works refer to the period of Jazz Age, the name he...

Relationship between Gods and Humans in The Odyssey

The topic of the relationship between divine and mortal creatures in Homer’s The Odyssey can be called sophisticated. The complexity happens due to the fact that human beings do not have supernatural powers which are given to Gods in the epic poem. Creatures endowed with such forces are able to...

A Good Man Is Hard to Find Analysis: Essay Example & Summary

Are you about to write A Good Man Is Hard to Find theme essay? Then, make sure to check this sample out! Here, you’ll find the story’s summary, moral lesson, themes, and other aspects of the analysis. Keep reading to get some inspiration for your A Good Man Is Hard to Find thesis! ...

“Sympathy” by Paul Laurence Dunbar

“Sympathy” is the poem written by Paul Laurence Dunbar, one of the first African-American poets, whose works gained popularity at the end of the 19th century. The son of the enslaved father, Dunbar, knew a lot about the misfortune of being a slave. “Sympathy” is the author’s narration about the...

The Play “Blood Relation” by Sharon Pollock

Introduction Blood relation is an epic play that revolves around the life of Lizzy Borden. Lizzy is perceived to have killed her parents in an unpredictable maze of circumstances that Pollock (the playwright) explains were beyond her (Canadian Theatre Encyclopedia 2). This paper analyzes blood relations by responding to its...

The “Goblin Market” Poem by Christina Rossetti

Introduction Authors often put their ideas and ideals into their works, and Christina Rossetti’s “Goblin Market” utilizes literary devices to share her vision on religious beliefs. God is present in all Rossetti’s works, as her world views are heavily influenced by the Church (Şirket and Alban 27). The literary devices...

Shelley’s Frankenstein as “The Modern Prometheus”

“Frankenstein,” Mary Shelley’s famous novel, which she wrote when she was just eighteen years old, continues to captivate people all over the world. This narrative still speaks of the present world two centuries after Shelley’s “Frankenstein” first came to life, and its importance cannot be overstated. In Shelley’s work, scientific...

Formalist Criticism of “A Rose for Emily” by William Faulkner

Introduction In the short story “A Rose for Emily,” written by William Faulkner, the Old South is portrayed through the lens of symbolism. Hence, the emotional response of the people, who witnessed the tragic events stemming from the main character’s unrequited love, which is unacceptable for her position, can be...

“Lottery” by Shirley Jackson: Marxist Criticism, Characters, Style, and Tone

Literary Criticism In this part of the literate, the paper will analyze Marxist criticism. Marxism focuses on social institutions, class, and the social orders in society. The story of the lottery attacks ideology and social order in the town. Based on the Marxism concept, the story reinforces fear in the...

“Eleonora” by Edgar Allan Poe: A Short Story Analysis

Eleonora is a short story written by Edgar Allan Poe that could potentially relate to his personal, romantic experience. The story presents a collection of the main character’s discourse about love, passion, and memories of Eleonora, his cousin. The story’s plot can be separated into four parts: In the first...

Spencer’s “One Day I Wrote Her Name” Sonnet Analysis

This work presents the 75th sonnet by Edmund Spencer and belongs to the sonnet cycle “Amoretti,” which can be translated from Italian as “admiration.” Spencer’s poetic speech is distinguished by its originality both in terms of national coloring and its form and symbolism. It is an example of an English...

Analysis of Reverse Psychology Used by Lago in Shakespeare’s “Othello”

The character of Iago from Shakespeare’s Othello is one of the most unique and multi-faceted villainous characters from all of Shakespeare’s works. The mysterious and deceitful aura of the character makes the play more thrilling to the viewer or reader, who is aware of Iago’s untruthful motives, and makes the...

21st Century Ideals of Revolution From Shelley’s “Prometheus Unbound”

Introduction Percy Bysshe Shelley’s Prometheus Unbound combines the literary forms of lyrical drama and poetry to recreate and reanimate a classical mythological story. In the opening episode of the play, Jupiter, Shelley’s symbol of religious and political tyranny, punishes the heroic Prometheus for stealing fire from heaven and giving it...

A Valediction: “Forbidding Mourning” by John Donne

The metaphysical poet John Donne is one of those poets that are deservedly called the pre-eminent and prolific masters of poetry. His poem called A Valediction: Forbidding Mourning written in 1611 was a wonderful reflection of the seventeenth-century metaphysical poetry features. The title of the poem seems very intriguing. The...

“Joseph Andrews” by Henry Fielding

“Joseph Andrews” was the first published novel of the English writer Henry Fielding, as well as one of the first novels in the English language. The book was published in 1742 and defined by its author as a ‘comic romance’. It presents the adventures of Joseph Andrews and his friend...

Odysseus and Athena Relationship in Homer’s The Odyssey

Odyssey is one of the major poems written by Homer. It has been translated to a number of modern languages and originally it was expected to be sung, rather than read. Odysseus, a Greek hero, is a central character of the poem and throughout the story the reader can observe...

Alliteration in Thomas Hardy’s “The Darkling Thrush”

Thomas Hardy’s “The Darkling Thrush” is one of the most well-known poems written on the borderline of the 19th and the 20th centuries. The poet employs a variety of rhetoric devices in the piece, but the most prominent of them is alliteration. Hardy’s use of this rhetorical device helps to...

Criticism of the Church in Canterbury Tales

Geoffrey Chaucer was one of the greatest representatives of medieval literature, who impacted the development of English literature significantly. The Canterbury Tales series of books was written between 1387 and 1400. In these works, Chaucer describes the life of England through the stories told by the characters while using irony...

Ode on a Grecian Urn Essay: Analysis of Tone, Mood, and Meaning

John Keats’ “Ode on a Grecian Urn” is a prominent example of an ode. It tackles the theme of beauty and immortality of art. This “Ode on a Grecian Urn” essay explores the poem’s tone, mood, and meaning line by line. If you need to write a paper on this...

“When Mr. Pirzada Came to Dine” by Jhumpa Lahiri

Every person’s journey through life is marked by the presence of at least one individual who has made a profound impression on them. The influence may be favorable, but it might also be detrimental. Mr. Pirzada Came to Dine is a short narrative in which the reader can relate to...

“The Death of Artemio Cruz” by Carlos Fuentes

Carlos Fuentes Biography The Death of Artemio Cruz is a book written by Carlos Fuentes in 1962 about the Mexican Revolution and its aftermath. Fuentes was a Mexican novelist and writer born in 1928 and died in 2012. Fuentes was considered one of the finest writers in Latin America, and...

“A Room of One’s Own” by Virginia Woolf: Main Themes and Key Ideas

In her critical paper, Virginia Woolf introduces various binaries and complicates them by placing the opposite states into the contexts of time and place to illustrate and deepen these distinctions. For instance, she elaborates on the binary of women and men by explaining the two as complex socio-cultural categories in...

Cinderella’s Love Story by Charles Perrault and the Brothers Grimm

Introduction The Cinderella Tales are one of the most popular types of fairy tales known today. The most popular ones seem to be Charles Perrault’s Cinderella and Aschenputtel by the Brothers Grimm, although both versions are essentially different. For example, the Grimm story is known for its cruelty, while Perrault’s...

The Theme of Mental Illness in “The Tell-Tale Heart” by Poe

Edgar Allan Poe wrote The Tell-Tale Heart in 1843. It is a short horror story depicting the murder of an old man by an unnamed person, the story’s narrator. The narrator shows signs of paranoia, mania, and auditory hallucinations. The setting is a house where both characters live, while most...

Shift from Naturalism to Modernism in Literature

Literature of the early 20th century was characterized by the shift from Realism to Modernism. A number of factors shaped people’s perception of the changing world marked by the development of industrial societies and rapid urbanization. Furthermore, people were affected by the horrors of the Civil War and World War...

“The Pedestrian” by Ray Bradbury

Introduction The onset of the 21st century has brought on unimaginable and unprecedented leaps in commercial technology which has been woven into the very fabric of society. If 20 years ago few adults, let alone children had a cellphone, and 10 years ago, social media was a fun gimmick, both...

The Concept of World Literature

Introduction Literature is an important tool in people’s lives because it plays a central role in connecting individuals with larger truths and societal ideologies. It allows people to document their experiences and thoughts, which are then shared with other individuals, and passed from one generation to another; hence, it is...

A Driving Conflict in Wilson’s Fences Play

The events of August Wilson’s play Fences revolve around the Maxson family. Troy Maxson, a 53-year-old African American man, struggles to provide for his family. He has experienced racial inequalities throughout his life, which has shaped his bitter and skeptical character. One of his most unfortunate experiences was that, although...

Realism, Naturalism and Magical Realism in American Literature

The Incredible and Sad Tale of Innocent Erendira and Her Heartless Grandmother The whole story that is written by Gabriel Garcia Marcia Marquiz is a very interesting one that embraces three concepts, that is realism, naturalism, and magical realism. Realism Erendira who was fourteen years old was living with her...

“The Tell-Tale Heart” and “The Black Cat” by Edgar Allan Poe

Edgar Allan Poe was born on January 19 1809 in Boston Massachusetts. He was an American poet, writer, literary critic and editor. He was orphaned at an early age before he was even three years. He was raised as a foster child by John and Frances Allan in Richmond Virginia....

“As You Like It” by Shakespeare

The Shakespearean play ‘As You like it’ is an exploration of love and marriage presented in a comic setting. The main characters of the play are active participants in what some might classify as the typical love/hate relationship. The relationship among these characters reflects vastly on the bard’s own feelings...