“How to Be Human in the Age of the Machine” by Fry

Book Report Automation and technology have a significant impact on today’s society, which is not always positive. Currently, the world’s population’s lives depend on algorithms heavily, as they are incorporated in all parts of people’s existence. Advancements in the field of technologies can protect individuals’ lives, improve their well-being, and...

Linking Trust and Collaboration in Project Teams to Project Management Success

Introduction Human resource management is the backbone of any business venture. Employees and managers alike are valued not only by their capabilities of delivering individual performance but also by their capabilities of working as a team. The connection between mutual trust and effective collaboration seems intuitive. At the same time,...

Uber as the Platform Service

With the emergence of the technological breakthrough that has been occurring over the past few decades, the transfer of most services to the digital environment was not only necessary but also inevitable. The opportunities of the digital market had to be explored, and a vast number of companies managed to...

Infrastructure as a Service by Amazon

The demand for infrastructure as a service (IaaS) services is growing worldwide due to its cost-effectiveness and simplicity of use. While the competition in the sector is high, the sphere is dominated by major providers, which may hurt the competition in the future (Osborne, 2019). The present paper aims to...

Biomedical Technology and Innovation Issues

Three technical/scientific/biomedical questions of a potential investor in a joint venture with WPI The first question that hast to be posed is: How the biotech startup is going to overcome regulatory roadblocks in the process of commercialization of the technology? The question is extremely important because all human cells, tissues...

Modern Technology and Children: Causes and Effects

Introduction: Technology and Children The 21st century has been marked by a rapid and ubiquitous surge of technological advances in nearly every domain of people’s lives. Modern technology, particularly, digital tools that contribute to improved data processing, has been in existence for more than a decade, thus, shaping children that...

Mass Transit Railway’s West Island Line Project

Introduction For my assignment, I have chosen the Mass Transit Railway (MTR), a Hong Kong-based company. Out of the various ongoing projects, I plan to do the Project Management Report on the West Island Line (WIL) project. The length of the route will be about 3 km and the capacity...

Media Usage as a Mode of Learning

In the recent past, the use of electronic media has increased in our schools. This can be attributed to globalization and emergence of information technology in the 21st century. Because of many challenges related to the use of media and information technology, I will discuss use of media as a...

EChoupal: Session Justification and IT Projects Evaluation

Who are the key stakeholders in the ITC’s initiative to implement the Coupal project? Briefly justify your claim by explaining what’s at stake for them. It can be argued that the major stakeholders in the implementation of the ITC’s Coupal program are the rural farmers and the staff of the...

Wired Magazine: Culture Analysis

The name of the magazine is Wired. They have a target audience that ranges from children all the way to adults. To put it simply, it is suitable for both the old as well as the young. The kinds of products sold in this magazine are mainly electronic gadgetsand electronic...

Technology, Distance Education, and Its Quality

Introduction Technology is a vital aid that helps many educational institutions offer distance learning programs to students in various places. Various issues have an impact on the usage of technological aids in distance education. Educational content and knowledge are disseminated through various electronic platforms such as the internet, audio, and...

Atmospheric Phenomena Studies for Aviation

Introduction Even though modern aircraft have sophisticated navigation and communications systems helping to ensure the safety of flight, they are still wholly dependent on the atmosphere, which generates aerodynamic forces sustaining them. Also, all avionics systems for navigation and communications rely on signals that have to penetrate the atmosphere before...

The Information Technology Risk

Executive Summary This report discusses cloud computing and information security in the area of information management and control. Information management is introduced and its risk to an enterprise is assessed and additionally, to provide more elaboration the ePrescribing system is provided as a case study. This report concludes that in...

The Space Shuttle Challenger Engineering Ethics

Synopsis Space Shuttle Challenger One of the most serious cases associated with engineering lapses is the case of Space Shuttle challenger. Morton Thiokol engineers at NASA constructed the Space Shuttle Challenger that went into flames and ashes immediately after its departure due to the O-ring fault (Dunbar 545). Engineers in...

Computer Law and Information Security

Computer law is increasingly becoming an important area in the fields of legal as well as information technology (IT). Computer law affects corporations and professionals positively and negatively, but the advantages of effective and strict computer laws are important in ensuring the security of the computer systems, data, individuals, and...

Encrypted Viruses as the Plague of the New Millennium

The Internet has never been safe enough – browsing online has always meant putting oneself under the threat of contracting a virus. However, as viruses become more difficult to deal with, Internet safety software is getting more complex and sophisticated (Brafford para. 1). As a result, the XXI century viruses...

New York Metropolitan Transportation Authority’s Big Data

Abstract This paper shows how the use of big data analytics could help to improve the activities of the New York Metropolitan Transportation Authority (MTA). In detail, it demonstrates that big data management techniques could help MTA to improve stakeholder relationships, enhance organizational performance, increase business transparency, minimize customer complaints,...

The Future of Cloud Computing

The phenomenon of cloud computing Although the phenomenon of cloud computing is rather recent, it has become one of the most extensively discussed topics in the IT sphere. Despite a number of related challenges and vulnerabilities, cloud computing is now considered to be the most promising among next-generation technologies. A...

Impact of Technology: Nicholas Carr’s Views

Introduction Carr touches upon a controversial topic of the impact of technology on our reading skills and human intelligence (par. 3). He expresses concerns about the changes in reading patterns that we experience due to the Internet; it makes our reading less deep and shallower. Our reading has indeed changed...

The Edinburgh Tram: Project Management

Abstract This report reviews the Edinburgh Tram project. The review compares the game theory with the project management approach used by the stakeholders. Each stakeholder used the “Chicken Game” to influence on the project. As a result, the report shows that politics influenced the project’s completion period. The effect of...

Advantages & Disadvantages of Defense in Depth and Layered Network Security

It should be noted that information and data are the most important assets of any company. Therefore, organizations always run the risk of losing them and employ various measures to protect their information. Network security is rather complex to sustain, and companies resort to advanced technologies to secure their data....

Medical Technologies Developing Healthcare

Abstract Living in the era of modern technology requires taking advantage of its principles in the medical sphere. Consequently, the primary goal of this paper was to reveal the benefits of artificial intelligence, robotics, and 3D printing on the functioning of the healthcare. The detailed analysis with the examples was...

Inter-Agency Cooperation and Aviation Security

The Importance of Inter-Agency Cooperation The security and economic prosperity of any nation depend on the security of the Aviation Transportation System. There is a need to prevent terrorist attacks and other criminal acts while minimizing the impacts of these acts and ensuring that the aviation system continues to facilitate...

Mobile Imprisonment: Threat or Opportunity?

Technology saves a lot of time to people and enables them to focus on such concepts as self-development, relationship, social contribution rather than do the chores. Technology has also made the planet really small as people can communicate with each other irrespective of distances or time. At the same time,...

Defining the Concept of Net Neutrality

Net neutrality underscores the need to introduce equality in the way different Internet stakeholders treat data, with governments and Internet service providers being the key players. The past few decades have experienced an unprecedented technological revolution. Net neutrality has led to massive connectivity coupled with introducing novel ways of doing...

Concurrent Engineering and Its Advantages

The modern business world is highly competitive, and the universal truth remains unchanged as time is money. Concurrent engineering can make projects more cost-effective and companies more competitive. The sequential approach has its advantages as it is easier to control the development of new products since each stage is over...

Airline Certification Process and Stages

Today aircrafts are considered to be the safest type of transport. An organization that provides people with passenger and freight transportation is called an airline. As a rule, each airline has an air operating certificate or license. It is given by the national aviation authority to provide an aircraft operator...

SCADA and DCS Control Systems’ History and Future

The history and evolution of SCADA (Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition) and DCS (Distributed Control Systems) can be traced back to the 20th century. DCS and SCADA are commonplace in the facilities of process manufacturers for monitoring and controlling processes (Chkara and Seghiouer 38). The DCS was developed as an...

The Role and Impact of Artificial Intelligence

Introduction Artificial intelligence (AI) is driving organizational change, productivity, and innovation. According to Al Mansoori, Salloum, and Shaalan (2021), AI comprises computational technologies that execute roles involving human interpretation and decision-making. Apart from reducing costs, AI potentially establishes the efficacy of systems and procedures. AI-based techniques take an interdisciplinary approach...

The Jet Engine in Civil Aviation

Introduction In the 1930s, it became obvious that the conventional type of aircraft with a piston engine and propeller approached the limit of its capabilities. The aircraft, which existed in that form for almost half a century, exhausted itself in the sense of the possibility of further progress. The desire...

Flows, Callouts, and Checklists in the Airlines

Since any air travel has various risks associated with it, airline corporations developed a special protocol for flows, callouts, and checklists. All these three procedures are used to ensure the readiness of the aircraft, pilots, and crew members for a flight (Lift Academy, 2021). Flows, checklists, and callouts are essential...

Neural Networks and the General Data Protection Regulation

Introduction General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) principles govern the appropriate use of individuals’ information online and limit violations that may harm users and other stakeholders. Therefore, as an influential social media and networking company, the organization should ensure compliance with these regulations to avoid potential issues. The institution’s business model...

Strategies Used to Protect Data Privacy

Introduction Human service workers handle a lot of data based on job descriptions. Employees attached to human service delivery focus on improving quality of life by offering solutions to reigning problems within communities. The service providers interact with sensitive data and information about clients who bestow their trust in the...

The Aircraft Systems Comparison

In transitioning to a larger, more advanced aircraft, several similarities can be noticed in their hydraulic, pneumatic, pressurization, and fuel systems. One common feature is that all of these systems use some form of fluid or gas to transfer energy and perform specific functions. In the case of the hydraulic...

Artificial Intelligence Projects Failed

Introduction Artificial intelligence (AI) entails an approach to make a computer, software, or a computer-controlled robot think intelligently as the human mind. It is achieved by examining the human brain’s pattern and by assessing the cognitive process. The results of the studies create intelligent systems and software. AI idea is...

Utilizing Digital Technology in Written Works Compartmentalization

The foundation for consciousness is the past, which serves as a reminder of universal human truths. History, who we are, whence we hailed from, how we existed, what we achieved, and how we did it—is being preserved through book conservation. We must maintain literature since we should not lose history...

Wi-Fi and Bluetooth Networks and Protocols

Introduction Users connect to a centralized access point (AP), which serves as a hub for other clients and a cable connection, or clients link in an ad-hoc peer-to-peer mode, which is how wireless networks (LANs) work. By transmitting a Service Set Identifier (SSID) at a predetermined rate, generally ten times...

The Relationship Between Task Duration and Direct Resource Cost

During the implementation of the project, the speed of task duration is directly related to direct resource costs; that is, the more time is needed, the more resources are spent. This correlation is evident and intuitive, although there are more variables under the surface in project management. The model managers...

The 5Ws and 1H of Project Management

The first phase of the project management life cycle, project initiation, entails beginning a new project. In the initiation phase, a business opportunity is identified, a solution is developed, a project is established, and a project team is selected (Niederman et al., 2018). This stage’s objective is to assess the...

Resistance to Change in Aviation Industry

Introduction Regarding business operations and using current and emerging technology, the aviation sector has some distinct hurdles compared to other sectors. This is due to several factors, including past interactions between major airlines and governments, sector regulations, regulatory challenges, and safety concerns. This means that the promise of strategic undertakings...

Benefits of the Newly-Introduced Linac-MR System

With MRIs’ soft-tissue contrast capability and the need to better target cancerous tumors while being treated by a linear accelerator (linac), the utilization of MRIs in Radiation Oncology has proven to be of great value. Nevertheless, being governed by the basic laws of physics, Linear Accelerators (Linacs) and Magnetic Resonance...

Algorithms Changing the Daily Life of People

The modern world is highly dependent on the use of mobile technologies and applications. Therefore, as an outcome of a permanent connection to the use of technology, people now experience the real-life influence of technology through algorithms implemented in search engines and social media content. Initially developed to improve the...

Overfitting: Data Augmentation, Feature Selection, and Ensemble Methods

The machine learning process in data and analytics can be faced with an array of different challenges. Among them is overfitting, which is the result of loss of bias and an increase in variance (Provost and Fawcett, 2013). In other words, overfitting is “a concept in data science, which occurs...

Overfitting: A Challenge for Data Science Models

In data science, overfitting can pose a major challenge to a model. It happens when “the algorithm, unfortunately, cannot perform accurately against unseen data, defeating its purpose” (IBM Cloud Education, 2021, para. 1). For interpolation, “‘double-descent’ curve subsumes the textbook U-shaped bias–variance trade-off curve by showing how increasing model capacity...

Lobby Café Construction Project Evaluation

Executive Summary This report aimed at analysing three aspects of the Lobby Café Construction project, including external factors affecting the project, stakeholder analysis, and assessment of ethicality and corporate social responsibility (CSR). The purpose of the project was to build the Lobby Café in The Pearl Hotel & Residences, a...

Microsoft Access Database and Microsoft Excel Design

Database design is a process of planning and organizing information that enables users to access, read, and write the data. This can include separating the necessary information into multiple tables and ensuring relationships (Eckstein & Schultz, 2018). The main difference between a Microsoft Access database and an Excel spreadsheet is...

The Advanced Encryption Standard

Summary Internet-aided communication ensures that a large amount of data gets transferred across many fields. As the data moves from the sender to the receiver, it is likely to pass over an insecure channel. Since the security of any data is crucial, different techniques and methods have been deployed to...

Walt Disney Company: Protecting the Digital Content

Building a Training Framework for the Staff Protecting the digital content of The Walt Disney Company is relevant because it will prevent attacks from cybercriminals. In this case, it is right that digital content should be safeguarded through relevant security strategies to protect data. Therefore, the best intervention mechanism will...

Is Society Highly Dependent on Computers?

Background The Internet and digital dependence are logical consequences of the 21st century, the age of technology. Technological advancements and daily life tasks are closely intertwined; nowadays, it is unusual to see a person without a cellphone or computer. Although it is vital to follow modern developments, individuals must restrict...

Project Management: Quality Assurance

Introduction When it is necessary to conduct a project, it is reasonable to draw sufficient attention to quality assurance (QA). This term denotes “the process of identifying or deciding all the quality requirements for a project, identifying existing quality documents such as codes, specifications, etc. that are relevant to the...

The Whole Community Approach in Emergency Management

Today, the tendency of changes in natural and climatic conditions, the intensification of seismic and heliophysics processes is observed, which is also expressed in an increase in the frequency and scale of disasters, the development of natural disasters into man-made and vice versa. The danger of transboundary transfer of pollutants...

Researching of Simulation Technologies

Benefits and Challenges of Simulation Technology Simulation technologies have been used for a long time and cannot be considered technological breakthroughs. It has been used extensively by NASA in the training of astronauts since the 1980s. Mainly these technologies are now used in the gaming industry and are gaining extraordinary...

Technological Changes in Business Management

Introduction The advancement in technology has affected many areas of society. Business management has also experienced a significant change as companies, small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs), and other business enterprises use technology. Technological development is enormous as innovation is being identified daily. This advancement brings numerous business benefits, making some...

Troubleshooting and Tool: Network Problem

Introduction When people arrived and connected to the internet, incoming connection requests were detected. Incoming requests, more so from unknown locations, may be an indication that someone is trying to gain unauthorized entry into your server. This could be dangerous as it might be a cyber-attack, or someone is attempting...

Aspects of IT Services in the Business

Introduction The rapidly developing IT sector became one of the most critical instances in the business world. The invention of a young Intel engineer, Ted Hoff, completely changed the technology for computer processing, laying the foundation for the IT sector (Carr, 2014). The influence of this transformation was considerable and...

Consumer Product-Based Look at Ocean’s 8 Film

Introduction Consumer technology is rapidly evolving with time, becoming capable of delivering more value to people. Coming from the minds of gifted individuals and companies seeking to bring innovation onto the market, new products arrive at new and increasing audiences within the globalized economy. However, many technologies and inventions people...

Sustainable Project Management & Project Success

Executive Summary It is essential to mention that sustainability principles are practically an integral part of project management. This principle is a tool to implement a value-oriented strategy and achieve success in the project. The objective of the analysis was to evaluate and analyze sustainable development as a field of...

The Data Protection Act (DPA) 2018 and Its History

Introduction Data plays a vital role in every aspect of human interactions. From business operations to national security, data security has been among the core human well-being considerations. With the introduction of digital communication and online businesses, nations have increasingly adopted policies to minimize data misappropriation, setting clear guidelines for...

Meteorological Hazards’ Impact on Aviation

Executive Summary Weather and meteorological phenomena have substantial effects on current aviation. Severe cases of weather events such as hail, thunderstorms, or cloud funnels can result in the limitation of flights, accidents, and even the loss of aircraft, equipment, and lives. As such, the following paper aims to observe the...

Americans’ Obsession with Technology: The Key Reasons

The United States is a 24-hour economy where people are always engaged with work, school, business, and other errands. The busy schedule makes it difficult for people to frequently meet with their friends, partners, family, and colleagues. However, with advancements in digital technology, people can hold virtual meetings, chat on...

Insurance Data Processing and Storage: Edge Computing

Insurance companies process much consumer data to innovate while aligning strategic organizational objectives to the evolving customer needs framework. Big data is a common denominator, from health, property, disability, automobile, to life insurance packages. With the current advancements in technology, consumers’ personalization and data privatization have become the firsthand priority....

Medical Application Critical Appraisal Guidelines

The usage of mobile phones and other electronic devices is becoming more widely recognized as an essential healthcare tool, increasing medical software application development. Data collection, patient management, monitoring, and clinical decision-making are all things that this software may assist healthcare providers with (Durfee & Iaizzo, 2019). Care staff profit...

Project (PRINCE2 and PMBOK) Methodologies

Executive Summary Project management (PM) methodologies are vital since they can determine the success of a project. It is crucial to understand different PM methodologies in terms of their defining aspects. This report will examine two PM methodologies, PRINCE2 and PMBOK. To gain an in-depth understanding of the two methodologies,...

The Use of Digital Devices Among Children

Flewitt, R., Messer, D., & Kucirkova, N. (2015). New directions for early literacy in a digital age: The iPad. Journal of Early Childhood Literacy, 15(3), 289–310. In this article, Flewitt et al. (2015) evaluate the efficiency of modern technology for education and aim to evaluate the potential of iPads for...

A Layered Approach in the Linux Operating System

The Linux operating system resembles a structure where several layers are stacked on top of each other. The interface with the devices is at the core of the system. It cannot be completed unless the operational framework interacts with the equipment. The working framework is the component of a computer...

Farmhispania Firm’s Digital Transformation Strategy

Introduction Digital business transformation is the strategy of using digital technology to strengthen business operating models and revolutionize a company’s goods and consumer engagement; it involves developing innovative goods and processes that provide value and linking people to objects, information, and interactions. It is more than just procuring software and...

Artificial Intelligence and the Labor Market

Technology has taken a dramatic leap forward in the last 100 years, taking center stage in every industry. All the people in the world face technological advances: some are more affected by them, while others are confused by technology. Nevertheless, progress is happening almost every day, and the leading player...

Digital Social Innovation

Social Innovation (SIs) can be portrayed as exercises, perspectives, and working approaches that help add to social change. They will be utilized such that colonial government assistance, equity, consideration, and contribution to ecological issues would be equivalent or significant to focus on benefits (Alao et al., 2017). Digital Social Innovation...

The Ehteraz Contact Tracing Application

Background Information Globally, the COVID-19 pandemic, which began in January 2020, affected all facets of people’s lives in profound ways. By May 11, 2021, coronavirus had killed at least 3,299,764 and infected at least 158,651,638 people around the world (WHO, 2021). In Qatar, the total number of cases by the...

Disasters Influenced by Technology

The nature and health of a community’s natural environment play a critical role in determining what hazards could affect their mitigation, response, and recovery strategies. Through this, the health and nature of a community’s natural environment influence the social and building systems of the community. For instance, a community located...

Pessimism v Progress: Technology and Society

Pessimism v progress; Technology and society. (2019). The Economist, 433 (9174), 13 (US). Web. The article comments on the phenomenon the authors label techno-pessimism, the worldview that has spread across the world throughout the recent years. It roots at the growing discontent with the new technologies, such as social media,...

Engineering Ethics: Exploitation and Worker Safety Issues

Ethical Issues The first ethical issue in the case study is exploitation. The working conditions described in the case meet all the five criteria Harris et al. (2018) described to qualify as exploitation. For example, the employer’s resources (money) are vital for workers; workers do not get fair compensation for...

Honesty and Engineering: Ethics Reference Guide

Engineers are required to uphold the greatest levels of honesty and integrity since they are responsible for the public’s safety, health, and welfare. Engineers are required to follow and comply with a code of professional ethics, which includes upholding the highest ethical standards of conduct. The main engineering code also...

Information Security in a World of Technology

With the increase in the use of information technology, it is critical to maintain a sense of security and patient safety. An organization using information systems are at threat of losing their data to hackers. As a result, nurses and other healthcare professionals must safeguard patient data and follow the...

RFID Chips: Advantages and Disadvantages

Introduction Condensing information to an amount as small as possible while keeping the crucial details is vital in a range of instances, including the provision of guidelines, the inclusion of data in product description in trade, and other situations of the kind. Among the tools that help to provide succinct...

Problems That Hinder the Adaptation of Technology in Education Institutions

Information and communications technology are arguably the most dominant transformational factors in the education landscape. Many schools worldwide are increasingly embracing various technological hardware and software to enhance learning. Tablets, computers, and internet connectivity are rapidly proving to be significant and integral parts of education for students and teachers. However,...

Technology, Transportation Management and Biblical Worldview

Each generation tends to develop new technical means and improve the system of accounting, processing, transmission, and storage of data. Since the middle of the XIX century, the mass use of satellite communications, computer technology, and computer networks has begun. The modern world is impossible without TMT technologies that erase...

Aspects of Database Normalization

Database normalization is a database design technique that eliminates undesirable characteristics such as Insertion, Update, and Deletion Anomalies and reduces data redundancy. Normalization rules divide larger tables into smaller tables and use relationships to connect them. SQL normalization aims to eliminate redundant (repetitive) data and ensure logical data storage. This...

Censorship in Digital Technology

Introduction The Internet is one of the greatest results of the human mind’s application of digital technology. However, what it later became was not as great as the original idea. For a long time, the Internet remained an unregulated space where any type of content, even immoral and harmful, could...

Privacy and Security in the New Millennium

Privacy and security have become an especially topical issue in the new millennium. The main reason for that is the digitalization of almost all industries and the arising of social networks. Today people’s and organizations’ private data is saved in digital format on the Internet and software. Data security is...

Technostress Reduction Methods

In current conditions, technostress management becomes an essential skill for maintaining human health. Technostress refers to the difficulties people have trying to use information technology in a healthy manner (Lee, 2016). It is caused by the rapid development of technology and the strong influence on the human lifestyle, particularly on...

The Limits of Global Inclusion in AI (Artificial Intelligence) Development

This article is devoted to the theme of the development and implementation of elements of artificial intelligence (AI) in the context of various countries. While this technology can significantly simplify many people’s lives, according to the authors, those with the greatest economic power will benefit most from it (Chen et...

Impact of Technology in the Classroom

Abstract The paper discusses the relative effectiveness of different technologies as applied in the classroom. However, it finds that the question is largely meaningless because, while technology is used, it is not utilized fully, and the quality of its implementation varies dramatically between classrooms. Hence, it concludes that the question...

Data Analysis of Employment Market & Job Recommendation System

The employment market and related business processes are complex and involve different parties. This is confirmed by the fact that the emergence of new vacancies and new types of employment brings variety and influences the development of trends in this category. The development of information technology and the emergence of...

Opportunity Identification in the Digital Education Market

Technique Identification Week 2 paper has provided an overview of the industry of interest (the digital education market) and an example of one leading market player – Khan Academy. This assignment details the application of two solution generation techniques from the technique directory, including mind map creation and Edward de...

Software Development and Evaluation

Developing Software for an Organization In the software engineering field, experts define software development methodologies as those processes that divide the work of software development into sequential, parallel, or smaller sub-processes or steps to enhance project management, product management, and design (Al-Zewairi et al., 2017). The methodologies may involve the...

Gender Bias in the Aviation Industry

The case filed by Celio Diaz Jr. in the court of appeal as the plaintiff versus Pan American World Airways on April 6th, 1971 ushered in an era of equality on employment for prospective airline employees. Before this ruling, airlines had a hiring policy that ensured only female airline stewardess...

Qualitative Research Analysis Using Dedoose and Excel

Dedoose is software that functions the same way as CAQDAS. It helps in creating codes from the imported documents and those of higher-level conceptual themes. The main advantage of using Dedoose is that the program combines the themes when the user codes the data, making it easy to understand where...

Software-Defined Networking and Intent-Based Networking

Background Traditional networking has been recurrently addressed in the literature as somewhat outdated due to the limited functionality that could not escape dedicated equipment. For instance, Hadi et al. (2018) mentioned that the majority of functionalities offered within traditional networks were included in the hardware. The utilization of Application-Specific Integrated...

Security Issues Facing Smartphone Users

Introduction Over the past few years of the 21st century, smartphones, production, and consumption have portrayed significant global growth. Today, smartphones have become almost inseparable from the lives of most individuals and businesses. Most people use smartphones for several functions revolving around their lives apart from communication. For instance, most...

Benefits and Challenges of Using Drones for the Police

Drones are becoming a state-of-the-art trend in policing. However, their implementation may face some difficulties regarding privacy and information security. Chavis (2021) claims that police used helicopter flyovers to gain information, and additionally, some police departments started utilizing more sophisticated tools of aerial surveillance such as drones. Although such a...

Safety Considerations of a Commercial Airport

Abstract The September 11 attacks in the US brought mixed fortunes to the safety of the aviation industry because over the years, the world has witnessed increased aggression by terrorists and other criminals in launching airport attacks. Even though terrorism is a big threat to the safety of commercial airports,...

The Need for Cybersecurity Data Science

Introduction The data around companies is increasing rapidly, and so are cyber-attacks. All activities that employees do online produces new data and create a digital footprint that cyberattacks can exploit. Whereas organizations utilize machine learning and data science to maintain their systems and data gathering security, hackers use more advanced...

Programming Student Management System

A student record system is a platform for managing student information. Regardless of being a paper-based or automated system, student record system yields a lot of benefits to the school. The system provides crucial information, which can be very helpful in making decisions concerning the management of the institution. The...

Importance of Composites in Aviation

Introduction Modern aviation constantly faces the challenges of growing competition and rising fuel costs. An obvious solution to these problems is to reduce the weight of aircraft through the use of composite materials. Currently, the share of composites in the structures of modern aviation is not very high, but in...

The Internet: The Roles of The Private Sector and The Government

Technological progress contributed to the transformation of communication and thereby promoted the mass participation of citizens in essential political processes. This outcome could not be neglected by the governments, and their involvement in this area followed numerous protests of the population (Tufekci 12). However, the development of a new space...

Fields Critical for a Typical Restaurant Chain Database

For a restaurant chain database, it is important to integrate data on the location of restaurants, specific customer information, financial needs, and guest management issues. The first critical field to include is customer data, including name, means of contact, and bonuses. This information is crucial to make efforts for retaining...

The Rise of Depression in the Era of the Internet

The Internet, social networks, and online streams have become a staple of modern life. Almost every person with access to the Web is influenced in some way by the infinite amount of information. The Internet connects far-flung corners of the world at a previously unimagined level. Yet, despite the increasing...

Fire Scene Investigation: Artificial Intelligence

Fires are destructive, and as they continue to grow, they will consume their evidence. In reference to the Michigan v. Tyler, the U.S Supreme Court ruled that consent to search, or a search warrant, must be obtained to conduct a search for the origin of the fire and cause under...

TAM Airlines Accident in Sao Paulo-Congonhas Airport

Background Safety is a core value in the aviation industry that involves considerable cost and effort in every operational process. The provision of air transportation services requires the cooperation of numerous stakeholders, such as airlines, airport operators, government authorities, and passengers. Airports and Air Navigation Services (ANS) play a pivotal...

Health Care Quality Management: Tools and Applications

Several quality analysis tools can be used to process the collected data. All of them are used in specific cases and help to make data-driven decisions. One of such tools is called a check sheet, which is also called a defect concentration diagram. This tool is used when the same...

The Importance of Project Management Framework

A Project Management Process Groups Most project management technologies involve a variety of processes through which projects are performed. There are five groups of project management-related processes; these are initiating, planning, executing, monitoring and controlling, and closing process groups. Each group comprises several separate processes; often, it is needed to...

Computer Forensics for Solving Cyber Crimes

Introduction Several questions are often asked when it comes to the use of information technology to commit crimes and the possibility of deploying the same technology in detecting and apprehending people who commit cyber crimes. Computer forensics is a strategic field, especially for organizations that need to protect their information...

Manufacturing Systems Design

Introduction A small local company manufacturing specialized machined ‘valve-body’ components for the petroleum industry wants to automate one of their existing manufacturing facilities. This proposed update is required in order maximize the profit margins of this particular facility by reducing operating costs and increasing overall operating efficiency. A Zilog Z80...

Computers Will Take Over the World or Not

Introduction Intelligent computers are defined as machines that involve the use of intelligence and computer science concepts to execute various tasks initiated by the user. Intelligent computers are systems that are able to perceive their environments and take actions that are meant to maximize the effectiveness of executing these actions....

Identity Theft in the Modern Age

Introduction In today’s world, technology is inseparable from people’s everyday life. Almost every person has a smartphone or a computer, and even everyday appliances are being connected to the Internet. Such technology provides new, comfortable features and makes living more convenient in many regards. However, this arrangement also creates a...

HSPA Evolve from 21Mbps to 86Mbps

Abstract The Third Generation Partnership Project (3GPP) develops High Speed Packet Access (HSPA) to make broadband a reality everywhere (Kumar, Sengupta and Liu 366). HSPA+, also referred to as HSPA Evolution, is a natural evolution of HSPA and provides a next-generational performance as a result of cost effective additional upgrades...

Correlation, Regression, and Causation

Correlation and regression, how they are similar, how they are different, and for what each is used Correlation is a statistical technique of data analysis that is used to evaluate the relationship between two groups of numbers. The relationship tested is what is the effect of decrease or increase of...

Security Plan and Recommendation

Introduction Organizational security is a complex and dynamic phenomenon. It is essential for institutions to invest in the best practices and components to ensure the security of persons, information, and the physical set up. This means that the security plan must encompass all the aspects that pertain to it. Such...

Autonomous Vehicles as a Replacement for the Human Workers

Introduction The automobile industry was a significant game-changer in the 20th century in terms of technology. It is also safe to assume that the changes that are expected to happen in the automobile industry over the next twenty years will exceed the magnitude of the developments that have occurred over...

Fire Growth and Spread

Fire is defined as “a rapid, self-sustaining, exothermic oxidation reaction that produces heat and light in varying degrees” (University of Maryland University College, n.d., para.8). This definition differentiates fire from other slower oxidative reactions such as browning and rusting. Self-sustaining allude to the capability of the process to prolong even...

Transforms for Digital Image Processing

Functional representation of an image is f(x, y), where x and y are coordinates and amplitude f at any point gives the intensity of an image. Image processing is the conversion of image into image concerned variables using image processing techniques. There are three types of image processing techniques; they...

Prevention of Nuclear Disasters

Energy is essential in ensuring that modern civilization is sustained. Large quantities of energy are needed by modern technologies and in the process increase the energy demand. Traditional sources of energy such as fossils and hydroelectric energy are not in a position to satisfy the ever-increasing global energy demands. Nuclear...

Drone Technology Cybersecurity and Information Systems

Introduction In recent times, most organizations are adopting emerging technologies to match the high competition in the market. Information systems (IS) are a set of components, which are integrated and aimed at the collection, processing, and storing of data in providing information, digital products, and knowledge (Yaacoub & Salman, 2020)....

Airport Security and New Technologies

The biometric software application can uniquely identify or verify an individual using a comparison and analysis of features based on the contours of a person’s face and behavior. This software can compare it with information in the database for subsequent identification. The author’s thesis aims to identify the benefits of...

Information Systems Development Methods

Abstraction In this method, the process of defining and analyzing data requirements to support the business process of an organization is known as data modeling. All data is stored in a model called concept model which has data definitions. It is implemented using logical models. There are different data models...

The Global System for Mobile Communications: Security and Encryption

Introduction The Global system for Mobile Communications (GSM) is the most widely used system for cellular mobile communication. The GSM accounts for over 100 million mobile subscribers scattered across the globe. The system was developed to overcome weaknesses inherent in preceding analog system that was used for mobile communication. Analog...

How Does the Digital Divide Affect Low-Income Communities?

Introduction When first introduced in the second half of the 20th century, personal computers were expensive and of interest mostly for business users. However, Moore’s law has been proving itself accurate and today computing is cheap. Despite economic advancements and unprecedented increases in global GDP, only half of the worldwide...

Cryptography System for B Manufacturing Company

Encryption The security of data and information of the B manufacturing is paramount. The computer network represents one area that is vulnerable to security compromise, which might be detrimental to the prosperity of the company. Therefore, it is would be useful to encrypt data or information Schneier, 2001) that is...

Computer-Based Communication Technologies

Executive Summary Communication utilising the computer technology has been in use for several years with private individuals taking advantage of it. People who want to remain in touch with their families and friends use it in what is called social network outfits such as Facebook, MySpace, and Friendster. Other forms...

Modern Technology and Engineering: The Prospects for the Development

Modern Technologies: General Overview of the Suggestions Due to the rapid development of modern technologies and the new ideas appearing in the sphere of engineering, people have faced with a huge number of newest gadgets and equipment which was created to make people’s life easier and provide them with time-savers...

Computational Engineering for Automobile Applications

Introduction Processes involving mixing have been associated with chemical-manufacture processes often and have been known to be very instrumental to successes recorded in operating combustion-driven systems. Presently, several computational-fluid-dynamics (CFDs) who are engaged with processing chemicals in industries have to be capable of adopting the usage of simulations for validating...

The Role of Calibration and Independent Monitoring in Decontamination Processes

Calibration is an important practice that ensures instruments meet their desired standards of operation. To make sure that this obligation is met, standardization bodies have to be set up to check conformity and compliance with the set standards. Therefore, the role of calibration goes hand in hand with the duty...

Data Flow Diagram (DFD) Conceptual Study

Introduction Data Flow Diagram (DFD) is used to describe the flow of activities from one center to another one. A data flow diagram can be defined as a diagrammatic procedure that represents external entities, logical storage, and where data flows in a system. DFD is instrumental in operational systems where...

Agile Methods: Benefits and Drawbacks of Agile Software Development

Introduction Software engineering is the activity aimed at developing software programmes and applications appropriate for those programmes with regard to compatibility and usability of programmes by different audience including software developers and ordinary customers/users that purchase and upload these applications for personal use only. Every time a specific programme should...

Computer Organization and Architecture

Introduction to I/O Programming The computer based systems are flourishing due to the wide applications provided by them. The real life applications require interfacing of various instruments and components sufficient to meet the application. The interfacing of those I/O (Input/Output) devices necessitates an efficient programming so that the need is...

Information and Communication Technology (ICT): The Endnote X1 Program

Introduction Information and Communication Technology (ICT) is a field that uses developing technologies to allow users to participate in a world that is changing rapidly. Through ICT, individuals, businesses, and corporations store, retrieve, manipulate, transmit and receive digital information. This is made possible by the wide range of digital communication...

The Facets of Globalization in Internet Security

Introduction Globalization is a process beneficial in numerous ways as it supports economic growth and assists in accessing and creating opportunities – the Internet is possibly both one of its most visible facets and a driving force. Web security is one of the issues on which the effects of globalization...

A Planned Change Success of It Projects

Introduction A planned change is a change executed systematically in tandem with organization’s future goals and expectations. It ensures an organization moves steadily in its processes of implementing a given solution. In IT project management, change refers to project management process, where the perceived change facets to a project are...

Internet Privacy and Privacy Issues

Internet Privacy has become one of the most commonplace issues in contemporary society. Even though internet connectivity enables many people to interact and share information, privacy issues have remained a big problem for Internet users. Internet-related crimes, such as fraud and cyberstalking, have been on the verge of increasing, hence...

The Great Robot Race

Introduction The thought of fully unmanned ground vehicles fascinates everyone with an interest in robotics and automation technologies. Governments, corporations, and individuals have been pursuing various technologies that could see the dream of self-driven robots taking over critical roles, such as warfare in rough terrains and dangerous environments. Emerging technologies...

Information Systems Strategic Planning

Introduction Strategic planning is not a concept that is uniquely applied to the field of information technology. In modern times, every segment of life and every undertaking that is successful must utilize the advantages availed by strategic planning. To state simply, strategic planning is about the careful organization of the...

New Technologies in the Fire Service

The article researched, “Emerging Technologies Being Incorporated in the Fire Service”, discuses eight new devices developed for the Fire Service. It summarizes these new devices without detailed description, providing an overview of the ways new technology is being integrated into firefighting equipment. These devices include three solutions for monitoring a...

Drones: Interface Design Features

The number of unmanned systems in the world is regularly increasing. Today, this diversity includes “self-managed” planes, vehicles, drones, seagoing ships, and spacecraft. Each designed device solves unique problems, hence the variety of interfaces for control and monitoring (Howard, 2013). There is no need to create machine functionality that will...

Biomass and Energy Crops and Technology

Abstract Biomass energy is extracted from living or dead plant matter. This type of energy has an advantage over fossil fuel because it is a renewable energy source while fossil fuel is not. Majorly, biomass energy is used to produce electricity and heat. In this regard, plant matter even in...

Analysis of Zero Trust Architecture System

Executive Summary Zero Trust Architecture is an innovative way of providing cybersecurity, which is beneficial for companies who have confidential information and, at the same time, outsource employees who do not work from the office computers. It is focused on protecting diverse resources such as databases, network accounts, and different...

Object-Oriented vs Procedural Programming Paradigms

Procedural programming and Object-oriented programming (OOP) are two paradigms in programming. They are fundamentally different in how they approach problem-solving and organizing programs. Under procedural programming, a program is organized as a step-by-step instruction to solve a problem. The instructions are executed linearly, but they can include elements that control...

Agriculture: Application of Information Technology

Information technology (IT) has been useful in transforming different sectors of modern economies. Business entities have integrated innovation in management and operational roles for effectiveness. Similarly, academic institutions have adopted online information systems for enhancing students’ performance. Many communities practiced farming and cattle rearing as a traditional way of life....

Object Code Optimization Technique

ompiler optimization is important in computing, as it enhances the performance and operation of executable computer programs. The process of optimization may involve either the minimization or maximization of certain attributes or aspects of the execution process. The essence of compiler optimization is to hasten the execution process by minimizing...

Information Systems: Critical Issues and Innovative Approaches

Abstract Technological changes are happening at so fast a rate that organizations have to constantly remodel their strategies in order to beat competition. One of the major changes that institutions have had to undergo is the installation of reliable information systems such as office automation regimens. This paper seeks to...

PHP and MySQL Systems Design

Advantages of PHP Provides increased ability to control the content on a page. A web page is developed using HTML tags that allow us to control specific attributes and content. Static web pages do not contain dynamic content and limit functionality of the website, hence the need to include programs...

Online Press Websites: Comparing and Contrasting

Introduction In the globalized world of rapidly evolving information technologies, designing and maintaining websites gained several forms, combining machinery and creativity. As a matter of fact, the website’s effectiveness depends on multiple undebatable factors, such as convenience, organization, and appealing design. Comparing and contrasting the websites of two prominent American...

Cloud Storage and File Storage

Cloud storage is a service framework that transmits and stores information on remote storage networks. It is maintained, controlled, backed up, and accessible to consumers over a network, which is typically the internet. It is delivered with just-in-time capability and expenses on request and eliminates the information storage network (Yamato,...

The Dangers of Biting on a Phish

Online security has continually caused a significant challenge to individuals and organizations due to fraudulent activities such as phishing. Phishing refers to deceitful cybercrime where individuals attempt to obtain secure information such as passwords, usernames, and PIN numbers by disguising themselves as legitimate institutions or persons (Aleroud & Zhou, 2017)....

Microsoft Excel: Data Analysis Using Spreadsheet

Microsoft Excel is an essential software to all organizations regardless of the industry under which they operate. They can be embedded in various functions performed by each department ranging from assigning tasks to accounting. As a finance officer, Microsoft Excel is vital in conducting basic financial accounting. Spreadsheets are giant...

Data Science and Big Data Analytics

Studying the different aspects and approaches to Big Data technologies has become very useful for a more profound understanding of the IT industry as a whole. Researchers state that “there is enormous value potential in Big Data” (Long, 2015, p. 16). Now data analysis is becoming increasingly important in various...

The Decision on the Gazebo’s Layout

The first critical component of the decision is the time that will be necessary to construct the gazebo. The author will use the precedence diagramming method, as described by Dionisio (2018), to map out the process. The plan provided by the California Redwood Association (n.d.) features the steps of deciding...

Artificial Intelligence and the Future of Nursing

Healthcare has been subject to revolutionary changes as a result of technological breakthroughs in academia and their practical implementation in hospitals. Such advancements have influenced the structure and organization of wellness care since humanoid robots were introduced to the healthcare industry. McKinsey Global Institute reports that “800 million workers worldwide...

IPv6 vs. IPv4 Overview and Comparison

In the era of digitalization, when practically no human being can imagine one’s life without a computer, it is impossible not to stumble upon the abbreviation IP at some point. Briefly speaking, IP stands for Internet protocol or the identification label assigned to each device connected to the global network....