Social Media Usage in Transparency Services

The objective of this memo is to analyze the effectiveness of the government using social media and the Internet to ensure transparency in service delivery. In the past, print media has been the most preferred mode of communication between the government and the citizens. However, this preference has changed with...

Euthanasia and Assisted Suicide in Europe and the US

The topic of euthanasia is one of the most heatedly debated debates that take place in the medical, legal, ethical, and public fields of consideration, right next to death penalty as means of capital punishment (Colb, 2008). This is not an easy matter to decide upon, as the decision made...

Critical Race, Social Learning and Feminist Theories

Critical Race Theory During the recent three decades, Critical Race Theory has been actively used by researchers in order to critically analyze racial relations in different contexts, including the educational one. The theory was formulated by researchers for the legal context in the 1980s-1990s, and Richard Delgado and Jean Stefancic...

Khrushchev in the US: “K Blows Top” by P. Carlson

Introduction Nikita Khrushchev, then the head of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics, visited the United States on September 15, 1959, at a time when the relations between the United States and the Soviet Union were at their worst. The accidental invitation offered the Soviet leader a unique opportunity to...

Isolationism in Contemporary Public Discourse

Introduction It should be noted that the term “isolationism” has been most often used to describe American approaches to the country’s strategy in the international arena. This American policy provoked discussions in political, military, and academic communities regarding the prospects for multilateral cooperation between the US and other countries within...

Compensation Plans for CEOs in North America’s Private Sector

Introduction Organizational leaders and chief executive officers (CEOs) are some of the key employees whose performances contribute to the success of their respective companies. Shareholders always expect such managers to use their abilities to move the targeted firms to the next level and make them profitable. However, these leaders require...

Master’s Education Essentials for Nursing in the US

Abstract The Essentials of Master’s Education in Nursing created by the American Association of Colleges of Nursing represents a proposal for quality educational intervention. The essentials are the nine skills and knowledge basics that each student who completes the master’s program should possess. The implementation of such innovation should improve...

Breathe: Stress Management for Nurses Program

Background Patient safety is typically viewed as the number one priority in nursing, aside from the focus on patients’ recovery. Therefore, addressing the factors that define the degree of threat to which patients are exposed in the clinical setting is especially important to discuss. Among the essential factors upon which...

System Thinking Model Analysis

Introduction This paper shows the basics of a victorious counterinsurgency strategy by applying a method recognized as systems thinking. The basics of good strategic thought lie together in recognizing the mass significant interactions flanked by dissimilar players, how they authority each other in unforeseen ways, and how to gauge progress...

Assessment and Management of Risks

Risk can be defined as the unexpected happening in uncertain events. Risk can also be described as a combination of the likelihood of a hazard occurring and the severity of the hazard. One is never certain that risk is going to happen and so the risk is un-foretold and uncertain....

Popular Research Paper Topics

The Legal Aspects of Owning and Transferring Personal and Real Property

In business world especially in marketing, there is emphasis on the four Ps: Price, Product, Promotion and the Place. Place generally involves delivering products close to the customers or an area where the customers can easily access them. Place for the business is critical especially for young businesses that need...

Race and Your Community

In my twenty-eight years of interacting with my community, I have gained an insight into the differences in my community. After a close examination and scrutiny of the community where I come from, I have unconsciously realized that the majority of the community members are quite different. I concluded after...

Best Big Bank in Australia & Principal Agent Theory

Business is extremely competitive in the modern world and most companies and organizations think about the methods and techniques for improving their work performance. Dealing with banking system in Australia, it should be mentioned that it is a highly competitive sector in the country’s economy. Clients are searching for the...

Critique of ADA and Affirmative Action

Introduction The American with Disabilities Act (ADA) and the Affirmative Action policies have a similar theme in fighting against discrimination, civil rights, and provision of equal opportunities for individuals through federal authorizations. Both are legal doctrines which seek for equitable measures in providing a standard on which discrimination is made...

Discrimination and Affirmative Action

Are minority set aside programs morally acceptable? The aspect of affirmative action constitutes a major area of controversy in the present-day context of the Americas. Before the matter of its moral acceptability, or otherwise, is considered, it is necessary to venture into the pros and cons of professed discrimination and...

The Role of Technology in Leadership in Healthcare

Introduction The healthcare sector determines the medical outcomes and experiences of citizens in a given country. Many governments provide adequate resources and support systems to ensure that their sectors function optimally. Practitioners, physicians, and managers in this field need to monitor emerging trends and inform key sponsors and financiers about...

The Symbolism of the Cage in “Breakfast at Tiffany’s” Film and Novel

Symbolism is one of the most important parts of artwork, as it allows the reader or viewer to come to their conclusions through the imagery. Symbols can have different meanings depending on the context in which they are placed, and even the smallest details change their essence. An example of...

European Technological Developments and Its Effects

There is no doubt that the Industrial Revolution dramatically changed the daily life of European people and later on the whole world. However, there are two opposing views concerning its effect on the general population. Some people say that the technological progress led to greater affluence and the rise in...

Food Labeling and Concordia University’s Food Sphere

Introduction The negative impact of food production and consumption on the environment has become an issue of growing importance over the past years. The problem has been addressed on various levels, with both producers and consumers being encouraged to promote sustainability by providing and making conscious food choices. The studies...

White Privilege in Media:History and the Present

Introduction Privilege, should it depend upon race, class or gender, is not familiar to those granted it by nature. But those who are oppressed because of being different from others can feel it sharply in every single life sphere of human society. Those whose skin is white are granted the...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Anthropology. Why Do People Marry?

Introduction Marriage, also referred to as wedlock or matrimony, is the process of legalizing a relationship between two people in a bond that is socially expected to last until death. However, this duration may be shortened by external factors, such as divorce or separation. The durability of marriage can be...

Motivations for Criminal Behavior

Introduction Because of lack of consensus, people tend to define crime depending on their own understanding. McGuire (2004) defines crime as the departure from moral or social codes. Psychologists and criminologists have relentlessly tried to understand the factors that push individuals into committing crime. While criminologists seek to understand the...

Legalizing Euthanasia: Pros and Cons

Introduction Many consider the preservation of life to be the higher purpose of humanity’s existence. Thousands of doctors graduating each year take an oath to use their considerable skills to assist those in pain and prolong their existence by all means possible. However, the question of survival becomes more complicated...

Advantages and Disadvantages or Becoming a Registered Nurse

Introduction All careers have certain advantages and disadvantages. Becoming a Registered Nurse (RN) is one of the potential avenues of developing a nursing career. RNs are the most common type of nurses (Temple 10). The other well-known group of nursing professionals is Licensed Practical Nurses (LPN) (Temple 10). The choice...

“Symphony of a Great City” by Walter Ruttman

An in-depth analysis of any film allows viewers to appreciate the work as a piece of art. It explains all the working parts and encourages a better understanding of what is happening on the screen. However, the whole film depends on the theme, characters, their conflicts, as well as on...

Health Care Act as It Apply in Surrogate Pregnancy

The issue of surrogacy is a controversial one. The World Health Organization Commissions as well as Canada Public Health Officers have recently issued reports on health care and surrogate pregnancy. As a result, this paper will analyze an article about surrogate pregnancy together with the Health Care Act. The purpose...

Mirzoeff’s Discussion of Sexuality

Introduction A significant social and cultural transformation of sexuality and associated concepts of gender and sex can be observed in modern society. According to Mirzoeff (2014), the belief that “biological sex predicates gender, which … dictates the choice of the opposite gender as a sexual partner – turns out to...

The Rhetoric of Condemnation in the Book of Job

The Book of Job belongs to the Ketuvim (“Writings”) section of the Hebrew Bible and the Old Testament part of the Christian Bible. The main character, Job, is introduced in the prologue, where he is depicted as a godly man generously gifted with material and non-material gifts alike. The narration...

The Farm Bill: Description and Analysis

Introduction At the present time, the Farm Bill can be considered one of the most controversial bills in the nation’s history. It is an important bill as it has a considerable impact not only on the farmers but also on the consumers. Aside from the issue of spending, the bill...

Evil and Vengeance in The Cask of Amontillado by Edgar Allan Poe

The Cask of Amontillado by Edgar Allan Poe is one of the most astonishing short stories that has been interpreted in numerous ways. Most notably, the work is considered to be an allegory due to the biblical image painted through the human foot crushing the head of a serpent (Saxton...

Popular Research Paper Topics

The Staffing Plan For Implementing a Laser Machine

Position and number of employees Because the newly integrated product is a laser machine, the staffing plan requires employing experienced professionals who are technically aware of all peculiarities of laser’s work. Specifically, apart from two full-time surgeons and two nurses assisting them, there should be technicians that would take control...

Metaphors and Figurative Language in Updike’s “A&P” and Pastan’s “Marks”

Introduction Figurative language and metaphors are used in short stories and poems to establish mood, develop characterization, enhance daily language, and make the works more expressive and brighter. In the poem “Marks,” Linda Pastan uses an extended metaphor to demonstrate the narrator’s attitude toward her family members and their appraisal...

English and Spanish: A Comparative Linguistic Analysis

Introduction English and Spanish are both European languages that are widely utilized all over the world. It is a well-known fact that English is a language of international commerce and diplomacy, while Spanish currently occupies second place in popularity worldwide. Yet, despite having many cognate words, linguistically, they belong to...

Islam as the World’s Most Misunderstood Religion: The Problem of Stereotyping

The word “Islam” is imbued with a plethora of complex and quite frequently misguided perceptions, most of which are based on the stereotypical idea of the Muslim religion and culture. Unfortunately, due to the tremendous misrepresentation of Islam and Muslim culture in the media, a significant number of harmful stereotypes...

The Shays’ Rebellion: Democratic Movement

Prerequisites for the uprising History has proved that democracy can make a positive impact on the well-being of the people. The Shays’ Rebellion in 1786 is an excellent example of democracy being exercised by the citizens to turn hardship into an opportunity for a better and just life. The war...

The Role of Women in Revolutionary Uprisings

Introduction In the political system of any state, the conflict of ideologies and clash of views is a natural part of evolutionary social development. As derived from Marxist philosophy, the highest point of such a class struggle is revolution. Human history knows many examples of revolutionary uprisings, violent clashes, and...

Pop Culture and Serial Killer in Darkly Dreaming Dexter

The portrayal and roles of a serial killer as a famous person in the entertainment sector demonstrate modern cultural characteristics of stardom and violence. Violence representation has become an essential part of novels and films, which, to some degree, has brought debates regarding the effects they have on modern society....

Discussion of “The Hiddenness Problem” and “The Problem of Evil” Articles

Introduction The belief in the existence of God continues to be a highly debated subject within the realms of philosophy, philosophy of religion, and popular culture. Proponents of theism and atheism provide numerous arguments and rationales to support their perspective, relying on religious texts and philosophical postulates. Thus, the advocates...

Aspects of Cognitive Neuroscience

Introduction Cognitive levels are categorized into taxonomies based on the degree of generalization and class inclusion components or factors. The degree of generalization implies that the description of an object gets generalized as it moves up the taxonomy and gets more specific down the taxonomy. Class inclusion depicts the idea...

Discussion of Prejudice: A Learned Behavior

Introduction Prejudice is a social phenomenon as humans are the only species that exhibit this behavior. It is a range of attitudes and opinions not based on experience or logical reasoning and can result in an unwarranted negative judgment of a group of people and its members (Matsuda et al.,...

The One God: Eternal Trinitarian Nature and the Unconditional Love

Introduction God is an existing supernatural being associated with trinitarian nature and the unconditional love that He has for His people. The trinity of God consists of the Spirit, the Son and the Father. God takes all these formations since He can fulfil His wishes to people through that trinitarian...

Artificial Intelligence Economy

Abdulov, Rafael. “Artificial Intelligence as An Important Factor of Sustainable and Crisis-Free Economic Growth.” Procedia Computer Science, vol.1, no. 169, 2020, pp. 468-472. Abdulov takes the opportunity to explain the role of artificial intelligence in improving the subsectors of the economy. According to Abdulov, the new technology has quite many...

Humanitarian Assistance After 2010 Haiti Earthquake

The world is perceived as unfair; many people struggle daily worldwide in countries that have even never come into the minds of many. The Big Truck That Went By by Jonathan Kartz highlights these struggles, focusing on Haitians. Kartz narrates the perception of experience and survival of a massive earthquake...

Nurse’s Communication Quality Improvement

Introduction Good communication skills of health practitioners are critical to providing effective patient care and can result in favorable outcomes such as decreased stress, guilt, discomfort, and illness symptoms. Furthermore, they have the potential to promote patient experience, acceptance, adherence, and collaboration with the medical team. However, poor communication happens...

Importance of Work-Life Balance

Introduction In the modern world, the question of how to combine intense professional activity and personal life has become very relevant. This problem has become a concern for an increasing number of enterprises and their employees. The researchers noted an increase in the need for flexible working hours, working from...

Discussion of the Movie “Alex Haley’s Queen”

Introduction “Alex Haley’s Queen,” which is frequently referred to as “Queen,” is a movie by John Erman that comprises three parts, actually being a miniseries. This is an adaptation of the novel by Alex Haley, where the author traces his paternal family history four generations back. The writing serves to...

Borderline Personality Disorder: Description, Diagnostics, and Management

Introduction Borderline Personality Disorder (BPD) is a mental health condition that impacts emotional control leading to intense anxiety, impulsiveness, mood swings, and personal isolation. BPD is a chronic condition common in both the general population and clinical settings. Intensive fear or distress during childhood and past emotional, physical, and sexual...

Family Theory: “A Day Late and a Dollar Short” by McMillan, T.

The nature of interaction among individuals in a family setting is an initiative that prominently faces dynamic elements. One of the critical factors that influences personality development is socio-cultural practices. In this case, it is vital to establish the distinctive elements that foster the bond between people from a nuclear...

Sources for Patients With Increased Blood Pressure

Introduction High blood pressure is a fairly common health problem in the modern population. This makes it essential to spread awareness about what serious consequences this disease can have for all age groups of the population. One of the ways to educate patients is to develop and familiarize people with...

“Mathematical Mindsets” by Jo Boaler for Teachers

It is difficult for many students and pupils to perceive mathematical calculations in the context of dry numbers and memorized formulas. As a result, general mathematics education among the population suffers and people have difficulty obtaining degrees in areas directly related to the subject. However, in the modern world, teachers...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Improving Hand Hygiene Compliance

Infections acquired in the hospital are currently one of the major causes of mortality and morbidity. Proper hand hygiene practices, in turn, are considered to be an effective way to prevent the transmission of infections during communication and interaction between patients and medical staff. Despite the fact that health professionals...

Best Practices in Human Resources and Change Management

Introduction Best practices include all the procedures perceived as most effective in achieving certain outcomes. This paper analyzes some best practices in human resources (HR) and Change Management (CM) that enhance organizational effectiveness. Specifically, HR best practices discussed include selective hiring, training and development, competency-based compensation, building effective teams, influencing...

Bacterial Carbohydrate Fermentation

Introduction This experiment aims to determine the ability of microbes to ferment carbohydrates (glucose) with the production of an acid and/or gas. The researcher’s goal is to determine whether bacteria can ferment a specific carbohydrate by using the carbohydrate fermentation test. Various microbial groups or species can be distinguished from...

Fictional Interview with Kean University Chancellor

Abstract In this interview with Professor of Organizational Administration and Kean University Chancellor Allison Higgins, the topic of creating a culture of change at the university level is revealed. On the basis of personal experience, Higgins discusses the specifics of introducing innovations in the university environment and the reasons for...

Education for Students with Autism in Saudi Arabia

Introduction to Autism among Students in Saudi Arabia Students who suffer from autism in Saudi Arabia are secluded from the mainstream learning institutions because teachers and staff members in the institutions lack the knowledge, awareness, and understanding of matters related to the condition. They fail to understand the kind of...

The Russian Foreign Policy

Introduction The Russian foreign policy that facilitated its annexation of Crimea has raised controversy in the global society (Weiss 4). The scholar also notes that the decision of this government to intervene in the ongoing Ukrainian crisis has also earned it criticism. While some people feel that Russia acted contrary...

Appearance vs Reality: Hamlet Theme Analysis

Hamlet’s Appearance vs Reality Theme: Introduction Shakespeare’s Hamlet is full of a seeming technique highlighting the tensions or gaps between appearance and reality. That is, how things seem in appearance and the reality behind the complex screen of appearances among characters and events. One can identify appearance and reality in...

Blood Pressure in Overweight Schoolchildren

Research Critique The authors’ research problem is the prevalent increase in hypertension cases amongst children aged between ages five and fifteen (Purushotham et al., 2014). The research question, which the authors seek to answer, is the possibility of a direct relationship between obesity and hypertension amongst children whereby the former...

LGBT Community Portrayals in Traditional News

Introduction The primary goal of this research is to identify how the LGBT community is portrayed by traditional news and to see if any signs of discrimination or unfair treatment are shown. It needs to be said that it is a significant issue that should not be overlooked and has...

Resnick’s Self-Efficacy Theory in Gerontology

Abstract This paper targets the critical analysis of the self-efficacy theory elaborated by Barbara Resnick. Based on the theoretical underpinnings of Bandura’s self-efficacy and social cognitive theories, Resnick adopted them and transformed, focusing on gerontology patients’ needs. The theory involves four meta paradigms that determine its essence: a person, health,...

Canada eh Company: Business Model

Abstract The description and representation of ways used by an organization for capturing, creating, and delivering value to its targeted customers are carried out using a business model. Canada eh will use the model in its attempts to describe the targeted customers and analyze the particular goods that they value....

Defense Intelligence Agency in Counterterrorism Operations

Introduction The Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA) is part of the Department of Defense involved in combat support activities. It is one of the major intelligence organizations in the United States Government primarily responsible for military intelligence, such as the collection of information about the production and distribution of weapons. Intelligence...

The Use of Virtual Reality Technologies in Various Sectors

Introduction Virtual reality involves the use of senses to interact with and manipulation a computer-based external environment. Magnetic tracking is used to measure the movement in the environment. In future developments, ultrasonic waves will be used to measure the movements. Currently, the technology has been used widely in a myriad...

The Capital Veterinarian Clinic’s Study Methods

The Capital Veterinarian Clinic (CVC) is a facility that is located in Sacramento, California, and it is oriented to providing high-quality veterinary services in the community. Currently, the organization’s hierarchy is headed by Dr. Marissa Sandoval, the Clinic Director, who supervises the operations in the CVC. The work of nine...

Family Centered Services Program Evaluation

Abstract The use of a family-centered approach has been widely used to assist families where children (adolescents) are at risk or have had instances of neglect, abuse, or abandonment. However, some researchers argue that the method is controversial and, hence, each program based on this approach has to be evaluated....

Is the United States a Benevolent Hegemon or a Malevolent Hegemon?

Introduction The United States has been embroiled in world politics for more than a hundred years. In that regard, its foreign policy has been a major investment with regard to time and money. After World War II, the foreign policy aimed at halting the spread of communism, which came to...

Behavioral and Humanistic Approaches in Psychology

Introduction Various aspects of human relationships promoted in the modern world are based on certain principles and approaches to the perception of reality and the assessment of factors affecting this perception. Behavioral characteristics are the result of various reasons, for instance, accumulated experiences, internal beliefs, and other causes. In the...

Analysis of Orem’s Nursing Theory

Background of Orem’s Theory The self-care deficit theory is a grand theory that was elaborated by Dorothea Orem to enhance nursing education and practice. After receiving a nursing diploma from Providence Hospital School of Nursing in Washington, DC, she practiced in various hospitals and operated in the role of a...

The Comfort and Luxury of Prison Life

Introduction A prison refers to an institution often run by the government where persons who have committed crimes are confined and deprived of their freedom and liberty to a certain extent. Such persons are confined therein for specific durations of time as prescribed by law depending on the crimes they...

Incentive Programs in Increasing Sales Efficacy

The manager of a large retail store shoe department setup a new sale incentive program for a 3month period as a way of increasing employee motivation, morale, and boosting sales. At the end of the 3month period, sales results showed the department sales group had failed to meet their sales...

Popular Research Paper Topics

“Little Miss Sunshine” Film About Family Issues

“Little Miss Sunshine” is a film by Jonathan Dayton and Valerie Faris written by Michael Arndt. The story is about a family that is on the edge of an explosion. The main plot centers on Ollie, a girl that dreams to win the Miss Little Sunshine contest. Together with her...

Nestle Company: Sustaining Growth and Development

Introduction Nestle company was founded in 1866 by Henri Nestle in Switzerland and is currently one of the nutrition, health and wellness company in the world. It is the largest Switzerland’s industrial company and also the largest world’s food company according to Malik, Ali, Rana, Ilyas, & Khan (n.d.). The...

Harry S. Truman: Biography and Beliefs

The future President of the United States of America Harry S. Truman worked at a series of challenging jobs in his youth (1901-1922), which contributed to his experience and helped him during his presidency. There was logic in his succession of jobs since 1901 till 1922: work in two large...

Strategies of the Organization Change

Introduction This paper focuses on the various strategies of organizational change based on the leaders’ pet peeves. It has researched articles from various authors. One such author is Kowaski, Robin M. in his book, “Complaining, Teasing and other Annoying Behaviors”. The paper has gone further to provide recommendations on how...

Health Issue: Human Immunodeficiency Virus/Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome

Introduction HIV/AIDS is a major healthcare issue affecting millions of people across the globe. Those who get infected tend will lead poor and unhealthy lives if they fail to get the relevant medication and disease management procedures. Health professionals have been keen to complete numerous studies and research to get...

The Dark Side of Globalization

Buoyancy on the Bayou: Shrimpers Face the Rising Tide of Globalization by Jill Ann Harrison explores the effect of globalization on local worlds. In a series of interviews and insights into the life of Louisiana shrimp farmers, she explores how the introduction of low-cost shrimp, farm-grown in Thailand and China,...

Because I Could Not Stop for Death Analysis

The work of the American writer Emily Dickinson determines the significant contribution to the world poetry of the second half of the nineteenth century. It coincides with a turning point in the history of American literature, as Dickinson’s poetry reflects the destruction of the Puritan worldview and the search for...

Prevention of Prescription Opioids Abuse

Introduction Substance abuse has been one of the major public health concerns for decades, and the most recent trends are rather alarming as an increasing number of people start misusing prescribed opioids. It has been estimated that the rates of drug treatment admissions grew 236% between 2002 and 2012 (Saha...

Telemedicine Concepts and Essentials

Introduction Telemedicine is the use of telecommunication technology to provide medical services to people remotely, but sometimes can be used to provide medical information between doctors in different places. This type of technology can be as simple as two medical doctors discussing over the phone, or as complicated as the...

Overcoming the Stigma of Addiction

Addiction is a disease that is recognized as a major public health concern but is generally regarded by society as the result of an individual’s personal choice or a moral failure. In the time of the COVID-19 pandemic, the number of drug overdoses has significantly increased (Mendell). Having responded to...

Popular Research Paper Topics

At-Risk Youth and Sex Trafficking Issue

Introduction Children are an important part of life and an integral asset to society. Healthy development and growth are that which is responsible for the continued development of human civilization. By encouraging and securing Children’s safe upbringing, people can establish a society that will be carried on into the future....

Sensitive and Selective HCG Test

Introduction The human chorionic gonadotrophin (hCG) is a member of the heterodimeric glycoproteins hormones family which also includes the human follicle-stimulating hormone, the luteinizing hormone (LH), and the human thyroid-stimulating hormone (Dimiri and Kayisli 5). The subunit found in these hormones is identical but the b subunit varies from one...

Financial Institution in the Financial Crisis of 2008

Financial institutions play a pivotal role in shaping the economy of every nation. Nevertheless, their decisions may dip an economy into economic difficulties or turmoil. The activities of financial institutions may also contribute towards improving the performance of an economy. Over the past decade, financial institutions have played a significant...

Effective Use of Massage Therapy

Introduction Massage therapies have been shown to minimize the theoretically observed signs of pain in a patient getting medical care. The current research aimed to investigate how massage therapies would impact patients’ view of pain particularly in the intensive care environment. Past research has generated the gains associated with massage...

Integration of Gender Equality in Organizational Management

Modern economies have adopted liberal practices aimed at improving stakeholder value among profit-making entities. Developed regions, such as North America, Europe, and East Asia, have adopted contemporary approaches to ensure sustainable profitability (Gupta et al., 2019). Management officials and the workforce benefit from professional experience and networks which accompany lucrative...

The Functions of Information Systems Within Apple INC.

Introduction An information system is an interconnected set of tools, methods, and personnel used to store, process, and deliver information to achieve the management goal. The information systems are designed to provide information on time, that is, to meet specific needs within a certain subject area (Rainer et al. 10)....

Business of Collecting and Kames’s Moral Concepts

The business environment, as a dynamic and constantly changing sector, is divided into numerous areas and spheres of interest in which distinctive entrepreneurial principles and approaches are promoted to accumulate profit. At the same time, despite high competition and struggle for market positions, certain areas of business are based not...

Equality in the US Declaration of Independence

Introduction The declaration of independence and the notion of equality are topics that have been explored at length, especially due to disagreements regarding the meaning of equality. The term “all men are created equal” coined by Thomas Jefferson in 17761 arguably meant something different from how equality as it is...

Dementia: Ertha Williams’ Case Analysis

Dementia is one of the most common brain dysfunctions that predominantly occur in older adults by diminishing their quality of life and chances for independent functioning. Since the world’s demographic situation is currently characterized by an aging population, the causes of dementia are expected to grow in number. Therefore, it...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Factors for a Make-or-Buy Decision for a Company

Introduction The concepts of cost, technology and the workforce type when totally focused on representing the ideal aspects that favor the incorporation of make or buy decision. This factor forms a basis on which the company can be able to advance or not or where the company can transform to...

Claude Monet’s “Impression, Sunrise”

The Impression, Sunrise is a famous painting by Claude Monet. It portrays a misty background set in the French harbor of Le Havre, his hometown. The orange hues contrast with the dark vessel as it seems to be a reflection of the sun rising in the background. There are multiple...

The US Federal Reserve on Employment and Inflation

Introduction The US Federal Reserve has been trying to maintain healthy employment and inflation rates, yet the recent global events have caused some damage to the global economy. The inflation and the unemployment rate are two of the main factors that suffered due to the political, social, and economic fluctuations....

Themes in “Frankenstein” by Mary Shelley

Frankenstein is one of the greatest books of the nineteenth century that remains relevant today. Shelley explores many topics in her work that reflect social and philosophical aspects. In particular, the work refers to the problems of opposing nature and humanity, as well as the issues of ambition and blind...

Canadian Liberal Party: Analysis of Macroeconomics

Introduction The Canadian Liberal Party has Prime Minister Justin Trudeau at its head. It was he who brought the party to majority rule by 2015, but by 2019 the number of Liberal parliamentary seats had declined (Jeffrey, 2021). By 2021, Justin Trudeau called early elections, hoping to regain a parliamentary...

The Role of the FTC and CFPB in Safeguarding Consumers

Introduction The essence of trade revolves around the relationship that is formed between the seller and the buyer. The former can exist as a distributor of the product or the provider of a service, whereas the latter is represented by an individual or group consumer. In this bilateral relationship, both...

Social Media Disadvantages for Adolescents

Introduction Nowadays, it is rare to find a person who does not have a registered personal page, at least in one of today’s popular social networks. Through these resources of the Internet, people have become accustomed to communicating. A social network is a platform, online service, or website designed for...

The Cocoa and Chocolate Industry’s Sustainability

Introduction Chocolate is one of the most popular and required products in the modern world. It is a critical component of various dishes and products used by millions of people globally. For this reason, the demand for it remains high, while the industry responsible for its production faces numerous challenges...

Censorship and Cancellation in Different Spheres

As the restriction of speech and communication, censorship has always been an integral part of society. Usually, it is determined by the government, private institutions, or public foundations in order to control obscenity, child pornography, hate speech, as well as improve the level of national security. Currently, censorship is frequently...

Application of Consequentialism and Rights Approach

Introduction The Australian government has taken various actions to prevent the spread of the COVID-19 pandemic. One of the government’s actions was restricting inbound travel to reduce the rate of infection caused by the virus (McBryde et al., 2020). The two theories that can be used to analyze this action...

International Paper: Financial Analysis

Introduction The International Paper (IP) is an American pulp and paper company, and it is the largest such company worldwide. The company is currently experiencing a decline in its business due to the global transition from paper products to digital media. However, IP has adapted technologically and financially to the...

The Stroop Test Applications Within Cognitive Psychology

Introduction The Stroop test is designed to diagnose the cognitive style of flexibility and rigidity of cognitive control. This cognitive style characterizes the degree of subjective difficulty in changing ways of processing information in a situation of cognitive conflict (Houdé, 2019). Rigid control indicates difficulties in the transition from verbal...

Eternal Life in John’s Gospel: Theological Perspective

Every human, at least once in their life, thought about receiving the gift of eternal life. Such a desire is quite reasonable because any person is afraid of the unknown; they have no idea about what will happen when they die. This is a part of human nature; being scared...

Psychology as a Science About Human Behavior

Introduction Psychology is a science that studies a human being, especially mental health, and phenomena. This science focuses on the study of the mental state of a person and how to deal with emotion. Attention in psychology is paid to a person’s feelings and his comfortable stay in the environment....

Pathak’s The Art of Neighboring and Ripken’s The Insanity of God

The Art of Neighboring: Building Genuine Relationships Right Outside Your Door is a thrilling and insightful book written in 2012 by Jay Pathak and Dave Runyon. Its main purpose is to guide individuals, whether Christians or not, on how to create good relationships with their neighbors. On the other hand,...

Standardized Handoff Checklist in Acute Care

Problem Description Acute care refers to the short-term but active medical care the patient receives during an urgent health condition. It is opposite to the long-term or chronic that supposes that patients receive regular medical supervision to support their health. Therefore, acute care allows for saving the lives of those...

The Declaration of Independence in 1776

Introduction All nations have had their different ways in which they came to gain independence. The United States came to be as an outcome of acts of heroism, military rebellion, clashes between countries, and civil conflict. The revolution of the United States had an impact on the country’s history, from...

Napoleon Bonaparte: The French Emperor

Introduction Napoleon Bonaparte was a French leader and emperor in the early 19th century. Bonaparte is known for his military strategy, which ensured the success of the French army against its major opponents. During his tenure as the French leader, Bonaparte is credited with implementing changes that enhanced the legal...

Naturalism in the Open Boat by Stephen Crane

Introduction The story of the Open Boat is about four men trying to survive against various natural occurrences. The four men include the correspondent, the oiler, the cook, and the oiler. After surviving a shipwreck, the men sails on a lifeboat, day and night, while waiting to be rescued. Nature,...

Transnational Population of Tamils in Sri Lanka

The Transnational Tamils in Sri Lanka are a section of Tamilians pushing for the creation of an independent Tamil-dominated nation in the north and east of the country. They have been agitating for autonomy and secession since Sri Lanka obtained its independence from The British Empire. Significant part of the...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Shakespeare’s “Much Ado about Nothing” Literature Analysis

Introduction William Shakespeare was an actor, a poet, and a playwright. He is still one of the most popular figures in the literary field many decades after his demise. His expertise in poetry earned him several titles in the field. For example, he was fondly referred to as the ‘Bard...

Gender Studies: Same-Sex Marriage

Introduction Same sex marriage is a moral issue that has raised controversies in many parts of the world. It is popularity referred to as homosexuality. Homosexuality is a condition in which an individual is sexually attracted to members of his or her own gender. In a number of countries, same...

Leadership: Power, Authority, and Influence Selections

Improving Ethical Behaviours Many people do not embrace the best principles whenever making their decisions. This situation occurs when such individuals have to deal with their ethical dilemmas. According to Bazerman and Tenbrusel (2011, p. 154), “human beings overestimate their capabilities to do things properly”. However, such individuals will act...

Behavior: Face-to-face and Online Communication Differences

Introduction Social psychology is the field of study that focuses on relationships and behavior within the human society. It can have various implications. For instance, organizations have long relied on research and methods used in social psychology when developing their business strategies. Technology has enabled them to develop new efficient...

Transatlantic Slave Trade: Development and Effects

Introduction The transatlantic triangular trade resulted in the forced migration of more than fifteen million people from Africa to the Western Hemisphere from the 15th century to the 19th century. In the 18th century, almost all European countries were involved in the trade. However, Britain later became a leader in...

Higher Education Role for African American Women

Abstract The mixed-methods approach is effective to be used to conduct the evaluation of the social or education program. The data analysis stage referred to the research on the role of higher education for African American women consists of such steps as the analysis of the secondary data, the analysis...

Culturally Competent Care Delivery in Nursing

Abstract The given paper revolves around the delivery of culturally competent care to patients belonging to different ethnic groups. The work investigates the most important aspects of the given issue and delves into the analysis of the significance of the cultural aspect in terms of the healthcare sector. For this...

Ergonomics and Work Safety in the Foundry Industry

The aspects of ergonomics play the key role in discussing the workplace safety and the process excellence in relation to the foundry industry. Failures in following the ergonomics criteria lead to the problems with the workload, environmental safety, and to the workers’ stress. Ergonomic characteristics are developed to avoid the...

Cohabitation vs. Traditional Marriage

Abstract Cohabitation has taken an increasing trend in the young population and many people prefer it for compatibility before marriage. Living together with partners of opposite sex helps reduce financial and other unforeseen exposures because the partners equally contribute to the same while they get the sexual romance. This paper...

Gender Stereotypes in Families: Parents’ Gender Roles and Children’s Aspirations

Psychologists have paid significant attention to gender stereotypes, and many important trends have been identified and evaluated. Researchers use various methodologies to address the issues related to gender stereotypes. This paper dwells upon the study implemented by Croft, Schmader, Block and Baron (2014) with a focus on the methodology used....

Abortion as a Moral Controversy in the US

Introduction The availability of abortions and morality of this operation are recurring themes in the American society and many countries around the globe. While some people support abortions as an effective mean of controlling the demographics and prevention of particular diseases, others protest and vote for the complete prohibition of...

Building an Ethics-Based Workplace Culture

Abstract The primary purpose of this paper is to discuss some of the aspects related to ethics in the workplace. A case study will be reviewed to get a better understanding of commonly used approaches and complications that may occur. Some of the key points such as the role of...

Effects of Domestic Violence on Children and Youth

Introduction Children and youth who have been continuously exposed to domestic violence and abuse are at higher risks of experiencing psychological, developmental, and social damages that influence their future lives. In the most severe cases, abused children can lose their ability to be empathetic to other people. Among other implications,...

Supporting Students with Autism Spectrum Disorders

Interaction and communication play a vital role in the life of every human being. With their help, people can build relationships, transfer knowledge, receive the things they need or want to have, etc. Mainly, the representatives of the general public got used to the fact that all people can easily...

Heart Failure Rehospitalization and Nursing Care

One of the emerging issues in health care is the prevention of unnecessary re-hospitalization of patients diagnosed with certain conditions such as heart failure (Verhaegh et al., 2014). In the recent past, a number of strategies have been implemented by hospitals to reduce healthcare costs and offer quality patient care....

Principles of Primary Health Care

Introduction The principles of providing medical care are largely based on the specifics of certain diseases since many illnesses require an individual approach and the involvement of special treatment means. Junior personnel involved in the healthcare system have to be well-versed in the particularities of caring for different patients, including...

Revolution Strategy and Tactics

Introduction In the scenario presented for this essay, the author is an advisor to a revolutionary movement. It is based in a country ruled by a dictator, and the rebels have already attempted an assault on the presidential palace. The uprising has failed, and the government’s oppression has become more...

Career Growth in Management

What is your overall assessment of the applicant’s potential for a career in management? For the entire period he has worked at Midfield, Chaitanya has consistently demonstrated personal and professional qualities which have clearly made him stand out. His efforts have invariably yielded extraordinary results and as a result, he...

Society of the Early Renaissance and Contemporary Europe

Humanity has always been evolving, accepting the variety of thoughts and beliefs and allowing for the development of people’s worldview and creative endeavors. What has been considered exemplary in previous historical periods, might be found redundant in the present. Still, people have always borrowed some features from the past: if...

Salvation in Christianity and Scientific Arguments

When it comes to discussing the validity of the Christian salvation thesis, many people tend to do it in an emotionally charged manner, especially if they happen to be strongly religious. The same applies to several non-religious individuals as well: all because they find the concerned thesis much too irrational...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Nazi Imperial Barbarianism and Assault on Humanity

Germany’s quest to unify and organize Europe, coupled with establishing its rule across the continent, took a tragic turn as Nazis started the Second World War in 1939. The majority of European countries supported Germany’s efforts of a unified region. After World War I, the United States, Britain, and France...

Older Adult Population: Community Health Promotion

Introduction Assessing the standard of living and the conditions in which a certain category of the population lives makes it possible to identify the key problems that people of this social stratum face and propose relevant interventions. As an object of analysis, older adults will be considered, in particular, their...

Irony in The Necklace by Guy de Maupassant

The Necklace Irony: Introduction Several types of irony were added in Maupassant’s story “The Necklace”. Each type performs its own function, but their complex application provides the greatest comedic effect. However, the irony in the story is used not only for comedic reasons. Maupassant applies this technique to show the...

Analyzing Bank Performance: Risk Propositions

Introduction The banking and financial institutions are under severe pressure these days. The globalization and networking of economies have resulted in a cascade effect on the stock market, economies, and of course the financial viability of many companies and institutions. Australia too has not been far from this cascading effect...

“The Things They Carried” Stories by Tim O’Brien

Introduction Books are written to deliver ideas, whether they fictional or based on real facts. There are cases when delivering the idea requires that the author recreates the truth even if it is based on real facts in order to have the readers relive a particular experience. In the book...

The Poetry of Emily Dickinson and Robert Frost

Introduction It is not by an accident that such literary genre as poetry requires the possession of strong metaphoric and imaginative skills, on the part of its practitioners – by exposing readers to metaphorically expressed messages, contained in their poems; poets enable them to derive a strong aesthetic pleasure out...

Procedure for Importing Products From China Into USA

Introduction During the last two decades, the total exports and imports of the U.S.A have increased from just $ 83.9 billion in 1970 to $ 470.9 billion in 1980, to $ 888.9 billion in 1990 and a whopping figure of $2507 billion in 2000! Importing a product into the U.S.A...

“Sharing Jesus Without Fear” by William Fay

Introduction William Fay has done remarkable work as an evangelist, seeking out to reach the masses to invite and arouse their interest in the words of the Gospel. “Share Jesus without Fear” is a very practical book, in which the principles are presented in the manner that it can be...

Fashion Industry and Social Media

Such industries as fashion have always been impacted by the media. Until recently, the most powerful of them were journals and television with the help of which one had an opportunity to take a look at new clothes collections and learn about the latest trends. However, nowadays, when almost everyone...

Role of Religion in Functionalism and Conflict Perspectives

Introduction Religion is a basic social institution that affects an individual’s life from childhood to adulthood. Religion can be defined as a set of beliefs and practices which govern society, religion varies in different societies and also differs in the degree to which it is integrated into the society. It...

“Fresh Faces” by Sascha deGersdorff

In the article, “Fresh Faces,” the author, Sascha deGersdorff asserts that teens’ cosmetic surgery is on the rise and is creating a new social norm in society due to the constant pressure from the media. As cosmetic surgery is becoming more socially acceptable amongst all ages, it raises a lot...

Finance: Financial Intermediaries, Financial Assets & Investments

Role of Financial Intermediaries in a Developed Economy Financial intermediaries, also known as financial institutions, are organizations that issue financial claims against themselves and use the proceeds from the issuance to purchase primarily the financial assets issued by individuals, corporations, government entities as well as other financial intermediaries. Financial claims...

Tinker v. Des Moines: Court Proceeding

Tinker v. Des Moines Independent Community School District is a historical case that was decided more than fifty years ago that discussed the limitation of rights provided by the First Amendment of the US Constitution. In this case, several students decided they wanted to wear black armbands to honor the...

The National Shipbuilding Strategy Challenges and Achievements

The National Shipbuilding Strategy Global transportation is fundamental in exchanging products and developing international relationships. More than 80% of worldwide exchange by volume and about 70% of its worth is performed by more than 50,000 vessels (Perry, 2017). Marine transportation is one of the first means of exchanging commodities in...

The Notion of Deterrence: Review

The entire humanity is conversant with the notion of deterrence. Deterrence refers to the employment of retribution as a threat to deter folks from committing offenses. We see cases of many forms of deterrence in everyday lives, all over from the grocery store where we buy serials to the banks...

Green Logistics Importance

Introduction The importance of green logistics as a new scientific direction in supply chain technologies has recently acquired significant interest among academic researchers. The core aspects covered by the aforementioned inquiry include the use of cost- and resource-saving technologies that are equally important to supply chain optimization and environmental security....

#BLM Movement: Completed Survey

Design This survey aims to collect a representative sample for a future study regarding the Black Lives Matter or #BLM movement. It was designed to help me find out the general trend of satisfaction/dissatisfaction of the modern adult US citizens regarding the police level of accountability. This survey also helps...

Conflict Between Transgender Theory, Ethics, and Scientific Community

Introduction It is safe to say that the transgender theory has experienced a new ideological rise in the American and European scientific discourses over the past decade. Most of the controversy revolves around the topics of conversion therapy for children and fraud in research methodology. It is noticeable that these...

Legal Aspects of Health Care Administration: HIPAA Act

Introduction HIPAA or Health Insurance Portability Act cushions the US citizens against any discriminatory insurance activities. Also this Act establishes how diverse medical experts share any form of information concerning their clients (patients). It is broadly known that the groups that are expected to adhere to HIPAA mandates covers doctors...