Mental Health Problems and Effective Professional Care

Nearly fifty percent of adults experience mental health issues at some point in their lives; however, only twenty percent of them receive effective professional help. At present, mental health problems are thought to be provoked by hereditary and environmental factors. While researchers have explored the problem of addressing mental health...

Heart Failure Readmission: Evidence-Based Project

Introduction Heart failure (HF) is a clinical symptom that occurs when impairment of ventricular filling prevents the heart from properly maintaining blood flow (ACCF/AHA, 2013). A recent report issued by the Center for Disease Control and Prevention (2016) reveals that almost 5.7 million American adults suffer from the disease. Moreover,...

“Deconstructing Health Care Reform” by Gardner

In her article, Gardner (2011) claims that Americans need affordable health care because it is their right. Furthermore, politicians should focus on benefits associated with the promotion of the Affordable Care Act in spite of the fact that it violates the norms of the modern healthcare market. Finally, nurses also...

The American Psychological Association: Forensic Field

Forensic psychology is a very wide field that includes different areas such as school psychology, counseling psychology, clinical psychology, to name but a few. The professional psychological activity can be carried out within any forensic area that is acknowledged by the American Psychological Association (APA). Forensic psychologists are commonly invited...

American Workplace and Operations Management

The emphasis that Gallup placed on the significance of the emotional engagement of the staff members, though represented by the author as the revelation about the current concept of employee performance enhancement, was quite expected as it aligned with the contemporary idea of managing operations in the entrepreneurial environment. Indeed,...

Ocado Internet Shop and Its Features

The Ocado Internet shop offers online grocery store experience for people living in the UK territory. Ocado was established in the UK over 16 years ago, and it is now serving over 580 000 customers in the country (Ocado Group 2017). The entire shopping process is conducted online, and Ocado...

Presentation Failure and Company’s Efficacy

Being a leader implies facing a range of challenges and playing several roles in the team. Therefore, it is essential that a leader should be capable of not only delegating responsibilities to the staff and assigning the latter with specific roles but also presents the staff members with specific tasks,...

Big Data: IT Profession

Introduction My opinion is that ‘big data’ is not an appropriate term for IT professionals to use to describe different forms of structured, semi-structured, and unstructured data sets that are generated, captured, stored. Big data is defined as “data that exceeds the processing capacity of conventional database systems. The data...

The DREAM Act for Young American Immigrants

Introduction I support the DREAM Act (Development, Relief, and Education for Alien Minors). The DREAM Act is not a law. It is an American legislative proposal that the Senate introduced in 2001 (Galindo 600). It addresses issues encountered by young people from immigrant families, who grew up and graduated from...

How the Group Activities Develop?

The research involved teamwork and every team member had to participate actively in collecting resources, reviewing the literature, discussing the findings, and drawing the conclusions in the paper. The individual team members also participated in writing and proofreading the report. The group had to appoint a leader to ensure that...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Parenting Styles in Situational Examples

Situation # 1 My child spills a half-gallon of milk all over the table. The table is set for breakfast. Of course, my first emotions will be a bit negative. I spend a certain period to prepare breakfast and present a good table. However, it is my child who cannot...

Business Networks and Telecommunications: Data Usage

If you have important work processes how can you use a knowledge management system to capture this data? For major organizations and especially entrepreneurship, it is crucial to capture, process, and distribute data among the staff fast and efficiently. Innovative technologies play a major role in the process of information...

Role of Groups and Teams in Organization

Groups and Teams Teamwork is a critical approach to the success of any project or business organization. Teams and groups are encouraged in an organization because they make it easier to realize the targeted goals and objectives (Rickards & Moger, 2000). I am presently working in a small company. The...

Asian Americans and Japanese Heritage

A Brief History of the Cultural Group Early Asian immigrants arrived in the 1830s The first wave of Asian immigrants The population of Hawaii (Tanaka, 2014) The exclusion period The elimination of exclusion criteria Populating the West-Coast American territories A Brief History of the Socio-Cultural Group Immigration to Hawaii The...

“CSI: Web Adventures the Experience” Simulation TV Show Analysis

The CSI effect is a term used to describe the influence of TV shows that depict criminal investigators and their work. The researchers have argued whether the phenomenon has positive or negative effects on the general public. However, it is evident that such TV shows are favored; thus, people are...

The Relationships Between Nurses and Their Patients

Research Design Since the main problem of the study is the need for improving the quality of relationships between nurses and their patients, the research will be of a qualitative nature. An intervention will be the most suitable for facilitating the study because of the ability to compare pre- and...

Health Resources & Services Administration Website

The HRSA (Health Resources and Services Administration) Data Warehouse is a website that “provides maps, data, reports, and dashboards to the public about HRSA’s health care programs” (“About,” para. 2) in the public domain. The programs are designed for people who are vulnerable in terms of geographical location, economic,...

Microeconomic Tools: Cost-Benefit Analysis

Introduction Microeconomics is a branch of economics that studies how individuals, households, and firms make decisions to allocate limited resources typically in markets where goods and services are being bought and sold. It examines how this decision behavior affects the supply and demand for goods and services, which determine prices,...

Agamemnon in the Iliad: Character Analysis

Pride, ego, high self-esteem are all harbingers of dissatisfaction and clashes. In the classic Iliad by Homer, Agamemnon is shown to be a person with a high of all of these. He has to give up his prized possession, a girl whom he won when the city of Priam was...

Religion. Hays’s Article Critique and Personal Reflection

Critique The article’s main purpose is to critique the hermeneutics of the supporters of classical theism in their ongoing debates with the open theism proponents. The author’s critique is mostly achieved in pointing the flaws of classic theism views of immutability and impassibility. The main thesis is seemed to be...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Newton’s Theory of Gravity

Sir Isaac Newton was an English mathematician, physicist, philosopher, theologian, and astronomer, who lived between 1642 and 1727. It is alleged that Newton’s thinking about the gravitational force was initiated by a falling apple. Newton was seated under an apple tree one summer afternoon in 1665 taking tea when an...

Web-Based Prototype of the E-Business Activity

The prototype of the e-business activity will be based on the principles of caring and communicating with customers via e-mail or any other electronic communication tool. The services and products, which are sold are associated with design, art, and hand-made exclusive postcards. The designed pictures, styles, or themes for the...

Addressing the Nature of the Data: Gap Year

Concepts The concepts that will be measured in the research dedicated to the study of the gap year benefits are mainly associated with the aspects of communication. The qualitative aspects of this study involve the opportunity of improving the theoretical basis of the gap year researches by studying the communication...

Marriage and Divorce: Poverty Among Divorced Women

Literature Review When marriages come to their unforeseen end, there are long protracted court battles over property ownership and children custody. The once married couple torn apart by differences in their marriage will be driven further apart by the court battles (Brinig & Allen, 2000). Many states have come up...

Struggle to Keep the Faith: Elie Wisesel’s Article

Introduction Eliewisesel’s article explains enhancement of Wiesel’s faith. It explains his narrow escape and witnessing to Jews’ sufferings in the hands of ruthless murders (Eliewisesel, 5). He finds it difficult to understand how the world could be cruel to believers. Luckily, he has faith in the supernatural being, God. He...

The Civil War Lessons: Fight for Freedom and Equal Rights

United States history provided its students with many informative lessons on the country’s state from the first colonies to modern times. The most significant moment of U.S. history is the Civil War and its consequences, which have affected my perception of the fight for freedom and equal rights. African Americans...

Monoblock Chair in Social Documentary

Social documentary photography has its special functions that are relevant to the photographer and viewer. Its purpose is to convey socially important issues through the emotional perception that the objects in the picture convey. A monoblock chair is an example of a democratic design and a context-free object. However, the...

Effective Practice in Inclusive and Special Needs Education

Introduction Accommodating the educational needs of students with cognitive disabilities is one of the top priorities of instructors working in inclusive classroom settings. Lack of competencies and knowledge regarding effective teaching practices on the subject matter limits professors’ ability to maximize the success of children with special learning needs. The...

The Influence of the Media on Government and the Public

Media as an educational source Media has strong educational power, and it is undoubtedly one of the most essential roles. Through reading news or watching TV, people receive information on what processes happen in the government, how it affects their lives and helps the general public understand complex concepts. Besides,...

Evidence-Based Practice: The Dissemination of Information

Disseminating Evidence to the Key Stakeholders The most critical phase of implementing the evidence-based practice (EBP) entails the dissemination of information. According to Polit and Beck (2008), the purpose of the EBP is to incorporate scientific evidence into clinical practice. It is imperative to ensure the continuous flow of information...

When Food Costs More Than It Is Supposed To

Introduction: The World Going Completely Bananas Of all food in the entire world, bananas are the best; they have been brought into the world to make the burden of life a tad easier to carry. Jokes aside, bananas are the product that I consume regularly, which makes this kind of...

Energy Flow in the Food Chain of Organisms in a Desert Ecosystem

The figure above shows an example of a food chain found in the desert ecosystem. The food chain is divided into nutritional levels whereby the lowest level is occupied by produces, the second level by primary consumers, the third level by secondary consumers, and the fourth level by tertiary consumers...

Florence Nightingale’s Legacy Overview

Introduction The famous British social reformer, Florence Nightingale, contributed to the development of modern nursing as a multifaceted medical area. The founder of multiple healthcare principles managed to meet the needs of both high-rank societies and margined citizens. Nightingale’s activity is often linked to the Millennium Goals that were developed...

Observation Method: Strengths and Limitations

Observation is one of the methods for data collection. One of the main important aspects of observation in comparison with interviewing is that while the interview, people do not tell everything thinking that it is not that important. However, in most cases specific gestures, behavior, etc. may be seen during...

Vancouver Downtown East Side

Vancouver’s Downtown East Side is famous in Canada for having the worst postal policies characterized by high crime rates, high HIV and AIDS infection rates, drug abuse. The streets of this town are mostly under the surveillance of police officers who, harass people who reside in its corners. There are...

Natural Selection and Genetic Variation

Introduction The process which describes the likelihood of the transfer of characteristics, or traits, which enables the survival and reproduction of an organism in generations to come; to be obtained easily in a population is referred to as natural selection. The difference in the genetic content of organisms is indicative...

Use of Nursing Theory in Practice

Is nursing a science? Nursing is a science as being a nurse means to study new methods and ways of performing tasks. The developments in science are successfully applied to nursing practice. Science is described as the process of acquiring new knowledge and applying that knowledge into practice. Nursing perfectly...

“The Future of Nursing” Report’s Purposes and Goals

“The Future of Nursing” indicates four primary problems with which nurses deal regularly and decelerate progress in the domain. The issues are the lack of partnership, incomprehensive education, state laws limiting the extent of nursing practice, and ineffective workforce planning (Institute of Medicine [IOM], 2010). They act as a barrier...

The U.S President’s Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief

The overall mission of this organization is to consider the populace living with HIV/AIDS all over the globe. It is the pillar of the U.S Global Health Initiative, whose main mission lies in saving lives through lending relevant support to countries in improving their health (About PEPFAR, 2009). HIV/AIDS prevalence...

The Book of Revelation and Second Coming of Christ

In Revelation 20, a major event is described known as The Millennium. It is a highly controversial passage and there is much debate on whether the Second Coming of Christ will occur prior and lead to this prolonged period of holiness and salvation on Earth, or will the Second Coming...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Importance of Development and Cross-Cultural Integration

Kimber, T. R. (2012). The role of spiritual development in the cross-cultural reentry adjustment of missionaries. Journal of psychology and theology, 40(3), 211-219. Kimber points out that while there is much research on the adaptation of missionaries to a new culture, there is no research on return to the home...

Sustainable Agriculture Against Food Insecurity

Numerous changes that continue in the environment take place over a long time. Sustainable agriculture provides a long-term impact on the agro-ecosystem. It aims to produce food in an environmentally friendly environment that prevents depletion of soil fertility or pest problems. This area uses a proactive approach as opposed to...

Burnout and Staffing Shortage Causes in Nursing

Nursing entails building a foundation that can examine the needs of patients and face the crisis emanating from the health sector with a common vision of stabilizing it. The skills and ethics of nursing are meant to promote change and empower the families that various patients are affiliated. The frontline...

Tartan: The Symbol of Rebellion?

Tartan refers to the pattern of interlocking stripes that runs through the cloth vertically and horizontally. Today, tartans’ different fabrics and designs are thought to represent specific Scottish clans and families. It has a long-standing history, with the earliest known Scottish tartan dating to the fourth century AD (The Scottish...

“Beyond Stereotypes” by David Mazzucchelli

Max Bledstein’s analysis of “Asterios Polyp” by David Mazzucchelli This work focuses on the analysis of the article by David Mazzucchelli “Beyond Stereotypes”, which examines the literary work Asterios Polyp. The main themes are racism, sexism and characterization. I believe that the essay has fulfilled the necessary requirements, as it...

Effects of Dubai Quality Award on Organizational Performance in the UAE

Although ENOC is in an outstanding position in regards to its management quality metric, European Foundation for Quality Management’s Excellence model or EFQM can still be utilized in order to make further improvements on the key issues of the business. It is important to note that the main strength of...

“The Perks of Being a Wallflower” by Stephen Chbosky

There are some direct references to Salinger’s cult novel in Steven Chbosky’s work, making the storylines similar in some way. For example, like Holden, Charlie lost a loved one in childhood, for whom he had special feelings: on the eve of his birthday, his mother’s sister, Helen, died. Holden also...

The Nestlé Company’s Consumer Satisfaction Study

Introduction Nestlé product consumers reflect the levels of dissatisfaction or happiness they have with Nestlé’s brand and its products. Purvi and Dignesh used a sample of 100 respondents constituting people in business, children, homemakers, servicemen, and students in the research since most of them are consumers of the company’s products...

South Africa: The New Energy Infrastructure Policy

Situation Analysis of the Status Quo of South Africa’s New Energy Strategy The near future poses significant challenges in the form of a power crisis for the countries of South Africa. Lack of industrial infrastructure is already making itself felt as many cities in the region are experiencing periodic load-shedding....

Socio-Political and Cultural State of Virgin Islands Community

The United States Virgin Islands is a group of islands in the Caribbean Sea. The capital of the U.S. Virgin Islands is Charlotte, situated on St. Thomas island. The given area consists mainly of such islands as Saint Croix, Saint John, and Saint Thomas and is not more than 300...

Popular Research Paper Topics

A Letter to Plato the Philosopher

I regularly review your reputable philosophical literature and its moral ethics. I am writing this letter to proclaim how your philosophy has been helpful to me in handling my everyday decision-making reasoning. The concept of happiness has helped me achieve my existence, nature, and self-happiness. I have used the idea...

Nursing Burnout Study by Hooper et al.

The title of the article under review by Hooper et al. (2010), entitled, Compassion satisfaction, burnout, and compassion fatigue among emergency nurses compared with nurses in other selected inpatient specialties, befits the issue under study because it is a phenomenon, including the affected group. Its abstract effectively summarises the report’s...

Value Chain Analysis for Walmart

Introduction Today, Walmart is a well-known American retail corporation promoting services in its hypermarkets and other stores locally and worldwide. This organization successfully proved its stability in three major areas: opportunity (employment and investment), sustainability (emission reduction), and community (specific social needs) (Harrison, 2019). Value chain analysis is a unique...

Essentials of Baccalaureate Education for Professional Nursing Practice

Nursing is an incredibly demanding profession, and the training of future nurses is equally challenging. Essentials of Baccalaureate Education for Professional Nursing Practice, a compendium of documents compiled by the American Association of Colleges of Nursing, can be viewed as the cornerstone of contemporary nursing curricula. According to AACN (2008),...

Learning and Cognitive Theories Comparison – Psychology

Feud’s theory During the oral stage in Feud’s theory the baby’s body responds to pleasurable sensation through the gums, tongue and mouth. At the anal stage, pleasurable sensations mainly emanates from the anus of the baby. The most vital body part is the penis. Genital stimulation generates a lot of...

Urban and Rural Communities: Life Differences

Purpose Information about urban and rural communities includes dressing style, food habits, and culture. Urban residents prefer to wear loose clothes such as shirts and dresses while rural residents like to wear warm clothing such as jackets and gumboots. Urban residents also like to put on sandals while the rural...

A Special Education Plan: Grade 1 Male Student With ADHD

Introduction Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) is a common brain disorder that can normally be found in children, but people of all ages can suffer from it. ADHD is a neurobehavioral developmental disorder. According to medical practitioners, this disorder usually affects the brain areas that are responsible for planning, thinking,...

Students’ Misconceptions About Science

It is important to start the students’ education regarding the principles of science by identifying possible misconceptions and preconceptions that they can have. The reason is that children begin to develop their visions of the world around them while referring to individual experiences and certain notions (Driver, Rushworth, Squires, &...

Financial Management Role in Healthcare

Financial management implies handling some day-to-day financial operations, for example, payroll monitoring or keeping unexpected expenses under control. Therefore, the modern business environment in any professional sphere calls for a cohesive financial management strategy. Furthermore, with the introduction of the Affordable Care Act, electronic health records, and the Medicare billing...

Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA)

Introduction It is the role of the state and the society, in general, to provide quality education and other social services to children; however, children with disabilities have continued to suffer from lack of inclusion in public social institutions. The lack of inclusion has hampered them from reaching their full...

Foreign Direct Investment and Domestic Wages in the USA

Introduction Alhakimi and Peoples in their article “Foreign Direct Investment and Domestic Wages in the USA” from 2009 examine how foreign direct investment affects wages in the United States. The correlation between the two has been examined in a variety of articles with similar titles. In recent years, this question...

Global Corporations’ Strategies and Local Communities

Although the process of globalization has affected the operations of numerous companies worldwide, these are not uniform principles that allow firms to attract the attention of local populations. Quite on the contrary, an in-depth analysis of local cultures and their unique characteristics is what helps create a perfect selling point....

Circumcision’s Ethical and Medical Implications

Infant circumcision is highly disputable. Researchers and health practitioners have different perspectives on the significance of the procedure. Moreover, the recent study findings indicate substantial ethical controversies regarding infant circumcision. While some people suggest that circumcision provides medical benefits for both males and females, the others consider it an unreasonable...

Elie Wiesel and His Faith in God in the Book Night

Eliezer’s faith in God was something beyond question. He spent time in devotion to God. He frequently prayed to Him and at times he even cried. This was to show how deep his reverence to his creator was. It was made even more evident when Moshe questioned his faith and...

Florence Nightingale’s Conceptual Nursing Model

Contribution of Florence Nightingale to Nursing Practice Improvement Establishment of the nursing profession significance Raise of nursing standards through education (Pirani, 2016). Sanitary improvements for safer hospitals Establishment of effective nursing education Publishing of the first nursing textbook Introduction of patient records and statistics Separation of nursing and medicine. Note:...

Standard 2 of Education of Young Children

Professional development of an educator involves lifelong learning, compliance with standards and setting new ones, sharing knowledge and experiences. Another important component is doing comprehensive secondary sources research as well as observation and even implementation of some surveys. This paper includes an example of such elements of professional development. The...

Theological Reasoning as a Basis for Faith

Theological reasoning strives to pose questions and answer them in terms of sacred theology. Such issues as meaning, essences, causes, distinctions, and so on compose the core of reason. For instance, questions about what grace is and what God reveals by it can be posed. This teaches how to consider...

Nursing Medication Errors: Causes and Reporting

The journal chosen for submitting a publication is the Journal of Clinical Nursing, which is an international peer-reviewed source aimed at promoting high standards of nursing practice through evidence-based scientific inquiry. The publication incorporates knowledge and experience from different cultures to ensure the international exchange of ideas. The journal emphasizes...

The Learning of Medical Students

Summary Assignments created to assess the learning of medical students are targeted at identifying whether the students demonstrate the expected behaviors, developed new abilities or values, acquired new knowledge with regards to the medical practice and were overall successful after completing an educational program. To assess the student learning at...

Chapters 6-12 of A Short History of Reconstruction

A Critical Analysis of the Book: Chapters 6-12 According to Eric Foner, the Republicans wanted most of the southern states to join their party. These Republicans used powerful blueprints in order to empower many ex-slaves in the south. This scenario led to the Radical Reconstruction. During the same period, many...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Snowden and the Ethics of Whistleblowing

Many of the critical issues facing the modern world could be considered ethical questions that appear under the influence of the evolution of society. The process of the reconsideration of some traditional values has given rise to a great number of concerns. These have been related to such issues as...

The Interrelationship Between Leadership and Management

Introduction Management and leadership are two key success factors of an organization. It is imperative that all individuals who are willing to take leadership positions to understand their superiors and subordinates. This would assist them in understanding the various leadership styles to apply in different situations. Ultimately, this would result...

Employee Performance and Recognition Program

Introduction As indicated by David Pink (2010) employee performance is not always dependent on monetary rewards, rather, some of the most efficient drivers of employee performance are when employees are self directed, purpose driven and want to achieve a certain degree of mastery in what they do (Pink, 2010). In...

Political Philosophy: Natural Law and Justice

The views of Hobbes and Locke on the state of nature and natural rights Hobbes believed that the state of nature is based on the natural rights as well as Locke. They also thought that people are free to acts as they want considering the natural rights. Still, their ideas...

US History: Indian Removal and Trial of Tears

Cherokee Nation Before the year 1820s, the land east of the Mississippi was made up of the Cherokee Nation (Reisman 7). In 1828, the whites began to show interest in the Cherokee nation due to the discovery of gold in the region (Roark 320). During the year 1830, Georgia tried...

Paid Search Marketing and Search Engine Optimization

Paid search or SEM is used for referring to the tasks that help Internet search engines such as Google to find a website and then rank it. For organizations who want to promote themselves and attract audiences or customers, the benefit of appearing as early as possible in search engine...

Should Public Servants Have the Right to Strike?

Introduction The discussion around the question of public service employees’ right to strike has been evolving for a long time. On the one hand, being responsible for primary services for the society, any attempt to stop working and express their wish for change in the form of a strike might...

Honor as a Critical Code of Behavior

There are many concepts and ideas that, at first glance, seem obvious and quite ingenious. In reality, however, they are complex and profound for understanding. Among philosophers and scientists, there is no consensus on the interpretation of the concept of honor, and this topic has preoccupied the minds of great...

“Sculpture Since 1945″ the Book by Andrew Causey

Introduction In this essay, special attention is paid to the chapter “Sculpture and the Everyday” from the book Sculpture Since 1945 by Andrew Causey. The chosen academic source contains much credible information about the sculpture of the post-war period and the years before the second millennium. The author provides the...

Misinformation and Fake News Study by Scheufele & Krause

The problem of public misinformation has become surprisingly common in the U.S. setting, causing numerous clashes between citizens. The study by Scheufele and Krause (2019) seeks to analyze the process of becoming misinformed about basic scientific knowledge, which seems to have become an issue in the American social environment. Specifically,...

Popular Research Paper Topics

“The New Beginnings “ Program Evaluation

Autism spectrum disorder (ASD) in young adults is a significant concern in today’s society. People living with ASD may encounter challenges after graduating from high school, as they have limited opportunities. The New Beginnings program is dedicated to addressing this problem and helping young adults to find jobs, gain independence,...

Physical Force and Punishing Children: Discussion

Introduction Using physical force as a means of punishment is also known as corporal punishment. This is causing intentional physical pain and discomfort to a person with an aim of making the person amend his behavioral ways. Main text This method of physical correction has for a long time been...

A Short Guide to Writing About History by Marius and Page

Introduction A Short Guide to Writing about History is a book written by Richard Marius and Melvin page. It stresses on thinking and writing like a historian and helps one frame their concepts while telling their story in history. These renowned writers wrote the fourth and fifth editions of this...

Walt Disney Application Form

There are times in life when the normal approach of day-to-day workings change in order to make amendments to procedure that would be fruitful in future. Similarly, there are occasions when one tries too hard to accomplish elements that are otherwise regular under different circumstances. Such an occurrence took place...

Mark Twain: Success, Manners and Artworks

Samuel Clemens better known by the pen name Mark Twain speaks best about the American experience through is distinctive literary voice, and through his classic writing skills. His familiarity with local culture and use of local dialect, and his life experiences in the heart of America helped make his writings...

Leadership and its Role in the Organizational Behavior

Leadership is considered to be one of the crucial parts of the successful development of any company. The necessity of the leader in the company is dictated by the core roles and aims of the leader: to inspire, to be the innovator, to be based on the perspective view of...

Internet Social Group Analysis

The current trends in popularizing internet social groups confirm the patterns of micro sociology, where we all can be classified by patterns of social interaction. The implementation of such social networks is just a translation of our social behavior which is practiced every day. People are divided in groups based...

What Should Society Censor?

Introduction The issue of what should be censored by the society is quite controversial. Society feels the need to protect children from unwanted materials, which include, adult materials, hate speech, among others (Ashcroft et al 4). The government may also censor speech as some people could take the advantage of...

The Theme of Feminism in “The Yellow Wallpaper” by Charlotte Perkins Gilman

A short story “The Yellow Wallpaper” written by Charlotte Perkins Gilman and first published in 1892 can be acclaimed as an important piece of early feminist literature. The story features a considerable entrance on the themes related to prevailing attitudes to women, their place in society and their physical, emotional...

The Rise of War on Iraq

Introduction The war on Iraq arise from the two major western nations namely America and Britain based on the suspicion that Iraq have nuclear and bioweapons of destruction. This could be a future threat to the security and peace of these two nations and at the same time a global...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Borderline Personality Disorders: Detailed Description, Diagnosis, and Treatment

Detailed Description of the Disorder Borderline personality disorder (BPD) is a mental condition or illness that is characterized by a high level of instability in relation to expressed emotions and behaviors. Individuals with BPD suffer from impulsiveness in their behaviors, their emotional state can be imbalanced, and they experience difficulties...

The Exploring Freud’s “Uncanny”

Argument The main argument laid out by Freud in The Uncanny is that there is strangeness in the ordinary. Psychoanalysts rarely investigate the subject of aesthetics understood as a feeling of the qualities of feeling. However, the uncanny interested Freud as something belonging to all that is terrible, which arouses...

The Leadership Theories: Pros and Cons

Introduction The ongoing debate around the issue of whether leaders’ skills and traits are innate or acquired has been at the center of experts’ discussion. However, research suggests that although individuals might be born with a set of personal characteristics contributing to their leadership potential, one can learn and develop...

NCU`s Degree Is a Driver of Positive Changes: Personal Experiences

Northcentral University is known as an educational institution that, for more than twenty years, trains professional workers in many spheres from economic and political to technological ones. In other words, the University contributes to the education of people who can make positive changes in the world around them. I do...

The Benefits and Negative Effects of Technological Advances

Technological progress has created numerous benefits, improving the quality of human life. What is known for a fact is that technological progress is unstoppable and inevitable as humanity has been using the results of technology for so long that it is hard to imagine the life without it. However, the...

Nurse Use of Research Evidence: Nursing Leadership and Management Strategies Analysis

This paper examines leadership and management strategies that influence the use of research evidence by nurses. Methods that could be initiated to instigate the use of research in the course of practicing clinical nursing were also studied. As a result of existing computerized records, research was conducted by querying the...

“Rockers, Models, and the New Allure of Heroin” Review

Introduction Notwithstanding the piece of substantiation that heroin use has always been unlawful for many years, heroin today is trendier; it’s easier to acquire and to use than the drug of previous days. Heroin still commands an extremely high consequence on the abuser, however, the compulsion, individual and the price...

Nursing: Identifying a Problem

Introduction During the process of education, the students have to learn new material and identify the problems which are observed in the sphere of nursing. However, the theoretical aspect of the problems is not always similar to the practical one. The point is that many students learn about population and...

Data Flow Diagram (DFD) Conceptual Study

Introduction Data Flow Diagram (DFD) is used to describe the flow of activities from one center to another one. A data flow diagram can be defined as a diagrammatic procedure that represents external entities, logical storage, and where data flows in a system. DFD is instrumental in operational systems where...

Gas Cost Analysis for Power Generation

Introduction The efficient process of power generation is reliant on the choice of fuel and its cost. The world economy changes rapidly under the influence of multiple factors, fuel costs being one of the most significant determinants. In the field of gas and oil, the costs of oil predetermine the...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Fantasy in “Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs” Film

The film Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs is a piece of art that was authored by David Hands in 1937. The fantasy musical work teaches children and adults the severe effects of jealousy and the significance of true love. The writer aims to communicate the theme of love and...

An Adult Male Patient With Tonic-Clonic Seizure

The patient is Kurt Johnson, a white male 48 years old. He was admitted to having a tonic-clonic seizure. The patient had a head injury after falling off a ladder at work a year and a half ago. CAT scan showed scar tissue overgrowth in the frontal lobe. What is...

Health Crisis: Chemical Leakage

Introduction Healthcare professionals and leaders must be ready to deal with the issues affecting their people. The selected leadership role is that of a Director of the Public Health Department. This leadership role is critical because it determines the health outcomes of every targeted community. This paper identifies the best...

Assisted Reproduction: Description

Introduction The rate of infertility among modern couples has increased significantly. This has caused most young families to turn to fertility–induced reproduction. Infertility refers to the inability to conceive for more than a year of unprotected intercourse. Induced or assisted reproduction refers to a treatment against infertility that involves clinical...

Racial Disparities in COVID-19 Outcomes

The racial disparities in access to healthcare services had become more evident during the COVID-19 pandemic when minority populations had a more significant number of cases and fewer opportunities to access proper care. The purpose of the study by Li et al. (2020) is to determine the number of COVID-19...

Electoral System in the USA and Its Fairness

The US electoral system and its correctness and fairness is an undoubtedly essential and relevant state topic associated withnational implications. In particular, in modern society, the electoral college system is continuously discussed in terms of its modernity and efficiency, while arguments repeatedly arise in favor or against its abolition or...

Child Health and Communicable Disease

The rate of death among children worldwide is a global issue of concern. Children die from various causes. These causes include Malaria, Malnutrition, Pneumonia, HIV/AIDS, and measles (Wolter, 2007). Other potential but rare causes include psychological trauma, terrorism, earthquakes, civil wars, religious ideologies and food poisoning. In Africa and other...

Protecting Informational Health Privacy

Personal data protection is a concerning issue in almost all spheres of human life because most modern technologies can track nearly all people’s activities. However, medical data privacy and confidentiality are a particularly complex and significant issue, since the current policy leaves many gaps and controversies. This topic of protecting...

The Effects of Crystal Meth, Highly Addictive Substance

Crystal meth is an odorless, colorless kind of d-methamphetamine. It is a synthetic stimulant that is categorized as a Schedule II substance. The categorization makes it a highly addictive substance that has the potential to be abused. Studies show that an estimated 5% of the adult population in America has...

Chapters 8-9 of The Ethics Primer for Administrators in Government Organizations

Acting on Duty in the Face of Uncertainty and Risk: Responsible Whistleblowing Before choosing to report wrongdoings in a workplace, the chapter provides conditions required for effective whistleblowing. In most cases, whistleblowing acts lead to negative implications for both the whistleblower and the organization. Therefore, an individual must identify whether...

Symbols, Words, and Rituals That Express the American Creed

American creed refers to a declaration of beliefs and principles that generally expresses loyalty to the United States. Its main elements include populism, egalitarianism, and traditionalism. There are several words, rituals, and signs that aid in defining the country as well as those that cause division. Words like freedom and...

Business Model of a New Games Venture

Competition The proposed game localization venture does not have much in terms of competition in the Middle East due to the fact that large game companies did not indulge in localization efforts all too much, opting for porting an English version of their games to the region. The largest company...

The Playroom as the Heart of the House

A playroom is a great place to have in the house because it provides multiple entertainment opportunities for the whole family. This playroom is located in the center of the home with open walls for easy entry and exit and is well-equipped with toys, furniture, and electronics to cater for...

“Dialogue on Personal Identity…” by John Perry

There are many concepts and phenomena that people cannot understand or process due to their lack of presence in reality or physical non-existence, such as time or soul. While time as a concept is subjected to rules of physics and could even be measured while remaining a mystery, such concepts...

Organizational Behavior and Culture for Employees

Organizational climate may be used to assess how workers feel about rules, procedures, and culture and to ensure that they are in line with the company’s overarching vision, long-term goals, and plan. This is crucial to create a work environment in which people like and prosper. Because it influences the...

“Murder of a President”: Analysis of Documentary

After watching the documentary about President Garfield, I believe that he could have become one of the greatest presidents of the United States. Garfield’s attitude and the willingness to drive change were unmatched, but they got him killed eventually. The scenery and the costumes represented the time period perfectly, focusing...

Coal: The Rock That Moved the World

Coal is one of the most abundant resources on the planet. There are over 1 trillion tons of proven coal reserves worldwide (Thurber 35). It is classified as an organic sediment rock, and it takes millions of years to form (Kopp). Found under multiple layers of earth, it is created...

The Antelope Valley Medical Center’s Objectives

Name of Organization: The Antelope Valley Medical Center Type of Organization: Hospital Mission/Vision/Values: The organization aims to provide a broad set of healthcare services in collaboration with other local medical institutions (About Antelope Valley Medical Center, n. d.). A good reputation based on the high quality of medical services for its patients is...

Unbundling Business Model: Strategy for Planet Fitness

Introduction Planet Fitness is an organization that offers customers facilities to train and exercise. The company was founded in 1992 and is headquartered in Newington, New Hampshire (McMillen, n.d.). The firm has employed at least 1700 employees in its different locations (McMillen, n.d.). The main business strategy for Planet Fitness...

Exploring the Dynamics of Race and Ethnicity

Introduction The article defines the racial and ethnic classifications applied to data gathering and publishing. American Indian or Alaska Native, Asian, Black or African American, Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander, and White are the five minimal classifications for race listed in the document (National Institutes of Health, 2015). The...

Support of Capital Punishment in the United States

‘Capital Punishment’ means the obligation to death as a punishment for doing a crime. In the US, many states follow the system of capital punishment is strictly and most of the people support it even though some feel that it is not justifiable to terminate life of a human being...

Elie Wiesel’s The Night – Faith in God Literature Analysis

In his book Night, Elie Wiesel explores a variety of themes. One of them is the attempts of a person to reconcile one’s experiences with the belief in God. Eliezer, who is the main character of this work, is on the verge of losing his faith in God as a...

Human Resource Management: Skills and Requirements

Being an efficient human resource manager is not an easy task, given the fact that a true HR specialist must not only make choices regarding candidates employment and responsibilities distribution, but also concerning the strategies for employees’ skills training, as well as possible strategies of shaping organizational behavior (York 308)....

Hackensack University Medical Center’s Information

This paper focuses on the description of one of the most successful healthcare organizations in the United States – Hackensack University Medical Center. It is the biggest organization specialized in the delivery of outpatient and inpatient services in New Jersey. The Center can place up to 780 inpatients; it is...

Gift Marketing and Ethics in Healthcare

The marketing approach of bringing gifts to potential clients can be roughly classified as “gift marketing.” Such a strategy has been created based on the concept that the process of gift giving brings people closer to each other. Businesses often send potential customers gifts to capture their attention as well...

Vincent Van Gogh and Salvador Dali Comparison

Introduction When it comes to analyzing historical personalities, it is easier to approach those whose contribution can be measured by the economic and political impact their activities produced on contemporaries. The picture is quite different from people of art as there are no objective parameters that determine why one master...

Hypothesis Testing: Number of Defective Flash Drivers

Introduction Creating the environment, in which consistent quality improvement becomes a possibility, is imperative for the contemporary entrepreneurship. Therefore, a detailed analysis of the current production process, including the repeatability and the reproducibility levels needs to be carried out (Liu, 2014). In the context of the identified scenario, one will...

Dunkin’ Donuts Consumer Insights

Segmentation and Targeting Dunkin’ Donuts has been on the market for about six decades. Its brands and targeting strategies are designed to evolve along with the changing demands and tastes of its consumer segment. Currently, the consumer segment of Dunkin’ Donuts has a number of different characteristics. For example, the...

Domestic Violence Victims’ Needs Assessment

Domestic violence belongs to the number of the most urgent problems of modern society. The present situation seems to be a catastrophe as “man can earn five years in prison for abusing his dog but a maximum of just 30 days in jail for beating his wife or girlfriend on...

Whirlpool Company’s Strategic Sourcing

How can we weigh the performance criteria in Exhibit 2? Exhibit 2 shows the various performance criteria that can be used to evaluate the potential supplier’s performance. It also provides factors that constitute the mark for each criterion. For instance, potential supplier’s quality should be determined by a range of...

Injustices in King Jr.’s “Letter from a Birmingham”

I agree with Dr. King’s notion that injustice to a single person in a specific, even if far off place is an injustice to the whole nation and society. If a country has accepted individuals and they have citizenship in that country, the government should support and not alienate people...

Obama Speech: Rhetorical Analysis and Evaluation

According to Aristotle, rhetoric involves identifying something persuasive in order to convince the audience. In his speech, Obama starts by making reference to Martin Luther King Jr. He highlights the important role Luther played in the fight for the liberation of the Black Americans. However, he says that the monument...

The Impact of Terrorism on Walmart Global Logistics

Introduction Terrorism has been rising all over the world for the last couple of decades. Almost every day in the news terrorism activities is reported somewhere in the world either locally or internationally which have been planned by local or international terrorist groups. Terrorists normally attack tactical places which will...

Leadership: What It Means to Be a Charismatic Leader?

Various organizations set different goals and objectives to become successful, and each of them has its strategy that they follow. In the same way, different styles of leadership may work for some organizations and may not work for others. In the current exploration, it was chosen to focus on charismatic...

Nursing Care Issue: Medication Error

Nursing Care Issue and Outcome Medication errors constitute one of the most common nursing care issues that can lead to negative health outcomes for patients. Since nurses’ most crucial professional aim is reducing the possibilities of adverse events for patients, it is necessary to avoid such errors and work hard...

Reasons of Divorce Analysis

First of all it is necessary to mention, that the reasons of divorce may be various. Some of them are rather banal, like material troubles or pestering. The others may be shocking and depend only on the fantasy of the spouses. Nevertheless, the mpst common reasons are regarded to be...

The Grew of Financial World Crisis: Global Central Bank

Summary The whole world is fighting the crisis now. The Economy of almost every country is in danger. The crisis in most fields of production comes closely with the problems in the Economy of the countries. The biggest responsibility is lying on the shoulders of the banks. The Central Bank...

Competition in the Australian Food Industry: Case Analysis

Industry Background The food industry in Australia is divided into several sectors among which the sphere of healthy food is the dominant one. The leaders of this market area are the international companies Weight Watchers and Paradise Food Industries (Weight Watchers Company, 2009; Paradise Food Industries, 2009). The products of...

Organ Donation: Win-Win Agreement or a Noble Form of Cannibalism

Two readings devoted to the matter of commercial organization of organ donation represent the confrontation between two different opinions which exist in society. In his How Much Is That Kidney in the Window?, Bruce Gottlieb represents selling organs as a matter which is beneficial for both a donor and a...

African American Population in the United States

African-Americans, Black Americans or Afro-Americans are an American ethnic group ascending from the Black races that populate Africa. African Americans are the third largest ethnic group of the United States. The history of this population stems in the 16th century, when people from Western Africa were enslaved and then taken...

“Meditating Female Shaman Effigy”: Formal Analysis

One of the characteristics of Native Americans is the intention to live in harmony with nature. As a result, many artworks of the Ancient Americans before the 1500s were devoted to the theme of spiritual connection between humans and nature, and the role of shamans was underlined. In this paper,...

Human and Ethical Issues Surrounding Circumcision

In the advent of a wide range of different surgeries, the circumcision firmly holds the leading positions among them and remains one of the most common procedures in the world. Male circumcision has a long history: the procedure first occurred thousands of years ago and is still performed in many...

Attitude Towards Chinese People in the USA

Numerous Chinese laborers came to the US during the California Gold Rush of 1848–1855. They proved to be industrious people, and it is hard to find any vivid examples of animosity towards them during that period. Surface gold could be easily found in sparsely populated distant areas of California back...

Explaining Attachment Theory and Romantic Relationships

Introductory Paragraph Although the attachment theory was initially developed in terms of children and their caregivers, in recent decades, it covered the functioning and development of romantic relationships. Support for Thesis 1 Topic Sentence: there are many critiques of the attachment theory and its assessment criteria (Fitzgerald, 2020). Nevertheless, it...

Marine Corps Personnel and Administrative Chief Jobs

SWOT Strengths Weaknesses I believe I have significant strengths in terms of fulfilling responsibilities required for this position. First, I have administrative experience, working directly for a high-ranking colonel. My experience and seniority have placed me in a position of managing of personnel and supervisory roles which will allow establish,...

Legislative Issues in Texas: Student Debt

Student debt is one of the most concerning issues for the younger demographic of American voters. The issue can primarily be attributed to the extremely high tuition in most educational establishments. Some students may find themselves in a desperate situation after graduating when their income is barely enough to make...

American Consensus in the 50s and 60s

Introduction The unity of the people is a fundamental factor for the productive and prosperous existence of any state. The idea of unification is especially essential for such a multi-ethnic and multicultural country like the US. The first significant measures to unite the Americans were launched by the government in...

Impact of Smartphones on Work-Life Balance

Smartphones are an integral part of any business owner’s work and many employees as it allows them to contact customers, colleagues, or suppliers quickly, control work processes, and solve problems. However, there is also the idea that the use of a smartphone blurs the line between work and personal life...

Trends and Issues in Nursing: Leadership and Management

Introduction Due to the complex, critical and dynamic nature of the health sector in the world today, health practitioners are being faced with new challenges and issues that call for attention. Organization and management skills are very critical in ensuring quality health services delivery. Best practice in nursing management and...