Vikings and Chivalry History in Europe

Vikings The Vikings’ excursions which began at the end of the 8th century, in general were directed to areas of northern coast of Western Europe and east coast of England giving rich possibilities for the realization of predatory campaigns and settlements. However, in spite of the fact that most part...

Analysis of HBS Suzanne de Passé at Motown Production

Introduction The story of a man is an additional experience for the history of mankind. This statement is rather grave and emphasized when talking about a successful person who left very deep steps afterward and made the followers be inspired with the idea of constant extent of a dream and...

Assessment of Leadership Capabilities

Leadership skills are the skills demanded in any kind of position from any employee: “These skills include the knowledge of how to control the performance of one’s subordinates or partners, participate in decision making, and bear responsibility for them” (Northhouse, 2004). Accordingly, a leader is to be a person with...

Short-Term Price Fixation Under Competition

In a perfectly competitive market condition, because of the presence of a large number of buyers and sellers, there is no rivalry existing among them. Since no seller or buyer is able to dominate market price under perfect competition is determined by the operation of demand and supply. Therefore, the...

Fatalist and the One Who Does Not Believe in Destiny

There is an assumption that everything in our life is predetermined. On the one hand, some people believe that they did not have to do anything to achieve some goals in life since everything is subjected to destiny. On the other hand, some people are considered the creators of their...

“The Quitter Economy: Companies Are Liquidating” by D. Gross

Companies Are Liquidating; Homeowners Are Mailing In The Keys. Have We Given Up? The article begins by articulating the current happenings in the American economy. A big-city store trading in electrical items has just given up and 34,000 people will lose their jobs as this company, circuit city stores, closes...

TNT Express Company’s Supply Chain Management Components

As any company that operates in the sphere of transportation and logistics, TNT Express has to pay special attention to the development of supply chain management; in particular, its management has to concentrate on such aspects as planning and control, work processes, and organizational structure. It should also be taken...

History of Palau Independence

Palau was established as a sovereign country by the Compact of Free Association on 1st October, 1994, which guaranteed the continuation of military, economic and political links between Palau and the US for fifty years. The Compact of Free Association outlines the relationships that three sovereign countries had entered into...

The Transition Government’s Economic Plan

Introduction The document talks about the then president-elect’s Transitional team’s economic plan, that is, the $ 700-800 package which was proposed to stimulate economic growth in the United States of America. The plan has tax cuts as part of its components (Oxford Analytica, 2009). This goes hand in hand with...

Global Warming: Harmful Impact on the Polar Bears

Over the last 50 years, human activities have considerably worsened the ecological situation. The Earth suffers from heat-trapping gases that lead to global warming. The rise of temperature increased the sea level that made the Arctic ice melt. As a result, the survival of polar bear population is under the...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Survival and Life Cycle

The survival of any firm in a certain market is very important and there are certain factors that affect survival. The probability of survival is dependent mostly on the attributes of the firm, its products and its life cycle. There are certain times when the hazard rates in the life...

Cultural and Natural Landscape of the City of Bonn

The city of Bonn has considered one of the most sophisticated cities of Germany so that many inhabitants recognize it as another capital. The city embodies the harmony of place and time; it connects the natural and cultural landscape into one identity that creates the spiritual and moral harmony. This...

Training Methods in Employee Management

Training is a prudent attribute facilitating the development of ideas and sharing of the existing knowledge across the globe. It is a reason why people retain a tradition of sharing information and create new discoveries to cover gaps in knowledge. Training is adopted by many sporting organizations where coaches assist...

“Mother to Son” Poem by Langston Hughes

Published in 1922, “Mother to Son” was one of Langston Hughes’ early poems. Simple language and a powerful message created by the author make it accessible and meaningful to all readers. While Hughes captures the inspiring persistence of an aging mother, he also represents the struggle of African-Americans inherent in...

The U.S. Education: Effect of Poverty

Introduction Poverty: Collection of several factors befalling an individual, family or a group of people such that it becomes exceedingly impossible for such a person, family or group of people to provide for the basic human needs. Effect of Economic Limitations Due to Poverty Low economic status leads to poor...

The Culture of Modern Greece

Modern Greek culture has evolved from ancient times, and is intertwined with all aspects of life. Greece is a country of diverse interests and traditions. Its modern culture has been greatly influenced by its geographical position and years of occupation by other nations. The Greek people take pride in their...

Sistine Chapel Style and Attitude

Michelangelo created the frescoes for the Sistine Chapel over four years from 1508 to 1512. These paintings are considered some of the most influential works of Renaissance art. They depict several Biblical plots: the Creation of the Heavens and Earth, The Creation of Adam and Eve, the Expulsion from the...

“Prince Among Slaves” by Andrea Kalin

The film Prince Among Slaves depicts a life story of an African prince who became a victim of slavery exactly like any black person. In the history of the transatlantic slave trade, about 20 million slaves were brought to the American territory. Even now, this number looks unthinkable, but this...

The Safety in Nursing Analysis

Safety is one of the major factors affecting patient outcomes. It is an important part of effective and cost-efficient healthcare (Hood, 2014, p. 489). However, the research indicates that there is a gap between the current safety standards and the general state of the healthcare system. The issue continues to...

Health Literacy Program for Children

Introduction For 3-7 age group, health literacy is essential to prevent infection-based diseases. Children of this age tend to engage in learning activities that involve touching lots of items. Since many of the children in these years like to share their toys, clothes, and other objects, health literacy information such...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Anti-Trust Case Analysis in the Health Sector

Marion Healthcare LLC v. Southern Illinois Healthcare In this case, the Department of Justice submitted a Statement of Interest related to a civil action in a case between Marion Health Care LLC and Southern Illinois Healthcare. The complainant, Marion LLC, is an ambulatory surgery center, which offers surgical services for...

An Interest in Supply Chain Profession

Introduction I developed an interest in the supply chain profession when I was still in high school. My motivation was the many job advertisements seeking graduates in supply chain management. The global economy is still recovering from the recession, and unemployment rates are high in most industries. Many college graduates...

Images of Defense Mechanisms in the Life

Introduction In my first year at the university, I got robbed point-blank while I was walking late at night with a friend. We were lashed and kicked around before we agreed to their demand of surrendering our phones. Luckily, we left the scene with only small bruises and torn shirts....

Health and Physical Education Curriculum

Learning Ambassadors in the sphere of health and professional education have enriched schools with their vast experience and contributed to the development of standardised physical education in a range of elementary schools. One of the examples became Sandusky city school in Ontario. The weakness of that was that it lacked...

All-Hazards Disaster Preparedness: The Role of the Nurse

Preparing for hazards means developing skills and gaining knowledge that will allow to allocate less time on decision making in case of emergency. Readiness is a result of training and leads to establishment of certain action patterns that, if memorized well, could save one’s life or potentially the lives of...

Professional Development of the Advanced Practice Nurse

There are certain similarities and differences between the professions of family nurse practitioner (FNP), primary care provider (PCP), and clinical nurse specialist (CNS). FNPs and PCPs are the nurse practitioner (NP) specializations and CNSs stem from APRN. Those two nursing classes can be compared and differentiated in the spheres of...

Legislation Associated Within Perioperative Practice

Operating department practitioners (ODP) are specialist clinicians responsible for planning and delivering perioperative care. ODPs are 1 of 14 Allied Health Professions that are professionally autonomous practitioners and hold a protected title within the UK. ODPs are regulated by the Health and Care Professions Council (HCPC). ODPs must first meet...

“Mother Tongue” by Amy Tan: Critical Review

People express their feelings and thoughts with varying levels of grammar proficiency. The essay by Amy Tan discusses this phenomenon, stating that her version of English differs from one situation to another. The author notes that while she makes grammar mistakes when she speaks to her mother, but she uses...

Expert Letter from an Assistant Manager

Dear Immigration Officer, My name is Katherine Chiao, and I am an Assistant Manager in the CRM department at Officine Panerai. I have earned a master’s degree in Integrated Marketing at New York University. This letter is written in support of Ms. Wang regarding her educational training and future role...

The Strategic Management Concepts

Vision, mission, goals, objectives, tasks, strategy, tactics, and policy are the concepts that help the company to define their work in terms of culture, values, and ambitions, and present them to the world. However, quite often, the difference between these terms is quite vague and needs clarification. This paper aims...

Popular Research Paper Topics

“Endgame” by Samuel Beckett

In the twentieth century, many artists paid great attention to existentialism. In addition, the theater of the absurd became a remarkable phenomenon, which described in colors all the strangeness and meaninglessness of life. A striking example of such a work is Endgame by Samuel Beckett. One of its theatrical performances...

Senior Rental Assistance Pilot Program’s Pros & Cons

Explained Opposition Barriers to policy The policy under discussion is the Senior Rental Assistance Pilot Program amended by Miami-Dade County in February 2020. The barriers to the policy are connected with internal and external issues. As for external factors, one of the barriers is property availability that imposes a surplus...

Walter Benjamin as a Marxist Criticist of Art

Argument Critics of the Marxist approach comprehended art as a form of social production and realization. For them, it is not an intellectual, idealistic phenomenon but an instrumental social practice. A genuinely revolutionary artist, therefore, always deals not only with a work of art but also with the means of...

History of Slavery and Contemporary Society

Introduction Slavery is a dark page in the history book of our world. The idea of inequality and the divided nature of society persisted in the earlier ages. Since the beginning of time, people were often used as a currency. Nowadays the practices have changed, and we, as humanity traveled...

The Maternal Mortality Debate

Maternal mortality is perceived to be one of the major concerns of various organizations and individual researchers. The issue is still regarded as debatable, as some specialists believe that this problem is not as severe as some notable health and development-related studies portray it. The World Health Organization (WHO) regards...

The Quarantine Time: A Period of Personal Growth

I have felt caged by a ceaseless desire to make others happy, and I was mortified by upsetting anyone else. However, quarantine sparked a moment of personal growth. This constant pressure from myself nearly drove me into depression. I did not feel like I was advancing myself, as my energy...

Shelley’s Frankenstein: The Monster’s Description

The story of Frankenstein and his creation has been popular for many years. It was a base for movies, and the monster character was included in many other stories. This is not surprising since this monster is ambiguous and arouses many feelings and emotions. Many contradictions exist in this monster,...

Health and Fitness Industry Licensure and Certification

When entering a particular career field, researching the requirements and the legal framework that regulate the area of interest is essential for successful studying and hiring process. Regarding personal training, laws associated with the sphere differ between states. As it concerns the state of Kentucky, Werner (2017) claims that there...

Marijuana Legalization in Arizona, Montana, New Jersey, and South Dakota

On November 4th, 2020, Arizona, Montana, New Jersey, and South Dakota joined the list of states where marijuana is legalized and could be used for recreation. Besides, according to the survey conducted by Yu et al. (2020), marijuana is the most commonly used drug among the drugs that are illicit...

Journal Entry: “How Hate Took Hold of Me” by T. Parrish

This article made a deep impression on me as it showed that, in some cases, racism is not a fault of an individual, but the fault of the society that embed racist views in its members mindset. Besides, I strongly agree with the author’s conclusion that though it is possible...

Popular Research Paper Topics

When the Heat of the Boiling Pot Reaches its Boiling Point

Introduction In the XXI century, the concept of the American Dream seems to be completely inseparable from the image of the United States (Li, 2010). The idea of North America representing the business empire and the place where even the most daring and reckless ventures turn out to be a...

Principal Threats to a Building Efficiency Research and Ways to Overcome Them

The design research is constructed by the theory on making energy consumption lower and concrete steps on how to achieve it. In this respect two parts of the research stack up in terms of their cohesiveness with the main idea of the research. The internal validity of the research can...

Supply Chain Management: Issues and Challenges

Supply chain management Supply Chain Management is the method through which a business brings together all the elements to get its product into the market. It implies the management of a product flow in the production chain. it starts with the purchase of raw materials and ends up with the...

‘A Defense of Abortion’ by Judith Jarvis Thomson: Major Arguments for Abortion

The reading under consideration written by Judith Jarvis Thomson dwells upon the abortion debate. The major point Thomson (2018) makes reveals the one-sidedness of the arguments against abortion. The writer stresses that the opponents of abortion focus on proving the fact that a fetus is a person, so, like any...

Breast Cancer: Analysis and Data Collection

Introduction This study seeks to answer question relating to a pilot research study done in two health centers in Connecticut to determine the effect of dance and movement on the quality of life for 32 breast cancer survivors. It was undertaken in a period of 12 weeks. Data Collection Method...

Racism Against Health Care Workers

Introduction In today’s world, the damaging problem of the racial disparities keeps affecting the workers of the health care systems, as well as its patients. The existence of the racial dimension in medical treatment and health service system, as well as the patient-provider interactions, has a significant impact on the...

Birds as a Motif in “Psycho” by Alfred Hitchcock

Psycho, the psychological horror filmed by Alfred Hitchcock in 1960, is a recognized masterpiece. Its main character is Norman Bates, the owner of the motel where Marion Crane stops while trying to hide from the police after the theft she committed. A timid and handsome young man turns out to...

Jordan Brown of New Galilee, PA: Case Analysis

Introduction As reported by Pittsburgh radio station KDKA (2009), an 11-year-old boy Jordan Brown that is accused of murdering his father’s fiancée and her unborn son is not likely to be tried as a juvenile offender. It is natural that the boy’s attorneys are expected to appeal for letting the...

Privacy and National Security Concerns

With the development of modern technologies all over the world, numerous challenges for governments and their citizens appear. One of the most widespread problems is the lack of a balance between the privacy of personal data and national security. The government struggles to provide protection for its citizens and curb...

Nursing Profession Ethics: Decision Making Issues

Introduction Being rooted in ethical values, the nursing profession remains a highly stressful one. The challenges the nurses face require quick decision-making ability and extensive knowledge in the field. End-of-life decision-making is a steep predicament. To deliver the best patient care in such cases, the nurse engages in demanding ethical...

What is a UAS Pieces Map

The best ideal module for the design effort for independent control is writing an intricate algorithm with the capacity to effectively direct the Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) past barriers. The component will autonomously guide the UAV through a pre-planned track according to the mission. The current project uses a limited...

The Immortal Life of Henrietta Lacks Book Review

Introduction Nursing is a field that requires practitioners to apply outlined ethical guidelines and focus on the best ways to transform their patients’ experiences. In the book The Immortal Life of Henrietta Lacks, readers can acquire numerous ideas regarding the concepts of informed consent and confidentiality and their relevance in...

Safeguarding and the Bible Perspective

The term ‘safeguarding tendencies’ implies a range of structured actions of an individual determined to protect himself or herself from public criticism or other threats from other people, including both phycological and physical ones. These behavioral patterns are usually referred to as revealing a neurotic nature and lifestyle. There are...

Reliability of Computers in Stock Exchange Market

Computer trading in the stock exchange market has come to replace floor trading which is much slower. Orders are currently being processed much faster and the system is deemed to be more efficient. This system is observed to respond in milliseconds as compared to a slower rate if it were...

Resilience: Oedipus and Hamlet

Ancient Greek plots and motives are commonly reflected in the European literature of the New Age, which makes the heritage of different epochs comparable. One of the plotlines – discovering the reason for the death of a protagonist’s father. One of the aspects frequently discussed in this context is resilience....

“Mother Tongue” by Tan and “Learning to Read and Write” by Douglass

Introduction Mother Tongue by Amy Tan, and Learning to Read and Write by Frederick Douglass are examples of the genre of literacy narrative. In the articles, both authors describe their relations with reading and writing, and their role of them, as well as education in general, in their lives. The...

What Are the Future Trends and Challenges in Health Care Quality Improvement?

Introduction Healthcare is faced with various challenges in the United States especially economic expenditure and risks associated with the patient’s health. This is noted by increased cost of insurance premiums which only cover a small percentage of human health. Thus, those who cannot afford it have less access to goods...

Ethical Decision Making in Nursing

Nursing practice is associated with the need to make evidence-based ethical decisions that may have diverse effects on patients, nurses’ colleagues, and their healthcare facilities. One of the most recent situations related to ethical decision-making involved communication aspects. I administered the medications in accordance with the developed treatment plan for...

Two Key Models of Legal Decisions

Description of consensus and conflict model Legal decisions are guided by two key models. These incorporate the consensus model that derives its foundation on societal views and the conflict model, which relies on experts to determine concepts and procedures (Newton & Van Deth, 2005). The origin of the two models...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Contact Dermatitis and Atopic Eczema

The difference in pathophysiology between contact dermatitis and atopic eczema Contact dermatitis is an inflammatory reaction on the skin that is acute and triggered by contact with an irritant or a substance that is allergen-producing. It is neither life-threatening nor contagious. The common parts affected by this disease are those...

Medication Errors Analysis and Effective Preventive Measures

Admittedly, medication errors are rather common and they pose significant threat to the patient’s healing (and sometimes survival). Novice nurses as well as students can witnesses numerous instances of medication errors. It is an effective option to develop certain strategies to detect and address medication errors. Thus, nurses should be...

Equity and Debt in Economy

I work in a company dealing with horticultural products. The two main categories of our products are fruits and flowers. The company imports the products from countries where the products are cheaply sourced. We then distribute the products locally to wholesalers and retailers. The company’s most important assets are warehouses...

Capital Budgeting of New Heritage Company

As can be seen from the described cases, New Heritage is continually developing new projects in various areas. This allows the company to develop, interest the audience, and attract new customers. These projects relate to different areas of the company’s activities, such as creating new lines of clothing or the...

Giving Birth Assisted Methods: Implications and Concerns

Assisted Methods of Giving Birth: Implications and Concerns The fundament of every family is a creation of a new life. However, sometimes nature goes against the rewarding desire to have children and inflicts specific conditions on human health, which preclude women from experiencing maternity. Still, the contemporary medicine offers a...

Proper Medication Administration by EMS Importance

Introduction Patients seeking medical interventions are subjected to different risks and potential harm due to increased dependence on medication therapy. The risks associated with medication therapy may occur as a result of accidental errors from the nurse and practitioners when administering medication. The purpose of this report is to review...

Compliance vs. Ethics Comparison

The fact that ethics and compliance are commonly confused demonstrated that they are close in meaning, yet there is a vast difference. As for me, the distinction between these two words seems to be in the fact that compliance rests on a pragmatic basis, while ethics is social and intuitional....

Incident Report & Legal Department – Basic Info

There are a lot of cases when incidents occur and to make sure that everything is correctly noted and the appropriate measures are taken the specific procedure is invented. Incidents in the hospitals are controlled by the state and properly checked by the Quality Assurance department and Legal Department. The...

The Connection Between Education and Better Health

Education is necessary for better health, which is a critical provision in the realms of societal wellbeing. It is understandable that learned individuals are able to comprehend and embrace the virtues of exceptional health. Consequently, they are able to work towards attaining it. This argument shows the relationship that exists...

Orem’s Theoretical Model

Family assessment involves evaluation of factors that affect families. It may assess the family history, mental health of the family members, and other provisions. It is a continuous process of identifying these factors and making intervention decisions so as to help the family. There are various theories that have been...

Integrity as a Key Value: Criminology and War

Integrity is included into the list of the LEADRSHIP values, which exist to direct military servicemembers toward an appropriate conduct. Integrity can be defined as being honest and morally correct despite any difficulties or consequences that might result from following legal and moral principles (Walklate & McGarry, 2016). This definition...

The Firearm Owners Privacy Act: Medical Perspective

The rollercoaster associated with the Firearms Owners Privacy Act (FOPA) is unlikely to stop in the near future. There are two major opposing views on the matter. Republicans tend to see this regulation as a way to safeguard their right to own firearms, which seems critical to them. However, Democrats...

Building a Culture Where it is Acceptable for Physicians to Make Mistakes

For a long time now, physicians have been denied a chance to make mistakes in their cause of duty. Although their work is delicate and a mistake can lead to loss of life, they are still human and thus can make mistakes at times. The way these mistakes are handled...

Role of Compstat and Organizational Change in Policing

Compstat as a computer-aided statistics was meant to reduce crime when it was introduced in the police department in New York. The program uses statistics and effective information sharing in enhancing the accountability of the police supervisors on the crime reduction strategies which they have adopted within their system. In...

The Investigation of Aging on a Molecular Level

Introduction There are two categories of theories on ageing namely the damage based theory which explains that aging may be caused by low metabolism or inefficient immune system that occurs over a long period of time. The programmed theory suggests that tough environmental factors may lead to aging and death...

Virtue Ethics: “Wrong Operation Doctor” as an Integrity Case

Integrity as healthcare providers’ adherence to ethical and professional codes plays an important role in medical practice. The situation with a 15-year-old male teenager at Arkansas Children’s Hospital presented an example of the case when the principle of integrity was violated by a surgeon and other healthcare workers. Thus, needed...

Same-Sex Marriage – Conservative Views Rebuttal

Same-sex marriage has been a long-standing heated debate in the United States for the past few decades, and people who have conservative views continue to protest against this legislation. As Judge Amy Coney Barrett has replaced Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg in the Supreme Court, the majority of judges now have...

Woolf’s vs. Brady’s Feminist Articles Comparison

Over the past few centuries, there has been much debate about the role of women in society. Miscellaneous dictionaries developed different definitions of the phenomenon, but the most common describes feminism as equality of sexes in politics, economics, and the social arena. Such prominent figures as Virginia Woolf and Judy...

Girl Talk Company’s Business Plan

About Me I am a twenty-five-year-old with a passion for business and fashion. I believe that fashion and looking good do not have to be expensive. For this reason, I have invested in both newly made and pre-owned fashion pieces for women. The Problem Many professional women spend a lot...

Criminal Law and Procedure: Possession of a Controlled Substance

According to Scheb & Scheb 2002) an individual is assumed to have committed an offense of possession of a controlled substance such as marijuana if the individual is knowingly or in an intelligent way possesses a quantity of marijuana that can be used. The police also cannot just search your...

Maryland v. King Case Summary

Case Analysis The Maryland v. King case represents an extremely controversial issue, which is closely linked not only to legal contradictions but also to ethical dilemmas. Two significant values are at stake, and the interpretation of the law may be significantly subjective. The primary conflict is between privacy provided by...

VTE Prophylactic Treatment

Conducting a literature search is essential for evidence-based nursing practice as it helps improve the quality and cost-effectiveness of care via the combination of current research evidence with clinical expertise. According to Gray et al. (2016), the focus of clinical research in the 21st century has shifted from the treatment...

Factors of Conflict Between American Colonists and the British Empire

American colonists and the British Empire were involved in a conflict after the French and Indian War in 1763. The main source of disagreement included persistent regulatory actions approved by the parliament. It implied that the American colonists making a fortune from captured territories were obliged to financial responsibilities back...

Nutrition for Cerebral Palsy Patient

Introduction Children with cerebral palsy possess complex and challenging needs that require proper management. Nutritional management is one of the issues that require adequate attention from health care providers, parents, and their communities. Eating a healthy diet is an important aspect of maintaining the overall health and quality of life...

Aspects of the Bootstrap-T Algorithm

The bootstrap-t algorithm is inspired by Student’s t-test, as its name indicates. It introduces a similar parameter T and calculates its percentiles, which can then be used to establish confidence intervals for the initial parameter of interest. With that said, since the T-percentiles are unknown, it is necessary to approximate...

Decline of Christianity in Europe Since 1675

Even though Protestant Christianity had been originated in Western Europe and Catholicism has persisted there for the majority of its history, the region is now among the most secular territories across the globe. For centuries, there has been an ongoing trend of Christian Church institutions gradually losing their power and...

Combating Racial Discrimination in Public Institutions

Racial discrimination is a social challenge to development in modern communities. Individuals from different cultural, ethnic, or racial minorities have encountered social injustices in public institutions. The U.S. history indicates vital milestones regarding administrative policies aimed at eliminating discrimination (Nigro & Kellough, 2014). Most importantly, chapter nine has been critical...

Restrictions on Gifts and Perks

Despite the seemingly innocent practice of a business lunch, it has become one of the central means of influence that pharmaceutical representatives have over physicians. Before the early 2000s, the situation was much worse when doctors were offered expensive things, vacations, and experiences. It was not money, but it was...

Diet and Lifestyle Before and During Pregnancy

Sustenance directing is a foundation of pre-birth care for all women during pregnancy. A woman’s wholesome status impacts her wellbeing, yet in addition, pregnancy results and the soundness of her baby child. Doctors and other medical services suppliers should be mindful of dietary necessities during pregnancy, as they vary altogether...

Debates: Abortions Must Be Legal

The legal right to abortion has always been a debated topic because of the difference in opinions regarding its health impact, its morality, its influence on the longevity of populations, as well as its religious underpinnings. However, I think that the debate must come to a close as millions of...

The Common Law and the Contract Signing

Indeed, under the chapter 11 definition, a contract is a promise or set of promises between two agreeing parties. The contract needs to be agreed by both parties, with an exchangeable trade, services, or money as the central focus. In short, a contract needs to have something of value to...

Cardinal Ratzinger’s “The Reservation of the Blessed Sacrament”

In “The Reservation of the Blessed Sacrament,” Joseph Cardinal Ratzinger analyses how Eucharistic theology led to the emergence of the tabernacle in the second millennium. The chapter reveals how spiritual development in the understanding of the Eucharist manifested through changes in language structure and forms of thought. The chapter, divisible...

Disruption of Supply Chain in the Aviation & Defense Industry

Supply chain management (SCM) is the core of the Aviation and Defense (A&D) industry. Though it comprises a complex ecosystem, an effective and efficient SCM supports its efforts to meet its strategic and financial goals. According to the data compiled by the Aerospace Industries Association (AIA), it is evident how...

Group Typology: Interdisciplinary Team

A treatment group or a task group can be used to provide patients with the required assistance. Regarding Paula Cortez, she has multiple health conditions that can adversely affect her pregnancy, meaning that numerous healthcare providers are involved in working with her (Walden University, n.d.). That is why a treatment...

News and Personal Data Speculations

News is operational information that is of political, social, or economic interest to the audience in its freshness, that is, messages about events that have occurred recently or are occurring at the moment. With the development of the Internet in the modern world, information is transmitted much faster than in...

Adichie’s “The Danger of a Single Story”

Introduction Adichie’s “The Danger of a Single Story” gives an overview of the negative influences of a single story. According to her, a single-story results from a lack of knowledge of others. This is common among children because they are “impressionable and vulnerable”1. One of the experiences I have with...

Telehealth in the Pandemic: Benefits & Limitations

Telehealth has revolutionized healthcare across the globe, with patients having the opportunity to interact with their providers online using technology. The COVID-19 pandemic further hastened the uptake of telehealth with the introduction of regulations requiring social distancing and isolation for all. As a result, more people began to opt for...

Beauty in The Bluest Eye by Toni Morrison

The idea of beauty has always been important to human society. People use specific standards to consider someone more attractive than others and provide them with privileged status. At the same time, failure to meet dominant standards might result in exclusion, isolation, and loneliness. Thus, beauty is one of the...

Kant’s View on the Lex Talionis Principle

Lex talionis is a famous concept in Western ethics and jurisdiction. This word comes from the Latin language, describing the principle of equal retaliation. It was commonly used in the jurisdiction and other spheres to set human behavior limitations. Lex talionis can be regarded as a helpful tool to exercise...

The Importance of the Five Types of Data

Exploring this case related to People Analytics will require performance rating, salary analysis, retention study, leave analysis, and demographic analysis. These data are quite significant since they allow for assessing the staff’s performance and uncovering the weaknesses of the organization’s HR functioning. For instance, due to performance ratings, it is...

“With the Old Breed: At Peleliu and Okinawa” by Eugene Sledge

Eugene Sledge’s With the Old Breed: At Peleliu and Okinawa is a memoir by a World War II participant. The book describes the thoughts and experiences of a young man who joined the US Marines and fought against the Japanese forces. Thus, the summary will demonstrate the controversial nature of...

Imperialism During the 19th Century in the US

Introduction Imperialism represents a combination of political frameworks and ideological doctrines that were broadly accepted among a large number of countries during the 19th century. Imperialistic countries rely significantly on their military strength and view expansion as the primary objective of foreign policy. The Revolution and the War of 1812...

Patterns of “Writing That Works” by Oliu et al.

A pattern of organization is crucial to guide readers and help them understand writing. I am most familiar with the general to the specific pattern because I used to have a travel agency in Cuba. The general to specific leads writing from a piece of general information to a more...

Interactions with People: Categorizing Schemas

In consideration of different schemas to categorize people, bias takes an essential place. I prefer distinguishing people by relation or importance circles. In the closest circle reside family members and close relatives, next circle is filled with friends and acquaintances, others are excluded from the two circles. It is also...

Child Growth and Development: Effects of Culture

Child development is a collaborative, vibrant, and unique process depending on the toddler. Every individual is unique, and as children grow, they adopt many things from other people and the environment that shapes their behavior and thoughts. Different cultures offer different inputs to children during growth, and this is the...

“Culture-Specific” Training Programs

The Importance of Intercultural Training Programs An efficient work environment requires good relationships between colleagues. This is why it is essential for employees to accept and respect each other’s differences and be able to communicate no matter who they are and where they come from. Intercultural training courses and programs...

Mutual Expectations Model in Business

Employees should be well aware of their manager’s expectations and management style to understand whether they can perform their job properly. Employers should also know what their workers expect from their position before starting the process of employment. When both a manager and an employee have a clear understanding of...

Ferocious Fire and Catastrophic Destruction in Australia

Australia experienced the worst fire seasons in 2019 and 2020 as bushfires exhumed many acres of land, leaving both people and animals displaced and devastated. According to a report by New York Times, millions of acres were destroyed, hundreds of homes destroyed, and at least 15 people killed (Parsons and...

Performance Management and Working Relationships

Performance management is an area of execution, which benefits may not be obvious at the project planning stage. Nevertheless, it potentially may bring rapid and high-quality project development. One of the incentives to increase productivity is competent communication skills. Before the team gets to work, a successful communication plan must...

Texts, Pictures Lead to 1st Doping Case

Facts Fair competition in local and global competitions is a crucial element in U.S. law. In the international Olympics, every nation wants to take the leading position, with individuals seeking methods to increase their competitiveness. Doping is one of the mechanisms used by athletes to enhance their abilities to run,...

Effects of Human Trafficking on the Victims

Human trafficking is one of the most disturbing and atrocious forms of exploitation of people. Apart from affecting victims physically, it also damages their mental health significantly, thus, causing an array of health issues and complications. Due to continuously being subjected to physical and emotional violence, human trafficking victims develop...

TikTok Addiction Among Teenagers

Introduction The headline in the selected story is that teenagers who are addicted to TikTok are more likely to experience severe depression, anxiety, and limited working memory. The selected article was obtained from a news website called PsyPost and was published online on January 25, 2022. The article captured my...

Music: The 00s and Modern Latin Alternative Rock

Introduction It can be said that music is both the heart and the language of culture. A specific cultural group’s melodies and singing manners can reveal many things about its representatives. So I dedicated my ears and mind to rock music from South and Central America. I found many new...

Criminal Sentencing Options

Many alternative and innovative sentencing options are implied in the current criminal justice system because of the system’s need to adapt. Various circumstances may lead to the implication of those options instead of traditional ones. For instance, a recent study reports that the criminal justice system of England and Wales...

Emily Dickinson and Robert Browning

Feminism has been a matter of intrigue from across the civilizations man has ever passed through. Women have always fought for their rightful dominance, involvement, and expression at home, in their workplaces, and in various fields which are considered male-dominated. Women still face gender stereotypes that diminish feminism, resulting in...

CBT and Depression

Major depressive disorder (MDD), known as depression, is commonly characterized by relatively long periods of low mood that could last from two weeks to several years. Individuals affected by MDD experience a loss of interest in things that previously brought them pleasure and other mental struggles, such as low self-esteem...

Puerto Rico’s Languages, Religion, Geography

Puerto Rico, formally known as the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico, is a Caribbean Island with a population of 3,142,779 people as of July 2021 (Central Intelligence Agency, n.d.). Puerto Rico has a rich culture that includes Spanish, American, and Afro-Caribbean influences (Greiner, 2018). Tropical rainforests cover part of the island’s...

Instrumental Values as a Tool in the Leadership Approach

For every person, there are terminal values that play a significant role in life. Hence, based on these attitudes, individuals build their way and choose education, work, and partner. In other words, terminal values represent the ultimate aim of people’s lives, what they want to achieve the most. My terminal,...

Addressing Economic Inequality: The Pandemic Challenge

Economic inequality continues to be relevant to modern society, with the full range of human rights being available only to the wealthy minority. However, many social workers have now been focusing on working toward addressing the issue, with their commitment to social justice and equal human rights being illustrated by...

Electric Cars Sales: Impact of High Gas Prices

The present article dwells on today’s increasing demand for electric cars in the market as a response to the ongoing gas price increase and uncertainty surrounding gas supply to the US from Russia due to the recent Russian invasion of Ukraine and sanctions related. In the article, the author addresses...

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Readiness of ‘Daager’ Brigade Combat Team of Infantry Division

The given report features the readiness status of the ‘Daager’ Brigade Combat Team of Infantry division stationed in Kansas. The report aims to measure the Brigade’s efforts to meet new standards as the Brigade is to go to Germany where it will serve on a regular basis instead of a...

Pain Management in Post-Operative Patients With Emotional Freedom Techniques

Evidence-based research is critical for the continuous development of strategies used to manage pain and treat medical conditions. Thus, a relevant and well-built research question can guide researchers in investigating the critical aspects of illnesses and how they respond to particular interventions. The proposed PICO (T) question is “in post-operative...

East Village Animal Hospital’s Humanitarian Alliance Program

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The United States-Mexico-Canada Agreement Benefits

In the present day, regional trading agreements may be defined as a treaty signed by several countries in order to encourage trade and the movement of products and services across its members’ borders. In general, international tariffs, quotas, and other trade barriers limit the transportation of goods and services across...

The Great Awakening in Christian History

The Great Awakening was a liberal movement that spread through Britain’s thirteen colonies. The Great Awakening altered the idea and framework of religion in colonies. It was a religious awakening at a time when secular rationalism was emphasized. Instead of a commercial society, there was an emphasis on salvation and...

Factors of Decision-Making by Healthcare Managers

Healthcare managers occasionally encounter situations that require them to make critical decisions in healthcare facilities. Decision-making is considered a complicated affair that may involve clinical and non-clinical situations. Multiple factors such as financial resources, treatment options, ethics, quality, and legal aspects are some requirements that a health manager must consider...

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The Canadian Healthcare System’s Key Challenges

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Fake News on Social Media and How to Prevent It

Information can be considered one of the most important assets because it provides knowledge on various matters. People obtain data from different sources, such as other individuals, books, magazines, or the Internet. Nonetheless, not all information or ways of acquiring it present reliable facts. For instance, news that is spread...

Companies Transforming into the Global Market

Leadership influences business performance significantly by affecting the decision-making processes. At the upper ranks of management, a leader’s influence can reverberate across an entire organization. The general company performance relies on customer and employee satisfaction and the organization’s ability to compete with rivals for a wider market share (Cortellazzo et...

Aspects of Tech Support II Salary

Introduction When it is necessary to offer a new position, an organization can face challenges because it is necessary to determine a salary that will be both appropriate for the business and attractive to candidates. The Chief Financial Officer and the Chief Executive Officer make the final decision regarding salary...

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“The Rich Get Richer…” Book by Reiman & Leighton

The book’s central thesis is that the justice system cannot cope with the rising crime rate and often condemns only the poor. This can happen because the less wealthy segments of the population do not have great opportunities, such as an expensive lawyer. Thus, even if a person is innocent,...

Difference between GAAP and IFRS

Organizations are forced to abide by specific accounting requirements depending on where they operate. For example, companies from the United States have slightly different rules compared to firms from a European country. In particular, Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (GAAP) provide US companies with regulations, while many organizations outside the United...

Female Sexuality and Beauty Representation

The question of female sexuality is being hotly debated in academic, political, and general public arenas. This resulted in the woman’s appearance being redrawn, among other things. In one way or another, the 1950s appear to have started such a change in television and popular culture on a larger scale...

Stakeholders: Consumer Behaviour

Companies are to focus both on internal and external stakeholders when making decisions and implementing new business models. The parties that are directly or indirectly affected by the company’s decisions or contribute to its operations are essential, as the survival of the organization depends on them. In this paper, Google...

Benchmarking as a Management Tool

One of the main tasks of the management of an economic entity is to increase the efficiency of its operations. While the traditional methods of managing such as an enterprise becomes less effective in a rapidly growing global market, the increasing popularity of such management instrument as benchmarking is well-grounded....

Licious Whiskers: Product Development Proposal

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Globalization: Challenges and Opportunities for Culture

Introduction Globalization is primarily connected with the internationalization of all social activities on Earth. This means that in the modern era, all of humanity is part of a single system of socio-cultural, economic, political, and other ties, interactions, and relationships. Accordingly, all existing relationships between cultures and countries are especially...

The Balanced Scorecard: Measures That Drive Performance

One of the main problems of managers in the business world is how to evaluate the company’s achievements fast and effectively. The main factor that influences the job performance is the employees’ behavior. There is the traditional approach which does not give qualitative results. The business research conducted by Kaplan...

Engineering: Sewing Machine Timeline

1700 In 1755, Charles Weisenthal, a German immigrant who lived in England patented “a needle to be used for mechanical sewing” (“The Origins of the Sewing Machine” 1). No one tried to use this machine and no one knows if it could be used for sewing. In 1790, Thomas Saint,...

Presidency in US: Bush Vs. Obama

American society has long been regarded as one of the most democratic and exemplary societies in the world. The three branches of power balance each other, and society is secured from any violations. However, the beginning of the twenty-first century was the beginning of the new era for American society...

Literature Resources in William Faulkner’s “A Rose, for Emily”

There is no use denying the fact that literature is a very powerful remedy that has a great influence on people. There are many ways in which this influence can be realized. Authors can use unexpected development of a plot or some unusual stylistic devices to attract a reader or...

Breastfeeding Advantages and Disadvantages

Breastfeeding Breastfeeding is associated with several benefits to both the child and its mother. Breast milk provides immunity advantages to the child because it carried antibodies derived from the mother (Kail & Cavanaugh, 2006). This helps the child fight diseases before their immune system is competent to produce their antibodies....

HealthPartners Organization’s Strategic Direction

Topic Selection HealthPartners is a non-profit health care provider with a long history in the health care industry of the United States. HealthPartners is located in Bloomington, Minnesota. The health care organization was established in 1957, and the main focus was on provision the high-quality care for the community members....