The Older Americans Act’s Critique

Older Americans are an important part of American society because of their contribution to the economy through adding vital experience and voluntary service as community work. However, they face several challenges to their health and financial status due to their old age. The Older Americans Act was enacted in 1965...

Type 1 Diabetes: Characteristics, Epidemiology

Type 1 diabetes, also known as juvenile diabetes is a rare form of diabetes. Between five and ten percent of patients who are diagnosed with diabetes suffer from this form of diabetes. It is an autoimmune condition that causes the immune system of the patients to damage cells that produce...

Leadership in Healthcare Institutions

Leadership style in a healthcare institution refers to the methods used to give instructions to nurses, execute plans and motivate nurses to perform their duties. Most essential leadership traits for clinical officers include tolerance of stress, willingness to accept responsibility, self-confidence, energy, assertiveness, and decisiveness (McConnell, 2012). The contingency theory...

Ethical Issues of HeLa Cells

Introduction HeLa cells are an essential tool for various biomedical researches, which have significantly contributed to the development of science. The history of them has multiple ethical issues to discuss. Henrietta Lacks, the African-American woman, who had vaginal bleeding, was treated in a segregated section of Johns Hopkins Hospital, the...

Alexander’s “The New Jim Crow” and Its Relation to Psychiatry

The New Jim Crow is a horrifying record by Michelle Alexander based on the race caste system’s return to the United States. According to the story, a large number of African Americans are imprisoned and afterward consigned to a perpetual inferior status (Alexander, 2020). The circumstance denied the rights such...

The Modern Age and Health of the Nation

The modern age could be characterized by the growth of the level of attention given to tolerance and humanism. That is why, it is obvious that in terms of this process, the issue of the health of the nation and its main aspects are considered to be of great importance....

The Qualitative and Quantitative Research Designs in Nursing

The use of both qualitative and quantitative research designs is critical for different professionals, including nurses. This paper is aimed at discussing the primary strengths and weaknesses of each approach. This discussion can be important for medical workers who need to know how to examine the most important problems affecting...

Country Context and Intercultural Competence

In order to examine the specific countries’ contexts and their association with intercultural competence, it is possible to focus on the African countries and China. In African countries, the impact of colonization on cultural development and people’s attitudes to multiculturalism is significant. However, the role of traditions and formal norms...

Ethics of Affirmative Action Plan

Though there are different definitions of affirmative action, the underlying idea is more or less the same in most situations. According to the Minnesota department of human rights (n.d), affirmative action plans consist of goal-oriented management policies that help in ensuring minimum barriers exist in the pursuit of employment opportunities...

“Climate Change Facts and Effect on Economy” by Amadeo

Introduction These days, the topic of multiple ecological problems appears to be extremely relevant, and it is widely discussed among all the categories of the population. The fact that human activity has a negative impact on nature and its perseverance has become evident. Kimberly Amadeo attempts to address one of...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Coca-Cola Branding, Mission, Vision and Values

Brands have risen to become a significant intangible asset of a firm. Product branding requires a firm to apply both art and science skillfully to build a strong valuable brand. A strong brand requires creative designing, careful planning and execution. Branding gives a quick identification to the product’s manufacturer (Kottler...

Prejudice and Lost Innocence in Mary Shelley’s “Frankenstein”

\Frankenstein’s monster is, perhaps, one of the most sympathetic characters in the pantheon of monsters that have become emblematic of the horror genre. Although modern readers are unlikely to find the novel quite as chilling as their predecessors did, “Frankenstein” raises quite several disturbing themes that still hold relevance for...

Phineas Gage and Frontal Lobes

Neuroscience psychology involves an integrated approach that is aimed at understanding the brain’s effect on psychological responses. One of the critical aspects of learning to treat mental health and wellness challenges effectively is recognizing the link between physical responses and potential emotional issues. In this regard, in neuroscience, Phineas Gage...

Culture and Health Care: Chinese Health Practices

Understanding the cultural practices of a given group of people is always important when providing care for these patients. According to Purnell (2012), it is important to understand some of the cultural practices of a given group of people to be able to offer patients of that particular group a...

Artifact Looting in Archaeology

Looting and smuggling of illegally obtained artifacts have become a major problem for various branches. In terms of archaeology, this tendency prevents experts from examining the items, hiding important findings from professionals. In addition, looting receives the attention of the world’s governmental services, as it is criminal activity related to...

Managerial Accounting: Tools for Business Decision-Making

Absorption, variable, and throughput costing are three approaches to assigning costs to report income statements in managerial accounting. These approaches differ in the ways they treat products and cost periods. For example, external reporting is usually based on absorption costing to prepare financial statements, which implies accumulating all the costs...

COVID-19: Virus Which Killed Millions

Introduction Historically, people have always encountered pandemics which led to numerous deaths; they were difficult to contain and lasted for several years. The COVID-19 pandemic became the first event in the twenty-first century that disrupted healthcare services worldwide. Today, official statistics which track new cases of the virus show that...

The History Behind “On Being Brought From Africa to America”

In the Poem “On Being Brought from Africa to America” by Phillis Wheatley, an in-depth interpretation will show that Wheatley contrasts dark vs. light imagery, and her use of language highlights race and religion. Furthermore, the author uses an ambivalent representation of the African race using the perspectives of white...

International Change Theory in American Sport

Introduction Sports science is one of the most accomplished fields in American research due to the historical and cultural importance successes in sports hold for the United States. It is, therefore, not a surprise that theoretical frameworks have been developed across fields to analyze the famous successes and failures of...

Chapters 1-5 of “Soar!” Book by T. D. Jakes

In the first chapter, T.D. Jakes describes what drives his vision and the ability to do so much. He credits much to his upbringing and the example set by his father, maintaining an attitude of a ‘hustler’ and work ethic. At the same time, Jakes believes that hard work is...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Health Law: EMTALA, Stark Law, and the Medical False Claims Act

EMTALA, Emergency Medical Treatment, and Active Labor Act is a regulation that requires health care establishments to provide emergency treatment and examination, regardless of individuals’ ability to pay, access to insurance, and legal status. The provisions focus on such services as medical screening requirements, stabilizing treatment, restriction transfers, and enforcement....

Friendship and Good Life in “Song of Myself” Poem by Walt Whitman

The poem “Song of Myself” is an epic work of literature as the poet dedicates it to celebrating himself. An interesting aspect of the poem is its length and its free verse nature. It is divided into fifty-two sections, with each part introducing a slightly new concept about celebrating oneself...

Nathanial Hawthorne’s “Young Goodman Brown”

It is Nathanial Hawthorne’s Young Goodman Brown that still makes students’ minds and imaginations work hard after reading the short story. The plot is marvelous as per both theological and moral issues. Undeniable, the short story is one that makes one rethink the ideas and values of own life due...

Requirements and Expectations for Directors and Administrators in Maryland

Directors and Administrators in Maryland have to follow the rules and comply with the standards written out in the official documents like “Child Care Center Standards.” Such standards create a framework that determines the role and responsibilities of Directors and Administrators. They are critical since it is necessary for everyone...

DunkinDonuts Twitter Analysis: Social Interaction Network Properties

Twitter is a global social network that unites millions of users around the world. Many people use Twitter for private purposes, to share their thoughts or memories. In addition, this network is a popular platform for various companies and organizations. The Dunkin Donuts restaurant account (@dunkindonuts) discussed in this essay...

The Problems Raised by the Spread of Nuclear Weapons

Introduction A nuclear weapon is a device that produces enormous explosive energy due to atomic fusion, atomic fission, or a combination of the two reactions. Nuclear bombs are also called fission weapons, while thermonuclear missiles are referred to as meld weapons or hydrogen bombs. The early atomic bombs were conveyed...

Consistent Messaging Across All Forms of Promotion

Large companies are associated with high-quality products and services that can meet the demands of the targeted customers. Unfortunately, such attributes will do nothing to change organizational performance if the targeted buyers are unaware of the existing items. The concept of promotion is critical since it makes it possible for...

Use of Logic in Susan Glaspell’s “Trifles”

Trifles, a work by Susan Glaspell, follows the structure of a common murder mystery but includes elements of social commentary and issues of great value. It can be summarized as a murder of a husband by a wife and the two connected yet individual investigations that follow. The story’s unique...

Assassination of Julius Caesar

Julius Caesar was assassinated by a few senators who wanted to keep the republic of Rome and wanted to end his reign. He had established himself such that he was well known and an important person in antiquity. He also had a good personality and was in control of the...

Benefits and Challenges of Using Drones for the Police

Drones are becoming a state-of-the-art trend in policing. However, their implementation may face some difficulties regarding privacy and information security. Chavis (2021) claims that police used helicopter flyovers to gain information, and additionally, some police departments started utilizing more sophisticated tools of aerial surveillance such as drones. Although such a...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Energy Crisis and Policy in the United States

The energy-climate crisis is a serious problem all over the world that needs to be addressed. Energy is associated with security, which is critical to each state’s safety and independence. At the same time, a number of factors have shaped society’s view of the global energy industry. Currently, countries of...

Postponement Strategy in Business

Introduction A “postponement” strategy is a business strategy that defers investment until the last possible moment. It is believed that this strategy reduces the risk of unsuccessful investments and the potential profit increases. This approach has several advantages. For example, in supply chain management, in cases where it is impossible...

“A Beautiful Mind” Directed by Ron Howard Review

Introduction to the Movie A Beautiful Mind is a 2001 drama film directed by Ron Howard and produced by Brian Grazer. The film revolves around the life of John Forbes Nash Jr, a mathematician. Nash made a unique discovery when he was still young in his career, which propelled him...

Home Depot Firm’s Statement of Cash Flows & Debt Repayment Problems

While examining the statement of cash flows from Home Depot for the past two years, one can note some unique features that reflect the financial strength of the organization. As a significant criterion, net earnings should be considered, which, compared to 2019, increased by $1.5 billion. Based on such parameters...

Fighting for Political Power: Analysis of Documentary Video

Fighting for political power is the fourth episode of the video documentary Chicano. The history of the Mexican-American civil rights movement is how the Chicanos demanded political representation formulation of their part La Rada Unida for a change in the U.S political field. The film begins with five Mexican-Americans elected...

Why Bullying Is Wrong and Methods of Resolving Disputes Without Violence

Bullying creates a harmful and toxic environment, with the impact of this behavior manifesting later in both parties’ lives. Students who are under constant bullying experience physical, emotional, academic, social, and psychological deterioration. As a result, victims of bullying lack confidence, have few friends and become reserved. Those who bully...

Arab Representation in the Media Project

Introduction Nowadays, there is a wide range of stereotypes concerning every ethnic group forming a community in developed countries. Therefore, people tend to ascribe specific behavioral patterns to people belonging to these groups. Unfortunately, some offensive traits of character and unpleasant habits may be expected from a person who never...

Socialization in “Life as the Maid’s Daughter” by Mary Romero

Mary Romero’s Life as the Maid’s Daughter is an essential piece of literature highlighting the differences between white upper-middle-class and Mexican working-class societies. The research was assisted by private household workers of color, sharing their experiences and struggles. The narrative follows Teresa’s life, a live-in maid’s daughter, exploring the constant...

Technology Impact on Communication

Communication is one of the key aspects of human life, and people interact with their neighbors, friends, and family daily. The introduction of modern technologies has changed the way people communicate, and in the twenty-first century, the percentage of those who use technologies and various gadgets has dramatically increased. The...

Electricity Consumption in El Paso, Texas

Electricity is one of the essential resources in people’s daily lives. It is needed both in non-residential premises to perform many tasks and in residential ones to ensure the vital activity of the population. Electricity is necessary for everyone, and people need to pay for it, and the issue of...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Reconstruction Years in United States History

Reconstruction was a relatively short period in US history that followed immediately after the Civil War and marked a qualitatively new developmental stage of the state. Reconstruction took place between 1865 and 1877; within this time, the states that separated from the Union before the Civil War reunited with the...

Grand Canyon Geology in Two Articles

The first article on the geology of the Grand Canyon, where a series of events led to the emergence of the canyon. It began with the formation of the inner gorge’s metamorphic and igneous rocks two billion years ago, which were uplifted between 70 and 30 million years ago due...

Mishnah and Gemara Interpretation: The True Meaning of the Hand

Interpreting religious texts always represents a substantial degree of complexity due to the multiple approaches to understanding the meaning of a specific message or a certain term. The Talmud is no exception to the observed rule, with its Mishnah and Gemara, or the written text and the perception of its...

Queer (LGBT) Hiring Policy’s Purpose and Authority

Policy Title: LGBT Hiring Policy Purpose Organizational consulting specialists (policy-makers) try to implement a new hiring policy regarding the LGBT population in the administrative processes of company performance. Authority Social context is the profound element of social psychology structure predisposing individuals’ mind-shaping in a concrete social and working environments. LGBT...

Applying to Boston Architectural College

My name is Xhesi Qose, 20 years old. As far back as I can remember, I dreamed of becoming an architect. Where others see projects, experimentation, and the presentation of architecture as a chore, I only see excitement and beauty. However, unfortunately, after graduating from Winthrop High School in 2019,...

Anna Frank: The Power of Hope Personified

Introduction One can safely say that the story of Anne Frank, her family, and those people who lived with her in a small annex in Amsterdam in 1942 is one of the most tragic and heartbreaking biographies known to humanity. Her diary is a collection and representation of both the...

Modern Fantasy in the Book Charlotte Huck’s Children’s Literature: A Brief Guide

Modern Fantasy is a chapter from the book Charlotte Huck’s Children’s Literature: A Brief Guide written by Barbara Kiefer and Cynthia Tyson (McGraw-Hill Education, 2018). This chapter of the book focuses on the theme of the modern fantasy genre of literature, the types of fantasy literature for children, and whether...

The US Regional Tensions in the 1850s – The First Half of the 1860s

In the 1850s – the first half of the 1860s, the United States went through a period of regional tensions that eventually led to the rebellion of the Southern States and a bloody civil war. In 1854, after the passage of the Kansas-Nebraska Act, fighting broke out between supporters and...

Evil Humanity in “Night” Book by Elie Wiesel

Introduction “Night” is the first book in a trilogy written in 1960 by the prominent author Elie Wiesel, awarded the Nobel Prize in 1986. This work is based on Wiesel’s Holocaust experience, which he and his father, who died from the beating, got during the Second World War in 1944-1945....

A Manager’s Awareness of Employees’ Working Styles

After completing the assessment questionnaire, the result shows that my preferred working style is analytical. The outcome did not astonish me at all since the presented attribute in the evaluation aligns with my observed style of working. I believe that my analytical working style helps me and the team to...

Ethics: Women’s Right to Abortion

Abortion is the termination or evacuation of an embryo or fetus from a pregnant woman. In the past, abortion limits and bans have been in place for three primary reasons. To begin with, the procedure was risky, and abortion doctors were murdering a large number of women (Berer, 2017). As...

Utilitarianism and PR During the Pandemic

The most relevant area for consideration of ethical issues at the moment is public relations and information policy. Often within the framework of this discipline, the PR manager is faced with difficult dilemmas requiring the use of an ethical framework. The situation of a pandemic in which it seems difficult...

The State of Modern Work Attitudes in Relation to COVID-19

Introduction In addition to health care, global trade, and the standard manner people interact, COVID-19 has irrevocably affected work behaviors and attitudes. As Karácsony (2021) notes, “the virus has had a significant impact on … the labor market” (p. 1). A vast body of knowledge and scientists’ attention is rightly...

Vincent Parillo “Causes of Prejudice”: Key Ideas

Throughout the world, human equality has always been a problem. Stereotypes, discrimination, and prejudice have become intergenerational, and society has accepted these forms of behaviors as satisfactory and usual. Based on the article Causes of Prejudice, Vincent N. Parrillo argues that prejudice appears in two forms, either sociological or psychological....

Teaching Foreign Languages in the Online School

Introduction This proposal suggests launching a program in the online school to add foreign languages to the list of taught disciplines to attract new potential customers, expand business activity, and raise profits. The three years of the online school’s existence have demonstrated that, as a private educational organization, it has...

The History of Tibetan Buddhism

Tibetan Buddhism is generally divided into two periods of dissemination: earlier (ngadar) and later (chidar) dissemination. Tantric Buddhism, in turn, had a major influence on all types of Tibetan Buddhism. Vajrayana Buddhism in particular involves a significant emphasis on Tantric practices. Although there is no standard list of Tantric techniques,...

Mondavi’s Wine Company: Advantages and Challenges

Growing and selling wines in the USA have differed greatly from the practices adopted in the Old World. Stricter regulation of the industry as well as an accent on branding and marketing, allowed New World wine companies to compete favorably against the best wine companies of the Old World. Among...

The Baby Food Shortage: Public Service Announcement

The first two years of a baby’s life are essential in terms of nutrition. Food shortage is expected in the developing world and not in affluent countries. The recent baby formula shortage in the United States Food is an essential component of life since it contains vitamins, minerals, proteins, fats,...

The Main Features of the European Renaissance

The Renaissance is an epoch of the development of European countries. This era is the time of an unprecedented burgeoning of art, an era of geographical and scientific discoveries, and the development of banking, trade, and crafts. Among the main characteristics of Renaissance art are skillful brushwork, integrated compositions, perspective,...

Active Shooter Situations Preventions Aspects

An active shooter is a person who actively participates in mass murder or in an attempt to kill people at close range in a single planned act. In most cases, active shooters use firearms but do not have a specific criterion for choosing victims. The behavior of active shooters is...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Positive Net Operating Profit in E-Business

As an e-business start-up to analyze, the firm is involved, which manufactures beauty gift boxes for women and sells them online. To achieve a positive net operating profit (NOP) over the next one to two years, this is crucial to assess a number of factors that affect revenue. These criteria...

Diffusion and Mechanism of Culture Change

The mechanism of culture change selected for the analysis is diffusion. Diffusion, or the transfer of ideas, habits, or customs from one culture to another, leads to significant innovations when cultures converge (Haviland et al. 115). One of the crucial causes of diffusion is migration, whether free or forced. Haviland...

Management of Organizational Change

Organizational change is an essential element in the work of any company. A good manager has a clear idea of how necessary periodic changes in the company’s activities are. Nevertheless, the implementation of steps to reorganize work often causes difficulties that cannot always be overcome. Obstacles in the implementation of...

Sugar Addiction and Its Negative Effects

Sugar, although not always consumed directly, has become an inevitable part of people’s diet. Currently, it comprises more than 10% of one’s daily calorie intake, whereas the recommended dose should not exceed 5% of an average ratio (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention). Such an increase in sugar consumption happens...

Films “172 Hours” and “The Day After Tomorrow”

Introduction People have been known to act in extraordinary ways to survive. Perhaps it has something to do with the brutal, distinctly human ability to adapt to anything or the reminder that the Earth can be a shocking yet abundant place. Still, wilderness survival stories are always some of the...

Attachment Theory and Personality Development

Insecure attachment styles develop in childhood due to dysfunctional relationships between caregivers and children. Secure attachment develops when a child receives proper attention from parents, causing the formation of a healthy personality type that is not afraid of rejection or intimacy (Fuchshuber et al., 2019). Infants with a secure attachment...

The Analysis of Unilever Company

Unilever is one of the largest manufacturers of home hygiene products, household chemicals, as well as food products. The main goal of Unilever is to make a sustainable and decent quality of life accessible to everyone, therefore, business is conducted here so that not only the company, but society as...

Nike: Social Media Marketing Campaign

Nike’s social media inclusion campaign is a way for the company to contribute to the development of a more accepting society that embraces diversity. As the company is one of the biggest brands in the clothing industry, has a massive following and brand loyalty, and is known worldwide, the social...

Aspects of Cognitive Behavioral Therapy

The medical field of psychiatry has several methods of treating difficult and debilitating disorders in people. One is cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT), which encompasses many treatment activities and procedures – cognitive reappraisal behavioral and motivation strategies, emotional regulation, and psychoeducation. CBT has been proven effective when treating mental illnesses such...

The NextGen Transportation System Implementation

The document critiqued is a report of the Government Accountability Office (GAO) on the implementation of the Next Generation Air Transportation System (NextGen) by the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA). NextGen is a platform for transitioning air traffic from ground-based control to satellite navigation, digital communications, and automated position reporting by...

The Fall of Humanity: Adam’s Role

Every person familiar with the Bible knows the events that resulted in Adam and Eve being banished from heaven. However, if questioned regarding who is to blame for those events’ occurrence – Adam or Eve – many people will find it difficult to answer correctly. Chronologically, Eve did sin before...

American Apparel: The Ethical Conflicts

This study of American Apparel found ethical conflicts such as untimely paying employees, using taboo topics in the community to promote their product, and insults and abuse by supervisors towards rank-and-file employees. Taking a closer look at the problems of bosses’ treatment of rank-and-file employees, it’s worth mentioning that Dov...

Aspects of Cloud Computing

Introduction Two areas are particularly important to focus on when developing a concept for cloud computing technologies. The design should allow a user to secure data, and also, data assets that may be stored in the cloud should be easily accessed through the window of shared activities in the cloud...

Effective Leadership: The Main Features

The success of a business depends on the employees’ productivity and the leadership qualities of the management. Various narratives define who an effective leader is. Some theories define effective leaders as authoritative and insensitive to the employees’ feelings, while others describe them as those who engage with the workforce and...

The Beautiful Age in Art, Literature, and Music

Art In the painting “Impression Sunrise” (1872-1873), Claude Monet managed to convey the unity of the sea surface with the sky and the rising sun with extraordinary accuracy (Monet). The glare of the rays on the surface of the water appears to the audience as if alive. Claude Monet expressed...

Agriculture: Personal Field Visit

Agriculture is an essential part of the State’s activities. Thus, like any other industry, it may experience changes over time. Hence, as part of this scientific project, I visited a field in Hong Kong. Prior to the introduction of alterations initiated by the British government, these territories were engaged in...

The Line Operation Safety Audit (LOSA) Benefits

Line operation safety audit (LOSA) is a safety tool designed to gather cockpit observation without jeopardy whenever a normal flight operation occurs. It provides insights through knowing observable behavior by identifying latent and overt threats and aggregating crew performance and errors (Li et al., 2021). Analyzing threat management and error...

Is Binge-Watching Television Bad for You?

People spend a significant amount of their time watching TV. Moreover, the emergence and evolution of streaming services increased the number of hours individuals spend in front of screens. The popularity of TV series and shows proves that millions of people like this content and wait for new episodes. For...

Christian-Islamic “Holy Wars” Heritage

It does not seem fair to claim that Islam is a purely “warrior” religion, considering its doctrine as a whole. Such a misinterpretation mostly comes from the fact that contemporary jihadists are motivated by a selective view of fundamental Islamic writings (Qur’an, Sunna) and chronology (Daniel, 1958). They consider themselves...

Scenes From the Movies: Indiana Jones Ride

Introduction There will be a number of scenes from the movies and, accordingly, from the Indiana Jones Ride that Clarissa, Patti, and I will imitate while sitting on the three-person sofa leaning on each other. One of the most entertaining scenes in any Indiana Jones film is the rescue from...

Similarities Between the Male and Female Reproductive Systems

Introduction Although there are substantial differences between male and female bodies, their reproductive systems have similarities. Understanding how these processes resemble one another is important in ascertaining the interconnected biology of men and women. The most important aspect of reproduction is that neither gender is self-reliant and needs the opposite...

Rousseau’s “The Social Contract” vs. Martin Luther King’s “Philosophy of Nonviolence”

Introduction Jean-Jacques Rousseau’s The Social Contract and Martin Luther King Jr.’s philosophy of nonviolence are both influential works that address the question of how individuals and society should interact. Both authors believed in the importance of freedom and equality, but they had different ideas on how to achieve these goals....

Role of the Weather Radar in Aviation

The weather radar plays a critical role in aviation safety by providing crucial information about weather patterns and conditions to pilots, air traffic control, and meteorologists. This information helps to mitigate the risk of flying in hazardous weather conditions, such as turbulence, thunderstorms, and heavy rain, by providing real-time updates...

Muscular Strength and Muscular Endurance

Introduction Muscle strength is the maximum load a muscle can withstand. Exercises to create conditions of isometric contraction and single-weight maximum allow one to determine the magnitude and nature of muscle strength (Cronkleton, 2019). After receiving the appropriate signal from the brain, the muscle fibers begin to work, which leads...

“The Hero’s Journey” Essay by Jessica Klein

Introduction Motherhood is the socio-psychological and biological state of a mother’s woman, arising under the influence of her physical and social relations with the child. This definition describes motherhood in scientific terms, whereas each woman can depict it differently, relying on their experience (Emecheta 3). From isolation to bustle, from...

Applying Diffusion of Innovation Theory to Intervention Development: Article Critique

In the article, Applying Diffusion of Innovation Theory to Intervention Development, Dearing (2009) investigated the diffusion theory by focusing on seven key issues – “intervention attributes, intervention clusters, demonstration projects, societal sectors, reinforcing contextual conditions, opinion leadership, and intervention adaptation” (p. 503). He found out that these issues accelerated the...

Decision Making in Human and Social Services

The presented case explores how a human service professional finds himself in a precarious situation. According to the case, the professional realizes that the targeted community engages in specific rituals such as smoking marijuana. This kind of ritual is a critical attribute of their meditation processes (Diller, 2015). The professional...

Criminal Law: Stolen Valor

The people who have served in the military can attest to the sacrifices that are involved in battlefronts and other military activities. Earning a medal of honor through military service is a treasured experience for the military men and women who strife through tough and dangerous conditions. Serving in the...

“Incorporating Bedside Reporting into Change-of-Shift Report”: Article Analysis

Major Points of the Article The article “Incorporating Bedside Reporting into Change-of-Shift Report” supports the importance of positive nursing practices. According to Laws (2010, p. 70), “bedside change-of-shift reporting has the potential to empower both patients and caregivers”. Every patient expects to be “involved in the decision regarding his or...

Walmart Company Environmental Sustainability

All companies are trying to become more responsible as it helps them attract new customers. Walmart is one of the largest international retailers and it had a number of scandals in the past. People have accused the company of being irresponsible and unsustainable. However, the company stipulates that it is...

The Green Motor Car Company Marketing

Introduction The development of technology enables people to choose better options for their lives. Apart from this contemporary people can afford taking care of nature. These two factors contribute to the development of the green motor car market. Green motor cars buyers can benefit from saving money on fuel, and...

“Arraignment of the Men” by Sor Juana Ines de la Cruz

Introduction Sor Juana Ines de la Cruz was the famous Mexican poetess of the XVII century and the outstanding personality of her time. She went into a convent when she was young and devoted her life to serving God. Sor Juana Ines de la Cruz was one of the most...

Water Management and Ecology Issues

On the whole, water management is one of the job skills that are of great importance to many organizations and institutions that can be both public and private. It should be noted that this area incorporates the elements of different disciplines; for example, one can speak about hydrology, geology, planning...

Gender Bias in the Workplace Environment

Gender Bias in Firefighter Promotion: Factors When interpreting the outcomes of the test, one must focus on the values of p and the chi-square statistics. The given factors will help define whether the null hypothesis can be deemed as true or false. In the specified scenario, the absence of effects...

Shakespeare’s The Tempest and Image Exploration

The sea water is an important image of William Shakespeare’s play The Tempest because it symbolizes the power which can lead to the loss and devastation or which can symbolize the personal success because of being calm and consistent. Thus, the damaging power of the sea water is reflected in...

Events in the Concentration Camps: “Night” by Elie Wiesel

Introduction Eliezer’s has a very close relationship with his father in the beginning. However, the relationship between Eliezer and his father, Chlomo, change in the course of the novel. Initially, Eliezer and his father have a close relationship, even if Chlomo is very dedicated to the community, and Chlomo does...

Vivaldi “Four Seasons: Winter” Analysis

This analysis of Antonio Vivaldi “Winter” explores the harmonic and dynamics in the composition. Read this sample if you need to analyze Vivaldi’s “Winter.” Vivaldi “Winter” Analysis: Introduction For my referential analysis, I chose The Four Seasons: Violin Concerto in F minor, Op. 8, No. 4, Rv 297, L’inverno (Winter):...

IBM and Intel Companies Environmental Management

The significance of environmental awareness has risen several times over the past few years compared to its previous rates (Reinhardt & Stavins, 2014). As a result, a range of organizations adopt green policies in order to satisfy all stakeholders involved. However, not all companies manage to comply with the key...

Brazilian Economy: Strengths and Weaknesses

Brazil is becoming an economic powerhouse in the world today. This country has continued to enjoy a stable economic growth for the past 15 years (Sachs). Brazil has been opposing the industrialized world on many issues such as global warming and climate change. Brazil embraces the best economic practices and...

Bureaucracy in Next Value Line and Southwest Companies

Bureaucracy is a form of “organizational structure,” which helps to organize people working in large companies (Jones 137). It is necessary to add that the system is quite effective as a specific structure is formed, and employees know their responsibilities. However, bureaucracy can also lead to numerous issues in an...

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Schools in the 21st Century

Introduction Schools in the 21st century face numerous issues because of the increased technological advancements, which include e-learning, social media usage in classrooms, and/or self-paced learning (Kobalia & Garakanidze, 2010). In the 21st century, technological advancement is intense, especially with the development of internet facilities. Thus, many schools in this...

Photography Exhibition “Charles Harbutt, Departures and Arrivals”

The exhibition “Charles Harbutt, Departures and Arrivals” tries to reexamine and celebrate the photographic work of this great photojournalist. Harbutt is a successful photojournalist who managed to combine both commerce and art. The exhibition goes further to celebrate the relationship between “the printed page” and photography. On top of that,...

“Day of Infamy” a Book by Walter Lord

Born in 1917, Walter Lord was an outstanding historian and author. He wrote many books, most of which detail major historical events such as the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor in 1941. He toured many parts of the world, interviewing hundreds of eyewitnesses about their experiences before, during, and after...

Night by Elie Wiesel – Eliezer and His Father

Introduction: When Night Falls. Eliezer’s Story Starts Parent-child relationships have never been easy; since the dawn of time, people have been trying to work on the gap between the older and the younger generation, yet with little success; it seems that the solution of the problem is unique for each...

Labeling in Special Education

Currently, there is an intense debate about labeling and its effects in the area of special education. Some people believe that labeling is helpful because it distinguishes those students who have learning problems from those who are regarded as normal. Additionally, they also believe that it creates cultural solidarity. Arguably,...

Outsourcing of Jobs and Services

Introduction Outsourcing is the process through which one business contracts with another business to offer services that can be undertaken by employees in-house. Normally, the outsourced tasks could be executed by the business itself. However, there are advantages that outsourcing can bring to a company (Heric & Singh, 2010). The...

Visual, Aural, Read, Kinaesthetic Learning Styles

Introduction The learning process can be complicated by the inappropriately chosen learning strategy. People have different learning styles, so it is necessary to consider the peculiarities of each person and apply the correct learning strategy to assure the best effectiveness of the learning process. The Visual (V), Aural / Auditory...

The United States National Policy and Federalism

One advantage to a national policy that must be implemented by one agency of the federal bureaucracy. National policies are often compared to those of the federal governments, and, which is also rather important, there is a number of considerable differences between the two structures. One of the main advantages...

Evidence-Based Practice and Nursing Research

Burns, Gray, and Grove (2015, p. 3) provide a comprehensive definition of “research” in its connotation of repeated search or careful examination. At the baseline, research is a systematic inquiry wherein a hypothesis is formed and proved or disproved in a setting specific for the given area of study. Research...

Faith Factor and Mental Health in Young People

Addressing mental health issues requires a detailed analysis of the factors that affect the manta development of an individual, including not only the cognitive aspect of the brain’s functioning but also the emotional one. The necessity to appeal to the emotional state of the patient often serves as the justification...

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Sexually Transmitted Diseases: Patient Education

Clinical Question Sexually transmitted diseases (STD) affect the world’s population greatly nowadays. According to the World Health Organization (WHO), about a million of them are acquired every day (WHO, 2016). Rather often, people are not even aware of their condition until the moment they experience adverse effects. Thus, it is...

King Company’s Expansion and Quincy Labor Market

The expansion of The King Company in the United States depends on building new facilities in appropriate communities where the percentage of the skilled workers is rather high. If managers of The King Company are oriented to decreasing the costs associated with training of employees and focused on increasing the...

Income Inequality and Discrimination in the US

Discrimination has been a major challenge affecting the US in many ways. Some members of American society get more income than others based on gender, education, or race, among many others. It is hard to ensure equality when segregation is high because the more privileged will gain a higher social...

Ambush Marketing and Olympic Games Sponsors

Introduction Ambush marketing occurs when one firm opts to pay and become an official sponsor of an event and then another company attempts to ingeniously connect itself with the event without paying the required sponsorship fees. Techniques used in ambush marketing are several and include buying commercial time before and...

Worksite Health Promotions and Ethical Issues

Introduction Ethics are essential for the majority of work environments. In nursing, it is one of the most important aspects of practice. Patients expect nurses’ actions to be ethical. If nurses’ actions are unethical, they may bring physical, emotional, or psychological harm to patients, and this outcome should be avoided...

Roosevelt and Hitler: Democrat and Dictator

Introduction In 1933, the US and Germany received new political leaders. Franklin D. Roosevelt became the President of the US, and Adolf Hitler became the chancellor of Germany. The period in which they reached the power was a difficult one, the world trying to overcome the drastic outcomes of World...

Health Care Providers and Patients Communication

Introduction The aim of this paper is to propose the need for the study of communication between health care providers and patients and its subsequent improvement based on six domains of quality elaborated by the Institute of Medicine (IOM). In particular, the concept of communication is one of the most...

Gender Stereotypes in Women’s Opinion Study

This study focuses on the opinions of women and their perspectives on the prevalence of gender stereotypes. The qualitative research will best fit the purpose of the study. The participants will explore their experiences and the way they affected the formation of gender-related stereotypes. The qualitative methodology is the most...

Child Labor and Social Worker Interventions

The child labor is among the most terrible life issues that children face today around the world. According to the “International Labor Organization Statistics”, 211 million children between five and fourteen years old work globally. 120 million children work full time while others work part-time to support their families (Staff,...

Anxiety Disorders in the United States

Anxiety is a simple and very common reaction to stress and inconveniences. Its commonness is what makes it especially dangerous. Anxiety can be triggered by multiple factors such as fear, worry, uncertainty, nervous feeling, and denial among others. Anxiety as a disorder becomes overwhelming and starts preventing an individual from...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Economics: Carbon Tax vs. Cap-and-Trade System

Statement of Thesis Over the past few years, environmental issues in general and the issue of carbon emission in particular have gained impressive significance. In order to prevent the CO2 emissions from destroying the ozone layer and slacken down the process of ozone depletion, two major methods of reducing the...

Obesity Education in Social Media for Children

Evidence-Based Solution Background Despite numerous efforts, the issue of obesity remains one of the leading causes of health deterioration worldwide (World Health Organization, 2017). When considering the population that can be described as especially vulnerable to the specified disease, one must mention young children (Sahoo et al., ‎2015). According to...

Educational Research Methods and Data Collection

Different research projects are completed by means of various methods and techniques. However, comparing and contrasting those it is possible to find similarities in the methodology if the main idea of the research projects coincides. This paper aims to compare and contrast five research projects conducted in the sphere of...

Four Basic Metaparadigm Concepts in Nursing

In the process of nursing development, four key metaparadigms were identified, which were formed historically and became the basis to which many specialists adhere. These notions include the concept of patient, nurse, health, and environment. Each of these metaparadigms has its distinctive features and is an essential component of nursing....

Hines and Riis’ Photographs Analysis

Introduction Jacob Riis was a police reporter working for the New York Times paper that ensured that information on the poor working conditions was brought to light. In his works, Riis advocated for better working conditions, better housing, enough lighting, sanitation, and construction of city parks in different cities of...

“A Beautiful Mind” Film by Ron Howard

One of the best DVDs that is exemplary of the medium is “A Beautiful Mind” that was directed by Ron Howard; the film focused on the life of John Nash and can be considered as a form of fiction documentary. The basis behind this type of categorization is due to...

Smart Electric Grids: Definition and Advantages

Introduction Smart electric grids are an innovative solution in the field of electric infrastructure. These networks use digital technologies to improve monitoring of networks and address the environmental concerns. Along with the advantages offered by smart electric grids, the installation of these systems is rather costly and their widespread use...

Metaparadigms: Personal Nursing Philosophy

Two Practice-Specific Concepts Every nursing theory and philosophy should be supported by several practice-based concepts and explanations. Concept analysis is a crucial step in the development of nursing theories that have to be taken at the beginning to reduce ambiguity and focus on accuracy (Alligood, 2014). Regarding the already discussed...

Walmart Company’s Mission Statement Development

Introduction The Mission statement is crucial for both the customers and the firm. This is because it enables the customers to determine the firm’s purpose or goal in the market. Also, a company can communicate its purpose to the consumers through its mission statement. The following discussion develops and analyzes...

Sikorsky Aircraft: the Output Variation Rates

Providing high-quality services and products is an essential requirement for a company operating in the global economy environment. Because of increasingly high quality standards in the specified area due to the unceasing technological progress, it is crucial to apply the quality control strategy that will help control the production process...

Problem of Racism in the Modern World

Racism is a representation that innate biological characteristics of a person determine his or her behavior. This doctrine propagates a specific perception of the world in which individual’s personality does not perform as a determining factor while the fact of belonging to a particular racial group does. The purpose of...

Self-Fashioning in Society and Solitude by Keohane

Although Keohane does not directly discuss the relationship between education and work, the article provides a valuable perspective on the correlation. Education is personal and professional development while working is contributing to achieving a common goal because there is rarely work that is done entirely by one person alone. In...

Rosacea, Its Diagnosis and Treatment

Rosacea is a specific chronic skin condition that is classified as an inflammatory dermatosis, and it is typically observed on persons’ faces. In order to focus on the most effective treatment therapies, it is important to discuss characteristic features of this disorder and its etiology. The signs of rosacea include...

Efficacy of Telemedicine and Its Application in Healthcare

The technology of telehealth or Telemedicine is being applied actively in healthcare. There are various studies that examine the influence of telemedicine on participants: the results demonstrate that telehealth can provide better results than an on-site treatment. Although it might sound doubtful, Davis et al. (2011) conducted a study about...

Automaten Technik Baumann Company in the Parking Industry

The present case discusses the company Automaten Technik Baumann (ATB), which is a medium-sized manufacturer and distributor of parking meters for on-street parking. Due to the popularization of mobile parking and ticketing solutions, the company’s CEO Peter Bauer is worried that the demand for ATB’s products will drop significantly. Therefore,...

Online Teaching and Asynchronous Learning

Asynchronous E-learning Asynchronous E-learning involves learning through the internet facilitated and initiated by media, such as e mails, discussion groups, virtual libraries, Internet radio as well as visual band. Challenges faced when creating an active asynchronous discussions Asynchronous learning involves learning at one’s convenient time. Some learners might find it...

Joy Definition: Psychological Issue

Introduction There are many aspects of people’s lives that have a significant influence on their feelings, emotions, and behavior. Some individuals require psychological help to become happy and enjoy every day of their existence on Earth. The following paper is intended to provide a definition of joy in a broad...

The Interaction of the Patient With Environment

Student 1 Perspective The adaptive process model is a holistic system that facilitates the constant interaction of the patient with the changing internal and external environment. This model implies the optimum health wellbeing of the patient, adequate quality of life, and death with dignity. Also, it includes the four physiological...

Obamacare: Prevention and Emergency Care Services

Introduction The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (PPACA) of 2010 (often referred to as ObamaCare) has been a subject of heated debate because many people argue that this initiative is completely unfair and harmful for the country’s economy. Clearly, various negative aspects need further consideration or even complete elimination...

Problem of Child Abuse in Modern Society

Child abuse is a rampant issue in the modern world and some caregivers abuse children sexually, emotionally, and physically. Moreover, children face abuse in some institutions of learning from teachers and tutors, a factor that affects them. Children are human beings, and thus, they have rights that people ought to...

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Tectonic Plate Boundaries: History, Nature, and Classification

Some of the most catastrophic natural dangers – tsunamis, earthquakes, and volcanic eruptions – are usually connected with tectonic plate boundaries (Duarte and Schellart 1). Their emergence has caused a debate in the scientific world about their physical origins and their allocation within time and space dimensions. The 1755 great...

England’s Economic Potential and Political Issues

England is one of the most powerful countries in the modern world. It was a great empire up to the 20th century and this has some effects on modern life (Robson 547). The country has close ties with many other countries in the world. These ties contribute to the economic...

Joy Feeling and Its Value for People

Good events or experiences make a person feels happy and excited and fills him with the sense of satisfaction and fulfillment. The smile on the face is the evident symbol of joy. It is like a spring sunlight, soft and tender, and never dull. The personal achievements or receiving the...

Corporate Strategic Business Sourcing

Strategic sourcing is a procurement process that continuously improves and re-examines the buying activities of an organization. Strategic sourcing is the backbone of any organization functions. Strategic sourcing is important to a company because it determines its operations and overall profitability (Maromonte, 2008). Strategic sourcing is one of the major...

Facebook’s Social Media Algorithms Study Arguments

Introduction The article “The algorithmic imaginary: Exploring the ordinary affects of Facebook algorithms” discusses user experience with social network algorithms. The author examines user awareness of this domain and reviews the assumptions of people in terms of algorithmic computation. The purpose of this paper is to review the article and...

High-Dose Ara-C Patients in Evidence-Based Practice

Dissemination Strategies The practicum project under consideration is dedicated to the evaluation of actual needs and current knowledge of the target audience. The obtained data will be used for the assessment of educational programs design. It is important to select suitable dissemination strategies to provide the relevant research data. The...

Qualitative Study: “Skinny Is Not Enough”

In their qualitative study “Skinny Is Not Enough: A Content Analysis of Fitspiration on Pinterest,” Simpson and Mazzeo analyze fitspirational messages on social media websites. The authors utilize Bandura’ Social Cognitive Theory “to examine the standards and behaviors conveyed through social modeling, verbal messages, outcome expectancies, and social rewards in...

African Americans and Racial Profiling in the USA

The statement that the United States of America has entered the “post-racial” era is rather common these days, yet there are still many evidences that prove the opposite. Viewing the issue rationally, one my ask themselves a question: “The United States’ society has been through two hundred and forty years...

Practice Act for Advanced Practice Nurses in Florida

Introduction The Florida Nurse Act is put in place to ensure advanced practice nurses meet every minimum requirement for high-quality and safe practice. The Act governs the responsibilities of certified nurse midwives, nurse practitioners, certified nurse anesthetists, and clinical nurse specialists. This paper compares and contrasts these population-focused roles. It...

Voluntary Codes of Ethics for Supply Chain

Voluntary codes are internal arrangements embraced by organizations to promote desirable behaviors in the market environment (Steiner & Steiner 2012). These codes of ethics are guided by different moral theories that support the welfare for all. For instance, deontological models explain why ‘the voluntary consent of individuals and corporations is...