The attachment theory by John Bowlby is concerned with the relationships between humans from childhood to adulthood. The theory is formulated on the basis that for young children to have a stable social and emotional development, they need to develop a relationship with at least one caregiver. Infants seek comfort...
Topic: Attachment Theory
Words: 611
Pages: 2
Introduction Last year, the Louvre was visited by many millions of people, firmly entrenching its status as the most visited art museum in the world. The Louvre’s collections include the finest works of art through the mid-nineteenth century and exhibits of ancient civilizations. Naturally, the new generation is not burning...
Topic: Mona Lisa
Words: 611
Pages: 2
Moral dilemmas are contradictions between two behavior choices in a particular life situation. An ambiguous choice of behavioral strategy is common and places demand on the qualities of the individual. One of the most striking episodes that created a moral dilemma was a situation when I had to take care...
Topic: Caregiver
Words: 611
Pages: 2
Introduction The world is merely a collection of countries with their cultures and subcultures. Every person in each community is exposed to different sets of beliefs, perceptions, and traditions and cross-cultural communication helps people with spreading such information (Sage Knowledge, n.d.). In this sense, many cultures and subcultures revolve around...
Topic: Buddhism
Words: 611
Pages: 2
Introduction The advancement in technology has facilitated the practice of visual representation as means of communicating knowledge. Currently, most educators have resorted to using emerging high tech to enable them to pass intended information to the audience. Some of the renowned visual communication includes videos, pie charts, infographics, slide decks,...
Topic: Education
Words: 611
Pages: 2
Stocks and bonds are the sources of dividends in the long term when income is generated by paying interest or returning invested funds when owning the relevant securities. In their financial statements, companies reflect stock and bond performance when comparing the results for a particular period with those of an...
Topic: Economics
Words: 611
Pages: 2
The business industry is highly complicated, controversial, and fascinating at the same time. To run an organization effectively, there have to be rules and policies established. A compliance program, or CP, is a group of company policies integrated to fulfill all the laws and regulations that help maintain an organization’s...
Topic: Corporate Finance
Words: 611
Pages: 2
Introduction Moderna is an American-based biotechnology firm that creates drugs using messenger ribonucleic acid (mRNA), and its therapeutic is located in Cambridge, Massachusetts. The organization’s medicine creation portfolio involves a range of healing and preventative immunizations, such as localized treatments, intracellular liver vaccines, and intratumoral immuno-oncology. The company makes and...
Topic: Business
Words: 611
Pages: 2
Introduction Human long-term health outcomes are particularly reliant on the daily nutrition choices and diet regimens one follows. Food is an essential element of human survival that is necessary on a daily basis. Being a source of nutrients, vitamins, fiber, and important elements, food helps human bodies generate power, resist...
Topic: Diet
Words: 611
Pages: 2
Subject Matter The Kimbell Art Museum is displaying the artwork On the Pont de l’Europe. This 64.7 by 81.3 cm oil painting on canvas, created by Gustave Caillebotte in 1876, shows a busy scene on a suspension bridge in Paris (Sunnyside). To express a sense of modernization and urban life...
Topic: Art
Words: 611
Pages: 2
Introduction Rare, important, and directive strategic decisions determine an organization’s long-term course. Leaders rely on policies to help them evaluate and make strategic decisions since they greatly impact the entire business. This paper examines a recent strategic choice made by the Bank of Canada. Furthermore, it considers the decision’s level,...
Topic: Economics
Words: 611
Pages: 2
Understanding Labor Force Participation Work and retirement are two essential processes in many people’s lives, and many concepts are related to them. According to Markson et al. (2016), labor force participation is the part of a population either being employed legally or trying to find a job. Several characteristics can...
Topic: Business
Words: 611
Pages: 2
The effect of psychology of the feminine and masculine gender on work, performance and productivity is a paradigm of the most controversial issues subject to debate. Femininity is a physical and psychological state that is often associated with tenderness, care, patience, and submission. On the other hand, masculinity is associated...
Topic: Masculinity
Words: 612
Pages: 3
As the United States began to expand westward, people considered themselves as liberators. The government believed that this expansion would make the territory secure and free from violence. This would in turn lead to civilization of the Indian populations thereby minimizing the Apache threat. During the early years that the...
Topic: History
Words: 612
Pages: 3
Introduction It should be known that e-books and online blogs are definitely going to have an effect on the future of reading books and libraries. This is based on the popularity of e-books and online blogs that has been intensifying in recent years. E-books and online blogs will definitely have...
Topic: Literature
Words: 612
Pages: 3
Ethical Discussion Aging is the period of hard decisions, a variety of ethical approaches, and the inabilities to decide what is right or wrong with respect to a particular situation. As a rule, the elderly start planning their old age beforehand discusses their preferences and demands, defines the most appropriate...
Topic: Ethics
Words: 612
Pages: 3
Case Study The patient in the present case is E.B. – a 21-year old female who had arrived at the hospital with the following chief complaint: “I feel sick”. There was a set of symptoms displayed by the patient that came along with her main complaint. During the assessment, the...
Topic: Pneumonia
Words: 612
Pages: 3
The relief of pain in the joint after an unpleasant fall or another similar injury is usually accompanied by the use of appropriate analgesics that should be taken as prescribed by the doctor. However, there are cases when NSAIDs cannot be used for certain reasons. Since the 26-year-old patient denies...
Topic: Health & Medicine
Words: 612
Pages: 3
Background Promoting change in the context of an organization requires substantial resources due to the need to address the emergent problems and keep the system viable (Pyzdek & Keller, 2014a). As the previous cause-and-effect analysis has shown, Company X is suffering from the lack of motivation among the employees and...
Topic: Performance
Words: 612
Pages: 3
Introduction World security is closely linked to international commerce. One commodity that greatly affects trends in international politics and commercial relations is oil. The gulf holds the majority of the world’s proven oil reserves. For a long time however, the region has experienced security challenges mainly from unstable political regimes...
Topic: International Relations
Words: 612
Pages: 3
Introduction We are faced with ethical issues in our interactions as human beings. Ethics can loosely be defined as a system of moral principles by which social conduct is judged as either “right” or “wrong”. As relates to business, ethics are moral principles which prescribe legitimate behavior in varied business...
Topic: Ethics
Words: 612
Pages: 3
Problem Overview Due to a considerable influx of immigrants, the community has to meet a number of challenges in order to satisfy health care needs of the group and ensure their access to all necessary services. For this purpose, an action plan has to be developed. It will allow setting...
Topic: Action Plan
Words: 612
Pages: 3
The Shape Up Somerville community-based prevention program is a campaign initiated in Somerville, Massachusetts in 1998 and targeted at the issue of childhood obesity. After more than fifteen years of collective community effort, the campaign has resulted in measureable improvements in the area of public health, community engagement, and interaction...
Topic: Health & Medicine
Words: 612
Pages: 3
Social research involves the use of quantitative or qualitative study designs that are used to understand some important phenomena in life (Babbie, 2014). The qualitative approach uses descriptive data while the quantitative approach utilizes data that could be used to define some attributes of data points. Sampling is often used...
Topic: Formal Sciences
Words: 612
Pages: 3
Introduction A Japanese sword is truly a work of art in steel. It is functional, beautifully crafted, and extremely durable. Even today the craftsmen still use the traditional methods of forging and steel preparation, and it works marvelously (Yoshihara and Kapp 8). In general, the katana is a two-handed samurai...
Topic: Tech & Engineering
Words: 612
Pages: 3
Thesis Statement This paper proposes to explore female characters and their contribution to modern feminism based on works by E. Pauline Johnson and Naomi Hirahara. The characters described by these authors highlight the aspiration to be respected, obtain equal opportunities with men, and express their opinions. Outlined in symbols, actions,...
Topic: Feminism
Words: 612
Pages: 3
Stress among police officers is a common problem that does not have a certain solution. As a rule, stress promotes the increase of mental health illnesses (Conn & Butterfield, 2013). One of these problems is known as cumulative career traumatic stress (CCTS). This disorder is usually observed among officers and...
Topic: Career
Words: 612
Pages: 3
Introduction New findings can help nurses to advance their practice and make the quality of healthcare better than before. However, every improvement should have a strong foundation to be implemented because baseless suggestions should not be used to address such a delicate part of humans’ life as their health. For...
Topic: Evidence-Based Practice
Words: 612
Pages: 3
Introduction Sport championships and leagues all over the world revolve around the spirit of competition that is maintained through the application of systems of ranking. Such systems determine how points are assigned to teams or individual competitors in order to identify the strongest ones and assign trophies fairly. It goes...
Topic: Football
Words: 612
Pages: 3
Introduction Nature refers to the surroundings and external conditions that influence the way living organisms grow and develop. For humankind, nature influences the way they live, work and interact with the living and the non-living. Human beings do not exist in isolation; they require support from the rest of the...
Topic: Environment
Words: 612
Pages: 3
Artistic Expression: A Poem The things worth doing are the things demanding, The jobs much valued are most often daring. The work we do not always give much money, But we help others through support and caring. I am a nurse, and I am proud to say so, My colleagues...
Topic: Health & Medicine
Words: 612
Pages: 3
When Cheryl Smith, the new CIO, arrived at WestJet, she was asked by the CEO to advise whether the company had an adequate IT infrastructure. Assessed Aspects of the WestJet IT Situation One of the overarching purposes for WestJet to hire Cheryl Smith was to receive an accurate assessment of...
Topic: Information Technology
Words: 612
Pages: 3
It is known that, despite expectations, genome decoding has failed to respond to many questions about the health and treatment of illnesses. It has been realized that genes happen to behave in different ways depending on the environmental factors. Therefore, epigenetics has come forward to play a significant role in...
Topic: Epigenetics
Words: 612
Pages: 3
Introduction Taking into consideration the PICOT question selected for research, this paper will discuss the article that focuses on risks assessment scales that are used by healthcare professionals in order to predict and minimalize hospital-acquired pressure ulcers. For example, Ingwu, Ayanor, and Ohaeri (2015) published a research paper that fits...
Topic: Health & Medicine
Words: 612
Pages: 2
What constitutes a stable society? Everyone in society looks forward to the surrounding environment for satisfaction. Foods and other basic needs are all obtained from the environment. Most of the things that are relied upon by humankind to complement their lives are all found from the surroundings. In addition, it...
Topic: Conflict
Words: 612
Pages: 2
Hypothesis 1: Individuals of the same educational background work better together than with diverse educational backgrounds. To address the hypothesis, it is necessary to define the key elements of the correlation. More specifically, it is needed to conceptualise “better working together.” The notion may encompass a variety of things, including...
Topic: Communication
Words: 612
Pages: 2
The issue of what constitutes the best management style is extremely relevant. Organizations want to outperform their competitors and choose management styles that fit their organizational and market realities. It would be fair to say that there is no best management style. Only managers who are flexible in their decisions...
Topic: Management
Words: 612
Pages: 2
While designing a grocery business, it is important to determine such competitive priorities as the on-time delivery, the delivery speed, flexibility in partnerships, and the top quality. In core processes, the capabilities to develop are the achievement of the on-time speedy delivery in relations with suppliers and partners, including food...
Topic: Management
Words: 612
Pages: 2
Critical Thinking in Practice The article in question dwells upon burnout at the workplace and the correlation between social perfectionism and burnout. Childs and Stoeber (2012) claim that social perfectionism contributes to the increase in such symptoms of burnout as exhaustion, inefficacy, and cynicism. The research is quite sound and...
Topic: Burnout
Words: 612
Pages: 2
Introduction The plays and sonnets of the great bard of Avon have no time constraints. The most admirable Shakespearean works are staged around the globe and continue to conquer worshipers’ hearts even nowadays. The majority of critics and art admirers treat such masterpieces as Othello, Hamlet, A Midsummer Night’s Dream,...
Topic: The Tempest
Words: 612
Pages: 2
Slavery existed in Africa in the form of servitude long before Europeans landed on the continent and commercialized the practice. One major difference between African and European slavery is that in the African set-up, slaves were being used as domestic workers or soldiers. However, European slavery was purely motivated by...
Topic: Slavery
Words: 612
Pages: 2
On the turn of the twentieth century all main industries in the USA, like oil, railroad, tobacco, and sugar were concentrated in the hands of several millionaire families, like the Carnegies, Vanderbilts, and Rockefellers. They formed monopolies, turning them into trusts to eliminate competition and ensure the flow of wealth...
Topic: History
Words: 612
Pages: 2
Professional nursing aims to protect and promote health at both individual and community levels, prevent diseases, and alleviate a wide range of adverse symptoms causing suffering in patients and their close ones. To provide high-quality care and act with integrity, every nurse’s practice should comprise a few necessary components. They...
Topic: Nursing
Words: 612
Pages: 2
Introduction Healthcare-associated infections (HCAIs), including hospital-acquired infections (HAIs) and surgical site infections (SSIs), are health concerns that can be avoided with timely intervention. Arguably, one of the easiest and cost-effective solutions to tackle HCAIs is to promote compliance to hand hygiene standards by both patients and health workers. While HCAIs...
Topic: Health
Words: 612
Pages: 2
As a person ages, one undergoes various stages of life. The most common are infancy, childhood, adolescence, young adulthood, middle adulthood, and late adulthood (aging). Each stage in life is relevant to individual health as age can impact certain factors which also vary amongst genders. Specific subset categories exist to...
Topic: Health & Medicine
Words: 612
Pages: 2
McDonald’s Employee Training and Development Revenue profitability for fast food restaurants depends on customer traffic and competent utilization of inventory. Therefore, staff training can serve as a vital tool to improve continuity. First, improving communication and mannerisms with consumers which will increase satisfaction and rate of returning customers. Furthermore, to...
Topic: McDonald's
Words: 612
Pages: 2
Purpose The Café Bar is committed to offering and preserving a secure and prolific work atmosphere, liberated from the unfavorable consequences of drugs and alcohol. As such employees who report to work having used or whilst weakened by drugs or alcohol can be a security risk to themselves and others,...
Topic: Alcohol
Words: 612
Pages: 2
Introduction This paper is about the recent news article that appeared in Fox Business, titled ‘Mitsubishi Motors announces Production, Sales and Export Figures for January 2008 (dated February 26th, 2008). The news article gives detailed figures for the company’s performance for January 2008. Figures include its global production, domestic and...
Topic: Outsourcing
Words: 612
Pages: 2
According to the author, substance abuse is one of the major problems which have seized most individuals in the United States. It is a problem for all sets of the population. I think that author was correct according to his statement. This is because many people of all sorts of...
Topic: Abuse
Words: 612
Pages: 2
Introduction Cooperative learning is a method of learning that encourages student participation and activity. It results in high levels of satisfaction amongst students with a high degree of retention of the learning content and increased student productivity. In addition, it leads to an improvement in the self-esteem of the individual...
Topic: Culture
Words: 612
Pages: 2
Introduction Driving has become more common and more difficult than it used to be. It has progressed from being an option to being a compulsion. Being a necessity, more people are on the roads, driving their own vehicle, which has resulted in multiple problems. Unsafe driving practices can cause several...
Topic: Transportation
Words: 612
Pages: 2
After engaging in Internet-based research on the relationships between the technical, visual and production aspects of film and television I have found that many similarities between techniques used in contemporary films and television. It is a well-known fact that the film industry appeared first and only then followed the era...
Topic: Cinema
Words: 612
Pages: 2
Introduction Lenovo’s fundamental point of differentiation is innovativeness and creativity. As the Company began to make preparedness for global expansion, it borrowed its new name from the amalgam of part of its existing name- the Le in Legend, and ‘novo’ meaning new and ingenious. The combination of these two syllables,...
Topic: Lenovo
Words: 612
Pages: 2
Introduction Strategic management is considered to be one of the basic elements that allow a business company to achieve success in its operations in both domestic and international markets (Thompson, 2001, p. 24; Thompson, Strickland, Gamble, 2009, p. 37). However, even such giants of the global business as Pepsi Co....
Topic: Pepsi
Words: 612
Pages: 2
Florence Nightingale (1820-1910) was an outstanding human and left the priceless legacy for future nurses. She devoted her life to globally raising awareness of health issues and successfully transferred her message: widespread nursing care is essential for reaching “local-to-global health” (Beck, Dossey, & Rushton, 2012). Nightingale made a great contribution...
Topic: Nursing
Words: 612
Pages: 2
Introduction Writing is a process involving both creative and routine aspects. It includes several steps, which help develop, shape, describe, and conclude one’s ideas. It is known to include five separate stages: prewriting, discovery drafting, revising, editing and proofreading, and publishing (“The Writing Process” 2). While some people move along...
Topic: Education
Words: 612
Pages: 2
When Lower Mills decided to reduce the salaries, many girls felt angry and resolved to strike in large numbers. The girls decided that it was important that they oppose any attempts to cut down their earnings. This was because their wages were not the only thing that was bringing them...
Topic: History
Words: 612
Pages: 2
Kant’s moral philosophy falls under deontological ethical theories. The theories in this group hold that “the rightness or wrongness of actions does not depend on their consequences but on whether they fulfill our duty” (Walla 731). Kant argued that events such as lying, theft, and murder were morally wrong even...
Topic: Immanuel Kant
Words: 612
Pages: 2
The Willowbrook State School, a psychiatric facility that mistreated its patients in an unspeakable manner, represents a dark chapter in American history. Exposed by journalist Geraldo Rivera in 1972, the misdeeds of Willowbrook became known as a catalyst for change in legislation in order to protect the civil rights of...
Topic: Health & Medicine
Words: 612
Pages: 2
Gillette: ‘We Believe’ Genetic Fallacy The Genetic Fallacy is a logical fallacy that directly links a person’s origin to its character, personality, or nature, and it is present in the Gillette’s campaign ad. The argument begins with an identification of the origin of an individual, group, or entity. The next...
Topic: Advertising
Words: 612
Pages: 2
Thanks to the development of the media and social networks, people think about what is happening in the media space and express their opinion about it. Discussion of a Facebook post, a tweet, or a video can be complex, or even aggressive because content creators have tackled a controversial topic....
Topic: Advertising
Words: 612
Pages: 2
Goals of Therapy To cure insomnia and to achieve a healthy sleeping pattern To raise the awareness of self-treatment and OTC and to notify S.H. about their possible harmful consequences To educate the patient about the perimenopausal period, its symptoms and the ways of handling it effectively Drug Therapy Low...
Topic: Disorders
Words: 612
Pages: 2
Introduction The Egyptian military potential is large compared to many other countries. According to the annual review, out of 138 states surveyed for this indicator, Egypt ranks ninth, which is a high result (“Egypt military strength,” 2020, para. 1). At the same time, the country is highly equipped with heavy...
Topic: Military
Words: 612
Pages: 2
Introduction It is essential to have a leader who understands the needs of employees and the tasks assigned to them for any field of activity and any team. The combination of strict management and friendly exhortation pushes team members to do their job efficiently and feel comfortable with it. Examples...
Topic: Iraq War
Words: 612
Pages: 2
Sun is a solar body that supports life on Earth and provides living creatures with multiple benefits. It gives energy for plant growth, to the animal kingdom, and it is necessary for climate change. One of the activities related to the sun is sun-gazing, the act of looking at the...
Topic: Health & Medicine
Words: 612
Pages: 2
The same title ‘Blackberries’ combines two stories written by Ellen Hunnicutt and Leslie Norris. The mention of berries is not accidental because the image of the berries goes through each story. The following essay will be devoted to comparison of these stories and finding the differences and similarities between them....
Topic: Comparative Literature
Words: 612
Pages: 2
Nowadays the tempo of life is becoming faster for the modern world requires a person’s performing many tasks. That is why people try to find a way to manage their time in order to deal with all the problems and responsibilities successfully. There exist courses, programs, and books that suggest...
Topic: Family, Life & Experiences
Words: 612
Pages: 2
“A set is a collection of well defined and well-distinguished objects of our perception or thought.” (Mohindru & Grover, 2003, p.1). Set is usually represented by capital letters and some of the standard sets that are available are N [represents set of all-natural numbers] W [represents set of all whole...
Topic: Formal Sciences
Words: 612
Pages: 2
The speech “This Is Water” provided in the paper is an address to the students of Kenyon College made in 2005. In it, David Foster Wallace reviews some particularities of people’s minds and their unconscious attitude to the events and circumstances around them. The author uses the young fish asking...
Topic: Sociology
Words: 612
Pages: 2
Introduction Project planning is the foundation of any project work success. Managers need to understand all the steps in the project planning process. There are several approaches to project planning but a few are universally acceptable as vital in project planning. This essay seeks to address the topic of detailing...
Topic: Management
Words: 612
Pages: 2
Manual therapy is a type of physical treatment with a long history and a variety of contradictions. Some people truly believe in its effectiveness, and people cannot realize whether it is safe to rely on this practice. Though manual medicine does address certain local ailments, its outcomes on a psychological...
Topic: Therapy
Words: 612
Pages: 2
Crime Theories and Criminal Justice Policies The concept of crime was created and promoted by people to evaluate their behaviors and responsibilities, as well as to maintain control and order. To gain a better understanding of crimes, it was necessary to introduce theories and follow changes through different times in...
Topic: Crime
Words: 612
Pages: 2
The Concert Environment The virtual “anti-corona” concert with Albrecht Mayer (oboe) and Kimiko Imani (piano) was performed as a response to the ongoing COVID-19 crisis. It consists of four prominent works by Johann Sebastian Bach arranged for the aforementioned instruments (“Albrecht Mayer Plays Bach’s Air”). The concert takes place at...
Topic: Dance & Music
Words: 612
Pages: 2
A professional nurse is described as one who has expansively studied the course of nursing hypothesis and practice. Additionally, for a person to be considered a professional nurse he or she must have clinical proficiency. Personal Background Related to Professional Nursing The art of professional nursing is diverse. For many...
Topic: Nursing
Words: 612
Pages: 2
Abstract Meningococcal meningitis is a serious health condition. It is characterized by inflammation of the brain and spinal cord membranes. The two form the central nervous system. As such, the disease causes serious neurological problems. The condition is caused by a bacterium commonly known as meningococcus. In most cases, it...
Topic: Health & Medicine
Words: 612
Pages: 2
Introduction The phenomenon of the Bystander Effect has gained quite large notoriety in the world of social work, psychology, and the related sciences. Multiple studies conducted to examine the problem of the Bystander Effect have proven that the subject matter exists and increases the threat faced by vulnerable populations (Levine...
Topic: Murder
Words: 612
Pages: 2
Computer crime is increasing at a higher rate in our society. Many government agencies and private corporations rely on the services provided by communication networks and computers. When large amounts of data are stored in the electronic form they are vulnerable to different kinds of threats than when they exist...
Topic: Computers
Words: 612
Pages: 2
Introduction The following is a research proposal on the epidemiology of Hepatitis B infections in the dialysis units. The dialysis units are the sources of the Hepatitis B virus. This knowledge helps to look for ways of preventing kidney dialysis patients from hepatitis infection which will be the concern of...
Topic: Hepatitis
Words: 612
Pages: 2
Humanity has come a long way from learning how to make a fire to building skyscrapers and metropolises. With constant progress and development, we are afraid to look back in time to barely recognize the way former generations lived. Technology and computer science have become an integral part of our...
Topic: Computers
Words: 612
Pages: 2
The importance of online marketing in a pandemic is becoming paramount. However, at the same time, the search-based advertising market is undergoing serious transformations. Search engines usually consider this niche of online advertising. In this case, Google consistently holds a leading position with a market share of more than 90%...
Topic: Advertising
Words: 612
Pages: 2
The play “The Importance of Being Earnest” is considered one of the main works of Oscar Wilde. The writer criticizes the hypocrisy of high society in Victorian England and its traditions. The social customs of that epoch were focused on the pursuit of love and marriage. Wilde mocks the institution...
Topic: Marriage
Words: 612
Pages: 2
In the United States to protect health information is implemented the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA). According to HIPAA, any information that is somehow related to the physical or mental condition of an individual is considered protected health information or PHI (Drolet, 2017). PHI includes patients’ names, surnames,...
Topic: Health
Words: 612
Pages: 2
It has become common today to view the most notable literary works in the light of their reflection of the specific era. Paradise Lost, the epic poem written by 17th-century English poet John Milton in 1667, represents the political and historical events of this period. Still, it can be argued...
Topic: Paradise Lost
Words: 612
Pages: 2
The early twentieth century became a ground-breaking period of time for many countries, as the most influential conflicts and events occurred at the time. Japan’s aim of strengthening its political and economic rank in the world could be highlighted as one of the main reasons for its invasion of Korea...
Topic: History
Words: 612
Pages: 2
Introduction Social rules and norms are standards or expectations of conduct and thinking founded on shared views inside a sociocultural community. Norms, which are often implicit, provide societal expectations for acceptable and unacceptable behavior that control interpersonal relationships. These rules have a substantial influence on human behavior in a wide...
Topic: Sociology
Words: 612
Pages: 2
A Madman’s Diary is a story written by a Chinese author in 1918. The story is divided into two parts – the introduction written by the author serves as a short preface. The second part contains excerpts from the diary the author’s friend led during the exacerbation of his mental...
Topic: Literature
Words: 612
Pages: 2
In the article Interrogating racism: Toward antiracist anthropology (2005), the author Leith Mullings discusses the issue of racism in anthropological studies. In the introductory part of the research, Mullings explains the historical connection between anthropology, racism, and antiracist movements. She states that anthropology has a contradicting history when it comes...
Topic: Discrimination
Words: 612
Pages: 2
I performed a virtual tour of the Museum of Modern Art (MoMA) through the organization’s website. The top part of the homepage displays a bold statement in white with a black background reading, “We look forward to seeing you!” I wish I would have visited the museum physically, but I...
Topic: Surrealism
Words: 612
Pages: 2
The concept of human dignity from the religious perspective serves as the principal guidance for people. It correlates with the essential perceptions and societal affairs, which are managed with regard to this quality. Therefore, it is critical to demonstrate the source of this phenomenon, its principal characteristics, and the relation...
Topic: God
Words: 612
Pages: 2
The financial department within an organization or any given entity is one of the most delicate sectors that help ensure high levels of productivity within any profitable and non-profit firm. Most firms have taken measures that help ensure high levels of security are maintained to avoid unnecessary losses. FinTech is...
Topic: Blockchain
Words: 612
Pages: 2
Both the industrial revolution and nationalistic movements rapidly developed in the 19th century. Nevertheless, even considering all the effects of the industrial revolution on nationalism, they are different. The industrial revolution had a social impact but was mainly related to technological changes, whereas nationalistic ideology related more to economic and...
Topic: Industrial Revolution
Words: 612
Pages: 2
Introduction ASOS plc is an online British retail company that deals with fashion and cosmetic items. This company was established in London in 2000 and primarily targeted the young adult audience. However, during its growth phases, ASOS endorsed a kids’ wear fashion line, which did not thrive as expected due...
Topic: Business
Words: 612
Pages: 2
In order to complete a robust, valid research project, it is vital to implement a fitting methodological vision that will reflect the study’s aims and objectives. Evidently, the contemporary practice of academic research possesses numerous tools that help to address profound topics with due levels of detail and credibility. At...
Topic: Formal Sciences
Words: 612
Pages: 2
Abstract This job involves finding and analyzing the numbers in Marriott International’s reports. It includes the collection of information and a detailed study of the data obtained during the study. At the end will be formed a detailed report on the work done, as well as the conclusions. Based on...
Topic: Marriott
Words: 612
Pages: 2
World history shows us that human cruelty has no limits; unfortunately, people will constantly clash with it. One recent example of a man’s cruel, immoral treatment of another man was the case of the murder of George Floyd. On May 25, 2020, while attempting to arrest Floyd, police officer Derek...
Topic: Social Issues
Words: 612
Pages: 2
Organ transplants are scarce, so they should be allocated, and decisions should be made about who will receive the transplant. Those are hard decisions, as people’s lives usually depend on them: if one will not obtain the transplant, they will die, or their lives will be miserable. However, for now,...
Topic: Ethics
Words: 612
Pages: 2
Introduction The second third of the 19th century is one of the key stages in the historical development of the United States. Achieving excellent power status is impossible without expansion, which is a high road to world recognition. The general rule, however, is that such a rise is not a...
Topic: History
Words: 612
Pages: 2
It is important to note that literacy centers seek to promote literacy in a comprehensive manner by developing essential skills in a multifaceted way. The sketch with labels for the literacy center can be accessed in Figure 1 below the text. The key areas of focus of the literacy center...
Topic: Classroom
Words: 612
Pages: 3
The study of the PICOT question involves the search and systematization of sources to find the most relevant evidence. The Evaluation Table includes the date of creation, the conceptual framework, the design and method of the study, the sample and setting, the main variables studied, the way the data were...
Topic: Diabetes
Words: 612
Pages: 2
Introduction From the very beginning of Pride and Prejudice, written by Jane Austen, the readers understand that Elizabeth Bennet is a person with a high standard of integrity. Nevertheless, it seems more of a burden for her because life is majorly disappointing to Elizabeth when she sees other people’s behaviors....
Topic: Integrity
Words: 612
Pages: 2
According to Joseph Wilson in his article “Why AI Will Never Fully Capture Human Language,” researchers in artificial intelligence have made amazing achievements in emulating human language. However, they still need help to capture the parts that genuinely comprise human language. He provided several justifications for his essay title. Wilson’s...
Topic: Artificial Intelligence
Words: 612
Pages: 2
Mediation is becoming increasingly common because it saves time and money compared to going to court and allows both parties to own the outcome more than they would if a judge was in charge. On the other hand, a mediator is there to help facilitate a resolution that the parties...
Topic: Conflict
Words: 612
Pages: 2
Introduction Achieving success is a complex endeavor, which cannot be pursued in a linear manner. Sometimes it means failing multiple times before getting what one wants, and the stories written by Amy Tan and Cherokee Paul McDonald support this opinion by providing examples of such cases. In these pieces, the...
Topic: Success
Words: 612
Pages: 2
Introduction The Taming of the Shrew is one of the most famous comedic plays in English literature. The story revolves around the conflict between representatives of two different planets, the sons of Mars and the daughters of Venus. The main character, Kate, is the headstrong eldest daughter of a wealthy...
Topic: Literature
Words: 612
Pages: 2
Critical Issue Emirates Airlines was one of the fastest-growing airlines after its launch in 1985 and one of the airlines that adopted an approach that allowed it to stand out among other airlines, which was still the case after the 2008 recession. However, the company has been facing challenges recently....
Topic: Airlines
Words: 612
Pages: 2
Introduction Being ethical means behaving in the best possible way with oneself and others. Therefore, it is connected with morality and inner values on the one side and efficiency and strategy on the other. In the modern world, which is highly complex, being ethical means combining these qualities: being efficient...
Topic: Sociology
Words: 612
Pages: 2
Introduction The movie Crash, directed by Paul Haggis, explores cultural stereotypes and prejudice in modern-day Los Angeles. The film follows diverse characters whose paths cross unexpectedly, highlighting the complex interplay of race, class, and culture. This paper will analyze three characters from the movie and their interactions, specifically looking at...
Topic: Cinematography
Words: 612
Pages: 2
Introduction The United States Supreme Court case Alden v. Maine was a significant decision that sent shockwaves through the realm of federalism. The ruling affected the balance of power between states and federal governments. The case was a result of the dispute between the state of Maine and several employees...
Topic: Law
Words: 612
Pages: 2
Introduction The crusades that were carried out in medieval times left long lasting effects that are still being felt today in both the Christian and Muslim world. Crusades played a significant part in defining the kind of relations that exist between the West and Islam at the present time. This...
Topic: Crusades
Words: 613
Pages: 3
Global problems affect the life not only of certain individuals but the society in general. One of the global dilemmas that can consequently lead to the severe outcome is overpopulation. The major purpose of the paper is to discuss the problem of overpopulation, highlight the risks and environmental problems, as...
Topic: Overpopulation
Words: 613
Pages: 3
Introduction According to Safety and Health Assessment and Research for Prevention (SHARP), workplace bullying occurs when an individual or a group of people direct irrational actions repeatedly towards their fellow worker(or workers) in order to threaten, degrade, disgrace or demoralize them (1). Sexual harassment, on the other hand, takes place...
Topic: Bullying
Words: 613
Pages: 3
Family Happiness: Introduction A family is the basic unit of society. Owing to the complex nature of contemporary family structures, it has increasingly become difficult to comprehend and define the key tenets of a happy family life or whether there is such a thing as a truly “happy family”. Incidences...
Topic: Family
Words: 613
Pages: 3
The play “Ghosts” by Henrik Ibsen is a play depicting the immorality that was inherent in the society during his time. Set in a country side home, the play revolves around a dramatic turn of events. It seems the events are in some way interconnected and tied up together by...
Topic: Literature
Words: 613
Pages: 3
Based on the evident mistreatment that women get in society, feminists have devoted themselves to making hefty campaigns to end gender segregation. However, the role of women in society has not received its due attention. As a result, the paper sheds light on the roles of women as portrayed by...
Topic: A Modest Proposal
Words: 613
Pages: 3
Extant scholarship on leadership and management demonstrates that transformational and transactional leadership styles are widely validated in business and industry owing to their impact on employees’ outcomes and performance (Ilies et al., 2006; Ismail et al., 2010). In this paper, I focus attention to comparing the two leadership models to...
Topic: Leadership
Words: 613
Pages: 3
Abstract The given paper is devoted to the investigation of the issue of leadership and its manifestations in terms of the spread of Ebola virus. Introduction There is no use denying the fact that leaders are very important for society as they help it to move in the chosen direction...
Topic: Ebola
Words: 613
Pages: 3
Yayoi Kusama is a Japanese avant-garde artist, born in 1929 in Nagano Prefecture of Japan. She is widely known as a sculptor, painter, and novelist. However, the first thing that comes to mind when her name is mentioned is the polka dot style and the infinity rooms. Kusama arrived at...
Topic: Artists
Words: 613
Pages: 3
Climate change is one of the most pressing environmental concerns of the 21st century. Hite and Seitz (2016) state that issues such as global warming, extreme weather conditions, the rise in the sea level, and the disruption of natural ecosystems are all linked to the problem of climate change and...
Topic: Climate
Words: 613
Pages: 3
Introduction Attention Material: The notion of “just culture” has a significant influence on the way nurses and other medics interact with patients (Dekker & Breakey, 2016). On a bigger scale, it imposed on the nursing practice several justified limitations but provided the former with adequate protection against wrongful accusations when...
Topic: Culture
Words: 613
Pages: 3
Diversity in the Classroom Multicultural diversity induces multiple challenges in the current education system. It indicates that more individualized approaches to instruction and learning are required and that curricula must be revised in a way that would allow meeting the interests of all students. It is possible to say that...
Topic: Nursing
Words: 613
Pages: 3
Why did Gorbachev choose the United Nations as his forum? Mikhail Gorbachev’s speech to the United Nations (UN) of 1988 is believed to have paved the way for the improvement of the US-Soviet relations during the Cold War. Although the remarkable speech was mainly focusing on the strained relationships arising...
Topic: Speech
Words: 613
Pages: 3
Introduction The Renaissance is one of the turning points in the history of the development of the world. This era changed the direction and pace of human progress. Such processes significantly affected European countries. Life of regular people, as well as of aristocracy, became different and more resembling the life...
Topic: Renaissance
Words: 613
Pages: 3
Environmental Legislation Clean Water Act (CWA) is the legislation piece of the United States that determines water quality standards, serves as a basis for the enactment of pollution control programs, and regulates the presence of contaminants in surface water. The law covers both point and non-point pollution sources. The former...
Topic: Environment
Words: 613
Pages: 3
Introduction Professor Heifetz in the article, “Adaptive Change: What’s Essential and What’s Expendable?” looks at the process of change, especially how people view the whole process of change. According to this article, people are usually optimistic about the process of change but they do not consider what they are going...
Topic: Business
Words: 613
Pages: 3
The Tempest is believed to be the last play William Shakespeare wrote alone. It was written at the times when a big part of our world was still unknown and European people were fascinated to discover what is hidden in these mysterious faraway lands and islands. Many different ideas and...
Topic: Colonialism
Words: 613
Pages: 3
Human resources management is one of the core aspects that can affect the development of organizations. Human resources are often referred to as key assets of companies, which is largely true, especially in companies operating in industries that require innovative approaches and creative vision (Mathis, Jackson, & Valentine, 2015). Some...
Topic: HR
Words: 613
Pages: 3
The Scenario and Its Ethical and Legal Issues The present case study considers the issue of the lack of an appropriate tracking mechanism of certain reporting processes at a tertiary-care hospital. In particular, an audit has shown that it is impossible to determine the whether the reporting of the instances...
Topic: Communicable Disease
Words: 613
Pages: 3
Introduction The healthcare system of the USA has been a subject of constant debates for many decades. It is notorious for being one of the most expensive healthcare systems in the world. According to statistics, US healthcare spending has reached a point of 3.2 trillion dollars (“National health expenditures,” 2015)....
Topic: Health
Words: 613
Pages: 3
Introduction Nurse practitioners (NPs) have various responsibilities and tasks to complete. At that, they are not working on their own as they have to collaborate with other healthcare professionals and take into account various issues and aspects associated with organizational culture (Poghosyan, Lucero, Rauch, & Berkowitz, 2012). It is important...
Topic: Culture
Words: 613
Pages: 3
Being one of the two essential doctoral nursing degrees in the United States, the Doctor of Nursing Practice (DNP) opens an array of opportunities for addressing both theoretical and practical aspects of nursing by using evidence-based practice (EBP). The position of a DNP allows arranging organizational, managerial, performance-, and leadership-related...
Topic: Evidence-Based Practice
Words: 613
Pages: 2
Introduction The American Health Care Act (AHCA) passed on May 4, 2017, provoked a strong public reaction. The proposed reform aims to reverse the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (ACA), decrease taxes, and reduce the budget deficit. Despite all the discussions about expenditures and shortcomings associated with the ACA,...
Topic: Affordable Care Act
Words: 613
Pages: 2
The definitions of right and wrong are a fluid subject. Over the course of history and the evolution of human ethics, the concept has undergone significant changes. Many religions around the world are thousands of years old. They have participated in the formation of the society as we know it...
Topic: Ethics
Words: 613
Pages: 2
Nowadays, most of the US elementary schools adopt “a self-contained model” of education (Chang, Munoz, & Koshewa, 2008, p. 131). This model implies that the students are taught by the same teacher every day. Although the traditional generalist model is proved to be less stressful for the children and provides...
Topic: School
Words: 613
Pages: 2
Estimated Beta Coefficient Based on data from Coca-Cola stocks and the market index, the beta coefficient can be taken to be 0.57 (Yahoo Finance, 2011). In order to arrive to this answer, several concepts have to be considered. One of these is the stock value, which has to be computed...
Topic: Coca Cola
Words: 613
Pages: 2
Exploring the connections between teaching philosophies, educational philosophies, and philosophy. Learning-based curriculum development The articles from the Electronic Reverse Reading I chose are written by Beatty, Leigh, and Dean (2007) and Nygaard, Højlt, and Hermansen (2008). They both focus on educational aspects but highlighting different peculiarities. The article prepared by...
Topic: Curriculum
Words: 613
Pages: 3
Fitbit is a company that produces and sells fitness trackers, smart watches, and accessories and develops apps aimed at improving the health and fitness of their users. The company offers a narrow selection of products targeting people interested in maintaining an active lifestyle. The present paper will introduce the three...
Topic: Marketing
Words: 613
Pages: 2
Understanding and Measuring the impacts of nursing staffing intervention on health outcomes among patients is a non-trivial task. Due to the complexity and multifaceted nature of the issue, there is a need for a theoretical foundation that could assist in revealing the meaning and increasing the relevance of the results...
Topic: Health & Medicine
Words: 613
Pages: 2
Introduction The analysis of a specific clinical problem by evaluating the aspects that it affects and reviewing its implications may allow finding a relevant solution that contributes to increasing patient outcomes in a particular care environment. This paper is aimed at assessing the use of special hygiene protocols to reduce...
Topic: Hygiene
Words: 613
Pages: 2
Introduction Topic The primary research question for this project is the importance of flexible work schedules in the workplace and especially in the nursing profession. The working thesis is that flexible work schedules improve employees’ performance, and thus employers should adopt the concept for successful and profitable organizations. Context/Background Flexible...
Topic: Nursing
Words: 613
Pages: 2
Madame Loisel Character Traits: Personality Analysis Essay Introduction Guy de Maupassant’s short story “The Necklace” describes the life of a lady dwelling in nineteenth-century France and experiencing the difficulties associated with her desires to be an aristocrat and her real average life. Desiring to look wealthier than she is, Mathilde...
Topic: Literature
Words: 613
Pages: 2
The basic characteristic of the international system during the Cold War era is its duo- polarity nature. This was a period characterized by war of ideologies between the greatest and the two most powerful nations on earth by then; the United States and the united Soviet Socialist republic (USSR). The...
Topic: Cold War
Words: 613
Pages: 2
Introduction First of all, the definition of “international political economy” should be stated. Frieden and Lake (1999, p. 1) state that political economy has a number of meanings. It may primarily refer to “the study of the political basis of economic actions”, that is the way how the policy of...
Topic: International Politics
Words: 613
Pages: 2
Introduction Education can be defined as a process of passing knowledge to others. It may also be considered as an area of study taught at learning institutions. Education can be carried out formally as in an organized setting or informally. Education has undergone various philosophical changes. This includes changes in...
Topic: Philosophy of Education
Words: 613
Pages: 2
Introduction The article “Six-Year Follow-up of Preventive Interventions for Children of Divorce. A Randomized Controlled Trial,” written by a number of researchers deals with the behavior of adolescents whose parents have been divorced. The study presented in the article is based on the results obtained by interviewing and observing the...
Topic: Divorce
Words: 613
Pages: 2
Amongst the different forms of exercise, swimming, whether done in the swimming pool or at sea, is an excellent rejuvenator that leaves a person relaxed and brimming with freshness. It does not make the person feel exhausted or worn out as in other forms of exercise. It is an excellent...
Topic: Sport
Words: 613
Pages: 2
Nobody Knows is a movie that is quite slow-moving and gradually builds over to an emotional end. The plot of the movie is set in Tokyo and is about a mother who shifts into a new flat with her four children that are from different fathers and ultimately deserts them...
Topic: Cinematography
Words: 613
Pages: 2
There were a lot of people who were called geniuses in different spheres of human activity. When music is concerned, probably, the first name that leaps into one’s mind is Ludwig Van Beethoven, a composer, and pianist whose works and memory have been living for many centuries already. Such prominent...
Topic: Beethoven
Words: 613
Pages: 2
Britain has always been a complex entity of four distinct unique national identities with individual peculiarities, customs and traditions. As far as Ireland is concerned, it has its own separate identity that is embodied in Irish music which is an inseparable part of Irish culture. One of the representatives of...
Topic: Dance & Music
Words: 613
Pages: 2
First passage In this passage Wariinga who is the main protagonist in this play talks about her material and emotional problems. In this case, it can be argued that Wariinga had been abandoned by her lover, which resulted in her emotional problems. From the passage, it can be argued that...
Topic: Literature
Words: 613
Pages: 2
Shakespeare provides very many examples that can be used for comparing O.J and Othello: the juice and the fish. They are all stars in different ways, champions, combatants, and gladiators. Therefore, having all these ideas in place it is possible to get down to comparing and contrasting the two. Othello...
Topic: Comparative Literature
Words: 613
Pages: 2