Reduction of Poverty in the Rural Areas Through ICT

Introduction ICT stands for information and communication technology and usually covers all information handling tools. It consists of a set of applications, services and goods which are used to produce, distribute, store, exchange and process information. As the world advances in information technology, those in the rural setting are left...

The History of Roman Empire Expansion

Rome was founded as a province in Italy but later came to have dominance over Africa and most of Eurasia. The Roman Empire was founded in 8th BC and became an established and successful dominion until it came to a fall in the 8th BC. During the period of dominance,...

The Three Categories of Dissident Terrorism

Abstract Terrorism may be defined as the systemic use of terror to force upon or disband a certain social, religious or political ideology on an unwilling counterpart. As a norm, the terror is un-respectful of other people’s rights and freedoms and may involve tragic bombings, suicide attacks, or guerilla warfare....

Women Leaders in the Field of Corrections

Research Question One of the most challenging professions for women, the work in the field of corrections, has spurred a surge of applications from women recently. According to the summary offered by the American Society of Criminologists (2011), the number of women who are willing to devote their careers to...

Perception of the World: Personal Worldview Inventory

Although there have been several definitions of worldview, it is evident that a world view involves a system of beliefs. It can also be defined as an individual’s perspective or attitude about the world. A worldview is a particular perception and interpretation of the world. (Hutchinson, 2013).This essay, therefore, will...

Nursing Profession and Personal Philosophy

Nursing refers to the sovereign duty of managing persons with different health problems in society. Caring takes into consideration a diverse group of persons within the society who require attention for their well-being. Therefore, it encompasses caring for sick individuals and those who require any attention related to health. Nursing...

Marketing Research Process for a Business Venture

After conducting a future outlook and Legal Concerns for my Urban-ware and clothing line business venture, the next thing that I will embark on is conducting marketing research for the venture. By this, I intend to look at find the best marketing strategies to use in marketing my products fully...

Technological Development in Communication

Introduction Technology makes people’s life more rewarding and adds beautiful colors to them. However, it also has its weak points and becomes a reason for significant newly emerged difficulties. Such a situation with technology is observed in several areas including the area of communication. Nowadays, the expense of personal contact...

“The Souls of Black Folk” by Dubois

Introduction The book Soul of Black Folk is all about the world in which African Americans lived during the slavery period and after slavery was abolished. The author best uses his own experience to come up with this narrative and hence making it more interesting. The book focuses on the...

Challenging Educational Barriers for African-American Female Students

The problem of educational barriers that African-American women face is high on the current agenda as inequalities in learning lead to adverse outcomes in overall academic accomplishment, future career, and life in general. With better educational opportunities, the target group can attain higher incomes and be capable of providing a...

Popular Research Paper Topics

A Dissemination Plan on Adolescent Obesity and Falls in Elderly Population

Research on clinical diagnoses and conditions is essential for obtaining practical information and adjusting current intervention strategies. Fall incidents in the elderly population, diabetes, and adolescent obesity are medical concepts that require definite prevention practices. This study is essential for specialists in emergency and hospital care, as many factors predict...

Anemia of Chronic Diseases, The Review of Literature

The research on the topic of anemia of chronic diseases (ACD) has already generated vital discoveries that save people’s lives, but its complexity and issues with timely diagnoses signal for more required effort. ACD is a common disease, and it is often overlooked as it can be masked by other...

Ian Mcewan’s Atonement: Structure and Narrative

Introduction Ian McEwan’s Atonement is a novel about the young girl’s tragic mistake, her adult life in the shadow of that mistake, and her attempts at atonement. The author uses a mix of classic and postmodern techniques to make a statement about atonement, the relationship between life and fiction, the...

The History of the Second Amendment

Introduction The Second Amendment is one of the things that has made the United States and its society unique and prosperous. It is why it is essential to know the philosophical background and the meaning of it. The goal of this work is to share personal thoughts after examining the...

Maternal Mortality: Audience Analysis Assessment

The publication under consideration, the article on maternal mortality rates, presents a narrow topic, and this fact explains the need to define the target audience. Such a measure will allow addressing the issue in an efficient manner while taking into account the interests of its readers. In this case, the...

“Should Drugs Be Legalized?” by William Bennett

The war against drugs in the United States has reached a new level. Such an outcome is conditional upon the recent measures that politicians are discussing. More specifically, they are related to the emergence of an idea to legalize drug consumption in order to decrease the number of drug addicts...

Consumers’ Attitude towards Slave Labor

Large retail markets such as Walmart, H&M, and Zara are well-known to provide the whole population with affordable clothing. Textile factories need a lot of workforces to cover the demand of the customers. Unfortunately, not all employees are paid fairly, and even worse, are being forced into labor. According to...

Positive Qualities of Hotel Staff: Hilton Sydney

Background Information Hilton Hotels & Resorts is a global brand of luxury and full-service hotels operating in multiple countries around the globe. The company accounts for more than 215 thousand rooms in 85 countries and areas across six continents, including Australia. In Sydney, the Hilton Hotel is located on 488...

Marie Maynard’s Role in Advancing Chemistry

Introduction Marie M. Daly is a well-known biochemist from the United States of America who became the first Black American woman to be honored with a Ph. D. in Chemistry. Her family was mostly education-oriented and, as a result, she quickly completed her studies at New York University and Queens...

William Rowe’s Argument for Atheism Based on the Problem of Evil

Introduction Ever since the scientific community developed the concept of the scientific method, there has been a centuries-old dispute between them, philosophers, and theologians about the existence of God. This topic is particularly relevant to Christian discourse and is viewed by many atheists as the ideological crisis of Christianity. However,...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Resources and Rehabilitation Programs for Offenders and Ex-Offenders

Morgan Godvin’s first incarceration was a book-and-release: she asked for a seven-day sentence in jail to avoid a heroin relapse and continue Suboxone, an approved medication to treat opioid use disorder that she was previously using. The woman led a somewhat normal life: she worked in the service sector, went...

The Significance of the Title “Trifles”

Trifles is a 1916 one-act play by the American playwright and journalist Susan Glaspell. Penned around the first wave of the feminist movement, Trifles is a bold representation of the insidious conflict that had long existed between men and women in American society. The play revolves around the mysterious murder...

Facial Expressions of Emotions

Summary The written material under analysis is a representation of how the emotional stress becomes a part of our gestures and expression s by means of our unconscious actions and conditioned reflexes. In this respect the statistics given in the book chapters provides the scope of people who are really...

The Ethnicity Mixes and Growth of Houston’s Population

Demographics have changed significantly throughout the last 30 years worldwide. Increased population growth concerned the United States of America, impacting the biggest city such as New York, Dallas, Las Vegas, and others. Houston has become such a city where the population growth has been changing for the past three decades....

Nursing Practice in the Context of Personal Ethics

Introduction Amid the existed books about nursing, it is not always easy to find out the truth and realize that it is closely connected to many personal principles and norms. However, the source where the ideas of Florence Nightingale about the definition of nursing as art that “requires as exclusive...

Accounting Ethics and the Code of Conduct

Ethics is a central component of relations between companies and individuals. It regulates the behaviors of all parties and ensures that there will be no inappropriate actions, solutions, or strategies aimed at making benefit from causing harm to other organizations or individuals. For this reason, the observation of the Code...

Stratification and Social Mobility and its Impact on the American Dream

This paper introduced the concept of social stratification and mobility in the United States. In the USA, people are categorized into different groups based on their race, gender, age, ethnicity, and family ancestry. People further categorize others based on intellectual capabilities, personal and professional skills, appearance as well as achievements....

Community Health Related Issues in the United States

This paper analyzes five different articles that address community health-related issues. The first article was retrieved from an online portal of the University of Wisconsin (College of health sciences). The article spells out what community health entails. Health education, as outlined on the university’s website, is a social science that...

How a Blind Man May Fall in Love

The sense of sight is essential in perceiving an expression of emotion by observing other people’s nonverbal communication. Blind people cannot see the facial expression of another person, but they are not blind to emotions because they have a unique way of sensing responding to sentiments expressed by other people...

Criminal Law: Criminal Procedure

Differences between the due process model and the crime control procedure model The due process model assumes that arrested persons are innocent and not punishable by law until a court of law proves that they are guilty e.g. if a person is arrested for having taken a bribe from a...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Processes that Entail a Juvenile Court

Hi dear friend. I am really sorry about the incidence that has befallen you. This should not worry you though. Several people have gone through the process and come out without complications. I write this letter to make you understand the processes that entail a juvenile court. With an understanding...

Plessy V Ferguson and the 14th Amendment

Introduction One of the landmark US Supreme Court decisions upholding the validity of racial segregation was Plessy v Ferguson. It was an 1896 case whose ruling was based on separate but equal doctrine. Homer Plessy was a 7/8 Caucasian man who refused to sit in a train car meant for...

“Never Marry a Mexican” by Sandra Cisneros

“Never Marry a Mexican” by Sandra Cisneros is a short story describing the life of Clemencia, a Latina woman born in the United States. In her piece, Cisneros touches upon Clemencia’s life circumstances as well as her love life, both largely influenced by her status as a Mexican-American. The reader...

Detailed Outline and Interview Preparation

Introduction In the recent past, treatment programs aimed at reducing recidivism have been adopted in a bid to avert crimes within the community. However, the implementation strategy has become a debatable subject since offenders commit crimes due to diverse reasons. Thus, treatment programs are faced with a challenge when it...

Transformational Leadership in Healthcare

Time management is an interesting topic that has been actively discussed over the last few years. It is necessary to mention that the interest in this concept has been increasing because employers have realized that it is an essential skill that needs to be mastered because it helps to increase...

Syncretism as a Cultural Movement in the Americas

Modern families in the United States and many other countries have uncommon blends of cultures, beliefs, and traditions, most of which appeared due to the past’s syncretistic occasions. Colonization forced people of different backgrounds to meet and combine their views, thus now, for example, American traditions include Christian and native...

“Incidents in the Life of a Slave Girl” Review

Incidents in the Life of a Slave Girl is an autobiography of a woman who experienced a slave’s life during the beginning of the uprising of civilians for justice for African Americans. The story is a heartbreaking journey that starts with the writer’s childhood as a slave and ends with...

Holistic Caring Process. Foundations of Nursing Practice

Holistic caring process is one of the core values of holistic nursing (Morgan & Yoder, 2012). According to Dossey, Keegan, and Co-Director International Nurse Coach Association (2012), holistic caring is the core element of nursing of future. The following paper will observe the selected core value of holistic caring process...

Pelvic Inflammatory Disease: Key Points

Chronic diseases are a significant matter of concern to both healthcare organizations and financial institutions developing state budgets and allocating resources not to mention the patients themselves. Similar diseases have a negative influence on the everyday life of people decreasing the quality of their lives because of constant discomfort and...

S.M.A.R.T. Goal Strategy in Nursing

Introduction In various professionals, it is necessary to apply the S.M.A.R.T goal approach, in a bid to attain the desired outcomes. This enhances the achievement of these goals, and hence the ultimate development in one’s career. Professionals apply various steps in making smart goals. Usually, this systematic approach ensures the...

Popular Research Paper Topics

The Vacuum Vessel Design: Requirements and Limitations

Introduction In engineering design, the procedure of coming up with a component involves idea synthesis at the initial state after problem definition. Creative thinking then follows to evaluate possible designs to meet the functional requirements of the mentioned need. Vetting is also done to come up with a sensible number...

The Healthcare Workplace: Patient Safety Culture

Fostering a safety culture is a key part of enhancing patient safety and service quality in the emergency care environment. Numerous researches indicate that a culture of safety and the associated safety climate framework are related to doctors’ practices, such as communication of failures, reduction of adverse events, and decrease...

The Torah: Story, Law, and Poetry

In the tradition of Judaism, Torah, in the broad sense, refers to the substance of God’s divine revelation to Israel, thus offering divine teaching and guidance to His followers. The meaning of Torah has been mainly restricted in order to denote the first give books of the Hebrew Bible, or...

Positive Effects of Immigration Essay Example

Introduction It is important to note that immigration has always been one of the major topics of debate in the United States, where each side either proclaims it to be a centerpiece of the American economy and civic life or a source of job loss and degradation of national identity....

Coach INC: The Key Success Factors

Key success factors for makers of ladies’ handbags and leather accessories. The company needs to consider the needs of this particular market segment. Women are people who are known to be sensitive about the quality of products they purchase. Therefore the first success factor concerns quality products. Maintaining the required...

The Concept of Race in the Social Context

The concept of race has stirred people’s minds for centuries. Issues like why people are born with different color of hair and skin, and how these characteristics determine a person’s place in society have been a subject of fierce debate since the dawn of humanity. More recently, the discussions have...

Ecosocial Approach: Air Quality and Toxic Exposure

Kreiger’s ecosocial approach highlights racial and ethnic discrimination and social research’s importance. Nancy Krieger introduced the ecosocial framework, which investigates how various historical, ecological, and social factors influence public health, such as economic inequality. Briefly, the ecosocial framework identifies the incorporation of racial inequality and its effects on health inequalities....

Thinking Like a Nurse: Clinical Judgement

Clinical judgment is an essential concept in healthcare and, more specifically, in nursing. It is a process that involves collecting client data, interpreting the data, making diagnoses, and identifying proper steps. Essential components of the process are critical thinking, decision making, and problem-solving. Clinical judgment is required for somewhat ambiguous...

Personal Culture and Worldview

Introduction Culture is an integral part of personal identity and social order. It consists of values, beliefs, and regular activities that make up the lives of people all around the world. Numerous cultures are influencing the world today. Understanding cultural diversity provides a broader look at the surrounding environment and...

Dementia and Its Controversial Treatment

Dementia is a progressive decline in cognitive ability, an ailment commonly thought to be inseparable from the concept of the elderly. Dementia causes people to lose practical skills and the ability to perform everyday activities. According to the World Health Organisation, as of 2018, 47.5 million people have been diagnosed...

Lymphedema as a Lymphatic System Disease

Diseases of the lymphatic system are common among adults and children. There are many types of these pathologies that require different treatment approaches. The most common problem is lymphedema, which develops when the formation of lymph and its outflow through the capillaries and lymphatic vessels from the organs and tissues...

“The Monkey’s Paw” by W. W. Jacobs

Notably, the Monkey’s Paw by W. W. Jacobs tells the story of the family who receives a monkey’s paw from a friend, fulfilling the owner’s three wishes, which always lead to dire consequences. Through the story, the reader may notice Jacobs wanted to warn readers to be careful with their...

The American Legion v. American Humanist Association Case

The American Legion versus The American Humanist Association case occurred between two public organizations. This case involves the American Humanist Association, a non-profit organization that advocates for the separation of church and state (American Humanist Association, n.d). Another participant in the proceedings is the American Legion, which provides community services...

Why Marijuana Should Be Legal?

To legalize or not to legalize marijuana is a hotly debated topic, which has been around not for years but for centuries. Restrictions on the distribution of cannabis started in the 16th century. Although many different concessions have been made since then, the issue of legislative regulation of disputes on...

Nike Inc.’s Strategic Planning

Introduction Strategic planning is formulated to attain the organization’s overall goals, such as the market restrictions, the demand from the stakeholders, and the accounting. A strategic plan is concerned with the organization’s future (Lo & Sugiarto, 2021). Thus for any business to remain vital and successful, it has to formulate...

Natare Corporation vs. Duraplastec Systems Inc.

Facts Natare Corporation and Duraplastec Systems have a long history of competition against one another, during which they have spread disparaging information against one another as a means of unsettling the competition. These activities have resulted in 2 lawsuits against one another and an agreement to refer to arbitrage in...

Kelihos Botnet Malware: Criminal Investigation

This is a Criminal Justice Report Summary of the application under rule 41 for a search warrant to identify evidence of the crime. The creation of this report summary was facilitated by the use of the outline method of the note-taking strategy. The main points for this summary were drawn...

The Australian Social Media Industry’s Analysis

The Australian social media industry has faced various challenges due to different factors, including ‘media mogul’ subjugated media which facilitates conservative views and restricts people’s opinions. This report majorly aims to examine various factors impacting Australia’s social media industry PESTLE analysis. Conducting PESTLE analysis is essential to Australia’s social media...

The Effect of Medication Administration Through Barcodes on Nurses

Primarily, this paper is based on a case study of the existing actual and relevant literature. The article highlights the main and meaningful ideas regarding innovative methods and techniques of taking medications by patients. The authors of the study provide detailed descriptions, characteristics, and an assessment of the experience of...

The Stakeholder Theory Justification

I believe that the stakeholder theory is superior to and argumentatively stronger than the Shareholder theory. This definite statement is very straight to the point but atypical for a standard persuasive essay (Weston, 2018). However, such a rhetorical move is necessary for the audience to understand the further narrative flow...

Chile’s Economy and Political Stability

Introduction Chile is one of the Latin American nations that has been a Spanish colony and whose culture and social environment evolved in connection with Spain. It is a well-developed nation with a thriving economy; however, in recent years, there has been some political instability in this country. This paper...

The Federal Reserve’s Benefits and Disadvantages

Introduction The functioning of the national financial system is reliant on the effectiveness of the management of macroeconomic factors for the stability of the domestic market. In the United States of America, the federal reserve has been established as a tool for regulating the economy of the country and balancing...

The Tomorrow World 2015 Festival Management

Introduction Tomorrow World is a musical festival that arranges several-day events with multiple performers and visitors’ opportunities to attend as campers, one-day attendees, or several-day attendees. In 2015, the event’s location was set in a wooded area far from main roads or hotels, as well as no precautions were made...

Developing Metacognition in Students

The primary purpose of all levels of education is to prepare students for their future personal and professional lives and become contributing members of society. It is achieved both through the transference of knowledge and the development of various skills and competencies. One such skill is metacognition, which can be...

Eric Erikson’s Developmental Stages Explained

Eric Erikson’s theory of human development is one of the most fundamental theories used in contemporary education and psychology. This perspective substituted the psychosexual theory of development articulated by Freud in clinical practice due to its broader applicability (Maree, 2021). In addition, Erikson’s perspective is regarded as the least controversial...

Business Strategies: Pathways to Success

The paper under review today discusses the particulars of product differentiation and positioning. Using real-world examples and analysing the business strategies of fast food chains (namely Burger King and McDonald’s), the authors were able to isolate some larger universal rulesets that apply to managing competition and developing a successful brand...

Environment of Lincoln Park in New Jersey

I was privileged to visit Lincoln Park in New Jersey, which had magnificent scenery. Lincoln Park has trails, playgrounds, a golf course, and several community gardens which offer in-depth ecological insights. The neighboring environment exhibits a vibrant cultural scene, with plenty of art galleries and music venues, making the place...

Desperation and Salvation in Postcolonial Literature

Every postcolonial piece of literature gives readers an idea of how the suppressor and the subjugated nation coexisted in one time and place. These works are always accompanied by protagonists and antagonists who raise the problems of slavery, inequality, migration, and marginalization of certain groups. Disgrace – a novel by...

Paramedics: Demographic and Employment Trends in Firefighting Careers

Firefighting is a risky career and there is always a risk of death or injury. However, one of the main risks of non-scene injury or death is because of improper application of personal protective equipment (PPE). To be a firefighter may be a risky job when it concerns injury and...

Improving Intergenerational Social Mobility in Hong Kong

A thriving society is created in large part by social mobility. It contributes significantly to the development of a strong economy in any country. For instance, Hong Kong, a special administrative region in China, once had an intensively growing GDP, which consequently resulted in increasing quality of life in the...

Katrina: A History by Andy Horowitz

Katrina: A History is a book by Andy Horowitz that dwells on the importance of the hurricane that redefined the American approach to calamity management. New Orleans became the most affected location because Katrina struck the infrastructure and flooded the city, making entire neighborhoods disappear underwater. Million-dollar damage caused uneasiness...

The Medicine Women Documentary Analysis

In the context of the documentary Medicine Women, Lori distinguishes between doctoring and healing because she believes that the training she received in her surgical residency did not provide her with the holistic and spiritual approach to care that is inherent to traditional indigenous healing practices. She sought to learn...

EasyUp Product: Smart Trekking Poles

Introduction EasyUp is a name for smart trekking poles that offer several features in addition to physically supporting a person during a hike. The recreational sports product can monitor the user’s heart rate, location, and mileage and offer suggestions based on earlier set goals. EasyUp differs from similar items by...

Documentary: Slavery and the Making of America by Betty Wood

Slavery is one of the topics which attract most of students’ attention. This topic is also associated with numerous discussions concerning historical facts and falsifications, morality in the 17th–18th centuries and modern days, numerous lessons to learn for teenagers. This topic has been explored by many researchers and there are...

Business-to-Business Marketing Practices: An Overview of Articles

Introduction This report focuses on analyzing and synthesizing information about the best business-to-business marketing practices found in seven different articles. The paper will first explore the main themes raised in the articles, then link the articles to the B2B marketing course, and finally, discuss Building long term customer relationships in...

Environmental Pollution Effects on Health

Introduction Humans do not live in a vacuum but in a damaged environment that impacts individuals’ health every second of their existence. People cannot avoid air as they must breathe, water as they must drink, or land as they must eat what is grown in it. When polluted substances from...

Gardena Flowers and Plants Trading Company Analysis

Brief History Gardena Flowers and Plants Trading is an outdoor shop that specialises in the sale of plant nurseries, ceramic pots used to grow the plants, as well as outdoor deception materials used to beautify offices and homes. The company is ten months old having started in July, 2013. It...

Spiritual Needs Assessment Role in Health Care

Despite the professional awareness of the importance of spiritual needs assessment in medicine, it can often be overlooked by medical employees. The information acquired during the assessment can be instrumental in understanding the spiritual worldview of the patient as well as providing better efforts of support and care. Moreover, spiritual...

Poverty in “I Beat the Odds” by Oher and Yaegar

Social Concerns The story about Michael Oher’s rise from rags to riches written by Michael Oher himself with Don Yaeger is based on a true story that inspires people across all ages and racial boundaries. It shows how a white couple Leigh Anne and Sean Tuohy took in Michael Oher...

Diabetic Patients with Obesity or Overweight

The Article The article that has been chosen for the analysis is called “Analysis of a sample of type 2 diabetic patients with obesity or overweight and at cardiovascular risk: A cross-sectional study in Spain” and it has been written by Lucha-López et al. (2014). Three years ago, the work...

Popular Research Paper Topics

A Rose for Emily: Gothic Elements

Gothic Elements in A Rose for Emily: Essay Introduction Gothic elements in any literary work represent the intricate literature that specifically deals with the mysterious, unusual, and supernatural. Writers often deploy gothic elements in a bid to reveal popular themes and motifs such as hidden truths, death, complicated love, eroticism,...

Public Policy Meeting Summary

The Meeting The purpose of the meeting lies in need to discuss the Affordable Care Act Replacement Bill and various associated factors. The key participants are senior correspondents of Kaiser Health News Julie Rovner and Mary Agnes Carey. Key agenda items include the discussion of the effects that the ACARB...

Breast Cancer Studies: Evaluation and Analysis of Scientific Papers

Introduction Despite significant progress in the development of new technologies, cancer remains one of the problems of modern medicine. Today, society increasingly draws attention to women’s breast cancer since this issue does not lose its relevance. Numerous developments of experienced doctors cannot help to get rid of this problem entirely....

Theater Performance: Mrs.Warren’s Profession

The World of the Play The play takes place in Victorian England where a young woman, who spent most of her life in various boarding schools, is preparing to meet her mother whom she has not seen for a very long time and knows almost nothing about. The woman’s name...

The American Dream: Civil Rights and Opportunities

Introduction The United States is a country that was built by people who searched for freedom from the traditional rules imposed by the Church and by feudal masters. It is not surprising that the nation created as a result has freedom as its primary value. The living conditions in the...

Gender Stereotypes Formation in Children

Introduction Modern Western society is characterized by a great deal of gender equality. Moreover, people tend to refer to such countries as Canada, the USA, European countries as egalitarian societies. It is natural to see women working in various areas and even occupy high posts in the sphere of politics,...

Health Promotion Among Diverse Populations

Introduction There is no doubt that the stable health situation of the population is among the factors that secure the well-being of the people. According to the key values of our society, all the people whose work is helpful for the country should be treated equally and provided with all...

Military Personnel and Psychological Risks

Military personnel is exposed to greater psychological risks than civilians. Soldiers occasionally face scenes and events that are disturbing or implying a great responsibility for the outcomes. It is not surprising that they are often subject to psychological issues as a result of their service. Researchers have discovered that the...

State Manufacturing’s Pricing and Decision-Making

The sales manager of State Manufacturing is venturing into new frontiers by gaining a distribution channel in Italy. However, the manager finds himself in unfamiliar territory because State Manufacturing has never engaged in the export market before. The pricing of export commodities presents a challenge for manager Jim Madison, mostly...

The New Deal and Minorities in America

Historians and sociologists argue that the Great Depression profoundly changed American society because it made people extremely uncertain about their future. In particular, it led to the growing unemployment and homelessness; moreover, many households were brought to the brink of starvation. In turn, the New Deal was often perceived as...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Soda-Ban on Extra-Large Drinks

Introduction In 2012, the mayor of New York City, Michael Bloomberg, presented a proposal to enact a ban on the sale of large sodas and several other sugary drinks because of their high levels of sugars. If passed, the ban would apply in restaurants, street carts, and movie theaters. The...

The Communist Manifesto: Values and Goals

The Communist Manifesto was written by Karl Marx and Frederick Engels in late 1847 and published in February 1848. It contains a summary of the Communist values and aims, as well as a history of Communism and the explanation of historical development as described in the Communist theory. The piece...

Community Needs and Health Screening Initiative

Health screening is known as one of the best ways of identifying and preventing diseases at early stages. Childhood obesity is one of the most serious health problems nowadays. Thus, it is crucial to perform screening for this dangerous condition. The suggested initiative complies with the U.S. Preventive Services Task...

Sculpture History: Hellenistic, Greek and Roman Styles

Identify the stylistic category to which each work belongs (example: Archaic Greek, Classical Greek, Hellenistic, Roman, etc.). Explain in your own words why each work is exemplary of this category. Just as the master works of painters change through each generation as new styles and techniques are adopted so too...

Preston Store: Performance Management

Priority Objectives The newly-recruited manager should be able to transform the situation at the Preston store. The store is currently facing various challenges and obstacles that affect the level of performance. This situation explains why the store manager should focus on specific goals or priorities. Such priorities should be aimed...

Young Afro-American Female vs. Elderly White Male

Introduction Comparing and contrasting experiences of people from different backgrounds that include education, gender, age, race, social status, and other variables is essential for understanding the diversity as well as the range of life struggles or successes individuals face. In order to explore this, interviews with two individuals have been...

Business Analytics Aspects and Applicability

Introduction In today’s world, the popularity of business analytics is increasing; companies start to use its tools to guide their decision-making processes. This paper presents an overview of business analytics, evaluating its aspects and applicability. The report features opportunities and challenges business analytics presents. In addition, it addresses the features...

International Business: Sino-American Trade War

Introduction International business is the field that studies the trade of goods, capital, and other significant items across borders on a global level. The news article selected for this review is the one presented by Ben Chapman. The author addresses the most recent news on the so-called trade war between...

Hand Hygiene in Preventing Healthcare-Associated Infections

The proposed intervention for nurses was aimed at developing their skills in preventing and managing healthcare-associated infections (HAIs) to improve patient outcomes. While applying the qualitative methodology and case study research design, 20 nurses invited to participate in the project were interviewed before and after the implementation of the intervention....

Geography and Its Relevance in the 21st Century

The argument that geography no longer matters in the 21st century does not hold. Despite the communication, trade, and infrastructural barriers that globalization has broken, the world cannot get to a position where humans can regard geography as irrelevant. Even with the proliferation of globalization, global problems such as climate...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Nursing Research Designs and Applications

Nursing research is an integral part of the scholarly exploration, as it helps specialists in the profession find the most effective practices of improving the care for patients. Research is also instrumental in responding to changes in the healthcare environment, governmental regulations, and populations of patients. The understanding of the...

Social Determinants of Health: Policy Brief

Identification of the Issue Public health is an immensely broad field of study, which includes various problems related to health, care, equity, and infrastructure (“Topics & issues,” 2018). However, it is possible to state that one of the problems in the public health sector, which is often not paid enough...

War Theme in O’Brien’s “The Things They Carried”

The short story The Things they Carried portrays war and its impact on young soldiers, their life dreams and expectations, hardship, and fears. This short story can be seen as a reflection of the events which took place during the Vietnam War. O’Brien gives an insightful analysis of the deep...

Child Soldiers in the Northern Region of Uganda

The Secretary-General, The United States Human Rights Commission 760 United Nation Plaza, New York, NY 10017, USA, Dear Sir, I am writing this letter from Uganda jail, to inform you of the plight of children soldiers in the Northern Region of Uganda, East Africa. I have been staying in Uganda...

Arguments Against a War in Iraq

Introduction The war in Iraq is one of the biggest mistakes America did in modern times. Now, that we have our troops in Iraq and former dictator Saddam Hussein is dead, do Americans feel more secure today than before the Sept 11 incident? The answer is no. The United States...

Examples of Racism in The Great Gatsby

Examples of Racism in The Great Gatsby: Essay Introduction The novel “The Great Gatsby” by Scott Fitzgerald is a very symbolistic piece of writing in which each reader can find aspects interesting for him or her only. The writer’s ability to intertwine symbolism with the realistic flow of the story...

Health Information Policy for Industry and Public

Introduction Public health issues can be addressed by relating policies that target the needed change. In general, those are complex and require appropriate planning to ensure that the overall impact on the population is positive. Some regulations, for instance, those relating to information technology are necessary to provide the protection...

God Existence: The Cosmological Argument

Introduction The Cosmological Argument for the existence of God, as propounded by Thomas Aquinas, hinged on the five general principles. This, in Aquinas’ masterpiece was entitled “The Summa” (The Five Ways). In what follows, we would be critically discussing the first, second, fourth and the fifth pillars of his argument...

Rhetorical Writing Analysis of Jenna Berko’s Essay

Introduction Rhetorical writing is a special kind of activity that involves the ability to both analyze the plot of the object under consideration and see how the author manages to affect the audience’s perception of this object by certain rhetorical means. The appeal to the audience is rather important in...

“Mimsy Were the Borogoves” by Lewis Padgett

The short story Mimsy Were the Borogoves, written by Henry Cutter and Catherine Moore, has always been considered as one of the most prominent examples of American science fiction. The main reason, why this novella attracts so much attention of critics is its deep symbolism, and intricate ideas, which the...

Negotiation and Dispute Resolution

Introduction The negotiation alternative for establishing the wine distributor between Yarra Wines Limited and Falcon Prestige Wine distributor will be based on the actual reality of the wine market and analysis of the wine distribution principles. The key aim of the alternative discussion will be to analyze and confirm the...

Effective Assessment Practices: Objective Structured Clinical Examination, Written Assignments and Rubrics, and Teacher-Created Tests

Introduction Effective assessment practices are regarded as the key to the effective educational principles. It is claimed that assessment principles are needed for adequate evaluation of students’ knowledge, skills, and abilities that are required for further educational process, or passing the final exam. Techniques that will be assessed in the...

Ethical Awareness. Detailed Analysis of the Ethics

In the report by Blessing (2010), there is a detailed analysis of the ethics that should be possessed by the employees at the work place. The article outlines the different means and mechanisms by which the ethics can be imparted into the employees to ensure a peaceful and harmonious co-existence...

Family Firms in Saudi Arabia

Justification of the study The concept of corporate social responsibility has become a common term in the business world. It has become an integral part of most businesses in the world today. However, CSR has always been and still is a subject of controversial views and discussions. Most economists have...

Development of a New Medication

Introduction This paper presents a case study of a pharmaceutical firm that intends to develop a new medication. A decision tree will be used to analyze possible decisions. Furthermore, it uses decision probabilities together with outcome rates in modeling the intricate situation. Finally, “rolling back the tree” approach will be...

Ethics of Violence Description and Analysis

Introduction Helping professionals need to utilize their competencies and philosophies to provide the best support to their clients. Depending on the nature of the situation, such experts will consider different models since the ultimate aim is to empower more people to lead better lives. Ethical guidelines and codes of conduct...

Media Literacy and Political Manipulation

For a long time, scholars have understood the significant role that the media play in influencing public opinion and giving shape to the perceptions that people have about the world. But on the other hand, the debate about how influential the media are is clear even from the studies that...

Sustainability: Definition and Understanding

One can define sustainability as the act of elongating or maintaining resources at a certain level. This means that it requires stringent planning first to understand the capacity of the resources in question. Sustainability has mainly been used in regard to maintaining the earth’s natural resources. One can argue that...

“Mother Tongue” of A.Tan Analysis Review

Amy Tan is an American writer of Asian origin who is passionate about languages. She had to grow up in a difficult situation, being the daughter of a Chinese immigrant. Her circumstances were also complicated due to the communication issues that her mother had to endure. For this reason, she...

Characters’ Evolution in The House on Mango Street and Bullet in the Brain

Antoine de Saint-Exupéry’s The Little Prince raises fundamental philosophical issues about human life and its actual values. The protagonist undergoes internal evolution and gains an understanding that genuinely precious things are intangible. Instead, they can be perceived only by the heart. Subsequently, numerous other writers have adopted this narrative strategy....

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Measuring Health Behaviors. Key Methods

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Enabling Harm and Ethical Decision-Making

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“Airframe” by Michael Crichton

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Hydraulic Fracking and Methane Pollution in the US

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How Materialism Rules Our Society

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Politics and Government in the Epic of Gilgamesh

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Central Argument of the Boethius’ Book

Boethius provided different solutions to challenges of human freedom versus divine foreknowledge after Augustine. Such resolution appealed to the aspects of time and God’s eternity. Boethius concluded such a decision through his imaginations of Lady Philosophy as he waited for his execution (129). For example, Boethius is convinced that ‘nothing...

The Class About Nutrition to Real Life Situations When Making Food Choices

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The Declaration of Independence: The Most Treasured Document of the USA

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Philosophical View of Violence in the Society

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The Affordable Care Act and Healthcare Reforms

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Discussion of Morality in Auschwitz

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Operation Geronimo and Killed Osama bin Laden

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Kaposi Sarcoma: Causes and Treatment

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“Le Morte d’Arthur” Book by Thomas Malory

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Role of Effective Communication in Enhancing Nurses’ Cultural Competence

Evidence For Cultural Competence Among Healthcare Professionals Several educational initiatives and training courses have been designed to enhance the competencies required for recognizing and addressing sociocultural challenges in the clinical context (Gradellini et al., 2021). Most educational and training programs for cultural sensitivity focus on developing specific skills in healthcare...

Relationship Between Sports and Religion

There is an interdependent relationship between sports and religion cause of the proficient impact on society and the attribution of the coherence. One of the important questions that influence the sociological perspectives is ministering to other individuals within the diverse setting. On the one hand, delivering the believers’ message renders...

Partial Hospitalization Group Observation

Identify the group characteristics: name, meeting location and time, etc. For this observation, I chose a Partial Hospitalization group that meets five days a week for four hours. There is no particular name for this meeting, hence it is recorded as Partial Hospitalization Support. They meet Monday through Friday from...