Healthcare Fraud Solutions: Healthcare Fraud and Abuse

Healthcare fraud, waste, and abuse are significant issues in the US and cost billions of dollars annually. Waste and abuse refer to the unwarranted or excessive use of resources as well as intentional deception or misrepresentation of another person or institution for financial advantage. These problems have an adverse effect...

Chronic Care: Treatment Modalities

Introduction Chronic diseases need particular care to preserve the life quality of a patient. With timely diagnosis and relevant support therapy, people may lead a normal life. However, the patient’s participation is important since chronic illnesses usually have co-morbid conditions to consider. The patients from the case studies suffer from...

Decision-Making in the 1989 Hillsborough Disaster

Using the dichotomous typologies only, what types of decisions were the five critical decisions? The first decision was about having a “safety fence” to prevent ground invasion. Such a decision was based on an earlier event in 1985 where 39 Italian (Juventus) fans died when they were trying to escape...

Team-Based and Synergy Models for Patient Care

The model of nursing care I observed the team model of nursing in an intensive care unit in a certain hospital. The majority of patients in this unite were facing life-threatening conditions, and thus they needed constant supervision from the nurses and other technical staff members. Care providers in this...

Health-Based and Non-Nursing Theories in Examples

Introduction The health of families and communities is one of the main priorities for nurses of different types. However, non-nursing theories may also have a significant effect on family and community behavior. This paper will show an example of a health-based theory and a non-nursing theory, their application to health...

International Studies: Global Disasters

Natural disasters traditionally have been reasoned to be an effect of environmental conditions like volcanoes, cyclones, earthquakes, droughts, etc. They have considered human contribution in the disasters as passive agents. However in the early 1980s there had been radical critique from social geographers on environmental lines, who argued that humans...

Defining and Labeling Mental Illness

The existence of mental-disorders has necessitated extensive studies for quite some time now. This owes to its undesirable impacts to the patient and the community. Because of mental illness, several kinds of inequity and ill treatment have come up in the society. Previously, the incidences of mental-illnesses were identified as...

Stress Affecting First-Year Students

Introduction The first year at the university is a highly significant time for students. This is the time when students are most vulnerable to academic failure, as well as most likely to experience social, emotional and financial problems. “The process of entering university has been likened to moving from one...

“Waiting for Superman” by Karl Weber

Abstract The American education system remains one of the education systems in the world that needs reform. In this education, there is a lot of investment but there is actually not enough information to show this. In this paper, the focus is on the book waiting for superman by Karl...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Karl Marx and His Contributions to Study of Economics

Outline Thesis Karl Marx (5 May 1818 – 14 March 1883) is known as a prominent philosopher, journalist, sociologist, and, first of all, economist. In every one of these spheres, he has left a priceless heritage that remains useful even nowadays. Karl Marx (5 May 1818 – 14 March 1883)...

Capitalism and Socialism, Democracy

Democracy is a political or social unit that gives power to the citizens in which they observe it through a free and fair electoral system. When the citizens do not exercise democracy themselves, then the elected representatives carry it out. This kind of system is illustrated by having recognized equality...

Martin Heidegger: Key Figure of German Philosophy

Heidegger Biography Martin Heidegger, a German philosopher, was born in 1889 to a catholic family. He was raised in a Roman Catholic Church where his father served as sexton. Heidegger gained many contributions from the Catholic Church that were working tooth and nail in preparing him for the priesthood. His...

Organizational Culture: Terminology and Concepts

Organizational culture is one of the most important factors that influence the organization’s response to its environment. Organizational culture gives the guidelines on how people should behave while at their workplace. Strong cultures can greatly influence people’s thinking in an organization (Snell & Bateman, 2009). A company can benefit from...

Concerns and Style of Jonathan Coleman

Jonathan Coleman is an accomplished American writer, editor, and narrator born in Allentown, Pennsylvania. Coleman’s works of nonfiction are critically acclaimed in the literary community, touching upon a broad range of topics. The main themes favored by the author seem to be related to human nature, justice, and societal relationships....

Outcome-Based Dynamic Cycle of Clinical Reasoning and Client Needs

In this case scenario, Mr. P.K is a 50 years old man, known as a diabetic patient for ten years. He is currently on insulin of 12 IU units in the morning and 6IU in the evening, and the abdomen is his preferred injection site. Mr. P.K reports that he...

American Civil War and Abraham Lincoln’s Presidency

The American Civil War was a watershed instant in our country’s history. Ten thousand battles were fought across the globe between 1861 and 1865 (Hall et al., 2019). The war settled critical questions unaddressed by the revolution. The first was whether the United States was a soluble confederation of independent...

Theories and Approaches in Healthcare

Jones, C. L., Jensen, J. D., Scherr, C. L., Brown, N. R., Christy, K., & Weaver, J. (2015). The Health Belief Model as an explanatory framework in communication research: Exploring parallel, serial, and moderated mediation. Health Communication, 30(6), 566-576. Web. The researchers used the health belief model (HBM) as an...

The Lifeboat Case as an Ethical Dilemma

The Lifeboat case describes an incident where four sailors were stranded in the middle of the Atlantic. They had run out of food, were starving, and decided to kill one sailor for the survival of the rest. The remaining three sailors were rescued and tried in the court of British...

Humanism in Jean-Paul Sartre’s Nausea

Jean-Paul Sartre dismisses the understanding of humanism that fails to acknowledge the importance of individual choice. Based on the rejected philosophy of humanism, people may take others’ credit for their personal accomplishments since they share humanity, thus, making others’ achievements their own. He critics the previous understanding of the concept...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Human Resource Management Functions Analysis

Human resources are the most basic and irreplaceable resource in any activity, including business. Without reliable employees, developing any endeavor, delegating tasks, or expanding the scope of action is impossible. Accordingly, the company’s strategic plans must be aligned with the company’s human resources policy. Without an appropriate, renewable, and adequate...

Types of Healthcare Organizations in the United States

There are different types of healthcare organizations across the United States that are known to assist patients at different levels. The types of healthcare organizations selected are hospitals and Ambulatory surgical centers. Healthcare facilities offer a service to their clients via a continuum of care and appear to be more...

Francis’s “Catch” and Herbert’s “Easter Wings” Comparison

Introduction This paper analyses the comparison between “Catch Poem” of Francis Robert and “Easter Wings Poem” of Herbert George. Indeed, the two poems are significant, although they express concealed implications to readers. Though each poem presented dissimilar information, such ideas are related, imperative, and vital to readers in general. Analysis...

Serial Killers: Speech Analysis

Introduction Getting attention The act of murdering other people is, unfortunately, a common thing in our society. To kill one person is already a horrifying deed, to kill more than that is a crime against all humanity. Nowadays, those who have killed three or more people are officially called serial...

Modern American Social Problems

Immigrants in the American society It is estimated by the United States Census Bureau that most of the immigrants in the United States (almost half of them) reside in big cities like Los Angeles, New York, Miami, or Chicago (“United States Population Clock”, par. 1). The large amounts of people...

American Imperialism: Negative and Positive Sides

Introduction American imperialism may be defined as the tendency by which the people who have powers or are known to be influential on people or the nations that are believed to be strong either politically or economically take advantage of the weaker nations or the people. They will always want...

Cerebral Palsy: Definition, Treatment and Prevention

Background Cerebral palsy (CP) is a prevalent group of motor disorders that affects an individual’s ability to maintain balance, posture, and mobility. It is caused by abnormal brain development or brain damage that affects a person’s ability to control muscles, stemming from dysfunction in the central nervous system and the...

Mental Health Stigma for Military Man and Civilians

Cederbaum, J., Wilcox, S., Sullivan, K., Lucas, C., & Schuyler, A. (2017). The Influence of Social Support on Dyadic Functioning and Mental Health Among Military Personnel During Post-deployment Reintegration. Public Health Reports (1974-), 132(1), 85-92.  This article is relevant to my study as it discusses the military personnel’s mental health...

Lens Analysis: Natural and Applied Sciences

The issue of women in the workforce is an important one in the field of natural and applied sciences. According to Noonan (2017), 76 percent of the science, technology, engineering, and math (STEM) workers are men. There are numerous reasons for this disbalance, one of which is the high rates...

Government and Private Health Insurance

Nowadays, most American people receive health insurance from private health insurance companies. According to the Census Bureau, government insurance plans have 38% of Americans in comparison to 67% of people who get private health insurance services (Berchick et al., 2018). Nevertheless, managed care models and primary types of insurance businesses...

Popular Research Paper Topics

The Netherlands: Coronabonds Controversy

The most current issue of international politics is the coronavirus response. With the world starting to slowly recover from the pandemic, the governments’ efforts are now focused on facing its aftermaths and providing support to hardest-hit countries. EU nations have expressed different positions on the matter, with the wealthiest countries,...

Social Learning Theories Explaining the Delinquent Activity

The major postulation of the social learning theory is that behavior is a result of learning the norms, values and behaviors from society. This essay will review the three most prominent forms of social learning theory that explain the delinquent activity. These are differential association theory, differential reinforcement theory and...

Impact of Nursing to the Community

Introduction A nurse is described in layman language as a person who takes care of people in need. In a more detailed definition, nurses are described by Stone (1) as: “men and women who are responsible (along with other health care professionals) for the treatment, safety and recovery of acutely...

Digital Piracy in the Modern World

Galuszka, Peter. “The War over Internet Piracy: Fearing Lawsuits, College Officials Crack down on Illegal Downloading of Music and Videos on Campus.” Black Issues in Higher Education, vol. 21, no. 2, 2004, p. 24. Galuszka, in this article, provides that 80% of all films and music is pirated. For artists...

Present Interpretation of the Term Lying

Introduction Criticized by ancient philosophers, lying has become an inherent trait of modern community. An episode from The Andy Griffith Show about Mr. McBevee demonstrates the complexity of the modern concept of lying and deception which requires taking into account not only the individual’s motives in telling a lie, but...

Lilybird Digital Company’s Issues in China

Reason for Seeking New Markets Members of the European Union are feeling the impact of China’s growing economic power. The Chinese market is expanding. However, European companies are still struggling to discover the competitive advantage necessary to earn a profit. There are several reasons why European brands are unable to...

Infrastructure and Nation Building in Canada

Transportation Infrastructure In 1915, the Canadian government maintained a system of public-private collaboration on critical transportation infrastructure. Railroads in Canada were constructed by private corporations and some lines were funded by the government. Canada had four large express companies operating at the time, which were created under the Acts of...

Ha Jin’s “Saboteur” in Nicola McAllister’s Critique

While reading the critical response on Ha Jin’s short story Saboteur, I’ve realized that the critic Nicola McAllister has a low opinion of the Chinese government and knows nothing about the policy of China. On the other hand, he is just ignorant of the historical changes that took place in...

Mary Cassatt’s “Mother and Child” in Modernist View

Along the second half of the nineteenth and at the turn of the twentieth century, Mary Cassatt explored the relationship between mother and child in most of her paintings. American of origin and French by adoption, Mary Cassatt moved from the States to Paris, where she played an active role...

Drug Theme in “Sonny’s Blues” by James Baldwin

“Don’t worry. I’m all right now and I think I’ll be all right. But I can’t forget-where I’ve been. I don’t mean just the physical place I’ve been, I mean where I’ve been. And what I’ve been.” – Sonny. Kicking the habit of taking in drugs – in this case,...

The Theory of Phenomena

Introduction Phenomenology comes from structures that are found within a conscious experience. Phenomena are the structures that exhibit themselves on the assumptions and presuppositions of science. One can consider them the way a thing is immediately experienced and the way it is. Edmund Husserl was the first distinguished phenomenologist. He...

Risk Management and Business Principles

The aspect of Risk Management is placing a major role in BSSL business in various fields such as weather, environmental suitability, oil and energy, financial, real estate, leisure& recreation, property, manufacturing. Risk Management is involved in adopting and applying a systematic process to identify, analyze, evaluate, treat and monitor risks...

Physical Anthropology in “Family Man” by Will Hively

The article by Will Hively entitled “Family man” discusses family-oriented behavior of birds (the species is called bee-eaters) and applies these patterns to human society. One of the aspects of bee-eaters’ behavior which surprised the scientist Emlen was their great motivation for helping the other members of their community, e.g....

Fort Sumter and Its Role in the Civil War

Introduction Fort Sumter, which was built at around 1827-1860, is a masonry fortification in Charleston harbor at the coastal area in South Carolina which is remarkable in the history of the United States of America and well known for the beginning of fires during the civil wars. It’s name was...

Magical Beliefs: Witchcraft Definition and Practices

Introduction Witchcraft is considered one of the old pagan practices aimed to use natural and magical powers. Persons practice in the magic tradition in a small group of at least three or more persons. The witchcraft practices include all types of pagan, magical, and Satanic groups that reject the Catholic...

Core Competency Maintance as a Key for Company’s Survival

Introduction Core competencies are a prerequisite for a company’s survival in the contemporary competitive world. The factors that give one company mileage in terms of customer retention or quality of service are of the key essence in every organization. Numerous studies have been done in this colossal field in a...

Property Rights in Natural Resource Economics

Natural resource economics concerns itself with the interaction of economic and environmental issues of supply, preservation, and allocation of natural resources, such as water, gas, minerals, and so on. “How producers and consumers use environmental resources depends on the property rights governing those resources” (Sandberg and Clancy 27). The proprietor,...

Concepts of Equal Employment Opportunity Act of 1972

Introduction The main reason why United States Congress passed the Equal Employment Opportunity Act in1972 was to promote justice and equality in all federal employment departments. This act brought sanity in many departments including the police. For a number of years, the police department was a symbol of many cases...

“Romeo and Juliet” by Shakespeare

Some masterpieces of the world literature and culture, in general, have now become deeply integrated into the human mind. As a result, the vast majority of the world residents no longer have the need to read the whole work or see its interpretation in order to retell its main gist...

Healthy People 2020: Reducing the Number of Adults With Functional Limitations

Introduction One of the major health factors discussed in the recent literature is the issue of physical activity. Most scholars and empirical studies have attempted to describe the relationship between functional limitations and the level of physical activity. It is argued that highly active people during their adult ages are...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Developmental Theories in Docter’s “Up” Movie

Introduction Development and growth, including not only physical but also cognitive and socio-emotional progress, is an inseparable part of human life. In movies, which are supposed to artistically reflect the challenges that individuals experience at certain points in their lives, the portrayal of certain developmental stages and the progress made...

Personal Communication in Business Organizations

Introduction In the field of business, communication is an integral process that defines how information is gathered, analyzed, and delivered. An individual has to be ready to work hard to achieve a number of goals. Some of the most crucial tasks are to make sure that enough skills are defined...

Personal Historical Manifesto: Declaration of Independence

It goes without saying that as a country, the United States was founded on the principles of human rights, social equality, tolerance, freedom, and democracy. According to the Declaration of Independence, all people are created equal, and “they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these...

Aspects of the Harm of Smoking

Introduction Pathological states of consciousness caused by drugs have been known for a long time. Everyone has heard about the possible consequences of using these drugs: the hellish dependence on heroin, the risk of overdose, the dangers of driving drunk, the mental degradation of a person who has been using...

Profile of Psychologist Sigmund Freud

Introduction Sigmund Freud was a psychologist born on 6 May 1856 in Moravia in the Czech Republic. Freud died on 23 September 1939 in London, the United Kingdom (Hollitscher, 2017). When Freud died, he was 83 and was a renowned Austrian neurologist and one of the pioneer founders of psychoanalysis....

Employee Onboarding and Orientation

Introduction Effective recruitment and selection are among the most important ways through which an organization can enhance the effectiveness of the employee management system through the strategical use of onboarding. Onboarding refers to the process of helping newly sourced talents to adjust to the social-environment and performance of the company...

Understanding Student Professionalism

It is commonly thought that professionalism can only be discussed or evaluated within the context of work-related responsibilities. While this claim is true to some extent, at least traditionally, the current demonstration of value erosion and breakdown of ethics within the wider society has forced academic institutions to come up...

Drug Test on Welfare Recipients

Article Analysis The article by Schoenbach and Mitchell (2013) discusses various factors that are against drug tests on welfare applicants and recipients. The authors state that compulsory drug tests, according to Senate Bill 594, inserts excessive financial problems on stressed families and to the country. The drug test on welfare...

School Experience for Students with Disabilities

Prediction of Drop-Out Among Students With Minor Disabilities We all know about the importance of completing at least a high school education about preparing ourselves for financially rewarding jobs in the future. Without the proper educational attainment, it is almost impossible to find a job that will keep a roof...

Roommate Wars: What to Do When Your Roommate Is a Jerk?

Introduction It doesn’t necessarily take much for your roommate to behave like a jerk: being incredibly messy, borrowing your things (or eating your food) without as much as asking , being offensive towards your friends or simply not willing to compromise on anything are just a few of the most...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Control Over Gun Possession and Gambling

What Law Would You Add? The current levels of gun violence in the United States have reached their pinnacle with the recent onslaught of mass shootings. Therefore, changing the current regulation addressing the possession of guns is overdue. The introduction of the gun control law will enhance the security of...

Art History: Los Angeles Museums

Introduction I would like to discuss two museums that I am really interested in. Both are located in Los Angeles. First of all I would like to tell you my impressions about the Los Angeles County Museum of Art generally called LACMA that you can see on the picture, which...

Organic Milk Products’ Marketing Strategy

In order to succeed in a marketing activities, a marketing strategy is must have. This paper discusses how to go about developing a marketing strategy for organic milk products. It also outlines the target market for the products, a value proposition for the products through differentiation and marketing positioning strategy...

FedEx, UPS, and DHL Comparative Analysis

The difference in Investment strategy between FedEx and UPS FedEx in comparison to UPS focuses more on operating independently. The management in all its companies is given the freedom to make independent decisions to deliver the best kind of service to its customers in their consequent markets. They, therefore, end...

Pancreatic Cancer: Diagnostics and Treatment

Introduction Of all deaths occurring in the United States, pancreatic cancer accounts for more than 6%. The article analyses the most recent techniques in diagnosis and management pancreatic cancer a malignancy with very poor prognosis. Pancreatic cancer has a very low 5-year survival rate with some studies showing levels below...

Compulsory Vaccination for Staff of Nursing Homes

Background of the issue The COVID-19 pandemic has claimed the lives of more than one and a half million people, and the death is only expected to rise if no appropriate measures will be taken. One of such measures is vaccination, yet it is still impossible to ensure that citizens...

Adaptations of “Hamlet”: Zeffirelli’s and Doran’s Renditions

Adaptations, and film adaptations of stage performances, in particular, are not direct translations of the source material in another format but a retelling of a narrative from the understanding of another person. This fact is most evident in Shakespeare’s works, which are famous for their timeless nature and the myriad...

Integrating Triple Bottom Line in Organization

To identify the efficiency and quality of a business, management usually prioritizes either helping people or generating revenue. It is incorrect to evaluate the results by only one criterion since this will not allow the evaluation of the place of business objectively. Financial indicators will only talk about the revenue...

Media’s Role and Importance in Our Life

Media plays an important part in our life, providing us with different viewpoints and pieces that provoke various perspectives on the same issue. Editorials depict a certain opinion on a specific issue or phenomenon. News stories, on the other hand, are quite neutral and provide data without personal commentary. The...

Bipolar Disorder as a Prevalent Mental Health Issue

Abstract Bipolar disorder (BD) is a mental disease that affects around 1% of all people worldwide. In the US the incidence is at 2.8%. BD affects a person’s mood, forcing them to go through periods of manic anxiety and extreme depression. It may result in suicide attempts, which is the...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Marketing Channels and Advertising Campaigns

Similarities and differences among the concepts of the supply chain, marketing channels, and logistics Similarities: The three concepts are similar in the sense that they involve the movement of goods, information, or services from the point of production to the end consumer. The eventual result of the three concepts is...

Socrates in Phaedo: Equality and Justice

Introduction One of the major questions of philosophy has always been the nature of the soul, what it is, where it resides, where it comes from, how it is developed, and for what purpose. This abiding interest like the human being from a philosophical rather than physical standpoint is evidenced...

Dangers of the Internet to Children

Children who have access to the internet or computers, in general, are not always supervised. They read through instant messages for several hours because they like to chat with their friends and at other times with strangers. Recent research has revealed that 20% of children who are online are approached...

Satire in Martk Twain’s Huckleberry Finn

Introduction Satire is one of the tools used by mark Twain to unveil social issues and changing values, new social relations, and self-understand of the main characters. Mark Twain’s satire can be characterized as moralistic and didactic aimed to teach readers. From a natural bent, Mark Twain is always interested...

Alexander Wendt’s Identities Critique

Introduction Guzzini and Leander (2006) do not agree with Wendt’s theory that under the anarchy regime, the state society is unable to cooperate into identity formations. Guzzini and Leander (2006) contradict this theory, emphasizing that a lot of other factors influence identity state formation. They also disagree with Wendt’s consideration...

Growth and Development of Ancient Cities

Introduction The growth of ancient cities was instigated by several factors. Many cities grew as a result of exploration or conquest expeditions by famous figures who would build empires and initiate a trade with neighbouring regions. The processes of growth of the Cosmopolitan City of Alexandria, the City of Sagala,...

Marketing: Good Relationship With Customers

Abstract Aim of this paper is to develop a good relationship in a company with customer by employing different strategies. Paper starts with discussing different programs which include handling customer complaints, providing information about new or existing products, placing orders, receiving feedback from customers and tracking orders. Paper also analyzes...

Contextual Computing. Application in Personal and Professional Scenarios

Outline This paper explains the application of contextual computing in personal and professional scenarios. It is clear that there are no technical barriers for the growth of contextual computing. But the chief hindrance is the attitude of people. The other minor barriers are environment problem, government regulations…etc. The people and...

Powers of the USA Congress

Introduction The Congress is the autonomous legislature of the United States of America government that consists of the House of Representatives and the Senate. The two are constituted of representatives and senators respectively chosen through direct election. The number of representatives is 435 representing districts and serves a two-year term....

Plato, Aristotle and Preferable Response to Literature

The wisdom of the past can be a perfect source to resort to when one needs advice on the present situation. Ancient Greek civilization has been a recognized treasury of knowledge and philosophic ideas that are topical even nowadays, many centuries later. The names of prominent Greek philosophers, Socrates, Plato,...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Remarriage in Religious Studies

Introduction The most scared institution of the human life is marriage. By marrying each other a man and a woman become one and enter the family life. The Bible and the other religions have separate views on marriage and instruct the followers in separate ways to enter and maintain the...

Google Future Plans in Venturing into New Markets

Summary The articles here are addressing the future plans that Google has in venturing into new markets where it would be able to compete with other companies that are taking the internet and digital technology by storm. Apple Inc. for instance is expanding very fast having launched the iphone, iTunes...

Effects of the French Revolution

Introduction During the late-eighteen century, colonial North America experienced the changing effect of the American Revolution, which gave birth to the modern nation-state regime. The emergence of the government enabled the attainment of the independence of states and resulted in the adoption of a written constitution, with the creation of...

Newmont Mining Corporation: Analysis of Risk and Return

Performance of the stock The graph below shows the performance for the stocks of Newmont Mining Corporation and Fossil incorporated as well as the market. It shows that Newmont Mining Corporation was doing well in the market as compared to Fossil incorporated. Both their performance is in upward trend apart...

“Whiplash”: The Creation and Key Observations

Introduction The movie that I will be analyzing is called “Whiplash” and was directed by Damien Chazelle in 2014. After watching it for the first time, it made me think about various relevant topics, even though I do not play jazz. Primarily, I was questioning the issues of what is...

The Purpose of the Eugenics Movement

Scientific discoveries have been the focal point for delivering solutions to various problems facing humanity. The 19th century saw an increase in the number of scholars attempting to find answers and explain phenomena. In the process, the idea of Eugenics came into being and became so popular during the early...

The Hero’s Journey: Transformation of the Non-Hero

The Hero’s Journey or the Monomyth is a theory proposed by Joseph Campbell to outline the main plot pattern of most of the humanity of the narrative has encountered throughout history. His theory emphasizes 17 stages of the main character’s journey. While some epic heroes like Moses, Prometheus, Jesus, and...

Melting Point of Substances: A Laboratory Work

Introduction Accurate identification of an unknown substance’s composition is one of the cornerstone tasks of chemical analysis, therefore the range of potential techniques used for this purpose varies greatly. One useful qualitative determination practice is to measure the melting point for a substance since this characteristic is considered unique. Thus,...

Environmental Forces and Their Impact on Marketing Strategy

Introduction Representatives of modern business face challenges in decision-making, which is associated with constant changes in the world. In such conditions, it is essential to monitor the marketing environment to predict demand (Bhasin, 2018; Zhang & Watson IV, 2020). The environment includes micro and macro levels, and the latter embraces...

‘Everyday Use’ by Alice Walker – African-American Perspectives

Introduction In Everyday Use, Walker deals with controversial topics for African-Americans, both generations and cultures. The author raises the question of rather do individuals need to give up their African-American roots and more common families when they leave home and embrace the African-American heritage. The problem is primarily African-American, but...

Popular Research Paper Topics

The Rise and Fall of Pan American Airways

Introduction Pan American Airways is one of the oldest air transport companies that made an immense contribution to its industry. The firm was founded in 1927 by Arnold, Joulett, and Spaatz due to their perceptions of competition with the German airline company that began to provide international flights (Gandt 27)....

Pressure Ulcer Issue in Evidence-Based Medicine

Problem or Issue Pressure ulcers (PUs), especially hospital-acquired ones, are an important issue associated with the clinical management of patients. A PU can be defined as a “localized injury to the skin and/or underlying tissue, usually over a bony prominence, as a result of pressure alone or in combination with...

Aspects of Supply Chain Management

Introduction Supply chain management is the administration of a group constituting interconnected businesses with the major aim of improving product and service delivery. This management entails the handling of raw materials; overseeing the production process and transportation of the finished goods to the market. This work process between the three...

Argument of Origin: Gun Control

It has been found that there are many short and long term affects of victimization especially in relation to fee usage of firearms. There are many short and long term affects of victimization especially in relation to adolescence. In today’s perspective an individual carries many different emotional and physical responses...

Reforms and Modernization in Asia in the 20th Century

Revolution is an extreme and in-depth change in customs of behaving and thinking for instance Industrial revolution. Revolution is therefore, the central development of the contemporary world. Many people believe that modernity could only be realized through brutal and whole revolution (Hawes and Lui 45). Reform movement is a societal...

Slavery Operation Institution and Its Impacts to Slaves

Introduction Slavery is an arrangement where human beings are treated as the property of other human beings. The slaves do not offer themselves as property they are only apprehended against their will from the moment they are born, incarcerated, or bought. Also, they are not supposed to leave their masters...

Discovery of America: The Land of Opportunities and Resources

Introduction Discovery of America is known to be one of the most significant events in world history, as it became one of the fundamental steps towards the formation of many great nations. America did indeed offer plenty of opportunities and resources to its colonizers. However, the processes occurring were not...

History of Settlers-Natives Conflict in Canada

Introduction Although in Canada, indigenous people and so-called settlers have coexisted for several centuries, there are groups of activists who promote the culture and traditions of the indigenous people. Furthermore, the supporters of these ideas talk about natives’ rights from a historical viewpoint not to let others forget that they...

Arguments Against the Legalization of Marijuana

Introduction Marijuana has different names in the streets and these include; Aunt Mary, Ganja, Grass, Mary Jane, Pot, Reefer, Sinsemilla, Skunk, Weed. Marijuana is said to be among the most smoked illicit drugs. In America, marijuana tops the list of the most abused illicit drugs. It is not only smoked...

Medical Intervention in Acute Heart Failure and COPD

Introduction Timely medical interventions have always been considered one of the major pillars in terms of successful healthcare management. However, in order to secure the intervention’s quality, it is of crucial importance to properly evaluate both objective and subjective data regarding the patient’s health condition. Thus, according to the researchers,...

Middle Kingdom Tomb at Lisht

A village Lisht, located to the south of the capital of modern Egypt, is known for the tombs of royalties and elites who lived approximately in the 2050-s – 1650-s BCE. This period is known as the Middle Kingdom of Egypt. The burials are presented in the form of pyramids....

Excel Visualization for the Buggy Business

MS Excel software can be used to produce thematic visualizations that simplify the ability to draw conclusions and identify key trends based on distributions. A business idea exploring statistical patterns to test viability is the use of a buggy — like a golf cart — on a university campus to...

Healthcare Quality Initiatives and Their Importance

Introduction Healthcare quality is a continual improvement process to ensure the delivery of the highest quality and safest health care. The degree to which a collection of intrinsic features satisfies requirements is the definition of quality (Mannion & Davies, 2018). The quality improvement initiatives of the past few decades have...

Globalization Advantages and Negative Cultural Impact

Grid Outline Thesis: Although globalization is somewhat harmful, it has many advantages for example: sharing new technology, sharing knowledge, cultural export, and food export. Supporting points Sub-points Evidence Industrialization Share new technology Knickerbocker, If the poor get richer, does the world see progress? p8 Share knowledge Ma, Paths of globalization...

Miami-Dade County’s Communicable Diseases

Research and present on the local, state, national, and global trends such as incidence, prevalence, and populations at risk for their communicable disease group. Good health and well-being are among the SDG goals aimed at transforming the world by the year 2030 (World Health Organization, 2015). The progress towards the...

Leininger’s Transcultural Theory in Nursing

Describe the difference between culture and ethnicity Even though the concepts of culture and ethnicity are commonly used together, it does not mean that they have a similar meaning. To be more precise, the research conducted by Desmet, Ortuno-Ortin, and Wacziarg (2016) showed that the ethnic fractionalization was not in...

Challenges in Veteran Mental Health Care

How has this topic influenced the care you will provide to this population? Why? The topic of veteran research influenced the care I will provide to this population because it provided an understanding of mental health issues that people deal with after being in the military. It is due to...

Sexually Transmitted Diseases in Miami Community

HIV and sexually transmitted diseases (STDs) are a prevalent community health concern in Miami. The identified causes are insufficient sexual education, rising cases of substance abuse, and potential transfers of HIV from mothers to children. It has been noted that the community does not offer proper facilities or educational curriculums...

Culture and Society of Dubai and the UAE

Ancient and traditional culture in the UAE In the period preceding 1960, some of the popular foodstuffs in the UAE were vegetables, yogurt, baked bread, different kinds of meat from goats and camels, rice and dates were also eaten. In the UAE lunch which is mostly served in the afternoon...

Guide to the Collapse of the Roman Empire

The fall of the Roman Empire took place on May 29 1453 A.D at the collapse of Constantinople. It referred to the steady breakdown of the economy of Rome and the strike of Barbarian invasions. The reasons given for the fall include decadence, Christianity, monetary and military-related problems. The fall...

Post World War II Artist

Introduction Many artists have come a long way on making a name for themselves in the 20th century especially in the wake of the post World War II period. From sculptors to painter, fashion designers to drawing artists, many have come to a level of being renowned for their talent...

The Twilight Vision Exhibition and Tsara and Brenton’s Essays

Photographs have hidden meaning Photographs have been known to contain hidden “meaning” (Dowler; Kelsey, Stimson, 1). It is even at times “hard” to understand the meaning of photography (Hossaini). The main idea propagated in the Brenton reading is that of imagination. Imagination is a very important aspect in the event...

Reviewing an Ethics Case

The ethical dilemma faced by Daniel Potter is that of loyalty and integrity. Dan is caught in between this dilemma because he is expected to be loyal to his employer Baker Greenleaf and at the same time maintain his vow of integrity to the profession he adores. As per the...

Clinical Rotations in Theory and Observations

Introduction Clinical rotations form a major requirement for medical students, as it remains an avenue of actual application of what the students learn in the classrooms and further learning experience. In addition, clinical rotations offer an opportunity for the students to gain diverse experiences through working in different medical institutions...

How Various Media Forms Influence Public Opinion

The existing media system evolved gradually: at first, there were only newspapers and magazines. In the nineteenth century, information services were added, and in the twenty-first century, radio stations and television. Mass media aims to shape public consciousness using organizational and technical complexes that ensure the rapid transmission and mass...

Quality Improvement and Measurement Tools in Healthcare

In recent years, the public has paid more attention to medical quality, and risk management has received increasing attention. The broad health risk is present in all types of the treatment session, resulting in damage or disability uncertainties, including all unsafe events, such as medical malpractice, accidents, concurrent Disease, and...

E-Commerce and Digital Technology for Small Businesses

Impact of E-commerce E-commerce is increasingly shaping how small business owners conduct their activities. With proper customer value and cash flow management, E-commerce has helped small businesses incur a significant increase in revenue and better customer awareness. According to Cadden and Leuder (2012), the management should pay close attention to...

Heritage Assessment of Three Families

Introduction In this paper, we will look at three families that I have selected and evaluate their heritages via the Heritage Assessment Tool. We will also discuss the usefulness of applying the said tool to evaluate the needs of families and develop plans for health maintenance, health protection, and health...

The North Carolina Zoo Animal Management

Introduction The North Carolina zoological park was started in 1976 and stands at 1,458 acres of land in Asheboro in the United States of America. It consists of three major areas, Africa, North America and the Australia area which was closed in 2006. It is open throughout the year except...

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Student Dropouts in Bully-Friendly Schools

Introduction In order for the students to be able to have a successful learning process at schools, one of the vital factors is for the children to feel safe. In that regard, bullying can be considered a matter of concern that plays a major role in influencing the feel of...

“Ethics of Emergencies” by Ayn Rand

When dealing with the notions of ethics and moral behavior, one often confronts the issue of choice concerning a certain situation which demands immediate and resolute actions for its resolution. Being ethical or moral is largely viewed as being socially open and lending a helping hand to those in need...

President Harry S Truman and the Bomb

Introduction When President Franklin Delano Roosevelt died on the 12th of April, 1945 his Vice President of eighty-two days’ standing, Harry S. Truman was sworn in as the new Commander-in-Chief, taking over at one of the most critical junctures in history. Although Truman’s achievements are many, his presidency will always...

Gender, Sex, and Sexuality in the U.S.

Relationships Between Sex, Gender, and Sexuality in the American Society Although sex, gender, and sexuality are different phenomena, they are closely interrelated. Sex is seen as a biological category defined by one’s genitals, hormones, and chromosome set, while gender includes social behaviors and traits essential for biological sex. The concept...

“The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde” by Stevenson

The Hazy London and Its Dwellers The small excerpt depicts the scenery of London in the 19th century. The central streets are small, quiet, and clean from dust. Nonetheless, it is just an illusion of a prosperous city. The text suggests that people are unhappy and unsatisfied with the situation...

Effects of Sensory Deficits in Older Individuals

Table 1. Various safety measures in a gerontological checklist Appropriate Light Baseball same color as the floor Too many throw rugs or doormats Free and lose doormats and rugs removed Wide and free hallways for walkers and wheelchairs Grab bars in the bathroom Cords and wires out of the walking...

Lab Report: Series and Parallel Circuit

Introduction The academic study of the physical principles of electricity is not limited to the study of theoretical concepts but instead focuses on the possibilities of their practical application. In this virtual laboratory work, knowledge of the theory of the connection of resistors in an electrical circuit was tested: series...

Comparison Between Buddhism and Christianity

Buddhism and Christianity are the religions that have many believers from different parts of the world. The two religions may be seen as distinct, but they still share some beliefs and teachings. Buddhism entails teachings about Siddhartha Gautama, commonly known as Buddha, while Christianity is based on the belief in...

The Changing Model of Female Athletes’ Representation on TV

Sports has historically been identified with men and dominated by masculinity, and until now, gender inequality in sports remains a major problem. It encompasses gender discrimination, the wage gap, unequal representation of male and female athletes, and the lack of media attention to women’s events. Women in sports have traditionally...

Bed Number Ten by Baier and Schomaker

Diseases are one of the most significant contributors to human suffering and poor quality of life. The non-fiction novel Bed Number Ten, co-authored by Sue Baier and Mary Zimmeth Schomaker, is an emotive write-up that provides a first-person narrative of a patient with Guillain-Barr syndrome, which causes paralysis of the...

Organization’s Information System and Two-Factor Authentication

Summary Information systems are essential to the success of any current business organization. It helps an organization adopt an organized set of components that collect, transmit, store, and process raw data to develop better information for action planning. Information systems are necessary for management and operations in any business organization...

Chemotherapy-Induced Nausea or Vomiting

Introduction Chemotherapy-induced nausea and vomiting (CINV) are one of the most feared cancer treatment procedures due to its severe side effects (Cohen, Moor, Eisenberg, Ming, and Hu 497). The treatment is classified as an anticipatory because it is a conditioned response. This means that an individual undergoing CINV is exposed...

The Concept of National Political Culture

What is the meaning of globalization in the context of cross-cultural management with a special focus on the evolution of our understanding of national culture and cultural change’ (Bird & Fang, p.139)? In the context of cross-cultural management, globalization is reshaping the way people think and behave thereby fostering cultural...

Terrorist Profiling from Various Perspectives

Identifying terrorists and thwarting their activities are some of the primary functions of anti-terrorism units. The fundamental responsibility for anti-terrorist groups is to distinguish between terrorists and non-terrorists. One of the ways that organizations identify radicals is through the use of a set of socioeconomic, psychological, racial, and physical qualities...

Pharmacology: Drug Licensing Opportunity

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Introduction Helping is a very important aspect of counseling. In the course of counseling, however, a counseling professional finds himself or herself in very conflicting situations whereby the counselors personal interests often clash with those of other people seeking help. This entails that counselors suppress a few of their needs...

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Future outlook and industry trends According to recorded research, the fashion industry keeps on evolving every decade, and it is unlikely that a particular trend will spread past one decade. However, of all the trends that come and go, the urban trend and lifestyle never fade away and has remained...

Nursing Students’ Attendance at Learning Activities

Nursing Students’ Attendance at Learning Activities in Relation to Attainment and Passing Courses. A Prospective Quantitative Study The authors of the article are Rejnö, Nordin, Forsgren, Sundell, and Rudolfsson. It was published in the journal Nurse Education Today in 2017. The article was selected to exemplify a quantitative study design....

Researching the Concept of Islamophobia

Summary Islamophobia refers to the irrational fear of Muslims, Islam, and Islamic culture, often characterized by irrational hatred and prejudice against Muslims or people perceived to be Muslims. Anti-Muslim prejudice and anti-Muslim bigotry are other terms that have been used to describe Islamophobia. The fear and prejudice against Islam and...

Pregnancy as an Adolescent Health Risk

Prevalence Age and criteria for social maturity vary across the world and cultures. As a consequence, the current prevalence of adolescent pregnancy is very variable. It differs from South Korea to the United States, Africa to Europe. Many teenage girls do not represent the magnitude of the problem as seen...

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Substance Use Disorder Workforce Loan Repayment Act: Bill Review

Introduction The US is living through an epidemic of drug abuse that has tremendous consequences on the nation’s well-being. The issue is currently being addressed through different bills that touch upon opioid regulations and improvements in healthcare. Substance use disorder (SUD) is a condition that nursing specialists meet in daily...

Nursing Full Practice Authority: Pros and Cons

Introduction The modern healthcare sector can be characterized by multiple attempts to increase the efficiency of care delivery and improve treatment outcomes. For this reason, there are numerous innovations, including the extensive use of technologies, reconsideration of outdated practices, and better training for health workers. Under these conditions, the question...

To Kill a Mockingbird by Harper Lee Review

Introduction Harper Lee’s To Kill a Mockingbird, published in 1960 and adapted for the cinema in 1962, is set in Maycomb, a small Alabama town, in the middle of the Great Depression. The story is told by Scout looking back at the time when she was the six-year old daughter...

To Loan or Not to Loan: Taggert’s Bank Plans

Background Information Mary Taggert is contemplating extending subprime loans for her bank. According to Johnson et al. (2010), her competitors have enjoyed increased profits since entering into this market. Therefore, she is exploring new lending approaches to gain a competitive advantage by growing the number of borrowers. The two percent...

Two Acts on Drug Law Comparison

Introduction The 2009 Health reform legislation was passed with the aim of Medicare saving for the patients in America. In 2009 the House H.R. 3962 approved the Affordable Health Care for America. This bill contains several provisions that are expected to affect Medicare program expenditures for the people of America....

Gwen Dewar’s Research of the Electronic Media Impact on the Sleeping

Scrolling through posts on Instagram or Facebook, chatting with friends on WhatsApp are everyday activities that each of us performs before finally going to bed. Nevertheless, researchers argue that such types of entertainment disrupt healthy sleeping patterns, especially among children. A number of various works analyze this issue and determine...

How to Promote Social Justice in Nursing

Introduction Since hospitals are social institutions, nurses must be aware of social justice issues affecting their society and places of work. One specific topic of social justice that influences nursing is inequality in healthcare access. The American Nurses Association (ANA) has created a code of ethics to guide nurses into...

The Role of Women in the Industrial Revolution

Introduction The nineteenth century was a period of development: more and more machines, means of communication, and movement. The growth in science and technology led to industrialization and changes in familiar roles in society. The problem of changing roles affected women to a greater extent, which is associated with established...

Causes of Corruption in Africa’s Developing Countries

Objectives The major goal of this research project is to contribute to the solution of the problem of bribes and kickbacks in corporations that create a significant corruption challenge in most African countries. The following objectives have to be underlined: To investigate the current situation in African organizations. To identify...

Postnatal Depression: Prevention and Treatment

Introduction One of the most prevalent mental health issues that have significant adverse implications is postnatal depression. Community-based health promotion practices based on relevant theories, approaches, models, and methods constitute a powerful tool aimed at managing this problem. This presentation will cover the reflection on the health promotion aimed at...