628 War Essay Topics

🏆 Best Essay Topics on War

✍️ War Essay Topics for College

  1. International Relations Theories of Russia-Ukraine War
    The war between Russia and Ukraine and concerns about the Third World War can be explained from the point of view of theories of international relations.
  2. Social Changes Caused by World War II
    This essay examines the most common social changes stemming from World War II and the reasons behind their occurrence.
  3. World War I: History and Causes
    The global conflict that lasted four years resulted in millions of human deaths and changed the map of Europe and the Middle East.
  4. Vietnam War in Political Cartoons
    The paper describes a political cartoon about the Vietnam War, tells the details, and explains how these details present the cartoonist’s message.
  5. World War II Was a Continuation of World War I
    WWI was a conflict between the Central Powers and the Allied Powers. The former included Germany, the Ottoman Empire, Bulgaria, and Austria-Hungary.
  6. The Weaknesses of Kuomintang During the Chinese Civil War
    There were a few internal weaknesses of Kuomintang, which allowed the Chinese Communist Party to defeat them in the Chinese Civil War.
  7. The Concept of War in the Bhagavad Gita
    Understanding what constitutes the essence of the Bhagavad Gita in relation to war and violence is essential in ascertaining how it supports and condemns war.
  8. World War II, Its Causes and Long-Term Effects
    World War II resulted in a decisive power shift away from the leading European states to the Soviet Union and the United States.
  9. Perception of War in A Farewell to Arms by Hemingway
    A Farewell to Arms, an Ernest Hemingway novel, has a distinctive anti-military rhetoric. While the war is not directly condemned, its atrocities are described vividly.
  10. Why World War II Was Inevitable
    The paper states that World War II was the most global war in human history. The war was inevitable and would start sooner or later.
  11. Negotiation as the Most Used Means of Handling Wars
    This paper has explored various ways in which negotiation was used historically to solve conflicts in different wars.
  12. World War II Was Avoidable
    This article provides the point that World War II could have been avoided had the Allies stopped Hitler from expanding his empire.
  13. Second World War: Cause and Technology
    This essay discusses the major cause of the WWII. It explains how the technological advancements in the Second World War have shaped modern warfare in the world.
  14. Discussion of Civil War in Bougainville
    The paper presents notes from the civil war in Bougainville and elaborates on the feature articles and their use in the media.
  15. The Wars by Timothy Findley: A Novel Analysis
    The Wars, written by Timothy Findley in 1977, is a novel that narrates the personal experiences of a young Canadian soldier amid World War I.
  16. Roommate Wars: What to Do When Your Roommate Is a Jerk?
    Quite often, when one roommate is a jerk, the result is a roommate war. However, a room is a small place to fight a war and you might want to try some other things as well before that.
  17. Civil War Poetry by Whitman, Melville and Dickinson
    This essay discusses the war poems of Whitman in his Drum-Taps, Melville’s Battle Pieces, and those poems written by Dickinson on the civil war. The paper compares the style of writing.
  18. Absence in War by Candlelight by Daniel Alarcon
    In the War by Candlelight story, Daniel Alarcon raises an important topic and conveys the secret of all immigrants from disadvantaged countries.
  19. Civil War Literature Review
    Literature always reflects every change in the society and it stands to reason that American literature of the nineteenth century was strongly influenced by the tragic events of the Civil War of 1861-1865.
  20. Causes and Consequences of World War I
    The WW I is considered one of the most devastating and horrible military conflicts in the history of humanity, which resulted in the creation of the new world order and the collapse of numerous states.
  21. The War Prayer Mark Twain
    As Mark Twain is a famous author in the US, this essay discusses how one of his works, The War Prayer, has influenced and shaped American literary history.
  22. The Nature of the Cold War Between the US and the Soviet Union
    The Cold War represented a situation of conflict involving countries that did not take part in open martial action but was pursued mainly through political and economic endeavors.
  23. Art and Literature Response to Horrors of War
    . Numerous horrors occur in the event of war. Arts and literature are the only media that brings out the horrors of war without hiding anything.
  24. Was the American Civil War Inevitable?
    The Civil War began in 1861, shortly after the inauguration of Abraham Lincoln, and lasted for over four years, leading to thousands of deaths.
  25. World War II, Its Origins and Consequences
    World War II was a global tragedy. That conflict lasted for six years and led to numerous losses, atrocities, and political and ideological shifts across the world.
  26. “The War for Kindness” by Jamil Zaki
    Zaki defines the evolutionary role of affinity as increasing collaboration and hence improving the likelihood of survival.
  27. Effects of the Vietnam War
    The Vietnam War had adverse effects, and bred protests in Vietnam and back in America as antiwar organizations advocated against the war.
  28. Summery of “The Fog of War” Documentary
    The Fog of War is a documentary that serves as food for thought and in which former US Secretary of Defense Robert McNamara outlines the lessons officials learned from experiences.
  29. The English Civil War: The Major Cause
    In the paper, it is clear that despite being other factors that led to the English civil war, religion was a major determinant.
  30. The Most Significant Cold War Events
    Although no real battles were fought, there was intense geopolitical tension between the Soviet Union and the United States.
  31. War and Diplomacy
    War and Diplomacy, the two tactics of different nations through the ages have been used very effectively throughout history.
  32. World War II-Occupations: What New Jobs Were Created?
    This paper discusses occupations in civil activity, in national defense, and to farm labor, and the evolution of unusual occupations from world war II military designation.
  33. Conflict Theory Applied to the American Civil War
    The research question of the planned research will be as follows: How does the conflict theory inform the causes of the American Civil War?
  34. God Created War so that Americans Would Learn Geography
    Mark Twain’s quote “God created war so that Americans would learn Geography” humorously depict the levels of American involvement with other countries at that time.
  35. Japan After World War II: Main Events and Modifications
    This paper aims to investigate the situation in which Japan found itself after the events of World War II and how it influenced its society, culture and economic development.
  36. “The Cold War: A New History” a Book by John Lewis Gaddis
    In the book, The Cold War: A New History John Lewis Gaddis proposes a unique vision of the Cold War and its impact on the world and relations between the USSR and America.
  37. Why the North Won the Civil War
    This paper discusses the causes of the Civil War. One of the reasons why the North (Union) won the Civil War was that it had a larger population than the South.
  38. Realist Theory View on World War II
    From a realist theory perspective, the outcomes of World War II were successful since, over the course of it, the two competing powers, competed for national interests.
  39. Summary of “The War for Kindness” Book by Jamil Zaki
    The paper reviews “The war for kindness” book, and shows how uses of observations, and research findings to show how people turn to hate rather than empathy in daily lives.
  40. Integrity as a Key Value: Criminology and War
    Integrity is included in the list of the LEADERSHIP values, which exist to direct military servicemembers toward appropriate conduct.

👍 Good War Research Topics & Essay Examples

  1. The Impact of the Wars on Western Civilization
    History is full of wars and even though this phenomenon is considered to be negative, many of them are the basis of significant historical events.
  2. Origin and Course of the Cold War
    The Cold War came as a consequence of conflict between capitalist and communist communities. Severe strife between non-communist and communist countries caused the Cold War.
  3. Can We Consider the War a Form of Murder
    This paper discusses whether war is a form of murder, emphasizing human intentions and incidences leading to fights and serial killing.
  4. The War of Independence and Its Impact on Society
    This paper aims to reflect the decade of American history and highlight how wars and political implications affected different social groups.
  5. The Philippine-American War: The Origins and the Influence
    The Philippine-American War was an armed conflict between the United States of America and the First Philippine Republic, which lasted from 1899 to 1902.
  6. The Korean War: Applying Operational Art and Design Concepts
    This paper includes a brief analysis of U. S. participation in the Korean War with the use of the concepts of operational art and design.
  7. Nationalism as a Cause of World War I
    World War I was triggered by numerous causes, and nationalism is one of them. It is mainly perceived as a sense of pride experienced by a nation.
  8. Gender and Race in Langston Hughes’ Poetry of the Spanish Civil War
    Langston Hughes was a crucial figure in the 1920s Harlem Renaissance, which blossomed black intellectual, literary, and creative life in several American cities, particularly Harlem.
  9. Trench Warfare During World War I
    Trench warfare during World War I was characterized by the broad use of occupied lines consisting of trenches guaranteeing better protection to troops.
  10. Effects of the Greek War for Independence
    The paper argues Greek War for independence led to the formation of recognition of the region as a monarchial state.
  11. The Security Concept in the Post-Cold War Era
    It is possible to admit the radical change in the security concept after the Cold War and the collapse of the global system characterized by two camps’ opposition.
  12. The Outcomes of World War II: Impact of Technology
    World War II’s scientific and technological accomplishments were among the most significant and long-lasting effects of a struggle that affected every aspect of society.
  13. The Lessons That Can Learned From Wars
    The great wars in the history teach about the importance of proper communication between nations, the impossibility of predicting outcomes, and the control over the human ego.
  14. The Anglo-Egyptian War’s Effects and Results
    The Anglo-Egyptian war occurred in 1882 when Britain and Egypt opposed each other due to low payments, and initiated benefits that impacted Egypt after the British reign.
  15. The Battle of Britain During World War II
    The Battle of Britain was the first large-scale military campaign in history to be fought exclusively in the air. It was part of World War II.
  16. Causes and Course of the Peloponnesian War
    This work gives a brief description of the reasons, conditions and process of the Peloponnesian War, the main participants and their interests, analyzes the outcome of the war.
  17. The Spanish-American War: Causes and Impact
    The research paper will look into the reasons behind the Spanish-American war, its progress, and its effects on the different participants as well as other parties.
  18. Pacific Theater of World War II
    The four Empires were against the Japanese as each had some interest in controlling the ocean and especially the Pacific Islands.
  19. Wars of Religion: Historical Review
    This paper discusses what happened during the Wars of Religion, and why they had long lasting effects on the history of Europe.
  20. Renaissance Development and Crisis of the World War I
    The Renaissance was a cultural movement that profoundly affected European intellectual life in the early modern period.
  21. The Vietnam War and the Cold War
    The Vietnam War and the Cold War were escalated by the assumption that the communist movement would spread out to other Asian states in the south east region.
  22. Battle of the Bulge During World War II
    In retrospect, the Battle of the Bulge can be seen as one of the largest strategic mistakes made by Germany due to the false assumption of military superiority.
  23. The Vietnam War and American Music
    American music was initially written to simply express emotions, later it became a social tool for applying pressure to the US government to end their involvement in Vietnam.
  24. The United States Civil War: Soldiers’ Motivations
    This paper compares and contrasts the motivations of Union soldiers and Confederate soldiers, how were they different from each other and are there any ways they were the same.
  25. The Umayyad-Hashemite Civil War and the Birth of the Sunni-Shiite Islamic Schism
    The Umayyad-Hashemite civil war is attributed to the succession disputes, which took center stage after the death of Prophet Muhammad.
  26. The Cold War’s Impact on Global Politics
    The Cold War was a significant period in global history and has massively shaped the current state of affairs in the world.
  27. Impacts on Women’s Role After World War I
    The demographic, economic, social, and political impacts on women included voting rights, access to education, and better jobs, and changing of women’s positions in society.
  28. The Trojan War’s Causes and Results
    This work is aimed at describing the causes of the Trojan War, its most famous facts, including the image of the mythical Trojan horse, as well as the main results.
  29. World War I vs. World War II Differences
    The paper states that there is often a discourse among military historians that the First and Second World Wars are one event or two different ones.
  30. Erich Maria Remarque’s ‘All Quiet on the Western Front’ – Anti-War Classic
    “All Quiet on the Western Front” is an anti-war novel set during World Conflict I that draws on Remarque’s experiences in the war to depict disillusionment.
  31. South Africa in World War II
    The paper states that without South African ports, thousands of Allies’ troops of World War II would not have reached the Middle East theatre.
  32. Churchill’s Leadership as a British Prime Minister During World War II
    The objective of this paper is to analyze Churchill’s leadership qualities, characteristics, and leadership traits that contributed to his success during the Battle of Britain.
  33. Language Wars: Descriptive and Prescriptive Grammar
    There are two types of grammar: descriptive and prescriptive. The approaches of the two types of grammar are different, as are the ideas about the language.
  34. Major Factors That Undermined U.S. Reconstruction Efforts Following the Civil War
    The article discusses factors which undermined Reconstruction which aimed to restore the Union, enact progressive legislation and provide civil rights to former slaves.
  35. Aspects of World War I in Harvey Dunn’s “On the Wire”
    Although the United States was the last major power to enter World War I, its soldiers experienced their fair share of fighting.
  36. American Civil War and Western Expansion
    The civil war events awakened the US, creating opportunities that enabled Americans to live and explore new prospects resulting in westward expansion and economic growth.
  37. Miami Drug Wars of the 70s and 80s
    Drug use is a subject that has raised controversies for decades. This paper focuses on the drug wars in Miami outlining their social, political, and economic impacts.
  38. D-Day and The Second World War
    This paper investigates the intricacies that led to the D-day success and how the planners and executors of the Second World War collaborated to end the conflict.
  39. Nursing During World War I: The Importance of the Discipline
    In the USA, the World War I provided an avenue for nursing to discover the importance of professional training and discipline. This war posed a threat to the status of nursing.
  40. Japan’s Transformation After World War II
    Despite the high technological level and dynamism, the economy of Japan remained as an economy of an industrial country and continued developing based on industrial dominants.

🌶️ Hot War Ideas to Write about

Out of ideas? Check our online toolkit:
  1. Thucydides: History of Peloponnesian War
    The ancient Greece nation faced unprecedented strife and discord among its City-States in the periods leading to the outbreak of Peloponnesian conflict.
  2. Drug Enforcement and War on Drugs
    “War on Drugs” has both positive and negative impact on criminal justice, creating certain stereotypes and putting pressure on the law enforcement agencies.
  3. World War I: Prerequisites and Consequences
    World War I is an example of how political ideologies and movements can influence the course of history and people’s perception of current events.
  4. The United States’ Role in the World War I
    The U.S. managed to maintain neutrality for an impressive amount of time, yet even the American government had to define its position toward WWI at some point.
  5. Music During the Vietnam War: An Intangible Weapon
    American music during the 1960s was initially written to express emotions. It became a social tool for applying pressure to the US government to end their involvement in Vietnam.
  6. History of Colonial Mexican Society and the War of Independence
    Modern Mexico and some other territories of North and South America had been under the Spanish rule for a long period of time. These lands supplied Spain with resources.
  7. Popular Culture and the Cold War
    Popular culture was strongly restricted. The Cold War had an immense influence on the lives of people since they were afraid to be considered communists.
  8. The Iraq War, Its Causes and Opposition
    The Iraq war began in 2003 when President George Bush led the invasion of the USA troops in Saddam Hussein’s Iraq. This essay addresses the causes and effects of the Iraq war.
  9. “The War of 1812”
    United States and Great Britain engaged in war in 1812, hence named “The War of 1812”. This war lasted for three years, that is, from 1812 to 1815.
  10. “Holy War” in Islam vs. Christianity
    The “holy war” concept emerged in the Middle Ages. Christian church considered Islam a threat to its existence.
  11. World War II: The Influence on Japan
    Japan experienced a major shift in its economy, politics, legal framework, culture, and society as a direct result of World War II.
  12. Economic Inequality as the Key Reason for the American Civil War
    The Civil War was a brutal American conflict dating back to 1861 – 1865 that revolved around slavery and freedom. The war became the reason for horrific bloodshed on American soil.
  13. Strauss’ The Trojan War: A New History
    Strauss claims in the book The Trojan War: A New History that the course of events, in reality, was not different from the one described by Homer in The Iliad and Odyssey.
  14. The Syrian Civil War and Its Factors
    The critical factors associated with the Syrian Civil War included authoritarianism, lack of U.S./Western involvement, and forced displacement.
  15. Normative Role of the Cold War
    The Cold War played a significant role in American history in the recent past, yet the role of this war is normative rather than anomalous.
  16. World War II: Holocaust and Discrimination of the Jews
    The research paper aims to review several primary and secondary sources discussing the World War II and specifically the discrimination faced by the Jews.
  17. “Pandemics Are Not War” by Wilkinson: Article Review
    In her article “Pandemics are not war,” Wilkinson writes about the use of war as a metaphor for pandemics. She argues that it is unfair to view pandemics as a force of terror.
  18. Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder During and After World War I
    The paper examines the causes and manifestations of PTSD during and after World War I, despite the absence of this term at that time, and how diagnosis and treatment are made.
  19. Financial Market Issues Due to the War in Ukraine
    Since the beginning of the Russia-Ukraine war, various sectors of the economy have been impacted negatively, thus tempering the normal operation of financial institutions.
  20. Ulyssean Influences on The Wars by Findley
    The Wars is a novel written by Timothy Findley about a young Canadian, Robert Ross, who takes part in World War I.
  21. War in “What Were They Like?” by Levertov
    The main theme of “What Were They Like?” by Levertov emphasizes the inhumanity of wars and the losses that the culture of any nation undergoes.
  22. Between World Wars: Marcel Duchamp and Salvador Dali
    Marcel Duchamp and Salvador Dali influenced many artists, including the upcoming artists, in the 20th century.
  23. Proxy Wars in the Middle East and Their Features
    An example of a proxy war in the Middle East is an armed conflict between Saudi Arabia and Yemen’s Houthi rebels, with the latter being supported by Iran.
  24. East-West Rivalry and Atomic Race of Cold War
    Cold War intensified after Russia and the United States got new leaders, namely Nikita Khrushchev and Dwight Eisenhower.
  25. The United States’ Participation in World War II
    While the United States had significant resources and influence in the West, the country could not have prevented the occurrence of the Second World War.
  26. “The Cold War: A New History”: Book Review
    The paper discusses the book “The Cold War: A New History”. It represents a sufficiently thorough coverage of the Cold War in its entirety.
  27. The Second World War: Final Stage
    This essay is devoted to the final stage of the Second World War when the Western Front opened, and the rapid advance of Anglo-American troops deep into Europe began.
  28. Communism, Fascism, and the Outbreak of the Second World War
    The two important ideologies of the first half of the 20th century are communism and Fascism. Despite certain similarities between the two, they are strikingly different.
  29. Cold War in Everyday Life of Americans
    The challenges of the Cold War historical period, which affected the everyday life of Americans, included the panic related to atomic weapons, and the methods for testing loyalty.
  30. Poems About War by Borden, Owen, and Others
    This research paper responds to poems that deal with feelings and emotions experienced by soldiers on the war front.
  31. “How To Tell a True War Story” Analysis
    “How To Tell a True War Story” shows the connection between storytelling and people’s experiences while at war.
  32. “The Vietnam War: An Intimate History”: Book Review
    The book “The Vietnam War: An Intimate History” is designed to convey the events of the war from various perspectives and introduce them to interested audiences.
  33. The Korean War and the Cold War
    There are many similarities and differences between the Korean War and the Cold War in terms of Truman’s response, how they ended, and their lasting impact.
  34. Trade War Between the US and China
    The trade war between the US and China makes a negative impact on the economies of both countries, leading to a trade deficit and higher prices.
  35. War on Drugs: Fighting the Way We Are Not Likely to Win
    The spread of drugs is showing a steady growth trend; its adverse consequences are very multifaceted both for the drug addicts themselves and for the society in which they exist.
  36. Irregular War: Lessons on Leadership
    This essay examines the modern geopolitical climate and explores the implications of leadership in irregular warfare.
  37. The Works of Photographer Steve McCurry: Consequences of the War
    In his works Steve McCurry aims at portraying the imprudent moment, experiences imprinted on people’s faces, and a soul escaping.
  38. World War I as a Total War
    World War I was a conflict the nations had never seen before. Over thirty countries lost millions of lives between 1914 and 1918, fighting for their ideals and principles.
  39. World War II: Impact on American Society
    World War II had a tremendous impact on people, and its end promoted the middle and working-class Americans to live a better life than they lived before the war.
  40. Sherman’s March to the Sea: The Most Decisive Moment of the Civil War
    Civil War is the bloodstain for the United States, and Sherman’s March to the Sea is the most decisive moment against the Confederacy that led the War to its ending.

🎓 Most Interesting War Research Titles

  1. The Causes of the American Civil War
    This essay argues that it was the political control, states’ rights, and economics that revolving around the issue of slavery that caused the Civil War.
  2. The American Civil War: Key Information
    The American Civil War was a battle of interests, way of life between the North and the South where each fought to protect their values, different cultural and social aspects.
  3. The Cold War in the 1950’s
    The main causes of the Cold War between the United States and the Soviet Union and their allies during the 1940s to the 1990s.
  4. Korean War: Why Did the U.S. Got Involved?
    This research paper seeks to establish the reasons behind U.S. involvement in the Korean War as well as the cause of the actual war.
  5. The Cold War: Reasons and Lessons
    The lesson that nations should learn from the Cold War is that superpowers do not have any capability to control their allies and their dependents as is often thought.
  6. American Civil War and Iraq Invasion Comparison
    The civil war had the Republican Party has been the dominant party which was mostly dominating this war headed by Abraham Lincoln.
  7. Civil War: The Second American Revolution
    This essay describes the case of the American Civil War, the heroes created by it, a time of political, social, and economic chaos in a country.
  8. Canada During the Cold War
    Canada pursued a moderate anti-communist policy during the Cold War while aiding struggling countries and promoting peace in the world arena.
  9. Target Canada Company’s Divestment and Price Wars
    The Target company failed to stand out from its competitors when serving customers in Canada and had to give up its subsidiary assets to prevent further financial failures.
  10. Science Fiction: Wells’ “The War of the Worlds”
    The essay seeks to describe the novel by Herbert Wells “The War of the worlds” to prove that science fiction becomes more and more fascinating.
  11. War Theme in O’Brien’s “The Things They Carried”
    O’Brien’s short story The Things They Carried portrays war and its impact on young soldiers, their life dreams and expectations, hardship and fears.
  12. World War I and American Neutrality
    The U.S. Senate rejected the Treaty of Versailles due to provisions established by Woodrow Wilson regarding collective security and the League of Nations.
  13. The Industrial Revolution and the First World War
    This paper summarizes certain aspects of the industrial revolution and the World War I, such as core industries, immigrants’ roles, imperialism, and foreign policy.
  14. Generation Kill: War on Terrorism After 9/11
    This paper gives a detailed analysis of the efforts the United States and its allies undertook in Afghanistan and Iraq and the predicaments of fighting insurgent forces.
  15. World War I: Nationalism, Imperialism, Militarism
    This paper analyzes how nationalism, imperialism, and militarism irrevocably led to World War I, and how the alliance system contributed to the ultimate outbreak of war.
  16. Escape from Sobibor: World War 2 Holocaust
    Escape from Sobibor is one of the many movies that focus on the mass murder of Jews in German concentration camps.
  17. War Attitudes in American and British Poems
    The paper identifies the different attitudes towards war presented in “The Charge of the Light Brigade,” “Dulce et Decorum Est,” “The Concord Hymn,” “The Man He Killed” poems.
  18. World War II: Why Germans Lost and Allies Won
    World War II began with Germany’s attack on Poland in 1939 and ended with the attack on Japan’s Hiroshima in 1945 with the atomic bomb.
  19. The Kansas-Nebraska Act: the Civil War
    The legal act was primarily intended for the public administrators working in the new territories of Kansas and Nebraska.
  20. Colombian Civil War and the Issue of Political Economy
    The guiding research question is how political economy can explain the protracted Colombian Civil War, specifically between the state and FARC.
  21. War in “Maus” by Spiegelman and “Persepolis” by Satrapi
    This paper explores the negative social consequences of war and reviews two novels on war: “Maus” by Spiegelman and “Persepolis: The Story of a Childhood” by Satrapi.
  22. Tenets of the Cicero’s Just War Theory
    The tenets of Cicero’s theory of just war include the right intention for the war, the announcement by an appropriate authority, fighting for a just cause.
  23. Central Intelligence Agency in Vietnam War
    A military confrontation between North and South Vietnam in the 20th century took place for almost 20 years. They were receiving substantial support from two superpowers.
  24. “The War and the Workers” by Rosa Luxemburg
    In her writing, Luxemburg explains that the problems faced by Germany during the First World War were mainly ignored since the leaders focused on the war.
  25. American Foreign Policy Since World War II
    This paper is a book review of American Foreign Policy since World War II, by Hook and Spanier. An acclaimed literary work, researchers have used the book in educational and political fields.
  26. The Iraq War in Structural Functionalism
    Through the analysis of the functionalist theory, the paper addresses the significance of the Iraq war, conflict perspective, its positive and negative benefits.
  27. American Civil War and Reconstruction Era
    This paper looks at the different aspects of the Civil War and the Reconstruction era including the major figures, the political, judicial, social, and economic changes.
  28. The Cold War and Decolonisation History
    The Cold War did not cause decolonisation; however, the war schemes employed by the United States incited the decolonisation process.
  29. World War I and the Treaty of Versailles
    World War I ended with the complete defeat and capitulation of Germany and its allies; the Versailles Peace Treaty was signed.
  30. The Cold War Consequences for the Modern World
    Although the Cold War officially ended over 30 years ago, its influence is still felt today, especially in international relations and the balance of power between countries.
  31. The Role of Air Defense Artillery in the Vietnam War
    The purpose of this paper is to discuss the unique role of the Air Defense Artillery in military conflict and explore how the branch’s successes impacted its later development.
  32. “The Cold War: A New History” by John Gaddis
    In his book, “The Cold War: A New History,” John Gaddis sheds light on one of the most infamous and exhausting confrontations of the 20th century.
  33. The Role of Air Defense Artillery in the Gulf War
    The primary role of air defense during the Gulf War was to protect combat arrivals from Iraq, and the U.S. Air Force showed the greatest effectiveness
  34. The ‘Rosie the Riveter’ Campaign During World War II
    The ‘Rosie the Riveter’ campaign during World War II played a pivotal role in shaping the future of women’s rights and opportunities in the workforce.
  35. How War of 1812 Shaped the Transatlantic World
    In June 1812, hostilities began between America and England, fought with varying success around the U.S.-Canadian border, the Chesapeake, and the Gulf of Mexico.
  36. The United States’ Decision to Enter World War I
    Any bad consequences of the decision to take part in the war are justified and compensated by some reasonable geopolitical evidence.
  37. The Cold War as a Period in Global History
    The paper discusses the Cold War. It was a significant period in global history and has massively shaped the current state of affairs in the world.
  38. War in Ukraine: The New York Times about Contemporary Ukraine
    Ukraine was the vital pillar of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics and the main enemy of the United States. The country became the second-most extensive and influential one.
  39. The Economic, Socio-Cultural, and Political Causes of World War I
    The paper analysis World War I which was an international conflict that ensued between the central powers one hand against the allies.
  40. Abraham Lincoln: A Leader Shaped by Illinois and the Civil War
    Abraham Lincoln’s time in Illinois and his leadership during the Civil War had a profound impact on his development as a leader and his legacy in American history.

💡 Simple War Essay Ideas

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📌 Easy War Essay Topics

❓ Research Questions About War

Need help with research questions? Try our Research Question toolkit:
  1. How America Lost the Vietnam War?
  2. Can Pre-emptive War Ever Be Just?
  3. Did Civil War Just Become Inevitable?
  4. How Was Adolf Hitler Responsible for World War II?
  5. Did Britain Really Win the War?
  6. How Were African Americans Treated in the USA Before and After the Civil War?
  7. Has the Cold War Really Ended?
  8. Are There Any Winners in War?
  9. Did African American Participation in the Civil War Change?
  10. Did Abraham Lincoln Cause the Civil War?
  11. Are Governments Around the World Doing Enough to Combat the Risks of Global War?
  12. How Americans Have Fought War Throughout History?
  13. Can the United States Justify the Civil War?
  14. Is the Coalition Winning the War in Iraq?
  15. Did Civil War Help or Hinder the Efforts of Women in the American Society?
  16. How Was Air Security Changed After World War II?
  17. Has the Culture War Affected the Liberal Education?
  18. Can Development Aid Contribute to Social Cohesion After Civil War?
  19. How Was the American Civil War Irrepressible?
  20. Are Terrorists Really Small Scale Agents of War?
  21. Did Economics Cause World War II?
  22. Has the War Between the Rent Seekers Escalated?
  23. How 1940’s America Viewed World War II?
  24. Can Religion Cause War?
  25. Are Nations Ever Justified in Going to War?
  26. Did America Win the Cold War?
  27. Can Nonhomothetic Preferences Explain the Post World War II Growth in Trade?
  28. Can Arms Races Lead to the Outbreak of War?
  29. Can the West Possibly Win the War on Terror?
  30. Are Americans Ready for Another War?

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StudyCorgi. (2021, September 9). 628 War Essay Topics. https://studycorgi.com/ideas/war-essay-topics/

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StudyCorgi. (2021) '628 War Essay Topics'. 9 September.

1. StudyCorgi. "628 War Essay Topics." September 9, 2021. https://studycorgi.com/ideas/war-essay-topics/.


StudyCorgi. "628 War Essay Topics." September 9, 2021. https://studycorgi.com/ideas/war-essay-topics/.


StudyCorgi. 2021. "628 War Essay Topics." September 9, 2021. https://studycorgi.com/ideas/war-essay-topics/.

These essay examples and topics on War were carefully selected by the StudyCorgi editorial team. They meet our highest standards in terms of grammar, punctuation, style, and fact accuracy. Please ensure you properly reference the materials if you’re using them to write your assignment.

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