Rosa’s Parks Influence on American History

Rosa Parks is an important figure in the American history of the development of the society of the United States of America. The woman gained fame thanks to her activities to combat racial segregation. Therefore, she became the initiator for the appearance of a bus boycott in Montgomery. This was...

Tolerance: Racial-Cultural Psychology

Racism is a traditional problem for the United States of America. There has been a struggle against manifestations of discrimination and inequality towards African Americans through the centuries. The relevance of this study is due to the negative consequences of the impact of racism, discrimination, and inequality on the African-American...

The 1960s and America’s Role in the World

Introduction The 1960s was a highly influential and unstable period in America’s history. It is the time of the civil rights movement and the Vietnam war, both of which have left an undeniable impression not only on American society but the whole world. The aftereffects of these events still have...

Issue of Communicative Technologies Development

First of all, it is worth emphasizing that the rapid development of information technology does not affect modern society unambiguously. Different researchers see different consequences from each other, so it makes sense to consider several conclusions. One of the positive results is that it becomes easier for people to get...

Beethoven’s Moonlight Sonata

This work became one of the most amazing spiritual revelations of the composer. The “Moonlight” sonata is one of the works in which Beethoven was looking for new ways to develop the sonata cycle. He called it a fantasy sonata, emphasizing the freedom of composition, which deviates far from the...

Occurrences of Oil and Gas Pipeline Accidents

The study provides valuable information for the project, as it reviews major occurrences of oil and gas pipeline accidents and how they influenced the approach towards managing the resources. Biesma et al. (2020) provide major details for this statement by giving scientific evidence. Scientists argue that the main measures and...

DuPont Analysis of Apple Inc.

DuPont analysis is a commonly measure for the return on equity (ROE). The DuPont coefficient is a product of net profit margin, asset turnover ratio and equity multiplier (Jin, 2017). Net profit margin is the central measure of profitability which provides a percentage of revenues kept as net profit (Husain...

Age and Gender Stratification in Older Adults

Introduction Social stratification is a crucial issue for the current age, given its significant impact on the lines of numerous populations. Defined as the differentiation of a given population into hierarchically superposed classes, social stratification is manifested in the existence of upper and lower social layers (Wister, 2019). Specifically, the...

Gravitational Force and Its Main Principles

The essential principles of gravity depend on several critical variables. These are the objects’ mass – the larger the mass, the stronger the pull – and the distance between objects, which, with the increase, weakens the force with which these objects are pulled toward each other (Heppler, 2018). The mass...

Locomotor Skills and Load Monitoring

Locomotor skills consist of physical activities such as running, jumping, walking, climbing, and others; therefore, they need to be visually confirmed. Thus, video recording is a primary way of observing and documenting locomotor skills in the specific areas of the classroom during the whole day or at a particular time....

The “Teach Us Your Name” Book by Huda Essa

The book “Teach Us Your Name” by Huda Essa is a story about diversity, and the author teaches children to pay attention to the cultural differences between themselves and their peers. This is achieved by outlining a lesson for children, where they ask other students to introduce themselves and discuss...

Attachment Theory and Cycle of Violence

Injuries which are mechanical, associated with sex, mental attack, and deprivation are the four kinds of violence identified by the typology of PlanStreet (2022). “Attachment theory” discusses how early childhood trauma has shaped a particular manner of relating to others. According to another idea called the “cycle of violence,” domestic...

“Julius Caesar” by William Shakespeare Summary

Julius Caesar is a history play written by William Shakespeare. The plot of the piece concerns Brutus and Cassius’ conspiracy to assassinate Julius Caesar and, in some way, the consequences of these actions. The play’s first act establishes Caesar’s influence and the motivations for his assassination, which lies in the...

“Why It Worked” by Clark: An Article Analysis

The article “Why It Worked: A Rhetorical Analysis of Obama’s Speech on Race” touches upon Barack Obama’s March 18 speech on race, focusing on the rhetorical strategies employed by the former president. The author emphasizes that the speech is more powerful in its audio format rather than in the script....

Bipolar vs. Borderline Disorder in a Female Patient

This case is characterized by the fact that the girl has non-standard behavior. She is prone to excessive activity, delusional thoughts and actions, and promiscuous sexual relations. In this case, there is one specific diagnosis and two differential ones, that is, bipolar disorder, schizophrenia, and personality, respectively. All three diseases...

Setup of Minimum or Base Federal Tax Rate

If almost half of all taxpayers benefit from an efficient federal tax rate of zero per cent, then there must be defined minimum taxation that all individuals must pay. The minimal rate must be calculated in relation to the various economic levels. However, the minimum tax ought to be imposed...

The Varieties of Religious Experience by W. James

People are usually concerned about the surrounding phenomena and events influencing their lives. James (2009) describes the most common questions related to the nature of history and the meaning of its importance. The answers can be diverse as every individual has specific beliefs and unique experiences. Religion usually consists of...

Sociological Perspective and Social Forces

The sociological perspective stands for the approach in sociology, which views human behavior in the context of social backgrounds, such as relationships, social structures, and history. The sociological perspective focuses on the influence of outside factors on people’s actions without considering the component of their inner peculiar properties and opinions....

Altruism and Egoism: Similarities and Differences

Altruism and egoism are almost contrasting terms that relate to philosophy, psychology, ethics and biology. Both terms refer to one’s behavior and prioritization of self-interest over the interest of others. While altruistic people put fulfilling the needs of others over their own, egoists pursue their own interests in the first...

Contemporary Health Care Systems

Colonists who arrived in the Americas at the beginning of the 17th century carried medical practices prevalent in Western Europe. Thus, during this period, caring for the ill represented Western Europe’s traditional understanding of wellness, sickness, and treatment practices. Due to the authority of the Protestant and Catholic beliefs regarding...

Analysis of Supportive Recreation Inclusion Services

The problems the community agency faces are the lack of skilled staff and poor embrace of groups with disabilities. Moreover, no marketing efforts of inclusive services are conducted and no inclusive assistance in provided by the company (Scholl et al., 2006). To improve the situation, three action points should be...

The Channel Islands as a Travel Destination

The Channel Islands are a small group of islands that form an archipelago located near the coast of northern Normandy. It is essential to mention that the advantage of the trip is the easy route; the islands are located about 45 minutes flight from London and Paris. Thus, it is...

The Coca-Cola Company’s 10K Report Analysis

The 10-K report includes many factors involved in the business, and it can be hard for the inexperienced user to study the company via that form. Coca-Cola Company was chosen because of its steady position in the financial market and the well-developed supply chain, which interested me. Upon studying the...

Corruption: The Global Problem

Regarding human rights abuses, Morocco, which is ranked 39 on the index, proposed an emergency law that denied citizens their right to movement, as well as assembly and free speech. Furthermore, the act was applied as legal protection targeting government critics and advocates of human rights. Thus, companies that would...

The Moral Arguments in Favor of Euthanasia

The term euthanasia comes from the Greek words: euth – “good” and thanatos – “death”. It means a conscious action leading to the death of a hopelessly suffering person in a relatively quick and painless way to stop incurable pain and suffering (Goligher et al. 150). Euthanasia, as a new...

The Burberry Firm’s International Brand Strategy

The global expansion of the fashion brand creates several challenges for companies. In the luxury clothes industry, brand names and designs are important. The value to the customer is increased when the item is created in one global design center that supplies other locations with its designs. However, not all...

Theological Translatability, Inspiration, and Authority in Religious Traditions

Global South and Theological Translatability The field of global politics is in constant change and adaptation to new realities and contexts. Because of it, various political terms and concepts have outdated, modified, novel, or deceptive meanings. A striking example of such descriptive and interpretive inconsistencies and contradictions is the “first-world...

Discussion: Race and Ethnicity

The definitions of race and ethnicity seem to be often confused, and usually, the line between them blurs, and people do not use the terms correctly. At first, there was no difference between these two concepts, and I believed that race implies specific cultural features and characteristics. However, over time...

A Leader’s Roles of Designer, Teacher, and Steward

Those organizational leaders who act as designers perhaps have more responsibilities than those who prefer teacher and steward styles. They simultaneously have to perform as restorers and builders of organizational structure and culture and philosophers and creators of guiding ideas and vision (Senge, 2006). During my work experience, there have...

Impact of the Industrial Revolution on Society

The Industrial Revolution refers to a period throughout the late 18th and early 19th centuries within western societies such as Great Britain, the United States, and Europe. It was defined by the rapid increase of new manufacturing processes and the transition to steam and water power (Wilkinson, 2020). Overall, the...

Jewish, Christian, and Islamic Relations

Christianity, Islam, and Judaism are three major religious and worldview traditions that divide people in their vision of the world and perception of history. These traditions are monotheistic and have one textual source – the Tanakh. Therefore, the dispute about who interprets the divine message correctly is difficult to resolve,...

Demographic Trend: Ethiopia’s Growth Rate

The demographic trends in many countries have been vastly different. This is the effect of many countries’ population growth or population-reduction initiatives. Ethiopia is demonstrating massive progress with relation to the development of health and living conditions of its citizens. Infant and maternal mortality are decreasing, and child mortality under...

Organization and Employee Relationships

A high level of competition between companies in the modern globalising world necessitates organisations to emphasise their human capital. For an organisation to strive, it has to invest in forming good relationships with employees based on envisioning them as key stakeholders. Indeed, workers inside the company should be perceived as...

The Lesbian Family Impact on Canadian Society

There is a hypothesis that lesbians are the best parents, confirmed by the “National Study of Lesbian Families.” Recent results show that children in such families are much more successful than heterosexual ones. However, in Canada, same-sex families continue to face discrimination from the local population. In this paper, an...

The Pfizer Firm’s Vertical and Horizontal Analysis

Introduction Vertical and horizontal analysis are essential components in analyzing financial statements for the company; both vertical and horizontal analysis presents a significant source of information about the company’s performance for internal users. Therefore, the forms of analysis are used by management to identify issues in the company’s accounting and...

Art Forms: The Changes of the Work of Art

The work of art has undergone significant changes as a form throughout the 20th century. This is probably due to the blurring of the boundaries between different types and types of art, as a result of which the audience often deals with interdisciplinary art, combining several areas simultaneously. Movies, music,...

Salutogenic and Pathogenic Factors: The Influence on the Health of the Prisoners

It is impossible to understand what human health is, considering only pathogenic factors and studying various diseases. The concept of salutogenesis, created by the Israeli scientist Aaron Antonovsky, strives to explain how a person remains healthy despite stressful situations. While pathogenic factors refer to everything that causes illness, salutogenic factors...

The False Justification of the Smartphone Panic

With the development of various technological devices and their integration into the citizens’ everyday lives, some concerns regarding their effects on children have been voiced. Although the advances in electronic technologies can be exceptionally beneficial, the excessive use of such devices by the younger population might become a crucial issue,...

Use of Ethos, Logos, and Pathos on Chattahoochee Riverkeeper’s Website

The right use of Ethos, Logos, and Pathos in text effectively captures the reader’s attention regardless of the form of the text. Moreover, it allows the text to communicate information understandable for potentially interested persons, such as customers or visitors. Thus, even the information provided on the organization’s website should...

Tesla Inc.’s Financial Risks Analysis

The company that I have chosen to look at is Tesla, Inc., which has experienced significant financial risks due to the volatility of the automotive market and the changing needs of customers. Among the main risk factors that the company has reported experiencing are delays in manufacturing and other challenges...

Abortion in Public Opinion and Legislation

The issue worries citizens of most civilized countries of the world. Recall that it has acquired a nationwide character; when discussing it, the opinions of influential people collide. This problem is important in itself and is part of the struggle for understanding women’s freedom and moral norms. The religiously conservative...

Introverts’ and Extroverts’ Process of Communication

Susan Cain’s (2012) TED talk provides a lot of new insights into the process of communication in general and how introverts and extroverts interact with the world in particular. First of all, her story feels very personal and passionate. Talking about her experiences and life stories, Cain (2012) reveals her...

Aspects of Benneton Advertisements

Introduction Benneton ads use inclusivity to their advantage, as a tool for communicating a message and attracting customers. Research into customer behavior has shown that people are more likely to buy when they can see people similar to themselves associated with a certain product. Therefore, inclusivity plays a large role...

Pricing Strategies: Skimming and Penetration

It is important to note that there are a number of different pricing strategies which differ in their strategic objectives. The skimming price strategy enters the market by offering the highest price for a product, which is subsequently lowered as needed. Such an approach is useful in order to maximize...

The Kuiper Belt and Evolution of a Star

The Kuiper Belt The Kuiper belt is a circumstellar disk located 30 to 50 astronomical units from Neptune. The region has many smaller bodies that primarily consist of metal and rock, with most of these bodies comprising volatiles such as water, ammonia, and methane (Werner & Eisenhardt, 2019). The Kuiper...

Schubert’s the Trout as an Excellent Piece of Music

The Trout or Die Forelle is one of Schubert’s most famous Lied. Its lyrics originate from C. F. Schubart, a friend of the composer. The Trout can be heard as a playful folk ditty, yet the story tells about life and death under a simple and joyous tune. Due to...

Family and Systemic Consultations: The Genogram as a Helpful Tool

There is a significant difference between a systems approach to counseling and an intrapsychic theory that defines the fundamental foundations of therapy. First of all, within the systemic or family approach framework, several people partake in the sessions at once (Madison, 2022). On the other hand, only one person participates...

Advertising & the Obsession With Thinness

Ethos, logos, and pathos are integral and essential components of a rhetorical appeal. They are all responsible for different aspects. Thus, logos is responsible for the expediency and logic of the arguments and information given, while pathos is responsible for the emotional component. The main goal of ethos becomes an...

The Flapper Lifestyle During the Roaring Twenties

The flapper lifestyle is indeed unique in a certain sense; if I were to define these women, I would call them a phenomenon contradictory in their phenomenal contradictoriness. It may sound confusing, but that is precisely the feeling flappers invoke in other people. I admit the existence of this phenomenon...

“Animism” or “Holistic” Concepts in Indigenous Religions

Indigenous religions involve ancestral faiths of peoples who are local to certain regions. Their faiths assist people in attaining the objective of living well in such regions. Thus, indigenous faiths differ, just as the locations their practitioners reside vary (Van Voorst 31). Most indigenous religions and other monotheist religions like...

The Job Analysis Concept from Various Perspectives

Job analysis can consist of contradicting information gathered from various SMEs on the matter of tasks and KSAOs required for a job. This is due to the fact that the position and its obligations might be viewed differently depending on the SME. A customer does not always have the knowledge...

Legal and Ethical Concepts Application

Personal and professional values help people to make their judgments in different contexts. Personal values, as a rule, embrace a person’s inner qualities and the qualities he or she wants to find in others, such as care, honesty, and sincerity. These values are formed starting from a person’s birth by...

The Future of the West and the Church

The world and society have changed significantly over the past few years. As Western countries were discovering their own identities, they developed various values, such as democracy, individualism, human rights, and religious faith. These ideas are likely to have an effect not only on the West but on the Church...

Kardashian Nation Work in America’s Klan

Kardashian Nation Work in America’s Klan is Lofton’s discourse on the Kardashian family as a contemporary new media phenomenon in the American socio-cultural field. It starts with a preface about the Melissa Click incident and ends with a defensive speech about her. From the viewpoints of readers who are not...

Analysis of Innovation in Healthcare

The innovation of 3D printing in healthcare has influenced enhanced healthcare outcomes by cutting costs and improving access. 3D innovation has led to the development of more advanced surgical equipment such as drill guides and prosthetics that are lighter, stronger, and safer. Moreover, 3D technology facilitates the creation of replica...

The Problem of Hiring Certain Categories of People

Hiring employees is regularly presented as one of the most challenging tasks for employers, which requires the proper attention and approach of hiring managers. Various legal provisions protect these social classes from hiring women, people with disabilities, or the elderly. Most questions are raised by legislation regarding students and non-disabled...

The Engineering Failures of Boeing 737 MAX

Multiple engineering failures occurred, leading to the crashes in the two flights mentioned in the testimony. These issues are not only related to the technical problems that were present in the flights. The ethical problems that gave too much control to the devices and the inability to interrupt their actions...

The Drug Abuse Problem in Indiana

Dear Representative Cherry, As your constituent and a supporter of the human services program, I am writing to urge you to protect the value of healthy lifestyle and emphasize the necessity of improving drug and substance abuse control methodologies. In Indiana, drug misuse is a severe societal problem that demands...

Eruption of Mount Pinatubo in 1991

Concerning the policies of prevention of destruction from a volcanic eruption, it is critical to have expertise from volcanologists who have skills in identifying when and how such catastrophes will happen. In recent decades, the theories and methods of understanding how volcanoes work significantly increased. For example, volcanologists frequently use...

Joan Baez’s Song Saigon Bride: Historical Analysis

Joan Baez wrote and sang Saigon Bride, which was first published in 1967 as a protest song against the Vietnam War. Traditional music became a method of opposition during the Vietnam War, and contemporary artists felt that creating music about the military conflict would be an efficient and successful way...

Muscles of Mastication: Origin, Insertion, Action

Research The key purposes of the muscles of mastication are to assist in food grinding, teeth approximation, and the eating process. Interestingly, these muscles may be divided into the primary and the secondary ones, and while the latter group consists of about eight muscles, the former includes only four. According...

Quality and Safety Education for Nurses Project’s Impacts

QSEN is a nationwide initiative that encourages nurses to rethink the main principles of nursing care. Furthermore, QSEN is a nursing project that aims to link nursing education with best practices regarding quality and safety standards. QSEN was founded in response to more excellent nursing quality and safety requests (QSEN,...

Speech Regulation on Social Media

Free speech on social media has become a contentious issue in recent years. Due to the tremendous influence and outreach of social media platforms, individuals and organizations have begun to use them for nefarious purposes, among which are spreading disinformation, self-enrichment, and manipulating public opinions. This is being done by...

The Notre Dame de la Belle Verriere

The evolution of art and design across the globe has ensured that different cultures and religions preserve the guiding principles which are taught to later generations. Christianity has played a major role in the diversity of art and design through sculptures, buildings, paintings, and writings whose relevance has played a...

The Exxon Mobil Corporation’s Position in the Market

Exxon Mobile is the largest in the world oil and gas company. Its P/E is currently 15,32, favourably compared against Shell’s 10, 63, Continental Recourses’ 13,44 and Occidental Petroleum’s 36,47. P/E shows the relation of a price of a share to the profit of the company (Exxon Mobil Corporation). The...

Importance and Benefits of Mobile Communications for Today’s Society

Mobile communications are now firmly entrenched in the life of a modern person, so it is difficult to imagine the absence of cellular communications. However, such technologies were not widespread worldwide until the 1990s. Countries with a low-income level serve as prime examples of the prolonged absence of these technologies....

Sustainable Development Goals’ Intersectionality

Quality education and zero hunger intersect since the former is responsible for countering the latter’s effects. The youths have a critical role in how quality education can end hunger. Despite being vulnerable, they are responsible for changing how different problems are faced, among them hunger. Quality education is responsible for...

Risks of Vasectomy vs. Tubal Ligation

Research Did you know that both methods of permanent contraception, namely vasectomy and tubal ligation, are almost equally safe and rarely cause any complications and risks? Indeed, as noticed by Blocker (2022), “tubal ligation does not affect hormones or periods, so there are no long-term side effects if the surgery...

Business Decision-Making Using Big Data

Data analysis provides profound and useful insight into a business and its customers, but to benefit from it, one must know data interpretation techniques and apply them to the chosen business strategy. Prescriptive analytics view future scenarios in the development of a business and provides practical improvements (Newman, 2020). Machine...

Was the Industrial Revolution Positive for Society?

To begin with, it is necessary to consider the positive consequences of the industrial revolution in the economic sphere. Firstly, the quality has improved, the volume has increased, and the cost of production has decreased, since machines work more accurately than a person, without making any mistakes. Secondly, the prices...

Nature vs. Nurture in Psychology

Scholars have been debating for many centuries which of the two factors, namely genetic inheritance, and the environmental surroundings, affect a person’s development, behavior, and character more. Some scientists have argued that ‘nature’ determines most of the individual physical features and mental abilities; others assert that most human traits are...

Consumer Involvement in the Healthcare System

Introduction To date, the involvement of consumers in the healthcare system is one of the important, valuable, and significant moments that contribute to strengthening the health of citizens and protecting against various risks at the micro, meso, and macro levels. For instance, by having all the necessary and meaningful information...

Unethical Decision of Rongping Chemical Company

The article demonstrates an example of an unethical decision of the top management team of Rongping Chemical Company, which harmed the ecology and threatened the health of citizens. This situation seems especially tragic considering the collectivistic values of Chinese society. At the same time, it is important to remember that...

The Hip Hop Wars by T. Rose: A Book Review

I believe that hip hop, to this day, is a viable way for the African American community to “keep it real.” In other words, the community can utilize hip hop to pose vocal and poignant social justice statements in situations where all other political appeal methods have failed. I have...

“Lawsuit Charges For-Profit University…” by Green

The article Lawsuit Charges For-Profit University Preyed on Black and Female Students was written by Erica L. Green and published in the New York Times on April 8, 2022. It covers stories of several women who enrolled at Walden University and became victims of its reverse redlining policy. A class-action...

Sex Under Pressure and Its Background Aspects

The relationship between a man and a woman is a complex and multifaceted concept with many controversial aspects. The main issue in relationships is the use of male power, namely the degree and situations in which it was performed. Nowadays, a common issue is sexual relations under pressure and manifestations...

Hell-Heaven by Jhumpa Lahiri: A Short Story Analysis

The relationship Aparna has with Pranab Kaku is very different in many regards from what she has with her husband. The two shared the same love for poetry, film, music, and leftist politics, and back in Bengal, Aparna and Pranab Kaku came from the same North Calcutta neighborhood. After being...

Significance of Accreditation in Healthcare

Why Accreditation Matters Accreditation refers to the official certification by a recognized authority that an organization, service, or individual has demonstrated competence, authority, or credibility to meet a set of standards. Jha (2018) argues that the guidelines are used to evaluate the quality of care a healthcare organization provides. Without...

Personality Traits in the Workplace

The smartest person I know is my friend who studies programming at university while maintaining a personal start-up and having enough time to maintain a perfect work-life balance. I am smart in my life position and attitude towards people. It is closer to a common-sense smartness in the way that...

Twitter: The Forces That Tend to Drive Social Media

One of the forces that tend to drive social media changes is the inherent immediacy of online communication. This is the main reason why many individuals tend to follow their altruistic urges and propagate positive messages while trying to make them go viral. The core issue with this force is...

Personal Computer: Development, Regulations, and Taxation

There is a distinct difference between desktops and personal laptops, but they are currently following similar trends in the sphere of development. Both versions of personal computers aim to increase performance, whether this means improving current capabilities, adding features, increasing longevity, or the speed of the device. Additionally, both versions...

Nature vs. Nurture in Formation of Identity

Introduction The question of what affects the formation of personality genes or upbringing has worried humanity since ancient times. This is due to the fact that it is challenging to separate the effect of genes and environmental factors. The results of the research conducted by specialists contradict the well-established belief...

African American Civil Rights Movement

Until the mid-1960s black servicemen did not have the right to engage in command positions. Their brave participation on the battlefield was poorly explained by the personal initiative or a desperate financial statement. The mass attraction of African American soldiers to participate in hostilities was obtained during the American intervention...

The Importance of the Dalai Lama in Buddhism

The Dalai Lama is the ultimate authority figure for every Buddhist on the planet, the one who unites the Tibetan people around him. Historically, Dalai Lamas were the rulers of Tibet – both in religious and official ways. Thus, one can imagine that, if the Dalai Lama XIV is not...

Free Will in Characters of Literary Works

Free will could be described as an ability to choose. People have always wanted to be free, and to achieve this; people gave their lives. Modern people are much more fortunate because they have rights. However, there is still no concept of absolute freedom, and a person cannot be free....

Civil Rights Activists Luther King and Malcolm X

The 1960s brought enormous cultural and social change to the United States. The civil rights movement rose to prominence as the call for equality grew stronger in American society. Black activists joined the fight and began an active push for desegregation. The new generation, primarily represented by the student movement,...

Research Activity: Analysis of Femicide in Italy

Femicide is a widespread lethal form of violence against women (Sorrentino et al., 2020). The selected journal article focuses on the risk factors associated with femicide cases of Italian victims (Sorrentino et al., 2020). Moreover, a link is established between different age groups of the victims and the probability of...

Healthcare Trends and Innovations

In my opinion, compelling examples of the work of marketing in health care are advertising of anti-COVID measures on social networks and advertising of psychological support services. In these cases, the advertisement took the form of a promotion and a call to action. Marketers promoted and spoke in clear language...

Arranging Mental Health Counseling

I live in the state of Chicago, and in my hometown and in the immediate vicinity, there is no clinic where I could practice. This seems to me an omission of my entire hometown. In my opinion, mental support is one of the main inalienable privileges of a modern person....

Discriminatory Voting Policies in Texas

The conflict over voting rights has put the state of Texas under scrutiny due to a pattern of discrimination observed for decades. In this light, there have been calls for close federal government supervision to curb the practice. Texas is known for its infamous voter identification exercises, which have increased...

L2 Classroom as an Example of a Community of Practice

A community of practice is a term that refers to a group of people with common interests who share a certain activity. An L2 classroom can be organized by a specific community of people who migrated into a new country for their fellow newcomers who might struggle with learning a...

Caresouth Carolina: Mission and Core Values

An organization’s core values are to present the patient with better services and partner with the community. In light of the above, it is arguably correct that Caresouth Carolina serves its clients with utmost professionalism while incorporating other measures such as teamwork and trust to accomplish the mission and vision...

Is Society Biased Toward Extroverts?

In all societies throughout history, including today’s, certain groups have faced discrimination. These groups’ access to social and community institutions is limited by various factors such as religion, gender, or ethnicity. Such discrimination was sometimes official and overt (through laws and regulations) but was usually more subtle. These days, most...

Accidents Due to Impact of Weather Actualities

The first mishap occurred in the 1977 Tenerife Islands collision involving two Boeing 747 planes, including Boeing 747-100 and Boeing 747-200. Low visibility is the primary weather problem that caused the accident. Boeing 747-200 underwent refueling, which increased the time it took to take off. In addition, after Boeing 747-200...

Realistic Job Preview for Nurse Educator Role

The role of a nurse educator requires a registered nurse to have a broad knowledge of chronic diseases. The nurse must use the knowledge of chronic illnesses to educate the consumer using the various teaching methodologies. The critical requirement in the job skill is not only to understand the fundamentals...

Moral Conscience and Lack of It in People

Each person lives in a society and follows certain rules of behavior. Some rules are regulated by law, and others are a matter of personal and public morality. The formation of moral principles is greatly influenced by education, family relations, religion, environment, and culture. What seemed unacceptable and reprehensible some...

Global Positioning System in Aviation

Introduction Nowadays, Global Positioning System (GPS) is a common and popular navigational instrument implemented in many fields of human life. For instance, it can be highly effective in aviation and aerospace navigation due to its efficiency in terms of aircraft positioning. However, GPS users in the United States can often...

Comparing the Apple and Acer Laptops

Choosing a computer might become complicated; therefore, it is essential to compare various models. For instance, the two major U.S. computer manufacturers, Acer and Apple, are appropriate variants for work and study usage. Moreover, it is vital to consider the gross profit ratio to understand companies’ productivity when comparing. Factors...

“Archetypes of Wisdom: An Introduction to Philosophy” by Soccio

In Chapter 18, Soccio (2016) discusses how philosophy can be incorporated into life and used as a base for developing one’s worldview. First, the author speaks about the concept of philosophical advocacy – a specific way of proving one’s agenda with the help of philosophical ideas – explaining its argumentation...

Health Care Disparities: Race and Gender

Race and gender disparity in healthcare delivery pose significant challenges to the U.S healthcare system. Racial disparities coupled with lower socioeconomic levels affect the access and quality of care. In America, racial and ethnic minorities collectively receive lower-quality of care than white people. Women are undervalued compared to men, influencing...

Grace and the Devil in “Good Country People”

In Good country people, O’Connor raises two essential questions: the question of faith and knowledge. These two aspects are represented in different characters disproportionally, thus defining their choices and behavior. Faith in this context presents itself in the broader concept, including the Christian faith and faith in general – a...

Mental Health Care Program in Canada

Hiring and maintaining diverse personnel is the first step toward diversity for Ms. Dickoff. She can improve the situation by employing a variety of employment boards. As such, she can order to post job postings on diversity-focused employment boards. On the company’s website’s career page, they should emphasize diversity. Next,...

Informal Deviance and Impact of Mass Media on Society

I find mass media to be one of the most significant influences on the perception and performance of informal deviance in modern society. This is largely due to the constantly evolving nature of media as well as what is considered to be formally deviant. Social norms are much more susceptible...

Effects of Eating Bags of Microwave Popcorn for Years

Eating bags of microwave popcorn for years is claimed to cause “popcorn” lung from inhalation of the flavoring used on the popcorn. Plaintiffs with the medical problem sued the popcorn makers and the maker of the flavoring. The flavoring maker asserted it was not liable under the bulk-supplier defense. Daughetee...

Aspects of Mathematical Functions

A mathematical function, often symbolized by f(x), defines a relationship between the input variables and the expected output. One property that makes a function accurate is that one input variable only gives a specific output value, of which the reverse would also give the variable input. Although a function is...

Parole Officer Discretion and Affecting Factors

For this discussion, I have chosen the Parole Officer, who oversees offenders released from prison or sentenced to punishment. After being released from prison, most offenders report it to parole officers (Henry, 2021). Probation and parole officers must perform their duties with care, just like all other law enforcement officers,...

Substance Abuse in Media: Godfather of Harlem

Introduction People, households, and communities are all impacted by substance abuse. Dependency on drugs has a cascading effect, resulting in many high-cost physical, emotional, social, and general health concerns. Apart from delighting the general audience, films can raise public consciousness about concerns that affect individuals worldwide. This post describes a...

Problematic Situations in Client Communication

Problematic situations in communication with clients and helping professionals arise everywhere and are the norm of interpersonal communication. One of these difficulties can be a different cultural barrier between employees and customers. As a rule, this happens with clients from other countries or other cultural backgrounds. In this case, the...

The Voting Rights Act of 1965 and the Future Struggle

The Voting Rights Act of 1965 is a landmark federal statute prohibiting racial voting discrimination in the United States. During the height of the civil rights movement, President Lyndon B. Johnson signed it into law on August 6th, 1965, and Congress changed it five times to reinforce its protections (“VOTING...

The God’s Existence: The Cosmological Argument and Counterarguments

The cosmological argument is the viewpoint that proves the God’s existence using empirical facts. In essence, everything in the universe is moved or created by another motion, cause, or existence (Jononymous Personymous, 2021a). If a certain phenomenon can be observed, then it has to originate from another phenomenon, thus forming...

Growth Strategy for Fitness Business

It goes without saying that the successful development of a fitness business requires a well-elaborated growth strategy. All in all, there are five stages of fitness business growth that include getting started, building the foundation, growing a team, developing leaders, and expanding an organization (Greeley, n.d.). I suppose that within...

Artificial Intelligence: Impact on Labor Workforce

Artificial intelligence is the capacity of a digitized computer or software robot to execute tasks generally affiliated with sentient creatures. Artificial intelligence is one of the prevailing technologies that allow solving many issues of people in different fields of activity (Kersting, 2018). The development of AI often affects drivers and...

The Pender Health Promotion Model for Behavioral Change

The Pender Health Promotion Model is used to initiate behavioral change. The central feature of this prevention model is that it emphasizes the proactive interventions people should adopt to avoid illness in general. This model describes the important role of nurses in supporting patients in preventing disease through self-care and...

Policy on People Data Management

Law No. (13) of 2016 is a data protection legislation that applies to all public institutions and private organizations across Qatar. Article (3) of the law asserts every Qatari citizen’s right to privacy of confidential data and the processing of personal information must be grounded on honesty, transparency, and respect...

Snowpiercer, Directed by Bong Joon-ho Review

Environmental problems concern society, and this issue is reflected in various ideas, such as science fiction books or films. The movie Snowpiercer, directed by Bong Joon-ho, represents the world of the future, where, in an attempt to stop global warming, humanity has frozen the planet. The last people were forced...

Public Relations: Preparing for a Job

Friedman’s suggestion about the requirements for applications in public relations seemingly undervalues the work and role of public relations specialists. Viewing the work of public relations specialists through the lens of added value allows Friedman and other wide audiences an opportunity to undervalue the role of public relations in the...

Ralph Waldo Emerson’s “Nature”: Key Ideas and Conclusions

Ralph Waldo Emerson’s essay “Nature” was released in 1836 by James Munroe and Company. In his paper, Emerson laid the groundwork for transcendentalism, a religious system that promotes a non-traditional view of nature. Transcendentalism holds that nature is infused with the supernatural, or God and that studying nature may reveal...

Mental Disorders: The Main Misconceptions

Misunderstandings of mental conditions have a long history involving fear or intolerance of people with disorders. Many misconceptions are ingrained in society and are still hard to refute. Such circumstances interfere with providing help to individuals suffering from disorders – they are afraid to seek treatment, and people’s misunderstanding only...

The Global Industry and Nature Relationships

Toxic and Abusive Relationships between Global Industry and Nature The global industry is an ever-evolving and ever-innovating sphere of specialized human activity. These two characteristics are fundamental and innate to the worldwide industry. It implies two things; these are constantly growing production output and a rising amount of resources for...

Wind of Change: African Nationalists’ Challenges

The Wind of Change, which is the abstract name of the movement for independence throughout the African continent in the 1960s, is one of the most influential events in African history. This is because, after a long time of colonialism on this continent, the nations earned a chance to build...

Aspects of Nursing Practice

The nursing profession is characterized by various expectations and norms. For instance, the National Culturally and Linguistically Appropriate Services Standards (CLAS) overlap with some criteria that are distinct to nursing practice. In particular, CLAS’s core principle mandates that care should be responsive to all cultural backgrounds (U.S. Department of Health...

Ethical Dilemmas in Healthcare

Practioners that professionally operate in various fields of activity that are connected to ethical decision-making can face contradictory situations. In order to elaborate efficient and effective guidelines for specialists in the sphere of psychotherapy, it is obligatory to recognize the key theoretical notions and concepts. Ethics codes exist to ensure...

Issue of Extinction of Whale Sharks

Introduction The increase in human influence on nature has led to some animals being on the verge of extinction. The infrastructure of civilization requires more space, and some animals and their products are valuable resources for the market. The extinction of some species leads to the disruption of biological diversity...

“The Tragedy of the Commons” by Garret Hardin

General Description The tragedy of the commons is a term that is used to refer to a situation where people with excess means of production use it to their advantage and are depleting it. The theory explains the tendency of people to make a decision that favors personal situations without...

Researching of 9-11 Commission

The 9/11 Commission was formed in 2002 after the events of September 11, 2001 to investigate what really happened (Entman & Stonbely, 2018). It was headed by former New Jersey Governor Thomas Keen (Hughes, 2020). The 9/11 attack in America is a series of coordinated terrorist acts that took place...

Introduction to the Business World

In the Pre-Industrial Society era, Starbucks would have experienced opportunities and difficulties in an equal measure because it was a new concept. People would not have been familiar with their products, and selling their ideas to potential clients would have been difficult. One significant opportunity would be the chance to...

The Invention of the Telegraph in the Communication Context

Introduction The context of modern communication and life as a whole is impossible to imagine without non-physical means of connecting with others. However, before the middle of the 19th century, one small message could take days and weeks to be delivered to the recipient, impeding efficient communication between people. The...

Leadership and Problem Situations

Leadership’s primary goal is to navigate and support a group of people in various endeavors. While performing this task, a leader will run into so-called “problem situations”, which include both personal and professional setbacks. One of the negative personal difficulties I consider the most difficult is the imposter syndrome. Imposter...

The Phonological Processes Analysis

First Video The first child that we can see in the video is reading from a book, together with an adult. She exhibits some of the common phonological processes when attempting to say the worlds out loud, notably including cluster reduction and reduplication. The former can be observed in most...

The Effect of Violence on Society

The concept of violence exists on a large spectrum. While it is commonly understood as being solely detrimental, violence is a specific type of interaction that can sometimes be used for the benefit of society. This discussion will focus on the different types of violence, as well as their effects...

Project Team Resources: Project Resource Management

Availability of resources is one of the main factors to consider while deciding how to staff a project. This will help to ensure that the resources are optimally utilized to avoid wastage (Viter, 2021). It is possible to staff a dedicated team of resources if there is a constant, reliable...

The Family as a Unit of Service

All community health nurses must address five universal family characteristics in their practice. First, the family is a small social organization with many members interacting. Second, it serves a variety of essential functions in the community. Third, every family has a structure and moves through various phases in the life...

The Hispanic Unemployment Issue in the US

The demographic under focus is the Hispanic population of the United States. According to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics (2022a), the unemployment rate for this population was 4.3% in May 2022. Meanwhile, the national average for the same period was moderately lower and stated to be 3.6% (U.S. Bureau...

Depression and Anxiety Management

Assessment The facility’s medical staff will investigate the treatment modalities currently being utilized for the hospital’s large population of patients experiencing symptoms of anxiety and despair. It is possible to accomplish this objective by performing reviews of medical data and conducting interviews with people whose lives have been negatively impacted...

The Case of Cummings v. Premier Rehab Center

The article Supreme Court says no to damages for “emotional distress” in civil rights case contains information that reveals the circumstances of Jane Cummings’ lawsuit against the rehab clinic where she applied for help. The woman was disabled (deaf and blind) and requested a sign language interpreter, but she was...

When the Death of a Star Becomes a Black Hole

Black holes are among the most exciting phenomena in the universe. They are thick and have a powerful gravitational pull that not even light can flee their clutches (Tillman et al., 2022). Wise et al. (2019) acknowledge that the formation of supermassive black holes in the centers of giant galaxies...

Raising Kids Without Overparenting

In her TED Talk, Julie Lythcott-Haims discusses important ideas about raising children who are successful without overparenting them. Therefore, the main notion that she challenges in American parenting is that there is a fear that parents have regarding the need to be involved in every aspect of their children’s life....

The Visual Analysis of the Collage

This collage is about youth lifestyle, including their favorite activities and past times, approach to life, way of thinking, and outlook. The pictures in the collage combine to tell a wholesome story about how youths conduct their lives. Youth are in a stage of life defined by self-realization and actualization....

Leadership and Team Management

Leadership and team management are complex tasks that often go hand in hand with various hardships. One of those hardships is motivating the team in unfortunate circumstances, for example, when the deadline has been significantly changed. When people must change their plans, and large amounts of work need to be...

Becoming an Organ Donor After the Death

Introduction Transplanted organs save lives every day, yet doctors often have to lose precious time seeking a viable organ due to a lack of donors. Organs may be donated at any point in one’s life, yet many do not consider this possibility due to insufficient knowledge or misled opinions. In...

Researching of Record-Breaking Floods

Largest World Flood Floods are natural disasters, usually caused by excessive precipitation, leading to severe consequences. It is believed that the most significant flood in the world occurred in 1931 in China, and its victims were more than 4 million people (Mann). The events were preceded by two years of...

Do Energy Drinks Provide a Source of Energy?

The case study “A can of bull? Do energy drinks provide a source of energy?” discusses the impact of energy drinks on the human organism. Most people think about caffeine as energy when they feel about this product. This ingredient does not contain calories but leads to the feeling that...

Teacher Career: The Role of Self-Efficacy

Self-efficacy is the capacity of someone to produce the desired type of effect in a particular work setup. It is worth noting that self-efficacy lowers after a practical experience with the job. It is regained after a long-term experience because one will have mastered the content. Teaching programs are educative...

Elements of a Successful Staff Training Session

A successful staff training session requires eight essential elements in order to provide staff and management with a cohesive process and a productive environment. First, an effective training program relies on skilled leadership that can adequately manage the process of learning. Second, the staff’s learning needs must be identified for...

Raciolinguistic Ideology: Language, Capitalism, Colonialism

Raciolinguistic ideology was born from European colonialism, and it suggests that language and race are correlated, which leads to a deficiency of language practices among racialized communities. According to historians, colonialism “resulted in the uneven development of forms of capitalism across the world and the destruction and/or transformation of other...

Financial vs. Managerial Accounting Differences

Accounting gained popularity across different industries, with financial (FA) and managerial accounting (MA) being the two major types. According to Accounting Stuff (2019), the former reports “entity’s financial transactions” to extant and prospective creditors, lenders, or investors (2:04). Meanwhile, the latter communicates financial analyses to the administrators “to assist them...

Jane Addams’ History of Activities

The history of Jane Addams’ activities in this module seemed particularly interesting. This is due to the fact that my research paper focuses on the study of the activities of women politicians; hence the story of Jane is of particular curiosity. Her contribution to the development of social homes for...

Critical Thinking and Racism in Modern Times

Critical thinking can be defined as reasoning rationally and clearly while understanding the logical connection between ideas. To think critically, one must use their ability in a sense. Active learners tend to be good at critical thinking when compared to passive learners. Good critical thinkers will develop a vital question...

Mexican American Nationalists Call for a Separate Republic in the Southwest

The following document is a call for a separate republic to Texan Mexicans. At the time, they were experiencing violence and crimes committed by the Texas Rangers. The message was typed and features printed signatures of two people: the First Chief of Staff Luis de la Rosa and the Second...

Depression in Hispanic Culture

There are different ways in which culture or ethnicity can impact the treatment of development of mental health disorders. One specific example is the treatment of depression in Hispanic culture. Depression is commonly defined as “a mood disorder involving a persistent feeling of sadness and loss of interest” (Morales-Brown, 2021,...