What Is Meant by ‘Glass’ and ‘Concrete’ Ceilings? How Are These Barriers Constructed and Manifest in Organizations?”

Introduction This paper is about managing diversity in an organization, this paper will critically examine the challenges that are faced by the HR managers in regard to managing diversity in an organization for example, barriers like ‘glass’ and ‘concrete’ ceilings are constructed and they manifest within the organization. Diversity can...

Problem Solution: Best Snacks INC.

Best Snacks is part of a giant industry in the modern world. The fast food industry is a rapidly changing industry. As we will see in the pages to come, Best Snacks is finding itself in a difficult position lately. It is one of the oldest operating companies in the...

The Relations Between Cross-Cultural and Human Resource

Culture cuts across diverse issues in a given society and what may be right with one society may be wrong in another. Different cultures value and uphold different tenets and beliefs thus bringing diversity amongst societies. Whether values and beliefs of an individual count or do not count in workplace,...

The Strategic Management Process Definition

Introduction The Strategic Management Process (SMP) is made up of four elements viz. situation analysis, strategy formulation, strategy implementation, and strategy evaluation. These elements are steps that are performed, in order, when developing a new strategic management plan. Existing businesses that have already developed a strategic management plan will revisit...

Green Apple Restaurant: Project Business Plan

A short view of the company Green Apple is a new organic food restaurant which is being established at 30, Al Khalidiyah shopping mall, 3rd floor of Abu Dhabi in UAE. The objective of building such form of organization is to make acknowledged the huge population of the country with...

Operations Management in Business

“Our reputation rests on bringing these products to market in a timely, reliable and environmentally responsible manner” (Overview 2008). Reputation in business is an important contributor to its success. The manner in which a company carries out its operations is vital to developing a good name. The role of the...

Zara Market Segmentation

Zara Market Segmentation: Introduction The concept of market segmentation plays an essential role in setting up a company’s target customers. By selectively choosing the main market sector, a firm can deliberately increase its competitiveness in this given segment. It allows organizations to be more efficient and concentrate on specific products...

Absenteeism and Lateness in the Healthcare Field

Introduction Absenteeism and lateness are wide-spread and yet significant issues in any professional sphere. However, such problems acquire more importance when they occur in the healthcare field, where the value of time is determined by the urgency of patients’ needs. In general, poor discipline in a medical department might be...

Changes in Google’s Employee Selection System

Introduce the case briefly by providing an overview/summary of what is happening in this situation Google is one of the largest digital corporations, and today, the company occupies a leading position as an information search engine service. In addition to this activity, the company is involved in a number of...

Nike Inc.’s Analysis and Marketing Plan

Introduction Nike Inc. is one of the premier international companies in the sportswear industry. Its brand name and iconic logo are associated with high-quality shoes, gear, and sports equipment. The company employs over 73,000 workers and its current revenue stands at over 39 billion dollars (Nike, 2018). Nike keeps an...

Sainsbury’s Company’s Contemporary Management Issues

Introduction Sainsbury’s is a popular chain of supermarkets in the United Kingdom. It offers a wide range of products, including groceries, homeware, alcohol, kitchen appliances, clothing, and electrical appliances. Sainsbury’s shops range from small local convenience to large hypermarkets and superstores offering various types of products. J Sainsbury, which is...

Transformational Change: Case Study

Transformation can be challenging for any organisation, regardless of its size, the target market, or experience. To assist the management in the process of transformational change, scholars have developed a number of models that help to plan and implement change in any organisation. The two organisations that will be considered...

BRL Hardy Company’s Strategic Options

Introduction BRL Hardy is a merger of two wine companies BRL and Hardy that was established in the year 1992. Operating within the wine industry and setting high goals can be challenging for every organization, and BRL Hardy faced specific issues in terms of creating a global wine brand. Globalizing...

&pizza Brand’s Situational Analysis

The 21st century has brought people various new possibilities in marketing and sales. Nowadays, opening a new place, whether it is an expensive restaurant or a small coffee shop, has become more accessible than ever before. On the other hand, however, the constant expansion of the market makes it complicated...

Team Management at Amazon

Amazon is one of the leading e-commerce companies delivering various types of products to customers all around the world. The company is famous for its use of the most recent technological advances at its warehouses, but manual work is still central to the current operations. The company is also characterized...

The Future of Human Resource Management

To achieve success, human resources, along with other business units, must perform various functions from providing basic operations to strategic planning. It is essential to balance strategic and tactical actions for HR managers to get consistent results. HR professionals are expected to understand the internal and external environment in which...

Authentic Leaders: Personal and Critical Reflection

According to Starratt (2004), an authentic leader brings himself or herself and everything he or she believes in his or her work. It is common to find definitions of authentic leadership to also include descriptions such as transparent, consistent, and accountable. Evans (2000) argues that trust is key in any...

HCA Healthcare Corporation’s Strategic Analysis

Introduction HCA is a corporation that offers a broad scope of healthcare services in areas that encompass surgery, oncology, orthopedics, and cardiology to mention a few (Conte, Vitale, Vollero, & Siano, 2018). It majorly operates in the US and the UK. Its headquarters are in Nashville, the United States. HCA...

Organisational Structure Impacts on Learning

Introduction A learning organization is an organization skilled at creating, acquiring, and transferring knowledge and at modifying its behavior to reflect new knowledge and insights. This means that organizations engage in systematic problem solving, experimenting, and continuously searching for new knowledge. There must also be a tolerance for failure because...

Automotive International Marketing in Turkey

Abstract The article reveals the author’s experiences as a channel through which the grounded theory approach can be utilised in presenting qualitative research. The detailed description of the methods used in collecting, interpretation and analysis of data are fully given. The study is about international marketing and focuses on appropriate...

Situational Leadership Model: Strengths and Weaknesses

Abstract The situational leadership model, founded in 1982 by Paul Hersey and Ken Blanchard, remains one of the most efficient (Anderson & Anderson, 2001, p. 153). According to it, leaders should always consider the circumstances and respond to their followers’ behavior. Compared with the great man and trait leadership theories...

Critical Success Factors: Movie Industry in Hollywood

Hollywood Movie Industry: Critical Success Factors Critical success factors refer business aspects that an enterprise take into consideration in a bid to achieve predetermined mission and goals; some examples of CSFs include professionalism, integrity, creativity, teamwork, and customer focus among others. Generally, play an important role in identifying areas where...

Volkswagen Group’s Marketing Situation

Situation Analysis Introduction Volkswagen Indian subsidiary was founded in 2007 to assemble, manufacture, and distribute Volkswagen vehicles in the country (Datamonitor, 2011). The company offers a variety of vehicles including Volkswagen Passat, Audi, Skoda, Jetta, Touareg, Polo, Phaeton, and beetle. The company has been using a multi-brand strategy that has...

Hair Services’ New Concept

Defining the concept (a retail business that is somewhat unique, that has an marketing edge over its competitors) The concept involves a retail hairdressing store that provides hair cuts by professionals. However, it is unique and a cut above the rest owing to the fact that it is also doubles...

Marketing Management Aspects and Questions

Define what is meant by “brand equity” and discuss what a company can do to maintain brand equity Coherent society is characterized by great rivalry. To be successful a company or a person should be able to compete with the rest of the world. Especially topical this question is for...

Participative Leadership Style and Its Benefits

Introduction Leadership styles can be defined in various ways in different contexts. Defining leadership styles is much like a lot of other aspects in life, where it would be very common to hear people giving answers that are as different and as many as there are people in the world....

Change Management in the Workplace

Organizational change is a critical approach that many companies undertake to improve performance and profitability. Business leaders should be aware of the most appropriate strategies to transform their firms and engage all followers. This paper gives a detailed analysis of an organizational change implemented in my workplace. Selected Change I...

Mr. Karak Business Plan

Introduction The UAE is a very peculiar beverage market. Despite living in a perpetually hot climate of the Middle East, its residents have taken a liking to a variety of hot beverages, including various teas and coffees that used to pass through its ports and borders at some point in...

Strategic Marketing: Segmentation, Targeting and Positioning

Successful marketing helps to attract customers and stakeholders. It is not enough to use appropriate sources, choose effective advertisements, and produce multiple services and goods. Effective business is based on properly organised strategic marketing. The role of the STP approach – that includes segmentation, targeting and positioning cannot be ignored...

Lipitor Company’s Marketing Plan

Current marketing Strategy of Lipitor Smith (2008) argued that this Pfizer, the pharmaceutical giant to whom Lipitor belongs to and Lipitor turned into blockbuster not only it’s exclusively, but also for the smart marketing, Pfizer knows how to reach to the pyramid of revenue generation with its current marketing strategy....

Spot Garage Startup Business Plan

Feasibility Study Finding a reliable mechanic or garage in the UK is challenging. However, owning a car in the UK is a dream of every young family. Challenges arise when a car needs repair. Locating a garage can be a problem especially for ladies. According to Ramaseshan, Ishak, and Kingshott...

Organizational Macro-Processes and Effective Management

The effective management of an organization’s macro-processes goes a long way in determining its success. The notable macro-processes that an organization needs to take into consideration include customer relationship management, internal supply chain management, and supplier relationship management. Each of these three macro-processes is important to businesses since they facilitate...

Product Elimination and Service Management

The elimination decision is, beyond any doubt, one of the most ambiguous questions in the marketing field. Whereas, under particular circumstances, the necessity to delete a product from the offering range seems to be inevitable, the possible negative outcomes might prevent a manager from being decisive. As long as product...

Rogers Communication Company in the Indian Market

Executive Summary Rogers Communication is one of the leading Canadian telecommunication firms. It is proposed that it should consider expanding its operations to the Indian market because of the size and increasing purchasing power of the population. The country analysis shows that India’s population, socio-cultural and political environment and good...

IKEA Company’s Circular Economy Model

Description of Organization The subject for this report is IKEA, a Swedish producer of furniture and other home accessories. IKEA provides its customers with a wide range of products including furniture (home, outdoor, and for storage), home electronics, indoor gardening, diverse textiles, lighting, decoration, leisure and safety products, kitchen and...

Apple Inc.’s Corporate Strategy and Global Ethics

A brief overview of the company Apple Inc. is one of the leaders in the sphere of personal computers and other electronic devices globally. The company was established in California in 1977. Apple Inc. “designs, manufactures and markets” personal computers, mobile communication and media devices it also “sells a variety...

Wal-Mart Stores: Internal Business Process Perspective

Internal business process perspective Internal-business-process-perspective entails identification of various processes which are critical in a firm’s effort to attain the shareholder’s and customer’s objectives (Lessem, 1998, p.140). Through incorporation of internal-business-process-perspective, a firm’s management team is able to identify the core operational processes which require to be improved. The resultant...

Management and Organization Behaviour

The concept of organization behaviour is a very important tool for any organization. It usually determines whether the business will succeed in its undertakings or not. Good managers must be able to effectively how to use the tool to gauge the employees’ response to different organizational policies. However, to effectively...

EasyJet Airline: Strategic Management

Introduction Strategic management encompasses a group of continuous deeds and well-calculated practices that businesses deploy to organise and/or set their assets in line with the established goals. Actions in strategic management have t be in line with the organisation’s mission, vision, and values. Activities in the discourse change the static...

Volkswagen Emissions Scandal and Brand Reputation

The Scandal When it comes to the types of fuel, the automobile preferences in the United States and Europe differ majorly. The cars powered by diesel fuel that produces the emissions of CO2 (carbon dioxide) are more popular in Europe, while the Americans prefer the vehicles running on gasoline that...

IBM Corporation: Logistics and Management

Competitive strategy of the company International Business Machines Corporation, commonly known as IBM was founded in 1911 by Charles Flint (Kros and Brown 28). This American firm is headquartered in New York, United States, and operates in 170 countries around the world. IBM was one of the firms that played...

Carnival Cruise Lines: Business Level Strategy

Introduction The carnival cruises marketing plan is considered the most successful company. It controls up to 44% of the cruise industry worldwide. It runs ten different cruise lines, and it boasts to be the world’s largest night cruise company. The company operates in the Bahamas, Caribbean, Alaska, Hawaii, Europe, Mexican...

Kirloskar India Limited: Organizational Behaviour

Organizational behaviour refers to the study of how people interact within an organization. It is important to indicate that this study is applied with the aim to make business organizations more efficient. In this case, the chosen company is situated in India and is known as Kirloskar India Limited. This...

United Airlines vs. Cathay Pacific Airlines

Brand focus The brand identity of United Airlines is based on the premise the company can offer both comfort and security to its clients. This message is conveyed through various channels. For example, one can mention their slogan Fly with Friendly Skies. Secondly, in their commercials, they emphasize that this...

The Importance of Strategic Management and Planning

Abstract The following paper is devoted to strategy, strategic management, and strategic planning. The paper outlines the abovementioned notions, which constitute the baseline for strategic management as a whole, and discusses the importance of strategic management in business. The traits of effective strategies are outlined and some relevant examples are...

Tesco Corporation’s Internalization Strategies

Introduction Tesco is among the global leaders in retail business and has expanded to major parts of Europe and beyond. This paper reviews Tesco’s internalization strategies against the scale of Porter’s Diamond analysis. Besides, the treatise applies the Resource-Based View Theory to explain the international strategy of Tesco during its...

Lockheed Company’s Unethical Behavior and Recovery

Abstract This paper attempts to analyze the case study of Lockheed Martin, a large weapon and aircraft manufacturing company that was involved in a series of unethical behaviors throughout the 1950s and 1980s. The paper follows the company’s development into a powerful domestic and international competitor forced to function in...

Amazon’s Sales and Marketing Strategies

Introduction Founded by Jeff Bezos in 1994, Amazon.com has remained the pioneer and the leading online retail firm worldwide. The initial business idea was to create an online bookstore that would create easy access to literature in an attempt to satisfy the ever-increasing demand for ideas and knowledge around the...

Business, Government, and Society: Critics of Business

The chapter Critics of Business of the book Business, Government, and Society: A Managerial Perspective discusses the emergence and development of the concept of business criticism from medieval times to the present. The concept of business criticism originated from the belief that businesses were established with the main aim of...

The Dynamic Environment: Business, Government and Society

Summary of the Chapter The Dynamic Environment The chapter The Dynamic Environment of the book Business, Government and Society begins by examining the business of Royal Dutch Shell PLC. The example of this oil company offers a wide picture of the challenges arising from the industrial revolution. The case highlights...

Apple Stores Analysis

Hardly there is a person nowadays who would argue the unprecedented success of the Apple Company considered one of the most revolutionary in the world of computers. The bitten apple for a long time has been a synonym for impeccable design and quality. Apple products have become a cult for...

Toyota and Plexus Pricing Strategy

Toyota One of the world’s leading car producing companies, Toyota has been enjoying a worldwide success not only due to the quality of its products, but also because of the pricing strategy that it has chosen when entering the global market. Though the change of the environment, in which the...

American Airlines Company: the Secret of Success

Air transportation has become one of the most dynamically developing branches. The popularity of traveling by plane leads to the high competitiveness of the companies providing the air carriage service. An airline should have a reputation of the reliable air carrier and the indisputable authority to be competitive. American Airlines...

Issues in Human Resource Management

Introduction The importance of human resources has significantly increased in various organizations, all the more so in the contemporary business world that is characterized by a high level of competition. In every organisation, human resource plays a pivotal role in determining the success of an organisation. For instance, it influences...

Strategic Management Process: Reflection Assignment

Summary Strategic management is an ongoing strategy that organizational leaders need to undertake if they want to support performance and deliver sustainable results. The initiative revolves around setting attainable objectives, monitoring and analyzing the recorded level of competition, improving internal structures, and ensuring that business processes are aligned with the...

Rob Miranda: The CEO Who Couldn’t Keep His Foot Out of His Mouth

Introduction Rob Miranda has been a fountain of ideas since he took the role of chief executive officer (CEO) of Growing Places. For example, he created areas for women to breastfeed their babies during work breaks and put Video cameras in schools for parents to “visit” their children from their...

Emerging Trends in Human Resource Management

Introduction As industries shift toward digitalization and globalization processes, there is an urgent need for human resource management (HRM) to adapt to new realities. It means that managers should find innovative ways to attract talented professionals and improve retention rates in their companies. Furthermore, to achieve these goals, HRM specialists...

Chevron Corporation’s Opportunities for Adding Value

Introduction Chevron Corporation is among the top-ranked energy companies globally, with headquarters in San Ramon, California. It was founded in 1870 as a successor of the Standard Oil Company. The company mostly deals in oil and gas products with an international presence in the market’s value chain. Moreover, the corporation’s...

Leaders: Sam Hazen and Daniel Roth

Introduction The success of any organization or venture depends on the person who leads the group involved in completing that mission. Leadership is defined as “the art of influencing others to their maximum performance to accomplish any task, objective or project” (Vasilescu, 2019, p. 48). However, to be an effective...

The Paralyzed Veterans of America Case Study

Introduction Description of Scenario This case study involves a chartered organization by the US government called the Paralyzed Veterans of America (PVA). According to the case study, PVA is a philanthropic organization that focuses on serving the needs of American veterans who have suffered from spinal cord diseases and injuries...

SWOT Analysis of Tesla Company

Introduction SWOT analysis is an effective method for assessing the main performance factors of an organization or business. The purpose of the use is to identify the areas of opportunity and the main threats to the enterprise, covering all the necessary aspects (Clark, 2017). SWOT analysis includes strengths, weaknesses, opportunities,...

Home Depot: The Company Analysis

From a personal perspective, Home Depot is a company that epitomizes almost all elements of learning and value creation to the high extent. In particular, it has the highest level of motivating and inspiring people, developing leaders, and empowering employees at all levels. First of all, Home Depot defines the...

Internal and External Factors Affecting Walmart: SWOT Analysis

Introduction Walmart is a large company with 1st place in the Fortune 500 list in 2020. It is an international network of large retailer shops, providing many workplaces in the U.S. and worldwide. It is present in more than 20 countries under different names, even though most of its revenue...

Walmart: Information Management System

Walmart is a retail company that integrates different types of retail stores and has a complex structure of warehouses, supply chain partners, and stores. As a result, its information management system (IMS) is similarly immense, incorporating logistics, transportation, supply chain management, customer management, online shopping, delivery, and more. The business...

The Bombardier Aerospace Firm’s Business-Level Strategy

Introduction Bombardier Aerospace was a successful aircraft development firm; it successfully competed with other manufacturers, concentrating on the production of local jet aircraft. In 2004, Bombardier Aerospace announced plans for a new C-Series aircraft. Three years later, the company has not decided on the new batch, which caused doubt among...

Accor Hotel Group: Evaluation

Introduction Accor Hotel Group (AHG) is a world-leading hospitality enterprise with several unique strategies. It has 5,300 hotels, 10,000 food, and beverage venues, over 40 brands, and employs over 260,000 people across 110 countries (Accor, 2022). AHG is one of the industry’s most diverse and integrative hospitality ecosystems and a...

Designer Sock: Company Analysis

Investment Project I have pondered for years about the socks business, and with each passing day, it is getting better. “Designer Sock” business is a sole proprietorship venture that I began one year ago. It is strategically located in a storefront next to a sneaker shop. I singlehandedly embarked on...

Uber Company: Business Case Study

Introduction Despite promoting a favorable image, not all organizations always follow the basics of good behavior. The provided case study (CS) presents the situation of Uber protecting its employees who harassed other individuals working in the corporation. Although Uber made some changes after an independent investigation, the scandal resulted in...

Twitter Organizational Structure

Twitter is called a microblog for its real-time social activity on its pages. Five hundred million social network fans visit the resource daily, making it an effective marketing platform for business and brand promotion. Besides the promotion of the brand, businessmen use the platform the search for operative information, research...

Monte Carlo Simulation Method Discussion

Sometimes business people may face various types of problems in the course of their business. One of these problems may be deciding on the duration of the project and the likelihood that it will be completed and completed. In addition, the Monte Carlo simulation method allows to solve many other...

Microsoft and Apple, Inc.: Leadership Styles

Microsoft and Apple operate in the same market and have the highest shares in it, competing for decades. While there is a strong imprint on their strategies left by Bill Gates and Steve Jobs, the companies continue to change and adapt to the modern reality. Understanding how this process occurs...

Mary Teresa Barra’s Transformational Leadership

Introduction One of the key elements of organisational performance stems from the management’s ability to make correct decisions and lead the company in accordance with the outlined objectives. The case of Mary Teresa Barra, CEO of General Motors, is an interesting and informative example of how transformational leadership can result...

Telstra Corporation’s Risk Management

Executive Summary Risk management stands out as an integrated and proactive strategy that organizations implement to handle potential risks. Such process should be long-term in nature if positive outcomes and project goals are to be realized. Telstra Corporation operates in the Australian telecommunications industry whereby it provides a wide range...

Writing an Email to Schedule a Meeting

Introduction Interoffice memos refer to short messages sent between individuals in different departments in an organization or institution. Generally, these memoranda are used to share confidential information, policy updates, project briefings, and news regarding departments. Nevertheless, they can share any information, including informal updates on non-business activities. Regardless, they observe...

Blue Bell Ethical Dilemma Case

Introduction According to the case, Paul Kruse faced a situation in which he had to make ethical decisions that would not adversely affect the organization’s reputation. Irrespective of how Paul Kruse handled the case, his decision and course of action did not change the fact that sanitary measures were not...

The SunRice Rice Production Company’s Strategy

Introduction SunRice is an Australian company supplying rice food products to almost 50 countries worldwide. The company consists of eleven businesses producing more than thirty brands and employs more than 2000 employees (SunRise, 2021, p 43). It is headquartered in Leeton, and its main growing area is New South Wales...

The Marketing Process Within the Energy Drink Industry: V Fusion + Energy

Abstract The current business climate influences any marketing strategy’s success. The marketing manager must thoroughly analyze the market while designing a marketing strategy to identify the most influential environmental factors. Regulators and the general public are becoming concerned about the potential dangers of energy drinks. The marketing manager’s job is...

Nike’s ‘Choose Go’ Commercial Analysis

Introduction Commercials are the greatest ways of bringing potential consumers to attention and purchasing a particular product or service. Therefore, companies apply various rhetorical devices that grab an audience’s attention. The use of logos, pathos, and ethos helps companies improve their commercials’ effectiveness. Nike’s ‘Choose Go’ campaign is one of...

The PepsiCo Firm’s Strategic Objectives

Measurable Objectives PepsiCo is an international beverage and food manufacturer with an annual $1 billion worth of product portfolio. The company has robust objectives that it intends to accomplish both in the short and long terms. In the next three years, PepsiCo intends to advance its concept of sustainability around...

Effective Management Practices at Work

Introduction and Methodology While companies are driven by profits and competition, they should not disregard the well-being of their workers. Employees should stay motivated to perform to the best of their abilities, and their motivation depends on a work-life balance, division of labor, work stability, and teamwork. This report aims...

Leadership and Army Profession

This essay aims to examine the impacts of the Armed Forces leadership principles on military expertise, knowledge, and service competence. Leadership lays the foundation for professionalism in the military by underpinning the service values such as duty integrity, respect, and selfless service. Every military officer is a leader with a...

Cash Flow Estimation for Sneaker and Persistence Projects

Project Value Sneaker and Persistence are prospective projects that offer a lot to customers and investors. They benefit the customer as new products are released and the investors and owners when they make profits. The aim of this case analysis is to assess the two projects and provide a recommendation...

The Satyam Corporation: Governance Scandal

Introduction The Satyam scandal is considered one of the largest corporate fraud cases in Indian history. At the time of the scandal, the firm was India’s fourth-largest company in the IT industry. One of the attributes of Satyam’s success was its corporate governance. In 2002, Satyam was awarded the “Golden...

SMART Goals vs. Balance Scorecard

Companies have various methods of organizing their objectives, goals, and aims. Thus, SMART goals and balanced scorecards allow managers to illustrate where the company is heading and how to get there. However, both frameworks correlate with specific pros and cons that can both advance and compromise organizational outcomes. SMART goals...

The Impact of Influencer Marketing on Zara

Zara is a fashion design and manufacturing corporation in Spain founded by Amancio Ortega Gaona. Zara started as a wear shop and developed to be the most successful and recognized brand in the fashion industry, with over 63,000 stores globally (Murphy, 2021). Zara was included in the public offering in...

Nike and Timm’s Vispac Model

Timm’s abbreviation VISPAC is a guide to exceeding customer expectations, and it contains six categories: value, information, speed, personality, add-ons, and convenience. The personality component in question is essential in achieving customer satisfaction. In this case, an important role is played by individuality. It can be manifested in the appearance...

Addressing the Challenge of the Nokia Corporation: Strategic Collaboration

Introduction In the contemporary age, many organizations encounter serious challenges that affect their position in the global market. As such, the Nokia Corporation is suggested to have experienced a severe issue when promoting its 5G services in North America, failing to provide the residents of this region with the necessary...

The Balance Sheet in Accounting

The balance sheet is one of the four core financial statements used to report the company’s financial information. The three primary characteristics documented in the balance sheet are assets, liabilities, and shareholder equity (“The four core financial statements,” n.d.). The former refers to cash, inventories, land, equipment, and other purchases...

PepsiCo Firm’s Integrated Business Planning

PepsiCo’s transition to integrated business planning (IBP) seems rather convenient and beneficial for advancing financial integration and other crucial aspects that contribute to achieving strategic goals. As the company has united its departments, the shared data regarding delivery, manufacturing, and sales is now easily accessed and can be used to...

The Corporate-Level and Business-Level Strategy for the Apple Company

Introduction The business-level strategy is primarily aimed at identifying and implementing the company’s long-term competitive system. The creation of the business strategy requires the determination of well-defined arrangements and solutions regarding the working process. The corporate-level strategy remains at the top of the strategic pyramid and manages all interdependent fields,...

Nike Inc.’s Strategic Marketing Plan for New Products

This paper presents Nike’s marketing strategy, referring to various literature to guide how the company can sell new products. The report contains comprehensive marketing information, including situational analysis explained based on internal factors, competitors, PESTLE and SWOT analyses, new product summary, marketing objectives, promotional strategy, market segmentation, and marketing mix....

Workgroup Emotional Intelligence Profile

What are teams and what ties into teams? A team is a group of individuals who share certain goals, objectives, and a mission, and participate in a number of activities to accomplish these. Team learning orientations and behaviors are essential, because they reflect team members’ common learning goals, as well...

DHL Express Company’s Analysis and Future

DHL International, GmbH (DHL) offers timely door-to-door delivery around the world. The Germany-based shipping company is a branch of the Deutsche Post DHL Group, which remains to be the largest courier firm operating in over 220 territories and countries. The shipping corporation combines both ground and air transport to ensure...

The Funding Request of the Business Plan

Introduction: The Basis of the Project The business plan has: Information about the company, products; Calculations, prospects for the years; Further actions, methods to improve efficiency; Strategies for further promotion. The Business Plan Based on the Coffee Shop The coffee shop’s uniqueness is in: Aromatic tea and fragrant coffee; Freshly...

The Coca-Cola Company’s Strategic Analysis and Objective

Introduction Coca-Cola Company is the leader in the market for soft drinks. It was founded in 1886 and became a manufacturer of iconic glass and other products (“Our company,” n.d.). To examine its current situation, SWOT analysis can be applied. It is a strategic tool for identifying strengths, weaknesses, opportunities,...

Nike Inc. Financial Analysis

Business summary The Nike Company was incorporated in 1967 to run its operations; to design, develop, and market its products of athletic footwear, equipment, and services. Nike has then developed to be among the world’s best brands. The company markets its products through its retail shops all over the world...

Personal Development as a Manager and Leader

Task 1 Continuous self-development is an imperative aspect of leadership that needs to be realized by every leader for proper management. Essentially, this process requires critical planning and self-awareness to realize one’s goals in any profession. As a system manager in a food manufacturing firm, workload planning is a major...

Wells Fargo Applies Ethical Decision-Making Model

Introduction Until recently, many business enterprises and business leaders focused solely on making and maximizing the profits of their owners. Some companies conducted their activities with a total disregard for ethical standards and values. However, there has been a radical change in the importance of ethical practice in the global...

Ferrero Company Information

Today, Ferrero can be called one of the largest companies in Italy. The company has been recognized more than once as an excellent place to work and has a significantly high business reputation. Its products are well-known and in demand among consumers around the world. Before achieving these and many...

Apple Company’s Innovations and Marketing Mix

Introduction Apple Inc. is a leading and most valuable technology-based corporation, a trendsetter within a modern innovation market. The company is known for building its prominent history and fortune on the grounds of innovation that significantly transformed humans’ digital experience of their daily lives, starting from the personal computer revolution...

Social Security Administration Case Study

Introduction The Social Security Administration (SSA) has unique structural and cultural organization attributes for being both a typical large federal agency and social welfare. While SSA plays a central role in serving millions of people with deserving cases, it has leadership challenges given that it is a top-down bureaucracy and...

Toyota in Crisis: Denial and Mismanagement

Introduction At present, Toyota faces challenges caused by production globalization, market development, and increasing product complexity. In 2009 due to a pedal problem, Toyota recalled millions of automobiles because of unintentional acceleration and inability to manage the crisis. A quality problem for a brand that has been renowned for its...

McDonald’s and China Noah Corporation’s Finance

China Noah Corporation The reason why companies hedge against foreign currency risks is to protect themselves against loss of business value. China Noah has a different form of foreign currency exposure due to transactions involved when dealing with international customers and suppliers. This exposure arises when China Noah has entered...

The Georges Hotel Case Study

The Current Position To begin with, it is essential to analyze the organizational purpose of the Georges Hotel at first in order to determine its current position. Evidently, the mission, vision, and values of the business are closely interconnected, and one of their most critical elements is the concept of...

Fintech Startup Curve Analysis

Curve is a UK-based startup that aims at changing the way people deal with their card payments. The purpose of this startup is to reduce the number of credit and debit cards in a wallet to just one. The idea and its realization appeared to be innovative and, combined with...

Culture and International Business Group of Walmart

Introduction Walmart is today considered as the largest retail store in the world, both by its magnitude of business as well as the physical spread of its stores across the world. Walmart was founded by Sam Walton and opened the first store in 1962 in Rogers, Ark (Walmart Stores Inc,...

Why Customers Refuse to Buy Business’s Products?

To evaluate a firm’s marketing success, it is critical to explore why customers do not purchase the company’s products. This can help analyze the possible errors in the firm’s marketing strategy and plan future approaches to increase sales. Consumers can have multiple causes for not buying specific goods. This paper...

The Positioning School and Resource-based View of Strategy

Introduction Over the past few decades, the most popular theories of strategic management were the positioning approach and the resource-based view (RBV) of strategy. Its purpose is to help companies with developing and execute their business plans in the most efficient way. However, strategic objectives can not wholly avoid taking...

Information System Implementation Difficulties

Introduction Computer-based information systems are designed and maintained using these information systems (Jeffrey et al, 2005). The systems comprise application software’s which is used to support business and organization processes. The most used types of information systems are information technologies because they are responsible for assisting human beings to perform...

Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP)

Among the core areas of information management is Enterprise Resource Planning, which is a concept that was first embraced during the early 80s. It was used to merge the functions of finance, manufacturing and business logistics, and was mostly implemented with a sole objective of facilitating the execution of business...

Chipotle Mexican Grill EFE Matrix Analysis

The primary external factor that was found to be affecting Chipotle Mexican Grill is the competition. David (2017) defines it as one of the most critical factors that have to be taken into consideration when discussing a business’s environment. Chipotle has to contend with both other fast-food locations, including ones...

Marketing Communications and Role in a Marketing Mix

Key Definitions Marketing communications are one of the critical competitive business tools that encourage consumers to choose a specific company. Marketing Communications (MC) is essentially the process of transmitting information about companies, products, and services to the target audience using various channels. Integrated Marketing Communications (IMC) is a concept of...

Three Different Categories of Deceptive Marketing Practices

Marketers tend to implement deceptive practices that force the customer to believe they gain more profit than usual. Typically, these practices tend to provide misleading but appealing information about the product or service being offered. Even though deception is a commonly used method to attract more clients and increase sales,...

Understanding the Basics of Financial Statements Analysis

The article, “understanding the basics of financial statements analysis”, by R. David Mautz, Jr. and Robert J. Angell, is effective in financial management. This article provides a logical format of the methods to use in analyzing financial statements. The article begins with an overview of financial statements analysis highlighting the...

Corporate Social Responsibility: Concept Overview

Corporate social responsibility (CSR) is a business model that emphasizes businesses’ obligation to be socially responsible and to give back to the community (David, 2013). The concept especially applies to large corporations: as they grow and expand, they accumulate a great deal of power that depending on its use, can...

Digital Marketing in the Fashion Industry

Introduction Today, the development of marketing strategies and ways of business development is impossible without considering technology. The most common marketing technologies are online sales, digital marketing, SaaS, cloud computing, cloud storage, robotic process automation, and robotics to collate data. The fashion industry is a massive segment of the global...

HR Policies and Practices in Google

Correlating one’s personal traits and performance can be useful if the former is considered as one of many factors that affect the latter. However, I think that it should not be used as a sole basis for screening the potential candidates because personal traits cannot be only a performance predictor....

Marketing Research: The Air Humidifier from Prodserve

Step One: Product Selection In this step, it was suggested to choose one of the products that fictitious company Prodserve, Corp. will plan to release. Among the proposed options, the choice was stopped on the Humidifier™ with a built-in aromatization function. The device allows cooling the ambient air and increasing...

Warren Buffet and Bernie Madoff Ethics Case Analysis

Investing has always involved taking risks with many unknowns in the equation. Markets change rapidly, stock prices can rise and fall quickly, and partners can break promises. Two business figures, Warren Buffet and Bernie Madoff, have raised fortunes and enjoyed impeccable reputations, yet one of them is still praised as...

Braintrust Toys: Evaluations, Compensation, and Firm Objectives

Introduction Braintrust Toys is a medium-sized company specializing in toy-making that decided to shift from product development to an innovative strategy. Its new objectives include enhancing attributes and convenience of existing products, launching new products, developing new markets, hiring personnel that thinks innovatively, and hiring customer service-oriented employees to support...

Is Bureaucracy Still Applicable in Today’s Business Environment?

Introduction In the scholarly literature, bureaucracy is defined as “the combined organizational structure, procedures, protocols, and set of regulations in place to manage activity, usually in large organizations” (Gomez-Mejia et al, 2008, p. 34). This is the core of the structural formation of an organization. It is that part that...

Oura: Company Analysis

Oura is a company that sets accomplishing healthy sleep as its goal. Thus, all its products are designed to help customers with quality rest at night. The company’s flagman is Oura ring, which has gathered massive media and consumer attention throughout 2020. It is an electronic device that combines the...

Just-in-Time Idea for General Motors

Introduction Business organizations need to implement superior measures to improve their operations and maximize profitability. The selected company that can benefit from a new strategy is General Motors (GM). In 2014, this organization had a scandal that exposed the major challenges that were affecting its business operations. This project presents...

Competitive Advantage and Competitive Differentiation

When it comes to business management, the aspect of competitive advantage always appears in the discussion. According to Kotler and Keller (2015), competitive advantage (CA) is a “company’s ability to perform in one or more ways that competitors cannot or will not match” (p. 304). In other words, it is...

Project Risks and Capital Budgeting Decisions

Capital budgeting is described as the planning procedure that an organization utilizes to determine the investments worth pursuing. Therefore, in the context of capital budgeting, project risk is referred to as uncertainty regarding the profitability of a project. If the potential of a chosen activity has an unknown implication on...

The Yardstick Approach to Organize Information

Documentation is an integral part of running any business, as it helps to track and control progress, note errors, and consolidate decisions. For this reason, there are many types of reports that are suitable for various kinds of problems requiring a solution or justification. The yardstick approach is one of...

Managerial Essentials: Definition and Overview

A manager is somebody who is responsible for leading a given group in realizing a company’s operational goals and the ultimate services/goods production. Management and the roles of a manager are interrelated and they define how an institution is run in regard to, staffing, operation, leadership, and planning among other...

Trait Approach and Skills Approach to Leadership

Leadership is an influential process that enhances performance and allows an individual to execute fundamental processes within organizations. Leadership provides groups with incentives and guidelines that empower groups to attain set goals. Trait and skills approaches are crucial in the quest for improved leadership. Comparison Trait and skills approach proffer...

The Example of the Office Memo

Facts of the case The case here deals with the Rocky mountain mutual funds, which consists of around 250 employees, situated in suburban area of Utah. The place is well known for the professional landscape and the offices, which was not much expensive and was affordable by the firm. A...

Joy Daycare Marketing Plan

Joy Daycare is a recently established business that has been in existence for six months. The center offers full and part time day care services for toddlers between the ages of three to five years. In addition, the center has modern child development facilities to ensure that toddlers grow up...

Nike+: Advice and Recommendations for Development

There are not so many companies that may be called undoubtedly known to everyone in the world. Nike hardly needs to be represented as since its very appearance this manufacturer has been pursuing an active policy of development and attracting new partners. A virtual platform for runners Nike+ offer the...

Competition Within Intermodal Transportation

Intermodal transportation refers to different modes of transport providing the same transport services. Intermodal transportation also refers to the use of coordinated transportation of freight on a single trip. Inland water, air, railroads, pipeline, trucking companies, and ocean carriers work together to move homogeneous units to offer improved services and...

Apple Inc.’s Change and Innovation

Introduction The theory of Business Model Innovation (BMI) discusses the creation and reinvention of a business model in the decade of globalization and in more recent times, that of recession. The business model innovation theory offers ways in which a time-consuming company can increase to competitiveness by the importance scheme...

WalMart Stores’ Operation Management

Introduction In today’s world, in order to ensure the smooth running of the business, every organization must be ready to deal efficiently with different issues concerning the business. The organizations must be ready to accept changes and move accordingly. Each and every employee of the organization should work hard to...

Value Chain Management: The Pricing Strategy

Introduction Most companies in the world of capitalism always want more. They want more profit, more shareholder value, and more market share, among others. The realizations of these objectives have been attained through the successful initiation, development and management of a variety of factors that include value chain management in...

BMW: Global Financial Management and Summary

Outline Global operating companies are always facing financial risk related to currency volatility. It affects all aspects of the global companies. Global automobile industry is a major industry which is affected crucially by the currency fluctuations. In this case study, the foreign exchange risk management strategy of BMW, a major...

Planning Organization for the Travel Agency

Thesis statement The current paper is aimed to describe the organizational chart of a company that steadily expands its business activity. The charts will represent the structure of this company on the different stages of its development. All the essential differences and difficulties of each stage will be explained. Mission...

Delegation in Leadership Process

Outline This is an essay which discusses some questions related with delegation, which is a core element of leadership. The discussion questions are – Is delegation significant in leadership? Will leadership work without delegation? And what are the respective roles of leaders and followers in the delegation process? Introduction Is...

Contingency and Situational Theory in Leadership

Outline This essay focuses on contingency theory and situational theory in leadership. It also compares these theories with an article. It mentions the importance of various factors affecting leadership. Introduction Leadership is good quality. It depends on many features as the leader, followers, and circumstances. The leader’s personality, his post...

Market Entry Strategy on Example Wal-Mart

Nature of Business and Scope of Business The very word ‘retailing’ means nothing more than selling goods to people. This job is mainly done through the help of shops and other types of business outlets. Now, it is for sure that the fundamental understanding of retailing has changed a lot...

Branding as a Negative Social Phenomenon

Background – Branding has been a significant tool for promoting products, but it is recently becoming a point of attack. Identification of problem – Several companies have come under intense criticism over their brands being negatively so powerful that they mislead the consumers, and this has sparked debate over their...

Organizational Structures: Ford Motor Company

The organizational structure of an enterprise can be affected by a great number of factors, such as marketing strategies, operations, human resources, and others (Bateman& Snell, 2008). Provided that we are speaking about Ford Motor Company we should first speak about operations. As a representative of the automobile industry, Ford...

Lufthansa Group: International Growth Strategy

Introduction Background to the study Lufthansa is one of the largest firms in the European airline industry. The firm operates from two main hubs which include Munich and Frankfurt. In its operation, the firm serves approximately 242 destinations which are located in 87 different countries (Lufthansa, 2008, ¶ 3). Apart...

Warren G. Bennis’ Contribution to Strategic Human Resource Management

Introduction Several scholars have had their share of contributions to the field of strategic human resource management. They have tried to point out the different factors that play an important role in the ensuring of an efficient Human Resource Management strategy. Among those whose contributions have stood the test of...

Pamperzhou Day Spa Business Plan and SWOT Analysis

Summary Pamperzhou Day Spa is a newly opened spa service provider located in Freeway County, CA. The services it offers include the whole range of day spa experience including the “seven ultra-chic, ultra-comfortable treatment rooms with the finest spa linens and equipment,.. massage in a variety of styles,.. facial and...

Emirates Airline Company’s Market Research

Executive Summary Emirates Airline has been selected as the largest airline of the Middle East. It is also now being recognized globally in other markets. It is known to provide the best quality of service however it is considered to be only for luxury travel and hence it misses out...

Strategy Implementation in Strategic Management Process

The topic of the Research Paper The area of research is strategic management. “Strategic management can be used to determine mission, vision, values, goals, objectives, roles and responsibilities, timelines, etc” (Management faqs, n.d.). The topic selected for my research is Strategy Implementation in the Strategic management process. Abstract The importance...

Coca-Cola Light: Public Relations and Marketing

Introduction Public relations (PR) is one of the tools used by marketers to inform potential consumers about a product and its characteristics. The communications process is concerned with the dissemination of stimuli and their perception, impact, use, and effectiveness. Coca-Cola Light is a sugar-free, low caloricity beverage. For this product,...

The Service Encounter – Journal and Analysis

Executive Summary There exists a lot of differences and ambiguity regarding the marketing of services essentially due to the intangible nature of services. Product marketing is easier as there is a tangible item that may be shown to the customer or make them feel it literally. But in the case...