Supply Chain Management in the Food Industry

Designing a proper supply chain in the environment of the global economy is a challenging task for a number of reasons; the numerous risks that need to be dealt with being the key one. Indeed, carrying out operations in the global economy realm exposes an organization to a range of...

Unilever Corporation Profile Overview

Unilever is a multinational corporation that operates in the consumer industry where it sells such products as Ben & Jerry’s ice cream. The company sells multiple consumer products to different markets across the globe. Its major markets are in Europe, Asia, North and South America and Africa. The company dominates...

United Parcel Service Compensation and Benefit System

United Parcel Service also known as UPS is one of the largest businesses of the United States. UPS functions globally and covers more than two hundred different countries. UPS is the largest package delivery corporation in the world. The key to the successful performance of UPS is its professional application...

Packaging Materials Comparison: Merits and Demerits

Exporters, importers, and shipping companies should put into consideration a number of factors before deciding the type of containers to use for delivering goods. For instance, the strength of the goods being transported is a pertinent factor to bear in mind. If a product is quite robust, it definitely requires...

Customer Relationship Management in E-Commerce

The customer relationship management demos which are discussed can be of a great benefit and immense importance to different companies and firms. As far as this paper is concerned, such tools can be of great help to the following company such as Amazon. Amazon is a company that operates in...

The Trump Hotel Annual Report Analysis

Introduction Donald J. Trump started Trump hotels in 1997 as Trump and International Hotel and Tower in 1997. The hotel was a 52-story building used as residential. The other hotels opened later include Trump International Hotels and Tower Chicago, Trump International hotel Las Vegas, Trump International New York, Trump Ocean...

CISCO Systems Inc Strategies and Management

Cisco Systems, Inc deals primarily with routers that are used in TCP/IP networks. This company was founded in 1984 by two computer scientists. Four years later John Morgridge was hired as the CEO of the company. The CEO was to usurp all managerial powers from the founders of the company...

Consumerism in the Article “Why Stuff Is Not Salvation” by Anne Quinden

Introduction The process of creating an exposition can be compared to creating an artwork. It demands just as much inspiration and effort and takes nearly just as much time to come up with. There are certain rules for setting an exposition; however, breaking these rules does not mean devaluing the...

‘ABC Graphics Company’ Publishing Firm Business Plan

Executive Summary ‘ABC Graphics Company’ is a home-based desktop publishing company, which started its journey to offer creative and innovative products; however, the initiator of this firm has higher proficiency in graphic designing. The estimated start-up capital is $70000, among this fund, principal’s equity is $10000, and borrowed capital is...

Walmart Company Environmental Sustainability

All companies are trying to become more responsible as it helps them attract new customers. Walmart is one of the largest international retailers and it had a number of scandals in the past. People have accused the company of being irresponsible and unsustainable. However, the company stipulates that it is...

Information Management System Practical Solutions

A system is a group of components that work together towards the accomplishment of specific goals. An information system, therefore, incorporates all data processed into information relevant to an organization that assists in achieving the set targets. Computerized information systems are in use in the modern world. Since technology is...

Consumer Behavior and Marketing Strategies

Importance of Consumer Behavior Consumer behavior is very important to the administrators at Pretoria University who use the marketing concept in providing quality meals at affordable prices for the students (Peter & Olson, 2010). The most puzzling aspect of consumer behavior is its dynamism. It causes wastage of resources (Shankar...

ECO-Trans Company Case: Project Management

Locating problems in a project management case is a challenging issue, as it presupposes that the case should be approached from a variety of angles, including the financial, the organizational, and the managerial ones (Grisham, 2011). The case of ECO-Trans and the lack of consistency in the leader’s actions, which...

Starbucks, Toyota and Google’ Corporations Missions

The mission statements In most organizations, the missions or visions statements represent the publicly observable element in the strategic administration procedure that fluctuates in particularity, layout, constituents, and span. The paper seeks to identify the mission statements for Starbucks, Toyota, and Google. Besides, the paper explains how these corporations implement...

Hong Kong Global Business Cultural Analysis

Abstract Culture varies from one place to the next. The variation may be small or significantly large in some cases. Since culture has a great influence on various industries, businesspersons have to gain a good comprehension of the ways of life of a given place for them to visualize their...

Cover Letter for Job

I would like to apply for a position of assistant/apprentice hairdresser in your salon. I have chosen your salon because I recognize and appreciate the magnificent and trendy hairstyles your company offers to its customers and would be so proud to be part of your zealous team. I have recently...

Challenges in Planning and Managerial Decision-Making of Google

Introduction Every company or any institution has certain objectives for a fixed period to retain its competitive edge in the market. In order to attain those objectives, there must be some planning on how it is going to operate. This planning does not come handy unless and until it is...

Key Skills for Workplace Success

Introduction Success at work can be achieved by possessing a proper combination of skills. However, some abilities are considered more critical than others for achieving favorable outcomes. Some of the most valued ones include communication, problem-solving, teamwork, adaptability, and time management (Rios et al., 2020). By developing the necessary skills...

Critical Evaluation of an Entrepreneurial Leadership: A Case Study

Entrepreneurial leadership is a contemporary and innovative method of management that combines leadership abilities with an entrepreneurial mindset. Furthermore, entrepreneurial leadership involves creating innovative products, processes, and options for growth in established firms, collaborating in societal structures and interacting with neglected societal problems, engaging in political agendas, and influencing the...

Al Ain Dairy: Recommendations for Further Development

Al Ain Dairy is a well-established dairy company that has been in business for more than 40 years. Like any other market associated with the food industry, it has its weaknesses in the form of untimely product and technology updates, brand development in only one market, and quality control failures....

Business: Applicare’s SWOT Analysis

Executive Summary Although Applicare is in the early stages of developing software as a medical device (SaMD), this product is projected to provide laboratories, insurance payers, and pharmaceutical companies with evidence-based solutions to manage or prevent diabetes. Based on the SWOT analysis, the company’s strengths emanate from leveraging artificial intelligence...

The Third-Party Logistics Providers

Logistics providers play a critical role in enhancing the efficiency of the supply chain in services like transportation, distribution, and storage of goods. A company may outsource its logistics from a third party instead of establishing a department dedicated solely to these services. The outsourced companies are referred to as...

Mediation as a Way to Solve Workplace Issues

In many spheres of life, mediation is being utilized more and more to settle conflicts. Organizations and policymakers are becoming more aware of the unique resonance that mediation has in the workplace in the UK. Positive disagreement between people or groups of individuals may seriously impede an organization’s quest for...

The Great Rebate Runaround Case: Analysis

Introduction As a background for analysis, the Great Rebate Runaround case is applied. Issues related to this case touch on the nuances of using rebates as an example of customized pricing, their relation to decreasing wholesale prices, and why Best Buy is considering dropping them. Despite different positive nuances that...

The Organization’s Code of Conduct

A code of conduct is a set of rules established by an organization to help its members understand what is expected of them and how to act accordingly. Consequently, creating the code of conduct requires critical steps informed by the organization’s strategies. Following the newly merged JeanStyle organization, an even...

International and Domestic Market Research

Marketing research involves collecting, recording, analyzing, and interpreting data relevant to the desired business. Through empirical statistics, the entrepreneur can understand consumer behavior relative to the brand, demand, competitors, and other external factors affecting business. In her article, Shaw (2022) states that there is a significant difference between the domestic...

Bulgarian Madjarov Firm’s Entry Strategy in Morocco

Introduction The wave of globalization is allowing companies to develop and market a wide range of consumer goods to foreign customers using different strategies, such as direct exports and partnerships. Before pursuing such a business approach, investors need to conduct detailed analyses of some of these identified destinations for their...

Pastas R Us Inc.’s Expansion Criteria and Statistical Analysis

Introduction The purpose of the present report is to determine whether the current expansion criteria of Pastas R Us, Inc. can be improved using statistical analysis. In order to achieve the purpose, statistical analysis was used to study correlations between key performance indicators of the company. According to Mariappan (2019),...

Caterpillar Inc.’s Vision and Strategic Management

Introduction A firm’s direction is solidified through its core values, proposed mission, and vision that its employees and leaders follow. It is vital for companies to choose a starting point for their operations that will justify the reason for their existence (Bright et al., 2019). The principles for generating such...

Variable Pay Under the Hiring: Recruitment Plans

Introduction Hiring begins with creating recruitment plans, which include budgeting and risk assessment. A budget is laid down for the recruiting process itself and for the candidate’s starting pay. Risk assessment is based on calculating the degree of departure of the potential employee and the duration of the search for...

Aspects of Different Types of Leases

Introduction Leasing is associated with transferring the right to use assets for a specified period of time in exchange for regular payments. There are two main types of leases that should be discussed: operating and capital leases. In this paper, it is necessary to describe two variants of leases along...

Employee Motivation: Service Quality in Higher Education Institutions

Introduction Employee motivation is critical to ensuring that employees accomplish their work satisfactorily, achieving organizational goals. This presentation suggests five strategies for motivating employees of various races, faiths, ages, and genders. The techniques used are based on Maslow’s and Herzberg’s motivation theories. The presentation discusses what employees may do to...

Aspects of Designing Merit Pay Systems

Introduction Merit pay is an approach to compensating employees that links performance, achievement, or merit with salary rates. The major cutting factor under a merit pay system is job performance evaluated using objective criteria such as production targets. Therefore, employees who perform well are compensated more, while those who underperform...

The Role of Leadership in Fostering Innovation and Employee Development

Introduction Leadership driving innovation is essential for both organizations and employees as it helps organizations stay ahead of the competition and provides employees with the opportunity to develop their skills and abilities. Discussion For organizations, innovation is key to staying competitive and ensuring long-term success. Leaders play a crucial role...

The Organization’s Strategic Management

Introduction The organization’s strategic management sets the direction for the development of the enterprise and defines specific change tasks. It always implies a long-term goal of the company’s growth through the implementation of strategies – connecting lines between tasks and ways to achieve them. Kotter & Whitehead Buy-In discusses attacking...

Personality Test Reflection

Every person faces many uncertainties and anxieties in the matter of career choice and university studies. When looking for their professional purpose and future employer, employees should understand their qualities and personality type as well as possible. This essay will examine some of the most popular tests to improve this...

Ethical Issues Affecting Factory Farming

Introduction Factory farming is the large-scale production of animals and their produce through industrialization and profit orientation. The goal of the operations is to increase the output through proven agricultural and scientific methods. The rearing of a large number of animals for production purposes is also called concentrated animal feeding...

Whistleblowing and Critical Thinking

Introduction The term “whistleblowing” first surfaced in the late years of the twentieth century. The concept is simple: when an employee sees their company or fellow colleagues partaking in deliberate wrongdoing that concerns public interest, they “blow the whistle” by reporting the misdeed to an authorized person or organization (Bazzichelli...

Food and Shelter Inc.: Organizational Overview

Food and Shelter Inc. is an Oklahoma-based non-profit determined to generate better outcomes for the local community. The organization specializes in providing food and shelter for the most vulnerable individuals in Norman, Oklahoma. Namely, children, women, and men who are in need of assistance can apply to Food and Shelter...

Global Business Strategies Under Cultural Impact

International business is in many ways similar to national industry, but there are also significant differences. The major challenge is managing the differences in national cultures, which are discovered in the process of doing business. As an example, many Eastern companies have a highly developed nepotism of doing business, while...

The Bamboo Fibre Gym Clothing Marketing Campaign

Executive Summary In today’s world, more and more attention is being paid to healthier lifestyles and an improved environmental situation. In this context, bamboo fiber exercise clothing perfectly integrates all meaningful factors. According to many trends, the popularity of all sportswear types is growing with a significant increase each year....

Employee Trainings Improving Productivity

Team Training Team training is a type of training conducted to increase a business’s performance and productivity. It is mainly used for employees who work as a group at an organization. According to Ji-Young and Huang (2021), a professional who helps the team members to improve their communication and working...

A Business Plan Model for a Hypothetical Medical Facility

Introduction The traditional and lean startup models are two business plan models suitable for a hypothetical medical facility. A traditional business plan model is a more detailed and structured plan that provides a comprehensive business overview. The traditional model is ideal for a medical facility that requires significant funding, has...

Relationship Between Physical Activity and Motivation of an Office Worker

Introduction Background Turnover is one of the central issues in human resource (HR) management due to its high cost for the organization (Lyons & Bandura, 2020). Scientific research demonstrates that there is a high correlation between job satisfaction and employee turnover, which implies that one of the central strategies for...

The Royal Philips Company: Conventional Energy Consumption

Royal Philips is a leading technology company dedicated to improving people’s health and providing better outcomes across the health continuum from healthy living and prevention to diagnosis, treatment, and home care. Philips uses advanced technology and deep clinical and consumer insights to create integrated solutions (Dhayne et al., 2019). The...

The 7P Marketing Mix for Customers

In recent years, the concept of marketing has undergone significant changes. With the onset of the global internet era, customers have become more demanding and knowledgeable about the goods they buy. This situation, in its turn, has led to the need for new marketing approaches that would focus on individuality...

Aspects of the Airport Marketing Plan

Introduction The waterfall management method is the selected methodology for the airport marketing project. The airport expansion and supporting infrastructure aim to boost the tourism industry in Trinidad and Tobago and generate higher revenues for the airline. Marketing will play a crucial role in the success of the endeavor since...

Developing a Three-Year Strategic Plan for an Organization

Introduction Visions state the organization’s goals and guide the development of activities that meet the goals (LSDM, 2019). An example of a strategic vision may be “to be the most recognized and respected organization in our sector.” Stage 2: Assess the Current Position of the Organization The next step is...

Amazon vs. eBay: Approaches to Information Systems Design

Nowadays, in the era of technology, countless companies strive to protect their online platforms and enhance the protection of their information. Firms that use technology frequently incorporate software systems to gather data on their customers and develop their services. While Amazon and eBay share similar information systems that are beneficial...

Decision-Making Process Effect on Internal Influences

Introduction To comprehend how a person’s users’ brains function in every business, a significant specialization is in digital psychology and persuasion. A region of cognitive psychologists that has drawn interest is comprehending how people make decisions (Andrews, 2017). Theories are developed to describe how people make choices and the kind...

Characteristics of the Information Management System

Introduction In order to improve their performance in the market, companies are introducing information management systems into their work. A management information system is a set of elements that are in relationships and connections with each other, forming unquestionable integrity and unity for collecting, processing storing, and providing information about...

Burger King Company: A Brief Review

Introduction Tracing its history back to 1954, Burger King has successfully developed its franchises throughout the United States and worldwide. One of the major American fast-food restaurants, it has 19,247 locations around the world as of 2021. The company’s reported revenue as of 2021 is $1.81 billion and increasing, partly...

The Sales, Profit, and Cost Problems in Catering Company

Introduction Catering services management is an integral part of any business. It is where the real money is made in this sector, and unfortunately, it is also where many companies make the biggest miscalculations. The catering company, owned by a celebrity group and with one of the most extensive catering...

Leadership Development and Team Building

Introduction The leader builds a team, but, unlike the builder, he does not deal with bricks and mortar, but with the most difficult thing that can only be in this world – with a person. A person has a lot of desires, aspirations, and motives – all these sometimes contradict...

The Coca-Cola Company’s PEST (Environmental) Analysis

Political and Legal Factors The rules and regulations of the state on food goods may directly affect Coca-Cola. Countries may have different versions of these laws. Coca-Cola sales were formerly prohibited in Burma as a result of trade restrictions between the US and that country. Once almost 60 years, the...

Apple Inc.: Profile of a Successful Company

Introduction Apple Inc. is a technology firm founded in 1976. Since its formation, the corporation has expanded its business operation across the world. Currently, the business organization has several stores in the US, Africa, Europe, Asia, and North American markets. Despite rapid changes in the technology industry, Apple has managed...

Environmental Analysis of the Ford Motor Company’s Electric Vehicles

Introduction Ford is a large automotive vehicle production company that operates in a global market. In line with the latest trends toward a green economy and sustainable development, the company promotes its electric vehicle line. To identify the success of Ford’s efforts and areas for possible improvements, an investigation of...

The Management Report Information and Importance

A management report is a collection of operational information and data from various sections of a business understandably presented to managers to allow them to make informed decisions. Managers use the data provided to run an entity successfully since it contains risks, issues, and results created for the execution and...

Adverse Effects of Patents on Innovation in Business

Introduction The field of business comprises various methods and processes implemented to realize competitiveness. Many governments use the patent system as a tool for incentive development and increasing research as they promote innovation check-ups. Companies seek and apply such techniques using exceptional means and operations to stimulate maximum profitability. Therefore,...

Risk Assessment in Information Technology Field

Introduction Organizations have recently shifted their attention towards investing more in information technology. While this is the case, only a few of them seem to take security matters seriously. Cyber attack remains to be a critical issue as far as information technology is concerned. According to Trim and Lee (2021),...

Coca-Cola: Business & Corporate-Level Strategies

This paper analyzes the Coca-Cola company’s strategy management at the market level. In addition, the forces of the competitive environment and market cycles are being identified. The obtained characteristic of Coca-Cola allows concluding the effectiveness of the company’s most crucial corporate-level strategy. In general, within the framework of this paper,...

Ethical Dilemmas: Key Aspects of Decision Making

Introduction Ethical conduct is important in leadership because it enables individuals to develop positive relationships. Trevino and Nelson (2017) define ethical conduct as a moral issue that guides and motivates people and positively affects how they relate with each other. For example, Jack Ma’s ethical behavior and philanthropic approach to...

The Impact of Workplace Diversity on Organizations

The article selected in the discussion is “The impact of workplace diversity on organizations,” written by Priscilla Dike. It is centred on workplace diversity by exploring how companies manage diversity and examining the consequences of diversity on organizations. Additionally, the article explores the challenges associated with companies that employ diverse...

The Future Leader: The Role of Leadership in a Digitalized World

Leadership can be defined as the exercise of influence over other people to direct their efforts most effectively toward a common objective. Leaders who can connect with their followers and engage their support by appealing to their shared values and goals are more likely to achieve their objectives (Morgan, 2020)....

Effectual Thinking: A Key Ingredient for Success in Business and Beyond

Effectual thinking implies the necessity of understanding the resources a person currently has at hand. Those resources may be different, from the finances an aspiring entrepreneur possesses to specific skills they have managed to acquire throughout their life. Effectual logic calls for analyzing the given means, or controlled resources, and...

Atlantic Land and Improvement Company’s Analysis

Introduction Atlantic Land and Improvement Company (Alico Inc.) is one of the largest agricultural companies in the United States of America. It owns Alico Citrus and Alico Water Resources, all of which are some of the best organizations in their respective niches. The organization has existed since the 1800s, which...

How Louis Vuitton Develops Brand Meanings

Introduction The purpose of the research is to provide a better understanding of how Louis Vuitton develops its brand meanings and how that interaction with its clients may affect consumer behavior and boost the company’s market success. Research Question Three overall research questions to address by this research include: What...

Dealing with Organizational Dynamics

Introduction Organizational dynamics is a continuous process that shapes organizational operations by strengthening resources and promoting employee performance. Such changes influence how organizations manage and control aspects like staff learning, business practices, and management strategies (Nilsen et al., 2020). Dynamics within organizations are inevitable due to continuous changes in elements...

Reeds Supermarket’s Problem and Potential Solution

Identification of the Problem A primary problem facing Reed Supermarkets today is its lack of a clear vision for the future. Reed Supermarkets has been unable to define a clear vision for its future, leading to ineffective communication with each other and customers. The company does have many employees with...

Overview and Preview of Capital Structure Effects

In “The Relationship between Capital Structure and Firm Performance: New Evidence from Pakistan” by Islam and Iqbal, it is stated that financial decisions affect the company’s efficiency, making them a problem for management organizations (2022). An important place in corporate finance is given to the capital structure, the control of...

Best Buy Company Inc.’s Situational Analysis

Introduction BestBuy is a large electronics retailer in the US and Canada and has almost 400 stores globally that sell smartphones, gaming consoles, computers, televisions, and other equipment and peripherals. BestBuy operates under distinct trade names in Europe, China, Canada, Mexico, and Turkey. The company uses a customer-centric methodology in...

Leadership Style and Its Impact on Employees: Case Study Analysis

Leadership style is an important aspect of any kind of business, company, or organization. It includes methods of management, motivation, cooperation, control, penalties, and other factors related to the management of employees. Leadership has a direct impact on the company’s profitability and work efficiency, as it affects the motivation of...

Analysis of Discrimination in Recruitment

Background to Discrimination in HRM Discrimination in the workplace has become a major challenge facing an increasingly diversified world, especially in recruitment and selection of workers. The concept of discrimination has been described by Collier (2017) as the unequal and unfair treatment of an individual due such characteristics as cultural,...

The Triangle and Diamond Fraud Schemes

Abstract Fraud examination requires determining who may be guilty of the crime and finding vulnerable places in the organization that made the crime commitment possible. The fraud triangle is a model that analyzes three components: pressure, opportunities, and rationalization. They are connected with fraudulent behavior, and usually, the crime is...

Strategic Project Environment: Lusail Real Estate Development Company

Introduction In the context of sustainability, Qatar is one country that is developing sustainable projects. Lusail city is among the projects financed and controlled by the government to develop a green city. It is a revolutionary project that will become a one-of-a-kind state-of-the-art city in the region and beyond the...

Aggressive, Defensive and Moderate Risk Portfolios

Notably, one of the most fundamental ideas in investing and finance is the portfolio. It is a concept with several meanings depending on the circumstances. O’Connell (2022) states that a portfolio, in its most basic form, is an accumulation of assets, such as bonds, stocks, real estate, or even cryptocurrencies,...

Embracing Knowledge Management for Sustainable Growth: Insights From Apple

Under the conditions of progressive changes in production and information technologies, the widespread use in the practice of the achievements of science, and positive accumulated experience, tangible assets form only a visible, reasonably small part of the assets of enterprises. The main resources for development are increasingly becoming people and...

FTE Networks Inc.’s Financial Statement Fraud

Introduction Proper governance mechanisms aid an accountant in determining whether financial statements present a firm’s financial performance and position. Therefore, financial statement fraud emerges when income reports are used to conceal a company’s true financial state or to disguise specific fraudulent acts. Financial statement fraud can take many forms but...

The ‘Ripe Moment’ in Securing Negotiations

Introduction Conflict resolution employs several strategies that hasten an amicable end, but none is more important than identifying the most opportune moment to implement them. Crucially termed as the ripe time, this moment defines a vital step in a negotiation because both parties can readily recognize no other means to...

The Zappos Firm’s Strategic Marketing Plan

Marketing Plan Positioning Strategy The target audience of Zappos is women and men of young adult age with an average income. To not lose current customers and attract new ones, it is necessary to connect them with the brand philosophy and inform them about the convenience of the Zappos service....

Leadership Behavior and Healthy Work Environments

Leadership behaviors play a significant role in creating healthy work environments. According to Han et al. (2019), responsible behaviors among leaders are an instrumental factor that establishes and maintains healthy work environments. In their study that evaluated 384 participants in a different organization, Han et al. (2019) responsible leadership behavior...

Discussion: Win-Win Habit of Leadership

Introduction The win-win habit of leadership is a state of mind and heart that enables an individual to continually pursue or strive for mutual benefit in every human relation or interaction. For example, during the COVID-19 pandemic, many companies had a significant problem because of the decreased sales. As a...

“The Shark Tank” Businesses Compared

The economic and business world is at a new level following the consistent technological evolution. Organizations worldwide have developed programs and projects through the internet to dominate the specific venture, while others use the platforms to expand and acquire new business. The Shark Tank encompasses various epiodes involving entrepreneurs and...

Phone System Inc.’s Performance Measurement

Introduction Companies constantly face many difficulties in the decision-making process, especially when determining the future vector of the development. Phone System Inc. strives to increase its profit by opening the facility in India and the old one in America, but faces several problems trying to manage all the details. Therefore,...

Aspects of a Sole Proprietorship

Introduction A sole proprietorship is a type of entrepreneurship in which one person carries out all operational and accompanying activities. The characteristics are that such enterprises are small, non-diversified in operations, and tend to be listed on specific online platforms (Zhang and Acs, 2018). The creation of this type of...

Harvard Business School’s Partnership Opportunities

Introduction The modern era learning institutions are taking school partnerships a notch higher by leveraging technology on global connectivity where partnership activities occur over digital platforms. School partnerships denote the strong alliances and affiliations between two or more learning institutions to improve service quality delivery to the learners. Historically, alliances...

The Wine Business and Industry Analysis

PESTLE Analysis The wine industry is highly intricate because of the nature of the product, which may have a high demand but is subject to restrictions in some places. As PESTLE analysis showed, macroenvironmental factors have a tremendous impact on this market. In terms of politics, governmental laws and regulations...

Central Pillars of “Level 5 Leadership” by Collins

There is no correct method for determining the exact limitations of the influence that the leader’s personality has on the business development. However, a leader’s personality can certainly present a substantial component of a business’s success. The study conducted by Collins initially explored the topic of transformational good-to-great changes in...

A New Model for Ethical Leadership by Bazerman

Bazerman (2020) bases his judgments on a philosophical theory called utilitarianism. According to the utilitarian ethical perspective, the moral worth of behavior or act is determined by the overall satisfaction or pleasure experienced by all participants of the action. The author’s thesis is that individuals should base their decisions on...

Acme Company’s Human Resource Professionals Training

Introduction The general topic for this review is diversity, equity, and inclusion training for Human Resource Professionals at Acme HR Organization. The training considers the increasing workforce diversity caused by globalization processes posing a new dynamic to human resource management (Zhang & McGuire, 2021). It requires a consistent awareness of...

Information System and Its Main Components

The Primary Component of the Information System An information system combines various components such as hardware, software, and telecommunication networks built by people to aid the collection, creation, and distribution of data, especially in an organization. Moreover, information systems include such components as people, data, and processes. In simpler terms,...

Aspects of Blue Ocean Strategy

Introduction The core thesis of the article by Kim & Mauborgne (2004) is centered around the concepts of red oceans and blue oceans. The former refers to existing markets and industries where competition is intense, and the latter refers to new industries and markets with untapped potential for profitability and...

Solutions for Functional Elements of Hibbett Inc.

Hibbett Inc. has both internal and external environments. Its interior surroundings comprise the stakeholders, who include employees and the management. Hence, in protecting the external environment, the managerial staff must make careful decisions for the company (Mikalef et al. 20). They are the backbone of the company operations, which comprise...

The Business Analysis of Terex Company

Introduction Terex may have an operational failure if the new electronic system functions as anticipated, and inventory cannot be tracked. Terex could encounter a functional failure if the new electronic system does not perform as expected. For instance, if the system cannot effectively track inventories, this could result in delivery...

Employee Satisfaction for Workplace Productivity

Individual and team output have significant role on organization productivity and growth. According to ATTTechChannel (2011), the Hawthorne studies of 1924 to 1933 showed the most significant aspects that influence workplace productivity. Before the studies, managers, and supervisors overemphasized production without considering what physical, economic, and social elements impact workers’...

Professional Development Plan: Analysis

Introduction The global economy has become more advanced and dynamic due to the forces of globalization, technological breakthroughs, and changing human interactions. Leaders operating in the 21st century need to develop their competencies continuously while transforming their abilities in such a way that they can succeed in diverse environments. The...

Caterpillar Inc. Strategic Analysis

Introduction Any successful organization requires a robust business plan that fuels success. Caterpillar Inc. produces building and mining machinery, diesel and natural gas engines, industrialized gas turbines, and gasoline locomotives. The corporation’s key business segments are construction services, resource industries, and energy and transportation (CAT, 2022). Due to their strong...

Wal-Mart’s Pressure on Its Vendors

The major problem faced by Vlasic is the devaluation of their premium brand pickle jars by Wal-Mart. Vlasic built a strong brand over the years and convinced its customers to pay premium prices for their pickles (Lerner, 2018). Wal-Mart sold a gallon of these premium pickles for only $2.97, a...

Resource-Based View in Strategic Management

There are numerous approaches to assessing the value of an organization; however, the resource-based view allows for the most accurate and comprehensive analysis of the key opportunities that an organization can pursue in the selected market. By offering essentially an analysis of the key components of a company’s potential competitive...

Understanding Marketing: Strategies and Impact on Business Success

Formal Definitions of Marketing The American Marketing Association describes marketing as an institutional responsibility and a series of procedures for developing, presenting, and distributing value to customers and maintaining customer interactions to promote the firm and its stakeholders. Promoting, selling, and transporting merchandise to clients or other enterprises are all...

Collaboration: Impact on Employee Relationships

Collaboration is one of the main features of a team because it provides many opportunities to develop relationships and solve personal and professional problems. Teams can achieve high performance through cooperation and camaraderie and create a strong community (Collaboration skills, 2022). Cohesion is essential for groups of people who want...

Leadership and Associated Ethical Challenges

Introduction The present-day technological advances alongside the evolving needs for diversity determine the existence of complications emerging as a result of these processes. The task of managing these areas is attributed to leaders within organizations; however, not all businesses have well-established practices, allowing them to deal with accompanying challenges. In...

The Eurotunnel Project Financing

Project Cost and Funding The overall project cost of Eurotunnel was 10,116 million euros (Goldsmith & Boeuf, 2019). Out of 10 billion, “roughly 80% were financed by debt and 20% by equity”, which makes 8 billion euros for debt and 2 billion euros for equity (Shueler, 2007). Eurotunnel had many...

EasyJet: Financial Management

How Companies Can Manage Events with a Global Impact Global disruptions like the Covid-19 pandemic have a dramatic effect on global trade and often come as a shock to businesses. The appropriate response for companies typically involves building organizational resilience to anticipate current challenges as well as anticipate and address...

Human Resource Management: Technology and Its Impact

Overview Human resource management is an essential part of any business, which implies solving the urgent problems of work resources. As the basic part of HR (human resources) activities, recruiting includes searching for qualified personnel that will contribute to the company’s development. However, nowadays, with the impetuous development of technologies,...

Human Resource Management: The Use of Metrics

Metrics from the field of human resource management (HRM) are frequently applied to assess the effectiveness of the HR function and the various facets of human capital associated with the workforce. The most effective metrics are those that present management with information that is both pertinent and useful to the...

Netflix: From DVD-by-Mail to Streaming

Introduction Netflix was founded in 1997 as a DVD-by-mail rental company, competing with the more established video rental chains such as Blockbuster and Hollywood Video. Twenty years later, in 2020, the company and the firm have transformed with technological advancements and other factors (Siegfried, 2021). Blockbusters have sought financial security...

The Animation and Cinematography Business in Nigeria

Introduction The Cinematography and Animation business has been flourishing in Nigeria. The business needs to be tracked effectively while the relevant information drawn to ensure that the film industry has developed with time. The reflective report under discussion will dwell on preliminaries on adopting effective business plan related to the...

J. C. Penny Co.’s Strategic Analysis

J.C. Penney Company is a U.S.-based firm, which sells goods and services to customers through its department stores. Family-friendly clothing and shoes, cosmetics, exquisite and fashionable jewelry, aesthetic items, and furniture are all sold herein. James Cash Penney established the business, which has its corporate headquarters in Plano, Texas, in...

Organizational Change: Qatargas Case Study

Executive Summary This report conducted an analysis of change conducted by Qatargas during the COVID-19 pandemic. The change aimed at adapting the operations to promote the health and safety of the employees and the community. Shortly after the COVID-19 was declared a pandemic, Qatargas created a taskforce that took command...

Employer Oversight: Human Resource Management

The issue that needs to be fixed is connected to actions that should be performed in the workplace with regard to surveillance and employee tracking. This notion can be assessed as problematic since rigorous employee surveillance can become a subject to a potential conflict of interests. A more detailed idea...

Enhancing Organizational Learning and Development at the Home Depot

The fourth industrial revolution, caused by the ever-increasing pace of technological innovation, leads to changes in production, which, in turn, also requires the transformation of the labor market. Indeed, the progress manifests itself in the growth of robotization and digitalization, which reduces the demand for physical labor. Instead, human capital...

Enterprise Resource Planning Implementation

An ERP system can help people simplify the whole company and centralize all data, allowing for more accurate analytics and a more productive, collaborative, and data-driven workplace environment. Individuals from various develop common meanings through intercultural communication that is a representational, interpretative, transactional, and contextual activity. From the perspective of...

Organizational Conflicts: The Key Aspects

Introduction Whether desirable or undesirable, conflict must exist as part of an organization due to the diversity in the views and cultures and other factors. As employees interact, they have different values and norms, which create a tense situation in an organization, making them appear as if they are incompatible....

Competitive Advantage and Corporate Social Responsibility

Introduction CSR is a concept of management that involves policies that institutions adopt to consider social, economic, and environmental implications while meeting the stakeholders’ and shareholders’ expectations. Numerous organizations list companies according to their CSR performance and these ratings often attract significant publicity (Porter, Michael, and Mark, 2006, p 3)....

Sexual Harassment at the Uber Company

Introduction Sexual harassment at the workplace is a serious issue that might impact a person’s well-being, his/her performance, and chances for a successful career. It can also be viewed as one of the sides of discrimination and infringement of human rights, which is unacceptable in modern society. For this reason,...

Investment Decision-Making in Organizations

The organizational and operational factors that affect investment decisions Middle Eastern airlines have been successfully used for marketing their respective countries. Their unparalleled luxury and business acumen have earned wide admiration from across the world. Their main purpose has been to connect the dots throughout the world, resulting in tremendous...

Exploring the Effects of the Leadership Style on the Performance of an Organization

Abstract The effectiveness of an organization’s leadership is among the most crucial variables determining its success or failure. Organizational goals are achieved by the leadership style of the person in charge. This report explores the influence and impact of leadership styles on a company’s success. Transformational, transactional, authoritarian, charismatic, bureaucratic,...

Employment Equity and Equality: Research Planning

Area of Business Practice Human resource management is a logically consistent and strategic approach to managing the most significant asset of an enterprise: the organization’s personnel, who individually and collectively contribute to solving organizational tasks. The main goal of human resource management is to ensure the success of a particular...

Automobile Manufacturers’ Corporate Governance

Introduction The automotive sector comprises various businesses and institutions engaged in developing, manufacturing, producing, advertising, and selling automobiles. The automobile marketplace is an oligopoly in a supersaturated field with a few influential players, which explains the lower profitability. Given the automobile industry’s size and importance to many local economies, most...

Macy’s: The Marketing Issues’ Challenges

This post raises many excellent points regarding the marketing issues’ challenges. First, I would like to address the advertising of luxury products. Kotler and Keller (2016) highlight the importance of targeted branding and a selective approach to the luxury products’ industry image. However, labeling Macy’s as a high-end, luxurious brand...

Strategy Marketing Plan for Hewlett Packard – Personal Systems

Summary Hewlett-Packard is one of the largest players in the industry of computer hardware and software, IT solutions, and office equipment. However, the company mainly focuses on developing and producing personal computer systems (PCs). The industry is currently in decline due to increased attention to mobile devices, a high degree...

Emotional Leadership: The Role of Emotional Intelligence

A good manager is characterized by a continuous desire to enhance everything, from operations and routine processes to management systems. An executive’s proactivity for change, and the ability not to become complacent, creates a nurturing environment for continuous improvement in the company, contributing to the sustainability of the business. I...

R&B Construction Company: Organizational Culture

One of the essential factors in an organization’s success is its culture which are the values, beliefs, and visions that unite an organization. An organization is made up of people of various ideas, so when it comes to providing solutions to a significant problem in the company, there are bound...

The J&J Firm’s Ethical and Socially Responsible Behavior

Introduction The selected article titled “How did Johnson and Johnson’s corporate responsibility policy pay off in 1982?” was written by the Investopedia team. This article discusses corporate social responsibility using the example of the Johnson & Johnson 1982 Act (Investopedia Team, 2022). The company’s decision to withdraw Tylenol due to...

Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs Used in Marketing

The position that seems to be the most rational and acceptable in marketing is a reflection of the needs, wants, and desires of consumers. As a rule, lack generates an individual need, which, supported by income, is expressed in demand, and it, in turn, is satisfied by exchanging money for...

The Role of Human Resources: Analysis

The External Environment The external environment is outside the enterprise and affects internal performance. Even if the changes are insignificant, managers still need to consider them because the organization depends on the outside world for media, technology, politics, and numerous other factors (Figure 1). Companies must adapt to the environment...

Corporate Social Responsibility and Employee Attitudes

Abstract The current paper extends the CSR literature empirically by investigating the linkage between CSR and job satisfaction and employee retention. Besides, the paper cites the impact of the Covid-19 pandemic on the employment industry. The pandemic has seen many employees’ working contracts terminated, suspended, or even forced to survive...

Walmart Company Mission Statement and Ad Analysis

Introduction Walmart is a supermarket chain in the United States and one of the world’s largest retailers. The company operates under several banners, including Walmart, Sam’s Club, and Asda. Walmart sells a variety of products, from groceries to home items. At Walmart, the philosophy is simple: to save people’s money...

Aston Martin and James Bond Collaboration

Introduction Brand placement in popular culture has become one of the most fruitful types of partnerships in the modern era. Singers, actors, and artworks promote fashion, car, perfume brands, and industry giants. One example is a long-lasting collaboration between Aston Martin cars and the James Bond movie saga. This report...

Caterpillar Inc.: Short-Term and Long-Term Goals

Caterpillar Inc., like other successful companies, resorts to making short and long-term goals to assure the necessary progress in its operations. The short-term mission of the company is expressed by dividing it into individual goals in areas such as operations and product management. The long-term goal of Caterpillar Inc. is...

Marketing and Collaboration of Departments

Introduction Some people believe that the company’s marketing is the sole responsibility of the marketing department. However, depending on the organization and industry, various branches and units within the company can partake in this activity. It is a complex and integrated approach, but it might be highly effective in expanding...

Time Management: Mobile Application

Introduction It is important to note that a key part of one’s entrepreneurial competence involves an ability to properly spot and identify a critical problem or need, which requires addressing in a business-related fashion. The given problem identification and business venture proposition assessment will primarily focus on time management improvement...

Discussion of Customer Perceived of Netflix

Executive Summary Netflix is a streaming service for movies and television shows that charges a flat monthly fee for unlimited access to its library. Netflix and recommender systems will be thoroughly discussed in order to demonstrate the importance of the subject matter under consideration. Following the introduction of the background...

Performance Management System: Personal Experience

The performance management system is an efficient instrument allowing to achieve great practical results. I was an employee in the organization in which this system was applied. The strategic, information, administrative, developmental, and documentation criteria were preserved. The managers transparently stated the company’s objectives helping employees to comply with the...

Improving the Customer Care Service at AT&T Company

The telecommunication industry is a key player in the development of a sustainable and well-equipped society. Proper communication channels are key contributors to the effective link between the message sender and the recipient. AT&T has been one of the modes by which people use to transmit information to each other...

Turkey’s Remuneration System Analysis

Turkish legislation intensively incorporates various international conventions’ norms into its legislation on wages. The International Labour Organization Convention No. 95 “On the Protection of Wages” of 1949, the International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights of 1966, is no exception. In particular, Article 55 of the Turkish Constitution states...

Apple Inc.’s Market Position and Leadership

Five Forces Large businesses that directly compete with Apple in the technology industry face intense rivalry. Apple competes directly with businesses like Google Inc., HP Inc., Samsung, and Amazon. Like Apple, each of these businesses makes significant investments in R&D and marketing. Therefore, there is fierce rivalry within the sector...

Costco Strategy: The Wholesale Giant

Introduction With the growing threat of the global food crisis resulting from the war in Eastern Europe, the issue of providing quality and affordable consumer goods has become even more urgent for the average American consumer and all businesses in the country. Within the framework of this topic, it is...

How Does Lewin’s Model of Change Deal With Resistance to Change?

The model offered by Kurt Lewin to implement change consists of three major steps. Unfreezing is the first stage to determine the general requirement for change, study the environment, promote the need, and check resources. The second stage is change itself, during which participants communicate, empower their actions, and involve...

Marketing of Cinematography and Animation Courses in Ibadan

Introduction Differentiating the services of cinematography and animation courses in Ibadan requires an integrated approach to all components of project planning. Defining goals, strategies, and appropriate budgeting is the key to success in startup development (Barrow, Barrow, and Brown, 2018). Considering that the entertainment industry, which includes a cinema, television,...

Understanding Different Gender Roles and the Impact on Marketing

Gender roles, stereotyped or not, play a critical role in marketing and advertising campaigns. In the present day, there are traditional and nontraditional gender roles that determine how male and female models are used in commercials and affect their employment in the marketing industry. This literature review studies how gender...

Performance Analysis of Evergreen Marine UK Limited Company

Introduction Evergreen Marine (UK) Limited Company is a subsidiary corporation of the renowned Evergreen Group. The firm began its official operation in 1979 under the UK flag container having its headquarters located in London. It offers shipping, leisure, and aviation services across different destinations with approximately 600 employees. The report...

Organizational Management and Structure

Quadrant D Design Characteristics Efficient and effective organizations should develop effective sharing goals at each corporate level. Management successfully communicates with employees about its goals and connects their vision with the organization’s objectives (Burton et al., 2020). Great teamwork is necessary for healthy companies as it enables people to achieve...

Company Offering Cinematology and Animation Courses in Nigeria

Background Most of the talented young people are looking for institutions that offer the best and most efficient services in teaching Cinematography and animation courses. Nigeria has several institutions where one can get vast exposure in the acting sector as well as learn various animation and cinematography techniques. Therefore, for...

The Analysis of Aldi Discount Supermarket Chain

Introduction Aldi is a German-based discount supermarket chain that operates in several countries across the globe. Theo and Karl founded the organization after the Second World War (Gebel & Askinasi, 2019). Before they took over, their mother was running the grocery and transformed it into a supermarket offering goods at...

International Marketing: A Case Study of Sanctuary Spa (UK)

Global marketing principles and possibilities are precise and realizable; therefore, the worldwide marketplace cannot be compared to the home economy. Due to tradition, dialect, legislation, and other considerations, each country offers entrepreneurs a unique problem. These issues may also exist at the national and municipal levels, necessitating even more tailored...

H&W Produce Firm’s Human Resources Management

Discussion of H&W Produce This paper aims to use the results of a job analysis for the position of “salesperson” at the organization H&W Produce to draft a new recruitment and selection program. H&W Produce is a wholesale store chain that primarily sells fruits and vegetables. The company is locally...

Strategic Planning in Business

Introduction An organization is a body or group that conducts technical, commercial, and industrial operations. The company might have a charity purpose, whether it is a profit-making or non-profit organization. The term “business” describes individuals’ planned actions and endeavors to resell goods and activities for return. The organization’s size might...

Performance and Ratio Analysis of Companies in the Automotive Industry

Amazon Company Performance Amazon is among the top online retailers as well as one of the highest-earning e-commerce aggregators with three hundred and eighty-six billion dollars in net sales. It also has approximately five hundred and seventy-eight billion dollars in digital online and physical gross merchandise volume in 2021. During...