Healthy Living Social Responsibility in Coca-Cola

Introduction Ethics in decision making has been actively tied to the success and failure of businesses. In a world where social causes are becoming more relevant, the private sector has been forced to adopt corporate social responsibilities as a way of giving back to their communities, and their customers. Kumar...

Staff Turnover in Restaurants: Causes and Effects

Whereas for big business, especially for sales and marketing departments, staff turnover is a common phenomenon. Staff changes within the small and medium business (such as a small chain of fast-food restaurants) result in billions of dollars of lost revenue. Fast food restaurants in the U.S. averaged a whopping 145%...

Electronic Banking Services in a Qatar Bank

Introduction Research Background Fast growth of information technology and concurrently that of the banking services has triggered a great competition in the market. Electronic banking has been effective in transforming the lives of consumers and changing their expectations (Havasi et al, 2013). The evolution of e- banking relates closely to...

Competitive Advantage in Business

Competitive advantage is the ability to offer products or services that are superior to those of competitors in the same local market. This may include a higher quality product, superior customer service, better value for money, or a faster delivery time. The success of any business depends on its ability...

Teaching Home Depot Employees Business Etiquette in Nigeria

Introduction I would like to discuss the specifics of Nigerian business etiquette. Although some people may consider the topic of my speech quite simple and require additional explanations, etiquette is one of the key factors for effective communication in business. However, each country, including Nigeria, has its own cultural characteristics...

Navigating Legal Boundaries: Job Interview Do’s and Don’ts

Job Interview Employers might be constrained by the law and are required to follow specific criteria while interviewing prospective workers, notwithstanding their desire to pick the finest candidates. Main body For instance, businesses are not permitted to discriminate against job applicants based on their age, race, gender, or national origin...

The Four Frames of Organizational Change

The first frame essential to organization change is human resource. The specific barrier to change is that people feel incompetent and needy (Bolman & Deal, 2017). The cases of Honk Kong Chinese employees provide examples of the use of “organizational processes, such as soliciting and accepting voice and engaging in...

The Local School System: Changing the Organization

Introduction To recruit and keep the best people in the market, businesses are under growing pressure to provide competitive, overall incentive programs. The full bundle of benefits workers receive in exchange for their efforts is a comprehensive rewards scheme. The objectives and values of the business should be reflected in...

Subway: Installation of Slicers

Introduction Innovation brought about a new era of change and numerous opportunities. Apart from improved efficiency, innovation novelty to business operation, and as a subsequence, increased revenue and market share. Equally proportional to other service industries, innovation impacts the performance of restaurants (Li et al., 2021; Yun et al., 2020)....

Unveiling the Layers of Diversity: Surface vs. Deep-Level Diversity

Introduction Many companies are trying to adhere to the principles of diversity in the workplace, as it helps to bring new ideas into the activity and meets the rules of ethical attitude to co-workers of different races, genders, etc. Even though diversity is already becoming commonplace, the stereotypical mindset of...

Becoming an Authentic and Effective Leader

Introduction A professional at the beginning of the path of developing oneself into a leader is challenged with multiple issues. One seeks to ensure relevant decision-making approaches, proper leadership skills, and management styles to become an effective and authentic leader. Self-awareness and continuous learning are the sources of empowerment for...

Essential Components of Performance Management

Introduction The first step of a performance management process is establishing standards for employees’ accountability and authority. This includes setting expectations and guidelines to ensure that employees understand their roles, responsibilities, and expected performance within the organization (Allen, 2022). Additionally, the levels of authority set up a structure to give...

Proposing a Talent Management Plan at Southwest Airlines

Introduction Recruitment is the process of identifying a match between a candidate’s skills and the requirements of the position. Personnel selection in the organization – the actions of the recruiter in relation to the candidates, in which they select, select, and keep the most suitable, with the most experience and...

Discussion: Choosing the Proper Business Structure

It is more profitable to open an LLC than a corporation. However, they are both economic entities created by submitting constituent documents to the state (Rendtorff, 2019). In addition, they enable their owners to have the same type of protection and responsibility (Mancuso, 2021). As a rule, neither the owners...

Talent Management Approach to Improve Company Performance

The role of a human resource department manager reaches beyond mere handling of employee issues. It deals with high-rank decision-making due to the cooperation with the leadership on the proper organizational policy aimed at employee management. One of the pivotal aspects of enhancing company performance is the use of up-to-date,...

Embracing Servant Leadership in Organizations

Introduction Servant leadership is a leadership style that centers on meeting the needs of others rather than solely pursuing the leader’s interests. It entails a leader who places a high value on the well-being and development of their followers, actively working to empower and support them in their pursuit of...

Leadership and Intelligence: Are All Good Leaders Smart?

Leadership is a pivotal component of organizational triumph, which demands the ability to steer and sway people towards a shared objective. However, discerning the attributes that constitute a proficient leader is not always facile, as different leaders possess diverse aptitudes and flaws (Hughes et al., 2022). One area of interest...

International Entrepreneurship Analysis: Cases of Markus Villig

Introduction Entrepreneurs are essential to the recent economic advancement witnessed worldwide today. As Khin & Lim (2019) illustrate, an international entrepreneur is an individual who engages in business activities across national boundaries by making discoveries, enacting, evaluating, and pursuing opportunities in those areas. According to Tabares (2020), international entrepreneurship study...

Cold Chain Federation’s Corporate Social Responsibility

Introduction Sustainability in business is increasingly becoming a necessity in the corporate world with the UN and affiliated organizations emphasizing on the need for organizations to adopt policies and systems which promote the same. The goals of sustainability such as ending poverty, pollution prevention, waste reduction, quality education, gender equality,...

FTX by Bankman-Fried: Leadership Challenges

Introduction Proper leadership implies a multifaceted approach that promotes the interests of stakeholders. The study examines the case of FTX by Bankman-Fried, in which the CEO did not meet the requirements of proper leadership. Bankman-Fried used the resources provided by his company’s investors to gamble in the stock markets, acting...

Cardiff Millennium Stadium: Risk Management

Scope of Inquiry Risk management, trust, and relationship management are among the tasks requiring unparalleled keenness and attention for commercial and construction industries. Risk management involves identifying, assessing, and mitigating the uncertainties or hazards that deter the focus and objectives of an industry. Processes involved in risk management are critical...

Bharti Airtel: The Cross-Border Acquisition

The greatest cross-border acquisition in the developing world occurred in Bharti Airtel. It was in June 2010 when Bharti Airtel, the largest mobile communications provider in India, spent $10.7 billion on the African assets of Bahrain-based Zain Telecom (Palepu & Bijlani, 2012). Bharti senior management aimed to provide the same...

Michael Porter’s Five Forces Model: Analyzing Market Competition

Michael Porter created the “five forces model” to assist businesses in analyzing the level of competition present in a given market and formulating effective tactics to compete. Using the framework, a firm can pinpoint and examine the driving factors that impact prices and profits. Although this model is generic and...

Uber, Inc.: Sustainable Mobility

In my Module 2 innovation proposal, I wrote about Uber diversifying its application to allow scheduled pickups. Despite the implications regarding its potential success proving to be accurate, more thorough research uncovered that this idea was not new to the market (Kieu et al., 2020). Moreover, Uber itself has already...

Business Flexibility and Teleworking Issues

Employers and workers alike put a high emphasis on flexibility in the workplace. Work-life balance is the most critical issue that top candidates think about when choosing where to work, and flexibility is the priority that job seekers place the most emphasis. Allowing personnel flexibility displays confidence in their decision-making...

Innovating Healthcare: The Use of Wireless Endoscopy

Introduction Wireless endoscopy is a medical procedure that entails looking inside the body using a camera pill capsule. The patient has to swallow the pill, which comprises one or two microscopic cameras, a battery, a light bulb, and a radio transmitter. Other names used to describe medical technology include capsule...

A 32-Hour Work Week: Challenges and Benefits

Piloting a 32-hour work week in my organization may be a challenge. My organization is in the public sector and offers services that are necessary for the day-to-day operations of many other firms. It would therefore require government acquiescence before adopting a 32-hour week. Failing such permission, my organization must...

The Business Ethics Workshop: Advertisement and Consumer Protection

There are two types of advertising; information and branding advertising. Information branding is commercials that present facts to influence consumer buying decisions; it is characterized by price comparison. It also has its focus on reasonable consumers and is also transactional because it is transactional since it deals with the exchange...

The Business Ethics Workshop: Sex and Drugs at Work

Sex in the Office Some of the ethics governing sex in the office are using sex to sell products, sell oneself, and at work. Some ethical issues such as prurience, product sincerity, and objectification arise due to sex in the office. Product sincerity determines the transparency and openness of the...

Factors to Consider During Designing and Introducing a Talent Management Program

Streamlined business processes and talent management are crucial to the success of any business. While good business processes are easy to acquire or design, the same does not apply to talent management. Difficulties in business operations cause overworking negation, and under-appreciation of talent, which can cause the exodus of the...

Use of Feasibility Concepts, Techniques and Methods for Decision Making

Economic Feasibility An economic feasibility of a project is essential before making a decision to invest in it. The process involves developing a break-even analysis of a business to analyze the costs against the returns of a project. It assists investors to determine the time required for the project to...

Captive Insurance as a Risk Management Tool

There are several ways that an organization can transfer its risks through commercial insurance in the insurance market. This includes catastrophe bonds, collateralized reinsurance, large deductible plans, weather-based derivatives, risk retention groups, sidecars, and captives. Traditionally, many companies and business organizations manage risk by transferring it to the insurance company....

General Motors: Transformational and Inclusive Leadership

Introduction The selection of a leadership style by a company’s management plays a crucial role in pursuing organizational goals and encouraging performance excellence in the workforce. Indeed, since it is the employees who undertake the tasks within the business processes, it is essential to ensure that their leader possesses the...

Sony TV: New Product or Service

Introduction For a product to be developed there should be idea generation, product design, and then engineering (Meerman, 2007, p.15). There should be proper market analysis and research. This is the only avenue that companies can grow their market share; by developing new products that their competitors do not have....

Start Up Design for an Organizational Structure

You have started up a small durable medical equipment company. Fortunately, it is doing well and growing. At what point do you need to consider putting in a formal organizational structure? What would be your initial start up design for an organizational structure? Explain your response. When starting a business...

Lean Systems Thinking for an Organization

Lean Production Systems Lean production systems are at the heart of sustainable products and services. Lean production systems entail configuring the business to maximize the production of goods and services while minimizing the waste encountered. Lean production started with Japanese auto manufacturer Toyota with its Just-In-Time system, which has been...

Whistleblowing and Security of Facebook User Data

In March 2018, former Cambridge Analytica employee Christopher Wylie went public with information on the company’s involvement with the Trump campaign. The whistleblower stated that Cambridge Analytica had improperly accessed the Facebook or Meta data of 87 million individuals and exploited it to create personality profiles of individuals (Perrigo, 2019)....

The Aircraft Brake Ethical Scandal

Introduction The Aircraft Brake Scandal is one of the most popular cases for moral and ethical research. This is the story of a valiant man who was not afraid to challenge the corporation to protect himself and bring justice. The case can be considered from the point of view of...

Discussion: Native Unisex Deodorant

Native is a skincare company that provides products that are vegan and cruelty-free. One of their products that I use on a regular basis is Native Unisex Deodorant. This product has a sufficient competitive advantage that it has gained by being non-gender specific (“Deodorant – Native,” n.d). It can cater...

Why the External Hiring Process Is Better

Introduction When a corporation hires from inside its current staff, it replaces a vacant job. External Recruitment, on the other hand, is seeking someone to fill the open position from outside the organization. The option I favor more than two is external recruiting, primarily because it will allow the business...

Understanding of Entrepreneurship

This paper is aimed at reflecting on my personal understanding of entrepreneurship before the start of the semester and thoughts on this topic after learning the key theories. Micro and macro views on the theory of entrepreneurship will be considered. Additionally, the paper touches upon the issues of the concept...

The Business Ethics Workshop: Employee’s Ethics

Reflecting on what we learned in class last week, I understand employees’ ethical dilemmas and what critical factors to consider when seeking the desired job. Every job available out there has its fair share of nightmares; for instance, in the list of top and bottom twenty jobs in the list,...

The Real Estate Development Company: Code of Ethics

Employee relations The Company is committed to creating and maintaining a positive and productive work environment for all employees. Fulfilled and engaged employees are the key to the organization’s success, and thus there is committed to treating all employees fairly and with respect. All employees should act professionally and treat...

Treadway Company’s Low Morale and High Employee Turnover

Introduction One of the central problems experienced by the Lima plant is its high turnover rates. As one of the biggest and most ambitious plants of the Treadway company, it is especially important to ensure that the factory is able to work at its best capacity. As outlined in the...

Organizational Theories: From Classics to Contemporary

Organizational Theory Organizational theories have been prevalent over the last century, dominated by sociological perspectives. Haveman and Wetts (2018) hypothesized that the theories emerged through Marx, Weber, and Durkheim’s works. Marx idealized that organizations were divided into classes of workers, managers, and owners in an organization. Technological advancements were manipulated...

Raw Way: Product Marketing Plan

Introduction In this assignment for the subject of Communication and new technologies I will incorporate all the acquired information I learned during the classes. To introduce a new brand Raw Way, I will apply the action techniques, emotional systems, 4MAT principles, anchoring, and other approaches. Action Model Aim The target...

The Risky Business of Hiring Stars

Introduction “The Risky Business of Hiring Stars” by Groysberg et al. is an article highlighting companies’ growth and performance after hiring celebrities or prominent personnel from other firms. The business of hiring stars is shown to be detrimental to the organization and individual staff personnel. The key terminologies applied in...

Innovation Management and Organizational Change in a Company

This paper aims to support the statement that a team is more efficient in leading of organizational changes in comparison with just one person. From a personal perspective, a team is more efficient in this process than a single person. It goes without saying that collective leading has particular limitations,...

“Having Trouble with Your Strategy?” by Kaplan & Norton

Introduction It is hard to disagree that businesses depend greatly on the efforts and commitment of employees. When willing to implement a major and significant change, the readiness of workers to be loyal and contribute to the company’s success severely impacts the achievement of expected outcomes. However, not all organizations...

Scandinavian Airlines’ Eco-Friendly Practices

Research Problem and Rationale Nowadays, the topic of human impact on the environment is an urgent aspect. It is argued by the fact that the eco-friendly trend is becoming more popular due to the harmful effects of industry on nature. Scientists are concerned that further human activities without appropriate intervention...

PowerDoc’s Technology Implementation: Case Study Analysis

Summary Involving stakeholders directly affected by relevant optimization solutions is an essential organizational practice. Based on the case presented by Harris (2004), specific errors and potential preventive measures will be discussed. Reasons for Stakeholder Engagement In the context of PowerDoc’s technology implementation, stakeholders’ buy-in is crucial. Firstly, the opinions of...

Enhancing Marketing Strategies: A Comprehensive Approach

Problem Definition The present-day market is characterized by rather strong competition and a rather hostile environment for organizations that cannot adjust their marketing strategies to their updated or newly developed brands. Therefore, it is vital for this company to examine the effects that promotional tools associated with the use of...

Organization’s Information System and Two-Factor Authentication

Summary Information systems are essential to the success of any current business organization. It helps an organization adopt an organized set of components that collect, transmit, store, and process raw data to develop better information for action planning. Information systems are necessary for management and operations in any business organization...

The Financial Accounting Standards Board: Generally Accepted Accounting Principles

Introduction of Topic and Facts The Financial Accounting Standards Board is an independent, non-profit organization that establishes specific accounting standards for companies in the private and public sectors. The set of rules is called Generally Accepted Accounting Principles or GAAP. The organization annually publishes the Accounting Standards Update (ASU) because...

Competitive Analysis and Market Research Application

Introduction Competition has always been a central element in the field of analysts, directors, executives, entrepreneurs, founders, planners, and managers. Successfully positioning the company, adequately deciding on resource allocation, and defining an acceptable level of performance are key tasks of senior decision-makers. Regarding the former, a competitive analysis paired with...

Researching of Tech-Driven Innovation

The purpose of this paper is to examine a tech-driven innovation and its benefits using the example of PowerDoc and compare it with a human-centered type. In general, the innovation at PowerDoc may be regarded as technology-driven. The company’s management decided to centralize its word-processing system on stand-alone computers through...

The Hut Group Company’s Governance Issues

Introduction THG plc, formerly The Hut Group, is a British e-commerce retail company headquartered at Manchester Airport, England. It sells own-brand and third-party cosmetics, dietary supplements, personalized products, and luxury goods online. It provides e-commerce software, digital marketing, and fulfillment services to third parties through its Ingenuity division. As of...

Philips vs. Matsushita: The Competitive Battle

Management practices are essential in a business since they provide the way forward for the company to grow from the local level and traverse international borders. A business must have different plans to attain a good reputation and improve product consumption by the international community. The management must bring together...

Spectrum Brands Holdings Inc.’s Analysis

Introduction Spectrum Brands Holdings, Inc. is a company dealing with home essentials, the purpose of which is to improve their customers’ quality of life at home, including their meals, their appearance, and caring for their pets. The company proclaims that it uses the customers’ insight to further its innovations. The...

Enterprise Rent-A-Car’s Expansion in Greece

Introduction Enterprise Rent-A-Car (ERAC) is a worldwide car-sharing and renting services provider with American roots. Its expansion strategy regularly includes brand assimilation and taking the position of a ‘local’ company that covers vital locations (University of Salford, 2022). By prioritizing excellence in customer service, employee development, and fleet growth, ERAC...

Licious Whiskers: Product Development Proposal

‘Licious Whiskers – is a new alcoholic beverage product that will find a wide audience of connoisseurs of refined tastes among residents of Tennessee. Production will be established in Sevierville, TN, the area known as the heart of apple gardens. There are over a dozen apple gardens in the area,...

A Utilitarian Framework: Management Practices

Introduction The evolutionary scale of economic development globally fostered a prominent paradigm shift in the socio-cultural lifestyle among individuals. Bloodworth (2019) narrates one of the imminent issues across Rugeley based on the working standards in the Amazon warehouse. The researcher articulates that establishing an Amazon warehouse in Rugeley proved intensified...

University Enterprise Resource Planning System

Introduction Educators have an excellent opportunity to take advantage of cloud-based enterprise resource planning (ERP) solutions, which help streamline several departments in a university, bring everyone together to work from the same point of view, and reduce silos between departments. Cloud-based enterprise software became increasingly necessary for educational and business...

AI Prediction of Telecom Churners and Using AI Recommender System

Introduction Today telecom industry is having ferocious competition where telecom service providers are trying to satisfy the customers. Despite various methods to attract and retain customers, customer churn remains a major challenge. In a more simplistic term, churn rate is the percentage of total customers who no longer use the...

Strategies to Improve Waste Management in Qatar Restaurants

Introduction The research on food waste management in Qatar restaurants requires a decent methodology to achieve its objectives. The study is comprehensive and aims at acquiring data from various sources, both primary and secondary. The problem of waste management is a risk to the environment and to the infrastructure. Therefore,...

“Volkswagen Will Invest $193 Billion…” Article by Eddy

The article “Volkswagen Will Invest $193 Billion in Electric Cars and Software” discusses the decision of the German firm to increase its investment in the electric car segment. The company’s executives have created a long-term plan for growing their production of electric vehicles and shifting towards environmentally-friendly solutions for the...

Can Uber Be the Uber of Everything

The purpose of this essay is to analyze the competitive advantage of Uber and the viability of its business model. During the last decade, Uber gained a major share of the taxi industry. However, the benefits of using its business model are controversial, at least. Despite the fact that Uber...

Benchmarking as a Management Tool

One of the main tasks of the management of an economic entity is to increase the efficiency of its operations. While the traditional methods of managing such as an enterprise becomes less effective in a rapidly growing global market, the increasing popularity of such management instrument as benchmarking is well-grounded....

Cost of Having to Maintain Research and Development

Introduction The primary reason why the majority of organizations tend to curb their training initiatives is the increasing cost of having to maintain research and development. This means that quite a few businesses do not have long-term plans regarding employee training simply because of a lack of monetary resources (Na-Nan...

Aspects of Risk Management Framework

Introduction The modern world is extremely interconnected, and technology has become an essential component of our everyday life. While technology has made many processes simpler and more convenient, it has also introduced new and complicated threats to privacy, security, and stability. The Risk Management Framework (RMF) is an effective tool...

Decision-Making Skills for Business Performance

Introduction Experience is vital in improving decision-making skills that allow leaders to find optimal solutions and opportunities in corporate work. The business problem discussed in this report is the importance of elaborating on the abilities in decision-making that are critical components in business performance. The current paper covers the evolution...

Management Plan Proposal: Manifesting Leadership Skills Infused with Ethos

Introduction As a new manager at SNHU Pet Supply Company, my top priority is to provide a management plan revealed in rebuilding the team culture, aligning organizational practices with leadership, and addressing the specific challenges that have affected the team’s effectiveness. I will implement management practices and intuitive and creative...

The Importance of the Risk Assessment

Introduction A significant number of different diseases pose a severe threat to the lives of many people around the world. Unfortunately, for some of them, such as cancer, only limited treatments are available that do not guarantee the absence of a lethal outcome. However, the early detection and prevention recommendations...

Traits of Supply Chain Excellence

Introduction Supply chain excellence – the capacity of a company to meet or exceed customer expectations – has emerged as a crucial success criterion in the modern, fiercely competitive business world. Companies that can consistently offer high-quality goods or services at reasonable costs are more likely to outperform their rivals....

EasyUp Product: Smart Trekking Poles

Introduction EasyUp is a name for smart trekking poles that offer several features in addition to physically supporting a person during a hike. The recreational sports product can monitor the user’s heart rate, location, and mileage and offer suggestions based on earlier set goals. EasyUp differs from similar items by...

Employee Management: Hierarchy of Controls

Introduction There are several criteria to consider while evaluating a colleague’s workstation in the workplace. There is a necessity to examine workplace-required posture. This depends on the duties or activities of the place of employment. To reduce the incidence of work-related musculoskeletal illnesses, the objective is to design the workplace...

Valley Forge Leadership Case Study Analysis

Introduction The Valley Forge case is a historical episode in the US warfare leadership development. Washington’s approach to arranging the troops’ performance and setting, as well as the unmet needs of the soldiers, caused the lack of discipline in the army. One of the main problems resulting in negative outcomes...

Discretion Benefits: Employees Management

Introduction Discretion benefits are benefits the employer is not required to provide employees. Notwithstanding their optionality, most companies provide them, because their presence attracts the most competent employees, increasing their involvement and productivity (Aruldoss et al., 2021). Employees often choose the company that offers a sizeable social package, all other...

Aspects of Managing Workplace Diversity

Introduction Cultural diversity is a community in which the team has its own identity, and the organization respects the values and differences of people from different cultures. Organizations that want to create unique communities that are non-discriminatory and accommodating of diverse cultures must pay attention to diversity management. Diversity management...

Aspects of the Anti-Harassment Workplace Policy

Introduction Java Corp strives to create and maintain working circumstances that treat personnel with respect, humility, and compassion. The organization’s working environment must be marked by mutual regard and the absence of coercion, manipulation, and harassment. This policy sets all the essential tools to avoid abuse and provides crucial tactics...

Construction Management at Risk: A New Hospital in Baton Rouge

Introduction The most suitable project delivery approach for the health organization’s proposal to construct a new hospital in Baton Rouge, Louisiana, would be construction management at risk (CMAR). A large and complex project has many stakeholders, as well as many moving pieces. Due to the project’s complexity, there may be...

Workplace Organizational Behaviour

Workplace relationships might often be challenging and overwhelming because people who do not know each other quite well have to be productive and achieve common goals. Concerning the conflict between Jessie and Julie, one may state that the cause is their different perceptions of selves and the workplace. Thus, according...

HIMT 2200 Midterm Exam: The Malcolm Baldrige National Quality Award

The Malcolm Baldrige National Quality Award is the highest honor or acknowledgment for performance excellence given to a company in the United States. In the 1980s, Congress established this prize and named it Malcolm Baldrige, honoring the former secretary of commerce. Its objectives were to share best practices, establish benchmarks...

Bitcoin Implementation: Cryptocurrency Taxation and Exchange Platform Regulation

This paper proposes the implementation of the possibility of paying with cryptocurrency, like bitcoins, for an IT company for settlements with suppliers. Such a transition will require appropriate financial costs and changes in accounting control systems, but at the same time, it provides advantages in the form of security, speed...

Internet-Based Business Models as Positive Innovation

One way to look at the on-demand economy is as a networked platform for services from the real world, like Uber and Airbnb. By replacing them with a reasonably transparent network that abides by market laws, algorithms, and rating systems, these businesses employ technology to lessen the workload of enormous...

Apple Inc.’s as a Possible Stock Purchase

Investor valuation of stocks is complex and goes beyond stock price dynamics to make portfolio management decisions. This paper analyzes the financial performance of one company to decide whether to keep, sell or buy shares. Apple is an example, showing a significant increase in shares over the past six years...

Marketing Strategy: A Decision-Focused Approach

Marketing strategy is one of the most valuable aspects of the company’s activities. This is because the correct construction of this functioning component provides the organization with the opportunity to gain the best outcomes and competitive advantage. To obtain correctly deliver solid marketing results, it is necessary to create and...

The Triple-Bottom-Line (TBL) Framework

John Elkington originated the triple-bottom-line (TBL) framework, which promotes the concept that enterprises must consider more than just financial gain and look at the consequences of their operations on the natural world and society. Even though some people think that implementing this system generates more problems than fixes, I believe...

Documents for Domestic Truckload Shipments

Introduction Truckload shipping refers to the general logistics method of transporting items by road in large quantities. It is a highly regulated industry, and shippers need to thoroughly understand and comply with a wide variety of necessary documents. The rules are slightly less restrictive for domestic shipments, but failure to...

Hyatt Hotels Corporation Financial Analysis

Introduction Hyatt Hotel Corporation is a US hospitality establishment with many branches worldwide. It was founded by Hyatt Robert and Jack Crouch in 1957 when they purchased Hyatt House at LA International Airport. The company went global twelve years later and grew by developing portfolios and acquisitions. The hotel acquired...

Cultural Impact on Negotiations and Conflict Resolution

Introduction The cultural background of negotiators plays an essential part in the course of discussion and can be a determinative factor of the negotiation outcome. Hence, culture may become a ground for conflicts, which must be managed using a particular strategy. There is a range of conflict resolution theories, but...

Business Life Cycle: Business Growth

Maturity is the stage in a company’s life cycle during which it reaches its prime form. Stability in all aspects of a business organization is another way to describe the discussed stage. All operations, processes, and initiatives happen as they should, and emergencies rarely happen (Ford, 2022). During this phase,...

Ad It Up Marketing Firm Seeks Ethical Entry-Level Marketing Employees

All supporters of ethical marketing, take note! A mid-size marketing company called Ad It Up is looking for three ethical and talented entry-level marketers. Candidates with a strong moral compass and a passion for marketing are sought after. Continue reading to learn more if you’re thinking about joining our team....

The African American Entrepreneurship Development Program

Introduction While undertaking the program, the short-term outcomes will be measured by evaluating the number of African American individuals who have expressed interest and have come up with various entrepreneurial concepts. The outcome will be measured by the number of successful business plans created and the number of African American...

Followership as Critical Part of Leadership

Introduction Followership can often be viewed in a negative context. However, followers are a necessary element that creates a leader because they realize leadership’s main feature is managing people. Moreover, the organization’s productivity largely depends on the team’s work and its members’ ability to perceive and implement management tasks. Therefore,...

Java Company’s Anti-Harassment Policy

Introduction The paper is about Java Corporation’s efforts to eliminate harassment in the workplace. We will discuss why it is crucial to have a zero-tolerance policy against harassment in the workplace today. We hope this policy briefing will assist upper management in comprehending the policy’s legal and strategic foundations. It...

Evaluation of Opening a Private Care Medical Practice

Statistical Report The volume of patient visits: Assumptions – It is assumed an average of 20 patient visits per day in the first year will increase by 5% annually in the next two years. Revenues: Medicare – It is assumed to have a reimbursement rate of 85% from Medicare, per...

Toms Shoes and The Body Shop Firms’ Social Responsibility

Introduction As businesses continue to grow, their impact on society and the environment has become more critical. Social responsibility refers to the idea that businesses should make decisions that promote ethical and social good while balancing the company’s and its stakeholders’ interests (Hu & Zhang, 2020). Two companies recognized for...

Sony Cyber-Attack: Hitting Back or Holding Back in Cyberspace

Sony Pictures Entertainment was established in 1987 and is located in Culver City, California. The corporation is a mass media and entertainment studio dealing with creating, developing, and delivering movies and television. However, in 2014, the international firm experienced a significant data breach from Guardians of Peace (GOP) that disclosed...

Mandating Employer-Provided Insurance

The issue of mandating employer-paid insurance has been a controversial topic in the United States. The proponents of this policy argue that it will help provide health coverage to low-paid workers. Mandating employer-paid insurance is likely to lead to a permanent loss of jobs because it increases the labor cost...

Interpersonal Skills: A Management Case Situation

Introduction In the context of this scenario, it is necessary to consider the perspectives of three parties, namely the organization itself, the staff member, and the part-time employee, in that order. Mastering interpersonal skills is mandatory to determine the correct resolution of the situation and to form a reasoned response...

Management: Buy-In in Strategic Planning

Introduction Management activity is a complex and complex process that requires a personal approach from the management. In this case, interest is a crucial factor in determining how much an employee or leader is involved in the work. This factor determines how well customers will feel about the company and...

The W. L. Gore and Associates Company’s Analysis

The organization is called W. L. Gore and Associates, Inc. founded in 1958, W. L. Gore & Associates. It was chosen for the analysis because its mission is noble, namely, to transform industries and improve lives (Delaware, n.d.). The company is renowned for its innovative products, such as GORE-TEX fabric...

John Hopkin Hospital’s Management Risks

Introduction Located in Baltimore, Maryland, John Hopkins Hospital, founded in 1889, is a medical and biomedical research facility in the United States. The facility, which also functions as a teaching hospital for the John Hopkins School of Medicine, also started at the same time, enjoys the privilege of being the...

The Emphasis of Leadership: A Corporate Culture

Introduction In the current competitive market environment, companies encourage employees to work efficiently in order to conform to industry standards. Meanwhile, organizations use the concept of corporate culture as a set of employee activities, processes, and work environments to achieve the company’s overall goals. It also includes the way the...

Funding Sources and Financing Mechanisms

Introduction Sources of funding and finance strategies are critical to the success of any capital project. These factors are critical for every project to continue ahead, from finding the most significant sources of finance to constructing the most efficient repayment plan. This paper will offer an overview of funding sources...

Leadership and Management in the Banking Sector

Introduction The theme of the seminar was leadership and management in the banking sector. The guest expert is David Boyd, Assistant Vice President of the Retal Community Bank, and he has 25 years of experience in the banking leadership role (Central Piedmont Community College, 2023). He spoke about the role...

Annotated Bibliography: Impacts of Poor Communication at the Workplace

Burksiene, V., & Dvorak, J. (2022). E-Communication of ENGO’s for measurable improvements for sustainability. Administrative Sciences, 12(2), 70. Web. The article explores the importance of environmental non-governmental organizations in contemporary governance. According to the authors, communication is crucial for coordination and cooperation for joint actions with private and public organizations....

Antelope Valley Medical Center’s Strategic Marketing

Introduction Antelope Valley Medical Center (AVMC), a local medical care provider, concentrates on providing affordable, high-quality healthcare to the public. The firm’s mission is to elevate the standard of living in the neighborhood by emerging as the preferred healthcare provider (Antelope Valley Medical Center, 2023). The hospital’s vision is to...

The Problem of Solving Employee KPI Problems

Introduction The chosen quantitative decision-making problem will be a situation in which company employees have an underestimated KPI relative to previous months of work. To solve this problem, the head of the department called a general meeting and put forward the idea for employees to independently propose actions that would...

The Supply Chain Collaboration: Values and Barriers

It is important to note that collaboration is an integral element in supply chains. Thus, it is essential to establish the values and disadvantages of collaboration in supply chains. In general, the practice of collaboration is significant for counterparties because it allows different firms and people to cooperate with each...

Bookkeeping for a Small Service Business

Any business needs financial control in the form of various reports that must maintain a balance of assets and liabilities and equalize debit with credit. Understanding financial movements control the situation and predetermine development scenarios in advance, whether a crisis or vice versa, a sufficient amount of retained earnings for...

Using Facebook’s Current E-Commerce Offerings

Introduction Using Facebook, consumers may face the privacy concerns such as invasion of privacy, stalking, illegal discrimination, harassment, and phishing. Facebook is actively and continuously “experimenting with many different features” and collects information about consumer behavior trends based on Facebook likes and connections (Reynolds & Stair, 2017). In some ways,...

The EasySpa Company’s Compensation Management

Introduction The modern approach in the company’s management involves using innovative and intelligent instruments. It is imperative to consider such actions in the context of planned changes in the organization’s structure. This essay will discuss EasySpa and its plans to expand its workforce to become a key regional player. The...

Music Companies’ Internal Analysis

Summary The music industry is a competitive and dynamic sector in the current world. Universal Music Group (UMG) and Spotify, for example, are two of the industry’s leading companies. As a result, I chose to investigate UMG as it is one of the world’s major record labels. UMG holds and...

Labor Costs Control in Business

My current employer is a large retail chain that operates in multiple countries. The company has a very effective strategy for controlling labor costs. It has a rigorous hiring process; they only hire the most qualified and experienced candidates and are very selective about whom they bring on board (Cortner...

Group Work and Team Management

When it comes to teamwork and group work, both have their unique advantages and disadvantages. I would rather work with a team. A team is a group of individuals who work together towards a common goal, but each member brings a unique skill set to the table (Buchanan, 2015). In...

The Dianxin Ciano Company’s Analysis

Introduction The Dianxin Ciano Organization has established itself as the world’s largest electronic center in North America due to its committed workforce and focus on innovation. However, although the organization is doing well and has a bright future ahead of it, the product lifecycle of the organization has several areas...

Kalser’s More Employers Addressing Pay Equity Article Review

The article “More Employers Addressing Pay Equity” examines the expanding pattern of companies addressing pay equity and closing wage discrepancies between employees. According to the article, some businesses are currently adopting proactive measures to guarantee that all their employees receive equitable compensation, regardless of their gender, color, or other characteristics...

Performance Appraisals and Their Benefits

The article “8 Tips for Effective Performance Appraisals” discusses what performance appraisal is, what it includes, its benefits, and the factors that make it effective. Employees can discuss their previous performance and potential development chances with their management during performance appraisals. It frequently comprises a face-to-face discussion between management and...

The Amazon and Facebook Firms’ Business Ethics

Introduction Amazon and Facebook are giants and are among the brightest representatives of their industries. However, both of them do not possess a perfect reputation within many frameworks. Numerous problems have been reported by newspapers, scholars, and mass media, shedding light on the companies’ insignificant business practices. Such a state...

Evaluating Communication Strategies in Marketing and Advertising

Communication strategies are crucial in reaching and influencing consumers in marketing. Several mediums are available to advertisers and marketers, each with its strengths and weaknesses. In order to create an effective marketing plan, it is vital to deeply comprehend the target audience and the message that needs to be communicated....

The Kroger and Albertsons Merger Analysis

Kroger and Albertsons, two large US grocery store chains, announced their merger in October 2022. The merger was expected to benefit customers, communities, and employees. However, the article by Creswell (2023) reports that the private-equity giant Cerberus and a group of investors may win the $24.6 billion deal. This poses...

Quality Management: The Case of Deepwater Horizon

Maintaining high-quality performance represents one of the essential goals within an organization. However, the process of identifying key risks and mitigating them respectively so that errors and defects could be avoided is a barely unmanageable task unless a proper quality management framework is introduced into the organizational environment. This paper...

Strategic Management: Case Study Assignment

Numerous examples of products ahead of their time did not allow them to become famous. One of the innovations that failed was Microsoft SPOT Watch (Karella, 2020). Before the invention of Wi-Fi and Bluetooth, Microsoft decided to use FM to transmit various information to their watches. Microsoft called this technology...

Team Development and Management

Managing a team may represent a complicated task because each employee is unique, but they still have to share corporate values. Many conflicts and disagreements may arise due to various reasons related to managers, team members, corporate culture, workflow, etc. Thus, it is evident that every team has the potential...

Apple and Samsung in Smartphone Product Category

Today, technology has irrevocably permeated every section of modern society. It is difficult to imagine day-to-day life in the modern world without such devices as smartphones, laptops, and tablets, with numerous companies supporting the demand by regularly putting forward new versions on the market. This paper focuses on smartphones as...

The Hair World Company’s Marketing Campaign

“Hair World” is a new beauty salon that is mostly oriented on providing people with high-quality cutting and dyeing. Men and females with different purposes and requirements can be served at the salon. The approximate cost to open “Hair World” in the United States is $12,000 as the first month...

The Social Responsibility of Companies

The social responsibility of companies in the modern world is an important criterion for a responsible and respected business. There are many ways to take care of different aspects of social life, and each company can prioritize according to its idea of ​​what is essential. TOMS Shoes is an international...

Ethical Principles in Accounting in Small Business

The given case study focuses on a scenario where a controller of a small clothing manufacturing business discovers an error in the physical counts of ending inventories. This could potentially impact the financial statements and consequently affect the profit sharing plans of the company’s key management employees (Voss, 2018). To...

Oracle Saudi Arabia-Oracle Cloud Infrastructure

Introduction The internal environment of a company includes factors that are within its control and can significantly impact its success. Some of the key components of the internal environment of Oracle Saudi Arabia-Oracle Cloud Infrastructure (OCI) include organizational structure, human resources, and policies and procedures (Bateman & Snell, 2013). Discussion...

Contemporary External Strategic Environment in Health and Social Care

Background of the UK Health and Social Care Industry The UK health and social care industry is one of the fastest growing and one of the most contributing sectors to the growth and development of the UK. Due to the presence of several external environmental factors influencing business operations, the...

Navigating Challenges and Expanding the Marvel Universe

Problems Throughout its history, Marvel has utilized various approaches to cinematography, characters, and narrative building. All of these methodologies revolved around the idea of the target demographic, attempting to maximize profits and attract more customers and viewers. While this focus on narrow demographic groups yielded results, it was vulnerable to...

Aramco: Factors Influencing Organizational Success

Organizational performance and success are some of the most critical concerns for an organization’s management. Investors and stakeholders expect that their investments will yield profit resulting from the success of various business activities. During business operations, consideration of barriers and opportunities is crucial in shaping business activities and performance expectations....

The PESTLE (Strategic) Model and Business Climate

Introduction The world changed dramatically in 2020 as the COVID-19 pandemic caused businesses to shut down and the economy to enter a freefall. Before the pandemic, the biggest challenge that faced the business world was the tariffs on Chinese imports, which significantly impacted supply chains for many industries. The pandemic...

Term Project: Creating a Pet Business

Introduction The present project is creating a pet business offering walking, sitting, training, and grooming services. The idea appeared due to the tendency of a growing number of households to have pets, including dogs, cats, hamsters, rabbits, and so further. In addition to the mentioned services, there will be customer...

Occupational Health and Safety Act

Introduction The OSHA is the Occupational Safety and Health Act of 1970, which Congress created to ensure that workers maintain safe working conditions. OSHA is part of the US Department of Labor and covers most private and public sector employers. OSHA alliances establish a system of safety and work environment...

Evaluating a Corporate-Societal Relationship

Introduction The relationship between corporations and society is a critical issue that affects businesses, communities, and individuals. Companies like 3M have a significant impact on the communities in which they operate. Evaluating the corporate-societal relationship of 3M is an important step in understanding the company’s impact on society. This essay...

Compensation for Executives’ Retention

Compensation is considered one of the main elements of employee retention. It can be defined as a financial benefit that an employee receives from an employer (Martocchio, 2020). In many ways, compensation is a key feature that affects employee retention and engagement. If employees — of any rank — are...

Sales Manager Job Analysis & Performance Appraisal

Brief Outlook of the Job For this assignment, the position of sales manager was chosen as an example. Sales managers generally coordinate goods’ movement from a producer to customers. In fact, although this description may sound simple, there are thousands of factors that influence the probability of successful work. Therefore,...

Stakeholders: Consumer Behaviour

Companies are to focus both on internal and external stakeholders when making decisions and implementing new business models. The parties that are directly or indirectly affected by the company’s decisions or contribute to its operations are essential, as the survival of the organization depends on them. In this paper, Google...

Leadership Competencies: Tailoring Success Across Professions

Introduction Leadership is a highly complex and multifaceted approach to decision-making and communication. For instance, the examined model lists sixteen unique competencies that promote effective leadership behavior. This framework might be applicable to both professionals and students in various fields, depending on their objectives and aspirations. The current essay thoroughly...

The Stella Artois Firm’s Digital Development Strategy

In 1366, the monastery servants from the city of Leuven built the Den Hoorn brewery for their own use. After almost four centuries later, the history of the world-famous Belgian beer Stella Artois began. In 1708, Sebastian Artois became head brewer at Den Hoorn. After nine years, Sebastian named the...

As Work Changed in 2021, Employee Pay and Benefits Stepped Up by Miller

The article discusses how the workplace has changed due to the pandemic and how employers have responded by offering more flexible pay and benefits. Employers have had to adjust to the new normal by offering more flexible work arrangements, such as remote work, and providing more generous benefits, such as...

Ethical Leadership and Employee Satisfaction

Abstract Leadership techniques have evolved over centuries to incorporate scientific and psychological approaches that encourage better performance. Ethical leadership is an emerging strategy that targets establishing positive relationships with employees and continuously overseeing their advancement. These approaches pay attention to high levels of morality, honesty, transparency, accountability, and communication. However,...

Employee Motivation: Finding Effective Methods

Employee motivation is a critical component in the workplace. However, this is not the most straightforward aspect to perform, as it has several challenges. This is due to the need for an individual approach to the organization’s personnel and a thorough understanding of their desires and needs. Bringing a successful...

Accounting Standards for Equity Investments in 2023

The Financial Accounting Standards Board (FASB) in the United States released a statement called SFAS No. 115, “Accounting for Certain Investments in Debt and Equity Securities.” It provides instructions on how to handle equity investments and debt instruments that are not treated as part of business combinations. This standard’s primary...

Toyota: The Corporate Strategy of Sustainable Development

Experience In order to implement a corporate sustainability strategy, it is essential to consider the strategic directions that currently exist to reorganize them. For this purpose, it is possible to evaluate the examples that already exist and use the Unilever strategy (Savitz, 2013). Accordingly, the company correlates the public good...

Harassment in the Workplace: Types and Misconceptions

The business’s success is defined by a combination of many factors, one of which is comfortable working conditions for employees. The topic of workplace harassment and its discriminative nature received wide publicity in the middle of the 20th century, but legislation protecting workers from discrimination continues to evolve. Exploring different...

The Impact of Spreadsheets on Companies and Businesses

Introduction The modern world is full of different types of businesses that apply multiple techniques to lead their jobs smoothly and effectively. All of those techniques impact businesses positively or negatively. A spreadsheet is one of the most common and known tools for managing a company’s activity. It is an...