Corporate “Moral Responsibilities” – Myth or Reality?

In recent years, it became a “statement of good fashion”, on the part of many economists and political observers, to suggest that Western companies, operating in Third World countries, should adjust their business strategy to the illusive notion of “moral responsibleness”, the actual subtleties of which cannot be defined even...

Transferring Anticipatory Logistics to Business World

The Concept of Anticipatory Logistics and Its Origins In “Anticipatory Logistics: The Army’s Answer to Supply Chain Management.” Lenzini (2002) reports how the Army has commenced field trials of this approach to supply chain management. The experiments involve varying mixes of information technology and procedures that will optimize maintenance schedules...

Google Inc.’s Compensation and Benefit Systems

Google Inc. Google Inc is a renowned company which is known worldwide for its products and services that it provides through the internet. The company is an American entity based in Mountain View in California, boasting a unique and innovative head office. Google Inc was initiated by Larry Page and...

Rock of Ages Company’s Value Chain Analysis

Summary Strategic planning and management have become a very critical aspect of the success of businesses and developments in the past three decades. From 1980s consumers around the globe have become more informed and continuously demanded more in terms of quality and price (Howe, 2006). Again the globalization and high...

Project Organisation and Behavior

Introduction For any project to thrive and attain its intended purpose, the manager should integrate both managerial and leadership qualities. The manager cannot achieve high quality and sustainable results/ end product if he capitalizes only on administering, trying to take control of the workers, base his policy on short term...

PIE Analysis of Cereal Industry

Factors Affecting PIE Value Creation Factors Industry Demand There are more than 100 brands of cereals in the U.S. Because of the proliferation of brands, the top ten account for 27.4 of total sales. Cereal producers market to both children and adults via the media and the use of coupons....

Marketing Theory With a Strategic Orientation

Introduction In the marketing world today, the area of contemporary marketing has become so broad that we have arrived at the accurate point in time to be familiar with the things which are related to the important writings so that the applied choice model in marketing can be applied to...

Business Ethics in Real Estate

Introduction Business ethics still remains one of the most important areas in business practice influenced by internal and external factor, cultural and social changes. Real estate industry represents a diverse market in terms of human resources and services provided. One strong and persistent pull of foreign workers to the United...

Corkely & Finn: Employees Motivation

Introduction Corkery & Finn a regional investment brokerage house has been extremely profitable but the company has decided to expand its operations and open overseas branches. At first the company starts to work in cooperation with other local brokerages and the company believes that within five years it will gain...

Family-Operated Business in Hong Kong

Introduction It can be said that many of the large corporations of today have been started in a small way by individuals and their families. Due to hard work and vision, they have now grown to the status and size that one sees today. There are still many family owned...

Marketing Research for Hobbs in Birmingham

Background Hobbs is a store that sells clothes and accessories and it primarily targets wealthy people. The marketing strategy that the firm wants to start for the year 2009 is aimed at raising the footfall. From the analysis from Mosaic, it is clear that Birmingham is a place that has...

An Insecure Open and an Overly Secure Environment in E-Commerce

It is not unusual today for the users of the internet to experience having their private information hacked into, by a third party (Drumheller, 2008). This could either be a systems cracker, or a hacker. Owing to the escalation in these kinds of privacy invasions, there is a need therefore...

Love and fear of the Modern Boss

The article poses the age old question as to which is a more apt leadership style: autocratic or a more benevolent and democratic approach. Snook demonstrates the different leadership styles from a historical perspective. He states that in the 1950s the leadership style was more autocratic with reward and punishment...

Dividend Policy in Business

Rights issues Selling of ordinary shares to the existing shareholders of the company to raise capital is called right issues. The law necessitates that the new ordinary shares must be first issued to the existing shareholders on a pro rata basis. Shareholders through a special resolution can forfeit this pre-emptive...

Austin Reed Group Plc: Understanding the Environment

Austin Reed Group clothing company has been operating successfully in the past years; this is attributed to the well-set standards by the west. Due to this success, the company wants to venture into more International markets like Asia and Africa to seek more opportunities to market and offer its products...

Thai Lay Fashion Co Ltd.: Managing a Business Enterprise

It has been six weeks of learning more and more about properly managing a business enterprise. As a full-time managing director of Thai Lay Fashion Co Ltd., (a reputed exporter of garments from Hong Kong Europe), the whole course till now and this week, in particular, has been very useful...

Published Profit and Loss and Cash Flow Statements

Introduction According to the American Accounting Association (AAA) it states that accounting refers to the process of identifying, measuring and communicating the economic information so that it can allow the making of informed decisions and judgment that they can be used by the users of the accounting information. The accounting...

Pink Label Hair Company’s Business Plan

Executive Summary The present business plan is dedicated to an overview of Pink Label Hair Company, a limited liability entity, operating in the cosmetics and beauty industry. The business’s product portfolio includes 100% virgin hair bundles in Brazilian, Peruvian, and Malaysian styles. It has an offline location in [Name of...

Ethical Decisions in Business: Affirmative Action

Introduction The process of making an ethical decision in business often can be regarded as the problem of moral choice. In that sense, business ethics can be referred to as having moral standards as their basis. The issue of ethical decisions in business, however, is more complicated and requires considering...

Resources Sterategies in Organization

Resourcing strategy in an organization, employ specialist to coordinate resourcing within the organization. This resourcing strategy uses three actions to achieve their goals in employee resourcing. They include reallocating of tasks among employee, reallocating subordinate within the organization and making new recruitments from the external sources (Price, A. 2004 p.349-350)....

General Motors Company’s General Management

Introduction At the time of writing this research essay on 12/12/2008, a proposal of $14 billion bail-out packages for the automobile industry in the U.S.A failed to get its approval from Senate. This has raised fears of imminent auto industry collapse and job losses in the U.S.A. The bail-out plan...

Thai-Lay Fashion Co., Ltd Company Strategy

Executive Summary Thai-lay fashion Co. Ltd. is a garment manufacturing company in London. It is engaged in production of garments from 100% organically grown cotton. For exploiting the increasing demand trend of organic cotton garments among the consumer segments in UK, the company aims to follow appropriate marketing and financial...

Profit Maximizing Price for Aveta Labs in United States and Europe

In United States, the price at which Aveta can maximize the profits is $12 and at this price, the company can maximize its profits. With the price of Tanziclor at $ 12, the cost and revenue on the product look like: Demand Elasticity -1.2 Quantity Sold 5,070 units Total Revenue...

Leadership and Gender Relations Analysis

Leadership and gender have been seen as opposite issues for a long period of time. A leader’s opportunities to change or enlarge the unit’s domain can also be constrained by prevailing attitudes toward possible new outputs and by the attitudes of subordinates to any changes in the kind of work...

Ocean Transport Capitalizing Interest Costs

SFAS 34 Capitalization of Interest Cost SFAS 34 Capitalization of Interest Cost was enforced in Oct 1979 and laid out standards for capitalization of interest cost as a part of the historical cost of acquiring certain assets. The interest cost that may be material and eligible for capitalization includes the...

Total Quality Management Tools in the Organization

Outline Section I: The organization under study is a restaurant which has suddenly fallen from grace and now faces a total annihilation if it does not solve its quality issues quickly. The restaurant ‘Diner Dinner’ is a public place for families and ever for 2 months, its most loyal return...

The Most Pressing Issue of Leadership Today

There are innumerable issues and challenges that confront the leaders of today, each of which is engrossing and highly intimidating. Empowerment of work forces, cultural and ethnic diversity, demands of the labor unions are some but of all these issues the most pressing one is the integrity of the leaders...

Shomei Cards Company’s Competitive Advantage

Introduction All organizations within an industry strive to achieve their goals and objective through setting up strategies that are cost effective so as to run their operations effectively. It is therefore important for management of organizations to ensure that they study the environment in which they are conducting their businesses...

Thai Lay Fashion Company: Business Plan

Introduction The creation of a new business venture involves different stages. All of these stages constitute a cycle of growth in the total lifecycle of the new venture. Business ventures are always built with long-term objectives. Different levels of business operations are required for achieving the long-term objectives. Suitable business...

Personal Touch Product: Target Audience & Competition

Introduction The product that we propose for marketing and for this project is a unique hair styling solution. Time has become a constraint in every day life. Our busy schedules do not allow us to attend to our personal needs, like getting a haircut. And when we do get time...

Working Capital Fundamentals of Management Accounting

Introduction Working capital is really important for any kind of business organization. It is known as life blood of any firm. Khan and Jain (2007) purports that an industry needs working capital to operate its organizational activities Cost-Volume-Profit Analysis is necessary to make industry stable for the future. It is...

Thai-Lay Fashion Company Ltd.: Managing Resources

Thai-Lay Fashion Company Ltd. The Thai-Lay Fashion Company Ltd. started in 1991 is a garment manufacturing company situated in Hong Kong. It is a medium-sized company with an annual turnover of HK$ 10 million and employees nearly 200 people. It has locations in two places and has a capacity to...

Norton’s Declining and Poor Performance Behaviors

Introduction Poor performance behaviour is situation rather than personality driven. People normally portrayed negative behaviour in a work that they don’t use outside the work environment. Poor performance is a learned behaviour and hence it can be avoided. Poor performance is the reactions essential to external forces that drive individual...

Garment Trading Company: Motivational Climate and Its Improvement

Executive Summary Current research paper deals with analysis of motivational climate in Garment Trading Company. Using well-elaborated methodology and up-to-date research of employees’ motivation, the survey is designed to determine the level of employees’ motivation in this company. The analysis is done with respect to seven motivational factors including general...

Entrepreneur’s Harvest Goals and Their Achievement

Introduction If an entrepreneur was asked why he set up his business in the first place, the inevitable reply would be to build up the company to great heights and manage it so that he may ultimately leave it to his children. The purpose of course would be to gain...

The Economic Impact of Counterfeiting in Hong Kong

Executive Summary The nemesis of piracy or counterfeiting is a major product of criminal activities in today’s world. With criminal activities on the rise, it is seen that counterfeiting has made deep forays in the world and is a fully-fledged industry in itself. Counterfeiting harms the original products as well...

Reframing Organizations & Educational Institutions

Case Description Last year, our school faced a challenge familiar to many educational institutions: how to develop a more consistent approach to discipline from classroom to classroom and in common school areas, such as hallways, cafeteria, and playground. Our school community, with the support of the administration, identified the need...

Employment Recruitment and Personnel Retaining

Introduction It is often said that employees are the most important assets of an organization. It is the quality and ability of the employee, along with the capability and leadership shown by the top management of the company that ultimately results in its growth and success. The employee factor is...

Staff Relocation: The Strategies That Will Ensure the Project Succeeds

The project is intended to relocate the company headquarters from the current position to the new proposed location which is 73 miles away. The new building will have two new departments that will be incorporated into the existing departments. In the project, the main area of study is to analyze...

Ben Sherman: Retail Marketing and Logistics Issues

Introduction To discuss retail marketing and logistics issues, the selected retail company is Ben Sherman. This report will observe the current positioning strategy of this company and illustrates the current competitive environment, SWOT and PEST analysis, BCG matrix, considered the concept of marketing logistics as well as recommends future strategies...

Report on a Visit to Roeslein & Associates, Inc.

Objectives To familiarize with the activities that takes place at the plant. To see and learn how manufacturing processes occur in the real world. To identify the examples of the processes and methods applied. To identify the main problems in the manufacturing process and suggest workable solutions to the problems....

Hiring Employees and Recruiting Efforts

Introduction New hire orientation is an essential part of the post-recruitment process which helps in shaping the perception of the newly recruited employees perception of the organization and the employees (Rousseau, 1990). Orientation is a useful tool to provide a welcoming gesture to the newly employed hires fresh out of...

Effective Leaders in Business

Throughout the text and various articles, the need for leaders to find a balance in their work and work life is mentioned consistently. Please provide a minimum of three examples (more are acceptable) of leadership skills which need to be balanced and explain why? Leaders are supposed to provide a...

Incentive Programs in Increasing Sales Efficacy

The manager of a large retail store shoe department setup a new sale incentive program for a 3month period as a way of increasing employee motivation, morale, and boosting sales. At the end of the 3month period, sales results showed the department sales group had failed to meet their sales...

Talyllyn Railway Company’s Supply Chain Management

The Problem The Talyllyn Railway in Wales is an example of a once-successful tourist-oriented enterprise that contends with the challenge of the modern and more competitive tourist market. As the tourism industry grows, people are drawn to resorts and fun places that offer a novel experience and pleasure such that...

The Importance of Understanding Organizational Culture

Organizational culture is in essence the personality of the organization. Such culture comprises the norms and values that characterize the members of the organization and their behaviors. Although the culture of an organization is difficult to be expressed distinctly, everybody can sense the same when dealing with the given organization....

Queen Margaret University’s Plan for Korean Students

Executive summary and introduction Queen Margaret University (QMU) was formed in 1875 to bolster and promote high quality education to the residents of United Kingdom and the entire world. The university’s recent expansion and collaboration is a result of high quality education service that the university offers. Introduction This report...

Corporate Bonds and Government Bonds

Abstract The role of the corporate and government debt market in the form of bonds in a country’s economic development can not be undermined, as it is an important channel that links the savings of the society into the investment opportunities. The importance of the corporate and government bonds can...

New Co.’s Job Evaluation and Pay System Recommendations

Terms of Reference/ Memo This is a task to audit the job evaluation system for New Co., which started five years ago as a small family business manufacturing and distributing high-tech components. In the manufacturing section, this company has two thousand (2000) employees and about thirty (30) engineers in administration...

DigiMuse Organization Maximizing Profits

Introduction After careful analysis of possible production levels for the sound card at which the firm will make maximum profits is 240,000 units. At this level the marginal cost of production is at minimal and the profits made will be at the highest. Before this production level marginal cost of...

Job Design Around Groups

For any organization to have high levels of efficiency, it is very important to organize any job in an organization around the groups since it has very many advantages rather than giving a job to an individual. Some of the reasons that justify this are that the group members of...

Evaluating Performance: Business Finance for the Multinational Corporation

Return on Equity vs. Return on Capital The return on equity is the valuation method used in accounting which is employed for computing the profit that a company is able to earn which is compared with the total shareholder equity invested in the business. The ROE is made up of...

Managerial Approach to Marketing Communication

Introduction In the recent times, businesses have become aware of the need to be close to their customers. Due to the increasing competition on earth, there has been increased need for companies to become more responsive to the need of the customers. There has been change in production and the...

Contribution to Christian and Business Leadership

Introduction Leadership is an important factor for the success of any organization regardless of whether it is formed for profit, service or charitable purposes. It also does not matter whether an organization is owned by the government or by individuals. Due to this fact, the concept of leadership has been...

Human Resource Management Employment Law

Introduction As a human resource manager of a large firm, after analyzing the situation of my employee’s disability or injury or illness at the workplace, according to the law, I would entitle him or her to receive medical or disability-related leave under two federal laws: the Americans with Disabilities Act...

Vigilante Marketing, Blogs and Counter Blog Marketing

Traditional advertising practices have undergone considerable changes with the emerging trends in technology and media. Advertising today has moved beyond the notion of corporate generated one-to-many dissemination of marketing messages and has taken the form of direct communication with the consumers with increased consumer involvement in the creation of marketing...

Unionism for Labor Management

Unionism is the idea of forming labor union or trade union, which is the organization or an association of workers, recognized and certified by labor board and have come together to achieve common goals in collective, rather than individual bargaining with the management on key issues such as wages, working...

Shomei Company’s Managerial Strategy

Introduction Shomei is a company that is involved in the production of greeting cards whose main consumers are in the community. It is the third largest company in this industry. Because of factors such as the introduction of e-cards on the internet the company must develop with a better strategy...

Benefits and Disadvantages of Leasing

Every organization in the world needs assets for the successful running of the activities they are engaged in and in the process faced with the choice of buying the asset or alternatively leasing it. Buying implies acquiring ownership in the asset and can be defined as “…. obtain ownership of...

Leadership in Organization: Theories and Practices

Introduction Leadership is a process of persuasion. Leaders persuade others to pursue objectives held by the leader. Thus, the primary focus of leadership is on human interaction. Leadership is ethically neutral. There are good leaders and bad ones. Great leaders have the gift for inspiring and motivating people; they have...

Digital Equipment, Scotland: The VLSI Story

Introduction Memo : The intention of this report is to update the Managing Director of VLSI about the managerial attitudes to a structural change of recent organisational development and addresses how the management team would to coup with the proposed change to improve communications and maximise operating efficiencies throughout the...

Pallas Electronics Company’s People Resourcing

Introduction Pallas Electronics is believed to be one of the largest companies in the United Kingdom. It indulged in the manufacturing of electronic equipment for telecommunication industries. Research indicates that the company carried out its organisation in a traditional manner. Its five departments included the department of production, the department...

Conflict Management: Term Definition

Introduction It is stated, that any conflict is the engine of progress, however, conflict management skills are essential for any life activity. It is necessary to mention, that there are various styles of conflict management, however, the management process mainly depends on personal experience. Originally, the styles, that offer the...

Eastern Michigan University: American Humanics Program

Introduction The world economic conditions have undergone dynamic changes connected with globalization and technological transformations resulting in social and political instability. American Humanics was established for the purpose of meeting certain major issues in the nonprofit sector and to provide strong management and leadership. In EMU there is the nonprofit...

The Risk Assessment of Opening Up the Branch

The experience of writing a risk identification and management report for a company to set its branch in the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) has made me learn many new aspects about effective researching and report preparation. It has become a valuable aid in satisfying my desire to traverse through...

Olive Garden Restaurant Chain

Introduction Olive Garden is an untailored restaurant chain mainly situated in America and Canada and concentrates entirely on Italian-American meals. They take themselves as a family with worldwide brilliant meals in an ancient set up and practice thereby making them unique in their product offering and their culture. The restaurants...

Complex Supply Chain Networks and Drivers

Introduction The success of complex supply chain networks existing between business units greatly depends on proper communication and managerial support. In every business operation, there involves supply chain network of suppliers, manufacturers, distributors and demand markets. “A supply chain network economy describes the environment (competitive and cooperative, in parts) of...

Performance Recommendations for Facilities

Introduction The data relating to the operational problems in the three facilities in Oregon shows that lack of communication and inventory control is the core cause of these problems. It can be described as below. Communications Facilities T & P claim that parts from the S facility sometimes do not...

Boeing Company’s Project, Cost & Value Management

This paper would analyze certain vital elements of these paper-including elements such as project uncertainty, risk management quality management, forecasting, budgeting, appraisal of the model, value analysis amongst some. Besides reviewing the project itself, this paper would also seek present a cross comparisons of the above elements between the Boeing...

Entrepreneurial Managers vs. Administrators

Outline The differences between the focus areas of entrepreneurial managers and administrators are the subject matter of this paper. It is seen that while entrepreneurs are the fund providers and risk bearers, administrators are concerned with assigning work and eliciting performance. Fundamentally the differences lie in risk bearing and conflict...

Odyssey Isle: Analyzing Pricing Strategies

Case study of Odyssey Isle From the Odyssey Isle’s point of view it could be said that the maximum number of stalls visited by a customer, who could be profitable at current pricing rates, would be seven, since, beyond this number, the marginal costs are greater than marginal revenues, and...

An Administrator’s Role in a Firm

Introduction The topics covered under week 4 were extremely useful and informative especially for a person who is an entrepreneur in real life. As managing director or Thai Lay fashion Company Ltd, almost all of what has been learnt this week has many practical applications for me. The two main...

Disaster Recovery. Automated Management System

Disaster Recovery Plan Exceptional Living, Inc. (ELI) is not in a position to enroll full time system administrator to solve technical issues and to make innovative changes in business continuity process. System administrator is essential for providing training to the staffs for implementing changes in business process. It is essential...

Managing Diversity: Managing Employees in Modern Organizations

Business success is achieved through a working implementation of a multi-dimensional stratagem that will harness the efficiencies of the entirety of an organization’s facets. Organizational fronts have to work together in synergy towards the accomplishment of shared and declared goals. Many organizations that have downplayed the importance of prioritizing diversity...

Entrepreneurship. Money in the Resource Equation

Entrepreneurs Entrepreneurs are the businessmen who always look for innovation and are ready to put their maximum effort to realize their objectives. They have their own inborn talent which they always look for further advancement with all possible ways. They are the drivers of the nation’s economy. Entrepreneurs are essential...

Hobbes on the Account of the State of Nature

The focal point of the paper is to present an argument that would analyze and evaluate whether Hobbes’s account of the state of nature and the social contract provides a convincing justification for political authority. Thomas Hobbes is regarded as the philosopher of modern times who instrumented the theory of...

Copier Rehabilitation Facility’s Customer Service Issues

Introduction The Charleston Copier rehabilitation facility is affected by operational problems resulting from lack of regular time interval for the arrival of copier from distributors. The supply of the copiers to be rehabilitated is in abnormal quantities. Due to these reasons specific time and material planning cannot be undertaken by...

Asset Retirement Obligations: Analysis of the Statement of Financial Accounting Standards 143

Introduction Asset retirement obligations imply liabilities to meet out the potential adverse effects on decommissioning and dismantling of long-lived assets upon the retirement of such assets. Such retirements may be at the end of the useful life of the asset or earlier following some contractual obligations. For example, in the...

Importance of Corporate Responsibility and Ethics

Introduction Corporate social responsibility (CSR) allows the society or its participants to account financially when there is a certain involvement of the monetary values or assets of organization. Financial accountancy provides us with many dimensions to identify and communicate issues of public interest to both internal and external stakeholders. This...

Oriental Organic Garments Company’s Marketing Plan

Executive Summary The Oriental Organic Garments is a garment manufacturing company in London. It is engaged in production of garments from 100% organically grown cotton. For exploiting the increasing trend of organic cotton garments among the consumer segments in UK, the company aims to follow appropriate marketing and financial strategies....

ABC Company: Cash Flow Performance

Executive Summary As on jan1, 2007 ABC had paid up capital of $100m and $10m as retained earnings. ABC planned well and enhanced the total equity to a level of $190m by the end of Dec. 31, 2007. The company raised capital during the year as well as operational profits...

Employee Behavior: Consequences and Motivation

Motivation is normally defined as a force that drives a person towards a goal. In the world of business, motivation is to drive the employee towards enhanced productivity by exploiting the abilities to the maximum potential, by improving the job performance. It becomes self-explanatory that it is the job of...

Thai-Lay Company Funding the New Venture

Introduction Thai-Lay company is intending to establish a new venture in London, UK. The establishment of the new venture of Thai- Lay requires large amount of initial fund investment. Procurement of financial resources economically is a critical success factor for the new venture. There are two important source of finance...

The Coca-Cola Environmental Sustainability Claims

Introduction Sustainability is understood as the process of maintaining change with regard to environmental concerns. This approach encompasses the exploitation of resources, investments in lean manufacturing, and smart use of technology. Coca-Cola is one of the major players in the food industry that is trying to uphold the image of...

Implications of Educational Attainment on Stress Level in Job

The aim of the study is to ascertain the implication of occupational status, gender, and self-concept on levels of job-related stress. The demographic to be surveyed are bank workers in Lagos state. Three hypotheses, out of which the third suffices the topic in discussion, were used and relevant data analysis...

Management Accounting and Other Organizational Functions

Introduction It is the devising and analysing business processes, making budgets, doing forecasting, introducing internal controls and monitoring the same and evaluating, synthesising and compiling information mainly to derive economic value. It is an accounting technique employed for the development, management and implementation of decision-making process of a business entity....

Accounting and Financial Processes in an Organization

Abstract Accounting and Finance is a very important function of any business either for profit-making or for non-profit making institutions. It provides an avenue where a business analyses its operations in terms of what they own, what comes, and what goes out. Butt(2008) defines accounting as ” a service activity...

Ergonomic Injuries: a Case Study

Introduction Ergonomic injuries are musculoskeletal disorders of the muscles, nerves, tendons, ligaments, joints, cartilage, and spinal disc. They are risk factors directly or indirectly related to the work environment thus referred to as work-related musculoskeletal disorders. How a risk factor causes injury is usually through the accumulation of pressure to...

Financing Sources for Your Venture

Outline This paper deals with a preferred source of financing venture called public offerings or IPO’s (In the event of an initial issue). It embodies better use of funds and a large financial canvas for corporate business houses to fructify results and prospects. While there are inherent and acquired benefits...

Risk Management and Business Principles

The aspect of Risk Management is placing a major role in BSSL business in various fields such as weather, environmental suitability, oil and energy, financial, real estate, leisure& recreation, property, manufacturing. Risk Management is involved in adopting and applying a systematic process to identify, analyze, evaluate, treat and monitor risks...

Employee Motivation: Rewards, Goals, Empowerment

Introduction Motivation is the process where the internal needs of an individual are met through actions and behaviors. The enhancement of employees’ motivation proves to be one of the challenging tasks of any management. It is through motivation that a company can easily meet its objectives by improving the performance...

Venture Founders Prepare for the Due Diligence and Evaluation

Introduction Starting a new venture is an exciting and risky proposition. It requires a lot of effort and patience to get things moving until the venture opens for business. Many factors like finance, capital, technology, products, plant and machinery, premises, legal and statutory issues, buildings etc have to be tackled....

Information System and Organisation Change Analysis

General Description Topic and area of application In this paper Peter G. W. Keen (1981) examines how organisational change is implemented. In today’s competitive era, information system management plays an important role in bringing about quality and product differentiation, therefore it become imperative for the organisations to implement the technological...

Thai-Lay Fashion Company Ltd.’s Financial Management

Introduction All organizations invest in items like land machinery and other assets as a part of conducting business and for further expansion and increasing profitability and efficiency. The process of deciding which asset to buy or whether to buy it or not is usually referred to as capital investment decisions....

T Facility’s Performance Assessment

Identification of Problems The T facility has a single major customer to whom over 98% of its production is sold out. Shipments to this customer are covered by long term contract. As per the terms and conditions of this contract, facility requires virtually the same quantity to be shipped every...

Accounting Ethics. IMA Standards and Support

Stakeholder’s position United Thermostatic Controls is engaged in the manufacturing and marketing of residential and commercial thermostats. Appliance efficiency averages establish lower power levels for appliances and may forbid the sale of less effective models. More severe appliance efficiency standards would make power efficiency developments less costly by implement new...

Organisational Culture Influence on Employee Engagement

Abstract Most of the organizations have their unique ways of distinguishing themselves from the rest as Brown (2002) states. They have an organisation culture that helps in the development of their organisation. These organisation cultures benefits the employees and the company itself (brown, 2002). Some of them are meant to...

Personal Leadership Development in an Organization

Introduction Leadership is one of the most important concepts in organizational behavior study because it determines the main approaches of management and performance. There are numerous theories of leadership which describe the process of leading, controlling and motivating others. Each theory has its unique value as it describes personal qualities...

NTCL: Human Resource Management

Introduction Northern Transportation Company Limited is Northern Canada’s oldest and largest Arctic marine operative and Canada’s largest barging corporation. For more than 70 years it has provided trustworthy and necessary marine transportation services to consumers and resources examination projects along the Mackenzie River in the Northwest Territories and crossways the...

Nuts!: Southwest Airlines’ Business Success

The book “Nuts!” Southwest Airlines’ proposes a unique history of one of the most successful American airlines, Southwest Airlines. The book consists of four parts divided on separate chapters. Each chapter is devoted to a certain stage of economic and organizational development of the company. The aim of the book...

The Application of Home Automation System

Abstract This is a report that deals with all kinds of information related to the application of home automation system. The paper has been structured to see the possibilities and the process for the installation of home automation system. The matters related to its advantages and disadvantages are well discussed...

The Problems in Managing Employees in Modern Organizations

Briefing paper background Organizational Theory and studies focus on the systematic explorations of; and analysis of how people as individuals and as groups function within organizational operational frameworks. Robbins, Stephen P. adds that “In this view Human resource management is thus viewed as a strategic and coherent approach to the...

American Express. Customer Service Operations and Excellence

The need for strategy change for American express From the case study, American express had previously concentrated on getting as many clients as possible, and then having little regard for the onwards. This is fatal for any customer oriented business, and had severe consequences, as shown by the drop in...

Creating a Corporate Style Guide for Employees

Style guide is a document of lessons presented by the companies for its employees for writing and providing suggestions for writing styles and presenting of the documents. Style guides give suggestions to the employees on the best option they can use to prepare their document and include the information specifically...

Ford and the Firestone Tire Setback

The controversy the surrounds the relations between two companies –Ford and Firestone has raised a lot of arguments and opinions. The facts, the background, and the setback were several of many aspects of the scandal. This essay analyzes the aspects of Ford and the Firestone tire setback along with providing...

Multinational Corporation’s Business Factors in China

There are rules and regulations for companies interested in doing business in China. The rules or the factors to consider before investing in this country are as follows. Foreign investment rules: A company should look for the application procedure for establishment of any investment in the country, the period an...

Deontology, Christianity and Codes of Conduct

The ET Section 54 – Article III stipulates the idea of “Integrity” in accounting profession and its main issues. Subsection “,4” states: “Integrity also requires a member to observe the principles of objectivity and independence and of due care.” (AICPA, 2008). This principle stipulates that accountants should understand their responsibilities...

Capital Budgeting Project of Abel Athletics

Viability of new equipment The proposed acquisition of new manufacturing equipment has been assessed using various capital budgeting tools. The tools used to evaluate the viability of the project are the payback period, net present value, and internal rate of return, and modified internal rate of return. The following analysis...

The Ohio’s Manufacturing Environment: Lost Time Accident Rates

Outline This study seeks to consider the positive impact of correlation between lost time accidents and corporations’ annual profit share margin in the Ohio manufacturing industry. The methodology that has been used seeks to interview heads of 50 main manufacturing industries in Ohio, and their opinions about this issue and...

Purchasing a Business Intelligence System

Introduction The success of a company in the highly competitive environment of today depends on many factors such as choice of customers, choice of products and services, choice of the most effective sales channels for specific products, finding ways to boost the results of marketing campaigns, improving customer loyalty, retaining...

Cafeteria Plan: Main Principles and Usefulness

Introduction Finance is a decisive point in the budget of every business company that aims at being successful and highly developed. When proper attention is paid to the financial affairs of a company, it develops in the right direction and uses its funds with the highest degree of efficiency. Finance...

Information Systems. Electrical Contracting Industry

Introduction The electrical contracting industry consists of companies which offer services in installing fixed electrical wirings and fittings for electricity, lights, security alarms, equipment for communications and security systems. The electrical contracting industry and market is inseparable from the other main building and construction sub sectors like housing, communications, industrial...

Cultural Influences and Managing Organizational Change and Development

How Did the Organization Handle Change Change is a way of life and is intrinsic for existence and growth of human society. It is also essential for corporate performance in order that companies align themselves to face competition in a fast changing world. Globalization and more effective deployment of e-commerce,...

Employee Motivation and Reward in Entrepreneurial Firm

Introduction: There is a well accepted saying that employees are an organization’s greatest assets. Any successfully and professionally run organization needs that contribution of its employees in order to remain like that. For efficient employee performance a proper system of employee motivation and rewards should be in place. This paper...

Semco Engineering and Grimsville Borough Council’s Management

Introduction Organizational culture and climate, morale, and human relations have a great impact on the performance of the organization and its business success. The fact that people work together for a common purpose is not enough to justify calling them a team because there is more to a team than...

E-Business Changes Organisation-Customer Relationships

Introduction Peter Drucker the world famous marketing authority has bee quoted as saying that the purpose of any business to create customers. In times of rising globalization and competition, the customer has become more important than ever before. Managing customers is never an easy task since they are comprised of...

Asda Stores’ Business and Management

Asda Stores (UK) is a subsidiary of one of the United Kingdom’s largest supermarket retailers, Asda Group plc, which also operates Allied Maples Carpet and Furnishing Stores and Gazely Properties, a commercial property development company. The company also retains a 25% stake in MFI, a furniture retailer, resulting from a...

Performance Management: Aspects and the Levels

Performance management is a cyclical process that is usually aimed at improving the performance of either a performing group or individuals or to further improve good performers. This is meant to deal with the attainment of the core business objectives. Performance management can be used to uplift the standards of...

Advantages and Implementation of Test Marketing

Introduction Test Marketing, if properly implemented, can help marketers to make sound judgments about the widespread introduction of their products in their right manner. Although critics might say that it becomes a reason of extended expenses that would be added to the costs of the system, the benefits that it...

Crystal Pool Resort’s Analysis

Problem According to Gregory (2003), proper management in the area of human resources is found to be the one that helps the manager in charge of the human resource be able to utilize the potentials the employees have to achieve the overall objective of the company. Break down in this...

Operations Management in Thai-Lay Fashion Company Ltd.

Operations management is an important function in any organization even though it might not be termed as such in small and medium-sized businesses. “Operations management focuses on carefully managing the processes to produce and distribute products and services.” (McNamara, 1997-2008). This indicates that any process in an organization that needs...

Thai-Lay Company’s Business Plan Outline

The industry: Thai-Lay Company is planning to enter in the UK garment industry. The UK garment industry is providing large number of customers having different tastes and needs. Therefore, Thai-Lay Company can ensure business growth in the industry. Industry and company: Thai-Lay Company’s business objective is to market good quality...

Examination of Pressure on All Firms to Become Larger

Introduction Modern age and time have witnessed an explosion of a continuous pattern of small firms to expand their territories. The phenomenon is equally similar to large businesses. The pressures on small and medium-size enterprises largely emanate from internal as external forces such as market trends. The pressure to expand...

Juan Evo Morales Ayma & Hugo Rafael Chávez Frías

Hugo Rafael Chávez Frías, born on July 28, 1954, is the reigning President of Venezuela. As the leader of the Bolivarian Revolution, Chávez preaches a political doctrine of “democratic socialism” and “Latin American integration”. He is also a well-known critic of neoliberalism, United States foreign policy, and globalization. Chávez, founded...

Managing the Marketing Environment

Marketing Marketing is the process of planning and executing the concept, price, promotion, and distribution of ideas, goods, and services to meet individual or customer and organizational objectives. The five important concepts in marketing are production concept, product concept, selling concept, marketing concept, and holistic marketing concept. In the product...

Shortage of Skilled Workers and Its Impacts in Middle East Construction Industry

Introduction In recent times, the construction industry in the Middle East has been facing the risk of rising labour cost and labour shortages, which in turn is squeezing up the smaller contractors. It has primarily been driven by an elevated liquidity environment because of high petroleum revenue, the government’s idea...

Business Planning Process for Entrepreneurs

Introduction Business plan is the written description of the future of a business. It is a tool for entrepreneurs to realise their business goals. Entrepreneurs can use the business plan for coordinating the human resource personnel towards the business goals. Managers can be directed properly through well prepared business plans....

Supply Chain of ERP Company

Executive summary Supply chains are very important in any business organization since they play a very vital role in the operations of the business organization. The ERP Company from the analysis of the company’s situation seems to lack a properly organized supply chain and for that reason, it seems to...

A Management Accounting Analysis of the Organisation

Introduction Business management is a systematic process of four combined activities such formulating strategies, communicating these strategies throughout the organization, developing and carrying out tactics to implement the strategies and developing and implementing controls to monitor the success of the strategy in terms of achieving strategic objectives of the organization....

Safe Mint UK Limited: Strategy and History

Introduction Safe Mint UK Limited manufactures steel shipping containers since 1902. It was inherited by Samson Mint who is the acting chief executive of the company and holds the majority of shares in the company. It has a workforce of four hundred and seven people of which three hundred are...

St. Louis: Rocky Mountain Rendezvous by Gowans

St Louis fur trade represents a unique and one of the most interesting pages in the history of the city. At the beginning of the 19th century, the fur trade in this region was connected with Rocky Mountain Fur Company, established in 1823. The book Rocky Mountain Rendezvous by Gowans...

SmithKline Beecham: Marketing Research

Executive Summary SmithKline Beecham is a healthcare organization that manufactures prescribed drugs as well as a range of non-medical products (for instance, toothpaste). The organization has a firm position in the world market; however, recently the number of consumers, the company used to have, has started declining. Contemporary business organizations...

Recommendations for the Vice President of Claire’s Antiques

Introduction This paper aims to propose two recommendations for the Vice President of Claire’s Antiques after examination of the related information. The first recommendation deals with the role of performance measures in an organization and the second are on the functions of managerial accounting and the external uses of accounting....

Ethics and Audit Risks of Auditing Fraudulent Financial Statements

According to section 110 of Responsibility and Functions of the independent Auditors states that “The auditor has a responsibility to plan and perform the audit to obtain reasonable assurance about whether the financial statement is free of material misstatements, whether caused by error of fraud”. This section clearly provides guidelines...

SWOT of Mi Tenda

Introduction Mi Tenda is a small independent grocery store that has been started with a strong strategic vision to serve customers with a “friendly like neighbors” attitude. As a part of development strategy, an important task is to conduct a SWOT analysis. It should be remembered that the competitors of...

Ashoka Incorporation: Employees Motivation

Any businessman or manager working in any organization in simply any industry has to encounter the problem of employee motivation. Employers or managers need to monitor and control all the employees working under them for their level of productivity. Normally, employees lose interest in their job as the level of...

Development of Financial Forecasts in Organizations

Most organization prepares long term plans so as to enhance effective of accomplishment of goals and objectives that are useful for the growth and development of an organization. Forecasting refers to the process of predicting the future and market trends while using existing data and facts in an organization. The...

Sexual Harassment in the Workplace and Complaint Procedure

Introduction Sexual harassment refers to a form of discrimination that is directed towards a person because of his or her sex i.e. being a male or female. This form of discrimination is a serious manifestation of the power differences that exists between the person who experiences harassment and the perpetrator...

Technology One Limited Explained

Abstract Technology One Limited has been providing deeply and much more comprehensive integrated business enterprise software solutions for more than twenty years. The company develops, market, sell, implement, and support the world with fully integrated software solutions. The solutions of the company are based on the leading edge, state of...

Attracting Consumers with Blogs, Vigilante and Counter-Blog Marketing

Introduction Vigilante marketing, blogs, and counter-blog marketing are new marketing tools to attract large audiences of consumers. Modern consumers do not necessarily desire governmental regulation of business and marketing activity; however, the increased intervention will result from the unresponsive business policy. The following articles present corporate responses to consumer problems...

Risks to Staff Motivation and Morale

In every organization culture determines the ways of performance and interaction between employees, communication and climate, morale and satisfaction. Following Foster-Fishman and Keys (1997): “Organizational culture refers to the shared system of meaning that guides organizational members’ believing, thinking, perceiving, and feeling, ultimately directing their behavior”. New proposals and changes...

Employee Motivation: Self-Directed Work Teams

Introduction Self-managed or directed works teams are designed to achieve a common goal. Individuals assigned to such teamwork intensively to achieve this common goal and are assumed to have the skill set required to complete their job. Like any working group, there are positives and negatives. This paper focuses on...

Walt Disney Application Form

There are times in life when the normal approach of day-to-day workings change in order to make amendments to procedure that would be fruitful in future. Similarly, there are occasions when one tries too hard to accomplish elements that are otherwise regular under different circumstances. Such an occurrence took place...

Worker-Centered Learning in Organization

Introduction Work centered learning is a feature of an adaptive institute or organization, it is usually utilized by organizations that are able to forecast and see the coming changes in their internal and external environment and hence contracts the assistance of specialists in order to help their workers and clients...

Equipment Corporation Plant: Managerial Attitudes

Introduction Digital Equipment Corporation Plant represents a unique environment marked by specific internal and external factors, culture and industrial settings. in order to give recommendations for change and redesign, it is important to analyze and evaluate the current state of affairs and possible problems affecting the management and the staff....

Economics & Human Resource Management: Outsourcing

Introduction Outsourcing involves the subcontracting of a process of either a product design, manufacturing, or a third party company to an external service provider. Outsourcing is done to direct the energy towards the benefits of the business. It can also involve making good use of land, labor, capital, resources, and...

Human and Other Assets for Business: Marketing Aspects

The marketing strategies and other aspects of the Oriental Organic Garments Company are being taken up for discussion and analysis. It is seen that this Company now wished to make forays into a wider market, both national and in the global context. In this paper, the marketing aspects in terms...

Human Resources. Managing and Leading People

Introduction Managing and leading people is one of the tasks that are very much challenging, many managers and leaders in the organization have faced many challenges when dealing with the people they lead. Managing and leading people is not that easy since one has to deal with different people from...

Health Insurance for Employees

Health Insurance is a very important aspect for every individual. However, it is reported that the workers in Nickel and Dimed receive almost no benefits – no paid vacation or holidays, no sick or overtime pay, no retirement benefits, and no health insurance. This is certainly not a fair situation....