Bias: Clinical Trial, Pragmatic and Explanatory Trials

Bias in Clinical Trial It is a challenging task for researchers to conduct a study that will be credible, mainly when it refers to large clinical trials. In this case, scholars should overcome various kinds of bias to make their work free from possible errors. Thus, “Effect of Behavioral Interventions...

Santa Barbara Lands: Analyzing Biome and Land Use Trends

Selected Area Description The selected area for the Biome Project is the small city Santa Barbara, California, on the Western coast. The town is located near the coastal line and has borders with natural resorts and reservations. Moreover, the city has no evident or visible sights of agricultural land or...

Comparing Correlation Coefficients: Features and Uses

Table Table 1. Four Correlation Coefficients and their Comparisons. Statistical Method What the Statistical Method/Test Measures What type of research question would best apply to this method? Pearson’s r This is the parametric coefficient for determining relationships between variables, including their direction and magnitude, and making inferences about correlations between...

Involving the Health Care System in Domestic Violence

Introduction Title Involving the Health Care System in Domestic Violence: What Women Want. Based on the topic, Usta, Antoun, Ambuel, and Khawaja (2012) are likely to discuss the strategic role of health care professionals in tackling the problem of domestic violence in order to ease the suffering of women. Also,...

Concepts of Validity and Reliability in Research

Introduction Validity refers to the degree to which counts from a measurement stand for the variable they are meant for. Conversely, the term reliability denotes the constancy of an investigation or test. These two concepts go hand in hand during research and contribute to the credibility of the investigation. This...

Critiquing Quantitative & Qualitative Studies on Pressure Ulcer Prevention

Quantitative Study The quantitative research study that is to be critiqued is the one written by Pickham et al. in 2018. The researchers highlighted the problem of hospital-acquired pressure ulcers (HAPUs) and the benefits which routine patient-turning practices failed to demonstrate. The purpose of the study was to evaluate the...

Survey Tools for Quantitative Binge Drinking Studies

Introduction Surveys can assist in collecting diverse types of information for varied types of studies, including quantitative ones. This paper will follow the development of a survey tool that is meant for a quantitative project dedicated to binge drinking. Two online surveys will be analyzed, and their examples, along with...

Transport for London: Marketing Analytics

Sampling Scheme The appropriate sampling scheme that Transport for London (TfL) should use in surveying attitudes and preferences of passengers for Night Tube services is stratified method. Since TfL lacks a sampling frame, the use of the stratified sampling method would allow the categorization of passengers into distinct groups with...

Forensics of Fire and Explosions Critique

Reading the work by Professor Fred Smith on the forensics of fire and explosions compelled me to gain deeper insights on the field and the scientific community around it. First and foremost, the paper was eye-revealing in regards to the importance of scientific evidence in the criminal justice system. To...

Evidence-Based Practice Project: Quasi-Experimental Designs Analysis

The research methodology that would be most suitable for the evidence-based practice project is quantitative quasi-experimental. Quasi-experimental designs characteristically enable the researcher to align the project with the treatment situation while employing another criterion apart from the random assignment (Heinen, Mackett, van Wee, Ogilvie, & Panter, 2018). Because the project...

How Science Is Demarcated from Pseudoscience

The main reason why I choose to discuss this topic is that, as time goes on, it is likely to become ever more discursively relevant. The growing popularity of different pseudoscientific ideas/pursuits amongst both the ordinary citizens and socially prominent policy-makers substantiates the validity of this suggestion. While exploring the...

Obesity in African-American Women: Methodology

Introduction The problem of obesity in African-American women aged between 40 and 65 continues growing and challenging many nurses and public health workers. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (2017), approximately 56% of black women older than 20 are obese and required additional medical help to manage...

Appraising Evidence with EBSCO, CINAHL, MEDLINE, and PubMed: A Guide

Abstract The paper reports the results of the evidence search conducted by using two databases: EBSCO/CINAHL and Medline/Pubmed. The purposes of the assignment, as well as search criteria, are briefly stated in the introduction. The following section, Methods, and Results, describes the tools and approaches used during the search and...

How to Make a Good Research Project?

What is a Research Project? It is a particular type of academic assignment that requires studying an issue of interest to contribute to theoretical or practical knowledge. The paramount goal of the research project is to examine a topic in an in-depth manner, integrate the available evidence, and produce new...

Beryl Mineral’s Physical Properties

Introduction Beryl is a mineral composed mainly of beryllium aluminum cyclosilicate. However, traces of cesium, lithium, and sodium can be found in beryl. The gemstone originates from igneous, metamorphic rocks. It has a refractive index ranging from 1.57 to 1.58 and a specific gravity of 2.6 to 2.92 (Sultana &...

Real-Life Applications of Statistics: Beyond Classroom Perceptions

Introduction Numerous students of different ages who study statistics admit that this course is boring. They stipulate that this subject is based on unrealistic materials that are not useful. However, in-depth insight into statistics and its underlying principles can show that this discipline offers some helpful information that can be...

U.S. Misinformation Crisis: Scheufele & Krause Study

The problem of public misinformation has become surprisingly common in the U.S. setting, causing numerous clashes between citizens. The study by Scheufele and Krause (2019) seeks to analyze the process of becoming misinformed about basic scientific knowledge, which seems to have become an issue in the American social environment. Specifically,...

Activated Charcoal Detox: Myths and Science Behind Claims

In Medical News Today, Caporuscio published a news article, in which she stated that the use of activated charcoal should not be promoted for all people because of side effects. However, the author did not comment on the idea of detoxification in itself. There is a popular trend to use...

Steven Kidder: Expert in Structural Geology at City College, NY

Steven Kidder is an assistant professor of Earth and Atmospheric Sciences at the City College of New York. He received a doctorate from the University of California Institute of Technology in 2012 and a master’s degree from Arizona University. These accomplishments allowed Mr. Kidder to specialize in structural geology, which...

Switching Majors and the Probability of Degree Completion

Introduction In today’s increasingly competitive and high-paced educational and working environment it can be very difficult for students to make a good decision as for the choice of their primary major. For this reason, there exists a phenomenon of changing academic majors, which can have both a positive and negative...

Exploring Light Spectrum Using Spectroscope

Introduction The light spectrum is the combination of all the wavelengths of energy produced by a light source. Three types of the spectrum can describe almost every light source: continuous, absorption, and emission. A continuous spectrum is emitted by hot objects, such as light bulbs or flames. If dark lines...

Telephone-Based Support for Post-discharge Breastfeeding Mothers

Data Collection The proposed research project is focused on the following PICOT statement: (P) – new mothers after a vaginal delivery; (I) – lactation support phone calls after discharge; (C) – patients receiving no intervention; (O) – the increased chances of breastfeeding success; (T) – six weeks after delivery. Since...

Calculating Sample Sizes in Clinical Research: Methodologies and Importance

Introduction The PICOT question for this study is “In children with asthma between the ages of 5 and 19 (P), does a combination program consisting 5 weeks of education sessions, once per week including children and their families in the primary care setting and a daily controller medication (I) compared...

An Atomic Radio Receiver

Introduction The history of electromagnetic waves being used for communication is rather long. People have been receiving and sending signals since the end of the nineteenth century. The style of the antenna used for radio received has been the same for many years as well (Emerging Technology from the arXiv)....

Research Methods for Nursing and Healthcare

Sample and Setting The researcher will sample nurses and congestive heart failure patients at Jackson Memorial Hospital in Miami, Florida. Nurses will be sampled from the hospital’s department of cardiology. They have to have worked in this department for at least five years. They will provide their expert opinion on...

Sexual Assault Coverage in Professional vs. Non-Professional Articles

Journals are an important source of information that can provide individuals with facts, data, or knowledge they need to improve the understanding of a particular aspect or issue. However, during the research, it is critical to take into account the fact that there are various types of works preconditioned by...

Robert Hooke’s Contributions to Modern Science

Introduction Robert Hooke was one of the most significant scientists of the 17th century. While his research and discoveries were often argued by his rival Isaac Newton, it is impossible to question the importance of his developments in such fields as physics, astronomy, biology, and medicine. This outstanding figure had...

Birth of Massive Black Holes in the Early Universe

In astronomy, there are a lot of investigations that are connected to the study of massive black hole sources in the universe. The present paper on astronomy offers an overview of an article entitled Birth of Massive Black Holes in the Early Universe, published on January 23, 2019, on the...

Quantitative Trials & Sampling Techniques for Hospital Readmissions

The relevance and validity of data used as evidence depend strongly on the research method used by the research team. Both the research design and the sampling method have a significant influence on the applicability and reliability of the results. The following paper describes the most common research design related...

Repeatability and Reproducibility Analysis

The introduction of reproducibility and repeatability as the means to remove the threats of machine errors as well as human ones is crucial to the performance of a company. Herein lies the importance of carrying out the corresponding analyses typically known as gage studies (Pyzdek & Keller, 2014). Considering the...

Peer Review Cycle: Conducting Research & Data Analysis

In the peer review cycle, the first important point is conducting the actual research. This is imperative because it helps one to have a critical perspective of the issue at hand and how its implication on the field of study. This acts as a determinant of the next steps in...

Factor Analysis vs. Principal Components Analysis

One of the main differences between factor analysis (FA) and principal components analysis (PCA) is that FA attempts to find “unobserved variables” (factors) in a set of original variables, whereas PCA transforms the existing variables into several new variables (components) (Field, 2013, sec. 17.3.0-17.3.2; Warner, 2013, p. 830). Therefore, in...

Adler’s Children: Individual Psychology Theory

After birth, children start to make assumptions about their surrounding environments. A child’s position in a given family will dictate his or her developmental process. It is also notable that children will develop unique personalities based on a number of motivations, observations, and experiences. That being the case, parents have...

Miami-Dade County in Florida: Geological History

Introduction Geology is a natural science which studies soil and its composition, including rocks and minerals. It focuses strongly on the transformation of the Earth’s geology over the 4.5 billion years of its existence as it underwent a continuous change and cataclysmic events, which have formed the composition of the...

Statistics: Dummy and Orthogonal-Coded Regression

Introduction The current paper provides the results of two multiple regressions performed on the same data but using different types of coding of dummy variables: dummy coding and orthogonal coding. After the description of the data file and after testing the regressions’ assumptions, the research questions, hypotheses, and the alpha...

Various Forms of the t-Test: Independent & Paired Samples

Various Forms of the t-Test A t-test is a procedure utilized to assess whether the means of two measurements statistically differ from one another. The independent samples t-test is employed when it is needed to choose samples from two different populations; the populations have a common variable but may differ...

Application of T-Tests and F-Tests

Application of t-Tests A research question that can be addressed by using an independent samples t-test about the area of General Psychology is as follows: “Are married couples (both spouses aged 18-25) that have no children and live separately from their parents have fewer quarrels than those married couples (both...

Group Meeting Analysis: Responsibilities, Interactions, and Leadership

I have recently attended a group meeting in my community, which aimed at the discovery of the necessity of the vegetation in the area. In this instance, the group consisted out of six members, and I could freely observe their interactions. The primary goal of this assignment is to conduct...

Case Study Methodology in Qualitative Research

Selecting Methodologies Qualitative studies focus on trends and meanings, opinions, and attitudes. One of the most common and very effective methodologies is the case study. The case study concentrates on the investigation of a phenomenon, including but not confined to an individual, a program, class, a group of people (Lichtman,...

Guiding Research Design: Quantitative vs. Qualitative Study

How Does a Research Problem/Question Guide the Determination to Conduct a Quantitative versus a Qualitative Research Study? The description of a specific research problem or how a research question is formulated defines the selection of the study design since the nature of the analysis is encoded in the research question...

Descriptive Statistics Measurement: Quantitative and Qualitative Variables

Gas prices is a ratio variable because it has an absolute zero (Patten and Newhart 117), and it is possible to make up a meaningful ratio from two of its different values. For example, a price of gas of $100 per unit is two times as high as the price...

Evidence Value and Research Design

It is important to determine the validity and reliability of the research instruments when reading a research study. How does the validity and reliability of an instrument influence the credibility of the study and the value of the evidence? When carrying out research, one must make sure that the value...

Social Research Methods and Common Mistakes

Introduction Identifying research questions and subsequent hypotheses may present difficulties for researchers, especially for those who do not have sufficient experience in scholarly investigations (Wollman 2013). The most common mistakes made during this process are related to the scope of the research problem. The first type of difficulty is mistaking...

Science Communication and Public Understanding

In NASA/TREK, Constance Penley proposes a “popular science” approach that engages science communication by emphasizing the importance of fantasy, entertainment, and popular culture. Choose a popular depiction of space travel – real or fictional – and discuss its significance to you in light of Penley’s approach to popular science. Use...

Students’ Ethnicity, Performance and Intelligence

The problem of discrimination in the educational setting according to the race and ethnicity factor is very controversial, and researchers are interested in discussing the presence or absence of differences in minority students’ intelligence and abilities to demonstrate the high academic performance. While focusing on this problem, it is necessary...

Training, Stress and Performance: Study Findings

People often need to work and interact in stressful environments, and it is necessary to investigate whether techniques for decreasing stress levels can help people resolve complex tasks under pressure. The research involving participants with different life stress levels is designed to determine whether specific training can affect people’s performance...

Statistics for Professional Psychologists

Statistics plays an important role in the professional expertise of a psychologist. It is a necessity for a psychologist to possess at least a basic understanding of statistics in order to comply with the ethical duty of competence, even if they do not use statistics in their daily work. Without...

Made Ground’s Characteristics

Abstract The main aim of the paper is to categorize and classify the different forms of the made grounds. As made grounds are a category of the artificial man-made ground, the paper first delineates the different areas of the artificial ground and how the made ground can further be classified....

Research on Hotel Chains’ Marketing Strategies and Social Media Impact

Overview The major reason as to why the researcher took the initiative of conducting this research was to establish the manner in which the hotel chains support their product differentiation through the use of marketing as well as social media. The exploration of hotel chains’ marketing approaches in a strategic...

Teaching Evaluation Using a Mixed-Methods Analysis

Methodology The authors utilized a multiphase mixed method to examine the context-based legality (i.e. subject legality and sampling legality) and hypothesis-based legality (i.e. substantive legality, natural legality, result legality, and generalizability) of an instruction assessment instrument through evaluating learners’ views regarding features of successful institution tutors (Onwuegbuzie et al., 2007)....

Understanding Deductive vs. Inductive Inference in Logical Reasoning

In his discussion on induction, Hume suggests that inductive argumentation is fatally flawed because it must always “argue in a circle”. In your own words, and with reference to Hume’s article, explain what you think Hume means by this In this case, Hume wants to argue that humans make inductive...

Matrix and Tests of Validity and Reliability

TEST of Reliability Application and APPROPRIATENESS Strengths Weaknesses Internal Consistency Multiple experiments Accurate Reduce confounding effects Reduce external validity Expensive to conduct Split-half Comparative study Eliminates business Minimizes errors Low reliability Prone to confounding variables Test/retest Prospective study Consistency and variability Confirmation of findings Inaccuracy of intervals Lack of significant...

Nottingham’s TAO Study: Insights into Art Organization and Community Engagement

Executive Summary The art business contributes very much to the development of the country because of its adherence to diversity, non-profit nature, and role in nurturing the various talents. This is because the organization offers many services for prospective consumers to choose from. Indeed, the art organization (TAO) is well...

Real-Time Blog Commenting Capabilities and Their Impact on Engagement

Correlations Relationship between assertiveness and the tendency to express anger openly What are the means and standard deviations of the two variables, “rath” and “about”? For a total of 65 subjects, the mean for “rath” is 3.3902 with a standard deviation of.4330. On the other hand, 63 subjects had a...

How to Formulate and Test Scientific Hypotheses Effectively

Hypothesis is a proposed expression of experimental phenomena. A scientific hypothesis needs to be tested to qualify as a hypothesis. However, mathematically a hypothesis is referred to as an idea whose value needs assessment. Hypothesis can be used in prediction through reasoning. It can predict the result of a test...

Typical Components of a Scholarly Research Report

Typical components of a scholarly research report Journal articles are used widely by the scientists in their work for various reasons which include; creating awareness, teaching, and conducting research work. Over the last three decades, the number of journal articles read has significantly increased due to the steady increase in...

Understanding the Significance of Standard Scores in Sampling Distributions

Z-values, also known as standard scores, can be defined as the elements that allow defining whether “the number of standard deviations the original measurement is from the mean” (Brase and Brase “Normal Curves and Sampling Distributions” 62). Herein their significance lies. For the same reason the specified elements do not...

Essential Elements of Hypothesis Testing and Statistical Proportions

Type I and type II errors associated with hypothesis testing According to Brase and Brase, the type I error occurs when the correct null hypothesis is rejected (Brase and Brase 394). The type II error, in its turn, can be attributed to the situations when the false null hypothesis is...

Leadership and Ethical Issues in Capital Vet Clinic

The Capital Veterinarian Clinic (CVC) is a facility that is located in Sacramento, California, and it is oriented to providing high-quality veterinary services in the community. Currently, the organization’s hierarchy is headed by Dr. Marissa Sandoval, the Clinic Director, who supervises the operations in the CVC. The work of nine...

Which Hemisphere Has More Ocean Surface Area?

Compare the distribution of oceans between the northern and southern hemispheres. Which hemisphere has more ocean surface area than the other? Since the surface of the Earth is far from being even, the distribution of oceans is not quite equal between the two hemispheres. Taking a closer look at the...

Artifacts: Sentimental Objects and Personal Identity

Artifacts People surround themselves with objects which reveal their cultural background and identity. People live in society and they are brought up by some rules and values, which are represented by numerous objects (Sole, 2011). For example, my friend has a baseball in his room. This object occupies a central...

Three Types of Human Knowledge

I agree with the conclusion of the essay by Wolf. Mathematical knowledge and philosophical knowledge go hand in hand. One effect can in no way unmistakably proceed from a particular cause than in the case where a quantity of an effect is equivalent to the power created by the cause....

Hybrid Teaching Approach: Research Methodology

Qualitative Design Research Design and Approach In order to investigate the effectiveness of the hybrid method of teaching vis a vis face-to-face and pure online learning methods, I propose to use a research design that incorporates both qualitative and quantitative techniques. A combination of these two approaches will enable the...

Heat Transfer Rates in a Hot Jet: Experimental Findings

Abstract The experiment is aimed at determining the heat transfer rates in a hot jet. The reasons for the hot jet to have different heat rates in different areas will be determined. The experiment has shown that, due to convection issues caused by impingement, heat conduction did not occur properly....

Understanding Stratified Random Sampling Techniques

The use of stratified random sampling Stratified random sampling is a method of sampling where the entire population has a particular number of elements. The entire population is divided into small manageable units. These divisions are referred to as strata. The division may be done according to age, gender, religion,...

Validity and Reliability of Psychological Tests

Introduction Validity is the effectiveness of a scale score giving a sound and meaningful reflection of what it is intended to measure while reliability is validity is the correctness of a scale score in measuring what it claims to measure. Explain the types of reliability and validity are used Test...

Population Parameters in Statistics

A population parameter and its point estimate. Population parameters refer to the statistical measures that are fixed and when used as variables, they make the population distribution descriptive hence descriptive statistics. A good example of population parameters is the mean and variance in a normal distribution. When these two variables...

Shopping Trends on Friday the 13th vs. Friday the 6th: Study Results

How do superstitions regarding Friday the 13th affect human behavior? Data are given The number of shoppers in nine different super markets in southeast England is recorded on Friday the 13th and Friday the 6th between July 1990 and November 1992. The British department of transport is the source of...

Mustang Cars’ Convertible and Price Regression Analysis

Convertible variable’s influence on asking price for used Mustang cars Scatter plot The initial assessment of the relationship between two variables is done by the pictorial representation of a scatter plot. The scatter plot for our data will be not similar to the ordinary one as the independent variable is...

Forecasting with Regression: Methods, Accuracy, and Limitations

Forecasting is a term used in economics to mean the estimation of the future state or position of a variable or a set of variables. Forecasting normally comes in handy in times of planning and making decisions for the organization about the variables in question. For instance, it could be...

Research Methodologies in Scientific Studies

There is no use denying the fact that the current stage of the development of science could be described as unique. The fact is that nowadays there are many various spheres studied by a great number of scientists to understand some regularities of their functioning and obtain knowledge that might...

Descriptive Analysis of 71 U.S. Best-Selling Beers (2007)

Executive Summary This paper supplies the results of a descriptive statistical analysis of data related to 71 best-selling brands of beer in the U.S. in 2007. The data is comprised of information about alcohol percentage, the number of calories, and the number of carbohydrates (in grams) per 12 ounces of...

An Appalachian Mountain Ecology

Introduction Mountaintop removal afflicts Appalachia in many ways featuring both positive and negative repercussions. Mining is the only economic activity in the entire community in eastern Kentucky. Reece points out that “the mountains are situated eastern Kentucky, one of the poorest places in the country, where coal mining has been...

Indoor Smoking Ban: Study Methodology

The issue of whether or not the United States should pass a nationwide ban on indoor smoking is one that has managed to elicit a lot of debate. On the one hand, some support this move. Their stand is based on the obvious health risks that smoking in general, and...

Interstellar’s New Planet: Habitable Conditions

Introduction The film, Interstellar, presents a view of a new planet that might be habitable to human beings. This reflective treatise attempts to review the aspects of this planet that may sustain human life. Specifically, the paper examines its atmosphere, size, age, and distance to the sun. The essay also...

Bias in Qualitative Research: Addressing Researcher Influence

Qualitative studies equip researchers with a valuable bulk of knowledge on various aspects of human life. At the same time, this kind of research is often associated with a considerable degree of bias due to its interpretive nature (Christensen & Brumfield, 2010). Although researchers try to remain as neutral as...

Impact of Research Approach on Study Design

The choice of the research approach is an important decision because it determines further validity and reliability of the study results. The selected approach, qualitative or quantitative, defines the research design, methods of data analysis, and generalizability of the results. Quantitative research is usually more formal, objective, and applies a...

Oil Reserve Estimation: Methods & Uncertainties

Introduction Estimation of oil reserves is important to the oil industry. It allows for future planning for fields, companies and countries. All these levels require a basis for assessing the value of a production through development of standards for determining volumes of reserves. By using probable, possible and proved reserve...

NDA-RWMD Geosphere Characterisation Project

Summary of the Report This is a critical appraisal of the NDA RWMD Geosphere Characterisation Project. The critical appraisal involves a thorough assessment of a report paper to determine the focus or objectives of the study, validity, and reliability of the study methods, the validity of results and generalization of...

Marine Sediments Types: Lithogenous, Biogenous, Hydrogenous, and Cosmogenous Sediments

The rapid rise of science and the appearance of new technologies conditioned numerous discoveries that contributed to the better comprehending of the nature of the world in which we live. Humanity acquired an opportunity to investigate numerous landscapes and environments, understand their unique peculiarities, and provide a detailed description. Yet,...

Quantitative and Qualitative Research’ Comparison

How does a research problem/question guide the determination to conduct a quantitative versus a qualitative research study? The research question directly correlates with the type of relationship under investigation. Quantitative and qualitative studies differ in their approach to examining relationships (Polt & Beck, 2017). Therefore, selecting a quantitative study for...

Sampling Strategies for Social Sciences Study

The Organizational Assessment Study leader should implement sampling strategies which Iwamoto, Crews, & Coe Company could use to collect the data they require. The data sampling strategies include the following: Probability Based Sampling Strategies Simple Random Sampling Methods In simple random sampling techniques, each component of the population is given...

New ALS Treatment: Mean Delay vs. Old Treatment

Summary Promising research shows that a new treatment will delay the progression of Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis. With the new treatment, here are the number of months by which progression of ALS is delayed: 3, 5, 6, 6, 8, 8, 9, 9, 9, 10, 11, 45 With the old treatment, the...

Psychological Issues in Long-Term Space Travel: Challenges and Solutions

The exploration of space is one of the strategic goals humanity is likely to focus on in the nearest future. Astronauts have traveled to the Moon and have spent months during quite lasting spaceflights. It has been acknowledged that long-term space travel is associated with various adverse psychological effects (Anderson,...

Galaxies Nature and Frequency

It should be noted that galaxies are the main structural components of the universe, which contain almost all of its substance that radiates in the visible area of the spectrum. Stars are born and die in galaxies, and planetary systems are formed around them. The purpose of this paper is...

Analysis of Repeated-Measures ANOVA in Raffaelli et al. (2013)

Introduction The current paper examines the results of a repeated-measures ANOVA provided in an article by Raffaelli et al. (2013). The brief information about the article is provided; the assumptions for the test are articulated, and it is assessed whether they were checked in the article; the research questions and...

Teaching Influence: Shaping Minds in Science and Culture

Modern science Modern science has affected the way people live in industrialized nations in several ways. It has led to better and faster means of transport ranging from road transport, through rail and water transport to air transport. The improved transport system eases the movement of people within nationally and...

Nate Silver’s Insights: Predicting the Future with Bayes’ Theory

Introduction Authored by Nate Silver, the book ‘The Signal and the Noise: Why Some Predictions Fail, but Some Don’t’ is an informative piece that discusses how the process of making critical decisions based on the analysis of future results is a natural and part of the human nature. It shows...

Fitspiration on Pinterest: Analysis & Critique of Social Media

In their qualitative study “Skinny Is Not Enough: A Content Analysis of Fitspiration on Pinterest,” Simpson and Mazzeo analyze fitspirational messages on social media websites. The authors utilize Bandura’ Social Cognitive Theory “to examine the standards and behaviors conveyed through social modeling, verbal messages, outcome expectancies, and social rewards in...

Survey Validity and Reliability in HIV Non-Adherence Study

In order to guarantee that the collected data can be effectively analyzed with the help of quantitative statistical and qualitative tests to provide answers to research questions in nursing, it is necessary to apply appropriate instruments for data collection. The veracity, validity, and reliability of the survey used in the...

Qualitative Phenomenological Research Process

Data Analysis In qualitative phenomenological studies, data analysis is based on the idea of thematic analysis that includes several specific steps. According to Braun, Clarke, and Terry (2014), the key phases of thematic analysis are the preparation of data for analysis and familiarization with them, coding, identifying themes, reviewing themes,...

Energy Insights: Understanding Global Energy Challenges and Solutions

Tombstone The book titled “Energy: What Everyone Needs to Know” was written by Jose Goldemberg – a famous Brazilian physicist, research scientist, and scientific leader of the renewable energy community. He is one of the world’s leading experts on energy and environmental issues. The book was published in 2012 by...

Impact of Humor on Stress: A Gender-Based Study

Abstract People face stress from various stimuli that end up affecting their lifestyle and responses related to various areas. This study attempts to investigate whether the stress can be affected by the priming effects associated with looking at humorous pictures. The research applied a quasi-experimental design with a controlled population...

Understanding Advanced Statistical Methods

Identification and Description of Variables Used In our selected data set (Hawaii Dataset ss05phi), we find that many variables are used to explain the housing dynamics in Hawaii. Among them are age, sex, citizenship, class of worker, educational level, annual wages, poverty status, age of respondents and age groups (Hawaii,...

The Data of Annual Salaries: Descriptive Statistics

Methodology The data of annual salaries were collected from a sample of 12 operators (N = 12) in a chemical manufacturing company. The sample of plant operators was selected randomly and annual salaries recorded. Sharpe, De Veaux, and Velleman (2015) assert that sampling of data reduces researchers’ biases in the...

Tectonic Plate Boundaries: Origins of Natural Disasters

Some of the most catastrophic natural dangers – tsunamis, earthquakes, and volcanic eruptions – are usually connected with tectonic plate boundaries (Duarte and Schellart 1). Their emergence has caused a debate in the scientific world about their physical origins and their allocation within time and space dimensions. The 1755 great...

Large & Small N Design and Interpretative Research

Introduction This paper is aimed to investigate the issue of doing good research, including discussing its peculiarities, based on the examples of three articles under consideration. The paper will take into account three types of research designs. They are the large N, the small N, and the interpretive designs. In...

Data Presentation and Method Variance in Research

Use of Tables and Figures in Research Research is an essential aspect that enables people to make appropriate use of the available information to handle issues that affect their lives. Data collecting, recording, and analyzing are critical aspects of any research process. Data collected by researchers forms the basis for...

Research Internal Validity and Variables Control

The issue of validity applies to any research or study and requires the researchers to develop methods and designs that would help to control the variables and achieve internal validity. Internal validity is “the extent to which [the experiment’s] design and the data it yields allow the researcher to draw...

Z vs. T Confidence Intervals: Understanding the Differences

Identifying population parameters is essential to the success of a research or the production process (Sharpe, DeVeaux, & Velleman, 2015). Herein the significance of the tools known as confidence intervals lies. Allowing estimating the key parameters of the target population, continence intervals serve as a means of reducing the chances...

Program Minitab and Its Features

Statistics are the base of any quantitative research (Wyse, 2011). They allow analyzing data gathered from numerous test samples and compiling it in a way for the researchers to see connections between them. These patterns simplify the analysis of the results of an experiment. The program Minitab is an automated...

Qualitative vs Quantitative Research in Humanities

The choice of the research approach depends on the goals set and the questions to be answered. The two approaches are based on two quite different philosophical paradigms. In terms of the qualitative philosophical view, it is believed that there are multiple realities, which creates various contexts that should be...

Retirement Planning: Savings, Salary Growth, and Expenses

Benedicta is planning for his retirement based on his current savings and salary. Table 1 indicates all assumptions that are taken into consideration for retirement planning. He has savings, which are considered as savings at the start of the plan. His salary is expected to increase by 2% every year...

Substances Influence on Water

Introduction and Literature Review When temperature decreases, liquid changes into solid, which is called freezing. The temperature at which the solid-liquid change takes place depends on the chemical composition of the substance (Ge & Wang, 2009b). While pure compounds melt and freeze at certain temperatures, the addition of other substances...

Understanding F Statistics in Statistical Tests

The phenomenon of the F statistics is typically referred to as the value retrieved in the course of carrying out an ANOVA test (Hahs-Vaughn & Lomax, 2013). Similarly, the F-statistics-related data can be acquired when running a regression analysis. Seeing that the two tests mentioned above are aimed primarily at...

Statistical Decision Models: Frameworks for Improved Decision-Making in Organizations

The accuracy of the research’s results depends on the statistical test chosen to measure variables. To decide what specific test to choose for the study, it is necessary to analyze the variables’ character. Considerations made during the decision process can be organized according to a series of questions to direct...

Statistical Probability Concepts and Their Role in Predictive Analysis

Theoretical Probability Theoretical probability is one of the most commonly applied types of probability in statistics, especially in real-life situations. Theoretical probability refers to the possibility of a desirable outcome occurring; hence, one has to define the desirable outcome (Bennett et al. 214). The probability of an event occurring is...

Hypothesis Testing: Number of Defective Flash Drivers

Introduction Creating the environment, in which consistent quality improvement becomes a possibility, is imperative for the contemporary entrepreneurship. Therefore, a detailed analysis of the current production process, including the repeatability and the reproducibility levels needs to be carried out (Liu, 2014). In the context of the identified scenario, one will...

Crime in Post-Katrina Houston: Settles & Lindsay’s Study Analysis

Introduction The research article analyzed in the discussed paper presents the results of the study conducted by Settles and Lindsay (2011). The article investigates the topic of moral panic in the United States because of Hurricane Katrina and its influence on crime rates and the general state of the region....

ANOVA Research: Person’s Gender and Level of Education

A research question that can be addressed by a two-way factorial ANOVA is as follows: Is there an interaction between a person’s gender and their level of education that results in differences in the levels of depression between different groups? A factorial ANOVA would be an appropriate analytical method for...

Key Insights into Probability Distributions: Fundamental Concepts and Applications

Carrying out a quantitative analysis is a crucial step toward identifying essential relationships between the variables under analysis. It should be noted, though, that the process in question can be carried out in a variety of ways, probability distribution being one of the tools that can be used for data...

The Proxemics of the Mediated Voice

The author starts the article by highlighting the importance of voice in everyday communication, particularly the fact that it can be used to define the communicative distance between the listener and the talker. He states the aim of the article as being an attempt to address the difficulties arising out...

Antikythera Mechanism: Photography and Radiography

Introduction During the year 1900, in one Greek isle of Antikythera, sponge divers stumbled upon statuettes on an ancient shipwreck (Cowen 10). Their mission unearthed the many artifacts from the ruin. The shipwreck has been dated by numerous autonomous investigations to the early eras of the 1st century BC. The...

Qualitative vs. Quantitative Research in Evaluation: Methods and Applications

Abstract The evaluation design is selected depending on the type of research question, set hypotheses, and on expected evaluative outcomes. Measurements used to gather data become determined by the chosen evaluation design. Referring to the research question, the procedures of the evaluation design, the possible access to data, and the...

Discriminant Analysis and Multiple Regression

Overall, the discriminant analysis and the multiple regression are similar in that they both construct a weighted linear combination of scores on several independent variables (Warner 2013). This combination ought to be optimal, meaning that it should predict the scores on the outcome variable from the scores on the predictor...

Applied Numeracy for Higher Education

Numeracy is an individual ability that is applied to basic numerical concepts. The fundamental numeracy skills include adding, subtracting, multiplying and dividing (Steen 2001). Numeracy is a practice that involves numerical and graphical information (McIntosh 2004). Data collection commands keenness because inaccurate data collection may lead to invalid results (Purcell,...

Correlation and Regression Analysis of Defective Flash Drives: Findings and Implications

Methodology The data of the number of defective flash drives manufactured by a small manufacturing company was obtained by counting them weekly for 30 weeks and then recorded against each week as presented in the Excel file. The Analysis Toolpak of MS Excel in performing correlation and regression analyses. According...

How the Scientific Method Reduces Bias in Problem Solving

People use the scientific method to address the problems affecting them. The scientific method is effective because it reduces bias and prejudice. Individuals can use the scientific method to solve their every-day problems (Trefil, 2012). This discussion highlights two scenarios that describe the use of the scientific method. The Mysterious...

The Significance of Peer-Reviewed Articles in Advancing Academic Research and Knowledge

Introduction Peer-reviewed journal articles are considered to be the most credible resources in different scientific topics or subjects. The information provided in such sources is always based on appropriate researches. The following paper is intended to discuss and explain what peer-reviewed articles are and how they are created. Discussion The...

Scientific Research: Methodology and Interpretations

Scientific Method Analysis The principal characteristic of a scientific research method is that researchers allow the reality to speak for itself. According to Zikmund and Barbin, “A scientific research method is the way researchers go about using knowledge and evidence to reach objective conclusions about the real world” (Zikmund &...

Analyzing Defective Goods Production Rates: T-Test Insights

Introduction Analyzing the rates of defective goods production in a company is an essential step towards improving the company’s quality standards. The firm in question has been delivering rather unsatisfactory results; however, the manager claimed that the staff does not produce more than seven defective items per week. The application...

Analyzing the Chi-Square Test: Applications and Related Issues

Testing Hypotheses The process of determining correlations between specific data sets or locating a tendency within one of them is a crucial part of assuring quality in the context of any organization (Groebner, Shannon, & Fry, 2014b). Therefore, it is imperative to make sure that proper statistical tests are applied...

Measuring Tendency: Typology, Examples, and Applications in Research

Population Mean Definition The population mean is the average of all samples included in the study (Rubin, 2012). To retrieve the population mean, one must add all values and divide them by their number. Being rather basic, the given type of measurement is used in a variety of cases. For...

Chi-Square Goodness of Fit Test and Application

A statistical model can be used to reflect a particular sample of data. However, the process is not straightforward. It requires some procedures and analysis before arriving at the final true reflection of a given sample of data (Rosner, 2010). When a particular model is chosen for use in statistical...

Educational Research Methods and Data Collection

Different research projects are completed by means of various methods and techniques. However, comparing and contrasting those it is possible to find similarities in the methodology if the main idea of the research projects coincides. This paper aims to compare and contrast five research projects conducted in the sphere of...

Free Flow Speed Analysis: Utilizing Multiple Regression Techniques

Introduction Regression analysis is a statistical tool that is used to develop approximate linear relationships among various variables. Regression analysis formulates an association between several variables. When coming up with the model, it is necessary to separate between dependent and independent variables. Multiple regression analysis focuses on the regression between...

Search Methods and Literature Review

Introduction Literature review is one of the most common types of academic works. This type requires applying specific search techniques. Although there are various techniques used in academic research, some general methods are applied by the majority of researchers. The main goals of this paper are to discuss the key...

Discrete and Continuous Data’ Mixture Possibility

Arranging information for the further analysis is an essential stage of any research, hence a variety of taxonomies for information pieces retrieved in the course of the data collection process. Therefore, the precision of the research results depends heavily on the way, in which the data is classified, as well...

Two-Factor Data Analysis: Definition and Examples

Introduction The process of setting an experiment implies that every single factor affecting the dependent variable should be identified and that the crucial one should be selected carefully. In a range of scenarios, the key variable is going to be affected by not one, but two or more factors (Groebner,...

Methodologies for Analysis and Data Presentation: Best Practices in Research Reporting

The paper in question is a dissertation chapter that dwells upon data analysis and presentation. The key challenge of the piece is to provide the major findings as well as the data analysis methodology. The introduction is rather effective as it provides some background information and reveals the subject matter...

Evaluating Action Research Study Designs in Healthcare for Effective Outcomes

Abstract Defining a data collection method for qualitative research is not an easy task. Because of the focus on the exploratory aspect of the study, qualitative research requires a unique model for data interpretation based on unstructured or semi-structured data analysis techniques. For the study in question, it was crucial...

Interpolation and Extrapolation Definition and Differences

Definition As a rule, the phenomenon of interpolation is referred to as the process of selecting the data that can be located within a particular range of information (Groebner, Shannon, & Fry, 2014). The identified definition can be applied to a variety of domains, including business, technology, science, education, etc....

Armageddon: The Impact of Asteroids on Earth in the Past and Future

The issue of an ancient world is probably one of the most mysterious in the history. It is amazing to think that 65 million years ago there was a different world. There were no humans but flora and fauna were diverse and beautiful. Scientists still argue on the reason of...

Jovian Planets: Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune

Introduction Also known as the gas giants, Jovian planets are the four celestial bodies that comprise the outer planets of the solar systems. These are Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune. The name gas planets do not imply that the planets consist of gases through a significant portion of the planet...

Preliminary Site Assessment for Geological Disposal Facilities: Key Points

Introduction The generation of today must be highly responsive to attain a safe, long-lasting response to the looming waste management problem (Adamson 2012). It is normally a matter of responsibility to exercise appropriate waste disposal because some waste is highly detrimental (Adamson 2012). One of the most debatable waste products...

Data Analysis and Dissemination in Research

The process of data analysis can be recognised as one of the essential activities throughout human history. Its purpose is to collect and process different types of data to obtain new and valuable information. Data analysis is the core of academic research that drives the technological and scientific advancement of...

Comparing Quantitative and Qualitative Research Approaches: Methodological Insights

Introduction There are two basic approaches to research: quantitative and qualitative. They use different data and methods; also, they can be connected to different attitudes towards knowledge and research (Polit & Beck, 2017). The present paper considers the examples of these approaches and compares and contrasts them. It demonstrates that...

Performance Management: Warehouse Performance Measurement

How can a warehouse add value to the goods in storage? Among the key tools that allow adding value to goods, improvement of the organization’s logistics-related processes should be looked into as a means of addressing the case in point. Indeed, a closer look at the subject matter will show...

Quantitative and Qualitative Data: Data Points and Units

Explanation of qualitative and quantitative data Research studies require the collection, analysis and interpretation of data, which helps to infer about the population. Qualitative data are collected from study respondents in the form of a specific language that is easily understood by researchers conducting a study. Researchers use qualitative data...

Action Research in Human and Social Services

The participatory action research method is one of the many methods used in qualitative research. Action research sees a lot of use in areas that have to do with people – namely psychological, sociological, and educational studies. The method is popular in these areas due to its circular nature, which...

Research Bias and Literature Review

Eliminating bias in research A crucial element of any competent research is objectivity and researchers are responsible for critically examining the methods and conclusions for bias. To help researchers avoid and eliminate biased attitude, a standard of validity and reliability may be instrumental in research (Creswell, 2013). One of the...

Information Sources and Their Validity Evaluation

Introduction There are numerous sources of information that scholars and students can use in their research. They include, among others, journal articles, books, newspaper articles, and online resources. However, the bulk of these resources do not meet the validity requirements for them to be used in scholarly work. For example,...

The Peer Review Cycle: Its Significance in Academic Research

Peer Review has got explicitly very necessary steps. It is the best process that one can refer anyone who wants his or her work to gain acceptance worldwide. There are various important things about this cycle. The researcher has to have a new idea. Research is useful for answering a...

Correlation and T-Test in Psychological Statistics

Correlation Test To establish the nature of correlation that exists between mindfulness and two forms of happiness, namely, subjective happiness and Oxford happiness, Spearman’s correlation test was used. According to Coolican (2014), Spearman’s correlation test is suitable in the analysis of ordinal data because it is a nonparametric test, which...

Dark Matter’s Evidence – Astronomy

Evidence of dark matter- the motion of galaxies within clusters Galaxy clusters are the leading bound formations in the cosmos. They are the best structure in which to view the impact of the dark matter. The dark matter occupies most of the space in the galaxy clusters. The dark matter...

The Nature of Volcanoes: Types and Effects

Abstract For centuries, people across different civilizations had been terrified by the display of power that volcanic eruptions present, and they interpreted them as a sign of wrath and vengeance of gods. Clearly, with the progress of the modern science, volcanoes have been demystified; particularly, the development of the plate...

Research Design in Epidemiology: Focusing on Nosocomial Infections

Introduction The research under analysis is aimed at the examination of the epidemiology of nosocomial infections in the framework of the Fiji region. The study was carried out by the local health care workers in the Colonial War Memorial Hospital that has the largest Intensive Care Units (ICU) adult ward...

Geology: Iquique Earthquake in Chile

Recent Earthquakes It is possible to provide several examples of earthquakes that took place during the past six months. For example, one can mention the Iquique earthquake that took place on 1 April, 2014. It occurred on the western coast of Chile. The estimations indicate that its magnitude was 8.2....

Coefficient of Rolling Resistance of a Vehicle

Introduction This study measures the Coefficient of Rolling Resistance (CRR) in a car. For this purpose, an experiment involving a car was set. A brief analysis of the CRR characteristics of a vehicle moving on a slow velocity on a flat surface is, therefore, provided. Technical Details In the course...

Woodbury’s Fragile Environment: Erosion & Sustainability

Though Woodbury of the present day is the exact representation of the ordinary, its geological structure may reveal the mysteries that will shed some light onto the prehistoric life on the continent and the evolution of the species, as well as the changes that North America has been undergoing since...