Darwinism and Creationism Comparision

Introduction One of the most famous books for all humanity is the Bible, which has been living and passed down from generation to generation for thousands of years. The vast majority of people have read the sacred texts at least once or live by the views reflected in this book....

Exploring the Evolution of Fungi: Ancient Origins

Fungi have ancient origins: the most recent evidence suggests that they appeared as early as one billion years ago. However, the fossil record available now is scarce and inconclusive, which makes scientists rely on mapping the evolutionary relationships of fungi using biochemical characters. The commonality found in fungal groups is...

The Higher Education Institution: Organizational Justice

Introduction The article selected for review is titled “Organizational Justice and Organizational Citizenship Behavior in Higher Education Institution”. It reports on a study conducted by Mohammad, Habib, and Alias in 2010. The study considered the relationship between organizational justice and organizational citizenship behaviors of staff in higher education settings. The...

Fermentation, Aerobic, and Anaerobic Respiration Discussion

Trillions of cells build the human body, and their lifespan processes keep organs and systems alive. The most significant operations are metabolism to grow and reproduction of cells, as they support an organism’s overall environment. Fermentation, aerobic and anaerobic respiration are essential parts of this maintenance. Microbes apply them for...

“Why We Need More Science in Fiction?” by A. Gambis

In this speech, Gambis discusses his scientific work and how it inspires him to make science fiction movies. His main intention is to convince the audience that real science can be entertaining and inspiring for the filmmakers. He uses photos and shots from his films to support his argument. Overall,...

Developing Research Skills and Approaches: Journaling

Day One Dialogue Me: I have tried to differentiate between qualitative and quantitative research, but I am still confused regarding the use of either or both of them. During this semester, as we are focusing on qualitative methods of research, I am unable to identify the research approach categorically. Since...

Food Additives Use in Agriculture in the United States

Introduction Today, agriculture makes significant contributions to the development of the U.S. economy. Many industries are closely related to this field, including food sales, forestry, fishing, and manufacturing. The connection between agriculture and the chemical industry results in the creation of a new agrichemical industry with higher-yielding seeds, specific chemical...

Elements of Quantitative Research: Design and Sampling

The object of the analysis is the research study article by Ansari, Hosseinzadeh, and Zwar (2016) “A quantitative research on self-management of type 2 diabetes in a middle-aged population of rural area of Pakistan”. The authors use a quantitative method to study the connection between illness and social and environmental...

Bone Tissue as a Biomimetics Development

A confident majority of people do not find a connection between objects of daily use, such as jacket clasps, air shafts in the house and camera lenses, and science. On the contrary, many people think that the everyday and scientific spheres of life are absolutely incompatible, but some of the...

The Significance of Skhul V Analysis

Introduction Hominid fossils can provide biologists with the crucial insights into the ancestral background of modern humans. The Skhul V specimen was found in 1932 by Theordore McCown and Hallum Movius Jr (Homo Sapiens: Skhul V). The location of the finding served as the inspiration for the fossil’s name. In...

Data Analysis, Reliability, Validity, and Statistical Tests in Health-Related Research

Understanding critical components of research, such as data analysis, validity, and reliability is central to the in-depth synthesis of the information reviewed. They analyzed seven articles that constitute only a small portion of the bigger research, aimed at exploring accessible measures of fall prevention. Close examination of the analysis types,...

Survey Research as an Effective Data Collection Method

Strengths and Weaknesses of Survey Research In General Survey research has been used as quite a popular tool in data collection and analysis. As the name suggests, the research of the specified type is based on the data gathered with the help of a survey distributed among study participants (Ruel...

Optimising a PCR-RFLP Based Genotyping Assay for a Single Nucleotide Polymorphism

Introduction Genotyping refers to the process of finding differences in the genetic constitution of an individual through the examination of the entity’s DNA sequence using biological assays. The DNA sequence is then compared to a reference sequence to pinpoint the disparities (Abdurakhmonov 2018). Such a process may uncover alleles that...

Antimicrobial Resistance and the Importance of Susceptibility Tests

The most crucial problem of medical or any other use of antibiotics is the possibility and almost even the inevitability of the emergence of resistance to all classes of these substances. Of particular danger is the occurrence and rapid spread of pathogenic microorganisms observed in the last decade, which have...

Prokaryotic and Eukaryotic Cells Characteristics

The classification of organisms based on their structure implies their belonging to either prokaryotic or eukaryotic types. The cells forming these organisms vary in both anatomy and function. The principal anatomical difference between prokaryotes and eukaryotes is in the presence of a membrane that bounds organelles and the nucleus in...

Studying the Properties of Toothpaste

This work aims to study the properties of active components of toothpaste. The hypothesis is that the toothpaste should have a pronounced cleansing, anti-inflammatory, and hemostatic effect on the mouth’s hard and soft tissues, but significant changes. The color of the tooth enamel will not be revealed after one week....

A Career in Genetics: Required Skills and Knowledge

The New Career Prospects A few decades ago, genetics was mostly a science-related sphere of employment. However, according to Portman (2016), this is changing today. Nowadays, people with a degree in genetics can have solid career prospects in medicine and even agriculture (“Genetics jobs in the United States,” 2017). Daily...

Review of a Youth Risk Behaviour Survey

Youth Risk Behaviour Survey (YRBS) is conducted and designed by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) to gather data on youth risk behavior. The scope of this biennial study encompasses sexual activity, drug use, smoking, drinking, violence, and mental health. CDC established the YRBS system that monitors those...

Medical College of Wisconsin: The Primary Responsibilities of Institutional Review Board

Introduction Research involving human subjects is associated with various ethical concerns, hence there is the need for a regulatory body to approve clinical studies before they are conducted. Institutional Review Board (IRB) is an “administrative body established to protect the rights and welfare of human research subjects recruited to participate...

Interviews in Survey Research

An interview is a fundamental tool that is used in survey research. Also known as oral questionnaires, interviews allow scientists to cooperate directly with the subjects of their studies. Even though conducting an interview seems an easy task, this activity is more challenging than just discussing a specific topic with...

William Foxwell Albright: Great American Archaeologist

Introduction William Foxwell Albright was an American archaeologist born in Chile. He is well remembered for his involvement in excavation of the biblical sites and his expertise in history and culture of the Near East. During his life, he conducted excavations at several places in Palestine. His most renowned work...

Basic Components of Living Systems

Cell Theory Cells are the basic unit of life that makes up every living organism. Cells were discovered by an English scientist known as Robert Hooke; he observed the structure of a thinly sliced cork under the light microscope which he invented (Khan Academy, 2015). He observed in the dead...

West Indian Ocean Coelacanth (Latimeria Chalumnae)

West Indian Ocean coelacanth is a fish species found on the southeastern coast of Africa. They generally live at a depth of 100 to 800 meters, although a living specimen has been observed at a depth of a mere 54 meters (Fraser et al., 2020). This fact makes them relatively...

Millennials: The Next Great Generation?

Introduction It is not uncommon for an older generation to be disapproving or judgmental of a younger generation. The Generation Y, or the Millennial generation, a demographic cohort of individuals born between the early 1980s and the late 1990s, is no exception to the rule. Currently, the largest generation in...

Statistics Application: Population and Sample

In a research field, population and sample have both similarities and differences. The two are similar since they refer to a group of people or objects under analysis. However, the difference relates to the size because a population indicates all people or items that have a specific feature, while a...

Is DNA a Foolproof Way of Identifying a Person?

DNA is a unique code that identifies each person, and science keeps revealing its opportunities to find more information about humanity. Nowadays, the unique nature of DNA is utilized for multiple purposes, such as finding biological parents or victims of catastrophes and convicting criminal offenders. However, is there a guarantee...

The Motor-Dexterity Test: Time and Frustration Level

Introduction Motor dexterity is an important parameter used to evaluate the psychological state of an individual through the ability to coordinate and synchronize movements. Since the hand is a necessary appendage that humans use to perform functions and coordinate activities, its assessment provides critical information regarding motor dexterity (Andersen, &...

Einstein’s Theory of Relativity: Review

Introduction Einstein’s Theory of Relativity became a brilliant thought of the 20th century, which almost eliminated the existence of inconsistencies and contradictions of the scientific world. The theory helped to change ideas about the structure of space and time, expanding the idea of the invariability of physical laws depending on...

Advantages of Using Genetically Modified Foods

GMO is the abbreviation for any organism whose genetic code has undergone an artificial, targeted change. It is essential to understand that this applies only to those transformations that cannot occur either as a result of selection or as a result of evolution. Modern biotechnology allows the movement of genetic...

Anatomy, Physiology, and Living Habitats of Tanuki

Introduction We are “Red Panda,” a mammalian species native to southwestern China and the eastern Himalayas (see Appendix 1). We are the only members of the Ailuridae family (we could have been raccoons but scientists opted to place us in a separate family). We live both in the wild and...

Geography: France and Its Muslims Article by Stephenie Giry

Introduction In the article, the author is trying to highlight the issue of integration in Europe. This is in terms of the religious groups and the discrimination they face in European countries. The topic is important as it shows the underlying issues that are hindering integration in Europe. The controversy...

Cell Division: Mitosis and Meiosis

Introduction Living multicellular organisms are fragile biological systems that have the potential to be damaged by negative factors. Thus, touching the edge of the blade on the skin surface usually causes injury to the epidermis’ soft tissues. Nevertheless, somatic cells, which form the basis of tissues, are protected with regeneration,...

“Models for Velocity Decrease in HH34” by L. Zaninetti

The article “Models for Velocity Decrease in HH34,” written by L. Zaninetti, was chosen to address project goals and learning outcomes acquired from Lab Class. The aim to get knowledge of the basic concepts of physical science and prepare for the utilization of theories in real-life scenarios can be achieved...

Buhny History: Show & Tell

Interview Answers Ethnic background: Cuban; country of origin: Cuba; religion: Catholicism; the number of generations in the U.S.: 1. Alternative medicine in Cuba is an essential cultural and traditional practice, and thus, I always adhere to medicinal plant species in order to treat any form of illness. I maintain my...

Content Validity of STEADI

It is important to understand that validity is a broad term that encompasses many components of the assessment. Content validity refers to the extent to which the assessment measures the various aspects of the particular construct question (Aliakbari, Parvin, Heidari, & Haghani, 2015). The term investigates whether the questions constituting...

Paleolithic and Neolithic Art and Life

Paleolithic period To the present moment, it can be said for sure that the Paleolithic and Neolithic art and life were not uniform. Although during the Upper Paleolithic period, which was about 30-40 thousand years ago, human consciousness did not yet allow them to create genuine masterpieces, primitive people used...

External Resources for Growth and Ending the Venture

Franchising refers to the practice of trading the right to access and use a company’s brand and business model (Hisrich, Peters and Shepherd, 2013, p. 145). Entrepreneurs are rapidly adopting franchising as a strategy of expansion. It is a very effective method of attracting talented management. Franchising requires substantial financial...

Is the Course Management System Effective in Providing Ease of Learning, and Fulfilling Standardized Test Scores to Students?

Requirements the Superintendant Taking into account the three primary requirements that are required by the Superintendant: (a) financial and budget constraints, and (b) the primary requirement of effectiveness of the Course Management System for learning ease, and (c) fulfilling standardized test score results. The hypothesis that must be researched is:...

Quantitative Methods in Scientific Inquiries

Descriptive Research The first type of quantitative methods is descriptive research which aims at describing the current condition of a variable identified by the researcher. Usually, these studies are conducted to gather and systematize information about a certain phenomenon (Boeren, 2018). Prior to the beginning of the research, scientists do...

Geology and Formation of Lake Erie

Abstract This present paper explores the process of formation of the Lake Erie basins that were conditioned by glaciers. Glacial erosion which carved out the lake beds and the subsequent deposition of huge amounts of sediment led to the formation of the eastern, central, and western basins of Lake Erie....

Interpreting Epidemiological Evidence: Research Analysis

Peer reviews are not certain criteria of a work’s quality. Understanding of study design and systematic error/bias is critical for a researcher. This essay investigates the abstract of a sample study and attempts to determine whether it displays any faults related to these aspects. Case Study Design The authors describe...

Open Access Journals: Free Access to Science Research

Michael Eisen, a genetics and genomics professor at the University of California, Berkeley, and a co-founder of PLOS (Public Library of Science), is promoting open access to scientific research. According to him, in reality, only scientists from the largest, well-funded universities in developed countries have full access to published researches...

Biology. Glial Cells and Their Subtypes

First of all, it should be noted that the nervous tissue is not a usual cluster of neurons, but a harmonious integration of interactions between neurons and glial cells that fill the free space. The parallel work of neurons coupled with the functionality of glial cells allows for full brain...

Glaciers: Movement, Erosion, Deposits

Glacial Movement Mountain glaciers are large terrestrial ice formations in the mountains. Their shape depends on the surrounding terrain, and the movement is determined by the inclination of the surface. The move is acceleration-based, where the increase in speed can be seen. The overall pace is affected only by the...

The Measures of Central Tendency

To carry out adequate statistical calculations and obtain objective data on specific correlations, in academic research, special measures of central tendency are utilized – the mode, the median, and the mean. As an example of a scholarly article containing these components, the study by Butz et al. (2016) will be...

The Importance of a Solid Thesis Statement

The thesis statement is an essential part of writing that requires planning and perfect execution. It serves as a signpost for any piece of writing being “a critical component to the success” and has to meet a set of requirements (Kornuta & Germaine, 2019, p. 23). Therefore, the author should...

Case Study Research: Design and Methods

Although existing literature demonstrates that the analysis of case study evidence is one of the least developed and most challenging facets of doing case studies, the proposed study will employ four techniques named in Yin (1994), namely pattern matching, explanation building, time-series analysis, and logic models. These analytic techniques are...

Validity of a Vulnerable Population

Assessing the validity of a vulnerable population is specifically difficult with no generalized measures existing to evaluate the legitimacy of using the so-called “special groups” in research. The main issue related to utilizing vulnerable population in research is limited population validity. Population validity is defined as a type of external...

Data Analysis: Consumer Expenditure Surveys

Data Analysis This analysis is grounded on the US Department of Labor’s 2016 Consumer Expenditure Surveys, one of the main sources of information on the composition of households and their annual expenditures in the US. Based on this data, the following scenario was formulated: The annual expenditure used by a...

Algebra as a Requirement in High School and College

Introduction In modern conditions, mathematics is the language of science and technology. With its help, many processes and phenomena occurring in the world, society, and nature are modeled, studied, and predicted, therefore the mathematical training of students is a necessary condition for accelerating technological progress. The scientific, economic, production, and...

Regression Analysis for Mthematical Measurements

In this laboratory work, the linear regression model is investigated as applied to the measured results of diameters and lengths of circles of forty different objects. The report is group work; each student has made ten measurements independently, which reduces the unambiguous and subjectivity of the obtained data. The first...

“Research Methods in Education” by Check

The validity of research is identifying how sound a study is. In other words, research validity is evaluated by assessing the appropriateness of methods for answering the set research question. There are many aspects of valid research that should be kept in mind to make the research valid. First, sound...

Scientific Testing on Animals

Introduction Although human beings usually gain from scientific testing on animals, their distress, pain, and death do not match the likely benefits. Irrespective of animal subjects having been used in scientific research for a long time, the practice is cruel and should not continue. Researchers across the globe share their...

Geology of the Abiquiu Embayment in New Mexico

Abstract The Abiquiu Embayment is to be found in north-central New Mexico. Through the (angular) unconformity way, both sedimentary and volcanic (rocks) superimposes pre-tertiary ones. Chicoma is the oldest form of volcanic formation. latite and andesite (flows) are its main components. It has a thickness that can measure up to...

Why the King Salmon Population Keeps Getting Smaller

Chinook salmon is the largest species of its kind and primarily lives in the Pacific Ocean and rivers of western North America. It is commonly referred to as “King Salmon” due to its enormous size in comparison with other salmons. However, in recent years, scientists have observed a decline in...

Life in the Universe: Stars

Planets suitable for life in space are rare: few celestial bodies can simultaneously have an iron core, crust, atmosphere, and water in liquid form. However, scientists have already discovered several potentially inhabited worlds. According to González-Espada and Méndez (2016) a star that has reached a record in the number of...

“Person-Centred Care” by Ulin et al.

Introduction Currently, the online medium, digital libraries, and printed publications provide medical professionals with abundant information related to innovative treatment methods, advancements in health care, solutions to issues in nursing, and so forth. Nevertheless, even peer-reviewed publications sometimes involve controversial findings and unverified data due to the application of irrelevant...

Food, Body, and Weight Issues Exploration and Family Dynamics in Ireland

Defending of a qualitative method of data analysis For in-depth understanding of the problem of obesity and weight issues in Ireland, I have chosen a qualitative method of data analysis consisting in examination of behavior and habits of teenagers in different environments and regions of the country. This method will...

Molecular Composition and Relationships Between Organisms

Biological Molecules These are carbon-based compounds that are found in all living things. They include carbohydrates, proteins, lipids, and nucleic acids. They can all be broken down into single units called monomers. Its monomers are monosaccharides, which include glucose, fructose, and galactose. Glucose has two isomers, alpha, and beta glucose,...

Effects of Earthquakes: Differences in the Magnitude of Damage Caused by Earthquakes

An earthquake is a sudden tremor of the earth’s surface or below and occurs naturally due to various factors (Cari 4). Earthquakes start either underneath or on the exterior of the earth’s crust depending on the basis that led to the tremble or tremor. The magnitude of an earthquake measures...

Mohr et al.’s Qualitative Business Research Method

Characteristics of a Good Qualitative Research Credibility Credibility is an essential criterion for judging the soundness of qualitative research. This criterion entails establishing the capacity of qualitative research results to be believable from the dimension of research participants (Guba and Lincoln, 1981, p.61: Barbour, 2003, p.1019). From the perspective of...

Darwin’s Origin of Species

Darwin’s book On the Origin of Species by Means of Natural Selection, or the Preservation of Favoured Races in the Struggle for Life published in late 19th century was one of the most monumental works of that time. Darwin’s theory created a ripple of scientific and cultural feedback that would...

Organic Farming Methods: Pest Management Methods

In the organic farming technique, farmers do not use any synthetics or chemicals. The organic farming techniques aim is providing highest nutritional foodstuffs with little effect on the natural environment. Some of the core methods involved in the organic farming include the use of green manure, crop rotation, biological pests...

Research Analysis: Trying On Different Lenses

Roger’s (2002) work is inclined towards an aim of understanding rather than changing the situation; thus, within the interpretive/critical continuum it can be precisely said it is “making sense of the way things are”. The research focuses on events being shaped up in the education life (that is, Vicky). The...

Cycled Lighting and Patient Recovery

Defining an EBP Question The Evidence-Based Practice was developed to provide high-quality patient care. According to Dang and Dearholt (2017), “EBP integrates the best available scientific evidence with the best available experiential (patient and practitioner) evidence” (p. 4). Many problems could be examined and solved with the help of the...

Physical and Geographical Dynamics of South Asia

This paper reviews chapter six that focuses on South Asia under different topics. The chapter covers physical and geographical dynamics of the region. In addition, it covers educative topics such as natural hazards, environmental challenges, human geography, and economic development. Indeed, issues about South Asia described in the chapter are...

Motivation of Females to Move In Leadership Positions in the Field of Corrections

Introduction The survey approach refers to methods which emphasize qualitative analysis, where large data I collected through questionnaire method, secondary data analysis, telephone interview and the data are analyzed through statistical techniques. This study discovers common relationships across organizations. This helps provide a generalized statement about the object of the...

Reliability Versus Validity in Conducting Research

Reliability is the measure that shows how often the research presented the same results after the same tests were done. The reliability of a test or research depends on its frequency and consistency. The results of the test or research are considered reliable in case if the same outcome was...

Definitions of Causation: Analysis of New Areas

Strengths and Weaknesses of Definitions of Causation According to Parascandola and Weed (2001), there are several definitions of causations: “production, necessary causes, sufficient component causes, probabilistic causes and counterfactuals” (p. 906). However, while evaluating the strengths and weaknesses of diseases, it has been found that not all the definitions are...

An Increase in SRT

The Goal of the Research The objective of the study was to find out whether an increase in SRT in complex responses was as a result of an increase in premotor time constituent, motor aspect or both (Christina & Rose, 1985). How the Goal Relates to My Research Any physical...

Why Canadians Cycle More Than Americans

Introduction Why Canadians cycle more than Americans: a comparative analysis of bicycling trends and policies studies the cycling habits of Americans and compares them to a much more active cycling community of Canada. The paper’s main focus is the evident difference between the popularity of cycling in two counties despite...

Community-Based Researching: Research Methods

The toolkit presents a general framework, following which will enable efficient implementation of development programs. The basis of the framework is the concept of “knowledge exchange”, where the guidelines and the practical approaches in the toolkit are directed toward outlining the significance of the concept for the development program. The...

The Beginning of Life (Conception) Through Adolescence

Conception is the process by which a spermatozoon, which is a male germ cell, released from testis penetrates the ovum released from the ovary of a female and fuses with it fertilizing it. During fertilization, both the ovum and the sperm disintegrate and release their genetic content leading to formation...

The Theory of Evolution Overview and Analysis

The theory of biological evolution was firstly developed by British naturalist Charles Darwin in his book On the Origins of Species in 1859. This theory is also called Darwinism or Darwinian theory and is recognized by many people as a modern evolutionary theory. The theory has explained many things, such...

Application of Research in Social Sciences Reflection Paper

Introduction Social science is an interdisciplinary field of study that seeks to explore aspects of human society. The fundamental roles of research in this field of study are not particularly hard to discern given the analytical approach it takes in its attempt to explore the aspects of human society. An...

Cross-Species Intersensory Perception of Infants

This article was about a study carried out to investigate whether younger infants are better in discriminating voices and faces when compared with those older than them. According to Lewkowicz and Ghazanfar (2006), current theoretical views assume that basic intersensory perceptual ability are either present at birth and they become...

Changes in the Moment of Inertia

The Goal of the Research The goal of the study was to examine the impact of altering the moment of inertia on SRT, motor time, and premotor time (Anson, 1989). It was hypothesized that changes in the moment of inertia would affect SRT and motor time without any impact on...

Tradition and Politics: New Year Festivals in Turkey

The article is a dissertation documented by Yucel Demirer, discussing the study of the contested versions of the solar New Year celebration, and also studies their political and cultural effects on the Turkish political scene (Demirer 5). The author tries to compare the developments of the solar New Year celebrations...

Intelligent Design and Evolution Theories

Introduction The determination of the origin of humans on the Earth, as well as other beings, has been the core debate among anthropologists, biologists, and church representatives for decades. The introduction of Darwin’s theory heightened the debates as his Evolution theory became opposed to the beliefs and teachings of the...

Findings Appraisal of a Descriptive Quantitative Study

The researchers wanted to develop a detailed study that explores and examines how mechanical ventilation guidelines in intensive care units are developed and disseminated in the Swedish health care system. In addition, the researchers wanted to examine how hospitals used evidence in mechanical ventilation and the respective guidelines in their...

Cultural and Ethnic Variations of Different Illnesses

Introduction Biomedical research is a wide part of the discipline to look for ways to avoid as well as cure diseases that bring about sicknesses and death in humans and animals. It is a wide area of study that is concerned with life and material sciences. With the techniques involved...

Performance Impact of Business Group Affiliation

Introduction, purpose, and significance of the study Singh, Nejadmalayeri & Mathur (2006) conducted a study titled “Performance impact of business group affiliation: An analysis of the diversification-performance link in a developing economy.” The main purpose of the research is to explore the performance of large and diversified Indian firms as...

Big Hole River Area of Block Mountain Quadrangle, Montana

Introduction Big Hole River Area of Block Mountain is situated in one of Montanas states – Madison Country. Currently Big Hole River area is surrounded by the Anaconda Range, the Beaverhead Range and the Pioneer Mountains. The mountain ranges have experienced Quaternary glaciations, which embedded the high location and hidden...

“The Transparency of Democracy” Research by Friedman

Friedman (2010) observed that Washington government had financed the building of national parks to be used for baseball redevelopment. This development was attributed to the fact that urban regions within the USA had financed the construction of baseball stadiums consistently prior to strategic developmental plans in the year 2005. While...

Leading Change in Afghanistan

Research Philosophy My project will focus on leading change in Afghanistan. My project will explore in specific terms how Army leadership, World Bank, IMF, and ADB have implemented and adapted various strategic visions, plans, and policies to overcome the challenges faced in Afghanistan to restore security and economic stability.. For...

Sample Size Importance for the Credibility of Research

Introduction A study’s population sample significantly affects the credibility of its findings. Therefore, researchers need to select the right population sample without compromising the quality of their work. This paper delves into this issue by explaining the intricacies surrounding the selection of a sample size. In line with this goal,...

Chi-Square: Term Definition and Statistical Significance

The research on the number of Hispanics persons who were self-employed had a sample (total) of 7,760 and the gender ratio was 64% for men and 36% for women. This translates to 2,102 more men than women. The research also clearly showed that Hispanic women preferred to be self-employed in...

Chi-Square Test: Statistical Assumptions

Statistical Assumptions Chi-square test applies when the following assumptions prevail (Goodwin, 2010). The test should aim to determine the association between two variables, which must be on an ordinal scale or a categorical scale. The independent variables must have two or more nominal or categorical groups. The categorical groups should...

Fiscal Budget Decision and Gross Domestic Product

Introduction This is a case of a developing economy where the government has a supplemental $2 billion budget meant for policies to boost per capita Gross Domestic Product (GDP) over a 15-year planning horizon. Two proposals have been tabled. The first aims to raise the literacy, competence, and self-sufficiency of...

Mathematics in Liberal Arts and Sciences Education

It can be argued that when speaking about mathematics, the general conception of the public is that it is a discipline of numbers. With such belief being true, to an extent, it can be stated that the significance of such field in the digital age, being related to digits as...

Research Characteristics of Data Collection & Analysis

Introduction Data collection in qualitative research helps to answer the “why, how, and what” of the phenomenon under investigation. This is unlike in quantitative research in which the data collection is used to address the “how many” or “how much” of the phenomenon under investigation. This means that in qualitative...

San Francisco Physical Geography

San Francisco’s climate falls under the Mediterranean type of climate. This type of climatic condition is characterized by moderate temperature and the temperature rarely ranging above 40 degrees or below 15 degrees. This is why San Francisco is called the “the-conditioned city”. Since San Francisco is in the middle of...

Accidents and Driving in the UK

The detailed statistic of accidents in UK demonstrates the type of vehicles involved, the casualties, and circumstances; it indicates a high level of the personal injury accidents. The risk graph presented in British Standard (2010 pp. 33-34) indicates the necessity of the risk reduction due to the high level of...

Formation of Sexual Identity, Sexual Customs and Gender Bodies

Introduction The role and position of women and men in society changed from one historic period to another. This change was predetermined by different social, economic, political, and other reasons. Nowadays, we may observe that in different communities’ women and men are treated differently. Of course, one of the most...

Statistics and How to Lie With It

Nowadays, the use of statistics has been a common way of giving evidence of a particular study (Wilson, 2005). For this reason, many people always find information that is supported by statistics to be utterly real. However, what many people never think about is the method that used to come...

The Causes of Congestive Heart Failure

A literature review is a description of a publication on a certain subject attributed by researchers. In the selection of the topic of study by the researchers, there are some procedures that are usually followed. For instance: appraisal of the allied literature. This furthermore entails the methodical recognition of the...

Methods by Which Ftl Travel Can Be Achieved

Introduction Several methods have been suggested by scientists by which to achieve faster than light (FTL) travel. This contrasts the theory of Einstein, which purports gravity is a space-time distortion that is produced by positive energy. Nature operates with a law that creates constraints on the duration and magnitude of...

Quantitative and Qualitative Data Study

Introduction Data can be classified as either qualitative or quantitative (Black, 1999). Quantitative data is data that can be put in numerical form while qualitative data cannot. Qualitative data deals with quality while quantitative data deals with quantity. There is a distinctive difference between the two types of data. Qualitative...

“CT Watch Quarterly” the Article by Cathy Davidson

The article by Cathy Davidson discusses the evolution of cyberinfrastructure concerning the study of humanities since the 1990s. In early 1990s, it was realized that massive data could be digitized, searched, and combined with other databases for a quick research. This was called the first generation of digital humanities or...

Cameron’s POS to Organizational Effectiveness

Scope of the Theory Positive Organizational Scholarship represented by Cameron provides an examination of typical and deviated patterns of behavior of employees to highlight the problems and positive outcomes of the organizational process (Cameron, Dutton, & Quinn, 2003). Hence, the theory focuses on the organizational dynamics leading to the Development...

Procedural Justice in Contacts with The Police Analysis

Abstract This study looked into the relational model of authority (Tyler & Lind, 1992) that emphasizes the role of procedural justice in the public evaluation of and support for the police, focusing on victim-police interactions. The abstract fulfills most of the requirements by the American Psychological Association (2001) and any...

Ecuadorian Politics After 1972

Ecuador is located in South America. It gained its independence in 1830 from the colonial Spanish Empire. The country is 256,370 square kilometers nonetheless it has diverse species and it is among the seventeen megadiverse nations in the entire world. The country is of medium-income and close to 40% of...

Eyewitness Identification Evidence Role in Felony Case Dispositions

Summary The study investigated the link between felony case dispositions and eyewitness identification evidence by examining a total of 725 felony cases. The research findings indicate that there is identification in most accepted cases as opposed to rejected cases. However, while acquaintance cases demonstrated a more significant association, stranger cases...

Theoretical and Conceptual Frameworks of the Study

Introduction Clayton County Library has experienced significant financial problems in the last few years. Some of them stem from increased access to information, which has diminished the relevance of the institution in today’s digital age. Others stem from worsening economic conditions that have limited state and federal funding to public...

Article Critique: A Synopsis

Identity of the article Noone, J., Allen, T., Sulivan, M., McKenzie, G., Esqueda, T., & Ibarra, N. (2014). A Latino youth photovoice project on teen pregnancy. Hispanic health care international, 12(2), 63-70. Issue of study In this study, the researchers wanted to develop an in-depth understanding of the issue of...

Mathematical Literacy: Understanding Mathematics Vocabularies

Abstract Mathematics is an essential subject in the world of academics which makes use of symbols diagrams and words. Mathematics has borrowed a lot from the English language in its application. For instance, mathematics applies written English in various academic settings, and this serves to unify its applications (Bolling, 2011)....

Integrating Technology Into the Classroom

Research problem statement Green Valley Community College is experiencing a high level of school drop-outs, which has been attributed to the lack of technology in the classroom. The use of technology in the classroom would be beneficial as the learners get motivated and encouraged by learning things practically, which in...

Sharks Characteristics Analysis: Danger of Extinction

Sharks have always been the misunderstood “monsters” of the sea. Up till very recently, very little was known about these aquatic animals aside from the perception that they are man-eaters. Such images were helped along by movies such as the Jaws series. We also have the misconception that they are...

History of the Upper West Side

Geographical location The Upper West Side neighbors borough and Manhattan in New York City; it is located in between Central Park which is on the eastern side and the Hudson River which is located on the western side, above the West 59th Street and below 125th Street.1 The region covers...

Goal and Purpose in “Can Science Be Ethical?” by Dyson

Introduction Science and development in technology has been of great assistance to human kind in one way or another. They are developed to make the life of a human being more desirable to live. What gives the problem is the dark side of these developments. However, the developers always have...

Statistical Methods Used in the Analysis of Paleomagnetic Data

Introduction Palaeomagnetism is basically concerned with the analysis of natural remanent magnetization (NRM) of rocks in bid to come up with a clear understanding of the crust’s magnetic field. Professor Blackett and Nagata have been credited for taking this study a notch higher since its establishment. Most of the discoveries...

Social Marketing Campaigns Study Evaluation

Introduction Qualitative research is a form of research that involves description. It seeks to describe and analyze the culture and behavior of humans and their groups from the point of view of those being studied. Qualitative research utilizes the natural setting, for instance a classroom and not a laboratory (Maximiano,...

Management Research: Training and Development

Abstract Management research is a complicated process requiring a plethora of sophisticated approaches and methods since this scientific investigation is connected both with the consideration of strategic principles (qualitative analysis) and statistical techniques (quantitative analysis). In that regard, the main purpose of our research proposal is to track the main...

Discoveries of Galileo and William Herschel

Astronomical Instruments. Definition Astronomical knowledge has evolved from time immemorial up to date and it proves to go beyond. Astronomy includes gathering relevant information on celestial objects and relating to our daily lives; how they affect us and the future intuitions. Astronomy as a discipline has experienced major development in...

The Research of the Hellenistic Period

Introduction Whereas there is a clash in the exact period that would be defined as Hellenistic period, there is abidance in the general knowledge that it is a period in the Mediterranean region that begins with the death of Alexander the Great and ends with the defeat of Cleopatra. This...

Research Methodologies for Crane Workers Safety

Abstract Crane workers safety is a serious employee and social problem all over the World in crane employees. Safety is first recognized as a separate a human resource issue that is given care for a long time. Often misunderstood as ‘split personality’, it is actually a serious human resource with...

Political Obstacles of The European Union

Introduction The formation of the European Union is considered a remarkable achievement that has far-reaching consequences in world politics, economy, and balance of global power. The emergence of two superpowers, namely the erstwhile Soviet Union and the USA, had resulted in an imbalance of power with regard to European nations....

Experiment: Bacteria vs Antibiotics

Hypothesis and objectives The experiment aimed to test the reaction of bacteria towards some antibiotics and determine effectiveness of those antibiotics in treating some diseases. The effectiveness of the antibiotic was determined by carrying an experiment on three bacteria under the same temperature. The hypothesis of the experiment was: Ho:...

Conducting a Research on Hybrid Classes and Its Impact in the Classroom

Introduction The classes combining the traditional face-to-face activities with the online computer-based assignments are named hybrid. The two common types of the hybrid classes are HYD (Distance Learning Hybrids) – when the greater part of the course work is offered via the Internet and HYC (Classroom Hybrids) when 50% of...

Managing Change, the Challenger and Columbia Shuttle Disasters

Introduction The crash of the Columbia and Challenger space shuttles is often construed with varied opinions and views among Americans and indeed all people of age and size. The National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA), which is the worldwide leader in areas that deal with space science is one of...

Research Design: Qualitative, Quantitative and Action Research

Instructional Environment The facilitative approach is used for creating the study environment. This approach creates an environment of collaboration and involves activities with time to interact with the content of the course and one another. However, participants in a clinical placement always appreciate standing by and only listening or even...

Research Methods for Business Students

Introduction This article compares two research papers based on the understanding of various criteria. The first paper is titled, “How do suppliers relationships contribute to success in conference and events management?” and is authored by Susan M. Ogden and Eileen McCorriston of the Glasgow Caledonian University, Glasgow, UK. In our...

“Seeds of Innovation” and Darwin

The aim of this thesis is to apply Darwin’s theory of evolution to the seedbeds of innovation that shape the growth of companies during various phases of their business. In order to clarify this objective, the author will look into evolutionary innovation models as applicable to present-day businesses, and compare...

Threats of Internal Validity in Research

Introduction Considering the matters of the threats for the internal validity, it should be stated that the necessity to analyze all the possible threats and aspects, which violate the validity, is originated by the issues of the scientific researches, and the matters of the inferences made based on the scientific...

Immunity, Inflammation and Hypersensitivity

Inflammation and immunity Inflammation is a mechanism through which the body system reacts to injury or infection. The features of inflammation include soreness, warmth, redness, and enlargement. Inflammation, therefore, is classified under nonspecific immune responses. On the other hand, immunity is the mechanism of resistance involving the immune system or...

Quantitative and Qualitative Research Combining

“On becoming a pragmatic researcher: the importance of combining quantitative and qualitative research” by Onwuegbuzie and Leech (2005), “Single-Subject Experimental Research”, “Narrative Research”, and “Ethnographic Research”, the chapters form the book by Gay, L. R., Mills, G., & Airasian (2008), are the readings for this week. Considering these readings, it...

Geography: Canadian Urban System and Population

The population of Canada has been through some changes in the economy due to population fluctuation and in some other areas as this paper will consider. In the first place, this paper will consider the size comparison within different cities as compared to the basic income. According to the plotted...

Chihuahua and a Pitbull as a House Pet: Comparison

The Chihuahua is the world’s smallest dog, with a height ranging from six to 10 inches and a weight that is less than 2.7 kilograms. The dog is regarded as harmless and docile companion dog for high society women and celebrities, who carry it around everywhere and pamper it (AKC,...

The Different Ways of Knowing: Something That Is True and Something That Is Believed To Be True

Introduction In any Standard English dictionary, we can found the word “Knowledge” has got three different meanings, but all are quite interrelated in some aspects. The meanings are “awareness or familiarity gained by experience” (Rossett 242) or “a person’s range of information” (Harrison 407). There are different ways of knowing...

Cultural and Natural Landscape of the City of Bonn

The city of Bonn has considered one of the most sophisticated cities of Germany so that many inhabitants recognize it as another capital. The city embodies the harmony of place and time; it connects the natural and cultural landscape into one identity that creates the spiritual and moral harmony. This...

What Makes Us Tick?

What makes us tick? In the 21st century, research in science is evolving. For the people whose careers are in the field of science the education will change as time goes by. Studies progressively depend on effective partnership among professionals with conflicting disciplinary viewpoint. Professionals should appreciate the value of...

“The Influence of Confucianism” by Hue

In the article “The influence of Confucianism: a narrative study of Hong Kong teachers’ understanding and practices of school guidance and counseling” (2008) by Ming-Tak Hue, the author investigated the main influence of school guidance in Hong Kong schools. The article presented the results of a qualitative study, which findings...

Research Variables in Multicultural and Traditional Research Methodology

Conducting research in the United States is a challenge because it is a growing multicultural community. A lot has to be considered before research can be done. Two research variables, observation, and sampling are selected to compare and contrast using multicultural and traditional research methodology. Observation may be defined as...

Educational Research: Variety of Available Sources

Understanding of the character of the research process and its strategies is important for receiving the specific knowledge and skills required for conducting a successful research. Getting rid of the stereotypes, representing the researchers as elderly men, mixing chemicals, the contemporary educators are to learn the available methods of conducting...

Earth Science: Rocky Mountains

Introduction Mountains are landform that ascends well higher than its environs, usually displaying steep slope, a comparatively limited summit region, and significant local relief. They are formed by processes like faulting, folding, or up warping of the earth’s surface as a result of plate movements. The Rockies in North America...

“Gypsy World” by Patrick Williams

Introduction In Patrick Williams’ work entitled, Gypsy World: The Silence of the Living and the Voices of the Dead, he was able to show how the Manus Gypsies of France navigate a hostile world. At first it seems that his anthropological study was focused on describing their traditions when it...

Marine Biology: Description and the Key Features

Biscayne Bay: This is an open area of the coast line that is exposed to ocean currents and tides. Mangrove Creek: This is a backwater area with occasional flooding of sea water. Results: Readings at the two locations are shown in the graphs along with the average values. Secchi depth...

Northeast Texas: Geographical Analysis

Texas is the second largest state in the United States of America after Alaska and it has the largest population compared to all other states in America. Northeast Texas is one of the major regions that have attractive geographical features. It is made up of 23 counties and is geographically...

Research Methods to Be Used in the Dissertation

Outline Introduction Structured interview Techniques utilized in structured interviews Researches that have applied structured interviews Strengths and weaknesses of using structured interviews The case study method Techniques and processes used in case studies History / traditions of using case studies Strengths and weaknesses of the method Application of case studies...

The Standard Hotel: Hazardous Chemical Dumping

Introduction This paper is focused on the dangers of exposure to the chemical that was released in the environment by the L. A. Standard hotel. The effect that was felt in the environment was severe that initially it was thought that there was a terrorist gas attack at Metro station...

Improvement and Implementation Methods in Statistics

Quality audits Quality Audits can be very useful tools in monitoring process variability by ensuring that all records concerning the product information are up-to-date are have the correct figures corresponding to the correct dates of purchase. Inconsistency in the audit records can clearly indicate that something went wrong somewhere. Audit...

Laurel, Maryland: Best Place to Live

Introduction Established in the 1870s, Laurel remains one of the best cities to live and do business in the United States. It’s conveniently located at the center of three key U.S. cities of Baltimore, Annapolis, and Washington DC. (Robert J. Brugger, 1996)The city boasts diverse communities, excellent housing, and outstanding...

Hobbit: Archeological and Paleontological Point of View

Homo floresiensis, had features that were similar to his ancestor australopithecines. He had a small body size, his legs were shorter in length and his clavicle and scapula shows he had the ability to rotate less as compared to his ancestor’s australopithecines. When we compare his hands with those of...

Implicit Memory: Animal Observation

The focal point of this paper is to enumerate the observation of an animal outside the class in relation to a concept of general psychology. In this context the animal chosen is a dog and the concept of general psychology is implicit memory. Implicit memory is essentially, philosophically and metaphysically,...

The Brain, Forebrain, Midbrain and Hindbrain Definition

Introduction The brain is that part of the central nervous system positioned in the skull. It is a mass of tissue pinkish-gray in color consisting of a network of nerve cells and weighs approximately three pounds. The human brain is one of the major and important organs of the body....

Survey Data Collection and Sampling Mode

This paper outlines how I would carry out a survey of 1000 members of the general population in the UK in order to explore their experiences of and attitudes towards the police. Of key importance, I explain the modes of data collection I would use. The importance of the mode...

“Machiavellian Monkey’s” by J Shreeve

The article “Machiavellian Monkey’s” by J. Shreeve describes intelligence and IQ factors of monkeys. The author finds that a young baboon Paul has a high level of intelligence and can be compared with humans playing and interacting with each other. To humans, animals also practice deception playing tricks with other...