How Digital Technologies Changed Communication and Life?

Abstract With the appearance of digital devices and the Internet, face-to-face communication gradually moved to the virtual space. The question is – has it remain the way it used to be or has it transformed changing the people who practice it and whole societies? Over the last few years, virtual...

PeopleSoft Inc.’s Software Architecture and Design

The PeopleSoft Inc. was a company that provided Enterprise Performance Management software (EPM) performance, Human Resource Management Systems (HRMS), financial management solutions (FMS), Supply Chain Management (SCM), and customer relationship management (CRM) software systems (Kurtz 2012). Beside this, the company also provided software solutions for enterprise performance management, as well...

Internet Privacy Policy at the Workplace

Overview In this era of globalization, employers may have valid reasons why they should be interested in monitoring their employers’ email and internet use at the workplace. In fact, today numerous firms across the planet have put policies to ensure that all employers monitor to use the internet and other...

Technology Description Diary: The Use of Smartphone and Diary of Observations

Modern life is impossible to imagine without a great number of devices that make people’s lives easier and help to keep many things under control. There are applications that we use at home or work, as well as those that we carry around all of the time. As an experiment,...

Reactive Chemical Explosion in the T2 Laboratories

The T2 laboratories Inc. located in Jacksonville City, Florida suffered a heavy loss in property and human life following an on-site chemical explosion that occurred on 19th December 2007. As a result of the incident, four employees of the company were killed. The co-owner of the chemical plant was also...

Etihad Airways’ Passenger Self-Service Project

Introduction The most renowned value of the project management is its ability to achieve the strategic objectives without the disruption of the working process. It is especially important in the air transportation industry because the stable and secure course of ‘business as usual’ defines the quality of the service. The...

Cause-and-Effect Diagram for Airport Security

Introduction As its name says rather explicitly, the cause-and-effect diagram (CAED) is typically used to identify the connection between the factors that contributed to a particular phenomenon and the occurrence thereof (Pyzdek & Keller, 2014). Reasonably enough, the specified tool has been used primarily for resolving specific project- or entrepreneurship-related...

Supercomputer Technologies in Nursing Science

Introduction It could be hardly doubted that the development of new technologies vastly influences nearly every aspect of contemporary life. It is possible to say that this technological impact is evidently present in the sphere of public health and nursing. Since science has always contributed to the development and improvement...

Commercial Aviation: What Does Future Bring?

Introduction Commercial aviation, which is a component of civil aviation, is the business of operating aircraft to transport people and goods on hire. The airliners used in the transportation of passengers and cargo range from single-engine freight planes to the Boeing 747. Commercial aircraft were accepted after the Second World...

Mobile Imprisonment: Threat or Opportunity?

Technology saves a lot of time to people and enables them to focus on such concepts as self-development, relationship, social contribution rather than do the chores. Technology has also made the planet really small as people can communicate with each other irrespective of distances or time. At the same time,...

Hybrid Intelligent System for Credit Approval in Banks

Executive Summary The use of credit by consumers necessitates the use of an approval process by banks to vet suitable candidates to avert lending risks. The major risks a bank deals with when forwarding credit facilities is fraud and default. Banks use credit rating as the first line of defence...

Technology for Human Capability Development

Technology is an important aspect in both developing and developed communities that focus on the innovation of highly sophisticated advances in neuroscience, computing, and biotechnologies. It holds a promise to transform our world for our sake and create overall availability with a character development where newer and improved mechanisms are...

Technology in Learning and Its Social Relevance

Nowadays, when globalization is uniting the entire world, we need to embed modern technology into education process as well. The research question of the paper is how technology could influence learning. The social relevance of technology in learning is undoubtedly significant. Modern technologies and telecommunications make it possible to change...

Windows Server 2012 Implementation and Configuration

Abstract The use of up-to-date technology is vital for all businesses operating in today’s corporate world. To this end, companies should carry out thorough research and evaluation before acquiring a technological product. The aim of this is to determine the software that will work best for the company. The management...

Reasons Why Computers Will Never Achieve Self Awareness?

Introduction Computers have dominated the human world today, with almost every task requiring a computer, in order to be accomplished. The Computers devices have developed through different generations, with each developing the product development process. Each generation is used to advance the generation before it. The command, speed and CPU...

The Future CSUF College Town Project

Executive Summary California State University, Fullerton, the oldest university in Fullerton, in collaboration with the City of Fullerton has come up with a project to develop a town known as college town. The location of the town is to be behind Hope University and the current Nutwood Street. The college...

Project Management Selection and Initiation

Starting a project aimed at addressing a specific problem is the first step towards improving the overall performance of the organization (Kerzner, 2014). A project, however, needs to comply with a set of specific standards, which concern determining goals, objectives, criteria and expected outcomes. Although the research conducted by Wan...

Project Manager, His Role and Responsibilities

When it comes to defining the hierarchy of a project, its leader deserves to be mentioned first. Without a project manager, the very existence of the subject matter is barely possible (Phillips, 2015). Defining the course of a project, as well as the key processes such as the location of...

Engineering Professionalism and Ethics

Introduction As stated in the preamble to the National Society of professional engineers, engineering is an important and learned profession, and so engineers should uphold the highest levels of integrity and honesty. It, therefore, spells out the importance of ethics as a system of principles governing morality and acceptable behavior....

Use of Technologies in the Educational Process

By the moment a school child learns to read and write, tasks should become more and more challenging and engaging. Teachers in contemporary schools often face a problem of involving students in the learning process. The young generation of students was born in a digital world. The Internet and other...

What Video Games Have to Teach Us

Living in times of blistering development of computer technologies, we should recognize the fact that they have a great influence on traditional things. Every day we observe more and more changes introduced by digital technologies. These technologies help people in their work and study, providing easy access to information. However,...

Concept of IT Security

Ensuring the security of information does not entail securing the servers and the network only. Physical security of the organization is paramount in ensuring the IT security. When I got to the company, it did not have proper physical security measures for its equipments. Employees could access the server room...

The 4G Wireless Network: Redundancy and Fault Recovery

3G wireless networks and 4G networks Both 3rd and 4th generations are mobile communication standards set to define the general airwaves utility. They are both forms of transmissions that carry information in the form of voice and data. The most notable difference between the two transmission networks is the speed...

Whether Robots are Conscious or Not?

Introduction The robot is defined as a man-made electromechanical machine that works on a set of pre-programmed instructions from humans or computers to do some specific job or a variety of jobs on its own. Robots are devices that mimic human or animal characteristics in performing the specified jobs and...

Technical Communication: Social Networking

Social networking can be defined as a virtual environment in which individuals form groups for a common goal of socializing. Traditionally, social networking is mostly done offline by groups of friends or people sharing a common interest. Technological advances have, however, changed the social networking concept to the point where...

Water Crisis in Nigeria: Project Management

Introduction In the World Economic Forum’s list of the most significant global risks for humanity over the next ten years, in terms of potential impact, the problem of lack of drinking water comes out on top (McNally et al. 2019). It has confidently circumvented failed attempts to mitigate climate change,...

Difference Between SIGMETs, Convective SIGMETs, and AIRMETs

Introduction The importance of meteorological notifications, such as SIGMETs, Convective SIGMETs, and AIRMETs, should be considered. They assist flight crews and other aviation services in making informed decisions based on weather conditions that may affect flight safety. SIGMETs, Convective SIGMETs, and AIRMETs are critical for guaranteeing flight safety. Although all...

Family Communication Influenced by Technology

The article “Influence of technology usage on family communication patterns and functioning” by Ashwini Tadpatrikar et al., examines the degree of influence of technology and family communication and identifies current patterns of family activities. As part of the study, a literature review was conducted on the relationship between technology and...

Position on AI’s Role in Education

Introduction Educational establishments make significant contributions toward defining the future of a nation. These establishments ensure that young individuals master specific knowledge and skills, which will be further needed to succeed professionally and impact society. That is why appropriate organizations and the government are expected to do their best to...

MySQL Security Policies and Controls

Introduction MySQL’s use as an open-source management framework for relational databases is widespread in the data industry. In reality, some of the globe’s most popular websites and web apps, including YouTube, Facebook, WordPress, phpBB, and Twitter, utilize this technology (Isiaka et al., 2020). Therefore, this essay sheds light on MySQL’s...

Unbiased Project Schedule: Project Management and Risk Management Approach

In the process of arranging business processes, precise planning of activities is necessary. Thus, within this aspect, schedules are of particular value, which is especially useful for the correct distribution of time and tasks between employees. It is also worth noting that in this context, it is necessary to use...

Effects of Cybercrime on Businesses

Introduction/Literature Review Cybercrime is an illegal activity that targets computer users and networks of devices for malicious reasons. Most cybercrime activities are undertaken by hackers and crackers who want to manipulate the online system to make money or for social and political initiatives. The phenomenon can be done by a...

Technology Acquirement in Project Management

Introduction An organization must invest in technology if it wants to meet the evolving needs of its customers. Remarkably, it should be based on extensive research and analysis, not just a ballpark figure. This is to ensure that the best technology is selected and implemented appropriately. The essay addresses culture...

Vulnerabilities of Information Systems

Introduction As businesses progress into the era of advanced technologies, digital transformation increases its strategic potential. Implementing information technologies such as information systems directly impacts the quality of business operations and customer experience. According to Rainer and Prince (2021), information systems “collect, process, store, analyze, and disseminate information for specific...

Communication Technology: Impact on Personal Relationships

Effective communication skills are critical to positive human relations and serve a principal role in social development by enabling conflict resolution and understanding. However, before completing this course, I was not conversant with the implications of my conversation habits and how my approaches to interacting and connecting with others using...

Common Technological Tools Discussion

Summary Technology is an essential aspect of improving learning. When students with learning disabilities are allowed to utilize their abilities by using technology, they often succeed and overcome more challenges. Assistive technology tools help the students with special needs to learn like others. Any helpful software that supports teaching and...

Digital Technologies in Business

Digital transformation is probably the most recurring theme on the agenda of modern businesses. IT-enabled opportunities drive managers around the world to upgrade and adapt their companies and organizations accordingly. Lin and Lin (2014) raise an intriguing question of how accurate the perceived usefulness of technology adoption really is. After...

Cyberstalking: Victimization and Perpetration

One of the modern generation’s core challenges is seeking protection against bullying. The study comparing victimization and perpetration as a consequence of cyberstalking renders a profound insight concerning the influence of technological advancement on social relations. As experimental-based research, the outcomes pose dynamic gaps and opportunities for the intense investigative...

Protecting Public Anonymity as Issue in Technology

When information about a person’s or a group of people’s lives is private and unavailable to others, it is a state of privacy. Privacy in the digital age is becoming increasingly vital in the world’s evolving technology. An individual’s privacy ensures that all the information regarding that particular person is...

Harnessing Technology in Britain

Introduction Technology in the United Kingdom has gone through various cycles. Britain’s many breakthroughs and discoveries began to emerge concerning the successful deployment of creativity in multiple industries. The notion of technology was extensively used in the industrial sector to increase the organization’s efficiency and productivity. Further, the technological concept...

Networks and the Internet Tools

Packet Internet Groper, Ping, serves as a network utility for testing communication latency between networks. Apart from testing server reachability, ping can be used to tests internet connectivity. After opening the terminal or command prompt, users type ping and space followed by the website or IP address then execute the...

Discussion: Plato, Writing, and Google

With the development of technology and all the new means it brought, writing has changed. The mere process of leaving ink on the paper altered little, although the pixels replaced the paper, and the keyboard substituted the pens. More importantly, the very reason why people continue to write has changed....

Meteorological Hazards in Aviation

Introduction Meteorological hazards, such as floods, storms, earthquakes, and rising seas, can endanger lives and have a negative impact on economies. Such events as wind, shear, turbulence, and severe thunderstorms are particularly harmful to aviation. For example, according to Goodman (2019, p. 479), “weather was responsible for 32.6% of the...

Consumer Behavior Prediction: Data Analytics

Building a model of consumer behavior is a multicriteria complex task that depends on many factors, ranging from the specifics of the business industry to global changes in the market. However, promising developments in artificial intelligence, composable data, the development of data fabric standards, and information technology, in general, make...

Textile Company A: Business Intelligence System

Introduction Textile Company A is a small business in North Carolina that is currently struggling due to the changing global environment. The organization is engaged in the purchase of textiles in Europe, the Middle and Far East, as well as their distribution in the United States. The complication of global...

Data Security Concepts for Business Organizations

Executive Summary The future of a company greatly relies on data security, being one of the fast-rising issues; it can potentially make a company grow or leads to its downfall. Every company is mandated to become aggressive and develop strong and reliable data security since big data can be both...

Cybersecurity and Its Importance in Schools

Introduction I am currently working as a Paraprofessional for the Board of Education in the city of New York, and I am looking to change my career to cyber security. I would like to put little bit more emphasis on how cybersecurity can protect our children at home and in...

SaaS-Based Hiring System: The Ez-Ats Cloud-Based Hiring Solution

Introduction The suggested solution’s SaaS-based hiring system with expert security means that the EZ-ATS cloud-based hiring solution satisfies the MTC standards (EZ-ATS, 2018). The data will be kept secure thanks to the EZ-ATS solution. The hiring process currently used by MTC is manual. With this solution, all employees will have...

Pro-Forma Projected Expenses and Operating Costs for Robotics

A pro forma projected financial statement A pro forma projected financial statement is a leveraging tool for hypothetical assumptions and data for the future value of a project performance during a period yet to be covered. It forecasts financial statements for future periods in a business (Laurie, 2019). For this...

The Brisbane 2032 Olympics Games Project Management

Executive Summary In 2032, Brisbane is a city in Australia with the honor and privilege of hosting the Olympics Games. The games will allow the community, local businesses, and the government to showcase what they can do best by hosting such a high-profile sporting event. Therefore, a venture of such...

Artificial Intelligence: Pros and Cons

Artificial intelligence attracts more and more attention. Bill Gates believes that among all modern innovations, AI has the most significant potential to change our lives: to make them more productive, more efficient, and easier. AI has long captured the imagination of writers and journalists. Not all people really understand what...

Technological Progress: Dangers and Negative Effects

Introduction Modern people live in an era of a technological revolution; new inventions appear almost every day. However, the pace of technological progress significantly accelerates the development of the negative aspects of technology. Such negative changes include global warming, pollution of the planet, and the danger of technology being used...

Automation in the Aviation Industry

Executive Summary The following report aims to observe and analyze the current functions of automation within the aviation industry. As such, the primary goal of the paper is to address the exact processes by which automation enhances or modifies the experience of pilots, flight attendants, and passengers through qualitative literature...

Artificial Intelligence and the Future of Business

For many people, the concept of artificial intelligence is still something related to the area of science-fiction type of dystopia. However, this image seems to be closer to fading into obscurity with each passing day as AI becomes more common in people’s everyday lives. Uzialko (2022) notes that today, not...

Plan to Support Students Learning English and Programming

Summary It is clear that learning English and coding at the same time presented challenges for non-native English speakers when it came to reading educational content, communicating technically, reading and writing software, and other related tasks. They demanded additional images, multimedia, culturally-neutral code patterns, simplified English without culturally unique language,...

The Digitalization of the Education Process

With the digitalization of the education process and the transfer of most of its stages to online settings, the services claiming to assist students in building essential academic skills such as critical thinking have gained quite strong popularity among learners and educators alike. Though services such as Anki are admittedly...

Cultural Democracy and Internet Imperialism

Ampuja M., Koivisto, J., & Nordenstreng, K. (2019). Historicizing and theorizing media and cultural imperialism. Media Imperialism: Continuity and Change, 31. This source explores the relationship between the concepts of cultural imperialism and media imperialism. The authors highlight the similarities behind the origin of Western domination within cultural and media...

Project Management Methodology

This paper will be responding to a quote by Harold Kerzner. According to the man, “The importance of a good methodology cannot be understated” (Kerzner, 2018), which ties in smoothly with the topic of the present discussion – project management methodologies. Project management remains among the central needs of any...

Legal Technology in Criminal Justice

In the modern world, an efficient pursuit of criminal justice is impossible without up-to-date and well-maintained information technology. In the subject of criminal justice, computers are often used to produce reports, preserve records, investigate crimes, identify criminal suspects, analyze crime patterns, and enable data analysis at multiple levels. Technology pervades...

The Problem of Data Security in Information Technology

Introduction Information governance (IG) is a special and unique strategy that allows one to manage, control and use particular data in the “right direction” following the regulatory requirements. It is also worth considering that “information governance” in contrast to “information management” has a broader scope of application. IG incorporate structured...

Business Model Canvas and Artificial Intelligence

Introduction The business model canvas is the most commonly used tool in developing a business strategy. Its application ranges from schooling to entrepreneurial simulation to real-world company planning. Furthermore, the business model canvas is a means of describing, assessing, and constructing business models, with nine building elements that demonstrate the...

The Neutrality of Technology

Technology accompanies a person for a very long time. However, in modern society, the question of the neutrality of this aspect of society’s life has arisen. It is worth emphasizing that technologies can be used both for positive purposes, such as computers to search for information, and for negative, hacking...

Accidents Due to Impact of Weather Actualities

The first mishap occurred in the 1977 Tenerife Islands collision involving two Boeing 747 planes, including Boeing 747-100 and Boeing 747-200. Low visibility is the primary weather problem that caused the accident. Boeing 747-200 underwent refueling, which increased the time it took to take off. In addition, after Boeing 747-200...

Global Positioning System in Aviation

Introduction Nowadays, Global Positioning System (GPS) is a common and popular navigational instrument implemented in many fields of human life. For instance, it can be highly effective in aviation and aerospace navigation due to its efficiency in terms of aircraft positioning. However, GPS users in the United States can often...

Dating Sites as an Investigative Tool

Introduction In the age of technology dating websites allow people to search for partners who fit one’s preferences. To find their perfect match, the users provide a lot of information about their interests, hobbies, life goals, place of residence, education, and many other personal details. However, all this data available...

The Sinking of the Titanic and the Collapse of the Hyatt Hotel

Engineering failures are the mistakes engineers make when constructing projects, leading to destruction and often causing human life losses. Indeed, there have been many historical events exemplifying the situations of engineering failure. The investigation of such failures is commonly approached with failure analysis, which allows for identifying the causes of...

Cloud Computing and Data Security Solution

Cloud computing is crucial in our new connected society and it is particularly relevant today since it offers many opportunities to enterprises (School, Hospital, Institutions). At the same time, cloud computing also has certain issues, and one of the primary ones is data security and integrity. The issue of data...

Virtual Local Area Network (VLAN) and Its Essentials

VLAN usually facilitates communication between switches by dividing one button into two or more mini-switches. Thus, it allows administrators to make one switch to two virtual physically. These virtual switches will usually take the form of numbers-names. The traffic flows going to the switch port, thus, remain within the same...

Cryptographic Attacks and Defenses

Introduction Storage, transmission, and transformation of information are subjected to various attacks. Adversaries, opponents, interceptors, and enemies are all vulnerable to attacks. The primary security violations are disclosure of information values, loss of confidentiality, modification without authorization, or illegal loss of access to those assets. A passive attack is an...

Why Do Humans Rely So Much on Technology?

Technology has always played an indispensable role in people’s lives. Be it the invention of the wheel or the development of an innovative digital tool, technological advances quickly percolate into people’s everyday routine, shaping it both on personal and professional levels. Though the idea of being overly dependent on technology...

Tokyo’s Technological Wonder and Innovation

Background Tokyo is considered to be one of the most innovative places in the world. In 2021, it managed to wrestle the title from its previous holder, Boston (SmartCitiesWorld, 2021). It was accredited for its strong application of technologies, increased digitalization of life, and its performance against the ongoing COVID-19...

Is New Technology Making Us More or Less Intelligent?

Introduction The concept of intelligence, which people have been attempting to define for many centuries, means different things to different people. Some might define intelligence as one’s problem-solving abilities or might associate it with adaptive social skills, while others might interpret the concept as the creative capacity one holds. Whatever...

Safety Improvement in Cockpit and Airport Operations

Introduction Safety improvements in the cockpit and airport operations are important because they can help to prevent accidents from occurring. In the cockpit, safety improvements can include things like adding new technology that helps pilots to more easily monitor their surroundings or ensuring that all crew members are properly trained...

Preflight Planning Considerations

Introduction In this paper, there is a plan to fly an unmanned aircraft system (UAS), which will be DJI Matrice multi-rotor aircraft on flight lines 25 meters apart from one another. There is a need to consider safety-critical aspects that ensure that the flight does not have constraints while in...

Post-COVID Recovery Plan For Ryanair

Introduction The Covid-19 novel coronavirus pandemic has become of the most significant challenges faced by the contemporary business environment. The pandemic has entailed nationwide lockdown protocols, while global travel was virtually paralysed. In such a situation, airlines experienced serious financial problems caused by the decreased passenger flow and the overall...

The “Robots on Earth” Article by Jerry West

Robots on Earth by Jerry West is a work of non-fiction that attempts to discuss the ways in which the perception of robots and AI are misrepresented within society. While the media tries to paint robots as villainous and dangerous creations, in practice, they merely exist as equipment to help...

The Malta College of Arts, Science, and Technology

Introduction The Malta College of Arts, Science, and Technology (MCAST) recently requested a technical report regarding the comparative software relevance, usability, hardware and monetary requirements of Moodle in the global learning management systems (LMS) market. The impetus for this was the desire of this educational organisation to expand its course...

Legal Regulation of the Internet

Summary The Internet is a worldwide computer network that unites millions of computers into a single information system. The Internet provides the amplest opportunities for the free receipt and dissemination of scientific, business, educational, and entertainment information. The global network connects almost all major scientific and governmental organizations, universities and...

TechFite Firm’s Emerging Technology Solutions

TechFite is a company that specializes in manufacturing medical devices used in space programs. TechFite currently experiences concern about the company’s security system, as due to its connections with a governmental agency, security should be the company’s top priority. The issue is that the company currently experiences financial difficulties because...

Analysis of Digital Technologies Importance

The use of high technologies and special assistive devices for people with physical disabilities is an important part of their life. High hopes have been placed on digitalization, particularly the internet, as a catalyst to diminish divides in communities of individuals with physical challenges (Johansson et al., 2021). Those technological...

The IT-Project Communication Plan

The IT project communication plan is a written roadmap and document that defines, emphasizes, and summarizes the project’s communication requirements and expectations. The communication management strategy also identifies the individual party or parties in charge of each communication channel by defining who will communicate with whom within the specific IT...

The Effects of Technology in the American Workplace

Introduction The modern world is characterized by different levels of economic development and various places of these countries in the technological revolution. The impact of innovation on the labor market is frequently viewed through the perspective of creating or destroying jobs. At the same time, technology and digitalization also positively...

A New Line Maintenance Project for B787 Aircraft

Introduction Table 1: Project Scope Statement. Project Title: A New Line Maintenance Project for B787 Date: 26 January 2022 Prepared by: Project sponsor British Airways (BA) Engineering Project Justification B787 is one aircraft that is suffering from quality issues following the notification from Federal Aviation Administration (FAA). The aircraft has...

The Google Platform’s Impact on People

Nowadays, the Internet plays a vital role in everybody’s lives. People use it daily to find answers to the most common questions, find a recipe, browse the nearby coffee shops, or order a book. Google is one of the biggest search engines and might give a billion responses to any...

Technological Progress Does Not Always Result in Happiness

Technological advancement is at the core of human civilization’s history. Progress in different technologies over the decades has contributed to considerable societal shifts. A significantly enhanced human welfare is the most notable outcome of technological developments, and the trend’s continuity seems inevitable. New and more sophisticated technologies make various aspects...

The Effect of the Digital Era on the Implementation of Lean Six Sigma

Abstract The paper’s primary purpose is to demonstrate the impact of the digital era on the implementation of Lean Six Sigma. Moreover, it aims at defining the concepts of Lean Six Sigma and Industry 4.0 by raising the preliminary research question “How the Digital Era impacts the implementation of Lean...

Cyber-Attacks on the Colonial Pipeline Organization

Colonial Pipeline Company is an oil company based in Texas, Houston and carries jet oil and gasoline to the southeastern part of the states. On May 7th, 2021 it experienced a ransom with cyber-attack that resulted in computerized equipment running the pipeline being invaded by the hackers. As a result...

Introduction of Information Technologies in Court

The development of digital technologies has proved the prospect of introducing artificial intelligence in court. The introduction of AI into court office work is one of the modern trends in the development of criminal justice, which has proved to be efficient. China’s first success in this area was the Hangzhou...

Internet Censorship: Freedom of Expression in the Arts

Introduction The role of the internet in modern society can be emphasized enough. Many countries have embraced this technology and used it to boost their economies and other aspects of life, including education. Most importantly, digital trends have been adopted by corporations and small and medium enterprises (SMEs), all of...

NoSQL Database Types: Advantages and Disadvantages

Nowadays, there is a wide choice of NoSQL databases, which differ in structure and principles of storing information. Based on these characteristics, one can identify four major NoSQL database types: column-oriented database, key-value store, document store, and graph database. Each type has strong and weak points and is suitable for...

Technology and Employment Relationship Management

Introduction Technological advances have been credited for most of the new trends in the contemporary economy, including employment relations. People’s daily lives have been affected by innovations where tasks are either re-invented or reassigned from humans to machines. Around the workplace, similar changes have been reported where worker relations are...

Interrelationship and Coproduction of Science, Technology and Society

Understanding the nuanced connections between science, technology, and society, as well as the role that coproduction as a phenomenon plays in the specified relationships, is crucial for the further technological and social progress. Sheila Jasanoff’s “The Idiom of co-Production” allows encompassing numerous facets of technological progress and connect it to...

Multi-Cloud Security: Presenting Best Practices

Most organizations resort to various security means to protect their databases and physical networks that have to be hidden from the outside world. As cyberattacks are presently the central issue, most organizations integrate different security software programs to eliminate the risk of being hacked. A particular security software program has...

Cyberspace Regulation in the Modern World

As modern economic and political establishments are highly dependent on the Internet, its safety is inevitably a critical topic of discussion. Various online applications used daily by users worldwide combine into concepts of cyberspace. In this way, regulating cyberspace includes protecting speech and personal information from government surveillance (Weitzner, 2018)....

Biometrics Recognition and Crime Prevention

Introduction Any workplace is not insured against the crime. Theft of the workspace is a severe crime that needs to be taken into account with all the associated countermeasures. In the case of Acme Logistics, the equipment is stolen during business hours through the facility doors without any identification technologies....

Effective Use of Technology in the Classroom and at Home

Technology makes it easy to access information compared to traditional information forms, such as books. Thus, technology is vital in learning both in the classroom and at home. Technological devices such as computers, smartphones, and tablets have enabled students and teachers to attain their academic objectives faster. It is essential...

Gasoline and Electric Motors Comparison

Modern technological development and environmental challenges move motor production towards replacing gasoline machines with electric ones. The latter is known for being more sustainable, yet the power of the former has significant advantages, and the raw materials usage, safety, and affordability must also be considered upon selecting the best solution...

Customer Relationship Management Software Implementation

Customer Relationship Management (CRM) software is one of the most effective approaches to improve the management of customers in an organization. Implementing CRM without thorough consideration of customer satisfaction and strategy poses a great risk to an organization. Customer strategy should be incorporated when introducing CRM software in an organization....

Network Security, Threats and Vulnerabilities

In my understanding, a cyber vulnerability is an opening in one’s security that presents an opportunity for malicious agents to perform a cyberattack. It presents a chance for attackers to act upon their threats once discovered. At the same time, a cyber threat is an already discovered opening in one’s...

Deep Packet Inspection & Traffic Steering Application

Summary The primary problem of the current project concerned the persistence of cyberattacks and other types of web-based malicious activity which affect numerous organizations and individuals worldwide. All data on networks is transferred in the form of compressed packets, and a proper mechanism is required to ensure that they are...

Ethical Aspects of Digital Privacy

As digital technology develops and worldwide network is implemented and utilized in more and more fields of human life, digital privacy becomes a significant concern. Even though data collection and analysis may be beneficial in terms of provided services, statistical researches, and even safety, its uncontrollable usage and no necessity...

Difference between the Antivirus and Anti-Malware

Security is an integral part of every computer, whether it is a personal or business device. Failure to protect the machine makes them vulnerable to varied sources of viruses. Antivirus and anti-malware are the two most common types of security software which have been developed. Even though the two terms...

The Issue of Ethics in Software Systems

Introduction Ethics in software systems is one of the greatest factors to be put into consideration by software developers. Software systems are very necessary to all users, and this factor calls for high levels of ethics among all software users. Therefore, software systems developers need to ensure good and friendly...

Curriculum Implementation With New Software

The implementation of a new project or initiative into a school curriculum is almost universally a challenging and multi-layered project. The person responsible for its undertaking would need to ensure that the needs of the children affected by the curriculum are being met. And with the software introduction, in particular,...

Factors Influencing the Lubrication of Valve Train Components

Introduction Internal Combustion Engines (ICEs) have become the most common sources of power in most industrial processes. These engines are preferred due to their reliability and lack of complexity, and relatively low cost of operations (Okubo & Kuwahara 2020). However, despite these benefits, ICEs account for 15-18% of the global...

System Simulation and Modelling: Arena Operating Software

The term Arena as used in software and technology science represents an object-oriented, hierarchized, rapid, and broad advancement in simulation technology that enables the use of enterprise-wide simulation. It is extendible and provides a complete simulation environment that supports all the base steps in a study [1]. The Arena simulation...

The Future of Computers and Cybersecurity

The research of technical ties between security and threat perspectives highlights the significant influence that computers have had earlier and the certainty of its growing influence in the near future. Since most people’s personal and professional lives are performed online today compared to earlier on, cybersecurity has become a critical...

Communication Technologies in the Historical Context

Introduction Communication is a vital aspect of human lives because people are naturally social beings. More importantly, long-distance communication posed a greater challenge to the early man but due to technological advancements in the field of communication, the threats have been overcome. Before major inventions in communication, people relied on...

Sifers-Grayson Firm’s Security Strategy Recommendations

Abstract The Red Team’s successful penetration into Sifers-Grayson’s system exposed significant vulnerabilities that the firm needs to address. As a result, the firm’s management resolved that they have to embark on implementing two defensive strategies within the company. While there were several options, they chose two strategies. The first strategy...

Body of Knowledge of Internet of Things

Knowledge/Application Area Internet of things falls within enterprise integration of Body of Knowledge (BoK) Matrix since it involves the technologies, processes as well as structures that link data, applications multiple gadgets. IoT is one of the significant developments in the realm of information technology, as well as transportation and logistics...

Cyber Security Management and Policy

Cybersecurity threats should be a concern for any company and especially for businesses that employ a large number of people and collect substantial quantities of data. The ability of a company to ensure the security of the information they store is an essential component of the brand image and its...

Tactical Combat Casualty Care

Introduction The Tactical Combat Casualty Care (TCCC) information system is an essential element of the US military activities due to its thorough focus on document-sharing activities and the possibility to exchange the latest updates from the field among fellow members of the military. From flow sheets to complete medical records,...

“Is Google Making Us Stupid?” by Carr Critique

One of Carr’s main points is that by using the Internet as the source of knowledge, humanity might forget printed books and the importance of intellectual vibrations triggered by words in our minds (63). In other words, deep reading, a part of deep thinking, can be lost, and it is...

The Death of 30 Chickens in the Car Accident

Today, on Monday, at about 6 pm, a terrible incident took place, which claimed 30 young chickens’ lives. They were headed to a new farm; there were about 300 of them in total. They were supposed to start a new round in Pilgrims Chicken’s development, but not all of them...

Emergency Escape Ramps: Important or Not

Introduction An emergency escape ramp (EER) also known as an escape lane, is a road construction device that allows a safe stop for vehicles that have lost control of their braking system (Arizona Department of Transportation). Such tools are needed to prevent road accidents and save the lives of drivers,...

Java and JavaScript Vulnerabilities

Java and JavaScript have as many security vulnerabilities as other programming languages. These exposures can redirect sessions, manipulate data, and modify and steal information. The security issues can affect server-side environments even though Java and JavaScript are usually viewed as client-side applications. Since the effects of Java and JavaScript vulnerabilities...

A Lack of a PerFormance Problem: A Training Program

Problem A lack of a performance problem is a gap that arises when an employee does not perform to the level required by the organization. Here, a training program is designed to solve a specific performance problem identified in a firm: managers who are not being as productive as their...

Customer Scope of Influence and Technology Effect

It is important to understand and establish an effective scope of influence between companies and customers in modern business. Social media is one of the contributing factors that identify the customers’ scope of influence. It has already changed how people develop their business, and now, social media helps extend the...

New Technologies in Video Games Area

The video game industry is the fastest-growing technology area in the world. Due to this fact, many innovative products and directions appear in it every year that deserve attention. According to estimations, “in 2019, the gaming industry generated $120 billion in revenue, and experts predict it could reach $200 billion...

New Technology in the Air Cargo Industry: Artificial Intelligence

The YouTube video is titled “Transport logistic: Artificial Intelligence at Air cargo.” It discusses how artificial intelligence (AI) will revolutionize the air cargo industry. It discusses two major developments being implemented. It was published by Transport Logistics on May 23, 2019. The logistics sector forms an important component of the...

Virtual Machines: Principles, Benefits

Abstract Computer technology, as an advanced and dynamically developing industry, constantly offers users new options and software functionality. One of such developments is virtualization as a process that transforms traditional operating systems. Virtual machines that are individual files create the environment running on the host OS independently. This separation allows...

Artificial Intelligence and Its Usage in Modern Warfare and Healthcare

AI usage in modern warfare The question of AI usage in modern warfare is topical these days. I have never heard of the controversial Project Maven. Still, I have looked it up, and it sounds bizarre to think that regular Google employees could be involved with the Department of Defense....

Cloud Computing. Statement of Need

The company is struggling with the storage and perfect management of data, which is done within the confines of a manual archive where, at most times, old data is lost, or files are affected by the change in the environmental conditions. The company also losses more money on overhead management...

Disruptive Technology in Display Devices Industry

Disruptive technology refers to technological innovations that displace existing technologies, which is evident in the manufacture of display devices. Initially, in computer monitors and television screens, Cathode Ray Tube (CRT) was used. However, due to technological progress, display devices have evolved considerably. Light Emission Diodes (LED) replaced CRT as Liquid...

Self-Service Kiosks Requirements Project

The current requirement is a clear indication that the library board has considered the proposed model for providing self-service to meet the demands of more young readers. The suggested attributes and procedures will support the functions of every kiosk, reduce operational costs, serve more customers, and eventually promote reading culture....

Emerging Technologies in Public Relations

Article Summary The selected article for this analysis and summary is “Public Relations and Technology: Practitioner Perspectives”. The author begins by explaining how different public relations (PR) practitioners are finding modern technologies more useful in their respective positions. The inclusion of advanced communication systems can help such professions adjust their...

Costs Involved in Warehousing, Impacts and Their Trade-offs in the Aviation

Costs incurred in the warehousing of aviation and aerospace materials and parts include handling and storage charges, and operational and general administrative expenses. Handling costs are related to moving the materials either in or out of the warehouse. Storage expenses comprise all the costs associated with occupying a facility and...

“How the Meaning of Digital Transformation Has Evolved” by Puthiyamadam

Digital transformation has become the number one issue for senior managers of leading companies in recent years. Nevertheless, many digital initiatives still fall short of their goals, and this often leads to multibillion-dollar losses. This paper will discuss failures that companies face when applying digital technologies mentioned in the article...

What is Blockchain Ethereum: How does it Work

Abstract This article discusses the detailed data structure of Ethereum blockchain and defines its essential components, essence, and advantages. It is argued that the primary Ethereum’s elements are accounts, state, fuel, transactions, and blocks. It is concluded that the platform has a significant and appropriate architecture. Keywords— Ethereum, blockchain, structure,...

Value Stream Mapping to Evaluate Wastes in Production

Value stream mapping is a crucial lean tool that helps to evaluate the current wastes in the production process and design process improvement interventions to improve the process efficiency. A value stream map (VSM) visualizes all the stakeholders and processes needed to fulfill the order from a customer. The present...

The Vacuum Vessel Design: Requirements and Limitations

Introduction In engineering design, the procedure of coming up with a component involves idea synthesis at the initial state after problem definition. Creative thinking then follows to evaluate possible designs to meet the functional requirements of the mentioned need. Vetting is also done to come up with a sensible number...

Fluid Flow Visualization and Its Methods

Introduction Fluid flow visualization entails the creation of a means of making fluid flow patterns perceivable. This is important because the flow patterns can be used a basis for analysis in experimentation and in model simulations. A few methods of fluid visualization are: surface flow visualization, particle tracer and optical...

Internet-of-Things in the Military and Its Feasibility

Introduction The Internet of Military Things (IoMT) is a unique form of technology under the Internet-of-Things (IoT) framework applied in the execution of military operations. The IoMT has wide application in advanced combat operations and intelligence-oriented warfare processes (Suri et al., 2016). A majority of the highly advanced military units...

Regulating Internet Privacy and Related Issues

Introduction A person’s right to privacy has been highly cherished in the US and in many countries across the world. This is because the consequences for victims of privacy intrusion can be devastating, ranging from hurtful gossips to stealing of identity and even damaged credit ratings (Chiu, 2000). Even though...

Modern Data Management and Organization Strategies

In recent years, there has been tremendous growth in data volume across all organizations. Data has become the backbone of competitiveness, productivity, development, and innovation in many companies. Fleckenstein and Fellows (2018) note that a large amount of information places people in a particular context in which data management becomes...

Project Management in the Time of COVID-19

Step 1: Claiming Centrality Recently there has been a spate of interest in the spread of coronavirus infection was the factor, which defined the research orientation of the global medical community in 2020. More specifically, knowledge of the methods for clinical management optimization during the pandemic has proved to be...

Radio Frequency (RF) Communication Systems

The creation of a communication system that employs radio frequency signal transmission presupposes consideration of the available channels, equipment that can be used to establish the network, area, and the central purposes that drive its introduction. At the same time, it is critical to ensure that the transmitter can operate...

The Web-Based Learning

Introduction Web-based learning is a popular approach taken in e-learning directions. In that regard, the development of e-learning website, specialized in the preparation of Sat reasoning test, was a good idea to test several features common to web-based learning management systems as well as aligning to usage simplicity as one...

Information System for the Newton Public Library

Issues in the existing information system of the Newton Public Library The Newton Public Library operates through the kindness and donations of benefactors, especially Mr. Jimmy Chung. Ever since its inception, it has run through the manual or traditional system, except perhaps a few modifications when computers and the Internet...

Cargo Management Re-Engineering (CRM)

An overview of the Integrated Cargo System This was an ambitious project initiated in the year 2000 by the Customs in conjunction with the government. Now it is called cargo management re-engineering (CRM). The Integrated Cargo System (ICS) is part of the CRM. By 2004, the export functionality was successfully...

Learning About SQL Databases With Tutorials

The first tutorial, ‘Learning about SQL databases’, focuses on creating and using reports, database security and publishing the web. The tutorial teaches about security and network connectivity, how to connect your web application to SQL server 2005 express edition, getting started with reporting services and how to embed, package and...

Fire Dynamics Simulator

Introduction Fires can result from negligence, an accident and malicious act causing disastrous fire outbreaks, supported by the presence of air combustion, nitrogen and hydroxyl air. Meanwhile, we employ proper techniques to fight this fire. Individual people and firms have decided to look at the efficient ways and the fastest...

Wireless Local Area Network vs. Ethernet

Given the fact that practically any router has both Wi-Fi antennas and Ethernet plugs, it would make perfect sense to use a complementing connection at a university. For example, libraries could significantly benefit from such a setup, as students would have the opportunity to use high-speed Wi-Fi. In contrast, the...

Regulation and Taxation of VoIP in the USA

Introduction VoIP (Voice over Internet Protocol) refers to the technology that enables the transmission of voices through data networks. As the name suggests, VoIP transmissions are carried out using IP (Internet Protocol). The increasing ubiquity of IP voice services in the United States has raised concerns due to unequal regulatory...

Penguin Sleuth, a Forensic Software Tool

Introduction Computer security and data safety have become the stepping stone for most organizations and individuals. In general data protection and informational safety require increased attention and awareness of the users. Forensic software may be used for various aims, however, the key functionality range is closely linked with data safety,...

Google and Its Advancing Technologies

Tech companies around the world try to outdo one another in coming up with new technologies. For that reason, these companies set aside a large share of their revenue for research and development (R&D). Startups and established organizations also get financial support from governments and NGOs, which helps in advancing...

Research Writing: ERP Systems

All the research journals included in this study, claim that integrated management of information is used across most organizations. Such organizations engage in manufacturing and other services related to management of customer relations. A number of journals indicate that when the process is automated, it uses ERP systems that are...

Issues on Internet: Privacy and Freedom of Speech

The Internet has never been popular than now. With a rapidly growing user base, the internet has become a household thing that is used by almost everyone in the house for activities such as entertainment, shopping, education, and socializing. While the Internet itself is a blessing for anybody who uses...

Evaluating Performance of Public Construction Projects in Abuja, Nigeria

Introduction In the context of public construction projects in Abuja Nigeria, project success can only be realized when stakeholder performance is evaluated against a performance evaluation framework. A performance evaluation framework provides well established and evaluated standard measures against which the performance of project stakeholders can be measured to evaluate...

Digital Video Evolution and Its Implementation in Australia

Introduction In the 21st century, the technological environment is under influence of high degree of robustness (Barry, Atul & Arun 1). This has had a great impact on various sectors of the economy. Amongst the technological sectors that have undergone revolution with a high magnitude, is the information communication technology...