Intelligence Definition and Measurement

Abstract This paper is an assessment of the nature of intelligence. It is an exploration of what intelligence means in a psychological context. The measurements of intelligence will be related to the definitions to see how they contribute to these definitions. It will look at a selected few intelligence and...

“Shooting an Elephant” and “All Animals are Equal”

Introduction People have been raising issues concerning human rights and equality. These rights and equality are mostly based on race, ethnicity and gender. There have been arguments that all human beings are equal, each and every human being has equal rights as the other and he or she is entitled...

Concept of Urbilateria in Deuterostomes Development

Bilateral is a hypothetical organism, Urbilateria, and was the last common ancestor of Deuterostomia (echinoderms and the various chordate phyla) and Protostomia also referred to us higher animals. Classically, these two groups, the Deuterostomia, and Protostomia differed in a number of respects. Some of these characteristics have been challenged recently,...

Artificial Intelligence. Unmanned Mission Communications

Introduction The growth of human knowledge in the field of Artificial Intelligence (AI) has led to advancement in the development and deployment of unmanned autonomous systems. There are multiple examples of unmanned autonomous systems and perform a wide range of activities depending on the medium of operation. Some examples include...

Social Media and Mental Health in Adolescents

Introduction Today, technology and technological products are virtually everywhere, from the phones most people carry in their pockets to self-driving cars. Innovation is a significant part of millions of people’s lives, with the Internet making it possible for anyone to access multitudes of information within seconds or communicate with someone...

Drug Cartels in Mexico: Definition, Background, Mexican War on Drugs

Drug problem increasingly arising around the world due to using and transporting illegal drugs stands as an urgent problem. Their detrimental effect endangering people’s lives is well known, but it does not decrease the demand for them, especially in unwealthy regions. The drug’s popularity and associated high price led to...

Gossip: The Issue of Interpersonal Communication

People are flawed creatures who are prone to be biased and rude, who could betray and lie remorselessly. One of the most complicated ethical problems that appear in any group of people working or studying together is gossip. From one point of view, harmless gossip might improve interpersonal relations between...

COVID-19 Debate: Masks for Vaccinated

Introduction COVID-19 is a global problem that medical professionals and government officials have been trying to control for the sake of the general population’s health and livelihood. The initial efforts were implementing the policies and requests for wearing masks and other protective gear that would minimize the risk of infection...

The Rise of American Christian Fundamentalism

Introduction Fundamentalism originated from the late 19th century; however, it was not entirely accepted in America until the 20th century. In 1919, a community, believing that God picked them to encourage people to go back to the Christian origins, collected for a series of meetings. It was a crucial time...

The Media Convergence Theory Analysis

Introduction Media convergence has been investable due to the increasing technological advancements. For news to reach the global population, there is a need for various media platforms from which users can get information. Therefore, media convergence is a theory in which all media merge as one medium due to evolving...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Violence in Stories by Crèvecoeur, Poe, Melville

Introduction Violence has been used to advance stories by different authors. William Wilson is a short story by Edgar Allan Poe that talks about a man with split personalities who attempts to run away from his different personalities. Benito Cereno is a narration by Herman Melville about an encounter between...

The LGBTQ (Queer) Identity Development

Introduction It goes without saying that personal development throughout a lifetime is inevitably influenced by multiple factors, and the development of the LGBTQ identity that presuppose several milestones is not an exception. While the factors that contribute to its formation remain unclear, further steps are substantially impacted by social and...

Political Ideologies of Liberalism and Conservatism: A Comparison

Political ideologies are numerous and exceptionally diverse in their nuanced approach toward the ideas of governance, ethics, and principles. However, out of the multitude of the existing perspectives on the development and further coordination of social order, two particular theories have become so prominent that they have gained the dominant...

Lean Systems Thinking for an Organization

Lean Production Systems Lean production systems are at the heart of sustainable products and services. Lean production systems entail configuring the business to maximize the production of goods and services while minimizing the waste encountered. Lean production started with Japanese auto manufacturer Toyota with its Just-In-Time system, which has been...

Unveiling Cyber Mysteries: The Art of Digital Forensics

Digital Forensics In law enforcement, digital forensics is the area concerned with collecting, analyzing, and preserving electronic data that can be presented as evidence in criminal investigations. The importance of this field has increased recently due to technological advancements and a higher number of crimes committed using digital means. It...

The Christian Worldview: Fundamental Elements

The number of Christians has steadily been growing in the recent past. However, there is a constant gap between the believers of Christian faith and the non-Christians (Cosgrove 34). The perception of the world sometimes does not reflect the exact representation of Christians leading to misunderstanding and conflict in addressing...

Nursing Metaparadigms and Practice-Specific Concepts

Four Metaparadigms of Nursing The personal nursing theory highlights those aspects of care that are most important for a nurse to visualize. In my nursing philosophy, there are four metaparadigms, including a patient as a person, health, nursing, and environment. This philosophy of nursing reflects the attitude of the nurse...

Conflict Resolution and Action Plan in Hospital

Introduction Care delivery settings are stressful environments, in which nurses experience pressure not only to meet patients’ needs but also to interact with each other and avoid conflicts effectively. However, the extreme workload, the lack of staff, the unequal distribution of resources, leadership issues, and other complications can lead to...

Medina Azahara and Aljaferia Palace

Medina Azahara and the Aljaferia Palace are two outstanding architectural landmarks in the history of Islamic architecture. The later was constructed in Cordoba in Spain in 936 AD. It served as a de facto capital of the al Andalus (Muslim Spain) in mediaeval times. Medina Azahara was a palace-city comprising...

Personal Nursing Philosophy, Its Role and Application

Nursing Autobiography My nursing background has been playing a positive role towards supporting my career goals. After moving from Cuba to the United States in 2002, I decided to pursue a degree in nursing. Currently I am focusing on a registered nurse (RN) role. My competencies as a nurse include...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Law of Desire: Temporary Marriage in Shi’i Iran

Summary Law of Desire: Temporary Marriage in Shi’i Iran by Shahla Haeri (first published in October 1988) is a scholarly account related to the practice of temporary marriage within the community of Shi’ite Muslims. The author aimed to explain how “contractual” or temporary marriage provided the Muslim community with an...

Clinton-Lewinsky Scandal and Ethical Theories

Introduction After President Bill Clinton got involved in a love affair with Lewinsky, people had mixed reactions about the affair. At the time of the scandal, Lewinsky worked as an intern in the White House. Her perceived friend at the time, Tripp, had been recording phone conversations between Clinton and...

PeopleSoft Inc.’s Software Architecture and Design

The PeopleSoft Inc. was a company that provided Enterprise Performance Management software (EPM) performance, Human Resource Management Systems (HRMS), financial management solutions (FMS), Supply Chain Management (SCM), and customer relationship management (CRM) software systems (Kurtz 2012). Beside this, the company also provided software solutions for enterprise performance management, as well...

“Fences” a Play by August Wilson

Introduction One of the main themes in The Fences is the theme of parenting. Both Troy’s and Bono’s sad recalls offering background for considering the similarities and dissimilarities of the generations unraveling Troy from Cory and Bono from Lyons. The one feature Troy appreciated was a sense of accountability, and,...

Employee Motivation at the Public Library

The setting and specific management problem My client works as an acquisition librarian in a small public library. The key problems that she encountered were the low motivation of the employees and slow decision-making within the organization. The analysis of the organizational structure indicated that the difficulties, faced by my...

James Hardie Industries Managing Under Uncertainty

Identify and critically assess no more than three decisions made by James Hardie that you consider contributing to the company’s share price suffering badly (other than the decision to restructure and the decision in respect of the management of the media) The decisions that made James Hardie’s share price suffered...

“Paul’s Case: A Study in Temperament” by Willa Sibert Cather

Some people are like square pegs in the world of round holes, and Willa Sibert Cather eloquently tells a story of one of such individuals in “Paul’s Case: A Study in Temperament.” Paul is a high school student from Pittsburgh who lives with his father and reluctantly tries to conform...

Dunkin’ Donuts Restaurants’ Organizational Design

In this scenario, the author has been assigned as a district manager for five new Dunkin’ Donuts locations that will open within the next two years. The position comes with the authority and responsibility to staff, structure, and operate these facilities after they have been completed. The goal is to...

Unionism for Labor Management

Unionism is the idea of forming labor union or trade union, which is the organization or an association of workers, recognized and certified by labor board and have come together to achieve common goals in collective, rather than individual bargaining with the management on key issues such as wages, working...

American Civil War and Iraq Invasion Comparison

Introduction The american civil war is one of the political events which happened in America from 1861 to 1865. The major cause of this war was political since it was caused by the Republican Party. The Republican Party in the history of America is the second oldest political party. This...

Popular Research Paper Topics

The Problem of Civil Disobedience

Civil disobedience has appeared to be the problem since the democratic form of government arouse in society. Authoritarianism, monarchy, and tyranny are types of government, which took place in the history, did not give any chance for disobedience. Civil disobedience is the opposite notion to the morality and duty in...

The Relationship of Leadership to the Politics of the Organization

The advice given by Dr. Kennedy is practical to some extent. Many workers prefer to be led rather than be managed. This means that most employees would rather have someone to guide them and then allow them to complete their jobs on their own. While this advice may work for...

Major Theorists and Their Approaches in Anthropology

Anthropology is the study of human nature and behavior. Different theories have been advanced by various theorists to explain the existence of humanity and mankind’s behavior. Anthropology is divided in four major categories of studies which include archaeology, cultural anthropology, physical anthropology, and linguistic anthropology. There are different anthropologists who...

Analysis of the Learning Team Charter

Communication is an important tool in the delivery of services whereby it plays a critical role in establishing interactions and relationships. It has also been defined as a process of passing information from one individual to the next. Locker and Kienzler (2008) define it as a process of sharing information...

Definition, Causes, and Treatment of Bipolar Disorder

Bipolar disorder is one of the most common cognitive-behavioral disorders and it affects people of all ages. The disease has very many names that psychologists and psychotherapists use to describe it. The disease is also called a manic depressive disorder, affective disorder, or manic depression and it is a condition...

Sexual Harassment Predicament and Analytical Solutions

Introduction Sexual harassment violates both State and Federal law (Marshall 104). Sexual harassment is a form of sexual discrimination that involves sexual advances that are unwelcome and sexual favors requests. Sexual harassment can be physical or verbal. Sexual harassment is regarded as physical when it involves energy while it is...

Charities in the United Kingdom

Introduction Charities are organizations that are established to extend humanitarian assistance or services to the community. A charitable organization can be local or international. A local charity organization caters to the humanitarian needs of the people within the locality in which the organization is based. An international charitable organization is...

Olafur Eliasson’s Exhibition: Aesthetic Strategies and Interpretive Approach

Olafur Eliasson’s Exhibition The unique relationship between an artist and an artwork is largely defined by the idea lying at the foundation of an art piece, as well as the unique perspective and the tools that the artist adopts to convey the idea in question. The message behind Olafur Eliasson’s...

Effects of Covid-19 on Nigeria

Currently, the whole world is in the midst of a global crisis, caused by the appearance of Coronavirus. The pandemic has affected every person, every family in its own way, forcing people to adapt and adopt new ways of living. Many people have suffered because of Covid-19 and some even...

Coors Light Beer Ad: Persuasion and Argumentation

Advertising is a form of communication that aims to persuade consumers to buy a particular product or take a certain action. Most advertisements use a combination of rhetorical devices to achieve their purpose. Argumentation, or logos, relies on logical arguments, while persuasion uses any means necessary to convince the audience....

Reflection: Team Project Peer Review

Insights Gained Through the Case Study Methods and Their Practical Value Analyzing complex situations, solving specific problems, and approaching relevant solutions are among the priorities that each manager should take into consideration while working in a health care environment. Using the case study method, therefore, is a great contribution to...

CPC Paper Draft: Teaching Students to Swim

Problem Swimming is a crucial skill that allows developing critical physical abilities, as well as provides one with an opportunity to improve one’s physical health to a significant extent, including training the muscular and respiratory systems. Therefore, it is important to give people a chance to learn to swim as...

Teach-Back Method for Heart Failure Patients

Background Congestive heart failure is one of the main health concerns in the United States today. According to Hodges (2009), heart failure is the only disease with an increasing prevalence in this country. More people are being diagnosed with this disease each year. Scholars have pointed out the importance of...

Public Health Issue of HIV Infection in Australia

HIV/AIDS is one of the globally renowned pandemics. The disease is a great public health challenge. Notably, many people have lost their lives due to this condition. In addition, there are several negative impacts of HIV/AIDS within various countries. It is evident that the condition has significant economic implications. There...

The Statute of Frauds as Contracts Enforcement

The Statute of Frauds is crucial legislation that makes various assignments powerful and excludes the risk of falsification. Commenced in 1677 by the English Parliament, the act requires written and signed forms of documentation and provides a more forceful guarantee than oral contracts (Wen). The concept is broadly utilized in...

Namwamba and the Magic Pots. Original Myth

Namwamba, a local peasant farmer with two wives and six children, was famous in the village for telling stories and fairy tales that often left listeners with more questions than answers. He was also known for his cunning ways as he often found excuses to abscond communal work like farming...

Marketing Plan: Energy Drink For Women

This new energy drink aims to cater to the consumer’s demand for healthier options with less sugar and caffeine. Moreover, this beverage is manufactured in a local community, which is another selling point for conscious customers who want to support local brands. Some issues include intense competition in the market,...

Camus Attributes of Position for Pursuing an Ethical Life

Introduction Many philosophers and analysts have presented powerful theories that can guide more people pursue their goals in life. Albert Camus is one of such thinkers whose concepts continue to influence the decisions and actions made people take in their lives. The philosopher’s ethical model revolves around the concept of...

Rebel Without a Cause: Clothing as a Character Development Tool

Rebel Without a Cause has been praised for capturing the complexity of emotions of an entire teenage generation. The movie has encouraged a wave of teenager dramas, and after the premier, it helped to solidify a completely new market in Hollywood, unique to the otherwise overlooked teenage demographic. Throughout the...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Effects of Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals

Pope, Nolan G. “The effects of DACAmentation: The impact of Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals on unauthorized immigrants.” Journal of Public Economics 143, (2016): 98-114. The article by Pope (2016) examines the effects of DACA on unauthorized migrants on several parameters, such as labor market outcomes, unemployment, income, and legalization...

Strategy Change Cycle and Effective Planning

The processes of change management and strategic planning are complex and multi-dimensional as they entail the collaboration between relevant stakeholders, each of which has their defined roles and responsibilities. The strategy change cycle is among the primary processes of strategic management that links the processes of planning and implementation and...

Edwidge Danticat’s “Brother, I’m Dying” Themes

Introduction In her memoir published in 2007, Edwidge Danticat tries to gather the whole picture of her broken family’s life: when Edwidge was four, her mother left the children with their uncle in Haiti to join her father in New York. At the age of twelve, Edwidge reunited with her...

Karl Marx’s Conflict Theory and Alienation

Karl Marx is famous for proposing the idea of social conflict, which is based on the presumption that a class struggle is the central driving force of society. The critical point in understanding Marx’s ideas is that the structural relationships of the community are based on the outcomes of the...

The New York Draft Riots During the Civil War

Summary The city of New York was likened to a small, blazing forest fire during the American Civil War, representing a tremendous threat to the city and the Union. During that period, the city was perpetually in turmoil over many topics, including politics, class, race, and the availability of work...

The Foundation of Christianity: Greek, Jews, Roman, and Heathen Traits

Christianity has always been a cross-cultural and diverse religion with no single dominant expression. Historically, Christians lived in diverse cultural contexts enabling Christianity to gain a multicultural and polytonal context globally. The Greek, Roman, Jewish, and Heathen ancient cultural traits influenced the development and spread of Christianity. Christianity started with...

The Enormous Radio by John Cheever: Analysis

Introduction The Enormous Radio, written by John Cheever, focuses on discussing the issue of revealing the true nature of human relationships. The author uses the radio as the catalyst helping the main characters to understand the tensions between them through eavesdropping on the problems of their neighbors. The author elaborates...

Habits to Prevent Epidemiology of Type 2 Diabetes

Introduction The social epidemiology of type 2 diabetes shows that several daily habits across society contribute to its development or regression. Such practices are subjective or individual, but classification can be made among various racial groups, which are dictated by the culture and customs of the representatives. This study aims...

Simone de Beauvoir: ‘Introduction’ From the Second Sex

Simon uses the question “what is a woman” to showcase the idea and how it applies to men and their perception of women. For instance, “what is a woman” has been used to argue that women are always wrong, men are always right. The view has been brought forward to...

Narrative of the “Life of Frederick Douglass” by Frederick Douglass Review

“Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass” is an account of life in slavery written by Frederick Douglass, who experienced all the horrors of that time firsthand. It is considered the most famous of several novels written by formerly enslaved people during the same period. “Narrative of the Life of...

Unaffected, Autonomous, and Influential Navajo Culture and Tradition

From the historical viewpoint, when interacting intensely, all cultures undergo one of these three types of processes, which are merging, absorption, and eradication. Modern history as an academic discipline knows many past and present examples of each of these three. There are ancient Greeks and Latins in the Roman Republic,...

Mental Health and Illness: Sociological Approach

Introduction Mental health is important and is a key area of concern among the components of health. It includes emotional, physical, and social health. For a person to be productive in most of their activities, Employees build good relationships with their colleagues at the workplace and deal with as well...

Coping With Compassion Fatigue in Caregivers

Introduction This paper is aimed at discussing the condition which is known as the compassion fatigue. This term is used to refer to the detrimental effects of continuous exposure to the suffering of other people. These emotional problems are particularly relevant if one speaks about professionals who work as caregivers,...

International Business Machines Corporation Analysis

Introduction The International Business Machines (IBM) Corporation is a multinational corporation with branches in the US, Europe, and Africa. In 1911, Thomas Watson and Charles Ranlett Flint established the corporation in Endicott, New York, as a public company. Since then, several changes have taken place in the company’s organizational structure,...

Contrast in Analyzing of Three Articles

In his article, Stephen Marche discusses important social problems that profoundly influence the United States. In particular, the author pays much attention to the growing inequalities in the country (Marche 255). This trend can take various forms. In many cases, the social status of individuals is not determined by their...

“The Rich Brother” by Tobias Wolff

Siblings may have a complicated relationship. In some instances, significant personality differences may result in resentment between siblings. However, despite the differences, the love between the siblings usually triumphs. This is because blood is thicker than water. ‘The Rich Brother’ by Tobias Wolff is a narrative that highlights resentment and...

Bidco Oil Refineries Ltd.’s Mission, Vision, Goals

Introduction BIDCO has over the decades grown in springs and jumps to establish a strong presence in both local and international market. This has been with a strong marketing and technological advancement in manufacturing and channel chain of its distribution system. The company has attained this through the strategic planning...

Professional Nurse Transition and Development Plan

Introduction Nursing is as a profession is a calling that requires one to be committed to serving people. Some of the core responsibilities of nurses are very challenging, and in some cases, one may be called upon to work for long hours to save the lives of patients. As such,...

De Beers Company’s Digital Marketing Communication

Analysing the Brand Introduction De Beers is a jewellery brand created through a partnership between Louis Vuitton Moët Hennessy (LVMH) and the De Beers Group of Companies (‘Diamonds: De Beers raises production’ 2009). It is the world’s leading diamond exploration and mining company. It is also engaged in the trading...

Gil Scott-Heron’s Influence on Modern Hip-Hop Music

Introduction Gil Scott-Heron can be reasonably called one of the most influential artists of all time, and he will always be remembered as one of the individuals who spoke freely and put their soul and mind into their music (Vincent 27). More to say, Scott-Heron was not only a godfather...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Childhood Obesity Risks, Reasons, Prevention

In the modern world, obesity is the most widely spread health problem among children. That is why it should be the primary concern of the public. Since 1960, the predominance of obesity and overweight among teenagers and children in the United States has increased four times (Goran, 2017). The problem...

Historical Memory Discourse in Public Diplomacy

Historical memory refers to the way a group of people or a nation relates to a past event. The past plays a critical role in shaping the present and fostering a sense of belonging; as a result, the historical memories are the basis for social and political identities. Edkins noted...

Heroes in Native American Legend and German Tale

Folk literature is a concentration of wisdom and moral values. Fairy tales open the world where good confronts evil, and good always wins. The main character is usually a hero: virtuous and courageous. He faces challenges, defeats the enemy, and gets the desired reward. However, in a fairy tale, a...

Professional Identity and Stewardship

Peer Interview The interviewee started by introducing herself as an Operating Room (OR) nurse in a modern healthcare organization. Besides, she is involved in the execution of the functions of an assistant coordinator of orthopedic services. The respondent added that she was a member of one Operating Room Committee in...

Biomedical Ethics in the Christian Context

Biomedical ethics is a field that many practitioners should take seriously. Healthcare providers should liaise with the targeted patients in order to provide culturally competent care. The paper presented below discusses a major medical dilemma that physicians can address using the Christian narrative to protect lives. Pressing Issues The presented...

Culturally Competent Nursing and Medical Ethics

In the process of interaction with patients, the medical staff is forced to adhere to a number of rules that include not only professional but also moral and ethical principles. One of these conditions is culturally competent nursing that is based on a certain approach when interacting with patients. In...

Autism Diagnosis Report Example

Participants For this study, two participants who are diagnosed with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) are selected. Namely, three children aged between 9 and 11 years are regarded as the ones having ASD, as stated by the licensed psychologist. All of the participants have language skills, yet they experience a lack...

Terrorism and Other Crimes Against the State

Introduction Unlike most crimes that are committed with an intention to cause harm to particular individuals or property, crimes against the state have a much broader scope of effect. These offenses undermine the underlying security of the state and government by actions that contradict the law and the politics of...

First Peoples and Warpaths: Comparative Review

As long as humanity exists, people’s minds will always try to unravel the mysteries that History is responsible for. The more controversial this or that historical problem is the more disputable researches appear. Most of the present books that are concerned with historical problems throw light on the existing paradigms....

Psychology: When We Should Trust Our Senses

Every day a person makes a number of choices. To make a good choice an appropriate approach is needed. Different problems can be solved by means of different approaches but all of them this way or another involve people’s senses. In the current paper I will consider how people rely...

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Thai-Lay Fashion Company Ltd.: Managing Resources

Thai-Lay Fashion Company Ltd. The Thai-Lay Fashion Company Ltd. started in 1991 is a garment manufacturing company situated in Hong Kong. It is a medium-sized company with an annual turnover of HK$ 10 million and employees nearly 200 people. It has locations in two places and has a capacity to...

Team Effectiveness Leadership Model

Introduction Team building is one of the common aspects seen in organizations nowadays because of its importance in the success of the organization. Traditionally the only focus was on individual work. But now it has proved that team centred work not only helps in achieving the objectives. Also it helps...

Karl Marx: Manifesto of the Communist Party

What Marx has tried to highlight is the prevalence of classical and neoclassical economics over historical materialist categories which includes and exploits the traditional concepts of utility, choice, and scarcity in the form of feudalism. This has emerged in a historical context as class struggle and according to Marx, has...

How Do We Evolve Knowledge?

Introduction The question “how do we evolve knowledge?” is a debate in philosophy older to human existence. Philosophers differ on the source of knowledge. Some say that reasoning is a way to acquire knowledge while others say that perception is the way to get knowledge. Art, ethics and math are...

The Armenian Genocide and the Holocaust

To what degree did the role of anti-Semitism play in the persecution and extermination of Jews during the Holocaust? It was estimated that six million Jews were murdered during the Holocaust. The blame was placed on the Nazi party. It was a political party spearheaded by Hitler and other like-minded...

The Different Ways of Knowing: Something That Is True and Something That Is Believed To Be True

Introduction In any Standard English dictionary, we can found the word “Knowledge” has got three different meanings, but all are quite interrelated in some aspects. The meanings are “awareness or familiarity gained by experience” (Rossett 242) or “a person’s range of information” (Harrison 407). There are different ways of knowing...

Tires Import: Effects on Us Domestic Tire Producers

Introduction China, a middle Asia country, had dominated the American tire market until year 2009 when an agreement was ratified to surge the inflow of the tires in the market. The two countries had a bilateral agreement. The situation was that the Chinese tires could be imported into American market...

Environmental Impact of the Chemical Industry

Introduction Much of the technological and economic advancements can be attributed to the development of the chemical industry. For instance, the food industry today relies on the products offered by chemical companies. Space exploration would not have been possible without discoveries made by chemists. Despite many contributions made by the...

Music Therapy as ASD Individuals Alternative Treatment

Within recent decades the chances of a child being diagnosed with autism spectrum disorder have increased dramatically. Autism spectrum disorder (ASD) is the term used for a collection of compound disorders of brain development. These disorders can run a range of difficulties in social contacts, as well as in various...

The Autobiography of Catalina de Erauso

The autobiography of Catalina de Erauso presents significant encounters that describe experiences of conquistadors learned in class. Lieutenant Nun is an excerpt that depicts a changing society in terms of gender. As will be noted, the stereotype image of a Spanish conquistador gets contradicted by the nun who ends up...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Importance of Ethics in Wartime

“Ethics is the science that deals with conduct, in so far as this is considered as right and wrong, good or bad” (Dewey, 2998, p.1). Ethics is important in all spheres of human life as morality is the decisive factor that makes us human beings, that differs us from animals....

Why Are People Fascinated by Fictional Serial Killers?

People’s views on various concepts and phenomena undergo constant changes that are determined by the transformations in human society. The good and the bad are two aspects that have also been reconsidered many times. Crime and criminals, being a manifestation of the bad, were regarded as inherently evil and disgusting...

The Whitney Plantation Analysis and History

Introduction Slavery in the United States had been legal for more than two hundred years. Its history dates back to the first colonial settlements, and first Africans to come to the Americas are believed to arrive with Christopher Columbus. After centuries of struggles, slavery was ended in 1865 after the...

Sindle v. New York City Transit Authority Analysis

Introduction Justification defenses are commonly used in our courts by defense attorneys to justify the crime that was committed by their clients. Herring (2012) defines justification defenses as a situation where “The defendants admit they were responsible for their acts but claim that what they did was right (justified) under...

Reducing Stereotype, Prejudice, and Discrimination

Introduction Prejudice is a societal phenomenon that manifests as a hostile or negative attitude towards people because they belong to a specific group. Even though bias manifests in irrational opinions and views, discrimination is often expressed through unfair treatment of a group or a person. Despite civil rights and women’s...

WebMD Website Evaluation with Harris’s Tools

Introduction With the advent of the internet, there are so many websites online, some have authentic information while others do not. It is important to have the know-how of collecting authentic information from a website. This paper analyzes the website with website evaluation tools provided by Prof. Robert Harris....

Rights Against Self-Incrimination

Abstract The prosecution office in this country has the responsibility of proving to the court that a given suspect is guilty as charged. the Fifth Amendment gives the suspects right to remain silent when arrested, while the Sixth Amendment gives them right to have an attorney. The Queen County District...

Innate Human Aggression and Warfare

Introduction Warfare can be described as a set of techniques used by a group to cause war (Carnagey and Anderson, 2007). Ideally, the organized, armed, and prolonged conflict between nations and parties due to extreme aggression and social disruption is referred to as war. It is quite ambiguous to suggest...

Make Decisions Within a Legal Context

Introduction Before starting any business, it is essential to consider the legal issues that are likely to influence its operations. Each business has its own legal procedures that must be followed during establishment. In addition, each business has its own legal acts and statutes which govern its operations. It is,...

Saturated Fat And Trans-Fat And Their Affects On Cardio Vascular Health

Introduction Saturated fat and trans-fat form a sizeable proportion of the fats in animal products such as beef and milk. Several studies indicate an increased association between the saturated fat and trans-fat with cardiovascular disease. Saturated fat generally refers to the fat that has triglycerides coupled with saturated fatty acids...

The Great Depression and the American South

Introduction The Greatest Generation is the term used for describing Americans born in the period between 1901 and 1925. The population survived the Great Depression of the 30s and would later go into war during World War II. According to journalist Tom Brokaw, the generation could be characterized by the...

Ethical Training in Business Schools

Introduction Each new day brings a unique set of tough choices to make. While for most people these decisions do not produce a large impact, business leaders are able to influence entire populations with their choices. Therefore, it is vital that a leader makes ethically correct decisions. Despite this importance,...

Aspects of the Non-Verbal Communication

Introduction The world is fluid by nature, and, therefore, people are in constant need to adapt to new conditions. Many processes are accelerated, and new tasks require a large amount of theoretical knowledge and practical experience. Today, the leading global trends are globalization and digitalization. It means more cross-cultural contacts...

The Self-Care Theory by Dorothea Orem

Abstract The theoretical models continually guide nursing practice, and the nurses follow and learn them intuitively. This paper examines the self-care theory of Dorothea Orem in psychiatric mental health practice. Orem has used a philosophical foundation to define the role of individuals and nurses in maintaining self-care, which she called...

The Relationship Between Economic and Political Freedom

Introduction Political and economic freedoms are characteristics of a democratic society that denote its capacity to participate in political processes and take economic actions, respectively. Politics and economics have been inextricably linked throughout history, accounting for the rise of some of the world’s most famous empires. The connection continues in...

“Royalty” Gospel Concert by T. C. Leonard: Ethnographic Analysis

For centuries, gospel music has evolved to become a form of artistic expression that helps understand the roots of American music. In particular, African American gospel music has become an important musical genre that expresses the roots of the African American heritage. According to Murphy, the African American church and...

Illegal Immigration and a Path to Citizenship

Introduction The United States remains the most preferred destination for migrants from all over the world. According to Garcia (2019), in 2016 alone, the country admitted 1.18 million legal immigrants. About the same population made an entry into the country through illegal means during the same period, especially through expired...

Whether Crime or Violence Are Justified in a Reaction to Past Trauma

Introduction Trauma is often characterized by stressful events that cause one to battle challenges that may be psychological or mental. A traumatic experience involves a feeling of helplessness where one may choose to do an action that may not be justified in the criminal justice system and according to societal...

Philosophy: Aristotle’s View on Substance

Introduction Aristotle, the substance is the ultimate reality; it does not correspond to other categories of being and is the classification of being upon which all other categories of being are founded. This statement is reinforced by the quote “… the old question—always pursued from long ago till now, and...

The Current Health Care Cost Milieu in the US

Introduction American health care is the most expensive worldwide, and it is a widely known sad reality. The U.S.’s health expenditure is twice as high as that of any other developed country (Yanushevsky, 2021). Although the U.S. has the most expensive medical care, patient outcomes are worse than in European...

A Problem of Food Waste and Its Solutions

Since the previous century, environmental concerns have been rising more frequently; they resemble a significant contemporary issue – among them is the amount of waste generated by modern society. In this context, food waste draws a lot of interest from global and national policymakers as well as various organizations and...

Communication Process in Business Environment

Introduction This essay explores the issue of the communication process in the business environment and analyzes how its use affects the organization’s effectiveness. Two companies from the technology industry were chosen to prove that the practical implication of the communication process has a positive effect on business. This essay uses...

Stress in Pregnant Women Due to COVID-19 Pandemic

Even in ordinary times, stress issues are a common occurrence for pregnant women. Pregnancy is a particularly crucial time for the mental health of a woman. The coronavirus pandemic is a global health problem for modern history’s most extensive infectious illness. The ongoing pandemic has created numerous stressful conditions for...

Shakespearean King Lear from a Marxist Perspective

Among the core insights of the Marxist theory is that the class struggle has characterized the history of societies’ development. Because art, both literature and theater, does not exist separately from society, it has become a crucial aspect of the historical process and people’s comprehension of the world. Thus, it...

Economy of the United States: Transportation and Logistics

Introduction Although the statement about a direct link between transportation and the economic balance of the United States might seem somewhat farfetched, the two are, in fact, related to each other quite closely. A brief overview of the factors that gear the American economy towards prosperity will reveal that the...

Drug Abuse among Teenagers Causes and Effects

Introduction Drug and substance abuse amongst teenagers is a global menace. Millions of youths are seriously engaging in drug and substance abuse posing a threat to the future generation. Youths across the world have now tested all kinds of drugs including cigarettes and alcohol to hard drugs like cocaine, cannabis,...

Abu Dhabi Power’ Destructive Effects: Saqr Bin Zayed Al Nahyan

This story comes from the time that is not closely familiar to the modern generations; yet, it can still be used for the edification of people who want to achieve power. Once, Abu Dhabi was a small, but influential sheikdom in the lower Gulf (Davidson, 2011, p. 28). It forged...

Anti-Terrorist Attitudes and Measures in the US

One famous English writer, George Orwell, once had a vision that there would be a government that would not allow individual freedom and would make every individual under that government a subordinate of every authority of the government. Many years after Orwell’s prediction, the consequences of such a totalitarian government...

Mandatory Reporting in Child Abuse and Neglect

Introduction Mandatory reporting is the responsibility given to specific individuals in different states in the United States to report cases of child abuse and neglect to the responsible governmental bodies. Different laws concerning the mandatory reporting vary in accordance with the states’ policies. However, some general specific stages and policies...

Management: Hospitality Organizations Employees

Introduction This research paper will endeavor to discuss the history, career information, and positive and negative aspects of being an employee of various multinational organizations. This will cover mainly five hospitality organizations, namely Hilton Hotels & Resorts, Serena Group of Hotels, Stratosphere Las Vegas, Marriot Hotels, and Sheraton Hotels. The...

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Effective Time Management Analysis

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The Process of Radicalization in “The Reluctant Fundamentalist” by Hamid

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