“Knowing Jesus Through the Old Testament” by Christopher J.H. Wright

Introduction Dr. Christopher J.H. Wright’s Knowing Jesus Through the Old Testament is a complete analysis of the roles of prophets and law had in Jesus’ experiences with self-reflection, and thus enable the reader to gain an enhanced understanding of Jesus Christ. Dr. Wright himself is an esteemed scholar who has...

Management Structure and Organizational Behaviour

Abstract The organizational structure affects how people and groups behave in an organization. It endows with a framework that shapes the attitudes, behaviors, and performance of the employees. Organizations need to develop a structure that allows them to manage individuals and inter group relations effectively. Differentiation and integration are the...

The case history “Little Hans”

Introduction ‘The case history ‘Little Hans’ illustrates very clearly some of Freud’s most basic theories, such as infantile sexuality, the role of transference, and the way in which the phobia is part of the cure.’ This case study is an account of the very first psychoanalytical treatment of a child....

Islamic Architecture in Its Historical Context

Islamic architecture represents a mixture of secular and religious styles dating to the origin of Islam to the contemporary world. The architecture works reveal various factors that contributed to the uniqueness of this art, including cultural interaction and religious affiliations. While these architectural components remain one of Islam’s identities, the...

Key Leading Macroeconomic Indicators

Summary of Excel Spreadsheet Report Analysis and Forecast Investors can use the economic review to determine whether the economy is experiencing a recession, for instance, before deciding whether to invest in a business that depends on purchaser spending. Economic indicators offer information about an economy and its growth or shrinking....

The Concept of Double Taxation

The government of every nation has certain responsibilities that it must meet to ensure that all the activities being conducted in the country are running smoothly. The various responsibilities of the government include the provision of public goods such as security, roads, health care, and education (Schanz & Schanz, 2010)....

E-Business Plan: Digital Platforms for Development

The global information network Internet plays an important role in developing a modern market economy, being its essential element. In the past decade, many entrepreneurial, marketing and advertising goals would have been virtually impossible without the active use of the Internet. That is facilitated by the growing popularity of the...

International Corporate Strategy: A Case Study of HYATT Hotels Corporation

Executive Summary The HYATT Hotels Corporation operates and franchises hotels, resorts, and vacation properties globally. The Hyatt Hotels Corporation, headquartered in Chicago, is a renowned multinational hospitality company with 20 well-known subsidiaries. The Company’s objective to assist individuals in reaching their total potential influences its management decisions and expansion initiatives....

Wind Energy as an Alternative Source

Introduction This universe is composed of Matter and Energy. The genius of the last century, rather than the civilization Albert Einstein showed that the two – matter and energy are two faces of the same coin or two manifestations of the same. Also, that the two can be and are...

US Challenges of the Supply and Demand of Physicians and Nurses

Introduction The main problems the U.S. is likely to face in the future, owing to the current shortage of physicians, are undoubted, demise in the health care sector accompanied by the emergence of epidemics and preventable deaths. Many U.S. citizens will travel long distances in search of health care workers...

Practice Guidance of Medical Devices Decontamination

Introduction Effective decontamination of dental instruments is very critical for the safety of patients as well as management of infections within the premises of dental clinics. The decontamination is essential to ensure that all dental instruments reflect the highest quality for usage as well as reflecting modern day standard for...

The Amazon Company’s Ethics in Advertising

Introduction Maintaining an ethical decision-making framework in the realm of skyrocketing competition rates and increasingly challenging sociopolitical and socioeconomic setting is a highly complicated task. Moreover, with the rise in the importance of information management as the main tool for predicting customer behaviors and market changes, a range of companies...

Theme of Feminism in Brookner’s Literary Works

Introduction Feminism is becoming increasingly important in the modern world and its study is of considerable significance. Hence, spreading awareness on this topic in the literary works can be considered highly effective. Two pieces that will be analyzed in this paper are “Leaving home” and “Undue influence”. Feminism in “Leaving...

British Petroleum Company: Organization’ Social Performance

Introduction British Petroleum (BP) is a multinational company that deals with gas, crude oil, and petroleum products (Frerrier, 2010). Its headquarters are in London. According to statistics, BP is among the largest energy companies based on market capitalization. Based on annual income, it was named the fifth-largest company in the...

Ibsen’s A Doll’s House: Critical Analysis

Introduction Henrik Ibsen’s play “A Doll House” is now being commonly referred to as one of the finest examples of feminist literature of 19th century. The theme of women’s liberation can be found throughout play’s entirety, even though this theme is being spared of aggressive undertones, with which we usually...

The Ethics of Global Conflict: Violence vs. Morality

Introduction Ever since the dawn of civilization, groups of people united by a common interest used to wage wars on each other, as the ultimate mean of resolving seemingly irresolvable issues. Modern historians and anthropologists cannot even find a consensus on whether the first stone axes, produced by revolutionizing homo...

Afterlife in Judaism, Christianity, and Islam

Introduction A basic belief that varies from faith to faith is that there is life after death. According to several religions, including Islam, Judaism, and Christianity, where followers of a common religion have diverse afterlife concepts, life takes multiple forms when a person dies (Kippenberg 110). Afterlife, immortality as a...

Performance Enhancing Drugs Legalization in Sports

Performance Improvement and Drugs Performance enhancing drugs are defined as those substances that are used by athletes in order to improve their performance in sports in which they have engaged. The trend of increased usage of these drugs had resulted in their ban by a number of international organizations and...

Risk Management and Its Dimensions

Introduction Risk management is a process that assists businesses in detecting, monitoring, evaluating, assessing, and managing unanticipated business incidences by providing a consistent framework. This technique has been discovered to be helpful by disaster management groups worldwide. Nature and human social life, tourism, entertainment, and events, are all impacted by...

Uber Company: Critical Issues in Business Management

Introduction Innovation can be defined as a strategic change in the existing business aspects of the development of new ones that are aimed at the improvement of effectiveness, performance, and competitiveness (Research and innovation para. 1-4). The present paper considers the innovation of Uber company. According to the Uber case...

The Macro-Environment of the Smartphone Industry Analysis

Introduction The United Kingdom is one of the most lucrative markets for most commodities. The British pound has performed well against major international currencies for so many years until Britain opted out of the European Union. British products compete favorably with goods from other countries both at local and international...

The Security of Data in Information Technology Areas

Introduction The field of information technology has been faced with many challenges in its development. However, the security of data is arguably the main challenge in the whole industry. Every new product has to include an aspect of security to attract customers. This paper looks at the security of data...

Biometric System Modules: Implementation and Operation

Because ID theft occurs in 1 out of 20 individuals with an estimated 54 billion in fraud, biometrics is the future for security that should be implemented by businesses and the government to reduce Identity fraud. Biometrics addresses the recognition of people grounded on their genetic or behavioral traits. It...

Food and Sustainable Environmental Issues in Campus

Introduction Study Background/ Context Analysis Environmental degradation is, undeniably, one of the hotly debated issues today. However, arriving at a consensus on how to mitigate it remains elusive. Measures aimed at carbon emission reductions such as the 1997 Kyoto Protocol have thus received both praises and criticisms. Shorgen (2009) reckons...

Applying Theory to a Practice Problem in Nursing

Introduction and Problem of Practice This paper examines the significance of applications of theory in nursing practical situations. Concerned with the care of communities, families and individuals, nursing is an expansive discipline within the health sector, which encompasses collaborative and autonomous care of sick or health people in various settings....

The Uber Company’s History and Strategic Analysis

Introduction History of The Company Uber begins its history in 2009, when its founders Travis Kalanick and Garrett Camp launched the UberCab service for ordering executive class cars (Qumer & Purkayastha, 2020). In 2012, a mass fare with simpler cars was launched, named Uber X (Qumer & Purkayastha, 2020). From...

Social Relationships: Why Do We Need Them?

Introduction The interactions between two or more individuals develop over time depending on the shared emotions, goals, ideologies, and purpose of existence. Relationships have different types of bonds that result in acceptance or rejection. According to Brown and Fredrickson (2021), the longevity of social relationships depends on the nature of...

Human Resources Management in Google

Company Overview and HR Concept Introduction Google is one of the largest multination IT corporations in the world. It generates billions of dollars of revenue and offers a variety of services to its clients. Google’s primary sphere of interest lies within the boundaries of the internet and computer technology. It...

Trends in Relationships in the Board of Directors and the CEOs

Introduction The board of directors is the highest body responsible for corporate strategy, customer satisfaction, and operations management. Its mission is to lead the company forward. Essentially, the supervisory board oversees the activities of the board. The duty to administer the code of conduct is solely the responsibility of the...

PRINCE2 and Agile Project Management Methodologies

Introduction Current issues illustrate that project planning requires better cohesion, communication, and tools to execute an organization’s efficient operations. Because the manager cannot create a project strategy by filling templates, the organization requires more from their scheme than in prior circumstances, and the way to achieve a sharp end is...

Moët Hennessy – Louis Vuitton: Enterprise Software

Background Study The 21st century has been characterized by a great advancement in technology and especially Information Technology (IT). The vast advancement in IT has necessitated improvements of businesses performance which have resulted to enormous expansion of Small and Medium Enterprises (SME) into multinational corporations. The increased growth and expansion...

Social Psychological Research and Theories

Theories of social structure and personality, group processes, and symbolic interactionism in social psychology Whatever field of study we discuss, a researcher has opportunity to choose not only a subject area, a research question or research methods, but a general approach to studying an issue. In any field, scholars have...

Optus Company: Organizational Public Relations Problem

Introduction In the conditions of a sharp aggravation of competition and the diminution of the influence on its outcome by the price factors, the position of the separate companies mostly depends on the efficiency and the quality of their personnel’s work. Modern management should consider comprehensively the essential growth of...

Communication Solutions for Atmospheric Scientist

Abstract The issue of atmospheric scientist communication, being a topical issue in the contemporary science realm, has been raised quite a few times. The report under the title of “Atmospheric Scientist Communication Problems” is one of the studies that address the issue in question. The current paper aims at discussing...

Ketones Diet and Insulin in Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus

Introduction Individuals at risk for developing type 2 diabetes are provided with helpful dietary and lifestyle recommendations by nurses. The study of the health benefits of low-carbohydrate and ketogenic diets has advanced in nutrition science today. However, limited data compares the effectiveness of ketogenic diets and insulin for weight management....

Debenhams Plc: Company’s Financial Accounting

Abstract Financial statements are an accumulation of reports of a firm’s monetary outcome, money-related condition, and cash flows. Budgetary statements signify a formal record of the money-related activities of an organization. These are composed of reports that measure the financial status, execution, and liquidity of an organization. Financial statements reveal...

Urinary Tract Infections and the Role of Indwelling Catheters: Risks and Management

Abstract This paper concerns the issue of indwelling catheters being able to lead to urinary infections in acute care settings. This issue affects a great number of people and the pain caused by such reactions makes them a significant problem that requires research. The purpose of the study is to...

Interstellar: An Analysis of the Film

Introduction A deeper study of literary works, based not so much on superficial reading as on searching for hidden meanings and interpreting details, is an essential part of informed criticism. In fact, no work in the world, be it a book, a movie, or even a TV show, is created...

Helmet Laws Opposition as Mandatory Motor Cycle Laws

In 1966, the Highway Safety Act was passed and this called for the uniformity of the highway safety programs. This was also reinforced through the introduction of a penalty for the states that fails to implement it. However, the law never lasted for long and was suspended. Among the laws...

Religious Influences on the Revolutionary War

Introduction This paper is devoted to studying the influence of religion on the course of the Revolutionary War. The study examined various aspects of the relationship between religion, politics, and society. According to the information from various literary sources, religion played a significant role in the process of the Revolutionary...

The Ageing Workforce in Air New Zealand Limited

Introduction The modern world passes through a period of radical change visible in all spheres. The advances in technologies created the basis for the improvement in the quality of life and increased attention to the well-being of individuals. Moreover, medicine supported by new scientific discoveries promoted a significant extension of...

Judicial Politics, Philosophy and Decision-Making

Decision Making From the Brethren, Justice Powel as a judge was among the jurists; he interviewed in person. Powell had a file called The Book that people thought was the primary source of Woodward’s content in The Brethren (Armstrong, 2021). The file was supposed to be a secret because it...

Analyzing Supply Chain Management: Models, Importance, and Challenges

Abstract Businesses’ supply chain management department coordinates all the activities and players, from idea creation to the finished consumer goods in the market. The report will analyze supply chain management (SCM) globally by defining it and analyzing steps in the SCM, models, importance, and some of the challenges. The report...

The Health Care System in the United States

Abstract Health care provision in the United States is carried out by numerous and independent legal organizations with the authorization of the Federal government. The country has identified the importance of personal health and that is why it spends a lot of resources on personal health care schemes than any...

Muckraking: Sinclair and Riis Impact

Muckraking in the historical context Muckraking is simply investigative journalism with a leaning towards exposing corruption in government and institutions involving public trust. It is also associated with revolutionary ideas and concerns of reform in government and public institutions. Originally, the term ‘Muckrakers’ was coined to refer to American writers...

The Case of Takata a Japanese Car Parts Supplier

Case details This case revolves around Takata, a Japanese car parts supplier, and its former chief executive Shigehisa Takada. A crisis occurred due to the faulty airbags supplied by Takada’s company that could explode with more power than needed, hurting and even killing the people inside the car (Chen, 2019)....

Negative Effects of Antidepressants

Abstract The effects of antidepressant drugs have been a topic of discussion over a long period of time. Medical experts and other scholars have tried to justify that the effects act as a means to an end claiming that they are bearable consequences geared towards a good cause. However, as...

Nortel Networks Corporation Accounting Theory

Introduction The reporting of financial information is of great essentiality to both the organization and the other stakeholders. “Accounting information is reliable to the extent that it is verifiable, is a faithful representation of the underlying economic reality, and is reasonably free of error and bias” (Young et al, 2007,...

Eyewitness Memory and Choice Blindness Study

Purpose The purpose of this study was to develop a clear understanding of the ability of eyewitnesses to remember their self-made reports, concerning choice blindness. The researchers wanted to identify whether eyewitnesses can recall their reports accurately if the reports have been manipulated. The process entailed two experiments that aimed...

Discretionary Policy and Time Inconsistency

The classical time-inconsistency problem analysed by Kydland and Prescott (1977) and Barro and Gordon (1983), and followed by a large literature, is based on the following model: y = γ (π – π ) + u , where yt is the log of output (or employment), measured as a deviation...

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Information and Communication Technology in Education

Abstract Globalization and technological change has created a new global economy which is powered by information and communication technology. Information and communication technology have become the basis for educational reform. This paper discusses ‘The use of information and communication technology in education’. Information and communications technology transforms the conventional educational...

Kate Chopin: Early Feminist Writer

There are many early feminist writers who wrote prolifically in the late 19th century up to the early phase of the 20th century. In this study the focus will be on early feminist writers that came from the South. This means that they are female writers who are not only...

Sale of Human Organs Should Be Legalized

Human Organ Business In my personal opinion, the business of human organs is, however, considered illegal, yet a large number of people believe that they have the right to sell their body parts and have an ethical point of view in this regard that states the issue of their freedom...

Fast Food Chain Locations, Non-Chain Restaurants and Bars

Industry Analysis As discussed in prior sections of the report, the competition for Moma Monaz can be distinguished into three categories: fast food chain locations, non-chain restaurants, and bars. The first category presence in the area is substantial, with McDonald’s, Wendy’s, KFC, and Subway all present. The other locations are...

Nitrate and Nitrite Levels in Fruity and Natural Mineral Waters Marketed in Western Turkey

Abstract Water is very is important for life and therefore its quality is of high priority. Nitrite and nitrate concentration in water supplies are vital pointers to water quality. Public health becomes jeopardized with an increase in the concentration of nitrates and nitrites. Nitrates are converted to nitrites and nitrosamines...

Sangria Restaurant: Business Proposal

Introduction Food is a necessity that cannot be shunned in human for the purpose of good health, vitality, and survival. Hence, a business that its main product is food will succeed under the right business strategy and marketing plan since eating food is inevitable. Sangria restaurant will be a food...

Black and White Photography’s Historical Roots

Introduction In the last hundred and twenty years, photography has developed immensely. The beginnings of this development are shown in the styles of black-and-white photos and their evolution into modern-day color photography. Broadly stated, black-and-white photography is an artistic interpretation of how one imagines the world should look. This sort...

The Fit Stop: Compensation Strategy

Introduction Founder Susan Superfit viewed the Fit Stop as a breakthrough endeavour. Superfit stated that the company is highly dependent on the performance of the employees. The skills and attitude that the staff will cultivate in the company is critical in the success of the Fit Stop. Since the company...

The Problems in Managing Employees in Modern Organizations

Briefing paper background Organizational Theory and studies focus on the systematic explorations of; and analysis of how people as individuals and as groups function within organizational operational frameworks. Robbins, Stephen P. adds that “In this view Human resource management is thus viewed as a strategic and coherent approach to the...

Information Systems and Project Management Performance

Introduction The article chosen for analysis was written by an Information Systems (IS) management professor with tremendous experience in the field. It is known as “The relations of requirements uncertainty and stakeholder perception gaps to project management performance” by James Jiang, Shelly Wu, Gary Klein and Liang, T.P for the...

Agile Project Initiation: Building Corporate Website

Users are constantly looking for information online, comparing, buying products and services online. That is why business websites play an essential role in promoting a company. They help build effectively against competitors, optimize internal processes, and find more clients. The main goal of any commercial project is to make a...

“Into the Electronic Millennium.” the Article by Sven Birkerts

Introduction Technology had a significant impact on various aspects of our daily lives. The primary text is an article by Sven Birkerts, which was written in 1994 to discuss contemporary technological developments, particularly the transfer of information into electronic form. The article conveys the author’s concerns with regard to technology;...

Enhancing STEM Education Through Civil Science Initiatives

Abstract Civil science remains instrumental in bridging the gap in the acquisition and development of adequate competencies in science education. This learning process allows learners to have first-hand experiences and observations on scientific issues and developments. In this paper, a detailed research study is proposed that can guide schools and...

Theories of Culture in a Point of View of “Brazil” by T. Gilliam

Culture and works of art are influenced greatly by social tastes, preferences and unique vision of the world. During the 20th century, artists have been engaged in an anxious and harassed attempt to manage presence and views under conditions where everything threatens to fall apart. The concern surrounding the artistic...

Fiscal Budget Decision and Gross Domestic Product

Introduction This is a case of a developing economy where the government has a supplemental $2 billion budget meant for policies to boost per capita Gross Domestic Product (GDP) over a 15-year planning horizon. Two proposals have been tabled. The first aims to raise the literacy, competence, and self-sufficiency of...

Date Technology Solution Proposal: Trusty Carpets

Introduction Trusty Carpets company is an entity that sells and advertises carpets. Their business model has recently faced significant issues that must be resolved by introducing change. The primary purpose of this paper is to identify potential pathways to change and improvement. Considering the condition of Trusty Carpets company is...

Food Deserts Control in the United States

Introduction Food deserts are geographical areas where people lack access to adequate nutrition owing to the distance from grocery shops and other economic issues. Fruits, whole grains, meat, dairy, vegetables, beans, peas, and fish are either costly or unavailable in food deserts. Urban food deserts, which are most commonly located...

The Role of GC Within Forensic Applications

Introduction Gas chromatography (GC) is a technique used to separate volatile components of a complex mixture. The method employs a column made of a flow-through narrow tube in which a sample containing various chemical components passes in a gas stream. The gas stream in chromatography is referred to as a...

Health Information in Long Term Care

Introduction In the recent past, electronic health records have become an integral part of the improvement of health care systems. This is because they have the potential to improve the quality of care provided to patients, increase efficiency, subsequently reduce costs and even strengthen the relationship between hospitals, physicians, and...

Reverse Colonialism in “Season of Migration to the North” by Salih

Season of Migration to the North is a postcolonial novel written by Tayeb Salih that was published in 1966. In the novel, Tayeb talks about the civilization in Europe and the colonialism by the British on the African community and the Sudanese culture. The novel talks about Mustafa Saeed, the...

Strategic Growth Analysis of Delta Designers: Mission, Vision, and Corporate Objectives

Introduction Mission The company plans to pursue a global low-cost leadership strategy centred on selling its branded and private-label footwear at lower rates in order to obtain a competitive advantage over other companies in the industry. Vision Our mission is to provide high-quality athletic footwear at competitive prices while giving...

Personality Disorders and Anger

Introduction Anger and personality disorder have one thing in common. People who suffer from either have no ability to empathize. When a person is angry, they defy empathy by developing severe anger. The person feels that the source of their anger is disparaging their suffering. Their anger, therefore, increases when...

Psychoanalytic Reading of Hoffmann’s and Kafka’s Works

Introduction Ever since Freud’s methodology of psychoanalysis has gained an academic validity, during the first part of twentieth century, it became possible for psychiatrists to get an insight onto the actual roots of their clients’ mental anxieties, which were revealed as such that reside deep in people’s subconsciousness. In its...

Design of Auction Rooms and Terror Twilight Cafés

Introduction An interior design that captures a particular atmosphere is a challenging task for those who do not understand the intricate aspects of a beautifully furnished room. Modern establishments often strive to achieve a genuinely unique look that will serve as a selling point for their potential customers, yet not...

Co-operative Banking Group’s Enterprise Software

Introduction According to Dehning & Stratopoulos (2003) multinational companies have experience a lot of challenges in managing most of their operations as a result of their great expansions. It has been observed that most companies have complained of experiencing challenges in accounting, inventory, marketing and sales, distribution, logistics as well...

Virtual Reality: The Technology of the Future

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Modern Technology and Engineering: The Prospects for the Development

Modern Technologies: General Overview of the Suggestions Due to the rapid development of modern technologies and the new ideas appearing in the sphere of engineering, people have faced with a huge number of newest gadgets and equipment which was created to make people’s life easier and provide them with time-savers...

Adverse Drug Events: An Evidence-Based Approach to Prevention and Management

Introduction An issue of adverse drug events is a crucial point in nursing practice. Having substantial knowledge about the ways of predicting the negative outcomes of the problem allows a nurse to provide the best care for the patients. The current paper presents a narrative description of ten peer-reviewed articles...

The Impact of Crime and Violence on Tourism in Jamaica

The rapid development of international tourism and its spreading almost in every corner of the globe put sharply the problem of safety provision for tourists. It can be said that recently there was a considerable rise in the threat for tourists’ lives, health, and belongings. At the same time, tourism...

Sociology Regarded as a Science

The question of whether sociology must be regarded as a science or not could prove very complicated unless one is clear as to what science is. Although arts and sciences are very distinct especially in methodology, it is not uncommon to notice given similarities or basic assumptions that are shared....

McDonald’s Managing Financial Principles & Techniques

Executive Summary McDonald’s plan to extend its operations to the UAE is a good move. The company should establish the best pricing method to use as well as come up with an appropriate budget for the anticipated expansion. The report recommends that McDonald’s should price its products/services below the competition...

Success Rate of a Biotechnology Firm

Advancements in biotechnology have been tremendous for the last forty years. Commercialization has been rampant while researchers have engaged in innovation activities that have led to development of technological tools in biotechnology (Zeller, 2001). The year 1980 experienced substantial investments in biotechnology around the globe which was partially influenced by...

Global Warming Effects on the Environment and Animals

Introduction Global warming effects is currently one of the global threats with each nation suffering economically due to the observed climatic changes. This discussion aims to provide effects of the current global warming threats which is affecting the whole world. Due to changes in the distribution of the weather pattern...

Student Learning Assessment Plan

Assessment Plan Table Learning Goals Assessments Format of assessment Adaptations Learning goal 1:Recognize and read plural words Pre-assessment Reading exercises on plural and singular words From these lessons, the student will understand the concept of one and more than one. They will be able to demonstrate the use of plural...

Milkman in Toni Morrison’s “Song of Solomon”

Song of Solomon is one of the most famous novels by Toni Morrison written in 1977. Milkman Dead III is the main character of the novel who embodies both the positive and negative features of a man. Morrison depicts Milkman in mythic terms. Not only does his story follow a...

Effects of Farah’s Account on Society

Among the African writers of world recognition one name that is often mentioned has been that of Nuruddin Farah. His work deals with effectively and in detail the social life and the characteristics of the culture in Somalia. All his works leave a significant impression of the life and culture...

Health Psychology and Stress: Correlations

Outline Health psychology deals with the enhancement of the whole personality identifying and eliminating the biopsychosocial causes that lead to disease. This paper presents various perspectives of health psychology, emphasizing on the stresses that which cause for the psychological and physiological illnesses. Methods for the stress management and the consequences...

Ethical Issues in Pharmacare: A Comprehensive Research Paper on Company Practices

Introduction PharmaCARE is a drug manufacturing company situated in New Jersey, but it has a production plant in Colberia. The company is surrounded by numerous ethical issues. In Colberia, the company has employed natives who work for as low as $1 per day. Critics allege that the company has caused...

Universal Conception of Human Rights and Its Challenges

Introduction Human rights are intercontinental customs, which dictate and determine how different countries handle their citizens and residents. In 1948, United Nations adopted the Universal Declaration of Human Rights as a policy framework guiding countries towards observing human rights. However, the major factor, which led to this declaration, dates back...

Cathay Pacific Airways: Business Management

Background Information Cathay Pacific Airways is a world-leading airline carrier and is the flag carrier of Hong Kong. Although the airline’s main hub is at the Hong Kong International Airport, their head office is located on the 33rd Floor, One Pacific Place, 88 Queensway, Hong Kong (Cathay Pacific, 2011). Founded...

Moving from Compliance to Performance Based Schools

Introduction From its inception in 2001, the No Child Left Behind (NCLB) federal law, often shortened and pronounced as “nickelbee” has had its fair share of controversies. The law, which received major backing from the outgoing US president George Bush, reauthorized several federal educational programs that aimed at improving the...

High Nutrition Diet and Its Harm to Athletes

Abstract Sports nutritional supplements are essential in augmenting the energy reserves of sportspeople. However, research on the purpose of these foods, particularly a high nutrition diet, is non-conclusive. This study employs a systematic literature review to assess the role and harm of a high protein diet among athletes. The research...

Mathematical Analysis of Ship Towing Simulation

Introduction Before launching a real ship into the water, tests must be conducted to assess possible risks and potential problems that the ship may encounter during launching. Obviously, such tests consume a considerable number of resources and time, so it is necessary to resort to large-scale modeling with a high...

Effects of Global Warming: Essay Example

What causes the greenhouse effect? What are its consequences? When you need information about global warming effects, essay examples like this one are a perfect option. This paper explores many facets of climate change, including its impact on health and development. Read this “effects of global warming” essay to learn...

Tata Motors Company Market Research

Executive Summary This report on Tata Motors Company was requested by the Corporate Head of Marketing for Tata Motors. The purpose of this report was to investigate whether or not there would be a market for their economy car, the Tata Nano, in Canada. Tata Nano has always been described...

Ethnic and Racial Differences: Media’s Role in Australia

Abstract Ethnic refers to a group of people that share a common ancestry heritage, language, nationality and culture. We can therefore say that ethnicity refers to a group of people with common characteristics that distinguish them from the rest. Race on the other hand refers to a group of people...

Establishing a Computer Repair Service in Abu Dhabi

Introduction The hypothetical situation for this assignment is that I, along with three of my friends, want to open a computer repair service in Abu Dhabi along with a home delivery service. For these purposes, we have accumulated a sum of 300,000 AED, but additional expenses are estimated at 2,000,000...

Euthanasia – Mercy Killing or Assisted Suicide

Introduction Euthanasia, otherwise known as mercy killing or assisted suicide, has been a controversial subject for many centuries. Proponents of the practice believe that individual freedoms of choice that exist in life also extend to the end of life. They also argue that the sentiment of humane treatment afforded animals...

Crystallization Process and Related Phenomena

Abstract Crystallization is a separation operation in which crystals of blended components are obtained starting from a liquid mixture (solution or molten magma-solid). In some cases, it might generate components that are 100% pure. Crystallization creates thermodynamic conditions that compel molecules to catch up and regroup it into highly organized...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Activity-Based Costing and Profit Planning for Managerial Accounting

Background Activity-Based Costing (ABC) is a useful accounting method that enables managers the collection, analysis, and evaluation of a business’s investment and expenditure habits. The aim of such activities is to streamline production processes and reduce costs (Syreyshchikova et al., 2021). Specifically, ABC saves the company’s resources such as time...

Groupthink and Decision-Making Process

Introduction Decision-making is one of the central processes in human lives. Individuals’ lives depend on the choices made concerning certain issues. With the decisions, one’s future becomes either favorable or terrible. In addition, decision-making determines one’s success in a career and also effective leadership within the individual. Similarly, the decision-making...

Primary Health Care For Indigenous Australians

Introduction Colonization generated multiple health impacts among the indigenous aborigines. Before colonisation, the aborigines participated in tracking animals and gathering plant materials for food. The native people lived for decades separately from supplementary communities. They depended on their traditionally attained food, which availed low sugar, nutritional energy, fat, and sugar....

Preventing HIV: Clean Needle Exchange Programs

Introduction Drug use by injection is the cause for approximately half of all new hepatitis C and one-third of all new AIDS cases in the United States each year. The implementation of clean needle exchange programs has been encouraged by numerous health officials as a method of reducing the infection...

Gothic in “A Rose for Emily” and “Young Goodman Brown”

Introduction Given the fact that stories “Young Goodman Brown” by Nathaniel Hawthorne and “A Rose for Emily” by William Faulkner can be thought of as such that sublimate the particularities of authors’ Romanticist worldview, it would be logical, on our part, to expect strongly defined Gothic elements being present in...

Innovation as a Contemporary Issue in Business

Introduction There are severs approaches that can be applied by manager in order to survive the economic hard times that have constantly characterized the new millennium. Change and innovation is now equated to the survival through turbulent times. When businesses attain a very strong economic advantage it means that they...

Chronic Poverty and Disability in the UK

Introduction The U.K. is an economically stable country with significantly established social, political, and economic institutions. History concerning the region’s superpower dates back to the colonial era when Britain and other powerful allies owned and controlled most of the republics on earth. As a powerful region, one expects the U.K....

Annotated Bibliography: Law Ethics

Law ethics, also known as legal ethics in some countries, can be said to be the codes by which legal professionals work in the performance of their duties and to which they owe themselves, their clients, and each other. Usually, failure to abide by the code of legal ethics leads...

Adolescent Brain Development and Legal Culpability

Neuroscience has made great strides which now provide new ideas about the development of the brain. New discoveries confirm scientifically that the teen years are a period for transition (Adolescence, Brain Development and Legal Culpability, Juvenile Justice Center) Impressive changes are believed to occur in the brain in the second...

Mammography in King Khaled General Hospital in Saudi Arabia

Introduction Crucial in achieving optimal benefits for all screening programs, quality assurance is defined as a system of procedures, checks, audits, and corrective measures to ensure that health services are at their highest achievable quality. Mammography is a screening and diagnostic tool which uses low-dose amplitude x-rays to examine the...

Decriminalizing the Simple Possession of Illegal Drugs

Executive Summary Research has shown that the US war on drugs that was instituted by President Nixon has failed immensely. The program involved the enactment of laws and policies that were projected to solve the crisis through harsh punishments and other coercive measures. Since its implementation, the drug problem has...

Asian Hate Crime: Social Limitations and Economic Impact

Introduction The COVID-19 pandemic is one of the recent reasons for increased Asian hate crimes. Asian American discrimination has already affected employment, provoked economic stress, and challenged cooperation. However, the history of Asian hate crimes could be traced long before the pandemic, when first Asians came to the United States...

Exploring the Concept of Bipolar Disorder: Symptoms, Treatment, and Understanding

Bipolar disorder, which is also known as manic depression illness, is a brain problem that leads to various problems in someone’s normal functioning, for instance, unusual mood shifts, levels of activities, energy, and the ability to carry daily operations (Marneros & Goodwin, 2005). It is a serious mental problem because...

Analyzing Aggregate Demand in Different Economic Contexts and Scenarios

Introduction Aggregate demand is normally understood in the context of the total value of goods and services demanded by a given group of consumers at a given period and a given price (Brux 2007, p. 375). In other words, aggregate demand essentially refers to the value of goods and services...

International Business. Saudi Basic Industries Company

Introduction International business relations are characterized by the complexity of processes and phenomena that determine the market shares of various companies in the respective market segments. The market of petrochemicals also displays this complexity, and Saudi Basic Industries Company (SABIC), experienced this in its business activities. Dumping was the controversial...

Consumer Law: Trade Practises Act

Introduction Background to the study Consumers are governed and protected by commercial laws against exploitation by corporate. These laws ensure that the goods produced by various firms meet the specified standard. These laws sometimes go beyond the regulation of products produced, but also control consumer transactions, and commerce. Commercial laws...

Internationalizing the Bershka Brand to Canada

Summary Bershka was established in 1998 in Spain and focuses on fashion and designs of clothing manufacturing. The company started its operations in 2000 when it recorded an increased demand for its fashion products from Spanish citizens (About us, 2022). Up to now, the firm has opened thousands of its...

Corporate Social Responsibility: Concept and Definition

Introduction In the contemporary business environment, businesses do not exist in isolation. Nor do they just pursue the objective of making money. All the stakeholders, including the employees, customers, suppliers and the local community, are affected by the activities of the business in one way or another. The products of...

What Happens to the Mentally Challenged Once They Grow Up?

Introduction Shawn Ley was diagnosed with autism at the tender age of five years. His parents, and especially his mother, have cared for him night and day for the past fifteen years. This is with the help of a nurse from the local nursing home. The nurse is paid by...

Researching of British Abolitionism

Introduction In 1765 a black slave imported from Barbados was brutally beaten by his master. The latter left him to die in terrible agony right in London Street (Christophe, 2020, p.42). Granville Sharp, a physician who treated the poorest classes of the British capital, picked up the poor man and...

Christian Theology and World Religions: Christianity and Islam

Introduction Christianity and Islam share many similarities, although they are two distinct religious traditions. Sufism, one of the Islamic traditions, consists of a variety of strict rules and laws, as well as an appeal towards asceticism as the main way of going through the path and reaching Allah. Christianity, however,...

Recruitment and Training in the Criminal Justice Field

Ethical Rules Governing Recruitment and Training Historically, American employers in private or public sectors have felt free to hire or promote workers according to the criteria established and similarly exclude from employments those deemed unfit. The US constitution prohibits the deprivation of employment rights. Thus, the Equal employment opportunity commission...

Analytical Case Study of Rio Tinto Mining Industry

The Rio Tinto Group is an Anglo-Australian international organization that is the world’s fastest-growing metal and mining firm, and it produces iron ore, copper, precious metals, gold, and plutonium. It is second only to BHP in terms of production volume. In 1873, an international business association purchased the Rio Tinto...

Alzheimer’s Disease and Dementia Non-Pharmacological Treatment

Delgado, J., Bowman, K., & Clare, L. (2020). Potentially inappropriate prescribing in dementia: A state-of-the-art review since 2007. BMJ Open, 10(1), 1-9. Web. The authors touch upon the problem of increased risk of inappropriate mediation and adverse drug effects emerging while treating dementia. The investigators aim at determining factors that...

Radio Communication and Early Oral Tradition in Canada

Since the very beginning of its history, Canadian communication has been developing and shaping in the increasingly controversial and ambiguous social conditions. Canadian communication has come to exemplify the gradual formation of self-consciousness, political power, and individuality. It was probably due to political pressures and social constraints that the Canadian...

An Enzyme Linked Immunosorbent Assay Experiment

Introduction In our society presently, immunoassay techniques used in data analyses have assumed a place of high significance, particularly as it is applicable to pure/applied researches; where the techniques are adopted for such developments as ultrasensitive enzymatic immunoassays in antigenic and antibody analyses. Ultrasensitive/rapid enzyme immunoassays, have presented more current,...