“Examining Evidence-Based Interventions to Prevent Inpatient Falls”: Article Summary

The Major Points of the Article Inpatient falls are common in many hospitals. Such falls account for the largest number of accidents in different health facilities. The article “Examining Evidence-Based Interventions to Prevent Inpatient Falls” explains why hospitals should prevent inpatient falls. Such inpatient falls have both financial and physical...

Parable of Predation as a Somali’s Political Symbol

Folklore as a part of oral language is one of the most significant cultural characteristics. My cultural background is full of national myths and parables. For my analysis one of them which is called the Parable of predation (the typed text is added at the end of the present research...

The Great Wall at the US – Mexican Border

Introduction The Great Wall at the border that separates USA and Mexico is one of the largest barriers between two countries in the world. The wall is a series of barriers meant to minimize illegal border crossings into the US through the southern border entry. The US government has had...

“Death of a Salesman” by Arthur Miller

Seeds can be discussed as the most intriguing image presented in Arthur Miller’s play “Death of a Salesman” because seeds symbolize the hope of the main character Willy for the best future and, at the same time, the character’s frustration because of lost opportunities. Willy understands that his idea of...

Sexual Assault: Diagnostic Studies and Prevalence

Etiology/Pathophysiology/Incidence/Prevalence Sexual assault is “non-consensual” sexual behavior (Harkin, Borock & Amaranto, 2011, p. 404). The most vulnerable groups are women especially living in the low-income environment and those who abuse substances. Children and the elderly are also vulnerable. However, sexual assaults occur in all populations irrespective of ethnicity, age, gender...

Beulah Collins’ Narratives of African-Americans in Philadelphia

In the southern states of the USA, centuries of slavery and decades of segregation created a legal and political system characterized by the dominance of White people. For example, the legislation (Jim Crow laws) prohibited the education of Afro-Americans at schools and universities along with White; they had to take...

Personal Networks and Communication System

Introduction Technology has shaped the life of a contemporary individual. People find their live much easier than it used to be as technology enables them to do more within less time. Communication has also become affected. Many people are even worried that they have become “too immersed in the digital...

Modern Film Version of “Hamlet” by Shakespeare

Various attempts are made to create a modern version of Shakespeare’s Hamlet. However, it is also important to retain the original emotional and moral conflicts explored by the author. The Royal Shakespeare Company’s adaptation directed by Gregory Doran achieves this goal due to the excellent cast of actors and camera...

Complementary and Alternative Medicine

Complementary and alternative medicine is still a topical issue. Mischoulon (n.d.) claims that many people resort to alternative medicine when traditional therapies have failed. At that, Barnes and Bloom (2008) note that different ethnic groups have different views on alternative therapies. For instance, 50.3% of Alaska Native adults, 43.1% of...

Students in Public Schools and Uniform

Public schools, unlike private schools, are meant to cater to students of all classes regardless of their social status. Therefore, these schools are considered to offer a standard level of education affordable to all those who are willing to learn. Thus, public schools should stand out and be exemplary even...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Environmental Activism: Benefits and Threats

The legitimacy and ethics of environment activism are often discussed by legislators and journalists. People, who are engaged in this activity, can be regarded as fighters against corrupt practices of companies. However, at the same time, they can be viewed as criminals disrupting the life of the community. In many...

Conflict Situations in Healthcare

Introduction First of all, one should accept the fact that the healthcare sector depends on human relations greatly. The fact that human factor conditions the success of the recovery process and the efficiency of various procedures is also obvious. In this regard, the mutual understanding between workers and patients becomes...

Evolutionary Theory of Aggression

Many attempts were made to explain the nature of human aggression, proving that it is a complicated behavioral system that requires extensive research to understand its origin. The recent rise of violence through the acts of terrorism has led to increased interest in the theories of human aggression. Evolutionary psychologists...

Contraceptive Method Choice and Patient Education

Treatment Goals A primary treatment goal for Claudia today is the choice of a reliable contraceptive method. The patient does not have any serious health problems or chronic diseases; she has a normal weight and does not have allergies to components of contraceptive medicine. Consequently, the choice of possible contraceptive...

Ho Chi Minh and His Role in Vietnamese Independence

Service of Vietnam During the Conflict The primary service that Vietnam rendered came in the form of local resistance groups and sparsely armed militia that helped to repel Japanese troops from the shores of Vietnam. Without the intelligence and manpower provided by the locals, it would have been likely that...

Adverse Drug Events and Nurses’ Awareness

Introduction Adverse drug events (ADE) are associated with unplanned hospital admissions, patient dissatisfaction, a financial burden on the US healthcare system, and even high mortality rate. Jordan, Vaismoradi, and Griffiths (2016) note that even events regarded as non-life-threatening tend to have adverse effects on patients’ health and wellbeing as well...

Software-producing Firm Reducing Inventory

Reducing Order Quantity The connection between the reduction in inventory and the order quantity is quite obvious. By bringing the number of items to be produced down, one will have to spare fewer resources to create the required amount of items. Therefore, the less the production volume is, the less...

Germany’s Macroeconomic Performance in 2015

It is imperative to note that macroeconomic performance is a fascinating topic that is actively discussed by many scholars. The situation in Germany is especially interesting, and it is influenced by numerous internal and external factors. For instance, an increase in spending on refugees has helped to boost the economy...

Atrial Fibrillation and Heart Rhythm Disturbances

CHF and Atrial Fibrillation Atrial fibrillation (AF) is one of the most common and most studied arrhythmias, but its treatment is still an important issue. One of the causes of the development of AF is chronic heart failure (CHF). Frequent heart rhythm disturbances are almost always found in patients suffering...

Iron Deficiency Anemia Symptoms and Diagnostics

Introduction A case of a female patient with the symptoms of anemia will be discussed in this paper. There are many anemia types, including iron deficiency, vitamin B12 deficiency, aplastic, hemolytic, and chronic disease. It is expected to evaluate each symptom and laboratory test to understand what type of anemia...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Getting Involved in Advocacy Practice for Social Justice

Analyzing the main factors influencing the willingness of people to get involved in advocacy efforts is the key to figuring out how to boost the activity of the workers. Chapter 3 “Getting Involved” of “Advocacy Practice for Social Justice” provides an in-depth analysis of the valid literature resources exploring the...

Fireproofing Practices in Petrochemical Plants

The article was written by Edward Walker, Richard Holliday, and Graham Boaler from the MMI Engineering. The primary idea was in the fact that many organizations around the globe prefer a flawed method related to fire extension capability. The article’s authors provide a list of materials designed to be fireproof...

Health Policy Action: American Veterans’ Health

Yanet The US healthcare system is now undergoing certain changes so it can be a perfect time for considerable and timely improvements. One of the most serious issues is associated with many groups’ limited access to high-quality care. American veterans turn out to be a vulnerable group as they have...

Clinical Studies and Current Research Progress

Clinical Studies Clinical studies are an integral procedure of medical practice, and such work involves quite a few aspects. The possibility of participating in various researches is a responsible and significant task as different exciting cases and correlations can be revealed in the process of such activity. Almost the entire...

Presidential Elections: Strengths and Weaknesses

Elections Strength The major strength of federal elections is their unfaltering commitment to fundamental beliefs and values of American society. The latest presidential elections that have been extremely competitive have proven that the candidates always enjoy the freedom of expression, assembly, and association, which aligns with the key rights documented...

Pain Management in Patients With Dementia

The article Pain management in patients with dementia by Achterberg et al. (2013) is a literature review that explored four main perspectives concerning pain management among patients with dementia in order to make recommendations for further research and practice. Researchers explored the biological, assessment, organizational and educational, and practice perspectives....

Critical Perspective on Mind

The question of the rise of mental torture with regards to the insecurity on how the views of people on oneself are presented is a challenge in the society that seeks to verify some justification. This study will cover critically on the perspective of mind in a philosophical approach, exploring...

Germany’s Great Influence on the World Politics

Globalization, or the process of strengthening the international bonds between countries in political, economic, and media sectors, is currently one of the major threats to the autonomy of many states. Germany is one of the countries that have a great influence on world politics, yet it has a history of...

Robert Kiyosaki as a Motivational Leader

It could hardly be doubted that success in business profoundly correlates with developed leadership qualities. However, some individuals stand out as more significant influential figures, who inspire and motivate other people to grow as a leader. One of these people is Robert Kiyosaki, a businessman, writer, speaker, and public figure,...

Healthcare System: Inflows and Revenue Management

Out of all the industries, healthcare sees the most impacting fluctuations to its revenue model (Baker & Baker, 2013). There are several factors that influence these fluctuations which include the development of electronic health records and revenue-managing software, the ultimate change in how care is brought to the patients, and...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Motivational Theories in Nursing

Introduction Motivation is a major component of every occupation. When it comes to nursing, motivation becomes crucial. Proper motivation results in more job satisfaction, which, in the case of nursing, determines better patient outcomes. Among the motivational theories that can be applied in nursing is Maslow’s Theory of Motivation, Herzberg’s...

Laboratory Analysis of Urine

The laboratory test selected for the discussion is a urine analysis (urinalysis). This analysis includes a series of laboratory screening tests to detect specific cells and substances (crystals and casts) in a patient’s urine. The reason for urinalysis is a necessity to support a diagnosis regarding urinary tract infections, kidney...

“Anne of Spain/Austria” by Peter Rubens in Louvre

Visiting Louvre can be an unforgettable experience in the life of a person because this palace hosts one of the finest art collections in the world. In many cases, an individual can be dazzled by the sheer variety and number of magnificent paintings displayed in this museum. It is one...

Rolling Stone’s “A Rape Case on Campus”

Introduction The truth in the case From a close evaluation of the story, one is in a position to tell that the Rolling Stone’s version of the story, “A Rape Case on Campus”, is a story of journalistic failure that could be avoided. The narrative’s failure involved poor reporting, editorial...

Chronic Patient Education Intervention and Treatment

Clinical Question The clinical question can be explicitly stated with the help of PICOT format. Thus, for this research, PICOT will be stated as follows: “In elderly patients with chronic diseases (P), does patient education intervention in addition to medication treatments (I), compared with only medication treatments (C), increase their...

Normal Dieting and Eating Disorders

Introduction Healthy dieting behaviors are essential for people’s health and well-being. However, abnormal eating habits are very common nowadays. Therefore it is necessary to increase awareness among the general public regarding normal dieting. The main goal of this paper is to discuss the difference between normal dieting and eating disorders....

Telehealth Implementation: Benefits and Challenges

Officially well-defined, telemedicine is the use of medicinal data traded from one place to another through electronic infrastructures to recover a patient’s medical well-being status. Telemedicine comprises an increasing assortment of apps and services using email, smartphones, wireless connection, and other types of broadcasting technology (Lustig, 2012). Telemedicine is not...

Patient Care in Quality and Safety Education for Nurses

Patient Center Care as a Competency of Quality and Safety Education for Nurses Although nurses are usually viewed as well-educated and high-skilled professionals, specific quality standards for their practice were reformulated in the context of the Quality and Safety Education for Nurses (QSEN) project in 2007. The focus was on...

Philosophy of Social Science and Education Research

Introduction In this section of the book, Nel Noddings (1998) discusses the main philosophical assumptions underlying education research as well as social science. This question is of great importance to scholars who examine the nature of scientific knowledge. The main purpose of this chapter is to show how theoretical views...

Vogue Magazine’s Covers Discussion

Introduction Vogue is an American magazine about fashion, culture, and lifestyles. This is a world-famous journal, and there are various international editions. One of the most striking attributes of this periodical is its covers that reflect the current social and political environment. The main goal of this paper is to...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Legal Research: Skills and Resources

The law refers to the rules that govern society (Yell & Conroy, 1999, p.40). If there is a major activity that has to be accomplished, then it is important to understand the legal requirements fully. If the legal requirements are ignored, then it is possible to violate certain statutes and...

Different Roles in African American Literature

Introduction In both “We shall overcome” and Martin Luther King’s speech, there are different roles accorded to African American women of that time. “We shall Overcome” is a hymn that outlines the many odds that people of African American decency underwent during those days when the whites viewed blacks as...

“The Case for Reparations” by Ta-Nehisi Coates

The article “The Case for Reparations” by Ta-Nehisi Coates makes a powerful argument on the origins, progression, and impact of slavery, abuse, racism, and discrimination against African Americans that is embedded deeply into the social fabric of the United States. It outlines the extensive repercussions that such behavior has caused...

2008 Financial Crisis Governmental Decision Making

Leadership and Decision-Making Issues The major problem in leadership and effective decision-making revealed by the financial crisis of 2008 was the lack of system in the short-term reactions of the government. The crisis started with the borrowers’ inability to pay off their mortgage loans (Flynn, 2012). To regain stability, the...

Leininger’s Transcultural Nursing Theory

Introduction Nurse practitioners use their philosophies to maximize their clients’ health outcomes. Such philosophies are usually informed by a wide range of nursing concepts, assumptions, and theories. Culturally competent nurses apply specific transcultural theories to achieve their career goals. Personally, the theory I identify with is Madeleine Leininger’s transcultural nursing...

Mendelssohn’s Truths and Jewish Emancipation

Mendelssohn brings to the three truths, which are universal, contingent, and historical. Universal truths “exist in this and no other way”, and they are associated with “pure mathematics” (Greenberg 46). The eternal truths refer to religious doctrines. Importantly, Mendelssohn stresses that all people share some values that make them humans....

Hialeah Gardens in Dade-County Community Needs

Introduction Hialeah Gardens in Dade-County, Florida, will be the focus of the study. The community can be described as rather peaceful and quiet. According to the recent data on the identified community, it is represented largely by Hispanics (57.3%), whereas the White and the Black members of the population constitute...

Federalism, Consociational Democracy, Government

Federalism and Consociational Democracy Though federalism and consociational democracy overlap in many aspects, some distinctive features that divide them into two distinct terms. Consociational democracy is based on the principles of federalism but has many unique characteristics. Federalism a is political concept applied in countries with big territories and large...

Jules Ferry’ Views on French Colonial Expansion

Introduction It is worth noting that Jules Ferry was a French public and political leader. He enforced the laws regarding the free and compulsory primary education (Fermer, 2013). During the policy of the government on colonial expansion, Ferry supported such course of action. The purpose of this paper is to...

Leadership Under Path-Goal Theory

The questionnaire was directly related to the notion of path-goal leadership theory that “assigns responsibility for a work group’s effectiveness to leaders” that exhibit different behaviors, which may influence the impact of groups (Dixon & Kozloski Hart, 2010, p. 55). The result of the questionnaire for the directive style was...

“Courting a Monk” a Story by Katherine Min

The descriptions used in the story by Katherine Min are often long or rich with imagery or color. The narrative appears to be a never-ending series of memories that are restated by a much older and wiser person than the book’s protagonist, Gina. Despite the fact that the story is...

Alexander Hamilton’s Economic Theory and Philosophy

Alexander Hamilton was the first economist in America who held a principal political figure, but he never managed to become a president in America. There was a great depression in the 1930s where he was allied with the monetary policies in reverence to the American economy that held accountability for...

Neuropsychology: Structure-Function and Dysfunction

Structure-function and dysfunction issues in neuropsychology include such directional terms used to describe generalized brain locations as anterior-posterior, rostral-caudal, superior-inferior, dorsal-ventral, medial-lateral. All humans have the same brain plan and the basic directional terms. In this paper, I will define the location pairs to comprehend the ways of navigation around...

American Labor Unions in Global Economy

Labor unions became a vital part of the United States’ employment system in the 20th century (Fossum, 2012). Bargaining with organizations on behalf of workers, they helped to promote better employment conditions and fight violations of workers’ rights in the workplace. However, since the 1950s, labor unions experienced a steady...

Machiavelli’s The Prince and Its Modern Importance

Introduction Machiavelli’s “The Prince” is a powerful masterpiece that presents the best leadership concepts. This political treatise was written by Niccolo Machiavelli. According to many scholars, “The Prince” was the first political text to examine the issue of leadership ethics (Machiavelli 27). The book presents meaningful arguments that are applicable...

Visual Learning Style and Improvement Strategy

Introduction I have assessed my learning style and it turned out I am a visual learner. Visual learners tend to perceive information better if it is presented in the form of charts, diagrams, pictures, etc. (Anderman & Anderman, 2009). Visual learners also perceive information better when they read it rather...

Art Criticism and Aesthetics Philosophy

The connections between pleasure, contemplation, and judgment in aesthetic appreciation In aesthetic appreciation, when the object is contemplated, it is not only experienced by dint of sensory system but also enjoyed. Being rational creatures, people tend to judge the objects using their own standards of judgment based on interests. While...

Walt Disney Parks and Resorts Worldwide Inc.’s Market

Market Structure The company, Walt Disney Parks and Resorts Worldwide Incorporation, operates in the oligopolistic market structure. The company has unique operational strategies which can be equated to the ideals of oligopolistic strategies, characterised by few competitors dominating the global parks and resort business (Baumol & Blinder, 2011). Strong commitment...

Chapter 5 of “American Government” by O’Connor et al.

Chapter five of our study book comprehensively examines the question of civil liberties. Civil liberties are a very significant pillar for a modern civilized society. The chapter runs through roots of liberties, first and second amendments, rights of criminal defendants, and the right to privacy and concludes by examining the...

Toyotomi Hideyoshi and the Tokugawa Era in Japan

How did Toyotomi Hideyoshi’s domestic policies change the basic structures of society at the time? Toyotomi Hideyoshi is regarded as one of the heroic men in Japan’s history. Despite being born from a peasant family, he rose to the limelight after he destroyed the Asian clan of Omi in 1573...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Undercover Police Investigations in Drug-Related Crimes

Introduction Undercover activities have traditionally been used to target crimes involving corruption, drugs, pornography, and prostitution. This involves deception and involvement in illegal activity to gain evidence involving criminal activities. According to Marx (1988), “UCEs have worked to combat organized prostitution rings, the manufacture and distribution of drugs, street gangs,...

Students’ Misconceptions as to Qualities of Light

Students often have many misconceptions regarding their abilities to perceive light, as well as regarding specific qualities of light and objects that can reflect it. First, the problem is usually in understanding light as an entity (Driver, Rushworth, Squires, & Wood-Robinson, 2005). As a consequence, students do not understand the...

Pestle Company’s Corporate-Level Strategy and Management

Pestle Management The PESTLE analytical tool is important for managers because it helps them to examine the external factors that face the organization and in the process, the managers can be able to think about the potential impacts of these individual factors on the business (Renewal Associates 2003). A PESTLE...

Students’ Difficulties with Physical and Chemical Changes

The aspects of physical and chemical changes can make students experience some difficulties while distinguishing between these processes. The main misconceptions associated with these types of changes are the following ones: chemical changes are determined when unusual alterations in substances are observed; in contrast to physical changes, chemical changes are...

Enculturation and Family Relationships

During one of the discussions we had in the class we were talking about parenting styles and family interrelations and the role they play in the process of enculturation, i.e. how the way our parents treated us in the childhood and how they treated each other affects the evolution of...

Wojick’s, Serra’s and Bourgeois’ Visions of Art

We have been discussed many works by different artist, Amanda Wojick, Richard Serra, and Louise Bourgeois. These artists have different vision of the art and try to implement their ideas in different forms. Elkins in the chapter “Just looking” states that seeing means searching (22) and he is right. When...

Naked Economics and Financial Markets

Introduction In Chapter 7, Wheelan provides an overview of the basic mechanisms of financial markets. The ideas presented by the author can be used to discuss this case study. The chapter is also written in a manner that ensures numerous illustrative examples, which helps to understand the notions, mechanisms, and...

Cornel West Theories: The Three Pillars of Human Existence and Reasoning

Democracy, as a highly sophisticated social virtue, has frequently been regarded as a utopian thought of peoples having the power over their lives and their choices. Here, the word “utopian” is used intentionally to emphasize the complexity of individual perception of this model and its roots. While striving for democracy...

Incentives and Long-Term Commitment to Training

According to a study conducted by Ho and Yeung (2015), it is evident that one-time incentives improve long-term commitment to training among workers. Upon analyzing numerous case studies, Ho and Yeung (2015) exemplify that long-term training makes employees competitively employable. However, for workers to be encouraged to enroll in long-term...

Policies and Protocols in Healthcare

In today’s healthcare environment, policies and protocols are essential, as they guide medical professionals in providing high-quality, evidence-based care to all patients. These documents can also reflect ethical considerations involved in care provision, thus ensuring compliance with relevant professional codes of ethics. Therefore, policies and protocols help to promote patient...

History: American Dream Versus Reality

The American dream signifies the pursuit of happiness with a good job, lovely family, affluence, and accomplishment in life. The dream encircles the freedom of having a chance to thrive in life. Therefore, people have the likelihood of realizing their objectives by any means regardless of their background. The existence...

“Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass” Nowadays

There are topics related to any society’s existence, the actuality of which is never lost even if the issues have reached some improvement. Questions regarding slavery, education, family life, religion, and friendship have always existed in American society and shaped its development. In his Narrative, Douglass raises these themes, and...

Policy Violation in a Learner’s Academic Career

Introduction Educational institutions develop and implement appropriate policies that all students, parents, and educators should follow. Such regulations are aimed at promoting the wellbeing of learners and ensuring that they develop the intended skills and knowledge. This paper gives a detailed analysis of some examples of policy violations and how...

The Concept of Experience in Dewey’s “Art as Experience”

The concept of experience is important to be understood and discussed with a focus on a specific esthetic experience and its role in creating works of art. In his book, Dewey (2005) isolates and emphasizes experience as a key and unique concept to define art. According to the author, experience...

Five Lessons From My First Semester

Relations with People Are Critical at Studying The first thing that becomes obvious at the very first moment of studying at the college is that there are many new people who surround you and successful communication with them is the key to success. Teachers, peers, and new friends all have...

Analysis of the Mastering Mathematics Approach’s Implementation Into Practice

The Mathematics Mastery program is defined as a specific whole-school approach to this subject’s teaching that was designed to raise the pupils’ attainment. It was primarily elaborated in Asian countries based on their education policies (Merttens, 2015). The understanding of mathematics may be regarded by a substantial number of people...

Adverse Selection: Is Discrimination Warranted?

Adverse selection is defined as a situation in which sellers of goods or services have more information than buyers (or have information that they do not have) and vice versa. The issue is especially relevant for the insurance businesses since adverse selection is usually a tendency for individuals with high-risk...

CAVA Company’s Recruiting Practices

At the moment, CAVA company faces some challenges that might prevent it from further development and growth. The low entry-level payment in fast casual restaurants might serve as a limiting factor for the acquisition of new employees and cooperation with talented workers. For this reason, there is a critical need...

Tolerance of Ambiguity Test and Profile Analysis

Novelty My novelty score for the tolerance of ambiguity test is 20, which is right in the middle of the scale. This means that my tolerance for novelty is medium – I take well to certain kinds of novel things and events in my life, but not so much to...

Life with Heart Failure: Research Methodology

Extraneous Variables In addition to the main variables, including the readmission level of people with congestive heart failure (CHF) and patient well-being, some extraneous criteria may also be taken into account. In particular, the degree of exercise as one of the components of the intervention can be considered. According to...

Various Nursing Theories of Practice

Introduction Nursing theories create frameworks for patient care, which can have a positive impact on individuals’ health outcomes and the quality of care. This paper presents grand and middle-range nursing theories and discusses how they are applied within two research studies. The report reflects on the utility of selected approaches,...

Taco Bell Restaurant’s Target Market in Queensland

The expansion of Taco Bell to Queensland, Australia is a viable solution to attract more customers and increase the company’s profits. As a quick-service restaurant, Taco Bell is a cheap dining option for people who want affordable, crunchy, and fast eating. It is possible to choose students (17-24 year-olds) as...

Human Culture on Consumerism

In the article, “Your Lifestyle has Already been Designed,” the author, David Cain, argues that the culture of consumerism has been created specifically to entrap people in buying things they do not need for a comfortable life. The requirement to work for 8 hours a day from 9 A.M. to...

Care Plan Implementation for Miami Community

Food insecurity and hypertension have been determined as the key problems related to public health in Miami, Florida. Referring to the population of Miami as the aggregate under discussion, it is necessary to concentrate on the implementation of a care plan to address the issues of food insecurity and high...

The Clayton Case Study Analysis

The current financial report indicates that the Clayton facility faces losses; however, according to the market analysis and current contract activities, the issue is temporary. From the company’s standpoint, the Clayton facility should continue to operate, as it is the only division in the area, which can conduct financial operations....

The Containment Strategy Against the Acceleration Strategy

Introduction In modern organizations, much attention should be paid to the role of Chief Information Officers (CIOs), who are responsible for establishing effective governance designs and security in companies. In the company under discussion, security issues have led to the problems in the work of the information system (IS) and...

Qantas Airline’s Frequent Flyer Recommendations

Although the impact of frequent flyer programs still needs further investigation, Qantas can benefit from the focus on the following solutions and improvements. The frequent flyer program of Qantas is characterized by a considerable variety of partnerships, which is highly valued by customers. This dimension should be further developed and...

Recreational Marijuana Consumption and Acceptance

This essay will discuss the increasing public acceptance of recreational marijuana consumption. The drug has been considered too dangerous to use for most of the 20th century and remains illegal in many states, but an increasing number is moving forward with legalization programs. However, despite the punishments that were put...

Islamophobia in Community and Health Implications

College Essay Societies tend to be guided by moral values, principles, and norms. Such attributes dictate the behaviors and practices of different community members. However, some of the beliefs associated with specific regions are ineffective or inappropriate. Personally, I believe that there are certain ideas in our society that are...

Atypical Presentation of Illness: Diagnosing the Cause of Chest Pain

Atypical presentations of illness in older patients represent a challenge for nurses because their diagnosis is rarely considered in medical training, thus leading to difficulties in managing individuals’ conditions. Such presentations are considered ‘atypical’ due to the lacking signs and symptoms that characterize a condition and its further diagnoses. Nevertheless,...

Foreign Principals of Theodore Roosevelt

United States of America has gone a number of transformations and revolutions to be where it is today. Some of these were brought about by the 26th president of the United States, Theodore D. Roosevelt who took power after the assassination of President McKinley. Theodore also known to others as...

Kant’s Aesthetic Judgment and Beauty Theories

Different people have different attitude to different problems. Beauty is not an exception. One and the same item may attract these people and make feeling of disgust in others. It is impossible to say who of them is right and who is wrong. All these perceptions are personal and appear...

Oedipus Rex, a Victim of Fate or a Tyrant

“In 1834 poet and critic Samuel Taylor Coleridge described this play as one of three works of literature with perfect plots; in 1900 Freud plucked out the name Oedipus for his theory of a son’s unconscious sexual longing for his mother; in 1974 lyrics to a song in the film...

Article 86 of the Uniform Code of Military Justice

Introduction By enrolling in the Army, Navy, Air Force, Marine Corps and Coast Guard a person submits himself to the jurisdiction of the Uniform Code of Military Justice (UCMJ) which contains the criminal laws dealing with the activities of the service personnel. While UCMJ consists of 146 articles, of which...

Institutional Seriousness Concerning Black Male Student Engagement

The current paper under consideration “Institutional Seriousness Concerning Black Male Student Engagement” by Harper relates to a common and previously thought after socio-psychological issue, relating the uplift of the under deemed Afro Americans, an issue that has been prevalent for centuries. The author, Shaun Harper emphasizes many perspectives relating to...

Homeland Security and Change

Introduction The original homeland security organization was characterized by uncoordinated responses amongst its respective agencies and cooperation was a difficult aspect to achieve. Consequently, the paper will look at how operations were carried out before and after the change was instated in homeland security within the country. Analysis of the...

McKinsey Corporation: Donald’s Theory on Training

Introduction This paper will discuss a state firm insurance company and what business the company is mostly involved in. This paper will seek to discuss the orientation of McKinsey Corporation and how it will hire and retain its staff in the future. This paper will also discuss Donald’s Kirkpatrick four...

Moore’s Proof Presented in Hume’s Theory

Hume’s Theory in Brief Hume’s theory is a theory of based on how we can be able to make inductive references and knowledge. This theory revolves around skepticism which is the belief that people cannot have full knowledge on the nature because perception reveals things not as they are, but...

Personal Leadership Brand for Women

Introduction Every leader has a unique leadership style that defines his/her style of governing the juniors with each style depending on the situation, organization policy and the leader himself. This leadership method is often associated with the leader and is frequently branded with the leader. These styles are so many...

Classroom Environment: Vision, Mission, and Philosophy

The importance of the classroom environment for the early childhood education cannot be overestimated. The learning environment in itself can be a powerful learning tool, where an efficient setup of the environment, with knowledge of the main theories of learning and development, can facilitate the learning experience as well as...

Columbus Day Overview and Analysis

Columbus Day is a holiday celebrated throughout North and South America. It is also celebrated in some European countries, such as Italy and Spain. The day of the celebration is October 12. The day is meant to commemorate the discovery of the American continent by Christopher Columbus. This discovery changed...

Sectionalism and Slavery in American History

Sectionalism and slavery are important topics in American history. Sectionalism refers to the divide that was created between the northern and southern territories. For the Northerners, the wage system was a preferred method of capitalism whereas the Southerners preferred slavery. The slaves referred commonly to the black population that had...

Terrorism as a Transnational Organized Crime

Terrorism and organized crime have always been considered to stand among the primary security threats in any society. The possibility of their integration raises much concern, as its negative consequences can hardly be underestimated. It is evident today that the cooperation of terrorists and criminal groups is likely to have...

Medical Workers Errors: Case Study

In the case study, a patient was misidentified with another patient with a similar name. As a result of a series of small errors, a costly and dangerous procedure was performed on a wrong patient. In order to identify the reason for the matter root cause analysis can be applied....

“Night” by Elie Wiesel: Eliezer’s Struggle to Keep Faith in God

Introduction The manner in which Eliezer struggles with his faith in God is portrayed throughout the novel. In the beginning, the faith he has in God is strong. This is evident when he asks himself, “Why did I live? Why did I breathe?” (Wiesel). This shows how absolute his faith...

“Person-Centred Care” by Ulin et al.

Introduction Currently, the online medium, digital libraries, and printed publications provide medical professionals with abundant information related to innovative treatment methods, advancements in health care, solutions to issues in nursing, and so forth. Nevertheless, even peer-reviewed publications sometimes involve controversial findings and unverified data due to the application of irrelevant...

Lipitor: Business Model and Planning

Introduction Lipitor is a drug that reduces cholesterol levels and is produced by the Warner-Lambert company. This company has evolved significantly since its inception in the early 1850s and has become one of the top pharmaceutical companies in the globe. The three components that stand out the most from the...

Open Veins of Latin America. Reading Response

During several centuries, the lands of Latin America were viewed as pillaged by the Spaniards and White Americans because of access to these territories’ plentiful resources. In Open Veins of Latin America: Five Centuries of the Pillage of a Continent, Galeano (1997) presents the history of this region from the...

Honor Definition and Perception

Such word as honor is always associated with dignity, honesty, and generosity. Nevertheless, this word has a huge amount of notions. Different dictionaries give different definitions to this word. The great part of reliable sources in the definition of this word, because of the broad meaning of this notion, use...

“Oedipus the King” by Sophocles

“Oedipus the King” is a piece of art that displays the inner world of a suffering person, who is faced with one of the most harsh and destructive truths in life. At first glance, it might seem that Oedipus is a victim and must deal with the unexpected turns of...

America’s Executive Branch: Strengths and Weaknesses

Strength of America’s Executive Branch One of the major strengths of the executive branch in the U.S. is its power rotation. The president as ahead of the executive branch has several terms he or she may serve limited to two four-year terms. Over the years, the history of the United...

Issues of Cultural Diversity and Diet

Understanding sociology means understanding the inner self and the world around us. The social issues and our place within those are highly important as we live in a multicultural society where communities’ interrelations are a greater part of social order. Therefore, this paper will be talking about the issues of...

Benchmark as Social Problems

Introduction Poverty is a situation when people do not have enough means of subsistence. They have not chosen such a scanty lifestyle for themselves like, for example, ascetics or philosophers. Poverty is a crucial social issue in the modern world as it concerns not only a particular social class within...

Juvenile Delinquency as Social Problem of Vulnerable Populations

Introduction Vulnerable populations are the groups of people who are disadvantaged in some way. Examples of such communities are people of low income, mental disorders, racially, culturally, and religiously diverse, homeless, HIV positive, etc. Due to these challenges, they need more social protection and support. Among the social problems of...

Fleet Planning in Airline Industry

Fleet planning is a significant part of the whole process of airline planning. Aircraft is selected during fleet planning to achieve the optimal fleet composition, which is quite important for successful business as an airline. Fleet planning consists of numerous different stages. First of all top management should carefully analyze...

Concussion Return to Play Protocol in High School

In sports, injury and trauma are unfortunate and inescapable occurrences, as they often require a lot of force and speed to succeed. One of the more dangerous types of trauma one can experience is a concussion. Being a severe functional head injury, it can seriously impede the function of one’s...

Elements of Quantitative Research: Design and Sampling

The object of the analysis is the research study article by Ansari, Hosseinzadeh, and Zwar (2016) “A quantitative research on self-management of type 2 diabetes in a middle-aged population of rural area of Pakistan”. The authors use a quantitative method to study the connection between illness and social and environmental...

General Data Protection Regulation

General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) may be defined as the international set of well-defined and strict rules of data protection. According to the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union and the Charter of Fundamental Rights of the European Union, “everyone has the right to the protection of personal...

Employees Management: Influence Tactics

The most common tactics I use when dealing with my boss are consultation and rational persuasion. In my opinion, their use when communicating with superiors is understandable. Consulting allows me to learn new things and perform tasks in a way that meets the manager’s expectations. Rational persuasion helps in situations...

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Simultaneous Usage of Double 3 via Tapbooth Share

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The “Hand” Drawing by Charles White

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Prevention of Nuclear Disasters

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The Nursing Interventions Classification in Brazil

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