Chinese EFL Learners: The Computer-Assisted Language Learning

Shao’s paper reports on the development of multimedia-based vocabulary acquisition. In particular, this research dwells on the effects of using computer-assisted language learning to help students acquire and understand foreign language vocabulary. The students being examined in this case are the Chinese EFL learners. After making a review of the...

Augmentative and Alternative Communication in the Classroom Environment

Student The imaginary student’s name is Greg, and he has autism spectrum disorder – nonverbal autism. He has no problems with fine and gross motor skills, and the main sign of his condition is the lack of speech. The boy is nine years old, and he is in elementary school....

Anorexia Nervosa: Signs and Symptoms, Treatment

Eating disorders of various types appear to be the disease of the 21st century. Occasionally, the severity and the negative impact on an organism of these illnesses is underestimated, though people may suffer from ordeals and agonizing thoughts and require support. One of the types of eating disorders is anorexia...

Serial Killers and Mayhem: What Makes Them So Fascinating for Society

Celebrity monsters have been playing an essential part in the popular culture since the 1970s. Multiple TV programs, movies, podcasts, and YouTube videos describe horror and terror in their fictional (e.g., vampires) and nonfictional (e.g., serial killers) themes. Research suggests that mass media tends to portray serial killers as monsters...

The Case of E-Commerce Shopping

Integration paper The first week of this module has been extremely valuable for me since it has many practical applications in my professional life. This aspect will be discussed in my personal profile in the next section. The concept of electronic commerce is very relevant in today’s business world and...

The Sociological Effect of COVID-19

The outbreak of the coronavirus pandemic (COVID-19) has generated an international medical crisis that has resulted in a profound influence on how we perceive daily lives and personal interrelations. This has gone a long way to creating sociological effects on individuals, families, and society. The levels of contagion, coupled with...

Book Report: “Rich Dad Poor Dad”

Introduction The book “Rich Dad Poor Dad” was written by Robert Kiyosaki. The novel aims at enlightening people on how to achieve monetary success through rewarding business activities. It draws insights from the lives of two fathers who have disparate personalities and perspectives of money. The author compares the principles,...

Compare and Contrast: Online Shopping vs. Traditional Shopping

Historically, traditional shopping practices dominated the field of selling and purchasing goods and services. If anyone needed to buy a new pair of shoes, a new dress, or even a new house appliance, they would go to the market, or visit a dedicated store, to make a purchase. While a...

Nosocomial Pneumonia: Critical Appraisal of Research Article

Purpose of Study Nosocomial pneumonia is a common problem in intubated and ventilated patients. However, previous studies have not demonstrated clearly that nosocomial pneumonia results in increased mortality or prolongs hospitalization of these patients. The study sort to address these limitations of past researchers by performing a cohort study in...

The COVID-19 Pandemic Impact on Social Values

My research question is if society must keep its values and get back to them after the profound life changes after the pandemic or establish new morals to follow. The social scientific background of the issue contains academic literature about social principles, peer-reviewed articles discussing human and social behaviors, and...

PICO Format in Nursing

Evidence-based practice is essential for nurses to enhance patient outcomes and provide high-quality evidence. Although clinical experience is an essential part of nursing, it is vital not to ignore recent developments in guidelines and research that offer modern, practical solutions for patients. In the chosen scenario, the nurse was instilling...

How Humans Breathe

Breathing is an essential process of a human’s existence: you will not survive for more than five minutes without getting some air into your body. The air is necessary for all systems to function, as it participates in blood and nutrition exchange, brain functioning, and the whole body’s development. It...

Chapter 3 of “Girl in Translation” by J. Kwok

Introduction Earlier Asian immigration to the United States was driven by dreams of a better life espoused in the American dream. Even today, America is among the most preferred destination countries by potential immigrants. For most people, the desire to migrate is to escape extreme poverty locally and build a...

Case: Evaluation of Ethical Dilemmas in Microsoft

Acting either ethically or unethically has consequences. Businesses need to rationalize and analyze the driving force behind their decisions to ensure they can maximize profits using ethical models. Oracle Corporation and Group International are facing accusations of having used unethical means to achieve their objectives. During Microsoft’s antitrust trial, Microsoft...

Health Disparities Affecting Kentucky Citizens

Abstract This paper discusses health disparities affecting Kentucky citizens, along with barriers, and roles of leaders. It shows that Kentucky is one of the unhealthiest states with high rates of drastic health disparities in the United States. There are high rates of chronic diseases, poor physical health, mental health, obesity,...

“Twelve Years a Slave” Book by Solomon Northup

Slavery and racial discrimination are the two ugliest forms of human interaction. Unfortunately, for a long period in history, they had been an integral part of society and determined relations between different groups of people. However, the evolution of human thought and the rise of humanistic values created the basis...

A Baby Boomer and a Millennial

Conversation The context: a job interview; an interviewer is a millennial, and an interviewee is a baby boomer. Millennial: Welcome to our office, John. I’m Mary Davis. Your look’s really on fleek. Baby boomer: Hello, Miss Mary. It’s nice to meet you. Millennial: You can just call me Mary. Ok,...

Juvenile Boot Camps as a Tool for Correcting Underage Offenders

In recent years, the popularity of juvenile boot camps as a tool for correcting underage offenders has been on the rise. Juvenile boot camps are “short-term residential programs that resemble military basic training and target adjudicated juvenile offenders” (Tyler, Darville & Stalnaker, 2001). The main goal of juvenile boot camps...

Utilitarian Philosophy in Nursing

Abstract This paper explores personal philosophy in nursing. Utilitarian philosophy and its basics are taken as the main perspective to view such aspects as the role of nurses, nursing as a profession, the concepts of health and environment. Besides, the paper focuses on the functions of nursing education, administration and...

The Big Short: Inside the Doomsday Machine by Michael Lewis

Michael Lewis’ book, The Big Short: inside the Doomsday Machine mainly deals with a group of individuals who tried to analyze the sub-prime mortgage and came to discover many underhand deals in the financial system. The shenanigans in the Wall Street came to understand that their schemes would bring about...

Nurse Assistance in Correcting Dysfunctional Family Communication

Communication in the family contributes significantly to the health of every member of the family. There is the sender, who gives the information, and the receiver of the message. When there are communications obstacles the communication patterns are altered. The patterns of communication should be corrected especially when roles change...

Program Evaluation in Public Health

Introduction Program evaluation is an imperative process in public health as it helps the implementers of a program to gain imperative information that enables them to determine the course of action during implementation in order to improve the program. In addition, the implementers are able to determine the effectiveness of...

US Budgeting Process

Introduction The federal budget of the United States consists of the spending and revenues of the U. S. federal government. As of now, the US government’s primary expenses include healthcare, retirement, and defense programs. Among the leading trends of the last five decades, the nonpartisan Congressional Budget Office reports the...

Bacon’s Rebellion as a Turning Point in the American Ideas of Race

Introduction The late 17th century was a pivotal period in American history, which marked the foundation of the institute of slavery. Bacon’s Rebellion of 1675–1676 united indentured servants and slaves against the Grandees and provoked a reaction from white elites that led to the establishment of laws separating the white...

Ethos, Pathos, Logos in “What is ADHD?” Article

Aristotle’s modes for influence, also called expository offers, are known by the names of ethos, poignancy, and logos. They are methods for convincing others to accept a specific perspective. Through strategies like substance examination, overview philosophy, and ease of use testing, specialists in the circle medication perceive the significance of...

Emergency Operations Plan (EOP)

An Emergency Operations Plan (EOP) is a significant element of an organization’s response to potential hazards. Although they may remain the same for one area throughout the years, new tools for vulnerability assessment and population warnings appear, potentially improving the strategy. The EOP under consideration is outdated and requires a...

Workgroup Emotional Intelligence Profile

What are teams and what ties into teams? A team is a group of individuals who share certain goals, objectives, and a mission, and participate in a number of activities to accomplish these. Team learning orientations and behaviors are essential, because they reflect team members’ common learning goals, as well...

Aspects of Food Insecurity

Introduction As the most significant sociological and economic problem, food security is becoming a regulated process within the framework of international political and economic cooperation. Europe is considered one of the developed regions globally; however, the sociological issue of food insecurity is still present in several countries. Therefore, it is...

Gender in Traditional Superhero Costumes

Introduction For a long time, an image of a “superhero” was associated with a male character who saves the world from a total disaster. A typical powerful man is always accompanied by a pretty girl who needs help from him. Due to such common aspects, almost all of these individuals...

The Legality of Bin Laden’s Assassination

Introduction Terrorism is one of the major threats to the peace and well-being of individuals in the modern world. Radical military groups and organizations employ severe methods aimed at killing civilians to spread havoc and fear among people and attract attention to a particular issue. The terrorist act of September...

Social Issues: Homeless Students

Eleanor J. Bader is a journalist who reflects on everyday social issues. In her articles, she advocates a greater spread of movements for social change. The article “Homeless on Campus” talks about the difficulties that students find themselves without a place to live while studying in college. In most cases,...

Rebranding to Address Racism: Aunt Jemima’s Case

Cultural psychology theory and research emphasize the need of looking at racism not just in the mind but also in the environment. Personal discrimination is frequently defined as racism, but racial prejudice is also systemic, manifesting in the advantages and drawbacks of cultural objects, philosophical discourse, and organizational realities that...

The “Global Powers” and the World Order

Introduction The history of the development of the world order includes the rise and fall of states and forms of government. Significant events such as wars and revolutions affect individual countries. In most cases, the war negatively affects the state; however, sometimes, it may become the foundation for future development....

Images of Animals, Nature, and Wildlife in Morrison’s “A Mercy”

A Mercy unveils the story of an Anglo-Dutch farm owner whose life has been closely associated with the genesis of the American society under colonization, racism, and slavery. While the story itself presents deep insights into the life and thoughts of an enslaved woman told from Florens’s perspective, the imagery...

“Pride and Prejudice”: Chapter 60

In one of the final chapters of Jane Austen’s Pride and Prejudice, the narrative dwells on the reflections about Lizzy and Mr. Darcy’s upcoming marriage, relationship, and their stance on love and class. The chapter is devoted to both the new perspective of the relationship between Elizabeth and Mr. Darcy...

Stress Reduction Education Targeting the Mental Health

Mental health problems have been concerning issues that need considerable attention from healthcare providers. Patients with mental health illnesses such as stress and related disorders need to be taught approaches to reduce the latter. The article by Ramos-Sanchez et al. (2021) evaluates the way exercise impacts anxiety symptoms and those...

Beckett’s Impact on Absurd Theatre and International Drama

Introduction Samuel Beckett was an Irish playwright, theatre director, poet, and translator, working with both English and French. He was one of many absurd drama writers of the 20th century. His works are considered a part of the Theater of Absurd genre, relating to it through the themes of isolation...

Taiwanese Culture, Foods, and Tourism

Introduction Taiwan is an East Asian country near China in the North West Pacific Ocean. Did you know that China considers Taiwan part of its territory even though it is an independent nation? Other countries close to or neighboring the country includes the Philippines and Japan. Taiwan, also known as...

Turkey’s Remuneration System Analysis

Turkish legislation intensively incorporates various international conventions’ norms into its legislation on wages. The International Labour Organization Convention No. 95 “On the Protection of Wages” of 1949, the International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights of 1966, is no exception. In particular, Article 55 of the Turkish Constitution states...

Plato’s Theory of Forms: Metaphysics and Epistemology

Plato is a crucial figure in ancient philosophy and contributed to studying and discussing metaphysics, epistemology, and ethics. Indeed, his manuscripts and critique of Socrates describe the nature of reality and the importance of knowledge in human life, how it influences beliefs, forms logic, builds society, and determines the metaphysics...

The Morality of Selective Abortion and Genetic Screening

The continuation of species is a biological function that is present in all humans. Common social norms presuppose the desire to have children is natural and should be encouraged. However, genetic complexity might compromise future offspring’s opportunity to have a satisfying life. If a child is born with a medical...

“Cesar Chavez” and “Dolores” Films: The First Labor Union

Introduction Two films, “Cesar Chavez” and “Dolores,” tell the story of the founding of the first labor union and the plight of agricultural workers. Both films are documentaries and discuss the two most influential figures in the workers’ struggle for their rights and freedoms. Despite the common themes, the films...

Aviation Safety: Ground Accidents and Their Prevention

Introduction Aviation is one of the strategically important spheres of the modern world. It supports the high speed of globalization and provides people with new opportunities for better cooperation. Thousands of flights are performed every year, with millions of passengers carried. It means that safety issues acquire the top priority...

Phobias: Triggers and Treatment

Weaving the (Neuronal) Web: Fear Learning in Spider Phobia The article by Schweckendiek et al., “Weaving the (Neuronal) Web: Fear Learning in Spider Phobia,” explores the neurobiological difference between the standard mechanism of fear manifestation and the formation of dysfunctional brain response, that is, a spider phobia. The research includes...

The Mumbai Attack on November 26, 2008

Introduction On November 26, 2008, the commercial hub for India came under a horrific terrorist attack. Ten gunmen believed to be members of the Lashkar-e-Taiba simultaneously struck Mumbai city in five different areas. The terrorists, armed with automatic weapons and hand grenades, targeted civilians in the southern part of the...

The Looming Student Loan Default Crisis Is Worse Than We Thought: Critique

Descriptive Overview of the Article The author studies the release of new statistics on student debt and repayment in October 2017 by the U.S. Department of Education. This research takes a more significant look at student dues and evasion. Considering all university students relatively than only borrowers offers far more...

Themes in “The Lady or the Tiger” by Frank Stockton

Introduction Intractable moral choices have been known to capture the attention of readers for a long time. In the short story “The Lady or the Tiger”, the author, Frank Stockton, highlights two most intriguing choices, one involving love and the other about death. The story, which explores a variety of...

Capital Budgeting Techniques in Public Companies

Public companies owe a fiduciary responsibility to the shareholders that specifically involves wealth maximization. The responsibility is critical in guiding decision-making in companies, especially in project selection. Capital budgeting techniques are applied in evaluating and planning significant company investments or expenditures. Therefore, public companies consider capital budgeting decisions a critical...

Sicko: A Grim Reality Check for the US Healthcare System

Short Summary Michael Moore’s documentary titled Sicko dwells on the key shortcomings of the US healthcare system. The primary message communicated by Moore (2007) was that millions of Americans did not receive the services they deserved, which, in turn, affected their well-being on a long-term scale. Multiple issues were reviewed...

Assigned Female at Birth and Women’s Rights

Introduction The term cisgender involves people whose gender identity matches the sex they were assigned at birth. For example, a person assigned female at birth (AFAB) and identifying as female is a cisgender female. Similarly, an AFAB person who does not identify as either male or female is considered a...

Quotes on Faith and Vocation from Courage and Calling by Gordon Smith

Introduction Reading Courage and Calling by Gordon Smith is a unique opportunity for me to understand the role of God, the worth of Christian life, and vocation. It is not easy to trust one’s own life to someone, but the book gives several critical lessons about why it is ordinary...

Medicare’s Impact on Healthcare: Benefits, Challenges, and Future

Arguments for Government Intervention vs. Market-Based Solutions Since its inception in 1965, Medicare has been the cornerstone of health insurance coverage for older people in the US. Whatever their wealth or health, everybody over 65 is eligible for coverage. Those insured by the program have found it very simple to...

Interpersonal Communication in “The Proposal”: A Theoretical Analysis

Characters and Major Plot of the Movie The movie The Proposal can be used to analyze various facets of interpersonal interaction. Interpersonal communication is the verbal and nonverbal transfer of information between individuals who develop connections, share interpretations, and pursue social objectives. The main characters in the film The Proposal...

Grieving Process and Its Stages

Introduction Elizabeth Kubler-Ross argues that human beings go through five systematic stages of grieving. These stages are not static in their occurrence (Klass & Walter, 2001). Sometimes they do not occur in the order she arranges them. She arrived at her conclusion after working with individuals suffering from different terminal...

“Where Does the Money Go?” by Scott Bittle and Jean Johnson

Summary of the book In their book, Scott Bittle and Jean Johnson discuss various financial problems that currently affect the United States. Overall, the authors focus on such an issue as the growing national debt of the country (Bittle and Johnson 4). In their opinion, this tendency has long been...

“Felix Randal” by Gerard Manley Hopkins Literature Analysis

Felix Randal grew up like any other person, normal. Normal in that amongst his peers, he could be loved and cherished, and that he could also grow up to be hated or be hateful. The narrator tells his story and tries to explore and bring out the various facets of...

Colonial Williamsburg: A Historical Journey through American Heritage

The life of the Virginians during the 17th-18th centuries can be examined in detail with the focus on the life in colonial Williamsburg. Although there is a range of aspects and subjects which can be analyzed with references to the topic because of their historical significance, it is interesting to...

Richard Bauman’s Analysis of Story Performance and Cultural Events in Literature

The “Story Performance and Event” by Richard Bauman is relatively a short book, but very deceiving. The brevity conceals a hypothetical richness and depth that is hard to find in most works of literature which double its volume. In this book, Bauman illustrates the necessity of novel strategies in the...

Revamping Strategic Plans for Indian Creek Foundation

When an organization sticks to a particular plan for years, a plan that was perfect at the beginning becomes outdated. Thus, change is needed to preserve the company’s efficiency. A plan can be defined as “a set of decisions made on actions to be taken to reach a goal” (Homan,...

Comparing Nurse Administrators and Family Nurse Practitioners

Introduction Medical practice is characterized by different specialties and professions. Health practitioners working in different settings must possess specific competencies in an attempt to support the needs of their clients. The outstanding fact is that direct and indirect care providers possess some universal competencies (Roussel, 2013). A proper knowledge of...

Alzheimer’s Disease: Statistics, Disparities, and Stress Management

Introduction Alzheimer’s disease is a neurodegenerative malady that is one of the most common forms of dementia. Most often, this illness develops in the elderly population, although there are cases of diagnosis in earlier age periods. The reasons for the manifestation of Alzheimer’s disease have not been established yet, and...

Ethical Misconduct in Law Firms: Case Studies of Lee and Li’s Practices

Identification of problems The given case study revolves around the problems of the Lee and Lis firm which appeared because of the rude interference in its traditional functioning of one of its workers. Being founded in 1953 in Taiwan as the law office, the firm managed to guarantee its blistering...

Arabic and American Cultural Differences

One of the most interesting things in the current world is the cultural diversity that comes from one country to another. Every person is a unique source of cultural preferences and ideas. People cannot even understand how lucky they are to talk to each other and share their cultural preferences,...

Ethical Debates Surrounding Reproductive Technology

Surrogacy is a complicated matter, both legally and ethically, because of the variety of aspects that factor in, each of which is complex enough on its own. Both the advocates and opponents of surrogacy have appealed to cultural and social tradition, law, psychophysiology, and religious belief, without coming close to...

Management: Needs Assessment and Preliminary Recommendations

Abstract Organizations use a needs assessment in order to correlate the organization’s goals with the organization’s needs while focusing on the employees’ current skills and the gap between the employees’ skills and the organization’s objectives. Methods of the data collection, the aspects of the data analysis, preliminary recommendations, and possible...

The Legalization of Fire Weapons

Introduction Legalization of weapons has been a topical issue for discussion for a long time. Although the majority of the world population seems to be against the legalization of fire weapons, there exists an opposite viewpoint which justifies the legalization with rational and logical reasons. This paper aims to consider...

Pressure Ulcers Prevention: Identifying Clinical Problems and Best Practices

Clinical Problem and Associated Changes Pressure ulcers are areas of the skin of degenerative or necrotizing nature resulting from prolonged compression of the shear or displacement between a person and the bed surface. As a rule, pressure ulcers occur in the sacrum, buttocks, heels, legs, and at the position of...

Team-Building Activities and Conflict Resolution

Team Building Exercise “Teams are vital elements in any given organization” (Quick, 1992, p. 5). This is because they enhance performance while at the same time bringing together people who have different ideas on the same platform. Essentially, this forms the fundamental approaches which are characterized by innovation and creativity....

Disney and Information Technology Infrastructure Library

Introduction Informational Technology Infrastructure Library or ITIL is a group of practices designed to align IT services with the goals and vision of the business. It was originally developed in the 1980s and since then received regular revisions to suit the changes in technology and business better. This approach is...

Haiti’s and Ireland’s Nursing Education Compared

Introduction Haiti and Ireland were chosen for comparison because the two countries have curiously different histories of nursing education development. In Ireland, the development of nursing education was similar to that of the countries of Western Europe and North America: after decades of prevalence of the apprenticeship model, the necessity...

Bipolar Disorder: Symptoms, Types, and Management

Introduction Bipolar disorder is a type of mental disease, which predetermines the extreme change in mood from depression to manically exalted mood. Although for a long time, bipolar disorder was not recognized or treated, it is under special consideration of therapists today, considering how destructive it can be for the...

Teachers’ Expectancies: Determinants of Pupils’ IQ Gains

The paper under the investigation is written by Robert Rosenthal and Leonore Jacobson, and it is called Teachers expectancies: Determinants of pupils IQ gains. Despite the fact that the article was written in the middle of the past century, the given issue could still be considered crucial as it gives...

Theories of Intelligence and Their Application

The field of human intelligence has evolved with time and different scholars have come up with varied definitions and theories on the subject. In addition, the application of the theories of intelligence cuts across different fields especially in the workplace. Human resource managers apply these theories in the hiring and...

Women’s Health: Biophysical, Psychological, and Sociocultural Factors

Women’s Health The biophysical factors operating in this situation are the age of the patient and the possible inheritance of breast cancer. The psychological factors are her mental health records and susceptibility to depression. The sociocultural factors are the influence of the public opinion on her gender, social stress, and...

Kansas-Nebraska Act: Slavery Debate & Railroad Expansion

Introduction By the early 1850s, the debates over the slavery issue had already come to a head and could no longer be neglected. The argument grew more and more heated. The situation was aggravated by the intention of the Congress to build a railroad across the territory of the country,...

Managing Isaac’s Behavior and Holiday Conflicts in Nursing

Nursing Leadership: case of Isaac In the case of Isaac’s behavior, the responsibility rests on the shoulders of the assistant nurse manager to keep the efficiency of the unit. On the one hand, Isaac remains one of the senior nurses of the unit with satisfactory patient care. As a new...

Pelvic Organ Prolapse: Symptoms, Risk Factors, and Treatments

Examining Women’s Health The given case study presents the examination of a woman with the feeling of fullness in her groin area. Among the key symptoms, it is possible to note general atrophic changes in genitalia, cystocele, as well as rectocele. At the same time, the physical examination reveals that...

Abortion in Marquis’, Bentham’s, Biblical Theories

Abortion is a significant ethical issue which had been widely debated for the last couple of decades. Some people believe that abortion is impermissible under any circumstances, even if the child is ill or if it was conceived as a result of rape. Some, on the other hand, argue that,...

Urban Resilience and Community Formation: Evaluating Readings

Introduction It could be stated with certainty that the development of the society throughout the history of the development of the human race was largely based upon the concept of the city as a fundamental structural aspect of the society. It is also appropriate to observe that this development is...

Overview of Sharp Healthcare Medical Centers: Services and Impact

Sharp HealthCare is a group of medical institutions and centers. The non-profit organization’s mission is “to improve the health outcomes of every individual served” (Sharp HealthCare, 2016, para. 2). The health leaders at the institution use a wide range of resources to deliver evidence-based medical support. Medical technologies and health...

School Uniform and Ethical Issues

One of the ethical issues that are particularly relevant to young people all around the world today is the presence of uniforms in schools. At first, my school did not set any rules with regards to school uniforms or school clothes for students. However, when I moved to 8th grade,...

Senator Bill Nelson’s Stance on the American Health Care Act

Introduction The American Health Care Act of 2017 has been one of the most controversial health bills of the last five years. It is primarily focused on the repeal of the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act and has since been rejected in Senate multiple times. The consequences for its...

Gabrielle Douglas’s Rise to American Beauty After the Olympics

Introduction Globally, American beauty has been very exceptional. The American people define beauty. American’s normally accomplished greater things in diverse engagements. The exceptional accomplishments in areas such as TV shows, media, music, sports, and politics define beauty. Most importantly, great achievers in America are normally lauded by everyone. Evidently, some...

High School Community Service as a Predictor of Adult Voting and Volunteering

Introduction This article is a study examining the relationship between high school experiences and civic participation. According to the article, in the last fifty years, the level of civic participation has declined. This decline is particularly notable among young adults. Previous research on the matter indicates that other forms of...

Articles of Confederation vs. New Constitution: Strengths and Weaknesses

Introduction Constitution, as it was one of the three founding documents, along with the Declaration of Independence and the Model Treaty, established the United States as a sovereign nation rather than a rebel alliance (“The great debate,” n.d.). However, after the War of Independence was won and the nation was...

Ethical Issues in Research: Confidentiality and Survey Bias

Ethical Issues Apart from the positive intentions of the research, different ethical considerations have to be described. One of the issues is the leakage of confidential information about participants (Creswell & Poth, 2017). This problem has to be discovered of high importance since it may question the reliability of the...

Performance and Data Analytics in HR Management

HR management is a complex and dynamic field that constantly undergoes changes and functions in a state of an ongoing flow. Since it deals with human resources and the global labor force, HR management responds to a variety of social trends that are highly changeable. In this paper, the reflections...

American Movies and Foreign Policy: Analysis of International Relationships

Introduction The period after World War II to the present is characterized by several significant changes in the field of public relationships and foreign policies. The United States has to develop and maintain good relationships with the representatives of various nations and demonstrate their respect, power, and authority. Students can...

Homicide Perception in Ancient Greece and Rome

In the ancient world, both in Rome and Greece, human life was not considered sacred; therefore, murder and cruelty were widespread. The notions of justifiable and unjustifiable homicide have been significantly different from the way people see it nowadays. The purpose of this essay is to consider how citizens of...

Community Health Nursing Roles in Kendal Drive Settings

Community health nurses (CHN) contribute significantly to the improvement of population health in the United States by playing different roles under healthcare provision. The community setting selected for this assignment is Kendal Drive, an urban area in Miami with several nursing homes and comfort zones. One of the vulnerable populations...

“Patients’ Satisfaction With the Quality of Nursing Care Provided: The Saudi Experience” the Article by Atallah et al.

Introduction This paper reviews the article by Atallah, Hamdan‐Mansour, Al‐Sayed, and Aboshaiqah (2013) that studies the reasons behind patients’ satisfaction with the nursing care quality and reveals the areas for quality improvement of medical assistance. This critique paper provides an evaluation of the mentioned research, including its purposes, methods, and...

Social Enterprises as a New Form of Business

Constant focus on exploring new opportunities and bringing something new to different levels of society are the core characteristics of every entrepreneurship. Today, numerous businesses exist in various industries around the globe, and the presence of social enterprises plays a significant role in multiple fields. According to Thomson and Doherty,...

Profit Maximization Ethics and Corporate Social Responsibility

Introduction Traditionally, the duty of company’s management is to improve the financial welfare of the shareholders of the company by maximum profits provided it is under the law. This is the canonical law and economics account (Elhauge: 2004) Companies are therefore liable for any act(s) that causes more that usual...

The Impacts of Substance Abuse on Pregnancy

The impacts of substance abuse on pregnancy have been a subject of many qualitative and quantitative studies. A great number of research works have been dedicated to the description of the complications that can arise due to drug addiction, for instance, outcome of delivery, health of the mother and newborn,...

Symbols and Metaphors in A Good Man Is Hard to Find

The story by Flannery O’Connor describes the particular event which was of terrific coloring. In this respect the term of murder is pointed out. The world of a man is not so easy to understand. Most of human beings are intended to believe in their righteousness more than to admit...

Thomas Bell “Out of This Furnace”: Immigrants in the USA

Introduction Thomas Bell’s book “Out of this Furnace” is a good presentation of five generations of Hungarian family immigrants who moved into the US in the 19th century. One of the characters in the book, George Kracha came in 1881 and settled in Pennsylvania, and started working in a steel...

Creating a New Change Model, Different Levels of Organizations

New challenges of a new century with the quick development of technology and globalization puts in the forefront the necessity of organization changes and educating teachers, principals and superintendents in order to “increase student achievement and improve schools so that they can be true learning centers where all – adults...

Documentary on Children and Advertising: Making a Persuasive Case

“Consuming kids: The commercialization of childhood” is a documentary that focuses on the tremendous growth of child marketing which has thrived in an unregulated industry. The documentary addresses topics in a wide range scope such as “edutainment” for toddlers and babies, commercialization in schools and increased market research. It relies...

Exploring the “New World” by European Countries

The history of the United States of America is integrally connected with the histories of such European countries as Portugal, Spain, France, the Netherlands, and England. This is explained by the fact that these countries colonized the territory of the modern USA pursuing their own political and economic goals in...

Leadership and Emotional Intelligence

The emergence of emotional intelligence theory seemed quite incredible at first; however, its application in leadership gave tremendous results. The emotional intelligence theory in leadership postulates that “the leader’s moods and behavior drive the moods and behaviors of everyone else” (Goleman, Boyatzis, and McKee 44). This shows that the emotional...

The Constitutes of Global Culture: The Role of Media in Global Culture

Nowadays the phenomenon of globalization can be described as the dominating power behind major sociological developments all around the world. From day to day global culture becomes more and more autocratic in every land; even in such lands where it can be hardly expected to happen so. The role of...

Current Perspectives in Forensic Psychology

Forensic scientists often need to rely on the tools developed by psychologists. These methods are useful for determining the extent to which defendants can be held accountable for their actions. These methods are required for making the mental diagnosis that will have profound legal implications. However, at the same time,...

Genetic Factors as the Cause of Anorexia Nervosa

Introduction To combat any disease, one has to know its etiology – that is, the set of causes that lead to the emergence of a medical condition – which often proves to be a difficult task. This is precisely the case with anorexia nervosa, one of the most widely spread...

The Lesson by Bambara: Summary of a Short Story

The injustice of life is widely spread across the world and throughout time. Poverty and disparity are the critical elements of societal distress, and numerous national and ideological attempts have been made in order to eliminate societal and financial inequalities. However, most of these attempts have failed to exempt people...

The Resistance Against an Oppressive Governmental Order

Throughout history, a plethora of factors affected humanity, which formed its current organizational shape. It seems reasonable to claim that the way people decided on how to structure relationships between each other has always been a contradictable point. Mostly, monarchs, kings, parliaments, politicians, and other officials tried to create such...

Concept of Ethics in Health Care

The relationships between representatives of various medical professions and patients form a complex social network through which individual, group, and state interests related to health issues are implemented. Different theorists interpret their attitude to the basic bioethical principles in different ways. Some see them as consequences of fundamental principles, while...

Health Safety in the Police Department

Any case of serious infection can put the health and lives of people under threat. While it is possible to institute a quarantine among civilians, many significant organizations and departments still need to continue working. They face a challenging task: they have to pay special attention to health measures while...

School Segregation in Richmond, VA

Racial diversity in the US is an inherent part of ongoing globalization and migration processes. The multiculturality of the American population results in growing diversity in classrooms. The impact of such a tendency on school culture is undoubtful, and it is an essential part of the educational process that helps...

A Virtuous Ruler by Niccolò Machiavelli

Since ancient times, numerous philosophers have dedicated their efforts to finding the right ways to become a perfect ruler. The Greek tradition, which formed bases for the political thoughts for centuries, viewed citizens’ happiness and prosperity as the highest virtues. Such ideas were later replaced with Christian morality statements, which...

UHealth: Organizational Cultures of Excellence

Introduction In modern management, organizational culture is one of the main strategic tools that allows to orient the work process and direct the aspirations of employees to shared goals, and, in addition, to form general corporate views. Elements of organizational culture are a guideline for management decision-making, establishing control over...

Social Theories and Artistic Practice

Introduction Some people do not see the practical or any value of social theories and believe those are reflections of some people that deserve limited attention. These individuals acknowledge the benefits of natural science theories that provide specific laws regarding nature that can often be quantified and witnessed clearly. However,...

“Under the Skirt of Liberty” by Giannina Braschi

An outstanding piece of writing called Under the Skirt of Liberty is Giannina Braschi’s creation, which criticizes the American establishment for the loss of its previous values and goals. The author’s message is primarily focused on describing major pitfalls of the American system, and it reaches out and converses with...

Types of Shoppers and Their Approaches for Buying

Shopping may seem like a straightforward activity and something that all people do similarly. However, most people have a different approach to buying groceries, clothes, electronics, and household and other items. There are many categories of shoppers, including impulse and need-oriented buyers, bargain hunters, loyal customers, and those who prefer...

National Food Policy Guaranteeing Healthy Food Marketing

Food consumption habits are essential because they directly influence an individual’s state of health and lifespan. According to Bittman et al., the government’s lack of consistent national food policy is harmful to American citizens, leading to the development of dangerous chronic conditions (870). Moreover, without the presence of unanimity in...

Abraham Lincoln in Eric Foner’s The Fiery Trial

Written by Eric Foner, The Fiery Trial is a historical nonfiction book with a major focus on the African Americans in the United States during the Civil War period. The author spans his story around Abraham Lincoln, the 16th President of the US, and his life at the height of...

Cystic Fibrosis: Genetic Disorder

Etiology Cystic fibrosis, also referred to as CF, is a genetic disorder that can affect the respiratory and digestive systems. This health condition is caused by mutations in the cystic fibrosis transmembrane conductance regulator gene that regulates the corresponding protein (National Heart, Lungs, and Blood Institute [NIH], n.d.). This type...

Symbolism in The Lottery Story by Shirley Jackson

The Lottery was written by Shirley Jackson in 1948 and contains many notable themes. It has an exciting plot that, simultaneously, can cause a contradictable sense of averse for the events that take place. It might be rational to suggest that The Lottery is significant and relevant to discuss. The...

The Problem of Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender Youth Suicidality

Introduction Recently, there was a sharp increase in cases of suicides committed by lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and queer (LGBTQ) youth. Councilman Joel Burns of the Fort Worth City Council delivers a speech on the subject, connecting the growing rate with the bullying of LGBTQ and adults’ neglect of the...

Constitutional Rights in Criminal Justice

Introduction The American Constitution outlines the rights of all citizens. Some unique rights are also available to those in criminal justice systems. However, sometimes violations of such liberties occur. Lies in criminal cases can affect the outcome of cases. Law enforcers need to protect and promote people’s rights. This paper...

Tekken 7 and Guilty Gear Xrd: Beginner-Friendly Design

Introduction In the 21st century, video games have become an acceptable, widely-spread hobby for many people. The abundancy of genres that can engage various demographics has helped promote the activity into the mainstream. With the number of produced video games and consoles, kids and adults alike can find something suitable...

Your Past Does Not Define You

Every human being has his or her past. For someone, the past comprises of unfortunate events, such as sexual violence, accidents, and the fear of domestic abuse. Some other people’s past consists of pleasant moments. Most of the past, however, contains a combination of good and bad memories. People should...

Mental State Deterioration in Bipolar Disorder Patients

Bipolar Disorder (BD) is considered as one of the major causes of morbidity in the western world, particularly due to the frequent episode recurrence as well as the persistence of functional impairment and deterioration of mental state immediately after clinical remission (Mazza et al., 2011). These authors acknowledge that although...

Cultural Differences and Similarities

Addiction may have different or similar affect on different group of people or cultures. This article enumerates the differences and similarities of the effect of addiction on six groups of people – families, adolescents, women, people of color, disable persons, and Gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgendered individuals. The paper first...

Federal Policies Role in Increased Sugar Content in School Breakfast

The health damage associated with excessive sugar consumption is a topic that seems to attract considerable scientific attention. It is well-established that immoderate sugar intake among children and adolescents is associated with numerous health conditions and illnesses such as obesity and cardiovascular diseases (Winpenny et al., 2017). This significant public...

Japan & UK Accounting Standards & Corporate Governance

Corporate governance Basically, corporate governance is concerned with the manner in which power is exercised in safeguarding resources of an organisation with the aim of increasing and maintaining shareholders’ wealth. Corporate governance is important in bridging the gap between economic and social goals as well as communal and individual goals....

The Fight that I Won by Losing It

My story happened when I was a teenager, with all the angst and rebelliousness associated with that stage. I may have taken it further than most people, growing far apart from my parents. In the end, I asked my doting grandmother, who lived across the town, to take me in...

Community Agency: Needs Assessment, Projects, and Future Goals

Introduction It is a non-profit organization whose mission is to empower families and young people to be successful through the care continuum that promotes growth and healing. Its vision is to lead in the creation of a community that provides every young person with an opportunity to thrive. It is...

Nursing Staffing Ratio and Patient Safety & Care

Description of Nursing Staffing Ratio The nurse staffing ratio in the health facility emergency department has been a global concern. According to Strachan-Hall (2017), the patient’s safety is directly proportional to the number of nursing staff; the lesser the nurse-to-patient ratio, the higher death instances. In most global states, individual...

Combat to Corporate: Migrating from Military Leadership to Business

Military leadership and civilian business leadership rely on overlapping sets of leadership skills and personal traits. However, the extent of this overlap is currently uncertain, and veterans transitioning to business leadership positions may face challenges translating their existing skills to their new role. Although the primary topic of the research...

The Literary Analysis of Robinson’s and Kincaid’s Stories

“On Seeing England for the First Time” and “The Sasquatch at Home: Traditional Protocols and Storytelling” are scintillating stories portraying two girls standing out on the proverbial highway wondering what is going to come of their lives. The leading characters of these stories are hit by the severe storm-literally-of events...

Phytoremediation Lab With Hyacinth Plants

Introduction Phytoremediation is when green plants are used to treat and control hazardous chemicals and contaminants from groundwater and soil by uptaking the pollutants into the plant tissue or leaves. Examples of these contaminants are metal and metalloids, sludge, convectional wastes, and xenobiotic pollutants. The process is eco-friendly, which can...

Patient-Provider Communications

Patient-provider communication is a significant phenomenon in the healthcare industry. One of the Healthy People 2020 goals was to improve healthcare quality and equity through health communication strategies (Gehlert et al., 2019). Park and Park (2018) also admit that effective communication can help “improve diagnostic capability, reduce frustration or stress...

Old Testament and Middle East Scriptures’ Similarities

The Hebrew Bible is similar to and unlike other ancient Near Eastern writings. Scribes compiled the manuscripts that constituted the Hebrew Bible. They have educated members of society, and many of them worked in the big institutions of society, such as palaces and temples. More essential subjects, like cosmology, rituals,...

Exploring the Global Economy: International Trade and Finance

Introduction It is important to note that the current economic system is highly globalized and interconnected, which makes it critical to understand and explore international trade frameworks and world finance. The assessment of current literature on the subject revealed that international trade allows to a significant increase in the development...

Organic Chemistry and Reaction Mechanisms

Synthetic production of alkyl Alkyl halides, popularly known as haloalkanes or halogenoalkanes, are chemical compounds comprising at least one halogane. Although there is no clear differentiation, they are a distinctive subset of halocarbons. The compounds are widely used in different industries and, consequently, are identified by various names (Kursunlu et...

Discusison of Why We Should Keep Vocal Fry

The method of singing and talking called a “vocal fry” (creaking, approx. “Fried voice”) is a relatively new phenomenon. It is also often called “strowbass” (“Stroh” – straw) and “edge sound”. The reception is based on a particular type of voice formation, with the laryngeal cartilage connecting, preventing the passage...

Fashion in the United States: Revision of History

I am going to assess and analyze how the ‘Fashion in the United States Wikipedia article’s revision history has changed over time (Wikipedia, 2021). In the latest version, this page consists of four blocks which are history, fashion industry, regional and cultural variation, and references. It is available in English,...

Doxastic Voluntarism as Philosophical Principle

Introduction The philosophical principle of doxastic voluntarism holds that people exercise voluntary control over what they believe. This doctrine argues that people can choose to believe whatever they want. In the doxastic voluntarism debate, philosophers categorized voluntary control into two – direct and indirect voluntary control. A person has direct...

“Diet Choice and the Functional Response of Beavers” by Fryxell and Doucet

Study Background The study conducted by Fryxell and Doucet (1993) included beavers and their diet preferences when adjusted to the environment. The researchers explored the relationship between beavers’ functional response and diet choices in order to see how the beaver diet would change under the influence of the local environment....

Social Inequality and Human Rights in the Modern World

A majority of contemporary work in social sciences is centered on exploring issues of social inequality and prevailing gender-based judgments. The article by Yamin, “When Misfortune Becomes Injustice,” examines the struggles and misfortunes of Brazilian women in the reconstructing socio-economic systems of the government (Yamin, 2020). Referring to concrete examples...

Civic Engagement from Individual Perspective

Introduction Civic engagement is an essential factor in human life and its development. It includes the activities of a group of individuals or a person aimed at evolving or solving existing problems. With the help of this factor, the state has the opportunity to settle those issues that the current...

Leadership Styles and Employee Performance

Introduction Leadership refers to a social position of influence, which allows an individual to mobilize a group of people and collaborate toward accomplishing common goals. As a result, a leader is responsible for organizing and guiding individuals with common interests toward achieving their goals. On that account, the strategies adopted...

Men and Depression: Signs, Symptoms, Causes, and Treatment

What is Depression Every person can be subjected to depression, but the symptoms and the general condition might differ in individuals. Some doctors believe that it is more complicated to detect depression in men as they usually hide their real feelings (National Institute of Mental Health, 2017). The first symptoms...

Ethical Considerations of Coca-Cola Company

Introduction Coca-Cola is one of the most famous companies in the international market. The brand has consistently demonstrated a strong focus on the market and decision-making to satisfy its customers. Almost in all restaurants worldwide, customer encounters Coca-Cola drinks, such as Sprite and Fanta. Moreover, Coca-Cola promoted itself almost in...

Adult Education: McClusky’s Power-Load-Margin

Introduction McClusky’s Power/Load/Margin is one of the unique psychological models having practical importance for improving the quality of people’s lives. According to this model, the life balance is achieved when there is a positive margin. An adult can efficiently overcome the overload related to life and find resources for education...

Preventing Nosocomial Infections: COVID-19

Nosocomial infections are difficult to control without the presence of effective measures. In the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic, interventions for preventing these infections are in greater need as a treatment is still unknown. The main goal is to reduce the impact of nosocomial infections on COVID-19 symptoms and improve...

Philosophical Thinking as an Important Skill

Learning philosophy helps one critically analyze their life, knowledge, the universe, and everything it holds. The three core branches of philosophy, ethics, metaphysics, and epistemology, evoke creative thinking through questioning. Although the approach used within each division is constant, they are distinct in content and objective. The subject of epistemology...

Urban Economic Clustering

Introduction Clustering is a popular data mining technique useable in determining the groups of similar objects in a dataset. Clustering is a critical technique for gaining insights into a dataset’s structure and identifying relationships between entities (Weissman et al., 2020). The report will evaluate the clusters and provide descriptive, meaningful...

Gross Domestic Product: Measure of Economic Health

In today’s modern world, economic health is a crucial indicator of the overall well-being of a nation. Gross domestic product (GDP) is the most commonly used measure of economic health and is used to assess a country’s economic performance (Amacher & Pate, 2019). This essay will examine the importance of...