As a part of a team of Ford Motor Corporation, my task is to do a country risk assessment for Mexico for this year and clarify if it is reasonable to continue operating a franchise in this country. First of all, it is necessary to address the Office of the...
Topic: Corporation
Words: 579
Pages: 2
Creating the environment in which the staff delivers the performance of the finest quality is a necessity for managers in the contemporary business environment (Groebner, Shannon, Fru, & Smith, 2014a). However, managing the staff and maintaining high motivation rates among the employees is a challenging task that requires a detailed...
Topic: Financial Management
Words: 650
Pages: 2
Continuous Quality Improvement (CQI) in healthcare refers to a structured quality management process that necessitates the active involvement of personnel in both planning and execution of policies aimed at the improvement of experience and outcomes of care (Sollecito, & Johnson, 2011). The existence of the quality chasm in healthcare calls...
Topic: Health
Words: 599
Pages: 2
Discussion Post Nowadays, it is widely known that nurses not only provide medical assistance but also can contribute to the political life of the country by actively participating in the development of policies (Arabi, Rafii, Cheraghi, & Ghiyasvandian, 2014; Milstead, 2013). It could be said that all of the characteristics...
Topic: Health
Words: 607
Pages: 2
Is Biofoam likely to succeed or fail? Biofoam is likely to succeed due to its product nature. It is a resilient, lightweight, and inexpensive product. It leaves no residue of dust, resists the urge to shift in transit, conforms to any shape in bulk, and protects in a much superb...
Topic: Food
Words: 661
Pages: 2
Immigration has always been an ongoing issue for a number of states all over the world. Moreover, it gives rise to numerous concerns related to the character of this process and its impact on the states involved in it. There are two opposite perspectives on the given question. The first...
Topic: Cinema
Words: 563
Pages: 2
The Queen of Sheba is a mysterious and powerful female in numerous stories and myths. She is depicted in the sacred texts of ancient world cultures and religions. The Queen has had a profound but mystical presence in the regional folklore. However, the origin and sources of evidence to support...
Topic: Cinematography
Words: 638
Pages: 2
Research in medicine is an essential factor in testing concepts and developing new knowledge. In nursing, research can be conducted in different areas, connected to the patients care and health outcomes. Blake (2016) argues that nursing research improves the quality of care that the patients receive. As the primary objective...
Topic: Nursing
Words: 587
Pages: 2
In management, culture is seen as a system of common rules, norms, and perceptions that govern day-to-day operations in an organization. It is a key aspect of both public and private, profit and non-profits organizations that guides and aids the control of human labor towards the achievement of desired goals...
Topic: Culture
Words: 566
Pages: 2
The 20th century was characterized by rapid economic growth, which widely used natural and energy resources. This was the main reason for the increasing environmental pollution and depletion of valuable natural resources. Green engineering aims at the design and manufacture of products to preserve natural resources in terms of sustainable...
Topic: Environment
Words: 554
Pages: 2
Psychological factors According to Talloo (205), an individual’s purchasing decision is influenced by a number of psychological factors such as beliefs and attitudes, motivation, and perception. Another psychological element relates to the consumers’ tastes and preferences (Schroder 56). Additionally, the decision to purchase the energy drink is also influenced by...
Topic: Beverage
Words: 691
Pages: 2
The three factors that Dan Pink names as capable of motivating people towards higher performance are autonomy, mastery, and purpose. Pink states that self-direction is better for performance and supports the meaning with an example, where employees of a software company provided innovative ideas when they were allowed to work...
Topic: Business
Words: 569
Pages: 2
One of the distinctive features of the naturalistic inquiry is its focus on the context (Patton, 2014). This type of qualitative research is often associated with working in the field. Clearly, context is the key component of the research. Therefore, the theme that is the most persistent when considering the...
Topic: Formal Sciences
Words: 585
Pages: 2
The denotations and connotations of the word can coincide or be absolutely different for different people. The same person would name different connotations of the same word while being in a good or bad mood. English is a polysemantic language, which means that the same word can have more than...
Topic: Linguistics
Words: 570
Pages: 2
The term freelance worker refers to a person performing tasks for an individual or corporation without an employment agreement extending beyond the completion of the job. The term freelancer also implies a person working solely for himself/herself. As his/her own boss, a freelancer is, of course, in complete charge of...
Topic: Tech & Engineering
Words: 724
Pages: 2
As a retail company for consumer goods, ABC Company is concerned with the management of data about users and products. The company has been able to embrace the use of database applications with the aim of interacting with its organizational databases, thus meeting its corporate need. The DBMS applications used...
Topic: Tech & Engineering
Words: 828
Pages: 2
Affirmative action is the application of knowledge and capability to measure the applicant’s prerequisites, carry out interviews, and make objective hiring resolutions. Achieving good hiring procedures is essential in making people employ the best applicants and prevent discrimination of any kind, according to Kennedy’s order of 1961. It is, therefore,...
Topic: Education
Words: 666
Pages: 2
The additional history that should be obtained is whether this episode of pain is similar to the current episode and whether the patient sought medical attention that time; if yes, what diagnosis was made. Previous treatment (medications or other interventions), surgical history, any history of arthritis or osteoporosis, any past...
Topic: Health & Medicine
Words: 623
Pages: 2
Critical thinking is very important as it enables a person to think rationally and make wise choices. The most important aspect I have learned in critical thinking is how to be wary of fallacies, specifically wishful thinking fallacies in advertisements for women’s products. This means that before I make any...
Topic: Advertising
Words: 607
Pages: 2
Introduction The present article dwells upon the major issues concerning HIV/AIDS treatment in India’s lower-middle class. Naik et al. (2009) claim that the reduction of medication costs and educational programs concerning the disease and its treatment can improve the situation in the region. Kinds of Research The present article is...
Topic: AIDS
Words: 571
Pages: 2
Important Definitions Material support or resources can be defined as the available tangible assets that can be used for assisting specific organizations by funding them or enabling them to engage in any kind of activity (18 United States Code § 2339A, 2012). Training is typically defined as the activity that...
Topic: Terrorism
Words: 614
Pages: 2
The descriptions used in the story by Katherine Min are often long or rich with imagery or color. The narrative appears to be a never-ending series of memories that are restated by a much older and wiser person than the book’s protagonist, Gina. Despite the fact that the story is...
Topic: Literature
Words: 555
Pages: 2
Introduction Story telling is one of the mechanisms through which teachers can interact and impart knowledge to children. For my story telling session, I selected “The hare and the Hyena”. The story is about the relationship between the hare and the Hyena and how they lived in the jungle. I...
Topic: Education
Words: 644
Pages: 2
To be a nurse means to be a person, who is ready for many challenges and the demonstration of their personal and professional skills. There are many issues that an ordinary nurse has to take into consideration. In this paper, several social (nurse shortage and the economic crisis), political (the...
Topic: Culture
Words: 553
Pages: 2
Major Milestones of the Act The principal stages that represent President Obama’s Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act include a national preventive strategy, funding in public health programs, and the use of recommended clinical services for prevention (United States Congress House Committee on Health Care, 2010). The law defines insurance...
Topic: Obamacare
Words: 281
Pages: 2
Voluntary codes are internal arrangements embraced by organizations to promote desirable behaviors in the market environment (Steiner & Steiner 2012). These codes of ethics are guided by different moral theories that support the welfare for all. For instance, deontological models explain why ‘the voluntary consent of individuals and corporations is...
Topic: Ethics
Words: 556
Pages: 2
It is a well-known fact that every word in the English language belongs to a certain grammatical category. However, it is sometimes not enough to define whether the word is a noun, a verb, or an adjective. There is a number of different properties that should be considered. Thus, every...
Topic: Speech
Words: 580
Pages: 2
Materialism is the belief that comfort, pleasure, and wealth are the most desirable things in life. Do you agree? I do not agree that comfort, pleasure, and wealth are the most desirable things in life. All of these things are fickle and have temporary value. Focusing only on them blinds...
Topic: The Necklace
Words: 363
Pages: 2
What is criminal profiling? What are the procedures used in criminal profiling and how is the profile evaluated? Criminal profiling is an investigative tool that is used to create a personality profile of a suspect based on the information found at the crime scene (Fulero & Wrightsman, 2008, p. 84)....
Topic: Law
Words: 679
Pages: 2
The Patient Health Questionnaire (PHQ-9) is one of the tools that are used to evaluate patients’ psychological state. The questionnaire is also usually applied to measure depression symptoms in adolescent patients (Richardson et al., 2014). The purpose of this paper is to discuss the PHQ-9 with the focus on its...
Topic: Health
Words: 679
Pages: 2
Every country has its favorite sports which are a part of the popular culture and help perceive the society values (Nimijean 1). In Canada, the central place has always been occupied by hockey. However, the latest tendency shows that people start getting much more interested in basketball. While some people...
Topic: Sports and Culture
Words: 558
Pages: 2
What characterizes good? The concept of good, by definition, has two defining characteristics. The first one is the presence of perceivable benefits to either the person (personal good) or the community at large (community good) (Howing, 2016). The second characteristic of good typically involves the absence of harm to either...
Topic: God
Words: 217
Pages: 2
Summary Employee engagement at the workplace is an integral part of enhancing the chances of success because it provides a platform for the employees to build on the relevant changes at the workplace. Employee engagement entails the involvement of the employees in decision-making, which gives them the feeling of ownership...
Topic: Employee Engagement
Words: 623
Pages: 2
Identification of the Problems from Different Roles The possibility of clinical practice is important for novice medical specialists since relevant skills are acquired during this period, and students learn to apply their theoretical knowledge. Nevertheless, the issue of the lack of practical training can become a serious problem for both...
Topic: Teaching
Words: 599
Pages: 2
The personality of Ann Fudge can be analyzed by using the Five-Factor Model (FFM) that is often used to describe the behavior of an individual. First of all, one can say that she is open to new experiences and ideas. This is one of the reasons why she pays attention...
Topic: Management
Words: 561
Pages: 2
When people think of hospital staff, they usually think only of physicians, nurses, or other caregivers. These healthcare professionals are a part of the staff needed to manage an organized hospital. However, behind the scenes, there is a hidden and extremely important role in health services delivery — medical administration....
Topic: Health & Medicine
Words: 753
Pages: 2
Stage of development, gender and genetics appear to be the chief factors that influence the health status of the community. The selections that a person makes the matter as well, nonetheless, these selections are prejudiced by surroundings, involvements, principles and other various aspects (the determining factors of well-being). Moreover, for...
Topic: Gender
Words: 595
Pages: 2
Innovative technologies have entered the life of people with fast path. Starting with mobile phones many people use the Internet for communication with the highest frequency. Several years ago people could not imagine that they would have such free access to communication as they have now. Technology is making communication...
Topic: Communication
Words: 572
Pages: 2
Abstract The main purpose of this piece of paper is to investigate parental positive and negative behaviors. Additionally, it describes the effects of parent’s behavior on the life of their children. Main Body Parenting care is an exceptionally essential aspect in the life, growth and development of a child. Parenting...
Topic: Parenting
Words: 611
Pages: 2
Conducting literature research with special attention to particular nations or periods in human history helps specialists to find new facts that explain similarities and differences between people’s mentalities. Knowing that literature is the most precise reflection of everyday life, studying and comparing outstanding literary works is a way to understand...
Topic: Colonialism
Words: 560
Pages: 2
How is the role of the store manager different at Zara from other retailers? Zara, as a company, is most famous for its control of the supply chain (Lu par. 2). In other words, it administers most of the stages of clothing production, from original designing to the stage of...
Topic: Innovation
Words: 632
Pages: 2
There are many types of learning which aid in a specific information retention. Some people learn best visually, while the others need to listen to the information presented. The preferred learning style is determined to be mostly in the area of reading and writing. Points and determinants are related to...
Topic: Learning Styles
Words: 621
Pages: 2
One should perfectly realize the fact that the industrial advance we have today is a two-edged sword that could be very useful and dangerous at the same time. The fact is that the tendency towards the increased complexity of manufacturing processes and the use of hazardous materials to produce a...
Topic: Tech & Engineering
Words: 558
Pages: 2
The Shawshank Redemption is one of the most iconic drama films in Hollywood history representing the criminal justice system and “life in prison” themes. The movie was directed by Frank Darabont and released in 1994. It stars actors such as Tim Robbins, Morgan Freeman, and Bob Gunton (“The Shawshank Redemption,”...
Topic: Cinema
Words: 653
Pages: 2
The Southern setting of the short story “Good Country People” affects characters’ way of identifying themselves and others. Hulga’s mother, Mrs. Hopewell, judges people by their perceived characteristics and shows a tendency to divide people into familiar and foreign types, treating both differently. Her use of the phrase “good country...
Topic: Literature
Words: 299
Pages: 2
In the opening scenes of the film, Selma, Martin Luther King is in Oslo to receive the coveted Nobel Peace Prize in 1964. In Alabama, the fight for the inclusion of the black community in the voting process is ongoing. Ann Lee Cooper is denied the opportunity to become a...
Topic: Cinema
Words: 586
Pages: 2
People living in the contemporary world have to cope with various issues, and they often choose different ways that can sometimes be rather destructive. Compulsive buying disorder is often an issue of women trying to cope with depression, but this psychological state is not the only reason for the development...
Topic: Disorders
Words: 665
Pages: 2
Jorge Luis Borges is a famous Argentine writer, he is well known for his innovative approach and his special view of reality. In his works history, imagination, memories and fiction have equal rights and can all be treated seriously, as if they all were possible. Borges refuses to have an...
Topic: Literature
Words: 666
Pages: 2
The scope of practice refers to all the activities, procedures, ethics, and conducts that underpin the delivery of services within a profession. The scope of nursing entails the promotion of health, ease of recovery, and alleviation of suffering among individuals, families, communities, and population (American Nurses Association, 2015). Nurses need...
Topic: Nursing
Words: 655
Pages: 2
Why is APA Style Used to Document Ideas in Writing? APA citation style is used to document ideas in writing because it demonstrates that a person who works on a particular text refers to other authors’ opinions, statements, and conclusions. It is essential to outline a certain idea of another...
Topic: Psychology
Words: 304
Pages: 2
Based in Seattle, Starbucks Corporation specializes in a variety of hot and cold beverages, as well as in coffee equipment and accessories. The company opened its first branch at Pike place Market in 1971. Currently, the corporation includes over eight thousand retail branches throughout the globe, with every store having...
Topic: Advertising
Words: 568
Pages: 2
Semantic analysis Semantic in linguistics is largely concerned with the relationship between the forms of sentences and what follows from them. Semantic analysis is an analysis of the sensible set of instructions that form part of programming in a language, for instance, the presence of subject-verb agreement, proper use of...
Topic: Linguistics
Words: 409
Pages: 2
Summary Empress Luxury Lines has been grappling with economic constraints that hit the company since 1990. Predicting lucrative opportunities due to economic growth, the company ordered more fleet of ships hoping to pay them in due course. Unfortunately, stock markets grumbled down during the 1990s, September 11, 2001 terror attacks,...
Topic: Ethics
Words: 631
Pages: 2
Federalism and Consociational Democracy Though federalism and consociational democracy overlap in many aspects, some distinctive features that divide them into two distinct terms. Consociational democracy is based on the principles of federalism but has many unique characteristics. Federalism a is political concept applied in countries with big territories and large...
Topic: Democracy
Words: 555
Pages: 2
Briefly summarize the key events surrounding the case The key events surrounding the case of Fred Stern & Company, Inc include the acts that restricted the rights of auditors and plaintiffs making the case really complicated. As such, any company can make a financial statement which contains some errors while...
Topic: Business
Words: 561
Pages: 2
Introduction The poem “the originator” by LaTasha N. Nevada Diggs is an example of free-verse and a worthy representative of the modern American popular culture. It is a part of her book “TwERK,” printed in 2013. The author’s origin from Harlem has probably influenced her literary style, introducing the signs...
Topic: Literature
Words: 574
Pages: 2
Introduction The use of evidence-based innovations in the healthcare sector has significantly improved patients’ access to quality and safe health services (Pedersen & Johansen, 2012). Based on the effects of innovation on the healthcare practice, it is essential for nurse leaders to evaluate them and promote innovations that have a...
Topic: Internet
Words: 629
Pages: 2
Nursing fatigue is a serious problem that threatens patient safety as the former cannot provide adequate health care services while they lack job satisfaction. The recent studies by Bragard, Dupuis, and Fleet (2015) and Estryn-Behar, Van der Heijden and the NEXT Study Group (2012) indicate the importance of implementing stress...
Topic: Burnout
Words: 568
Pages: 2
Sociological Imagination and Its Importance The sociological imagination is a theory that links the behavior of an individual at the micro level to the society in which he/she lives, at the macro level. The concept was introduced by the American sociologist C. Wright Mills in 1959 and was defined as...
Topic: Sociological Imagination
Words: 630
Pages: 2
Professional organizations in nursing The given article dwells upon the role of professional organizations in nursing, reviewing their activities from the historical perspective. The author sums up the key features of the profession, provides a list of organizations formed since 1873, and classifies them according to their activities (Matthews, 2012)....
Topic: Ethics
Words: 585
Pages: 2
Literature has always served people to convey their feelings and emotions. It is a very powerful remedy which helps authors show their attitude towards some issue and make people think about it. That is why it is obvious that much attention in the literature is devoted to the issue of...
Topic: Literature
Words: 565
Pages: 2
Case Description The case study focuses on Career Development and Employee Motivation Initiatives at Hilton Worldwide. As one of the pioneers in the hospitality industry, Hilton aims to attract and retain the best employees to drive its services and customer excellence. It also promotes a culture of learning to spread...
Topic: Career
Words: 533
Pages: 2
In my opinion, being responsible means acknowledging the consequences of your actions or choices and being ready to handle them. This is a very broad definition, and numerous concessions must be made, but this is the general guideline for defining responsibility in my book. In this essay, I will mention...
Topic: Sociology
Words: 666
Pages: 2
In nursing, theories play an important role, showing what has already been achieved, and what kind of work must be done. Dorothy Johnson is one of the prominent nursing theorists, whose behavioral system model is frequently implemented in various clinical and healthcare settings. In this paper, Johnson’s theory will be...
Topic: Health & Medicine
Words: 554
Pages: 2
Content analysis is a term used to refer to the act of altering the symbolic composition of a document from qualitative form to quantitative form. Content analysis may also be described as an example of coding. Coding means compiling similar elements or behaviors into a reduced number of categories. It...
Topic: Linguistics
Words: 658
Pages: 2
Introduction Culture refers to a collection of behaviors, traditions, thoughts, ideas, and beliefs that distinguish a society or an organization from another. Culture determines the rules that should govern the way a firm or an organization should operate in a particular environment. Values refer to the central viewpoints that inspire...
Topic: Culture
Words: 554
Pages: 2
Human resource management is an essential part of the healthcare industry due to the increased demand for qualified medical professionals. The case study of the CEO’s report of General City Hospital demonstrates important shifts and obstacles of the current healthcare system. CEO’s statement was mainly focused on describing relevant key...
Topic: Health
Words: 700
Pages: 2
How does a healthcare company’s IT area ensure that its information technology plan is aligned to the strategic plan and activities of the organization? Healthcare company’s IT area is the foundation of the transition to conducting personalized statistical reporting in the health care sector. IT solutions allow conducting a personalized...
Topic: Health
Words: 645
Pages: 2
Introduction Communities all over the world are affected by different health issues and diseases due to a number of factors, including community and family stressors, prevailing socioeconomic factors, and existing community resources. These factors are known to lead to health inequalities that directly impact the lives of community members in...
Topic: African American
Words: 617
Pages: 2
What is a Good Life? The question of what constitutes a good life was pursuing humanity since the dawn of time. However, as humankind developed and formed societies, the definitions of a good life needed to be assessed, as definitions solely through materialistic possessions were not only inaccurate, but also...
Topic: Ethics
Words: 504
Pages: 2
Such components as SaaS, PaaS, IaaS, and IDaaS are essential for any Cloud computing system because they make it easier for users to access important files, regardless of his or her location. The following work will present and cover particular functions and working methods of these services. In turn, this...
Topic: Tech & Engineering
Words: 348
Pages: 2
How can we weigh the performance criteria in Exhibit 2? Exhibit 2 shows the various performance criteria that can be used to evaluate the potential supplier’s performance. It also provides factors that constitute the mark for each criterion. For instance, potential supplier’s quality should be determined by a range of...
Topic: Business
Words: 544
Pages: 2
John Dewey is undoubtedly one of the most important American philosophers and educators. The consistency of his worldview and wide-ranging theories are the key characteristics of his work that make him so appealing to new generations of educators. Dewey’s naturalism and pragmatism led him to develop a doctrine that promised...
Topic: Education
Words: 541
Pages: 2
Introduction The nursing profession presents nurses with ethically complex situations on a daily basis. The need to resolve these situations places an additional emotional strain on employees and can lead to flawed decisions. The following paper is a review of a study by Park (2009) that identifies the most common...
Topic: Ethics
Words: 389
Pages: 2
Not many patients are able to cope with transitions associated with interventions and interactions. There are many ways to support and guide people, and the theory of transitions is one of the available options. This theory is the result of long and serious work that Afaf Ibrahim Meleis began in...
Topic: Nursing
Words: 550
Pages: 2
Memorandum Organizational structure provides the platform for advanced process organization and decision-making. It directly affects the effectiveness of any given organization in completing its goals. Information technology plays an essential part in the organizational process by improving the speed of information transfer and enabling the use of leaner management structures,...
Topic: Day Care
Words: 527
Pages: 2
Factor Analysis The logic behind the factor analysis is grouping variables into factors, each of which represents several variables that correlate highly with one another (Field, 2013). Factors, therefore, attempt to explain the maximal quantity of common variance between the original variables by using a lower number of dimensions (Field,...
Topic: Logic
Words: 316
Pages: 2
In his article, Danto suggests two opinions about nudity and nakedness. The first one is concerned with embarrassment – refinement opposition, and the second one focuses on the vulnerability and disgrace of nakedness as opposed to nudity’s serenity and beauty. Danto explains his first viewpoint on the divergence between the...
Topic: Art
Words: 536
Pages: 2
The response to intervention (RTI) plays a significant role in the school that I attended. This process is essential for helping learners who may underperform due to some reason. Overall, teachers take the three-tiered approach to this task. At the first level, the educators ensure that every child can receive...
Topic: Education
Words: 400
Pages: 2
Before the annual review, a manager should prepare by evaluating the performance of the employee based on measurements of productivity used in the company. In the case of employees like Jim who have a tardiness issue, a record of late arrivals should be kept leading up to the meeting. Performance...
Topic: Performance
Words: 379
Pages: 2
The proposed study will explore ways to prevent chemotherapy-induced nausea and vomiting (CINV). Therefore, the use of the theory of unpleasant symptoms is beneficial for the research. The theory of unpleasant symptoms was developed in 1995 by research nurses (Lopes-Júnior, Bomfim, Nascimento, Pereira-da-Silva, & Lima, 2015). According to this theory,...
Topic: Health & Medicine
Words: 302
Pages: 2
The whole idea of a national park was created by a small group of people in the 19th century. Yellowstone was established as the first one in 1872 (Runte 197). It is located in the territories of Idaho, Wyoming, and Montana. A few years later, more parks were authorized by...
Topic: National Parks
Words: 298
Pages: 2
Working in the nursing environment means complying with a range of legal and ethical standards that allow increasing the quality of care and meeting the needs of the target population efficiently. The decisions made by nurses may have massive legal implications unless the existing standards of ethics are met. Although...
Topic: Ethics
Words: 316
Pages: 2
In contemporary nursing practice, it is paramount to comply with high-quality professional standards so as to achieve better patient outcomes. There exist several programs aimed at recognizing hospitals adhering to such standards, and the Magnet is one of such programs. The Magnet Recognition Program is an initiative aimed at recognizing...
Topic: Nursing
Words: 376
Pages: 2
Synopsis: Leighten Picasso and other artists of prewar France were fascinated with the cultural and political issues of Africa, which was reflected in their art. Primitivism that was used to portray various social issues and excerpts from the everyday life of African countries could serve not only as an art...
Topic: Pablo Picasso
Words: 327
Pages: 2
The development of any project gives rise to several various concerns. These are related to such issues as the success of the whole process, constant improvement of the performance, and the ability to meet the main participants expectations. The last one is crucial for the further evolution of any project...
Topic: Health
Words: 548
Pages: 2
Possible Impact of Healthcare Reform on the Nursing Metaparadigm The metaparadigm of nursing consists of four concepts: nursing, person, health, and the environment. The concept of nursing is focused on providing care and studying illnesses, health, and their relationship. The concept of the person is a human that is defined...
Topic: Health
Words: 292
Pages: 2
Introduction The process of integrating scientific evidence into nursing practice is critical for ensuring efficient performance. Thus, there is a wide scope of different models developed in order to assist nurses in implementing the relevant knowledge in their work. The paper at hand provides a brief overview of the two...
Topic: Health & Medicine
Words: 550
Pages: 2
Historical Perspectives on Health Care Financing The healthcare sector is one of the key directions for the development of any country since the health of citizens is an indicator of the success of the current policy. In the modern world, this area has been developed significantly because of numerous breakthroughs;...
Topic: Addiction
Words: 438
Pages: 2
Marc Franz was an outstanding representative of German expressionism. He created “Blue Horses” in 1911 (“The large blue,” n.d.). The unique style of this work inspires artists throughout the world. The specific atmosphere of “Blue Horses” motivated me to create a painting “Love of a Companion.” The purpose of this...
Topic: Art
Words: 297
Pages: 2
For most intents and purposes, credit cards are superior to carrying cash. They are more compact and secure and can enable payments over the Internet. The situation for vendors is somewhat different, but credit card readers are becoming increasingly widespread. Nevertheless, many people prefer to use cash instead of cards...
Topic: Credit
Words: 369
Pages: 2
Methodology The data of annual salaries were collected from a sample of 12 operators (N = 12) in a chemical manufacturing company. The sample of plant operators was selected randomly and annual salaries recorded. Sharpe, De Veaux, and Velleman (2015) assert that sampling of data reduces researchers’ biases in the...
Topic: Formal Sciences
Words: 348
Pages: 2
The delivery of care that is usually offered by nurses has already undergone considerable changes and improvements in the United States. The main developments touched upon the economic situation, the number of medical workers and the quality of their work, and the promotion of healthcare services in different areas (Fong,...
Topic: Health & Medicine
Words: 547
Pages: 2
Newly graduated nurse educators such as Aminah Rachedi face myriad challenges in focusing on what nursing students need to know and connecting to them in ways that enhance individual learning needs (Sorrell & Cangelosi, 2015). It is clear from the interactive case study that Rachedi’s volunteer students have diverse learning...
Topic: Nursing
Words: 355
Pages: 2
The concept of the sensitive line seems fairly simple at first. Implying that everyone has a psychological defense mechanism that is activated once something or someone jeopardizes the existence of a person’s ideal image of self, the sensitive line explains the source of numerous interpersonal conflicts occurring in all domains...
Topic: Interpretation
Words: 545
Pages: 2
One of the behavior change theories that have been employed in advanced nursing practice is the Social Cognitive Theory (SCT). SCT considers the complexities of human behavior, suggesting that multiple internal and external factors are at play when a person learns something new (Middleton, Hall, & Raeside, 2018; Spear, 2016)....
Topic: Nursing
Words: 392
Pages: 2
Summary Assignments created to assess the learning of medical students are targeted at identifying whether the students demonstrate the expected behaviors, developed new abilities or values, acquired new knowledge with regards to the medical practice and were overall successful after completing an educational program. To assess the student learning at...
Topic: Students
Words: 543
Pages: 2
The teaching process is often hard and complex. It should ensure students receive the information in the best possible way. Usually, teaching is viewed as being universal and having a similar structure throughout all institutions. However, every student is different, and it is crucial to use a unique approach with...
Topic: Parenting
Words: 548
Pages: 2
Introduction Also known as the gas giants, Jovian planets are the four celestial bodies that comprise the outer planets of the solar systems. These are Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune. The name gas planets do not imply that the planets consist of gases through a significant portion of the planet...
Topic: Space Exploration
Words: 550
Pages: 2
Research Organization: Concept Map The concept maps are the software tools that may be effectively used for the systematization of information and its storage (Martelo, 2011). The developed concept maps include the main ideas introduced in the reviewed articles. The tool allows the readers to arrange the information in a...
Topic: Education
Words: 480
Pages: 2
When the researcher deals with qualitative data, the concepts of reliability and validity are not applicable. Instead of that, trustworthiness must be established. This can be done in the following ways (Creswell, 2013): by establishing credibility, which contributes to the general trustworthiness of the information since it is created as...
Topic: Formal Sciences
Words: 315
Pages: 2
Theological reasoning strives to pose questions and answer them in terms of sacred theology. Such issues as meaning, essences, causes, distinctions, and so on compose the core of reason. For instance, questions about what grace is and what God reveals by it can be posed. This teaches how to consider...
Topic: Belief
Words: 543
Pages: 2
Today, different religions can coexist in the modern world, and this phenomenon can be defined as religious pluralism since a diverse array of religions is accepted (Phan & Ray, 2014). Apart from the fact that religious pluralism creates separation and tensions in society, the statement “pluralism is the greatest philosophical...
Topic: Oppression
Words: 314
Pages: 2
The goal of the chosen science lesson is clearly identified. Students have to share their knowledge about availability of water changes habitats and explain how the existing water availability in the environment could affect the living organisms. The lesson is effective when students and teachers use the same materials to...
Topic: Education
Words: 500
Pages: 2
Combined with a passion for medicine, my willingness to help others and offer both medical and emotional support can be deemed as the primary key factors that contributed to my choice of nursing as the primary area of professional interest. My value system is based on the importance of human...
Topic: Communication
Words: 296
Pages: 2
Drug safety is an essential factor that has to be under control in every medical institution. In case of inaccurate accounting procedures, the local medical personnel might be responsible for the loss of a particular item. The following paper will discuss and cover a strategy of applying a drug safety...
Topic: Drugs
Words: 305
Pages: 2
The article by Kaplow and Reed (2008) describes the unique model of patient care that may be implemented. The name of this model is Synergy; it includes eight patient characteristics that nurses are to take into account, and also contains eight competencies, which nursing staff should realize in their practice....
Topic: Health & Medicine
Words: 287
Pages: 2
What does Bradstreet’s poem tell us about the nature of Puritan marriages? Do you find this to be a surprising poem? In general, it is known that Puritans believe that marriages should be based on true love. The poem by A. Bradstreet “To My Dear and Loving Husband” could serve...
Topic: Marriage
Words: 303
Pages: 2
Introduction The randomized complete block design is used in the experiment when there are two factors affecting its outcome. It is inappropriate to consider only one factor to explain the outcome of the experiment. If only one factor is considered, then it will lead to the wrong results of the...
Topic: Business
Words: 280
Pages: 2
In their research paper, Burton and Parker evaluate the extent of gender stereotypes interference with the representation of women in managerial positions at the middle and senior levels. They investigate the information related to the masculine dominance in the field of professional sports and attempt to retrieve the reasons for...
Topic: Athletics
Words: 415
Pages: 2
Contribution of Florence Nightingale to Nursing Practice Improvement Establishment of the nursing profession significance Raise of nursing standards through education (Pirani, 2016). Sanitary improvements for safer hospitals Establishment of effective nursing education Publishing of the first nursing textbook Introduction of patient records and statistics Separation of nursing and medicine. Note:...
Topic: Nursing
Words: 543
Pages: 2
Leonard v. PepsiCo, Inc. is a famous example of an invalid contract. In 1995, John Leonard under the influence of a Pepsi commercial tried to enforce an alleged offer to obtain a Harrier jet for 7 million company’s points (Contract Law, n.d.; Lexisondemand, 2009). The court ruled in Pepsi’s favor...
Topic: Pepsi
Words: 293
Pages: 2
The management of the needs of patients that are in a vegetative state is, perhaps, one of the most complicated aspects of nursing, not because of the complexity of the life-sustaining processes but because of the ethical dilemma surrounding the subject. Karen Ann Quinlan’s case was one of the most...
Topic: Health & Medicine
Words: 309
Pages: 2
Every century has an example of a capable leader that influenced many people. However, various leaders differ significantly from each other from one period of time to another. For example, history knows Alexander the Great as a conqueror and a warrior. His personal qualities highlight him as a determined and...
Topic: Evolution
Words: 310
Pages: 2
The negative effects of environmental degradation on economies and communities have been studied repeatedly. It is generally agreed upon among researchers today that the deterioration of the environment promotes poverty (Haslam et al. 318). Therefore, the global goal of poverty eradication has been widely associated with improving the environmental conditions....
Topic: Environment
Words: 414
Pages: 2
Nowadays, many nurses are obliged to work in teams and follow their liabilities, as they remain members of the hospital health maintenance organization (HMO). Their employers, such as physicians or hospital entities, have various legal commitments as well. The following paper will discuss the responsibilities and liabilities of both nurses...
Topic: Health & Medicine
Words: 327
Pages: 2
Since in this research the interaction between a nurse and patients with obesity is the key element, Hildegard Peplau’s theory of Interpersonal Relations in nursing is taken. Originating from psychiatry, this theory was reconstructed for nursing by Peplau in 1952 (Jones, 2014). Her theory suggested that interpersonal relations with patients...
Topic: Health & Medicine
Words: 312
Pages: 2
The Cay is a children’s war novel written by Theodore Taylor. It is a classic story about hard survival in an island engulfed by war. The protagonist in the story is an American boy called Phillip who experiences a harsh reality of war on the coast of Venezuela. A blast...
Topic: Literature
Words: 516
Pages: 2
Each patient needs a different amount of care according to the Patient Classification Systems (PCS). In the provided example, the nurses are needed for the day shift. There are one RN, one LPN, and one ward clerk present. The nurses work for 8 hours, and the clerk works for 4...
Topic: Health & Medicine
Words: 286
Pages: 2
The middle ages were characterized by the dominance of the Roman Catholic Church in many religious and social aspects of the community and society. Therefore, many secular elements of culture like the creation and composition of music had their origins in the Roman Catholic Church or were at least influenced...
Topic: Catholic Church
Words: 541
Pages: 2
The first article under analysis is a systematic review entitled “Diabetic Foot Ulcer: An Evidence-Based Treatment Update” and written by Braun, Fisk, Lev-Tov, Kirsner, and Isseroff (2014). The purpose of the study is to identify recent evidence-based assessments of diabetic foot ulcer (DFU) therapies. The authors suggest directions for further...
Topic: Diabetes
Words: 337
Pages: 2
Captain Nemo is a sea researcher, inventor, and owner of the “Nautilus” submarine. This character is the embodiment of a true hero, courageous, decisive, and fair. Aronnax, a French naturalist, is a participant of the marine expedition organized for the capture or destruction of an unknown creature of gigantic proportions...
Topic: Marine Life
Words: 288
Pages: 2
In snowboard manufacturing, it is essential to find the materials that would be perfect to help the snowboard withstand the external forces. The board will be built as a sandwich structure (Purdy et al., 2013). In order to calculate the key snowboard properties of bending and torsional stiffness, a new...
Topic: Tech & Engineering
Words: 549
Pages: 2
A short story The Secret Miracle by Jorge Luis Borges is written in the genre of magic realism and contains such characteristics of this genre as a mix of unreal events and reality and emphasis of mystery that can be found in usual life. Being in jail, Jaromir faces the...
Topic: Literature
Words: 307
Pages: 2
I am writing to you to request the permission to conduct research on the important problem that the management should address. In particular, the company should improve the training of employees because this task will be critical for the sustainability of the organization. Problem Statement Currently, the company faces considerable...
Topic: Business
Words: 522
Pages: 2
It should be noted that QSEN (Quality and Safety Education for Nurses) is a project that has been initiated to promote essential security features into health care specialists’ preparation. Its aim in terms of undergraduate baccalaureate education is to expand the liability and autonomy of nurses through effective training and...
Topic: Safety
Words: 276
Pages: 2
Duress and undue influence are vitiating factors that can impair the validity of a contract (Shilling, 2013). Duress refers to a substantial threat of violence of other illegal harm that puts undue pressure on a person signing a contract. Duress covers unlawful restraint, property, and economic wellbeing. However, legal action...
Topic: Law
Words: 282
Pages: 2
The purpose of inclusive education. The difference between inclusion and “mainstreaming” School population becomes increasingly diverse, and inclusive education is meant to address such rapid demographic change and adjust and develop teachers’ professional skills to stimulate the academic achievements of diverse students. While mainstream education implies the absence of a...
Topic: Disability
Words: 370
Pages: 2
Various types of designs can be used to provide research investigations in developmental psychology. Among the most popular ones are the longitudinal designs. They are commonly conducted within a particular parcel of children for several years, which allows the researchers to examine the changes and maintain tests at different ages....
Topic: Developmental Psychology
Words: 283
Pages: 2
Introduction In 1957, Jack Taylor founded Enterprise Rent-A-Car in St Louis, Missouri. Ever since, the company has established itself as a leading global car-hire company. Currently, Enterprise Rent-A-Car has a workforce of over 75,000 employees and over one million cars as part of its global fleet (The Times 100, 2013)....
Topic: Vehicles
Words: 535
Pages: 2
Overall, the discriminant analysis and the multiple regression are similar in that they both construct a weighted linear combination of scores on several independent variables (Warner 2013). This combination ought to be optimal, meaning that it should predict the scores on the outcome variable from the scores on the predictor...
Topic: Formal Sciences
Words: 291
Pages: 2
It is significant to stress that Alan Mulally is an exceptional leader. The core of this statement lies in the fact that he did not concentrate on the contingency theory or transformational leadership approach. Still, the reverse – emphasized the role of every employee in the enterprise. He aimed to...
Topic: Ford
Words: 312
Pages: 2
Purpose Information about urban and rural communities includes dressing style, food habits, and culture. Urban residents prefer to wear loose clothes such as shirts and dresses while rural residents like to wear warm clothing such as jackets and gumboots. Urban residents also like to put on sandals while the rural...
Topic: Social Issues
Words: 543
Pages: 2
The American Psychological Association (APA) style is a set of rules that describe different components of scientific writing. APA presents requirements for the organization, format, and citation in academic papers. The APA style’s purpose is to enhance clarity, reliability, and conformity. In addition, it assists in avoiding plagiarism and promotes...
Topic: Domestic Violence
Words: 306
Pages: 2
Demographic statistics and literature steadily point to a correlation between formal education and various adverse individual health outcomes, including diseases, accidents, picking up bad habits like smoking and drug abuse, mental disorders, and even mortality due to different causes. Most sources point to the fact that people who have received...
Topic: Health
Words: 303
Pages: 2
Identity vs. Role Confusion Development of a person is an incredibly sophisticated process that depends on numerous factors impacting the psyche and resulting in the appearance of particular behavioral patterns, desires, values, and interests. A set of these aspects form the mentality of an individual. Psychologists state that the period...
Topic: Psychology
Words: 549
Pages: 2
Nowadays corporal punishment remains one of the most controversial issues examined in the context of public administration. Although some people believe that it should continue to exist to ensure an appropriate punishment, others strongly adhere to the opinion that the death penalty should be prohibited due to its inhumane nature....
Topic: Capital Punishment
Words: 278
Pages: 2
Prochaska and DiClemente’s model examines the process of behavioral change by dividing it into stages. It is based on the understanding that people do not change behaviors rapidly but rather progress through the change gradually and dynamically (Summers, 2016). The model has been used in various studies to assess the...
Topic: Psychology
Words: 545
Pages: 2
When conducting research, it is important to reach accurate conclusions and generalizations concerning the participant groups. For this purpose, statistical tests are used, which can be classified into parametric and non-parametric. While for the first type, the researcher is aware of the parameter to be applied to the sample, the...
Topic: Formal Sciences
Words: 462
Pages: 2
In this essay, Lynne Magnusson addresses the conventional standards concerning Shakespeare’s sonnets and the image of a high-status beautiful lady who is usually associated with his lyrical poetry. The author argues that a beloved “he” becomes the quintessence of personal feelings, including the sexual desire and emotional attachment to a...
Topic: Literature
Words: 500
Pages: 2
Introduction It is the role of the state and the society, in general, to provide quality education and other social services to children; however, children with disabilities have continued to suffer from lack of inclusion in public social institutions. The lack of inclusion has hampered them from reaching their full...
Topic: Disability
Words: 543
Pages: 2
The Portraits of Native American in the Essays The author of the first essay begins with the words “America is the child of Europe.” It is mentioned that before the Europeans came, the vast regions were occupied by “a wilderness of tribes of copper-colored barbarians or savages.” With these words,...
Topic: History
Words: 550
Pages: 2
Introduction Harry Potter and Lord of the Rings are two of the most popular fantasy movies produced over the last few decades. These movies have a number of common themes that include good vs. evil, bravery and friendship. The similarity in themes and genre has caused comparisons to be made...
Topic: Cinema
Words: 542
Pages: 2
It is important to start the students’ education regarding the principles of science by identifying possible misconceptions and preconceptions that they can have. The reason is that children begin to develop their visions of the world around them while referring to individual experiences and certain notions (Driver, Rushworth, Squires, &...
Topic: Students
Words: 543
Pages: 2
Introduction Imogene King was a professional nurse who developed a popular theory of goal attainment. Its concepts might be helpful for people who want to be involved in the clinic sphere of nursing after they graduate from an educational institution. The following paper is intended to discuss how the theory...
Topic: Nursing
Words: 550
Pages: 2
Legends play a significant role in the culture of every country. Historically, such stories were used to transmit certain moral values to the younger generation and served both for educational and entertaining purposes. Therefore, it is believed to be interesting to get familiar with some legends that still affect the...
Topic: Culture
Words: 325
Pages: 2
Updike’s “A&P” can be read fast but the understanding does not come unless one learns to read such texts deeply. On the first scanning, “A&P” seems to offer simple symbolism of freedom and bondage, class, and power through the characters, their looks, and actions. However, the setting itself is a...
Topic: Literature
Words: 502
Pages: 2
Discussion Engineering ethical principles are guidelines that define expected rules of engagement for professionals in the dynamic engineering field. Among the common ethical principles are accountability, integrity, safety, and moral authority in executing duties. It is the responsibility of engineers to exercise due diligence and expertise approach in addressing different...
Topic: Ethics
Words: 423
Pages: 2
Introduction This study measures the Coefficient of Rolling Resistance (CRR) in a car. For this purpose, an experiment involving a car was set. A brief analysis of the CRR characteristics of a vehicle moving on a slow velocity on a flat surface is, therefore, provided. Technical Details In the course...
Topic: Formal Sciences
Words: 457
Pages: 2
Brad Knickerbocker in the article “If poor get richer, does world see progress?” dwells upon the problem of poverty in the world. The author expresses several ideas related to the increase of the richer population having related it to the higher number of customers. Brad Knickerbocker expresses personal concern about...
Topic: Social Issues
Words: 494
Pages: 2