Hispanic and Latino Population Presentation

Cultural Group: Hispanics and Latinos A Brief History of the Cultural Group Migrate to America from neighboring countries; Primarily arrived in the 1980s (Arellano-Morales & Sosa, 2018); Constitute the USA’s largest minority group (Garcia, 2017); Have a history of discrimination; Retain distinguishing characteristics from each other. Values and Worldview Distinguish...

Effective Leadership Communication Guide

Goals and Objectives Organizational communication implies an interaction between people at different levels. Internal communication allows building the necessary group dynamics, which will be aimed at achieving company goals and objectives. Such a form of interaction involves the exchange of information that is needed for employees to perform their functions...

Classism in Multi-Ethnic Society

As humans cannot exist in a vacuum, people’s surroundings and the environment in which they live may affect both their personality and approaches to life, based on their education, family life, and job prospects. These circumstances help create the propagation of wealthy and poor people coming from their respective communities....

European Trade Goods for Native Americans

The Effect of European Trade Goods on Native Americans Native Americans’ trade relations with Europeans significantly influenced their way of living. Thus, it is possible to state that American Indians, who were traditionally focused on a handicraft, received access to steel knives, metal pots, hatchets, and guns (Gallay 244). As...

Personal Leadership Development, Goals and Actions

Introduction Employees with the ambition to become better leaders should focus on self-development. One of the ways to become a high achiever is through training and learning new techniques and acquiring novel ideas. This aspect instills competitiveness and teamwork spirit, and thus someone can work under different environments and deliver...

General Education Course for Nursing Leadership

For centuries, the distinguishing feature of higher education has been nurturing in students the capacity to develop, evaluate, and communicate their comprehension of the world in which they live. Thus, a good nurse should be well-rounded, culturally competent, and critically thoughtful. The General Education course is a necessary step for...

Genetically-Modified Fruits, Pesticides, or Biocontrol?

Citrus greening is a bacterial disease originating from China that was brought to the Americas in 2004 (Byrne et al. 506). Ever since, it has affected orange trees across South America, eventually reaching the southeastern shores of the USA. This disease influences the trees from the roots, slowing down metabolism,...

Slave Experience and Africa and Europe

The history of African slavery goes far in the past. It has faced many changes related to the diverse political, economic, and religious factors that influenced the character of slave-master relations and the general tendency of enslavement. The emergence of the European slave trade influenced the history of Africans and...

Sociological Theory and Trends in Family Life

Comparison of Gender Stratification Theories The structural-functionalist approach is based on the foundation of the family as the most essential unit in society (Lindsey, 2016). In the family, everyone is assigned different roles to ensure the smooth running of the home. Most functionalists adopt a traditionalist view of the family...

Vulnerability and Classism in Capitalistic Society

Vulnerability is a source of anxiety and fear for most people, as it indicates their lack of security in some aspects. As mentioned by the lawyer Gary Haugen, a high risk of exposure to violence, “the Locust effect” of it, scares lower-class people because they lack the means to defend...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Evidentialism as a Problematic Aspect of Faith

Introduction The issue of the dogmatic nature of religion is a common point for discussion. While some people are willing to accept religious principles unwaveringly, others seek to question these postulates. Herein lies the core contradiction between the philosophy of faith and the inquiry-based approach of its opponents. Although evidentialism...

Ethical and Legal Issues in Education

Child educators are constantly faced with ethical dilemmas. At the same time, they are expected to uphold their ethical responsibilities towards the children and their parents. Making a difference between ethical dilemmas, ethical responsibilities, and knowing which those are is paramount for a successful education and child care. The purpose...

News Report: The Market of Airlines

Any piece of news and those dedicated to the social, political, and economic sectors, in particular, have some assumptions and limitations which should be considered during the further application of these materials. It is important to review these assumptions and limitations before using the piece of information. After some time,...

Margaret Fuller’s Women Empowerment Efforts

Introduction Margaret Fuller is one of the most influential female authors, editors, and journalists in the American history. Born on May 23, 1810 in Massachusetts, U.S., she holds a special place in the hearts of many Americans for her association with the American renaissance and the transcendentalism movement (Marshall 16)....

Domestic Violence and Non-Therapeutic Interventions

Introduction In the United States, the issue of domestic violence is closely related to other misfortunate circumstances in people’s lives. Violence at home is often accompanied by substance abuse, child neglect, and economic instability in the family. Due to the willingness to escape from an attacker, a victim is subjected...

Non-Therapeutic Interventions for Abused Children

Introduction Children and adolescents facing neglect, abuse, school or domestic violence, and even homelessness suffer from the consequences of complex trauma. People exposed to such trauma usually have difficulties with self-regulation, depression, trust issues, insecurity, and aggression. Education programs can help children become less accepting of harmful behavior and make...

Cyberbullying Issue and Interventions

Introduction The 21st century is known as the age of communication. It is now possible for individuals to remain connected with thousands of their peers thousands of kilometers away. However, this progress did not come without a price. The borders of what is considered public and private have shifted considerably,...

“The Giver” a Dystopian Novel by Lois Lowry

Ch 5, Pg 38 “That’s all,” she replied, returning the bottle to the cupboard. “But you mustn’t forget. I’ll remind you for the first weeks, but then you must do it on your own. If you forget, the Stirrings will come back. The dreams of the Stirrings will come back....

Candy Crush App Business Model

How Candy Crush Makes so Much Money Candy Crush is a smartphone application where the users are challenged to achieve the highest score by aligning matching pieces of candy together, within 2 minutes. Although the game is free to play, the game developers are using the “Freemium” business model by...

Fire Support Planning in Military

The methods of war change every day as their increased efficiency and dominant character are a key to the creation of the strategy and struggling against near peer competitors who might pose a threat to the states security. For this reason, there is a need for a comprehensive analysis of...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Karl Rahner’s Concept of Anonymous Christians

Religion and faith are two extremely disputable issues as every person has a certain vision of their basic aspects. The Christian Church has passed a long way to formulate certain dogmas that should unite people with the same attitude to God and show them the right way to appraise him....

H. Longfellow’s and D. Thomas’s Poetry Analysis

Literature is an approach that individuals utilize for conveying their thoughts. Among the essential themes explored by them are life, death, and their meaning. Both poems Psalm of Life by Henry Wadsworth Longfellow and Do Not Go Gentle into That Good Night by Dylan Thomas offer a view on the...

Social Responsibility: Starbucks, New Belgium Brewing and CVS

The impact of ethical issues on CSR strategies is illustrated in the cases of Starbucks, New Belguim Brewing, and CVS. The case of Starbucks presented in the book by Ferrell, Fraedrich, and Ferrell (2017) refers to the homogenization of the market and the role of employee happiness. According to the...

A Guerilla Gardener in South Central LA by Ron Finley

Introduction Effective and persuasive speeches should have certain elements in order to attract the audience’s attention. Furthermore, the structure and organization of a speech also influence its perception (Griffin, 2014). The purpose of this paper is to analyze the speech by Ron Finley with the focus on its effectiveness to...

The Constitution of the United States

One strength of the U.S. Constitution One of the most important strengths of the U.S. Constitution is the fact that it protects human rights. In particular, the right to private life, the right to freedom of speech, or the right to life can be noted. These rights are inherent to...

Dostoevsky’s “Crime and Punishment” Literary Analysis

Fyodor Dostoevsky became a classic of Russian and world literature due to his ability to feel the subtle psychology of broken people, to create them in his works so that they seem frighteningly real. In the novel Crime and Punishment, the author tells readers about the tragic events in the...

Teamworking Skills in Healthcare

Reaction to the Scenario and Feelings Working in a team people should respect and appreciate the time and efforts of other team members. Effective and successful work of the team involves good leadership and the ability to direct the attention of the group towards questions and tasks that should be...

Feminism: “Made in Patriarchy” Article by Buckley

Introduction The role of women in history, as well as in other aspects of life, cannot be neglected. People like to understand the worth of a feminist approach in different spheres of life, and in this paper, the evaluation of the article about women in design written by Cheryl Buckley...

Cost Markup Pricing and Analysis Techniques

Cost markup pricing is a widespread pricing technique that organizations use. It implies the approach in which a price of a product is directly associated with the costs necessary for its production. First, a company calculates the average production costs. Second, the predetermined percentage of a markup (profit margin) is...

Cultural and Emotional Intelligence Differences

Cultural and emotional intelligence have a certain similarity in the way they work because both require the person to examine the situation before acting upon it. Rash decisions are often incorrect and lack understanding of the subtle intricacies of human behavior. However, while emotional intelligence deals with more universal aspects...

Popular Research Paper Topics

The Dialogues of Self and Society Course Advocacy

Introduction I think that the Dialogues of Self and Society course that I took at the College of Liberal Education of Lynn University corresponds to the area four criteria of General Education offered at American University. The area is primarily devoted to the study of various aspects of human society...

Sartre’s Student’s Dilemma

The dilemma encountered by one of Sartre’s students is frequently analyzed in works on ethics and philosophy (Statman 17; Detmer, Sartre Explained 169). The problem is that a young man is torn between the desire to revenge for his brother’s death and fulfilling his duty as a son (Statman 17)....

Marriott Company’s New Hotel Marketing Plan

Introduction Marriott Hotels is one of the best hotels in the US. It offers various goods and services that include fast foods, drinks, and lodge services where customers can get rooms to rest after taking part in heavy duties either during the daytime or at night. The management realized that...

Natural Law: Fact, Theory and Sign of Contradiction

The fundamental principle of practical reasoning refers to a rule that should be followed while reasoning, thus leading to rational conclusions. At the same time, the above principle is to be followed directly without applying any other rules in terms of reasoning (Setiya, 2014). The structure of rational assumptions should...

Jean-Paul Sartre’s “Existentialism Is a Humanism”

The passage “Obviously I do not mean that whenever I choose between a millefeuille and a chocolate éclair, I choose in anguish. Anguish is a constant in this sense – that my original choice is something constant. Indeed, this anguish is in my view, the complete absence of justification at...

Genetic Variants Influencing Effectiveness of Exercise Training Programmes

Introduction Intended Audience: Healthcare professionals, medical students, academics Author Background: All three authors have extensive medical backgrounds. Writer’s Angle: The authors examine human predisposition towards obesity from the genetics point of view and observe how this predisposition is affected by physical training and other factors, such as diet, socioeconomic factors,...

Black Southerners’ Migration to the North in 1940-70

Introduction The population of black southern Americans working in the automotive business increased from 600 to more than 25000 between 1910 and 1929 (Alexander et al. 2249). Therefore, most industries could not accommodate more blacks, thus forcing them to look for employment in highly industrialized North American cities. However, this...

Education and Inequality in Various Countries

Introduction The article “Which Countries Are the Most (and Least) Committed to Reducing Inequality?” forms part of McIntyre’s works published in 2017. Using data from two research-based institutions, namely, Oxfam and Development Finance International (DFI), McIntyre examines different countries’ levels of commitment to reducing inequalities. McIntyre’s claim that the UK...

Children’s Emotional-Mental State and Therapy

Case You see a 7-year-old child for a WCCU. The mother is present for the visit and reports that during the past 12 months he has become more “clingy”. He will separate from his parent as long as he can see them nearby. For example, he will play soccer but...

The Market of Cloud Computing

On the whole, the author of the article states that three giants dominate the world of cloud computing – Microsoft, Amazon, and Google. However, new technologies are developed every day. These technologies can either preserve the oligopoly or destroy it. It is stressed that cloud computing is a popular target...

Managerial Economics: Production Output Rate

The cost schedule and output rate Marginal cost is calculated by determining changes in the total cost when the rate of output increases by a single unit (Mankiw, 2016). The fixed cost remains the same for all rates of output. The average fixed cost is calculated by dividing it by...

Are Parents Responsible for Their Children’s Crimes?

There is very little doubt about the fact that the question of whether parents should be held responsible for the crimes of their children has a certain controversial quality to it. On the one hand, the currently enacted jurisprudential paradigm in the West (based on the presumption of legal innocence...

Aristotle and Augustine on Doing Wrong

Aristotle, the Ancient Greek philosopher who lived in the 4th century BC and was a student of Plato, had a huge intellectual range and thus was involved in many different branches of science, such as biology, chemistry, history, political theory and, most importantly, philosophy. Among his many philosophical works, a...

Aristotle and Aquinas on Happiness

In his most renowned work, Nicomachean Ethics, the philosopher Aristotle explored the idea of a supreme good of people, which was associated with finding ways to live a life with a purpose and thus reaching true happiness. According to Aristotle, happiness lied in seeing an end purpose of an action...

Moral Education and John Locke’s Philosophy

Introduction Social problems, such as poverty and abuse, are effectively overcome through education (Addams, 1910). However, the aforementioned problems are still experienced by society regardless of increasing access to education opportunities. Locke (1693) argued that social problems would be overcome if schools focus more on moral education than just the...

Trump’s Campaign Promises and Actions

Introduction Among ones of the most conspicuous Donald Trump’s promises are repealing Obamacare, banning Muslims, deporting all illegal immigrants, building a wall on the U.S.-Mexico border and making the Mexican government pay for it, stopping Trans-Pacific Partnership (TTP), and reversing Obama’s deal regarding the reopening of diplomatic relationships with Cuba....

Marketing Manager Job Description and Total Compensation

Job Summary A manager working in a marketing department has to be involved in the formation and shaping of the organization’s marketing initiatives. This is a leadership position that includes people and resources management for the purpose of helping the organization retain the existing customers and attract new ones. The...

Media Productions and Conglomerates

Favorite TV Show One of the most popular television shows in recent years is Game of Thrones based on a series of novels with the same name. The show is shown on the channel HBO, a premium pay-television network. The HBO network is owned by Home Box Office Inc. Meanwhile,...

Mailroom Clerk Job Description and Total Compensation

Job Summary An indoors job focused on the sorting and delivery of mail that comes in and out of the organization. Mailroom clerk has to work with a variety of kinds of mail. Since this is a large long-term organization, mailroom clerks have to process large amounts of mail. Sometimes,...

Calvin’s Reaction to the Council of Trent

The evolution and formation of the Christian Church were complex processes impacted by the appearance of various perspectives on basic dogmas, rituals, cannons. For this reason, there were many attempts to structure all existing ideas and outline a unified vision that should be followed by all adherers. For instance, the...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Integrity in Relationships and Leadership

Integrity is an ethical concept that is widely discussed owing to its importance in life. In all areas of study, including religion, law, ethics, philosophy, politics, and psychology, it is viewed as the hallmark of ethical living and effective leadership. Humans live in accordance with socially acceptable values and principles....

The Big Five Personality Inventory for Leaders

The Big Five personality test allows analyzing such dimensions of one’s personality as openness, conscientiousness, extraversion, agreeableness, and neuroticism. That is why the test is frequently abbreviated as OCEAN (“The Big Five personality test,” n.d.). The results of the inventory help to understand one’s abilities to exercise self-discipline and explain...

Three Appeals in Shakespeare’s “Julius Caesar” Play

Introduction In rhetoric, the use of Aristotle’s three appeals is often viewed as a crucial component of any discourse. Implying that every argument must have ethos, logos, and pathos, the specified principle allows identifying a strong statement and determining the goals of a particular message. In Julius Caesar, William Shakespeare...

HIV Transmission and Syringe Trade-In System

Introduction An ongoing harmful issue distressing those choosing to administer drugs is the perspective of proliferating blood pathogens including HIV, AIDS, and liver-related Hepatitis B and Hepatitis C, all of which are exceptionally life-threatening. These illnesses, classified as viruses, are transferred via the reusing of needles and other unsanitary practices...

Same-Sex Marriages and Their Benefits for Society

Introduction Same-sex marriage refers to the coming together of two people of analogous sexual orientations through a religious or a civil ritual. The need for recognizing same-sex marriages has attracted diverse opinions from a wide variety of scholars, politicians, and religious parties. This raging debate implies that people have diverse...

Ideal Social Meeting Place from Personal Viewpoint

Introduction The ideal social meeting place is different for every individual since people’s notions of relaxation are dissimilar. For me, such a spot should be calm and pleasant first of all. If I were to open a coffee shop with the aim of turning it into the coolest place for...

Raffles’ vs. Clifford’s Writing Styles Analysis

Introduction The writing style is an essential part of any science. Although the experiment’s results can be assessed with a certain degree of certainty, which excludes bias, the ability to write often determines the way the readers get to perceive certain subjects, be it literature, anthropology, history, sociology, or others....

Death Penalty and Utilitarian Ethics

Introduction The U.S has the largest prisoner population in the world. As it stands, over 2.3 million people are locked up in prisons and other correctional facilities (BJS). While a great portion of that population is incarcerated for relatively harmless crimes such as marijuana usage and storage, there are also...

Same-Sex Marriages and Human Rights

Introduction The issue of human rights has captured the attention of many scholars, activists, politicians, and philosophers for many centuries. After the passage of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, the concept of “civil liberties” gained a new meaning that continues to dictate human relations in the United States. Many...

The Epistle to the Romans: God and Human Beings

The attempts to justify God’s treatment of human beings play an important role in the Bible. This issue is explored in the Epistle to the Romans, in which Apostle Paul discusses God’s relations with the people of Israel. To some degree, his rhetoric can be regarded as the theodicy aimed...

“The Rhetoric of Video Games” by Ian Bogost

In his article “The rhetoric of video games,” Ian Bogost writes about how video games are sophisticated statements reflecting the real life of people, their interactions, feelings, and worldviews. The games that we play can make arguments about society, persuade people to take a specific side in them, and express...

Oceanology Field Trips and Class Learning

Learning from lectures and literature in class is a vital part of education, as the activity allows students to acquire a large amount of detailed and precise information in a relatively short amount of time. However, field trips offer different opportunities that are as valuable and help to solidify the...

The New Elite at St. Paul’s School

Meritocratic tendencies in contemporary society are influencing diverse spheres, including education. Meritocracy presupposes the acquisition of statuses and rewards not due to higher social position and wealth but because of personal achievements. This tendency moves to private schools and alters the formation of an adolescent elite. Thus, according to Khan,...

Industrialization Achievements in the 19th Century

Life without electricity, heating, and other amenities seems unbearable for modern people. However, all these conveniences were invented only at the end of the nineteenth century. Innovative findings forced the transformation of the industrial sphere as new materials, manufacturing techniques, and appliances were evolving. Many scientific discoveries during this period...

Cognitive Bias in Robin Adams’ Murder Case

Cognitive bias could be highly detrimental to the criminal investigation process. One of the first steps to avoid different kinds of bias is to have knowledge of them (Ditrich, 2015). It is equally vital to be able to identify them. In this essay, Robin Adams’ murder case will be examined...

Society During the Early Renaissance and Nowadays

Introduction Many modern people like to think that their current progress and achievements have nothing in common with their past. They believe that their growth at this period has an immense power that did not characterize previous centuries. However, contemporary society and the society of the early Renaissance may be...

Industrialization: Social and Economic Development

The Second Industrial Revolution had unfolded from 1870 to 1914. It was characterized by an unprecedented pace of urbanization and increases in production volumes, and a large number of path-breaking inventions was the primary factor that triggered the progress. The present case study is devoted to the review and analysis...

The Future of Nursing Knowledge

Introduction My position as a hospice admission nurse has equipped me with adequate data management skills. Some of the activities undertaken include identification of target populations, data collection, coordination, and analysis. This discussion gives a personal reflection of my experience with various aspects of data management. Personal Reflection I have...

American Welfare State and Income Inequality

Roosevelt and Welfare The creation and the growth of Franklin D. Roosevelt’s welfare state had a significant effect on the development of American society, including the economy, health, welfare, corporate affairs, as well as the overall well-being of the population. Through his continuous efforts to establish control and care for...

St. Augustin’s Teachings on Grace

The Christian Church has many outstanding figures and saints that contributed to its development in various periods by creating the theological basis for its existence and further evolution. However, St. Augustine of Hippo can be considered one of the most prominent persons whose works, sermons, and writings contributed to the...

The Effect of Scalability on Virtualization

Companies that use physical resources in order to store large quantities of data may be at a disadvantage because the scalability of physical resources is limited. Buying more computers and other equipment takes up the company’s property and costs money. Therefore, some organizations may choose to apply a virtualization solution...

History: American Dream Versus Reality

The American dream signifies the pursuit of happiness with a good job, lovely family, affluence, and accomplishment in life. The dream encircles the freedom of having a chance to thrive in life. Therefore, people have the likelihood of realizing their objectives by any means regardless of their background. The existence...

The Emergence of Rococo Art and Architecture

The Late Baroque Style The baroque style of art was embraced by many people in Europe between the 16th and 18th centuries. The style was characterized by beautiful but exaggerated images. This form of art depicted darkness, nudity, and violence (Neuman 18). According to art historians, the Baroque style embraced...

Predictors of Postpartum Depression

Giving birth to a baby is a happy occasion, yet numerous women cannot experience the feeling. The phenomenon of postpartum depression affects the quality of women’s lives, as well as their self-esteem and relationships with their child. To prevent instances of depression and the associated issues, a detailed assessment of...

Psychology: Working vs. Procedural Memory

Introduction Memory is a complex interconnection of mechanisms serving a wide variety of purposes. In the most basic terms, it is responsible for the acquisition, storage, and retrieval of information on conscious and subconscious levels. The following paper discusses the differences between two such mechanisms, namely working memory and procedural...

Slavery in Africa and British American Colonies

In the middle of the seventeenth century, the British American colonies were strongly connected to and ruled by the motherland. Servants and slaves did the hard job in the thriving colonial economies. Many servants were Europeans who paid the transportation by agreeing to work for a certain number of years....

Slavery Practices of Africans vs. Europeans

Even though slavery had existed among African peoples prior to the European slave trade, its conditions were significantly different when comparing these two regions. People mainly from Spain and Portugal took a lead in transporting Africans to the mainland of America because its local people needed cheap labor for working...

Teaching Strategies in a Classroom and Virtual Setting

In order to meet educational goals and enhance students’ performance, educators tend to use various teaching strategies. The development of technology has led to the creation of several settings. For example, virtual and classroom settings are now available to both instructors and learners. It may seem that these settings are...

Local Newspapers Decline and Its Danger

With the development of new technology, the most popular and cost-effective ways of presenting information widely used in the past become outdated. In the United States, the abovementioned tendency manifests itself in a variety of trends such as the decline of local newspapers. Nowadays, more and more companies in the...

Todd McFarlane’s Leadership Approach

The contemporary global business environment dictates which capabilities, talents, and competencies company leaders should have. It is true that expertise and experience are vital to managing organizations well, but they may not be enough. Personal character traits, innovativeness, and inquisitiveness are important for being successful as well. This essay will...

Industrialization in the 19th-Century America

Introduction The Industrial era drastically changed the working and living conditions of people, resulting in an at the same time unprecedented boom of production and a decrease in the demand for labor. While containing within itself both extensive benefits and substantial drawbacks, industrialization became a process that fundamentally changed the...

Research Problem, Design and Sample

The relevance and validity of data used as evidence depend strongly on the research method used by the research team. Both the research design and the sampling method have a significant influence on the applicability and reliability of the results. The following paper describes the most common research design related...

Slavery in African vs. European Countries

In historical time, slavery in Africa had various forms which sometimes did not correspond to the concept of slavery adopted in the rest of the world. However, in the middle of the 15th century, Europeans began to establish trade for African captives. Such a stage was devastating for Africa but...

Exploring the Concept of the Organizational Change

Change is an essential part of any organization. Without progress, a company is doomed to a failure since it is crucial to adjust to the ever-changing requirements of quality, as well as learning to meet the new needs of the target population (Judge, 2013). Therefore, learning to promote organizational change...

The Impacts of Peak Oil: “A Crude Awakening”

The Actor-network theory presents a model to show the dynamics of science. ANT explores the structures and work of sociotechnical elements. Nowadays, it is used in various studies, including but not limited to economics, medicine, market, and management. The purpose of this paper is to explore how ANT can be...

Student-Employer Pairing App as an Innovative Idea

Innovative idea The proposed idea is an application that can be used to collect data from students through their preferred interactions, experiences, and online behavior and to pair them up with potential employers, particularly in regards to internship opportunities. This is a downloadable app that is suitable for all types...

Life Development in the “Star Wars” Movie

Introduction Human beings go through different stages in life. It is worth noting the fact that each stage of life has got its various demands and expectations which are associated with it. Essentially, being able to master each stage gracefully and deal with the challenges of each stage enables a...

Learning: Visual, Audio, Read & Write, Kinesthetic

Introduction The success of learning depends in part on the appropriate selection of learning strategies. In order to maximize their effectiveness, these strategies need to align with the individual’s learning style. The following paper is an analysis of a tool used to determine preferred learning styles and strategies. Learning Style...

Elderly Nutritional and Medical Rights

Introduction Pestinika and his wife were generous people who offered help to an elderly person in need of better nutrition and health care. They were free to do so and agreed verbally to offer their help. They received payment from the government to take care of the patient who had...

Popular Research Paper Topics

“Annie” Comedy Show: Pros and Cons

Introduction Attending the “Annie” show was one of the things I would not have wanted to miss at the hobby center during this season’s musical. This show was staged in the Sarofim Hall, a hall with its uniqueness of art pieces. It is noteworthy that its elegance provided an exceptional...

Race and Ethnicity and Their Significance Today

Definition Ethnicity is a term that is used to categorize people into similar and different groups based on their cultural or physical attributes. The categorizers believe that the biological composition affects the cultures of the people. Race, on the other hand, is a biologic subspecies with distinct traits different from...

Saint Prosper and the Council of Orange

The Christian Church has passed a long way to become one of the most powerful human social institutions. The process of its evolution and especially its initial stages can be associated with the numerous attempts to create a unified theological ground for further rise. However, differences in perspectives on the...

Plea-Bargaining Law Impact on Criminal Justice

It was in 2012 that the Supreme Court rule expanded the rights of defendants by re-offering them a plea deal. Such a decision was meant to regulate plea bargaining as well as take control of lawyers whose bad legal advice could have serious consequences for a criminal defendant. The given...

American Historical Documents on the Websites

The Bill of Rights of 1789 The Bill of Rights is the collection of the first ten amendments to the U.S. Constitution (“The Bill of Rights: A transcription,” 2017). In the initial version, there were twelve amendments suggested by the Congress in 1789. Ten of them, Articles 3-12, were ratified...

Memory and Eyewitness Identification

It appears that it is tremendously complex to identify a person whom one had seen previously on a low-quality picture. Human memory has various limitations that might have a significant impact on our choices, even if someone else’s life depends on them. The following paper will discuss a case of...

Same-Sex Marriages and Their Moral Basis

Introduction Statistical findings depict a substantial increase in the number of American adults who support the idea of same-sex marriage. According to Yen and Zampelli, this figure grew from 35% to 55% during the period of 2001-2015 (196). This claim leads to the question of the legitimacy and moral standing...

James Madison as an Early Leader of New American Republic

Introduction The current American political system is attributable to the devotion and ingenuity of the Founding Fathers of the nation. Some of these heroes include George Washington, John Adams, James Madison, Thomas Jefferson, and Alexander Hamilton. This paper explains why James Madison stands out as the most influential figure in...

Big Five Personality Traits and Leadership Effectiveness

Introduction The Big Five Personality Inventory is a reliable tool that is used by individuals to assess their personalities and competencies. The framework can guide people to develop superior skills in areas such as leadership. This paper gives a detailed summary and analysis of my personality and how it can...

Authoritarian Parenting Impact on Children’s Health

Introduction Parents play a huge role in shaping children’s capacity to handle difficulties or meet their daily mental and physical demands. Hence, the approach deployed to raise children determines their psychological well-being and, consequently, their day-to-day activities. Parenting style may be defined as a collection of strategies and ways of...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Think Tanks’ Influence on the US Government Policy

Think tanks are often mentioned in journalist’s reports regarding political decisions and legislative changes in the US. These institutions affect the US government by conducting researches and publishing reports that help government policymakers with their choices. In addition, experts formerly employed by think tank institutions often proceed to work for...

Repeatability and Reproducibility Analysis

The introduction of reproducibility and repeatability as the means to remove the threats of machine errors as well as human ones is crucial to the performance of a company. Herein lies the importance of carrying out the corresponding analyses typically known as gage studies (Pyzdek & Keller, 2014). Considering the...

Saint Thomas Aquinas’ Views of Predestination

The question of predestination has always been topical for the Christian Church. Being one of the main dogmas of faith, it triggered multiple debates about factors impacting the divine providence and individuals lives. For decades, theologians argued about the role or prayers in furthering predestination and the ways in which...

Theory of Continental Drift

What was Pangaea? According to the continental drift theory, over 300 million years ago, all the continents were joined together forming a single landmass surrounded by water. This landmass is called Pangaea. List 4 type of evidence which supported continental drift The continental drift theory supposes that over 300 million...

Managing and Training Employees

Necessary skills and knowledge Several skills are required for safe and effective work in the foodservice and hospitality industry. In particular, employees of a restaurant should be aware of not only the methods and means of handling, cooking, and serving food but also the responsibilities and guidelines of quality service....

Vikings Exhibition in the British Museum Online

I visited the British Museum’s website. After going through the page, I found out that the museum engages in many activities. Their main activities include storage of ancient and new discoveries, exhibitions, providing training in collaboration with African museums, and offering international training programs for individuals who wish to be...

Online Education Research and Strategies

Conducting extensive research lays a foundation for a good writing piece where every claim is backed up by recent, relevant data. When searching for information on the Internet, one should have a clear agenda as to how to evaluate each source they encounter and what criteria it should meet to...

Citizen Advisory Board: Benefits of Public Trust

Introduction Citizen Advisory Boards are designed to ensure that members of the public are actively involved in the policy-making process. According to Miller (2018), these councils were constituted as a way of addressing the concern that members of the public are often ignored when enacting and implementing policies that affect...

Social Mobility in the United States

Social mobility is the process of changing a person’s social status. Concerning the United States and many other countries, this concept implies the movement of individuals or groups from one place to another or from one social class to another, as well as the movement of values ​​and goods. According...

Career Exploration in Engineering and Healthcare

Music Engineering (Career Exploration) To explore the development of a career in the field of music engineering, it is necessary to plan to visit the Music Department of the college in October and November to collect the required information. It is important to contact an audio engineer practicing there and...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Modern Technology and Children: Causes and Effects

Introduction: Technology and Children The 21st century has been marked by a rapid and ubiquitous surge of technological advances in nearly every domain of people’s lives. Modern technology, particularly, digital tools that contribute to improved data processing, has been in existence for more than a decade, thus, shaping children that...

“Hot Stocks” and Investment in Media Companies

The stock market and the sphere of securities are areas that can help to make a good profit if the participant is well aware of all their features. However, without the relevant knowledge and reliable information on the nuances of buying and selling stocks, a newcomer can waste money. An...

Chapter 10 of “Criminological Theory” by Lilly et al.

Abstract This paper elaborates on the problem of feminism and criminology. The paper addresses the chapter from the book by Lilly, Cullen, and Ball (2011) as the source material. Based on the provisions of the authors, it is possible to explore the history of the feminist movement. Primarily, this paper...

Gender Discrimination Issues and Interventions

Introduction The identification of gender discrimination is a social issue that requires much attention from public opinion. Thesis statement: gender discrimination is a social construct that prevents women from progressing, and the main beneficiaries are insecure men who fear competition in different life aspects. Gender discrimination causes Describing the background...

Publicly vs. Privately-Owned Enterprises

Introduction The two most prevalent forms of company ownership in the world are private and publicly owned enterprises. Each form of a property provides its shareholders and the company with certain advantages and disadvantages. Privately-owned businesses usually make up for the majority of the small and medium sectors, whereas many...

Political Polarization as to US Healthcare Reform

Introduction Political polarization is a significant issue that affects most aspects of policymaking in the United States. In recent years, political polarization on the topic of healthcare has become especially prominent (Beaussier and Raillard 383). This can impair the efforts to promote healthcare reform, as political polarization makes it difficult...

Domestic Violence Issues and Interventions

Introduction The issue of domestic violence in the US affects many people every day, and public awareness about it can have a significant impact on its severity. While some may think that in 10 years the rate of domestic abuse has decreased, some statistics and studies show that the nation...

Great Women Artists in the History of Art

Introduction The question of why there have been no great women artists has been explored from multiple perspectives. While some begin giving examples of multiple women artists that have had some impact, others point the finger at the patriarchy and cite instances when women were oppressed. In her article on...

Child Behavior in Relation to Parenting

Introduction Although parenting influences all affiliations within a family, its impact on parents-children relationships is vital as it may affect the children’s future negatively. Positive parenting necessitates parents to concentrate on improving their children’s behavior and acting as role models to ensure their wellbeing. Through positive parenting by friendly, loving,...

Domestic Violence: Causes and Effects

Background The phenomenon of domestic violence is upsettingly common in the present-day setting. Although it varies depending on the area and its unique characteristics, such as individual anger issues, education levels, social prejudices, etc., domestic violence can occur anywhere (Pearlman et al. 49). The persistent nature of the phenomenon alters...

“The Tempest” Play at St. Louis Shakespeare Festival

Introduction The Tempest is a widely known play by the well-known author Shakespeare. The creation tells a story of a man (who used to be a Duke) being trapped on an island with his daughter. One of the modern interpretations of the piece was shown at the St. Louis Shakespeare...

Stereotypes, Prejudice and Discrimination

Stereotypes are Hard to Change Stereotypes are very hard to get rid of, and the reason is connected to the emotional nature of attitudes. Often, when a person is presented with factual information that contradicts their prejudice, they discount it in an illogical manner. Devine’s two-step model of cognitive processing...

American Political Ideology Throughout History

Introduction The political ideologies of the US have changed due to the dynamics of the state and political alignments. However, some traditions have remained the same over the years. This paper examines the changes in American political ideologies and what has remained the same. The report also explores the most...

Academic Integrity in a Nursing Program

Introduction I think there is academic integrity in my nursing program. Academic integrity is a requirement that all students should observe in the course of their studies. The broad definition of academic integrity is the dedication to honesty and morally upright behavior in academic endeavors (Wong, Lim,& Quinlan, 2016).). This...

Drug Legalization from the Utilitarian Perspective

Introduction Drug legalization is a highly controversial ethical problem, with a plethora of arguments for and against it. The controversy provokes debates about addiction, substance abuse, as well as the rate of a related criminal offense, medical benefits, and other topics. For this reason, it is appropriate to evaluate drug...

Professionalism and Values in Nursing

Effectiveness at Meeting the Program Essential This course made me realize what it means to be a professional in multiple aspects of this notion. Firstly, I gained theoretical knowledge that set the framework, through which I could view certain aspects of my work more clearly and distinctly. For instance, I...

Sentencing by District of Colombia Courts System

Introduction Across the world, political cultures have evolved, this has brought people’s emotions, feelings believe and opinions to form governments. The political cultures have grown in the extent that it affects different countries and states across the world (Spring 111). In the United States, the political cultures have influenced the...

Walmart’s Competitive Litmus Test and Industry Analysis

Application and Asset: Description Retaining competitiveness in the environment of the global market is a challenging task. At Walmart, the focus on integrating IT assets into the framework of the organization and focusing on their regular update can be seen as the crucial strategy of the organization. At present, it...

Native Americans’ History Before and After 1492

Introduction Native Americans inhabited the Americas for thousands of years before the arrival of Columbus and other European explorers and settlers. One of the most remarkable peculiarities of the people who lived in North America was their diversity in terms of language, political structure, and religion, although major aspects were...

Police Work: Public Expectations and Myths

Introduction The work of the police is surrounded by various myths developed through TV and literature that picture it differently from real activities. It makes ordinary people believe that police officers encounter danger every day and deal with many events that are very important for national security. While the latter...

Primary Care Practice’s Strategy Implementation

Introduction The targeted primary care practice has been growing fast. This fact explains why the practice’s partners have decided to expand their clinic and serve more clients. Unfortunately, the new office will not see patients because of a number of constraints (Wong, 2015). At the same time, Mary Jones has...

Descartes: How to Achieve Knowledge

Descartes was the first philosopher to criticize the empiricists’ view of the process of achieving knowledge in the seventeenth century. According to Descartes, human senses cannot be trusted, as there are no reliable signs to distinguish whether a man is asleep or awake (158). There are, however, some undeniable truths,...

Florida National University’s Parking Problem

Introduction Florida National University (FNU) has a very conducive learning environment with competent academic and non-academic staff. The ever willing to learn friendly students from diverse backgrounds make the university an outstanding national and international learning center. FNU has a thriving national and international student population for which it provides...

Citizen of the World in Appiah’s “Cosmopolitanism”

Introduction Living in the modern world is intriguing and challenging at the same time, as it implies that people have to be engaged in different kinds of relationships and show respect to each other despite differences in race, ethnicities, and cultures. Now, these days can be referred to as the...

Free Will from d’Hobach’s Determinist Perspective

Introduction The quote “Man’s life is a line that nature commands him to describe upon the surface of the earth…” is a great example of a determinist philosophy concept. It was written by d’Holbach in his work The System of Nature, which was published in 1770 (Speaks, 2006). The main...

War Attitudes in American and British Poems

Introduction A poem can be defined in several ways. For example, we can define it as a piece of writing in verse form, which conveys strong feelings about a given subject. Poets always write poems for several reasons. For instance, one can write a poem to show his attitude or...

Appreciating the Natural World

Nowadays all people live in different communities, and various religions are spread among the population. During its history, humanity accumulated and explored a significant amount of knowledge about the world around. The world is changing, and all these changes affect the population in whole and certain human beings in particular....

Herd Behavior in “The Lottery” by Shirley Jackson

Introduction The story innocently titled “The Lottery,” written by Shirley Jackson would be generally expected to have a positive theme. However, the plot narrates the events of the annual lottery, which takes place in the most ordinary setting of a small village (more specifically in its main square). The purpose...

Problem-Solving Skills in Nursing

The one or two problem-solving or creativity areas in which I am most strong are: In my opinion, one of my strongest areas in terms of creativity and unusual ways of solving problems is the skill of finding individual approaches to people. In a broader perspective, communication skills concern not...

King’s Dream and Obama Presidency

Barack Obama accepted the nomination for the presidency on a remarkable date: it was the anniversary of Martin Luther King delivering his famous speech that promoted black people’s rights and the equality of all races (Lindert & Williamson, 2016). This coincidence made a lot of people believe that King’s dream...

Unit VIII Project: Group Meeting

I have recently attended a group meeting in my community, which aimed at the discovery of the necessity of the vegetation in the area. In this instance, the group consisted out of six members, and I could freely observe their interactions. The primary goal of this assignment is to conduct...

Preparing Teachers for Education

Introduction The teaching exercise targeted three first grade learners. The lesson aimed to describe the major features of a sunflower. The learners were informed about the nature of the sunflower plant, its growth factors, petals, and colors. I empowered and encouraged the students to stay focused throughout the learning process...

Teaching Grammar: Subjunctive Mood

The text is a lyric from the song by Beyoncé Knowles called “If I Were a Boy”. It has been chosen since it vividly illustrates the grammar rule to be explained. In addition, the song is popular, and it is quite likely that almost all students know it and remember...

Economic Crisis and Its Implications in Various Areas

The Political Geography of Gasoline Prices As part of the wider economic analysis, this article explores the impacts of rising fuel prices on people’s voting behavior and trends. We cannot ignore the emerging trends from fuel consumption even if the influences might be weak. According to the author, gas prices...

The Brand Called You. Tom Peters’ View on Branding

How does Tom Peters describe a brand? Tom Peters defines a brand as “a promise of the value you’ll receive” in exchange for your time or/and money. Every company tries to stand out, showing that only they can satisfy their customers in the best possible way. Nowadays, with so many...

Alcohol and Its Major Behavioral Effects

Alcohol is among the most popular psychoactive drugs in the world alongside caffeine and nicotine. One of its primary pharmacological effects is the inhibition of the central nervous system (CNS), for which reason it was used as an anesthetic in the past. The mechanism of the anesthetic effect lies in...

“The Experiment” Sociological Documentary

The primary discipline presented in the film is sociology. The documentary sought to establish the point at which people accept or fight inequality. During the study, 15 males were selected to participate as guards and prisoners in a simulated prison. On the first day, the participants acted individually and normally...

“Gross National Happiness in Bhutan” Article by Kelly

There is no doubt that the level of happiness can be listed among the most important factors that are taken into consideration to estimate the prosperity in a certain country. As it is clear from the article written by Kelly (2012), the authorities in Bhutan take this principle into account...

Female Speech Community in the University

Examples of group terms used by a speech community in the university Parallel Program- The term is pronounced as the English words meaning degree program designed to transfer a qualified student to universities although not selected by the university. LM; a female student at the university. “The exam was difficult...

Nationalism and Republicanism in Australian History

Introduction The article discusses the various steps that the Australian government has undertaken in the process of attaining its independence from the British government. The author, John Warhurst, is practical in pointing out the core actions and initiatives that various leaders from the major parties executed in coining the country’s...