The Concept of Artificial Hydration

Introduction Artificial hydration refers to the medical practice of introducing nutritional fluids and water into a patient’s body by means of tubes, catheters or needles. The issue of artificial hydration in the context of patients who are terminally ill is an emotional one for many patients and families because giving...

“Dulce et Decorum Est” and “The Things They Carried”: Compare & Contrast

Introduction The Poem Dulce et Decorum Est and the story The Things they Carried are both about war, but more than fifty years apart. The geography and the weapons have changed, but the conditions are not that different. The men are much the same and war is as brutal as...

Comparison: The Epic of Gilgamesh and the Iliad

The attitude towards death in the epic literature symbolizes the wish of people of those epochs to be heroic, ready to sacrifice their lives for the holy aims. Even literature of different epochs represents comparatively similar attitudes towards death. The Epic of Gilgamesh touches upon people’s nature profoundly and still...

Citizenship and Civil Disobedience According to Aristotle and Sophocles

In setting forth his ideas regarding what makes a good citizen, Aristotle illustrates the difficulties involved in simply defining who might be a citizen and who might not be. In terms of being a citizen of a particular country or nation, he indicates that anyone is a citizen who is...

Sophocles’ Antigone: Critical Analysis

Introduction The play Antigone is one of the best Greek dramatic works depicting life style of society and human relations between people. Antigone of Sophocles can be characterized as an astonishing achievement of world literature in which people are crushed by the entanglements of law whichever way they turn. Antigone...

Andromache in the Iliad: Character Analysis

The role of women in the ancient world is generally accepted to be that of possession and house-servant, mother and decorative status symbol, but not human, not thinking and not individual enough to act upon her own volition. This impression comes from a long line of ancient texts and documents...

Death of the American Dream in Death of a Salesman

The play Death of a Salesman depicts the American dream and the inability of a person to understand the meaning of life and family happiness. The play is often seen as tragic because of the death of the main character, Willy Loman who wastes his life searching for the American...

The Last Scene of Miller’s “Death of a Salesman”

This scene is at the last of the play, beginning about line 780 in Act II and continuing to the end of the play. Willy and the boys have already had a fight, and the boys left with a couple of local tarts without telling their father they were going....

Coelho’s Alchemist and Homer’s Odyssey: Theme Comparison

Themes Fate is apparent in life and everyone has to work hard to realize it. The alchemist is a novel that has the story of a boy called Santiago who had a dream of going to the pyramids to look for treasures. His dream turned out to be true after...

Psychiatric Interview for Mental Health Treatment

Introduction A mental component plays a significant role in the overall people’s health. If a person does not have any physical issues with their organism, any psychological problem makes it impossible for them to feel good. That is why medical professionals should assess the psychiatric health of appropriate individuals to...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Wuthering Heights: A Medical Case

The mental illness of Heathcliff has its roots from the early childhood. In listing the emotional experience that he had gone through some facts ought to be mentioned. The first major impact in Heathcliff life is the fact that he was an orphan, that fact which might have put forced...

Ethical Values & Decision-Making in Nursing

In the nursing profession, decision-making is expected to ethical as prescribed by the Ethical Code of Conduct designed by the American Psychological Association (APA). Essential VIII implies that nurses should always remain professional in resolving complicated situations and daily practices. Professionalism can be regarded as the constant presentation of the...

Future of Nursing Education in the United States

Over the last couple of years, health care has been changing its focus. There is more need for expertise to observe community health and handle chronic illnesses than treating episodic and exceptional cases (Battié, 2013). Care settings are moving outside of health centers and into communities, and thus, the current...

Ensuring Children’s Mental Health

Introduction Mental health problems and potentially traumatic experiences that may cause them in young patients are often overlooked, which causes the development of serious mental health issues in the future. Therefore, it is critical to ensure that mental health issues in children are identified quickly and treated accordingly to prevent...

Pharmacy as a Professional Field and Its History

Pharmacy is one of the unique and creative professions which combine modern knowledge and skills and ancient traditions. I am excited about the profession because it joins unique principles of folk medicine and modern innovative approaches to treatment and curing. Popular medicine was based primarily on the use of home...

Nursing Operating System, Its Types and Features

Nursing departments have been performing different crucial functions in their daily operations. One of the functions is taking care of those patients who have some injuries in their bodies. To carry out their activities perfectly, they have not been ignorant of the new technologies that are coming up in these...

Global Banks-on Life Support

Summary This article details the severity of the financial crisis that the international community in general and the US and Europe in particular are going through. The present crisis is being termed by analysts as the worst ever in more than three-quarters of a century. Now the authorities are on...

Art Appreciation: Alfred Stieglitz’s Photography

Alfred Stieglitz spent his life in photography just to credit it as a compelling form of art. At these ages, photography was disregarded as a form of art since it was believed that art was not made by machines but was done by work of hands. He tried to imply...

Islamophobia in Community and Health Implications

College Essay Societies tend to be guided by moral values, principles, and norms. Such attributes dictate the behaviors and practices of different community members. However, some of the beliefs associated with specific regions are ineffective or inappropriate. Personally, I believe that there are certain ideas in our society that are...

Managing Effective Team Process

In the world today, it has been noted that organizations can achieve their goals and objectives by properly managing their employees and ensuring that they work as a team since, without them, no operations can take place effectively. Teamwork refers to the ability of people in a group to work...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Ethical Theories & Applications in Public Schools

The present paper is designed to discuss ethical theories and apply them to real and imaginary cases. Firstly, it is necessary to analyze the ethical background of endorsing the posting of the Ten Commandments in public schools. In fact, the adoption of such legislation can be justified by universalizability or...

Real Fight in “Fight Club” Movie by David Fincher

Discussing and analyzing the movie “Fight Club”, directed by David Fincher and based on the novel written by Chuck Palaniuk in 1996, and screenplay written by Jim Uhls, it is necessary to note that the given movie draws up some important issues concerning life experiences: the person’s knowledge about oneself...

Healthcare Technology and Strategic Planning

Goals The goals I have established for this week were connected to the processes of learning and integrating gathered knowledge into practice. The first goal was to learn more about the roles of strategic planning in the nurses’ work. The second goal was to find more information about the technological...

Transplant Tourism Debates: Pros and Cons

The issue of moral rights is a rather complicated and controversial one. In this learning scenario, two speakers debate over organ transplant tourism. Dr. O’Connor states that transplant tourism is a real problem that grows steadily and needs to be addressed immediately. The speaker notes that according to the recent...

Automobile Industry and Its Evolution in the US

The evolution of the automobile industry has brought in several changes in the world. The book entitled “Twentieth-Century Technologies” mainly focuses on the automobile industry and its evolution in the United States. Though the basic idea of automobiles began way back in the 18th century, it was only in the...

Philosophy of Nursing: Emotional Intelligence Theory

Nursing and Its Components in my Philosophy of Nursing My nursing philosophy can be identified as culturally-sensitive and holistic. In my point of view, it is of great importance to view patients’ needs and expectations along with their background, family relationships, and self-identification. It seems to me that nursing is...

Health Services Administration: Legal and Ethical Issues

The Health Services Administration Department outlines several values that guide and empower healthcare administrators. These include empathy, leadership, contemporary, multicultural, and integrity. Healthcare administrators use their competencies to manage care delivery systems and hospital networks. This is done to meet the health needs of more patients. As a professional focusing...

The Hazards of Taking Children Out to Eat

The basic hazard of taking children out to eat is their taste of food. No matter how injurious it is for their health, kids always tend to prefer fat foods. This is their common behavior and it quickly leads to kid obesity. The latest epidemic in the western world is...

City Hospital’s Reorganization and Strategic Planning

Introduction Communicating to a few key employees working in City Hospital, I managed to become familiar with the most important problems in each department and the proposed methods that could help to ameliorate the situation. There were a few strategies presented by the specialists and it is possible to regard...

Personal Nursing Philosophy: Concepts and Values

Key concepts of my nursing philosophy The key concepts of my nursing philosophy revolve around my core values, which include integrity, honesty, advocacy, compassion, respect, patient privacy, and knowledge. Compassion is the backbone of my nursing philosophy as I believe that I am a gift to humanity and my duty...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Early Spanish Colonization in Latin America

The readings were about the invasion of Spanish colonizers in Mexico and Latin America. In “An Aztec Account of the Conquest of Mexico,” a Mexican anthropologist named Miguel Leon Portilla gathered accounts made by the Aztecs when Hernan Cortes landed in Mexico and made his way to the Aztec capital,...

Skills and Caring in Nursing

When considering the profession of a nurse, one might reflect on the following question: is it better to be skillful or caring? I have heard people mention this dilemma; in particular, my acquaintances were discussing the famous and notorious House, M.D. and paid special attention to this topic. I prefer...

A Paradox: Standard Account of Whistleblower by Michael Davis

This research paper would present the paradox of whist blowing that is investigated by Michael Davis and according to the author himself; the paradox is used to suggest an inconsistency- between theory and the facts. The theory about the standard whilst blowing and the paradox I just not about whist...

Working in a Group and Problem-Solving

The first months of business school are loaded with stress. One is in an unfamiliar environment, surrounded by people one does not know. Moreover, I am expected to produce more work faster than I ever have before. In addition, I am competing with people of a high caliber than I...

“Stephen King On Why We Crave Horror Movies” Analysis

It has often been said that “There is nothing to fear but fear itself”. A term that often refers to man’s fear of the dark due to not being able to see what lies ahead. This is perhaps also the reason why we, as intelligent beings, enjoy watching a good...

A School as a Young Child Might See It

A school is a place where people go to learn and become knowledgeable. Young children have different perception of a school. Some may see it as a better place to be while others see it as the worst place to be. The children who perceive school as a better place...

The Aspects of Managing People

In this session it is proposed to take up the aspects of managing people with regard to social skills and expertise necessary in order to take optimum use of people skills. There are several aspects of man management and they relate to the following: Motivation Achievement Recognition Responsibility Advancement Motivation...

Effects of Different Compounds on Egg White Foam Stability

Egg White Foam is foam prepared with the white of an egg or albumen and is popularly used in the preparation of products such as cakes, soufflés and meringues, in order to make these food products light, airy and porous. Egg whites are traditionally prepared by beating the whites of...

Freud’s and Erickson’s Theories’ Differences

Comparing the differences between the Freud’s and Erickson’s theories, it is necessary to point out that the stages in Freud’s theories were psychosexual, and the stages in Erikson’s theories were psychosocially oriented. The theory of psychoanalysis, which served as a base for numerous psychoanalytic theories, was developed at the late...

Gender, Race and Class in American Television

The book Uncle Tom’s Cabin by H. B. Stowe vividly portrays different gender roles and superiority of men over women. The passage selected for analysis reveals that men dominated in society and obtained a leading role in lives of women. The passage relates to George Harris, Eliza’s husband. In the...

Coca – Cola: Business Strategy and Globalization

The process, well known on the international arena, as globalization affects all the spheres of people’s and counties’ life. The economic and business fields are greatly affected by this phenomenon as well. Therefore, it would be relevant to explain the process of globalization in the economic field and its influence...

Physical Force and Punishing Children: Discussion

Introduction Using physical force as a means of punishment is also known as corporal punishment. This is causing intentional physical pain and discomfort to a person with an aim of making the person amend his behavioral ways. Main text This method of physical correction has for a long time been...

The Fast Food Restaurants History in the United States

Introduction Fast foods are often associated with recent times but when one reads Nicholas Howe’s “Fast Food America” it is easy to see that fast food joins have existed since the early 1990s. Dining places were often strategically placed along the interstate highways so that travelers might often drop in....

Wars of Religion: Historical Review

The most fanatical and catastrophic time in the history of Europe dates back to the period between the second half of the sixteenth century and the commencement of the seventeenth century since it was during this time that the most appalling and fervent sequence of wars broke out. It is...

Lotus-Eaters of Today: Sins of the Lotophagi

Introduction Cardinal Sins, are those which lead to other greater sins. For example, Greed for gold may lead one to steal or even kill to acquire more gold. The Lotus-eaters or Lotophagi was a group of people that Odysseus encountered in his 10-year odyssey to return home. This paper will...

“One Hundred Years of Solitude” by G. G. Marquez

The focal point of the paper is to explain how “One Hundred Years of Solitude” by Gabriel García Marquez can be regarded as a biblical allegory and what this reveals about Marquez’s views on religion. For this, the first measure would be to understand the biblical allegory presented in the...

Implication of Tiberius Gracchus’ Reform Program

Among all the factors that either promoted the reform or prevented it, social and political factors were the most powerful. Rome’s political condition was not quiet at that time. Since legionaries were obliged to serve for the whole campaign, regardless of how long it lasted, soldiers often left their farms...

The Daily Tribune: Advertisement, News, Collaboration

Introduction The case is about Daily Tribune, a well-established newspaper in eastern Tennessee. The newspaper’s readership is mostly in the small towns and commands a good number of readerships in the counties. The looming problem arises when the publisher of the newspaper, John Freeman announces in a meeting with the...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Ethics, Value and Decision Making

Introduction Creating a society where ‘age’ is the only concern that would measure inequality, the aging effect would be evaluated and focused on by complete long-term care. In such a society getting older would be considered respectable and people who enter into their old age would be seen with utmost...

Driver’s Today Have Dangerous Driving Habits

Introduction Have you ever stopped to observe the driving habits of the other people behind the wheel these days? If you have then you must have noticed that driving is no longer the sole activity that the person in charge of the wheel is busy dealing with at any given...

US History: Puritanism Analysis

First of all it should be stated, that the key principle of Puritanism is God’s highest power over human matters, chiefly in the church, and particularly as stated in the Bible. On the personal extent, the Puritans highlighted that every person should be repeatedly changed by the grace of God...

Women Leadership Within the Church

The research project looks into details the place of women in the church which is women leadership in the church. Women for a long time have been denied the opportunity to lead in the church because for that long time they have been seen as inferior to men. The goals...

Jesus and the Disinherited by Howard Thurman

The book Jesus and the Disinherited written by Howard Thurman is devoted to the religious and race aspects and their positions in the modern world. The work discloses the main sides if the biblical positions and gives an opportunity to evaluate the level of racism, the relation of the poor...

Exxon Mobil: The Major Reasons for the Success

Introduction The main idea of the paper is to identify the major reasons for the success of Exxon Mobil in then world market and trace the major processes that took place in the company’s finance over the past years (Exxon Corporation, 2007). To start with, Exxon Mobil is the largest...

BCG and GE Models in Strategic Management.

Introduction This paper to offer a strategic recommendation based on findings from a case involving two divisions as viewed using a BCG matrix where the electric division can be located at the upper right quadrant of the matrix while the appliance division is on the lower left hand of the...

History Of The Monopoly Board Game

Although Charles B. Darrow of Germantown, Pennsylvania is the officially recognized father of the Monopoly game, having developed and played the inventor’s version of the game back in 1929, advocates of the game believe that the true game creator is a woman named Elizabeth Magie who created what is thought...

The Stresses and Deflections of a Uniform Cross-Section Beam in Bending

The stresses and deflections of a uniform cross-section beam in bending A beam or as it is called flexural member can be often met in mechanical structures and machines and presents one of the most interesting examples of the mechanics of materials. In mechanics it is an object of bending...

Judith Butler’s “Contingent Foundations: Feminism and the Question of Postmodernism”

Judith Butler’s essay has far reaching implications that tend to pose infinite interpretations and questions to the readers. Nevertheless, it is the product of the feminine reaction to globalization and post-modernism and the concepts that she has outlined are obviously chapters to critiques and quests into the diverse levels of...

Bio-Based Materials as Alternative Energy

Introduction One of the actual problems of a modern society is the search of alternative energy sources. The energy crisis that the mankind goes through has several roots. The first is the limitation of the existing energy resources and fossil energy carriers. The second is the problems of environmental contamination....

Solving the Climate Problem for Next 50 Years.

The articles taken for this critique, are three in number, and are relevant to the technologies being used for the solving of climate problems in the world, for the upcoming fifty years. The first article is written by members of the Princeton University, the second is a review only by...

The Role of Financial Manager in a Fortune 500 Company.

Size A fortune 500 company has been in activity for 500 years in the western world having a tiny fraction of human civilization time span. They have been producing material wealth with immense success and are the major vehicle for the sustenance of world population that is exploding because of...

Art and Sociopolitical Comment. Daumier and James Marshall.

Daumier Daumier emerged in the late nineteenth century as a painter of the people and for the people. His paintings managed to capture the much deeper level with which he viewed his world. A close examination of his painting “Third Class Carriage” reveals how his painting technique reinforces his meaning....

Dystopia. Personal Vision in Modern World.

My vision of the dystopian future for our world is something that is closer to reality. The ideas in my mind that tell me what sort of future our planet faces is fed by the constant stream of information that is fed to me by the daily national and international...

Lack of Parental Support Forces Teenagers ‘Run Away’ From Home

Introduction Presently, the rate of run-away children is increasing greatly. Many parents do not take into account that the transition period from childhood to adulthood is awkward for most teenagers, and they need special attention and a delicate way of looking at their problems. According to statistical results prepared by...

Racism in Minnesota in Relation to the Klu Klux Klan

Minnesota is the State known for its ten thousand lakes but in the 20th century, it was also known as the hotbed for racism. It seems that local inhabitants of the State resisted the idea of integration with people of other races especially African-Americans, Jews, and Europeans who are non-Protestants....

Leadership Styles and Management in Practice

Being able to get the right direction and getting other people to follow one towards attaining a common objective, instilling a sense of responsibility in them, and obligating them to what they do, is called leadership. (Business Dictionary,2008) It can also be viewed as a vibrant correlation founded on shared...

Civil War: The Second American Revolution

Introduction As a nation fights its internal threats, as it falls into the tremors of war and discord it has the possibility of losing much of itself in the flow of blood and turmoil and is often at the hazard of not ever being able to stand back up on...

Shakespeare’s King Henry VI parts 1-3 and Richard III

Introduction The War of the Roses, speaks of the period between 1455 to 1485 when two powerful dynasties in Britain fought to gain the throne of England. The two houses were the House of Lancaster with King Henry VI as the head and The House of York with King Richard...

Racism in Minnesota: Archival Research Paper

Racism in Minnesota as a Midwestern state was historically very widespread as in the territory where slavery and racial discrimination were present in 19 century and persisted for a large part of the 20th century. Notwithstanding the fact of the large civil movement against racism in Minnesota beginning in the...

Playboy Models: Unnatural Beauty

Introduction In the present day, beauty has become an object of commerce and production, as the modern canons and requirements cannot be met by an average woman without physical interventions into her body. In the last centuries, beauty was amongst the major virtues of woman as well as the major...

Test Anxiety and Academic Performance in Undergraduate and Graduate Students

The purpose of the conducted study, described in the article entitled “Test Anxiety and Academic Performance in Undergraduate and Graduate Students” is to determine the levels of test anxiety and academic performance in large cohorts of graduate and undergraduate students and to investigate how these levels are related to one...

The Good Life: Meaning and Analysing

The good life is all about striking the right balance between the right things, habits contribute immensely in deciding how good or bad one’s life is. Some might misunderstand the concept of good life thinking that fulfilling one’s desires is what good life is all about but it is not...

Constructing and Ratifying the United States Constitution

Introduction The events which led to the ratification of the constitution were the end of the revelation and opposition between the states, peace with Great Britain, and economic depression that affected all states. The revolution did not solve all problems but deepened social, political, and economic differences. In August 1786,...

John McCain vs. Barack Obama: Elections Campaign

Introduction Never in the history of US Presidential elections has a campaign been more closely followed nationally as well as globally as that of the two contenders, John Mc Cain and Barack Obama. For the first time, a Black American has been nominated as a Presidential nominee and the import...

“East of Eden” by John Steinbeck

The main message of East of Eden seems to be that the individual has a moral and spiritual obligation to discover for themselves whether they have acted for the good or the evil. This is stated outright by the narrator in Chapter 34, “There is no other story. A man,...

Western Civilization: Brief Overview

There were many changes that took place in the western civilization in 1300 AD and they are the social, institutional, economic and intellectual changes. In social there was the rise in nation state in that nationalism took , in institutional there was rise of church that is protestant church, in...

Phonological Representations in Speech Role

Introduction If we would like to discuss the role of phonological representations in speech, then we need to focus on such phenomenon as the phonological neutralization. This phenomenon actually eliminates a phonemic distinction, especially in a particular context of the phonology. Such an example as a contrast of the word-final...

Philosophy of Education Review

As a secondary teacher, I hope to be the kind of educator that students remember as challenging, fair, engaging, and caring. As I look at our society, I see the need for courses in family and consumer science. In order to combat increasing obesity rates and obesity-related diseases, like diabetes...

Description of Performance Appraisal System

Introduction Performance appraisal serves the purpose of having a deeper look into the performance delivered and efforts applied by the employee. It provides an opportunity for the management to review the performances of the workforce and reward the deserving ones while providing opportunities for improvement. Though there are several performance...

Greatest Challenge Facing Western Civilization

The history and historical development of civilizations pose great challenges to mankind and relations between people and society. It all began with the idea that human beings, by their very nature, have rights. The man said the classical liberals, are born into a state of natural freedom, and his rights...

Modern Jobs: Bookkeeping, Accounting, and Copywriters

Bookkeeping, Accounting, and Auditing Clerks These jobs are three of the most important in the company. Any company of whatever industry always fills these positions as soon as the company operations have started. It is revealed that these positions are offered in many different ways like temporary, contractual, or full-time....

Angelina Jolie’s Rhetorical Speech on Female Empowerment

Have you ever wondered why it is mainly women who talk about the problems of other women? And why among these female speakers there are so many Hollywood artists? And, finally, what is that all for? The point is, famous females have the privilege to use their fame to share...

Nike’s Ad for Football Women’s World Cup 2019

Early in June, Nike released its empowering advertisement ahead of the FIFA Women’s World Cup 2019 hosted in France. The ad features the biggest names of the tournament, including Sam Kerr, an Australian association football player, and Andressa Alves, a Brazilian footballer. The young star of the given commercial is...

Canada During the Cold War

Thesis Canada, better known for its scientific knowledge rather than military prowess, pursued a moderate anti-communist policy during the Cold War while aiding struggling countries and promoting peace in the world arena. The cold war which began in the 1940s between America and the then USSR dragged on till the...

Canada History Since Confederation

The new state of 1867 – 4 provinces on the Atlantic and along the Laurentian Basin – expanded extraordinarily in less than a decade to stretch from sea to sea. Rupert’s Land, from Ontario to the Rockies and north to the Arctic, was purchased from the Hudson’s Bay company in...

Healthcare for Immigrants: How a Bill Becomes a Law

Situation The problem/concern The U.S. is home to the largest immigrant population in the world. However, the demonization, racialization, and stigmatization of undocumented immigrants has predisposed them to serious challenges when accessing health care services (Monga, Keller, & Venters, 2014). The legal system has excluded such immigrants from rights, privileges,...

20th Century History of Canada: Quebec

Introduction On July 1st, 1867, the Dominion of Canada was effective. Sir John A Macdonald was the 1st Canadian Prime Minister. The first telephone was invented by Sir Alexander Graham Bell in 1874. In the next decade, the great depression began at the exact date of 1929. After that, in...

Identity and Access Management for Cloud Security

The importance to guarantee data security in the cloud is crucial in the contemporary conditions of fast technological development. All measures are to be taken in order to prevent personal data leakage. Identity and Access Management (IAM) is considered one of the most effective ways to provide cloud security. This...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Canadian History: Key Historic Points

Official Languages Act of 1969 is a federal statute that recognizes French and English as the official languages of Canada. Under this document, all federal institutions are to provide their services in English or French at the customer’s choice. To monitor the implementation of this Act there was established the...

World War II in “The Rape of Europa” Documentary

The reviewed film was released in 2008 and entitled The Rape of Europa. This documentary dwells upon one of the facets of the World War II that are still being under-searched and even concealed. The film deals with Hitler’s (and the Nazi regime’s) attempts to expropriate the most influential works...

Historical Evidence in the Renaissance Italy Film

The Renaissance was the period that gave the world a profound number of significant discoveries and innovations. The areas of art, literature, music, architecture, and science were brought to a new level by the outstanding figures who lived and created in that era. The movie Renaissance Italy offers an overview...

Unfair Labor Practices in Global Companies

Introduction Global companies such as McDonald’s, Samsung, Nike, Reebok, Adidas, Puma, and Umbro are generating billions of dollars in annual revenues. However, their success is founded on unfair labor practices. All of these companies outsource manufacturing and production operations to third-world poor countries such as Cambodia, Thailand, and Indonesia. Citizens...

Key Concepts in Politics by Max Weber

Introduction Politics can be defined as the means and ways through which decisions in a unit of governance are made. It is the art and science of the allocation and distribution of resources determining who gets what, when and where. From an academic perspective, it is a study aimed at...

The Narrative of the Life of Olaudiah Equiano

Introduction The Interesting Narrative of the Life of Olaudiah Equiano depicts personal courage a man who escapes slavery and fights for personal freedom and human rights. The narrative addresses many themes including slavery, religion, oppression, kidnapping, business relations, ideas of liberty and freedom, economic status of African countries and their...

Conservative and Liberal View Comparison

Introduction Conservatives and liberals are very different. Conservatives choose beliefs that are based on sayings others and stick to those beliefs; while liberals investigate several sources of information and develop a belief based on the most reliable evidence. Conservatives are confident in rightness of their belief, while liberals seek examination...

Gangs, a Social Causation, Societies Disease

Introduction The future of America lies within the hands of today’s youngsters, but there are some serious concerns regarding where these youngsters might take us. Youth gangs, along with the problems associated with them, are growing in many American cities. Children growing up in substandard neighborhoods often perceive that the...

The Development of Life on Earth

Evolution of both animal and plants took place through out the geological time, though in the initial stages of the geological time scale only rudimentary form of life existed. The various life forms that dominated during these times are: Precambrian era: According to (Columbia Encyclopedia, 6th Ed 2007) “fossilized bacteria...

Recreational Marijuana Consumption and Acceptance

This essay will discuss the increasing public acceptance of recreational marijuana consumption. The drug has been considered too dangerous to use for most of the 20th century and remains illegal in many states, but an increasing number is moving forward with legalization programs. However, despite the punishments that were put...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Sexual Abuse and Harassment as a Deviant Behavior

Sexual abuse and harassment remain prevalent in contemporary society and have a significant influence on the lives of many people. For the most part, these issues affect women, but men may also suffer from them. One of the key problems that emerge in association with sexual harassment and abuse is...

Literacy from the Perspective of Social Theory

Introduction The ability to perceive information and communicate with others using different means is undoubtedly among the essential skills a human being has to possess. While reading and writing are crucial, the standard strategies that relate to literacy fail to consider the implications of the information technology age and its...

The Concepts of Utopia and Dystopia

Introduction The concepts of utopia and dystopia characterize political and economic system of a state and its ideology. Utopia means “an ideal state where all is ordered for the best for humanity as a whole and where the evils of society, such as poverty and misery, have been eliminated” (The...

A Dramatic Breakup of Relations

As is my week-daily custom, I arrive at school early, not because I’m especially responsible but because of the paranoia associated with being late and having everyone notice. It’s some type of psychological flaw that happens to serve me well. Sometimes, about four days out of five, my anxiety is...

Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder Symptoms Analysis

Introduction Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) is a collection of problem behaviors related with weak attention span. ADHD may include impulsive behavior, restlessness, inattention, hyperactivity and usually prevents them from learning a socializing in a normal manner. ADHD is considered to be a neurological disorder, and effects 5% of people...

Flannery O’Connor Was an Epistle of Hope

Hope is an ambiguous feeling to describe. It is the shining candle in the gloom and the final sprite released from Pandora’s Box to mitigate the swarm of gloom that Pandora inadvertently released. When Flannery O’Connor makes this statement, she speaks with a conviction of a person who knows the...

Business Data Analysis: The Ryanair LTD

The overall market position Ryanair LTD is one of the most competitive companies, offering the cheapest flights within Europe. Offering more than 500 destinations, the company’s strong side is providing the possibility to travel freely for the middle-class population, and people below the middle-class level. In the confirmation of these...

History. Western Impacts on East Asian Countries

Introduction Until the establishment of relationships between the Western countries and East Asia, Japan, Korea, and China had only their unique cultural and social features. With the growing connections between them, the Western impact became vivid. In some cases, the mentioned countries adopted the elements of the foreign culture, while...

Gender Non-Conforming or Transgender Children Care

Introduction The number of gender non-conforming and transgender children/adolescents presenting to mental health providers is increasing. Therapists are liable for delivering care that is unbiased and comprehensive (Guss, Shumer, & Katz-Wise, 2015). Professionals who work with children and adolescents who are transgender and gender non-conforming (TGNC) should be prepared to...

Contribution to the School: Sharing Experience

With my educational background in manufacturing engineering and more than 5 years of experience in manufacturing industries in India and South Korea, I believe I can make a highly substantial contribution to the Carey community. While rigorous undergraduate studies sharpened my analytical skills, industrial experience honed my technical competence. From...

Popular Research Paper Topics

How Media Helps Promote Terrorists’ Agenda

Terrorism is one of the social stigmas of the modern world. The rise of violent actions peculiar to the end of the 20th and the beginning of the 21st century is associated with the instability in various regions and the clash of different states’ interests. However, there is an idea...

Non-Conventional Terrorism from Theoretical Viewpoints

Non-Conventional terrorism mainly uses and executes non-traditional forms of weapons. They might include chemical, biological, and nuclear types of threat. In addition, the opportunities for terrorist attacks in cyberspace can also be considered as a non-conventional manifestation. Although the planning process for these types of acts is more delicate and...

Inside the Mysterious Lindbergh Baby Kidnapping

In a tragic crime, Charles Augustus Lindbergh, Jr., the baby of Charles Lindberg, the famous aviator was kidnapped on March 1, 1932, apparently for ransom. The body of the baby was recovered sometime later but it has never been positively identified as that of the kidnapped child. Many controversies have...

French Popular Music, Barbara (French Singer)

Barbara becomes an icon of French culture, music, and the movie industry. In her lyrics and performance, she speaks about social and cultural problems, love and passion, etc. It is possible to say that the qualities of Barbara’s styles are not typically feminine because she speaks about social and personal...

Cemex: Global Growth Through Superior Information Capabilities

Statement of the problem The cement industry is rapidly consolidating and stiff competition is prevalent among the top five key players who are fighting for scarce acquisition targets and CEMEX executives should look for ways of accelerating the company grow to new and higher levels. Statement of the argument As...

Jitterbug Perfume by Tom Robbins Analysis

First of all, it is necessary to mention, that the novel, written in 1984, and describing the epoch of the VIII century touch upon the matter, that had been fluctuated humanity for centuries. The striving for immortality and eternity occupied the minds of the greatest philosophers and alchemists. While viewing...

The State of Israel Is a Parliamentary Republic

The state of Israel is a parliamentary republic, created on May 14, 1948, according to the plan approved by United Nations, which divided Palestine. Let me focus on the structure of Israel’s legislative organs. The head of the state is the President that is chosen for a period of five...

How Will the W. P. Carey MBA Help You Achieve Your Personal and Professional Goals?

Despite coming from an engineering background, I’ve always had a strong inclination towards sales and marketing. This has effectively led me to a career as a sales engineer. After having significant exposure to the consumer durables industry, in the realm of engineering and sales support roles, I have experienced the...

Nine West Company Information Analysis

Personal and impersonal communication has a great impact on the brand and influences consumers in different ways: it shapes their tastes and views, knowledge about the product and its perception (Lance and Woll, p. 34). The main paid impersonal communication tools used by Nine west are billboards (see appendix 1),...

Human Resourses Practices and Employee Retention in UAE

Current research deals with analysis of HR practices and procedures that are the most appropriate for the retention of labor force. Changing market relations which can be described as a result of globalization process and flexible labor regulation and market impose new challenges to HR specialists which are to elaborate...

Restaurant Management: A Career Perspective

The job of a restaurant manage is one of the most varied careers in existence. It is the manager’s responsibility to offer service, food and drink to the public at a price they are willing to pay. This sounds more simple than it really is. Many people think managing a...

Precedence in Business Law Analysis

Precedent is a key feature of lawful experience, which requires courts to follow conclusions attained in previous cases, thereby altering the decisions in personal cases into a foundation of law. This article scrutinizes two major issues connected with precedent: How to distinguish the way that precedent acts as a source...

Dual-Career Couple Policy in Organizations.

Introduction The organization recognizes, employs and supports dual-career couples, especially those who show commitment to the growth and success of the company. Definition: Dual career couples Dual-career couples refers to couples whose both parties are professionals and desire to work while they have family needs that require them to be...

Argumentation Essay: Educational Role of TV

Television is commonly cited as their major source of information about what is happening in the world. Children are the main group influenced by TV and its messages. Some critics state that TV has a negative impact on children popularizing and promoting violence and deviant behavior. Children learn a great...

“Gulliver’s Travels” Novel by Jonathan Swift

Gulliver’s Travels is the novel that became extremely fashionable as soon as it was issued (John Gay said in a 1726 letter to Swift that “it is universally read, from the cabinet council to the nursery”), and it is probable that it has never been out of print since then....

Women in British Literature and Poems

Women are an often-discussed topic in literature, not only in terms of their modern emancipation but also in terms of their previous idealized state and their ‘proper place in any given time period. As women gained more rights, more complete education, and greater freedoms, they began to respond to what...

Small Group: A New Learning Dimension

There are four dimensions of learning commonly described in learning psychology. They are declarative (statement learning) which means requesting information i.e. learning what. Second is technical practical (procedural) learning, which means learning in what way and to what extent things happen (how), third, is conditional (conjunctional) learning, concerned with when...

GM Wheat Start-up Secures Venture Capital in Perth

This article addresses Perth- based biotechnology company (NemGenix) having received higher funding of $ 500,000 investment from Murdoch westschenme enterprise partnership. The investment was endorsed by the MWEP advisor and stone ridge ventures’ manager. NemGenix aims to develop genetically modified wheat, sugarcane, and barley. Nemgenix’s chief executive Dr. Sean Hird...

Mathematic Course In Arithmetical Problem Solving

In writing this letter, I am seeking to address students who will be taking a mathematic course in Arithmetical problem Solving, in the future, with the sole intention of enlightening them on what the course is all about. Personally, my initial perception of the course was that the course was...

Institutionalised Racism – Myth or Reality?

Introduction Crime, power and discrimination have been interlinked and will continue to remain so, though the intensity of such interdependence is bound to change with the times. The Scarman Report, the Police and Criminal Evidence Act 1984, followed by the Macpherson Report offered solutions to mitigate police excesses based on...

On the Death of Jesus in Early Christianity

Introduction The book, The Death of Jesus in Early Christianity, is a historical analysis of primary documents and evidence concerning the death of Jesus in the Christian tradition. The authors examine historical evidence about this event and propose a unique approach and interpretation of primary texts. The New Testament finds...

The Civil Rights Act of 1964 and Its Impact

The civil rights act of 1964 was mentioned by John F. Kennedy in 1964 and passed into law, the same year. It dealt mainly with freedom and right of association, of all races more specifically the African Americans although within it there were clauses that dealt with discrimination due to...

Conflicts in “The Rich Brother” by Tobias Wolff

In the short story The Rich Brother, Tobias Wolff vividly portrays a conflict between rich and poor brothers, their family relations and social position affected their life style. Out of the only role to have given his life purpose, Donald lacks a sense of who he is or how he...

Modern and Traditional Moral Political Philosophies

Worthy Future For a Great Nation Consolidated America is a voluntary union of American citizens whose main aim is to provide a well-deserved life to the current and future generations of Americans. We are building a society of people assured and confident in their future, engraining the psychology of personal...

Substance Abuse Counselling: Current Trends

According to the author, substance abuse is one of the major problems which have seized most individuals in the United States. It is a problem for all sets of the population. I think that author was correct according to his statement. This is because many people of all sorts of...

Political Socialization and Participation

Have you ever thought of the society where all the citizens are politically indifferent? Have you felt comfortable there? Or, have you made any attempts to change the society deeply through? In his work Creating Citizens: Political Education and Liberal Democracy Eamonn Callan, a Professor of Educational Policy Studies, University...

Fast Foods Lead to Fast Death: Informative Speech

Introduction The fast food industry has expanded at a rapid pace during the past half century. The consequence of this convenience has been the rapid expansion of the nation’s collective waistline. Obesity, caused primarily by a diet high in fat, is spreading across the country at epidemic proportions affecting more...

Japan: Impact of Culture on Business Management

Abstract Japanese culture influences the work practices and business practices in the country. The culture of stressing the process than the results has brought out large changes in the way the work is done in the companies. The loyalty to the companies that they work for and the pride that...

Explainable Artificial Intelligence in Accounting

Introduction The selected article states that artificial intelligence (AI) is one of the technologies that introduce radical changes in the functioning of contemporary society. It provides computers with an opportunity to make choices, decisions, predictions, and adapt to any situation by analyzing data and acting most effectively. For this reason,...

Southwest and East Asian Historical Development

Introduction Southwest and East Asia have a long history of the development of societies and socio-political institutions. As for the Southwest Asia, due to mild climate and fertile soil its early development of food production and animal domestication resulted in the emergence of many of the world’s first city-states (Pollard...

Donald Trump’s Straw Man Fallacies

Introduction People often try to use various tricks to make others say or do certain things. Logical fallacies are common tools employed to achieve this goal. A straw man fallacy is a misrepresentation of an opponent’s argument aimed at making it easier to refute (Vaughn, 2017). The idea behind this...

Target Canada Company’s Divestment and Price Wars

Introduction Divestment is the practice used to minimize unnecessary losses related to subsidiary assets and prevent detrimental effects on core businesses. As it follows from the case of Target, the company failed to stand out from its competitors when serving customers in Canada and had to give up its subsidiary...

International System During the Cold War Era

The basic characteristic of the international system during the Cold War era is its duo- polarity nature. This was a period characterized by war of ideologies between the greatest and the two most powerful nations on earth by then; the United States and the united Soviet Socialist republic (USSR). The...

Project Management Change for Successful Projects

Project management change is the comprehensive policy that helps in planning capabilities that speed up the implementation of changes in business in order to reduce risks and disruptions ( The process maintains the views of all associated requests and service requirements showing the full business context of change operations...

Alan Paton’s “Cry, The Beloved Country” Analysis

Introduction Cry, The Beloved Country by Alan Paton (Paton, 1948) is a classic story of South African apartheid in the years after World War II. The story is about a Stephen Kumalo a Black pastor who is searching for his son Absalom in Johannesburg. The son has been charged with...

Cybersecurity of Central Institutions

Introduction Internet is one of the integral parts of the modern digitalized society that contributes to the fast data exchange and helps to perform the majority of existing tasks fast and effectively. The rise of this tool provided multiple opportunities for the further development and achievement of new levels of...

Conscription in Canada During World War I

Thesis Many countries embrace conscription to unite the nation and rally the citizen together for a common course. In Canada, Conscription during World War I was a total failure as it left the nation more divided than it was before. Introduction Conscription is a term used to describe involuntary labor...

Canada Since Confederation. The Northwest Rebellion

Thesis The Northwest rebellion of 1885 was of great importance to Canada development despite the fact that it lasted for three only months. Introduction The 1885 Northwest Rebellion was a three months uprising by the Métis people led by Louis Riel protesting against the Canadian Authority failure to deal with...

Cheating – Changing Moral Standards?

Introduction Great philosophers, thinkers, and scholars have left behind a legacy for the future to thrive on and to contribute fruitfully to the development of moral, ethical, scientific, and social standards. Sadly, the modern scenario is witnessing a steady and gradual decline of the values once upheld. What I would...

King’s “Letter from Birmingham Jail” Summary

In 1963, Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. along with 52 other African-Americans set out on a quest to put an end to the segregation laws in the south. It was their mission to march into downtown Birmingham, Alabama to let their disapproval be known. This act of defiance was greeted...