Mandatory School Uniforms Debate from Rogerian Perspective

Several major scholarly publications discuss the issue of introducing mandatory uniforms in schools, adopting particular positions towards the problem. While some studies defend the appropriateness of this regulation, suggesting that schools can implement dress code rules, other authors claim that initiating such practices depoliticizes differences between individuals. A summary article...

Crossing Language Barriers in the Society

Society relies on communication between people to evolve, but many language barriers rise when different cultures interact. International communication becomes difficult with hundreds of different languages existing all around the world. Despite Internet’s accessibility and versatility, many struggle to learn more than their native language. While some languages gain international...

The Ideal Society: Social Stratification and Poverty

Introduction Some people often consider and evaluate themselves to determine their social group in society. In sociology, there are three major categories of social class: the elite, the middle class, and the poor. It is typical of a human to have thoughts of advancing from one group to the next....

Discussion of Civility on the Internet

Introduction The act of showing respect to someone with politeness and courtesy is civility. Civility comes from the Greek word civilitas, which means the readiness of people to offer themselves for the benefit of the city (Hayashi & Toh, 2020). When it is uncomfortable and challenging to care for someone’s...

Gordon Graham’s “Eight Theories of Ethics”

Ethics, Religion, and the Meaning of Life Ethics and morals attempt to explain human behavior and the underlying moral beliefs that distinguish right from wrong. Gordon Graham’s book “Eight theories of Ethics” reflects on the credence and theories that underpin human deportment and conduct. This paper summarizes the fundamental concepts...

Body Image and Self-Esteem Connection in Adolescents

Introduction The most crucial distinguishing feature of adolescence is the fundamental change in the sphere of his self-awareness, which is of cardinal importance for forming a teenager as a person. In adolescence, young people actively develop self-awareness and their independent self-assessment standards, and a personal attitude. At this age, a...

Barriers to Cross-Cultural Communication

With 195 countries spread across the globe, where each constitutes a host of a specific culture, understanding them can be difficult. Each conforms to a set of norms and behaviors considered as the backbone of their foundation and history. These include the beliefs, mentality, and customs of the individuals under...

Functionalist Perspective as a Methodological Approach in Sociology

Functionalist perspective or structural functionalism is a methodological approach in sociology and sociocultural anthropology. This framework interprets society as a social system having its own structure and mechanisms of interaction of structural elements, each of which performs its specified function. The basic idea of structural functionalism is the idea of...

Defining Fear and Courage

Abstract Frances Moore Lappe’ & Jeffrey Perkins agree with Frank Furedi that fear is spread by politicians and the media both for economic and social status gain. They the politicians and media encourage people to be afraid of other countries, cultures rather than forgetting that, that which they consider right...

Ethical Behavior: Human Strengths and Weaknesses

Introduction The Affiliates of the American College of Healthcare Executives (ACHE), has set up its standards of work and performance. These standards and expectations of conduct at work are the ACHE’s code of ethics. The code has several specific standards of moral conduct to direct healthcare professionals through their professional...

Pathos, Logos and Ethos in Charles Dickens’ Works

Introduction Charles Dickens is one of the most renowned authors of English literature, and this stems from his skillful use of pathos, ethos and logos in his pieces. A Tale of Two Cities was a remarkable depiction of how the French revolution affected the lives of its people, but more...

Female Beauty Definition

Introduction In any society, there was a specific attitude towards women and their beauty. Female beauty was a source of inspiration for poets, sometimes it was a reason for wars. There are many examples in history when women have used their beauty in achieving political goals. Nevertheless, the standard of...

Oppression as a Social Problem

The uniqueness of every human being, which is evident when he/she compares himself/herself with other people, makes him/her stand an excellent chance to understand the various things that make him or her different from others. Such exclusivity also exists between identical twins (Considine, 2010, p. 286). Despite the differences, biological,...

The Essay “The Meanings of a Word” by Gloria Naylor

This literary analysis seeks to evaluate Gloria Naylor’s short story “The Meanings of a Word” from the perspective of a sociological paradigm. The subject of this story is the autobiographical study of a young author who describes her experiences and feelings about the use of the term “Nigger” in her...

Social Stratification, Social Mobility, and Social Classes

Introduction In sociology, social stratification refers to the classification of people within Society based on their education, wealth, income, power, and family background. Like in geology, people with more resources are placed in the topmost layer of the social structure of stratification. The other groups with minimal resources are placed...

George Orwell’s 1984 and Its Relation to Modern Life

Introduction The book 1984, written by George Orwell in 1949, describes a dystopian future world: 1984 was the future of 1949, and the novel’s actions were conducted this year. The main idea is a totalitarian society, where all changes are prohibited, and all people’s will is subdued by the government,...

The Importance of Social Norms

Social norms present standards of acceptable behavior set and followed by different groups. Social norms can often be informal, meaning they do not necessarily need to take the form of laws or written rules. However, even informal norms act as a mechanism of social control because they promote the development...

Social Media and Mental Health Relationship

Social media has become a vital part of society due to teenagers’ and adults’ widespread use of interaction sites. The advancement and widespread use of gadgets, for example, laptops, smartphones, and internet technologies, have resulted in an even more significant increase in social media use. In response to the rapid...

Social Groups: The Main Characteristics

Social groups are entities in which individuals are interconnected through a common trait, social position, or other factors which facilitate the formation of a group. The aspects that unite a multitude of people facilitate the construction of a social group. The aforementioned communities can have various sizes, premises, norms, and...

Speech of Emma Watson: Gender Equality

Introduction The analysis is based on the two speeches regarding the women’s rights protection topic. Emma Watson makes the first speech called United Nations Address on Gender Equality, focusing on gender equality (Watson). Malala Yousafzai proposes the second one called Speech at the United Nations, emphasizing the role of women’s...

Thalidomide and Its History as an Ethical Issue

Introduction Thalidomide is one drug that changed the way pharmaceutical companies develop and distribute new medicines. The drug, as Atoyebi et al. (2019) claimed, was initially developed by a German company, Grunenthal, as a tranquilizer but was banned due to its harmful consequences. It took less than a decade to...

Women as Agents of Change in Various Frameworks

Introduction Women must be empowered to act as change agents in their own lives in order for programs focused on reducing violence against women and girls to succeed. Because they serve as “community facilitators,” the women who participate in project activities provide a crucial connection to the greater community of...

Sugar in School Breakfast Article by Lengyel et al.

Article Summary The article Sugar in School Breakfast: A School District’s Perspective provides a detailed account of the sugar amounts in students’ food rations. As the parents become more concerned about the effects of increased sugar levels on the children’s health, this study evaluates the learners’ everyday intake of sugar,...

Theoretical Perspectives of Social Work

Theoretical Perspectives There are several different social theories, concepts, and perspectives that denote, in one way or another, moments of social interactions, relationships, and phenomena. Each of these theories implies a certain connection not only with theoretical but also with practical activities. They are constantly in development, changing, correcting, and...

Economic and Emotional Challenges Single Mothers Face

Abstract Single mothers who live in poverty deal with various mental health problems. Thus, they are more likely to suffer from stress, anxiety, depressions, and alcohol and drug abuse than single mothers who live in better economic conditions. Moreover, their children face mental challenges and have problems with behavior more...

Researching: Keeping Domestic Animals

Introduction A pet refers to any animal kept by people as a source of pleasure and companionship. Although most individuals believe that keeping animals such as horses, cats, and dogs gives them happiness, the animals enjoy living with families as well (McConnell et al., 2019). The breeding of these animals...

Competing Values, Social Work

Competing Values, Social Work Competing values and the dilemma they often create are common in all professional fields. Social work is the one where decisions regarding ethics have the most significant impact. It is due to the specific nature of social work. Experts note that “a historic and defining feature...

Prostitution as a Social Behavior

Criminology and theories of crime help law enforcement professionals to explain and understand the causes of criminal behavior and develop effective strategies to reduce crime rates and prevent criminal behavior. Prostitution is a social behavior identified as illegal sexual services for money. The problem of prostitution can be explained using...

How Materialism Rules Our Society

Introduction Materialism is defined as the tendency to believe that physical comfort and material possessions are the most significant life satisfaction source. Materialistic individuals believe that desirability and success are achieved by buying certain belongings. A possessive society concentrates more on wealth acquisition rather than cultural, intellectual and spiritual values....

Feminism and Social Change. Feminist Movement

Gender inequality is widely discussed in the modern world and inspires the feminist movement to promote its philosophy instead of the idea of ​​male superiority. Functionalists argue that social change in relation to gender roles is impossible since differentiation is the basis for the functioning of society (Croteau & Hoynes,...

Bullying: A Serious Social Problem

Introduction Bullying is an undesirable word commonly encountered in schools and at workplaces. Bullying is associated with the abusive behavior of an enlightened person. Bullies fear being publicly summoned to account for their actions. Hence, this demonstrates that a person who bullies aims at hiding his/her inadequacy. Despite the bravery...

Factors Violent Behavior in School

Introduction Violence in schools is a huge public health problem. The statistic is rather disturbing: the prevalence of violent acts in schools is high, and the number of those has vastly increased during the previous several years. This paper examines the problem, provides the literature research, investigates factors that have...

Legislation to Stop Domestic Violence Against Women

Introduction Domestic violence has been recognized to take many forms including physical, emotional, sexual, and psychological threats or abuses. These forms of disagreements can happen to both male and female sexual categories. In most cases, such vices are directed towards women in a domestic setup. Some researchers also posit that...

Every Child Matters: The UK Government Green Paper

Introduction Children are of most importance to parents since they represent the parent’s hopes, ambitions and indeed future. As such, most parents cherish and love their children and try to provide a quality life for them. Even so, not all children are cherished and loved as they should be and...

Overcoming the Stigma of Addiction

Addiction is a disease that is recognized as a major public health concern but is generally regarded by society as the result of an individual’s personal choice or a moral failure. In the time of the COVID-19 pandemic, the number of drug overdoses has significantly increased (Mendell). Having responded to...

Social Sciences: Current Realities, and Future Trends

Social sciences emerged when the need arose for the scientific study of human behavior and the functioning of public institutions. This explanation underlies the analysis of the main spheres of society, such as culture, social interaction, problems of social inequality, social institutions, as well as economic and political systems (Colander...

The Communication Styles of Men and Women

There is no doubt that distinctions between men and women exist on different levels. They root back to human nature and physiology and can result in a dramatic difference in behavior and perception of the world. In particular, some research indicates the dissimilarity in the communication strategies of men and...

Rhetorical Analysis Essay: Ethos, Logos and Pathos

A rhetoric situation is an act of speaking or writing effectively. Rhetoric is also a situation that lacks a meaningful understanding. An example of rhetoric is someone talking about a serious problem, but making it sound like it is not a problem. When someone asks a rhetorical question, he necessarily...

Computer Ethics and Privacy

Introduction Currently, many people depend on computers to undertake their homework, create and store important information. It is consequently necessary that the information is accurately and safely kept. It is equally important to safeguard computers from the loss of data, abuse as well as other forms of manipulation. For instance,...

The Dangers of Speeding While Driving

Outline High speed driving is a dangerous but very common practice and has been blamed for most motor accidents happening in modern day society. Motor accidents lead to fatal injuries that may result in permanent disability and also cause very many premature deaths as well as damage to the vehicles....

Google: Organisation’s Strategy Social Responsibility

In a modern corporation, strategy at any level is an important issue in the history and tradition of any society irrespective of its level of development. People started contemplating and viewing the process of strategy and strategic thinking in ancient times. Google is one of the most successful companies based...

Women: Gender Inequality and Discrimination

Introduction The debate of gender inequality, discrimination, and bias has been going on for a long time and men and women alike have contributed to the sensitive issue with the latter contributing significantly to the subject. The main theme in all discussions, researches, seminars, writings, and interviews related to gender...

Japanese vs. American Male Gender Roles

Being a comparatively isolated island country of Asia, Japan has been finely sheltered from external incursions. Even though its past includes a few domestic conflicts, the populace of Japan has by and large preserved and benefited from a nonviolent country for more than two thousand years. The populace of Japan...

Social, Legal, And Ethical Issues in the Modern Database Era

In the past two decades, database-relevant issues have become intense, considering the all-penetrating nature of the data collection. Approaching social, legal, and ethical concerns of modern database society might be challenging as we have entered a new digitised era of Big Data Revolution. It means that nowadays, society is facing...

Telling “White Lies” for Society’s Sake

Individuals usually find themselves telling “little lies” at one time or another. Some lies are necessary as long as they don’t amount to breaking the law. Even a person who considers him or herself, to be honest, tells lies in certain situations. It is therefore a natural aspect that people...

Women and Men Empowerment for Gender Equality

Women empowerment promotes biasness I found out that women are more likely to be illiterate and poor than men, especially in rural and slum places. Besides, I noticed that women are less likely to engage in politics than men and are suffering more due to domestic violence against them. The...

Gender Discrimination in Society and Social Media: Solutions

From this gender discrimination essay, you’ll learn more about the extent of this issue in society and social media, reverse gender discrimination, and how to solve this problem. Gain some inspiration for your gender inequality solutions essay with our sample! Gender Discrimination Essay: Introduction Discrimination based on gender is a...

Work and Identity in Huws’s “Fixed and Footloose”

In her article Fixed and Footloose Ursula Huws focuses on the changing nature of work in the twenty-first century and the influence of these changes on people’s identities and their interactions with one another. On the whole, the author gives a very disturbing description of future because it is the...

The Right to Privacy: Concept Definition

Though it is usually referred to as social animals and having the tendency to live in communities, people need personal privacy. Thus, according to the U.S. Constitution, every single citizen of the state is entitled to privacy based on the irrefutable rights that are provided to each U.S. resident since...

Masculinity and Femininity in the Work Place

The effect of psychology of the feminine and masculine gender on work, performance and productivity is a paradigm of the most controversial issues subject to debate. Femininity is a physical and psychological state that is often associated with tenderness, care, patience, and submission. On the other hand, masculinity is associated...

Benchmark Support Groups and Treatment Groups

Abstract Support and therapy groups can help individuals to cope with various problems, including addiction. Different support and therapy groups exist, such as Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) and family therapy. AA is a 12-step program for those suffering from alcoholism. It is not a treatment but a group of people sharing...

Affirmative Action: Advantages and Disadvantages

The purpose of affirmative action is to equalize opportunities for people regarded as minorities or those who are denied positions based on their gender, race, religion, or any other form of discrimination. It provides particular preference to groups of people in areas like enrolment in education and employment to avail...

Practice as Fundamental Principle of Success

Introduction The saying practice makes perfect is a fundamental principle for success in any endeavor. There is no shortcut to mastery; while some people may have an intrinsic aptitude for a particular subject or skill, mastery requires time, repetition, and stepping beyond the comfort zone. It is true for every...

Privacy as a Basic Human Right

Introduction Privacy rights are significant among human beings since they enhance their dignity and protect their information. Every person has the right to conceal information about themselves from the public. Privacy is essential for personal data protection, maintaining social boundaries, building trust, and protecting someone from aggressive public actions. Therefore,...

Cultural Impact on Gender and Sexuality

The module’s reading suggests that in terms of gender and sexuality, culture defines the conditions of sexual response. Thus, cultural conditioning determines which signals the human’s sexual responsiveness can detect. For example, exposure to specific body parts, such as legs, can be received by sexual response systems in one culture,...

Community Facilities Assessment

Community facilities are social amenities used for the general population’s welfare. They can be offered by public, private, and nonprofitable organizations. The facilities provide various services that are of salience to community members. They include healthcare, leisure, education, social care, transport, and heritage assets such as gardens and parks (Calder...

The Rules of Friendship and Their Explanation

Introduction Table 1: Explicit and Implicit Rules in Friendship Explicit Rules Implicit Rules 1. Being on time for meetings 1. Emotional support at difficult times 2. No rude jokes 2. Participating in each other’s important life events 3. Call when urgent help is needed 3. Checking if everyone is okay...

Poverty and Its Negative Impact on Society

Poverty is characterized by unequal allocation of land and resources, a low growth rate of incomes, limited job opportunities, poor population control, and failure in the promotion of a nations’ economic growth. Poor people lack the means to satisfy their basic needs, including food, shelter, clothing, sanitation, education, and healthcare....

Social Learning and Gender Schema Theories

Social learning and gender schema theories study the origins of differences related to gender. They present various theoretical constructions, explaining how sex-related cognitive development and social behavior influence people’s understandings of gender roles and apply different terminology. However, social learning theory and gender schema theory also share similar features showing...

Frida Kahlo and Amrita Sher-Gil: Feminism in Faces

Introduction Feminism evolved to become the most potent force for progress. It was a way of preserving women’s dignity and strength, as well as their sociocultural and personal experiences. Ideas of feminism emerged throughout history, transforming from a movement for voting rights into a movement about women’s freedom and social...

A Social Worker’s Interview and Reflection

Short Description of The Interviewed Worker Hope for Youth is a nonprofit agency that facilitates positive change in the lives of children, adolescents, and families. Stephanie Rivera-Ayala has a master’s degree in social work and will be taking her license this summer. She has been working for the agency for...

Theoretical Framework in Identity Development

Introduction Identity development occurs throughout a person’s lifetime by defining who one is. Based on the sheer scope of studies that have delved into this area of psychology research, multiple theories have emerged. Key sections of this paper discuss Erikson’s theory of identity as the traditional model of identity development...

Feminist Movement: Women’s Rights Are Human Rights

The phrase or term that women’s rights are also human rights was usually a common term among the various feminist movement. The term was first used in the late 1980s or the early 1990s. However, this phrase can also be traced back to the late 1830s, when campaigners and well-known...

Why Is the Family Considered the Most Important Agent of Socialization

Introduction Through socialization child’s skills, motives, and behavior are adjusted according to the rules that exist in society. Certain groups and organizations in society play a key role in socialization. Parents, siblings, peers, and teachers spend a lot of time explaining values to children, thereby guiding and changing their behavior....

“Why Are We Dressing Our Daughters Like This?” by Lianne George

Introduction Objectivization of women as a means of depicting exaggerated sexuality in every single action has now become a severe social issue addressed by equality advocates. Indeed, today’s mass media and retail market are aimed at finding signs of implicit sexual behavior in practically every action performed by women. Such...

Self-Expression in the Modern Days

Everyone strives for self-expression because it is a source of positive emotions, inspiration, a desire to improve themselves, and a way to eliminate negative energy. One of the most effective ways of self-expression is creativity. A person devotes their time to what they like, for example, composing music or poetry,...

Intelligence Definition and Description

Numerous disciplines have differing definitions of intelligence, which makes it harder to describe and classify it. Various psychologists have proposed various intelligence; for example, Sternberg (2020) proposed multiple intelligence. Both of these propositions have some generalizations stemming from the theories of intelligence. Although there are divergent viewpoints regarding intelligence, the...

Discussion of Meaning of Visual Aids

Introduction Visual aids are things that are of a visual form and used on top of spoken information. These help many to understand the world through reading images. They help to enhance presentations by improving the understanding of listeners on a particular topic, making an impact and creating enthusiasm. Its...

Discussion of Cyberbullying in Society

Cyberbullying is an aggressive and intentional attack made on an individual or group of people through electronic means like computer devices (Thomas et al., 141). Those who get attacked hardly have the power to protect themselves from their bullies. In some instances, victims may fail to know their abusers. In...

The Random Acts of Kindness: Key Issues

Introduction In today’s world, not many people understand what kindness actually means and what benefits may be observed. For example, a man is confident of his kindness when he holds a door in an elevator or gives a seat to a pregnant woman or the elderly. However, it is necessary...

Joseph Kahl and Dennis Gilbert’s Model of Social Class

Most sociologists agree with Weber’s social class ideas defining it as a group of people with similar power, wealth, and prestige. Joseph Kahl and Dennis Gilbert’s model of social class stratifies the U.S. population into six different groups. The underclass is the lowest one that consists of low-income households characterized...

Genie Wiley’s Struggle for Successful Socialization

Most modern humans are raised in a society where they are taught to talk, interact, and develop different skills according to the norms of the people around them. Children are expected to walk upright, learn the language, and communicate with others by a certain age. It is possible because of...

Military Diversity: US Army

Military diversity means the inclusion of different genders, ethnicities, and sexual minorities that contribute to an adaptive, varied army. It means embracing differences, recognizing their value, and leveraging the uniqueness of each. Inclusiveness ensures soldiers feel valued and promote better teamwork, which allows them to fully develop (De Angelis et...

“Human Freedom and the Self” by Roderick Chisholm

“Human Freedom and the Self” is a paper written by Roderick M. Chisholm in the middle of the 20th century. The author’s main idea is to discuss determinism and libertarian beliefs, relying on human actions, attitudes, and knowledge. In this paper, the first nine sections about deterministic and indeterministic views...

Child Prostitution in Modern Society

Child prostitution is a way of engaging children, (normally individuals below the age of 18 years), in sex activities for financial benefit or remuneration which can be in form of food, shelter or even drugs. Normally, some of the victims of this vice find themselves engrossed in such activities without...

Gender and Sexual activity: Literature Review

Literature suggests that social scientists have always attempted to address complex relationships between various attitudes of society while constructing the interrelated constructs of sex, gender, and sexuality. This literature review focus on various perspectives of gender and sexuality in the context of different arenas of social groups. In this context,...

Hermeneutic Phenomenology: Qualitative Research

The hermeneutic phenomenology derives ontological assumption constructing the purport within the subject with the limit in the face of historical perspective. The entry to the social world is obtained through giving meaning to the actions one does along with the actions others do. The ontological outlook implies no independent or...

Dangers of Being Judgmental

Introduction It is the nature of a human being to judge a person based on the impression they develop of them over a given period. When an individual classifies another as being good or bad, they may not necessarily be judgmental. According to Burns, one only passes the test of...

Susan B. Anthony’s Speech Analysis: Rhetorical Devices, Purpose, & More

📢 Susan B. Anthony Speech Analysis – Introduction The speech delivered by Susan B. Anthony following her arrest for casting a vote in the presidential election stands as a remarkable exemplar of American oratory. In “On Women’s Right to Vote,” Anthony set forth a clear objective: to persuade her audience...

A Guerilla Gardener in South Central LA by Ron Finley

Introduction Effective and persuasive speeches should have certain elements in order to attract the audience’s attention. Furthermore, the structure and organization of a speech also influence its perception (Griffin, 2014). The purpose of this paper is to analyze the speech by Ron Finley with the focus on its effectiveness to...

Personal Isolation and Technology in Communication

Introduction Certainly, advanced technology has brought enhanced power and strength to communicate effectively and faster and has provided an instant and easier way to contact and interact with families and friends. Web application or Internet has become the most significant tool for our day-to-day activities since it serves as a...

Violence on TV and Violence in Society: Connection

Television is an important part of people’s everyday life. Today, to imagine a day without watching TV is almost an impossible task. Popular TV shows, series, and movies can affect not only the public’s attitudes to the definite problems and situations but also influence their behavior. Many sociologists, psychologists and...

Morality Concepts Analysis: Theories and Principles

Morality: moral pathways This concept is used in the determination of what is good or right and what is bad or wrong. It is a concept that has been the subject of much debate with various individuals having different viewpoints on the matter. One such viewpoint is the concept of...

Role of Dreams in Psychology

Dreams are a sequence of emotions, thoughts or images passing through an individual’s mind when asleep. In the scientific world, the study of dreams is called Oneirology that regards the dreams as the ones referred to different things as argued by various authors. They argue that dreams reflect the past,...

Parts of a Community and Its Characteristics

Introduction A community is a group of people who live together in a social setting regardless of the diversity in terms of backgrounds such as social, spiritual, educational, ethnic, economic, political, etc. They are able to communicate effectively and work as a team towards a routine interest. Members of a...

The Aspects of the Modern Society

Introduction Society is constantly undergoing various changes, and in recent decades this process has intensified. First of all, the technological revolution and the constant introduction of innovations have had a huge impact, which has identified a number of new professions and allowed people to communicate, shop, and exchange opinions at...

Elaborated vs. Restricted Codes in Communication

Elaborated and restricted codes are specific forms of language and speech in particular social contexts, including in different orders of meanings. Basil Bernstein claims that English social classes demonstrate a diverse knowledge of each mode of speech and its social and educational consequences (Neuliep). Even though the codes are often...

Aging Process: The Fear of Getting Older

The fear of getting older is a common phenomenon faced by a significant part of the population. Many people are scared to grow old at a very young age. The majority of individuals associate the elderly and senile age with something negative. For example, with infirmity, cognitive disorders, dementia, or...

Language Barrier and Poor Communication

People speaking different regional languages is one of the most blatant examples of a language barrier. Another type of language barrier is dialects. Dialectical variances can cause misconceptions and communication gaps despite technically speaking the same language. India, for instance, has over 720 dialects and over 22 major languages written...

An Event Analysis from a Sociological Perspective

Introduction The sociological perspective is a convenient background to assess different events and draw conclusions about their background and potential consequences by using relevant theories and concepts. As a target event to analyze, Joe Biden’s recent infection with COVID-19 will be considered. According to Ward and Berg (2022), on July...

Review of “Guns and Cars Are Different” by MacLeod

The writing “Guns and Cars Are Different” was originally composed by Jacob MacLeod who is a student at Wright State University. In fact, the text provides a reaction to a New York Times writing by the author Nicholas Kristof, which is “Our Blind Spot about Guns” (Bullock et al. 40)....

Money to Charity: Moral Differences

Today, many families across the globe continue living below the poverty line and cannot meet their basic needs like food, health, or even sleep. At the same time, millions of people may be defined as rich. They spend money on luxuries and do not find it necessary to share or...

Argument Against LGBTQ Discrimination

LGBTQ discrimination is the unfair treatment of people who identify themselves as lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, or queer. This discrimination can take many forms, including verbal abuse, physical violence, and exclusion from social events or services (Farr and Goldberg 370). There are several instances that have occurred, thus calling for...

Immigration: Definition, Reasons and Solutions

Introduction The issue of immigration has been in the limelight for an extended period now. The area most affected is the US since most immigrants prefer settling there. Generally, immigration denotes the movement of individuals from their residents to new sectors for settling purposes. Individuals may design to move from...

Why Do Good People Do Bad Things?

Bad things refer to anything ethically unacceptable in society due to already set norms or believers. In this regard, it is important to realize that what is deemed wrong in one society can be ratified by another depending on the social agreement. We are all born with an innate quality...

Informative vs. Persuasive Speeches

While persuasive and informative speeches are related, they are distinct in several ways. The process of preparing and presenting informative and persuasive speeches may have a common element. Principally, the method and process first involved the identification of the goal and purpose of the addresses. Informative speeches are the most...

“Why You Should Take a Break” by Hardcastle

The TED Talk “Why you should take a break: Prioritizing mental health in schools” was given by Hailey Hardcastle on February 2, 2020 at the Salem Convention Center. The speaker’s primary message is that states and schools should institute provisions to help students who are struggling with their mental health...

At the Midst of Chaos There Is Always Opportunity

In chaos, there is opportunity; a chance to rebuild the broken pieces and to find oneself in a better situation once the circumstances become calmer. Most individuals encounter chaos on a regular basis since its unexpected nature makes it nearly hard to escape totally. Some are faced with the existence...

Feminism and Its Impact on Woman in the Modern Society

Research Question How has the feminist movement affected today’s society? How do feministic ideas are reflected civil society? One of the major contemporary issues is feminism which was long debated to discover its influence on modern society. Feminism is a spectrum of ideologies, political and social movements aimed at expanding...

Rhetoric: The “Stressed Out” Song by Twenty One Pilots

Introduction Tyler, the band’s leader, wrote “Stressed Out,” claiming that “blurry face” reflects the person he is as a personality and the things the author feels uneasy about. Most of the official video was filmed at his childhood home, which is what the song says. Tyler added that one of...

Balancing Work and Family Life

There has been a shift in the usual gender roles; a man or a woman is not only a biological being but also a sample of particular features. The search for social harmony, acceptance of one’s strengths and weaknesses are acute global problems. Nowadays, people’s problems are caused by imposed...

Cross-Cultural Negotiation Styles

Introduction People from different cultural backgrounds negotiate in cross-cultural negotiations. While the usual expectation is that cross-cultural negotiations occur between other countries, studies between distinct cultures within the same country can also occur, such as studies involving European-Americans and Native Americans (Groves, 2015). Multicultural communication and intercultural negotiations are both...

“Why Don’t We Listen Better?” Book by James C. Petersen

Summarize In his book Why Don’t We Listen Better?, James C. Peterson underlines the importance of good listening as a possibility to improve the quality of life. The author admits that good communication plays a vital role as a relationship tool in both family and business (Petersen, 2015). There are...

Aspects of the Contemporary American Communication Culture

To establish optimal relationships between people, the culture of communication is of great importance. Intercultural communication as a particular type of communication involves communication between speakers of different languages and different cultures. The comparison of languages and cultures reveals the general, universal but also specific, national, original, which is due...

Discrimination in the Workplace: A Case Study

Case Elements of a Hostile Work Environment It is evident that any employee of the company wants their workplace to be distinguished not only by its benefits and privileges but also by a friendly corporate culture in which it is pleasant to develop professionally. On the contrary, if verbal humiliation,...

Michelle Obama’s TED Speech: Rhetoric Devices

Introduction Giving a successful speech has gone far beyond being a tool for the information exchange since its major shift toward exposing an operative function, implying the creation of a specific effect on the recipient. Almost every significant period of history could be associated with a remarkable speech given by...

Comparison of Nature and Nurture

Nature vs. nurture is a debate that seeks to determine what shapes the human personality the most if not exclusively. Nature in this debate denotes genetic and biological predispositions that each human possesses. Conversely, nurture symbolizes the influence of a person’s environment and its ability to mold their behavior and...

Community Analysis and Assessment

Introduction The community selected for the analysis is located in Miami, Florida, in the southern United States. It contains 440,000 individuals with an average age of 39.7 years (“Miami, Florida population 2018,”2018). At first glance, the area seems prosperous. The streets are clean, with positive people moving across them. The...

Sport Hunting: Is It Cruel to Keep Killing Animals for Sport?

Hunting, along with gathering, is one of the oldest methods of subsistence known to humankind and, as such, has accompanied humanity through most of its history. Yet as human civilization progressed, the role and place of the hunt in society gradually began to change. As the new ways of finding...

Social Relationships and Work

Social interactions are an integral part of each person’s life. These relationships can change not only under the personal circumstances but also external factors, such as work. This paper aims to study the social cooperation of people in the workplace using interviews and analyze how the concepts of friendship and...

“The Turkish Bath” by Jean-Auguste-Dominique Ingres

Introduction The painting The Turkish Bath by Jean-Auguste-Dominique Ingres is famous for the combination of eastern and western styles with the mythological issue. In 1863, Ingres changed the standard form of the original painting to tondo. The art is rich in different motifs and elements from the earlier paintings of...

Ethical Dilemmas in Social Work Practice

The society being the centerpiece of a civilization must have its own regulations and standards that create order and stability, governed by morals and obligations. Social work is an important aspect in the development of the society. A lot depends on the social worker and the care they put into...

Linda Nochlin’s “Why Have There Been No Great Women Artists?”

The work by Linda Nochlin titled “Why Have There Been No Great Women Artists?” analyses the reasons and the consequences of the limited number of females in the “art profession.” The author gives several examples from the past that illustrate the events of that time and the way society functioned....

Utilitarianism by John Stuart Mill

Introduction Utilitarianism in its simplest form is a theory of ethics that says the fundamental principle of morality is the principle of utility, in other words a person must choose to do something that is most likely to produce the greatest good of the greatest number of people (LaFave, 2006)....

“Messages: The Communication Skills Book” by Matthew McKay, Martha Davis and Patrick

Introduction There has been much written about and spoken regarding what has been written about communication skills; though it is clear there are still gray areas under which it may be challenging to find comprehensive information. Additionally, it is common knowledge that in every day life the problems that are...

Obsession with Beauty of North American Women

Introduction Most women in America and the world over have at one time or the other in their lifetimes involved in some form of a beauty contest. People want to look physically attractive. According to our society’s standards, beauty is so important that it is becoming everyone woman’s obsession. The...

“Little Miss Sunshine” Film About Family Issues

“Little Miss Sunshine” is a film by Jonathan Dayton and Valerie Faris written by Michael Arndt. The story is about a family that is on the edge of an explosion. The main plot centers on Ollie, a girl that dreams to win the Miss Little Sunshine contest. Together with her...

Managing Diversity Within Public Administration

Introduction In recent decades, there has been a meaningful change in the diversity composition within public administrations. The election of President Obama in 2008 showed that minorities can hold public office and have a tremendous impact. Factors such as globalization, immigration, biracial and interracial family unions demonstrate that demographics and...

The Influence of Popular Culture on Society’s Perception of Wealth as Life’s Priority

Research Proposal The modern world has long entered the era of technological advancement that broadened the scope of popular culture manifestations. Today, not only films, television, music, or marketing are regarded as the primary cultural contributors, but also social media, online platforms, and other digital domains become significant participants in...

Problem of Teen Pregnancy in Society

Introduction Teen pregnancy is a topic that has been actively discussed over the last few years. It is paramount to note that the number of such cases has been decreasing, but it is still an enormous problem in the modern society that needs to be addressed. Statistics indicate that young...

Deontology and Ethical Relativism in “The Founder” Film

Introduction Business ethics is a complex subject that aims to use ethical theories and principles to guide the decision-making process in organizational settings. Business ethics considers all types of business relationships, including those between companies, between leaders and their employees, and between the company and the community (Mann and Roberts...

A More Perfect Union Speech Analysis – Barack Obama’s Speech

If you’re about to write A More Perfect Union rhetorical analysis, make sure to check out our sample essay! Here, you’ll find A More Perfect Union Speech Summary and learn more about the speech’s purpose and tone. In 2008, Barack Obama gave a speech, “The Perfect Union.” It provoked arguments...

Conflict Theories: Gay Marriages and Feminism

Introduction The information provided by research and theories usually work to intimidate certain groups; for instance, the minorities like gay and feminists. Because of such daunting perspectives on research and theory, many people do not trust research and theory as they feel that such works function only to perpetuate unpopular...

Impacts of Social Theories on Politics as a Social Institution

Introduction Even though there has been consistency in the use of social institutions as a concept by contemporary sociologists, it is not yet clearly defined in either term of common language or philosophical prose. In the contemporary world, sociologists have been using the concept to refer to the complex forms...

Effects of Social Inequality: Essay Example

Social Inequality Essay: Abstract Human society is a phenomenon that has its own advantages and disadvantages, and one of the major disadvantages of it is the eternal division of people into classes, whether they are social or racial. People have always tried to find those who are lower, as they...

How Popular Culture Influences Morality in Society

Popular culture is an initiative that was established to give voice to the common masses through various forms of media such as magazines, TV shows, sports, folklore, fashion, pop music, paintings, and technology, among others. In understanding how popular culture influences ethics, it is essential to assess how TV information...

The Importance of Social Classes

The term “social class” refers to societal distinctions based on economic and social standing. People from the same socioeconomic class often have comparable levels of wealth, educational attainment, job type, and income. Members of social classes are exposed to diverse subcultures that prepare them for specialized roles in society. It...

Communities and Their Importance for a Person

Humans, by nature, are social creatures, which is very important in understanding human behavior and society. Unification into various groups has, for thousands of years, helped people in the process of survival. The notion and essence of communities, so widely used today, have constantly been changing, forming communities, states, and...

Helping Professional: The Role of Values

For helping professionals, it is essential to be aware of different values and their importance to individuals. According to Corey and Corey (2021), such specialists must respect their “clients’ worldview and understand their value system to be of help to them and to be agents of change and empowerment” (p....

Communication Differences Between Men and Women

The purpose of the paper is to indicate the differences between male and female communication styles. The results showed that men seem to have more initiative in their language use, whereas women seem more relationship-oriented. They also tend to smile less than the women, and women use much more euphemisms,...

Examples of Ethical and Unethical Leadership in History

Introduction In order to manage the processes occurring within groups, be it in business, politics, education, or any other sphere, it is particularly interesting to study informal ways of influencing interpersonal relationships. In this regard, one of the most relevant areas in modern social sciences has become theoretical and practical...

How to Talk to People You Don’t Like

Sometimes, it is difficult to converse with people whom you strongly dislike. They may have previously done something that harmed you personally, or they may have suspicious habits or a bad reputation. However, it might be necessary to talk to them because of circumstances. In this speech, I will explain...

The Application of Freudian Theory

Introduction The selected person for observation is a thirteen-year-old boy with a Mexican ethnic background. The boy comes from a family of five with an unstable background as the parents are unemployed. Their culture is a blend of indigenous and Spanish customs; however, traditions vary significantly across the country. Consequently,...

Totalitarianism in Atwood’s The Handmaid’s Tale

Totalitarian leadership leads to the oppression of the weak and minorities. Totalitarianism is a government and political system that forbids all opposition parties (Congleton 112). In addition, it criminalizes individual and group opposition to the state and its claims and exercises an extremely high level of control and regulation over...

The Importance of Focus Groups

Introduction Focus groups are a qualitative method of research for which several people are collected and interviewed. Together they discuss a product, service, or problem which needs to be analyzed. Research-based on using focus groups is impossible without a moderator who directs and controls the course of the discussion. The...

“The Smart Swarm” Article by Peter Miller

The author of the article “The Smart Swarm,” Peter Miller, is interested in the question of how individual animals are coordinated. He wonders how animals can spontaneously begin to act as a single organism. Miller coined the term “smart swarm” to explain this phenomenon (para. 2). In essence, it means...

Teenage Pregnancy in Modern Society

The current problem of teenage pregnancy is associated with poverty, low levels of education, and substance use. This problem is marginalized, and young mothers suffer severe stigmatization and their children. It is essential to understand the causes and circumstances of teen pregnancy and how to make this problem even less...

Tyler Perry’s For Colored Girls Film Analysis

For Colored Girls is a purposeful sharpening of the audience’s attention to the problem of women’s lack of freedom. For Colored Girls is about gender relationships at its most poignant, African-American version (Elias, 2021). Greater relevance of the problem is possible only in the context of its development in the...

Ethical Responsibilities to Children

I see the importance of ethical responsibilities regarding assessing children in several main values. They are evaluating childhood as a unique and valuable step in human development, nurturing the relationship between adolescents and their families. Respecting the differences between children, family, and colleagues and recognizing that children and adults can...

“How to Be a Success”: Article by Michael Gladwell

Summary In his 2008 article, “How to Be a Success,” Michael Gladwell contemplates on the essential attributes of a successful person in the 21st century. Pursuing success, both in social interactions and in business is currently seen as one of the main goals for an individual to achieve. According to...

Changing the Legal Drinking Age From 21 to 18

In the U.S, reaching 18 is a significant milestone because it symbolizes the beginning of adulthood. It is the age when young adults now have additional freedoms, including driving ability, voting, joining the army, and fighting for their nation (Patrick et al., 290). The minimal age limit is still a...

Discussion of Problem of Teen Pregnant

Introduction Over centuries as lifespan has increased with the advent of modern medicine and industrialization, societal expectations, and development of each person through life has shifted. However, biologically, the body has remained the same, meaning that with the arrival of puberty, individuals can conceive and have children. It is well...

Conversation between a Youth Worker and an Emo Teenager

Youth Worker (YW): Hi, Colin. I want to speak about your decision to become emo and your future goals in life. Could you, please, tell me what is emo for you and why did you decide to be a part of an emo culture? Colin: Well, there is no clear...

How to Become More Effective in Dealing With Other People?

Improving Interpersonal Communication Skills As noted by Nachmias and Guerrero (2011), people can be really helpful and supportive, if they know others’ purposes. This experience is applicable to everyday life and improving interpersonal communication skills because it minimizes the risks of being misunderstood. Seeking answers to important questions, asking for...

Ethics of Removal of Children From Their Home

Abstract Child protective services (CPS) is a government institution, most commonly a branch of a state’s social services department. It maintains crucial responsibility for overseeing and investigating cases of child abuse and neglect and acts to protect the child and enforce state and federal laws when necessary. One of the...

Spiral of Silence Theory

Introduction One of the primary people’s needs for a successful life is unity. It means that everyone has to receive support from peers regarding their opinions in order to feel comfortable in communication. This motivation helps them agree on essential matters while preventing them from expressing themselves authentically. This mechanism...

Isaac Lidsky: What Reality Are You Creating for Yourself?

The speaker, Isaac Lidsky, examines human perception and the unattainable desires, which always form our thoughts. Our judgment is based on what we see, for instance, one is likely to pair a behavior with what is generally known about a phenomenon. In this aspect, we pay little or no attention...

Ideal Moral Community Outline

While the projects of ideal moral communities usually turn out to be utopias more or less unachievable in practice, there are still reasons why people keep designing them. A project of an ideal moral community, even if never realized in practice, is a manifestation of a person’s ethical beliefs and...

The Movements of Success and Failure

The success or failure of a particular movement depends on various aspects. Some of these entities become popular and admirable because of their effort to bring positive change in society, resist or fight against social injustices, or become involved in initiatives to promote individual well-being. Incidentally, some movements have emerged...

Suicide and the Moral Dilemma

Introduction Suicide is a major cause of death that has severe emotional and physical consequences on victims and their families. According to statistics, more than 1 million people kill themselves every year (James & Gilliland, 2012). In the last five decades, cases of suicide have increased by approximately 60%. It...