Effective Communication and Negotiation

Introduction Effective Communication is an important skill that plays a huge role in social and business settings. Individuals who have mastered the art of communication can be considered generally better negotiators. William Ury and Herb Cohen are some of the most renowned negotiators who have left a mark as masters...

Diana George’s Changing the Face of Poverty Book

Introduction The problem of poverty of the population, as well as excessive social and material stratification, has catastrophic prospects. This is a problem that will not be solved by itself, but only accumulate the future collapse of the economy and society. Diana George’s book, Changing the Face of Poverty, begins...

Reconciliation and Social Issues

Introduction Humanity has achieved many achievements over its existence, discovered new phenomena, and developed futuristic technologies. However, every positive deed was offset by some negative consequences. To combat this negative influence, people first try to research and set up theoretical frameworks to understand the ethical effects of their deeds, like...

Performance Report and Recommendations for Florida Re-Entry Subdivision

Ex-offenders often encounter an atmosphere that discourages them from becoming productive citizens when released in the United States. Studies have shown that within three years of their release, 67.8 percent of ex-offenders are rearrested (Astrada 2018). With almost two million individuals jailed in the United States, recidivism damages both convicts’...

Are Children Smarter and More Socialized Because of Internet?

Introduction Internet is a certain environment of functioning of an individual, which has the laws of formation of internal relations. In addition, it has its own unique set of factors that influence people’s psyche. The Internet forms groups of people based on shared interests, stimulating the development of interpersonal relationships....

The Social Crisis Caused by COVID-19

Introduction During and immediately after a pandemic, the effects of “social scars” in the form of unrest may not manifest themselves immediately. Humanitarian crises lead to disruption of transportation services, changes in the way cities are supplied with food, and increasing wage gaps. Society tends to rally under challenging times,...

The Prevention of Cruelty to Animals Organization: History, Background, and Aims

How many of you agree that we cannot call ourselves a civilized society if we are cruel to innocent creatures who are not able to protect themselves from human brutality? I can see that the majority agrees (disagrees) with this statement. Now I want to convince you all that it...

Sexual Health Through Natural and Social Sciences Lens

Natural and Applied Sciences Lens Analyzing sexual health and identity through the perspective of natural and applied sciences can identify specific social commentary. The topic of sexual health has been discussed for many years, and its definition keeps evolving. Nowadays, science translates to the public the connection between sexual health...

America After World War I: A Melting Pot or a Salad Bowl

Introduction It is extremely likely that one has heard at least once in their life that the United States is one big melting pot. As a person gets older, they start to debate whether America is actually a melting pot – or if it is a salad bowl. In order...

Pornography: “Cheap Thrills” Article by Power

In this article, Nicholas Power tries to prove that pornography is not as harmful and dangerous as his opponents, primarily radical feminists, claim. On the contrary, the scholar is certain that pornography also has positive effects, and if people change their biased attitude towards it, they will see its value....

Employment of People with Disabilities in the UAE

Introduction The problem of people with disabilities fitting into society and having an opportunity to lead an everyday life is urgent worldwide. Most of the time, things that regular people take for granted and consider a bare minimum for persons with disabilities can be unattainable. Many struggles to integrate and...

Reducing Bullying in Schools by Involving Stakeholders

The number of research examining the participation of instructors in anti-bullying efforts is increasing all the time. Because it assists with classroom management, subject matter instruction, and setting high standards for students, teachers’ involvement in bullying prevention is essential. Effective teacher management is required as part of an anti-bullying campaign....

Communication Analysis of Lady Gaga’s Acceptance Speech

Introduction: Special Occasion Speaking An acceptance speech is a type of special occasion speaking, which is designed “to address and engage the context and audience’s emotions on a specific occasion,” like an award ceremony, wedding, funeral, etc. (Tucker, 2019, para. 2). I chose special occasion speaking because it is one...

Communication in the Era of Technology

The development of information technology has had a substantial impact on all aspects of people’s lives. Modernization has improved the work of many organizations and social institutions, but this factor also has its negative consequences. Technology has affected the deterioration of individuals’ communication abilities. The research of this problem is...

Martin Luther King’s Three Ways to Meet Oppression

Oppression is the state where one is subjected to cruel and unjust treatment. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., an activist, spoke largely on oppression and classified three ways in which oppressed people can deal with their oppression. These three ways include; acquiescence, violent, and nonviolent resistance. However, from his text,...

Role of Memory in Modern Human Life

Memory is the capacity of the brain to retain and voluntarily restore information. It is an ability that allows people to recall events that have occurred, thoughts, feelings, concepts, and the relationship between them. Even though the hippocampus is most associated with memory, it is impossible to attribute memories to...

Analysis of Human Development Theories

Introduction Developmental psychology focuses on how our thoughts and behaviors change from birth to old age. The biological, environmental, cultural factors of human growth, among others, are investigated in developmental psychology. Numerous theories and models in varied psychology branches have influenced developmental psychology. Each theory and model has contributed significantly...

Importance of Social Forces in Life Course

Introduction The human as a social being cannot live outside of society and those norms and values ​​that shape interpersonal relationships. Various factors related to personal demographic and other characteristics largely determine the status of an individual, his or her behavior, as well as attitudes on the part of other...

Prostitution: The Non-Deviant Behavior

There might be several definitions of deviant behavior and what is considered deviant in general. In the framework of the study, the most appropriate would be to characterize it as a social construct for deviance cannot exist outside the society. Both for society and the individual, the understanding of the...

Ethical Decision Problem: What Ought I to Do?

Every day a person has to choose from a variety of options. Some of them might be right, and some might be wrong. The word ‘ought’ is very important in the field of ethics. Of course, when faced with a difficult scenario, people’s minds ask, “What ought I do?” One...

A Killjoy Manifesto: a Feminist Killjoy

The article describes a manifesto- a way of thinking proposed as the ideal life of a killjoy. Ahmed defines a feminist killjoy as a manifesto, which states, declares and spreads the ideals of a feminist (252). According to him, the feminist killjoy does not just have a spelled out manifesto...

Child’s Right to Love: Study by Matthew Liao

One of the main works of Matthew Liao was the study of the right of a child to be loved. Undoubtedly, the child has the right to be loved and, moreover, to love. Love should not be a duty, and it should be sincere and not only concern the child...

Analysis of Milgram’s Study of Obedience

Introduction The twentieth century left an enormous legacy of controversial psychological research, and Milgram’s study was no exception. Indeed, the American psychologist Stanley Milgram’s series of 24 experiments was one of the most famous social psychology studies (Gridley and Jenkins, 2017). Milgram also conducted studies about conformity in Norway and...

Canadians’ Reaction to Alcohol as a Newly-Invented Illicit Drug

Introduction The possible reaction of Canadians to alcohol, if it was a newly-invented illicit drug, will differ depending on their personal characteristics and essential external circumstances. The former is mainly presented by age, severe mental health conditions, and the overall attitudes towards substance use (Canadian Center of Substance Use and...

Importance of Crisis Communication

A crisis is any situation that affects the smooth operation of an organization or its reputation. All organizations need to have a plan in the event of an emergency that may affect the organization. Organizations, therefore, should put a team in place to anticipate a crisis and act on the...

Third Culture Kids: A Literature Review

Third culture kids (TCKs) are identified as individuals who were raised, for the majority of the time, in a culture other than that of their parents [1]. Bonebright [1] investigates various aspects of TCK livelihood and puts an emphasis on their ability to relate to other people and cultures. According...

Communication Strategies for Virtual Teams

Introduction The COVID-19 forced drastic changes on many companies, which had to close down offices and allocate their staff to work from home. This practice significantly affected the effectiveness of communication strategies and team cohesion. Working from home puts additional obstacles between managers and workers, creating a sense of isolation...

Trauma and Addiction: Complex Treatment

Introduction Addiction is a compound issue that needs to be examined from different aspects. However, there is a lack of emphasis on the evidence that trauma and addiction are similar in terms of effects on neurochemistry. This illustrates that not addressing certain traumatic events may negatively influence people with substance...

Gossip: The Issue of Interpersonal Communication

People are flawed creatures who are prone to be biased and rude, who could betray and lie remorselessly. One of the most complicated ethical problems that appear in any group of people working or studying together is gossip. From one point of view, harmless gossip might improve interpersonal relations between...

History of Violence Against Women in Africa

Introduction Violence aimed at women has been accepted and condoned throughout centuries of human development around the globe. Violence against women is defined as violent acts inflicted upon women and girls because of their gender and includes femicide, rape, violence from intimate partners, and human trafficking (Medie, 2019). Besides, it...

The Covid-19 Pandemic’s Influence on Socialization

Secondary Socialization The COVID-19 pandemic is one of the most recent events that are reconfiguring how societies interact. The pandemic primarily spreads through socialization, which means that the most effective response is to limit social contacts. Other measures such as self-isolation and quarantine can be considered extreme because they eliminate...

Sociological Theories for Improving Restaurant Services

Introduction Sociological theories are applicable for understanding people’s behavior in general and for an improvement of commercial services, for example, restaurant services. lhelalat, Habiballah, and Twaissi (2017) wrote an article titled ‘The impact of personal and functional aspects of restaurant employee service behavior on customer satisfaction,’ which presents the authors’...

Causes and Consequences of Alcohol and Drug Addiction

Drug addiction is a psychological and physical disorder that affects the brain of an individual. It is caused by dependence on drugs, alcohol, and specific behaviors. Addiction alters the brain of the person from liking something to wanting it. After developing addiction, the victim continues with the compulsive behavior regardless...

Noise Pollution: Potential Solutions

After finding out that all types of noise in living areas have an immeasurably negative impact on people’s health, work efficiency, and daily life activities, I see that the potential solutions to the problem of noise pollution are to either control its level by the government or allow people to...

Types of Reciprocity. Cooperation Dynamics

Any exchanges between people can be handled in three ways. The first type is generalized reciprocity, which is mostly expressed in closely related societies. The general principle of this type is “help anyone if helped by someone” (Stojkoski et al., 2018). In my case, my parents are willing to help...

Cause and Effect of Drug Addiction

Dealing with substance abuse is usually linked to additional challenges not only because of the lack of motivation in patients but also because of the stigma associated with the specified disorder. To build empathy toward people suffering from drug misuse, an insight into the causes and effects of drug dependency...

The Article “Our Blind Spots About Guns” by Nicholas Kristof

In his New York Times Article “Our Blind Spots About Guns,” Nicholas Kristof (2014) addresses a pivotal social issue, which gun ownership, outcomes, and responsibility related to it. The author introduces his topic by drawing a similarity between fatalities induced by cars and those caused by guns. Kristof (2014) states...

Elderly in Society: Callahan’s “Why We Must Set Limits”

Introduction The elderly face many challenges, such as physical and mental health issues, financial constraints, and negative societal attitudes toward aging. In the United States, age discrimination is a common problem for older adults, adversely affecting their well-being. The baby boom generation lives in a distinctive historical moment due to...

Social Policies and Equal Opportunities for Minority Groups

Introduction For many years, the disadvantaged and minority groups have been underrepresented in education, employment, and housing. Moreover, the people of color have suffered historical exclusion and have missed several opportunities since the merit was based on race. For example, considering race as an admission factor in higher education has...

Steve Jobs’ Commencement Speech at Stanford University From 2005

The speeches of famous people at graduation universities make students think and decide what to perform next in life. Steve Jobs gave an awe-inspiring oration in 2005, consisting of three personal stories. Communications’ goal was to show by the example how important it is to be yourself and to find...

Violence in Institutions: The Nine-Stage Model of Intervention

Many healthcare practitioners are currently facing a wide range of workplace challenges. Workplace abuse has become common in different healthcare settings. Some of these challenges include “physical assaults, verbal abuses, aggressiveness, discrimination, and even murder” (Papa & Vanella, 2013, p. 3). This essay describes specific issues such as the major...

Experience of Work with Children with Autism

The world has drastically changed over the period of time; selflessness is very rarely seen these days. Selfishness is the most dominant aspect which prevails in our society today. The number of people who think about others has dwindled over a period of time. This paper will throw light upon...

Unemployment Rates Among Young College Graduates

In the context of the global economic crisis, the problem of the employment of the population becomes urgent. The unemployment rate is an economic index, one of the main indicators in the labor market. It reflects the relationship between unemployed citizens in society and those who have regular jobs. This...

Child Abuse Management: Multidisciplinary Approach

Abstract This paper investigates the efficacy of multidisciplinary and non-multidisciplinary approaches in child abuse management. Evidence of increased prosecution rates increased medical referrals, and increased provision of medical examinations show that a multidisciplinary approach is highly effective. Conversely, confusion, jurisdictional disputes, and weak investigations (during the detection, reporting, and management...

Simmel’s Stranger vs. DuBois’ Double Consciousness

George Simmel and William DuBois have played a significant role in developing the theories of social science. Their double concepts are among the most known approaches to addressing the idea of consciousness and the stranger. The stranger represents a particular social kind, which is shaped by the inherent traits of...

Drug Addiction in America: Effects and Solutions

The consumption of illegal substances and the development of addiction to them remains one of the primary health-related concerns in the American healthcare setting. The problem has grown particularly noticeably among high-school students, as the recent report by the National Institute of Health (2020) has indicated. Apart from the traditional...

Social Inequality, Discrimination, and Solution

Social Inequality Perpetuates Racism Social inequality is one of the primary drivers of racial discrimination. At the micro-level, unequal distribution of wealth contributes to racial segregation in housing, education, employment, and medical care (Hanks, Solomon & Weller, 2018). African Americans have relatively lower income levels than non-Hispanic Whites (Assari, 2018)....

Correlation Between Social Media and Communication Skills

The way people communicate has been altered significantly by the advances in information technologies. Moreover, the growing popularity of social media continues to enhance the way people perceive their interlocutors and their ability to reach a broad audience when it is needed. The perception of social media varies significantly, and...

Contrasts the Chinese American Culture With the African American Culture

Introduction This paper compares and contrasts the Chinese American culture with the African American culture. The Chinese Americans are very distinct people who have their own ways of doing things. The Chinese American culture differs from the African American culture in a number of ways. However, on close scrutiny, the...

Date Rape, Its Causes, Effects, and How to Avoid This Case

Abstract Date rape is the type of rape in which a person who is, arguably, trusted by another takes advantage of the trust and forces his way into having non-consensual sex with her. The rape victim can either be a woman or a man although cases of male date-rape victims...

Importance of Communication in Enhancing Customer Service in Medical Offices

Customer Service in Medical Offices Customer service is an important practice in medical offices today. Communication is an important aspect of customer service. In medical offices, the health professional needs to adopt high standards of communication skills for them to be able to build rapport with their patients. Currently, with...

Logos, Ethos and Pathos in McGonigal’s Argument

McGonigal’s presentation about stress management is well-developed. She states the thesis that people power over stress, and the main factor is the mindset about stress. She appeals to the audience’s emotions by sharing her working experience and confessing that she was wrong about her statements. Then, McGonigal shares the research...

Addiction in “Dragged High on Alcohol” Documentary

“Dragged High on Alcohol” is about an alcohol addict Ryan, and the film crew follows him and his family, showing how Ryan experiences his addiction. At the end of this film, Ryan dies from injuries he received in a bike accident, and because he was consuming so much alcohol, his...

Understanding Functionalist Theory

Sociological theories offer different philosophies with which to perceive the social world. A theory explains a particular phenomenon, providing the insight to understand and predict the occurrences within the social sphere. The ubiquity and inevitability of societal change make it a permanent phenomenon. While addressing an understanding of social change...

Institutional and Community Corrections

Community corrections are facilities in which some convicted offenders and juveniles are taken instead of imprisonment and the conditions here are not as strict as those of the jails. The offenders remain under the custody of the government and serve their term as set by the courts. They are used...

Perception and Cognitive Schemata

Occasionally, individuals tend to make conclusions about people they communicate with based on their nonverbal signs, body language, clothes, and particular preferences. Cognitive schemata imply structures, which do not include information on events and entities. Instead, it provides general knowledge about a person, omitting some details (Cherry, 2019; Groome &...

The Article “Blue-Collar Brilliance” by Mike Rose

Introduction In the article, Blue-Collar Brilliance, Mike Rose examines the assumptions about intelligence, vocation, and socioeconomic status. The author uses his family to illustrate how hard-working, intelligent people with skills that match those found in white-collar jobs. He stresses that the blue-collar workers are the unsung foot soldiers driving the...

Why Some Countries Are Rich and Others ‒ Poor?

There is a widespread opinion that the poor territories deserve it themselves — they did not want to work, and so on, that is, their mental characteristics are “to blame.” To answer why some countries are rich and others are poor, one needs a comprehensive analysis of the situation. This...

Psychology Behind the Movie “Trading Places” by Landis

Introduction The psychological trends of society are usually described with the help of various concepts and theories. However, other sources reflect the situation, and they are related to literary works and movies. From this perspective, any work created to demonstrate the societal life correlates with psychological theories, and the movie...

The Importance of Information Literacy

Information literacy is a skill of a person able to request, search, select, and evaluate the necessary information. The ability to think critically, remaining one of the parts of information literacy, is essential for human life skills. In the era of the information society, one cannot do without the ability...

Genderlect in the TV Show Parks and Recreation

Introduction From time immemorial, men and women have communicated using slightly different languages. This observation is accurate for almost all cultures and throughout human history. In some parts of the world, women and men have entirely different styles such that they cannot converse directly with each other (even though they...

The Use of Animals in Biomedical Research

Introduction Biomedical research is a wide range of discipline that looks for ways to stop and cure diseases that produces sickness and death in individuals and animals. This broad area of research embraces various fields of both the life and physical sciences (Creed, et al, 2005). With the techniques of...

“A Doll’s House” by Henrik Ibsen: Feminism Studies

Women in the Victorian period lived very different lives from women today.. During this period, women began to question their allotted place in society as more and more opportunities opened for them in the urban centers of the country, providing them with a means of supporting themselves and freeing themselves...

Contemporary Threats to Marriage and Family

Discussion Marriage denotes the relation between a man and a woman who have entered wedlock. It concentrates upon the association of husband and wife, while the family relays the idea of a more complicated level of adjustment in which husband, wife, and child each has individual importance. Santorum’s views reiterate...

Self-Identity and Group Dynamics in a Study Group

I belong to a study group. A well-created study group has all the characteristics of a social group. It is a social collection of individuals who are brought together by some shared objective. There are some guidelines for discipline that guide how activities are carried out, for instance, a shared...

Cultural and Social Literacy for Millennials

Over the past few decades, there have been many important trends that affected the development of contemporary society. Globalization and diversity were among these trends, and they had a significant impact on the cultural composition of society. Increased diversity and cross-cultural collaboration are evident in all aspects of our lives...

Drug Abuse and Its Effects on Families

Abstract The problem of drug addiction has been discussed multiple times, yet it still affects communities all over the world. While substance abuse affects primarily the person that develops the specified dependency, the family members of a patient with substance misuse issues also face significant psychological and physical threats. Because...

Gambling Justification Through Moral Relativism

Last week I met some friends, and in our conversation, the issue of gambling came up, and five individuals in a group of seven argued that this practice is immoral. I could not understand why such an issue could be controversial, but I quickly realized that all those against gambling...

Domestic Violence in the Modern Society

Introduction Domestic violence is an acute and prevalent problem in society which requires research and effective solutions. The incidence of domestic violence is increasing exponentially on a global scale. Some of the causes have been identified as cultural and legal standards that encourage or perpetuate abuse. The primary focus of...

Impact of Influencers on American Society

Social media life has become a vivid and an essential part of everyday experience. Many people have their accounts on several networks and platforms like Instagram, Facebook, YouTube, LinkedIn, to name a few. This stream has produced people who make their social media activity to be their occupation and main...

The Dilemma of Abortions: Consequentialist and Deontological Points of View

Despite numerous discussions and studies regarding the advantages and disadvantages of abortions from social, physiological and psychological perspectives, the issue remains a problematic area that requires an additional analysis. In order to embrace the concern fully and understand the implications of the pro-abortion decision, one should consider integrating both the...

“How to Think Like a Sociologist” by Sternheimer

In her article, Karen Sternheimer claims that in the present day, more and more people are taking sociology classes in their higher institutions. It is essential to learn how to think like a sociologist not only to gain higher grades in university but also to develop an entirely new image...

Revealing Marital Rape as Domestic Violence

Introduction Marital rape entails sexual action with one’s partner devoid of his or her consent. Failure to get consent is the fundamental component that results in the involvement in violence. This type of rape was considered a contradictory term in the United States until recently. In the years leading up...

Online Bullying Takes Over the World

In the context of a rapidly and highly digitized global environment, online bullying, otherwise known as cyberbullying, has become a prevalent issue. Using electronic means and online platforms to engage in harassment often under cover of anonymity, the problem is especially affecting younger populations. Cyberbullying can have significant consequences on...

Affordable Health Care Act in Sociological Aspect

Facts Firstly, the primary goal of the Affordable Health Care Act is to make the healthcare system inexpensive for any individuals despite their race and social class (U.S. Department of Healthcare and Human Services, 2014). The primary goal of this feature is to provide the high-quality healthcare services by “protecting...

Colorblind Racism in “The Help” Film

Introduction Colorblind racism is relatively subtle and can be viewed as a modern-day type of racism that becomes especially widespread after its explicit, direct counterpart is eliminated (Thakore, 2014). Due to its subtlety, colorblind racism may be more difficult to pinpoint than the explicit one (McClure, 2015), but some of...

Riverbend City Case: Conflict Management

The given case presents an intercultural conflict between Felicity Pearson from the Riverbend City Civil Liberties Union and Police Chaplain Lee Khang. The key issue is whether to allow transgender employees and officers of the police department to use any locker rooms or not. While Felicity argues for providing the...

Conflict Resolution: Compromise and Collaboration

Introduction Conflicts are inevitable in the lives of people. A person can be involved in a conflict situation with family members and friends as well as colleagues or even strangers. Conflicts are usually caused by the incompatibility of principles, aims, interests, or experiences. In every case, the success of conflict...

Black Hat vs White Hat Hacking

Abstract This paper explores hacking from the perspective of ethics. The ethicality of hacking depends on the motive of the hacker, which also forms the basis for the definition of the different forms of hacking. White hat hackers are ethical according to utilitarianism as they bring utility to the greatest...

Theories of Ethics: Consequentialism and Ethical Relativism

Ethical relativism and consequentialism are controversial lines of thought. However, the two schools of thought highlight the basis upon which decisions can be made when face with ethical dilemmas that require moral solutions. According to the ethical relativism theory, an action is measured based on its intention as the basic...

The LGBT Community Theoretical Framework

Introduction The study of social movements has evolved over time due to the frame theory. Various social movements have occurred in the past and others are expected to emerge in the future. Similarly, these changes in social movements can be attributed to the shift in theoretical frameworks, which explains the...

Vulnerable Population in Modern Society

Despite the civilization conditions, the economic wealth of any country, and some other factors, the vulnerable population will always be present in society. Many people became vulnerable during various dangerous natural or manmade disasters and catastrophes. The following paper is to cover different reasons that make populations vulnerable under the...

Renton’s Addiction in the “Trainspotting” Movie

Introduction Drug addiction remains one of the major problems that affect modern-day youths. According to Perfas (2003), youths never realize that they are getting addicted until such a time when it is too late to fight the addiction. In most of the cases, they get into drugs to get accepted...

Effective Interviewing Skills of a Social Worker

When it comes to interviewing skills, social work is one of the fields where they play the key role. Read this essay to learn more about interviewing skills in social work practice. Interviewing Skills in Social Work: Introduction The significance of mastering the proper interviewing techniques cannot be overestimated. When...

“Moving to U.S. and Amassing a Fortune, No English Needed”

This essay discusses Kirk Semple’s article, Moving to U.S. and Amassing a Fortune, No English Needed. The article discusses the increase in the number of wealthy “Americans” who, ironically, cannot speak English. Precisely, the writer uses Felix Sanchez, a Mexican, who crossed to America in 1970 and amassed lots of...

Theories of Personality by A. Adler and E. Fromm

Introduction Personality theories have drawn sharp reactions from different theorists around the world. Several theories have emerged with the aim of explaining personality issues. These theories include Adler’s psychology and Fromm’s humanistic psychoanalysis, among others. Alfred Adler worked with Freud in his analytic society from 1902 until 1911. He then...

Rape and Sexual Violence

Today, more than ever before, rape is increasingly becoming a reality for millions of individuals living in the developed and developing world. Although available documentation demonstrates that many rape victims are female and that most executors of rape are male, it is evident that rapists are increasingly targeting men and...

Human Trafficking – Modern-Day Slavery

Abstract Modern-day slavery is one of the outcomes of globalization; it affects millions of people and brings immense revenue to the criminals. This paper explores various kinds of human trafficking, such as workplace exploitation, forced labor of immigrants, child labor and pornography, and sex tourism, explains their specificities and assesses...

The Speech “The Destructive Male” by Elizabeth Cady Stanton: Rhetorical Analysis

Elizabeth Cady Stanton delivered her speech entitled The Destructive Male at the Women’s Suffrage Convention. Hence, it was part of a larger political debate about whether women should be granted the right to vote. In her speech, Stanton aimed to persuade her audience that extending suffrage to women was essential...

Children’s Hardships in Modern Society

Children face many issues in the contemporary age, affecting their development and prospects in life. These challenges are manifested in many spheres and are influenced by many factors. Due to the number of conflicts around the globe, the issue of international adoption gets a lot of attention, as well as...

Social Norms in Fashion

Both modern and historical fashion follow a variety of social, cultural, and gender norms. These are susceptible to frequent change due to external and other factors. However, gender norms in relation to dress are especially prominent and largely accepted. This can range from strict adherence to trends to the rejection...

Ethical Issues in Participatory Action Research

Introduction Every school has a particular standard set of disciplinary problems, with the differences depending on the age level of the students, the focus and the quality of their education. Among these forms of problems are a fundamental lack of respect, aggression, and refusal of obedience. It should not be...

Female Victimization and Domestic Violence

Introduction Domestic violence has a long history which is closely connected to the development of women’s rights and the protection of women by the law. In many patriarchal cultures, women historically were perceived as man’s property. Therefore, protecting women from domestic violence was impossible for a long time due to...

The “Ain’t I a Woman?” Speech by Truth: Rhetorical Analysis

Introduction “Ain’t I a Woman?” is a seminal speech by Sojourner Truth at the Women’s Rights Convention in Akron, Ohio, in 1851. Truth was born into slavery in the 19th century United States, subsequently becoming an outspoken abolitionist speaker and women’s suffragist (Inniss 1637). The title is derived from the...

Daily Life in the 21st Century vs. 1000 Years Ago

Introduction Over the ages, the social system has undergone a significant transformation. Compared to the lives our ancestors led generations ago, today’s everyday lives are very different. According to Bryceson, a modern industrialized community has only recently emerged, having evolved from agrarian communities fewer than 5.000 years back (128). There...

Ghosting in Communication and Relationships

The term “ghosting” has recently changed in some important ways because it is now more commonly used to describe a particular type of behavior. Ghosting is the act of abruptly ending all communication with someone, especially with another person well-known to someone. It can be seen as a form of...

Social Injustice: Eradication Strategies

The World Day of Social Justice is observed on February 20 with the goal of promoting peaceful and prosperous coexistence between and among countries. “If you want peace and growth, work for social justice” was the theme in the year 2019 (Tobin & Barrett, 2020). A healthy society is critical...

The Civil Rights Movement’s Causes and Effects

“Injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere.” – Martin Luther King Jr. The civil rights movement had significant consequences for the United States of America which. Studying the causes of the appearance of this social phenomenon can give a more detailed insight into it. Until the sixties, many representatives...

Surrogacy, Its Benefits and Risks

Introduction Many couples around the world wish to have children, but some are unable to conceive or carry a baby due to various reasons. People who cannot go through the process of having a child often resort to surrogacy. The concept refers to the practice of a woman undertaking gestation...

Biases and Assumptions in Research

Biases and assumptions are crucial concerns in the research field. The phenomenon poses many challenges in various professional areas, including education, health and wellness, social and cultural aspect, and mental health. Bias and assumptions occur at different stages of the research, such as data collection, population sampling, and analysis of...

Stereotypes of Gender Roles

Introduction In society, there are expectations people have of a certain group. They are always driven by whatever people are taught or have understood to exist over time. For example, the basic example is about the physical attributes of people; women are expected to be thin and beautiful while men...

Stealing: The Unethical Issue

Stealing is not a good act of human behavior, and there is no excuse for it, regardless of the circumstances that led the person to commit it. One can hardly justify the theft of twenty million dollars by sending one million to charity. However, in the above situation, there is...

Character Development and the Faces of Evil

Introduction Many people want to live in a perfect world where everyone acts according to morals. However, various obstacles and problems make life much more difficult, and the fact that numerous humans allow evil to control them is the reason why the cycles of evil are challenging to break. Thankfully,...

Aging People: Personal Statement

Early Adulthood People have difficulties on their path to maturity, and they need the constant presence of lively and energetic young adults. In my early adulthood, I will concentrate on developing my travel abilities and need to complete this adventure stage. The capacity to adapt to change is crucial, as...

The Film “The Help” from a Sociological Perspective

Introduction One of the most ideologically reactionary varieties of naturalism in sociology is the racial-anthropological approach. The main theme of the film ‘The Help’ is the relationship between representatives of different social and racial backgrounds. Therefore, this particular sociological perspective will be rational as the other approaches do not concentrate...

Equality, Diversity, and Rights in Health and Social Care

Introduction The relevance of the idea of justice for modern societies is not in dispute, and the discourse of justice occupies one of the critical positions in the entire spectrum of political currents. Justice is recognized as an independent value with ethical and social characteristics. In health care, equity is...

“Why It Worked” by Clark: An Article Analysis

The article “Why It Worked: A Rhetorical Analysis of Obama’s Speech on Race” touches upon Barack Obama’s March 18 speech on race, focusing on the rhetorical strategies employed by the former president. The author emphasizes that the speech is more powerful in its audio format rather than in the script....

Violence as a Broad Spectrum of Actions and Attitudes

Introduction Violence is an act, attempt, or other action that one person commits against another with the intent to cause harm. The concept of harm is always viewed from the victim’s perspective, as violence is not always apparent to the one who commits it. The term violence refers to a...

How to Become a Successful Presenter

The statement “enthusiasm is infectious, and boredom is contagious” addresses the crucial aspect of any presenter’s work. Indeed, how they perceive the information they share, how strongly they want to receive feedback, and the positive outcome determines how they behave. If the presenter thinks that their subject is boring or...

Gender Inequality and Feminism in a TV Series

Gender inequality indicators measure quantifiable aspects of biases against women or men in general. However different studies have revealed that it is women who suffer the most from gender discrimination (Adejugbe and Adejugbe 1). There are several indications showing women’s continued struggle with inequality. Firstly, low pay for women workers...

Marital Rape: Definition, History, and Elimination

Rape is a forceful sexual penetration or having intercourse with a person who does not consent. Marital rape, therefore, is the act of one having sex with the spouse without them agreeing. The act of marital sex is dated to be as old as the institution of marriage itself. In...

Importance of Excellence in Virtue

The Greek word arête means excellence; it can be used to describe many things that are excellent in a function of which they are capable. However, being applied to people, arête turns from excellence to more of virtue or even excellence in virtue (Carr). It is then an individual’s use...

The Controversy between Free Will and Determinism

As culturally complex and social beings, humans value a variety of things, such as friendship, love, and freedom. Furthermore, a high intellectual capacity for abstract reasoning, logical thinking, and critical analysis opens up a universe of diverse ideas and views on the same concepts and topics. This diversity gives rise...

Disabilities and Additional Support Needs

Introduction It is fair to notice that all people and children are very different. For some kids, studying is very easy because they have many friends, wealthy and responsible parents, proper social skills and good health. However, some children and teenagers have difficulties with concentration or acquiring basic learning abilities....

Child Abuse and Neglect in Ukraine

Introduction Child abuse and neglect are broadly accepted as serious socioeconomic issues involving far-reaching repercussions for the children and parents involved and the community as a whole. A general understanding of the problem identification and its extent is a vital step in developing successful countermeasures. Obtaining precision and concrete statistics...

“The Big Short”: Analysis of Adam McKay’s Film

Ethical Themes Raised in The Big Short One can safely assume that the first impression and reaction of every person who has seen Adam McKay’s The Big Short would be to say that this is a very revealing and eye-opening film. They will be right as the director does show...

Freedom of Speech on the Internet

The general topic of my research paper concerns exploring freedom of speech, with a specific focus on each person’s right to express their thoughts on the Internet. The idea of my topic is reflected in the above working title of the proposal, but I am also considering the following title:...

Violence Against Indigenous Women

Introduction Abuse against Indigenous women is especially pronounced since Indigenous women are among the world’s most marginalized populations. Indigenous women face hugely disproportionate and severe levels of violence. Conventional interventions frequently attempt to address the issue of violence against women by establishing programs that focus the onus on the woman...

Banning Violent Video Games Is a Crime Against Artistic Expression

Introduction As one of the most popular types of modern entertainment, video games have been subjected to some controversy since some of them depict extreme violence, raising alarm bells as to whether they entice cruelty in younger generations. However, the views on the issue have split, with the opponents of...

Researching of Life After Retirement

Introduction Retirement is a significant life event that is accompanied by changes in daily routines, social roles, social connections, and income in later adulthood. Older people are spending more time in retirement as their life expectancy increases. Pension and savings schemes have alleviated the financial demands of retirement in many...

Domestic Violence: Justification Is Unacceptable

Introduction Violent acts committed against society occur for various reasons but are never justified. Finding a problem in a nonviolent way goes a long way toward developing and changing the collective consciousness about issues. More than 10 million people in the U.S. are believed to experience domestic violence –the mistreatment...

Professional Judgement and Decision-Making in Social Work

Decision making is one of the most important aspects of social work. It can affect not only one element in the life of a person but immediately have an effect on all its further course for a group of people or an individual. The article Professional judgment and decision-making in...

The Aspect and Perceptions of Beauty

Aspects of beauty and its perceptions are one of the least understood topics in society today. The misunderstanding has resulted in different cultures putting splendor standards that lead to discrimination among society members (Skivko, 2016). Therefore, instead of socially accepting beauty standards, people should first beware of its consequences on...

The Role of Faith in Social Work

Introduction Challenges in everyday life are inevitable, and social work involves taking action to alleviate the adverse outcomes associated with these negative encounters. Therefore, social work utilizes a humanitarian and compassionate approach based on the professional knowledge base and skills to institute social change by helping vulnerable people resolve everyday...

Bulgaria’s Abandoned Children: Analysis of Film by BBC

This video covers a revisit on the state of Bulgaria’s abandoned children, which was done on October 20, 2009. It was done as a result of a previously aired video by the BBC documentary done in 2007 on Bulgaria’s abandoned children living with disabilities (Blewett, 2009). The BBC documentary led...

The Black Panther Ten-Point Program Analysis

The initiative that is analyzed in this paper is The Black Panther Ten-Point program. From the institution’s foundation in 1955, it has done an enormous amount of work to fight racism and sexism. Until nowadays, the social and cultural impact it had on society still serves as an example of...

Role of Gender Stereotypes in Advertising

As a member of society, I find this question crucial in understanding the intentions of modern advertising and its impact on the social structure of gender roles. As for major developments in social science thinking, studies show that advertising is one of many factors that influences people’s views and perceptions...

Concept of Modernity in Culture and Sociology

First of all, it is vital to say that modernity cannot be viewed as a singular condition. The broad definition might state that it is a quality or condition of being modern, or modern ways of thinking, working, and creating. However, by narrowing this definition, it is possible to outline...

An Eye for an Eye Principle in Society

In the discussion concerning the “an eye for an eye” principle, I support Jones, who said that this commandment would not leave a blind society, but to a one-eyed society, which is different. To my mind, both sides are right in some aspects because violence leads to even more violence....

Education and Income Inequality Relationship

Introduction Income inequality is a great problem of every society since it widens the chasm between the richest and the most deprived people and negatively affects economic growth. Many individuals are certain that income inequality is unrelated to education, and the authorities need to better investigate the issue to find...

The Family and Religion Institution’s Authority Decline

Social institutions provide people with essential functions that are necessary for humans’ full-fledged existence. Social institutions, namely family and religion, may take a central part in people’s moral values and foundations. Humans’ needs in procreation, protection, socialization, companionship, love, and support are possible to achieve only within the family. Religion,...

Leading With Cultural Intelligence: The Real Secret to Success

Introduction Leading with Cultural Intelligence: The Real Secret to Success is a scientific book about the culture’s role in creating optimal leadership strategies. It provides deep insight into the value of diversity in modern society and the opportunity to enforce it via the proper cross-cultural business administration.1 The book’s content...

Civil Society Description and Overview

Civil society is defined as a place where people have common and shared interests, values, purposes, and actions. Civil society is different from for-profit and government organizations since it includes groups and organizations such as community-based organizations, charity groups, and development non-governmental organizations (NGOs) (Meyer et al., 2020). Civil society...

Animal Rights and Welfare Laws

Introduction Animals are classified as sentient beings; most of them have abilities to perceive and even think. They are capable of emotions, feelings and can form complex behavioral patterns. They deserve a just and rightful attitude, but animals are still treated mostly as property, not as sentient creatures. Animal welfare...

Poverty and Social Causation Hypothesis

There are two identified approaches to poverty on cultural and individual levels as formulated by Turner and Lehning (2007). The premier theory advocates for the idea that an individual’s psychological situation provokes tendencies towards penury behavior (Goldstein, 1973). Therefore, because people possess hereditary psychoses, mood disorders, and depressive illnesses, they...

The Problem of Using Animals in Experimentation

The debate over the use of animals for medical research is still heated and seems to be everlasting. Some suggest that this practice is morally wrong, while others oppose them, arguing there is no better option. Testing on animals in the lab provides researchers with valuable knowledge regarding a particular...

Symbolic Interactionism and Siblings

Introduction Human beings are social in nature and embrace relationships depending on their personal goals. Symbolic interactionism is a powerful theory that examines the nature of such connections between people in a specific community. They will apply the relevant symbols and language that can guide them to formulate meanings of...

Gender, Social Structure and Division of Labor

In every community, there is a gender structure that provides bodies with inequality through the sex category. Consequently, gender derived from social structure concept has implications to members of the society, their personalities, and identities bringing effect on choices made. In a recent study, researchers argue that gender has to...

Domestic Violence against Women: Problem Solutions

Introduction According to Chinn (2009), violence refers to an act of aggression against a party that is considered weak. Domestic violence can either by physical in nature or a mental torture. Recent surveys have confirmed that domestic violence is on the rise and that women are the major victims. Domestic...

A Review of “Understanding Intercultural Communication”

Introduction Today, hundreds of unique cultures exist on the planet, and they are espoused by millions of people who promote and develop them further. Thus, cultural diversity is an essential part of the modern world which constitutes a challenge for those who have chosen to fulfill the Great Commission. In...

Parental Stress and Its Effects on Children

Introduction Children are highly susceptible to the influence of external factors, such as the situation in the family and the emotional state of their parents. Stress is contraindicated in pregnant women because it could affect the development of an embryo and even lead to a miscarriage. The research question is...

Christian’s Role in Ethical Research

Introduction Research ethics play an important role in any scientific enquiry as they guide researchers to conduct and report the findings of their investigations responsibly and credibly. The Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE) states that “good research should be well adjusted, well-planned, appropriately designed, and ethically approved.”1 According to the...

Usage of Rhetorical Appeals in “Letter From Birmingham Jail”

In 1963, Martin Luther King Jr. wrote “Letter from a Birmingham Jail” as a response to a statement published in a newspaper by clergymen, accusing King’s peaceful resistance to racism in promoting violence. King was blamed for causing multiple disorders in the city, and being imprisoned he wrote a letter,...

Content-Oriented Listener Style and Related Skills

Introduction Listening styles refer to the general way in which a person attends to other people’s messages. Vickery and Ventrano (2020) explain that understanding various listening modes and the appropriate time to implement them helps individuals enhance their communication skills and better listeners. Although people might assume that being a...

Social Support in the Community

Introduction The adult population is comprised of people aged above 30 years. The adult population is susceptible to obesity, colon cancer, diabetes, coronary heart diseases, and high blood pressure (Pan, Sherry, Njai & Blanck, 2012). In addition, this population is vulnerable to the mentioned diseases due to lack of physical...

Mark Rober: Communication Skills Analysis

People with nearly ideal communication skills can often be described as leaders with many followers. In the digital era, such people regularly acquire a fair amount of followers on social media platforms, such as Facebook, Twitter, and others. These channels of communication require a high level of social skills that...

Present Day American Culture and Young Women

Introduction Social and cultural features of society determine the behavior of the individual from an early age. The history of the development of American society in political and social terms shows that the struggle for women’s rights and efforts to achieve gender equality continues to this day. Young girls, adolescents,...

The Beauty Pageant Industry From the Liberal and Marxist Feminist Perspectives

Introduction The beauty pageant industry roots back to the 19th century, but the origins of such a practice can be found much earlier. Greek mythology often revolved around women’s beauty, an example of that is the legend about Hera, Aphrodite, and Athena, whose fairness was judged by Paris (“Beauty pageant...

“My Dungeon Shook”: The Open Letter by James Baldwin

James Baldwin is known to compose a collection of essays addressed to the white people, expressing his grievances about racial injustice. “My Dungeon Shook” is an emotional letter demonstrating Baldwin’s anger on the topics of racism and the political situation in the country, which subsequently made him famous. The letter...

The Downside of the American Dream

Every year thousands of immigrants have been coming to the United States of America in search of a better and happier life. This country promises its citizens a decent life where people have equal rights and opportunities regardless of their ethnicity, race, religion, or social class. This means that every...