William Whitney Christmas and His “Christmas Bullet”

Aviation and its development have been an area of intense interest for engineers and mere observers for more than a century. Since the late 18th-early 19th centuries, humanity has been fascinated with human-made machines capable of taking people to the sky. Governments and private investors allocated considerable resources to the...

Social Media Marketing Plan

Introduction Social media monitoring is an effective strategy to identify what clients and potential customers say and write about a business. This information can help organizations find how satisfied their clients are, what product or service improvements can be implemented, how clients compare different competitors and many others. The definition...

Autism Spectrum Disorder Analysis

Introduction Autism spectrum disorder (ASD) is a collection of neurological conditions in which a person’s speech, motor motions, and social interaction are disrupted. ASD is categorized as a cognitive disorder as its symptoms usually develop within the first two years of life. Autism is classified as a spectrum condition since...

Depression in Older Persons – Psychology

Introduction This paper reviews the article titled, “Effectiveness of integrative and instrumental reminiscence therapies on depression symptoms reduction in institutionalized older adults: An empirical study” by Karimi et al. (2010) and published in the journal of ‘Aging and Mental Health 14(7), 881-887’. This article presents the research findings of a...

The Total MD Family Medicine & Urgent Care Management

Introduction Management implies the governance of the socio-economic performance of the company in the market economy. It is an area of knowledge and professional activity aimed at creating and ensuring organizational goals through the rational use of available resources. One of the main tasks of management is to manage human...

Agriculture the Backbone of Ancient Egypt’s Economy

In pre-industrial societies, agriculture was the backbone of most economies. This is true in ancient times and very much evident in ancient Egypt. Five thousand years ago a mighty kingdom emerged when a chain of independent city-states lining the River Nile united to support one Pharaoh. Thousands of years later...

The Consequences of a Crime

Introduction Crime is an act which exists in every culture, the news and newspaper articles all over the world tell stories of misdemeanors every day. People constantly demonstrate absurd behaviors and violate social norms and laws. Each criminal always has their own motives for committing a certain deed, and they...

Importance of Neuropsychology and Cognitive Neuroscience

Neuron Communication Neurons refer to specific cells designed to transmit and receive electrical or chemical signals and are what constitute the nervous system. To perform these functions, the glia cells offer support to the neurons. Neuroscientists compare neurons to electrical wires since they have the same purpose of transferring signals...

Ability Grouping of Gifted Students and Its Effects

Introduction In the journal article, Ability grouping of gifted students: Effects on academic self‐concept and boredom, Preckel et al. (2010) argue that securing appropriate challenges or preventing boredom is frequently used in justifying the ability grouping of gifted students. He also postulates that this criterion has, over time, revealed positive...

Religion in Schools: Is There a Place for It? Pros and Cons

Why should religion be taught in schools? If you’re writing an argumentative or persuasive essay on pros and cons of religion in schools, this sample is for you. Introduction The discussion of religious studies in schools is a subject that has elicited contention in academic circles. Scholars are divided on...

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Barack Obama Election: Events and Facts, That Defined the Occasion

Introduction A significant proportion of the world’s populace witnessed the U.S citizens making history by choosing Barrack Obama, an Afro – American, as their 44th president. He was elected on November 4, 2008 as the country’s administrator. Obama went to the polls with John McCain, a republican whom he defeated....

China and Africa’ Relations

Abstract The formal relations between China and Africa date back to the 1950s. While China depends on imports of products such as oil, steel, copper, and agricultural goods from Africa, Africa experiences tremendous economic growth as China offers a ready market for its commodities. Besides, China-Africa relations provide mutual political...

High Mortality Rates in Peru

Introduction: Peru The mortality rate is an indicator of the population health within a country. It provides the first cue for the situation of the health care system and allows identifying possible inequalities among different social groups. The choice of illustrating the case of Peru stems from cultural, professional, and...

Performance Management System: Role and Advantages

Role and Advantages of a Performance Management System Performance management systems play an important role in the achievement of organisational goals, mission, and vision. For any firm to perform optimally and attain its set objectives, the management should come up with both long-term and short-term goals that require specific actions...

Circumcision: Ethical Dilemma and Human Rights

Introduction Circumcision is a complex phenomenon that can result in ethical dilemmas. To put it simply, circumcision consists of surgical operations on female and male genitals. For males, it typically involves the removal of the prepuce (foreskin) or its parts (Jacobs & Arora, 2015). Female genital circumcision is more varied....

Race and Ethnicity in Contemporary Art

The matters of race are still of considerable importance in today’s world. While the age of colonialism is over, the increasingly globalizing post-colonial world introduces new racial and ethnic hierarchies on both domestic and worldwide scale. Contemporary art reacts to these developments and mirrors them in the works of such...

How Media Affects People’s Lives

Introduction People have always lived in a world of media communication. They can go to various places and span across centuries in the comfort of their own living rooms. Sounds of other cultures can be heard and also the perception of how other people feel about the world experienced. The...

The Analysis of Procurement Methods

The research, which has been carried out, is aimed at analyzing procurement methods and their use. In particular, it is of the crucial importance to identify the major criteria for creating the customers profile and organizing delivery. We should also pay extra attention to the choice of particular technique, and...

New York Subway Design Observation

Introduction In our everyday life we come across various designs. Human centered design is a continuous act of communication. In the case of a successful design, the communication takes place not just between the designer and the user, but also with the user and the design itself. Among these we...

Euthanasia from Religious Perspectives

The ethicality of euthanasia is a controversial issue in the philosophy of medicine, ethics, law, and other disciplines connected to the notions of death and the right to it. Euthanasia has divided people into two main camps – those who see it as a crime against God or some higher...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Ineffective COVID-19 Vaccination in Afro-Americans

Introduction The U.S. government and the healthcare department need to understand African Americans’ history with the U.S. healthcare sector to ploy better intervention strategies. Many Blacks lack trust in the U.S. medical unit due to its past encounters with the race, especially during the nineteenth and twentieth centuries. The Tuskegee...

Apple and Samsung Firms’ Technology Innovation

Introduction The invention process is a complicated and time-consuming phenomenon. J. Tidd and J. Bessant (2009) propose this theory concerning the concept of innovation. It starts with an image that might be considered a vision by others. And then, can the tiresome method of continuous checking and error occur as...

The Use of Microbes is in Our Interests

People associate germs with a negative definition, but these parts are different. Most microbes in our body or another environment bring positive results. They help organisms to develop evenly and provide them with everything they need. Most existing microbes are part of a specific ecosystem and perform their function. With...

Psychosocial Theories of Toddler Development

Introduction Childhood development has a remarkable impact on further personal development. Of course, no strict rules and dependencies, like in biology or chemistry. But still, based on the social and psychological theories, scholars, childcare, healthcare, and educational service providers can predict the future problems or benefits the particular child will...

Mediation as a Way to Solve Workplace Issues

In many spheres of life, mediation is being utilized more and more to settle conflicts. Organizations and policymakers are becoming more aware of the unique resonance that mediation has in the workplace in the UK. Positive disagreement between people or groups of individuals may seriously impede an organization’s quest for...

Machiavelli’s The Prince: Essay Example

According to Machiavelli, what should a prince be an expert at? Keep reading to find out! In this The Prince essay example, you’ll find the summary, information about Machiavelli’s early life, and answers to frequent questions about The Prince by Machiavelli. In the late Middle Ages and early Renaissance, Italy...

Generational Differences and Their Causes

Introduction In his article John Hansen (2008) focuses on such an issue multigenerational workface. The author singles out such groups of employees as Baby Boomers, Builders, and Generations X or Y (Hansen, p. 28). The writer puts forward an argument that such age differences can be of great benefit to...

Language Learning: Mostafa Papi’s and Tae-Young Kim’s Works

Summary The authors of both articles conducted a descriptive research study by adopting a longitudinal data collection method among the participants for 10-12 months. However, the instruments of data collection differed. The review of the Iranian study (Papi & Abdollahzadeh, 2012) shows that the authors collected data using the observation...

In-Flight Catering: Earning Customer Satisfaction

Background The hospitality industry, in general, is one of the most competitive ones. Globalization and liberalization of the economy have further brought this industry into a sharp focus. With more low-cost airlines coming into the field, benchmarking has become an integral part of the corporate strategy. Airlines companies are now...

Caspian Region Situation in “The Oil and the Glory” by Steve LeVine

Introduction The current report is the analysis of the core themes of the book The Oil and the Glory: The Pursuit of Empire and Fortune on the Caspian Sea written by Steve LeVine against the background of the “Great Game”. This book is of great value taking into consideration the...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Social Contract Theory: Individual-State Relations

Introduction Social Contract theory is based on the principles of political philosophy described in a number of theories of well known thinkers, such as John Locke, Thomas Hobbes and Jean-Jacques Rousseau. Political philosophers managed to present the key assumption through the freedom and priority of individuals underlining the motivations of...

A Rare Case of Bilateral Congenital A V Malformation

Introduction Persistent or intermitted menorrhagia is documented as a clinical sign for AV malformation. The AVM lesions present a potential risk to patients. AVM is prone to deficient diagnosis (1). This is due to AVM clinical presentation that varies from no clinical signs to different levels of menorrhagia (2). The...

Evaluation Using GAS: Alcohol Withdrawal Syndrome

The next presenting issues and goals that my client Rachel could address after completing the last one – measured in the single-subject design (SSD) paper – revolve around alcohol and drug addiction. The goal is based on objective setting and the realization that good health comes from being deliberate about...

COVID-19 Effects on the Pret Company’s Strategic Management

Structure and Strategic Choices for Pret’s Success Before COVID-19 Business success is often determined primarily by a company’s financial performance and revenue growth. Businesses outline objectives to be accomplished and formulate, implement, evaluate and control strategies for successfully achieving such goals (Wheelen, 2017). Before the global COVID-19 pandemic hit, Pret...

Martin Scorsese: Biography, Works, and Criticism

Introduction The legendary director Martin Scorsese has become the embodiment of cinematic classics. Despite his impressive age, he never ceases to delight audiences with new films that, once released, become some of the most famous and highest-grossing films in the world. This unique man is a genius and talented in...

Pharmaceutical Advertising is Propaganda

Fake advertisement is prevalent in various sectors, and it has penetrated the pharmaceutical industry. Businesses have lost much money in fines after being found to be liable to inaccurate advertising, for instance, Purdue Pharma in pharmaceutical industry and Volkswagen in the automotive. The main aim of propaganda is always helping...

Nursing Intervention into Public Health Issues

Intervention Analysis In the medical discipline, Nurses play an essential role in providing professional health care to patients. This is because they have undergone special training, which has enabled them to acquire relevant knowledge and skills to handle the sick. Nurses attain set goals by focusing on specific public health...

The Importance of Emergency Action Plans for Athletes

The sports industry involves not only state-of-the-art medical achievements to provide excellent performance but is complex from the organizational point of view. Sporting events are some of the most attended events in modern society; therefore, it is crucial to ensure safety for both visitors and athletes. Therefore, various guards, medical...

Critical Success Factors That Can Improve Its Evaluation in Africa

Introduction The world has transformed in many ways as modern technology and science advance. Despite the unprecedented success in solving pressing global problems, humans fall short of realizing most developmental goals, including poverty, inequality, increasing educated individuals, and climate change. As the world struggles to solve social problems, scholars have...

Metformin in Pharmaceuticals and Medicine

Metformin or Glucophage is an oral hypoglycemic drug from the group of biguanides (dimethyl biguanide). Metformin’s capacity to inhibit gluconeogenesis, the production of free fatty acids and fat oxidation is linked to its mode of action. The medication improves the sensitivity of peripheral insulin receptors and cellular glucose uptake. There...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Shopify Company Analysis: Average Industry Financial Ratios

This report focuses in the performance Shopify, a technological firm that provides one-stop solutions for individuals and companies that want to start and eCommerce business. The purpose of the report is to evaluate the company’s financial performance in terms of profitability, liquidity, financial gearing, and efficiency using financial ratios. The...

Sustainable Development of Haier Smart Home Co., LTD

The issue of sustainability concerns the business environment in all its dimensions: social, economic, cultural, and ecological (Baranauskas and Raišienė, 2022; Fu, 2019). A company may not consider achieving sustainability strategically important, but the need for sustainable existence will still determine how it conducts business (Yang, 2018). The Haier company...

The Dianxin Ciano Company’s Analysis

Introduction The Dianxin Ciano Organization has established itself as the world’s largest electronic center in North America due to its committed workforce and focus on innovation. However, although the organization is doing well and has a bright future ahead of it, the product lifecycle of the organization has several areas...

Kenya: Country Analysis and Economic Development

Executive Summary Kenya is a developing country located in the eastern part of Africa. It has a thriving economy and serves as the major communications and logistics hub in East Africa. It borders with Uganda, Tanzania, Somalia, South Sudan, and Ethiopia. According to government statistics released in 2016, Kenya has...

Hopworks Urban Brewery: Case Study Analysis

Executive Summary The case study focuses on Hopworks Urban Brewery (HUB), a small craft brewing company producing and selling organic beer in Oregon. The company currently has a good position in the local market and considers future development opportunities to increase market share and profit. The paper provides a thorough...

Nanotechnology in Modern Life

Introduction Indeed, there is no clear definition of the term ‘nanotechnology’. At the moment, the very existence of nanomaterial and nanotechnology is a variety of opinions, attitudes and creates myths. One of the most popular explanations for the ordinary inhabitants is as follows: nanotechnology is a technology for manipulating matter...

Pro-Abortion Ethics Case and Argument

Introduction Abortion is a term used to refer to pregnancy termination. The abortion process involves the removal of the fetus from the uterus. Abortion can be aided or it can occur spontaneously following pregnancy or health complications of a pregnant woman. Spontaneous abortion is medically termed as a miscarriage; while...

Stress and Performance in the Sport

Introduction Constructive stress is necessary for good mental and physical health. This positive stress helps one to act with optimum performance in order to achieve certain goals (Burton & Raedeke, 2008, p. 328). When stress is poorly managed or becomes overwhelming it results in negative effects. This article will explain...

Newborn Adrenoleukodystrophy Screening

Practicum and Policy Background Florida Nurses Association arranged a meeting for nursing Practitioner Students and the senators. The conference held at the Florida Capitol, Tallahassee. The plan of the conference was to talk about new health policy of Newborn Adrenoleukodystrophy Screening that was yet to be ascended into law. The...

Hedonic and Eudaimonic Well-Being

Researchers view well-being as the state of general satisfaction of a particular person or a group of people. Currently, there are two main directions in the study of the psychological well-being of a person: eudaimonic and hedonic. Supporters of the eudaimonic school of thought are convinced that the term well-being...

Rolls-Royce Holdings PLC.: Company Analysis

Introduction The individual coursework focuses on Rolls-Royce by highlighting its standard industrial classification codes (25300, 25620, and 28110), which helps categorize the firm based on energy and propulsion industry. An understanding of the business structure and organization is illustrated to give a contextual understanding of how the business operates. Further,...

General Motors Firm’s Organizational Analysis

Introduction Organizations often change due to internal and external factors, and General Motors (GM) is one such company that has experienced a transformation. Kuppler (2014) describes the corporation as a major automotive manufacturer facing an ignition switch crisis that led to the deaths of several people. The enterprise’s main attributes...

Pittsburgh, Home to Everyone: Zero Carbon Emissions Goal

Pittsburgh is a city known for a blend of various attractions, its rich history, and continued economic and social evolution. In Pennsylvania, Pittsburgh is the second largest city after Philadelphia, and in the United States, it is the 68th largest city with a population of 302,971 (Pittsburgh Quarterly). Pittsburgh is...

Workplace Culture in Civil Aviation

The article does not have a direct statement of the purpose; the authors explain point by point what precisely this article will set forth, thereby representing value for the scientific community. The article is an evidence-based report on the experience of a commercial aircraft crew. Over other researchers, Bennet (2006)...

Operation Anaconda in Afghanistan: Adaptation in Battle

Introduction Operation Anaconda was a military operation in Afghanistan that aimed to root out enemy troops. The process took place in early March 2002, intending to eliminate Taliban and al Qaeda forces that had gathered in Shahikot Valley. The U.S. commanders incorporated a complex battle plan involving a “hammer and...

Development of Children’s Friendship and Social Problems

Activity 1 What does your data analysis suggest about children’s behaviors? This analysis was reached upon following a close thirty-minute observation of infants, and it suggests various types of behaviors presented by children in play. For instance, it is clear that most children like to interact in groups frequently while...

Presidential Primaries in Vermont State

Introduction This paper aims to predict the election outcomes for both the Republican and Democratic candidates in the current election for the presidential nomination in the state of Vermont. It will also explain in detail the reasons for such predictions. The paper will commence with a brief description of the...

Physician Assisted Suicide Controversies

The Case for PAS About 3% of all the patients in the United States cannot have their pain or illnesses relieved, and this calls for an urgent measure to rescue them. The debate over physician-assisted suicide (PAS) has largely dwelt on the morality surrounding it and the advantages and disadvantages...

Regional Threat Assessment for Belize

Introduction Belize, a country located in Central America, bordering Mexico and Guatemala along the Caribbean Sea. The nation has a population of roughly 400000 people as per the 2020 estimations. It boasts of third-ranking in Gross Domestic Product (GDP) in Central American countries (Verutes et al., 2017). Although Belize enjoys...

Hostages in the United States

Introduction The U.S. Constitution considers hostage-taking a criminal offense and it is punishable by terms of incarceration or even a life sentence. The two hostage cases that occurred in the United States late last year are indicative of the criminal aspects of hostage-taking. In the first case, a sophomore at...

Ethnographic Interview Project

Summary Unfortunately, many people are so busy with the daily activities that they forget about the value, experiences, and wisdom of older generations. Grandparents pass away, and their children and grandchildren never learn in detail what worried them in their youth, how their childhood went, and what was their sweetest...

Emerging Markets Growth and HSBC in China

Case History and Background Before the start of discussions with the World Trade Organization, China’s banking industry functioned as a wheel in a centrally located economy. During China’s post-Mao industrialization, the financial sector served social functions rather than the expected economic functions. The majority of China’s successful companies resulted from...

Effects of Racial Stratification in the U.S.

Introduction Racial stratification refers to the system-based structural disparity offering unbalanced access to limited and preferred resources based on ethnicity or racial identities. The facet assigns functions and roles to entities according to their ethnic or racial group membership. Such biased assignments exhibit social and physical consequences that communities promoting...

Apple Company’s Business Ethics

Is Apple an ethical company? Find the answer to this and other questions in our Apple ethics case study sample. Here, you’ll find information about Apple ethical practices and issues and social responsibility. Abstract Companies are established within localities from where they operate. This fact alone compels them to put...

Nursing Empowerment in the Interpersonal Theory

Introduction Empowerment is an essential element of multiple modern theories in nursing. However, despite its growing popularity, the lack of proper understanding of the concept has led to its misattribution and misidentification in a practical setting (Slatyer, Coventry, Twigg, & Davis, 2016). The following paper provides a comprehensive analysis of...

The American Recovery and Reinvestment Act, 2009

As President George W. Bush’s term moved closer to the end, a major financial crisis rocked the world. Prior to the onset of this major downward trend, the United States economy seemed to be thriving as financial institutions had generous consumer lending practices, and there was a lot of new...

Miami-Dade County: Community Needs Assessment

Overview The health problem identified in the Miami-Dade County (MDC) community is cardiovascular disease. A survey by PRC (2013) attributed the elevated cardiovascular risk to overweight (62%), sedentary lifestyle (30%), hypertension (33%), and smoking. Description of the Community History Miami-Dade County (MDC) was split from St. Johns County in 1836....

Abortion: Legal, Medical, Moral, Religious Issues

Introduction The discussion of abortion has always been an acute and controversial one. As an ethical dilemma, the decision of whether to permit or forbid abortion deals with a variety of justifications grounding on several arguments. The debates between the opponents and supporters of abortion are characterized by the utilization...

Financial Management of Aldar Properties UAE

Business Overview Aldar Properties is currently the largest property developer in Dubai. Established in October 2004 as a real estate developer, Aldar has initiated ventures in the areas such as residential units, retail, commercial buildings, the entertainment industry, and five-star hotels. Currently, Aldar is the second-largest real state developer in...

Sociological Issues About Social Class and Poverty, Race and Ethnicity, Gender

Social Class and Poverty Consequences of poverty in the US There are two main consequences of poverty that can be defined. The first one is food insecurity, which threatens the well-being of families (Leon-Guerrero). The inability to acquire enough food or get a varied diet negatively impacts people’s health and...

Comparison of Primary Crime Data Sources Used In the United States

Introduction The United States government has for a long time been using the Uniform Crime Reports and the National crime victimization survey as the two major sources of crime data (Schmalleger, 2009). These primary crime data sources have been extensively used by the government to establish the magnitude, characteristics and...

A Fresh Look at Christianity in the Therapy Room

Everyone who subscribes to Christianity is expected to be a missionary wherever they are. However, there is a challenge in applying related beliefs while counseling clients as a psychologist. Consequently, the paper thoroughly analyzes chapters four through six of the book Embodying integration: A fresh look at Christianity in the...

The West Coast Transit Firm’s Team Efficiency

Introduction The success of the company, in the majority of cases, depends on the individuals that work there. Member satisfaction and team viability usually result in high productivity and lead to great results. As a result, when it comes to the team and the members, it is vital to not...

The Qatargas Firm’s Organizational Change Analysis

Introduction and Purpose Statement In this paper, we are going to discuss the importance of change management using the example of Qatargas, which was forced to implement significant changes due to the COVID-19 pandemic. In order to achieve this purpose, several objectives were outlined. They include: Conceptualize change management; Describe...

Music: Salu International ‘Pedersen’ Band

Salu International ‘Pedersen’ Band, a musical group based in Kisumu (Kenya), started as a church-based musical group in 2014 at St. Stephen Cathedral Church. However, given that the band obtained its members from church, it became difficult for the group to continue offering church services as it plays both gospel...

Retinitis Pigmentosa’s Effects on Patients’ Lives

Abstract Retinitis pigmentosa is a congenital eye defect that affects the retina and gradually progresses leading to impaired vision. The disease manifests when there is the deterioration of the retinal pigment, epithelium, and cone photoreceptors. Numerous effective diagnostic techniques for the disease exist, but unfortunately, there is no remedy for...

The Environmental Impact of Air Travel

Proposal Summary The modern aviation can be considered one of the most fast-growing industries as its strategic significance and importance for economies serve as the potent stimuli for further development. Imports, exports, shipments, tourism, and business also depend on the ability of airlines to function appropriately and meet diverse demands...

South Africa: Violence and Crime

The Republic of South Africa is the most economically developed country in Africa. Now it is a BRICS country and a member of the G20, but, until the end of the last century, it was under international sanctions approved by the UN due to the official apartheid policy ‑ discrimination...

Mexican War of Independence and Historical Figures

The Mexican War of Independence was the struggle of the oppressed people against feudal Spain, which had been plundering its colony for three centuries. The war of liberation was not only the fight of the Mexicans for independence, but also a great war of the Indians of Mexico for their...

Ethanol Fuel: How the U.S. Uses It Compared to Brazil?

“Gasoline is going—alcohol is coming. And it’s coming to stay, too, for it’s in unlimited supply. And we might as well get ready for it now.” ~ Henry Ford, 1916. The Middle East is the proud owner of natural oil reserves, they dictate the price of the oil to the...

The Services Provided by the Healthcare Providers

Introduction Managing care in practice assist the managers to recognize the technology and develop their competencies in controlling or managing individuals and other materials that are needed for efficient health care provision. In addition, it deals with the practical and realistic quandary of managing in the medical care system by...

Lazarus Island: Disaster Systems Analysis and Design

Interview Notes This paper aims to develop a web-based emergency management system for the government of Lazarus Island. In particular, this system will be used at the response stage of disaster management, and its key purposes will be to help coordinate the relief efforts of various governmental and non-governmental organizations....

Responsiveness Between Mothers With Depressive Symptoms and Their Infants

The Research Purpose The rationale for this study was to ascertain the efficiency of using Interaction coaching for at-risk parents and their infants (ICAP) intervention to uphold sensitive responsiveness between mothers undergoing postpartum depression and the newborns. The study aimed at establishing whether a subtle well planned coaching on mode...

Understanding the U.S. Prison System

Introduction Due to the high crime rate, overcrowded prisons, and the problem of repeat offenders many are questioning the effectiveness of incarceration and what the Federal Bureau of Prison is doing to improve the operation of many U.S. prison facilities. As a result, many are also suggesting that it is...

Callista Roy Conceptual Model

Introduction Nursing models are theoretical models that are made up of concepts and theories. The nursing field is one of the fields which determine the survival of an individual depending on the patient care given by the nurses or caregiver. Theories and concepts of nursing assist the health care providers...

Individual and Dyadic Physical Activity Plans

Losing my job is one of life’s most frustrating moments if I am laid off or see contract work dry up. Apart from the apparent financial hardship, losing employment may significantly impact my outlook, friendships, and general emotional and mental well-being. However, I have always believed that my work is...

Stockbroker E*TRADE: A Pioneer in Online Trading

Introduction Stockbroker E*TRADE presents itself as a pioneer in online trading for retail investors. The company is one of the oldest in the world, founded in 1982 (E*TRADE, n.d.). The number of employees exceeds 4,000 people, more than 30 branches have been opened, which are located in the United States....

Transnational Feminism and Oppression

Introduction The creation account describes men and women as equal parties made by the Maker fearfully and wonderfully. Such suggests the necessity for the two sexes to live together impartially. The male is not to suppress or victimize the female, while the latter should experience the same measure of freedom...

Tuberculosis: Diagnostics and Treatment

Classification of the Organism Tuberculosis has been a significant global health concern for centuries. This disease is caused by Mycobacterium tuberculosis, which is a pathogenic bacteria belonging to the order Actinomycetales, family Mycobacteriaceae, and genus Mycobacterium (Bandaru et al., 2020). M. tuberculosis belongs to a group of obligate pathogens referred...

Age Stereotypes and Ageism in Hospitals

Introduction to Age Stereotypes and Ageism Despite the fact that medical advancements have made humans more long-lived, prejudice and discrimination still plague people’s prospects for longer lives. In a perfect world, everyone views themselves as equal, regardless of ethnicity, financial level, gender, or age. Ageism, or age discrimination, is ingrained...

The Use of Symbolism in John Steinbeck’s “Of Mice and Men”

The purpose of this paper is to analyze symbolic meanings behind the main characters of John Steinbeck’s novella “Of Mice and Men”. Symbolism is a common trope used in the narrative, which is done via representation of a larger idea through smaller means. Symbols are diverse and can take the...

Kendall Regional Medical Center’s Change and Negotiation Plan

Abstract This paper is a change and negotiation plan. It aims at determining central aspects of a change implementation design. The problem under consideration is the severity of complications and frequency of PICC line reinsertions in Kendall Regional Medical Center. Therefore, preventing complications and reinsertions is a proposed change that...

Elder Abuse, Its Potential Risks and Prevention

Abstract The problem of elder abuse is one of the major concerns of a coherent society. Regarding the tendency towards the increase in the number of mistreatment cases, the provision of the appropriate help to all victims acquires the top priority for counseling. For this reason, the given paper is...

Unruly Customers and Employee Turnover Intention

Introduction The ‘customer is always right’ is a slogan popularized by the management to encourage staffs to take customer complaints seriously (Zikmund & Babin, 2006). This view assumes that customers are always “rational and functional” in their encounters with employees (Harris & Reynolds, 2003). While honest customer feedback is vital...

Business Plan Critique: Live-e-Care

Evaluation of marketing plan & operation’s strategy Live-e-Care is a web based customer service supports venture that have planned to enter into a market of e-business by providing quality and cost-effective online customer management operation for various companies. According to the reports released by Boston Consulting group, the online sales...

American Dream as a Symbol of Hopelessness in Gothic Fiction

Introduction The Street is a novel by Ann Petry, an AAfrican American writer, whose other famous works include novels Country Place and The Narrows. The Street was first published in 1946 and sold more than a million copies. The main character of the novel, Lutie Johnson, decides to build a...

“Respectability on Trial” by Donovan

The problem of sexual violence has been an issue that perpetuated the social discourse for ages, with no legal protection having been offered to vulnerable groups based on their sex, sexual orientation, or gender expression. Even nowadays, the debate is not over, with the concept of sex having been underrepresented...

System Software: Computer System Management

Overview Computer software refers to programs that direct the functioning of a computer system. These programs are written by programmers who use certain programming languages to generate instructions that the computer understands through the use of language translators. Thus, computer software consists of the detailed preprogrammed instructions that control and...

The English Civil War: The Major Cause

Introduction When studying the factors that might have led to the English Civil Wars, it is essential to consider that the conflicts did not begin as a revolution. The individuals who were actively involved did not wish for replacement of the Monarchy. Conflicting attitudes towards the royal power as well...

Abortion: The Lifesaving Procedure

Introduction Abortion can be defined as the act of terminating a pregnancy so that it does not result in the birth of a child. The process may be accomplished using medication or a surgical procedure (Sanger, 2018). For millennia, the procedure has been contested, and laws have been enacted and...

The Hornbach Company’s Challenges in Ukraine

All organizations in the world must be divided into categories. This is done so that when considering a unique opportunity to buy or sell a stake in a company, one can conduct a thoughtful analysis, proper analysis, development strategy, and many other factors. In addition, it is worth considering the...

Lawrence City’s Community Assessment

Introduction Lawrence city is an urban community in Essex County, Massachusetts, United States of America. The group is boundary-less since membership solely depends on citizenship. Hispanics constitute the most significant population by race, with 66,079 persons, forming about 82.6% (Lawrence, Massachusetts, 2022). On the other hand, Whites comprise the second...

Architectural Designs and Styles

Introduction Architectural designs have advanced gradually in various regions over a long period. It has incorporated art to transform it into widely available designs in cities and towns. In the world today, buildings are curved with exemplary styles that are unique. Most of these buildings have unique designs developed hundreds...

The Mattel Company’s Toy Supply Chain Evaluation

Introduction Even though toy firms have done well in the global economic setting, most people disregard them. Mattel is one of the toy businesses that have done well in today’s financial atmosphere. Harold Mattson and Elliot 1945 established the firm, which has since grown to become the second-largest toy manufacturer....

Game Playing in Artificial Intelligence

Introduction The 9th of March, 2016, was a watershed moment in the development of artificial intelligence when the Go champion Lee Sedol was beaten by AlphaGo, a computer developed by Google. While both Go and Chess are two-player strategy board games, the greater number of potential movements in Go and...

Hunting Justified by the Natural Law Theory

Introduction Hunting is one of the oldest human activities which have persisted over various civilizations. From the ancient Stone Age period, when human survival was entirely dependent on hunted animals and gathered fruits, to the modern time, when various means of survival emerged, hunting remains a common activity. Besides the...

The Effects of Early Childhood Education on Cognitive Development

Introduction Child development is a fascinating and complex subject that encompasses a wide range of physical, cognitive, emotional, and social changes that occur during the first two decades of life. From the moment of birth, children begin to grow and develop at an incredible pace, and their experiences and interactions...

The Advantages of Globalization

Introduction The world is fast becoming a global village, seemingly smaller than it was a decade ago. This scenario has resulted from the development of trade and transport systems, thus making it conducive for movement of people, goods, services, and ideas and creating diversity in social, economic, political, and cultural...

Swanscombe Community’s Homelessness and Urban Health

Introduction The paper at hand represents an urban health profile aimed at providing a rational and concise assessment of an urban health issue in the context of a particular community. In this paper, one will focus on the question of homelessness as one of the most critical problems in the...

College Education: Who Will Pay for It?

Introduction A recent announcement during a commencement speech by a billionaire investor Robert Smith that he will pay off the student debt of the graduating class at a historically black college generated worldwide news coverage. Although the donation exceeds $40 million, it will cover the costs of only 396 graduates...

Texas vs. Johnson: Landmark of US Supreme Court

Introduction It is known that judicial decisions in countries with precedent law are recorded and stored, since they, as precedents, form the basis of subsequent decisions. Thus, the US Supreme Court has repeatedly recognized the legality of restrictions or even the complete prohibition of such types of “speech” as obscenity,...

Causes and Consequences of The Great Depression

The U.S. stock market crash of 1929 initiated the Great Depression in October of 1929 though this one event was caused by external sources and was not solely responsible for the most devastating economic collapse in American history. During the decade-long depression, many lost their businesses, jobs, homes, savings, and...

Pantene Shampoo: Negative Impact on Health

On any given day, most people around the world use one or more personal hygiene or beauty products for a range of purposes. These products are selected from a variety of company brands, and each promises better results than the others. In this study, the objective was to select one...

Strategies for Ending Homelessness in America

Introduction The problem of homeless people in America is extremely worrisome in the context of the social and psychological well-being of the people of the country. The situation with the homeless is quite financially costly for society, resulting in support programs and economic injections. But this problem is even more...

Entrepreneurial Profile of Private Music Teacher

Mr. Phuoc Vu is a private music teacher that has been working in the industry for about 15 years. He stated that his determination to always learn and improve, along with his dedicated approach to work and strict ethic allowed him to gather a significant pool of students. Eventually, these...

The Lottery Essay: Literary Analysis Example

Check out this essay sample to get more ideas for your The Lottery analysis essay. Here, you’ll find the story’s summary, main theme analysis, and the aftermath explanation. Learn more about the story with our The Lottery essay example’s help! Shirley Jackson wrote several short stories, but she is broadly...

Golden Child Daycare’s Business Plan

Executive Summary The current business plan is prepared to determine the viability and possible success of a new business that will operate under the name Golden Child Daycare. The report begins with the situation analysis which indicates that this business has significant growth opportunities. The company will be located in...

Techsol Corporation’s Creativity and Innovation

Introduction TECHSOL is a high-tech start-up company that does not have any recent experience in the market. Nevertheless, its CEO, Pedro Gonzalez, is aiming to launch a social media monitoring and analytics platform for businesses. This technology is rather innovative since it provides the opportunity to understand what customers say...

Canterbury Tales: The Wife of Bath Analysis Essay

Introduction The Wife of Bath’s Tale is considered to be a disclosure of the female role in the society in the period of Late Middle Ages. The Wife of Bath starts in King Arthur’s days; this period was characterized by the great majority of elves and fairies. The story is...

Parkinson’s Disease: Evaluation of Nursing Care

Introduction Nursing strategies are very influential in the management of patient care. Although the mode of their execution varies with the case, certain options need to be carefully considered as they may irk patients. Generally, patients with declined mental functions as observed in dementia, Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s disease may need to...

Current U.S. Economy: November Market

November Market The central question in the context of credit crisis of the November market is why do the creditors suddenly refuse to invest more money and its bail out plans. Actually, far from being an isolated fact, it is a part of a complex chain reaction. The lenders reel...

Helping Save Whale Sharks

Introduction The impact of human activities on the environment is a commonly discussed theme in modern society. Although people understand how dangerous and provocative their actions and decisions are to nature, they cannot stop putting animals under threat of extinction. Biodiversity loss in species living in the ocean turns out...

The “Bring Back the Draft” Article by Elliot Ackerman

Introduction In his article “Bring Back the Draft,” Ackerman argues that a draft would bring a more diverse and representative military force, ensuring that those who make decisions about war are more accountable to the wider public (Ackerman para7). Ackerman asserts that a draft is essential for the US to...

Neurobiological Behavior and Lifespan Development

Feldman’s Article Review The article, “A neurobiological model for the effects of early brainstem functioning on the development of behavior and emotion regulation in infants: Implications for prenatal risk”, by Geva and Feldman (2008) proposes a theoretical model that employs the three observational levels to study prenatal risk. The study...

Mobile Phones of Consumer Choice: Market Research

Introduction Market research is the process of collecting information regarding the product of a company from the market. It gathers information about the product in terms of the customers, competitors, market and future market potentiality of the product. “Various methods of market research are used to find out information about...

T-Shirt Manufacturing: 4 Important Factors

Introduction In accordance to Elliot, operation management is “in its essence, scientific management involves a complete revolution on the part of the working man engaged in any particular establishment or industry — a complete mental revolution on the part of these men as to their duties toward their work, toward...

Religious Liberties and LGBTQ Employment Discrimination Reforms

Literature Review Introduction Discrimination against LGBTQ communities has been a highly contentious issue in contemporary society. However, despite increased public awareness, the discrimination persists, exacerbated by a lack of legislative and judicial infrastructure that protects this particular subset of the population. Many states within the US do not offer adequate...

Products Liability: SUV Wrongful Death Case

Introduction (Brief History) Mitsubishi Motors Corporation is a global (multinational) manufactures of automobiles. It has its headquarters in Minato, Tokyo. Mitsubishi is part of the formerly biggest industrial group in Japan Mitsubishi keiretsu. Mitsubishi was formed in the year 1970 from Mitsubishi Heavy Industries. Case Study The jury of a...

Religious Architecture of Filippo Brunelleschi

Introduction Renaissance architecture is where Filippo Brunelleschi’s name is most often associated. European countries had an influx of renaissance-style architecture during this period. The occurrence was indicative of some growth in the Roman and Greek cultures of antiquity. Classical civilizations were also evident in the architecture, which signified a revival...

Meteorological Hazards’ Impact on Aviation

Executive Summary Weather and meteorological phenomena have substantial effects on current aviation. Severe cases of weather events such as hail, thunderstorms, or cloud funnels can result in the limitation of flights, accidents, and even the loss of aircraft, equipment, and lives. As such, the following paper aims to observe the...

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