Florence Nightingale’s and Jean Watson’s Nursing Theories

To understand a nursing theory better, it can be helpful to explore the background of the theorist. This is particularly relevant for the founder of modern nursing as a separate discipline—Florence Nightingale. She was the first theorist to create a conceptual framework of nursing and to define key terms. Moreover,...

Healthcare Information Project Management

The team and its communication are of supreme importance to a project’s success (Walley, 2013). The development of a healthcare IT project is likely to require the collaboration of informatics professionals (IP) and the clinical staff to ensure its success (Gale, 2012). There are multiple roles that an IP can...

Visual Learning Style and Its Application

According to the test results, I am a visual learner. I knew about it before this self-assessment, but I was surprised to know that my tactile scores were unexpectedly high, 25%. I often relied on my sight and did not notice that my kinesthetic sense was quite important. Since I...

Cultural Influences on Language Development

Psychologists and developmental theorists argue that the culture of a child influences his or her language skills. It is agreeable that children begin to communicate in accordance with their cultural aspects. Saracho (2017) believes strongly that young children begin to recognize sounds of speech and learn the languages spoken in...

Palaeolithic Cave Painting in Lascaux, France

The Paleolithic cave paintings in Lascaux, France are estimated to be approximately 20,000 years old. The cave contains more than 2,000 figures of various animals, symbols, and humans. The paintings were created with the use of mineral pigments and stone etchings. The paintings are present in various sections of the...

“Morrie Schwartz: Lessons on Living” Documentary

The documentary discussed in this paper is dedicated to Morrie Schwartz, a former Sociology professor, who suffered from ALS (amyotrophic lateral sclerosis). Morrie was dying and wanted to share his experience to tell people what death is about in a series of television interviews. Although the program was focused on...

Voters’ Characteristics in Presidential Elections

The characteristics of voters involved in the presidential election campaigns are an essential criterion for determining such indicators as prevailing age and race characteristics. Based on the review of the official data provided by the United States Census Bureau (2018), in the recent 2016 elections, older adults made up the...

Fat Acceptance and Body Positivity

The modern movement towards body positivity presents serious health threats, such as obesity and chronic diseases. Along with weight stigma, fat acceptance can lead to gaining even more weight since a person starts considering his or her excessive weight normal (Tomiyama 10). The promotion of models with excessive weight causes...

Baldwin’s American Dream, American Negro, Sonny’s Blues

Introduction Baldwin’s The American Dream and the American Negro speech appeals to the White southerners, accusing them of racism towards African-Americans. The concept of plague is used by the author to reflect hatred and immorality, which make them look down on people that have a different skin color: “moral lives...

Cultural Competence in the Nursing Practice

The modern nursing practice calls for cultural competence due to the vast diversification of the patients. Cultural competence in the nursing practice implies respect, inclusiveness, the valuing of cultural and religious differences, commitment, as well as equity (Canadian Nurses Association, 2009, p. 1). It is especially important since the cultural...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Abusive Relationships and Domestic Violence Treatment

The issue of abusive relationships, manipulative behavior, and domestic violence in contemporary society could hardly be overlooked. These problems manifest themselves in various forms, and they influence diverse spheres of social interactions. One of the most apparent examples of how exposure to abusive relationships can have adverse outcomes is the...

Variables Normal Distribution in Medicine

The indicators of the normal distribution of variables in medicine can be used for different purposes, for example, in calculating disease dynamics, growth data, and in other cases. With this distribution, most of the values ​​are grouped around some average indicator, and on both sides of it, the frequency of...

Nursing Practice: The Role of DNP-Prepared Nurses

In terms of nursing, the economic concepts of supply and demand are associated with the services care providers may offer and the needs of patients with regard to their health. Equity, one of the basic principles of economics and ethics, proposes that scarce resources should be allocated fairly among all...

Governmental and Quasi-Governmental Agencies that Affect Public Health Systems

There are many governmental and quasi-governmental agencies that affect public health systems and nursing in the United States. For instance, the Health Resources and Services Administration is responsible for funding various programs and services, as well as for establishing goals for the U.S. healthcare system (Stanhope & Lancaster, 2018). The...

Ethical and Religious Directives for Catholic Healthcare Services

The sixth edition of ethical and religious directives for Catholic healthcare services was created under the patronage of the US Conference of Catholic Bishops (USCCB) and sought to guide Catholic doctors and nurses in their work. The document provides insights about social and spiritual responsibility, professional-patient relationships, issues in care...

Validity of a Vulnerable Population

Assessing the validity of a vulnerable population is specifically difficult with no generalized measures existing to evaluate the legitimacy of using the so-called “special groups” in research. The main issue related to utilizing vulnerable population in research is limited population validity. Population validity is defined as a type of external...

Glaciers: Movement, Erosion, Deposits

Glacial Movement Mountain glaciers are large terrestrial ice formations in the mountains. Their shape depends on the surrounding terrain, and the movement is determined by the inclination of the surface. The move is acceleration-based, where the increase in speed can be seen. The overall pace is affected only by the...

Confidential Informants and Crime

The use of confidential informants for combatting crime is a controversial measure that has pros and cons. Such procedures conducted by the police can be effective in terms of crime control. It allows destroying organized crime syndicates, drug trafficking cartels, or terrorist gangs, which otherwise would not be adequately addressed...

Balance Between Effective Law Enforcement and Personal Liberty

The achievement of the balance between law enforcement procedures and personal liberty when guaranteeing security is a social and legal priority. The problem is that people can inadequately assess the area of their personal liberty, as well as police officers and other representatives of law enforcement agencies can sometimes violate...

Mobile Technology Use for Business Applications

Mobile technologies have pervaded practically every aspect of people’s lives. As a result, business owners started utilizing the advantages of mobile applications to promote their products and services. One of the main benefits of using technologies with such an aim is the low cost of advertising. What is more, e-business...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Optimized ‘Size and Shape’ of the Airline and Financial Plan

Optimized ‘Size and Shape’ of the Airline and Financial Plan The functional organizational structure is rigid by definition. It has some drawbacks that affect not only Airlines, but the airlines that use this structure. First, strong centralized control over operations reduces the flexibility of individual departments, including local managers and...

The Meaning and the Purpose of Social Science

Understanding the meaning and the purpose of social science, or sociology, is not only detrimental for further studies within the context of the discipline but also the general and multi-dimensional knowledge of an individual. Social sciences are essential for exploring the relationships and interconnections of human beings, including the conditions...

Rapalje Band’s Musical Performance in Castlefield

In 2017, the Castlefield world music festival was held, and “Rapalje” carried the audience to the abyss of the Celtic folk again. Typically, the attendance at their concerts is repeatedly the same, but this festival attracted many new faces. After this concert, the number of “Rapalje’s” fans is likely to...

Principal Skills of Kindergartners at the Emerging Level

Introduction The listening skills of kindergartners at the emerging level or level 2 relate to the ability to perform various tasks such as matching objects with oral descriptions and repetition of gestures after the teacher. Moreover, children at this level should be able to identify people and places and classify...

Global Market Expansion by Entrepreneurial Firms

The article discusses the strategies of global market expansion for entrepreneurial firms. Two types of strategies are identified: market diversification and market concentration. The first strategy is based on a gradual expansion from one market to another. The second strategy is more aggressive and implies fast expansion into multiple markets....

Health Information Technology and Nursing Practice

The development of health information (HI) technology and its adoption in health care settings have led to certain changes in the practice of nurses, as well as other healthcare providers. Firstly, it is important to accentuate key alterations in the documentation and the flow of files in medical environments. It...

Analysis of “Girl in Translation, Chapter 11 and 12” by Kwok

One of the most key characteristics of chapter eleven revolves around relationship dynamics between various characters. The first major event takes place when some boys, who surrounded Vivian as the center of their attention, show disrespect towards Park. At this moment, Kim observes such behavior and steps to defend him,...

“Ethical Dilemmas in Nursing” by Rainer

The problems of ethical regulation of modern nursing practice are relevant today. The ethical dilemmas that a nurse may face are varied, and understanding the core concepts behind them will help the nurse find solutions to these issues (Butts & Rich, 2019). Rainer et al. (2018), in their integrative review...

Concept Testing Through Prototyping

Concept testing is vital for making effective decisions that will improve a given organization’s performance and competitiveness. However, concept testing is often reduced down to marketing a finished product and getting “an initial reaction from customers before committing substantial funds to the product” (Cianfrone, 2019, p. 3). This marketing-oriented concept...

Impacts of Stroke on the Nervous and Sensory System

Stroke is a severe pathology of the brain, which is caused by the violation of the blood supply and is fraught with dangerous implications for both the nervous system and the sensory system. The manifestations of impairments in patients with stroke may vary depending on the severity of the brain...

Popular Research Paper Topics

National Handwashing Awareness Week

The ongoing coronavirus disease of 2019 (COVID-19) has taught many people additional lessons about personal hygiene. Hand washing emerges as an evidence-based practice for preventing the spread various bacterial and viral diseases. This initiative would be appropriate for the national hand washing awareness week in December. The move is capable...

Book Review: “They Say I Say”

Chapter 8 in the book discusses forming a cohesive whole out of the disparate thoughts gathered by the author for their writing. Graff and Birkenstein (2014) recommend using transitions and pointing words as well as repeating key terms, phrases, and longer passages (in a different manner). The aim of all...

The Impact of Air Pollution on Human Health and Well-Being

Anthropogenic pollution of the atmosphere is associated with mechanical, physical, chemical, and biological factors. These are most noticeably manifested in places where people live compactly, especially in megacities, where weather conditions also differ greatly from similar parameters outside the city. Millions of tons of pollutants are constantly present in the...

Ethical Concerns Related to Nursing Informatics

The active computerization of health care services has made some nurses believe that certain ethical issues are associated with their practice and nursing informatics. The necessity to use electronic health records and other databases in medical settings that include private data regarding patients creates certain challenges (Huston, 2019). Furthermore, nurses’...

Information Technology Applications in Healthcare

When seeking for the methods of improving the coordination ealthcare, one should look specifically for the presence of options for improving communication. As innovative communication and information-management-related technologies emerged, the opportunities for improving healthcare increased significantly. Currently, health IT applications as the most advanced tool that can potentially be used...

“Work Stress Among Newly Graduated Nurses” by Blomberg

“Work stress among newly graduated nurses in relation to workplace and clinical group supervision” by Blomberg et al. (2016) is an experimental cross-sectional comparative study aimed to investigate occupational stress among newly graduated nurses. The dependent variable measured in the research is the perceived amount of stress experienced by nurses....

Supply Chain Network Article Review

The article under consideration reviews the facility’s location and supply chain management as a crucial part of its strategic design. The paper proposes a literature review of the existing models of location facilities, determining the fundamental characteristics of the discussed models. This helps the decision-making process necessary for successful strategic...

Empire and Liberty in North America

Jefferson used the phrase “empire for liberty” on April 27 in a letter to James Madison. In this letter, he spoke of his intention to create all sorts of barriers to the further expansion of the British Empire in North America, including British Canada. In addition, Jefferson expressed his desire...

The Florida Mental Health Act

The article written by David Shestokas (2012) is aimed at examining the implications of the Florida Mental Health Act. It should be noted that this law enables the involuntary psychiatric examination and possible detention of a person. This action is legitimate in those cases when an individual can pose a...

Internationalization: Strategic Management Concepts

As compared to a firm that only operates domestically (in one country), an international company expands to multiple markets and, therefore, faces unique costs and difficulties (David, 2013). Internationalization is a high-risk high-reward strategy for which multiple global and international considerations need to be made. Financially, an international company will...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Technology Application in Nursing

The interaction between nurses and patients is greatly enhanced in an environment where information and communication technology has been put in place. Besides, nurses are in a position to exchange communication more conveniently than before when ICT had not been embraced. This has improved the way nurses deliver healthcare to...

V. Henderson’s Need Theory and D. Orem’s Theory of Self-Care Deficit

The two theories for discussion are Virginia Henderson’s Need Theory and Dorothea Orem’s Theory of Self-Care Deficit. Henderson’s theory is rather abstract, and its purpose is to explain the functions of a nurse to respond to a patient’s needs in a wide context. Therefore, the concepts include those associated with...

Consumer Segments Overview

There is a common belief that Baby Boomers are focused on career development, while generation Y representatives are technologically savvy. I believe that the generalization about different consumer segments is valid and can be used by marketing specialists to make decisions. First and foremost, these generalizations are based on study...

The Snowden Leaks: A Deep Dive into Global Security Challenges

The case of Edward Snowden presented in the film Snowden is an example of the USA’s authorities’ misuse of personal information. The main themes of the biographical movie entail the subjects of morality, illegal state activities, and electronic security. Edward Snowden, a former Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) employee, at the...

Logistics Operations in Aviation and Aerospace

In aviation and aerospace logistics, there are two directions, such as making aircraft and spaceship and moving people and products, where the latter is part of the integrated supply chain management. In this case, a supply chain can be understood as a network of organizations that cooperate through various connections...

“I Have a Dream”: Then and Now

The best words to describe the history of Black people in the United States are hardship and struggle. The one who understood this best and told the American society about it was Martin Luther King. He also told Americans that “one day this nation will rise up and live out...

Structuration Theory of Anthony Giddens

According to Anthony Giddens, an individual’s structuration is based on their social habits, tied to how society expects them to conduct themselves. However, a person has the freedom to act as per their conscious mind, despite the situation. Someone who is dedicated to observing a society’s culture will consciously consider...

Decision-Making Styles: Analysis of Plant Fantasies

Keeping a company sustainable in a competitive setting, especially in a niche market setting, requires consistency in decision-making and a clear understanding of the key external (particularly, market-related) and internal (employee- and production-oriented) factors. At Plant Fantasies, Inc., Teresa clearly prefers the Intuitive approach to decision-making since she manifests significant...

The Use of Social Media in Nursing

Social media has helped me significantly during the pandemic. First, it assisted in locating those in need, especially during isolation, quarantine, and lockdowns. Most people could not access shopping centers to purchase supplies. Such individuals could air their grievances on social media, asking for help. Also, it facilitated the coordination...

Rehabilitating Prisoners Overview

The debate as to whether criminals can be rehabilitated has been ongoing due to the difference in opinions as to inmates’ capacity to receive support and guidance when they had none their entire lives, which led to dire consequences for them (Lieu, 2010). Personally, I cannot wholly agree with the...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Writing Skills: Effective Communication

Effective communication is vital for delivering information in a manner which can be easily understood. Messages can be conveyed in written or spoken form, although there is certain specific communication for particular groups. To correctly relay information on a paper, an individual must ensure that the writing skills are well...

Gene Therapy Overview and Advantages

The use of gene therapy is expected to replace or fix mutated genes to cure diseases. The key advantage of this therapy is that it provides the possibility of treating diseases that cannot be cured by traditional approaches. For example, leukemia, hemophilia, or severe immune deficiencies can be potentially treated...

Essence of Computerized Communication in Business

The advancement of technology has radically changed communication and business interaction. Whereas earlier a conference had to be organized to convey important news to the staff, now this task can be performed by touching a screen (Stojkovicet al., 2014). Although computers are only a means to convey information, they can...

Business and Economics: Modern Portfolio Theory

At the core of Modern Portfolio Theory (MPT) is a set of critical principles for analyzing and choosing the optimal portfolio components to achieve the best risk-reward ratio. An investment portfolio is a set of several investment objects, which is managed as an independent investment object to achieve the set...

The Children Maltreatment Problem

The article provided a comprehensive overview of the children maltreatment problem and services working to reduce the negative consequences of it. Maltreatment of children includes physical, sexual, and emotional violence. In turn, these types of abuse are likely to provoke psychopathologies or developmental issues in a child. Unfortunately, the maltreatment...

The Six Cs of Effective Communication

Regardless of the mode of interactions, whether oral, written, or audio-visual, the six Cs of effective communication are essential to incorporate into one’s message. The qualities are intended not only to promote the credence and goodwill of the one transferring the message but also to help receive a positive response...

Training and Business Development

Before choosing one specific area of training in a call center, one needs to evaluate the ongoing issues within the organization. Because call center activities include a high level of technology involvement, depending on the situation, the most suitable area for training in a call center might be improving technology...

Definition of “Flotation Costs”

The analysis of various expenses of publicly traded companies provides the chance to understand that the factor of issue type may influence the organization’s choices. The flotation costs can be defined as the expenses of the company aiming to become publicly traded related to issuing new securities. When an organization...

Analysis of the Book “Rose for Emily”

In a “Rose for Emily” (1970), Faulkner addresses the topics of obsession and unwillingness to accept the natural changes that come with the time. The main character of the story, Emily Grierson, is a very reserved person who lives a secret life. People in town judge her and watch her...

Poverty and Capitalism in Trash by Dorothy Allison

Through the book titled Trash, author Dorothy Allison features the struggles of a violent survivor from a poverty-stricken family. Although Dorothy’s story is not a biography, it certainly portrays the life of a working-class lesbian through a reinvented and condensed experience. The girl is depicted as addicted to violence but...

Mark Twain’s Satire in Adventures of Huckleberry Finn

In his work, Mark Twain extensively used satire, which is defined as the intentional humorous exaggeration and irony, mostly aimed at exposing people’s stupidity and failings. In the books, stories, and essays, Twain sought to shed light on the stupidity and hypocrisy of people around him, specifically to ridicule the...

“Confessions of Nat Turner” by Gray

“Confessions of Nat Turner” is a story given by Gray about an American Black man who had too much hatred towards the Whites due to the awful events in his life. Fabricant (1993) indicates that Nat worked for Americans as a slave and was mistreated by being beaten, raped, traumatized,...

Walmart Annual Report: Financial Records

Walmart is a multinational corporation that incurs significant profit due to the wholesale and retail business. It is a major American employer and a competitive brand across the region. In this case, the company incurs high amounts of revenue from the transactions both in stores and through online platforms. In...

Supporting the Population’s Health: The Role of Nurses

The health of the population is one of the most important factors in successful national safety, security, and social development. Additionally, it is an important resource for ensuring the stability of the state, and can be considered as a point of evaluation of the state policy in the social care...

The Sense of Smell: Primary Threat Detector

Researchers recently found out that the sense of smell is the most reliable threat detector. A person’s olfactory capacities are unconscious and more effective than eyesight and hearing, which suggest this sense is most proficient in detecting danger. Several recent researchers have studied smell in terms of identifying potential endangerment...

Religious Writings: Praise the Lord. Psalm 148

Psalm 148 is mainly based on the one aim: encourage people to admire the one above them for all one’s doings and gifts. Basically, the command to praise the Lord is repeated twelve times throughout the whole piece, which, as a matter of fact, includes only thirty-three lines, meaning it...

Is There a Moral in “Rapunzel”

The inevitability of the life cycle and procreation has been the subject of several interpretations of “Rapunzel’s” moral. Other versions of the narrative emphasize the conflict between the young and the old. Rapunzel is imprisoned in a tower in the midst of the forest by the old witch at one...

The Love and Dance Terms in Modern Life

No field is exempt from the sociopolitical influence of history in the modern world of neocolonialism—even and especially art. Current scholars and practitioners in the departments of Dance, Performance, and Africana Studies are working to dismantle the colonialist structures that still dictate our perception of what constitutes art and its...

Book “The President’s Address” by Johnson

A sample essay is based on Malcolm X’s speech and book “The President’s Address” by Johnson. The paper incorporates the chosen quotations that are smartly used to structure the ideas communicated through the speech. Some concepts are, on the contrary, paraphrased to complement the discussion. The following annotated thoughts attributed...

Enlightenment-Inspired Documents

Comparing the U.S. Declaration of Independence and the French Declaration on the Rights of Man and Citizen One similarity between the United States Declaration of Independence (1776) and the French Declaration of the Rights of Man and Citizen (1789) is the fact that both of these documents recognize the crucial...

The Bonus Army March: USA History

The march of the Bonus Army was an illustration of how soldiers who have risked their lives during World War I could not receive the basic recognition through the subsidized payment of their service. As a result, thousands of veterans have formed an alliance, intending to facilitate the authorities into...

Sustainable Development Goals and Agri-Food Governance in South America

The spread of poverty also has a negative impact on the environment. As the situation of citizens improves, they have a greater impact on nature, as they begin to consume more material goods. That is why the main goal of sustainable development is the introduction of renewable resources. Eradicating poverty...

Kellogg’s Unique Positioning Strategy

Originating from the United States, Kellogg’s achieved global recognition a long time ago. The company has long since entered the global market, and its ability to withstand local competition is exemplary. By examining the firm’s approach to market placement, it is possible to conclude what defines a valid strategy for...

Financial Planning: Definition, Steps, and Importance

The phrase “financial planning is a process, not a product” implies the utmost importance of financial planning for long-term objectives and intelligent money management. In other words, the concept refers to the strategy that an individual or an organization should follow to improve their financial health (Nathanson et al., 2021)....

Public Health: Global Health Major

My degree aim is a Public Health Bachelor’s Degree in Arts. The profession I want to get is Health administrator or health policy or health promotion. Since I grew up in a rural community and saw what individuals face there, my desire in the future is to be able to...

The “Parable of the Sower” by Octavia Butler

In the “Parable of the Sower,” the character Lauren has a disability, which causes her to overshare and feel overly empathic towards others. Lauren understands her disability as something that allows her to be more compassionate and understand others’ feelings. For example, in one of the passages, she talks about...

Researching the Concept of Bonds

Bonds or debt securities play a significant role in economics and are quite popular among investors. All people purchasing bonds are likely to strive to maximize their profit due to them. Obviously, it is also necessary to realize that there are certain risks related to the bond’s cost. However, investors...

The Rivalry Between English Speaking and Soviet World

The rivalry between the two blocks was rooted in the differences in how these nations approached ideology and politics, as well as the cultural diversity of these nations. The USSR’s leaders promoted communism, while the United States was the greatest example of democracy at that time. These differences in the...

The Scientific Revolution of Copernicus, Bruno, Kepler, Galileo, Descartes

Copernicus, Bruno, Kepler, and Galileo made significant contributions to human understanding of the universe. They revolutionized the scientific field of their time by their findings which were primarily concerned with the movement of the sun, planets, and other heavenly bodies. Namely, the common point in their ideas is that the...

Team Management of Arctic Mining Consultants

The case compiled by McShane and Neale (2021) introduces the issue of poor team management caused by internal conflicts in Arctic Mining Consultants, a firm involved in mining activities. Given the current challenges, Tom Parker, as a field technician and coordinator, should do everything possible to create an environment of...

Tenzing Energy Drink’s Price and Distribution

Tenzing Natural Energy Tenzing is a purportedly natural plant-based non-GMO energy drink. The company was started by a Dutch businessman who was a former Redbull marketing executive. It is marketed as a recipe inspired by the brew of Himalayan climbers with a triple hit of natural caffeine, vitamin C, and...

Norway as a Country for Conducting Business

Perhaps one of the most picturesque countries on earth thanks to its mountainous landscape and the midnight sun in Norway, which is, in addition, an attractive destination for business ventures. Norway’s relatively small population does not impede the country’s purchasing power equals to the world’s largest economies due to its...

The Glass Menagerie Play by Tennessee Williams

Notably, The Glass Menagerie by Tennessee Williams is a tragic and largely autobiographical play that raises crucial questions of love, loneliness, and personal freedom. The story tells of a family where the oppressive but very charming mother, Amanda Wingfield, tirelessly terrorizes her mature children, Tom and Laura. It is essential...

Reducing the Pressure on the Registered Nurses

Smith’s (2020) doctoral dissertation is the scholarly resource about non-physician health professionals (NPP) and advanced practice registered nurses (APRN) chosen for this assignment. Due to the rapid increase in the aging population, the demand for nurses has skyrocketed. Governments have been trying to use nursing practitioners to ameliorate the health...

Preserving Endangered Languages

When another language dies, we lose a piece of our shared legacy, the ethnosphere. All people on Earth live in the ethnosphere, which is “a sum of total of all thoughts and dreams, myths, ideas, inspirations, intuitions brought into being by the human imagination since the dawn of consciousness” (Davis,...

Continental Collision, Rock Deformation, and Folds

Continental Collision Continental collision is a process of two continents pushing each other, which leads to the growth of a mountain belt. When a subduction at a convergent plate boundary happens, oceanic lithosphere of a subducting plate slides beneath the overriding plate, which consists of either oceanic or continental lithosphere....

“Jim Smiley and His Jumping Frog” by Mark Twain

In the short story “Jim Smiley and His Jumping Frog,” Mark Twain contrasts the two characters in terms of their beliefs and ideas by distinguishing their speaking styles in the first place. The narrator, who seems extremely bored with his friend’s request, expresses his thoughts eloquently when discussing the matter...

Health-Related Sustainable Development Goals

The prevention of healthcare-related issues is one of the significant responsibilities of nurses. The careful analysis of the factors contributing to positive development in society is vital to nurses’ professional development. One of the effective tools ensuring positive health-related changes is the sustainable development goals (SDGs). SDGs are a set...

Role of Doña Bárbara in Latin American Nation

Based on what I read and saw in the film, Doña Bárbara is significant in building Venezuelan (and Latin American) national identities since it shows new collective consciousness and political perspectives based on multiple identifiers such as gender. Understanding identity and how nationalism can be constructed in various socio-political contexts...

Healthcare: The Importance of Accessibility

Healthcare is an important aspect that guarantees that good quality of life is maintained and alleviates people from illnesses. Healthcare currently is not accessible to everyone, but this should not be the case because everyone should have access to healthcare. Various advantages can be seen if healthcare was provided to...

Conservative Capitalization Structure

There are numerous ways for companies to finance their maintenance and expansion. Capitalization structure is the proportion of debt and equity, and a bigger percentage of one or the other companies can be divided into high-leverage and low-leverage groups. Low-leverage companies often have a conservative capital structure that is usually...

Social Media and Small Business

Social networks are becoming increasingly important in promoting websites and brands, as well as in the field of large-scale advertising campaigns. The popularity of social networks inspires manufacturers of various products and contributes to the emergence of new projects and large-scale advertising campaigns. For example, Visa has created its business...

Researching of Hedging Function

The function of foreign exchange in practice for the company is hedging. The organization is participating in international trade where the customers of the cross-boundary units pay for goods and services using their local money. The unpredictability of the nations’ currency poses a significant risk of depreciation, increasing the venture’s...

Twitter’s Challenges and Their Management

Given the high competitive barrier in the social media environment, in the foreseeable future, Twitter will find it difficult to maintain a high position. Numerous Facebook products (the current Meta) dominate the target market, making it difficult for Twitter to capitalize on new users and advertising contracts. Despite the growth...

Educating on Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome

This work reflects on the earlier written projects on the topic of acquired immunodeficiency syndrome. HIV was once such a devastating illness that it was deemed a worldwide endemic. The works cover the issues of the impact of HIV on society, the fight against it, as well as statistical data...

Renee Shaw: The Public Dialogue

Shaw starts her speech with an introduction of herself, during which she states her expertise. Such an opening is effective because it immediately conveys the message to the audience that the presenter is an authoritative figure and can share valuable information (Shaw, n.d. a). Furthermore, she skillfully uses images and...

The Evidence-Based Treatment: Definition, Purpose, and Benefits

Therapy that is supported by scientific data is referred to as evidence-based treatment. As described in the video by Veterans Health Administration (2014), tests have been undertaken, and a substantial study on a specific treatment has been published, and it has proved to be effective. Moreover, the studies that demonstrate...

Analysis of Sustainable Development Goals

Consequently, it is essential to discuss the primary framework of achieving SDGs before adjusting the policies according to specific regions. Mazzucato et al. (2019) examine six transformations that could potentially improve the quality of life in social, environmental, and economic aspects. Namely, the authors emphasize education, healthcare, energy decarbonization, sustainable...

Beethoven’s Moonlight Sonata

This work became one of the most amazing spiritual revelations of the composer. The “Moonlight” sonata is one of the works in which Beethoven was looking for new ways to develop the sonata cycle. He called it a fantasy sonata, emphasizing the freedom of composition, which deviates far from the...

The Relationship Between Internal and External Customers

The article “Internal Customer in the Management of Sports and Recreation Company” by Widawska-Stanisz (2021) was published in the source called the Journal of Physical Education and Sport. In this work, the researcher seeks to find a relationship between the activity of sports sector employees who are internal customers with...

Popular Research Paper Topics

How Diet Soda Intake Increases Waist Circumference of Older Adults

The article by Fowler, Williams, and Hazuda was published in the Journal of the American geriatrics society and seeks to address how diet soda intake is associated with long-term increases in waist circumference in a bi-ethnic cohort of older adults. As a result of obesity being linked with cardiovascular diseases,...

Aspects of the Global Business Environment

Introduction Technology is an essential element in the global business environment since it has revolutionized the international economy by making it become a vital competitive strategy. Technological changes have contributed to markets and production globalization by facilitating the transition of services from manual to electronic delivery in every sector (Marszk...

Creating a Professional Document in Microsoft Word

Introduction Creating a professional document in Microsoft Word (MS Word), which meets all academic standards, can be greatly simplified due to the appropriate options and tools that this popular program includes. MS Word has a change tracking feature that allows for editing the desired document and monitoring the progress of...

Sayeeda Sakina’s Biography After Karbala

Sayeeda Sakina, or Sukaina bint Husayn, was a 4-year-old daughter of Husayn ibn Ali, the grandson of the great Islamic Prophet Muhammad. Her biography is tightly connected with the battle of Karbala, the great event which became the point of the schism of the Muslims into the Sunni and Shi’a...

Food Habits and Acculturation of Immigrants

Food is an essential component of our lives as it is the primary source of nutrition. Dependent on the available resources, people in different areas have developed different food customs and preferences. As a result, food is not only a basic physical need, but it is part of a culture,...

Chapter 4 of Dugan’s Leadership Theory

Chapter 4 of the book primarily focuses on the person-centered theories of leadership. These include strength-based leadership, emotionally intelligent leadership, leadership challenge models, and trait-based leadership frameworks (Dugan, 2017). In the case of the former, the author provides an overview of the standard set of desired traits of a leader....

Magnetic Resonance Imaging: The Role of Magnetic Susceptibility

Magnetic susceptibility significantly contributes to the authentication of magnetic reasoning imagery. Research indicates that exploiting a magnetic field during the sequencing fostered a distinctive contrast necessary for the clarity of the facsimile (Baba para.5). Primarily, the higher the susceptibility attributed to an effective outcome in practice. The susceptibility further intensifies...

Collaboration: Impact on Employee Relationships

Collaboration is one of the main features of a team because it provides many opportunities to develop relationships and solve personal and professional problems. Teams can achieve high performance through cooperation and camaraderie and create a strong community (Collaboration skills, 2022). Cohesion is essential for groups of people who want...

Why Anxiety Is Not Related to Personal Weakness

Anxiety as a concept may be further broken down into the intolerance of uncertainty and the cognitive avoidance aimed to prevent thinking about the uncertainty. It is common to think about anxiety as a response to specific triggers; for example, it is common to hear from people that flying gives...

Ethical Issues in Human Cloning: Response

Cloning can be a topic for science fiction or thrillers. Nevertheless, it became a reality when animals began to be cloned. Although cloning sounds exciting from the perspective of technology and genetic engineering, I do not support the idea of human cloning. I would not like to be a clone...

Bioethics in Contemporary Society

The bioethics approach has changed in recent years due to technology development and the recognition of the need to be more inclusive. In the article “How to build an inclusive do not base,” the author Kelliher (2021) argues that organizations now aim to create inclusive do not bases, which was...

The Alexander the Great Film Summary

In 356 BC, King Phillip II of Macedonia and his wife Olympias welcomed a son named Alexander the Great. Alexander became king of Macedon when his father was killed, and the 20-year-old ruler mercilessly killed all his aspirants for the throne. This brutality helped Alexander conquer most of the known...

The Role of Telehealth During COVID-19 Outbreak

The article is devoted to analyzing the efficiency of telehealth in preventing and controlling the COVID-19 pandemic. The researchers designed the model to estimate the percentage of the successful integration of telehealth in the process of diagnosing and treating COVID-19 (Hajizadeh & Monaghesh, 2020). The research aimed to show on...

The Quality and Safety Education for Nurses Project

Nurses’ knowledge, skills, and competencies determine the quality of their work and affect the well-being of patients. Nurses that acquired competencies identified in the Quality and Safety Education for Nurses (QSEN) project can manage and change practices to improve service standards (Sherwood, 2021). While all six established qualities are critical...

General Nutrition Centers: Organization Design

GNC, or General Nutrition Centers, is a company that deals with products in the nutrition field, namely vitamins and sports supplements—founded back in 1935 in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, by David Shakarian. Nearly a hundred years later, it has grown into one of the largest companies with a financial growth of more...

The Electoral College: Ensuring Fairness and Equality in Presidential Elections

Every four years, in November, Americans elect their president, and for this purpose electoral college was established. The Founders included the electoral college in the Constitution partly as a solution to electing the president through a vote in Congress and by a public vote of eligible people. The Electoral College...

The Article “This Boat Is My Boat” by Drew Hayden Taylor

The article “This Boat Is My Boat” by Drew Hayden Taylor (2004) majorly highlights the relationship between the native and non-native individuals of Canada. Different types of individuals migrated to the country, which led to the immigrants competing for the available resources with the native citizens. The author portrays how...

The Myths of Kali and Callisto: Treatment of Women

In the myths of Kali and Callisto, women are bound by a set of laws in order to be valued. Callisto is fooled and attacked by Zeus, who poses himself as Artemis to entice the vowed maiden into his arms (Callisto in Greek Mythology). Kali sobs because her honor has...

Occupational Health and Safety Risk Assessment

The health of a community is greatly affected by the work that people do. The reality is that every industry has its own set of risks when it comes to the place of employment, with perhaps just a distinction in the nature or severity of the dangers present. There has...

The Problem of Biased Media in the Modern World

Introduction Media is expected to be one of the most potent democracy tools providing individuals with objective and accurate information about important events. Unfortunately, in numerous cases, it fails to perform its central function. For instance, journalists might be biased when speaking about racial issues or protests promoting injustice and...

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There are several reasons why nurses are at higher risk of developing a drug addiction, which means that there is a high chance for practitioners to work in unit with nurses who illegally use drugs. Firstly, the stressful nature of nurses’ work contributes to the development of compassion fatigue, which...

Three Items Linked to Policing That Explain Japan’s Low Crime Rate

One of the most significant trends observed in Japan over the past years is the low crime rate. The positive trend has promoted peace and social-economic progress in the nation. The essential elements that have enabled the above culture are the harmony, high self-control, and group orientation. These important innate...

The “Magic Flute” by Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart

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Advocacy of Human Service Discussion

One of the most critical problems mentioned in the scope of policy advancement is related to improving the quality of social programs. These criteria include the increasing affordability and complexity of the programs. According to research, some impediments to policy advocacy are associated with communicating the value of advocacy programs...

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Language Behavior: Verbal Communication

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Death Perception in the World Religions

Introduction I found out that most of the world’s religions trace the theme of human responsibility for actions in earthly life. In all of them, the theme of salvation becomes central (DeSpelder & Strickland, 2019). At the same time, Buddhism and Hinduism perceive death more as liberation. therefore, mourning among...

The Third-Party Logistics Providers

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Questions on Information Revolution and Global Warming

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Walmart’s Unethical Employee Management Practices

Walmart is the company that took the dominant position in the market. The strategy of the business to provide the customers with the American products for the lowest price seems to be essential to the company’s success. There is hardly an organization in the world that does not face challenges,...

Primary Nursing Care in Affordable Care Act

The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (2010), which has been implemented for seven years now, is an important legal step in improving nursing and patient care in the United States. According to this Act, nursing facilities have been functioning with greater transparency in recent years due to a standardized...

Estimation Games in Project Management

The controversy regarding estimations is quite notorious in the contemporary business world, yet it is practically unavoidable as long as companies are willing to give their employees credit as intelligent people. As an article by Thomsett (2013) explains, “In the past, the inaccurate estimates of I.T. people were seen more...

Authoritative Parenting in Comparison to Other Styles

There are four parenting styles, including authoritative, permissive, neglectful, and authoritarian. The authoritarian parents are sure that the feelings of their child do not matter as these are trifles, which they should not pay attention to. As a rule, they show a child that negative emotions are experienced only by...

Diversity Psychology: Foreign Language and Cognition

Language is a unique tool that helps people to investigate a surrounding reality and express their feelings, emotions, and attitudes. At the same time, it apparently impacts the environment as a person sees the world through the prism of his/her mother language (Mio, Barker, & Rodriquez, 2015). It has formed...

Promotion of Tolerance at the Workplace

One of the most significant benefits of the friendly organizational environment and the positive relationships with colleagues is that they foster employee motivation and allow multiculturally diverse individuals to fulfill their potentials in the work context. In turn, the lack of tolerance culture in the company creates barriers to diversification...

Community-Based Corrections Definition

Community-based corrections compose the alternative to prison or jail, allowing placing offenders in the community under correctional supervision. The primary purpose of such correction seems to be associated with the idea that effective rehabilitation may happen only in the real world. Usually, only low-level and non-violent criminals are placed in...

US Demographics: Changing American People

In the present day, in the United States, the population is immeasurably different in comparison with citizens who lived at the time of the U.S. Constitution’s ratification. The changes in modern society may be defined as factual and psychological. In fact, the Americans are currently a large number of people...

American Psychological Association In-Text Citations

APA style is used to document ideas in writing because it helps the author to organize his or her work appropriately and offers the reader the understanding of which material is borrowed from other scholars. The main aim of in-text citation is providing the audience with the opportunity to consult...

Advanced Nursing Practice and Theoretical Frameworks

Role incongruity occurs when expectations are not aligned with the requirements of the learning curve to adapt to the new environment. This can be compared to the Nursing Process Theory developed by Ida Jean Orland. Although the theory is aimed towards patient interactions, its dimensions are applicable to the general...

Nurse-to-Patient Ratio: Hypothesis Test Study

A hypothesis test study allows determining if a hypothesis is true based on research findings. For example, concluding whether an increased nurse-to-patient ratio results in improved patient health outcomes would help make decisions about the desired staffing levels (Giuliano, Danesh, & Funk, 2016). The present paper will describe a study...

Visual Learners’ Capabilities and Strategies

Having an understanding of the style of learning that an individual has is crucial for achieving adequate results. Some individuals benefit from having information conveyed through audio, while others remember better when they can visualize objects. Having sufficient knowledge of these different approaches can help create educational programs and personal...

Science of Human Flourishing in Healthcare

In general meaning, human flourishing can be defined as an attempt to achieve self-affirmation and perfection within the framework of a larger group of individuals, with an opportunity to pursue personal methods of such attempts. As a concept, human flourishing focuses on a virtue theory developed by Aristotle, who emphasized...

Behaviour Change in Overweight and Obese Adults

Samdal et al. (2016) conduct the systematic review and meta-regression of 48 studies, focusing on behavior change techniques (BCTs) in the overweight and obese adult population. The authors consider the change in eating habits and healthy lifestyle as the key factors, leading to weight loss. The purpose of the article...

Progressive Patient Care Model in Intensive Units

There are several nursing care delivery models currently in practice, and each is furnished with its own distinctive set of advantages and disadvantages, which makes the choice of an appropriate care model important when providing different kinds of healthcare services. For Intensive Care Units (ICU) the primary model is the...

Transplant Tourism Debates: Pros and Cons

The issue of moral rights is a rather complicated and controversial one. In this learning scenario, two speakers debate over organ transplant tourism. Dr. O’Connor states that transplant tourism is a real problem that grows steadily and needs to be addressed immediately. The speaker notes that according to the recent...