Presidential Power and Domestic Security Issues

Introduction The issues raised by the author in this chapter relate to the scope of presidential power and authority in various spheres of activity. In this context, Nixon’s War on Drugs and Saturday Night Massacre are initiatives closely related to domestic U.S. security issues. This allows them to be used...

Aspects of US Foreign Policy Decisions

The idea of people’s influence on foreign policy decisions creates several heated discussions. Primarily, due to the constant polar opposite shifts in views, depending on the current situation and whether it required unity with the public or a stronger focus on the President, bureaucracies, and Congress. In the following text,...

The 19th Century in the United States’ History

The nineteenth century in the history of the United States is, first of all, the century of the frontier. The frontier was called the border of the settlement of Americans, as well as the areas adjacent to this border that had not yet been settled by a white man. The...

Human Experience in the “Purple Hearts” Film

Introduction One of the most important elements of human experience addressed and explored in Purple Hearts by Elizabeth Allen Rosenbaum is love. The latter perspective is critical because it serves as a driving force throughout the film, especially for the character Cassie Salazar. The film addresses the character’s evolution from...

Causes and Management of Stress at Work

Stress is a condition that arises when an individual’s resources are inadequate to deal with the responsibilities and pressures of the situation, and it can jeopardize goal achievement for both people and organizations. Situations that are unplanned, unmanageable, unclear, imprecise, or strange or involve dispute, damage, or performance standards are...

Emotional Behavior in the Utku Family Members

The behavior model in the Utku family shows typical Eskimo traits such as the man’s dominant role and respect for older family members. However, in the Inuttiaq family, there are differences from this pattern in the very favorable treatment of children. A characteristic feature of behavior in the Utku family...

The Traditions of Death Practices

Introduction Dia de los Muertos is one of the country’s most spectacular and extravagant celebrations. For Mexicans, unlike Americans or Europeans, death is merely the end of earthly existence, which continues in the other afterlife, the Mixtlán. That is why one cannot see sadness, tears, and grief on people’s faces...

Overcoming Nursing Shortage at San Diego Blood Bank

Facility Type: This facility is needed for blood transfusion and allows to save lives and improve health. Meanwhile, the mission of San Diego Blood Bank is to unite different communities of people to save others (San Diego Blood Bank, n.d.). In addition, the value statement is to provide the best...

Awareness of Bioethics in Contemporary Healthcare

Introduction Bioethics is an interdisciplinary field of research and discussion, the subject of which is the moral foundations and problems of medicine and healthcare, as well as closely related modern scientific areas. Chourey et al. (2022, para. 9) state that awareness of bioethics is important for novice doctors, service providers,...

The Mask (Ndemba) in the Context of African Art

Description of Art The Mask (Ndemba) is an art object representing a mask used in the Yaka culture. The culture was widespread in the Democratic Republic of Congo in the mid-20th century (Mask (Ndemba)). Unfortunately, the author of the mask is unknown, but we can be sure that mask belongs...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Maximizing Access to Care: Developing Medical Centers in California

Introduction The healthcare industry is constantly exploring innovative strategies to enhance the availability of medical treatment and deliver high-quality patient care. Healthcare providers in California have adopted various initiatives to increase access to healthcare services. The innovations include Medicaid funding, charter schools free clinic sponsorship, and medical centers (MCs) development....

Socioeconomic Factors’ Influence on Black Women in Houston

Nowadays, the healthcare system develops and enhances approaches in treatment and diagnostics in terms of patient care in order to reduce mortality and morbidity. However, despite breakthroughs and innovations, social justice issues continue to exist. Young black women are especially at risk of experiencing maternal mortality and morbidity due to...

Embracing Servant Leadership in Organizations

Introduction Servant leadership is a leadership style that centers on meeting the needs of others rather than solely pursuing the leader’s interests. It entails a leader who places a high value on the well-being and development of their followers, actively working to empower and support them in their pursuit of...

“The Blind Men and the Elephant” Poem by Saxe

Introduction The poem “The Blind Men and the Elephant” by John Godfrey Saxe depicts the actions of six blind men in their attempt at trying to discern what an elephant is like based on their perceptions. The result is a series of rather humorous descriptions wherein each man ascertains the...

Revolution Roots: Political Action and Philosophy

Introduction Revolution is a complex phenomenon, and it usually leads to changes in political regimes and values in society (Ritter, 2015). Thus, one of its essential elements is the fact that the leader has to fall or be replaced (Ritter, 2015). The idea of this social phenomenon combines the features...

Evidence-Based Practice Implementation Barriers

Although evidence-based practice (EBP) has been widely promoted and accepted by healthcare and medical care systems worldwide, there are several difficulties in implementing the new nursing approach, especially among poor and developing countries. However, this is not limited only to these countries and is also prominent in economically advanced nations....

Patient-Centered Care: Interprofessional Collaboration

At present, a patient-centered approach in medical care has proven its effectiveness. However, it became evident that, for increasing positive patient outcomes, collaboration is required not only between patients and single health care professional but within the health care team that jointly provides the treatment. Medical practice has demonstrated that...

Nurse’s Role in the Research Facilities

Introduction The nurse is an essential medical worker in a facility. The responsibility of this specialist is broad but requires precision and well-developed skills. Both a healer and a friend, nurse provides a client with necessary relief, all the crucial assessments, and preparative actions. This essay aims to define the...

Nature Bankruptcy: A Balance Sheet for the Planet

In the twenty-first century, global environmental problems, such as global warming, loss of biodiversity, destruction of tropical forests, and others, are worsening. They pose a threat to the foundation of life and development opportunities for both present and future generations. The scale of world production and consumption has led to...

MRNA COVID-19 Vaccines: Advantages and Disadvantages

Since the outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic in late 2019, scientists worldwide have been working on developing a vaccine. While usually, it can take a few years to go through all the stages of the process, the critical situation in many countries forced governments to speed up the approval procedures....

Popular Research Paper Topics

Toyota Production System: Review

As part of the attempt to maximize the utilization of resources, companies have invested in research of methodologies of minimizing resource consumption while sustaining the level of output. Toyota was among the first companies to devise such a strategy. This paper will discuss the Toyota Production System and how it...

Changing the Face of Poverty

Children, Inc. and Habitat for Humanity Advert Non-profit agencies may represent poverty with depressing images that should draw attention to the issue. For instance, Children, Inc. and Habitat for Humanity used to enhance their advertisements with pictures that contrast a typical livelihood of a first-world country citizen (Bullock et al....

New Technologies in the Fire Service

The article researched, “Emerging Technologies Being Incorporated in the Fire Service”, discuses eight new devices developed for the Fire Service. It summarizes these new devices without detailed description, providing an overview of the ways new technology is being integrated into firefighting equipment. These devices include three solutions for monitoring a...

The Statement of Cashflows for Hydrogenics Corp

Introduction Reviewing the Statement of Cashflows for Hydrogenics Corp, each section of the cash flow statement can be discussed. It can be stated that Hydrogenics Corp’s net loss for the year has reduced from 2012 to 2013, generating loss from -$12,797 to -$8,908, which is a good sign. It is...

Federal Emergency Management Agency

The Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) is a part of the Department of Homeland Security (DHS). The organization is responsible for protecting the population from natural disasters, preparing for them, and mitigating potential consequences. The agency also helps citizens to recover from the devastating impact of indent, including human-made. FEMA...

Ethical Practice in Telemedicine for Physicians

The adoption of technologies in healthcare systems has been revolutionizing the delivery of medical services. Health information technologies such as telemedicine have increased the accessibility to care and developed new ways for clinicians to provide the services. The physician-patient interaction facilitated by telemedicine raises different levels of accountability to the...

Evidence-Based Practice in Clinical Practice

Evidence-based practices (EBP) incorporate analyzed results from research to inform clinical practice. It is imperative for nurses to use EBP in practice to improve patient outcomes. However, with increasing demand to reduce healthcare costs while improving care delivery, the implementation of evidence-based practices in nursing faces many impediments both at...

Mobile Technology and Its Applications for Customers

New technology has brought about many changes in consumer behavior, an aspect that has made organizations alter their activities to conform to new customer needs. Customers now do not use SMS or MMS to acquire information about a company’s product, instead, they search for the information online (Nathan et al.,...

Aspects of Criminal Justice System

The criminal justice system is purposed to provide ‘justice for all. The actual goal of providing justice for all is to protect the innocent and establish a fair justice process. The existing institutions in the criminal justice system are designed to process a case from the beginning to the end,...

Formal Employment for Advanced Practice Nurses

Advanced practice nurses (APNs) are highly qualified professionals in the healthcare field who have high demand. Many positions are available to them, including those of leadership. However, some prefer to be independent practitioners, working as contractors. It allows for flexibility and negotiations, but being formally employed also has its benefits....

Family Relations and History in “The Best We Could Do” Novel by Bui

Thi Bui’s “The Best We Could Do” brings out the theme of family relations and family history. The author explains that she started researching and writing the book to understand their family and better connect with her mom and dad and learn to love them. Although a vast gulf separates...

Leadership Traits That Enhance and Inhibit Creativity

Introduction A culture of creativity is vital for organizations as it boosts their innovative potential. There are a number of leadership traits that enhance and inhibit creativity. Discussion of Leadership Traits A leader’s abilities to ensure his team’s optimal level of creativity are focused on improving the creative potential, removing...

Different Interpretations of the Song “I Shall Be Released”

Introduction Different ways of performing a song: opportunities for a new artistic expression. Possible differences: mood, interpretation, performance tools. Song to be discussed: “I Shall Be Released”. Original performer: Bob Dylan; multiple covers, including Nina Simone. Target performances: 1976 and 1994 live concerts. Song History Bob Dylan Written in 1967....

Interaction in Context of Migration, Diasporas, and Transnationalism

Interaction is a universal social phenomenon that takes various forms in different socio-cultural environments. With the increased migration in the twentieth and twenty-first centuries and new ways of communicating and traveling, the study of transnational interaction’s peculiarity became especially relevant (Rynkiewich, 2012). Migration is not a problem by itself, but...

Analysis of Homelessness in California

Summary Thesis: Homelessness in California is a leading social problem due to high housing prices and increasing psychological and medical issues. Terms: unemployment, homelessness, social initiatives, responsibility, government agencies. A cause-and-effect strategy for writing an expanded definition was used: Social initiatives are a set of measures proposed by society to...

Operational Principles in the US War Against Terror

The US war against terror has intensified aftermath of the 9/11 attacks, and to that day, remains one of the most contested and protracted US military operations abroad. The US war against terrorism included several operations in Afghanistan and Iraq against Taliban and al-Qaeda. Although the US military has significantly...

Older Adults Surviving the COVID-19 Pandemic: The Mental Health Benefits of Physical Activity

Introduction The outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic caused a drastic change in people’s lifestyles across the world. Since the disease is infectious, deadly, and spreads quickly, different countries around the globe, including the United States, were forced to enact social distance guidelines (SDG) in order to combat the spread of...

Analysis of “The Storm” by Kate Chopin

Kate Chopin, in “The Storm”, her most sexually explicit story, narrates a moment of passionate sex during a harsh storm between two married people who cheat on their spouses (Koloski, 2018). After both the act and the storm had passed, nobody felt shame, and the author emphasized that “everyone was...

Colonial Legacy and Influence on Modern Africa

From the 1880s to the 1970s, the Western powers ruled over Africa with an unprecedented system of governance – colonialism. Countries such as France, England, Italy, Belgium, and Germany managed to occupy vast territories and turned them into resource bases for the metropoles. Some colonial regimes were more humane than...

Lifting All Up to God Here (L.A.U.G.H.) Organization

In terms of the summary, Lifting All Up to God Here (L.A.U.G.H.) is a faith-based organization for youth, in which participants can learn life skills and workforce training, express themselves through creative arts, culinary arts, and practice in counseling. The establishment requires grant assistance since it plays an essential role...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Entrepreneurial Networking and Relationship Capital

In the modern business environment, entrepreneurial networking and relationship capital have already attracted particular attention. Therefore, this work aims to examine the importance of these concepts. In general, entrepreneurial networking refers to the formal or informal organisation of entrepreneurs to increase the effectiveness of their businesses’ activities (Das and Goswami,...

Diversity in the World’s Top Companies

From my perspective, a diverse organization should go beyond the common definitions of diversity, broadening the workforce and ensuring that representatives of various social groups and capabilities are employed. In the current age, ensuring diversity in a workplace is a crucial concern for numerous companies, and organizational leaders are expected...

Comparison Between “Young Goodman Brown” and “Rip Van Winkle”

Young Goodman Brown and Rip Van Winkle both tell stories of family men, of which each starts their story as one person and becomes completely different by the end of it. The two stories are written in different narrations and settings; however, they have something in common. While it may...

The Basics of Environmental Ethics

The health of all living organisms relies on the quality of the earth; therefore, environmental concerns are crucial for everyone because everything in the world is connected. There are numerous ecologists, but Aldo Leopold occupies a unique position in the history of wildlife conservation in the USA. He is a...

Biology and Culture of Gender Color Stereotypes

It seems inadequate to assign a particular gender a stereotypical color in a developed modern society. Nevertheless, historically embedded patterns are quite difficult to eradicate, so carriers still spread them. One such stereotype is the assignment of blue to boys and pink to girls. This is a somewhat ingrained gender...

Anthropology of Childhood in America

The process of understanding human behavior can be complicated because people react and respond differently based on the situations and the overall surrounding. Children make the case even more confusing since they have the potential to interpret the conditions effectively in a way their parents might fail to comprehend. In...

Christian Allegories: “The Parable of the Prodigal Son”

“The Parable of the Prodigal Son” is a story of a family and the importance of support and forgiveness. In Holy Bible, there are many cases that teach justice and fair relationships. Another Christian allegory of human interactions and help is in “The Parable of the Good Samaritan.” Although these...

“State Capacity and Long-Run Economic Performance” by Dincecco & Katz

Introduction The article State Capacity and Long-Run Economic Performance by Mark Dincecco and Gabriel Katz (2016) explores the relationship between political transformations and sustainable economic growth. Specifically, the authors analyze how increasing state capacity and establishing a limited government in Europe affected the financial performance over several decades. They have...

The United States’ Import and Export

Vehicles and automobiles are one of the most fundamental imports of the USA. The number of cars transferred to the country from abroad has increased in the past decades (Samuels, 2019). The USA is one of the leading net importers in the world of goods and has become the world’s...

Christian Messages in Saint Ambrose’s and Saint Francis of Assisi’s Poetry

Saint Ambrose’s “Ancient Morning Hymn” and Saint Francis of Assisi’s “Canticle of the Sun” are two pieces of poetry written at different ages. Ambrose was a Bishop of Milan who lived 340-397 AD. In contrast, Saint Francis of Assisi was living in a time from 1182 till 1226. Even though...

Popular Research Paper Topics

The Language Acquisition Process: Theories and Elements

Different theories of language development contribute to language acquisition in diverse ways. According to Skinner’s operant conditioning theory, children learn words when they receive rewards (Human Language Development, 2016, para. 2). For example, when a child is hungry, they discover the word ‘eat’. A child receives something to eat when...

Healthy Dietary Habits and Healthy Weight in Adults

Body The article presents a narrative review summarizing consistent evidence concerning healthy dietary habits and maintaining a healthy weight in adults and more aged adults. The information was examined based on data from previous research conducted in North America and Europe. The analysis indicated that mean intakes of such elements...

The Effect of Violence on Society

The concept of violence exists on a large spectrum. While it is commonly understood as being solely detrimental, violence is a specific type of interaction that can sometimes be used for the benefit of society. This discussion will focus on the different types of violence, as well as their effects...

The Impact of the Ukraine War on Moldova

The invasion of Ukraine by Russia threatens to have far-reaching consequences for many of Ukraine’s neighbors. Moldova stands as an example of Ukraine’s neighbors that has experienced effects of the war. It is the smallest country in Eastern Europe, with a populace of fewer than three million people and now...

Australian Indigenous Knowledge of Land Management

Aboriginal people have used fire to construct a continent-wide land management system developed over the centuries. Morrison (2020) states that Indigenous Australians have been managing “fire for 65,000 years” (para. 1). The use of fire as a natural resource management tool is a crucial subject in natural resource management in...

Role of a Marketing Department in Business

Introduction In the organizational structure of any company, there are main divisions and departments that serve as the basis of its functioning. The marketing unit is the basis of the organization’s interaction with customers and potential buyers. The main task of this branch is to maintain the brand and image...

When the People You Love Do Not Think Like You

A considerable number of people tend to avoid debating as they frequently see it as a disrespectful confrontation of people with opposite opinions who aim to persuade others at any cost. At the same time, while it is possible to avoid an argument with unfamiliar people, family members, and friends...

Long-Term Fundraising: Introduction to Business

ACME Labs, a privately owned biotech business, seeks to raise a large sum to enable the development of a novel medicine that may cure COVID19. However, the supervisory board is comprised of people who are hesitant to commit capital to such an initiative. This issue might be resolved by communicating...

Why Some Stars Are Red Giant and Others White Dwarfs

The red giants are larger than the usual primary stars in a row. Regardless of temperature, larger giants can have more light. The light grows in proportion to the size of the star. When compared to the size of the earth, white dwarfs are tiny. In the white dwarfs, there...

Activity Based Costing: American Red Cross

American Red Cross is a non-profit organization that distributes relief aid to affected communities and individuals. Moreover, the organization provides shelter, health care services, and water to the victims of a disaster. The organization reconnects families and offers sanitation services during and after a disaster. American Red Cross is responsible...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Ethical Relativism Regarding Queer (LGBTQ+) Community

The idea that ethics is based on cultural or personal standards is known as ethical relativism. In other words, the moral standards of the culture or one’s perceptions in which a behavior is engaged to determine whether it is acceptable or unethical. The same behavior could be morally acceptable in...

Is Physician-Assisted Suicide Ever Ethical

A patient who chooses to end their own life with the help of a doctor and the delivery of a lethal substance is said to have committed physician-assisted suicide (PAS). Essentially, some individuals are driven to explore PAS due to the poor quality of life associated with a terminal condition....

The Role of NCSBN in the Regulation of Nursing Practice

The National Council of State Boards of Nursing (NCSBN) is an autonomous, non-profit association. It brings together healthcare regulatory agencies to intervene and consult on issues of common interest as well as concerns affecting the health of public security and wellbeing (Dickison et al., 2019). The above includes the creation...

The Christian Interpretation of the Bible

Introduction The four parts of the biblical narrative reveal numerous details about God’s character and advocacy for humans. Moreover, they deepen one’s comprehension of the truth regarding sickness. The creation, fall, redemption, and restoration all contain sources for comforting people in disease. Discussion Firstly, everything in the world was designed...

The Effects of the Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill on BP’s Financial Prospects

The Deepwater Horizon incident has significantly impacted the offshore drilling industry, particularly BP. The company faced significant fines, damage claims, and legal bills, forcing it to sell a significant part of its assets to cover the costs. The value of the company’s bonds went down amid the crisis resulting in...

Apple Inc.’s Brand Equity on the Website

Branding issues are of extreme importance to manufacturers, traditional retailers, and customers. The growth of the internet has increased the importance of a strong brand name, especially due to trust and security issues. The brand name is used to differentiate products in both traditional and online retail situations. The Apple...

Barriers Reduced by Strategic Human Resource Management Initiatives

Introduction Expanding a business overseas is most frequently associated with financial profit. Still, sometimes, company owners neglect the probability of difficulties that may emerge once employees are forced to live and work in another country. Multinational organizational structures may involve a variety of obstacles to business performance. These barriers can...

Mental Illness and People of Color Misconceptions

This study poses a number of research objectives, which are reflected in the following questions: What are the misconceptions and stigmas about mental illnesses and their treatment among communities of people of color? What are their origins and causes, and how do they affect the behavior of people of color?...

Speech on Mother Teresa: Poverty and Interiority in Mother Teresa

Opening device: In the modern world, does one have to be perfect to be canonized? Preview: In today’s speech, I am going to expand the audience’s knowledge regarding Mother Teresa by reviewing the criticisms of her work and the undeniable positive outcomes of her endeavors. Thesis: Surprisingly, there are varying...

Political Science as a Foundational Aspect of Any Society

I find political science to be the most captivating for me due to numerous reasons. As Carr (2001) claims, “Utopia and reality are thus two facets of political science” (p. 10). The author explains that the aim of reaching a utopia is essential as there should be a necessary ideal...

“Physical Activity and Obesity in Children” by Hills

The article by Hills et al. (2011) focuses on exploring the link between obesity in children and the levels of their physical activity. The authors rationally state that the problem of child obesity becomes more and more acute, which is supported by references to credible sources. The main aim of...

The Significance of the Battle of Saratoga

Introduction The Battle of Saratoga took place in 1777 and signified the victory of the Continental Army over the British. The battle was a turning point in the American Revolution as it improved the Americans’ morale, convinced the prospective foreign ally to provide support, and ended the British control of...

Path Planning for Autonomous Underwater Vehicles

Depending on the objective, two types of path planning and simulation of unmanned underwater device trajectories should be allocated. These are the path from one point to the other and the complete grid coverage of the space (Panda et al., 2020). The initial analysis of both scenarios gives a vivid...

Sponsorship as One of the Key Tools for Successful Marketing

Sponsorship Activation Definition Sponsorship is one of the key tools for successful marketing. Dreisbach, Woisetschlager, Backhaus, and Cornwell (2018) stipulate that sponsorship activation “goes beyond one-way basic advertising and promotion to two-way communication and even advanced forms such as complex real-time campaigns” (p.1). Enoch (2020) further breaks down sports activation...

Twyla and Roberta’s Friendship in Toni Morrison’s “Recitatif”

The story recounts the friendship of two girls, Twyla and Roberta who meet at the St. Bonny’s shelter after being abandoned by their families. Their relationship experiences both ups and downs highlight the dynamics of their respective characters as well as external circumstances. At first, they dislike each other given...

How the Main Theoretical Perspectives in Psychology Explain Human Behavior

Introduction So far, there are several main theoretical perspectives that dominate in the field of psychology and that are being studied by scholars. In various ways, they all explain human behavior in particular conditions and situations, although this same behavior may be interpreted differently in these theories. The assignment aims...

S. Kruzan and C. Brown’s Experience in Criminal Justice System

Your Last Name Women convicted for murder forced by self-defense often draw the attention of the media or social activists. Sara Kruzan and Cyntoia Brown’s cases were examples of sentences widely discussed in US society. Although there is a decade between the crimes, women’s racial victimization still causes unjust punishment....

Immigrants Assimilation Issues

The U.S. immigrant assimilation ideology means that migrants within the U.S. borders will learn the English language and simultaneously adjust and embrace the American culture and living. Therefore, assimilation for immigrants cannot be segmented because it infringes migrants’ freedoms to practice their cultures and contributes less to eradicating racism. Still,...

Grounded Theory and Phenomenology

Introduction Grounded theory and phenomenology are two methods of qualitative analysis. According to Tracy (2020), grounded theory is used to explain a particular phenomenon through a “ground up” approach (p. 62). This way suggests addressing data without preconceived theories, building upon research through the concept of a blank slate (Tracy,...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Pharmacogenomics and Chronic Illnesses

The topic of pharmacogenomics and chronic illnesses was selected for the following discussion. The problem of pharmacogenomics use for the treatment of mental illness is relevant because one in four people suffer from this type of medical condition (Wax, 2012). The article by White et al. (2018) investigates the impact...

War in Ernest Hemingway and Tim O’Brien’s Stories

Soldier’s Home and How to Tell a True War Story are short stories written about the wars. In the Soldier’s House, Hemingway narrates the time after the First World War, and O’Brien connects the events with the Vietnam War. In a comparison of O’Brien’s description of war with Hemingway, it...

“Are Empires Always Bad?” Becoming Empire

Historians have widely discussed the concept of empire, yet no one can assert if imperialism is a good or bad type of governance. Scholars explore the history of empires to answer this question. For example, the article by Pennock, Holland, Green, and Wagner gives specific reasons why empires can be...

FDP Company’s Income Varying with Production Level

FDP Company has been performing below the analysts’ earnings expectation, and the management must either increase production or reduce the prices of items, which would improve sales. Although the latter might raise the firm’s revenue, it may lower its income, therefore, using the former approach would be the most appropriate...

Walt Whitman as a Democratic Symbol

Introduction Walt Whitman was a poet that changed it all for the field of poetry across the United States and beyond its borders. He did not identify himself with any other poet while also conveying the idea that an ideal poet should never stay above anyone else. Walt Whitman’s audacity...

Tattoos Should Be Considered Fine Art

Tattooing has existed as a form of visual art for centuries, reflecting unique human stories on their bodies. Indeed, ancient skeletons painted with ochre suggest that it was one of the first forms of art (Jones). Tattoos are created by placing ink to the deeper skin layers using needles to...

Enlightenment and Its Impact on the French Population and the Industrial Revolution

The phenomenon of Enlightenment is widely known among the scholars of history. The period between 1685 and 1815, referred to as the Age of Enlightenment, has hugely impacted various European countries’ economic and academic growth (Outram, 2019). The Enlightenment had an exceptional influence on both the french population and the...

The Use of Statistics in Criminal Justice and Criminology

Summary The construction of confidence intervals refers to the development of value ranges estimated to contain the valid population parameter. Each sample has its descriptive statistics, such as the mean or proportion. The scholars set the level of confidence based on their assessment of the relative costs of a loss...

Hemingway’s “A Clean, Well-lighted Place” and Faulkner’s “Barn Burning”: Short Stories Comparison

Hemingway’s “A Clean, Well-Lighted Place” and Faulkner’s “Barn Burning” are both 1930s stories. However, the authors’ stylistic innovations significantly differ since they address distinct themes in the early twentieth century. One of the crucial differences is evident in the compositions and literary styles the author’s highlight. Although both Hemingway and...

Sonia Sotomayor: Character and Leadership

Sonia Sotomayor became the first Hispanic justice of the United States Supreme Court to be personally appointed by President Barack Obama. This position is very honorable because the appointment does not occur by submitting a resume, but only personally by the country’s president for merits, honesty, and wisdom, and the...

Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy: Recent Therapeutics Advances

Duchenne muscular dystrophy (DMD) is an x-linked pathology of the muscular system that occurs predominantly in boys. This progressive degenerative condition that results in severe motor disability occurs in roughly 1 in 5,000 births. Caused by mutations in the dystrophin gene, DMD results in the eventual loss of motor function,...

Bibliography: Julius Caesar as a Tragic Hero

Encyclopedia Britannica. Julius Caesar | Biography, conquests, facts, & death. Encyclopedia Britannica.  Julius Caesar possesses a noble stature and represents the patrician roots of his parents. Gaius Julius Caesar and Aurelia helped their son become a great general (Encyclopedia Britannica, n.d.). Being named a dictator, Julius Caesar refuses at first,...

Assisted Suicide and Its Legalization Problem

Introduction There has been an ongoing discussion regarding the legalization of assisted suicide or so-called euthanasia. The problem of its legalization intersects a range of disciplines, including medicine, law, religion, philosophy, and demands the participation of specialists from all these fields to make an impactful decision (Kimuyu, 2018). It is...

The Problem of Gender Stereotypes

Social stereotypes develop as a result of labeling a group of people with similar characteristics. For example, people can be categorized based on age, race, or gender (Zhang et al., 2018). Gender stereotyping seems to be an element of the traditional gender ideology that describes average differences between males and...

Hard Questions About Living in Poverty or Slavery

Living in conditions where one’s life and death do not depend on oneself is one of the most challenging events in life. Examples of those conditions are poverty and slavery: they can lead to the total demolition of personality. They can make the one a vile or just a broken...

Transportation Advancements and Industrialization

The second industrial revolution is the period that took place in the late 19th – early 20th century. It is characterized by numerous social and economic changes that lead to the restructuring of the economy and manufacturing growth. In the case of the US, the changes provoked by industrialization involve...

“O Captain! My Captain!”: Symbolism, Imagery, and the American Dream

Introduction The famous “O Captain! My Captain!” written by Walt Whitman is a short literary work encompassing several complex topics important to each American. It is personal and national mourning for Abraham Lincoln as well as a retrospective of the events of the Civil War and previous major historical events...

Medicine Is Not a Genetic Supermarket

Together with the development of society, medicine also develops, but some people are not ready to accept everything that science creates. There is an opinion that any intervention in human life to improve it is considered genocide concerning any social group. There are some people disagreeing with this view, however,...

The Age of Reason Through Literature

The Declaration of Independence, created in 1776, is an excellent example of the reasoning approach used by the people of that age. The Declaration of Independence follows a strict structure, introducing the area of concern and developing the creators’ arguments. As such, “The history of the present King of Great...

“Flow, the Secret to Happiness” by Csikszentmihalyi

Happiness has been an ambiguous topic for centuries, and everybody has tried to answer the question of what brought this ecstatic state. While some people consider material well-being to be a source of serenity and happiness, others put a value on creativity and freedom. Nevertheless, it remains either a question...

Language Development: The Role of Nature and Nurture

This paper aims to explore the role of nature and nurture in language development. Language is a free-form creative process with predefined rules and concepts. In contrast, the application of generating concepts is arbitrary and infinitely varied. Understanding and applying phrases is also a creative process. As a result, I...

The Key Qualities That Make a Good Manager

Melissa Richardson sees a good manager as a person with advanced motivation skills, encouraging steady working relationships within the team of professionals. Richardson’s actions comply with her ideas: she joined training on team motivation and read books on leadership, discussed her team sales performance, and applied her motivational skills to...

Essay on the Novel “Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde” by Stevenson

The novel Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde by Robert Louis Stevenson explores the duality of the human soul. Dr. Jekyll is one of the clearest literary examples of multiple personality disorder. The author gives direct hints that duality is inherent in every person, and it depends only...

How I Apply the Principles from Anderson’s Gracism

Humility is at the heart of Christianity, and every person who has faith must strive to adhere to this virtue. Being humble means valuing diversity in all of its manifestations, and to do it, one can rely on the principles outlined by David A. Anderson in his book Gracism. The...

Age and Gender Stratification in Older Adults

Introduction Social stratification is a crucial issue for the current age, given its significant impact on the lines of numerous populations. Defined as the differentiation of a given population into hierarchically superposed classes, social stratification is manifested in the existence of upper and lower social layers (Wister, 2019). Specifically, the...

Jesus’s Parables in Modern Settings

Introduction In the Bible, Jesus tells his followers a number of parables. These parables were aimed at explaining God’s plan to the common folk based on examples they could understand. How did these stories teach valuable lessons to the listeners of God’s word? After telling a short and simple story,...

Forced Migration in the United States

Forced deportations and multiple immigration crises are concerns that have long characterized the United States. Despite significant improvements in immigration policy, border problems still exist, and only the past lessons can help determine which methods are effective and which should be abandoned. Historically, the image of Mexico propagated by the...

Limitations in Career Growth in Guam

Introduction As a matter of fact, in the present day, career growth in Guam may be regarded as relatively limited due to a highly negative impact of the pandemic caused by a global spread of COVID-19. It led to the decline of the island’s business and substantially affected its tourism...

Circulatory Shock: The Case Study

A 19-year-old patient survived a serious car accident while her best friend died. Although she has minor physical traumas like bruises and scrapes, her principal diagnosis is circulatory shock. Its contributing factors include trauma, blood loss, burns, and other causes that provoke the lack of blood or oxygen in the...

The Kafkaesque Experience in “The Metamorphosis”

After Kafka published his novella “Metamorphosis”, it became a classical piece and continues to be relevant nowadays. “Kafkaesque” is applied as a term describing an experience in which the person does not have control over and loses the connection with the existing reality (Edwards, 1991). Frederick R. Karl highlights that...

The Aspects of Systems Engineering

Introduction Systems engineering has always fascinated me endlessly, as it is a complex and constantly developing field that permeates the majority of human activities and institutions in the modern world. This passion led me to pursue Instrumentation and Control Engineering at the National Institute of Technology-Tiruchirappalli (NIT-T). Having received my...

Kabbalistic Poetry and the Divine

The Kabbalists have a different view of the language which addresses the paradox expressed by Gershom Sholem. His concerns include the impossibility and inability of the language to deliver something such as connection between the person and the God, or the Divine. The tradition of Kabbalist ports to write about...

Saratoga Hospital: General Care Patients

Saratoga hospital, located in New York, was founded by a group of women in the 19th century. The needs arose from insufficient healthcare facilities available for treatment. It is among the joint commission enterprise hospital that provides quality and improved healthcare through experienced expert clinicians. The hospital’s mission is to...

Cash and Credit Cards, Their Pros and Cons

For most intents and purposes, credit cards are superior to carrying cash. They are more compact and secure and can enable payments over the Internet. The situation for vendors is somewhat different, but credit card readers are becoming increasingly widespread. Nevertheless, many people prefer to use cash instead of cards...

“How Do We Heal Medicine?” by Atul Gawande

According to Gawande, modern health systems are becoming more and more complex as technology and specializations develop. People are seeking out the best treatments and specialists, but that does not always result in the best overall healthcare (TED, 2012). High-reliability organizations (HROs) are becoming a central concept in healthcare as...

Mission, Vision, and SMART Goals for New Business

Mission and vision statement for the new business The mission statement will be to represent and make student opinions and preferences known to local merchants and national chains while at the same time seek to gain funding from any market research firm within the area. The vision statement will be...

Impact of the Coronavirus Pandemic on Human Relations

The coronavirus pandemic has become the most significant crisis of the last years. Since millions of people are infected worldwide, specific steps are taken to address the situation. Social distancing, self-isolation, and other preventive measures have resulted in essential economic, social, and political disadvantages for the whole world. In addition...

“Viderunt Omnes” by Leonin

Viderunt Omnes is an old Georgian chant based on a biblical Psalm XCVII. It is sung as a gradual, which is a liturgical celebration of the Eucharist, mostly in the Catholic religion. The hymn is usually performed at the masses on such catholic and Christian holidays as Christmas and, historically,...

Failure of the Confederate Article

The Articles of Confederation was the first constitution of the United States put together by the 13 original states and approved by Congress in 1777 and ratified by the states in 1781. They created a loose confederation of sovereign states with most of the power allocated to state governments. In...

An Overview of the Idea of Latin America

Latin America is a collective name of a group of countries and dependent territories located in the Western Hemisphere, and the use of Spanish and Portuguese languages dominates there. The term “Latin America” for the first time was used in 1856. There are various interpretations of the appearance of the...

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Proximal and Distal Parenting

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Nursing Informatics in Patient Care Delivery

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Are Free Will and Determinism Compatible?

Philosophical metaphysics teaches that all human decisions have underlying causality and motivation, and the freedom to express personal free will is the basis for most of them. It is challenging to call free will one of the inalienable rights of a citizen, for it is difficult to delineate where its...

Reconsidering Housing Policies in California

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The Issue of Trolling in the Gaming Context

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The Boat Discussion: A Moral Dilemma in “The Dark Knight”

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Space Shuttle Columbia Disaster: Results

NASA Leadership The Space Shuttle Columbia (SSC) disaster occurred on February 1, 2003, leading to seven deaths and discrediting NASA management (History, 2018). The tragedy initiated a series of internal organizational changes, and it was evident that NASA required additional safety regulations for workers and astronauts (Howell & Dobrijevic, 2021)....

Is My Personal Data Being Commercially Exploited by Twitter?

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Corruption: The Global Problem

Regarding human rights abuses, Morocco, which is ranked 39 on the index, proposed an emergency law that denied citizens their right to movement, as well as assembly and free speech. Furthermore, the act was applied as legal protection targeting government critics and advocates of human rights. Thus, companies that would...

Ethics of Illegal Consumption of Medical Products

Opioid addiction is a relevant social problem that ruins the lives of thousands of people annually. Hence, pharmaceutical companies have a moral obligation to prevent the illegal consumption of harmful drugs. Rule utilitarianism supports this position since it is a theory of maximizing happiness (Dimmock & Fisher, 2017). Like all...

Market Analysis for Apple Inc.

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Aspects of Islam and the Quran

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Southwest Airlines’ Positive Organizational Change

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Healthcare Access: Financial Barriers

Access to medical services is central to the quality of life. Nevertheless, barriers to getting the necessary care and interventions are persistent on a global scale, posing a challenge to humanity’s well-being. The inability to afford health coverage is among such hindrances that result in delayed treatment and poor health...

World History Beyond Its Field

Eric Lane Martin’s essay describes his view of world history. This viewpoint shows that politics is involved. He proves this by citing historians’ research questions, tools, and critical thinking methods. The text’s statement about using world history to understand September 11th is the most direct evidence. According to Martin (2005),...

Mary Shelley’s “Frankenstein” Novel Revision

The well-known 1831 revision of Mary Shelley’s Frankenstein has several meaningful differences from its original 1818 edition. Mary Shelley made revisions to the book to appease conservative readers who objected to the book’s first examination of science and its repercussions (Butler 313). By including lengthy passages in which Frankenstein expresses...