Pathophysiology of Type 2 Diabetes

According to Ahme, Muniandy, and Ismail (2010), type 2 diabetes consists of a combination of dysfunctions that are characterized by inadequate secretion and peripheral insulin resistance of insulin. According to Khardori (2013), a combination of genetic factors such as metabolic disorders and environmental conditions contribute to the prevalence of type...

Differences Between Features of Bipolar Disorder and Generalized Anxiety Disorder

Patients presenting with bipolar disorder are more mentally disturbed than the patients presenting with generalized anxiety disorder (Geller et al., 2002). Patients presenting with bipolar disorder for the first time are usually teenagers or young adults while those presenting with generalized anxiety disorder are at different stages of life. Bipolar...

Quality Metrics for Chronic Disease Management

Review of the National Committee for Quality Assurance (NCQA) report The management of chronic diseases is an essential healthcare approach that is aimed at reducing the negative impact of chronic diseases in patients (National Committee for Quality Assurance, 2010). The current trends show that the prevalence of chronic diseases is...

Advantages and Disadvantages of CPD Monitoring Techniques

Continuing professional development (CPD) is the process when people improve their knowledge, skills and experience by means of special training courses. Monitoring and evaluating is the final stage of the CPD process. There are a lot of diverse ways how the CPD process may be monitored and evaluated, still, each...

Factors That Impact Media Consumption

Starting with the digital revolution in the 1990s when the world made a step forward personalized media moved away from the “tyranny of mass media”, people consumed only the content they found useful and meaningful (Jenkins 244). We got our media choices. With the active development of the digital and...

Quality Bicycle Products Plans for the Future

Making up mind on identifying various options and choosing the best, at the most appropriate times, is a crucial part of a decision-making process. The implementation of policies by the right personnel, at the precise time and using the best mechanisms, can be termed as sound planning. One way to...

Industrial Revolution and Immigration

The outcomes of the US Industrial Revolution that took place in the 19th century had a recognizable influence on the consequent history of the country and of the world as a whole. The manifestation of the Industrial Revolution may be considered a serious step forward for the country that fought...

Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act

Thesis While Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) is useful in the way of providing unified standards for the protection of protected health information (PHI), it requires adjustments regarding PHI disclosure for payment, treatment, and healthcare operations. Background HIPAA is currently the main piece of the US federal legislation...

Global Society: Before and After The Coronavirus Pandemic

Humanity faced one of the most significant health crises in 2020 as the COVID-19 virus spread worldwide, impacting people’s perception of life and values. Lockdowns, uncertainty, isolation, and loss of beloved ones changed the global society and forced every member to revise their aspirations and roles (Fogarty et al.). Moreover,...

Obama’s vs. Trump’s US National Security Strategy

The National Security Strategy 2010 provides definitive ideologies on what contributes to global security, national security and homeland security. Essentially, there are multiple concerns highlighted in this policy document that help in understanding the values of domestic and international relations. Notably, there are several distinctions between the three aspects of...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Work-Life and Work-Family Interconnections

In terms of a growing number of natural disasters, falling airplanes, and other negative events, the issue of resilience becomes more and more important. It was useful to learn about the progress of research on work-life and work-family interconnections in the context of resilience. Chapter 8 allowed understanding that this...

European Colonization and Middle and South America

European colonization has impacted the development of once colonized lands drastically. One of the primary ways European colonization affected Sub-Saharan Africa was the state’s economy and inability to recover financially. During the decades of colonization and land exploitation, European countries used African agricultural welfare and human capital to strengthen their...

Social Media Marketing: Advantages and Drawbacks

To highlight the considerable popularity social media have gained in the modern world would be to say nothing, as they have penetrated all spheres of human life. In particular, their development has favored the appearance of social media marketing, which is normally abbreviated as SMM and presupposes using social networks...

Meghnaghat Power Plant Project in Bangladesh

Project cost and funding mix The project is estimated to cost $295 million, including $75 million in equity and $220 million in debt. In December 2000, a $ 50 million direct loan and a $ 20 million supplementary financing facility were approved for the Meghnaghat power project by the Board...

Challenges of the Digital Age: The Well-Examined Life

Socrates’ Biography The activity of Socrates, one of the outstanding ancient thinkers, has significantly impacted the formation of philosophical ideas in different cultures and influenced the emergence of different concepts. He was born in 469 BC to a mason and midwife and died in 399 BC in Athens. During his...

Researching of Fraud and Abuse in Healthcare

Healthcare fraud is an intentional practice of misusing the healthcare system for unlawful gains, such as billing patients for services that were never provided or performing unnecessary medical procedures. The difference between fraud and abuse is that the latter is not done intentionally, despite the fact that both incur additional...

The Film “The Post” by Steven Spielberg

Press freedom is an important phenomenon in ensuring non-biased reporting and news. This paper analyzes The Post, a film where Washington Post was in dilemma of publishing leaked documents on the United States’ failures in Vietnam. Although the government knew that the war in Vietnam was taking a wrong path,...

Effect of Big Data and Data Mining on Global Business

Data play an essential role in the present stage of the development of society and human activities. Therefore, the more global a business is, the more seriously it should treat extensive data management. In particular, this aspect affects the process of making informed and thoughtful decisions. Consequently, this scientific paper...

Binomial Trees: A Financial Tool

A binomial tree is a financial tool that seeks to present a graphical representation of different intrinsic values that an underlying asset or option can take in different periods. The first general approach was developed in 1979 by Cox, Ross, and Rubinstein and has since become a popular method of...

The Movie “The Perks of Being a Wallflower” by Chbosky

The novel “The Perks of Being a Wallflower” is formulated in the epistolary format. The main character, Charlie, discusses the events in his life by using letters to an unknown friend. The peculiar feature of this novel differentiating this work from others is that the thought flows in letters is...

Popular Research Paper Topics

The Boeing Company’s Strategic Objectives

In creating an operational plan, one of the essential components is the resolution of operational objectives. They are necessary because they provide companies with a more precise and more accurate vision of what outcomes they can achieve. Moreover, strategic goals contribute to the definition of tools and steps that should...

Catholic Converts and the Sect System

Introduction The analysis of literary works on the topic of religion helps to gain a better understanding of its basic concepts and varieties. Thus, individuals can realize the uniqueness of each faith. Hence, the book by Mullen, “The Chance of Salvation: A History of Conversion in America,” focuses on the...

The Diagnosis of Acute Bacterial Prostatitis

Introduction The symptoms of the 42-year-old man presenting to the ED appear to align with the diagnosis of acute bacterial prostatitis, which is an inflammatory condition affecting the prostate glands’ excretory ducts. A urinary tract infection is commonly associated with bacterial prostatitis, the onset of which is associated with perineal...

Oncology: The Prevalence of HIV Infection, Hepatitis C, and Hepatitis B

Introduction For a clinician, the information in this article is relevant because it helps to understand the prevalence of HIV infection, hepatitis C, and Hepatitis B among patients newly diagnosed with cancer. Therefore, there is a need for a clinician to screen patients who have just been diagnosed with cancer...

The Poem “Woman’s Work” by Julia Alvarez

The poem “Woman’s work” by Julia Alvarez shows that nothing is impossible in this world. She discusses women’s domestic role and their contribution to the family (Hussain). Alvarez looks at how the mother’s story about obsessively cleaning the house affected the lives of many people around the world. Based on...

The Risky Business of Hiring Stars

Introduction “The Risky Business of Hiring Stars” by Groysberg et al. is an article highlighting companies’ growth and performance after hiring celebrities or prominent personnel from other firms. The business of hiring stars is shown to be detrimental to the organization and individual staff personnel. The key terminologies applied in...

Letters Across Realms: Finding Forgiveness in the Afterlife

Introduction It is good to write to you, after all this time. Now that we are both dead, we get to live on in this new plane of existence. Last time we met, we came to blows. I was angry at you for what you did to me, at first....

Interpreting of “B of the Bang” and “The Angel of the Night Might”

One of the least explainable phenomena and the most exciting way to journey into the psychic of a genius, art is at the same time a perfect way to capture reality and visualize the rights and wrongs of a modern society. Likewise, art evokes hope and the desire to change...

Face-To-Face Communication Vs Online Communication Essay

Which is better: texting through social media or speaking face to face? This online communication essay explores the two options and shows which of them is more preferable. Online Communication Essay Introduction Today, there are many opportunities to communicate with friends and relatives with the help of modern technologies. Online...

Why Flogging Should Be Brought Back?

Flogging is “an act punishment whereby someone is beaten with a stick or whip” (Jacoby 197). The modern society should learn a lot from the Puritans in order to deal with every felon. Several arguments have been presented in order to support flogging. Many people believe that flogging is an...

Transtheoretical Stages of Change Across Cultures

Prochaska and DiClemente’s model examines the process of behavioral change by dividing it into stages. It is based on the understanding that people do not change behaviors rapidly but rather progress through the change gradually and dynamically (Summers, 2016). The model has been used in various studies to assess the...

Terrorist Attacks: Death and Horrifying Effects on Innocent People

The perception of terrorist attacks is highly recognized across the globe and is among the frequently cited issues of the current society. Since such attacks affect many nations internationally, they have been perceived as the main threats to peace and national security. The word ‘terrorism’ emanated from the expression ‘terror’...

Labeling Food With Genetically Modified Organisms

Abstract The wide public has been concerned about the issue of whether food products with genetically modified organisms (GMO) should be labeled since the beginning of arguments on GMO implications for human health. Analysis of current scientific findings regarding the impact of food containing GMO suggests that there are strong...

Risk Management and Insurance Principles

The risk manager should develop allocate some funds into risk insurance. This will enable the company gets the necessary funds to be able to reduce losses (Rejda 49). The manager should also try to make sure that there are other potential partners, and the company will be able to provide...

“Sensitive Line” in Interpretation and Personal Experiences

The concept of the sensitive line seems fairly simple at first. Implying that everyone has a psychological defense mechanism that is activated once something or someone jeopardizes the existence of a person’s ideal image of self, the sensitive line explains the source of numerous interpersonal conflicts occurring in all domains...

Churchill’s Iron Curtain Speech for American Audience

Introduction Churchill’s Iron Curtain speech is often considered one of the first examples of Cold War action as it drew a distinct line between the western and the eastern world. He presented a number of ideas through this speech, but the main one concerned the actions of the Soviet Union...

Royal Canadian Mounted Police Sexual Harassment Class Action

Introduction Sexual harassment appears to be a relevant topic in human resource management. The number of complaints regarding the problem has significantly increased over the past few decades. There are numerous occasions when harassment in the workplace is associated with employment-related promises and threats forcing people (women mostly) to provide...

College Teacher’s Personality and Skills

The profession of a teacher is one of the most important in the world. In fact, teaching is a kind of art. A good teacher is not only knowledgeable in his or her field of study; he or she also has the excellent rhetorical skills, the ability to prepossess the...

Africa’s Size and Colonization as Development Factors

The size of Africa as its development factor Africa is the second largest continent in the World after Eurasia; it takes about 20.4 percent of the World dry land. It is difficult for us to imagine how much 11.7 million sq mi is we may just think about 11 hours...

Three Types of Human Knowledge

I agree with the conclusion of the essay by Wolf. Mathematical knowledge and philosophical knowledge go hand in hand. One effect can in no way unmistakably proceed from a particular cause than in the case where a quantity of an effect is equivalent to the power created by the cause....

Popular Research Paper Topics

Retailing Strategies and Multichannel Marketing

Introduction Retailing is a process that encompasses all the activities that sellers use to add value to the products that they sell to customers for personal use. An effective retailing strategy takes into account all the 4Ps of the marketing mix, which include price, place, product, and promotion (Grewel &...

“The Rhetoric of Video Games” by Ian Bogost

In his article “The rhetoric of video games,” Ian Bogost writes about how video games are sophisticated statements reflecting the real life of people, their interactions, feelings, and worldviews. The games that we play can make arguments about society, persuade people to take a specific side in them, and express...

Spent: Looking for Change

The issue of debt is the most pressing problem that unites the subjects of Spent: Looking for Change. The first subject of the documentary, a young man named Justin reflects on his poverty-stricken childhood and discusses his aspirations of having a successful production company and building a life with his...

Single African-American Mother’s Experience with Their Adolescent Sons

Introduction Racism not only affects single African American mothers but also their adolescent sons. According to Daryanani, Hamilton, Abramson, and Alloy (2016), despite the gains made in the fight against this vice, American society is yet to be free from the yoke of racism, and children are not spared from...

Using Telehealth Services: Issues and Con-Position

Introduction In the post-discharge period, patients require the attention of their healthcare providers in terms of effective follow-up procedures and overall monitoring. Physical examinations are an essential part of this process because they show a cohesive ‘picture’ of how a patient is recovering. Despite the usefulness of telehealth services in...

Linguistic Competence and Performance

Linguistic competence is the ability of a person to speak and understand the language in a manner which is correct grammatically and lexically. The linguistic competence of a person consists of his or her ability to speak a certain language so that others should understand him or her, and at...

Management Is Art or Science?

Management Art or Science Management is a combination of activities which include planning, decision making and organizing, leading and controlling business activities to ensure that organizational effectiveness and efficiency can be achieved and it results in realizing overall business objectives. Looking more closely it could be suggested that management is...

Dedication as an Element of Personality Formation

Introduction Everyone has observed in life the fact that true dedication is the background of success in business, education or any social activities. The system of education requires complete involvement and active participation of the students to reach success and obtain necessary qualifications. Dedication is considered to be an integral...

The Educational Approach Inclusion

Inclusion is a pedagogical practice where the learners with specific academic needs learn in the same context and environment as those who do not have special academic needs. Inclusion, therefore, grants the special needs student the right to participate in normal educational activities (Ainscow, 2003). This practice does not recognize...

Novels by Shelley, Achebe and Golding Review

Perhaps, fear is one the most widely spread vices of society, as it provokes intense and negative emotions. The fear and horror is usually generated when people face the Ugly as a social and aesthetic opposition to the Beautiful. Provoked by social prejudices and vices, social fears are revealed and...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Instructional Methods in Teaching Practice

This paper will focus on instructional methods which are also referred to as teaching methods. Instruction methods describe activities that relate to learning objectives and the transmission of educational information between the instructors and their students (Bates, 2003). There are many methods of instruction and this paper will focus on...

Policies Running Use of Information and Communication Technologies in Teaching in America

The study is set to investigate the government policies guiding the use of ICTs in learning and teaching Intercultural Language Education. The emphasis will be to analyze the stated policies and check their influence on the process of learning. The study is informed by the growing conviction among educators that...

Perceiving Our Social World

Although an unbiased and objective reality exists, people constantly interpret it through a mixture of their opinions and standards, and this reality is reflected by several concepts in social psychology today (Myers, 2009). Ironically, the wish to be unprejudiced leads to some preconceptions. Two of the many existing concepts will...

Disease Pathology, Management, and Pharmacological Impact for Tularemia and Hantavirus

Tularemia Tularemia may be defined as a zoonotic disease that is widely distributed all over the world. It is caused by Francisella tularensis, “small, aerobic, catalase-positive, pleomorphic, gram-negative coccobacilli” of animals and, in rare circumstances, of humans (Penn, 2015, p. 2591). Although Francisella tularensis requires cysteine or cysteine for growth,...

Byzantine Empire Architecture in Early Middle Ages

The main peculiarity in architecture, interior decoration, and symbolic design from the Byzantine Empire is in its similarity to the main trends in architecture of the most influential powers situated around this state. The Byzantine Empire was located at the crossroads between all the major countries in the world including...

The Performance of Students Learning Different Languages

Research Participants The participants of this research were primarily drawn from the linguistic class of 2011. This constituted a sample of 74 students. The students answered the survey questions covering questions about age, gender, different kinds of marks and total grade. The sample size therefore consisted of 74 respondents based...

Situational Analysis of Apple Inc. Corporation

Description of the Company Apple Inc. is a telecommunications firm that manufacturers sleekly designed communication gadgets such as iPhones, iPads, PCs, iMacs, and other software offerings that work together with telecommunication devices. Apple Inc is headquartered in Cupertino, California with over 350 retail stores globally (Hitt, Ireland & Hoskisson, 2012)....

The Effects of Hate Crime Law on Democracy

A hate crime is a type of crime motivated by discriminatory behavior towards particular social groups’ representatives. In 1968, Congress first passed the law on giving specific penalties to those who committed hate crimes (The United States Department of Justice, 2019). Reese describes the negative aspects of this law in...

Is the Pandemic Beneficial?: Argument with an Opossum

Current Situation At the end of 2019, COVID-19, a severe acute respiratory syndrome, was identified in Wuhan, China (Sanyaolu et al. 2020). It has rapidly spread all over the world, and in the present day, more than 180 countries are affected (Sanyaolu et al. 2020). The World Health Organization has...

Causes and Effect of Various Aspects on Society

Making a crucial decision in life frequently puts people under much pressure concerning the possibility of committing a mistake. When speaking of the 21st century, one of the major issues lies in a number of potential opportunities, confusing people in terms of taking control over their lives. However, the level...

Nursing Care in Adolescent Juvenile Centers

The number of incarcerated teenage girls is rapidly increasing. Research has shown that one out of every ten incarcerated girls is pregnant (Nichols, 2014). Due to the poor parental care offered to incarcerated women and girls, their pregnancy outcomes are significantly affected. According to the poster, the rate of miscarriages...

The Impact of Citizenship on the Outcome of the Trial

Looking at critically there exists similarities and differences between the case of Annette B and Dred Scott. This is based on the facts of the case and the ruling delivered by the different courts. The aspects of similarities bring out the relationship that exists between the two cases. The matter...

Progressive Issues in Health

Sustainable human health relies on the capacity of the earth’s life-support systems. For human beings, attaining proper global environmental health is the primary aim of continuously achieving sustainability and accommodating social, economic, and environmental considerations. Nowadays, human-stimulated international environmental variations are known to cause hazards to health on extraordinary spatial...

Renin-Angiotensin-Aldosterone Mechanism in Terms of Disease Prevention

Clinical investigations into the use of Angiotensin-Converting Enzyme (ACE) inhibitors to slow the effects of diabetic nephropathy and the subsequent use of angiotensin II receptor blockers (ARBs) to reduce the progressive decay of GFR in Chronic kidney disease (CKD) to treat diabetes mellitus type 1 and type 2 have shown...

Manager Morale at Uptown Hospital

Regarding the case under analysis, organizational and operational issues are at the core of the problems within Uptown Hospital (Agoritas, 2009). The manager failed to define the root of the problem and provide the corresponding solutions to it. Lack of standardization indicates the shortcoming of the currently established managerial polices...

Imagination as a Source of Art

Janet Echelman (2011), in her Ted Talk “Taking imagination seriously,” proposes a new way of interacting with the ordinary things. When she was a teenager, she applied to several art schools but was not accepted to any of them. She decided to study art and sculpture on her own, and...

Effect of Dual-Focus Soft Contact Lens Wear

Introduction The paper is well written, and the topic is adequately addressed. The introduction of the paper gives the reader a grasp of what is being investigated in the study and what to expect. However, the main weakness is that it fails to give a cohesive thesis as a guide...

Dohn Milton, Dr., v IIT Research Institute

In this instance, Dohn Milton (the plaintiff) was hired by IIT Research Institute (defendant) to discover the potentials of the contract with the federal government. Then, his duties expanded, and he was promoted to vice president of IITRI’s Advanced Technology Group (Halbert & Ingulli, 2012). In turn, the plaintiff spotted...

Apple Inc.’s iPhone Marketing Mix

iPhone is a brand of cutting-edge smartphones designed and marketed by Apple Inc., which has traditionally targeted the high-end market segment through premium pricing and direct selling. Since the launch of the first iPhone generation, Apple Inc. has consistently released innovative and revolutionary models, which are available to consumers through...

“Strong Looks Better Naked” by Chloe Kardashian

In her book, the popular celebrity and the star of the famous reality show “Keeping up with Kardashians,” Khloe Kardashian, shares the recommendations on the healthy lifestyle and fitness by focusing on her personal experience of fighting with the excess weight and lack of confidence. Previously, the author herself had...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Self-Initiated Expatriation and Personal Experience

Moving to another country is a common activity these days, so many people choose to work in another country quite easily. The self-initiated expatriate is a person “who undertakes his international work experience with little or no organizational sponsorship” (Andresen et al., 2012, p. 11). Such employees, unlike assigned expatriates,...

Evaluation of the LRSD’s Reorganization

In July 2005, after hiring a new superintendent in June 2004, the Little Rock School District (LRSD), Arkansas’s largest school district, began the organization of its management structure. This process was initiated by perceived inefficiencies connected with school bureaucracy and inadequate yearly progress of a considerable number of schools in...

Large-Scale Protests in Puerto Rico in 2019

Large-scale protests in Puerto Rico in summer 2019 began after the public presentation of the correspondence between Ricardo Rosselló, the head of state, and his team. About 900 pages of messages in Telegram were clarified and made available to people. Since the data leaked, more than 500,000 Puerto Ricans took...

Monologue of Hamlet by William Shakespeare

‘Tis sweet and commendable in your nature, Hamlet, To give these mourning duties to your father: But, you must know, your father lost a father; That father lost, lost his, and the survivor bound In filial obligation for some term To do obsequious sorrow: but to persever In obstinate condolement...

Targeted Teaching Intervention

Introduction The level of child engagement in the learning environment will dictate the nature of strategies that might either support or discourage the delivery of the intended instructions. The conference with my student revealed that his engagement level was medium. Some of the identified primary sources of motivation included the...

Social Problems Within Educational Institutions

It is necessary to understand and analyze the connection between various social problems within U.S. educational institutions. The impact of one’s socioeconomic status on a person’s ability to progress their training, alienation among peers, and high dropout rates can be viewed as the primary contributors (Sullivan, 2015). It is also...

Figurative Language and Its Usefulness in a Piece of Writing

Figurative language refers to the way a description is used to create a specific image and to elevate a person’s emotions. It seems essential to note that there are different kinds of this phenomenon. The latter may be considered as a vital part of writing, as well as of public...

Innovations in Zillow Firm’s Business Model

Zillow’s business model is in providing homebuyers with extensive data and other information about properties they might be interested in purchasing. This includes data available publicly and proprietary one that before Zillow was available only to brokers and real estate agents through Multiple Listings Services (MLS). Currently, the value proposition...

“Woman’s Work” by Julia Alvarez: Nothing Is Impossible

“Woman’s Work” by modern Dominican-American work writer Julia Alvarez is a short but provocative poem, both in terms of its form and content. Being composed in tercet, which is one of the most sophisticated versifications, the writing demonstrates that a female author can be talented and competent. Those features are...

Access to Preventive Care as Population Health Issue

The Challenge The identified challenge is concerned with the limited access to preventive care services. According to a survey, only 8% of respondents get preventative care for their conditions, lowering health outcomes (Lehman, 2018). Because of this, the healthcare sphere has an inadequate capacity to improve health management at early...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Ambiguous Definitions of the Term Family

Nowadays, there are various definitions and perceptions when it comes to the matter of family. The most common perception of a family involves parents and children. However, the term extends further, and some sources prefer to define a family as several individuals who are connected genetically or legally, which includes...

How Mindfulness Helps with Premenstrual Syndrome

Introduction The following paper discusses premenstrual syndrome (PMS) and the use of meditation to alleviate negative symptoms. As most women experience PMS for most of their adult lives, this issue is prominent for billions worldwide. The recent studies included in this review include samples from researchers from different countries to...

Effective Leadership: The Biblical Perspective

Effective leadership from a biblical perspective is a God manifested character to influence and serve others through Christ’s interests to accomplish God’s purposes. In a Christian community, leaders should be guided by the Holy Spirit to collaborate and adopt good attributes to execute their duties without fear. Jesus demonstrated effective...

“Paris Street: Rainy Day” by Gaustave Caillebotte

To see the Paris of the 1870ies, there is no need to travel back in time; all that it takes is to see Caillebotte‘s Paris Street: Rainy Day. In fact, the picture itself looks as if it was taken with the help of a camera completely by chance and, thus,...

Quality Assurance Representative Position

Quality is one of the most important characteristics of a product, as well as the performance of the staff. No matter how well known a company is and what incredibly expensive source materials it may use to develop its product, once the quality of the goods is deplorable, a firm...

US Logistics and Transportation Industry

The Specifications of the American Economy The United States of America represents the most dominant world economy level, which may be justified by the high development of the US infrastructure as well as efficient international marketing. Thus, the American dollar became the most usable world transaction currency. It characterizes the...

The Responsibility of Stakeholders in Cargo Security

In international trade, the issue of security is very critical. The major concerns in the international trade are drug trafficking and security well being of the country. There are several security threats posed to the country through international trade. These include shipment of mass destruction weapons and other dangerous goods....

Differentiation in Education, Its Pros and Cons

Benefits and Drawbacks of Differentiation in a Classroom Differentiation is usually viewed as an approach that is effective to address the problem of heterogeneous classrooms where diverse students learn under the supervision of only one teacher. As a result, a teacher is expected to work as a real professional in...

Spiritual Perspectives on Globalization by Ira Rifkin

Article summary This is the summary of the article Spiritual perspectives on globalization by Ira Rifkin written in 2003. The article under consideration dwells upon globalization, its elements, and how it affects us. Economic, cultural and individual elements of globalization are considered as the most important for the world. Economic...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Door-to-Balloon Time Reduction Non-Human Obstacles

The door-to-balloon (DTB) time reduction depends largely on the chain of human specialists performing their roles with as little wasteful steps as possible, following the recommendations and best practices (CCN, 2013; American College of Cardiology Foundation & American Heart Association, 2013). However, the non-human factors can also play a significant...

Sexually Transmitted Diseases Impact and Prevention

Clinical Problem Statement According to the data provided by the Center for Disease Control and Prevention, in 2015, the combined number of the cases of various sexually transmitted diseases was the highest in history; to be more precise, the three of the most common STDs – syphilis, chlamydia, and gonorrhea...

Six Sigma for the Quality Program Improvement

Though being a comparatively recent addition to the framework of the quality management process, the philosophy of Six Sigma has established itself rather successfully in the specified environment (Baporikar, 2015). The concept has become the staple of quality measurement. However, apart from providing an elaborate metric system, Six Sigma can...

“Federal Employees: They Are Just Like Us” by Kellie Lunney

The Key HRM Management Issues Underlying this Proposal The article “Federal Employees: They Are Just Like Us” by Kellie Lunney explains how the government takes many federal employees for granted. This situation has resulted in a faceless bureaucracy. The government should improve the perception of such employees using various strategies....

Nursing Theory’s Role in Health Promotion

The increasingly complex modern world offers numerous challenges to nurses who should be able to meet new requirements and promote the health of the nation. Furthermore, the alteration of the environment along with the technological advance introduces fundamental changes to the scope of nursing practice. Today, specialists have to use...

Case of the Killer Robot: Ethical and Legal Issues

The fictitious Case of the Killer Robot is the platform for determining ethical choices in designing machines. There is the major dilemma between the implementation of the program, machine or robot, and the ethics behind it. This paper is to assess the stakeholders’ points of view, facts, ethical and legal...

Six Sigma Framework: Key Terms Definition

Leadership Leadership is typically viewed as a set of measures aimed at setting the goals to be accomplished by the organization, as well as set the pace for the participants to operate so that the objectives in question could be attained (Kubiak & Benbow, 2009a). As a rule, it is...

Ayurvedic Medicine and Its Cultural Value

What I Learned The most interesting element of the film for me was the cultural meaning of Ayurvedic medicine. It is closely tied to the history of Hinduism and has a lot of concepts that date to deep antiquity. The core eight concepts of the traditional Ayurvedic medicine were described...

Pavement and Bridge Infrastructure: Performance Indicators

Purpose of Inclusion of Performance Measures in MAP-21 Including performance measures in the Moving Ahead for Progress in the 21st Century Act (MAP-21) has been done to ensure the effective risk-based management of available assets and the decision-making associated with the improvement of infrastructural quality. Performance measures linked to pavement...

Car Sales Forecast and Financial Strategy

Apart from identifying the interest rate charged for a loan, one will have to consider a variety of factors in order to predict sales rates efficiently. The forecast of sales rates is quite hard to carry out due to a variety of factors affecting it. These factors can be split...

Popular Research Paper Topics

The Level of Military Service Organization in the US

The purpose for Writing: The idea to optimize the core activities of military HR professionals to the level that is demonstrated by the representatives from the Department of Defense (DOD) seems to be rather interesting and important in the chosen sphere of knowledge because these two departments define the level...

University Athletics in Student Perception

Background This research is aimed at examining the opinions of students regarding the role of the athletics department in the university. Much attention should be paid to the support that should be provided to learners who are engaged in various types of sports. Many of these individuals have to cope...

Domain Name System Tunnelling and Security

Abstract The exponential rise in the usage of the internet and challenges necessitates the importance and use of the Domain Naming System (DNS). Despite the benefits, DNS is susceptible to abuse which calls for appropriate security solutions against such abuse. Introduction A report by the Internet World Stats (1) on...

Appropriate Use of Transparency in Organizations

Personal experience I have been working as an employee for a five-star hotel for the last six years in California. From experience, the service industry requires efficient and orchestrated coordination of functions between managers and the rest of the employees. In the last six years, I have noted how the...

Responsibility as the Fundamental Quality for Any Person

Every human being is unique and inimitable. There is hardly a person who has the same set of values and feelings as some other individual has. It makes life diverse and complicated at the same time. To understand a person it is essential to realize his/her attitude towards universal truth,...

Chapters 1-5 of “The Apartisan American” by Dalton

Summary In The Apartisan American, Russell Dalton pays much attention to the idea of party identification and a burning necessity for an American to comprehend the peculiarities of political life, elections, and the roles of different politics in society. The first five chapters of the book aim at describing an...

Terrorist Surveillance Techniques for Predicting and Identifying Terrorist Activities

Abstract The description of terrorist surveillance techniques and those who execute them is the purpose of this paper. The chapter from the book by Nance (2013) will be used as a rationale for analysis. Also, the types of surveillance will be determined to prevent potential terrorist attacks and disclose extremists’...

Bilingualism in Children: Pros and Cons

Children learning more than one language have plenty of advantages associated with their memory, cognitive skills, reading, communication, etc. Bilingualism helps a child to develop and reveal his or her abilities and develop them. Research results show that children who speak one language more than others have better preconditions for...

Shakespeare’s Play “A Midsummer Night Dream”

Introduction The play, A Midsummer Night Dream by William Shakespeare examines and describes the events that surround the marriage between Hippolyta and Theseus. The playwright uses several characters in his work to make it meaningful and informative to the reader. This paper gives evidence-based ideas, reactions, and opinions about Helena...

Artificial Intelligence, Internet of Things, and the Impact on Facilities’ Environments

As technologies advance, the presence of Artificial Intelligence (AI) and the Internet of things (IoT) in a variety of modern business environments are inevitable. However, even though many predict the replacement of teams by AI and IoT, the reality is that the use of these technologies is improperly perceived because...

“Sunset in the Yosemite Valley”: Analysis of Albert Bierstadt’s Painting

Introduction Albert Bierstadt is an outstanding American artist of the mid-late 19th century. He belongs to the Hudson River School, Rocky Mountain School, and Düsseldorf School (Manthorn and Bloom 15). The artist was most recognized for his journey to the American West and a series of paintings depicting mountain landscapes...

Postsecondary Enrolment and Parental Income

Introduction Among a variety of factors that can influence students’ pursuing a postsecondary education, parental income plays one of the key roles. It is important to determine whether there are any changes in trends for the years of 2001-2014 in students’ enrolment in postsecondary education based on the factor of...

Future Goals in Nursing

The healthcare environment is witnessing a new set of ever emerging patient conditions. In light of this, nurses should be versatile with a wide array of healthcare tasks, including but not limited to drawing proper health policy, providing visionary leadership in the healthcare scenario, incorporating research to the planning process...

Quid Pro Quo: What Is the Value of Your Data?

Data on customers’ preferences and choices, as well as information related to their personal profile, play a significant role in business because companies plan their production and sales according to these details. The examples of retailers for which the collection of consumer-related data is critical are Walmart and Target because...

Literature Elements: Term Definition

Infantile literature has always been a subject of literary and psychological research, mostly due to its rather controversial nature. The main peculiarity of such literature is that it looks at the world through the eyes of a little child, who is unprejudiced in his judgment. Authors, who write in this...

Report on a Visit to Roeslein & Associates, Inc.

Objectives To familiarize with the activities that takes place at the plant. To see and learn how manufacturing processes occur in the real world. To identify the examples of the processes and methods applied. To identify the main problems in the manufacturing process and suggest workable solutions to the problems....

Youthful View of the American Dream During Uncertain Economic Times

The close of the year 2008 saw one of the most troubled last quarter years for the United States. With the collapse of the financial market, people lost their jobs, their investments, and their savings. Most people either lost hope in the American Dream or worse, became a disgusted member...

Customers’ Behavior Analysis: Prospect Theory and Irrational Consumer Behavior

The case study about prospect theory and irrational, biased consumer behavior suggests that consumers are not always rational in their decisions as for certain purchases and do not take reasonable considerations into account. Even having the same outcome, they do not receive the same pleasure or do not get upset...

Personal Branding by Groskop and Arruda

Personal branding has become a trend and the debate about its importance has increased. Groskop (2008) and Arruda (2003) present their opinions about this issue. Groskop is of the opinion that for people to be successful in the 21st century they need to considers personal branding. Arruda believes that a...

Religious Pluralism, the Interfaith Movement

Religious pluralism is a loosely defined term that means accepting and understanding the fact that more than one religion exists in the world. Ellis (2009) shows the difference between this term and religious tolerance. Religious tolerance is accepting the fact that each and every person is entitled to his or...

Mechanical Engineering: Measurement Principles

Energy Transfer (Kinetic to Pressure) Transducer When an object with a kinetic energy charge hits another object, it imposes pressure. Independently of the nature of an object (Whether it is a steel balloon or a molecule), the nature of this pressure stays unchanged. Pressure is measured in pascals. Originally, it...

The Cold War in the 1950’s

Introduction The cold war was mainly a continuing state of conflict that existed between the United States and the Soviet Union and their allies, this occurred during the 1940s to the 1990s. The cold war involved military coalitions, attacks, arms development and spirited technological growth. During World War II, the...

2010 FIFA Soccer World Cup Stadia Development in Cape Town: Resident Perceptions

Research performed by Bob and Swart (2009) assessed the ideas and suggestions of the people surrounding the venues of the 2014 FIFA in South Africa. This study was conducted after overlooking the residents’ ideas even though they were to be affected by the sports. It was performed before commencing the...

Modern Beliefs and Traditions Influenced by 17-Century Rationalism

Introduction The interpretations of Guy Fawkes Day influenced by cultural changes Timothy Jenks provides the history of Guy Fawkes Day making the references to James Sharpe’s book under the same title. The author starts by saying that Guy Fawks and Gunpowder plot is associated with Bonfire Night in our days...

Writing: Myths and Reality

Writing well is a skill that not everyone has but it is possible to achieve a certain level. The myth that some people will not be able to write well, no matter how hard they try, is a myth. Practice will enable a person to reach any heights they set...

A Pelvic Inflammatory Disease (PID)

Ms. P. C., a young white female patient, reported a history of a heavy, malodorous vaginal discharge, lower abdominal pain, emesis, and nausea. On the basis of patient data, patient intake, clinical manifestations, and the vaginal discharge’s microscopic examination, it is possible to conclude that the most probable diagnosis for...

Altruism in Video Clip “Spider Man”

Altruism is the philosophical term the video clip Spider Man speculates about. The video explicitly shows the implementation of altruistic concepts held by the hero. This is incredible how the movie clip unveils the philosophical meaning of a person who possesses altruistic features, and the foremost message is that every...

Nutrition and Performance: The Effects of Nutrients on the Health of Endurance Athletes

Purpose of the article The purpose of the article is to discuss the effects of nutrients, particularly carbohydrates, on the immune system and physiological health of endurance athletes. Main points The article begins by asserting that extended and rigorous exercises, such as those undertaken by endurance athletes create frequent variations...

Becoming a Leader: Exceptional Leader Qualities

Introduction Looking at prominent leaders that exist in this world, one might not notice that all of them differ from each other in regard to their characteristics and strategies. However, it is apparent that not any head of a company can achieve success. Therefore, there must be certain aspects of...

Mona Lisa: Meaing in Modern Life

Mona Lisa, also known as La Gioconda, is an oil on wood painting by Leonardo da Vinci, dated 1503. It depicts the wife of Francesco del Giocondo and is currently owned by the Government of France. The painting is one of the vital treasures of the Louvre in Paris (Figure...

The Major Rights and Reforms Wanted During the French Revolution

Introduction The French Revolution covers the period of social and political turmoil in France and its related colonies from 1789 to 1799. During ten years of such turning-point events in modern European history, French activists managed to destroy and re-establish the political landscape of their country by eradicating the age-old...

Employee Turnover in Health Care

In general, employee turnover may be defined as the number of the organization’s members that leave it within a certain period. If a company has a high staff turnover rate, a substantial number of employees regularly quit their job. In turn, a low employee turnover rate implies the organization’s comparatively...

Tourist Attraction: Positive and Negative Effects

Business organizations need to engage in corporate social responsibility (CSR) to improve the experiences of community members and remain sustainable. The selected case describes a company that intends to open a tourist attraction initiative. However, some of the involved stakeholders are unwilling to support the idea. This description examines the...

The Value of Building Coalitions, Alliances and Consortiums

Introduction Building coalitions, alliances and consortiums are generally regarded from the perspective of mutual benefits and experience exchange. Moreover, the necessity to arrange cooperation is closely associated with the requirements for the further expansion of the organizations, as arranging the cooperation practices, these organizations hope for the extensive resources and...

Country Analysis: Japan

Country Description As a country for analysis, Japan is selected as a unique state with distinctive business approaches and cultural characteristics that create a distinctive image of the country. Traditions and beliefs constitute a significant part of Japanese business politics, which explains the significant differences between its culture and those...

Judicial Process in Drug Offender Cases: Research Design

Introduction This research focuses on the question: “What variables impact sentencing decisions of judges in drug offender cases?” this study is classified as secondary research as no direct information will be collected from the concerned population (Rassel and O’Sullivan, 1999). Special attention in the research design needs to be given...

Auditing: Sarbanes Oxley Act

Introduction Auditing is an important process that is followed to guarantee that financial statements prepared by any company are accurate, and internal controls have been applied effectively. Therefore, auditors are third parties that need to be impartial to provide fair and appropriate conclusions. The role of auditors is to prevent...

The Aspects of Conflict in “The Road to El Dorado” by Bergeron

The Definition of a Conflict Conflict is a clash of interests of various groups, communities of people, and individuals. Both sides of the conflict must recognize this clash of interests (Ryan 43). The most common cause of social conflict is the unequal position that people occupy in a system of...

Red Cross and International Humanitarian Law

The following document will look at Red Cross as an international body its date of formation as well as the requirements that one has to have before joining. The purpose and the organization will also be discussed in this document. Structure and achievements will also be looked at in this...

Discussion of Goals in Organization

Efficient management and leadership depend on a wide spectrum of factors and conditions, including theoretical perspectives and empirical evidence. While working in hospital, a good manager and a nurse leader should learn the peculiarities and approaches to enhancing communication between nurses and patients, as well as between managers and their...

Communication and Personality in Negotiation

To get a dream car at the lowest price possible negotiation at the car mart is a must. Negotiation refers to a dialogue between two people (the buyer and the seller) to get to an agreed price of an item. People tend to take negotiation for granted but it is...

Strategies for Nurses’ Academic Portfolios

A portfolio is a document presenting a person’s education, skills, professional achievements, and work experience. Creating a portfolio is similar to building a brand in marketing and is the most efficient way to demonstrate one’s competencies and provide a record of one’s ongoing development to peers, employees, and educational faculty....

Women Torture in Iran: Analysis of the Issue

Introduction Torturing women is officially forbidden in many countries; however, in Iran, there are cases where women’s rights are being oppressed. The issue of continuous torture against Iranian women needs to be addressed since it remains an apparent problem. Although the revolution officially gave rights to women, the problem cannot...

Disussing of Cognitive Behavior Therapy

Among all the existing therapeutic approaches, cognitive behavior therapy (CBT) resonates with me the most. I find this approach very efficient, inspiring, yet also practical, as it “includes themes such as optimism, strengths, meaning and life-goals” and focuses on “making patients’ lives more fulfilled and resilient” (Geschwind et al., 2019,...

Nine West: Target Market, Customer Profile

Target Market of Nine West An analysis of consumer behavior determines those customer market segments that can best be served by the firm. These segments are the target market. Target market can be defined as potential consumers to whom a product is marketed. Firms cannot meet all needs of all...

Researching: Keeping Domestic Animals

Introduction A pet refers to any animal kept by people as a source of pleasure and companionship. Although most individuals believe that keeping animals such as horses, cats, and dogs gives them happiness, the animals enjoy living with families as well (McConnell et al., 2019). The breeding of these animals...

Blue Nile Company’s Strategic Options for Development

Blue Nile is the online retailer of diamond rings in the US. Mission Blue Nile’s mission statement is to improve customers’ shopping experience by offering consumers high-quality jewelry and education so that customers can make informed, confident decisions. Most people are discouraged by the traditional jewelry shopping experience; the company’s...

People’s Views on Intelligence Analysis

Introduction There are varieties of views concerning the definition of intelligence. One of the definitions that have been used to define intelligence is the ability of a person to learn unfamiliar things within a short duration of time. Other people have also defined intelligence to be the possession of a...