Modern Technologies Role in Communication

Today, whenever we are in a public place such as a bus stop, a metro or a café we can notice many people preoccupied using various devices such as tablets, smart phones or laptops to browse the Internet. All of these people are regularly connected with others by means of...

Water Buffalo Days: Growing Up in Vietnam by Nhuong

The book Water Buffalo Days: Growing Up in Vietnam by Nhuong tells the story of a young boy in a central village in Vietnam. The boy has an unlikely companion by the name Tank, a water buffalo. The water buffalo sends the bullies packing whenever they harass Nhuong. The buffalo...

Antipsychotic Medications – Psychiatry

A psychotic person is one who is out of touch with what is happening in life. Such individuals have very weird behaviors. For example, Ursula, who is super-hyper, has symptoms of insomnia. She is always anxious and also experiences paranoia. These are symptoms of an illness called schizophrenia. Antipsychotic medications...

Ethnic Contention of Urban Settlements

This section of the book explores the nature of social struggles that are faced by individuals who reside in urban settlements. Some of the key factors that have contributed to social strife of urban dwellers include forced displacement or transfer of populations, gentrification and urban renewal. Loisaida and the Mission...

Political Philosophies: Principles of “Just War”

Wars have always been an indispensable part of human life. At different times, different nations are in the state of war. Though people understand that war is something vicious and undesirable, they also try to justify it. Thus, Ancient Roman statesmen developed a set of criteria that could justify the...

Standard 5 of Early Childhood Professional Preparation

Introduction Education is a vital part of human life and no child should be deprived of this right in the world where attempts to build and sustain justice are being made. Child and family advocacy encompasses a variety of practices, of which early childhood education interests me the most. Thus,...

American Healthcare Policies and Nursing Role

Addressing health care politics has become an issue of paramount importance. As the present case demonstrates, it is not always evident for nurses how the process of policy-making develops and correlates with public health stakeholders’ consideration. To improve the situation, one should regard factors influencing the policy-making process, population health...

Medical Insurance among the Citizens: Statistical Research

Discussion Healthy People 2020 is a project that comprises numerous recommendations related to health care and health promotion among Americans. The topic is related to access to medical insurance among the citizens of the United States. In fact, researchers working with statistical data related to the problem were using a...

Work Breakdown Structure in Project Management

Introduction A work breakdown structure (WBS) is a representation of the various levels of tasks associated with a given project. It is designed in a hierarchical order, whereby each level is associated with milestones that enable project managers to supervise the associated tasks. For instance, in a construction project, the...

Biombo and Casta Painting Tradition Similarities

Introduction Casta paintings were used to portray racial mixing – so-called mestizaje. Usually, it represents a couple (alone or with children) and an explanation of the ethnic and racial peculiarities. Casta painting tradition First of all, it seems appropriate to identify the notion of the casta painting tradition to compare...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Translational Science Evidence Appraisal in Nursing

It has recently become evident that health policies and practices should be based on the most reliable empirical evidence that can be found across the globe. This principle is the foundation of the so-called evidence-based health care. When the required data is obtained, it is to be translated into action,...

Children Obesity Research Method and Sampling

Setting Regarding the fact that the given project is focused on the investigation of the issue of obesity among children and the impact parents education might have on reducing excess weight, the following sampling procedure could be suggested. The total number of participants could be limited to 20 children and...

Canadian Studies: Sexuality and Human Rights

The introduction of the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms in 1982 was a watershed moment in Canadian history that made possible the transformation of the country into a world leader in the battle for the rights of LGBT community (Graupner and Tahmindjis 98). Canadian Studies integrate many stories, symbols...

Reduction of Readmission Rates

Introduction Approximately one-fifth of elderly patients are readmitted within 30 days after having been discharged from American hospitals, and almost 50 percent of these readmissions are considered to be preventable (Verhaegh et al., 2014). The cost of readmissions after hospitalization amounts to $12-$44 billion annually (Verhaegh et al., 2014). Overview...

Nurses Role in Conflicts

Nursing has always been one of the main occupations that contributed to societys further rise and development. Having appeared at the dawn of civilization as the first attempt to help people in need, this kind of activity moved along with humanity and passed through numerous stages of its evolution. At...

Concept of the Responsibility in Society

Every day during all our life, we hear that we are to take responsibility for every action. But to bring something into life one should clearly define its profound meaning. Some views on responsibility in the society are too all-encompassing, so that it becomes hard to determine the correct behavior....

Epistemology’ and Education’ Theories

Introduction Epistemology is one of the most interesting branches of philosophy. It deals with the numerous question raised by various philosophers about education. One of the many questions raised by persons in the profession over the years is the definition of knowledge. Many philosophers believe that knowledge acquisition in education...

Malawi Public Program’s Outcome-Focused Evaluation

Program evaluation is the application of social research methods for systematic assessment of the impact of social interventions (Babbie, 2016). It is a part of evaluation research that aims at investigation, appraisal, and improvement of social intervention programs and their main elements such as “the diagnosis of the social problems...

Elie Wiesel’s Literary Autobiography

In his autobiography, Elie Wiesel describes the destructive influence of the Holocaust on a person’s inner world and his/her attitudes toward others. One of the central themes that the author explores is the relationship between a father and a son under the circumstances when people cannot easily retain their humanity....

Ancient Greek Marble Column from Artemesium

The Chosen Example The craftsmanship of architects from ancient Greece is so outstanding that it still influences the current architectural designs. The Met (2018) presents some pieces of classical Greek architecture. One of these sculptures is the “marble column from the Temple of Artemis at Sardis” (The Met, 2018, para....

Popular Research Paper Topics

Islamic State and Values of Human Rights

Introduction Muslims worship a God known as Allah. The believers acknowledge that there are numerous similarities between religion and Christianity. This paper gives a reflection and analysis of Islamic culture using the ideas gained from the movie “Islam in America”. The essay seeks to explain how an Islamic state can...

The Role of Nurses

Discussions The article written by Scott (2013) reveals that the majority of the general public and even public health agencies do not understand that nurses are capable of improving public health in their areas significantly. The author claims that the National Health Service is going to develop a range of...

Respiratory Complications Reduction: Barriers

Proposed Change Preventing Respiratory Complications in Patients Undergoing Interventional Radiological Procedures under Conscious Sedation at Kendall Regional Medical Center Non-Human Barriers to Change Implementation The process of change implementation implies overcoming numerous obstacles and barriers. Practice shows that it is human-related difficulties that are particularly problematic to manage (Rosenberg &...

Selection Criteria in the Sikorsky Aircraft Corporation

Determining the project selection criteria is a crucial step toward making sure that the primary objectives are met, the essential goals are accomplished, and the basic lessons are learned. As a rule, the selection criteria can be defined as a combination of elements that determine the boundaries for locating the...

The Sikorsky Aircraft Corporation: Quality Improvement

Introduction The Sikorsky Aircraft Corporation has been in need of an update of its quality policies for a while. Although the percentage of the current defects is passable, there are means of reducing it (Kubiak & Benbow, 2014b). A set of tools for addressing the issue, including the provision of...

Stove, Vase, Tea Set, and Cabinets Design

The Stove by Shepard and Co. This stove is a rather valuable object that is currently kept in Philadelphia Museum of Art. The stove was made in 1840s in New York based on the patent of Eliphalet Nott. The material this stove is made of is cast iron. According to...

Florida National University’s Textbook Costs

College Textbooks Rising costs of college textbooks is a significant problem for students of Florida National University that has to be addressed to reduce the financial pressures that can damage academic performance. The question of ever-increasing costs of tuition has been discussed ad nauseam in media over the last decade;...

“The Adventures of Tom Sawyer” a Novel by Mark Twain

Introduction Classical children’s literature is full of examples of outstanding works that have become a cultural treasure and are still being discussed with interest today. One of these well-known works that are known to almost everyone in the book “The Adventures of Tom Sawyer” written by the famous American writer...

Diabetes 2 Complications: Neuropathy and Retinopathy

Diabetes is one of the most common diseases impacting world population. Apart from being a serious illness and having many adverse outcomes, it may present further danger to the patients’ health condition by various complications. Neuropathy and retinopathy are dangerous complications of Type 2 Diabetes, and the providers need to...

Evaluation as Part of a Disaster Management Plan

Response to Kimberly’s Post Using the case of the Indonesian earthquake of 2004, the student has presented meaningful recommendations that can be used after a disaster. The idea of using adequate planning after a disaster can minimize wastes and promote recovery efforts (Reiss-Brennan et al., 2016). The decision of different...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Patient Education of Elderly’s Health Failure

The idea for an Evidence-Based Project From the health care providers’ perspective, patient education is delivering information to patients and interacting with them to expand their knowledge about certain health issues and encourage them to improve their health behaviors. Patient education may occur in many forms, one of which is...

BP Company: Environmental-Based Ethical Dilemma

Introduction In the last five years, the infamous deepwater horizon oil spill has generated heated debate across the globe on the sustainability of oil mining activities of the BP Company and other competitors. The deepwater oil spillage begun in the region of Gulf of Mexico and has had one of...

HIV and AIDS among African American Women

Abstract Many underserved populations face numerous health problems such as HIV, cancer, poor living conditions, and terminal diseases. HIV treatment compliance among African American women depends on the social support availed by relatives and public health workers. This essay gives a detailed description of HIV/AIDS among African American women. It...

Mental Health of Patients with Medical Comorbidities

Research suggests that patients with medical comorbidities often fail to articulate the concerns related to their mental health, which tends to make these issues untreated. For instance, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention [CDC] (2018), approximately 30% of cancer survivors do not share their psychological health problems...

Transgender Patients: Challenges & Discrimination in Healthcare

It is worth noting that the concept of transgenderism implies a state of internal imbalance between the real and desired gender of an individual. This phenomenon has been studied in detail by researchers from different fields of science; however, it has been proved that the rejection of one’s natural sex...

Free Tuition for University Students

The issue of funding in higher education is a popular matter of discussion for both educators and politicians. At the same time, students and their families are the party most interested in reduction or abolishment of university tuition fees. At present, Prince Edward Island is considering the introduction of free...

The Bill of Rights, Freedoms and Values

Today, the USA is a single democratic country that provides numerous and equal opportunities for its citizens. Moreover, it is one of the most influential states in the world. However, it might never have happened if the Bill of Rights had not been created. For this reason, it was selected...

The MealBox Vending Machine’s Market Position

Size of the Market The MealBox vending machine provides food and drinks services. The size of the market is rather big, considering the type of product provided by the device. However, it is targeted to a small percentage of people, as it is situated on the student campus and will...

Violence Against Women and Conservation Model for Nursing

The article discussing the issue of violence against women is built around the Conservation Model (Netto, Moura, Queiroz, Tyrrell, & Bravo, 2014). The general idea of the article is that violence against women causes them to suffer both physically and psychologically. Females who were interviewed provide claim that they have...

The Impact of Slavery on the Development of the USA

Introduction Slavery is an alien concept to the modern citizens of the United States of America. Since the late 19th century, this undemocratic institution has been abolished in the US. However, during the time the colonization of America took place, slavery was the driving force behind the Europeans’ conquest of...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Nursing Training in Financial and Quality Aspects

Introduction The implementation of any project requires the focus on such aspects as financial, quality, and clinical. When crafting a proposal, it is essential to address these areas as this information can lead to the acceptance or rejection of the program (Penner, 2013). The present intervention aims at developing certain...

Factors of People Motivating

The three factors that Dan Pink names as capable of motivating people towards higher performance are autonomy, mastery, and purpose. Pink states that self-direction is better for performance and supports the meaning with an example, where employees of a software company provided innovative ideas when they were allowed to work...

Barriers to Collecting a Health History

Introduction A competent healthcare specialist cannot succeed in therapeutic care unless he or she is capable of collecting a sufficient amount of reliable information about the health history of a patient. Since the obtaining of the data about prior health issues of an individual is essential, it is vital to...

Pender’s Health Promotion Model and Social Behavior

The authors of the selected article focus on determining whether a multi-strategy program developed on the basis of Pender’s Health Promotion Theory is efficient for preventing loneliness by enhancing social relations. As a research area, the authors have decided to pay special attention to the elderly women enrolled in Gonabad...

Patients With Lower Back Pain

I agree with all red flags discussed by Aimee and would like to add that any history of trauma could help determine whether the patient has a strain or a sprain or a more severe condition. Urinary incontinence can be present relatively often in patients with lower back pain, especially...

Happiness, Its Components and Main Aspects

Happiness has always been one of the central conceptions that impacted peoples lives, their motifs, actions, and desires. However, the meaning of this idea has always been different depending on peculiarities of the epoch, dominant values, and peoples perspectives on their achievements and goals. The complexity of this phenomenon is...

Six Sigma Phases and Lean Principles for Safety

Lean Leader’s Commitment to Safety It is a crucial aspect of any organization’s work to provide appropriate safety measures for its employees. As a lean leader, I realize my responsibility in this sphere and understand that I should demonstrate a personal commitment to safety in the company. While organizing safety...

Literacy Centers: Reading and Writing in 2nd-Graders

Learning standard “Apply knowledge of short and long vowels (including vowel teams) when reading regularly spelled one-syllable words” (Indiana Department of Education. GRADE 2, 2015, p. 2). Teaching young learners, the difference between short and long vowels is an essential step to enhancing literacy among them. However, to present the...

Questions and Failure in Learning

Topical and Overarching Questions Topical questions are unit-specific questions. They tend to direct the understanding of processes and thoughts inside a certain unit. An example of topical question is: “How do plants carry out photosynthesis?”. It can be seen that the topical question is a science-specific one. Wiggins and McTighe...

Magazine Publishing vs Online Publishing

From the time printing was introduced, it has been the most widely used means of communicating and storing information. When the Gutenberg movable printing machine was invented, it allowed production of large amount of prints over a short period. This set the precedent for magazine publication and many people could...

Religions Through Hyperactive Intentional Stance

Hyperactive intentional stance looks at cognitive systems that generate effects resulting in the creation of religion. A mind conditioned to a set of thinking and biases creates forms of religions. Daniel C. Dennett observes that the first step to comprehend the human mind as a possible place for religion is...

Philosophy and Business Ethics Role

Understanding, accepting and applying ethical standards Understanding, acceptance, and application of ethics play a very important role to individuals and certain groups. First, all workers want to feel good during their work and enjoy proper working conditions, only in this case, people can present successful work and results. Proper understanding...

Efficiency and Effectiveness as Management Concepts

Management is one of the possible ways of how any kind of work should be organized. Management is all about coordination and the possibility of overseeing the activities different people should complete efficiently and effectively. The concepts of efficiency and effectiveness are closely connected and should be balanced in the...

Kahlo’s and Bourgeois’s Role in the 20th-Century Art

Introduction and Thesis Statement The project targets to analyze the changes that the twentieth century implied for art and aesthetics. Thus, two works of art – “The Two Friends” by Frida Kahlo and “Destruction of the Father” by Louise Bourgeois – are examined as the fine examples reflecting the spirit...

Decision-Making Tools: Case Study Analysis

There are several things that Taylor can do to convince Bob that using bar codes could be helpful. First, she should find a lumber company that uses bar code technology and create a case study to present to Bob. A good start would be their supplier. Stapling bar codes on...

Artificial Intelligence and Ethical Implications

Introduction Today, the creation of artificial intelligence is a goal that many researchers pursue. The consequences of success, in this case, have been the subject of many dystopian films and novels. I’ve always thought that the idea of creating artificial intelligence is very exciting. However, this week’s reading motivated me...

The Bill of Rights: Digital Field Trip

Among the significant documents of American history, one of the most honorable ones is the Bill of Rights. This act of civil liberties signed in 1791 on the initiative of James Madison became one of the first pieces of evidence of social democratization (Zink, 2014). Today, the document is kept...

The Vietnam War and the Cold War

Assumptions that Guided the Escalation of Conflicts The Vietnam War and the Cold War were escalated by the assumption that the communist movement would spread out to other Asian states in the south east region. It is apparent that the United States, as a champion of capitalism, had partisan interests...

“How Big Is the Dark Web?” Documentary Analysis

Film Summary The documentary focuses on exploring the foundations and concepts of the construct known as the Dark Web, a large portion of the internet that is hidden and requires special tools to access. The director attempts to uncover many mysteries, disprove strong opinions, and examine the potential utility of...

Business Mergers’ Effects on Employee Loyalty

Reasons The ethical dimension of business is often deemed as less relevant than the issues associated with the attraction of new customers and increase of a company’s profits, yet compliance with basic principles of Social Corporate Responsibility (CSR) and similar ethical standards allows a firm to gain an impressive competitive...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Laughter and Its Therapeutic Value in Counseling

Introduction — In a world that is becoming increasingly competitive, many individuals struggle with stress management and finding a healthy outlet for their negative emotions. Chronic stress has the potential to take a toll on all the aspects of an individual’s life, affecting his or her job performance, personal relationships,...

Relationship Between the Code of Civil Rights and the Bill of Rights

The article Portland bans discrimination against atheists, other nonbelievers is related to the important topic of religion. The author states that the City Council amended the existing Civil Rights code to ensure that there is an appropriate level of protection for all members of the community including those who determine...

Modern Take on Hamlet: King Cornelius’s Monologue

In a dimly lit room, a dark figure of King Claudius occupies a large sofa. He occasionally stands up and walks across the room, his appearance disheveled, and they look exhausted. Think Dylan Moran is doing stand-up comedy at one AM after a party. Others are gathered quietly in the...

C. Joseph’s “I Will Fight No More Forever” Speech

Chief Joseph’s surrender speech named I Will Fight No More Forever was a significant speech that addressed the challenges the Ned Perce tribe had to overcome being chased out of its lands. The main idea of the text was that the hardships Chief Joseph and his people had to experience....

Hot Topic: Managerial Prowess

Introduction Hot Topic is almost unique in terms of employee experience and success as a business venture at the same time. The special atmosphere where each worker is valued and recognized is indeed the knowledge worth studying and disseminating. In this paper, the Hot Topic case study will be reviewed...

Socrates’ Apology Analysis: Historical Details

Apology of Socrates is a work of Plato that contains a version of Socrates’ speech delivered by him in 399 BC in his defense. This work was one of many apologies written in defense of Socrates against allegations of corruption. This speech is a reliable source of the trial of...

Organizational Change Leadership in Nursing

Taking a different route to class can be described as a small change. However, the change will be characterized by new sights, experiences, and encounters. When taking a different route, it will be appropriate to leave earlier in order to be in class on time. It is undeniable that I...

The Concept of Conscious Sedation

Introduction Conscious sedation refers to the process of administering a sedative and anesthetic to a patient during a medical procedure in order to help them relax, relieve anxiety, and block pain (Perry, Potter, & Ostendorf, 2015). During the process, the patient is conscious of the happenings, cannot speak, and maintains...

Safety Officer at the Palmetto General Hospital in Miami

The interview was conducted with a Safety Officer at the Palmetto General Hospital in Miami, FL. The discussion was centered on the current safety-enhancing practices and the analytical tools that were being implemented in the facilities at the time. Currently, Palmetto General Hospital does not have the highest ratings which...

Hunter Harrison’s Corporate Governance and Shareholders

Analysis The phenomenon of risk is inseparable from the business environment. Therefore, the distribution of power in the business setting and the subsequent decision-making process have to occur very carefully, with maximum awareness among the key parties. For this reason, the power of shareholders may be limited due to the...

Communication in Professional Nursing

Introduction Communication as a basic human ability to verbally and non-verbally exchange information is of grave importance in professional nursing. It is fundamental for each nurse to be able to communicate properly in order to comply with practice standards, fit within legal or ethical boundaries, and be able to address...

The Sexual Bonds of Racial Stardom

The notorious Hollywood machine has been adopting blind approaches toward the portrayal of racial stereotypes and the enhancement of sexualization and objectification in movies. The problem of representing women of color and female characters in movies, in general, has not been resolved fully since the conception of the problem, although...

Telehealth in Post-Discharge Follow-Ups

Medical technology such as telehealth is being rapidly developed and implemented as a potential complement or replacement to traditional visits to the healthcare professional. Often, patients are asked to come in for a follow-up appointment post-discharge from a hospital to ensure treatment adherence and to prevent rehospitalization. The use of...

Miami Breast Cancer Conference: Scholarly Activity

Introduction Breast cancer is a prominent variation of the condition, as the body part is generally considered to be among the most common targets for the illness. As such, it is essential for nurses to understand all aspects of the condition, as they will likely have to care for patients...

Global Poverty, Inequality, and Mass Migration

Introduction The global issues that are discussed today at the international level and that are significant problems for mankind tend to intersect due to similar reasons and premises. The evaluation of the topics that cause a great public resonance can be multilateral because of not only different approaches to interpretation...

Area Maritime Security Committee and Its Role

Introduction The Maritime Transportation Security Act (MTSA) was signed in 2002 following the terrorist attacks of September, 2001. The act tasked the Area Maritime Security Committees (AMSCs) to collaborate in securing the country’s ports, as well as respond to potential threats and prevent them. This report discusses the role of...

Computer Misuse and Its Forms

Just like any other tool, people can use computers to carry out illegal activities or cause damage. With today’s nature of computer networks and the advent of the internet, criminals can carry out their activities across national and international borders easily creating jurisdiction problems for computer crime investigators. Every country...

The Logic of Cold War: American Cold War Policies

As World War II (WW II) was coming to a close, it became clear that German policies were likely to be replaced by other emerging powers. This essay explains how the Cold War ideology that crystallized after WWII changed wartime alliances that had existed during the war and how American...

Columbia Tribute Sculpture by Chakaia Booker

Columbia tribute sculpture is a sculpture done by Ms. Chakaia Booker in the year 2006 and placed in the custody of the NASA Art program, to commemorate the lost space shuttle Columbia, on 1st February 2003. The sculpture is done mainly from rubber cut from tire remnants sourced from Columbia’s...

The Approaches to the Concept of Family in Society

Introduction This paper is about the concept of family as defined by the functionalist, Marxist and feminist approaches. The modern era gave rise to the concept of the “nuclear family” with its attendant benefits and problems. While traditionally, family meant an extended gathering of people including all the siblings, parents,...

The Advantaged and Disadvantages for People in the Modern Civilized World

Introduction The history of mankind is full of different levels of development when people improved their lives using different innovations. The modern world is full of different computerized innovations which help people to live in the world. On the other hand, the civilization creates a lot of inconveniences, if not...

Responsibility in the Work Environment and at Home

Introduction The sense of responsibility is often exemplified as the practice of social authority in the course of which an individual can procure the assistance and support of other people in order to fulfill a common objective shared by them. This is applicable in both workplace and home at the...

Political President Campaign: Developing Strategies

A campaign manager, who is developing a program for a candidate running for president, should consider such factors as the interests of the party that the candidate represents, fundraising, media, public opinion, political participation, etc. Overall, the presidential campaign can be divided into two phases, the primaries, and the general...

Performative Acts and Gender Constitution

Introduction Butler argues that gender is not a static identity but can be constituted and constructed through the acts and performances, hence, gender depiction is arbitrary and biased depending on cultural, political, and theatrical perceptions. She views sex and gender as quite different entities of self that have been constructed...

How Stories and Storytelling Influence Children

Introduction Literature enhances children’s thinking and imagination. Children who listen to stories have wide imaginations and thinking. Stories help the children to be creative and critical thinkers. Stories also give children a pattern in writing. They will be able to know the beginning, the middle, and the end when writing...

Linguistic Diversity in Early Childhood Education

The experts around the world recognize that the early childhood is the period of most rapid physical and child’s mental development, the initial formation of physical and mental qualities which are needed a person during the rest of his life, such qualities and properties that make him human. The feature...

Cultural Beliefs in Health Education

Introduction Various cultural beliefs across the globe have emerged to have a significant impact on health service deliverance in the community. These cultural beliefs seem to contradict healthcare delivery from professionals, thereby posing serious harm to the health conditions of their followers. However, some beliefs also promote healthcare provision across...

Forensic Psychology: Subspecialties and Roles

Forensic psychology involves the use of science as well as the psychology profession in questions and concerns associated with the legal system. Presently, forensic involves the use of empirical knowledge and practices to an adversary process in which particularly scientists with advanced knowledge have a role. The profession of forensic...

Play Materials for Child Educational Centers

Introduction Being on a tight budget should not mean that any children under one’s care should lose out on full development. The identification of the particular stage at which the child is in should enable a teacher to identify the most important type of play that the child requires. Most...

Benchmarking Logistics Performance – Walmart

Abstract All successful business enterprises are committed to or stress quality service in product manufacturing and distribution. Insistence on quality, efficient firm management, and a compelling need to satisfy customers’ demands has led to new methods of addressing the same. Logistic management is one area calling for benchmarking. Benchmarking ensures...

Social Stratification in the Music Art

Selected Songs Music, movies, and novels are powerful tools that artists use to address most of the issues affecting their societies and attract attention of policymakers. The crafted messages become new ideas for overcoming the challenges many citizens experience in their lives. The first song for this analysis is “Same...

Australian Freight Companies’ Ethics During the COVID-19 Pandemics

Freight companies have proven to be extremely important on account of the global pandemics caused by COVID-19 spread. In Australia, they are significant contributors to the local economy and market development. They have been helping businesses to keep shelves relatively full and prevented the escalation of the crisis (Mhalla, p....

Forming and Managing Labor Force for Adventure Island

Forming and managing the labor force for Adventure Island requires using adequate recruitment and performance monitoring techniques. Due to various activities on the territory of Amusement Park, particularly both entertainment rides and games and retail trade of drinks and food products, specialists of different profiles are needed. As hiring tools,...

Pressure Injuries in Acute Care

A number of steps must be taken to ensure zero pressure injuries in an acute care setting over a one-month period. First of all, a clear and constant patient assessment must be conducted no later than 8 hours after patient admission to the acute care facility (Hommel & Santy-Tomlinson, 2018)....

American Football as a Popular Kind of Sport in the US

American football is a popular kind of sport in the United States, but it does not mean that it is free from any disadvantages. A severe issue refers to the fact that professional players are often subject to health problems, which deteriorates the quality of their lives. These adverse consequences...

“Creation of Adam” by Michelangelo

Michelangelo’s Creation of Adam is a renaissance era work depicting the Judeo-Christion God creating the first human. It is a part of a larger composition of paintings on the same ceiling. Unlike many conventional oil paintings on canvas, the Creation of Adam was developed directly on the plaster ceiling of...

The Amazon Phenomenon: A Strategic Analysis

It seems reasonable to apply the following primary sources in this project – materials review and product experience. Such a choice was made because I have experience of using Amazon and that the company’s marketing significance is visible via its platforms and related reviews. Materials review reveals the following; the...

Immortality: Blessing or Curse?

Immortality, an ability to live forever, has been contemplated by philosophers since ancient times. There is hardly a person who would not have thought, at least once, how it would be – to live eternally. Physical and mental never-ending bodies would obtain the opportunities to explore each of the Earth’s...

Religion in the Socio-Economic and Political Environment

Religion plays a critical role in the socio-economic and political environment in the global society. According to Turaki (2020), about 83% of the global population identify themselves with some form of belief in supernatural powers. Some of the classical religions include Christianity, Islam, Buddhism, Judaism, Bahai, Shinto, and Hinduism. Others...

“Dynamical Packing in the Habitable Zone” by Kane

Introduction Earth is the only known to scientist’s planet that has life. However, researchers have been trying to estimate the number of planets in other solar systems that have the potential of containing life. In the article “Dynamical Packing in the Habitable Zone: The Case of Beta CVn,” Kane et...

“The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock” by Thomas Sterns Eliot

Introduction The poem The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock by Thomas Sterns Eliot is full of imagery that is used by the writer to create a specific atmosphere and affect a reader. The work introduces a speaker who is full of various fears and feels miserable and useless. The...

Income Inequality in Developed Countries

The work payment proportion excessively expanded among people who have high profits, further adding to the development of income inequality. The difference between individuals characterized by schooling and professional training provides them with benefits in work, creating capital payment imbalance. Lately, while the income inequality in Germany and China developed...

Effect of Climate Change in the Future

Human activities significantly affect the planet’s ecology and biodiversity in a highly negative way. Humans are responsible for the contamination of water and soil, and the emission of hazardous gases that deplete the ozone layer, create the greenhouse effect, and contribute to climate change (Lipczynska-Kochany, 2018). In other words, human...

How Pollution Affects Humans and Environment

Introduction The notion of pollution has become one of the most challenging global issues affecting the world in the 21st century. While some people are genuinely interested in making Earth a safer place to live for their descendants, the vast majority of the population still undermines the issue facing the...

Heineken’s Competitive Advantage Assessment

Heineken defines its internal environment by following behavior principles, which are respect for people and the planet, competition, and safeguard for its assets. The company respects the rights of people who work for them and ensures a healthy environment in the workplace. Heineken encourages employees to share their concerns in...

American Revolution as a Social Process

It is common to think that the American Revolution was a war for impendence fought by American colonies against the rule of the British Crown. Both the government and society were dominated by wealthy merchants and landowners, as well as prominent colonists who have acquired wealth through the smuggling of...

“The Things They Carried” by Tim O’Brien

The Things They Carried is a book that consists of fictional stories about soldiers’ experience during the war in Vietnam. The writer reflects on his participation in the military conflict by using a fictional hero – Tim O’Brien. Through storytelling, the author manages to explore his own feelings to convey...

Ethnography and Ethnographic Approach

Ethnography is a formal process of intuitive understanding something people are keen on. The ethnographers observe, record, and describe social relations in written. Their primary sources of data are questions, conversations, notes, interpretation of conventional signs, and spending time in the environment they aim to investigate. The difference between ethnographers...

Social Mythology, Superheroes, and Diversity in Films

Several aspects of mythology, superheroes, and diversity exist in modern society. Both in film and literature documentaries, authors seek to explore various facets of knowledge about human values, myths, and beliefs as portrayed in the case study essays. Gender notions and culture seem to dominate the authors’ perceptions, although illustrated...

Data Visualization and Dashboards

The tabular form of data presentation is suitable for storing and processing substantial sets of information. During the analysis phase, companies tend to use graphical representations of data, such as scatter diagrams, graphs, histograms, and bar charts. Graphic form facilitates the perception of information as a whole and demonstrates its...

Quasi-Experimental Design and Internal Validity

Evaluation of the choice of design and the author’s rationale for the design choice A quasi-experimental design is a design which is commonly used when it is impossible to implement the methods of experimental design. Such kind of design can be helpful in social, educational and behavioral research. One of...

Statistics in Epidemiology & Infection Outbreak

Statistics play a major role in epidemiology. Numerous populations of interests in epidemiology require articulate analysis and interpretation using statistics. For instance, vital conclusions in epidemiology can only be made after carrying out statistical analysis on a given database of raw data. Uncertainty is accounted for by the art and...

“Charlottesville: Race and Terror”: Fighting for Rights

The recent conflicts sparked due to the violent actions of the police against African American citizens have been tearing the American community asunder, leading to multiple protests and collisions between the representatives of different political groups. Most importantly, the problem of the Black community’s voice not being heard due to...

To Post Earnings With Wall Street

A great number of leading American companies choose to post their earnings with Wall Street on a regular basis. On the whole, the key rationale for this policy is to show that the firm continuously grows and its profitability constantly increases. Yet, such strategy gives rise to many questions. First,...

Health Care Reform and Its Effects on Population

As a rule, health care reform is one of the most frequently discussed issues in different spheres of life. The main reason why people need to talk about it is its impact on the population and the ways of how people can live, get appropriate medical and financial support, and...

Empowering Youth Engagement in Society

Checkoway, B. and Gutierrez, M.L., 2006. Youth Participation and Community Change. New York, Routledge. This is a very informative book that not only talks of the benefits that the youth get from participation in the community but also the positive changes that can be accrued from their participation in the...

Enterprise Risk Management: The Impact on Health Care Organizations

The topic of enterprise risk management (ERM) has been discussed for a long period of time. Many authors choose a variety of spheres, make use of their experience, and share their ideas on how crucial ERM can be. Still, not much attention is paid to ERM in terms of health...

The Community Copper City Health Issues

Abstract This paper focuses on the resolution of health issues in the community of Copper City, a small (3000 residents) town in New Mexico. It discusses the health problems of the local population and provides a specifically created resolution program for the three most significant issues. Factors that impact health...

Green Chemistry: Saving the World Through Chemistry

Summary This article was posted by Sue White in 2013 to the ABC Environment (Australia) Website (White, 2013). The main topic of the article is the need for chemists across the world to enhance the adoption of green chemistry as a viable countermeasure toward eliminating chemical disasters in the world....

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Traditional Public-Health Prevention Model

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“Space Mining & Exploration” Article by Skauge

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