Ethical Behaviors and Challenges in International Business

Many different ethical concerns have arisen in different countries because of differences in political, economic, legal, and cultural norms. A commonly accepted procedure can be considered unethical in another country. Managers at multinational corporations must be attuned to cultural variations and capable of making ethical decisions that take them into...

Impact of Covid-19 on the Economy

Background The outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic was a rare and unprecedented occurrence, and governments around the world scrambled to implement emergency measures, such as social isolation measures, public awareness programs, testing and quarantine policies, and income support packages. The governments of the world hurried to implement emergency measures, including...

Social Identity and Intersectionality

An individual’s understanding of self is sourced from communication with other people. Thus, understanding of self presents a multidimensional process in which the individual acts from different social perspectives. The identity can represent an intersection of different aspects, such as gender, race, socioeconomic class, and sexual orientation. This essay will...

Artwork Collections in the Museum of Contemporary Art

Introduction I visited the Museum of Contemporary Art North Miami 22nd of November 2022 at twelve-thirty in the afternoon. I was amazed by several artistic works displayed in the facility. Some artistic works date back many years, while others date as recently as 2020. Additionally, culinary and visual arts are...

Dementia: Diagnostics and Treatment

Patient Presentation My patient is a 69-year-old woman named Eva. She came to me complaining about concentration, memory, and perception problems. In addition to memory loss and cognitive impairment, other symptoms include aphasia, loss of abstract thinking, and impaired judgment. The woman forgets her relatives and gets lost in her...

Unveiling the Layers of Diversity: Surface vs. Deep-Level Diversity

Introduction Many companies are trying to adhere to the principles of diversity in the workplace, as it helps to bring new ideas into the activity and meets the rules of ethical attitude to co-workers of different races, genders, etc. Even though diversity is already becoming commonplace, the stereotypical mindset of...

“On the Run: Fugitive Life in an American City” by Alice Goffman

On the Run: Fugitive Life in an American City is a book by Alice Goffman that presents research on a Black neighborhood in Philadelphia. The book is based on stories told by locals, mostly a man named George Taylor, although it is a pseudonym, and the author’s personal experiences. Since...

Pathophysiology of Myocardial Infarction: Diagnosis and Ethnic Considerations

Introduction For treatment accuracy, managing patients’ conditions requires understanding the pathophysiological processes behind their symptoms. In the case under consideration, the patient is a 55-year-old man who lost consciousness in the car. Symptoms The patient’s symptoms include cough and chest tightness, which turned into chest pain, light-headedness, increased sweating, difficulty...

Problems of Spanking Children

Introduction Parents should not employ spanking as a disciplinary technique for shaping a child’s behavior. Some studies indicate that spanking is a futile technique for disciplining children. However, none of these studies show its benefits or usefulness. In reality, spanking estranges children from their parents, instead of promoting good behavior....

Missouri Compromise of 1820: Balancing Slavery in the U.S.

Introduction The Missouri compromise refers to an agreement passed in 1820 as a solution to the differences in government over slavery (Forbes 19). Before the agreement was passed, numerous member of the United States Congress disagreed on the way to incorporate both western and southern states in the government without...

Poems and Prose: Depicting Human Life in Society

Introduction Literature in the form of poems and prose depict the life of human beings in a society. Poems and prose are essential in a society in many different ways. For example, they educate, enlighten, satirize and criticize a system, as well as entertaining people in the society. Poems and...

The Old Testament’ Importance for the Modern Believer

Introduction Today, many Christians neglect the Old Testament, considering that it only contains bedtime stories and is not relevant for the modern believers. However, this approach is not correct. Studying the Old Testament gives a modern believer knowledge on the relationship between God and people, explains certain universal principles, helps...

Working in Public Sector vs Private Sector: Essay Sample

Working in Public Sector vs Private Sector: Essay Introduction After completing their education and gaining various skills, people always aspire to get employed and put their skills into use. It is the desire of people to get opportunities to work in organizations where the terms of employment are favorable. Consequently,...

China’s Political and Legal Environment

Political Environment With the opening of China’s operations amidst continuous reforms since 1978, the country, according to the World Bank, has moved to become the second-largest economy after the US-based on the purchasing power parity (PPP). Reforms in the political environment, as well as in the legal systems, have eased...

Insurance Management Strategies for Burglary and Thrift Exposure: Analyzing Risks

Locating a shop in a high crime rates area is a rather risky decision, On the one hand, the competition rates are going to be rather low, which will allow for impressive sales benefit and future expansion. On the other hand, the unceasing threat coming from the local criminals should...

Inside Ayurvedic Medicine: Documentary by T. R. Reid

This documentary film casts a light on the peculiarities of Ayurvedic medicine. One should note that it is a set of techniques which have been practiced in India for more than two millenniums. In turn, the movie explores the experiences of a journalist who wants to undergo this form of...

Industrial Revolution, Democracy and Equality

Impact of the Industrial Revolution on Society The impact of industrial revolution on society should not be understated. It transformed mostly agrarian economies into those oriented oriented towards goods and services. It led to an influx of people from village communities into big, industrial cities with the goal of making...

Conflict and Functionalism Theories

Functionalism theory Functionalism theory developed from the work of Durkheim, who evaluated how part of society unite to form a whole society (Andersen and Taylor, 20). The theory gives an account of each section of society that comes together to build a whole society. According to functionalism theory, each part...

Addressing Operational Crisis at ABC Day Care: Theory & Solutions

The Case ABC Day Care center is an institution that supports and offers day care services for 30 young adults between the ages of 16 and 25 years. This institution has been operating for five years now and deals with individuals who are suffering from sexual health, substance abuse, mental...

Electronic Health Records: Historical Context and Future Goals

Introduction Electronic health record (EHR) is also known as the computer-based patient record. Generally speaking, EHR is “electronically maintained information about an individual lifetime health status and healthcare [including] medical history, current medications, laboratory tests, x-ray images, etc.” (Leavitt, 2002, p. 257). It indeed is a breakthrough in the field...

World War I Origins: European Alliances and Post-War Impact

The decades leading to World War I had unusual alignments. The European nations were still scrambling for Asia, Africa and parts of undeveloped Europe. The situations leading to World War I and the aftermath conditions showed that greed was still alive. Before the World War I, many European dominant nations...

Group Work, Discussions, and Research Work: Enhancing Mathematics Education

Educational strategies are the instructional methods and the learning activities used in imparting knowledge and skills to the learners. Mathematics is an abstract and empirical subject requires exciting ways to drive home the concepts and facts. To achieve this, mathematics teachers use several strategies that are not limited to gaming,...

Environmental and Ethical Concerns Related to Cheap Labor Consumption

I would like to clarify my view on the criticizing of “expensive toys”. I do not think that we should confine ourselves to spartan conditions and reject all of the modern conveniences and amusements. Still, I strongly believe that reducing the number of unnecessary purchases can definitely make the world...

Educational Approaches in Special Education

Educational approaches entail the methods that are used for teaching. The curriculum developed for various students depends on the different needs of each category of students. The curriculum to be developed for students with disabilities must meet certain three conditions. Therefore, it should answer the following questions to ensure effective...

Healthcare Systems in China and Switzerland: A Comparative Study

Healthcare System of China The health status within the framework of the healthcare system of China can be summarized as follows: Life expectancy at birth m/f – 75/78; Probability of dying under 5 (per 1000 live birth) – non-available; Probability of dying between 15 and 60, m/f (per 1000 population)...

Film Studies: Watching Movies Now and in the Past

All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy. Consequently, different people have different activities that they enjoy doing during their free time. Some like watching movies; others prefer listening to music, while others fancy visiting new destinations. The movie industry has seen numerous changes from early times. These...

Importance and Impact of Diversity Training Programs for Student Leaders

It is worth noting that with a highly globalized world all sectors including institutions of learning are highly characterized with diversity. People from different cultural backgrounds have found themselves studying together. It is important for institutions of learning to put in place a mechanism that will address the discontent as...

White-Collar Crime and Negligence

Introduction White-collar crime is a category of non-violent criminal activities that are motivated by financial gain (Payne, 2016). Negligence refers to “the failure to use reasonable care” (“Negligence law,” n.d., para. 1). The aim of this paper is to analyze two case studies on white-collar crime and negligence. Negligence It...

Dramatic Plot in “Defending Jacob” by W. Landay

Defending Jacob is a novel by William Landay, a lawyer. The novel stands out due to its exceptional ability to create mystery and dilemma for the reader. In the book, Jacob, a teenager, is accused of the murder. His father, Andy, is a prosecutor, who initially considers his son incapable...

The Relevance of “Hamlet” to Contemporary Readers

Introduction It should be emphasized that almost all the literary works of Shakespeare do not lose their relevance and reflect the core human concerns that are topical for the contemporaneity. They raise important issues and touch upon the feelings that remain unchanged for centuries. The purpose of this paper is...

Human Cloning and Its Types: Insights from Jaenisch

Summary: Types of reasons. Types of cloning In the article “Human Cloning – The Science and Ethics of Nuclear Transplantation,” Jaenisch (2004) has raised many vital questions of scientific and ethical aspects concerning human cloning. According to Taheri (2016), “Human cloning brings a new challenge into a global and general...

HIV Infection Challenges in Florida: High Incidence Among MSM

The overall levels and spread of HIV infection is one of the most difficult challenges faced by global healthcare. HIV incidence remains the highest among homosexual and bisexual men compared to other groups despite the recent developments in healthcare for HIV positive patients. Almost half of the HIV positive patients...

Quality Evolution in Auto Manufacturing Industry

Since its first appearance at the end of the 19th century, the automobile has come a long way not only in its appearance and technical capabilities but also in quality standards. With the improvement of the technology, these vehicles have become faster, easier to operate, and more energy-efficient. However, the...

Nursing Care Plan for Eye Disorders: Optic Neuritis

Presumptive nursing diagnosis A presumptive nursing diagnosis is based on reasonable conclusions on nurse’s knowledge and prior experiences. It can be conducted at the initial stages of patient care or when diagnostic tests are unavailable. It is considered the opposite of a definitive diagnosis (Huber & Gillaspy, 2000). To conduct...

Federalists vs. Anti-Federalists: Debating the 1787 Constitution

Introduction The Constitution of 1787-1788 is known for having created one of the greatest controversies in the history of the United States. The proponents of the Constitution, who believed in the necessity of strengthening the republic, were referred to as Federalists, whereas those who were against the ratification and opted...

Enhancing Nursing Practice: The Process of Critical Appraisal of the Literature Review

Introduction Nursing professionals should be able to gather and critically assess the available evidence that can be helpful in their practice. The aim of this paper is to analyze the process of critical appraisal of the literature review and its organization. The paper will also discuss the hierarchy of evidence...

Diversity and Inclusivity as Teaching Philosophy

Being an educator is an important task, as it provides an exciting opportunity to influence others and share valuable knowledge. I believe that a good teacher should become a role model and a mentor for the students, thus impacting their future life, beliefs, and values positively. As an educator, I...

Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam vs. Hezbollah Terrorists Compared

Introduction It may sound simple and easy as the phrase may be, “One man’s terrorist is actually another man’s freedom fighter.” This is clearly elaborated in a discussion involving various categories of dangerous terrorist groups operating in the world today. Some of these groups are more acceptable in their countries...

Evidence Value and Research Design

It is important to determine the validity and reliability of the research instruments when reading a research study. How does the validity and reliability of an instrument influence the credibility of the study and the value of the evidence? When carrying out research, one must make sure that the value...

Personal Leadership Development, Goals and Actions

Introduction Employees with the ambition to become better leaders should focus on self-development. One of the ways to become a high achiever is through training and learning new techniques and acquiring novel ideas. This aspect instills competitiveness and teamwork spirit, and thus someone can work under different environments and deliver...

Metamorphosis in “A White Heron” by S. O. Jewett

The idea of personal change as an unavoidable aspect of growing up and coming of age is one of the core themes in Sarah Orne Jewett’s “A White Heron.” The story follows Sylvia, a young girl who moves to the country and meets an ornithologist who wants to capture a...

“On Typology” the Essay by Rafael Moneo

There are many famous forms of art, for example, literature, painting, music, and dancing. However, some people forget that architecture is also a form of art that is able to delight and amaze many humans, including both professionals and ordinary ones. There are many articles and essays about the complexity...

Police Liability Issue and Consequences of Illegal Actions

The issue of the liability of police officers and their degree of responsibility for certain actions is the topic that is discussed in the media periodically and causes a great public response. Those illegal actions of the guards of the order that are considered publicly are often explained by the...

Strategic Human Resource Management Models

Human resource management is a critical aspect of the functioning of any company as it determines the effectiveness of the organization’s operations and quality of results. In support, certain models may provide guidance that improves decision-making and strategic planning. The CHRM framework is one such model that focuses on assessing...

Primary Care vs. Team Nursing Models

The model of nursing care In the observed setting, nurses were working according to the primary mode of nursing care. Each of the nurses was assigned several patients for whom these professionals were responsible throughout their stay in the hospital. Nurses tended to their patients, including minor procedures such as...

Employee Value Propositions and Their Influence on Patient Outcomes

The modern healthcare sector faces a set of problems that should be solved to improve the quality of care and guarantee better outcomes for patients. Low medical caretaker staffing, which is also one of the complex questions, is one of the current issues deteriorating results in the USA. The scope...

Age in the Modern Society: Fighting Social Prejudices

Greeting Cars and Ageism With the recent focus on innovations and the rapid-fire nature of cultural changes, the perception of age has shifted significantly. While elderly people are still mostly seen as generally wise and experienced, age-based discrimination has started to permeate global society. The notion of ageism needs to...

Tesla’s SWOT Analysis: Strategic Insights and Growth Opportunities

Strategic Issue for the Brand from the SWOT Analysis Based on the SWOT analysis conducted, one can assume that Tesla needs an appropriate strategic development plan to overcome the competitive barrier and address existing legislative issues. While taking into account such indicators as the high cost of component materials, the...

Target Canada Company’s Divestment and Price Wars

Introduction Divestment is the practice used to minimize unnecessary losses related to subsidiary assets and prevent detrimental effects on core businesses. As it follows from the case of Target, the company failed to stand out from its competitors when serving customers in Canada and had to give up its subsidiary...

David Bartholomae’s Criticism in “Inventing the University”

Introduction David Bartholomae in his “Inventing the University” discovers the problem of students’ inappropriate academic language. His criticism is reasonable, because he points out some main difficulties of the “basic writers” in the context of educational writing, gives us examples of the students’ essays with the typical mistakes and explains...

Stuart Cellars: Marketing the Core

Wine is one of the most favorite alcoholic drinks all over the world. There are a lot of different brands which products are very popular and people all over the world consume them. There are a lot of wine clubs all over the world when people consume the wine products...

Use of Six Requirements of Value Chain Management

Monopoly paved the way for competition in the global market. Competition has made companies restructure their management systems so that they can come out with a more improved and competitive product. Marketing strategies have evolved for companies to stay ahead of the competition and this is where replicas have emerged....

Greek Culture and It’s Influence on the Modern West

Introduction The history of Greece may begin with its geographical and climatic conditions that established the social and cultural norms of the people; it is also the major factor in defining the traditions and the mentality of the Greeks. The age of the Greek culture was marked by enormous achievements...

Hard Rock Café: Process and Location Strategy

According to Hard rock café (2001), Hard rock café does embrace the process focus strategy whereby all the facilities are centered on a particular kind of the activity or the process. These are restaurants and their concern only lies with the catering for the welfare of the paying clients who...

Pharmaceutical Supply Chain Management: Operational Plan

Introduction One of the most crucial decisions which any enterprise is supposed to make is a choice of a supply chain. Due to the peculiarity of the activity, a healthcare organization requires a supplier of medical treatment products. Hence, it is necessary to select such a contractor, to work out...

Representations of Chavs: Stereotypes and Prejudices

Chavs. According to many commenters on The Guardian’s comment website, it was they who fuelled the London riots, causing misery to good, hard-working citizens, looting and burning down stores with any stupid excuse. The solution? Chavs should work harder, they should pay attention in school, they should try to make...

Educational Discourses and Their Aspects

Education is the most important aspect of human life. It helps to shape the life and future of a person. Education as rightly said is both the producer and also the result of various discourses. Institutions are created only to discriminate between different spheres of education and different types of...

What is a Feeling of Pride?

Introduction Pride is the feeling of satisfaction resulting from one’s actions or possessions, or the connection to something or someone. The person experiencing pride believes the action, possession, or connection in question to be desirable and values their being related to it. The word “pride” may be fairly neutral, although...

Breastfeeding v. Formula Feeding: Pros and Cons

Introduction Breastfeeding is the most effective way of nourishing a baby in infancy, in all mammals, breast milk is secreted from by the mammary glands. Health professionals recommend exclusive breastfeeding for the first six months after birth. This is because breast milk has all nutrient and energy needed for child...

Greta Thunberg Speech with Loaded Language

A correct speech in the right place and at the right time can change the course of history. The phrase “I have a dream,” is now something more significant than a regular sentence. There is also a place in history for those speeches that failed and considerably lowered their speaker’s...

Taking Responsibility and Being Accountable

Each person, being in society, can occupy one of two positions. An individual can either obey or hold a dominant position. A leading place is the goal of many, but achieving this status requires the acquisition of appropriate skills, first of all, responsibility and accountability. The significance of these two...

The Profession of an Architect

Introduction As far as architectural education provides a large amount of knowledge and skills, an architect can design various objects, from apartment buildings and cottages to hotels, schools, and urban spaces. The architects, along with other representatives of creative professions, create timeless works of art. Their responsibilities include creating the...

Ethical and Legal Issues in Healthcare Services

Preferred Provider Organization (PPO) Scenario A patient who has been dealing with a back injury for the past 2 months runs out of pain medication and asks his PCP for a refill. The PCP denies the refill and suggestions over-the-counter medication. The patient decides to go see another doctor and...

Job Opportunities for Women in the 1800s: Lowell Mill Girls

In the 1800s, many young girls had completed early schooling by ten years. Many would take up domestic duties for some families since they needed to work and help either with the financial situation at home or get the opportunity to earn their own money. Unlike typical young women of...

The Erie Company Department of Public Works: The Project

Project Scope The Erie Company Department of Public Works — Division of Highways seeks proposals from consultants for professional engineering services for design, construction, administration, and construction inspection services for the Dona Street extension. The extension will be located west of NYS Route 5 for a distance of approximately 1,550...

The Interpretation of Matrices

The close analysis of Chipotle’s current standing on the market has resulted in the construction of three matrices: IE (internal-external), BCG (growth-share), and TOWS (a variation of the SWOT matrix). All the matrices are important for strategic planning that would advance the company and give it a competitive edge over...

Systems Approaches to Management

Managing change is one of the difficult activities that many organizations come across. The change that occur because of diversity and technology advancements poses numerous challenges as the majority of them may not have implemented sufficient strategies for dealing with it. However, the US Army has implemented several approaches for...

Contingency Plan for Environmental Awareness

Introduction As a student of this University and as a resident of Mother Earth, I must propose measures for environment preservation, and be one of the leading environmentalists. It’s time schools, universities, communities, and everyone is concerned about the worsening condition in the world. We have to adopt a most...

Monterey Jazz Festival on Tour (Live in New York)

The concert under review is titled “Monterrey Jazz Festival on Tour.” The performance took place at Lincoln Center, New York, on March 15th, 2019, in front of an audience of approximately 2,500 people. The idea of the organizers was to capture the essence of the famous festival in a single...

Messages in Bob Dylan’s Songs and Performances

Bob Dylan is one of the most unique and influential musicians of the 20th century, particularly in the 1960s. Born as Robert Allen Zimmerman in 1941, Bob Dylan created a new music style and is still regarded as the greatest songwriter and a prominent figure in popular culture more than...

A Bill of Rights: Constitutional Law

Constitutional law A Bill of Rights refers to a compilation of human rights protection policies defined within a country’s Constitution (Australian Government Department of Education, Employment, and Workplace Relations). In Australia, attempts to enact a national Bill of Rights have not been fruitful for ages. However, the Australian Capital Territory’s...

Harm Reduction Initiative: Treatment of Addicts

Significance to Nursing Practice and Nursing Research Considering the necessity of helping people addicted to drugs to either fight this addiction or live with it healthier, it is likely to suggest that the qualitative proposed research findings on the phenomenon under study will contribute meaningful evidence in clinical settings and...

Loyalty Programs and Private Sales Strategy

A private sale is direct cooperation between a seller and a prospective buyer without the involvement of the public. This interaction occurs in an isolated manner whereby no prior advertisement of the meeting is availed for the members of the public or brokers to join the forum. The parties engage...

The Sexual Revolution of the Roaring Twenties by Clark

The roaring twenties, also called the golden decade by some scholars, saw an immense social, technological, and political change. Socially, there was heightened immigration of the African Americans from the South to the Northern cities looking for employment and escaping racial oppression. Furthermore, women made a significant step towards the...

“How Starbucks Became an $80B Business” Video

Short History of the Starbucks Company: Foundation The video “How Starbucks Became an $80B Business” describes the marketing strategies used by Starbucks throughout its history. Nowadays the sales of Starbucks account for 57 percent of the total coffee market, but it was started from only one coffee shop in Seattle....

The Missional Church and Its Impact on Ecclesiology

Missional church is a community of Word, Sacrament, and Prayer, which involves certain religious activities to convert non-believers or apologists of other religions to their faith. Mission in a religious context and similar activities, especially in Christianity, are prevalent. The missionary church represents the various movements and denominations that shape...

Policy Structure in the Healthcare System

The responsibility of the policy-making process is the prerogative of the United States Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) which is regulated by a secretary who submits directly to the president. Governmental policy within healthcare has its benefits and challenges, such as various healthcare laws, regulations, acts and high...

The Bible Salesmen and Globeman Documentary

The Salesmen documentary gives the story of four Bible salesmen who move door to door to make a sale. Each of these salesmen had nicknames that fit their personalities and sales methods. For example, James Baker “The Rabbit” is a smooth talker. His calm conversation helps him close deals with...

Drake’s “Gods Plan”: Visual Analysis on the Music Video

Music videos are created to accompany the songs and promote music artists. They often present specific messages or a story that musicians would like to tell their listeners. At the same time, the direction in which the performer works also significantly affects the clips. These videos are pretty common, and...

The Kulturkampf – Political Cartoon of 1875

Introduction When Bismarck became Chancellor of Germany in the 19th century, one of his most important aims was to unite the country. To maintain that unity, he would not withstand anything that threatened it. The Catholic Centre party was at odds with Bismarck, and the stakes were high (Retallack, 2018)....

Gender Bias in the Aviation Industry

The case filed by Celio Diaz Jr. in the court of appeal as the plaintiff versus Pan American World Airways on April 6th, 1971 ushered in an era of equality on employment for prospective airline employees. Before this ruling, airlines had a hiring policy that ensured only female airline stewardess...

Analysis of Sonnet 75 by Edmund Spencer

Sonnet 75 was written by Edmund Spencer, a famous English writer who popularized special sonnets named after him. This poem has a typical Spencerian structure that includes three interlocked quatrains, early Volta, and a couplet that provides a solution. It has a more complex rhyme system than the typical English...

Moving to a Foreign Land, a Life in the New Country

The world is abundant with places with astonishing beauty that I would like to visit. I believe that the availability and accessibility of opportunities to travel and move to another country is one of the most significant benefits of the contemporary globalized world. Given a choice, I would prefer to...

The Gay and Lesbian Rights Movement of the 1960s

In modern America, most people can feel freedom, equality, and the absence of strong pressure from stereotypes and prejudices. Of course, there are also those individuals who continue to discriminate others based on gender, age, or race, as well as infringe upon the representatives of the LGBT community. However, in...

Amazon Workers’ Abuse

The article Amazon To Let Warehouse Employees’ Families Work Thanksgiving Shifts Too, posted on The Onion satirical media resource, mocks the media’s obsession with Amazon, as well as the company’s severe working conditions. The article states that Amazon provides a possibility for its staff to work with their family members...

Importance of Artwork Visual Aspects

The visual aspects of the artwork are intertwined between each other, creating a foundation of any art piece. Line, shape, tone, color, pattern, texture, and form must be evaluated when examining a drawing, painting, or sculpture to discover how they interact to produce the overall impact of the piece of...

Silver Linings Playbook by David O. Russell

Silver Linings Playbook is a film directed by David O. Russell based on Mathew Quick’s novel. The movie is focused on a troubled character Pat who returns home from a psychiatric facility to reunite with his family. Pat had suffered from bipolar disorder, which led him to fight the boyfriend...

Free Will Defence and Importance for Person

The Problem of Free Will Free will implies the possibilities open to the individual and the available action choices. The compatibility of freedom as a personality trait with determinism raises the problem of compatibilism. The central question is the definition of free will through its relationship to metaphysics. The nature...

Islamic Culture and Civilization Then and Now

The Arabs were the major settler in the Middle East and along the Arabian Peninsula. They majorly practiced a traditional way of life that is different in different aspects of life. Some of the main traditional aspects they embraced include staying in houses built out of the mud and primarily...

Strategies to Cope with Ethical Dilemmas

The navy can help individuals cope with ethical dilemmas they will encounter through cultural and historical training. Troops must be aware of the history and culture of the area they operate in to preserve combat efficiency and promote polite treatment of the population (Haskins, 2010). Unacquaintance with culture can heighten...

Different Perceptions of the Responsibility of Children to Their Parents

Background A family is a place where a special bond is established between relatives. An ideal relationship model has no room for anger, aggression, or other negative feelings. They are replaced by care, sincerity, devotion, and love. One of the most controversial gestures of wholesome family relationships is the presumption...

Advantages and Disadvantages of Social Media Influence on Younger Generation

Social media seems to have a considerable impact on the younger generation. It is hard to imagine the youth without smartphones or other devices that allow them to access social media. The ubiquity of social media made it an ultimate platform for communication and self-expression. Social sites will enable us...

Homeland Security Efforts: Counter-Terrorism and Threats

No country is protected from various types of foreign and domestic threats. Terrorism has always been one of the most serious issues of homeland security, threatening the health and safety of citizens and the welfare of the country. Since terrorism is a major social threat, it can be considered in...

Why Should Abortion Be Made Legal?

Introduction Historically, abortions have always been a topical issue which produced numerous debates and arguments between people holding opposite views. Gradually this led to the establishment of two general groups of people, namely, the pro-life and the pro-choice (“Can you explain.” 2019). The former believe that life is sacred and...

The “Bambi Complex” in Promoting Animals Care

“Bambi”, a classical feature from Walt Disney Productions, formed a certain representation of nature for the audience. The resulting feelings were complicated: while viewers rediscovered sympathy for wild animals, it was, in some aspects, impractical. It influenced American hunters’ reputation for the worse as well. Therefore, what came to be...

“Out of Paradise” by Adam Straus

The Museum of Art – DeLand, Florida, is a vital community visual arts museum committed to hosting several rotating master artist workshops, educational programming, reception, gallery talks, exhibits, and special events. The Museum is devoted to the fine arts collection, exhibition, and preservation (, 2022). The Museum has two separate...

Acetone-Related Safety of Sigma-Aldrich Company

Introduction Acetone (CH3COCH3), commonly known as 2-propanone or dimethyl ketone, is an organic solvent with industrial and chemical applications and is the most fundamental of the aliphatic (fat-derived) ketones. Purified Acetone is a colorless, slightly fragrant, flammable, mobile liquid that boils at 56.2 °C (133 °F). Many fats and resins,...

The Everett Philharmonic Orchestra’s Performance

Classical music is one of the most valuable art forms because it reveals people’s deepest and sincerest feelings. It is not enough to listen to the sounds but observe how musicians perform their shows and deliver the composer’s messages. On November 29, 2021, I got a chance to attend a...

The Legacy of the Gettysburg Address

Introduction Abraham Lincoln delivered his most famous speech as president on November 19, 1863, in Gettysburg, Pennsylvania. This speech, delivered at Union Cemetery after the Battle of Gettysburg, was intended to help mourn the troops who perished, but it accomplished far more. One of the most important speeches delivered during...

The Truth and Reconciliation Commission Call to Action

Canada is a country with a population of high cultural and ethnic differences due to a variety of communities that occupy the land. The Truth and Reconciliation commission follows a righteous mission of identifying the scope of issues that Canadian indigenous peoples face and developing strategies to address and resolve...

Reflection on God’s Work: Psychology and Christianity

One of the central themes in Christian literature has been the relationship between theology and psychology. Though there are some differing in theological reflection and psychological reflection, yet slightly have some similar take. Theological reflection stresses on the relationship of God and the world in creation and salvation while psychological...

Historical Roots of Interest Groups in American Society

American history has seen a number of interest groups and alliances of individuals with a specific goal or common interest that attempt to influence society and government policy. Their main way of interacting with the state is through lobbying – the act of applying financial pressure on government institutions to...

Public Sector Organization Theory

Mary Parker Follett, primarily considered among the most prominent management specialists in the initial stages of standard management theory, revolutionized the corporate conduct principle by fusing psychology and social interactions with commercial administration. Today’s small enterprises may still benefit from Follett’s management philosophy, notably its emphasis on cooperation and staff...

Christianity and Buddhism Comparison

Introduction Christianity is a more pragmatic religion than Buddhism, moreover, it applies to the texts of holy scriptures. The basic truths of Christianity formulate more mundane goals and aspects, such as love for one’s neighbor and respect for elders and others. Buddhism is characterized by subtle and spiritual practices and...

Aging Theory Analysis in the Film “Up”

The film Up directed by Docter (2009) shows a storyline about the 78-year-old grouch Carl Fredriksen who believes that life bypasses him. To keep the promise made to his deceased wife, he decides to fulfill his dream of a great adventure by tying thousands of balloons to his house and...

Responsibility of Media in the US – The Issue of Fake News

Contemporary American society depends on various sources of news media because every person has to receive timely updates on what occurs in their area or across the country. Even though traditional news outlets are not as popular nowadays, there are people who prefer reading newspapers and magazines to learn the...

The Data Collection Role in Medicine

Patients’ demographics include permanent patient information and demographic information that does not change very often. This data group includes age, sex, time and place of birth, place of residence, and some other data. Socioeconomic information includes current employment, income, and debt information. This column includes information about the patient’s marital...

Plant-Based Diet vs. Meat Production

There is almost no industry that causes no damage to the environment. Meat production is one of the business activities that hugely contribute to climate change. Despite society is moving toward more conscious and responsible consumption, nature-harmful tendencies do not disappear. Switching to plant-based diets can improve the environmental problem...

Nissan’s Cogent: The Co-Development Regeneration Tool

Cross-Functional Teams Cross-Functional Teams are characterized by diversity in participants’ functions, complex and efficient reporting systems, and more efficient time management. These teams are built of members that specialize in different disciplines and, regarding their specialization, provide different functions in the team, yet the actions of every specialist are dedicated...

Managing Ethics Challenges in Social Work Organizations

Introduction Ethics consultation in health care can significantly impact critical outcomes, such as decreasing the length of stay in an intensive care unit and increasing family and healthcare provider satisfaction. Human service professionals seek the knowledge, education, experience, and supervision necessary to ensure effectiveness when working with persons from different...

The Patriots and Their Agenda: The English Colonists

Introduction The colonists who revolted against British monarchical rule were Patriots or Whigs. Their uprising was founded on republicanism, a social and political theory that opposed inherited power and the concepts of a monarchy and an aristocracy. Instead, the philosophy’s primary principles were liberty and inalienable human rights. The conceptual...

The Perspective on Homosexuality

Introduction The perspective on homosexuality has been skewed significantly by the presence of biases and the lack of tolerance among the general population. As a result, homosexual people have been subjected to massive oppression. Though presently, much more lenient and accepting perspectives on homosexuality are promoted, the specified demographic remains...

Monetary Policy, Inequality, and Federal Reserve Interest Rates

One of the most effective methods for advancing and improving financial knowledge is the use of legislation and public policy initiatives. Individual Development Accounts, for example, are a legislative program started in the mid-1990s to assist low-income earners in building assets (Auclert, 2019). In conjunction with this policy, the Savings...

Bisexuality in Han Dynasty China

The article “In Han Dynasty China, Bisexuality Was the Norm,” by Sarah Prager, is an accessible, non-judgmental take on how bisexuality was viewed in ancient China. It is a well-written article with sources that are relevant to her argument. The piece is accessible for the reader and does not carry...

Issues of Operation in Valley Forge

One of the most important turning points in the history of the United States of America was the American Revolution. When applauding our fellow citizens’ military accomplishments, we should remember how costly such victories were to acquire. Veterans of the conflict devoted their lives to battle and for noble causes....

English Planning System Changes: “Planning for the Future”

Before 2020 the English planning system was undergoing reforms aimed at streamlining the process and giving local communities more of a say in the planning of their areas. The former English planning system was criticized for being slow, bureaucratic, and ineffective in delivering the number and type of homes needed...

“There Will Come Soft Rains” Story by Ray Bradbury

Although Ray Bradbury has created many engaging narratives, a particularly intriguing text written by the author is There Will Come Soft Rains. The story concentrates on a house that, hour by hour, performs various duties to serve its inhabitants (Bradbury, n.d.). Nonetheless, the reader gradually realizes that there are no...

Analysis of Flipgirl Web Series Episode One Content

A web series is a scripted or unscripted collection of online videos published on the Internet in an episodic format. Web series are the new norm for creating content by the many upcoming artists who do not have the financial muscles to go the traditional way of video production. The...

Construction Project Implementation

The investment and construction process is a complex chain of different stages of investment and payback of finances in the creation of architectural commissions. With all the variety of needs and demands in this field, directors usually have a few basic steps in their decision-making process. The main one is...

The Poem “We Wear the Mask” by Paul Laurence Dunbar

“We Wear the Mask” was composed in 1895 by Paul Laurence Dunbar – one of the first African-American writers who attained national prominence. The poem itself is devoted to the lifestyle of African-Americans of that time. Despite the abolishment of slavery in 1865, racism remained an issue in interracial communication...

Why Reality Shows are So Popular?

Introduction A reality show is a section of television programs, which comprise of situations of humor or drama. Usually, the host is an ordinary individual interviewing ordinary people who are presented with a present afterwards. Reality shows have almost become part of the popular culture due to its humorous nature....

Health Literacy and Cultural Awareness: Bridging Gaps in Patient Education

Although many researchers agree that health literacy is a relatively new concept in the public health field, the success of public health programs greatly depends on health literacy levels in a community (Nutbeam, 2000; Hasnain, Menon, Ferrans, & Szalacha, 2014). The success of the colorectal outreach program depends on the...

Strategies for Sustainability: A Comprehensive Business Guide

Sustainability in Manufacturing and Product Design In the following chapter the author describes some main issues of sustainability in manufacturing and product design. The reasons and benefits of the implementation of sustainability in the working process of some great world companies are also described. The author gives a list of...

Florence Nightingale’s Enduring Legacy in Modern Nursing and Healthcare

Florence Nightingale has influenced my line of thoughts as a nurse through her legacy. She was an innovative nurse whose core values were geared toward the development of a nursing program to counter the healthcare needs of the people in the 20th and 21st centuries. Nightingale engaged in advocacy for...

XXI Century Technology and Its Toll on Communication Skills

Introduction: Technology in the XXI Century The pace of the progress that the humankind has made in the XXI century is truly unbelievable. Known as “accelerating change” (Brown 24), the given phenomenon has created the environment in which lifelong learning has become possible. However, the sharp increase in technological progress...

The Assassination of Abraham Lincoln

Introduction Abraham Lincoln is remembered as the 16th President of the United States of America and the first president of the country ever to be murdered. As the history tells us, “he was mortally wounded by John Wilkes Booth, who was a famous actor and Confederate sympathizer, in the Presidential...

Self-Esteem Role in Stress Management

Self-Esteem and Its Role in Promoting and Resolving Stress Self-esteem underscores confidence in one’s beliefs and values. It emerges from attitudes that a person develops towards something, which could be a personal vision such as career objectives, lifestyles, and other personal responsibilities. Psychologists argue that attitudes mold characters that one...

Social Lives of Ancient Egyptians: Culture, Hierarchy, and Daily Life

The two books focus on the social lives of the ancient Egyptians. In the book Voices in Ancient Egypt, Kay presents an anthology of poems and pictures of workers in ancient Egypt (Kay & Moser, 2003). On the other hand, Hibbert in the book Rich and Poor in Ancient Egypt...

Healthy Eating Habits in Adolescents

Introduction Contemporary adolescents often fail to have a healthy diet due to various reasons. This has led to an alarming number of obese teenagers who have a variety of health issues (Chelvakumar & Kessler, 2010). This study focuses on the factors affecting adolescents’ eating choices: Parents’ Influence Peer Pressure Focus...

Self-Interest and Public Interest Conflicts

Introduction Although available literature views public interest as a central consideration in public sector management (Wolpert & Gimpel, 1998), there still exist conflicts between self-interest and public interest, some of which threaten to make public interest disappear irrespective of the fact that that self-interest has a minimal influence on public...

Educating Emphysema Patients on Treatment Adherence for Better Health Outcomes

Introduction The topic selected for the Health Promotion Project is the motivation of patients with emphysema to strictly adhere to their treatment plans. The target audience associated with this project includes adult patients with emphysema who demonstrate non-adherence to treatment plans because of internal and external factors. The reason for...

Small Business Organization’s Structure

Introduction Organizational structure is an important determinant of the organization’s performance. Depending on the size, scope, and character of the operations, the structure can improve or disrupt the product’s quality. The following paper analyzes the organizational structure of a small business organization. Chart Description The chart used for the paper...

Quality Improvement in Healthcare: Essential Strategies and Theories

Introduction Quality improvement is an essential process of any healthcare organization. Many studies are devoted to finding new ways of creating, improving, and evaluating the strategies and theories for medical services. The concept of quality evaluation is as significant as the creation of new approaches to quality improvement because it...

Scientific Research: Methodology and Interpretations

Scientific Method Analysis The principal characteristic of a scientific research method is that researchers allow the reality to speak for itself. According to Zikmund and Barbin, “A scientific research method is the way researchers go about using knowledge and evidence to reach objective conclusions about the real world” (Zikmund &...

Health Care Reform and Insurance in Florida: Key Changes and Implications

Health Insurance According to the website, Florida residents who seek for medical insurance have several options. Eligible individuals can apply for public health plans. The first option is Medicaid, a social program oriented towards people with limited resources. Importantly, the website also mentions that Florida chose not to expand Medicaid...

Adopting Six Sigma Methodologies for Business Process Improvement

The article “Deployment of Six Sigma Methodology to Reduce Complications in Intravitreal Injections” reveals how Six Sigma principles can be utilized in the modern healthcare delivery setting. According to the authors, this quality improvement method was initially used in manufacturing processes, but now it has more spheres for use such...

Analysis of Students’ Course Examinations by Gharib and Phillips: Methods and Results

Data Description Gharib and Phillips (2013) compared students’ scores on open-book and cheat-sheet examinations. The predictor variable was the type of exam: open-book or cheat-sheet; nominal measurement. The outcome sets variables were: The article is relevant for General Psychology because it sheds light on what methods are best for assessing...

The Value of a Master’s-Prepared Nurse

Introduction Although both the BSN and MSN are important, students who pursue a Master’s degree in nursing are going to be more qualified for specific jobs (such as a nursing educator, an information technology specialist in nursing, a nurse administrator, a nurse leader, etc.). The preparation for the Master’s degree...

Evolution of Cognitive Development Across the Life Span: A Developmental Model Analysis

Examples of Famous People There is a significant amount of examples of people who succeeded in their late 30s only. Stan Lee, for example, is known today as the creator of numerous comic books such as X-Men, Spider-Man, and many others. Marvel Studio produces very successful movies every year that...

Key Issues in International Law: China’s Foreign Policy, NGO Influence, and Business Ethics

Issues of International Law In recent years, international law practices have seemed to have increasing influence in the modern world. With countries working together more closely than ever, it is important to ensure that every participant has equal rights and opportunities. Although foreign interference can play a positive role in...

A Healthcare Professional’s Writing Knowledge Reflection

Introduction The available literature is consistent in that healthcare professionals should develop the required competencies in writing and research to succeed in solving everyday health problems and articulating detailed information, data, and thoughts in written format (Campanelli, Feterman, Keane, Lieberman, & Roberson, 2007). The present paper provides a reflective postscript...

Defects in Task Force Report on Genocide

What are some of the defects of the task force’s report on genocide? The task force report on genocide has failed to offer survivors appropriate solutions that can help them cope with their trauma. Several genocide reports have always used the phrase; ‘Never Again’, since the Holocaust. However, genocide and...

Resource Allocation Strategies at Strutledge Art Schools

What action would you recommend to the Board of Regents? It is essential for the Board of Regents to make sure that the resources used by the organization are allocated in a manner as reasonable and efficient as possible. Despite the fact that the introduction of the MBA program is...

Foreign Markets: Demand, Competition & TV Advertising

Selecting a foreign market The ability to select a viable foreign market is a crucial undertaking whenever there is need to expand and diversify operational strategies. Before expanding to foreign markets, it is vital to consider the level of demand for products being marketed by an organization. Market demand is...

Health Care Reform: Benefits, Challenges, and Future Directions

Introduction It should be noted that health care reform has caused heated discussions among both expert community members and regular citizens. There are many people who support it while, at the same time, some people believe that the current system is flawed and it has numerous limitations. The purpose of...

Managing Investment Risks in a Global Economy

Managing an investment project in the environment of the global economy is fraught with numerous risks. Primarily, the possibility of a crisis deserves to be mentioned. Herein the need to adopt the strategies aimed at investing in developing entrepreneurship lies. Objectives The key objective of the specified portfolio concerns increasing...

Factors Influencing the Future of the Death Penalty: Insights by LaChance

Introduction This reading essay summarizes, explains, and evaluates the main points of the reading: “What Will Doom the Death Penalty: Capital Punishment, Another Failed Government Program?” by Daniel LaChance. The main theme of this article is the call to abandon the death penalty because it has failed. This essay, therefore,...

Strategies for Designing and Managing Effective Supply Chains in Business

Introduction Variability in customer demand refers to the difference in what suppliers expect from customers and exactly what they order or buy. Firms use various variability tools in focusing variability in customer demand. How can firms cope with huge variability in customer demand? Risk pooling The tool suggests that variability...