622 Cinema Essay Topics & Research Topics about Cinema

Welcome to our list of cinema essay topics! With our unique writing ideas, you are sure to write an excellent film analysis or a study of the movie industry. Besides, we’ve included writing samples you can use for inspiration. Have fun with our film essay topics!

🏆 Best Film Essay Topics

📚 Catchy Cinema Essay Topics

  1. Sociological Concepts in “The Truman Show” Film
    “The Truman Show” by Peter Weir is a movie that provides viewers with a description of how society can influence individuals and shape their beliefs and actions.
  2. Review of “Frida” Movie From Historical Viewpoint
    The paper aims to discuss the “Frida” film from the viewpoint of its historical accuracy and entertainment value.
  3. Remember the Titans: Leadership Examples
    Boone did not want to accept the leadership because of racial prejudices and because he felt like he was doing the same thing that was once done to him.
  4. “My Sister’s Keeper” Ethics Essay
    The paper outlines the plot and themes of the “My Sister’s Keeper” film and explores the key ethical issue presented in it from the standpoint of 10 different ethical theories.
  5. Movie Analysis: “Hacksaw Ridge”
    The movie is a perfect example of the external and internal conflicts. It demonstrates the importance of faith in human life and how it influences the actions of humans
  6. Raise the Red Lantern: Summary and Analysis
    Raise the Red Lantern is a beautiful and simple story of a young girl with a number of complex issues represented through effective mise-en-scène and roof-top level shots.
  7. Comparing Literature and Film: Rapunzel and Tangled
    The paper states that Rapunzel is a traditional tale that has been passed through generations. Tangled is the animated movie adaptation.
  8. Film “Sybil” by Joseph Sargent: Plot Summary and Analysis
    This paper tells about Sybil which highlights the importance of timely professional care in the case of multiple personality disorder, while showing the risks.
  9. Edward Zwick’s “Blood Diamond” Movie Analysis Essay
    This critical essay analyzes the movie “Blood Diamond” by Edward Zwick and focuses on the major aspects of the film that become apparent as it unfolds.
  10. Les Intouchables Summary & Analysis
    “Les Intouchables” explores life in Paris and the clash of the representatives of two different social classes. This is a French film directed by Olivier Nakache and Eric Toledano.
  11. Gran Torino Essay – Clint Eastwood’s Film Analysis
    Gran Torino film, shot by Clint Eastwood, represents the life of Walter Kowalski, a veteran of the Korean War and a true American with his views and moral principles.
  12. “The Green Mile”: Movie Analysis
    “The Green Mile” is a mirror of today’s generation where vices surpass the virtues in society. It describes how crimes are left unsolved in the name of capital punishment.
  13. Negotiation Tactics in the Twelve Angry Men Film
    In this paper, four scenes from the movie Twelve Angry Men will be analyzed, and the negotiation tactics employed by the characters in those scenes will be explored.
  14. Psychology in The Pursuit of Happyness Film
    “The Pursuit of Happyness” is a film that includes a wide range of psychological and organizational behavior theories. These are exemplified by character behaviors and plot points.
  15. Interstellar: An Analysis of the Film
    This essay analyzes Christopher Nolan’s film Interstellar. It is described through the receptive theory of criticism because of the depth of the story.
  16. Developmental Theories in Docter’s “Up” Movie
    In the movie “Up” by Pete Docter, two protagonists of different ages are featured, which allows the integration of two developmental theories into the assessment.
  17. “Good Will Hunting” Movie: Abandonment, Love, and Attachment
    The movie Good Will Hunting is a prime example of how cinema can provide the audience with a comprehensive narrative of one’s complex psyche and its role.
  18. “The Crucible” (1996) Film Analysis
    The Crucible is a film that dramatizes real-life events that took place in Salem where people accused as witches became subjects of mass executions.
  19. The Film “The Help” from a Sociological Perspective
    The paper states that due to the change of narrative situations in the film “The Help”, the ideological point of view of the focal characters is manifested.
  20. Movie Reflection – “Contagion” by Steven Soderbergh
    Towards the end of the film, the spread of the disease is halted after the discovery of a vaccine that can counter its effects. Steven Soderbergh directed the film.
  21. Going to the Movies
    Cinemas have giant screens that would not fit into your home and offer quality surround sound which makes watching a movie a truly immersive experience.
  22. Film “Split” Psychotherapy Analysis
    The film Split is centered around the main character Kevin, who struggles with Dissociative Identity Disorder (DID), also known as multiple personality disorder.
  23. “A Quiet Place”: Film Analysis
    The film heavily relies on sound effects and narrative structure to convey its central motif, a dreadful life in which silence is a means of survival.
  24. Films and Their Role in Society
    Films are part of an industry traditionally devoted to providing “pure entertainment”. However, more recently, there is a focus on the impact of films on society.
  25. “Whiplash”: The Creation and Key Observations
    Whiplash, directed by Damien Chazelle in 2014, still conveys a powerful message that is brought to the audience through creative directing.
  26. Team Development Stages in “Remember the Titans” Film
    In “Remember the Titans” directed by Jerry Bruckheimer, the football team’s stages of group development were described using Tuckman’s five stages of team development.
  27. An Analysis of the movie “Crash” by Paul Haggis
    In the movie “Crash” by Paul Haggis the characters tend to assume certain socioeconomic status and behaviour with certain cultures.
  28. Viewing Movies: The Problem of Age Restriction
    Although movies have been known to be a source of negative influence on children, they also have benefits, and the age restriction should be eliminated to allow children to watch.
  29. A Midsummer Night’s Dream: Play and Movie
    Michael Hoffman’s 1999 movie version of the play A Midsummer Night’s Dream seeks to meet the demands of an audience of the late twentieth century – it has wrestling in the mud.
  30. Why Movies Are Popular All Over the World
    Movies provide entertainment as well as knowledge to people. They give people an opportunity to learn about different cultures, religions, and histories.
  31. “The State of Play: Trophy Kids”: Main Idea and Summary of the Film
    “The State of Play: Trophy Kids” trails five progenies exercising in a sport on how discipline and parental guidance influence the children psychologically and physically.
  32. Comedy Movies: Positive Psychological Effects
    Comedy movies make people feel relaxed, especially after stressful events or when they are extremely exhausted.
  33. Emotions in the “Up” Movie by Pete Docter
    The movie “UP” is one of the highly emotional and impactful animated films made by Pixar. The story describes the importance of appreciation, love, and friendship.
  34. Gender Stereotyping in the “Pretty Woman” Movie
    The movie Pretty Woman, starring Julia Roberts and Richard Gere, created quite a bit of stirring among the feminist supporters of the country.
  35. The Documentary Film “The Corporation”: Review
    It would be interesting to know more examples of how corporations take the responsibilities of the government and what are the costs and benefits of such actions
  36. Business Ethics and Dilemmas in the Film ‘Michael Clayton’
    The movie “Michael Clayton” addresses a wide range of ethical issues faced by corporations and advocates. One of the ethical issues addressed entails the impacts of capitalism on morality.
  37. Science Fiction in Literature and Movies
    This paper argues that science fiction has less to do with science and more to do with an endless reworking of the human condition.
  38. Tyler Perry’s Contribution to the Growth of the Film Industry in Atlanta
    Tyler Perry, a black Atlanta filmmaker, and producer, has significantly contributed to the growth of the film industry in the city.
  39. The Film Review: “Scarface”
    DePalma’s Scarface (1983) creates a new gangster genre reorganizes the problems faced by earlier gangster movies and create a larger than life depiction of the issue.
  40. Deceiver (1997) Movie Analysis
    Deceiver is a movie centered around a police cross-examination room where Wayland (Tim Roth) is subjected to a lie detector test in line with the murder of a local prostitute.

👍 Good Argumentative Essay Topics about Movies

  1. The Movie “Back to the Future”: The Genre of Science Fiction
    This work presents the movie “Back to the Future” as a prominent example of the science fiction genre, which contains elements of this classification.
  2. Adolescence: Social Concepts in “Mean Girls” Film
    The film “Mean Girls” depicts the confrontation of the “new vs. popular students.” The film’s social concepts are presented in a sophisticated and exciting manner.
  3. Beowulf: Comparing the Movie and the Book
    The story of Beowulf has remained a significant work for centuries not only because it is one of our first lengthy works of English.
  4. Mise-en-Scene of “Blade Runner” Film by Ridley Scott
    Based on the opening scene of the film “Blade Runner” by Ridley Scott, the viewers can see that Los Angeles is presented as a modern and developed city.
  5. Chapter 5 of Thompson, & Bordwell’s “Film History”
    In this essay, Chapter 5 of Thompson, & Bordwell’s “Film History” will be summarized in connection with The Cabinet of Dr. Caligari, an example of German Expressionism.
  6. Movie Theatre Business: Porter’s Five Forces Analysis
    The movie industry should expand the target audience and stop relying on youths whose unpredictable behavior significantly affects the profits generated by companies.
  7. Isolation and Mental Health in the Interstellar Film
    Interstellar ultimately demonstrates the importance of human connection and emotions in overcoming the struggles of space exploration and preserving humanity.
  8. Cinematic Language in A Beautiful Mind Film
    The movie A Beautiful Mind, directed by Ron Howard, implements a wide range of cinematography techniques to help the audience develop an understanding of powerful ideas.
  9. Cinematography of “Scarface” Film by Brian De Palma
    In his film Scarface, the director Brian De Palma is focused on demonstrating Montana’s violent way towards the American dream through cinematography, music, and acting techniques.
  10. Why Are Fantasy Films so Popular?
    Once people escape into this irrational world of fantasy, they are allowed to wonder and question conventions that have been accepted as truths.
  11. ”Boy” Directed by Taika Waititi as a Representation of the Local Culture
    The film “Boy” (2010), directed by Taika Waititi, is a comedy-drama that tells the story of a young Maori boy’s relationship with his father, who returns from prison.
  12. Dahl’s “Lamb to the Slaughter” Story and Hitchcock’s Film
    The short story “Lamb to the Slaughter” by Roald Dahl and the eponymous film by Alfred Hitchcock, should be treated as two different and independent artworks.
  13. Character Analysis of the Film “Secret Window”
    The film “Secret Window” is based on the fictional novel Secret Garden written by Stephen King. This paper tries to analyze the characters of the film.
  14. Ethnocentrism and Stereotypes in the Movie “Crash”
    The movie Crash is a brutally honest film that depicts the harsh realities in today’s society. It tells of a convoluted story that shows how intertwined the lives are of people from all walks of life.
  15. The “Lions for Lambs” Film Analysis
    The main theme of Lions for Lambs is that American politicians in America defining the country’s foreign policies refuse to learn the lessons of history.
  16. Applying Psychological Principles to Girl Interrupted Film
    The Girl Interrupted film’s psychodynamic perspective is clearly portrayed through the different characters’ behavior, feelings, and actions.
  17. The Film “The Fisher King” by Terry Gilliam: Psychological Analysis
    The film “The Fisher King” by Terry Gilliam, showcases a possible permutation of symptoms that people suffering from schizophrenia and post-traumatic stress disorder may adopt.
  18. Cross-Racial Relationships in “The Lunch Date” Movie and Short Stories
    Short stories “What’s in a Name?”, “Indian Education” and the short movie entitled “The Lunch Date” clearly demonstrate the same concepts of cross-racial relationships.
  19. Sociological Analysis of One Who Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest Film
    The teaching from the film “One Who Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest” is that inclusion and consensus methods should be considered while treating patients with mental health issues.
  20. “The Crucible” Film and Its Historical Value
    In this paper, the task is to evaluate the historical value of the movie “The Crucible” and clarify if inaccuracies may mislead the audience, provoke biases, or raise questions.
  21. The “Hero” Film: Shot-by-Shot Analysis
    The plot of the film “Hero” (2002) by Zhang Yimou unfolds the historical events that took place in the 3rd century B.C..
  22. Leadership Styles in the Forrest Gump Film
    Forrest managed to inspire Elvis Presley, who imitated Forrest’s dance moves. As such, he received a football scholarship and became a top running back.
  23. Video Games Versus Movies
    The current paper discusses three reasons that make video games a more rewarding and immersive entertainment medium than movies.
  24. Analysis of the Movie “Thank You for Smoking”: The Propaganda
    The movie presents the deceitful nature of Tobacco Academy Studies that use the skills of their lobbyist Nick Naylor to confuse the public that cigarette smoking is good for their.
  25. “Interstellar” Film Under Sociological Analysis
    Interstellar is a 2014 cinematographic masterpiece by Christopher Nolan that portrays a near-future dystopian society placed on Earth.
  26. The US Film Industry’s History and Competitiveness
    This study will evaluate the history of the US film industry, the industry’s competitiveness, and the prospects of inward and outward foreign direct investment.
  27. “A Class Divided” Film on Discrimination
    The movie “A Class Divided” describes an experiment performed by Jane Elliot, a grade three teacher concerned by discrimination that existed at the time of Martin Luther King.
  28. Books vs. Movies: Comparison of Features
    The main thing in common between books and films is that they convey a story and evoke emotion, a plot can be fiction, fantasy, or a real story from someone’s life.
  29. “Act Without Words I” by Beckett: Response to the Movie
    “Act Without Words I” by Samuel Beckett is an example of the Theater of the Absurd, a designation of the particular type of plays written by different playwrights.
  30. “West Side Story” and “Romeo and Juliet” Movies Comparative Analysis
    Even a brief analysis of “West Side Story” and “Romeo + Juliet” leaves no doubt as to the fact that the apparent similarity between two cinematographic pieces is only a skin deep.
  31. Urbanization and Poverty in “Slumdog Millionaire” Film
    Boyle’s movie, “Slumdog Millionaire,” is one of many successful attempts to depict the conditions in which people who are below the poverty level live.
  32. Film Analysis of “Titanic” by James Cameron
    Its production techniques and the movie’s connection with society will be discussed over the course of this essay as well.
  33. Roma by Alfonso Cuarón: A Film Analysis
    The movie provides a comprehensive image of Mexico in the 1970s. The film highlights the major impact of class, race, and gender on the life of people in Mexican society.
  34. The Devil Wears Prada Film’s Critical Analysis
    The Devil Wears Prada film tells the story of how the chief can be stubborn, but the courage of potential employees can surprise them.
  35. Environmental Issues in The Lorax Movie
    The movie The Lorax narrates the story of a walled city that is characterized by an artificial way of life. This essay gives a detailed summary and discussion of the film.
  36. Deontology and Ethical Relativism in “The Founder” Film
    The essay aims to review the movie The Founder, starring Michael Keaton, from the perspective of ethical theories: deontology and ethical relativism.
  37. Caregivers, Teachers, and Children in “Matilda” Film
    Based on the film “Matilda,” this paper discusses the roles of caregivers, teachers, and children and the interventions parents can use to improve their relationship with children.
  38. True Leadership in the Invictus Film
    This paper discusses the role of true leadership as depicted in the film Invictus by focusing on the two main characters – Mandela and Pienaar.
  39. Psychotherapy. “A Beautiful Mind” Film by Ron Howard
    The well-known movie A Beautiful Mind provides a scope of assumptions and suggestions regarding hidden capabilities of the mind.
  40. The Agents of Change Documentary Film Review
    The documentary Agents of Change by A. Ginzberg and F. Dawson puts its primary focus on the struggles of minority students in the 1960s.

🌶️ Hot Movie Essay Topics to Write About

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  1. “Cast Away” by Robert Zemeckis: Movie Review
    The movie “Cast Away” focuses on one’s capability to survive and challenges faced in such an environment, where many critical details are considered.
  2. “The Immortal Life of Henrietta Lacks” Book and the Movie: Similarities and Differences
    This work describes the similarities and differences between Rebecca Skloot’s “The Immortal Life of Henrietta Lacks” and its 2017 film adaptation by George C. Wolfe.
  3. The Effects of Violent Video Games and Movies
    The paper discusses the effects of violent video games and movies. There is a debate over the relationship between violent video games and movies and aggressive behavior.
  4. Romantic Comedy in American Film Industry
    Romantic comedy is a part of the American film industry. A Romantic comedy film basically refers to a movie which is very humorous and it denotes romantic ideals.
  5. The Most Beautiful Thing: Short Film Review
    The short film “The Most Beautiful Thing” brings to life the important themes of love, disability, and communication due to the effective use of film direction.
  6. Organizational Behavior in “Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory” Movie
    The analysis and interpretation of the “Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory” movie are likely to provide essential insights into the core of organizational behavior (OB).
  7. “Mean Girls” by Mark Walters Movie Analysis
    Mean girls’ is a teenage movie that bring about, certain aspects of teenage or adolescent issues mostly amongst the female gender.
  8. Servant Leadership in the Remember the Titans Film
    In Remember the Titans, servant leadership can be seen in the actions of Trainer Boone, the team captain Julius Campbell, and the white assistant coach Bill Yoast.
  9. Stranger Than Fiction: Critical Analysis of Film
    Stranger Than Fiction entertains, educates, and creates awareness of the virtue of fate and the inevitability of death.
  10. Cinematic Techniques in The Silence of the Lambs Movie
    The paper is devoted to analyzing the cinematic techniques applied in the classic horror movie called The Silence of the Lambs, directed by Jonathan Demme.
  11. The Movie “Titanic”: A Survey of Semiotics
    This paper will give a semiotic survey of the film ‘Titanic’ directed by James Cameron. Media Semiotics will be the approach in studying features of communication.
  12. Sociological Themes in the “Taxi Driver” Film
    The movie Taxi Driver discusses the sociological themes of deviance and socialization, showing the world through the eyes of a war veteran unable to adjust to a healthy life.
  13. History of Film Noir
    Film Noir is a term coined in the early 1940s by the French to refer to trendy Hollywood crime movies produced during this period.
  14. “Don’t Look Up” Movie Directed by Adam McKay
    The Netflix video ‘Don’t Look Up’, directed by Adam McKay, pays attention to two astronomers who endeavor to alert humans.
  15. Critical Success Factors: Movie Industry in Hollywood
    This paper will discuss importance and application of critical success factors in business based on movie industry in Hollywood, which is a home of some of the largest film producers in the world.
  16. Posttraumatic Stress Disorder in the Fearless Film
    In the Fearless movie, Max has been suffering from Posttraumatic Stress Disorder that has affected his everyday life, personality, perceptions, and behaviors.
  17. Sociology of “Avatar” Movie by James Cameron
    “Avatar” is a science fiction movie created and produced by James Cameron. The movie follows the colonization of Pandora by the humans whose aim was to exploit the resources.
  18. “Death in Venice”: Mann’s Novel v. Visconti’s Film
    The purpose of this paper is to discuss the similarities and differences between Thomas Mann’s novel “Death in Venice” and Luchino Visconti’s cinematic adaptation.
  19. “The Kite Runner” Film: History and Cinematography
    The historical background of the movie The Kite Runner started when the Soviet intelligence had evidence that Amin was attempting intercourse with Pakistan and China.
  20. The American Gangster Film Analysis
    The film ‘American Gangster’ focuses on the criminal lifestyle of a gang leader, Frank Lucas. The film starts when Frank’s boss, Ellsworth “Bumpy” Johnson, dies of a heart attack.
  21. Peer Pressure and Decision-Making in “The Breakfast Club” Film
    This paper will explore one of the most interesting cases of peer pressure in the history of teenage movies, “The Breakfast Club.”
  22. “Walk. Ride. Rodeo.” Movie Evaluation
    “Walk. Ride. Rodeo.” is a 2019 movie that tells the story of Amberley Snyder, a young girl who has had a lifelong passion for horses and horse racing.
  23. Historical Depiction in the “Helen of Troy” Movie
    This review is based on the film “Helen of Troy,” which revolves around the Greek mythology of the Trojan War.
  24. Mise-En-Scène in Sofia Coppola’s Films
    Sofia Coppola is a director known for her feminine movies and signature style. She extensively uses camera movement, composition, color, and lighting to create a striking.
  25. Settings in Bollywood Cinema: “Bobby” Movie
    The reading by Dwyer and Patel is used to comprehend the beauty and worth of settings and costumes in Indian cinema through the prism of the movie Bobby.
  26. The Aviator’ by Martin Scorsese Film Analysis
    The Aviator is a biographical film about the life of Howard Hughes. The film concentrates on the Hughes’ life from early adulthood and ends towards the end of his life.
  27. Kat Stratford from The 10 Things I Hate About You Film
    At the center of the “10 Things I Hate About You” film’s plot is Kat Stratford. She is not popular at school and has to protect herself from the increased attention of guys.
  28. Leadership-Followership in the “Hotel Rwanda” Film
    The film “Hotel Rwanda” by Terry George elaborates on the story of Paul Rusesabagina, who protected the lives of 1,200 Tutsi refugees during the 1994 Rwandan massacre.
  29. Ethical Analysis of the Awakenings Film
    The Awakenings movie focuses on Dr. Oliver Sacks’ work treating people with catatonia, a disorder marked by excessive stiffness and a lack of responsiveness to stimuli.
  30. Aging Theory Analysis in the Film “Up”
    The film “Up” directed by Docter (2009) shows a storyline about the 78-year-old grouch Carl Fredriksen who believes that life bypasses him.
  31. Review of “Kung Fu Panda” Movie: Educational Psychology
    In the movie “Kung Fu Panda”, individual characters use a multimodal learning approach in taking in information.
  32. Representations of Disability, the Example of “Forrest Gump” Film
    The topic of the present paper is to define the societal roles of handicapped people and to find out how they have been formed due to exclusion and stereotypes of normal people.
  33. Colorblind Racism in “The Help” Film
    The Help, a film based on a novel of the same name, can be employed to exemplify multiple patterns, including colorblindness, although not all of them are criticized in the work.
  34. Justice Miscarriage in “The Shawshank Redemption” Film
    A major theme depicted in “The Shawshank Redemption” film is the inherent failure of the criminal justice system which creates conditions for the miscarriage of justice.
  35. Iranian Revolution and Terrorism: the Rex Cinema Massacre
    This paper investigates events of August 1978, when people burn alive at the cinema in Iran. The fire could be a pretext for repressions against participants of Iranian Revolution.
  36. “Doll’s House”: Ibsen’s Play vs. Losey’s Movie
    The paper aims to discuss the differences between Henrik Ibsen’s play and Joseph Losey’s movie “Doll’s House”.
  37. The “Juno” Movie Under Communication Analysis
    The movie “Juno” brings out the challenges, ethical dilemmas, and emotional conflicts that Juno had to go through due to teenage pregnancy.
  38. Movie Reflection – “Mi Familia”
    “Mi Familia” is a film directed by Gregory Nava. The plot reveals the life journey of a family that moved from Mexico to the United States, settling in Los Angeles.
  39. Signs’ Movie Analytical Critique
    Signs is one of the most exemplary movies of how people lose and regain faith in God. Signs presents Graham’s loss and regaining of faith in three key scenes
  40. “The Patriot”: Historical Film Analysis
    “The Patriot” is an epic war film which illustrates the relationships of loved ones. The movie is half-way realistic movie and the attempt to address the war-fares.

🎓 Most Interesting Research Topics about Cinema

  1. Analysis of “12 Angry Men”: Themes and Dramatic Techniques
    Henry Fonda is the character in the movie whose personality influenced decision making. He argued with facts throughout the discussion and convinced other jurors.
  2. Acculturation and Assimilation in the Mi Familia Movie
    The movie Mi Familia by Gregory Nava tells the story of a Mexican family, the Sanchez, who immigrated to the United States. The plot revolves around three generations.
  3. Discussion of the Movie “Alex Haley’s Queen”
    “Alex Haley’s Queen” is a three-episode movie adaptation of the novel that is the biography of the author’s grandmother, a daughter of a slave and her master.
  4. “I, The Worst of All” Film by María Luisa Bemberg
    “I, The Worst of All” showed the seventeenth century as a period in Mexico when women were extremely oppressed.
  5. Cultural Analysis and Inferences from the Movie 42
    The movie 42, which was released in 2013, has been applauded for its relevance. Branch Rickey is a renowned manager of America’s famous Baseball Team-the Brooklyn Dodgers.
  6. Rhetorical Analysis of a Film “Us”
    By pointing out metaphors, symbols, dialogues, and details in various scenes, The Film Theorists make a convincing argument about the film’s “Us” deeper meaning.
  7. The Butler by Lee Daniels: Movie Review
    The Butler is a historical drama by Lee Daniels about racial discrimination, based on the life of Eugene Allen. The protagonist Cecil Gaines, is played by Forest Whitaker.
  8. “Get Out” Horror Film by Jordan Peele
    Get Out is a satirical horror directed by Jordan Peele in 2017. Get Out was described as “a movie that plunges into white insecurities about black sexuality.”
  9. Film Production: Camera, Lighting and Sound
    It is obvious that filmmaking is impossible without a camera. It is central to the process. Filmmakers sometimes give the camera almost human qualities.
  10. Psychology. Memory Disorder in “Fifty First Dates” Film
    The paper discusses the memory disorder of Lucy from the movie “Fifty First Dates” with reference to the different kinds of memory classification.
  11. Gender Expectations in the Disney Film “The Little Mermaid”
    This article will show that the Disney’s work magnifies the evolving roles of women in society, and despite the existing tensions and backlash, women are integrating successfully into the society.
  12. Film Studies: “The Sound of Music” by Robert Wise
    This essay discusses the film “The Sound of Music” and the locational geography shown in the movie. It also discusses the geography shown in the movie.
  13. Film Studies: “I am Sam”
    “I am Sam” is a movie that focuses a lot on achieving effective communication between its characters, mostly because of the fundamental differences between them.
  14. The Functions of Film Music: Essay Example
    Music plays an important role in films. This paper will discuss how music has been used in the movie Curious Case of Benjamin Button.
  15. Substance Abuse Disorder in “The Breaking Bad” Film
    The series that is built on substance abuse disorders is Breaking Bad, directed by Vince Gilligan. Walter White turns to producing and selling methamphetamine.
  16. Mythology in The Hunger Games and Moana Films
    This paper examines the application of indirect mythological references in The Hunger Games and compares them with direct referencing to Polynesian mythology in Moana.
  17. Historical Themes in the Movie “Gladiator”
    The primary theme identified in the movie “Gladiator” is slavery; the film portrays slaves who became gladiators (Maximus, Hagen, and others) and generals who became slaves.
  18. Analysis of the Documentary Movie Cowspiracy
    This paper analyzes the documentary movie Cowspiracy to see how it represents the problem and whether it can change people’s attitudes to life aspects.
  19. “Django Unchained”: Discussion of Film Techniques
    This essay discusses in detail the two cinematic techniques — light control and camera angles — that Tarantino used to reinforce the subthemes of the film “Django Unchained.”
  20. “To Live” Directed by Zhang Yimou: Movie Analysis
    “To Live” directed by Zhang Yimou tells a story of a Chinese family that has to survive the challenges of living amidst the Cultural revolution.
  21. The Feminist Ideas in ”A Doll’s House” Movie by Patrick Garland
    A Doll’s House by Patrick Garland is a great movie based on Ibsen’s play, brilliantly directed in all ways. Some facts from the original play were removed.
  22. Lessons of “Bon Cop, Bad Cop” for English-Canadian Film
    “Bon Cop, Bad Cop” points to some social and political messages in the movie’s plot. The film is significant, and its newness for the Canadian filmmaking industry is essential.
  23. Maurice by E.M. Forster Novel and Film Adaptation Comparative Analysis
    The analysis of one scene from the book “Maurice” by E.M. Forster and the same scene from the screen version of the novel by J.Ivory to show the quality of the screen version.
  24. Pride and Prejudice (2005): Movie Analysis
    The character of the move that has been chosen for this analysis of personality is Keira Knightley’s character of Elizabeth Bennet directed by Joe Wright.
  25. “Get Out” Movie’s Rhetorical Analysis
    The movie Get Out is a horror satire. Its main purpose is to illustrate an exaggerated reality of interracial interactions from the African-American person’s perspective.
  26. Organizational Behavior in the “Up in the Air” Film
    The goal of this paper is to summarize the concepts in Up in the Air and analyze the links between the story told in the movie and well-known theories of organizational behavior.
  27. The Book “A History of Narrative Film”
    The book “A history of narrative film” offers comprehensive and detailed account of the onset of computers in movie industries and their impact on how films are produced.
  28. The Films “Hachi: A Dog’s Tale” and “Hachiko Monogatari”
    The film “Hachi: A Dog’s Tale”, is a memorable drama featuring Richard Gere. The movie was remade in 2009 from a Japanese film of 1987 named “Hachiko Monogatari”.
  29. “The Boy in Striped Pyjamas” and “The Kite Runner” Films
    Both films reveal major historical conflicts: “The Boy in Striped Pyjamas” is dedicated to the genocide of Jews by Nazi Germany, “The Kite Runner” depicts the war in Afghanistan.
  30. “The Big Short”: Analysis of Adam McKay’s Film
    The director shows the depravity, corruption, and cowardice of the American housing market of the penultimate decade in particular and the financial system of the United States.
  31. “The King’s Speech” Movie and Anxiety Disorder
    Although several movies depict persons with social anxiety disorder, “The king’s speech” tends to do it particularly well.
  32. Ethical, Political and Social Issues in Business in “The Corporation” Movie
    “The Corporation” is a documentary film released in 2003 that raises the public’s attention to significant problems in the corporate sphere.
  33. Plot, Genre and Main Idea of “The Blind Side” Film
    In “The Blind Side,” the acute social conflict that stimulates the main character’s development makes the work under review an exemplary drama that inspires its audience.
  34. Gender Stereotypes in “Frozen” Animated Film
    The shift in gender stereotypes is presented in “Frozen.” The contrast between Elsa and Anna is a conflict between the past stereotypes and emerging perceptions.
  35. “Rampant: How a City Stopped a Plague” Film Reflection
    This essay is going to take a look at the 2007 film “Rampant: How a City Stopped a Plague” directed by Midwinter-Pitt, and discuss the depicted Australian method of fighting HIV.
  36. “Freedom Song”: Movie Review
    Freedom Song is one of the most exciting movies that enlist in the dramatic genre of movies. The movie’s central theme is how an event earlier in one’s life conditions a later response.
  37. India Partition in the “Earth” Drama Film
    There is a list of successful movies like Earth that depict such a serious theme and reveal the true face of the “demon of partition”.
  38. Freud’s Ideas in Hitchcock’s “Rear Window” Film
    In Hitchcock’s “Rear Window,” the idea of voyeurism is explored, presenting the foundational struggle between societal norms and human libidinal desires and death drive.
  39. Interpersonal Communication in the “One Day” Film
    The focus of this paper is on the analysis of interpersonal communication observed between the characters of One Day, a romantic movie directed by Lone Scherfig.
  40. The Language of Dance in the “La La Land” Movie
    The purpose of this paper is to describe how movement is used to portray the intention and theme of the movie La La Land.

💡 Simple Film Analysis Essay Topics

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📌 Easy Cinema Essay Topics

❓ Research Questions about Movies

Need help with research questions? Try our Research Question toolkit:
  1. Does Indian Cinema Educate and Entertain?
  2. Why Do Many Adults Enjoy Animated Movies?
  3. Are Disney Movies Suitable for the Adolescent Mind?
  4. How Has Cinema Matured and Developed Within the Last 10 Years?
  5. Does the Cinema Reflect or Impose Moral Standards?
  6. Should Sex and Violence on Television or in the Movies Be Restricted?
  7. How Have Movies Changed Today’s Society?
  8. Are Television, Movies, and Music Responsible for Teen Violence?
  9. How Do Cinema Directors Develop Humanism Theories?
  10. What Factors Affect Student Cinema Attendance?
  11. How Did the Cinema Affect the Lives of Women and Children in the 1930s?
  12. Does Film Technology Impacted Cinema’s Evolution?
  13. Should Adults Criticize Movies Meant for Children?
  14. How Has the Experience of Cinema-Going Changed Over the Past Century?
  15. Do Disney Movies Alter a Child’s Perception?
  16. Why Was Cinema Going So Popular in the First Half of the Century?
  17. How Did Indian Cinema Evolve Over the Years?
  18. What Is the Contribution of Edison and Lumiere to Cinema?
  19. How Was the Cold War Represented in Cinema?
  20. Do Walt Disney Movies Negatively Affect Attitudes and Behaviors of the American Child?
  21. How Is the Heart Rate Affected by Suspenseful Movies?
  22. What Are the Advantages and Disadvantages of Horror Movies?
  23. Should People Who Download Movies and Music Illegally Be Punished?
  24. Why Are Horror Movies So Appealing to the Human Mind?
  25. How Were Muslims Influenced by American Movies?

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StudyCorgi. (2021, September 9). 622 Cinema Essay Topics & Research Topics about Cinema. https://studycorgi.com/ideas/cinema-essay-topics/

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1. StudyCorgi. "622 Cinema Essay Topics & Research Topics about Cinema." September 9, 2021. https://studycorgi.com/ideas/cinema-essay-topics/.


StudyCorgi. "622 Cinema Essay Topics & Research Topics about Cinema." September 9, 2021. https://studycorgi.com/ideas/cinema-essay-topics/.


StudyCorgi. 2021. "622 Cinema Essay Topics & Research Topics about Cinema." September 9, 2021. https://studycorgi.com/ideas/cinema-essay-topics/.

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