Rich vs. Poor in America

Despite the attempts to reduce social discrepancies, economic inequality is still a burden on American society. This problem is related to disparities in wealth and income distribution and results in an unbridgeable gap between rich and poor. Although income inequality is an inevitable part of society, studies reveal that there...

Definition of Joy: Venturing Into the Depth of the Self

Introduction: Joy as the Desired State of Mind Being happy and content is what most people desire unconsciously. Although experiencing joy is a deeply personal emotion that is unique for every individual, there are certain similarities in the way in which different people perceive the phenomenon and define it. For...

Axon Enterprise, Inc.: SWOT Analysis

Axon Enterprise, Inc. specializes in technology and weapon items for law enforcement and is one of the leading companies in its industry. A necessary activity of such a corporation is performing a SWOT analysis in order to be aware of the company’s situation. SWOT analysis is a general tool examining...

How Did the Mongol Empire Impact Eurasia?

One of the most remarkable points about the Mongol Empire was its hostility that allowed them to become a foreign ruling class for many other nations. All the destruction that the Mongols caused on Eurasia seemed to be a planned series of activities that should not have promoted death and...

The Nature of Revenge Prior to and After the Creation of Hamlet

Introduction One of the most famous plays created by William Shakespeare is Hamlet. The play deals with multiple themes. However, the most dominant theme that overshadows everything else in the play is the theme of revenge. The issue of revenge is questioned from the point of view of violence. This...

DNA Profiles in the Golden State Killer Case

How was DNA used to solve the Golden State Killer case? Is it ethical to obtain the results via this tool? One of the most recent tools available for crime investigations is a DNA match of one’s profile in a publicly available genealogy database. The initial idea of these websites...

The Problem of Educational Gap

It is generally accepted that good education is a way to success and prosperity. Still, present-day education system of the United States is characterized by social disparities in opportunities that students of different schools receive. The major cause of these disparities is unequal funding of educational institutions, which leads to...

Are We Living in a Post-Fact and Post-Truth World?

Many contemporary authors believe that we are living in a post-fact or post-truth world. In particular, these terms are applied to the political landscape of the United States and other developed countries. For instance, Holland (2016) criticizes Donald Trump for influencing the direction of news coverage and shading the truth....

Organ Trafficking in a Global Context

Introduction The trafficking of human organs is the illegal practice of selling and buying tissues, organs, and other parts of the body with the aim to transplant them. The problem of organ trafficking is underreported and has not received sufficient attention from researchers (Ambagtsheer, Zaitsch, & Weimar, 2013). However, those...

The Problem of Lookism at Workplaces

Nowadays the world sees a range of social issues that affect different groups of people. Lookism, which is a tendency among employers to hire such candidates whose appearance corresponds with the so-called standards of beauty, belongs to the most concerning problems. Specialists note that this trend influences mostly women leading...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Artificial Intelligence, Internet of Things, and the Impact on Facilities’ Environments

As technologies advance, the presence of Artificial Intelligence (AI) and the Internet of things (IoT) in a variety of modern business environments are inevitable. However, even though many predict the replacement of teams by AI and IoT, the reality is that the use of these technologies is improperly perceived because...

Political Socialization in a Global World

Today we are all living in a challenging but interesting time. For many of us, the world began in 1988, with the invention of the Internet. Since then, much has changed, not to mention the Windows interface and the presentation of the first iPhone in 2012. This paper aims to...

The Effects of Modern Technology on Children

Introduction The rapid development of the technology industry has various consequences, including both positive implications and negative manifestations of progress. For instance, the advent of mobile innovations has simplified life significantly, but at the same time, it has become the cause of psychologists’ concerns in relation to users’ addiction to...

A Place to Remember

When thinking of a memorable place, some of the most popular spots are the ocean or sea, touristic attractions or distant locations. I have seen quite a lot of majestic and remarkable places that could astound any individual. However, Albert Einstein quite rightfully claimed that the “only thing you absolutely...

“Warcraft” the Movie by Duncan Jones

The given essay will review the movie Warcraft by outlining its pros and cons. Warcraft is an adventure fantasy film set in the fictional universe of Warcraft, presented in the eponymous series of computer games and books. The developers of the Blizzard Entertainment series first announced the creation of the...

“Two Fridas” the Painting by Frida Khalo

Frida Khalo painted the Two Fridas in 1939 after the divorce with her husband. Each Frida in the picture represents either her Mexican or her European identity, which is seen from their clothes. The artist painted two images of herself sitting next to each other, holding their hand, and connected...

The History of Charlie Parker

Charlie Parker was one of the outstanding jazz musicians, who brought the unique rhythms and performance into the world of jazz. However, his uniqueness caused him many troubles as he was a heroin addict and mentally ill. Events that led to the addiction, his place of origin, and details of...

Costco’s Business Strategy and Model

The current essay analyses an article by Stone about the Costco company (55). The article analyses the business development and its growing into one of the most successful corporations in the United States. It is mostly concentrated on CEO Craik Jelinek because his management is probably the reason for Costco’s...

Bully: An Adventure With Teddy Roosevelt

Jerome Alden’s play, Bully: An Adventure with Teddy Roosevelt is set in the year 1912. It follows Theodore Roosevelt, the 26th President of the United States. In 1912, he attempted to run for a third term as President. The play is split into two acts: in the first, Roosevelt reminisces...

Postpartum Depression In First-time Mothers

Despite the feeling of happiness that is usually associated with childbearing, joy is not always constant and not necessarily all-permeating, especially after birth. Pregnancy and child delivery create one of the most stressful conditions for the human body, with hormonal changes making a person susceptible to mental illness. The most...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Academic Achievement and College Admission

Making a decision in terms of college admissions has never been easy for the admissions committee – it is a complex process with many variables to consider. Universities and colleges pay attention to many aspects of future student applications in order to determine who will be admitted. The top decision...

Eudora Welty’s Influence and Monologue on Phoenix Jackson

Eudora Welty is considered one of the most sophisticated prose writers of the US of the 20th century. Her stories began to be published in the 1940s and immediately marked the emergence of a new and genuinely distinctive voice in literature. Moreover, the author gained a plethora of medals, honorary...

Shakespeare’s “Romeo and Juliet”: Love Hurts

Classic literature is an exciting and essential phenomenon in world history. Numerous authors manage to make the works that remain relevant irrespective of how many years have passed from the date of their creation. For example, it refers to Shakespeare’s Romeo and Juliet that was written in the late 16th...

Far-Red Shifted Chlorophyll Definition

The claims that photosynthesis is one of the most critical processes on Earth are not without merit. Life on Earth is based on carbon, oxygen, and their sunlight-induced interplay. The same sentient beings that are continually studying the mechanism of photosynthesis would not exist without it. The carbohydrates that provide...

Education for Gifted Students

Introduction Nowadays, educators try to create perfect learning conditions to allow students to derive the maximum benefit from the process of studying. Modern educational institutions are versatile and are often adapted according to students’ needs. One of the issues is that gifted students should receive special educational treatment. It is...

How a Bill Becomes a Law

Introduction In the United States, the process of enacting a bill and ensuring that it becomes law is complex and has several essential stages. More specifically, The United States House of Representatives, the Senate, and the President have to approve any bill before it can become a law, and each...

“On Typology” the Essay by Rafael Moneo

There are many famous forms of art, for example, literature, painting, music, and dancing. However, some people forget that architecture is also a form of art that is able to delight and amaze many humans, including both professionals and ordinary ones. There are many articles and essays about the complexity...

Indigenous Communities Portrayal in the Letter of Dr. Chanca

The Main Topics of the Document During the second voyage to the Americas, Dr. Diego Alvaraz Chanca faced the life of tribal people on the island of Guadeloupe. The first topic that can be discerned from his letter is the organization of the established communal life. Inhabitants of the island...

The Healing Power of Forgiveness in Forgiving Dr. Mengele

Forgiving Dr. Mengele (2006) is a documentary, which chronicles the story of a Holocaust survivor Eva Mozes Kor, who underwent inhuman experiments at Auschwitz concentration camp. After trying to cope with dreadful reminiscences for half of the century, Kor finally decided to forgive the Nazi perpetrators. In 1995, she made...

Honor as a Critical Code of Behavior

There are many concepts and ideas that, at first glance, seem obvious and quite ingenious. In reality, however, they are complex and profound for understanding. Among philosophers and scientists, there is no consensus on the interpretation of the concept of honor, and this topic has preoccupied the minds of great...

Popular Research Paper Topics

The Concept of Color Blindness

Genetic research has contributed to the understanding of various physiological patterns, traits, and processes. The analysis of genes and the role they play was instrumental in identifying diverse inheritable disorders associated with sex. Color blindness is one of the most well-known sex-related disorders, although it can be difficult to diagnose...

How Leadership Can Help a Non-Profit Organization

Jasmine, the Volunteer Coordinator for a non-profit “Let’s Rise Above” organization, found herself in a difficult situation, as the institution in crisis due to the absence of donations. The 50% decrease in financing is likely to wreak havoc on the organization’s ability to perform. No wonder that the volunteers at...

“Training Day” the Film by Fuqua

The film, Training Day, reflects a typical day of drug enforcement officers. Directed by Antoine Fuqua and produced by Bobby Newmyer and Jeffrey Silver, the film was released in 2001 as a neo-noir crime thriller featuring LAPD narcotics officers’ working environment in 24 hours. The two officers are working in...

Florida Statewide Medicaid Managed Care Long-Term Care Program

Rationale The Florida Statewide Medicaid Managed Care Long-Term Care Program (SMMC LTC) was approved and implemented in 2013 (Agency for Health Care Administration, 2017). The main rationale for adopting this initiative was centered on the intention to diverge senior adults from nursing homes. According to this innovation, senior adults can...

“Jonestown. The Life and Death of Peoples Temple” the Movie by W. McKeown

The tragedy that occurred in late autumn back in 1978 is considered the most massive suicide of the 20th century. On November 18, 909 people died in the small settlement of Johnstown, located in Guyana. Johnstown was a camp settlement where followers of Peoples Temple’s religious movement emigrated. The purpose...

Higher Education Under the Influence of Neoliberalism

Neoliberalism, which plays a significant role in modern education, eliminates the personal value of man. This leads to a situation when the quality of higher education in the U.S. is depreciated, as the vector of main priorities of rectors shifts from quality to quantity. This article discusses the impact of...

The Symbolic Representation of the Marks in Education

Marks are crucial both for teachers and learners since they provide feedback about students’ achievements and help educators to evaluate the progress of learning. Even though teachers are not free to choose the symbolic representation of the mark, they can utilize different methods of comparison to focus on the most...

Equality of Men and Women

Rigoberta’s Political Commitment When discussing her political commitment and position, Rigoberta Menchú refers to such important issues as equality of men and women, women’s responsibility for their life, and the role of a family. According to Rigoberta, a woman, even if she has a certain political and social position and...

Florida Medicaid Reform Pilot

Rationale Florida Medicaid reform was introduced to improve the overall value of the Medicaid delivery system with the primary goal of adapting it to the needs of the local population. The existing system was costly, inefficient, and unable to meet the requirements of people living in the state (“Florida Medicaid...

Biomimicry: Innovations Inspired by Nature

Introduction The book Biomimicry: Innovation Inspired by Nature by Janine Benyus describes theoretical technological innovations that are inspired by nature and natural processes. The author argues that many of current technologies and attitudes are unsustainable (Benyus 13). She draws attention to specific current ecological problems, such as the increasing carbon...

Florida’s New Telehealth Law

Rationale Due to the strong commitment of the members of the Florida telehealth community, the aforementioned bill was passed. The new telehealth law “creates a registration process for out-of-state health care professionals to use telehealth to deliver health care services to Florida patients, and introduces less-than-ideal commercial reimbursement provisions” (Ferrante...

The Issue of Cyber-Bullying in Education Field

Bullying has been recognized as a pervasive and a severe problem as well as a significant concern, mostly in the educational field. Cyberbullying is a significant problem for many schools, and it is anonymous, unlike any other form of bullying. Cyberbullying has been increasing lately and is more dangerous than...

The Diagnosis and Treatment of Postpartum Depression

Introduction Apart from diseases equally affecting all population groups, there are the ones that develop only in certain kinds of patients. For instance, women can suffer from various conditions associated with pregnancy and childbirth. Postpartum depression is the most common of all postpartum disorders. According to statistics, postpartum depression develops...

The History of Oak Cliff Neighborhood, Dallas, Texas

Geographic Level The geographical feature of north-central Texas: rolling plains. Humid, subtropical climate; annual precipitation ̶ 35.77 inches. It is located on the west side of the Trinity River. Occupies the territory of 87 square miles. Elevation above the sea level: 500 to 800 feet. Mean temperature: 45.44° F (winter)...

Positive and Negative Punishment Definition

The goal of punishment is not to allow certain types of behavior to happen or make them weaker. When defining punishment, it is vital to consider the three elements. First of all, the particular behavior occurs, then consequences follow it, and, finally, the behavior is weakened (Miltenberger, 2016). When an...

Ethical Dilemma in Facing Death Situations

Introduction It is possible to state with certainty that individuals who work in clinical environments experience numerous ethical dilemmas, which are determined by the nature of their occupation as it directly influences people’s lives. Among these moral issues, the following could be exemplified as the most apparent: disclosure of the...

Analysis of the Mastering Mathematics Approach’s Implementation Into Practice

The Mathematics Mastery program is defined as a specific whole-school approach to this subject’s teaching that was designed to raise the pupils’ attainment. It was primarily elaborated in Asian countries based on their education policies (Merttens, 2015). The understanding of mathematics may be regarded by a substantial number of people...

The Concept of Gentrification Issues

Introduction The progression of urban development is almost impossible to stop, as each city changes because of its past, current, and future residents. The social problem of gentrification is also a factor that changes cities’ environments and affects all residents. While one may view gentrification as a process that only...

The Realities of Domestic Violence and Its Impact on Our Society

Importance of the Topic When presented with the dilemma of what research topic to choose, I tried to look at the most important problems that limit the well-being of the global society. The topic of domestic violence was chosen not only for its relevance but also because of the hope...

Lesson Plans for Teaching Economics

A lesson plan is an integral part of the teacher’s preparation for the upcoming lecture. It helps to fix the content in a sequence of the educational process, clarify the necessary formulations and concepts, and to build a logical sequence of information. Although in every school or university, there is...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Student’s Progress: Aa’s Case

The task of teaching young learners word recognition is crucial to their further cognitive development and, therefore, it puts significant responsibility on a teacher. This report addresses the case of Aa, a young learner who began his transition from the stage of word recognition to the required stage of text...

“The Story of the Jews” Documentary Analysis

The documentary series “The Story of the Jews” has the well-spoken gentleman Simon Schama travel across historical sites, museums, and synagogues. He starts with the last days of Sigmund Freud, who, being a Jew himself, sought the stories at the foundation of the Jewish people. Schama follows Freud’s investigation into...

The Concept of Social Anxiety Disorder

Introduction Social anxiety disorder (SAD), also referred to as social phobia, is a condition under which a person suffers from anxiety in different social contexts. The underlying component of SAD is the fear of being judged by others and not being approved by them. Although the disorder is widely spread...

The Concept of Research Integrity and Research Ethics

Introduction At present, the concept of integrity is used in diverse contexts and is frequently considered to be a moral trait. Moreover, it is often used as a synonym of “honesty.” Nevertheless, this concept is more complex and needs a careful and thoughtful definition. Thus, what is integrity and how...

Macroeconomics Interest Rates and Aggregated Supply: Demand in the Federal Reserve Bank

Introduction The Federal Reserve Bank makes a decision to increase interest rates regardless of the fact that real wages do not rise. Even though this idea seems to prevent people from earning more and has negative personal effects, its influence on the country’s economy is advantageous. Increased interest rates will...

The Development of English State

The appearance of the Magna Carta of 1215 in England is rightfully considered one of the most significant events in the development of medieval law. This document is a product of the historical development of the English state, a logical result of the political and legal thought of feudal lords....

The Links Between Discourse, Common Sense, and Ideology

Assumptions, Coherence, and Inference Although the links between ideology and discourse might appear to be tenuous, closer inspection reveals that the two are closely intertwined. Ideology imbues discourse with a particular meaning by creating certain expectations, thereby encouraging audiences to make assumptions about the purpose of a speech. Thus, the...

The Concept of Histrionic Personality Disorder

Introduction Histrionic personality disorder belongs to Cluster B of personality disorders. It is characterized by distorted self-images and unstable emotions. Additionally, the patients’ self-esteem depends on the level of approval from other people. As such, self-esteem for individuals suffering from this disorder does not come from their feelings of self-worth....

Urban Sprawl and Biodiversity

It has been acknowledged that people have had a substantial impact on the environment and biodiversity. Deforestation and pollution are regarded as some of the primary negative effects that influence the planet (Tomalty & Mallach, 2016). At the same type, other factors related to human activity are significant factors contributing...

The Concept of Honor

Introduction People experience different emotions on an everyday basis, but the most controversial one is pride. This word has at least three definitions that reveal its double nature. First of all, it is “a feeling of pleasure and satisfaction” (“Pride”). On the one hand, it can be faced by a...

What Effects Does Social Media Have on Real-Life Communications?

The widespread use of social media platforms like Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram, and WhatsApp has changed the way people communicate. These platforms facilitate communication, collaboration, content sharing, and interaction. However, they are detrimental to effective communication between people. Social media has negative effects on real-life communication because it decreases the...

The Advantages of Business Combinations

Reasons to Consider Different Types of Business Combinations Company mergers are a rather common occurrence in the contemporary realm of the global economy. The concept of a merger implies that two organizations join to create a single entity (Hill, n.d.). The specified phenomenon has several explanations, the opportunities for increasing...

The True Meaning of Integrity

Introduction Abstract thinking skills enable people to define and operate ideas and objects that do not exist physically, and they play a significant role in culture and value systems. Being an abstract noun, the word “integrity” is widely used in different contexts (including professional ones) to define a set of...

Economic Influence and Interest Groups

Introduction The assertion that a government failure may be worse than a market is not a baseless statement. As Wheelan notes in his book, a government may acquire more problems while trying to fix the currently existing issues (176). These newly aggregated problems may be more damaging to the country...

The Concept of Postpartum Depression

Introduction Postpartum depression (PPD) is a range of emotional and physical changes that the majority of new mothers go through. Immediately after delivery, mothers experience a sharp drop in hormones, and this chemical change may cause depression. Additionally, social and psychological changes that occur after getting a baby may cause...

Are We Ready for Neo-Evolution?

Thoughts about the Video The video’s presentation is done masterfully, with the speaker, Harvey Fineberg, laying a good foundation about the traditional evolution before moving to the concept of neo-evolution. The things talked about in the video are the reality of the near future. The possibility of changing human genes...

Promotion of Tolerance at the Workplace

One of the most significant benefits of the friendly organizational environment and the positive relationships with colleagues is that they foster employee motivation and allow multiculturally diverse individuals to fulfill their potentials in the work context. In turn, the lack of tolerance culture in the company creates barriers to diversification...

Hot Topic: Case Study

Introduction Hot Topic has been in operation for the last two decades. Within this period, this retailer has managed to grow from less than 20 to around 800 stores. This means that it has become one of the leading players in its sector today. The discussion presented below describes the...

Tuition Fees in Public Universities and Colleges

One of the problems facing higher education in contemporary American society is the high tuition fees in public universities and colleges. By the time students are graduating, they have debts that will take decades to clear, and this aspect affects their financial wellbeing for the most part of their adult...

Gentrification and Urban Change: Brooklyn’s Story

The question of gentrification has been raised for decades and continues to bother many people who live in such neighborhoods as Brooklyn. The conundrum of gentrification and the role of demand in modern society serve as the reason why I want to share my position on this issue. Though zoning...

European Exploration and Its Effects on Natives

Introduction European exploration of the Atlantic was one of the most significant developments of the Early Modern time. It left a profound impact on Europeans and Native Americans alike. While the Columbian Exchange enabled the powers of Europe to satisfy their economic interests, for the Native Americans, it meant exposure...

A Plan to Reduce Racism in Medicine

Introduction The theme of racism, which is increasingly emerging in the healthcare sector, is disastrous in terms of medical and nursing ethics and is fraught with severe patient outcomes. Therefore, this issue is relevant and discussed both at the local level, that is, in separate clinics and globally as the...

Five Lessons From My First Semester

Relations with People Are Critical at Studying The first thing that becomes obvious at the very first moment of studying at the college is that there are many new people who surround you and successful communication with them is the key to success. Teachers, peers, and new friends all have...

Kindergarten Program of Ontario Analysis

The kindergarten program sets out and details the basic principles of elementary education in Ontario. It is aimed at teachers, parents, and officials who are expected to implement this program, in reality, to provide high-quality learning to children. In this paper, the key propositions and pedagogical aspects of the document...

Truman’s Speech on Fear of Communism and Islam

On February 9, 1950, Senator Joseph R. McCarthy delivered the famous speech – “Enemies from Within” in Wheeling, West Virginia. The speech was a direct attack on President Truman’s foreign policy, which McCarthy claimed was treasonous because it allowed communist sympathizers to run the State Department. As such, McCarthy warned...

Saudi Female Student Attitudes Towards Target Language Use in King Abdulaziz University

Nowadays, English is believed to become a language of opportunities because it provides people from all over the world with a chance to share information. Thus, numerous individuals start learning English as a foreign language (EFL). Hall and Cook (2012) emphasize that this process turns out to be extremely complex...

The Leadership and Subordinate Job Satisfaction

Introduction Whenever there is a need to work toward achieving a common goal, leadership qualities are required, which is why developing even basic leadership skills is crucial for any person. However, one should keep in mind that there are several leadership types, each having its own set of advantages and...

Narrative & Meaning in Jackson’s “The Lottery”

Shirley Jackson’s “The Lottery” is one of the brightest examples of how a sophisticated theme can be transferred within only a few pages of a short story. However, this is not the greatest feature of the piece. In “The Lottery,” the use of narrative techniques favored by the writer serves...

Archetypes in Cheever’s “The Swimmer” Story

Finding a balance between acting reasonably and daring to go on dangerous quests, despite a mature age, may be challenging. In his short story “The Swimmer,” Cheever portrays an upper-class man’s unusual night journey home, wherein he decides to swim back instead of walking. From one perspective, the man’s quest...

Perioperative Nurse Leaders and Professionalism

Introduction Individuals in formal leadership positions should develop adequate skills to empower others and deliver positive results. This paper presents a summary of the responses obtained after interviewing a manager in a leading hospital in Miami. The respondent was a male nurse leader (NL) with over ten years of managerial...

Sternfeld’s “McLean, Virginia, December 1978” Photo

Joel Sternfeld’s photograph “McLean, Virginia, December 1978” presents a somewhat paradoxical image to viewers. The landscape showing pumpkins scattered on the ground in front of a small and quaint farmer’s market is broken down by a burning building that is being managed by a firefighter brigade. The photograph is framed...

Dove Company’s Lotion Advertisement

Racism is one of the most controversial topics in America and other places around the world. For many decades, the issue has been widely discussed in the fields of politics, religion, and education. However, the situation has worsened with more covert misrepresentation of racial and ethnic minorities in films, television...

“Generation Kill: A Conversation With Stanley McChrystal” the Article by McChrystal, S., & Rose, G.

Introduction The interview with Stanley McChrystal provides an essential insight into the strategies and tactics that were used to destroy al Qaeda and conduct counterinsurgency efforts in Iraq. As the threat of terrorism remains evident, analyzing McChrystal’s responses would be useful in detecting issues and designing effective recommendations. McChrystal’s replies...

Should Public Servants Have the Right to Strike?

Introduction The discussion around the question of public service employees’ right to strike has been evolving for a long time. On the one hand, being responsible for primary services for the society, any attempt to stop working and express their wish for change in the form of a strike might...

Teenagers’ Contemporary Issues: Bullying at School

Introduction The problem of school bullying is widely discussed by modern researchers since it affects a great number of teenagers annually. Speaking about the key characteristics of the issue, it is pivotal to note that bullying involves the use of power, position, or manipulations with the sense of fear in...

A Historical Movie Accuracy: “Dunkirk” by Christopher Nolan

Dunkirk (2017) was directed by Christopher Nolan and released in 2017. The movie is a depiction of the Dunkirk evacuation that took place in 1940. The protagonist is a British soldier who survives an ambush of German troops. He makes it to the beach and joins the Allied troops that...

Child Development in Rogoff’s “Thinking With the Tools and Institutions of Culture”

Introduction Barbara Rogoff’s book The Cultural Nature of Human Development makes numerous topical points on how cultural conceptions influence people and society. The chapter “Thinking with Tools and Institutions of Culture” deals with how people, more specifically children, apperceive mental and social skills from sociocultural intercommunication and how these interactions...

The History of Progressive Era in the United States of America

Introduction The United States of America is one of the most developed countries today. This success is deeply rooted in the victories of the Progressive Era (Wilson 66). Although Progressives failed to address all the major social issues they had to face, they still defined the way the country developed...

Kantian Moral Philosophy in the Film “Sleepers” by Barry Levinson

Introduction The morality of an action can be judged from different perspectives. For instance, from a utilitarian perspective, an action can be said to be “good” if it brings happiness to the largest number of people (Cholbi 88). In the Kantian categorical imperative, an act is termed as good or...

Kant’s Philosophy in the Movie “Gone Baby Gone” by Ben Affleck

Introduction In the contemporary world, people have to deal with moral dilemmas especially when deciding what is ultimately good. Philosophically, the definition of a good act varies depending on the different schools of thought. Immanuel Kant came up with the categorical imperative on moral philosophy, which defines what is right...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Recidivism of Juvenile Crime

The Problem of Juvenile Delinquency Adolescence is a turning point in the development of each individual. The desire to prove their independence and youthful maximalism push the teenager to deviant actions, including crimes. The problem of juvenile delinquency is one of the most urgent in modern society, as it takes...

“IT4IT Reference Architecture, Version 2.0 Technical Standard” by The Open Group

Summary of Article The selected article is about a case study for IT4IT authored by the Open Group (2015). The article posits that the information technology (IT) value chain complements service delivery and improves compliance to organizational plans. Therefore, IT processes are critical to the success of organizational processes because...

The Influence of Family, Peer and Economic Factors on Juvenile Delinquents

Introduction The engagement in crime by children whether in schools or communities has a negative influence on safety, the well-being of others, and the academic performance of such learners. In modern times, young children from as early as 10 years are forming school gangs that are notorious for interrupting serenity...

Analysis of Ben Affleck’s Movie “Gone Baby Gone” From Kant’s Categorical Imperative Perspective

Introduction Moral dilemmas are common problems that people face when making decisions in their day-to-day lives. Directed by Ben Affleck, the chef-d’oeuvre film, Gone Baby Gone, highlights different moral dilemmas involving the kidnapping of an innocent girl, Amanda. The protagonist, Patrick, is forced to make a decision, which critics may...

Addressing the Needs of Children With Anxiety Disorders

Introduction The current technological progress has introduced numerous opportunities for the global community, yet it has also entailed a range of challenges and threats. The problem of anxiety among children is one of the outcomes that calls for an immediate change in the current legal and social frameworks since it...

Italy: Ideal Citizen in a Totalitarian Government

Introduction Out of the examples of totalitarian societies, it is possible to distinguish Fascist Italy as one of the first major political influences both locally and globally. In the first part of the twentieth century, Italy was under a totalitarian regime, with Benito Mussolini acting as the central political figure...

When Military Force Is Justified

Introduction The use of military force implies war, and the repercussions are normally far-reaching. During a war, the collateral damage is usually innocent people who die unnecessarily. Therefore, before the declaration of war against a perceived enemy, there should be strong justification that such a decision would yield the best...

Modern Technology, Anonymity, and Responsibility: A Cultural Relativism Perspective

Introduction As soon as innovative technology entered the global market and became almost ubiquitous, the issue of online anonymity and the effect that it is likely to have on people’s values and moral standards became a common concern. Specifically, the problem of online anonymity and the absence of reprehensibility for...

Coca-Cola: Marketing Department’s Mistakes

Identification The more popular a brand is, the more attention its blunders receive from the public. Coca-Cola, the world’s leader in the soft drinks market, always tries to make its campaigns attractive and unusual. However, the attention driven by the organization’s advertising endeavors is not always positive. Over the long...

Design Thinking and Organizational Culture

Introduction Organizational culture is a set of underlying principles, assumptions, and interactions which guide behavior and create a specific social and psychological environment within a workplace. Such culture can be complex, consisting of various factors such as leadership, company vision, expectations from employees, and overall practices and inner-workings of the...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Should Academic Achievement Be a Primary Concern for College Admission?

Introduction One of the most hotly debated issues in the academic world is whether academic achievement should be a primary concern for college admission. Every year, hundreds of thousands of high school graduates join colleges to pursue their careers. The admission process has been faulted because it is primarily based...

Why Do Women Have Children at a Later Age?

Introduction The age at which women prefer to give birth has been increasing, with more people preferring to have children between the ages of 30 and 34. Conversely, the number of young mothers, who are less than 20 years old, is falling and both these circumstances are creating a new...

“Critical Thinking” the Article by Papathanasiou, I. V., Kleisiaris, C. F., Fradelos, E. C., Kakou, K., & Kourkouta, L.

Introduction Chapter 16 “Critical thinking and moral arguments” focused on vital components of critical thinking and using them for making relevant assertions and hypotheses. Since philosophy plays a major role in establishing the ground for moral arguments and critical thinking, it is argued that the discipline can provide valuable skills...

Leadership Psychology and Behaviors

Introduction The term leadership refers to an aleatory concept that can take different forms: spiritual, shared, and corporate leadership are some of its most common aspects. However, while leading ability is easy to identify, it is difficult to define (Antonakis & Day, 2018). A broad definition relates leadership to the...

Support for Balanced Juvenile Justice

Introduction Juvenile delinquency is not only a public vice but also a significant legislative problem. Issues related to the prosecution of adolescents and the imposition of punishment are often actively discussed in the press and cause a public outcry, thereby forcing the authorities to monitor compliance with all the nuances...

Wedding: Questions From a Premarital Counselor

Introduction At the stage of relationships before the wedding, couples, as a rule, do not experience significant difficulties in communicating and solving joint issues. However, in the process of marriage, domestic challenges and different views on certain life situations may cause serious conflicts that can lead to quarrels and even...

Sample Size Calculations in Clinical Research

Introduction The PICOT question for this study is “In children with asthma between the ages of 5 and 19 (P), does a combination program consisting 5 weeks of education sessions, once per week including children and their families in the primary care setting and a daily controller medication (I) compared...

Empathy in Writing: A Discussion Between Singh-Corcoran and Leslie Jamison

Introduction Academic writing is considered to be dry, formulaic, and lacking empathy. It differs from regular writing on several levels, ranging from rhetorical knowledge and conventions and ending with the compositional process as well as critical reading and writing (Singh-Corcoran 28). At the same time, the purpose of writing does...

Amazon’s E-Commerce Strategy

Introduction Amazon’s latest IT/ IS strategy is a massive expansion of its e-commerce platform and the creation of a new website to further encourage online shopping. Over the last couple of decades, Amazon has made a great effort to reinvent the very notion of a marketplace for consumer goods. In...

Russian Federation: Developing a Democracy

The process of a country’s development and formation is an extremely complex phenomenon that depends on multiple factors and aspects that impact it at various periods. Geographical location, peculiarities of people’s culture, natural resources, and history influence all states and result in their evolution in particular ways. Speaking about the...

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Russian Federation: Political History and Democracy

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Shakespeare’s Play “A Midsummer Night Dream”

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Critical Thinking and Ethics Today

Aristotle and the Question of Virtue: Why Bother Being Good? According to Aristotle, virtue is a center point located between two extremes. For example, virtue would be in the middle of an abundance of something and its deficiency (Roca & Schuh, 2017). This concept can describe not only the number...

Mash-Up Technique in Art

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The Declaration of United States Independence

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The Bill of Rights in United States Constitution

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Romania: Ideal Citizen in a Totalitarian Government

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Steve Jobs’ Stanford Commencement Address

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Unmanned Systems Technology and Missions

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Regulations Helping the United States Economy From 1865 to the 1930s

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America’s Band-Aid for Racism Is the Ethnically Ambiguous

God created all men and women to be equal. Some of us are more equal than others, however. For a nation that has the line “In God We Trust” on its bills, the US has certainly become one of the last refuges of widespread racism. It is hard to believe...

The 2016 Kindergarten Program: Curriculum Analysis

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Cognitive Biases, Emotions, and Radical Actions

Introduction Individuals’ cognitive biases and emotions may exert a significant impact on their lives. People are often known to take action and make decisions based exclusively on their feelings and beliefs, which may lead to severe consequences, a point that is crucial to keep in mind when considering terrorism and...

The Dilemma of Abortions: Consequentialist and Deontological Points of View

Despite numerous discussions and studies regarding the advantages and disadvantages of abortions from social, physiological and psychological perspectives, the issue remains a problematic area that requires an additional analysis. In order to embrace the concern fully and understand the implications of the pro-abortion decision, one should consider integrating both the...

“Country Pride: What I Learned Growing Up in Rural America” by Sarah Smarsh

Introduction The US is currently engulfed in a political divide between the Liberals and the Conservatives. The perceived differences drive a wedge into our society. The article by Sarah Smarsh titled Country Pride: What I Learned Growing up in Rural America provides a tale of personal experiences that helped shape...

Tim Kreider’s “The “Busy Trap”” Article Critique

Tim Kreider writes the article “The “Busy Trap”,” and it deals with modern people’s attitude towards life. The author stresses that people take up responsibilities to feel important rather than do particular tasks. Kreider also emphasizes that being too busy makes people less creative and productive, so it is necessary...

“A Midsummer Night’s Dream” at the Globe Theatre

The adaptation process becomes even less plausible when taking the play by none other than Shakespeare, whose inimitable artistic style makes his works both relatable and very difficult to shape to fit the modern discourse. However, the 2019 Globe Theatre staging of “A Midsummer Night’s Dream” directed by Dale Neill...

The Industrial Revolution and the First World War

Introduction The industrial revolution and the First World War are the two historical events that produced a tremendous effect on the development of the United States. They changed the course of history and laid the foundation of modern-day society by forming the principles and technologies that people currently use. Given...

Robert A. Dahl’s Analysis of the American Constitution

Introduction The American Constitution is one of the documents many citizens do not take for granted. Although some people believe that its framers were inspired, wise, and philosophical, many scholars still question their original intentions. This paper gives a detailed summary and analysis of Robert A. Dahl’s arguments. The discussion...

“The Anxiety of Influence: A Theory of Poetry” by Bloom

Introduction The book The Anxiety of Influence: A Theory of Poetry presents a detailed model for understanding poets’ artistic styles and their precursors. Since its publication in 1973, it has remained a source of argument or debate among literature students and educators. This short essay gives a personal reflection of...

Logical Consistency and Contradictions Definition

Contradictions Being logically consistent implies that a person has inner integrity. This is enhanced by avoidance of contradictions as inner desires are not permitted to conflict with one another. For instance, the need to be honest and brave might be contradicted by an urge to shun trouble and pain (Goldman...

Baby Blues: What We Know About Postpartum Depression

Introduction The term Postpartum Depression (PPD) describes a wide variety of physical and emotional adjustments experienced by a significant number of new mothers. Since the hormonal levels of new mothers drop significantly immediately after delivery, this chemical change is likely to result in depression. This condition may also be caused...

“Fools Crow” Novel by James Welch

The theme of aboriginal people and their relations with people from the Western world has always been topical. The existence of multiple disputable issues, extremely sophisticated relations, many cases of discrimination, violence, and the clash of cultures create the basis for vigorous debates about the behavior of one or another...

“Spiritual Wellness: A Journey Toward Wholeness” by Hrabe, Melnyk, and Neale

Assigned Article Summary The object of the review and summarizing is the article “Spiritual Wellness: A Journey Toward Wholeness,” written by Hrabe, Melnyk, and Neale (2018). The key idea of ​​this work is to find an answer to the question of how to achieve the unity of the soul, mind,...

“A Worn Path” Short Story by Eudora Welty

Introduction Eudora Welty’s “A Worn Path” is a short story about an elderly woman of African-American origin, named Phoenix, who rushes to a city to buy medications for her grandson. The work portrays the protagonist’s pain, sacrifice, commitment, selflessness, and devotion, as, during the trip, she was struggling to get...

Dreams in the Epic of Gilgamesh and the Bible

A profound part of ancient literature, dreams have long served as signs, omens, or portents conveying important information about the future. When analyzing the texts of the Old Testament (Jewish Bible) and Epic of Gilgamesh, literary experts concluded that the two books contain interconnected topics, such as mortality, sin, and...

Humans in Dick’s “Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep?”

Back in 1968, Philip K. Dick made its readers consider what it truly means to be a human being with the help of the novel Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep? The central theme of the book, the struggle between people and artificially developed androids, is relevant for showing how...

Chapter 5 of Locke’s Second Treatise of Government

Introduction John Locke was an English philosopher, famous for his liberal ideas and natural rights. In Two Treatises of Government, he evaluated different states of nature, war, and slavery. In the fifth chapter, Locke focused on property and its establishment in society from God’s perspective. The purpose of this essay...

HRSA Data Tool Warehouse

HRSA-based programs have been developed in order to ensure the provision of healthcare to individuals who are territorially isolated as well as medically or economically vulnerable. The target population ranges from people living with HIV/AIDS to underserved individuals who are unable to access the desired level of healthcare for their...

Photography: Hobby of Millions Unique for Everyone

Numerous breakthroughs in technology have allowed people to live better, travel faster, and experience more genuinely. The art of photography has become a hobby and a profession for millions of people all over the world, allowing them to capture unique moments, share their images, and inspire others. With a smartphone...