How Planning Plays a Role in Whirlpool’s Manufacturing Process

Whirlpool Corporation is one of the leading companies in the manufacturing of kitchenware and laundry products. The company has focused on improving the quality of its goods to attract more customers. Whirlpool is headquartered in Benton Charter Township, Michigan, United States, and ships its products to various countries. Thus, it...

Organizational Culture and Its Impact on the Development of the Company

The organization I work for is a state-funded organization that produces films and TV series for release. It is difficult to calculate the exact number of employees since there are many departments and branches in this organization. There are departments responsible for the legal aspect of the projects; there is...

Black Lives Matter Movement and Social Marketing Strategy

Introduction Business organizations operate in complex environments characterized by unique forces, such as changing consumer expectations, political forces, legal requirements, and social norms. Within the past year, many companies have appreciated the fact that the concept of equality will redefine models in unprecedented ways. In the United Kingdom and the...

Role of Leadership Style in Organizational Change

The urge for a consumer-driven economy has recently been rising as many companies striving to achieve it. Due to globalization and increased competition rates, the market has transformed rapidly, and most organizations have continuously altered their operations to adapt. Subsequently, change management has become an essential aspect of firms today....

Leadership Types in Theory and Practice

Rachel Adams, the president of the Independent Center for Clinical Research (ICCR), exhibits some transformational leadership traits. Rachel is a liberal thinker and also a positive person who relishes in nuances of life, in addition to being a risk-taker (Northouse, 2016). Moreover, Rachel inspires many women in ICCR, and they...

Intrapreneurship: Control on the Company’s Goals

Intrapreneurship is a system that gives employees of an organization control over their work, goals, objectives based on the company’s goals. Intrapreneurs are self-motivated with an entrepreneurship mentality, although they are not directly affected by their losses and profits. Firms allow employees to act independently to achieve a project’s tasks...

Strategic Leadership Failure Scenario

Introduction Strategic leadership can be considered a type of skill set that allows managers of any level to guide their organization while acknowledging both long- and short-term goals. It is also a practice in which people in executive positions continuously develop a vision that ensures the firm’s superiority over competitors....

Conflict Between Supervisor and Employee: Case Analysis

The main problem in this case study is the misunderstanding between the immediate supervisor Corey and employee Stacy. The staff member claims that his supervisor is extremely unapproachable, arrogant, and unsupportive. He does not provide Stacy with enough details about the tasks that should be completed, which leads to him...

The Current Trading Environment of Airbus

Abstract Airbus is a manufacturer of aircraft, spacecraft, and military technologies. The company operates in the aerospace industry, in particular in the sectors of commercial aircraft, defense and aerospace systems, civil and military helicopters. This paper provides a brief company history, current situation overview, internal and external analysis, evaluates challenges,...

“The Governing Board Faces Rebellion in the Ranks” Case Study

By analyzing the case described by Widmer (1995), one can conclude that the problems of Community Opportunities Inc., or COI, were not unexpected and resulted from a long period of incompetent management. This non-profit organization is a socially significant enterprise that provides assistance to people with disabilities, and the funds...

Candy Crush Saga App Business Model

The success of the Candy Crush Saga app business model can be attributed to the perfect combination of the identical components of fun and pain that fit in the short attention span of customers (Shanley). This bite-sized entertainment convinces users to pay for extra levels because of their psychological vulnerability...

Shipping Terms to Be Considered for the Contract Loss Minimization: Memorandum

Memorandum To: Mr. Jones, the CEO From: Your Name CC: Other recipients Subject: Shipping terms to be considered for the contract loss minimization Dear Mr. Jones, I am writing to inform you that Okinawa, Ltd., our ink supplier from Japan, has offered for our company a highly expedient deal on...

Reflection on Leadership and Professionalism

Leadership is the achievement of an objective through the direction of human assistance. It is less about a strong individual but more about a group of people working together, to achieve results. Nobody is born a leader, but an individual becomes a leader because one is trustworthy, and people would...

“Good to Great – Why Some Companies Make the Leap and Others Don’t” by Jim Collins

Introduction In the book Good to great: Why some companies make the leap… and others don’t, the author Jim Collins critically analyses the factors that help establishments make the transition from average business institutions to profitability giants. Collins analysed the total stock returns of business enterprises listed in the Fortune...

Creating a Job Description as a Function of a Manager

Introduction Hiring highly qualified personnel is a challenging task for present-day companies. It is usually addressed through the involvement of the human resource (HR) management, and their participation implies the development of appropriate job descriptions reflecting business priorities and needs. Therefore, successful talent acquisition is the sole responsibility of organizations’...

Ways of Managing Conflict

Introduction A new coworker, Mark, made an unfavorable first impression on an existing employer, John. The new coworker asked for assistance with a customer inquiry, but it was declined because of the tight schedule of John in the working area. Since then, Mark started feuding with John, who at a...

Decision Making: Make or Buy Decisions

Today, companies have to make multiple decisions to demonstrate high-quality performance, choose appropriate resources, and achieve a competitive advantage. Chief procurement officers (CPOs) have to study what customers want and how to increase service level by choosing effective outsourcing and avoiding organizational failures. According to Schwartingm and Weissbarth, manufacturing units...

Keds Company’s Pricing and Marketing Strategies

Introduction Business rivalry is inevitable in any business environment because profit maximization is the enterprise’s ultimate goal. Therefore, market competition is a revenue expansion strategy through which vendors improve their product and service offering to increase their customer base. Commercial activities involve expenses for stocking merchandise or services and recurrent...

Trait Theory: The Nature of the Leader

Introduction People made lots of researches to find out what makes one a leader. According to the trait theory, a leader is a person who has certain qualities of character that help one to differentiate from others (Bertocci, 2009). The leader uses the talents he/she has to encourage people to...

Managing Risks in Successful Project Management

Any project is associated with uncertainty and risks. Therefore, one of the main project management processes is project risk management, which is present at all stages of its life cycle. A project risk is an uncertain event or condition that, if it occurs, has a positive or negative impact on...

Financial Performance: The Impact of Sustainability

Executive Summary The concept of sustainability in the present-day world is the defining factor for the financial success of companies in different countries. However, its practical implementation is complicated by the need to include a variety of spheres of influence and address all of the corresponding issues. In this way,...

Cultivating a High-Performance Culture

There are several ways to cultivate and sustain a high-performance culture amongst employees in an organization. The paper will focus on five – shaping a thriving culture, developing leaders in the employees, leaving the employees to find solutions on their own, encouraging them to embrace failures, and demanding accountability (TED,...

Dyson Stores Company’s Marketing Plan

Executive Summary Dyson Stores is a company that has been in the market for a long time and is doing well in its operations. James Dyson founded the company in 1991, and it deals in hand dryers, hairdryers, vacuum cleaners, and utensils (Dyson for business, n.d). The company is committed...

Britam Insurance Company’s Sales and Marketing Management Software

Introduction Britam Insurance Company is a global insurance firm selling various services to its clients worldwide. Being one of the leading companies in the industry, Britam has a large pool of potential and existing customers. The large client base calls for sophisticated software to handle the company’s sales and marketing...

Amazon, Inc. Balance Sheet Analysis and Recommendation

A balance sheet is a financial statement that reflects what a business owns (assets), what it owes outsiders (liabilities), and its owners (equity). It balances the accounting equation by equating assets to the sum of liabilities and owners’ equity (Fraser & Ormiston, 2015). It shows a company’s financial condition or...

Harley-Davidson Company’s Marketing Improvement

Introduction Marketing plays an essential role in every business, irrespective of its size, specialty, and others. An adequate marketing strategy allows companies to reach targeted customers to achieve prosperity and economic benefits. That is why every firm should take significant efforts to implement an effective marketing strategy to achieve these...

G4S Company’s Major Risks in the Future

Among the many security-providing companies, G4S stands out as the key employer in the London stock exchange, having an influence in over 120 states with a workforce of more than 620,000. Although one may use this information to claim that this security agent is secure, the paper reveals the major...

Proposing a New Hotel: Marketing Plan

Introduction This paper aims to propose the attractiveness of a new hotel at Port Rashid, Dubai. The hotel will be 30 stories, including suites, king rooms, and double rooms. It is expected to cooperate with foreign businesses to offer customers the best food and beverage outlets, Asian and Mediterranean cuisines,...

Sales Associate Recruitment Strategies by Tanglewood

Introduction The process of recruiting can define the success of an entire facility. To improve the results of the efforts of an organization, companies have introduced numerous methods that help them with obtaining an optimal candidate for a job. Depending on the focus of a company’s recruitment of staff, there...

Developing Relationships in the Workplace

The Needs and/or Expectations of Others Identification Stakeholders are individuals and groups that the organization impacts directly or indirectly. Therefore, businesses must identify and prioritize the needs and expectations through surveys, interviews, and feedback. My organization provides business IT solutions to individual and corporate clients locally and internationally. Customers expect...

Difficulties of Partnership in the Contemporary World of Architecture

Nowadays corporate structures, such as companies, exclude sole practitioners and partners from the architectural market. We live in a highly competitive society, and old forms of unions are not as effective today, as they were before. Though the definition of a partnership sounds optimistic enough and tells that it “is...

Nomura Securities International: Case Study Analysis

The case under consideration represents a bright and almost “academic” example of a crucial lack of cross-cultural communications, motivation, and management skills in the company’s top leaders. Nomura Securities International (NSI) is Japan’s‘ giant,’ with a kind of superiority complex due to sound success in the past but not adapted...

Human Resources: Job Analysis and Description

Introduction Roberts (1997) asserts that Human resource management is an organization’s function that entails all aspects that are associated with the human resource or work force in a particular organization, company or institution. It entails aspects like recruitment, coordination and control of the people working in an organization. Some of...

The Case of Chipotle: Strategy Selection

The current Part I, II, and III discuss Chipotle’s marketing expenses, proposed organizational structure, and strengths and weaknesses respectively. The new pieces of analysis draw on the previous research carried out to understand Chipotle’s standing on the market. For Part I (marketing expenses), it was important to identify the company’s...

Apple Inc.’s iPhone Marketing Mix

iPhone is a brand of cutting-edge smartphones designed and marketed by Apple Inc., which has traditionally targeted the high-end market segment through premium pricing and direct selling. Since the launch of the first iPhone generation, Apple Inc. has consistently released innovative and revolutionary models, which are available to consumers through...

Perspectives of the Interaction of Different Generations

The contemporary world is changing rapidly and it is essential to consider both the possible difficulties and perspectives of the interaction of different generations. This essay dwells upon the ways the four different generations (traditionalists, baby boomers, generation X, and Millennials) cooperate with each other. It is crucial to take...

Firefly Burger Fast Food Marketing Plan

Introduction Firefly is a fast food restaurant located in Aqaba, Jordan. The casual environment blends its comfortable atmosphere with a menu of delicious burgers. In this case, the mission of the organization is to not only offer its visitors an unforgettable taste but also make the service as efficient and...

Elon Musk: Factors Impacting Successful Entrepreneurship

The quest to crystallize qualities pertinent to renowned entrepreneurs resulted in an extensive body of popular and even scientific literature listing a number of requirements that potentially increase the likelihood of business to succeed. Yet, launching a new business is always risky, while different factors and approaches, including lean start-up,...

Kay Jewelers Credit Card Application Terms and Conditions

For Kay cardholders, the company charges an Annual Percentage Rate (APR) of 5%-24.99% on purchases not paid within 25 days after the closure of each billing cycle. Billing cycles occur after every month. The charges vary remarkably from one state to the next with Arkansas charged the least (at 5%)...

McDonald’s: Brand Management

Executive Summary McDonald’s plan to extend its operations to Kenya is a good move. The company should establish the best pricing method to use as well as come up with an appropriate budget for the anticipated expansion. The report recommends McDonald’s to price its products/services below the competition in order...

Feasibility Plan for E-Commerce of Food Delivery

The use of cell phone innovation can be viewed as one of the creative approaches to assist organizations in improving their business execution in the global market. The business exercises of an organization for all intents and purposes utilizing data innovation are known as e-commerce (Veronica, 2018). B2C internet business...

Managing Conflict in Teams and Organizations

Any organization is based on a team of workers, without which the functioning of an entire enterprise is impossible. The variety of characters, interests, and needs makes the collective the most complex and unpredictable system, in which there is a constant struggle of opposites. Thus, the development of an organization...

Rolf Stahel’s Leadership Style and Skills

Introduction Who holds good leadership style is a major subject of debate to many people. While many people tend to think that a person is born with leadership qualities, others believe that leadership skills are learned, acquired and nurtured during a person development. However, despite the form in which leadership...

Restaurant Business Environment and Management

The passion of operating and succeeding in business depends entirely on the sole decision of the person setting up the business. The business requires the owner to have some educational qualifications in business-related courses and good relation with both the employees and the customers. The paper highlights the business environment...

Internet Usage Among Small and Medium Enterprises: A Malaysian Perspective

The Magnitude of E-Commerce Today Since e-commerce plays out within the large laissez-faire environment of the World Wide Web, there is essentially no central registry that reliably reports the magnitude of global transactions. Hence, estimates vary widely: US retail sales were estimated at $170bn in 2006. While Europe lagged behind,...

Contemporary Issues Concerning Security as a Profession

Introduction Security as a profession varies in terms of qualifications depending on the nature of the working situation (Simonsen, 1996). As a career, security is quite diverse since numerous factors must be put into consideration when defining the profession. In this case, there is no single definition that can stand...

Orange Health Door Center: Organizational Analysis

Overview of the environmental issues important in the case considering competition, technology, community service, funding, and workforce Orange Health Door Center is a non-profit organization that offers moderate health care on a sliding-fee scale to under-insured people in Minnesota. Judging from the case presented in the study by Filipovitch (2006),...

Computer-Based Communication Technologies and Their Influence on Business Communication

Executive Summary Computer-based communication technologies became widely used with Internet connection getting easily accessible. Using these technologies requires only basic computer skills this is why they are popular among people of all possible ages. Computer-based technologies led to the emerging of social media, as well as social networking, instant messaging,...

Bolt E-Commerce Operations

In the modern age, many firms are opting to adopt new technological operations. Companies have had to change from traditional brick-and-motor systems to e-commerce techniques. One of the firms that have accepted the transition is Bolt Inc. After rebranding in 2019, the organization decided to adopt some of the vibrant...

Benefits and Drawbacks: Economist and Mathematical Statistician

Introduction Nowadays a person needs not only knowledge of sciences, but also the ability to communicate with people. The work of an economist and mathematical statistician is similar since their job is to properly prioritize and set goals to maximize profits with the least loss. The purpose of the report...

United Airlines: The DuPont Analysis

Various groups such as shareholders, governments, employees, communities and creditors use audited financial statements of companies. Financial statements provide the potential users with a narrow insight into the strengths and weaknesses of a business. Reflectively, financial statements do not give an in-depth depiction of performance of an entity (Siddidui, 2005...

Case Notes on Court: Stockland Development Pty Ltd v Manly Council

The facts of the case – i.e. what the case is about and the related issues The case is an application about the redevelopment of the site which is the original shopping center and its additional land. There was proposed a commercial development with car-parking podium and residential development including...

Organizational Behavior: Theory X, Theory Y, and the Hawthorne Studies

Explain McGregor’s Theory X and Y The approaches to managing organizational behavior are numerous and very diverse, yet most of them can be grouped according to specific criteria and categorized accordingly. McGregor’s Theory X and Theory Y, which are expected to explain the rationale behind leadership choices and the effects...

Systems Approaches to Management

Managing change is one of the difficult activities that many organizations come across. The change that occur because of diversity and technology advancements poses numerous challenges as the majority of them may not have implemented sufficient strategies for dealing with it. However, the US Army has implemented several approaches for...

Sales Forecasting: Guillermo Stores

Introduction Budgeting, therefore, takes into consideration various factors to come up with an appropriate forecast. For Guillermo furniture to produce correct sales estimates within its forecast budget, it s needs t to consider the factors affecting its production including the competitor’s possession of advanced equipment, and the ethical considerations which...

BHP Billiton and Telstra Corporation

Introduction The portrait of the two famous Australian companies have outlined in this paper considering the importance of their WACC (Weighted Average Cost of Capital) and financial risk management strategies for both of their managers. Before going to the theoretical discussion and WACC calculation, it is important to take a...

Media and Cultural Industries: The Conglomerate-Styled Ownership

The advent of democracy across the Western nations has also led to a scenario where few people own most of the available channels of communication. Media conglomerates have taken over the operations of digital media in most countries across Europe and America. The situation is not different in Canada where...

Some Issues of Logistic Manager

Introduction A logistics manager oversees the supply of goods and services. One needs to perform his duties well to avoid the dissatisfaction of the clients. As a result, a logistics manager needs to be very careful especially when dealing with online fraudsters. Thus, some of the issues that a logistic...

Customization as a Way of Working Amazon Company

Globalization is the process of implementing the same marketing strategies across all of the company’s operations in the international market. Despite the fact that the customers’ cultures, preferences, and environments are different, globalization makes everything almost the same. However, customization is the opposite process as it builds separate marketing strategies...

Nokia: Change Initiative Project

Change is an inevitable part of any organization. As the external and internal environments evolve, leaders and members within the organization will need to change their attitudes and approaches to accomplish the established goals. Additionally, change management refers to how organizations handle change to ensure smooth and cost-effective implementation. In...

Market Expansion Investigation

Country Analysis The proposal suggests launching the product of Company A, dog food, in Poland in Central Europe. Its location defines the country’s dynamic development and allows for access to the European Union market (“Doing business,” 2019). In addition to economic growth since joining the EU in 2004 and readjusting...

The Concept of Branding: Strategic Integrated Marketing Communications

Branding is an important marketing tool for creating an impression and revealing the company’s philosophy, values, mission, and vision of the future. A corporate brand is significant for consumers; at the same time, it also allows creating an internal corporate culture. It is possible to note that during the last...

Walmart Ethics and Compliance Challenges

Introduction Walmart Stores, Inc., better known as Walmart to the public, is one of the nation’s biggest and most profitable retail corporations. The success of the store is attributed largely to the commitment of Walmart and its employees to provide services at the lowest prices. Since 1969, the slogan of...

Starbucks Corporation Overview and Analysis

Starbucks Corporation is a US company that is considered one of the largest global coffee retailers. This brief report analyses the company’s DuPont identity, which is calculated for the last three years, and compares it with that of a competitor company i.e. Dunkin’ Brands Group, Inc. DuPont Identity is a...

Ford Motor Company Current Project and Long Term Project

Current project Presently, Ford Motor Company plans to install a photovoltaic system that is powered by solar energy at their Michigan plant. The project required a total of three million American dollars to be complete. Raising this amount of money appeared to be an insurmountable task, due to the after-effects...

The Need for Dual-Career Planning

Introduction The number of families where both parents work and pursue careers is increasing. Such couples need to consider long-term goals regarding their lifestyle and distribution of housework between parents. Also, when children are born, additional scheduling is needed to accommodate all responsibilities. The primary issue is that the majority...

Evaluation of Monitoring Potential of Walmart’s Board of Directors

Summary The principal responsibility of the board of directors is to oversee the execution of strategies, plans, and activities performed by a company’s management. There are various areas that can be considered for evaluating the monitoring effectiveness of the board of directors. This paper evaluates the monitoring potential of Walmart’s...

Being an Employee as an Asset to a Company

The importance of using appropriate human resource management techniques has always represented an important goal for companies worldwide. The significance of an appropriate HRM strategy has risen over the past few years due to the increase in the role of global governance and the promotion for diversity in the workplace....

Entrepreneurship: From Startups to SMEs

Introduction Entrepreneurship remains a powerful practice that guides people to launch and grow their startups to become giant corporations. This development explains how individuals can experiment with a small or new idea and make it an evidence-based solution to the problems affecting humanity. Business owners should reflect and examine their...

The National Education Association’s Activity and Issues

Introduction The presence of a powerful Union is a prerequisite for industrial peace. Decisions made in the collective bargaining process and agreements between employers and workers are usually productive. Trade unions have an important role to play and are beneficial in successful cooperation between workers and management. They offer guidance...

Global Marketing: Adaptation vs. Standardization

Marketing and trade are complicated and interconnected processes, and their complexity increases in proportion to their scale. Most companies start their activities in the domestic market and expand to other countries, achieving success. For this reason, marketers need to understand the difference between domestic, international, and global marketing, as well...

Right Digital Marketing Channels for Business

Any business needs to find ways to be easily available to customers and clients. This goal is accomplished by adopting a marketing strategy. Digital technology and the Internet have allowed taking marketing to a new level. There are numerous various channels accessible to businesses in virtual reality. Properly diversifying digital...

International Expansion in China

Introduction Religious ethics, as applied to economics and business, dates back to the thirteenth century. Subsequent developments in this area have resulted in the intertwining of Christian faith and reason. This situation has given rise to a plethora of principles, guidelines, and criteria for action and a set of virtues...

Strategic Shipping Operations Management: Liquefied Natural Gas

Introduction The commercialized natural gas production on the global level has increased from 2.1% to 2,819.4 Bcm (99.5 Tcf) as of the year 2005. Lately, there has been a considerable increase in gas production, thanks to the advent of cutthroat competition that exists in customary power and gas markets coupled...

Risk Management and Its Process

Introduction Technical projects are exposed to risks that can be potentially damaging due to the cost of investments incurred in such projects (Kerzner, 2006). The exponential rise in project costs not projected before the start of a project are risks with the potential to damage project progress. McNeil, Frey, and...

Leadership: The Efficiency of the Company

Leadership is a crucial component that allows to effectively perform managing tasks and maximize the efficiency of the company, which consequently catalyzes the goal-achieving process. Most of the time, high-grade leadership is responsible for the organization’s internal and external success as it shapes the way staff works and performs. The...

Wal-Mart: Managing Relationships with Stakeholders

Background In the early 1960s, Sam Walton incorporated his enterprise as Wal-Mart Stores and a few decades later, it became a global retailing juggernaut with revenues of more or less 300 billion dollars in 2006 alone. Aside from that this company boasts of employing close to two million employees worldwide....

Brasil Foods Company’s International Strategy

Globalization Globalization transforms the world into a single global market for goods and services, erases all types of borders between consumers and producers. All existing companies compete on the international market a priori, in connection with this, a qualitatively new approach is needed to develop a competitive international company strategy...

Yum!: Brands Innovations and Commercialization

Innovations’ commercialisation has always been perceived as a critical prerequisite for the successful operating of a firm. Many companies’ practices and policies in this regard seem to prove such a statement. It might be relevant to investigate the experience of a notable enterprise in the mentioned theme’s framework. Yum! Brands...

Reasons that May Make a Strategic Plan Unsuccessful

Introduction According to Marian C. Jennings, the president of a national health care consulting firm that specializes in strategy initiation and development. A strategic plan may be unsuccessful due to various reasons. One of the reasons is a strategy that focuses on a single possibility in future thus ignoring uncertainties...

Global Marketing Management: Theoretical Concepts

Abstract The paper introduces global marketing as the means of channelling resources in the world market then examines the theoretical concepts and extensions on global marketing management. It then discusses the various kinds of management orientations and their differences in relation to global marketing. Then it goes ahead to discuss...

Managing Financial Risks: Concept, Techniques and Processes

Risk Concept An adverse impact on an organization and its systems if it is created by a possibility or occurrence of an event or activity is called a Risk. If a given threat exploits sensitivities of an asset or cluster of assets that may cause damages or loss to the...

“Sneaker Wars” by Barbara Smit: A Review

The book Sneaker Wars by Barbara Smit presents an invaluable insight into the origins of the global sportswear brands Adidas and Puma and their impact on the sports industry. It provides an account of how the relations between two brothers Adi and Rudi Dassler shaped the competition between the two...

Importance of Remembering Serial Numbers of Equipment

Both consumers and manufacturers have opportunities to trace the stages of production of a particular product and determine relevant production features due to a unique identification mark on goods, which is called a serial number. Remembering this number allows obtaining the necessary data that may be needed when clarifying the...

Library Fundraiser’s Options and Approaches

Fundraising for any purpose can sometimes be an arduous task. People are usually not inclined to give their money, especially if the assignment requires them to take any action. However, there are many methods by which the attention of the target audience can be attracted to a particular problem. This...

The Impact of Motivation on Employees

Introduction According to Chris Mittelstaedt, employee empowerment and collaborative teamwork are important elements to be considered when starting a company. His entrepreneurial path follows the need for change in his career life or business. His past professional background was instrumental when he began his company since he wished to treat...

Linking Effective Teams and Communication Modes

Teams are crucial building blocks in the organization structure that can increase productivity and cost-efficiency of a business. Effective teams initiate not only change and innovation, but also provide benefits for their members, including learning opportunities and personal rewards. A team is different from a group since it performs as...

Leadership Style and Nursing

Personal Democratic Style of Leadership People have come up with different leadership styles to enable them to manage, motivate and direct their employees. The main style I use to lead is democratic or participative. It is because I tend to set parameters for work and make the final say on...

Analysis of Information Systems in Apple, Inc

The unification of information resources within Apple inevitably leads to the formation of an information space, the basis of which are corporate or territorial information systems. An information system is a complex of computing and communication equipment, software, linguistic tools, and information resources, which ensures their collection and storage. Actualization,...

Influence Tactics and Sources of Power

It is not a secret that effective management is essential for a successful operation of a group, organization, or company. While being able to implement appropriate influence and power tactics, administration can create a positive working environment that will contribute to employee satisfaction and productivity. Therefore, the following paper will...

Alibaba Group’s Corporate Governance

Alibaba Group Holding Limited is justly regarded as the global leader among technology companies that specialize in electronic commerce. As a multinational corporation owning more than ten prominent businesses, Alibaba Group uses a holding company organizational structure (“Corporate Governance Guidelines”). This type of internal organization gives more freedom and autonomy...

Market Leaders and Market Followers Strategies

Introduction A market is a system facilitating the exchange of goods, services, and information between its participants. This system is strongly influenced by market leaders, which can be a product, a brand, or a company with the highest percentage of total sales revenue. When there are market leaders, there are...

Importance and Analysis of Financial Modeling

Introduction The purpose of this paper is to find out determinants of CEO SALARY. The main findings of the primary the data were interpreted and turned into information by using SPSS and excel quantitative methods software system jointly. Statistics in clients’ survey A total of 300 questionnaires were sent to...

The Project Risk Management: Contemporary Approaches

This report examines contemporary approaches to Project Risk Management, their advantages and disadvantages. The paper further makes recommendations as to appropriate risk management process that should be implemented within the context of my organization. A risk is an issue that might come up. If it happens, it may affect the...

Safety Management System at Work

Putting safety performance in priority means adopting a strict set of regulations. Its first strength is a systematic approach to accident prevention, which helps directly identify their causes and consequences. Second, it is designed by managers, thus minimizing the possibility of being altered by workers. Third, it is streamlined, meaning...

E-Commerce in Business

This post demonstrates how e-commerce growth depends on various external factors. The pandemic situation proved that the Internet plays a significant role in the life of modern society; it is an essential channel through which many companies run their business. For example, in developing countries, the virus outbreak led to...

Stages of Business Growth

Introduction Every company, regardless of its size and overall performance, experiences the phase of startup, growth, maturity, and either death or revival. Each stage makes an organization face unique challenges. For the owners, it is essential to be aware at which stage the organization is because this would help to...

The Spanish Fashion Industry: Business Model Innovation

Business model innovation is associated with the development of an essentially new approach to building business processes and commercializing a company’s products. Thus, in the context of this concept, a business model itself but not a “product or service becomes subject to innovation” (Spieth & Schneider, 2016, p. 672). Still,...

Operating in a Union vs. Non-Union Environment

Unions are an essential agent in helping a company to ensure that the rights and needs of its employees are met. Therefore, increased safety of staff members and greater trust in relationships between employees and the company can be considered the key characteristics of a unionized setting. Rights of the...

Distribution in Fruit and Vegetable Business

Major milestones have been achieved by global perishable goods logistics, culminating in dramatic shifts in people’s lifestyles. Consumers worldwide love each bite of an apple, and each splash of roses, the comfort which is brought by the global supply chains. However, the onset of the Coronavirus has resulted in unrivaled...

Coca-Cola: Strategic, Marketing Plans and Opportunities

Abstract The paper investigates the Coca-Cola Company’s strategic, marketing plans, and identifies growth opportunities. Coke is a worldwide manufacturer; therefore, it presents a great interest. The research presents a precise study of various aspects of the company. There are SWOT, benchmarking, marketing analyses that help to identify areas for improvement....

Knowledge Sharing in Organizations

Introduction Knowledge Sharing goes beyond sharing; it’s about helping one another, working together and collaborating. Knowledge sharing takes place when people are truthfully interested in helping each other in initiating new abilities for action; thus forming learning processes. Different organizations have different methods of sharing knowledge; knowledge sharing is important...

Leadership and Self-Deception Analysis by Arbinger Institute

Books on leadership are sources of essential information and knowledge about the best techniques which individuals can employ to be more effective in their work or life. Usually, such books focus on practices that allow a person to exert greater influence over others, and rarely do they teach their readers...

Holding a Limited Amount of Inventory: Advantages for a Grocer

Introduction Having quality and quantities of stock at any one time is a competitive advantage mechanism in retail businesses. However, determination of adequate and appropriate inventory is problematic. There are constant changes in supplies and logistics; coupled by an ever changing consumer need, it makes the business world a constant...

The Problem of Workplace Bullying: Literature Review

Workplace bullying is a phenomenon that is often observed in working settings. It is associated with targeting, mistreating, harassing individuals for the purpose of upsetting and causing emotional as well as physical harm (Bowling & Beehr, 2006). As a result of prolonged bullying, its victims become less productive, emotionally instable,...

Workplace Psychology Theories: Human Relations

Introduction Organizational behavior is an important branch of science that explores people’s relationships in the workplace and can help leaders and employees organize the working process better. Several psychological theories discuss and explain organizational behavior. Note on Workplace Psychology Theories, an article by Karen MacMillan published in 2018, briefly overviews...

Mindful Decision Making and Driving Results

Decision making is the function of a manager at any level. Employees of organizations, as well as specialists of consulting companies, usually take part in its preparation. Managers implement their managerial activities through decisions; therefore, they are leaders’ primary “creations”. The product of the direct actions of the leader is...

Vendor Management: External Assessment

Introduction It is hard to disagree that the success of any company partly depends on its vendors. Their critical importance is that they ensure the ability of the organization to achieve profit goals and revenue and drive new growth within the particular industry. Therefore, vendors are at the heart of...

Transportation Forecasting: Strategic Planning

Summary Logistics is an important part of the everyday activity of the armed forces. The process of transportation that involves goods, equipment, and personnel might be expensive (Xiong et al., 2017). As a part of my education course, I have researched a paper on transportation forecasting by Xavier Smith, a...

Mindful Toys: Updating the Corporate Strategy

The transformation of the toy industry seems subtle, but it is highly dependent on technological progress. It is no secret that children are becoming more and more involved in online entertainment and the use of electronic devices daily. It is an essential process for humanity’s development, as people get used...

Subaru Brand With Japanese Origins

Subaru is a brand with Japanese origins that has built its popularity in most developed countries of the world. Its history shows a clear interest in technology and innovative solutions complemented by high quality and reliability. Thus, the new project proposal will root itself in these ideas, targeting such populations...

Overseas Sweatshops in the Fashion Industry

Overseas sweatshops are a common practice for many companies and industries all over the globe. The production of clothes is one of the most significant sectors that employ foreign sweatshop labor (Stafford). This paper covers a brief history of the issue and reasons why fashion giants decided to move their...

Company Policy on Cell Phone Usage and Driving

Introduction The use of cell phones while driving escalates the risk of harming other motorists and pedestrians due to distracted driving. For instance, sending a text message when driving increases the car crash risk by 23 times (Carroll et al. 289). A study indicated that the accident severity increased to...

Bibliography: Logistics, Retail and HR Management

Wood, Geoffrey, et al. “Special Issue on: International Human Resource Management in Contexts of High Uncertainties.” International Journal of Human Resource Management (IJHRM), vol. 29, no. 7, 2018, pp. 1365–1373. Journal Article. The article examines issues in human resource management in difficult conditions. There is no doubt that high uncertainties...

Ethical Issues in Hiring Process

In various circumstances, it is often necessary to consider issues from a moral point of view; hiring is one of the situations when stakeholders sometimes need to make ethical decisions. The task of the HR department is to evaluate which candidate can be considered for a particular position. At the...

Strategic Planning in Nonprofit Organizations

Introduction According to Bryson (1995), strategic planning is the process of making choices. This process usually takes place when leaders need to be supported when making their goals international. This is a managerial tool that is used for the purpose of assisting the organization to perform better. In other words,...

Conscious Marketing: Patagonia and Everlane

One of the principal concerns of any retail company is the correspondence of its policies to the principles of conscious marketing, and Everlane and Patagonia are no exception to the rule. These companies face marketing challenges that relate to the necessity to satisfy customers by offering eco-friendly products. It is...

Understanding the Counselor Identity

Abstract Two articles and one podcast were selected for this assignment. The first article by Spurgeon (2012) states that the lack of a unified professional identity has led to confusion within the profession. This is attributed to the fact that different counselors have used numerous definitions to come up with...

Accounting Scandals. Case Analysis

Accounting and reporting issues have the power to diminish a company in a short amount of time. Enron’s case is a proof – one of the largest companies in the United States went from $90 to $0.26 per share in a matter of days (Segal, 2020). The management of the...

Integrated Marketing Communication Tactic

Contemporary marketing efforts of businesses require the creative use of multiple channels that will allow connecting with a consumer and delivering a message about the brand. Integrated marketing communication (IMC) is a combination of all communication channels available to the company and the use of them as an advertising method....

Coffee Maker Supreme: Assessment of the Impact of Recent Changes in the Company

Background Coffee Maker Supreme is a worldwide manufacturer of coffee making machines. The company has achieved a global reach in the past few years through its modernized web-based sales approach. The company had manufacturing plants in four different locations across the globe. However, due to the increased demand for specialized...

Fundraising Plan for an Athletic Team

Fundraising Plan There are different possibilities of external fundraising for an athletic team. From these sources, one can note concerts, auctions, sales, and sports events (Mullick, 2018). After considering the key variables, hosting a field day seems to be an appropriate activity to perform and raise the funds needed. To...

Apple at a Glance: A Success Story

Brief company history Apple Computer, Inc. was founded by Steve Jobs, Steve Wozniak, and Ronald Wayne in 1976 in California. The organization’s commercial activities began with the production of its first personal computers with the MOS Technology 6502 processor: success came almost immediately. Since then, inventors have created other versions...

The Coca-Cola Company and AT&T: Analysis of the Companies

The Coca-Cola Company and AT&T are old US enterprises that have managed to stay successful under changing market conditions for a long time. The history of AT&T began in the late 19th century with the telephone invention (Cohen 20). This event served as a signal for the founding of the...

Multifactor Leadership Questionnaire: Overview

Introduction As stated by Northouse (2016), leaders are determined to perform with all of their followers rather than interacting with just a small group of them. This is the primary principle that determines what leadership is for me. While answering the questions in the questionnaire, I realized that some of...

Ethical Controversies During COVID-19 Pandemic Regulations

Introduction The COVID-19 pandemic brings a global display of ethical controversies. The health threats posed by disease outbreaks and epidemics and the accompanying anxiety are associated with multiple economic risks. The severity of the consequences of such a scenario for the global economy will depend on how well the government’s...

Human Resource Portfolio Analysis for Global Sports

Introduction This paper will illustrate the meaning and importance of human resource management (HRM), human resource planning, and strategic human resource management, which are critically important for an organization’s effectiveness and must be effectively managed. This study shows the current economic environment in the sports industry; the second part of...

No Good Deed Goes Unpunished: Case Study

Introduction Presumably, the incident involving Mark happened last year during the preparation for the annual community arts festival organized by The Community Festival. Mark has been a dedicated volunteer to the community organization, and he was extensively involved in facilitating this festival. The Board of Directors organizing the festival made...

Teamwork: Reflective Account on Group Work

Group experience reflection First of all, reflecting on the group experience, it should be mentioned that the management style adopted by the group was the democratic style. Such a choice of management style met the requirements set before the group the most efficiently. The group work was organized in the...

Brand Personality and Self-Image and Consumer Behavior

Abstract A product personality frequently signifies that the product/brand has a gender or gender-being. To distinguish the apparent gender of manufactured goods or brands, salespersons choose to display images and copy-text for diverse marketing communication (Berry 2000, p.149). Problem statement The problem statement of this proposal is on consumers’ traits...

Organizational Development and Human Resources in Organization

Introduction Human resource management holds responsibility for the presence of the most relevant constituent of a successful and fast growing business. In financial circles, this component carries the name of the workforce. It is considered that without a properly arranged HR department a company is a priori configured to the...

Communicating the Launch of a New Product

Product profile The Pocket Wi-Fi is a device that allows an internet user to connect several Wi-Fi-enabled devices to the internet. This product is mainly targeted at the Canadian market and is developed to support the increasing number of Wi-Fi products that are being launched by other companies such as...

Pricing Strategy: The Good-Better-Best

The Good-Better-Best (G-B-B) approach to pricing implies the focus on features offered by companies that they would value the most, which influences their willingness to pay for them. The more excellent the perceived value of an offering, the higher should be the price (Mohammaed, 2018). The strategy encourages firms to...

Movie Production Studios and Their Statistics

A studio can normally label as a class for artist and photographers, or a workshop or rehearsal space for dancers or actors. In relation to film, the workshop or construction for cinematographic, sound, or music recording is commonly referred to as a theater, and the word studios generally means “all...

US Army Leadership Foundations and Standards

Leadership is one of those few qualities that is an essential condition for any society’s normal functioning. Not everyone has a natural inclination for this feature, but some courses and approaches allow developing such property. Since no enterprise in any field of activity can exist without these skills, leadership qualities...

Diversity in the Workplace: Analysis and Evaluation

Abstract Over the past few years, the issue of diversity has gained considerable significance. According to recent researches, workplace diversity contributes to the improvement of the relationships between the staff, knowledge management, and, therefore, the production process. In the late XX century, workplaces became rather diverse all over the country....

Strategic Management: Literature Critique

Research question Although there is no section of the research that clearly defines the research question, readers can easily gather from the introduction that the study sought to gain an understanding of resource-performance in resource and capabilities and how this contributes to effective performance, in this case, sales and distribution....

Offset Printing for Small and Large Production Runs

The importance of a product’s retail packaging in modern consumerist society is difficult to overestimate. The way that a product is completed from the place of fabrication to the storehouse and finally to the end-user is protected and accompanied by its retail packaging. The product handling without proper packaging could...

“Toward an Integrated Model of Intrinsic Motivation & Career Self-Management” by Quigley

Introduction Intrinsic career self management is closely linked with motivation, inspiration, and the opportunity to communicate with other team members. The aim of this paper is to analyze the key elements of career motivation defined by Quigley and Tymon (2006), and analyze the effectiveness of these components from the perspective...

Anglo-American and Primark Companies Critical Analysis

Introduction The need to ensure businesses compete and get profits makes them to establish policies and adopt measures that place them in better positions than their rivals. In addition, nations regulate business activities to ensure there is an equal playing ground for all investors and promote healthy competition. Investors must...

Southwest Airlines’ Services and Customers’ Satisfaction

Southwest Airlines is a company with a short history that began its operations approximately in the second half of the last century. At the beginning of the twentieth century, Southwest Airlines’ fleet grew from a couple of Boeings in Texas to a dozen planes that circulate between a thousand destinations....

A Proposal on E-Commerce with Sportswear

This proposal will be aimed at establishing an online retail clothing store that will specifically deal with sportswear. Digital sportswear collections will be a new apparel store that will cater to those people who are interested in sporting activities such as football, riding hiking and skating. As the name suggests,...

BMW Automobiles: Case Study

Main trends are identifiable in the business environment Despite the information provided being limited, there is a clear indication that the industry is mature and competition is fierce. This is more especially in relation to price save for companies which have managed to achieve product differentiation. BMW’s industry is one...

Human Resource Selection: Interview Questions

Introduction The process of interviewing potential candidates is a significant part of Human Resource Selection. Interviews vary depending on specifics of the job, but their main purpose remains to evaluate applicants’ abilities according to the same criteria. For this objective it is important to prepare a set of question, the...

A Travel Agency’s Budget Elements

No one is likely to deny that traveling is rather popular nowadays. Any demand is acknowledged to create its supply, so there are many travel agencies, which results in a fierce competition in the segment. Therefore, being competitive happens to be a goal to attain. Although there are a plethora...

Apple Incorporation: International Marketing

Introduction “Top bosses are often eager to try out the latest management theories and while they can be beneficial, often they become ‘flavor of the month’ and then thrown out of the window” (Daft, 2011).The key managerial functions however, remain defined and important regardless of how they are applied. The...

An Interest in Supply Chain Profession

Introduction I developed an interest in the supply chain profession when I was still in high school. My motivation was the many job advertisements seeking graduates in supply chain management. The global economy is still recovering from the recession, and unemployment rates are high in most industries. Many college graduates...

Innovation as a Contemporary Issue in Business

Introduction There are severs approaches that can be applied by manager in order to survive the economic hard times that have constantly characterized the new millennium. Change and innovation is now equated to the survival through turbulent times. When businesses attain a very strong economic advantage it means that they...

10 C’s for Effective Business Writing

Introduction Today, in the time of mass media and instant communication tools, people have more and more information to process and makes it necessary to filter and arrange the information. Professionals usually receive dozens of messages every day, and their time to read and answer them is very limited. This...

Effective Organizational Development Strategies

Organizational development is one of the key areas in management. For managers who want to increase performance and efficiency of their companies, organizational development is essential and necessary time after time. In the scholarly literature you would find that different authors refer to organizational development as “a response to change,...