Introduction My name is Priscilla Vega. I am an administrative supervisor with U.S. Seal Manufacturing Company at Somerset in New Jersey. I have held the position since the year 2006. I have a degree from the University of Adelphi where I studied Management and Communications. My experiences Working for the...
Topic: Ethics
Words: 2499
Pages: 8
Nowadays a lot of couples do not feel the necessity of getting married to have children. Young people being in love do not hurry to make their relationships official in order to create a family; modern society has a different look on the contemporary situation. Cohabitation and having children before...
Topic: Marriage
Words: 1152
Pages: 4
Introduction A mother is a social or biological parent. In mammals like human beings, biological mother is the one that gestates fertilized ovum called an embryo at the beginning which later becomes fetus. Gestation occurs in the uterus of the mother which begins from conception up to the time when...
Topic: Challenges
Words: 919
Pages: 3
Introduction Explaining relationships is a rather challenging matter for every person. This can be explained by the fact that people have numerous kinds of relationships with other people or with the phenomena of objective reality and all people understand their relationships in a way that no one else in the...
Topic: Relationship
Words: 1233
Pages: 4
Abstract Racial adoptions, racial partnerships and racial marriages are increasingly being accepted as a way of life and a necessity in the development of an increasingly multicultural society in addition to promoting family diversity. However, most families still ideally nurture racial homogeneity which is rooted in the belief of biologism...
Topic: Family, Life & Experiences
Words: 2778
Pages: 10
Current essay deals with the analysis of the structure of human relationships, which are those relations between different people, which occur during their multidimensional patterns of interactions. There is no denying the importance of the fact that we can speak about different types or forms of human relations. As the...
Topic: Relationship
Words: 1150
Pages: 4
First of all it is necessary to mention, that the reasons of divorce may be various. Some of them are rather banal, like material troubles or pestering. The others may be shocking and depend only on the fantasy of the spouses. Nevertheless, the mpst common reasons are regarded to be...
Topic: Divorce
Words: 544
Pages: 2
Pre-writing for a thesis Tricia, my college buddy, was always careful to leave instructions for the day to her long-serving babysitter. She had come to trust the lady a lot since she never seemed to do anything wrong. She could not even remember the last time she had bathed her...
Topic: Childcare
Words: 2245
Pages: 8
Families and relatives have been an integral part of society and culture since times immemorial. They have been the survival units for individuals to co-exist in societies that are impacted by and continue to impact society and culture as a whole. The members of the family are united with one...
Topic: Relationship
Words: 1087
Pages: 4
Over the past few years, there have been considerable changes in attitudes of parents and teachers in regard to physical punishment being given to children. Most schools have banned physical punishment and parents have also realized that using force in bringing about discipline amongst children is not the ideal way...
Topic: Problem Solving
Words: 592
Pages: 2
Many of the things we say in life are mechanical without actually meaning it. An excellent example of this is the greeting “good morning” with which we begin most of our days and conversations. While saying the term to the many that we encounter in the morning, we don’t even...
Topic: Family, Life & Experiences
Words: 1622
Pages: 5
It is common knowledge that children always wish to grow up faster whereas the only dream of all the adults is to come back to that beautiful period of their life when they were children and when they did not have to think about those problems each of their faces...
Topic: Family, Life & Experiences
Words: 2202
Pages: 8
Some people seem to think that mysophobes like myself would never get a chance to become ill. After all, mysophobes take extra precautions when it comes to keeping clean and healthy. In my case, I never eat food from questionable sources, drink filtered or distilled water only, wash my hands,...
Topic: Family, Life & Experiences
Words: 1124
Pages: 3
My vision of the dystopian future for our world is something that is closer to reality. The ideas in my mind that tell me what sort of future our planet faces is fed by the constant stream of information that is fed to me by the daily national and international...
Topic: Dystopia
Words: 698
Pages: 2
Introduction It is most possibly correct to say that since the inception of humanity, there has not yet been an established stable human culture whereby any other institution has been ranked higher and deemed more important by its participants than the family unit. China being one of the civilizations that...
Topic: Family
Words: 1940
Pages: 7
The good life is all about striking the right balance between the right things, habits contribute immensely in deciding how good or bad one’s life is. Some might misunderstand the concept of good life thinking that fulfilling one’s desires is what good life is all about but it is not...
Topic: Family, Life & Experiences
Words: 645
Pages: 2
The term ‘birth order’ is used to analyze the role of a person according to his/ her age among his siblings. Therefore it is used to determine the relationship of siblings who not only differ in age but also possess different behaviors and habits. Birth order affects one sibling’s attitude...
Topic: Relationship
Words: 1514
Pages: 6
Introduction Caffeine has been known to cause many deleterious effects starting from addiction to effects on the neurological development, skeletal development, and behavioral system of the offspring when the mother has consumed large quantities of it. Having gone through the various literature on the subject, I have decided to replicate...
Topic: Family, Life & Experiences
Words: 2122
Pages: 7
Abstract The study focused on investigating the experience of single African American mothers of their relationship with their adolescent sons. The rationale for this study was to explain factors that affect the experience of these single mothers and what different stakeholders can do to improve the relationship. The review of...
Topic: African American
Words: 5265
Pages: 19
Introduction Career selection is a complicated process that largely impacts a person’s entire life. Decision-making is associated with a range of factors, including relationships between its members, role models, and the system of specific values. This paper aims to explore the case of the Vargas family, in which the intention...
Topic: Career
Words: 2371
Pages: 8
Did you know that in Japan, couples often meet at the Hachiko monument – the one that is dedicated to the dog that waited seven long years for its owner? To me, this fact holds a symbolic meaning – people always look for loyalty and affection in relationships, and those...
Topic: Dog
Words: 944
Pages: 3
Introduction My goal is to start eating healthier food than I do now, and more specifically, to increase the number of vegetables consumed. This is necessary to guide us towards a healthy lifestyle. Adherence to this principle implies, in addition to higher consumption of vegetables, sufficient physical activity, absence of...
Topic: Family, Life & Experiences
Words: 717
Pages: 2
Introduction Marriage and divorce are distinct events that affect the daily lives of children. Most notably, the mental health, as well as the physical and cognitive capabilities of individuals, can be compromised if they experience parental divorce. Hence, reviewing the research that examines the impact that divorce can have on...
Topic: Divorce
Words: 828
Pages: 3
Agents of Socialization Being a rather typical representative of my generation, I have experienced numerous influences that shaped my self-representation as a female and my overall perception of what roles men and women should play in society. Among multiple agents of socialization, I might single out family, peers, and media,...
Topic: Gender
Words: 832
Pages: 3
While modern family life is considered to be diverse, most families face common issues like work and family responsibilities, lack of government support, intimate relationships, and sex education of teenagers. The intimate life of people is more likely to depend on the social tendencies of modern society than on the...
Topic: Construction
Words: 939
Pages: 3
Introduction Every person may notice that there is a wide range of factors that influence his or her life every day. New acquaintances, knowledge, or experience make their contribution either to improve or degrade the quality of living. However, at the same time, only highly significant events have an immeasurably...
Topic: Family, Life & Experiences
Words: 1129
Pages: 4
Introduction Whenever there is a need to work toward achieving a common goal, leadership qualities are required, which is why developing even basic leadership skills is crucial for any person. However, one should keep in mind that there are several leadership types, each having its own set of advantages and...
Topic: Leadership
Words: 603
Pages: 2
Introduction The age at which women prefer to give birth has been increasing, with more people preferring to have children between the ages of 30 and 34. Conversely, the number of young mothers, who are less than 20 years old, is falling and both these circumstances are creating a new...
Topic: Family, Life & Experiences
Words: 637
Pages: 2
Introduction Personal views on career and the ways of achieving goals are the natural component of self-analysis and self-development. In the process of thinking about professional priorities, each person creates individual images and stages that can enable him or her to solve problems and potential challenges. Regarding my personal beliefs...
Topic: Career
Words: 1417
Pages: 5
Introduction At the stage of relationships before the wedding, couples, as a rule, do not experience significant difficulties in communicating and solving joint issues. However, in the process of marriage, domestic challenges and different views on certain life situations may cause serious conflicts that can lead to quarrels and even...
Topic: Counseling
Words: 629
Pages: 2
The concept of experience is important to be understood and discussed with a focus on a specific esthetic experience and its role in creating works of art. In his book, Dewey (2005) isolates and emphasizes experience as a key and unique concept to define art. According to the author, experience...
Topic: Family, Life & Experiences
Words: 555
Pages: 2
Chapter 1 This chapter is about images, ideals, and myths related to families. It teaches the develop a new framework for understanding families. In society, there are different ideas about what an ideal family should be, and the characteristics attributed to a perfect family differ. Some emphasize the traditional aspects,...
Topic: Family, Life & Experiences
Words: 1441
Pages: 5
Many people find it necessary to take a shower once a day, either in the morning or at night. Sometimes, a person can repeat the same procedure several times per day, depending on the day, chosen activities, and personal preferences. Although not all dermatologists recommend taking a shower every day,...
Topic: Family, Life & Experiences
Words: 306
Pages: 1
Introduction Comparing and contrasting experiences of people from different backgrounds that include education, gender, age, race, social status, and other variables is essential for understanding the diversity as well as the range of life struggles or successes individuals face. In order to explore this, interviews with two individuals have been...
Topic: Family, Life & Experiences
Words: 826
Pages: 3
Marriage is a complex social phenomenon that is based not only on positive emotions of love but also on the ability of a couple to work towards the success of their relationship. Thus, many factors influence the positive outcomes of marriage and prevent individuals from experiencing disappointment or regret in...
Topic: Marriage
Words: 551
Pages: 2
The number of hobbies in which one can become engaged is countless. Starting with the simplest pastimes and ending with extremely complicated ones, any person has ample opportunities to choose from and spend their free time with pleasure. Building models, including cars, trains, and boats, has become not only an...
Topic: Family, Life & Experiences
Words: 281
Pages: 1
Comparison of Gender Stratification Theories The structural-functionalist approach is based on the foundation of the family as the most essential unit in society (Lindsey, 2016). In the family, everyone is assigned different roles to ensure the smooth running of the home. Most functionalists adopt a traditionalist view of the family...
Topic: Family
Words: 568
Pages: 2
Introduction Venturing outside one’s comfort zone is an important skill to have in the modern world. One of the most discomforting situations in American society is, apparently, the pluralism of opinions. Instead of facing one another in an honest and polite debate, a considerable number of people prefer staying in...
Topic: Family, Life & Experiences
Words: 641
Pages: 2
Reaction to the Scenario and Feelings Working in a team people should respect and appreciate the time and efforts of other team members. Effective and successful work of the team involves good leadership and the ability to direct the attention of the group towards questions and tasks that should be...
Topic: Health
Words: 621
Pages: 2
Abraham Maslow’s Theory Definition of Happiness I would define happiness as the ability to do the things that I am most interested in. This definition of happiness is closely associated with the idea of goals and aspirations, since reaching them is what will make me content. In addition, to be...
Topic: Happiness
Words: 1136
Pages: 4
Abraham Maslow’s Motivational Theory The Definition of Happiness (Self-Actualization Level) My interpretation of happiness as self-actualization is concerned with reaching my full potential and succeeding in creative activities and sports, work, and personal life. These issues are the most important in my present life, and I would like to work...
Topic: Family, Life & Experiences
Words: 1121
Pages: 4
Healthy Relationships in the Workplace As a former employee of Mount Sinai Hospital in New York, I am aware of a bad relationship between its nurses and laboratory personnel. Particularly, I remember an incident where the Hospital Laboratory manager and the assistant nursing manager openly disagreed about the use of...
Topic: Health
Words: 851
Pages: 3
This paper is a reflection of two incidences in my professional career when I felt fulfilled and unfulfilled. The goal of the overall assessment is to understand the power of intrinsic motivation on human work experiences. Through this introspective exercise, it is possible to understand what motivates workers to perform...
Topic: Motivation
Words: 1106
Pages: 4
Introduction My position as a hospice admission nurse has equipped me with adequate data management skills. Some of the activities undertaken include identification of target populations, data collection, coordination, and analysis. This discussion gives a personal reflection of my experience with various aspects of data management. Personal Reflection I have...
Topic: Nursing
Words: 585
Pages: 2
Executive Summary The course provided an extensive body of information on managerial and leadership issues that may help every practitioner improve his or her performance and enhance team collaboration. The content that helped me improve my understanding of managing people is related to psychological aspects of employee motivation, as well...
Topic: Family, Life & Experiences
Words: 1176
Pages: 4
The greatest challenges with time management I think that my biggest time management problem is my short attention span. Differently put, I tend to get distracted very easily. Also, I am surrounded by a multitude of potential distractions at any given time. Such distractions can be represented by other people,...
Topic: Time Management
Words: 229
Pages: 1
There are four parenting styles, including authoritative, permissive, neglectful, and authoritarian. The authoritarian parents are sure that the feelings of their child do not matter as these are trifles, which they should not pay attention to. As a rule, they show a child that negative emotions are experienced only by...
Topic: Autocracy
Words: 279
Pages: 1
Introduction Parents play a huge role in shaping children’s capacity to handle difficulties or meet their daily mental and physical demands. Hence, the approach deployed to raise children determines their psychological well-being and, consequently, their day-to-day activities. Parenting style may be defined as a collection of strategies and ways of...
Topic: Authoritarianism
Words: 619
Pages: 2
Introduction Self-development for improving leadership skills is an indispensable condition for any ambitious employee. It is not enough just to want to achieve high results; it is important to train and learn new techniques that will help to adapt to a competitive environment and, at the same time, become a...
Topic: Goals
Words: 680
Pages: 2
Introduction Culture has a way of infiltrating into families and societies and forming bonds of engagement. They become the norms that are acceptable. The beliefs, customs, and ways of life of particular individuals or groups of families help to identify such units as being family, race, or ethnicity. The study...
Topic: Culture
Words: 849
Pages: 3
Topic Endorsement Research Topic The proposed research topic is single African American females’ experience of being mothers to their adolescent sons, including their experiences of interacting with them (Elliott, Powell, & Brenton, 2015). The experience of the mother’s relationship with their sons, including how these mothers experienced the development of...
Topic: Relationship
Words: 6875
Pages: 25
Introduction As it can be seen from the survey, my personal media usage altered with the course of time. It mainly happened because of the enormous development in the technological sphere, the influence of media, and individual changes. Even in 2005, I spent the majority of my free time watching...
Topic: Family, Life & Experiences
Words: 1102
Pages: 4
Introduction A certain group of people demonstrates similar but uniquely distinct learning styles. This report characterizes the learning styles of the writer who is a Bachelors Degree student under the subject of Business communication. The report explores learning style for purposes used of evaluating the effectiveness of its lack in...
Topic: Leadership
Words: 1718
Pages: 6
Introduction Responsibility is a diverse term that has several definitions. It may refer to the acquisition of personal qualities and values that make people aware of their duties and expectations and thus go on to accomplish them and deal with the consequences of their decisions and actions. Responsible people realize...
Topic: Family, Life & Experiences
Words: 549
Pages: 2
Introduction As part of my psychology class, I was required to select a current event in the news, media, or on the APA website. Thereafter, I was to integrate what I had learned in class and tap into my reactions to the event. In my assignment, I selected an event...
Topic: Psychology
Words: 1919
Pages: 7
Introduction Working in the setting of any organization means being exposed to the threat of making a mistake based on the human factor (Mitroff & Denton, 2013). Whenever several people of different tempers and visions work together, they are bound to make communication mistakes sooner or later. As a result,...
Topic: Family, Life & Experiences
Words: 558
Pages: 2
Common Health Traditions Based on Cultural Heritage The assessment of heritage characteristics of three families revealed some common traits and also differences. It seems appropriate to analyze each family in detail. The Latin family consists of the mother from Cuba, the father from Mexico, and their son. This nuclear family...
Topic: Family
Words: 1112
Pages: 4
The role of marriage Marriage and poverty are sensitive issues especially when matters about a family’s well-being remain a priority. Marriage is the unification of a man and a female; furthermore, it should be legal. Conversely, poverty is a state when one lives under unfavorable conditions due to a shortage...
Topic: Marriage
Words: 1737
Pages: 6
Family This is an institution that has been created through an agreement in marriage. It has been accorded the right to privacy by the law. Privacy enables the family members and heads to make the right and best decisions for the sake of the whole unit (Dolan, 180). Family-related decisions...
Topic: Family
Words: 1159
Pages: 4
Introduction Sometimes in life, one event can happen that changes a series of several others, tearing down the foundation we have built for several years, leaving nothing but ruins. It is somewhat unfair that just one particular event adversely affects one’s entire life and destiny. When all that once brought...
Topic: Family, Life & Experiences
Words: 765
Pages: 3
Today, there are numerous misconceptions about stress. Most people perceive stress as negative emotional state whereas some consider it to be something that happens to us when we are anxious. However, the real meaning of stress is that it is a response to a situation. Stress is biological in nature...
Topic: Home
Words: 820
Pages: 3
Happiness has always been one of the central conceptions that impacted peoples lives, their motifs, actions, and desires. However, the meaning of this idea has always been different depending on peculiarities of the epoch, dominant values, and peoples perspectives on their achievements and goals. The complexity of this phenomenon is...
Topic: Happiness
Words: 569
Pages: 2
Freelancing is a dream for many people – at least they say so. A flexible schedule and the opportunity to select their projects all sound really alluring. Complaining about rigid procedures and hierarchies at their companies, workers often contend that their abilities go unnoticed or underestimated. Their office has become...
Topic: Home
Words: 919
Pages: 2
Young people who have reached marriage age today are involved in cohabitation relationships, especially people who want steady partners. Cohabitation offers various advantages to the couple as they get real-life learning experience on how to love, and they also adjust to each other on equal terms. The partners get the...
Topic: Relationship
Words: 498
Pages: 1
Professions and occupations are very important to the way contemporary people define themselves. Work has been nearly synonymous with identity for many centuries in the West. At times, it has been more deterministic. In the Medieval period, it was very difficult to move out of one occupational class into another....
Topic: Home
Words: 1391
Pages: 5
When going home after an exhausting day at the office, pessimism can threaten to overwhelm us. We ask ourselves, why do I need to sit staring at my computer at work all day when I have one at home? Could I not be at home doing the same thing remotely,...
Topic: Home
Words: 900
Pages: 2
Parenting is a very complex activity. Therefore, parents tend to apply styles that best suit their goals. The child-rearing style applied to a child has an impact on the child’s growth and development. The style employed by the parent(s) can predict the future character of the child. Authoritarian Style Such...
Topic: Parenting
Words: 650
Pages: 2
Background of the Study Parenting adolescents is a challenging task in the modern American society. The problem is compounded when one is forced to raise such teenagers as a single mother. According to Elliott, Powell, and Brenton (2015), recent statistics showed that about half of African American children are raised...
Topic: African American
Words: 4319
Pages: 16
The increasing number of Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender (LGBT) couples has led to a controversial debate over their parenthood. While some states in the United States and other countries in the world permit same sex parenthood, others do not have laws that permit such systems of parenting. The debate...
Topic: Parenting
Words: 3145
Pages: 12
Introduction The topic of the same-sex marriage has attracted heated debate over the years in the US. The protagonists and antagonists of this marriage institution have always clashed over moral standards of the society. In defining homosexual marriage, anthropologists formulate valid cross-cultural variations of modern and traditional forms. Same-sex marriage,...
Topic: Marriage
Words: 1379
Pages: 6
Social and Emotional Development Numerous observations of children show that major developmental changes mostly occur during early childhood. It may be perceived by the parents in the form of imitation and observation. The research shows that children tend to interact less and simply mimic each other. The key developmental characteristic...
Topic: Parenting
Words: 1163
Pages: 5
Emotions play a central role in human cognitive processes. Although the psychological and cognitive aspects of human reality are closely interrelated with the emotional one and emotions largely affect the outcome of behavior, a person may find it difficult to explain what an emotion is. Throughout time, the complex nature...
Topic: Family, Life & Experiences
Words: 1628
Pages: 6
To establish a foundation for discussion, it is critical to explain the psychological profiles of anger and guilt with the help of examples. The development of anger is driven by a violation of autonomy norms (Doris, 2010). This means that anger is a reaction by an individual to injustice or...
Topic: Family, Life & Experiences
Words: 287
Pages: 2
Introduction The previous chapter provided a detailed review of literature to help explore what other scholars have found in relation to this topic. In this chapter, the focus was to provide a detailed discussion of the methods and strategies used to collect and analyze primary data. Robinson and Werblow (2013)...
Topic: Family, Life & Experiences
Words: 5244
Pages: 20
In this essay, I will discuss the changes occurred with my friend whom I have known for over three years. Although we live in the same city, we rarely meet, but often talk on the phone. She runs a small business that provides printing products for various organizations. My friend...
Topic: Family, Life & Experiences
Words: 330
Pages: 2
1. Family composition This nuclear family consists of two parents and their two children (Mukherjee, Chaudhuri, & De, 2016). The father is 46 years old, and the mother is 44. Their two girls are 15 and 17 years old. They all are European Americans. 2. Roles of each family member...
Topic: Family
Words: 930
Pages: 4
Introduction Background of the Problem Parenting adolescents is a challenging task in modern American society. The problem is compounded when one is forced to raise such teenagers as a single mother. According to Elliott, Powell, and Brenton (2015), recent statistics show that about half of the African American children are...
Topic: Parenting
Words: 11590
Pages: 43
Introduction The parenting methods differ across cultures. The traditions in the children’s upbringing seem to be vanished by the process of globalization, which facilitates cross-cultural communication and the dissemination of different information. The book Battle Hymn of the Tiger Mother is a bestseller by Amy Chua, a Yale professor and...
Topic: Family, Life & Experiences
Words: 599
Pages: 3
People decide to enter into intimate relationships with to fulfill self-interests. However, an individual might face problems in keeping the relationship alive since it has never been an easy task. Human beings rarely compromise on their interests yet marriage calls on each person to accept challenges and to adjust according...
Topic: Relationship
Words: 1192
Pages: 5
The impact of divorce or separation on child-rearing styles can be different, depending on various factors such as sex, age, education level, relationships with the child, and social background. For example, more highly educated fathers who are divorced are more likely to have an authoritative parenting style (Bastaits, Ponnet, Van...
Topic: Divorce
Words: 574
Pages: 3
What Relationship Stages do Lloyd and Diane Experience? To answer the posed question, it is crucial to state that Lloyd and Diane are in a romantic relationship. Caroll (2014) explains that there are five main stages of any romantic relationship. The five stages are initial meeting or attraction, curiosity, interest,...
Topic: Cinema
Words: 843
Pages: 4
Abstract The current paper dwells on the problems that may arise throughout the process of divorce. The researcher also discusses the consequences of divorce and compares the outcomes for boys and girls. The notion of divorce is aligned against certain contextual factors and delinquent behaviour. The researcher also conducted a...
Topic: Divorce
Words: 3356
Pages: 13
Introduction Social interaction in the contemporary world has changed over the years. Therefore, the way people date has also changed significantly. It is notable that women are presently more empowered than they were almost one century ago. There have extensive gender equality programs, which are aimed at raising the profile...
Topic: Relationship
Words: 823
Pages: 3
Description of Topic and Research Questions Topic Description The topic I would like to research is the life-work balance. In the modern world, this issue is becoming more and more actual. People spend a lot of time commuting to work. Sometimes, they work long hours or have an unsociable work...
Topic: Work-Life Balance
Words: 899
Pages: 4
Introduction Family is one of the fundamental institutions that regulate the functioning the society and precondition its further development. For this reason, marriage as one of the forms of creating families has always been given much attention by people. Since the first stages of the evolution of communities, different forms...
Topic: Marriage
Words: 1398
Pages: 6
Summary Law of Desire: Temporary Marriage in Shi’i Iran by Shahla Haeri (first published in October 1988) is a scholarly account related to the practice of temporary marriage within the community of Shi’ite Muslims. The author aimed to explain how “contractual” or temporary marriage provided the Muslim community with an...
Topic: Marriage
Words: 1375
Pages: 5
Introduction Same sex marriages and relationships have become common in modern societies due to the expansive democratic space offered by constitutions (Sullivan 2011). People misinterpret constitutions to behave in ways that make them happy even if this violates the moral and religious teachings of the society. The move to establish...
Topic: Marriage
Words: 1160
Pages: 5
Topic Endorsement Research Topic The topic to be researched in the proposed study is the relationships between single African American mothers and their adolescent sons. More specifically, the manner in which single African American mothers perceive their adolescent sons, interact with them, or feel the responsibility for raising them and...
Topic: Family, Life & Experiences
Words: 4172
Pages: 16
Introduction Modern Western society is characterized by a great deal of gender equality. Moreover, people tend to refer to such countries as Canada, the USA, European countries as egalitarian societies. It is natural to see women working in various areas and even occupy high posts in the sphere of politics,...
Topic: Gender
Words: 826
Pages: 4
Responsibility is an important feeling one may have. As a future nurse, I feel responsible not only for my relatives and friends but also for the outcomes of my future patients. In this paper, after defining the notion of responsibility, I explain who I feel responsible for, and why. A...
Topic: Family, Life & Experiences
Words: 393
Pages: 2
Mining Reference Lists for Sources The study by Boeldt et al. (2012) was referenced in Barnett and Scaramella (2013). Boeldt et al. (2012) investigated the association between positive parenting and externalizing behaviors of children. It is usually hypothesized that positive parenting practices are capable of averting adverse behaviors in offspring...
Topic: Parenting
Words: 1231
Pages: 5
Having read your article, Want to be Happier? Hire a Housekeeper, Researchers Suggest, which promotes the idea that spending money to get rid of annoying activities makes people much happier than buying material things, I felt perplexed. On the one hand, the message and the tone of this article seem...
Topic: Happiness
Words: 347
Pages: 2
Introduction The increased number of responsibilities peculiar to modern society along with the necessity to earn money resulted in a significant shift of priorities from traditional values like family and personal life to work and career. In this regard, the issue of the life-work balance becomes extremely topical nowadays. Numerous...
Topic: Intelligence
Words: 2280
Pages: 9
Personal preferences, values, and attitudes are largely conditioned by the social and cultural environment in which people live. This idea embedded in a number of social psychology theories can be applied to the sphere of human relationships as well. It is valid to assume that the manner and outcomes of...
Topic: Culture
Words: 637
Pages: 3
Abstract The present paper focuses on open adoption as a widely debated social practice, discusses the positive and negative issues connected with open adoption, reflects upon the data and findings of current research on open adoption, and shows that the perspectives of open adoption are attractive and vital to society...
Topic: Parenting
Words: 2706
Pages: 10
Abstract This paper focuses on the level of happiness in terms of regional disparities and measurement. Happiness has become a critical concern in the contemporary world due to increased psychological and physiological disorders. As such, the paper develops a survey design to collect data on the statutory differences in happiness,...
Topic: Happiness
Words: 1228
Pages: 5
Introduction There has been a heated debate regarding the legalization of same-sex marriage for over a decade now. While the idea still seems novel to many American citizens, there seems to be a general trend of acceptance of same-sex couples, similar to how the US society has come to embrace...
Topic: Marriage
Words: 583
Pages: 3
I would like to clarify my view on the criticizing of “expensive toys”. I do not think that we should confine ourselves to spartan conditions and reject all of the modern conveniences and amusements. Still, I strongly believe that reducing the number of unnecessary purchases can definitely make the world...
Topic: Environment
Words: 605
Pages: 3
Introduction Love is typically viewed as one of the most complex emotions, which, to some extent, is correct since, unlike other emotional responses like happiness or sadness, love cannot be produced intentionally (Sinclair, Fehr, Wang, & Regehr, 2016). The intricate nature of the phenomenon, nonetheless, allows classifying the subject matter...
Topic: Family, Life & Experiences
Words: 567
Pages: 3
The concept of interpersonal relations is complex indeed: people have to consider the importance of social, cultural, family, and other influences and make the solutions that correspond to their understanding of life. It is not an easy task to develop strong relations and be confident in their correctness. People have...
Topic: Relationship
Words: 602
Pages: 3
Introduction Family, one of the basic components of society’s social structure, has undergone change over the ages. The family unit remains the same, but how we view, a family unit has altered the definition of traditional families as it is difficult to incorporate gay and same-sex couples in that definition....
Topic: Family, Life & Experiences
Words: 2246
Pages: 9
Introduction Topic Description The study aims to analyze the features of the life-work balance. The central question of the research relates to why people cannot competently calculate their time to pay equal attention to work responsibilities and personal life. Also, the article considers the ways that may help to find...
Topic: Time Management
Words: 845
Pages: 4
Introduction With age, people develop various diseases and become less active. However, nowadays, more and more families decide to have children later in life. The main goals of this paper are to discuss senescence and its effects and reasoning for having children at a more mature age. Senescence Aging is...
Topic: Family, Life & Experiences
Words: 673
Pages: 3
Introduction Family structure, relationships inside it and factors of influence tend to change over time. In the context of social family studies, the approach of symbolic interactionism deserved its privileged place due to a number of factors. First of all, it has a wide capacity for the theoretical thinking; its...
Topic: Family
Words: 587
Pages: 3
Parenting is a form of bringing up a child. Different parents use different styles to raise their children. These parenting styles have positive and negative impacts on the young infants and the adolescents. The following are two different parenting styles; Authoritarian parenting and Permissive parenting. Authoritarian parenting This is whereby...
Topic: Parenting
Words: 589
Pages: 3
Introduction People have tried to define happiness and identify factors that influence it for centuries. There are many ideas on this matter but there is no simple answer to the question. Of course, it is difficult to understand what happiness is and it is even more difficult to become a...
Topic: Biology
Words: 501
Pages: 2
Introduction It is a generally recognized fact that the future of each child is affected by the relations with their parents, but why? Regardless of being developed more than five decades ago, attachment theory is still relevant today because it is one of the best ways to explain both short-...
Topic: Parenting
Words: 360
Pages: 2
This case was referred to Family Centered Services (FSC), FSC was asked to assist the mother in understanding the importance of setting boundaries and discipline her children. This case was assigned to this Student Intern for non-emergency services. The referral stated, “Client mother has a history of depression and is...
Topic: Family
Words: 1129
Pages: 5
Introduction Taking care of a puppy can be hectic. This is more so when one is clueless on how to raise one. Puppies are often weaned at eight to ten weeks, thus it is preferable to buy or adopt a puppy once it is weaned. When considering acquiring a puppy...
Topic: Family, Life & Experiences
Words: 551
Pages: 3
According to Encarta (2007), “parenting is the experiences, skills, qualities, and responsibilities involved in being a parent, teaching and taking care of a child up to adulthood.” Parenting involves using skills, experiences, and qualities that are necessary for bringing up children. Therefore, parents are leaders in the family which require...
Topic: Parenting
Words: 1682
Pages: 7
Duties that a child has to his or her parents are unique. When it comes to parents, an individual is expected to do things that he or she will not do (or at least does not have to do) for other people. As the proof, if a rich person has...
Topic: Parenting
Words: 1467
Pages: 6
Summary The article written by Virtinia Rutter (2014) is aimed at examining the sexual life of married couples. The author challenges the popular assumption according to which married people have less sex than non-married ones. Furthermore, the writer focuses on the factors that affect the sexual relations between individuals after...
Topic: Family, Life & Experiences
Words: 576
Pages: 3
Purpose of the research In the research paper, Same-Sex Marriage in Canada, Makarenko (2007) focused on the analysis of historical and legal processes that culminated in the legalization of same-sex marriages in the country. The author’s objectives were to illustrate and evaluate some important court cases that revolutionized the definitions...
Topic: Marriage
Words: 895
Pages: 4
Introduction This paper is based on the topic parenting. It seeks to explore the controversy surrounding the contemporary family institution with a special bias on single parenting. The paper borrows largely from an article authored by the vision organization and titled “The single parent controversy: Does family research stigmatize single...
Topic: Family
Words: 589
Pages: 3
The Social Construct of Marriage: Essay Introduction The modern world considers marriage as a social construct. Generally, it is agreed that marriage has a natural purpose. The culture and the conventions of a country have a very prominent role in marriage. It is difficult for one to reach the assumption...
Topic: Marriage
Words: 1479
Pages: 6
Gay marriage is a topical issue caused by different perceptions and understanding of human nature and interpersonal relations. The approaches towards gay marriage are liberal and conservative. Liberals and progressives suppose that the State should accept and permits gay marriage because of equal rights and freedoms granted to all individuals....
Topic: LGBTQ
Words: 624
Pages: 3
There was a very long period of time in the history of human relationships when marriage was the preferred method of indicating a permanent coupling between a man and a woman. Since marriage had a huge historical significance in society, pairs who chose to live together or cohabit were shunned...
Topic: Marriage
Words: 904
Pages: 4
Introduction Football has all the rights to be called the most compelling and engaging kind of sport ever, with its numerous challenges, the approaches that allow winning even facing the strongest rivals, and the inspiring teamwork. However, football matches are not only about the issue of teamwork but also about...
Topic: Football
Words: 1600
Pages: 6