Language and Sexuality: Hate Speech

Introduction Sexuality can be seen as a form of identity of an individual based on either biological makeup or due to one’s orientation. Sexual orientation refers to an individual’s sense of personal and social identity based on those attractions, behaviors expressing them, and membership in a community of others who...

Role of the Mother in the Child’s Life

The famous American humorist and author, David Barry, once said, “If a woman has to choose between catching a fly ball and saving an infant’s life, she will choose to save the infant’s life without even considering if there are men on base.” This directly points to the maternal instincts...

Caregiver-Mediated Practice as a Nursing Issue

Practice Issue What is the nursing practice issue you have identified related to the topic you have chosen? The issue is associated with the effectiveness of caregiver-mediated practice for improving patient outcomes. Fully describe the scope of the practice issue The scope of the practice issue is concerned with caregivers’...

Google and Social Networks

This study discusses the relationship between Google and other Social networks give a brief introduction to Google besides an illustration about social networking and how it differs from online social networking. The advantages of using online social networking are one of the main points discussed in the session. This study...

Detailed Summary on the Latest Tendencies in Aviation

Introduction Modern society is constantly changing. The issues of present-day business and economics require immediate examining and exploration. There is the necessity to provide the objective outline and analysis of the most significant questions that reflect the main tendencies of the development of definite industries as branches of economics. Aviation...

The Interdependence Between Victimization and Media

Law Making Process On November 3, 2009, Mr. Doug was accused of sexually abusing his children; the father of three children did not reject his fault and confessed to everything expressing his remorse. As a result of his conviction, the law sentenced the man to community corrections. The decision of...

Impact of Nurse Staffing on Patient Outcomes

Problem statement The aim of the study was to examine the relationship between nurse staffing and the observed patient outcomes in hospital settings, paying special attention to acute care, nurse staffing policies and strategies (Penoyer, 2010). In particular, the researcher notes that the relationship between low nurse-patient ratios and desired...

“The Underdogs: A Novel of the Mexican Revolution” by Azuela

The primary objective that led to the emergence of the Mexican Revolution was mainly the attempt to displace or deal away with the Díaz dictatorship. However, the political movement further expanded and ventured into a tremendous economic and social disruption, which predicted the fundamental character of Mexico’s 20th-century experience. The...

The Problem of Evil and Reasoning Against God

Introduction The debate on the existence of God remains a perpetual one. Philosophy, philosophy of religion, and theology continue to provide arguments both in favor of the Divine existence and the impossibility of such presence. These assertations often vary in nature and address either the metaphysical, historical, or moral improbability...

Effects of French Revolution on European Peasantry

French revolution (1789) is one of the greatest events not only in the history of France and Europe but also in the history of the world at large. It gave humanity the message of freedom, equality, and social justice and paved new roads leading towards the protection of human rights...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Immigrant Child’s Acculturation and Academic Success

Immigrant families meet a number of challenges when moving to the USA, including a language barrier, the lack of a job, social insecurity, and others. While adults struggle to overcome these obstacles on the way to acclimatizing to a new environment, children face their own struggles. Specifically, many school-age immigrants...

Analysis of “The Hollow Men”

The Hollow Men is a soliloquy by one of the hollow men, representing a modern generation of rootless, faithless, lonely, and aimless wanderers. The hollow men are bewailing their lot in the modern Waste Land. They are in Death’s dream kingdom from which they cannot cross to Death’s other kingdom...

XYZ Organization Quality System

Quality System establishment for a Manufacturing Organization Quality refers to the delivery of projects and products that meet the expectations of all the stakeholders. A project that may meet all the specifications of the client, but may overrun the project or batch schedule hence can not be terminated as a...

Cliques and Classification of Students

There are different ways of classifying students nowadays. Peers are often blamed for delinquency and substance abuse, but in reality the single most consistent characteristic of delinquents is lack of support and socialization. It is known that peer group may be the setting in which preexisting antisocial behavior due to...

Globalization and Cultural Difference of Societies

Introduction Two authoritative scenarios control the public conversation about the civilizing consequences of globalization. The one very general scenario symbolizes globalization as cultural homogenization. In this situation the culturally different societies of the planet are being swarming by globally obtainable goods, media, ideas and organizations. In a world where people...

The African American Art Expression

Introduction It is well-known that contemporary literature and art contain works of authors of different skin colors and origins. However, in 1926 the issue of diversity of art creators was put a little rough due to the emergence of the Harlem Renaissance. We’ve only been living in these ghettos for...

The “Falling Tree” Dilemma

Thesis The sound of a falling tree in an empty forest does not exist. Introduction Background Information Philosophy gives humanity many questions and puzzles to ponder about existence, nature, knowledge, perception, and reason. Regardless of what problems it poses, there always can be an answer or “truth of the matter”...

Covid-19 Virus Transmission Ways

The emergence of the Coronavirus pandemic has brought numerous effects to individuals globally, with many individuals being forced to readjust to the new norms. At the onset of the disease, there were many uncertainties regarding its origin, nature of transmission and spread, the effects, and other of its general morphological...

European Slave Trade in Historical Documents

Introduction Slavery and the slave trade are some of the most inhumane practices the world has ever witnessed. The European Slave Trade was one of the three stages involved in the triangular transaction, otherwise known as the Trans-Atlantic trade (Prince 11). In the Trans-Atlantic trade, Europeans shipped arms, textiles, and...

Discussion: Freedom and Security

Introduction Individuals in American society feel that the government secures them without infringing on their freedoms. The government is seen as a safe harbor where citizens feel comfortable under its leadership and protection. However, the government cannot respond to threats and defend the subjects of its control without regard to...

The Use of Electronic Cigarettes Among College Students

The purpose of the study was to discover what substances students consume apart from nicotine and determine the potential danger of this activity by identifying the use of electronic cigarettes to smoke non-nicotine-based substances by college students. The research question in the study was: what is “the prevalence of e-cigarette...

The Features of Marfan’s Syndrome

Introduction Marfan syndrome is an inherited connective tissue disease characterized by pathological changes in the heart, blood vessels, musculoskeletal system, and eyes (von Kodolitsch et al., 2019). Often, the external symptoms of Marfan’s syndrome appear in the first days after the birth of a child and only intensify in the...

Twitter Role in Interactive Lessons Creation

Social network has allowed an individual to have access to the world and interactions can be made easier through chatting and messaging. There are many social networks in the world today but in this particular context we are majoring on “twitter” and how it has helped to create interactive lessons...

Importance of Corporate Responsibility and Ethics

Introduction Corporate social responsibility (CSR) allows the society or its participants to account financially when there is a certain involvement of the monetary values or assets of organization. Financial accountancy provides us with many dimensions to identify and communicate issues of public interest to both internal and external stakeholders. This...

Revolutionary Characters: John Adams and Thomas Jefferson

Gordon S. Wood, an Alva O. Way University Professor as well as a Professor of History at Brown University, is the receiver of the 1993 Pulitzer Prize for History for The Radicalism of the American Revolution. He also became the recipient of the Bancroft Prize for the book titled The...

Thailand’s Upsurge and Governance

Introduction There has been a recent upsurge in demonstrations all over Thailand by protesters. We have to first check the root cause of the problem before identifying the solutions that are available to the people of Thailand. Thailand is the only nation that was never colonized by any of the...

An Experiment in DNA Cloning and Sequencing

Introduction DNA cloning and sequencing is one of the most essential techniques in molecular biology. This involves the insertion of a fragment of DNA into a vector, for example, a plasmid in order to create a new recombinant molecule (Stark, 1987). The green fluorescent protein (GFP) is a protein that...

Customer Loyalty Within the Insurance Industry

Background In the 21st century, competition is becoming a challenge within the business environment due to an increment in the rate of globalization. This is affecting operation of firms in different economic sectors. The insurance industry has not been shielded from this challenge. A large number of investors are venturing...

Events in The Aztec Account of the Conquest of Mexico

The Aztec Account of the Conquest of Mexico is a primary narrative source. The source constitutes clear events account as they happened. It details how the Aztecs view and receive the Spaniards, including the encompassing speeches and activities. The Aztecs had spent many generations preparing for Cortés’ arrival, thinking he...

Exploring an Ethical Incident in Nursing

Introduction Work in the health care sector is inseparably connected with interaction with patients, which means that conflict situations increase significantly. Different worldviews, national-ethnic and cultural differences, and specific human behavior often become initiators of practical communication problems. This is especially true in the context of working as an emergency...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Jamaican Music’s Evolution and Forms

Introduction When one talks about Jamaican music, the first music genre that comes to mind is reggae music by Bob Marley. However, the history of Jamaican music spans beyond the music legend. The history of Jamaican music is based on drumbeat with a bit of European influence. Today Jamaican Music...

Oncology Nursing Practice Change Simulation

Introduction: Goal and Objectives of the Study Strategic plans for change always have a defined course of action that must be followed to achieve the goal quickly and successfully. In the case of oncology nursing practice, the problem of inadequate skills can become critical in the delivery of care and...

The Role of Colors in the Superman Comics

Comics rely heavily on such a visual element as color. This is due to the fact that this aspect helps to fulfill many different tasks that the author faces when creating a work. So, the color helps to convey the characters’ mood and the narrative’s general atmosphere. Thus, this response...

A Person I Would Like to Be: Helen Keller

Introduction My daughter Andrea was born with brown eyes and soft brown hair and from the first moment I saw her “beautiful” was the only word that came to mind to describe the light of my life. The way she curled her small hand around my finger when she was...

Trust and Its Influence on Economic Development

Population In order to explain the relationship between trust and economic equality, the understanding of four factors is unnecessary, which include the social ties or social systems, assumptions on social relations, disagreements over social resources, and the opportunity cost of time. Studies confirm that inequality is a determinant of trust...

Interaction of Legality and Morals in Business

Introduction What is the correlation between legal regulatory norms and the norms of morals? Under the term legal regulatory norms, it is understood as the obligatory, and formally defined rule of behavior established or authorized and protected by the state. Morals – a major social institution is one of the...

Welfare Economics and Health Economics

Introduction Health economists work in a mixture of areas. A great deal of work is of a descriptive nature investigating issues concerning the environment of health care systems as well as wellbeing more generally. Normative health economics is paying attention to the economic assessment of interventions, mostly medical or organizational,...

A God-Sized Vision by Collin Hansen and John Woodbridge

Concepts and Insights from the Text The book under review is A God-Sized Vision by Collin Hansen and John Woodbridge. This book is a thoughtful and rather interesting work that provides a series of new insights for me as a believer and a practitioner of religion. First of all, discussing...

Othello Versus Shakuntala: Ultimate Lessons

The importance of love and affection in literature is permanently reinforced by secondary ideas that emphasize the eternal influence of higher feelings on the human race. The idea of pure love has been investigated by many authors, and Shakespeare’s Othello and Kalidasa’s Shakuntala may be considered rather similar in terms...

The Aspects of Arterial Stiffness

Introduction Study purpose The study’s purpose is to assess the results of blood pressure measurement by different devices and the relation of these findings to arterial stiffness. The study purpose stated in the article is to analyze the differences between oscillometric blood pressure devices and a sphygmomanometer about the healthiness...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Regulatory Risk and Business Tort

The business world today is well regulated and structured in its functions, duties and responsibilities to to various laws and governmental regulations. Still the debate on whether there should be more regulations or not is very active since the beginning of the last year’s financial crisis and credit crunch. Different...

Computational Engineering for Automobile Applications

Introduction Processes involving mixing have been associated with chemical-manufacture processes often and have been known to be very instrumental to successes recorded in operating combustion-driven systems. Presently, several computational-fluid-dynamics (CFDs) who are engaged with processing chemicals in industries have to be capable of adopting the usage of simulations for validating...

Timor-Leste: Effects of Tourism on the Economic Growth

Conceptual/Theoretical Model In most countries, particularly in developing nations, tourism is one of the significant sources of revenue and the main contributor to economic growth. Tourism also plays a vital role in promoting economic growth by contributing to the gross domestic product (GDP) (Shih and Do 2016, 371-372). East Timor...

Gender Differences in the Treatment and Outcomes of Patients With ACSs

Kunadian, V., Qiu, W., Bawamia, B., Veerasamy, M., Jamieson, S., & Zaman, A. (2013). Gender comparisons in cardiogenic shock during ST elevation myocardial infarction treated with primary percutaneous coronary intervention. The American Journal of Cardiology, 112(5), 636-641. The research compares the gender intervention toward the hospitalized patients with acute myocardial...

Jerome Miller’s Reforms

The name of Jerome Miller is now being strongly associated with the reform within Massachusetts’ juvenile judiciary system, which had taken place while Miller acted as the President of the National Centre on Institutions and Alternatives. The actual essence of this reform is being defined in the article “Myths about...

McLeod Microfinance: Security Strategy

The Business Environment, Identification of Risks and Reasoning Behind Their Classification as Risks Microfinance institutions deal with physical cash, records of monetary valuation and records of insurance policies. These are high-risk activities that require the highest degrees of information technology security measures. McLeod Microfinance has procured the services of a...

Heroine’s Journey in “Queen of the South” Series

Teresa Mendoza Similar to the Hero’s Journey, the Heroine’s Journey helps to understand a female character’s emotions, thoughts, and behaviors at every stage of her identity’s development. Moreover, in a film or a series, this journey plays a highly essential role in the definition of its main message. Thus, a...

Why and How Multiculturalism Has Become Part of Canadian Identity

Introduction The Canadian government adopted multiculturalism during the 1980s because it was an ideology that emphasized the importance of immigration. Multiculturalism can result from a sociological fact, ideological outlook, and political policy. The ideological perspective describes multiculturalism as a coherent set of ideas affiliated with Canada’s celebrative cultural diversity. Multiculturalism...

Nurse Practitioners, Their Roles and Settings

Introduction In this paper, the role of nurse practitioners will be discussed. The problems in collaboration with physicians, limited autonomy, and the growing shortage of the medical staff are the current problems nurse practitioners have to face. Role The advanced nurse role selected for the research is the nurse practitioner...

Popular Research Paper Topics

History of the United Arab Emirates

Introduction The history of the area starts in the 7th century when Islam was converted, but the archeological research shows that the first human occupation can be referred to as the Neolithic period. A new formation, United Arab Emirates, comprising six emirates (Abu Dhabi, Umm al-Qaiwain, Sharjah, Fujairah, Dubai, and...

Prevention of Pressure Ulcers

PICOT Question Will you have a comparison group or will subjects be their own controls? As the project focuses on the prevention of pressure ulcers and not on their treatment, it would not be possible to use subjects as their own controls. Based on the evidence collected, using historical data...

Development of Voting Rights of Religious, Socioeconomic Groups, Gender, and Racial Minorities

Political development is a process that normally brings about the broadening of civil liberties so that each minority group receives an opportunity to participate in governance and have their opinion represented. Historically, the growth of political and legislative attention to minority groups was a gradual process, which involved a number...

Is Descartes Right About Doubting Our Senses?

Humans in their nature hypothesize and at the same time are skeptical of everything they believe. Every human belief has the predisposition of being doubted at some point in time. Even God, in all His wisdom has been doubted. Humans are a marvelous creation, but have many imperfections. If God...

Promotion and Implementation of Evidence-Based Medicine

Introduction Leading science in the wrong direction can be caused by different aspects. The fraud, as an important cause, can be an aspect, but omitting the bad intention factor, the science can be sometimes directed by ideas that are directly implemented into practice, driven by forces that have their roots...

“Body Outlaws” by Ophira Edut

People may lack self-confidence and have serious hardships with raising their self-esteem due to a large set of body parts they are not satisfied with, so weight turns out to be not the key issue at all when it comes to appearance and its distance from the ideal. The collection...

Application of Research in Social Sciences Reflection Paper

Introduction Social science is an interdisciplinary field of study that seeks to explore aspects of human society. The fundamental roles of research in this field of study are not particularly hard to discern given the analytical approach it takes in its attempt to explore the aspects of human society. An...

Biology Food Chain

The animal brain contributes immensely to the normal functioning of an individual. Any impairment with its normal actions lead to drop of the expected goals due to halt of conductions of nerve impulses involved in the management of the organism system. The body coordination in an organism are carried out...

Information Technology Liberty Mutual

Introduction Implementation of the electronic invoice system is generally closely associated with the matters of the reformation of the IT system and the matters of information security and comfort of the insurance customers. Liberty Mutual was initially trying to reform and improve the IT system originally, by implementing electronic invoices...

“Shoe Dog” by Phil Knight Book Review

Introduction Shoe Dog is a true story about the founder of Nike, Phil Knight, and his struggle to come up with a strong shoe brand. The title shoe dog is symbolic of the struggles involved in the shoe industry’s manufacturing and distribution aspects. Phil explains how his dream of building...

Different Life Expectancies in Canada

Life expectancy refers to the projected average period of living among people within a particular region. It is a multifaceted phenomenon that mainly depends on the ability to improve certain variables such as healthcare services and governance. Although a country’s life expectancy determines the growth index, it is a matter...

Chinese Cuisine as the Key to Hospitality

For many, Chinese cuisine remains a mystery, which is always very exciting to approach. Not only the food itself plays a role here, but also cooking methods, table etiquette, cutlery, and dishes. Chinese cuisine has a rich history and can be enjoyed by both meat eaters and non-meat eaters, vegetarians,...

Zappos: Company & Business Description

Zappos will seek to create value for its target market, such as young and adult fashion lovers with medium income levels in the U.S. and abroad, by offering a wide selection of clothing and home product categories online. The pride of place will be given to over twenty categories of...

Governing at the Grassroots

Democracy The fair and peaceful elections are the pledge of democracy. They are evidence of the high level of civilization, and they play a crucial role in the transfer of power in a peaceful manner. The voting right allows the citizens to elect their leaders and to determine the future...

Environmental Legislation in the US and India

What major event caused the Congress of the United States to enact a series of strong environmental legislation? During the 1960s-1970s, the new wave of the U.S. environmental movement contributed to enacting the series of strong environmental laws. The changes in the environmental legislation realized by the Congress of the...

Rhetoric in “Pop Can: Popular Culture in Canada”

Introduction To describe how the arguments (extracted from the book Pop Can: Popular Culture in Canada) appeal to aspects such as emotion, logic, and character; various scholarly ideas and notions on strategies for successful writing will be used. Moreover, various forms of reasoning will be relevantly used in furthering the...

Analysis of the novel “Fahrenheit 451”

Outline Introduction————————————-A brief introduction of this essay Plot Summary———————————-A brief discretion of the novel Fahrenheit 451 Author——————————————-History of the author Ray Bradbury Film adaptations or book comparisons—–Comparison between novel Fahrenheit 451 and film Fahrenheit 451 Criticism & Praise of the novel———– Critical review of the novel Conclusion ———————————- ending of...

The Oregon and the Massachusetts Health Care Plan

Health care systems, plans or schemes are arrangements premeditated to solve problems associated with the health care of targeted populations. Numerous structures of health care are found in existence worldwide. Different governments, charitable institutions, religious groups, trade unions worked intensively to develop a workable health plan in some countries, whereas...

McDonald’s Procurement Risk and Contract Management

A competitive advantage in the context of procurement by an organization such as McDonald’s refers to its ability to offer customers quality goods or products with more value relative to competitors. Overall, a competitive advantage is built over time and involves complex contributions from different departments in an organization. An...

Dining Etiquette for Restaurant Managers

Purpose of Dinner Etiquette The point of Dinner Etiquette rules is to make you feel comfortable – not uncomfortable. Table manners play an essential part in creating a favorable impression. They are visible signals of the state of our manners and therefore are critical for professional success. History of Dining...

Problems with Reading, Writing and Spelling: Dyslexia

Abstract Reading, writing, and spelling challenges characterize dyslexia. The condition can be detected and addressed at an early age using the appropriate teaching methods. Dyslexia arises as a result of genetic, environmental, and neurological factors. Tools like Nessy’s Dyslexia Quest screening instrument and Dyslexia+ Profiler can help to assess the...

AIDS, Tuberculosis, Hepatitis in Miami Community

Introduction The Healthy People.2020 initiative continues the tradition started by a similar program introduced on December 2, 2010. It features a 10-year agenda aimed at improving the state of the nation’s health on both local and countrywide levels. The main purposes of the program are to encourage collaboration across sectors...

Extra Credit Project for Student’s Total Score in Class

Introduction The purpose of the research study was to determine whether students who do the extra credit project learn more and do better in the course (as observed by their total score in class) in spite of their individual score on the extra credit project. The study was controlled for...

Gap Inc.’s Challenges and Management Strategies

Identification of the problem At this point, Gap Inc. faces various challenges that are related to the internal and external environment of this corporation; in particular, one should focus on the following factors: 1) the competition with other retailers; 2) the impacts of economic recession; 3) inefficiency of the supply...

Market Shifts for Writing Freelancers in 2010

Despite the global economic recession, there remains at least one market where finding a job is a lot easier than elsewhere – freelancing over the Internet. Truly, freelancing has been subtly coming to dominate many industries. More and more people prefer complete independence rather than the tortures of office life...

“M. Butterfly” a Play by David Henry Hwang

M. Butterfly is probably one of the most controversial still rather popular works by an American playwright, David Henry Hwang. This story consists of several captivating details and examples with the help of which it is possible to understand the essence of western and eastern women, define the benefits which...

American City: Dreams and Nightmares

Introduction It is not a secret, that urbanization is taking place as a process all over the world today and especially in America. It means that people tend to go to the large cities for a seemingly better fortune there. Despite this vastly developed tendency, some people of today are...

What Not to Wear: A Few Advices

Introduction What Not to Wear is a TV show currently airing on BBC Lifestyle, and hosted Lisa Butcher and Mica Paris. The show’s purpose is helping people solving wardrobe malfunctions. The format of the show consists of inviting a person, a woman most of the time, where usually a friend...

The Discussion of Gravitational Waves

This paper will discuss the video Gravitational Waves: A New Era of Astronomy Begins from the World Science Festival. This video tells about one of the most significant achievements in physics in the 21st century, the first direct detection of gravitational waves. The scientists, including those who made this discovery...

Modeling Weather Data of Australian Meteorology Bureau

This paper reports the results of modeling of weather and climate data obtained from the Australian’s Bureau of Meteorology. The goal is to predict whether it will rain tomorrow using a decision tree model and the meteorological variables for the last fourteen months. The data modeling is performed by the...

Saudi Arabia Bus Market Analysis

Introduction The present report aims at assessing Saudi Arabia’s bus industry based on the literature review. The report utilizes the traditional approaches to industry assessment, including the marketing mix (4Ps), SWOT, and PEST approaches. The report claims that, despite the pandemic, both internal and external environments are favorable for the...

Brand Perceptions Marketing: Harley Davidson, Naked Juice, and Tropicana Juice

Introduction This paper analyzes my perceptions of three brands – Harley Davidson, Naked Juice, and Tropicana Juice. While the paper contains individual analyses of each brand, it also highlights four issues in each segment – how each brand captures my attention, what captures my attention about the brand, my sensory...

Racial Profiling of African American Drivers

Have you ever wondered how to behave on the road while being an African American male? “Driving while black” is a concept that is widely used by journalists and bloggers to draw the audience’s attention to the problem of racial profiling (Epp, Maynard-Moody, & Haider-Markel, 2014; Legewie, 2016). Even though...

What Factors Led to the Indian Pakistan Conflict?

Introduction This conflict has resulted in three wars with the most recent arising in the year 1999. The conflict which involves the Indian government, Pakistani government, China, Kashmir separatists, Islamic extremists and militants is a complex combination of external and internal factors which cannot simply be explained by the use...

Land Use and Environmental Ethics

The development of environmental ethic as a possible solution of environmental problems Land use entails proper execution as well as adaptation of natural environment into finer fields, purposes of settlements and pastures. It can also be referred to as the arrangement of actions together with inputs that are undertaken by...

Anthem Company: Training Needs Assessment Plan

Abstract The paper provides a discussion of the purpose statement for Anthem Inc. that is related to a training needs assessment. The paper describes the insurance industry in the United States with the focus on the aspect of competition, the company’s mission and vision, and the specific organizational structure and...

“For You Mom, Finally” a Book by Ruth Reichl

Ruth Reichl felt a need to re-title her book from “Not Becoming My Mother” to “For You Mom, Finally” because she finally came to an understanding about who her mother really was and that she had actually grown into the independent and self-reliant woman that her mother had always wanted...

Breather Company Website’s Keyword Analysis

Keyword analysis refers to the process of analyzing the keywords used in research to understand the most relevant ones as well as determine which words are the most popular and have the most results. In business, keyword analysis represents a starting point of search marketing campaigns, which companies use to...

Health. Prevention of Pregnancy

The availability and application of safe and modern methods of contraception have allowed women to avoid or decrease the number of unplanned, teenage pregnancies. Birth spacing of a minimum of 2 years is recommended by doctors as a minimum gap that should be maintained to keep the mother healthy. Conception...

The Puente Project: A National Model for Student Success

Puente Project was introduced by Felix Galaviz and Patricia McGrath in 1981 when they found that there were a lot of disadvantaged students in America who did not even attend academic counseling. It was started in Chabot College where Galawiz and McGrath worked as Counselors and English professors. “In an...

Two Narrators in Heart of Darkness by Joseph Conrad

The novel Heart Of Darkness by Joseph Conrad is written in a very peculiar way: Conrad uses a framing structure which makes up a story in a story. The story is recounted by two narrators, which makes it sound more verisimilar and impressive. The novel opens up with the description...

The Role of Bureaucracy in the Policy-Making Process

Bureaucracy, or administration, systematically arranges the work of large groups of people and manages the implementation of programs and policies. The role of bureaucracy is thus set in the areas of organization and realization. Often administrative bodies are viewed as inefficient because of constant growth—and a difficulty in controlling it,...

“Dibs in Search of Self” by Virginia Axline

This book by Virginia Axline is a story of how play therapy helped improve the condition of an emotionally disturbed five year old boy. Dibs was always withdrawn and silent. He did not respond to any of his teachers’ attempts to connect with him; as a matter of fact, he...

Amazon Supply Chain Integration Analysis

Amazon is one of the most successful companies in the modern world, and its history is an exciting one. Initially, it was a single book store opened by Jeff Bezos. However, the business soon turned into a reputable corporation that provided its services to customers from all over the world....

The Neuman Papillate Species

The species, Neumania papillate, is a water mite invertebrate of the Neumania genus and Arthropoda phylum as described by Marshall in 1922 (ITIS 1996). This particular species is commonly found in natural aquatic ecosystems such as freshwater lakes (Thorp & Covich 2001), small rivers, and the Atlantic Maritime (Smit &...

The Us Dollar – Where Do We Go From Here

It was after World War II that a plan was formulated in Bretton Woods by the developed countries of the world to link all foreign currencies to the US dollar which implied that the exchange rate of all currencies will be fixed to the US dollar. The dollar was supported...

Applying Ethical Frameworks in Practice

The Ethical Dilemma The targeted six-year-old child has been diagnosed with meningitis. The physician faces a major ethical dilemma because the child’s parents have different health expectations. The non-biological mother is a Christian Scientist (CS) who does not embrace the use of medicine. She insists that the child should not...

IMed Brand Driving a Paradigm Shift in Healthcare

Executive Summary The influence of artificial intelligence (AI) is dynamically increasing in the healthcare industry. AI experts believe that it is a revolutionary technology, and its impact in the medical sector is “life-changing” (Mills, 2020, para. 4). Its great potential drives a transformative change in the modern-day and future medical...

Data Collection Methods for Various Scenarios

Introduction The paper aims to compare four ways of data collection, such as survey research, which involves a process of asking questions and analyzing responses, field research, which focuses on making observations, and secondary analysis of existing data, and triangulation, which refers to the combination of the methods. The author...

Discussion of the American Civil War

Introduction Almost one century witnessed a civil war that was dominantly between the southern and northern parts of America. The northerners were the opponents of the warfare, while the southerners were the proponents in the war. It happened between 1789-1877 during the regime of some famous rulers such as Abraham...

Harlow Shapley Views on Galaxy

Harlow Shapley is renowned for his great work in identifying that the sun was not at the center of our galaxy. Shapley studies spherical groups, galactic structure, Milky Way and shape of the disks with clusters. He made the major discovery in the year 1916. In the year 1912, Harlow...

Animal Welfare: Why Animals Should Be Treated With Kindness and Respect

Introduction Animal welfare refers to the physical and social well-being of animals or rather the concern for animals. Animal welfare movement is a movement that began in the mid 19th century with a primary goal of protecting and improving the treatment of animals that are used by human beings. Just...

Terrorism Definition and Motivation

Abstract This paper defines the notion of terrorism according to the UN General Assembly Resolution as well as outlines three main reasons people make terrorist attacks on innocent members of society. Nevertheless, no matter whether a terrorist attack was driven by ideology or a political strategy, a person that is...

“12 Angry Men” Drama Movie

Introduction This is an American drama movie where a group of 12 men is involved in discussing the judgment for a murder case involving a slum boy. The twelve jurors argue about the evidence presented in this case where an 18-year-old young man is claimed to have killed his father...

Elizabeth Bay Before and After Colonization

Present Elizabeth Bay is found in the state of New South Wales in eastern Sydney. The Bay is situated three kilometers east of Sydney central business. It is a harbor-side suburb that derived its name from the bay found in Sydney harbor. In the north, it is bounded by the...

Porcini Company’s Success and Rapid Popularity Growth

Analyzing the case, one should mind several crucial concerns that impact Porcinis success and condition its rapid growth and increased popularity. These are the unique recognizable image of full-service restaurants, a successful pricing strategy, and the high quality of the provided goods and services. The combination of all these aspects...

Richmond Plastics Products and Environmental Issue

Introduction Richmond Plastics will take advantage of the increased environmental awareness in the United States. The company will benefit from the waste to make their products. The raw material for the products will be mainly from recycled plastics. Such products include water containers, thermos flasks, water basins, and toys (Ishikawa,...

Financial Accounting for Decision-Making

Use of financial ratios The first group contains the return on capital employed. It is a fundamental ratio used to assess the financial health of an institution and a suitable measure of profitability of an entity. Even though it is not adequate, it provides a good indication of how a...

“Introducing Cultural Studies” by Brian Longhurs

The book “Introducing Cultural Studies” by Brian Longhurst et al. deals with cultural studies considering it as “one of the most stimulating areas of activity in intellectual life” (Longhurst et al. 2008). The main points of the extract under consideration are defining the notion of culture, discussing the issues connected...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Business Communication: Message Analysis

Introduction An organization has to communicate a lot of messages to a variety of people in its day-to-day business operations. The message may be either business-related or non-business-related. For this, a proper communication process should be used to convey the message. By analyzing the feedback or checking the result, one...

Team Work and Collaboration

To handle the problem of Mr. Diaz, a nurse should be, first of all, aware of the rights which he, as a patient has. The most significant legal right of a patient is the right to informed consent (Heath, 1995). It is vital not to exaggerate medical responsibility before patients....

The Issue of Regulating the Nurse-Patient Staffing Ratio

Introduction MedSurg Matters is the authorized associate newssheet of the Academy of Medical-Surgical Nurses (sometimes referred to as AMSN). It comprehends peer-reviewed medical courses along with the updates that apply to the Academy of Medical-Surgical Nurses participation and is released six times annually as an advantage of affiliation. It is...

Renting vs. Buying a Home: The Best Housing Choice

The shelter is one of the basic requirements in everyone’s life. When undertaking some budget calculations, it is noteworthy to determine the possibilities that a person has. Nevertheless, the house that an individual can live in could be leased or owned. Before renting or buying property, someone should do some...

Philosophical Puzzle “If a Tree Falls in the Forest”

Introduction Human thought has long been attracted to the theory of knowledge and the understanding of the nature of knowledge. People have asked themselves philosophical questions related to the reasons why one might think that they know something. In this regard, the age-old epistemological puzzle about a tree falling in...

An Interview Exploring Views on Sexual Minorities

Interview Summary In this interview, I have talked to my friend Lisa about some of her opinions regarding sexual minorities. I have known Lisa since we were both children and she is one of my closest friends. Nevertheless, I have noticed certain tendencies she demonstrates when our conversations somehow turn...

Evaluation of Virtual Reality in Healthcare

Virtual Reality (VR) refers to a three-dimensional computer-generated world that allows users to have an interactive exploration through peripheral devices. Its objective is to give users a feel of experience by using perception-changing tools that make them navigate the virtual world as though they are part of it. Within the...

Biden Administration’s Student Loan Forgiveness Plan

In recent years, the rising cost of college tuition and the increasing burden of student loan debt have created a college affordability crisis in the United States. To address this issue, President Biden’s administration has proposed a student loan forgiveness plan to relieve millions of Americans struggling with student loan...

Organizational Theories: From Classics to Contemporary

Organizational Theory Organizational theories have been prevalent over the last century, dominated by sociological perspectives. Haveman and Wetts (2018) hypothesized that the theories emerged through Marx, Weber, and Durkheim’s works. Marx idealized that organizations were divided into classes of workers, managers, and owners in an organization. Technological advancements were manipulated...

Post-Fordist Immaterial Labour in the Information Economy

The shift toward Post-Fordist immaterial labour in the information economy was originally hailed as bringing more flexibility for workers and freeing them from tight control by bosses. At the same time, this shift has resulted in the rise of precarious gig work and the primacy of unstable short-term contracts. Using...

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Visual Argument: Examples, Definition, & Analysis [Free Essay]

It is often claimed that words are one of the most powerful ways to deliver information to the readers. After a long process of analyzing, a more effective way to affect the audience has been revealed. It is the use of images. Therefore, a visual argument essay takes the upper...

Mental Illness Stigmatization in Media and Literature

The problem of labeling persons with mental illnesses is actively discussed by psychologists, sociologists, and other researchers in the context of making stigmas which affect these individuals’ interactions. Therefore, the question to discuss in detail is how the stigma of a mental illness or labeling associated with the misinterpretation of...

Literary Devices in “A Good Man is Hard to Find” by O’Connor

Flannery O’Connor’s short story A Good Man is Hard to Find has always attracted the attention of various critics since this literary work can give rise to various interpretations. Moreover, it is possible to identify various themes that the author explores, for example, one can mention religion or social change....

Data Storage and Losses in Companies

Data storage Data storage is one of the fast growing sectors in the world since it accompanies informational innovations. Handling of data in soft copies is rising in the organizational world because organizations are still undergoing transition from handling of documents in hard copies to the recent information handling methods...

Benedict Arnold as a Controversial Figure in the American Revolution

For a very long time, Great Britain was the master of the seas and in their attempt at building an empire they colonized what was known then as the “New World.” This region in North America was home to people of English stock. Gradually they develop their own culture but...

“Last One Picked…First One Picked On” Documentary

When most people reflect on their child hood, they will always think about pleasurable memories that tend to describe those relatively untroubled stage of their life e.g. field trip, award presentation etc. but for this children it is a different world, all they reflect on is a life of loneliness...

Educational Theories Analysis: Vocational Training

Bearing in mind that the main purpose of education is the overall wellbeing of mankind both at individual level and at societal level. Vocational education tends to achieve contrary goals than what is expected of it in terms of individual and societal development. This paper presents an argument on why...

Channels and Intermediaries in Marketing

The marketing plan of the company will involve direct contact between our official representatives and the clients since we provide a service. And this service is such that we collaborate with different suppliers to provide us with office use materials, equipment, and furniture which can be effectively designed for a...

Prospects and Problems Faced By Women Entrepreneurs in Pakistan

Introduction Entrepreneurship is highly embraced in the contemporary competitive world. Its input to the economy is acknowledged worldwide (Fielden 2010). In Pakistan, especially in Peshawar, Islamabad, Lahore, and Karachiit, it is unfortunate to note that entrepreneurship is considered a male-gendered concept (Hafizullah, Manzoor, Hussain, & Farooq 2012). Women are highly...

Language Discrimination in the USA

Introduction One can hardly imagine the modern world without any language. It would have been impossible to achieve the current level of development in the spheres of economics, culture, and others if people had not had an opportunity to express their thoughts verbally. It is challenging to overestimate the role...

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Economics of End-Stage Renal Disease

The major function of the kidneys is to excrete metabolic body waste. End-stage kidney disease care costs differ, but modality hemodialysis is the most expensive. According to a case study on end-stage renal disease, treatment options for the end-stage renal system includes hemodialysis, peritoneal dialysis, and kidney transplant. Treatment of...

Police Patrol Effectiveness Research Assessment

Over the years, there are several debates have arisen on the effectiveness of police patrols in crime prevention. Conventionally, there has been a general agreement in society that the primary responsibility of the police force is crime deterrence. Society has placed huge demands on the police force; ranking among the...

Organizational Strategy: Human Resource Plan

Objective This report seeks to discuss the vital issues that need to be addressed by a company trying to harmonize its human resources division while trying to expand the firm’s work into a new region, Sub-Sahara African. Even though Africa has brilliant opportunities for growth and development, they differ in...

Submission a Derivative Claim

Question Allan, David and Richard are directors of Springfield Chocolate Ltd which was incorporated in 2008. They hold 60%, 20% and 10% of the company’s shares respectively. John holds the remaining 10%. Allan has been the company’s managing director for three years. In May 2011, Springfield Chocolate Ltd was invited...

Predominant Health Issues in Patients Aged 65 or Older

Elderly patients make up for the largest vulnerable population in the USA. According to the demographics chart, nearly 13% of the American population is aged 65 or older. That’s around 40 million people, and the number keeps increasing as the population gets older (“13.3 percent,” 2013). Older patients are also...

Leadership in Health Care: Situational Leadership Theory

Introduction In the healthcare setting, the role of leadership cannot be overestimated in workforce and facility operations management. Indeed, the choice of a leadership style predetermines the methods and techniques used by a manager when making critical decisions on time. Most importantly, the adequacy and appropriateness of a leadership style...

The Biography Narrative About Edgar Allan Poe

Introduction The period of Early America began before such memorable and meaningful events in the history of America, such as the Civil War and the Wild West. This period refers to the first settlements of Native Americans and appears to be interesting to explore as well. Shortly before the mentioned...

French Revolution’s Effects on European Peasantry

The French revolution (1789) is one of the greatest events not only in the history of France and Europe, but also in the history of the world at large. It gave humanity the message of freedom, equality and social justice and paved new roads leading towards the protection of human...

Functions of Letters in Austen’s “Pride and Prejudice”

The novel Pride and Prejudice was initially an epistolary piece that June Austen wrote in the early 1800s. Jane Austen is one of the renowned novelists from England. She is majorly known for focusing on women’s position in marriage. The novel’s setting was during the 18th Century, when individuals in...

Habitat for Humanity International

Strengths of HFHI Habitat for Humanity Humanity International (HFHI) involves a non-profit organization that primarily emphasizes volunteer work and utilizes practical approaches to give back to societies, specifically the less fortunate. This organization mainly develops homes for persons in desperate need. It simultaneously sells these homes to persons that are...

Domestic Shipping Safety in Pacific Region

Introduction Domestic shipping processes in many PICs are in disarray in comparison to international shipping. One of the most challenging and puzzling difficulties facing Pacific archipelagic states is ensuring the supply of appropriate, efficient, and dependable domestic shipping services. The high-quality services that people on remote islands anticipate are often...

Roadrunner Sport Company’s Social and Digital Media

Introduction Roadrunner Sports was founded by Michael Gottfredson in 1983. The organization is located in California with various retail stores in San Diego, Washington, Georgia, and Virginia. The organization is involved in charity work through activities such as offering sponsorships and donations to the needy. The organization has embraced the...

Soil Mechanics in Construction Engineering

Introduction Soil mechanics is a relatively new discipline in civil engineering, which entails the study of the engineering properties of soil relative to the design of various engineering structures that are constructed in or from the earth. Here, civil engineering structures include embankments, earth retaining walls, sub-surface water repositories, dams,...

Death Penalty as Unjustified Measure Nowadays

Introduction The death penalty remains one of the most discussed topics in many countries, and the USA is no exception. This type of punishment is utilized in some states while other states have abolished the death penalty. Researchers, officials, victims, and offenders have many arguments to support or oppose capital...

US Medical Leave, Discrimination, Disability Acts

Abstract Employment laws are enacted for, they offer protection to employees and employers. Understanding and complying with the laws does offer societal benefits. When a company is seeking employees it is necessary to understand the laws to avoid conflict of interest and legal battle there after. The importance of understanding...

Hearth Failure Patients’ Individual Rehabilitation

Palle Larsen and Preben Pedersen’s quasi-experimental study entitled The Effectiveness of Individual Rehabilitation on Health Status in Patient with Hearth Failure must go through a validity and relevance test to determine its value and implications in the development of health care intervention strategies aimed at patients suffering from heart failure...

Water Savings and Virtual Trade in Agriculture

According to Hoekstra, freshwater remains one of the essential resources in modern society (54). However, it is unfortunate that fresh is increasingly becoming scarce in various parts of the world. Sub-Sahara Africa, the Middle East, and multiple parts of Asia and North Africa are now water-inefficient. The problem is caused...

Freelance Writing Opportunities in Real Life

Unconventional Methods of Looking for Work Part One Successful freelance writers learn quickly how to become savvy marketers and self-promoters. However, finding work through conventional methods such as online searches do not always work as well as hoped. The main reason for this is competition; since online job searches are...

Learning Models in Early Childhood Education

Introduction The search for the perfect learning model has been continuing ever since the traditional adult-run approach was first doubted. The tendencies switched between such extremes as transmission and acquisition of knowledge. Community-of-learners model does not stand in the middle between one-sided models, as it is a completely different philosophical...

“A Short History of Nearly Everything” by William Bryson

The Book “A Short History of Nearly Everything”, written by a famous American author William Bryson is considered a brilliant combination of science and fiction books. It is worth mentioning that such a term as science fiction is not quite appropriate in this case because it does not show the...