African Americans in Films

Introduction African American people fought for their rights throughout the centuries. These days they are not oppressed and humiliated anymore; they were given equal rights with white people and are full-fledged members of society. Acquiring equal status in white society gave African Americans a possibility to take part in its...

British Petroleum Company’s Strengths and Weaknesses

Introduction One of the premier energy companies of the World is British Petroleum. “It is the fourth largest company in the whole World. In the energy sector BP is the third largest company of the World” (Bamberg, 2008). One of the most prolific companies of the world, BP has its...

Challenges Faced by Foreign Students in Adapting to University Culture

Introduction Australian’s institutions of higher education have continued to experience an influx of international students who are joining Australian universities to quench their thirst for higher education. International students (I. S.) always find themselves in new environments that are different from what they are used to and these results to...

Google Company Analysis: Strategies and Issues

Introduction Google was created to provide all information to the world freely through the organization of the same and being good unless otherwise. Google later launched Gmail which was supposed to compete with yahoo but it was more customized and designed for its contents. The contents for the search were...

History of Textile Designing Craft Before the Industrial Revolution

Post nineteenth century ushered in an enormous transformation in the production and consumption of textiles primarily due to the industrial revolution. However, before the advent of the industrial revolution, textile designing was done in a completely different way professionally done through manually driven looms or other means. In this paper,...

About International Classification of Diseases

Abstract In general, the ICD may be defined as the standard diagnostic tool used internationally for health management, epidemiology, and clinical purposes. Designed, maintained, and published by the World Health Organization (WHO), the ICD-10 maps various health conditions to their corresponding generic categories with relation to specific variations through the...

Sexuality in Tennessee Williams’s The Glass Menagerie

Introduction The Glass Menagerie was written and premiered by Tennessee Williams in 1944. The play drew the audience’s attention to the author and gained theatrical success (Adler 18-19). The characters of the play, Amanda Wingfield, her son Tom, and her daughter Laura, can be described from different perspectives, but it...

“Final Note on a Case of Extreme Isolation” by Davis

In the paper “Final Note on a Case of Extreme Isolation,” the author Davis argues that socialization is a process that is central to people’s lives because through it, we learn about our place in society, and it is based on one’s contact with other human beings. In the paper,...

Talabat Company’s Business Activities Management

For Talabat, to integrate all its systems and manage business activities daily, enterprise resource planning (ERP) is required. It allows one to tie together and control multiple processes at the same time, including risk management, financing, accounting, supply chain operations, human resources, inventory management, procurement, and others (Alam & Uddin,...

Investing in the Film “Escape from Rio Japuni”

Project Proposal 1: My Life with Dalai Lama When it comes to identifying the viability of the movie, one must mention the fact that it is bound to have rather low production values as it will focus mostly on the life story of the main character, which, though admittedly having...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Willingness to Pay for Improved Air Quality in Sweden

Introduction and Context The article in question deals with people’s willingness to pay for better air quality in Sweden. The purpose of the study is to evaluate “individual” willingness to pay for improved air in the areas where the participants of the study lived and worked as well as more...

Health Care Policy in Mercy Miami Hospital

This project is based on an interview with one of the employees at Mercy Miami Hospital. The peculiar feature of this site is that its people underline the importance of cultural differences and use them as one of the main strengths of the organization (Careers at Mercy Miami hospital 2016)....

Women’s Representations Before and After World War II

Introduction Women have been the focus of artists since pre-history. A close analysis of the painting can provide insight into the way the public and the author perceived women at the time. This paper will analyze two paintings representing young women performing leisurely activities, a compare and contrast approach will...

Talent Management at Home Depot Company

Discuss how the leadership at Home Depot intended to use its organizational talent to gain a competitive advantage in the Do it yourself industry The leadership at Home Depot uses organizational talent to gain a competitive advantage over its competitors by using programs within the Home Depot organization. Such programs...

Explaining the Impact of Birth Order on Siblings’ Relationships

Families and relatives have been an integral part of society and culture since times immemorial. They have been the survival units for individuals to co-exist in societies that are impacted by and continue to impact society and culture as a whole. The members of the family are united with one...

The Reducing of Harmful Wastes

Introduction This study talks about how to manage harmful waste. The impact it has in terms of cost to individual firms and the society at large. This can be achieved by reducing the quantity of wastes that a producer releases. The three ways of reducing include source reduction, treatment as...

Features of the Economic Development of Zambia

Introduction The Millennium Summit of September 2000 marked the official kick-off the worldwide effort to help fight poverty, hunger and disease within a fifteen-year period. Some countries have managed to achieve success in some of these areas but several of the goals might never be accomplished in many others (The...

Ethical Issues in Marketing Infant Formulas in Developing Countries

Particular ethical issues that should be considered in this case include health issues and the cost of the products. With regards to health issues, infant formulas have been associated with disease vulnerability among children in developing countries. The products have been considered as the major causes of serious infections and...

The Concept of Vegetarianism and Its Impact on Health

Cofnas, N. (2019). Is vegetarianism healthy for children?. Critical reviews in food science and nutrition, 59(13), 2052-2060.  The article “Is vegetarianism healthy for children?” by Oxford scientist Nathan Cofnas was published in Critical Reviews in Food Science in 2018. The study is relevant, consisting of scientific evidence and surveys. This...

NBA Season Suspension Due to Coronavirus Outbreak

With COVID-19 putting a pause on the majority of areas in the life of global society, it was only a matter of time for the pandemic to impact sports. Despite the fact that sports can provide comfort to fans under challenging times, the world has stopped, and the same has...

Incidence of Posttraumatic Stress Disorder After Motor Vehicle Accidents

Background of the Study In recent years, a global surge in the number of posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) occasioned by motor vehicle accidents have been witnessed in the United States of America. PTSD generally refers to an anxiety disorder witnessed in people who have undergone through a series of trauma,...

Biostatistics: Bayesian and Frequentist Approaches Frequency of Use

Overview of Bayesian and frequentist approaches The research methods may be chosen by the researchers to influence the results of the investigation which can be later compared for different types of research methods. In this respect, the effectiveness of the method selected for the trial depends on the appropriateness of...

Don Quixote in Literature of the Western World

Introduction The term Quixotism is used to describe a form of impulsive behavior. The concept is closely related to over-idealism. Persons who exhibit this trait often lose contact with reality. In most cases, they approach romance and life in general from an ‘impractical’ and illogical perspective. As such, they make...

Reflections on the Video About Genocide in Darfur

This video, being the medium through which a harsh experience is shown greatly benefits the people who have not been to the scene. It reflects the most humane side of the conflict to all peace-loving individuals in the world by showing the problems refugees in Darfur undergo; women are raped,...

Researching of Health Insurance Plans

Introduction Employee benefits refer to the perks that employers offer to their employees. Such measures stand among the current trends in human resource management in business organizations across the world and form part of the total employee remuneration. Many employers provide bonuses to employees, aiming at improving the general productivity...

Acute Social Issues in America

Introduction Nowadays, there is a vast number of acute social issues in America that bother the minds of people, affect their health and well-being, and require severe measures to be solved. What makes them more complex is the recent COVID-19 pandemic that managed to worsen many problems and weaken authorities’...

Company Offering Cinematology and Animation Courses in Nigeria

Background Most of the talented young people are looking for institutions that offer the best and most efficient services in teaching Cinematography and animation courses. Nigeria has several institutions where one can get vast exposure in the acting sector as well as learn various animation and cinematography techniques. Therefore, for...

Violating Privacy on the Internet Is Morally Wrong

Introduction The Internet is the latest and the most powerful tool in the line of media that has successfully eliminated space and time as obstacles to accessing information and communication for numerous people in last half of a century. However, it poses morality issues and privacy concerns among individuals and...

InAndOut Company Job Descriptions

Introduction Human resource management is an organization’s function that entails all aspects that are associated with the workforce in a particular organization, company or institution. It entails aspects like recruitment, coordination, and control of the people working in an organization. Some of the issues linked with human resource management include...

General Leadership Perspectives: The Impact of Articles on Understanding Leadership

Abstract Leadership is a multi-disciplinary concept that requires a person to make sacrifices to attain the desired results. A leader’s ability to influence and inspire people working under him determines the level of success he is likely to attain in an organization. It is important for a leader to understand...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Asian Carmakers Target Gen Y

Explain the strategy behind Asian automakers targeting Gen Y The business world is full of competition and the automotive business is not an exception. Gen Y could be defined as the segment of the United States population that was born towards the end of the 20th century (between the years...

Zeng Company’s New Product Development

Introduction The following is a new product development strategy and analysis that was designed by Zeng Research and Development Company. The company is developing hospitality management software for the hotels to enable easy execution of their services. The software name is the Easy Tour designed to improve tourists’ experience in...

Nursing Role in Tackling Youth Obesity

Background Across America, childhood obesity has become a national crisis. It is estimated that among the children aged between 2 and 19, one in every three children faces the problem of overweight or obesity. According to CDC (2016), the children aged between 6 and 11 years had an obesity prevalence...

Freelance Writing Market Shifts in 2010

Because contemporary economic conditions are so unstable, self-employed individuals will need to develop some new competencies. A better understanding of the economics of their own transactions, planning for jobs in advance, and shifting their interests in accordance with a truly global marketplace, are all necessary for freelance writers. Freelancers have...

North-South Gap as a Cause of American Civil War

Introduction The terms ‘North’ and ‘South’ have always been used in social, scientific, and political realms in reference to the relationships between the industrial-dependent states in the Northern parts of the USA and those that are agriculturally dependent and historically slave-reliant in the South. The term does not refer to...

Pearl Harbor Attack, Its Reasons and Casualties

Introduction The Pearl Harbor attack was an unexpected military attack by the Japanese royal army (Lord 2-7). The attack started early in the morning at around 7.00 am and lasted for about two hours. During the attack, about eighteen American ships and about three hundred airplanes were destroyed. About eight...

“Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind” by Michel Gondry

In watching Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind one is bound to consider the film as constituting a mini-genre that excellently copes with reverse order storytelling and memory loss. It is very emotionally resonant in culminating with the best techniques and imagination used in the art of taking the viewer...

The NFL Lockout and Its Effect on the Economy

Introduction NFL lockout may be regarded as one of the most prominent economic events in the world of sports in 2011. The reasons for the lockout are analyzed from various perspectives, and the economic consequences of these events are serious enough. The economic theory that may be applied for the...

Dealing With a Death of a Loved One

In the very first words of her book “The Year of Magical Thinking”, Joan Didion writes: Life changes fast. Life changes in an instant. You sit down to dinner and life as you know it ends. The question of self-pity (Didion, 2007, p. 1). In these words full of despair,...

Bob Knowlton: The Case Study

Introduction Bob Knowlton received a leadership promotion to be the controller of Photon Unit in the organization. He viewed the position given to him as a miracle as he did not have enough confidence in his own skills as well as knowledge. In addition, Knowlton was not at ease with...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Athletes Testing and Training Program

With regards to speed training, there is the concept of speed strength that involves the application of maximum force when at high velocity. The primary objective of speed conditioning is to enable the athlete to sustain speed in the short runs. The speed training program focuses on the physical body...

Eating and Depressive Disorders and Their Treatment

Anorexia Nervosa Anorexia nervosa is an extremely serious eating disorder characterized by a distorted weight perception and a strong fear of gaining it. Medics note that “people with anorexia have abnormally low body weight and always control it and their shape” (“Anorexia nervosa,” 2018, para. 1). To achieve that, such...

Caseload in the Criminal Courts of the United States

The increased caseload of the criminal courts in the United States is a source of concern for many legislators and policy-makers. The problem is that these institutions have become too overburdened and it may be difficult for them to cope with their duties effectively. This paper is aimed at discussing...

The Significance of the Governmental Terms

Government: The economic significance of the government is to stabilize and ensure growth of economic activities, create employment opportunities, and create price stability. Economically, government can significantly affect the fiscal and monetary policies which can positively or negatively affect the growth rate of the economy. Autocracy: Socially, autocracy creates situations...

Amazon Web Services: Security Practices Review

Introduction Today’s technology is making use of cloud storage to assist firms in transitioning into cloud-based operational standards. At an enterprise level, cloud computing enhances flexibility and cost-efficiency. Cloud computing encounters several issues related to security due to the rapid growth in technology. The default configurations and intrinsic availability of...

Drug Misuse, Abuse, and Their Factors

Drug Misuse and Abuse Addiction is a recurrent, chronic disorder characterized by compulsive substance seeking and use despite harmful consequences. Because it involves functional abnormalities in brain circuits involved in reward, stress, and self-control, it is classified as a brain condition. These alterations might remain for a long time after...

The Quality Tooling Company’s Analysis

Analysis Therefore, it is necessary to proceed to the consideration of the case study, which is the basis of this work. The analysis is based on The Quality Tooling Company, which supplies organizations with engineering devices. Despite the relative success in the market, there has been a decline in the...

The Importance of Focus Groups

Introduction Focus groups are a qualitative method of research for which several people are collected and interviewed. Together they discuss a product, service, or problem which needs to be analyzed. Research-based on using focus groups is impossible without a moderator who directs and controls the course of the discussion. The...

The Last Supper Analysis Essay: A Reflection on the Greatest da Vinci Painting

Do you need to write the Last Supper analysis essay? In this sample essay about the Last Supper, you’ll find a reflection on the painting’s message, purpose, and why the Last Supper was important. The Last Supper Painting Essay: Introduction Leonardo was an Italian thinker who lived between April 15,...

Ethical and Moral Philosophy: Opinions Difference

Abelard and Heloise shared most of their beliefs. They both explored the concepts of moral intentions and feelings. The most significant and meaningful teaching of Heloise was the one about disinterested love, where the true love was determined by the generosity of the lovers and the ability to love someone...

Popular Research Paper Topics

McDonald’s and Burger King Restaurants Contrast

Introduction The hospitality sector is a service industry that greatly depends on customer perception and service quality. Notably, some restaurants can provide similar services to consumers, but the manner of service and quality differentiates the service providers. Service quality usually entails customer care, public relations, and the physical evidence present...

Excess Weight in Children and Education Goals

Patient Education Instructional Goals To come to the solution of the problem of excess weight in children, certain instructional goals should be achieved: Increasing the literacy of children regarding those factors that may affect obesity and the consequences of the problem. Promoting the need to follow appropriate medical practices. Encouraging...

Psychopharmacology in School Environment

Abstract The paper discusses the problem of academic performance, in the context of stimulant treatment. The idea stems from the suggestion to employ psychopharmacology, at school, as the means of treating low learning progress and ADHD. The argument, which is offered in this work, states that the regular use of...

Cultural Factors Affecting Consumer Behaviour

Cultural Factors Affecting Consumer Behaviour: Introduction Consumers have largely contributed to the growth of various businesses. This is because every successful business venture requires potential buyers. As a result, the role of the consumer on business prosperity can never be neglected. It is sad to mention that many businesses have...

Ideology in “The Matrix” Film

An ideological analysis seeks to discover the system of ideas behind a body of work. There is a close connection between ideology and science fiction because science fiction is a form of art that seeks to explore ideas. Unlike fantasy, science fiction borrows on the pre-existing social, political, and technology...

Cultural Diversity Issues in Media Presentation

On July 4, 2014, there was news in both mass and social media about a California High Patrol Officer who attacked and viciously beat a Black woman for apparently crossing the road at a wrong location. The force used by the officer on an unarmed officer demonstrates racial intolerance that...

Students’ Ethnicity, Performance and Intelligence

The problem of discrimination in the educational setting according to the race and ethnicity factor is very controversial, and researchers are interested in discussing the presence or absence of differences in minority students’ intelligence and abilities to demonstrate the high academic performance. While focusing on this problem, it is necessary...

The Caux Round Table Principles of Ethics

Introduction Carrying out certain business operations, every enterprise has to follow the established ethical principles, which are also known as the Caux Round Table Principles of Ethics. There are 13 of them on the whole, and their overall essence is in the fact that business companies should be driven not...

Short-Run Macroeconomic Theory and Stimulus Plans

Recession A “recession” is the period during which economic activity is declining. A recession is said to occur when “real gross national product declines for two or more consecutive quarters”. Although there is no political or economic benchmark for assessing the recessionary trend, the National Bureau of Economic Research declares...

Why Electronic Book Is Better Than Print Book

Introduction For hundreds of years, books have been the foundation of the society in which we live and especially beginning from the time the printing press was invented. This invention is possibly the most significant in the history of a human being. However, in the current day, advancement in technology...

Business Communication: Main Factors Review

The technological advancement that the world is experiencing today has been reflected in many workplaces through the use of the internet for communication and other business related transactions. However, in most companies, the use of the internet and emails is not confined to business related issues since the employers are...

Bourgeoisie As the Ruling Class

Introduction Capitalism dominates the world economic system today. Even in societies like China and Cuba where advanced forms of communism have succeeded, they have been heavily influenced by capitalist tendencies. According to Chilcote (2006, p. 32), there is not even a pure form of capitalism owing to state ownership of...

Cross-Species Intersensory Perception of Infants

This article was about a study carried out to investigate whether younger infants are better in discriminating voices and faces when compared with those older than them. According to Lewkowicz and Ghazanfar (2006), current theoretical views assume that basic intersensory perceptual ability are either present at birth and they become...

Will Banning Plastic Bags Not Solve Pollution Problem?

Plastic bags provoke problems for both environment and human health. They go to landfills or to the ocean, where the garbage islands are accumulating. These are immense masses of waste generated in the ocean due to currents. Plastic is often dumped directly into the seas or gets there from rivers....

Organizational Quality Improvement Plan

Introduction General overview As the major issue concerning the managed care related to Veterans Affairs deals with the quality of services provided by the organization, it is necessary to analyze and evaluate the quality of services after the introduction and implementation of the managed care program to ensure that all...

Regulation of the Pregnant Employees’ Treatment

Introduction To begin with, it is necessary to mention that the employment issues may be divided into several categories. This paper is aimed to discuss different employment issues and situations that were encountered by different people. Originally, the most troublesome issues are closely linked with the pregnancy of the employees....

Cyber Security Awareness Employee Training

Good Cyber security habits To prevent cyber threats and attacks, one should practice the following (Cannery, 2021): Create strong passwords. Use multifactor authentication. Never leave devices unattended. Develop a disaster recovery plan. Be wary of public or open wireless networks. Never send payments without confirming with the source. Actively train...

Drug Testing in Pharmacology

Introduction Pharmaceutical companies that are involved in the markets in third-world countries perform drug tests within the population of these countries. Clinical trials require sufficient trial costs, therefore, these trials are performed on humans without their consent and knowledge. Surely, these experiments are inhuman, sometimes painful, and deadly, let alone...

Gadolinium Chelate Coated Gold Nanoparticles

Introduction The objective of investigations in oncology is the discovery and assessment of therapeutic strategies on models. These studies require efficient and modern functionalized contrast agents to envisage tumor growth, for evaluating the effect of treatment, and/or for propagating the annihilation of cancerous tumors. These applications involve ample pharmacokinetic aspects...

Juvenile Tried as an Adult: The Case of Jordan Brown

The US justice system established a separate juvenile justice system to divert youthful offenders from criminal punishment. The system is also set to advocate for personalized rehabilitation programs in the country. Significant adjustments were made to eliminate the elements of adult or criminal systems. Further, it aimed to prioritize the...

DNA Physical Properties and Viscosity: A Lab Study

Introduction Physicochemical studies of key biological molecules are an essential part of laboratory practice to better understand their structure and identify possible patterns. The idea behind this work was to determine the viscosity of DNA molecules. It is well known that DNA is a long biopolymer consisting of four different...

Advertisement for an Administrative Assistant

Job Description Administrative assistants offer administrative and clerical tasks to managers, workplace employees, and visitors. The administrative assistants handle all the tasks to ensure productivity and positivity of the organizations. The prospective candidates must be able to help managers, other employees, and company visitors. The candidates should provide polite and...

Suicide Prevention for the Elderly Population

Summary Suicide is a critical public health problem that affects individuals of all ages, sexes, races, and statuses. According to official sources, suicide is the 11th leading cause of death in the United States (Barlow et al., 2018). Older adults (65 years and older) account for 12% of the population...

Structured Query Language (SQL) and Other Databases

Introduction Database management systems are programs that manage data storage, retrieval, and updating. Structured Query Language (SQL) and Non Structured Query Language (NoSQL) are the two most used kinds of database administration. SQL is a language for interacting with databases. It allows a user to manage the data requested in...

“Putting Jesus in His Place” by Robert M. Bowman Jr. and J. Ed Komoszewski

The authors are familiar with theological studies as their careers are based on the same expertise. Robert M. Bowman Jr. is a Christian theology professor, that specializes in the study of apologetics. Bowman is a Ph.D. candidate at Fuller Theological Seminary, teaching apologetics and biblical studies at Luther Rice Seminary...

Aspects of Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease

Introduction A group of chronic illnesses known together as chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) affect a person’s capacity to breathe normally. This presentation details a case study of a patient who visited the emergency room (ER) complaining of severe wheezing and shortness of breath. The diagnosis and treatment of COPD....

The Corporate Culture Concept: Pros and Cons

Introduction The chosen concept from Robbins and Judge (2016) to be explored in this review is that of corporate culture as a liability. While there is plenty of discussion about how corporate cultures can enhance the performance of a business, assist in retaining employees, and contribute to the quality and...

The Portrayal of Enslaved Women in Literature

Introduction Female enslavement, in many cases, was much worse than male. In addition to the horrors and brutalities that enslaved men suffered, mothers also had the additional pain of being separated from their children. Enslaved women were frequently employed as breeders, compelled to have children to increase their master’s amount...

Religion Role in the Society

Introduction God is the originator of religion. He created the world and the people in it and established some general principles and laws which they were instructed to follow. God spoke through selected prophets who heard him speak and recorded his words (Johnstone 21). He revealed to the people through...

“Into the Wild” by Jon Krakauer

A discussion topic Given the demands for additional factual books in high schools, Into the Wild is ideal in meeting the learners’ needs. Jon Krakauer wrote the book in the year 1996. As such, the literature is the first fact-based text to be taught in American secondary schools. The book...

American Cuban Conundrum: Trade Relations

Analyze the key issue that prompted the EU to take the Helms-Burton dispute to the WTO The World Trade Organization (WTO) is a foundation that is responsible for handling issues of trade between nations, for instance, rules and regulations. This is aimed at ensuring that there is a smooth flow...

Descendants of Slaves: African Americans

The psychological consequences of slavery for African Americans are discussed widely in society. In order to discuss the problem in detail with references to the statistical analysis, it is necessary to find the answer to the following research question: Do those African Americans who identify themselves as the descendants of...

“Strauss & Co” Company’s and China Cooperation

Every company that achieved great results in its native country strives to cover new territories and expand its production into other markets of the global community. As the concept of globalization and cultural diversity is a well-known issue, entrepreneurs from all over the world try to address these issues and...

Waste Treatment Processes and Monitoring

Waste treatment processes prior to land disposal of hazardous waste The five waste management processes include a chemical, biological, thermal, and physical examination and separation and encapsulation. Chemical waste management processes involve the addition or removal of chemicals from waste to produce a less hazardous chemical by neutralization or stabilization....

Tariq Ramadan’s View on Pluralism

Introduction Pluralism is a theory applied in different ways in philosophy to show that there is more than one substance in the universe. It is the opposite of dualism that holds the idea that there are only two substances within the universe. Monism, on the other hand, supports the idea...

Jordan GP Formula One as a Business Organisation

Internal Analysis SWOT Analysis Strength Strong leadership from Eddie Jordan Ability to recognize other external sources of revenues such as EJ-10, bikes, scooters, and even a personal insurance plan A growing balance sheet The unique notable tradition of attracting young talents and engine partners Focused on cutting costs and improving...

Logistics Outsourcing Impact on Business Performance

An Overview of the Study In view of the development of the internet, the business world has found a new life. The term “electronic commerce” was introduced, and a virtual marketplace was created, providing a brand new and unique medium for organizations and their clients to connect with each other...

Make Invisible Visible: Basics of Optical Illusions

Introduction To begin with, it is necessary to mention that the issue of shape and form perception is one of the most interesting issues of human vision and perception psychology. Originally, the human eyes see what they are shown, and nothing more, however, our imagination, memory, and fantasy often add...

Lifespan Development and Personality

Introduction Generally, the life span development is categorized into five stages as Infancy from birth to 1 year, childhood from 3 to12 years, adolescence from 12 to 20 years, adulthood from 20 to 65 years, and seniors who belong to the category of 65+ years. This paper is focused on...

Atwood’s The Handmaid’s Tale and American Society

Handmaid’s Tale is a novel that is set in the year 2195, it is written by Margret Atwood. The society in the novel refers to a lot of examples from the Pre- Gilead era. The main character Offred encounters several challenges that are revealed in the epilogue by Professor Pieixoto....

Legal Issues Analysis: Sexual Harassment

Introduction The issue of sexual harassment has of late become thorny in society. Recent newspaper articles have focused mainly on the subject and the corresponding effect it has on society at large. Workplaces have been dogged by claims of sexual harassment to female employees. The issue has become so common...

Music and Mathematics Relationship

Introduction There are a lot of speculations concerning the relationship between mathematics and music. The best dimension thou in which an individual can comprehensively understand the relationship between these two subjects is in participatory of both entities. Without participating it would be difficult to blend and understand the two subjects....

Laura Wexler “Fire in a Canebrake”: The Incident in the Rural Walton County

Introduction This book is characterized by a horrific mystery that makes it very fascinating and thrilling for the audience. In the book, Laura Wexler gives a detailed insight on lynching, which was so rampant in 1946. As she describes the events that took place, Wexler connects with the readers by...

Mother Tongue by Amy Tan: Critical Analysis

It is fair to say that the opinion about people is often based on the way they use language. In the essay Mother Tongue, Amy Tan (2006) reflects on different aspects related to intelligence and the use of language varieties. Referring to her own experience, the author describes how her...

Health Care Delivery Model and Nursing Practice

The healthcare system is an ever-changing area of development; therefore, new acts and alterations are being suggested annually. These changes typically affect a large amount of population but primarily influence medical workers as they are the drivers of any hospital. In particular, nurses are most exposed to any restructuring procedures...

A Nurse’s Professional Development Plan

A professional nurse is an individual who does not only care for patients but also acts as an advocate of a broad range of people of all ethnic backgrounds, religions, colors, or socioeconomic statuses. Becoming a professional nurse also means educating the population about how they can be effective in...

Taxpayer vs. Internal Revenue Service Legal Case

Facts The petitioners to the case, William and Randal, had a father-son relationship and operated Holdner Farm since 1977. Prior to the formation of the company, William Holdner purchased livestock to start the business. He later purchased property such as the Home place in Oregon, Chapman property for $10,000 and...

Do You Need Steroids in Sports

According to (Goldman, 1984), Steroids are generally classified into corticosteroids and anabolic steroids, but the category linked with sports is that of anabolic steroids. Corticosteroids are legal drugs normally prescribed by doctors to patients with inflammation problems, while anabolic steroids are only considered legal when used under medical prescription. Anabolic...

Annotated Bibliography: Hypertension and Kidneys

Agarwal, R. (2005). Hypertension and survival in chronic hemodialysis patients-past lessons and future opportunities. Kidney International, 67, 1-13. This study review looks at reverse epidemiology between hypertension and mortality among chronic hemodialysis patients. The author conducts a critical analysis of the most recent research studies, which show that there is...

Dignity Health – A Non-Profit Health Care System: Case Study

Introduction Dignity Health is a non-profit health care system that operates a network of hospitals and other health care-related facilities in Arizona, California, and Nevada. The headquarters of the health care organization is located in San Francisco, California. Dignity Health was founded in 1986, and today the organization provides such...

Demi Lovato’s Story of Recovery

The following essay gives an overview of Demi Lovato’s recovery story from her mental issues, which involved substance addiction, depression, bulimia, and bipolar disorder. Her treatment was a life-long journey at different qualified rehabilitation centers, which had a personalized approach to their patients. Analyzing her history of relapses, it would...

Healthcare: Interprofessional Collaboration

Describing the Changes of Attitude to Health Professionals The matter of quality services improvement as well as patient safety enhancement has been the major concern of health care professionals. In this respect, the introduction of interpersonal collaboration as well as nurse reforms can greatly contribute to educating nurse specialists because...

Media Ethics: Censorship of Online Material and Behavior

Introduction In recent years, with the development of technologies, the Internet environment has become an irreplaceable source of information and communication. Through various online platforms and social network sites, a substantial number of people all over the world communicate with their friends and relatives, follow the news, and share their...

Anarchism vs. Socialism

Governing ideologies represent a combination of ethical principles, ideals, doctrines, and symbols that would explain how society should work and be controlled. It is primarily concerned with how the government would be allocated, and to what ends it should influence a society. Because of the variety of influences from cultural,...

Early Martin Heidegger on “Death”

Martin Heidegger is one of the most significant philosophers of the 20th century. He made an outstanding contribution to the development of existential theories and is a well-known representative of German philosophy. Studying death as a philosophical matter played a considerable role in the establishment of his ideas. He viewed...

Religious Artists’ Work and Their Meaning

Introduction Artists have been employing artwork since the past and have generated better works, encouraged by different aspects with nature as the best motivation for various artists. Countless Italian artists like Masaccio, Filipino Lippy, and Del Castagno developed images with an inner religious meaning. Renaissance artists considered nature’s artificial as...

“The State of Play: Trophy Kids”: Main Idea and Summary of the Film

Introduction Children often depend on their parents for support and guidance, imagining their paternities to do what impresses them. The HBO unusual documentary, The State of Play: Trophy Kids, was initially released on December 4, 2014, by Peter Berg and Leland Anderson, and Christopher Bell as the producers. The movie...

Character Transformation in Lahiri’s “The Open Boat” and “Hell-Heaven”

Introduction Characters are the most important elements of a narrative because they drive thematic expressions and the whole story toward its ultimate goal. In other words, the types of characters presented in a story, the conflicts they experience, their relationships, and their behaviors comprehensively describe the tales’ hidden meanings and...

Critical Analysis of “Othello”

Individuals tend to perceive the meanings of the words ‘dignity’ and ‘confidence’ differently, depending on their nature and nurture. For some people, honour, and certainty can be obtained and restored via power and money. Others believe praise and assurance come from hard work, honesty, and a pure soul. William Shakespeare...

The Potential Benefits of Genetic Engineering

Nowadays, people strive to improve the quality of life, focus on higher accomplishments, and try to find new ways to overcome such social problems as diseases and hunger. In this context, genetic engineering seems to be the potential to improve the quality of life because of creating new and improved...

Popular Research Paper Topics

A Social Worker’s Reflections on Power, Privilege and Oppression

Spencer’s main thesis Spencer’s article presents the plight of social workers and the aspect of self -identification. Social workers vary depending on the sector in which they operate and the nature of their business. They undergo adequate training and acquire skills based on their work. Social workers play crucial societal...

Martha Stewart’ Contract Dispute

On the 5th of March 2013, the New York Times reported that Martha Stewart had appeared before the New York State Supreme Court because of a dispute that sought to determine the issue of retailers enjoying the liberty to sell Martha’s merchandise, which included sheets, clothes, and other domestic stock....

Transforming Forestry in Sweden: Costs and Benefits

Introduction and context The article under discussion provides a complex cost and benefit analysis of transforming forestry in Sweden to make the process more compatible with new environmental demands, i.e. the need for recreational areas. Bostedt and Leif point out that the major value of their study resides in the...

Electronic Health Record System’s Life Cycle

Introduction The paper at hand is aimed at providing a detailed description of the health information technology system life cycle. The planning paper focuses on the electronic health record (EHR) system and elucidates the key phases of its lifecycle: needs assessment and analysis, system selection and design, implementation, evaluation, and...

Accounting, Social Media, Workplace Ethical Issues

Abstract Business ethics take different forms and are applied at all levels and stages of its operation and management. The society expects corporations to adhere to a set of norms and rules for them to sustain their competitive advantages. In other words, corporations are expected to comprehensively practice corporate social...

Marketing Mix Products and Brand Strategies

In this research paper importance of branding will be discussed with regards to placing a product in the minds of the consumers. The paper will then delve into the relationship element of the brand with its users or consumers. Finally a comparison will be made between two brands of different...

How Can Teachers Help Improving the School for Young Learners?

Introduction The topic of improving the schools for young learners is disputed among scholars worldwide. There are different opinions as for the leading factors that can provide for this improvement. However, it is out of question that teachers play a vitally important role in forming the school environment for students....

Multinational Corporation: Apple Company

The Apple Company is a Multinational Corporation that deals with manufacturing and designing of various items like Electronics, software used by computers and also manufacturing computers for individuals. It is the manufacturer of ipad, ipod and also Macintosh computers. It has been able to make various soft wares like Mac...

Global Business: Current Business Environment

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Amelia Earhart as a Leader and Role Model

Early life of Amelia Amelia Mary Earhart (Amelia) was the first born child to Edwin Earhart and Amy Earhart. Amelia was born on 24th July in 1897 in Kansas City, America. Her challenges in life started right from childhood. Her father was not responsible at all, he was a great...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Shaping Values Among Asian-Americans: Impact of Asian Culture

This essay provides an insight into the impact of Asian culture in shaping the values among Asian-Americans. It focuses on its effect on factors such as decision-making, conformity, willingness to seek social support, personal display of emotions, and outcome on particular tasks. The essay brings out the element of collectivism...

Diabetes: Types, Causes, Symptoms and Cures

Introduction Diabetes is one of the major metabolic diseases, which affects a large portion of the population. It is a severe systemic heterogeneous disease in which absolute or relative insulin deficiency develops. Diabetes is an endocrine disease characterized by a syndrome of chronic hyperglycemia, which is a consequence of insufficient...

The Conflict of Faith and Honesty in “Good People” by Wallace

The morality of Christian tradition and its application to real-life problems has always been the platform for debate. People look for the solution in God but often get entangled with the common practical reasons for it. The characters of David Foster Wallace’s short story Good People also deal with such...

COVID-19 Crisis and Its Effects on the US Economy

Covid-19 is a global public health epidemic that has crippled most aspects of human operations, including lives, labor market and corporate functioning. All these upshots have a trickle-down effect on the economy, particularly with the announcement of lockdowns to contain the spread of the virus. Other measures that countries have...

Fast Food and Health Relations

Too much fat stored in the body leads to obesity and fast food, which is high in calories and sugar and contributes to weight gain. Those who like such food do not consume enough milk, fruits, vegetables, porridge, etc. Unhealthy edibles seem tasty and they can easily change eating habits...

Acculturation and Enculturation: Business Issues

Abstract This essay will examine the concepts of enculturation and acculturation in the context of their impact on business ethics. The current state of business ethics and issues related to the moral issues of doing business will be discussed. Researchers began to single out the two analyzed terms relatively recently;...

Researching of Changes in Healthcare Career

Only for excellent reasons should change be adopted. Even with the best intentions, however, many change efforts fail because the strategy utilized to make the change lacks clear structure, preparation, and timing. People with baccalaureate degrees will be regarded as leaders in their respective work settings and will be able...

Airbnb and Its Impact on Ritz-carlton

Introduction Despite its noticeable acclaims, Ritz-Carlton is not impervious to the effects of disruptive technology. The company, as well as many other major hotel and hospitality chains, have been facing an imposing issue in the face of Airbnb services. Airbnb is a service company that is based on innovative technology....

Alexandre Farto’s Marielle Franco Mural Analysis

Introduction Art as a way of people’s expression in a public manner has been an ongoing practice throughout the existence of humanity. However, unlike conventional or classic art approaches, graffiti and street art accomplish the goal of public display effectively by exposing the general public to the themes portrayed by...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Deforestation: Analysis of the Issue

The aim of this project is to research a technology-based solution that would help address the problem of deforestation. The problem is deforestation, which is especially concerning in tropical rainforests. Technology can help address deforestation by tracking the areas where trees are destroyed. The different solutions include using satellite images,...

Rhetoric and Stereotypes: Feminists, Tattooed Persons, Politicians, and Senior Citizens

Stereotypes are generalizations that people have formed about other people who belong to other groups or class (Grobman, 1990). Stereotyping takes place in people’s lives at one point of their lives concerning people who they view as outsiders. These generalizations maybe reinforced by the society or environment. People stereotype others...

Why Joyce Oates’ Dedicated Her Story to Bob Dylan?

The story, Where Are You Going, Where Have You Been, was written by Joyce Carol Oates in the mid-60s and was dedicated to the famous musician Bob Dylan. She once explained that the idea of writing this story came to her mind when she read a story about a man...

Raising Children in Single Families: Single-Parent Families’ Problems

Introduction The society expects that both parents will take part in raising children. Sharing of roles among parents makes parenting exercise easier. Where one gets it difficult, the other one can help. It is also the happiness of children to be raised in a united family and where they are...

The Great Depression and Its Effects on Minorities

This paper discusses the effects of the Great Depression on the American minorities. It describes the groups and individuals involved in the Great Depression and the efforts made to resolve the calamity. The main argument of this paper is that discrimination was the major cause of the extreme suffering experienced...

Euthanasia Definition, Types, Pros and Cons

Introduction Overview Currently, innovation in medical science enables both life and death to be stretched (Biggs, 2001). Owing to this, a number of concerns about life and death in the society have been raised. Now, it is widely believed that modern-day medicine can force individuals to bear life past what...

Health Data Management: Sharing and Saving Patient Data

Consider the idealized cycle of health information in evidence-based medicine where database systems offer information sharing service for doctors, medical researchers, medical institutions, and patients. In this scenario, doctors and researchers can easily query and analyze medical information with much greater speed, security, and ease. What would facilitate achieving this...

Wal-Mart and Effects of International Economics

Introduction Wal-Mart is an American-based retailing company that has ventured into the international market to take over some emerging markets. The company has dominated the local market in the United States. It is looking to dominate the international market by providing consumers with some of the cheapest alternatives to the...

Healthcare Organizations: New Technology Systems Adoption

Introduction Nurse facilitators undertake numerous roles to support any form of change and empower clinicians to focus on the changing needs of their patients. The selected hospital in New York has planned to introduce a new electronic health records (EHR) system. This new initiative must be supported using a powerful...

Franklin D. Roosevelt’s Federal Bureaucracy

When Roosevelt took over as president of the United States in 1933, he initially did not look favorably upon large federal bureaucracies and expansive government programs and spending (Leuchtenberg 52). In that regard, he shared the values of his predecessor Herbert Hoover, who maintained his stance that government assistance would...

High School Challenges in Personal Experience

Introduction High school experience is different for everyone; however, unarguably, it is both the most critical and stressful time for students. Before the school year began, I anticipated this life stage as the most essential and fun period of a student’s life. Moreover, as a learner, I wanted to explore...

Employee Training and Its Benefit to the Organization

Concrete Experience and Reflective Observation Motivation and engagement are vital issues that I face in my work as a supervisor, and I think that this largely depends on the type of training that a company provides to its employees. Training of employees is the process that requires continuous attention from...

Hawthorne Experiments – Elton Mayo With Roethlisberger and Dickson

This paper discusses the Hawthorne experiments; a brief description of the background of these studies is also given. It describes the social and environmental effects of the time that were observed on these theories. The relevance of these theories to the present time is also discussed. The various drawbacks and...

Public Health Problems: Bioterrorism

Introduction To begin with, there is a strong necessity to mention that bioterrorism is generally defined as the intentional actions, aimed at making harm for the lives of the people or creatures, living in some particular area through the dissemination of biological agents (bacteria, viruses o toxins). These agents may...

The Most Critical Leadership Competencies

Making a good leader is the central goal of any working organization striving to create effective business staff headed by a qualified specialist. Leadership is considered to be one of the central skills helping any person to succeed in business and social activities; this quality makes anyone stand out from...

Research Variables in Multicultural and Traditional Research Methodology

Conducting research in the United States is a challenge because it is a growing multicultural community. A lot has to be considered before research can be done. Two research variables, observation, and sampling are selected to compare and contrast using multicultural and traditional research methodology. Observation may be defined as...

“Pearl Harbor” by Michael Bay

Pearl Harbor is a war film made in 2001 by Michael Bay, who is an American film producer and director. Bay is well known for making big budget films such as Bad Boys, Bad Boys II, The Rock, Armageddon, Transformers and Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen. Bay was much motivated...

Performance Impact of Business Group Affiliation

Introduction, purpose, and significance of the study Singh, Nejadmalayeri & Mathur (2006) conducted a study titled “Performance impact of business group affiliation: An analysis of the diversification-performance link in a developing economy.” The main purpose of the research is to explore the performance of large and diversified Indian firms as...

The Lais of Marie de France: Idiosyncratic Perspective on Love in Medieval Literature

Critical History The ‘Lais of Marie de France’ is an omnibus edition of works by a medieval female writer. The collection consists of twelve narrative poems, among which are Bisclavert, Cheverfoil, and Lanval. Glyn Burgess, who studied her works, notices, that ‘the theme of love is certainly the fundamental preoccupation’...

Ethical Cases: Human Rights To Decide on One’s Life

Background and Purpose These cases show complicated concerns that are related to decision-making and the intrusion of the government and family in the rights of a person. On the one hand, the idea of extracting the eggs of their daughter, might be considered by parents for creating a new child,...