“The Ethics of Belief” by William Clifford

Introduction In the essay “Ethics of Belief”, William Clifford argues that no one, choosing what to believe, can be free from the opinions of others. A person’s faith may incriminate him/her in unethical behavior, depending on whether he/she has the “right to believe” what he/she believes in, according to Clifford...

Immigrant Issues in a New Country

An immigrant who moves into a new country will typically encounter a variety of issues that will complicate the process of them satisfying their needs and reaching happiness. The language barrier is one such problem, as it makes communication with many of the other people in the community difficult. Even...

Coca-Cola Company’s Marketing Plan and Performance

Customer Relationship Management In the Coca-Cola company, customer relationship management is at an advanced level due to effective and modern interaction strategies. The evaluation of this parameter is carried out by analyzing consumer satisfaction as a key indicator of brand success. According to Habib and Aslam (2014), Coca-Cola leadership promotes...

Nursing: Formation & Everyday Ethical Comportment

In the article Formation and everyday ethical comportment, the authors describe and discuss the essential shifts in nursing education (teaching and learning) and point out that nursing professionals need to approach teaching in new ways (Benner, Sutphen, Leonard-Kahn, & Day, 2008). The concept of formation used by Benner et al....

Use of Active Language as a Writing Focus

My writing focus for the given week was using active language in my writings. It is a highly essential lesson since it outlines the critical idea of presenting written information more vigorously and interestingly. Using functional language in writing allowed me to realize that I can give my knowledge with...

Conflict Management and Team Building

Conflicts can arise from serious and, sometimes, insignificant causes, as well as offensive words or actions. It is vital to study conflicts and the methods of dispute resolution, as disagreement can lead to permanent damage to people’s relationships. Communication is one of the most crucial elements in stable and healthy...

The Impact of Public Policy on Society

Politics have influence on all the aspects of life as a result of social interactions. Politics and the state interact in such a way that politics have a lot to do with decision making on social and other aspects of the people. Political institutions are playing a very important role...

Media Exposure: Personal Experience

On average most of my media consumption is derived primarily from the internet or from television (Strömbäck, J., & Kiousis, 2010). This consists of a variety of news channels such as CNN, BBC, etc. as well as a plethora of online sources of information such as blogs, articles, and YouTube...

Sales and Operations Planning

Obtaining profits is the principal goal of every business, and it is a complicated process. It is possible to use various strategies and tools to achieve this result, and sales and operations planning is one of them. This term stands for the effort that firms take to keep supply and...

Observations Techniques for Early Childhood Educators

Registered Early Childhood Educators (RECEs) should be able familiar with different techniques applied for assessing the children’s gross and fine motor skills. Each approach, however, has a varied level of objectivity or longevity of observations, which affects the results of these observations. The two observation techniques that RECEs can use...

Universalism and Relativism in Global Social Corporate Responsibility

Norms, values, and behaviors of different cultures can often contradict each other. Therefore, an international company and its employees can be torn between the ethical principles of the host country, where they meet a completely different set of moral values. However, proponents of cultural universalism believe humanity lives in a...

Opposing the American Revolution

The controversy of opinions regarding the American Revolution is due to different priorities and values ​​promoted by the warring parties. From the standpoint of a colonial politician as a representative of the intelligentsia, opposition to revolutionary ideas was a natural phenomenon. These citizens, who were part of the Loyalist group,...

Technology of the Past and Present

Living in a rapidly changing world can be challenging, but it also provides numerous opportunities to examine the differences between the lifestyles of people living in the past and present. They are primarily related to technological development since it defines types and quality of communication of any kind. In this...

Osteoarthritis: The Problem That Cannot Be Ignored

Destructive processes in the cartilage tissue affect different joints of the human body. This applies to those who have the greatest load while walking or working. According to Doherty et al. (2016), “OA is recognized as an important cause of disability and participation restriction in middle-aged and older adults” (p....

The Effect of Global Pandemic on the Role of Sports in Our Lives

The past few months have changed the way I view sports and their role in our lives. Previously, I was liked going to football matches, especially with friends or family members. However, the global pandemic put restrictions on these activities, and I had to revert to spending time at home...

Comcast Firm’s Forward and Backward Integration Strategies

Comcast Corporation is a giant American entertainment, information, and telecommunications company based in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. The firm focuses on creating incredible communication technology that connects millions of people worldwide while generating the most exciting and treasurable experiences. Comcast Corporation is known for using backward integration to gain a competitive advantage...

The Issue of Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) Supply in Hospitals

State the Healthcare Issue/Topic & Problem The COVID-19 pandemic made researchers and healthcare practitioners pay attention to the problem of guaranteeing adequate Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) supply in hospitals. The lack of PPE in facilities directly affects the quality of care for patients and the safety of healthcare providers. Explain...

Modern Supply Chains Organization Dynamic Capabilities

In their article, Masteika and Čepinskis (2015) analyze the relevance of the roles of dynamic capabilities in organizing modern supply chains and how they are expressed today. The researchers present the characteristics of supply chains and dynamic capabilities and compare the two in the context of their relationship (Masteika &...

Global Digital Marketing Trends for 2020

For successful development in 2020, global businesses have to think more about the customers and their needs. Despite the challenges, international companies must be ready to navigate the new environment. Global digital marketing has long gone beyond branding and advertising. In 2020, it must rely on customer experience to enhance...

Fast Fashion: Segment of the Fashion Industry

Fast fashion is a segment of the fashion industry that massively produces clothes from low-quality materials and uses cheap labor. Thus, brands save on costs and set low prices that force consumers to purchase goods. Existing fast fashion brands create clothes similar to the “trends of the season,” presented in...

Bearden v. Georgia: the Case of Burglary

Facts In September 1980 petitioner pleader guilty for burglary, yet the Georgian trial court did not sentence the applicant and sentenced them to probation if he pays a 500$ fine. However, the petitioner managed to pay only 200$ and could not provide the rest due to being fired (FindLaw). Because...

Taming of the Shrew: Katherina’s Final Speech

Katherine’s final speech in Act 5, scene 2 of Taming of the Shrew, is quite surprising and contradictory to her character. A woman who was known for rebellious behavior towards men, including her husband, suddenly speaks as an exemplary wife. Katherina’s husband asked her to talk about a woman’s duties....

Overhaul of the Retail Industry

Retail is one of the industries that has undergone the most dramatic transformation in the last couple of decades. The rapidly evolving business environment presents plenty of opportunities for forward-thinking retailers. The rise of the digital age has changed societal expectations. Today’s customers who have had a taste of the...

Climate Change: El Niño Oscillation Phenomenon (ENSO)

El Niño Oscillation phenomenon (ENSO) is characterized by an increase in the ocean surface temperature in the eastern and central parts of the Pacific Ocean. It affects rainfall distribution and can strongly affect weather patterns in the United States and the rest of the world (Liberto, 2014). In general, I...

Condoms in RestRooms Promote Awareness

Regardless of all attempts to improve the situation, AIDS remains one of the most topical issues for humanity nowadays. The current crisis means the need for actions to struggle against the further spread of the diseases. Under these conditions, the installation of condom dispensers in restrooms of the campus is...

“Spring” by Vivaldi

Listening to the recording of “Spring”, first movement, by Vivaldi is an extreme pleasure for many individuals, and I am one of them. The chosen instruments perfectly imitate natural sounds, provoking the required emotions and causing the necessary effects. For example, violins are used to imitate a delightful birdsong and...

Power of Religious Texts and Reasoning

Religious texts often become fundamental for individuals’ views and societies’ values, serving as the framework for the rules of the right conduct and behavior. In some cases, they tend to bear more significance for people than scientific research since their authority is rooted in hundreds and even thousands of years...

Multijurisdictional Tax Planning

The choice of jurisdiction to which taxpayers, individuals, and business representatives resort may be based on several principles. According to Weinreich (2016), they include selecting jurisdictions with minimum tax audit requirements and an opportunity to choose tax rates for the totality of taxes. In other words, the possibility of giving...

Electronic Books: The Future of Education

Introduction Marc Prensky claims that electronic books are more useful and efficient than paper ones. The process of education would become more interesting and modern with the use of new technologies. He puts forward the idea that “colleges and universities should ban nonelectronic books” (Prensky 1). Improving the learning process...

The Organizational Culture Assessment Instrument and the Clinical Inquiry

Assessing organizational culture is an essential step prior to the implementation of practice changes. In order to evaluate my organization, I selected the Organizational Culture Assessment Instrument (OCAI), which is a proven instrument of culture assessment (Cameron & Quinn, n.d.). The tool involves a set of statements designed to evaluate...

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François Boucher and Madame de Pompadour

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How to Lower your Cancer Risk. Nutrition Action Health Letter

Cancer is the abnormal growth of cells, and it prevents other cells from obtaining nutrients. If a person is genetically predisposed to the disease, it can be difficult to avoid getting it. However, individuals could still minimize their risk by practicing certain behaviors. For instance, it is essential to adopt...

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Three Topics in “The Red Balloon” Short Film

The first thing that I find interesting in the short film The Red Balloon which was filmed in 1956 by Christopher Anderson, is the topic of specific “wind” that propels the balloon throughout the whole picture. For instance, the balloon’s first movement is when Pascal was denied access to the...

Effect of Racial Oppression on Psychological Development

Introduction Racial oppression refers to integrating political power and irrational hostile judgment that discriminates against a predominant group, such as blacks in America. For example, there was a reckoning monument in America to remember what happened to black Americans in Montgomery, Alabama, back during the seventy years of war. Among...

Nursing Education and Treatment Outcomes

The connection between the education of BSN-prepared nurses and improved patient outcomes can be explained not only by the advanced writing skills and critical thinking of professionals but also by the long-term effects of their activity. In the first place, they are related to lower readmission rates in the facilities...

Will the Facebook’s Social Audio Products Succeed

Social Audio refers to social media products that utilize audio as their principal mode of communication. Social audio can include voice messaging, podcasts, editing tools, live conversation rooms, and audio creation, among others (Simo 1). Clubhouse, Twitter spaces, Spotify Greenroom, and Facebook Live Audio Rooms are the most popular audio-based...

The Politics of Gender and Race in the Ilbert Bill Controversy

The Ilbert Bill is an essential contribution to the study of women in British Imperial history. It is important because numerous cross-cultural issues are currently the focus of attention. For example, the Ilbert Bill in India was one of the first attempts to eliminate racial discrimination under the Indian Criminal...

Debunking Myths About Veganism

People should stop believing that veganism is the healthiest diet for humans because all humans need not only vitamins, of which vegan food mostly consists, but also protein and other nutrients for their body. Moreover, many representatives of the movement behave aggressively, giving it the features of fanaticism, which reduces...

Researching Environmental Criminology

Environmental criminology is the study of crime and criminality in connection with, firstly, specific places and, secondly, with how individuals and organizations form their activities in space. Crime prevention through Environmental Design (CPTED) is another practical application based on the idea that situational factors, such as the environment (poor lighting),...

Cash Flow Statements in Business

Cash flow is an important indicator for any business since it informs the public about how business cash is generated and allocated by the company. According to Murphy (2021), “the cash flow statement ( CFS) measures how well a company … generates cash to pay its debt obligations and fund...

Social Worker Tasks Regarding George Floyd’s Family

Introduction There are many factors involved in fulfilling the role of social worker for the George Floyd family. For many, this story has generated a personal resonance that affects attitudes. In the case of social workers, maintaining neutrality plays an important role in providing quality service. When working with the...

Mary Rowlandson and Religion

The colonial era in North America is known for violent opposition between the native population and new settlers. The Narrative of the Captivity and Restoration of Mrs. Mary Rowlandson is a book about a European woman who was kidnapped by the Indians and kept in confinement for eleven weeks and...

Introduction to Total Rewards Meanings

It is important to note that total rewards are a set of both non-monetary and monetary rewards, which serve the purpose of retaining, motivating, and attracting employees (GreggU, 2018). The first key takeaway is to design the reward system in such a way, where workers are encouraged to exhibit the...

“Do Not Go Gentle in to That Good Night”: A Psychoanalytical Perspective

Dylan Thomas’s villanelle named “Do Not Go Gentle In To That Good Night” is an instance of valuable, from a psychoanalytical point of view, piece of literature. The work contains deep and meaningful imagery, which contributes to the dismal but fascinating atmosphere created. Potentially, this work evidences the presence of...

Architect Le Corbusier and His “Ville Radieuse”

Representing the modern architecture movement as its pioneer, Charles-Édouard Jeanneret, also known under his alias, Le Corbusier, created the buildings that incorporated not only functionality but also a unique and inimitable style, therefore, shaping people’s perceptions of expressivity in architecture. Although his “Radiant City” project represented an original and interesting...

Racial Stratification Towards Asian Communities in the United States

This discussion post will revolve around the portrayal of COVID-19 in the media and its effect on Asian communities in the United States in order to analyze how racial stratification is apparent in its presentation. The article called “Hate crimes against Asian Americans are on the rise” by Abdollah and...

The Transmission of Dance Techniques

In this discussion post, I would like to provide my understanding of transmission and dance from the provided sources. First of all, the transmission of dance techniques, as discussed within the article by Anthea Kraut, can be summarized as a way of cultivating particular movement patterns through replication (Kraut). Through...

Athletes Coaching Philosophy Statement

One cannot get anywhere without clear goals in mind. Personally, my main goals are the following: Success. A sense of fulfilment and accomplishment is always pleasant, especially if an individual deserved the credit; Gaining respect. Personal achievements are only one side of the coin. The other one — respect for...

The Presentation of a Song Made by Brianna Mejia

In general, the presentation of a song made by Brianna Mejia may be regarded as comprehensive and informative. First of all, the speaker provided all the necessary information in an appropriate structured way. Thus, the audience had an opportunity to listen to the song under analysis to understand what the...

Allegory Assignment: The Film “Green Book”

Green Book is a film that presents the relationship between two real-life people: Donald Shirley and Tony Vallelonga. The film perfectly highlights the theme of racism and discrimination in the early 20th century by drawing the picture of a classical piano prodigy (Chow). Despite the virtuosic techniques of the main...

Scientific Revolution and the Enlightenment

The scientific revolution introduced individualism to a society that was largely conformist and communal at the time, with little regard for the accomplishments of select people. Though this was largely due to religious norms of the time, traditional and social expectations also promoted certain behaviors and values that prioritized communities...

The Employee Retirement Income Security Concept

In the labor sector, the term “The Employee Retirement Income Security (ERISA)” refers to a federal law protecting the workers’ retirement assets who work in private industries in America. The law’s implementation was in 1974 to govern that the cautioner does not exploit planned benefits. In addition, it protects some...

Two Scholarly Articles in Public Administration

The title of the paper is “Social Equity as a Public Administration Issue”; thus, the two articles that have been identified both touch upon the topic of equality and administration. The first article is titled “Social Equity and Evidence: Insights from Local Government.”, and it was written by S. T....

Multicultural Issues in the Workplace

Multicultural issues are quite an essential topic for discussion. This is mainly due to the development of concepts such as diversity and inclusion. An increasing number of employers are ready to hire representatives of different cultures and traditions. However, this factor can also affect the occurrence of various issues related...

Cultural Responsiveness in Professional Interactions

Cultural competence is essential for working with clients of different cultural backgrounds. The speech language pathologists (SLPs) should take into account these cultural similarities and differences in order to provide the most effective assessment (ASHA, n.d.). One of the crucial limitations that should always be considered is language. It is...

Procter & Gamble Firm’s Mission Statement

It is evident that the COVID-19 unexpected challenges make most major companies change their strategies and adapt to the new circumstances and the needs of their customers. It is possible to say that all organizations were in relatively equal positions, but thanks to the outstanding skills of their managers, some...

Comparison Between Tesla and Edison Invention

Nicholas Tesla and Thomas Edison are contemporary contestants for the best innovator in the energy sector globally. During the late 19th and early 20th centuries, Thomas and Edison have made significant contributions in inventing electrical gadgets and technology to resolve daily human needs and utility. In electricity innovation, Tesla’s alternating-current...

Domino’s Pizza Restaurants’ Marketing Critique

In 2009, Domino’s Pizza’s famous pizzeria brand experienced a severe crisis. Preparing a marketing campaign for a pizzeria has become a difficult time for its leaders and employees. After many negative comments, sales and reputation fell, and the chain began to share the last places in the ranking with little-known...

Literary Devices in Martin Luther King’s “I Have a Dream”

Literary devices are an important instrument to be used in a variety of speeches as a powerful tool for illustrating one’s emotions and portraying different events. A famous spokesperson, Martin Luther King, used an array of literary allusions in his speech, “I have a dream,” which resonated deeply within the...

Cybersecurity: The Role in Business

Cybersecurity frameworks may differ significantly depending on the way in which the data is stored. Data servers may require regular supervision and maintenance, whereas usage of the cloud partially delegates cybersecurity to the service provider (Michels and Walden 383). Hence, it may be essential to thoroughly analyze the market and...

Analyzing the US Cable TV Industry

The US cable industry is one of the fast-growing industries in the US. As growth occurs, the industry is experiencing impacts from different environmental factors and forces that affect the attractiveness of the industry. The two major general environmental factors that have the most impact on the industry include demographic...

Climate Change: Risks and Consequences

Climate change has long been one of the global environmental challenges humanity has faced. Research data published by reputable agencies prove that a slow but steady rise in surface temperatures is a sustainable trend. The information reflecting average temperatures shows that since 1880, the average has increased by 1.1 °C...

Frederick Douglass on Power of Written Language

Frederick Douglas blames the recognition of an independent, free, and hypocritical commitment to government loyalty as an inhuman mockery. He often refers to the fact that not all people living in America have the equal freedoms that every American should have. The author writes in an autobiographical style, referring to...

Limitations Regarding the Use of Shame

Shame is a tool that might be used in some cases to prevent criminals from repeating their actions. Yet the use of that tool should be very limited, as it easily gets out of hand and becomes harmful. Shame might be a useful tool when dealing with criminals whose actions...

Cultural Dilemmas in Modern Management

The importance of cultural dilemmas in stakeholder negotiation and conflict resolution is determined by the fact that people traditionally communicate with each other within the framework of their cultural values and beliefs. Culture impacts all spheres of human activities, and its aspects strongly affects people’s behaviors and perceptions. At the...

The Painting “Yarrow Mamout” by Charles Willson Peale

A man laughed straight at us in this wonderfully drawn image. He is dressed in a blue jacket with gleaming gold buttons, a hefty coat, and a beanie as if he is just stepped in from the weather. His face is drawn to us by a bright red scarf peeking...

Ecological Footprint and Ways to Improve It

Ecology plays a significant role in human life, and with the development of new technologies which harm the surrounding atmosphere, people are becoming more conscious about their footprints. According to Wackernagel and Goldfinger (2018), ecological footprint measures a person’s activities that affect the global environmental situation. Those activities include the...

The Physicalism Concept in Philosophy

Physicalism is closely related to the word ‘physical,’ which states the material condition of objects surrounding people. According to Jononymous Personymous (2021), physicalism means that everything has a physical substance, but followers of this theory do not deny the fact that abstract objects exist. Individuals can create their specific vision...

Principles of Information Security

Organizations can use various approaches when they need to manage potential and current risks. Two available groups of strategies are qualitative and quantitative ones, and they are significantly different. On the one hand, quantitative assessment is “an asset valuation approach that attempts to assign absolute numerical measures” (Whitman & Mattord,...

The Reasons Behind the Rise in Gas Prices

The gas prices have significantly increased during the past several months, and there are several reasons that caused this increase. First of all, it is necessary to realize that the situation in the world is quite unstable today, and numerous factors influence each other, which manifests in rising gas prices....

Aspects of Internet Neutrality

I knew about Internet neutrality before the course. It is a set of laws and practices that prevents Internet service providers (ISP) to block, slow down, or charge extra for access to specific sites and types of data. Net Neutrality protects not only the users from ISPs demanding exorbitant payments,...

“Becoming a Man: Half a Life Story” by Paul Monette

The book that I read approaches the issue of growing up gay. The protagonist talks about engaging in his first gay experience with another young boy in the book. The protagonist engages in a journey of self-discovery in a world where being gay has not been embraced in society. The...

Civilization: Interpersonal Communication

People are constantly striving to create a better society and increase the level of interpersonal communication. Individuals usually create groups when they share the same cultural norms and beliefs. This factor is basic, and modern nations are following this step in creating new social groups. Moreover, when people share the...

Christopher Phillips on the Socratic Method

The Socratic method is a manner of discovering truths through your own eyes. All rolled into one, it is a system, a spirit, a method, a form of philosophical inquiry, and an intellectual approach. Socrates never explicitly stated a method, but Christopher Phillips has summarized the fundamental principles of his...

Concerns in the Building of Community Gardens

One of the central concerns in the building of community gardens is the legal evidence of the right to remain. It may seem unconventional since almost everyone can see the exceptional benefits of such initiatives. However, the state may try to close the green due to unauthorized use of the...

Exploitation of Wilderness Lands: Negative Effects

The author of “A Sand County Almanac: With Other Essays on Conservation from Round River” considers wilderness as the beginning of that which humans received. He notes that people used the land to develop businesses and society as a whole. However, Leopold Aldo indicates that the exploitation of wilderness lands...

Whether Infinite Economic Growth Is Possible

Answering not the question of whether infinite economic growth is possible, one should understand its constituent parts. I believe that endless economic development is impossible in practice, and for a number of reasons. The main component of the idea of endless growth is exponential growth. Exponential growth is any growth...

Use of Drones in Emergency Management

The use of drones in disaster relief is becoming increasingly important. Drones can capture images, film videos, and deliver objects. The imagery and mapping technology in drones can be used to survey the damage and assist in allocating victims in emergencies. Unmanned aero planes can also be used to deliver...

The Matrix Structure Benefits for Sponsors

In order to convince the sponsor to adopt a matrix management structure, it is essential to explain its advantages. The matrix framework combines the features of the linear and process structures (Bowers et al., 2017). According to the principle of linear management, the matrix structure is aligned vertically; that is,...

J. J. Thomson and His Innovation in Chemistry

At the end of the 19th century, disputes continued about the parts of which atoms consisted. Scientific minds have tried to determine whether atoms are the smallest material particle or if there are even smaller elements. An English physicist, J. J. Thomson, was an academic who made one of the...

Privacy and Confidentiality in Counseling

Adhering to the code of ethics is essential to any counselor’s or psychologist’s practice. It allows clients and professionals to build trusting relationships that are professional and based on mutual respect of boundaries. Privacy and confidentiality are the key principles of an ethical code of conduct. Several organizations have developed...

Project Management Methodology

This paper will be responding to a quote by Harold Kerzner. According to the man, “The importance of a good methodology cannot be understated” (Kerzner, 2018), which ties in smoothly with the topic of the present discussion – project management methodologies. Project management remains among the central needs of any...

Sartre’s Theory Against Placing Meaning in Human Existence

Sartre’s theory argues against placing meaning in human existence and believes it to be meaningless. Sartre believes that existence preceded essence, which means that we are born and then define ourselves over time through our own free will choices. Whoever we are, according to Sartre, is a result of the...

Article on the North American Free Trade Agreement

Regional Economic Integration is a treaty between nations to minimize and ultimately eliminate tariff and non-tariff obstacles to the free movement of services, goods, or inputs of production. The economic justification for these agreements is that when free commerce is restricted, it delays the development of the country’s goals and...

“The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night” by Mark Haddon

Theme Sentence The theme of social disability: Christopher’s consciousness is reflected in the narration and identifies his cognitive features. Peer Theme Comment One theme from “The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-time” is bravery, facing your fears in order to feel safe. Christopher explores the world more through...

Interpersonal Deception Theory and Feministic Muted Group Theory

Most Favorite Theory I genuinely enjoyed learning about the feministic muted group theory, which implies that women could not express themselves fully in Western society. This inability to recognize their voices resulted in the lack of linguistic representation of females in the nation’s language (Griffin et al., 2019). It was...

Inter-, Non-Governmental and Multinational Organizations

International companies and agencies that operate globally have significant resources to solve global issues. Such definitions as inter-governmental organizations (IGOs), non-governmental organizations (NGOs), and multinational corporations (MNCs) are met in different reports and official documents. Cooperation between these boards contributes to solving global problems associated with universal human challenges. Turhan...

“Stand-up Economists Play Off Finances for Laughs” Video Summary

The video “Stand-up Economists Play Off Finances for Laughs” by PBS NewsHour begins with a presentation of Yoram Bauman, an American economist. He rejects the general idea of the economy being considered a dismal and boring discipline. Bauman proclaims himself “the world’s first stand-up economist” and entertains the public with...

The Challenge of Fostering Innovation for Subsequent Growth

Introduction Every business holder, at some point, faces the challenge of fostering innovation for subsequent growth. Although the innovation process is different in various industries, the academic community suggests some strategies that are considered generally useful. Discussion Brimhall and Mor Barak assume that a climate for the inclusion of employees...

The Importance of Effective Warehousing in Mining

Business organizations currently must have an effective warehousing and inventory management system for manufacturing equipment within the mining industry. Choosing the best methods for storing, supplying, and purchasing is crucial for quality and reliability in inventory management. Individual item criticality, which explains how important a component is, should be taken...

Researching of Communication Channels

Communication has become central to the efficient performance of any company in the 21st century. Therefore, ambitious managers should be able to determine the necessary cues and choose the most appropriate channels that ensure the best results. What is more, various channels have different richness, which describes their ability to...

Fossil Group Inc.’s Cost Categories

Examining cost categories can help firms find new ways to streamline their manufacturing operations and provide detailed information about their expected revenue. As an international fashion accessories manufacturer, Fossil Group, Inc. has a complex structure that incurs numerous costs throughout its operations. Conducting research on examples for each source of...

Students’ Oral Presentation Assessment

When it comes to learning, many students indicate better performance with oral presentations. However, there must be certain criteria that will help evaluate the oral presentation of the individual and see how well they understood the assignment and provided the material. In this sense, when it comes to a sample...

Aspects of Pesticide Use in Agriculture

The article by de Gomes et al. (2020) investigates socio-environmental factors connected with pesticide use in agriculture and food production. From one point of view, it is beneficial for food production because it increases the number of crops, but from another point of view, it has a destructive impact on...

The Scope of Practice for a Personal Trainer

A personal trainer is a licensed individual working one-on-one with a client to assist them in reaching their fitness objectives by providing a fitness schedule that is specially adapted to their requirements. These sessions can be done at home with an online personal trainer, but they often occur in a...

Style and Function in Art: Johannes Vermeer’s Girl with a Pearl Earring

The work of art I have selected for the discussion is Johannes Vermeer’s Girl with a Pearl Earring, which I have reviewed on the website of Mauritshuis museum. When I saw the painting for the first time, it appeared quite simple, but my interest grew the more I observed Vermeer’s...

Epidemiological Data as a Public Health Tool

It is important to collect epidemiological data especially in studying disease patterns. It is a major public health tool that can be applied in targeting and evidencing control measures as a way of protecting the public’s health and safety. Epidemiological data easily identifies a population that is at risk of...

Entrepreneurship Abilities and Predisposition

Introduction The concept of entrepreneurship as the process of establishing and running a business has been believed to be the kind of activity that requires a particular set of characteristics that are intrinsic to one’s personality. In other words, entrepreneurs used to be perceived as being born and not made....

Epidemiological Data and Its Role in Healthcare

Epidemiological data are essential to control and safeguard nations’ health. This determines the root causes of public health problems that require immediate action. The obtained data guides the management of victims of the disease, planning and gauging disease thwarting strategies. The data provides evidence to aid curb diseases and provide...

Bible Principles Regarding Debt

The Bible generally says that a person should pay off his debt. For a Christian, one should live without obligation and not be an owner. To do this, he should leave everything to the will of the Lord (ChristianSuper, 2020). The Bible says that nothing belongs to the man in...

List of Required Postings in a Dental Office

Regulatory compliance requires that the posters be conspicuously displayed to the dentists. The posters can either be from the federal or state or printed by an individual from these state agency websites. Some of the posters that dentists should be aware of and can be retrieved from the national labor...

United Nations’ 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development

First and foremost, the article describes the United Nations’ 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, that includes essential directions of improvement in terms of sustainable development of the planet. It was adopted by all of the United Nations’ members in September 2015 at Sustainable Development Summit in New York. The proposed...

The Worth of Parental Involvement in Children’s Education

Today, much attention is paid to improving the quality of childhood education, and the worth of parental involvement is currently discussed and recommended. One of the reasons to support the idea of parental engagement is to promote communication between parents, teachers, and students and enhance information exchange that affects the...

The Importance of the Creativity

Introduction It can be safe to say that creativity is a person’s ability to generate unique thoughts or products when utilizing their experience. Neurons across the brain begin locomoting more actively, allowing the person in question to devise solutions they have only imagined before. Creativity is a fundamental concept that...

The Responsibility of a Nurse Leader

Introduction Thank you for your posting; the information and your thoughts on the leadership and management roles correlation demonstrate your reflection on the topic. I particularly liked your remark on the informal performance in leadership positions of all nurses, regardless of their official responsibilities. Indeed, being an active participant in...

The Americanization Movement in the US

The current United States population continues to grow due to increased migration of people from their native countries. As a result, the U.S. government introduced the Americanization movement to blend foreigners from different states. The establishment’s objective was to alter unskilled foreigners into professional workers and relevant citizens. Conversely, Americanization...

“Thinking as a Hobby” Book by William Golding

The three statuettes in the headmaster’s office that Golding writes about are a miniature of Rodin’s Thinker, a miniature of Venus de Milo, and a statuette of a crouching leopard. In Golding’s view, the statuette of Venus represented the third grade of thinking. While it is a symbol of beauty...

Placebo Effects in Depression Treatments: Understanding Mechanisms and Efficacy

The placebo effect This is the improvement in the general health of a patient even without taking administered medication. The improvement may be either observable or felt. It is facilitated by factors like classical conditioning, the expectations of the patient, or even a regression to the mean, among others. The...

Functioning and Improvements in the Affordable Care Act Explained

How to Fix the Affordable Care Act The Affordable Care Act is considered by some to be the Obama administration’s greatest success, while others brand it as its greatest failure. While the systems have plenty of flaws, its successes prevent both the Congress and the President from abolishing it outright,...

Mujaddara: Middle Eastern Dish History

Mujaddara is one of the oldest dishes of the Middle Eastern cuisine. The oldest recorded recipe for the dish appears in a cookbook from 1226 A.D. titled “Kitab al Tabikh” meaning “The Book of Dishes (Chovanec).” The dish originated with the need to provide maximum nutrition with the least amount...

Duress and Undue Influence in Contract Validity

Duress and undue influence are vitiating factors that can impair the validity of a contract (Shilling, 2013). Duress refers to a substantial threat of violence of other illegal harm that puts undue pressure on a person signing a contract. Duress covers unlawful restraint, property, and economic wellbeing. However, legal action...

Symbolism in Irving’s “Rip Van Winkle” Short Story

“Rip Van Winkle” is a symbolic story, its author, Washington Irving, used a fictional and unrealistic event to be able to portray the difference between the same places of America before and during the Revolutionary War. The story of a mysterious situation when a character skips a long period without...

Feelings in “Araby” Short Story by James Joyce

Written by James Joyce, Araby is a short story describing young adolescent boys eager to learn about sexual awareness. The narrator who is a young boy falls in love with his neighbor the Mangan’s sister. However, he has poor skills on how to approach a girl and therefore secretly admires...

Afrofuturism: Artistic, Social, and Political Contexts

In her article “What the Heck Is Afrofuturism?”, Jamie Broadnax aims at discussing the phenomenon of Afrofuturism from not only artistic and philosophical but also social and political contexts. Her work takes an important place in a creative tradition since she speaks about the movement that has a great potential...

Effective Strategies for Servant Leaders to Address Colleague Feedback

After reviewing the colleague’s post, it can be concluded that Mrs. Noble was a real servant leader who aimed to create value for the community through her contributions. However, there are two questions that need to be asked regarding Mrs. Noble’s leadership: “What sacrifices did Mrs. Noble make in order...

Auditory Learning Style, Its Features and Application

The learning style test scores were the following: auditory: 45%, visual: 25%, tactile: 30%. According to the test, I am an auditory learner. This information implies that it is easier for me to learn when I hear the information presented. Although it is partially true, I would not say that...

The Peer Review Cycle in Scientific Publishing

Peer reviewing is an essential part of the scientific publishing process. It is necessary in order to ensure the accuracy and quality of information presented in the peer-reviewed article. The peer-review cycle is comprised of four points, which are as follows (Fernandez, 2012): Writing and submitting an article for review...

Necessary Skills and Knowledge for Foodservice and Hospitality

Necessary skills and knowledge Several skills are required for safe and effective work in the foodservice and hospitality industry. In particular, employees of a restaurant should be aware of not only the methods and means of handling, cooking, and serving food but also the responsibilities and guidelines of quality service....

“Get Out” Movie: Genre, Medium, and Pathos

The movie Get Out is an exciting illustration of interracial interactions combined with pseudoscientific forces, such as the transfer of consciousness. Its director Jordan Peele is well-known for his satiric and comedic approach. However, he is also outstanding in giving the films a horror mood, where he does not apply...

Bean-Coin: Vegan Website Currency for Healthy Food Activity

The suggested currency is called “Bean-coin” and it is a currency for vegan website activity. It is backed by the commodity such as ready meals sold by the website. The website awards users with a certain amount of currency for substantive activity such as posting, sharing, and commenting on posts...

Factors for Starbucks’ Successful Market Expansion

Expansion to a new market presupposes consideration of vital elements that are required for success. First of all, for Starbucks, it can be recommended to communicate the brand successfully. The entry to a new area demands this element as a part of the preparation for the functioning of a company...

Child Pornography and Subcultural Norms on the Internet

Introduction The production and distribution of pornographic materials exploiting children have always belonged to the most immoral crimes. Presently, the spread of this illegal activity is promoted by the growth of technologies and the Internet with the help of which criminals can spread their materials easier and faster. It is...

Patient-Centered Care and Nursing Philosophy

My nursing philosophy is associated with the assistance to people aimed at improving their health outcomes by providing treatment and preventative measures. I believe that nursing is the sphere that requires constant enhancement and evidence-based practices. The rapidly changing environment, innovations in treatment, development of new approaches, and patients’ varying...

Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs in Nursing

The theory of Maslow’s hierarchy of needs presents a five-tier model that can be applied to the nursing profession. The lowest tier is physiological needs: food, sleep, and shelter. In regards to nursing, it can be interpreted as the importance of maintaining physical well-being in the workplace. It is no...

Economic in One Lesson: The Drive for Exports

In Chapter 12 “The Drive for Exports,” Hazlitt talks about the exceeding need of countries for countries to export their goods to facilitate equal distribution of expenditures and earnings. This means the higher are exports, the greater the should be imports to achieve balance (Hazlitt 69). The principle is not...

Stress in Primary vs. Patient Allocation Models: Article Review

Though not frequently utilized in quantitative research, comparative research is a widespread practice in qualitative studies. Aiming to compare two or more objects, phenomena, or incidents, the research attempts to discover something new about one or all of the variables compared. Taken a multidisciplinary approach, the research, summarized by Piovani...

John Steinbeck’s “The Moon is Down” Novel

Good Versus Evil When John Steinbeck’s The Moon is Down was first published in 1942, it received some significant criticism in terms of its themes and the key message that the author communicated to his audience. In his writing, Steinbeck proposed the idea that in the end, evil will be...

Current Sources of Evidence-Based Standards and Guidelines for Prescribing Psychiatric Drugs

The task of prescribing psychiatric drugs implies a huge amount of responsibility and sufficient knowledge. Due to the effects that continuous consumption of psychiatric medications, particularly, the long-term effects causing chemical dependency and difficulty for withdrawal, the use of the latest sources of EBP standards for prescription is required (Lally...

Health Advertisements: “Open Your Eyes to Saturated Fat”

This advertisement presents a surprising image for the viewer depending upon how they first view it. At first glance, it can either appear to be a large mousetrap complete with a plate of appetizing cheese or it can be seen as a rustic dining table and chairs set with an...

Growing of the World Population

Outsourcing is a widespread phenomenon in the modern world, and various businesses deal with it. According to Jacobs and Chase (2014), this term refers to conveying the company’s internal activities and responsibilities to outside agents, usually from developing countries. Also known as offshoring, outsourcing is requested now because it provides...

‘Why Shouldn’t Tommy and Jim Have Sex?’ by J. Corvino: Defense of Homosexuality

The article, written by John Corvino, is a short series of paragraphs in support of homosexual relationships. The reasoning is through the use of an abstract example, which is two men, Tommy and Jim. Corvino discusses one of the most common arguments against such couples, namely that homosexuality is supposedly...

Successful Leadership Is the Ability to Inspire

Management theorist Simon Sinek believes that a leader is someone with whom employees feel safe, who creates a circle of trust. Successful leadership is not about power, authority, and influence, but about the ability to inspire. Individuals and entire organizations can achieve exceptional success if they understand why they exist,...

Gender Conflict in “Sweat” by Zora Neale Hurston

It is worth noting that the work of Zora Neale Hurston called “Sweat” brought up a gender conflict as the main subject for discussion. In particular, this short story reveals aggression and sexist oppression against black women by black men. In this story, the husband attempts to kill his wife...

Ben Carson, is an English Neurosurgeon and Politician

Ben Carson is famous for being an excellent neurosurgeon before pursuing a political career. He attended a medical school and became the director of pediatric neurosurgery at Hopkins Hospital. At that time, he was only 33, and this was an extraordinary achievement for such a young man. However, it was...