AEI’s Team Acclimation in India

Sybil’s choices in managing her team in India have created negative output, which manifests itself in three distinct problems. Firstly, her approach to hiring is based on prior familiarity rather than diversity, which, as a result, is not sufficient. Secondly, Sybil leaves little autonomy to the teams, which provokes infighting....

Legal Aspects of Human Resources Management

Union Solicitation The All Souls Hospital employee was within her legal right to chat with other staff members about the union on social media. The National Labor Relations Act (NLRA) grants workers the right to establish, enroll, or assist in union organizations, or to engage in collective bargaining or solicitation...

Musical Style of Luis Miguel

Luis Miguel is a legendary figure in the history of Spanish music and one of the most successful musical artists in Latin America. He was born in Puerto Rico, but he is sometimes called The Sun of Mexico because that is where he started his career and won his fame....

Leadership Styles Integration Into the Nursing Practice

Leadership Traits of an Effective Communicator Transparency Accountability Expertise Integrity Empathy Communication is an essential part of leadership, and it requires crucial leadership skills and qualities for successful interaction. There are six basic styles at the intersection of leadership and communication: listening, coaching, teaching, advising, motivating, and directing (Prossack, 2018)....

How to Change Engine Oil in an Automobile Engine

Changing the engine oil is a process of great significance for it extends the operational life of a car’s engine. Regardless of the time of year and the driving experience and conditions, a change of oil is required for the engine just as a person needs water (Fracchia, 2019). Otherwise,...

Global Marketing: Adaptation vs. Standardization

Marketing and trade are complicated and interconnected processes, and their complexity increases in proportion to their scale. Most companies start their activities in the domestic market and expand to other countries, achieving success. For this reason, marketers need to understand the difference between domestic, international, and global marketing, as well...

Steps That Organizations Must Take to Reach AACNs Goal

Abstract The American Association of Colleges of Nursing (AACN) enacted the Doctor of Nursing Practice (DNP) in October 2014. The DNP program is a single entry degree that the Advanced Practicing Nurses should pursue at the beginning of 2015. This resulted in remarkable changes in the nursing programs. From research...

Patients’ Spiritual Needs Assessment

Spirituality in Patients The meaning of spirituality varies a lot depending on an individual and the faith he/she posses (Barna, 2003). To some people, it may be used to refer to the faith they posses while in others, it may be used to give life meaning and purposes. Whatever the...

Psychologists Erik Erikson, Gordon Allport and Raymond Cattell

The three prominent psychologists contributed greatly to the understanding of personality development. Each of them created a unique theory that seeks to cover the whole lifespan of a person and explain how certain occurrences and factors may affect a person. Despite different emphases, it is vivid that the approaches have...

The Ethical Principles in Nursing Research

Carrying out a nursing research presupposes managing a huge set of responsibilities, the safety of the research subjects being the key one. As a result, a nursing specialist in charge of a research must make sure that the study subject should not face any major threats in the process. Since...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Team Collaboration for Smoking Cessation

Introduction Tobacco use is a chronic, relapsing habit that has been proven to have adverse health effects. The Centers for Diseases Control and Prevention (2018) show that smoking harms almost every single organ in the human body, causes various diseases and conditions, and worsens smokers’ health in general. In the...

Thermo-Chemical Disinfection Using Vegetative Bacteria

Overview of thermal-chemical disinfection process Disinfection is a process of reducing microorganisms to a level that is not harmful to health (Fraise, Lambert, & Maillard, 2003). The disinfection process can be a single step where the disinfectant is the sole means of controlling microbial growth such as contact lens solution...

The Individualistic Approach to HIV Prevention

The Individualistic Approach to HIV Prevention Described in Sherr’s Paper HIV has caused potential negative impacts globally. Several investigations on HIV and related challenges have been conducted. Prevention is indicated as an important approach in minimizing the impacts of HIV infection. Indicatively, there are several prevention strategies. There are also...

Eating Fast Food and Obesity Correlation Analysis

Healthcare problem and research question In healthcare, it is prudent to assess relationships between healthcare problems and suspected causative factors. If causative factors are determined and positively correlated to healthcare problems, then preventive measures can be put in place (Polit & Lake, 2010). Correlation analysis statistical tests are used to...

The Innate and Acquired Immune Systems

Comparing and contrasting the major roles of the innate immune system and the acquired immune system Innate immune system prevents the entry of pathogenic microbes and toxins into the body. According to IQWiG (2012), this is achieved through surface barriers including the skin, mucosae and various secretions by the body...

Preventing Iodine Deficiency Disease in China

Food fortification with missing vitamins, macro- and micronutrients is a serious intervention in the currently existing structure of human nutrition. The need for such intervention is dictated by the environmental factors associated with changes in the composition and nutritional value of the food we use, as well as the transformation...

Children Obesity in the United States

Nowadays, there are numerous obstacles in the way of a healthy living of children in the United States. Together with other problems and sicknesses, obesity stands as one of the main difficulties in modern societies. Childhood obesity is rather severe, and it looks like as nobody accepts to take accountability...

Economic Questions About Skills and Employment

Situation George is making $18 an hour installing electronic chips in hand help computers. Would your offer to work for $8 an hour get you the job? Why might a profit-maximizing employer turn down your offer? The difference between me and George would be that I cannot offer the high...

Criminal Justice System for Public Safety

The criminal justice system is made up of three major components which work together to promote public safety. The role played by the police in the criminal justice system goes beyond just providing protection and safety to the public. One of the significant functions of the police is to conduct...

Tennessee v. Reeves: The Case Study

Citation 916 SW.2d 909.196, Tenn.109. Two school girls planned to poison their school teacher. However, their plan did not go through when one of the accomplices decided to inform another teacher concerning what they intended to do. These girls were Reeves, Coffman and the teacher was Janice. The two girls...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Analytical Techniques for Resource Allocation

Introduction Resource allocation is imperative for turning inputs into outputs. Still, it is paramount to focus on particular strategies and procedures used for estimating the effectiveness of resource allocation and utilization generally referred to as analytical techniques for resource allocation (Longest & Darr, 2014). Some useful strategies are critical path...

“Challenges of Nursing Handover” by Sabet Sarvestani

Qualitative research is often regarded as less reliable or valid due to the lack of rigor of its methodology. Qualitative methods are often associated with a considerable degree of bias. This design is often compared with quantitative research that is seen as rigorous and reliable. For instance, researchers can quantify...

Indemnity Dental Insurance and Its Benefits

Indemnity dental insurance is also referred to as traditional insurance or fee for service dental plan and takes place through pay for service arrangement (Shashikiran, 2015). The major benefit of indemnity insurance is that it gives the patients an opportunity to receive the service of the dentist of their choice....

Key Takeaways from the Coronavirus Pandemic

While healthcare organizations and executives are optimistic about the decreasing coronavirus prevalence, associated deaths, and availability of vaccines, people should not lose sight of the bigger picture: an upcoming pandemic. Through the years, the world has experienced a fair share of pandemics, including HIV/AIDS and polio. A vital takeaway from...

Colonizing Other Planets and Taking Care of the Earth

Introduction People have always been interested in exploring outer space and colonizing other planets. Scientists spent years developing and testing rockets that would allow humanity to reach planets where life can be better. As indicated by Worrall (2018), experts claim that the future lies in the stars and not on...

Muslim Heritage in Culture, Art, and Religion

The Arabs, unlike their neighbors, have never been united by a single state or a single religion. They were fragmented into many independent tribes who were herding sheep and camels. Instead of worshipping one god, Arab Bedouins were polytheists until Muhammad entered the city of Mecca. The unique features of...

The Origins of Race: Environmental and Socio-Political Roots

The concept of race as a biological criterion to divide humans has been influential in the past few centuries despite lacking any scientific proof. The question of whether it is a biological fact or a social construct rages on, with both sides providing evidence for their views. Some of the...

Medical Terminologies: The Practical Significance

Medical terminologies invented thousands of years ago are still applied in the current healthcare practice by professionals. The use of these terms is appropriate due to a myriad of concrete rationales. Firstly, those medical terms provide a standard mode of communication between the interdisciplinary team members involved in patient care....

The Influence of the Pet on Cardiovascular Health

The heart is an essential organ of our body, on the state of which the health and life expectancy of a person directly depends. Measures such as staying active, eating a healthy diet, walking outside, getting enough sleep, and avoiding bad habits are great ways to help prevent heart disease....

Osnos’ Article “Survival of the Richest” Analysis

Introduction It is natural for civilizations to experience periods of prosperity and decline since it is a complex social structure where people are the mechanisms. Through experience, science, and surviving sources, people learned to identify some of the impending decline patterns to prevent or avoid the upcoming crises. One of...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Pride: Parents Who Teach Their Kids About Self-Worth

A good parent is a combination of many different qualities. The most important lesson any mother or father can teach is to give the child a great example of how to deal with difficulties, how to interact with the rest of society, and how to be a decent human being....

A Matter of Priorities in Management

Sheila Stephens, a production manager for Thompson Manufacturing, agreed to interview the candidate selected by the human resource manager on a busy working day. Despite ongoing calls and issues to solve, Sheila invited the candidate to her office and started the interview. However, the conversation was not a success as...

The Role of the Office of Personnel Management

The United States has several agencies which ease service delivery to the citizens. One such center is the United States Office of Personnel Management (OPM), which serves the federal government in personnel policy guidance and the human resource management. The role of OPM in personnel management, workforce restructure, formulating employee...

Deming’s 14 Principles and Baldrige’s 11 Core Values

Deming’s 14 principles were formulated by William Edwards Deming, an engineer and statistician, in the second half of the 20th century. They concern fundamental management values that facilitate productivity and quality in the organization’s operations. Per Lim (2019), they are as such: the constancy of purpose for improvement, adoption of...

Arguments For and Against Immigration

Introduction Immigration is a matter that has sparked a debate regarding its impact, especially on western countries like the United States of America. Being at the top of the political discussion, researchers like Huntington in “The Hispanic Challenge” have voiced their concerns on immigration. One of the reasons for immigration...

Proposal Outline: Being Too Dependent on Technology

In the modern world, when almost everything is automatized, and it is impossible to live fully without devices and gadgets, technological dependence appears to be a pressing concern. It has an impact on people’s brains, causing sleep disorders, anxieties, communication problems, an inability to distinguish the reality and the virtual...

The Green Belt Effects on Urban Development

With the deterioration of the environmental situation in cities, especially in metropolises, the preservation and improvement of the Green Belt play an essential role from the ecological, sanitary-hygienic, and aesthetic sides. The Green Belt is an area of forests, agricultural and unused land, specially preserved in the cities’ territories. In...

Developing a Wix-Based Website

Website development seems like an easy task, yet demands step-by-step coordination in order to create a product that would appeal to the client. As a designer, one has to be user-oriented to ensure smooth interaction. This is the major problem that results in low site traffic and financial losses for...

Taza Chocolate Firm’s Distribution, Pricing, and Marketing

Taza Chocolate Chocolate is one of the mainstays for American customers and comes in different forms. The country has numerous companies that make chocolate and its derived products with a broad range of stores vending such brands. Taza is one of the American-based enterprises that concentrate on the manufacture of...

Global Warming in Relation to Human Population Size

Global warming remains to be one of the human-induced environmental issues affecting society today. Warming of the earth’s surface happens once carbon dioxide and other air pollutants accumulate in the atmosphere and absorb sunlight. Due to these toxic substances, which can remain in the environment for years to centuries, heat...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Rub-A-Dub Washing Machine Company Finding Overseas Supplier

Charlie Harris is facing a tough challenge; he needs to find 50,000 major tub assemblies for $ 160 per unit. Otherwise, the new product will fail, and supply management of the Rub-A-Dub Washing Machine Company will end. One way to do it is to convince old Rub-A-Dub’s suppliers to agree...

Traumatic Impacts of Community Violence, COVID-19, and Civil Unrest in Immigrant Families

The presentation is dedicated to the impact of community violence, structural racism, COVID-19, and community violence on immigrant and marginalized mixed-status families. Changes in federal immigration policies have led to increasing enforcement, reducing access to public benefits for immigrants, and removing their legal protection and their qualification for a different...

Donating Restaurant Food to Poor People in Peru

Food Waste Reduction Referring to the current situation in Peru concerning the high rate of food waste, the best solution is to distribute the restaurant’s remaining food to people from disadvantaged and broken families. It is the best option and initiative that has multiple directions. The first one is that...

Hand Sanitizers in COVID-19 Pandemic: Pros and Cons

During the COVID-19 pandemic, the demand for hand sanitizers has grown substantially over the past couple of years. Moreover, most places of mass gathering of people have been equipped with these means of protection to create all possible conditions for improving the epidemiological situation. Hand sanitizing is aimed at combating...

The River Valley Civilizations Comparison

Introduction Civilizations developed in major river valleys are considered to be the oldest societies in the world. There were four major river valleys: Indus valley, Nile River valley, Mesopotamia, located between Tigris and Euphrates, and Yellow River valley, and each one of them became home to unique societies. Although river...

Supply Chain Disruption in International Business

Cause of the Supply Chain Disruption The disruption in the supply chain may bring many undesirable consequences for the business. There are numerous causes of disruptions in the supply chains. They include lack of efficient communication between manufacturers and suppliers, supplier’s opportunism, truck drivers and port workers’ strikes, inability to...

Eating Disorders: Finding the Right Treatment

Many people have different eating behaviors that are influenced by culture, emotional cues, physical prompts, families, habits, and friends. As people’s association with food increases, individuals tend to lose track of when to take a meal and thus start consuming to satisfy their desires other than the need to fuel...

Attention and Movements: Types and Functions

1) Although the ordinary individual does not give selective attention enough consideration, its consequences may be felt in every waking minute. The system by which the human mind focuses its attention on a single subject for a period of time is known as selective attention (Banich & Compton, 2018). Human...

Australia: Geography, Language, Climate, and Culture

The Commonwealth of Australia consists of the Australian continent and several islands, including the island of Tasmania. The capital of Australia is Canberra, and the biggest city is Sydney. Australia is a federal democratic monarchy headed by the prime minister, Scott Morrison. Nominally, the Commonwealth of Australia was reigned by...

Adultification of Juvenile Criminal Behavior

In our time, justice is faced with a number of difficulties and problems stemming from the unusualness of some instances and factors. One of the most challenging issues to resolve is juvenile trials, as well as the problem of juvenile adaptation. Based on the Haerle study (2018), one can judge...

Jacqueline Lapsey’s “Whispering the Word”

Introduction The Old Testament (OT) offers numerous arguments and views regarding the position of women in Christian societies. Over the years, feminists in this religion have lacked proper strategies for maintaining their views and commitments to the notions of gender equality from a religious perspective. In the book Whispering the...

A Comparison Between Language Planning and Policy in Finland and France

Language planning and policy are vital elements in establishing a relationship between nationalism, language, and identity. In order to create a strong nation with a unified language, governments have the power to define one or multiple official languages. Being a part of the European Union, France and Finland face migration...

Mass Immigration in the United States

Since the 1800s, America has experienced three great waves of mass immigration. The first great wave of immigration came from Europe between the 1820s-1880s (Healey and Stepnick 60). The second mass immigration came from the 1880s to the 1920s, and the current wave has been continuing since 1965. Each of...

Worldly Writing on Music: K-Pop Culture

Music is an essential component in the socio-cultural mainframe of any community due to the trickle-down effect of influencing emotional connectivity despite diversity. Heterogeneity is an issue across the different ethnic groups that leads to conflicts among individuals hence the significance of exchanging values and norms. In this case, it...

“The Unmitigated Insider Threat to Aviation” by Loffi

Precis The attacks of September 11, 2001, made the US aviation enterprise pay more attention to security. The industry, previously regarded as safe, faced new challenges and risks. Moreover, many experts believe that those threats come not just outside the state but from the aviation industry employees. The unmitigated insider...

The Downfall of the Roman Republic

Many historians have argued the exact reason behind the downfall of the Roman Republic. With the growth of the Roman Republic, many problems emerged; each of them could be considered the cause of the downfall. The late Republic was plagued by economic, political, and social issues; many changes were required....

Issue of the Urgent Need for Health Insurance

Today, the cost of doctors’ services, medicines, necessary procedures, and examinations often exceeds citizens’ income. The purchase of a V.M.I. (voluntary medical insurance) policy will help get out of the situation with a win-win situation, without worrying about the cost of treatment (Hamon, 2017). The registration of the policy guarantees...

Professional Judgement and Decision-Making in Social Work

Decision making is one of the most important aspects of social work. It can affect not only one element in the life of a person but immediately have an effect on all its further course for a group of people or an individual. The article Professional judgment and decision-making in...

The Roman System of Government

The earliest systematic description of the Roman state structure belongs to the Greek historian Polybius. He faced the beginning of Roman rule when the West and the Hellenistic East were combined into a single whole. The great historian wrote forty novels about ancient Rome. In Book VI the Roman system...

Emancipation Proclamation and Gettysburg Address

Introduction It was not the intention of Lincoln to abolish slavery at the start of the civil war, but circumstances changed along the way. Slavery became a major war issue. As a result, Lincoln and most of his generals became committed to abolishing slavery in the United States. Emancipation Proclamation...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Core Values: Integrity, Authenticity, and Empathy

Introduction Substantial differences in people’s value systems are critical for their productive cooperation and, consequently, successful societal life in general. Hence, the consideration of one’s priorities in this respect might be beneficial for determining their ability to rely on specific strengths when resolving issues, and in my case, these factors...

Why Being Kind to Others Is Good for Your Health: Analysis of Article

Martha Zaraska wrote an online article for the BBC in which the author shares the results of ongoing research on the health effects of kindness. The woman is a science journalist whose work has been published in numerous journals, including the Atlantic, Discover, and others. The article was published a...

Geriatric Care and Assisted Living Facilities

Summary The guest speaker’s name is Jenifer Almodovar, and she works at the Palace Garden Assisted Living facility. Her job title is Director of Activities, and she mainly engages in work with older adults who have cognitive problems. Jenifer decided to work in an assisted living facility because she has...

Consciousness in Thomas Nagel’s View

The intractability of the mind-body problem arises from consciousness as it is a concept that cannot be discussed exhaustively. With consciousness being an important component of the mind-body problem, then the latter becomes even more complicated to debunk. Therefore, without debunking consciousness, the mind-body problem also remains unsolved. According to...

Perception of Refugees in Europe

Article Summary Bruneau et al. (2018) focused on the effect of rhetorical dehumanization of Muslim refugees that entered the EU during the so-called ‘refugee crisis’ in 2014-15. The idea to study such a phenomenon appeared when the authors drew attention to the hostile rhetoric of some European politicians who blamed...

Down Syndrome: The Genetic Disorder

It is important to note that Schlapp’s piece is heavily impacted by the worldview and paradigmatic assumptions rooted in the reversion theory, although he presents the explanation on the basis of glandular or chemical cause. The observed data by Schlapp is still based on him accepting the notion of polyphyletic...

Development of European Christianity in the Middle Ages

The medieval age in England was characterized by the rapid growth of Christianity, specifically the expansion of Catholicism. The church became dominant due to various historical occurrences, including the fall of the Roman Empire, the financial breakthrough of the church, and the establishment of new rules and leadership (Tanner, 2011)....

The Problem of Gender Identity in Sports

Athletics and sports are more about skills than the players’ physical attributes. The strategies employed by the athletes during the competition play a significant role in determining whether they win or not. Different skills and techniques can be used by all athletes regardless of their gender. Student-athletes can compete in...

Discusison of History of Aviation

Starting from the Middle Ages and until the end of the XIX century attempts were made in different countries to create heavier-than-air aircraft. In 1903, a documented attempt to fly an airplane built by two talented and purposeful Americans, the brothers Wilbur and Orville Wright, was crowned with success (Petrescu...

The Impact of the Great Depression on Women, Families, and Children

Introduction The Great Depression was a worldwide economic crisis that severely influenced the economic situation of the USA. The fall of prices in the American stock market led to an adverse effect on the financial situation of the whole population. The decline in the economy influenced employment, living conditions, and...

What Is an Organization’s Culture?

In his lecture What is an Organization’s Culture, professor Christensen presented the views of a number of prominent researchers in organizational culture (Edgar Schein, Modesto Maidique) on the definition, genesis, and development of this concept. Based on Edgar Schein’s works, the lecturer defined organizational culture as a social unit “whose...

Do Negative Life Experiences Help the Creative Process?

Different perspectives can be taken on the subject of whether negative life experiences help the creative process. The effect of negative experiences on cognitive and emotional creativity is yet unknown for certain. Some believe that self-focused attention is linked to both low mood and creativity. On the other side, it...

Reflections of “Many Years Ago” Article by J. Tarr

Tarr, in his essay, “Many years ago,” reflects on environmental problems, such as urban noise and air pollution. In this essay, Thor compares the current and past causes of environmental issues – the car and the horse. Back in the distant 1700s, Americans were puzzled by searching for an alternative...

Truth Happens to an Idea: Pragmatism

William James appears to be a prominent figure in the field of philosophy. He lived in the second half of the 19th century and at the beginning of the 20th century in the United States, and his professional activity regarded philosophy, history, and psychology. William James has become famous for...

“The Boy in Striped Pyjamas” and “The Kite Runner” Films

Introduction The film shows the story of two boys from different worlds: one is rich and well-read; the other is poor and illiterate. The boys have been living together since childhood, they are best friends. The war in Afghanistan will force Amin and his father to leave their home and...

PlayStation 2 as the Best-Selling Gaming Console

Introduction Sony’s PlayStation 2 (PS2) is one of the well-known and best-selling gaming consoles of all time. At this moment, its sales have reached a 155 million record, and no other alternatives could introduce true competition in the industry (Byrd, 2021). This game console was introduced in 2000 and discontinued...

Views on Religion in “Paradise Lost” by Milton

Genesis has been poetically rewritten in Paradise Lost. It details the demise of Satan and his associates, the origin of man, and—most significantly—the act of disobedience committed by man, as a result of which paradise was forfeited for us. Because it incorporated the original tale, the investigation of everything that...

Are Replication Studies the Key to Eliminating Neuromyths?

Neuromyths is a term that depicts a set of assertions and perceptions about brain research that are useful for the educational process. More often than not, neuromyths arise because people do not have enough knowledge and are not interested. The sources of myths are most often educators and teachers who...

The Judith Thomson vs. Don Marquis Abortion Debate

Judith Thomson and Don Marquis were philosophers who debated a lot about abortion in their time and had their views on it and the factors surrounding the topic. While Thomson advocates the legalization and support of abortion and says that people should do everything to help each other, Marquis completely...

Methods and Stages of Suicide Prevention

Suicide prevention begins with identifying and treating warning signals carefully. Suicide is an intense effort to end the pain that has grown intolerable. Suicidal people are blinded by issues with self, despair, and loneliness, and they see no other way out but death. Despite their wish to end their suffering,...

Aspects of Monetary and Fiscal Policy

To assist the economy in achieving its objectives of expansion, level of employment, and price stability, the government is taking several measures. It exploits its power of taxing and spending through fiscal policy and exercises its authority to control the money supply and the level of interest rates through monetary...

The Rise of Female Sex Tourism

Many travelers are looking for sexual adventures – and are willing to pay for it. Minors are victims as well; however, many tourist destinations shy away from addressing this issue. Experts underscore that sex tourism is a very varied phenomenon found in almost every country in the world. Even though...

Serengeti Safari Experience in Africa

Traveling is one of the best ways for a person to experience the world and learn more about various cultures and themselves. Fortunately, my traveling experience with Serengeti Safari proved to be an opportunity for me to do both. Serengeti National Park is truly one of the greatest natural wonders...

Public Administration and Ethics

Introduction It is hard to disagree that, in most cases, adherence to the universal and one’s moral values is the key to positive social interactions and the promotion of the good. The code of ethics and moral principles should guide professionals who aim to earn society’s trust and meet people’s...

Health Assessment’s Impact on a Nurse Practitioner

The health assessment may help healthcare professionals alleviate practice for one another. A health assessment is a small survey that asks questions about one’s well-being (Jarvis, 2018). This allows hospitals to find programs and services that will help a person feel better (Jarvis, 2018). In addition, this procedure is helpful...

“Investigating Self-Directed Learning…” Article by Geng

The purpose of the study was a comprehensive examination and thorough analysis of the dynamics of changes in students’ self-direction in learning within a certain period. Consequently, according to the type of article, this paper is scientific, based on causal relationships and competent interpretation of data. In particular, one should...

The Importance of Self-Care in Modern Society

Introduction Fear for one’s health and the well-being of loved ones, financial stress, economic instability, and social isolation creates an ideal habitat for triggers that threaten mental health. Psychologists are asked to devote time to physical and psychological states in such a difficult time. Today it is important to remember...

Netflix and Redbox Compete for Movie Rentals

Competitors such as Netflix and RedFox took over the brick-and-mortar rental market by providing low-cost per-movie offers as well as services such as demand mail-in delivery and online DVD renting alternatives. Due to the negotiating strength of the suppliers in this industry, the rivalry among these rivals has caused them...

The Lumen Learning Website Analysis

Lumen Learning is an educational website that caters to both students and instructors. Lumen’s reasonably priced course materials are made to improve learning through open educational resources (“About us,” 2022). They offer interactive learning materials of the highest caliber, online homework, personalized feedback, and individualized study programs. There are several...

Dance for Self-Expression and Social Change

Art has long been considered a form of undirect self-expression where people could reveal their feelings and emotions on a disturbing matter without directly speaking about them. Naturally, the government realized this and either started to use various forms of art as propaganda to influence society or wholly banned it....

Children and Gender: Growing Up Trans by Frontline PBS Review

In today’s world, there is a distinct difference between gender and sex, the spread of which is especially important. Increasingly people are faced with the problem of identifying themselves as male or female. As a consequence of this fact, adults have an opportunity to make a transition to living a...

Time Management in the Healthcare Sector

The work of any healthcare facility critically depends on the competencies of staff and managers and continuous organizational improvement. Under these conditions, time management acquires the top priority as one of the methods to increase work effectiveness, avoid time waste in non-priority activities, and guarantee better outcomes. Thus, the quality...

Company’s Plan to Prevent Sexual Harassment

Sexual harassment affects the competitive edge of a business entity by creating a distraction, high turnover, and delayed processes in the workplace. At the new health and fitness facility, we are committed to providing a safe and comfortable environment for all employees and customers. Therefore we shall fight to maintain...

Ethical Leadership and Employee Job Satisfaction

Ethical leadership is a headship in which people conduct themselves in a way that is appropriate and acceptable in every aspect of their life. The article “The relationship between ethical leadership and employee job satisfaction” by Guo (2022) elaborates on how ethics play a significant role in employee satisfaction in...

Masculine Stereotypes: The Problem of Studying Stereotypes

The central attitude of one’s perception of others and themselves is the division of people into women and men. Many people believe that the psychological differences that exist between men and women are directly related to the biological features of the male and female body. At the same time, the...

Introverts as a Socially Oppressed Group

The story under study is by Jonathan Rauch, published in 2003. The story is entitled Caring for Your Introvert and is a short autobiographical confession in which Rauch describes his life as an introvert. In just three pages, Rauch tells his personal story of being an introvert, which he likes...

The Emphasis of Leadership: A Corporate Culture

Introduction In the current competitive market environment, companies encourage employees to work efficiently in order to conform to industry standards. Meanwhile, organizations use the concept of corporate culture as a set of employee activities, processes, and work environments to achieve the company’s overall goals. It also includes the way the...

Continuing Nursing Education: A 3-5 Year Plan

I am a licensed Registered Nurse who has been practicing for the last three years. I consider myself a lifelong learner who grabs every available opportunity to develop professionally and acquire new competencies in my specialty. Currently, I am a graduate student pursuing a Master of Nursing Science in Administration....

Allegory in Disgrace by Coetzee

Introduction The story Disgrace by Coetzee is full of imageries including allegories, which describe a period that marked South Africa’s transition from apartheid. There was no confidence in the police and law because everything was restructuring. Criminals got away with their mischievous ways, especially against the white settlers as power...

Weathering and Erosion Geology: When Rocks Turn into Dust

Lutgens and Tarbuck provide a very decent account of the processes of formation, weathering and decomposition of rock. It is truly fascinating to learn about the cementing process, which literally takes ages, as well as learn about the power of weathering and erosion. The fact that wind and water, which...

Social Networking Advantages and Disadvantages

The emergence of online communication has introduced significant shifts to social perception of communication and media. New channels of cooperation and coordination, as well as possibility to be in touch with people all over the world, have created a new sphere of social interaction. The popularity of such social networks...

Websites Preventing Rape and Types of Messages Articulated

Introduction Rape is one of the most common crimes in the US and in the entire world. It is estimated that 20% of American women are victims of rape (Masters 33). Notably, numerous organizations and individuals are trying to address the problem and develop programs to prevent this type of...

Outsourcing Advantages and Disadvantages in the USA

Outsourcing can be regarded as one of the byproducts of globalization. Many early movers benefited from this strategy especially when it comes to the production of the products (Carbaugh, 2015). Outsourcing has been associated with a competitive advantage, but it led to significant losses for some firms (Mourdoukoutas, 2013). HP...

School-Age Children’ and Early Childhood’ Differences

School-age children and children in early childhood exhibit differences in cognitive, physical, and socioemotional development. Children in early childhood experience rapid physical growth despite the existence of plateau stages in-between the various growth phases. For instance, their weight increases by approximately 5-6 pounds annually, while their height increases by 2-3...

Supposed Barriers’ Impacts on the Clinical Nursing

A few studies opined the prevalence of supposed barriers to the research use at the hospital setting. They argued that such barriers affected the capability of nurses to implement evidence-based practice in the hospitals. The article endeavors to analyze this finding. The article is not able to discern evidence to...

The University of San Francisco Jesuit Education

The University of San Francisco (USF) always supports Jesuit education. It makes this education relevant in the present century. The university’s Jesuit mission is to support the religious and personal needs of every human being. The university educates students from all backgrounds and beliefs. The diverse student fraternity inspires every...

Balanced Literacy Teaching Method

Balanced literacy is a “teaching methodology whereby the tutor integrates various instructional methods” (Carver 348). The teaching approach uses different strategies to achieve the goals of the learning process. The tutor should use multiple strategies in order to ensure every learner achieves his or her objectives. Balanced literacy is a...

The Greek Financial Crisis Resolving

Summary of the Article The article “So, We Meet Again: The Greek Crisis” emphasizes the core issues that the European Union [EU] is considering in determining how to resolve the Greek financial crisis. According to the article, most citizens in the European Union are of the opinion that Greece should...

BeachBeat vs. Jelly Belly Companies’ Order Processing

Creating the order processing (OP) and fulfillment approach that meets the customers’ needs is a crucial choice that will take a company one step closer to becoming a success in the target market. However, while being seemingly different, the OP tools used by different companies are most likely to lead...

Hospital Structure Decentralization and Its Benefits

Organizational structure is the framework that determines how an institution or company is governed. The framework outlines the channel used in decision making. Each organization has a structure that provides guidelines on how various processes are undertaken. The two types of organizational structures are decentralized and centralized systems. The decentralized...

AOL Company’s Electronic Commerce Decisions

AOL has made the first step towards e-commerce. The company provides a useful service to its clients. The customers get the summary of their bills and are able to access a number of websites using only one passwords and ID (Haag & Cummings, 2008). Admittedly, customers will appreciate these options,...

Ailanthus Plant as Homeopathic Medicine

How I Took Remedy When I received this assignment, I felt some dizziness, perspiration, and slight nausea. The search on ABC Homeopathy revealed that Ailanthus fits my symptoms (see Appendix 1). I ordered it from the same website and took in the form of pills once a day as the...

Meditech System: Features and Benefits

Meditech is an electronic health record structure that offers clinical recording for health care specialists at midsized and public hospitals. This EHR has continuously been praised for its reliability and user-friendliness (Cruz et al., 2014). The clinical boards feature permits doctors and other medical workers to follow current patient actions...

Walmart Company’s New Service

Introduction It is essential to determine the product or service needed to solve a certain social problem. Sale of products based on the need of the consumers ensures high demand for the product or service in the market. The following discussion analyzes Walmart Company to determine the service that can...

Nursing in a Community Environment: Learning Plan

Nursing in a community environment is a complex and empowering work that requires a keen understanding of the principles of equality and collective action. Therefore, the provision of care in a community characterized by a multifaceted interaction between social and economic circumstances has to be based on an inclusive partnership...

Indian Democracy and National Economic Performance

Democracy and Successful National Economic Performance: India Case There is a strong tie between the political regime of the country and its national economic performance while these elements tend to be interdependent. This assumption implies that one will cause the development or stagnation of another and vice versa. Consequently, in...

Problem of the Gun Control Laws

Introduction Many people die yearly due to handgun linked incidents in the country. The number of casualties who die from gun-related accidents, in the country, is much higher compared to other bordering countries. The difference can be attributed to the other countries having much stricter gun control laws. In addition,...

Pender’s Health Model and Parse’s Theory in Nursing

This discussion explains the influence of Pender’s model of health and Parse’s theoretical framework on the advanced practice nurse. It also explains how Pender’s model guides the implementation of AACN Essential VIII by nurses in their daily practice. How Pender’s Model and View of Health Influenced the Practice of the...

Frustration-Aggression Theory and Environmental Factors

The frustration-aggression theory implies that frustration (a feeling of being prevented from achieving a particular goal) increases the possibility of an individual responding aggressively to the environmental factors (Aronson, Wilson, Akert, & Sommers, 2016). One of the factors relates to the close attachment to an individual’s goal or the object...

UN and the Digital Age

Introduction: The Digital Age and Its Challenges The recent technological breakthrough that has been witnessed over the past few decades has clearly heralded a new epoch. A range of IT innovations, particularly, those that allow for global communication, has become ubiquitous, altering people’s lives on a variety of levels. However,...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Obese People’s Barriers to Physical Activity

Introduction The journal in question is Journal of Research in Nursing, and it dwells upon a variety of issues related to research in the nursing practice. It includes articles that highlight different aspects of research in nursing. Thus, the journal is a platform for sharing ideas on ways to implement...

Medicine: CDS Organization Leadership Model

Abstract The advantage of transformational leadership if compared to the transactional one is that, instead of maintaining status-quo, it allows a leader to adjust the performance of the staff to the requirements of a complicated situation. Therefore, transformational leadership is a number one choice for a CDC director. Having accepted...

The Hispanic Population’s Health in the USA

Population identification and the rationale During this course, I would like to study the Hispanic population in the USA. This group is targeted as it is one of the largest national groups in the USA that currently comprises more than 55 million people according to the official data (Hispanic Americans...

Critical Nursing Intervention to Support Patient

Ineffective Coping and Lack of Support In the case of Ms. Fischer, an 82-year old female with a history of congestive heart failure, two prominent issues come to play. The first problem of ineffective coping and lack of support is associated with Ms. Fischer’s inability to make adequate choices and...

Public Health Nursing: Societal Issues in Practice

Every job in healthcare settings requires much preparation and responsibility. However, public health nursing is more difficult than other nursing jobs because it involves a variety of duties that the employee has to perform within a short period of time. Public health nurses do not look after only one patient...

Alteration in Comfort and Impaired Skin Integrity

Introduction The rash on the face, as well as such attendant factors as fever and excessive fatigue, are an excuse to determine which nursing intervention can be helpful in treatment. As a patient, thirty-five-year-old Mary is presented, and her main problem is itching and redness on her face. Also, the...

Jules Ferry’s Speech on French Colonial Expansion

Jules Ferry, a politician of the early Third Republic, is famous for his strategy of secular education and the fruitful extension of France as a colonial empire. He served as the Prime Minister of France for two terms. At that time the French imperial expansion started. Although criticized, he had...

Obesity Prevention and Education in Young Children

Introduction Childhood obesity is one of the primary health concerns in the United States. It can be explained by the fact that it entails different critical health conditions, including chronic ones, such as type II diabetes, heart disease, high cholesterol, certain types of cancer, some cardiovascular, psychosocial, and metabolic diseases,...

Congestive Heart Failure Patients’ Treatment Options

Introduction Treatment options for patients with congestive heart failure are primarily determined by the professional skills of health workers and by the desire of sufferers themselves to recover. For this purpose, the research should be carried out to determine which sampling strategy will be optimal for the solution of the...

Gender Equality and Women’s Rights

The issue of gender equality in society has gained popularity in the precedent century with the rise of the feminist movement and women’s struggle for rights equal to those of men. The reason for the shift towards recognizing women’s rights in societal interactions is the changing ratio of males and...

Should College Education Be Free for All US Citizens?

Introduction Over the years, the cost of education in the United States has increased exponentially, especially when considering the tuition fee for a college education. Many Americans have been forced to halt their quest for education at the high school level because they cannot afford the cost of college. Similarly,...

Evaluation Metrics for Talent Development Project

While deciding on the implementation of the talent development project, it is necessary to analyze resources that need to be used in the program and to focus on the project goals or expected outcomes. The three main evaluative metrics that should be referred to by the decision-maker are the measurement...

Student Misconceptions Regarding Reproduction and Heredity

Strategies to elicit student misconceptions Students often have misconceptions regarding the principles of reproduction and heredity. To elicit these misconceptions and develop strategies to overcome them, it is necessary to encourage the students’ participation in discussions. Furthermore, a teacher can receive important information regarding possible mistakes and wrong ideas while...

International Cultural Festival in Toronto in 2017

Festival Focus The International Cultural Festival in Toronto will be a yearly event that brings together people from different cultures to showcase their uniqueness in the city. The festival will provide a platform for the members of the various international cultures to interact and understand one another. Festival Rational The...

American Nurses Association Personal Benefits

Delegation According to the official document adopted by Florida Board of Nursing, Registered Nurses (RNs) may apply the delegation to ensure high-quality health care services and positive health outcomes (“Nurse Practice Act,” 2007). The delegation may be addressed to unlicensed assistive personnel (UAP) in combination with supervision, education, and training....

Pressure Ulcer Risk Assessment and Its Validity

Summary The article “Predictive validity of pressure ulcer risk assessment tools for elderly” is focused on risk assessment tools for pressure ulcer prevention for elderly populations. It provides a meta-analysis of 29 studies that utilized three pressure ulcer risk assessment tools such as Braden, Norton, and Waterlow scales. The article...

Hypothyroidism, Its Signs and Symptoms

Signs and Symptoms Hypothyroidism is a condition of an underactive thyroid, in which the thyroid gland cannot produce the necessary amount of hormones to regulate the functioning of the endocrine system. It is important to mention that if treated in an untimely manner, the underactive thyroid can cause such issues...

Nursing as a Distinct Profession

It is hard to imagine this world and health care, in particular, without nurses. Nurses aim at promoting health, preventing diseases, and assisting patients and their families in their intentions to cope with their health problems. Nursing had become one of the main research topics since the mid-1800s when Florence...

“Waiting for the Barbarians” by J. M. Coetzee

Critical Observations Asked about the barbarians and why they seemed disgruntled, the following was Colonel Joll’s response: I will say nothing of the recent raids carried out on them, quite without justification, and followed by acts of wanton cruelty, since the security of the Empire was at stake, or so...

Police Unions’ Development in the US

Introduction In the United States, much attention is paid to the development of police unions and the necessity to detect the rights of ordinary employees and police administrators. Labor relations reflected external but not internal roles of police executives (Cordner, 2013). It was required to promote some changes and improve...

New Immigration Waves in the USA

Immigrants Should Be Welcomed Americans are a nation of immigrants who came to this land hoping for better. This statement is one of the most frequently used associations emerging while speaking about the USA and its history. One of the reasons for the popularity of this idea that it is...

Renaissance as a Rebirth in European Civilization

Renaissance was considered to be a time where there was an exercise of a lot of inventiveness in art, structural designs, science, and writing in literature. This period lasted in Europe at an approximated period of three centuries between 1300 and 1600, which led to the interventions of the printing...

Family Psychoeducation for Schizophrenia Patients

Effectiveness of Family Psychoeducation Introduction Family psychoeducation (FPE) is education that is directed toward empowering clients and their families and providing them with coping tools to improve their adaptive functioning. According to Falloon, participation in FPE programs is associated with lower rates of relapse for individuals with addiction and mental...

Larry Purnell’s Model for Cultural Competencies

Introduction to the Model Purnell’s Model for Cultural Competences was developed at the end of the previous century by the professor Larry Purnell. While educating undergraduate students, he found out that nurses are to be aware of the ethno-cultural beliefs of patients and created a model that can be used...

Physical Restraint and Seclusion as Nursing Issues

Introduction Restraint and seclusion are often considered a failure of nurses to provide quality care for the patients (Kontio et al., 2012). This is why an evidence-based proposal for additional nursing training was created. However, it touches upon a variety of aspects that may be financial, quality, and clinical in...

Organizational Culture and Success Correlation

Viewed as the most leadership challenge, organizational culture poses great dilemmas due to presently less agreement on its concept, meaning, observation, and measurement techniques. Issues on its relationship with theories from traditional, industrial, and organizational psychology sectors are also not clear (Schein 110). Most of the researches conducted on culture...

Directness in Operational Communication

Directness in Operational Communication Operational communication is essential in organizations as it enables undertakings that facilitate productivity. Effective operational communication is therefore required in institutions to allow for respect, politeness, and focus on what is needed. This allows for emphasis on the subject of communication and does not make the...

LinkedIn for Freelance Writers

The LinkedIn professional network provides several prospecting opportunities for a freelance writer to generate more jobs and more income. Linked In connects operate in an ever-widening circle of professional affiliations; once the freelance writer established a direct connection to a colleague or client, he or she then gains access to...

Self-Presentation for Freelance Writers

First impressions take many forms in freelance writing, particularly in the virtual world that most freelance writers inhabit. It is more than possible for all of a freelance writer’s professional engagements to take place online and on email; therefore, nine times out of ten, freelance writers do not ever have...

Cultural and Linguistic Diversity in Education

Power and Agency The article called “Betwixt Safety and Shielding in the Academy: Confronting Institutional Gendered Racism—Again” by Deirdre Cobb-Roberts examines an incident that happened in one of the predominantly White institutions from the points of view of Critical Race Theory and Critical Race Feminism. It is important to mention...