Capital Budgeting Techniques and Processes

Introduction Capital budgeting entails identifying projects that will bring value to a business. It can encompass a wide variety of activities, from land acquisition to the acquisition of fixed assets such as a new truck or piece of machinery (Mohan & Narwal, 2017). Businesses are often obligated, or at the...

International Marketing: A Case Study of Sanctuary Spa (UK)

Global marketing principles and possibilities are precise and realizable; therefore, the worldwide marketplace cannot be compared to the home economy. Due to tradition, dialect, legislation, and other considerations, each country offers entrepreneurs a unique problem. These issues may also exist at the national and municipal levels, necessitating even more tailored...

Technologies and Trends in the Real Estate Industry in the USA

The USA as a Global Driver of new Building Technologies and Trends Technology has played a significant role in advancing the building and construction industry as it has mapped the United States among the countries with the most advanced structures. The country has invested greatly in research and technology over...

The Mumbai Attack: International Tourist Arrival in India

The Mumbai terrorist attack of November 26, 2008, is one of the most despicable and heinous acts the world has ever seen. Consequently, the attack impacted to massive loss of life as a staggering number of approximately 200 people dying and other 300 more succumbing to injuries (Outlook Web Bureau,...

The Emirates Airlines Company Analysis

Introduction In modern times, the field of tourism continues to develop and improve actively. Moreover, the number of trips over long distances is significantly growing, leading to the increased popularity of air travel. One of the companies providing such a service is Emirates, founded in 1985. Despite its short existence,...

Personalization in the Airline Industry

Introduction A deeper understanding of the individual an organization is trying to reach is required for personalization and segmentation. It is the breadth and scope of that knowledge, as well as how it is put to use, that makes all the difference. Also known as one-to-one or individualized marketing, personalized...

Computer Technologies in Fashion Industry

Introduction Fashion is an expression in appearance that is popularly done at a specific period with a specific context. Fashion is about clothing, makeup, structure, and hairstyle as well as body proportion. Fashion is a distinctive expression, which is supported by traditions and is recognized and supported as an industry....

The Image of Christ in Mark’s Gospel

The Gospel The Gospel is an irrefutable witness to the divine humanity of Christ. As a God-inspired book, however, it was written by living people, each describing events as he saw and perceived them or as he heard about them from eyewitnesses. The inspiration of the sacred books refers to...

Over Mental Health and Performance in Air Traffic Controllers

Due to the increase in uncrewed aerial vehicle (UAV) usage, it is crucial to understand its impact on air traffic controllers’ overall mental health and performance. The goal of this study is to see how unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) flying in restricted airspace affects the mental health and performance of...

The Nokia Corporation’s History and Analysis

Introduction Nokia is one of the world’s largest corporations as a worldwide technology and telecommunications firm. Nokia Corporation’s mill operation was established in 1865 (Bhalodiya & Sagotia, 2018). Nokia’s corporate culture is built on a foundation of respect, accomplishment, renewal, and taking on new challenges. A company’s growth and market...

Popular Research Paper Topics

The Whole Community Approach in Emergency Management

Today, the tendency of changes in natural and climatic conditions, the intensification of seismic and heliophysics processes is observed, which is also expressed in an increase in the frequency and scale of disasters, the development of natural disasters into man-made and vice versa. The danger of transboundary transfer of pollutants...

Natural Gas and LNG Market Prices

Introduction Natural gas and LNG are natural resources traded as commodities and widely used worldwide for various purposes: primarily for energy production. Those are heat generation in cold regions of Earth in winter and natural gas usage at power plants for electricity generation. Natural gas is, basically, methane, a gaseous...

Factors Contributing to the Gender Pay Gap in the UK

Introduction The pay gap in terms of gender is the difference in the average salary between men and women. This gap is determined based on employer payroll data for each year, and it is calculated using a straightforward and cost-effective solution (“Gallagher,” 2021). The calculations include the needed reporting information...

Organizational Development and Design: Theory and Practice

Introduction Business and any company’s change processes involve a set of measures that are designed to improve performance. The transformation uses ways to support an organization’s mission, goals, and operations in a way that systematically impacts the company’s declining quality metrics. An organizational development and design (ODD) approach expands an...

World War I and Its Psychological Consequences

War is an event that poses significant repercussions to the participants and non-partisans due to the optimal destruction. Different societies uphold distinct socio-cultural, economic, and political overviews concerning governance and relationship-building inbound and outbound1. Human behavior mainly depends on the rules within a region. An excellent example of outcome due...

Human Nature Is a Barrier to a Perfect Utopia

Introduction Utopists see man as a product of his social surroundings rather than an independent being. The term utopia was coined by Thomas Moore in 1516, and it refers to an imaginable society where everything is perfect (Bertolami 1). Utopian philosophy provides a guiding concept for humanity, a worldwide element...

Escalating Global Fuel Prices and Its Effects

Abstract Despite many attempts to control the escalating global fuel prices, the efforts have proved to be fruitless. This study proposal examines the history of fuel prices, how they have changed over the years and the subsequent effects that are likely to come along with these increased fuel prices.1 The...

The Alcohol Consumption Rate in Cambridgeshire

Introduction Alcohol consumption has health and social impacts borne by the individual, their families and the community. The number of patients admitted with health conditions linked with alcohol used in Cambridgeshire is rising. For example, in 2018, about 3,452 hospital admissions were caused by excessive alcohol use (Cliss, 2019). This...

Teamwork in Business Organization

Introduction QPR Company is an international business organization that deals in electronics and groceries. The firm has various stores located in different cities and towns in over 30 countries across Europe, Asia, Africa, North America, South, and Central America. In the past decade, the corporation has been one of the...

Geology of Virginia and Its Provinces

Introduction Virginia is divided into six provinces based on various physiographic features – topography and geology. Virginia’s provinces from East to West are Coastal Plain (Tidewater), Piedmont, Triassic Basins, Blue Ridge, Valley and Ridge (Appalachian Mountains), and Appalachian Plateau (Allegheny). The six provinces are not unique to the state of...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Licensed Professional Counseling in Mental Healthcare

Introduction Licensed professional counselors are an important part of the healthcare team. Their skills are vital in ensuring that the population’s mental health issues are addressed in the most effective way possible. This paper will begin by reviewing an institution primarily focused on the delivery of mental health services. The...

Tesco Plc Managing Financial Decision-Making

Introduction Tesco PLC is an international retailer of general goods and services. It was founded in Britain in 1924 and has become one of the most famous retailers since then (Tesco PLC, no date b). The company leads its business both in online and offline retailing through different stores located...

Do Digital Tools Make Us Productive at Work?

Introduction There have been numerous attempts recently to evaluate the efficiency of the multiple digital tools that are widely used in offices. Deepening individualism and changing approaches to work-life balance increase the demand for sophisticated digital tools that help to work from home (Cho and Lee, 2022, p. 2). While...

Integrated Public Service and Public and Private Partnership

Public/Private Partnership Public-private partnerships (PPPs) are attracting interest in various industries and sectors across the world. PPPs are seen as instruments for more and better infrastructure. In many cases, PPPs offer fiscal advantages in various projects. For example, the public organization could save significant amount of money by outsourcing a...

Improving Health Using Social Determinants of Health

The Evidence Documenting Social Inequalities in Health The evidence of social inequalities in health has been documented in various platforms and sources. Firstly, evidence about social inequalities exists in various publications (Chokshi, 2018). They consist of books, peer-reviewed journals, articles, magazines, and other forms of literature. Secondly, research after research...

Corporate Social Responsibility and Corporate Governance: Qatar Airways

The Concept of Corporate Social Responsibility Corporate social responsibility (C.S.R.) is a developing idea that lacks a broadly acknowledged meaning at the moment. Generally, the concept is understood by how businesses incorporate environmental, social, and economic issues into their moral standards. Furthermore, they may entail customs, strategic plans, choices, and...

Marriott Hotel and the UK Hospitality Industry

Introduction This report is a conceptual framework based on research of the hotel sector in the UK. The paper uses Marriott Hotel to establish key areas that must be developed for improving the guest experience. Through the report, an audience can understand the metrics of the hospitality industry in the...

Gender-Based Violence and Its Effects: Literature Review

Introduction Gender-based violence is considered to be one of the most persistent issues affecting women around the world, and many literary masterpieces were oriented on the massive spread of this problem. Wirtz et al. (2018) posit that gender-based violence has immediate and long-term consequences, including missed work, poor physical and...

The Great Pacific Gyre and Indigenous Population

Introduction The Great Pacific Gyre refers to marine debris found in the North Pacific Ocean. It can as well be described as litter that finds its way to the water bodies, especially the seas and oceans. It affects waters from the North American West Coast to Japan. It consists of...

The Optifast Firm’s Digital Marketing Plan

Executive Summary The advent of social media has necessitated the development of digital marketing plans. Having been in operation for many years, companies such as Optifast could take use of the digital marketing space by developing appropriate plans. As a weight loss management program, Optifast is tailored-made to all overly...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Benefits of Physical Activity on Old People

Introduction Life expectancy has increased, and the main concern that follows this development is whether the extra years entail periods of health-related high quality of life for the old people. Physical movements and exercises are a great method for maintaining physical fitness and wellness. Physical exercise refers to any kind...

Drug Courts Policy and Its Evaluation

Summary Across centuries, different governments have been struggling to reduce the availability of illicit drugs and substances. For this reason, drug policies in the United States aimed at strengthening law enforcement agencies to combat the drug and substance abuse problem. While the government struggles to reduce the availability and use...

Climate Change: The Impact on North America

Introduction The concept of global warming is not new. The first mentions of the impact of CO2 levels in the atmosphere of the Earth on the surface temperature and the greenhouse effects it caused emerged in 1896, published by Svante Arrhenius (Wulff 163). Only four decades after that, Guy Callendar...

How War Trauma Evolved During World War I

Research question: How did war trauma evolve in clinical and scientific perspectives during World War I? Primary Sources “Letters from the First World War, 1915.” Trenches. This source is a collection of letters soldiers wrote in the First World War to their family members and friends. It is a primary...

Human Democracy and Technology Development

Introduction The extension of market ties beyond national boundaries contrasts with liberalism due to the international nature rather than the state form. Through the use of the principle, this disagreement may be handled in two methodologies: by restricting international and commercial relationships or by internationalizing political institutions. As to comprehend...

Workplace Stress: The Coping Strategies

Introduction This research study aims to identify the familiar sources of stress in a hectic work environment, whether commercial or public. The research will uncover management-applicable strategies for assisting workers who may experience tension in or outside the workplace. The report will examine the sources of work-related stress and its...

Aspects of Palliative Care in Healthcare

Introduction The following article observes and analyzes a number of themes and topics associated with palliative care. The report recounts the key concepts and principles that guide the appropriate use of palliative care in healthcare settings. Following this, the presence of palliative care in neurological practices is outlined, issues and...

The Issue of Gender Discrimination Related to Business and Society

Introduction Over the last decades, the issue of ethical business performance has been widely discussed among individuals highlighting the importance of including moral actions, respect, and trust in everyday life of corporations. Whilst some firms keep performing in an aggressive manner, being focused on goal achievement, other companies develop their...

Shake Shack’s Digital Marketing Strategy and Plan

Introduction This report presents a digital marketing strategy and plan for Shake Shack, an American regional chain of fast-food restaurants. The purpose of the report lies in developing the strategy for addressing the issues revealed during the digital marketing audit of the company. In particular, Shake Shack seemingly struggles with...

Plato and Rousseau: Educational Philosophies Comparison

Introduction The main philosophies in education belong to two famous thinkers, Rousseau and Plato. They created and implemented their dogmas of world perception in different eras, but they were interested in the same challenge – training an individual so that education becomes a trend. However, Rousseau’s teachings, presented in a...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Oliver Stone’s Interpretation of the Vietnam War

Introduction History entails a detailed analysis and examination of past events and describing how they affected or supported human affairs. Investigators and scholars rely on different mediums or sources to learn more about different occurrences and happenings. Over the years, history has been documented in letters, written materials, and oral...

Has Bureaucratic Structure Lost Its Relevance?

Introduction Bureaucracy is a phrase used to describe a large, multi-layered corporation. Decision-making is slowed down by the structures and procedures that have been implemented, which are made to keep matters consistent and under control (Suzuki and Hur, 2020). Assuming that people always act following their own best interests, the...

Latin American Liberation Theology

Introduction It is important to note that the global spread of Christianity was a massive and intricate endeavor that was conducted through missionary efforts. A number of barriers emerged within the given process, which included cultural differences and communication challenges. Since the religion and faith were meant for the entire...

Engineering, Procurement and Construction Strategy

Introduction Engineering Procurement and Construction (EPC) is an innovative strategy applicable to big and complex projects. EPC activities are conducted by specialized contractors who undertake actual work on behalf of the owner. The details of engagement are outlined in an EPC contract, including the control, costs and risks. The EPC...

Tax Inequality in America

Introduction Governments rely on taxation systems to get adequate financial resources for funding a wide range of public initiatives, expenditures, and projects. Legal mechanisms are usually put in place to identify and punish those who fail to remit their taxes. Citizens can pay taxes in different levels, including purchase of...

Bullying at School and Impact on Mental Health

Introduction Bullying hurts the academic performance of the victims since it limits their participation in the school environment. Harassment affects the emotional and social well-being of victimized children. Students who are bullied find it hard to concentrate in the classroom and portray a decreased interest in attending classes. As a...

“God, Freedom and Human Dignity” by Highfield

The following paper summarizes the book titled “God, Freedom and Human Dignity,” written by Ron Highfield and published by IVP Academic. The author’s main objective in this book is to shed light on how human beings can embrace a God-centered identity in a culture where people are self-absorbed and self-regarding....

American Presidency During World War II and the Cold War

Introduction World War II (WWII) and the advent of the Cold War taught many lessons regarding the American presidency, especially on matters of foreign military policies and strategies. While the presidents themselves held different opinions on conflicts and deployment of combat personnel and weapon development, many of their decisions were...

Legalization of Marijuana in the Commonwealth of Virginia

Introduction The legalization of cannabis, or marijuana, has been fiercely debated in the United States of America for decades. Other countries, such as Canada and India, have had the same issue. In 2021, the Commonwealth of Virginia passed the law in the general assembly, permitting the legalization of marijuana through...

Negotiation Scene From Personal Experience

Introduction Living in an area can be overwhelming, especially if one does not have funds to cater to all the expenses associated with the place. In most cases, parents prefer a situation where you stay within the homestead, and if you have to vacate, it is either after you have...

Playing in Class as a Means to Education

Introduction As early childhood educators, teachers each have their own perspective on tutoring, classroom management, family participation, and curriculum development. One must advocate for more developmentally appropriate ways to engage in educational programs, provide teaching based on their developmental level, and differentiate for all learners. Children’s play sets the groundwork...

Alcohol Addiction and Its Effects on the Body and Specific Organs

Alcohol addiction, also known as alcohol use disorder, is a chronic disease attributed to relapse and remission. According to Wang et al. (2020), alcohol addiction is defined as a brain disorder which involves the brain reward circuit. It is among the leading factors for individual death and disability. Like other...

World War II-Occupations: What New Jobs Were Created?

Introduction Occupations in the Civil Activity In the United States, President Franklin D. Roosevelt claimed that the contributions of civilians to support the military forces by self-commitments were important. He compared their commitment to equal the troops’ sacrifice in the allied victory (Crosby 6). Women participated in military conflict activities...

SolarEdge Technologies, Inc.: Challenges of the Manufacturing Industry

Introduction The past couple of years has been particularly challenging for most industries globally. Due to the economic aftereffects of the pandemic, as well as the rapidly developing political tensions on an international scale, numerous organizations have been struggling to maintain their success. The manufacturing industry has been affected particularly...

The Basic Level of Healthcare: H. Engelhardt’s and N. Daniels’ Perspectives

Introduction As far as healthcare rights are concerned, Tristram Engelhardt and Norman Daniels are on opposite sides of the aisle. Norman Daniel believes normal functioning can only be restored with minimum healthcare. He makes the case that denying people access to even the most basic healthcare violates their constitutional rights,...

Essential Techniques for a Musician’s Tool Kit

Musical technique refers to instrumental players’ ability to exercise optimal control over their instruments to generate the desired musical effects. Improving the skill often requires practicing exercises that increase muscle sensitivity and agility. The compositional style is the composers’ talent and knowledge to create music. It differs from the instrumental...

Nurse Staffing Ratio Impact on Patient Outcomes

Abstract The purpose of this research proposal is to analyze interventions aimed at reducing the risk of adverse events associated with poor hospital staffing ratios. Inadequate nursing staff ratios have been an ongoing concern in the nursing field. The author asked, if nursing errors can be attributed to (C) unsafe...

“To Kill a Mockingbird” by Harper Lee: Feminism and Gender Prejudice

Introduction Harper Lee’s novel To Kill a Mockingbird explores the racism and racial prejudice that negatively affected the black community and the Justice System in Maycomb. A wide range of key elements of gender criticism can be observed in the literature, where the whole notion of gender is demonstrated to...

Artist Katsushika Hokusai’s Life and Artworks

The artist’s life Hokusai was born to an artisan household in the Katsushika district of Edo, Japan, on the 23rd day of the ninth month of the 10th year of the Hreki era (October or November 1760). Katsushika Hokusai was a brilliant Ukiyo-e artist who is estimated to have created...

Lobbying Plan: Mental Health Parity Act

Introduction The Mental Health Parity and Addiction Equality Act (MHPAEA) of 2008 was a landmark legislative document that sought to establish parity of mental health care and standard care. It forced insurance companies to cover mental health conditions, such as substance abuse, treatment, and other illnesses pertaining to one’s psychological...

Popular Research Paper Topics

The Role of Employee Attitudes and Job Satisfaction

Introduction Organisational behaviour (OB) is more than just a totality of individual employee job performances. It comprises the aspects of corporate culture, such as shared values; personal and organisational discipline; both task-specific and non-task specific practices; relationships among employees of all levels, etc. (Li, 2015; Mawoli and Babandako, 2011). The...

The Race to the Top-Early Learning Challenge

Introduction The Race to the Top-Early Learning Challenge (RTT-ELC) is a competition that aims to promote smooth early learning for all children. The main agenda of this campaign is to address the gap that exists between children with high needs and their peers concerning their readiness for schooling. The Obama...

The Dubai Civil Aviation Authority Implementing Drone Initiative

Introduction Problem Statement The civil aviation sector of Dubai has been looking into developing safe and secure projects for driving the implementation of new services to the population. The critical problem to address is meeting the growing demand for air transportation while also considering the adverse impact of pollution and...

Substance Abuse and Impact on the Family

Introduction Substance abuse is a critical public health issue that has reached increasingly high levels in the United States. Approximately 22.5 percent of Americans have experienced some form of substance abuse (SAMHSA, 2018). The rates keep rising as substance abuse is on track to become a major cause of disability...

Parenting Styles: Indifferent, Indulgent, Authoritarian, and Authoritative

Research has shown that parenting plays a significant role in the optimal growth and development of a child. In that regard, the style of parenting adopted determines the quality of parent-child relationship. Studies conducted in the field of developmental studies have shown that parenting style impacts the mood and temperament...

How the Renaissance Affected Hamlet

Introduction The Renaissance period was one in which many creative writers, artists, and songwriters worked together to create and produce magnificent works of art. In this period, many themes influenced the writers of the period. Vengeance, free play of words, and patronage were prevalent in literary works during the Renaissance...

Composer Pierre Boulez’ Biography

Background Pierre Boulez, the most influential French artist of his era and a renowned conductor and musical theorist who promoted the works of twentieth-century writers, was born in 1925 in Montbrison, France, and perished in 2016. Boulez, the child of a winemaker, concentrated on algebra and took musical training at...

Composite Materials in Airplanes

Introduction Composite materials are typically made of more than one element with different chemical or physical properties. Combining these materials helps bring out new tackles with different features separate from the individual component. However, it is essential to realize that the two materials that make composite structures must not melt...

Chinese vs. Taiwanese Film Production

Background Film production in China and Taiwan has evolved over the years because of the changes in socio-economic and political forces. According to Poujol (2019), the evolution of the film industry in the two countries can be traced back to the period when the region was under Japanese rule. The...

Analysis of Kiros Klonis Project

Introduction Kiros Slonis SA, a construction company specializing in construction projects in the medical industry, landed a contract to build a small hospital. The general guidelines suggest the hospital will have 100 rooms, and it will accommodate Covid-19 patients. The location is a government-owned plot in a residential area in...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Aspects of Maternal Child Health

Introduction Over the past decade, the world has made some significant strides in improving global health. However, maternal and infant mortality rates particularly in low and middle-income economies are still proving to be a mirage. The well-being of mothers, children, and infants is not only a determinant of the status...

Pfizer’s Investment in Comirnaty Vaccine

Introduction The process of research and development (R&D) involves the design or improvement of a product, technology, or service. R&D is vital for business because it encourages innovation, helping a company generate revenue in the future and gain a competitive advantage (Hammar and Belarbi, 2021). In the pharmaceutical industry, R&D...

AI-Improved Management Information System

Executive summary Four months ago, a hospital approached us inquiring whether we would be capable as TechSoft Company creates software that would help them achieve more with less effort. In a hospital setting, a lot of paperwork requires doctors, nurses, and other personnel to work even more than they are...

Hesychasm and Its Significance in Eastern Christianity

Hesychasm is a form of religious practice in Eastern Christianity in which followers pursue spiritual silence through continuous prayer and worshipping of God (Loba-Mkole, 2014). The main goal of Hesychasm is to achieve connection with God through the recitation of the Jesus Prayer (Loba-Mkole, 2014). This implies the Hesychasts are...

Religion and Politics: Eventual Separation Through Secularism

Introduction It is important to note that both religion and politics are essential elements of social dynamics, and they are among the core pillars upon which society rests. The given analysis will primarily focus on the given two categories in the context of citizenship, personhood, the state, and transition from...

Birthday Management Plan: Approaches for a Successful Birthday

Executive Summary This essay is about preparing for an event, especially a birthday party in the Spring. Several factors lead to the prevention of technical and logistical problems during an event. Only persons over the age of 16 would be invited to the event. Event liability insurance will play a...

Financial Report of Fridgefreeze Plc

Introduction Profitability Ratios Return on capital employed = 2020 2019 Operating profit 7,485 10,105 Divide byCapital employed: Share capital 26,035 24,330 Plus Reserves 8,480 6,375 Plus Non-current liab. 4,575 1,250 39,090 31,955 Equals (0.1915 0.3162) x 100% ROCE = 19.15% 31.62% The 2020 ROCE is less than that of 2019....

Migration, Diasporas, and Terrorism

Introduction Over the recent past, the US has witnessed numerous cases of economic crime committed by the outlawed criminal groups of al-Qaida and Jihad. Globalization has permitted the increased movement of people and goods across transnational borders (Chamoun, 2019). However, such phenomena are associated with deteriorating security on the global...

Mindfulness as a Method of Treating Addiction

When it comes to thinking of ways to treat addiction, an abundance of various approaches has been proposed over the years of examining the issue. However, it is reasonable to assume that in order to treat a condition properly, one is to thoroughly investigate the reasons for its formation and...

Community Health Nursing Social Media Campaign

Community Health Nursing Diagnosis Statement Increased risk of mental illnesses among people aged between 18 and 39 years in Brevard County related to lack of access to mental health services demonstrated by the increased rate of diagnosed cases of depressive disorder. Health Inequity/Disparity Mental health is critical since it ensures...

Popular Research Paper Topics

American Religion Now and Then

Introduction Both the global history of religion and the history of a particular religion in a separate state have always dominated the attention of researchers, philosophers, archaeologists, historians, and theologians. Journalists write articles in magazines, interview public and religious figures, and gather stadiums of followers. For quite a long time,...

Opioid Use and Opioid Addiction

A Pilot Cohort Study of the Determinants of Longitudinal Opioid Use After Surgery The number of opioids being released for pain reduction or other needs is overgrowing. However, it remains unclear whether or not patients stop taking them immediately after their intensities are over (Caroll et al., 2012). Previous studies...

The Federal Public Budgetary Decision Process

Introduction Organizational managers and policymakers use the budget for accountability and decision-making purposes. Budgeting is a process that involves the allocation of resources to the objectives of a given entity or a strategic plan (Brusca & Labrador, 2016). The allocation of resources to a policy can influence various aspects of...

Digital Social Innovation

Social Innovation (SIs) can be portrayed as exercises, perspectives, and working approaches that help add to social change. They will be utilized such that colonial government assistance, equity, consideration, and contribution to ecological issues would be equivalent or significant to focus on benefits (Alao et al., 2017). Digital Social Innovation...

Arsenal Futboll Club’s Strategic Business

Introduction Arsenal Football Club (FC) is presently one of the leading professional clubs in England and across Europe. Having been established in 1886, Arsenal FC is one of the clubs that have played in England’s top league for the last seven decades. Historians in the field of sporting acknowledge that...

Diet, Nutrition and Prevention of Hypertension

Introduction Many patients neglect the prevention of hypertension and do not lead a healthy lifestyle. Their diagnosis remains undetected, although a visit to a doctor could have improved their condition. Moreover, millions of patients diagnosed with hypertension do not receive adequate treatment. An unbalanced diet is a cause that can...

International Oil Companies, National Oil Companies, and Hybrids

Introduction The global oil industry includes thousands of companies that are different in terms of size, revenue, strategies, and operations. Such types as international oil companies (IOCs) and National Oil Companies (NOCs) are often key players in the market, while the so-called hybrid companies are starting to play a more...

The Future of Domestic Terrorism in the United States

In most cases, theoretical exploration of questions benefits in practice to people who use academic findings. The study of terrorism is no exception, since understanding the causes, mechanisms, and methods of organizing terrorist attacks, as well as methods of communication within a terrorist organization, helps in combating them. The topic...

Criticism of Skinner’s Views on Behavioral Analysis

Abstract The paper discusses B.F. Skinner and his contribution to personality theory. It begins by offering a brief history of Skinner and his academic accomplishments. It highlights how Skinner was able to make contributions that were both profound and practical in the field of applied behavioral analysis. Skinner’s radical behaviorism...

Service Design Approach for Restaurant Industry

Executive Summary Effective service process development and implementation entail the interplay of various operations management considerations and decisions. The central aims of new service design to strengthen a firm’s competitive position and enhance process efficiency. This paper identifies the influential factors in the service process development in light of supply...

Popular Research Paper Topics

IKEA Strategy Analysis for 2013-2018

IKEA Strategy Analysis: Introduction IKEA is one of the most well-known global furniture retailers nowadays. It was founded as a small, local business in 1943 by Ingvar Kamprad in a southern province of Sweden (Lewis). By 1956, the company became highly competitive due to a newly introduced ready-to-assemble furniture technology...

Advances in Freight Transportation Technology Throughout History

Introduction Transportation and logistics play a significant role in the world’s economic growth and development. Raw materials and finished products rely on transportation to get to the factories and consumers, respectively. Equally, transportation systems ensure that employers get to their working stations on time. Air, truck, rail, pipeline, and sealift...

AI System in Smart Energy Consumption

Abstract The primary aim of this paper is to expose the significant impacts of AI integration in intelligent energy consumption methods. Notably, the paper has given an insight into the essential factors that have affected the project of AI in the energy departments globally. Besides, creating a relationship between the...

Buddhism and the Life Teaching of Siddhartha

Buddhism Essay Introduction Buddhism is believed to have been in existence, way before Siddhartha existed (United Press International, 2007, p. 1). Most scholars observe that the roots of Buddhism are very deep, and though Siddhartha contributed a lot to the development of the religion, many Buddhists believe that he was...

Royal Dutch Shell Company Analysis

Shell Strategy Analysis: Introduction Royal Dutch Shell, or Shell, has established quite a presence in the global market after it captured one of the top spots in the oil and gas industry. Currently known for producing liquefied natural gas (LNG) as its main product, the company has secured its place...

Robert’s Coffee Shop Marketing Strategy

Introduction In the current competitive market, business success not only depended on consumer behavior, but also the number of competitors in the market. Businesses must continuously evaluate their products, prices, distributional channels and promotional activities to ascertain their strengths and weaknesses. Identification of the rivals, their moves and trends helps...

How El Niño Affects Ocean Circulation and How Climate Is Impacted

El Nino is a climate trend in which the eastern equatorial Pacific Ocean has unusually warm surface waters. El Nino influences ocean temperatures, strength and speed of ocean tides, the well-being of coastal fisheries, and regional weather from South America and Australia, and beyond. The occurrence of El Nino plays...

Plot, Genre and Main Idea of “The Blind Side” Film

Introduction “The Blind Side,” which John Lee Hancock filmed in 2009, is based on the true story of a football player that Michael Lewis had told in his cognominal book three years earlier. Notwithstanding the seeming commonness of the plot, it raises several problems, such as social isolation and solitariness...

Hotel Guest Room Technology

Introduction It is important to note that technologies in the field of hospitality are of paramount importance for the effective and successful operation of the given form of businesses, which heavily rely on customer satisfaction and proper flow of procedures. Among these innovative measures are hotel guest room technologies, which...

Renata SA Construction Company’s Project Management

Introduction Renata SA is one of the prominent construction companies based in the European Union. It is proficient in handling both private and public construction projects in the medical industry. It has recently won a contract where it will develop a project that will occupy 100 beds dedicated for the...

Disabilities: The Intersectional Character

Introduction The Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), passed in 1990, has significantly improved the lives of disabled individuals, in particular, by facilitating their access to public spaces. However, these people are still faced with injustices, and such factors as gender, race, sexual orientation, ethnicity, and religion may further worsen their...

Food and Agriculture of Ancient Greece

Introduction Ancient societies lived and developed in ways that are both similar and strikingly different to the ones people know today. Depending on the state of development, hierarchies, government structure, climate, and many other considerations, a nation could have grown to foster a unique and specific culture of its own....

Predictive Models for Microbiome Data

Background Human health and disease control are some of the oldest yet complicated fields in the history of humankind. Over the years, scholars have published papers and literature in microbial studies concerning the relationship between different microbial communities and their influence on diseases and infections. The microbial communities exist inside...

Federal Mental Health Parity Laws and Regulations

Introduction Mental health has been a controversial topic in the field of health insurance. This is why multiple organizations and individuals were interested in implementing a law that would require mental health conditions to be covered with insurance. Since there is no actual health without addressing mental health, including this...

Casino as a Tool for Economic Development

Introduction According to the American Gambling Association, most American voters believe casinos help strengthen their communities and improve local economies. – Lim and Zhang. Growth and Change. For each country, economic development is one of the most important areas of activity. Thus, the state applies various measures to improve this...

Heidegger’s, Derrida’s, and Levinas’ Philosophies

Introduction Martin Heidegger is one of the most famous philosophers that many people have analyzed. He was a German, and his work primarily involved politics and religion. Moreover, many individuals have argued that his ideas have impacted European philosophy. He also had an impact on other aspects, such as cognitive...

Nike’s History of Fair Labor and Living Wages

Introduction One of the remarkable features of the globalization era is the wide availability of information, including of a preferably closed nature. In particular, with the development of information technology, every individual can share their opinions and experiences online, which can generate a public outcry if the issue being communicated...

Anthropomorphism: Dumbo and Other Examples

Introduction The situation when different objects in art, literature, or cultural rites, are depicted as having human-like traits, called anthropomorphism, is typical for humanity. The film Dumbo and the book on which it is based are examples of using anthropomorphic elements in art. Throughout the action, they depict animal-sentient traits...

Right-To-Work Laws Have Harmed Unions, and Therefore Need Abolishment

Background Right-to-work (RTW) laws refer to the state legislation in the United States that forbids several union-security measures where workers are likely to join during employment. Right-to-work laws entail support from most employers, particularly small businesses and other anti-union individuals. Members supporting the laws argue that the progression grants employees...

Assessment of Fruit Business in Mexico

Purpose This business plan was written to assess the viability of the intended Fruit business exportation of fruits to Mexico. The project considers the cultural, economic, and political aspects of the receiving country to determine the conditions required for successfully introducing the product in the Mexican market. The cultural components...

Decision-Making Methods in Business

Introduction Decision-making methods in business, as in any other industry, are a multi-criteria task, often requiring preliminary and subsequent assessment of all possible options. The complexity of each case is determined by many factors that must be considered in the proposed solution. An incorrectly made decision can lead to various...

Clinical Mental Health Counseling in Child-Centered Play Therapy

Abstract This research paper aims to conduct a theoretical review of literature on child-centered therapy. School-aged children are experiencing an increase in mental health issues that require the interventions of experts in mental health. Managing and treating mental health issues in children requires the role of clinical mental health counselors...

Different Opinions of Communism From Clara Zetkin and Slavenka Drakulic

Introduction Clara explains the growth and development of the working class and conventional women movements from their homeland up to the 19th century to the beginning of the first quarter of the 20th century. Zetkin shows the strengths and possibilities that arose from women’s liberation in the revolution times. It...

The Notable Influence of Jihad in The Middle East

Anyone supporting, commissioning, and preparing terrorist attacks does not do it alone. For this mission to be complete and efficient, these individuals usually work sometimes as overlapping members or networks. In the context of these connections, they work cooperatively with other smaller groups or individuals who are ready to serve...

Environmental Crises Facing the Globe

Introduction The global society’s environmental issues today result from the reckless approach towards manufacturing and resource use that has been ongoing since the industrial revolution’s onset. Although the modern generation may not feel the consequences of these environmental crises, future generations will face problems that may threaten their existence and...

Education and Income Inequality in the United States

Introduction Although the USA is regarded as a country of unlimited opportunities, the income gap undermines people’s aspirations to make their American Dream come true. Diverse factors affect people’s income, and education has been seen as one of the reasons for income inequality in the United States. The link between...

The Ethics of Using Aborted Fetal Tissue

Latest advancements in transplantations of aborted fetal tissue portend an increase in demand for embryos as a resource of donor cells. Aborted fetal tissue is already being transplanted into individuals to manage health problems like diabetes and other illnesses. Such tissue has the potential to be effective in the process...

Analyzes of “Jean Tirole: Market Power and Regulation” Work

Jean Tirole: Market Power and Regulation In what is perhaps the culmination of his life’s work, Jean Tirole: Market Power and Regulation encapsulates the efforts of a man focused on revolutionizing global economics. Tirole’s decisive and methodical approaches to issues such as competition and regulation have improved upon existing theories...

Digitization in Improving the Food Supply Chain

Technology plays an essential role in shaping the food markets by improving the affordability, productivity, and diversity of agricultural products. Inefficient markets lead to waste in high supply areas during harvests (Köhler and Pizzol, 2020). The regions with weak markets depend on less than three food varieties and often have...

Tesla’s Competitive Advantage

Tesla is a world-famous American company that produces electric cars and solutions for storing electrical energy. Today, it is one of the world’s best-selling manufacturers of electric cars. Additionally, Tesla has one of the best, competent, and visionary leader. Through his actions, the organization effectively unites, distributes, and concentrates efforts...

Wanda Company’s Internationalization Drivers

Drivers for Internationalization In order to understand the drivers of Wanda’s internationalization, it is crucial to understand the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and possible threats. Tables 1-4 provide Porter’s Five Forces, PESTEL, Capability, and VRIO analyses to identify the drivers for internationalization. Table 1. Porter’s Five Forces. Threat of New Entrants...

Power and Authority in Decision Making

Introduction It is important to note that the terms authority and power are often used interchangeably, and some might perceive them as synonymous words. Although there is a certain overlap in the context of the underlying notions, one should be aware that there are critical distinctions and differences between the...

Artificial Intelligence in the Workplace

Introduction A man is endowed with the ability to comprehend, respond, and perform. Creatures do not have the knowledge or responsiveness in this manner. Intelligence is characterized as the capacity to study, think, and find solutions. Artificial intelligence is defined as the execution of certain activities by a set of...

Adolf Hitler’s Rise to Power, Impact, and Legacy

Introduction Adolf Hitler is one of the most reviled figures in human history, and for a good reason. His leadership turned the nascent democracy of the German Weimar Republic into the worst dictatorship in human history and ignited the Second World War with disastrous results for the people of the...

Racial Inequality in the Judicial System

Introduction When institutions provide equal chances to persons of all races, this is referred to as racial equality. This means that institutions must provide individuals with legal, moral, as well as economic equality irrespective of such characteristics as skin color. Furthermore, racial fairness is the existence of ideas and structures...

Cybercrime and Ransomware: Literature Analysis

Criminal justice and the processes that it involves is one of the most multi-layered, controversial, and ever topical areas of legal procedures in general. A discussion of trends and significant threats in this field remains a challenge since the classification itself for cybercrimes remains a matter of contest. This paper...

Addressing the Challenge of the Nokia Corporation: Strategic Collaboration

Introduction In the contemporary age, many organizations encounter serious challenges that affect their position in the global market. As such, the Nokia Corporation is suggested to have experienced a severe issue when promoting its 5G services in North America, failing to provide the residents of this region with the necessary...

Ultrasound: History, Classification, and Elements of Ultrasound Transducers

Introduction Ultrasound for medical diagnostics has changed over the years, which has significantly promoted patient care upgrading. The invention of ultrasound transducers has highly influenced the development of ultrasound. This technology has offered spectacular contributions to ultrasound tomography by permitting advancement from two-dimension to synchronous third-spatial to four-dimensional imaging. There...

Recovery the Post Pandemic World

Different countries handle currency crises and economic downfall differently due to their policies and structure. An excellent example is the distinction between the response by Russia and Britain. The rapid decrease in the value of money renders the financial plight. The key solution to fighting the impasse in a nation...

Psychological Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder

Introduction PTSD is a mental illness that can occur as a result of extreme trauma, such as physical, psychological, or sexual experiences. Traumatized people are more likely to acquire (PTSD), a condition in which the victim’s consciousness is dominated by the recollection of the traumatic incident, affecting their lives, mental...

Distance Learning: Advantages and Disadvantages

Introduction Computer and information technologies have significantly affected all spheres of human life. These technologies have also changed the field of education, since the improvement and development of this direction is one of the main mechanisms that make up the public life of the United States. Thus, a new form...

Criminal Behaviour as Result of Free Will

Even the ancient Greeks tried to find a logical explanation for why people commit crimes. In the theory of guilt, the question of free will emerged because the circumstances of the time demanded it; besides, the cleverest philosophers could not resolve the dispute. Within philosophy, there were two schools of...

American Ethnicity: Race and the Need for Equality

The two videos provided mainly anchor their messages around race and the need for equality. The video “The Myth of Race, Debunked in 3 Minutes” especially shows that race is not a genetic issue; it cannot be transmitted from one person to another. It shows that the issue of race...

Short Identification of Historical Terms and Events

Blitzkrieg Blitzkrieg is a war tactic used by the Germans during the early years of the Second World War. The tactic entailed using aggressive and swift attacks on opponents to limit manpower losses. The term originated from Carl Clausewitz’s work on the “concentration principle.” Clausewitz discovered that many army commanders...

Violence Encoding in Video Games

Video games have become a popular source of entertainment in the past decade and are a significant source of revenue for the makers. The presentation of digital content has evolved in the recent past to cover basic and advanced concepts of human life such as sports, culture, adventure, war and...

Social Impacts of the Hong Kong Arts Festival

Introduction Art festivals have always been places where people could externalize their desire to watch new trends in art, assess different artists, and form a community based on personal overviews. Moreover, such events play important roles in the social, cultural, and economic life of cities where festivals take place. Hong...

United Kingdom Grocery Industry

Introduction There are various forms of market structures which exist in various marketplaces. This essay explores the market configuration which exists in the UK supermarket industry. As such, markets are influenced by several economic factors such as income level, inflation rate, forex exchange ratio, and taxation. While discussion the investment...

Toys R Us Company: Supply Chain Challenges

Introduction Toys R Us is one of the major toy manufacturers in the world. It operates using a supply chain that has been associated with various challenges. It is currently the only specialised major toy manufacturer in the United States, with Wal-Mart and Target as its major competitors. The company...

The Placebo Effect in Medical Practice

Nowadays, medical treatment has become an advanced and complicated process that consists of many different steps and factors. One of the elements that can play a role in treatment is called the placebo effect, which is an interesting psychological phenomenon. Although the subject is not thoroughly researched, this effect is...

Religious Tension in the Horn of Africa

Abstract Religious hostilities in Ethiopia and Eritrea have posed challenges for quite a long period. Such religious disputes have been threatening peace and stability in the nations and the whole region. This study discusses the perspectives that exist regarding the supposition that religious hostilities create global unsteadiness, progress to the...

NYC Human Resources Administration: Mission and Personal Experience

The Human Resources Administration (HRA) is also called the Department of Social Services (DSS). HRA is a New York City government department that was founded on 15th August 1966 by Mayor Lindsay John and facilitates the majority of the city’s social services programs (NYC Human Resources Administration, 2020). DSS helps...

Modeling of a Network: Deployment and Implementation of IP (VoIP)

Abstract Efficient communication has been identified as a potential tool to enhance organisation agility. Many businesses have benefited from efficient communication systems in order to enhance their competitive advantages. Meanwhile, organisation depends on the real time communication to enhance organisational decision-making. Thus, this proposal discusses modelling of a network deployment...

Lego Group Role in the Digital Economy

The Lego Group is one of the most profitable and sustainable companies in the toys industry. This Danish organization has its headquarters in Billund. Currently, it designs, produces, and markets Lego-brand plastic bricks for interlocking purposes and other toys. Additionally, it has amusements parks in different parts of the world....

Leadership in the 21st Century

Introduction Leadership is one of the primary skills that every entrepreneur and manager is obliged to develop for an appropriate organisation of one’s business and other processes that might be related to teamwork. Leaders also must have professional skills in scheduling, time management, allocation of resources, and delegating responsibilities among...

International Law in Relation to Nation States

Introduction International law is the law that governs the relationships between bodies that are subjects of this law. These bodies include sovereign nations, international organizations like the United Nations and national freedom movements (Shaw 10). The history of international law dates back to middle Ages. However, in the wake of...

India’s Economic and Social Progress

Introduction India is the second-most populous country in the world. Its population is over 1.3 billion people, which makes the state the biggest democracy in the world.1 According to the United Nations, India will have the largest population in the world by 2028.2 Its area is 1.2 million square miles,...

The UK Global Competitiveness in Trade After Brexit

Executive Summary The long-term goal for UK in international trade is to be globally competitive. One major problem is the negative trend in trade deficit during the last decade with EU members. To achieve the best possible outcomes in the short-term and in the long-term for UK, key issues must...

Detailed Analysis of Human Trafficking

Introduction After the abolishment of slavery in Europe and North America, many people celebrated since the achievement triggered the introduction and passage of human rights clauses to protect mankind from forced labor. Notions of democracy continue to focus on evidence-based approaches that can empower global citizens to pursue their personal...

Social Effects of the COVID-19 Pandemic

Social conflicts play a significant role in the structure of society and have a decisive effect on all spheres of life of an individual and society as a whole. Achievements of scientific and technological progress, primarily the development and globalization of communication systems, turn the world into a single complex...

Renewable Energy: The Use of Fossil Fuel

Introduction Renewable energy has gained massive popularity over the recent past because of the growing need for alternative and clean energy. The use of fossil fuel is becoming unsustainable because of its impact on the environment and the dwindling reserves. Wind energy has become one of the most reliable alternative...