Horse Ambulance: Logo and Poster Design

Abstract Well-designed posters are an effective way of conveying information on existing social issues and strategies to solve them. To this end, the senior project paper aims at analyzing the process of solving the preventable death of animals during horserace by passing information using designed posters and stationary. It describes...

Contemporary Theories in Criminology

Three methods of measuring crimes. Their advantages and disadvantages Usually, scholars single out three major methods of measuring crime: official statistics, the survey of victims, and self-report analysis (Tierney, 2004). Each of these techniques has its advantages and disadvantages. Only their combined usage can give in-depth insights into the criminological...

The Epistle of Paul to Philemon: Interpretation

Introduction The Epistle of Paul to Philemon (otherwise known as Philemon) is a book included in the Christian New Testament. The most common interpretation of the book was that Paul wrote a letter to Philemon on behalf of Onesimus, who was a runaway slave that had wronged his owner. Throughout...

Dell Company’s Marketing Channels and Logistics

Executive Summary Dell is one of the most successful computer systems manufacturing company in the world. This paper reports on the evaluation of the nexus that exists but the company’s marketing activities and logistical function. Over the years Dell has developed a direct marketing channel that is facilitated by globally...

Women and Professional Sports

Introduction When an individual ponders about professional sports, the primary thing that comes to the mind is baseball, football, basketball and tennis. These games have one thing alike, that is, they are all male dominated. In the public eye today, ladies can’t contend nearby men in professional games (CAAWS 5)....

How Do Transnational Organizations Affect The Sovereignty of States?

Introduction The problem of sovereignty is closely associated with the study of international relations and politics. In particular, the globalization process makes the issue even more critical as far as transnational organized crime is concerned. Considering organized crime beyond the state system inevitably leads to the discussion of the sovereignty...

Operations and Information Management of CC Music

Introduction The given report outlines the main features of CC Music, a company founded by Chris and Clive. It focuses on the provision of specific services to bands that include social media marketing, keeping business accounts, providing an updated calendar of events, and keeping track of the communications between the...

The Relative Effect of Property Type and Country Factors in Reduction of Risk of Internationally Diversified Real Estate Portfolios

Introduction The aim of this dissertation is to identify and study the impact of diversifying portfolios of real estate securities mainly based on two categories. The first category is the geographic diversification of real estate securities portfolio and the other is diversification based on the property type. A substantial number...

Education: Internet Courses Versus Traditional Courses

Introduction Since the widespread availability of personal computers, people have found more ways to access life-altering educational opportunities. The field of education has been a major beneficiary of technological advancement. Universities have been expanding these technologies to increase the availability of classes in the form of online and distance learning,...

Race and Gender Stereotypes in Literature

Introduction Literature is an avenue through which life experiences in society are portrayed from the perspective of the author. To achieve this reflection of encounters, the writer uses a number of stylistic features and techniques. Most of these literary devices are used to improve the quality of the message passed...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Key Issues in the Psychology of Education

Map of an Educational Issue: School Violence Among the variety of educational issues, school violence is chosen being “a broad category encompassing a variety of acts” (Hanks 2004, p. 1). Signs to take into consideration Types of school violence  Causes of school violence  Ideas to prevent violence  Explanation of the...

Why Men Spend More Money Than Women?

Introduction The relationship between gender and rate of expenditure is a topic that has attracted many scholars over the recent past. According to Klesment and Bavel, one’s gender defines what they are likely to purchase in large quantities or more regularly (468). Women often spend their money on cosmetics and...

Media Bias and its Influence on Journalism in Ireland

The media, also referred to as the fourth estate must act as a check for the society. It has a duty to inform the public on what is going on around them and what affects them. In carrying out its duty to inform and educate, several factors influence how they...

Artemisia Gentileschi: Feminist Theory

Introduction Nowadays, it is often suggested that Artemisia Gentileschi (1593- 1656) should be deemed the actual forerunner of feminism in the West and there is indeed much rationale behind such a point of view. After all, Gentileschi was the first female artist/painter who succeeded in attaining a “cult-status” in Europe...

Keystone Pipeline Between the US and Canada

Overview of the project The Keystone pipeline project is a petroleum pipeline system linking the Canadian Crude oil to the U.S refineries, especially in the Gulf Coast. Canada is renowned for its massive crude oil reserves. The pipeline runs from Western Canada to the US Gulf Coast. Besides transporting artificial...

Competitive Strategies for UK Banks After Recession

The economy of any country is largely influenced by the banking sector due to the significant roles they play in the financial markets. The level of profitability and revenue margin of UK banks was greatly affected by recession that started towards the close of 2007. Due to the nature of...

Lord, Day, Zaccaro, Avolio, and Eagly: Leadership Theories

Every conceptual construct devoted to the study of leadership has endeavored to identify the factors that influence effective leadership. Researchers state that at the current time, the field of leadership theories “is very broad and fragmented” (Lee, Chen, & Su, 2019, p. 88). This is not surprising, given the more...

Lebanon’s Environmental Problems and Solutions

Introduction The Republic of Lebanon is an Arabic country located in the Middle East where it is bordered by Syria to the north and east while Israel is located on its south. It is also bordered by the vast Mediterranean Sea to the west where the coastline stretches 225 kilometers....

Apple Inc.’s Change and Innovation

Introduction The theory of Business Model Innovation (BMI) discusses the creation and reinvention of a business model in the decade of globalization and in more recent times, that of recession. The business model innovation theory offers ways in which a time-consuming company can increase to competitiveness by the importance scheme...

The Films That Used as a Tool to Reimagine Africa and Africans

Africa has suffered a double tragedy – that of colonization and having the colonizer dominate and shape the underlying narrative of the African story. However, telling other people’s stories is subject to personal biases and prejudices based on long-standing stereotypes. The representation of Africa in films has been characterized by...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Chiropractic Therapy for Pain Management in Athletes

Introduction Pain can be defined as a distasteful sensory or emotional feeling that is linked to possible tissue damage as a result of physical, chemical, mechanical, or thermal stimuli. It is a common symptom that accompanies many illnesses and is responsible for many hospital visits (Drazin et al., 2016). Pain...

Glass Ceiling: Women in the US

Abstract The glass ceiling is a phenomenon that has been perceived to exist in the US. The phenomenon has been seen to prevent women and minorities from attaining higher positions in private and public corporations, educational institutions, and federal and state government bodies in the US. The Glass Ceiling Commission...

Unreliable Narratives in Nabokov’s “Lolita” Novel

Some novels are quite easily comprehended by the readers. The reader may distinguish the narrator’s point of view and objective descriptions of the plot (Blahuskova, 2011). There are different methods used by the narrators to pass the main ideas to the reader. Sometimes this narrator is identified with the implied...

Community Development in Context With Arab Society

Community development work is a long term process which depends upon those group of people whom we refer to as ‘community members’ since they reside in the same geographical location. Therefore, community development cannot be defined without addressing and acknowledging the levels at which the community members participate. This indicates...

Issue Relevant to Learners With High Incidence Disabilities

Introduction Approximately eighty five percent (85%) of the students recognized as having disabilities also have learning disorders, mental retardation, communication problems, or expressive disabilities. A considerable ratio of students with higher-incidence disabilities are attended in the common education classroom. In several cases, causes of these high-incidence disabilities are generally unknown,...

Political Regime of Australia and the United States Examination

Introduction Different countries adopt different systems of government that can be traced in history. Some other state systems are of a recent development called the hybrid systems. The United States of America operates a presidential system of government. Its roots can be traced from former systems of governance that have...

Schooling of Special Needs Students in Hong Kong

Introduction For a good understanding of this paper it will be imperative to define what special education is, here we shall define special education as a form of education and social service that is offered by schools to students or individuals with special educational needs and are in the age...

Anheuser-Busch InBev: International Marketing for Success

Introduction According to Anderson (2010, p. 28), “internationalization is one of the most important and pervasive forces that reshape the competitiveness of business environments”. It has largely shifted the basis of competitiveness in companies and makes it necessary to understand global regions as one vast market (Forsgren, 1999). Internalization has...

Family Interaction Through the Motion Pictures

Introduction American culture is expressed in a liberal form and family interaction is viewed in an independent perspective. It is a common thing that the children live separately from their parents when they reach the right age. There are a lot of myths that is associated to how a family...

Construction of the Sense of Meaning and Identity

Introduction Working context has always had a considerable effect on the person’s achievements and social behaviour. There are a number of factors that affect the way a person behaves or acts in a definite situation. All these factors account for the formation of a person’s identity and his/her attitude towards...

Child Labour in Fashion Industry

Introduction There is a considerable difference between many works done by children. Some may be classified as difficult and more tasking than others, others may be considered as hazardous and to some extent morally reprehensible (Basu & Zarghamee, 2009). In this perspective it is logical to define what the term...

Pontiac’s Rebellion and Its History

Introduction The Pontiac’s Rebellion is an uprising of Native American Indians who were unsatisfied with British colonial politics. The participants were several tribes who lived in the territories in the Great Lakes region and the modern states of Illinois and Ohio, which were controlled by the French before the Seven...

The Irish Dramatic Movement: Decolonization Impact

Introduction Historical Background The Irish Drama was closely associated with the dramatic work of the English theatre. It was namely the theatre that made the Irish playwrights famous on the English stage. The explanation of historical background helps to better understand the rise of theatrical art. The roots of the...

Reading Lesson Plan Improvement for Diverse Class

Reading lesson plans can be discussed as effective when they are oriented to different students’ interests, needs, skills, and learning styles. From this point, it is possible to speak about diversity in the class that is related to the students’ language capacity, their cultural backgrounds, abilities, special needs, and learning...

Netflix Inc.’s Strategic Communication Plan

Situation Analysis Netflix, Inc. initially started as the world’s leading DVD rent-by-mail company with more than one million subscribers. However, the company is currently best known for its online media-streaming services as the television industry has changed dramatically since the initial launch of the company. Despite the fact that more...

Problem of Healthcare-Associated Infections

Abstract The Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS) strives to reduce cases of infections at care facilities, but with mixed results. In this study, healthcare-associated infections (HAIs) were reviewed based on broad global and social determinants of health; epidemiologic data; the effectiveness of clinical prevention interventions; patient centered and...

Energy Efficiency and Economic Approaches

Introduction The economics of energy efficiency form one of the highly debated topics on natural resource economics. Natural resource economies focus on the efficient utilization of natural resources, which include energy deposits, minerals, water resources, land, forests, and fish, among others. Public reliance and control of these resources, their significant...

“The Slumdog Millionaire” and “The Hurt Locker” Films

Modern cinematography is the world that perfectly reflects the problems of people and the situations that are created in the world now. It may be said that cinematography reflects the problems which are urgent to modern people or have some relation to appeared situations, such as poverty, war, money, love,...

Quadrivalent Human Papillomavirus Vaccine Efficacy

Critique is an analytical process that aims to identify strengths and weaknesses of a study in an objective manner. Given that a study comprises abstract, hypothesis, aims, questions, sampling, methodology, data analysis, discussion, and conclusion, an objective analysis of each section offers coherency and flow of the paper. A central...

Economic Crisis and Entrepreneurial Opportunities

Entrepreneurship is the process of establishing business opportunities to make profits through exploiting the available resources. According to Sexton (2002), entrepreneurship has become one of the major sources of self-employment in the contemporary society; as the globe is undergoing a very serious economic crisis. Following the current advancement in technology...

Collaboration Between Google and China Mobile Company

Project presentation Google is today the leading technology and innovation company and has the biggest search engine in the world. The company was started in 1998 by Sergey Brin and Larry page that made an investment capital of $ 100,000. The company traded its shares in 2004 marking as the...

Government Role in Encouraging Inner City Growth

Abstract This paper identifies the role that the government has in encouraging inner-city growth and the economics behind such a role. The paper argues that the government has a leadership role, an enabling role, a facilitative role, a fostering role, an encouraging role, a role to nurture a positive image...

Decreasing Obesity in Jewish Children

Abstract Obesity is a medical condition that has been on the rise since the late 20th and early 21st centuries. Obesity is a global concern but it affects specific areas, which has raised concern on the control measures, for instance, Jewish children. Obesity is a problem in the Jewish community,...

Traffic Situation and Safety Concerns in Saudi Arabia

Introduction For the past two decades, Saudi Arabia has been experiencing significant developments in most aspects of its economic sectors. One of the sectors, which have had tremendous growth, is the transportation sector. The recent developments began close to two decades ago when the population of Saudi Arabia more than...

The Spannerman Press and Leaflet Campaign: An Evaluation

Executive Summary Key Findings On the whole, the plumbing-services chain has shown a preference for allocating more of the local-media advertising budget to leaflets rather than to press advertising. This may seem correct since leaflets are more likely to be kept and contact information therefore easier to retrieve when the...

Homeland Security – Immigration Policy

Introduction Every country in the world has immigration laws; they are particularly used to regulate entry of foreign citizens into their respective countries. Moreover, policies are aimed at protecting refugees as well as those seeking for temporary or permanent asylum who may otherwise face abuse in their native countries. Immigration...

Civil War Resolutions, Party Platforms and Speeches

Introduction The civil war in America came about to preserve the union which was the United States of America. This came about as a result of two differing opinions by two groups on the role of the central government. One of the groups believed that the central government and the...

Marina Barrage: Land Contamination and Noise Pollution Assessment

Land Contamination Overview Marina Barrage building presupposes the division of the basin into three areas: industrial, agricultural and recreation. Industrial region will be featured with chemical contamination, and contamination with heavy metals. Agricultural region is featured with pesticide and herbicide contamination, while recreational area is subjected to littering. The prediction...

Asian Studies: Taiping Rebellion

Introduction The Taiping rebellion was one of the bloodiest wars which were fought between 1851- 1864 in China. It is estimated that over 11 million noncombatants and famine victims were directly affected. The rebellion was fought using small arms. The essay discusses what the Taiping rebellion was. It also explains...

WiMAX for the 4G Roll Out, Enhancements in Communication

Introduction WiMAX is the cellular version. Its stands for Worldwide Interoperability for Microwave Access (WiMAX). There has been a great evolution in wireless communications over the last few years. WiMAX is an emerging wireless technology used for deploying broadband wireless metropolitan area networks (WMAN). WiMAX is a wireless technology that...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Creative Decisions for Effective Change

Introduction Quality of decisions made is core to the success of any organization. For the success of everyday operations within organizations, there is a need for an effective decision making process. As organizations continue becoming complex, attainment of short-term as well as long-term objectives depend on the decisions made by...

The Semiotics in Advertising: Decoding the Images

Introduction If at all we are to better comprehend the application of visual signals in the field of advertising, it is necessary first that we comprehend also the generation of symbolic meaning. Most of the symbolic meaning finds its source in semiotics. Semitics refers to a hypothetical communication approach whose...

The United States’ Involvement with Weak States

Introduction The challenge of weak and fragile states is one of the worst problems facing the developed world in the 21st century. The prevalence of weak states is a foreign policy which has proved to be a serious threat to international peace at large. For instance, the weak and failing...

Children’s, Young People’s and Family Rights

Abstract This document will base its discussion on children rights in consistence to the 1989 convention; it will then embark on the legality of the convention going further into highlighting the children rights as outlined in the convention. It will then narrow down to the special children’s groups to analyze...

Binge Drinking Among Canadian Undergraduates

Binge drinking refers to the excessive consumption of alcoholic beverages in order to get intoxicated over a very short time. This kind of drinking is usually intended by the participants and it is very common among the college students in most countries. The behavior is usually considered a social activity...

Research Methods to Be Used in the Dissertation

Outline Introduction Structured interview Techniques utilized in structured interviews Researches that have applied structured interviews Strengths and weaknesses of using structured interviews The case study method Techniques and processes used in case studies History / traditions of using case studies Strengths and weaknesses of the method Application of case studies...

The Impact of Racism on Globalization

Abstract The term globalization has been used in the literal sense to mean the transformation process of regional phenomenon into global phenomenon where the entire world’s population is united into a single society.Globalization combines forces of the economy, technology, sociology and politics. In most cases, Globalization term is used to...

The Process of Data Analysis

Introduction The process of data analysis starts immediately after the data is collected. It intends to examine, clean-up, transform and model the collected data to bring out the useful inference in order to make correct decisions. Caution is that the process of data analysis does not correct any bias in...

Career Management in Business: Plan

“This section asks you to outline your current career aspirations. You should identify your chosen occupation and job role within that. You may choose to differentiate between short, medium and long term aspirations.” “You should also identify the types of skills/competences that are required to be successful in this role...

Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire by Edward Gibbon

There can be no doubt as to the fact that in his famous work “The History of the Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire”, Edward Gibbon refers to introduction of Christianity as one of the major factors that had brought about the fall of Roman Empire. However, it is...

‘Racial’ and Ethnic Inequality in Western Europe and North America

Introduction Racism is one of the contemporary trends being experienced in journalism and news. Media has been found to play a major role in the production of ethnic as well as racial inequality in the various structures of the contemporary societies. North America and Western Europe are among the contemporary...

Global Recession and Its Effect on Dubai Tourism

Introduction Certain global issues always have direct and indirect impact on peoples and individuals even if the idea may seem remote and hardly connected. I will try to consider through my own perspective based on data gathered how the current global recession affects the tourism industry of Dubai. Prior to...

Children Play and Wellbeing

Play Play is the term used to define the wide range of activities that people and particularly children engage themselves in for purposes of amusement and enjoyment. The players usually get involved in the activities willingly. Moreover, in the case of children, the motivation to play is due to their...

Whether Globalization Makes Consumer Powerless?

Aim Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) is a notion whereby business organisations not only to maximise its profits and also have to consider to the welfare of the society and to take care of all kinds of interests of stakeholders like consumers, shareholders, suppliers, employees, environment and communities. Thus, a business...

Spartacus as a Leader, From a Historic Perspective

Spartacus was a leader of Rome, who revolted against the Roman government from 73 -71 BCE. Spartacus was born in Thrace in a nomadic tribe. (Lendering, 1, 2009) Graham Stevenson in his writing points out that the Roman historians called him the descendant of the Royal Thracian family. (Stevenson, 1,...

North Korean Defectors and Their Reasons

Introduction During the course of recent years, the attention of an international community has been progressively more focused on socio-political situation in North Korea, due to the fact that this country’s possession of nuclear weapons poses clear and present danger to geopolitical security in Asia-Pacific. However, there is also another...

Teachers’ Practical Theories of Teaching

Teachers’ practice theories of teaching involve special techniques and practices used in education and during learning processes. The connection of general education to teachers’ practice theories is that of means to end. Education is the goal; it prizes mental freedom and responsibility, and an open-minded and humane spirit. A broad...

Classroom Practices and Students’ Attitudes Toward Science

Introduction The aim of this article is to review major scholarly literature concerning the attitudes of students towards science subjects. The literature are from the last two decades and the studies have been conducted in different parts of the world such as the United States, Malaysia, Hong Kong and Africa....

Canadian Foreign Policy: The Canadian Position and Role in Kosovo War

Background Kosovo Conflict of 1998-1999 is a significant episode in relation to Canadian Foreign Policy. In some sense, the actions of Canada were coherent with its traditional foreign policies but also brought in difficult choices for the nation as we later explain in this article. Canada played a vital role...

MKT 100: Porter Airlines

Executive Summary This report traces the Porters external and internal environment based on the imperatives of Safety, Security, and Environmental pressures. Tremendous changes have taken place in aviation because of increasing technological complexity and growth in air traffic, this adds pressure on the infrastructure consisting of airports, air traffic control...

Popular Research Paper Topics

UK National Health Service and Criminal Justice Approaches

Introduction Drug use has increased in the UK in recent times and there are an estimated five million regular users of illegal substances in the region (Emmett and Nice., 2006). Of these, about one million people are found to be addicted to cocaine, whose use has multiplied four times within...

The Israeli and the Palestinian People in Conflict

The student dictionary by Thorndike-Barnhart defines a conflict as a fight or struggle over something. The situation between the Palestines and the Israelis falls nothing short of this definition. The two states have been at it from the early 20th century up to date. Though many methods have been employed...

Cancer Problem for Today’s Women

Introduction The studies in occupational therapy in most points serve as the guarantee for would-be therapists. In this respect, the significance of supporting a knowledge base along with the experience of mature specialists in this sphere is of great significance. The research in the paper is dedicated to the problem...

Project or Program Failure and Organisation Reputation

Projects are an important part of the development of organizations as they are designed to meet the needs of their businesses. Construction projects often fail to meet the expected outcomes in terms of quality, cost, and desired needs. This damages the reputations of organizations as customers and suppliers are inconvenienced...

Cognitive Psychology and Addiction

Introduction Addiction is one of the cognitive mechanisms characterized as a psychological disorder. In defining behavior as the domain of psychology, a serious problem arises in distinguishing between behavior and physiological events. In restricting the domain of psychology to behavior and its relationship to the environment, molar behaviorism does not...

Bauman’s Concept of Globalization in Understanding the Rise in Human Displacement

The 1990s saw the term globalization become more apparent in the west mostly in the disciplines of politics, sociology, mass media, and economics. Various definitions have been developed in an attempt to fully capture all the elements inherent in the process. Generally, it is seen as the process through which...

Ryanair: Strategic Management Analysis Report

Introduction Airline industry is one of the profitable industries today and in future. Ryanair is a UK-based company followed the structure of successful Sourthwest Airlines located in the USA. An industry with this kind of rapid change presents several challenges for companies like Ryanair, namely production costs, and monopolies. Production...

Alternative Energy Sources: A Collaborative Approach in Water Management

Introduction With the increasingly high prices of gasoline in particular and fossil fuels in general there is a need to find an alternative source of energy. But at the same time the use of fossil fuels and the rapid increase in world populations is exerting pressure on natural resources. There...

The Plight of the Black Seminoles in US

Introduction Seminoles resided transversely on the southeastern lands of USA for thousands of years. Seminoles is a mixture of different of tribes. Each tribe is distinctive and spoke its own form of a language known as Muskogee. It is estimated that around A.D. 1500, about half a million people used...

To What Extent Does the Production of News Reproduce Dominant Ideologies?

Even though that nowadays, the effect produced by Medias upon the process of designing socio-political policies in Western countries, still continues to be discussed within a conceptual framework of “fourth power”, there are many good reasons to believe that Medias can longer be thought of as simply one among many...

Multicultural Curriculum and a Multicultural School Environment

Introduction Citizenship is a state of having the rights, privileges and duties of being a member of a given country. It is also defined as the character of an individual viewed as being a member of a society i.e. his or her behavior in terms of the duties, obligations and...

What Is Meant by ‘Glass’ and ‘Concrete’ Ceilings? How Are These Barriers Constructed and Manifest in Organizations?”

Introduction This paper is about managing diversity in an organization, this paper will critically examine the challenges that are faced by the HR managers in regard to managing diversity in an organization for example, barriers like ‘glass’ and ‘concrete’ ceilings are constructed and they manifest within the organization. Diversity can...

Project or Program Failure and Organization Reputation

Abstract Organizations undertake project or programs development in order to meet certain needs of their businesses. These projects do not always become a success as they fail to meet the expected outcomes and in the expected quality. Projects and program failures have negative impacts on the reputation of an organization....

Into the Teamwork in the Organization Management

Introduction In order for an organization to remain relevant and competitive in the face of fierce competition, it is important that the management is in the apposition to deliver on the goals and objectives of such an organization. For this reason, a lot of organizations today are emphasizing cooperation and...

Mind of the Entrepreneur: Zuckerberg

Executive Summary Zuckerberg is one of the young millionaires as a result of this innovation and entrepreneurship that enabled him to create Facebook. Being the youngest billionaire Zuckerberg, has managed to supply the old businessmen who have toiled for many years but have not reached his levels. Zuckerberg has used...

The Indigenous Violence in Australia: Reasons and Forms

The pain and agony of racial discrimination still lingers in the lives of the aboriginal communities of Australia. Compared to the other people in the same country, the indigenous people continue to suffer due to inadequate availability of basic necessities. Poverty and unemployment has led most of the youths into...

Dreaming Hypotheses and Attributes of a Trance

Cultural history Trances can be defined as the mental pictures, descriptions, and reflections in the mind while sleeping. The episodes seen are usually impractical or doubtful in the real sense. The person in a trance generally has no power over the actions dreamt. Some scenes in a trance can be...

Contesting Laws: Culture, Colonialism, and Land

Introduction The native title has a long history that dates back even before the year 1788 where some sixty thousand Aboriginals inhabited Australia and had their own traditions and laws. However during the latter mentioned year, British colonizers established themselves in Australia, and after101 years in this land, they decided...

Gender Mainstreaming For Effective Development Of Our Company

Introduction Gender mainstreaming entails assessing the effects to both men and women of any planed undertaking be it legislative, a program or policies covering all levels and areas of development. It is aimed at ensuring that both men and women are involved in designing, implementing, evaluating and monitoring all policies...

Consumer Purchase Decision Psychology

Executive Summary Consumer purchase decision is influenced by external factors used as stimulus in store design. These factors enhance the consumer capacity to assess the stimulus meaning and initiate a response in them to involve in more purchases. Customer behaviour modification during shopping is based on the perception of customers....

ING Group’s Information Audit and Policy Development

Executive Summary This document gives a short summary of ING’s business and how this business is affected by the information that the company must process on a daily basis. The document further stresses the need for this information for the proper functioning of the company and need to have the...

Business Management and Leadership Qualities

Introduction Leadership can be described as the art of inspiring or moving people’s interests in performing a certain job with a common motive of achieving a set objective or goal. It’s concerned with the capability an individual has in influencing other people to commit their efforts in succeeding in a...

Amy Tan’s “Best Quality” and “A Pair of Tickets”

Over the past years, the novel “The Joy Luck Club” by Amy Tan has been attracting attention of scholars and researchers interested in cultural studies. A number of scholarly works have been dedicated to the analysis of this novel; the researchers explored such aspects of the novel as mother-and-daughter relations,...

Leo Strauss and Friedrich Hayek on Democracy

Introduction The idea of ‘democracy’ has been in the domain of political theorists for quite a long time. It can be remembered that the controversy over democratic space for the citizens has been in existence from the time when classical theory centered on the proposition that the people hold a...

Domino Hotel Incorporated’s Knowledge Management

Introduction The gain in prominence of knowledge management across the diverse sectors of the economy has been tremendous (Ponzi & Koenig 2002), and the hospitality industry is no exception. Different authors have diverse views on what exactly should make up knowledge management (Stewart 1997; Ruggles 1998; Wilson 2002). For example...

Thucydides: History of Peloponnesian War

Introduction The ancient Greece nation faced unprecedented strife and discord among its City-States in the periods leading to the outbreak of Peloponnesian conflict. This state of affairs elicited fear and skepticism among those states that stood to lose influence such as, those states that formed the Peloponnesian league led by...

IBM Company’s Internal Pressures and Challenges

Introduction This paper talks about IBM as a company and what its functioning in terms of operations has been like. It particularly focuses upon IBM having issues or facing four key challenges, especially relevant to its marketing function as well as the logistics function. These challenges have been outlined as...

Marks & Spencer Company’s Integrated Marketing Communications

Introduction Marks and Spencer is one of the most famous brands around the world, with its headquarters being in London – the retailer is counted amongst the most reliable and the most prestigious brand across the globe. This is originally a British brand; but has shops in around more than...

Economy of Externality: Term Definition

Definition of externality Externality may be defined as a benefit enjoyed or a cost incurred yet it is not factored in the price of the commodity consumed. This means that a consumer may enjoy benefits without having to spend on the acquisition of that benefit or he may incur a...

The Development of Adolescents

In life, children must pass through several stages and they take specific steps on their way to becoming adults. Usually, there are four stages which people take towards becoming adults; there is infancy which if of the children at the age of two years, early childhood is the age between...

Accounting and Financial Processes in an Organization

Abstract Accounting and Finance is a very important function of any business either for profit-making or for non-profit making institutions. It provides an avenue where a business analyses its operations in terms of what they own, what comes, and what goes out. Butt(2008) defines accounting as ” a service activity...

Management Accounting and Other Organizational Functions

Introduction It is the devising and analysing business processes, making budgets, doing forecasting, introducing internal controls and monitoring the same and evaluating, synthesising and compiling information mainly to derive economic value. It is an accounting technique employed for the development, management and implementation of decision-making process of a business entity....

Daimler Company’s Human Resource Management

Introduction Daimler is a German car company specialized in cars and trucks. The current CEO of the Company is Dieter Zetsche who develops an effective strategic and leadership position of Daimler on the global scale. The application of HRM by Daimler is often discussed from review of human resources investment...

Crystal Pool Resort’s Analysis

Problem According to Gregory (2003), proper management in the area of human resources is found to be the one that helps the manager in charge of the human resource be able to utilize the potentials the employees have to achieve the overall objective of the company. Break down in this...

Combat Stress and Operational Stress Management

Abstract The combat and operational stress can push a soldier to his outermost limits. Negative reactions to such stress include an agitated mood or moodiness, anxiety, and panic attacks, a feeling of pressure, hypervigilance, sleeplessness, troubling memories, rage outbursts, a feeling of shock and numbness, thoughts about the people who...

T. Blair: Labour Party Leader and Prime Minister of UK

Introduction Tony Blair has served the United Kingdom as prime minister from 1997 to 2007 which made him be the longest-serving prime minister in the United Kingdom under the ticket of a labor party. He had joined the government through a ticker of the Labour Party and he has been...

Organizational Culture of Accounting Profession

Introduction As professional people increasingly under public scrutiny, accountants find themselves exposed to complex ethical issues. There are many ethical issues with which accountants struggle and points to ethical systems as tools that can be used to solve ethical dilemmas. By understanding the rational methods by which ethical issues may...

Studying Organisations: The Hawthorne Experiments

Introduction The Hawthorn experiments marked a new direction in research of motivation and productivity. More than half a century has passed, and productivity remains a concern of management. Labor conflict continues wherever bosses are not fair or considerate of worker’s needs. Design of work tasks continues to be studied, systems...

Information Technology Training in Primary Care

Introduction Summary Nursing skills, IT training, and education are important factors having in-depth implications on the quality of health care. Many studies have been conducted on this topic, mostly in America and Canada. This paper has tried to bridge the gap between literature available on imparting information technology training in...

Decision Traps in Decision Making

Decision making is an integral part of management. On many occasions managers are not conscious of the decisions they make every day. Whether decisions are made consciously or unconsciously, they have direct or indirect effect on an organization (Russo & Schoemaker, 1990, p.23). To be good decision makers, managers have...

Healthcare Industry and Workforce Issues

Today’s marketplace and industrial sectors are constantly changing with the regular forces in the market (Abbott and Coenen 2008, 10). The health sector is among these sectors that are changing enormously with time considering that regularly there are new emergencies, inventions, new market demands, regulations and sector improvements. A country’s...

HIV & AIDS Education Programs and Interventions

The implementation of the intervention The proposed intervention was to introduce community-wide education programs to raise awareness of the people regarding the needs of HIV/AIDS patients and to dispel the myths that lead to stigmatization of the disease. This practice is among the main recommendations of the UNAIDS (2014), and...

The Potential of Liquid Soap in the Thai’s Market

Introduction In this report, we decided to explore the possibility of introducing Simple liquid soap from the United Kingdom (the fifth largest exporter) to Thailand. Although the general soap market in Thailand is declining, the liquid soap market is growing continuously. For example, the leader of the soap market, P&G,...

ABZ Components: Quality Management and Excellence

Introduction Total quality management (TQM) is a structural approach to organizational management. Among the key aspects that TQM is thought to positively impact are identifying, reducing, and eliminating errors in manufacturing, facilitating supply chain management, and increasing customer satisfaction. The philosophy of work within the TQM framework is based on...

Safety and Security Risk Management

Introduction The aviation industry has been grappling with the threat of birds strikes around major airports for decades. Griffin, Young, and Stanton (2015) explain that although many countries around the world have formulated ways of dealing with this problem, a new one has just emerged in the form of drones....

Drug Use in the Workplace: The Case of Acme-Antiroadrunner Inc.

Abstract Recently, the managing board of Acme-Antiroadrunner Inc. discovered that three of its employees were using marijuana recreationally and were present in the workplace while under the influence. They work for different branches of the company in states with varying freedoms of cannabis use. The following paper contains an overview...

Teachers’ Use of Assessment Data to Inform Instruction

Introduction Data-based decision-making at school depends on educators’ regular collection and assessment of different types of data regarding students’ progress to conclude about their strengths and weaknesses in learning. This approach to decision-making allows for utilizing mostly credible sources of information, such as summative assessment results, to draw accurate conclusions...

Operation Jawbreaker: An Evaluation of Success

Introduction Jawbreaker was one of the most ambiguous operations in the history of the US Central Intelligence Agency (CIA). The operation took place in 2001, a few days after the terrorist attacks of 9/11, which took the lives of over 2700 people (Anderson 2015, 54). These attacks spurred the US...

Three Areas of Concern for Committee on Globalization

Introduction Globalization affects all states and creates opportunities through better access to global markets, improved cooperation, enabled by trade agreements, the unification of laws, and other practices that target international collaboration. However, when viewing globalization as an increasing dependency between nations, several economic, business and security problems become evident, and...

The Characteristics of Successful Warfare After the Second World War

Annotated Bibliography Kavanagh, Jennifer, Bryan Frederick, Alexandra Stark, Nathan Chandler, Meagan L. Smith, Matthew Povlock, Lynn E. Davis, and Edward Geist. Characteristics of U.S. Successful Military Interventions. Santa Monica: RAND Corporation, 2019. This research-based source reports the results of the statistical study that was devoted to analyzing important interventions involving...

Adlerian Theory for School Counseling

Abstract This research paper investigated the primary constructs of Adlerian theory. The work includes several parts, namely, the introduction, the main part, and the conclusion. The introduction describes what will be discussed in the frames of this paper, the structure of the work, as well as its key ideas and...

Historical Anxieties in International Horror Films

Introduction Art, in general, is a reflection of the society, and the horror genre represents the fears that the nation has with the depiction of monsters, ghosts, and other creatures. While it is easy to look at horror movies as a pure entertainment matter, they have a context in them...

Homelessness and Solutions in the United States

Social Issue of Interest Homelessness is one of the major concerns in the United States over the past several decades. As urbanization continues to gain popularity in the country, housing facilities in major towns have become less adequate. According to Henwood et al. (2015), homelessness refers to a situation where...

Effective Early Childhood Managers and Their Traits

Introduction Quality curriculums are defined as those expected to help early learners facilitate the mentioned aspects of development because they represent structures for the provision of high-quality learning and inclusive education, especially in environments when teachers are under-qualified or when classrooms are under-resourced. From the personal perspective of an early...

United States Military Veteran Suicides and Causes

Abstract This paper is a literature review to gather information on the different causes of suicide in the US military. Ten peer-reviewed articles were selected, and the findings showed that military separation, mental illnesses, problematic intimate partner relationships, childhood trauma, and a history of suicidal ideation are the leading causes...

Media Concentration and Modern Business Concepts

Media Concentration Media concentration refers to the process through which fewer companies or organizations own and/or control diverse interests that even influence the content that is released to the audience. The companies progressively merge or buy other media platforms, thus creating a vast conglomeration of media interests under one organization....

Human Factors in Aviation: 2016 Brussels Terrorist Attacks

Introduction Today the sphere of civil aviation faces a significant threat that comes from the rise of terrorism and the overall complication of the international situation. That is why there are numerous attempts to improve existing security systems and eliminate the majority of vulnerabilities. Unfortunately, there are diverse issues affecting...

Corporate Governance and Business Ethics

What is business ethics? Business ethics is the field of study that is concerned with standards and principles that guide the behavior of firms in executing their business (Ferrell, Fraedrich and Ferrell, 2011). In management, business ethics is concerned with issues of what is acceptable or unacceptable behavior within an...

WhatsApp: Social Media Security and Privacy

Introduction The evolutionary developments in technological and communication gadgets have brought about a series of changes in the way people around the world communicate today. This has been achieved through the introduction of new tools and applications in these gadgets. The applications have been necessitated by the demands of consumers...

Partnership Working: Theory and Practice

Reflection Overall, my learning activities during this meeting and the entire module helped me get a deeper insight into the concept of partnership and its relevance to the work of different public service organizations. Overall, I would like to discuss the meeting during which students were prompted to act as...

Music Journalism in the Future Internet Age

Introduction The digital age has influenced the field of journalism considerably to the extent of creating uncertainty regarding its future. Particularly, according to Bradshaw and Rohumaa, technological changes have altered the nature of music in the contemporary setting, especially the format in which it is presented and its accessibility (89)....

Balanced Scorecard: Development and Implementation

Introduction A balanced scorecard is a tool that is used to manage performance levels in organizations and is focused on the achievement of strategic goals. This concept was introduced in 1992 and was met with positive reactions from most businesses and economists. It lists key factors that should be taken...

Financial Constraints and Investment Cash Flow Sensitivity

Abstract A number of studies have used investment-cash-flow sensitivity as a yardstick for measuring financial constraints in firms, where as there are equal instances of disagreement for adopting the instrument. This disparity can be attributed majorly to variation in opinions as concerning separation of financially-constrained firms from non- financially-constrained firms....

Scanning and Auger Electron Spectroscopies

Introduction Background Nanotechnology is perhaps one of the fastest-growing sectors in the technological field. According to Berger (2010), it involves the study of and manipulation of matter on an atomic and molecular scale, which is very important in manufacturing and other industries. This technology also involves the development of materials...

Segmentation, Targeting, and Positioning Model

Executive Summary Segmentation, targeting, and positioning model have been widely used within different industries by diverse companies. Irrespective of their features, companies manage to promote their products effectively due to the flexibility and comprehensiveness of the model. The framework is characterized by helpful details that are relevant in the modern...

Juice ‘N’ Go Company: Organization Development

Introduction Management of an evolving company is a complex process that demands multiple competencies and skills from leaders responsible for the creation of an appropriate strategy, and its integration with the existing environment. The sophistication of the issue comes from the fact that elaboration of an effective approach demands consideration...

Leadership Styles in Government Institutions

Introduction The competitiveness and effectiveness of an organization is influenced by the kind of leadership put in place. In government institutions, the issue of management has not been taken seriously over the past few decades. This is has been the case because many civil servants and leaders have failed to...

Resourcing and Talent Planning

Be able to undertake core talent planning activities Introduction Workforce planning is the mechanisms that employers use to acquire employees with the right skills, competence, and experience. When carrying out workforce planning, employers are guided by the resources available, the mission and objectives of the companies as laid down in...

Latin American Women and Trap Music

Introduction Being an art form, music, in general, and songs, in particular, serve as not only the means of self-expression but also as the tool for representing a range of social issues. The elaborate use of sound techniques, the choice of words, and the expressivity of a singer allow expressing...

Palliative Care: Issues, Challenges and Solutions

Introduction Palliative care is a multidisciplinary field that specializes in providing relief and assistance to people with life-limiting conditions. In most cases, palliative care is provided to patients with untreatable conditions. Thus, its main objective is the improvement of the patients’ quality of life rather than the curative effect. Life-limiting...

Project Life Cycles and Schedule Delay Analysis

Project Life Cycles Adaptive Project Life cycle model If the functionality of a project was not vividly defined at the beginning, then this is the best model to use (Meredith & Mantel, 2011). It assists in solving the problems or fixing the mess caused by missed functionality. An example of...

Production and Operations Management

Appreciation of Renminbi (Chinese Yuan) Operations cost will reduce for firms that import raw materials (Reflections on RMB appreciation 2013, para. 8). Mainland firms that use local raw materials will not be affected directly. When investors are paid using US dollars, appreciation of the Renminbi causes investors to value the...

The Contemporary International System

The Principal Actors in the Contemporary International System The principal actors in the contemporary International system are states (Stivachtis 15). States wield a lot of power; guaranteed by each states military and soft power or might. A state like the USA is a major player in the international system due...

Consumer Behaviour: Internet and Interactive Media Usage

Introduction As stated by Brown (2006), the internet “gives every individual a place where they can present their media online” (p. 68). As such, the internet and interactive media are increasingly being used by marketers as a new form of advertising tool. The ads designed for use on such mediums...

Leading a Diverse Group of People in Organizations

Abstract With globalization, diversity, and how to lead a diverse workforce is gradually becoming one of the most important issues in business. Diversity in the workplace affects both the productivity and efficiency of employees in several ways. The purpose of this paper is to discuss diversity and diversity management at...

Climate Change: Changing Patterns of Malaria

Introduction Human activities have increasingly led to global warming due to the greenhouse gas emissions and other factors. Human existence is highly dependent on the changes in environmental patterns, which translates into the transmission of vector-borne diseases such as malaria across central and southern Africa. Climatic changes due to greenhouse...

Google Company: Leadership and Motivation

Abstract At the heart of every competitive firm is an efficient organizational culture. This fact explains why many corporations have been focusing on organizational theory to create the best working environments that can support their business objectives. The practice has led to diverse organizational behaviors, leadership processes, and project management...

Human Resources Function Managment and Coordination

Briefly describe the major features you would expect to find in an HR function which has adopted the ‘Ulrich model’ as the basis for its structure. Explain the thinking behind this approach to the organization of an HR function. In what types of organization do you think it works best...

Cemex Company’s Global Management

In May 2000, CEMEX was preparing to expand through acquisitions in Asia, Africa, and the Middle East. What kind of global giant do you think Lorenzo Zambrano wanted the firm to become? Using module theory and evidence from the CEMEX case study, critically evaluate his chances of success Starting its...

Effective Managers and Leaders: Balancing Demands

A Manager as an Effective Leader A manager is a person who plans, coordinate, budget, and staff of the organization. They plan the operations of the enterprise and supervise the employees. A manager concerns himself with the preparation of the budget. They match the resources in the company in the...