Florida Power & Light Nuclear Plants and Benefits

Florida may have new nuclear power plants in the nearest future. These facilities are regarded as the optimal strategy to address the power needs of the area while reducing CO2 emissions (Hemlock). However, one of the major issues to be addressed is the retirement procedures of these plants that will...

Media Shapes History: Gay Liberation Movement

By the late 20th and early 21st centuries, the portrayal of gay and queer folk in the US had vastly improved. This, in turn, had a positive effect on the Gay Liberation Movement. One defining event that changed the perception of homosexuality and gay rights was the Stonewall riots. The...

Domestic Violence Article and Conservation Model

Strengths and Weaknesses The abstract is comprehensible and excellently systematized into headings: objective, methods, results, and conclusion, which discuss the content, in brief, devoid of being verbose. The objective listed in the article delineates the rationale behind the study. Irrespective of the absence of an excellently represented literature review section,...

Toyota Company’s New Technologies

Market growth Market growth is defined as the increase in demand for a particular good or service over a given period (Kotler, et al, 2008). Depending on the selling features of the product, the market growth can either be slow or fast (Kotler, et al, 2008). For instance, the Voice-Activated...

Project Risk Management Plan and Analysis Techniques

Strategies on the PMBOK Guide The Guide to the Project Management Body of Knowledge creates a temporal framework for project implementation. The major strategies include a WBS, project scope, project requirements, defined activities, activity resources, project timeline, project schedules, and cost estimate. Risk Management Plan Risk management is a procedure...

The Image of Epic Heroes in Gilgamesh, the Iliad, and Beowulf

Introduction Epic heroes are considered to be one of the most important figures in history and literature, who represent the best human qualities and traits, illustrate proper morals and values, and teach the reader what it means to be a fair, honorable, and respectable person. As a rule, epic heroes...

Counterterrorism Efforts in the Global Arena

The modern international relations are characterized by numerous tensions arising from conflicts in areas traditionally associated with terrorism and extremist groups. The war in Syria can serve as perfect evidence of the complexity of the global intercourse (Hoffman, 2017). Under these conditions, security concerns acquire the top priority as nations...

Depression and Self-Esteem: Research Problem

Quantitative Research Quantitative research is a systematic research of phenomena using methods involving the analysis of numerical data; these methods are usually mathematical, statistical, or numerical (University of Southern Carolina Libraries, 2017). The data is commonly collected via polls, surveys, etc.; after that, it is systematically generalized to a wider...

Implementation of Electronic Communications Privacy Act

Title I of the ECPA’s restricts people and organizations from intercepting any kind of communication, be it oral, wire or electronic. Service providers and operators are rather exempted on condition that they are using the information in performing their legal normal employment duties. This includes them that the law has...

Miami as the World’s Famous Scene

Introduction My perception of Miami is not unique. Perhaps it can even be considered reductive in comparison to how vibrant are the parts of the city that I do not describe. However, I would like to say that despite its lack of originality, I hold strong feelings about the scene...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Evaluation of the Stanford Prison Experiment’ Role

The Stanford Prison Experiment is a study that was conducted on August 20, 1971 by a group of researchers headed by the psychology professor Philip Zimbardo to find out the psychological outcomes of becoming a prison guard or prisoner. The study was carried out in the basement of Jordan Hall....

Self-Reflexivity: Body Ritual Among the Nacirema

Self-reflexivity is considered the highest stage of knowledge (Popoveniuc, 2014). Therefore, to understand the peculiarities of research, it is necessary to apply the concept of self-reflexivity. Realizing biases and viewpoints of other cultures will help me to apply cultural relativism to my work. When analyzing the sources used for my...

The Relationship Between Depression and Self-Esteem

Research Topic The topic which is proposed to be studied is the relationship between depression and self-esteem. In this case, self-esteem can be defined as “individual’s subjective evaluation of his or her worth as a person”; it does not necessarily describe one’s real talents, and high self-esteem does not mean...

“The Tempest” Play by St. Louis Shakespeare Theater

The performance of The Tempest as performed by St. Louis Shakespeare theater was used for this reflection. The production approached the play using a period drama approach with a focus on acting and stage presence as the primary factors to drive the play. This performance covered the text of the...

American Psychological Association Style Guidelines

The APA guidelines were developed by the American Psychological Association as one of the possible forms of citation to indicate sources of information and protect one from cases of plagiarism. In order to conduct a study following the APA guidelines, the researcher must first identify and develop his/her topic. Second,...

Morality Play: Everyman

This paper discus Everyman, a morality play performed during the medieval ages. The morality plays are also known as allegory essays and focuses on the behavior of man in earth and life after death. In this play, the main character is Everyman who has been used symbolically to represent the...

Theoretical Perspectives in Sociology

Sociologists examine social occurrences at varying extents and from diverse standpoints. From actual understanding to an extensive overview of society and social norms, sociologists analyze all perspectives from specific experiences to the big picture. There are three primary theoretical perspectives used in sociology and include the functionalist perspective, the conflict...

American Revolution and Its Justification

Speaking about American Revolution, people tend to focus on a range of issues that seem to be the most doubtful. Much attention is paid to the justification of English taxes and American resistance. In addition to that, historians argue whether it was possible to avoid revolution or it was inevitable....

School Meals and a Modified School Diet

Extraneous Variables Together with dependent and independent variables which include the stakeholders’ responses and attitudes to the change in school meals and the altered school diet correspondently, the researchers usually face extraneous variables. They are not the interest of the research but can influence its results. Thus, for the investigation...

Domain Name System Tunnelling and Security

Abstract The exponential rise in the usage of the internet and challenges necessitates the importance and use of the Domain Naming System (DNS). Despite the benefits, DNS is susceptible to abuse which calls for appropriate security solutions against such abuse. Introduction A report by the Internet World Stats (1) on...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Legislative Obligations of Community and Social Services

Legislators As far as local legislators are concerned, Miami currently has two County Commissioners, three State Senators, and five State Representatives. As far as state and federal levels are concerned, Florida residents are represented at both of them by numerous elected officials, who bear responsibility for hearing voices of their...

Women in Male-Dominated International Business

Introduction According to Ricks, male dominance is still the chief characteristic of the modern-day international business (78). Additionally, while the women population makes up a huge section of the workforce in individual countries, they only represent 6% of the business expatriate (Ricks 83). However, the situation is rapidly changing. Organizations...

Microeconomics Principles: Production, Costs and Profits

Benefits of Economies of scale A franchise firm is big company which means that their cost of every unit sold or produced is lower and this implies that they earn higher profits; thus, as the firm expands, the cost per every unit sold or produced significantly reduces (Abraham, 2007). Franchise...

Marc Chagall Paintings

Introduction In this paper, I wish to discuss about Marc Chagall an artist of the 20th century; I find one of his art prints dubbed “Lovers in moonlight” very appealing to me since it reminds me of a wonderful event I once experienced during my childhood (Chagallpainting.org, 2011). Biography of...

Martha Stewart Omnimedia Consulant’s Visualization

Introduction Martha Stewart had been enjoying a successful career up to the year 2001 when she was accused of insider trading and other related charges. These allegations had a heavy blow on her career and her organization, MSO, which she had worked hard to ensure its sustainability and profitability in...

McDonald Corporation: Operations Management and Productivity

Introduction Operations management is a key aspect in an organization and centers on planning and control of an organization whether a product or service through study of concepts from several engineering angles such as design, industrial and management which comprises information systems, production and accounting. Customers of different companies order...

Use of Digital Technology

The digital technology has greatly acquired popularity in the recent decades. The use of digital techniques for accomplishing major social activities has equally been on the rise in public utility sites such as the social network websites in the internet. A plethora of internet users has often posted information of...

Social Media in Real Life: Causes and Effects

Social Media in the 21st Century The introduction of innovative digital technologies has reinvented the realm of communication, providing people with numerous opportunities for keeping in touch without any interruptions. Though social media deserves to be praised and appreciated for the innovative solutions that it provides, its effects on real-life...

How Local Television News Viewing Relates to Fear of Crime?

Introduction The author of the article presents a road map for the study in the “introduction” section. The author also provides a theory section and a literature review. That being the case, the author uses “cultivation theory” to underpin the research. The theory is appropriate for the hypothesis because it...

Social Media as Educational Technology Among Marketing Educators

Introduction According to Tuten and Marks (2012), the empirical research study seeks to investigate and analyze how marketing educators can boost educational technologies by using social media platforms. From the quantitative research study carried out among students, educators, and institutions, it is evident that most participants in the survey supported...

Popular Research Paper Topics

University Athletics in Student Perception

Background This research is aimed at examining the opinions of students regarding the role of the athletics department in the university. Much attention should be paid to the support that should be provided to learners who are engaged in various types of sports. Many of these individuals have to cope...

Speed vs. Depth Learning and Tradeoffs

Speed Learning When it comes to learners that require speed over depth, it is usually the case that this particular type of learning encompasses repetitive tasks that do not require any advanced form of analytical thinking. Instead, it is expected that learners are supposed to perform tasks as illustrated and...

Power and Wealth as a Source of Strength

Administering life A good example of ‘administering life’ is when human beings link money with power. Wealth is seen as a source of power. Rich people in society are highly regarded as compared to poor ones. Society has a way of linking wealth with power; this is a belief that...

Communication Technology Business Units

Fact 1: why is this problem? This is found to be a problem because the flow of information from one point to another is indeed very crucial to any business venture. Through information technology, business units are in a position to fully equip themselves with the transfer of knowledge as...

Heroes and Killers of 20th Century: Joseph Stalin

Introduction The website named “Moreorless: heroes & killers of the 20th century” by the author and producer Bruice Harris was developed for society all over the world. It is intended to present all necessary materials about heroes and killers of the 20th century from the author’s point of view. Among...

The Film “Anatomy of Hate” by Mike Ramsdell

Introduction Hatred is generally a state of entrenched emotional dislike against people, ideas, objects, and institutions. The film Anatomy of Hate by Mike Ramsdell highlights the aspect of hatred being created due to mental fear fueled by a lack of communication and understanding (Ramsdell, 2009). The film portrays the nature...

Services Marketing: Service Encounter Diary

Encounter I had to use the services of this website because I needed to buy an airline ticket online. This organization appeared to me quite reliable and efficient. They helped me to make this reservation; however, a week later, they sent me an email and said that the airline company...

The Literary Work Concepts

Introduction The literary work that we have thoroughly discussed this week was very significant and interesting to me in many ways. This literal work made me understand literature in a different way. Generally literature restores our past, arouses our imagination, praises the common place, stirs up emotions and serves as...

The Main Functions of Computer Components

BIOS The main function of BIOS in a computer is set up the hardware, ready for loading and the eventual starting of an operating system. The first function of the BIOS once the computer has been turned on is to initiate the process of identifying the system devices. These devices...

Apple Company: Strategy and Problems Analysis

Historical Major Competitive Advantages for Apple Apple’s historical competitive advantages included: development of easy-to-use personal computers; innovative industrial design in the development of the computers such as the use of graphical user interface (GUI); technical elegance; development of superior software, and; employment of horizontal and vertical integration. Analysis of the...

Lean Principles for Better Company Operations

Introduction The purpose of this memo is to recommend the adoption of a lean manufacturing system at this company. As you are aware, many problems have affected our production process. These include: Late deliveries to customers, underutilization of machines and equipment, increased waiting time as products to be assembled have...

The Goals of a Banking Institution

Following the interview between a member of our research team and one of the directors of a bank, a multinational bank with branches all over the world, we were able to deduce the firm’s goals as follows; The vision is to be the champion of the socio-economic prosperity of the...

American Military Management Systems Assessment

Budget Description As being directed by the Joint Chiefs of Staff, I believe that OSINT (Open Source Intelligence) should be the discipline to increase the budget because cyberspace is one of the potential sources of information and potential threats as well. Open sources should be monitored and assessed in terms...

Metrics and Performance Measurement in Operations Management

Introduction Metrics is indeed a powerful management tool in aligning company strategies and objectives and ensuring people are working towards a common direction. Going beyond metrics practice in trying to improve processes and products, managers should strive to fulfill predictable requirements in designing and managing metrics to ensure they are...

Shakespeare’s “The Tempest” by Savage Rose Theatre

Introduction The plays and sonnets of the great bard of Avon have no time constraints. The most admirable Shakespearean works are staged around the globe and continue to conquer worshipers’ hearts even nowadays. The majority of critics and art admirers treat such masterpieces as Othello, Hamlet, A Midsummer Night’s Dream,...

Economic Growth Factors in Australia

External factors such as Consumer Price Index (CPI), consumer behavior, and inflation rate play a very important role in stimulating economic growth. For instance, the rate of inflation of a given economy will affect its growth since a high inflation rate may lead to low economic growth. Though internal factors...

“The Oath of the Horatii” by Jacques-Louis David

Introduction The Oath of the Horatii is one of the great paintings done by Jacques-Louis David. The painting was completed in Rome before the close of 1785. It was widely and symbolically used as a communication tool in political and philosophical issues. It is apparent that romanticism influenced Jacques-Louis to...

Frictional Unemployment and Hyperinflation

Introduction There are numerous definitions of frictional unemployment. It is essential to note that many of those definitions describe frictional unemployment and its elements. Frictional unemployment is also known as voluntary unemployment. It occurs in instances whereby the employed individuals have a continued habit of changing their job, career and...

Thagard’s Mind Theory, Its Use and Modification

Representational power When examining the nature of the multi-agent system there are a few factors that needed to be taken into consideration, the first is the fact that humans have complex behavioral systems which to this day are still not completely understood (Samson & Apperly, 2010). As such due to...

USA and UK Children Protection Sites’ Analysis

Introduction The social service I have chosen for the analysis is child protection. I have compared the two sites; one of them is in the USA, and the other is in the UK. The first site is well-developed and has a great structure. It cooperates with the different states and...

Popular Research Paper Topics

MG Rover Group’s Car Production and Business Ethics

MG Rover’s car production and loss reduction MG Rover business was a very important economic pillar in the motor industry in Britain, contributing greatly to employment opportunities, governments’ revenue, and the company’s continuity. It is unfortunate therefore that despite all the efforts the company and the government put to safeguard...

US Holocaust Memorial and American Indian Museums

Introduction By visiting history museums, people gain knowledge about particular periods, personalities, civilizations, or events in the history of humanity. In this paper, I will evaluate the National Museum of the American Indian and the U.S. Holocaust Memorial Museum. These places focus on different epochs and messages, but they both...

Artificial Intelligence and Ethical Implications

Introduction Today, the creation of artificial intelligence is a goal that many researchers pursue. The consequences of success, in this case, have been the subject of many dystopian films and novels. I’ve always thought that the idea of creating artificial intelligence is very exciting. However, this week’s reading motivated me...

American’s Culture Shock in Kazakhstan

Introduction The culture we are brought up in affects many aspects of our lives, including our view of the world, moral and ethical norms, ways of communication, and the social expectations of us. When we meet people from other cultures, we find a lot of differences between them and us;...

Educational Theories and Reading: Study Analysis

Dissertation Analysis The researcher aims at establishing if any one of the three pre-reading advance organizers that are the problematic situation, graphic and verbal organizers, has any effect on the comprehension of certain selected fifth-grade social studies reading materials. Two research questions were formulated. The first one aimed at ascertaining...

Poor Performance and Absenteeism at the Workplace

Describe your first actions to address Peter’s situation. Include your reasons. If I was supposed to address Peter’s situation, I would pay increased attention to his personal data file and the feedback from his co-workers and chief. As it is reported by many people in the company, Peter is known...

Power in “The Handsomest Drowned Man in the World” by Marquez

Introduction Quote “They thought that he would have had so much authority that he could have drawn fish out of the sea simply by calling their names and that he would have put so much work into his land that springs would have burst forth from among the rocks so...

Cities for Good Life and Art of Public Places

Value for the good city Chapter 7 “Value for the good city” in Lennard’s “Livable Cities Observed” is a critique of the current status of many cities around the world especially those in North America. The author argues that cities are strictly public places where the dwellers should be able...

Women’s Struggle in Sophocles’ and Ibsen’s Works

Introduction Even though the two plays; ‘Antigone’ by Sophocles and ‘A Doll’s House’ by Henrick Ibsen were written in completely different times, they share certain thematic elements when it comes to the portrayal of the female characters. For instance, the characters “Antigone” by Sophocles and Nora in “A Doll’s House”...

Marketing, Sponsorship and Fundraising Activities

Please list 8 possible reasons a company might want to sponsor an event or an organization The major reasons why companies sponsor events or organizations include: To benefit from continued media coverage and exposure. To increase the perceived brand image (Lynn, 2011). Ensure the brand is recognized by more people....

Drug Trafficking Reduction in the United States

Scope and nature of the problem In the recent past, drug trafficking has been among the most controversial topic under discussion. This topic has gained much prominence due to the economic and health implications that have developed from drug trafficking. Arguably, our societies appear unprepared for many of the consequences...

Homeschooling Disadvantages for Students and Parents

Introduction This essay will explore whether homeschooling is a better option for parents and their children compared with classroom establishment. The essay will concentrate on homeschooling as a whole including educational perceptions and family matters arising from the debate. This topic is highly fascinating especially when the issues that arise...

Decision-Making Tools: Case Study Analysis

There are several things that Taylor can do to convince Bob that using bar codes could be helpful. First, she should find a lumber company that uses bar code technology and create a case study to present to Bob. A good start would be their supplier. Stapling bar codes on...

Vacation in Cancun: Paradise on Earth

If you are still hesitating about where to go on your next vacation, you should definitely consider Cancun in Mexico. Picturesque landscapes, tropical forests, and the warm water of the Caribbean Sea will prove that there is paradise on earth (“Cancun Vacation Travel Guide”). Once the center of the exuberant...

“Barn Burning” Short Story by William Faulkner

This is an American story by William Faulkner. It revolves around the burning of barns where this article will major on the burning of the first barn. The themes of this short story are class conflicts, racism, vengeance, betrayal, father influences, etc. The characters of the stories are Sartoris Snopes...

Diffusion of Innovation Theory and Its Application

Introduction Innovations help people to achieve better results in the areas of their personal and professional interests. Modern cars and mobile services are created to meet the increasing demands of the population concerning innovative decisions and their application to the practical area of use. The innovation-decision process as well as...

Teacher’s Influence on Student’s Personality

There is no such thing as a self-made man. Every one of us, no matter how talented, smart or independent, has someone who helped raise us, who taught us the things we know, and who molded us into the people we are today. Parents are our first teachers. They teach...

Bob Marley’s “Running Away” Song Performed by Monty Alexander

Introduction First and foremost I would like to say that while I am a fan of jazz music I prefer the smooth jazz sounds of artists such as Vijay Iyer and Tom Harell rather than the work of the Monty Alexander Trio. This is not me disparaging their work rather...

The Subjection of Women

Factors making attractiveness to men “the polar star of feminine education and character formation” The factors that make attractiveness to men “the polar star of feminine education and character formation, according to Mill Stuart Mill are as follows: The fundamental object of human aspirations, considerations and all objects of social...

Application of T-Tests and F-Tests

Application of t-Tests A research question that can be addressed by using an independent samples t-test about the area of General Psychology is as follows: “Are married couples (both spouses aged 18-25) that have no children and live separately from their parents have fewer quarrels than those married couples (both...

Large Profit Margins and Utilitarian Business Ethics

Evaluate the morality of the large profit margins commanded by the high-end brands For some people who run their own business, the notions of ethics and financial profit seem to have no common points. The issue of the appropriateness of large profit margins that are commanded by many luxurious brands...

Gender Equality in Jackson’s “The Lottery”

The issue of gender and relationships between men and women has always been an area for multiple debates and the collision of opposing views. Therefore, being one of the most topical issues for discussion, it has been widely discussed in the literature, and “Lottery” is one of the strongest examples...

Modes of International Trade Payment

Prepayment The importer pays for the goods before they are shipped for export. The supplier is fully protected from nonpayment for the goods as it gets done in advance. The importer is at a greater risk since the exporter may receive the payment, and either fails to deliver the goods...

Refuse Collectors and Their Compensating Wages

Introduction Not all careers are desirable in the eyes of most graduates looking for a job. This is because of the risks involved in that particular job and the unpleasant working conditions that the worker is subjected to. Therefore, there should be a connection between the wage rate and those...

Principles of Finance Course: Lessons Learnt

Personal feelings regarding the course As one of the courses studied during this session, principles of finance have equipped me with a great deal of knowledge and skills. I have gained knowledge on financial management such as financial forecasting (Shim & Siegel, 2008, p.71). The knowledge gained will not only...

“Civil Rights in the Sunshine State” Exhibition

The Targeted Exhibition I decided to tour the Museum of Florida History (MFH) to complete this assignment. This museum presents powerful displays that explore the historical developments of Florida. The museum was presenting a special exhibition to its visitors. The title of the exhibition was “Civil Rights in the Sunshine...

Value, Mores, Folkway, Sanction in Holiday Celebrations

Value Value encompasses people’s preferences that concern a course of action or outcome that can be termed as right. Values enhance the aspect. One of the values might for instance entail treating others with dignity. Values usually have the capability of influencing people’s behaviors as well as their attitudes. Someone...

Sports and Leadership Skills Relationship

The introduction: some basic points The first and most important thing I would like to share is that I’m a real sports fan. I am glad to represent you with an autographed baseball. This item is of great importance, as Ichiro Suzuki is my favorite RF of Major League Baseball....

International Realism, Pluralism and Structuralism

Realism The historical roots of realism are from the writings of a Greek historian known as Thucydides who is regarded as the father of political realism. Realism is one of the three major conceptual frameworks that are employed in the study of international relations. Realism emphasizes the blocks on politics...

Indian Culture and Food in the Raaga Restaurant

Stereotypes, Knowledge, Values Before visiting Raaga, a restaurant of Indian cuisine, I tried to consider what I knew about this culture and whether I would eat what I would be served. I have never been to India, therefore, my personal knowledge about this country has been created on the basis...

The Unisom Brand Analysis

Research on the Unisom brand analysis and the sleeping aid market is progressing well. It has been determined that the market has a lot of potential as 70 million Americans suffer from insomnia and another 43 million experience other sleep-depriving conditions such as obstructive sleep apnea (LaRosa). The sleep aid...

Homes vs. South Carolina Law Case Analysis

Facts Holmes was faced with a charge sheet containing some of the most heinous crimes in society. The defendant faced first-degree burglary and robbery, first-degree murder, and rape of an 86 year old woman, Mary Stewart. Convicted by a trail Court in South Carolina Court, Holmes was denied certiorari. This...

Policies and Protocols in Healthcare

In today’s healthcare environment, policies and protocols are essential, as they guide medical professionals in providing high-quality, evidence-based care to all patients. These documents can also reflect ethical considerations involved in care provision, thus ensuring compliance with relevant professional codes of ethics. Therefore, policies and protocols help to promote patient...

Blistering Development of Technologies

The blistering development of various technologies gives rise to a number of concerns related to the reconsideration of some traditional approaches. This process is triggered by the desire to increase the efficiency of the most important spheres of human activity and align their functioning under the new conditions. For this...

Contract Law: Hamer v. Sidway Case and Court Decision

Facts William E. Story II was given a promise by his uncle to be paid $5,000 which translates to $72, 000 in today’s dollars rate under conditions that he refrained from drinking, using tobacco, swearing, and playing cards for money till he was the age of 21 years. To all,...

Group Problem-Solving Techniques and Ethical Law

Introduction The problem is defined as the gap between the current situation and the desired situation. The capacity to effectively solve problems is a key determinant of one’s ability to excel in the management of the group. The understanding of group dynamics forms the path to developing effective team management...

Qualitative Study: Case Study Methodology

Selecting Methodologies Qualitative studies focus on trends and meanings, opinions, and attitudes. One of the most common and very effective methodologies is the case study. The case study concentrates on the investigation of a phenomenon, including but not confined to an individual, a program, class, a group of people (Lichtman,...

Leadership Styles Analysis and Comparison

Introduction Leadership is one of the most important strategies used in achieving high performances and effective operations within a corporate organization. This implies that the success of an organization is greatly dependent on the kind of leadership it has (Agard, 2010). Leadership styles of the leader’s A, B, and C...

Applying Null and Alternative Hypotheses

The null hypothesis is a hypothesis which states that there is “no effect, no difference, or no relationship among the variables being studied” (Smith, Gratz, & Bousquet, 2009, p. 161). Conversely, the alternative hypothesis is a hypothesis that claims that there is an effect, a relationship, or a difference between...

Peoples Department Stores INC. V. Wise Case Review

Critical Reflection Case Name and citation: Peoples Department Stores Inc. (Trustee of) v. Wise, [2004] 3 S.C.R. 461, 2004 SCC 68. Court: Supreme Court of Canada. Date: October 29, 2004. Trial Decision: The Wise brothers’ fiduciary duty was breached, which led to the court trial. Appeal Decision: The Quebec Court...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Experiences of Working Pakistani Women

The study in question dwells upon experiences of working Pakistani women (Faiz, 2015). Faiz (2015) focuses on the way working females balance their work and family life. Their experiences and attitudes are central to the research. The researcher stresses that women have to work in quite an oppressive environment but...

Undercover Police Investigations in Drug-Related Crimes

Introduction Undercover activities have traditionally been used to target crimes involving corruption, drugs, pornography, and prostitution. This involves deception and involvement in illegal activity to gain evidence involving criminal activities. According to Marx (1988), “UCEs have worked to combat organized prostitution rings, the manufacture and distribution of drugs, street gangs,...

Wheeled Mechanic Department of the US Army’s Code of Conduct

The Wheeled Mechanic Department of the United States Army’s code of conduct values integrity, commitment to excellence, and people. This code provides a framework and guidance about business culture as expected among employees, stakeholders, and senior management. The code forms a fundamental basis through which we undertake business enhancing the...

Education for Positive Youth Sports Experiences

Introduction Sport is an indispensable part of people’s lives, and physical education is a constituent element of young generations’ education. Sports enable children and young people to develop physically, mentally, and psychologically. These are the three major educational outcomes of physical education (Devine & Telfer, 2013). However, at present, these...

Market Potential Indicator for Laptop Company

MPI Factors Seeing that the Market Potential Indicator (MPI) must provide a precise analysis of the opportunities that a certain market has for an average company, the need to incorporate not only basic economic factors but also the ones concerning the population of the market in question, the commercial infrastructure,...

Hospitality Management: Introductory Course

Introduction Introduction to hospitality management entailed exciting theories and ideas. The course considered essential concepts in tourism and hospitality management. The system developed my understanding of the organization and structure of the tourism industry. Moreover, the course explored environmental and technological trends that influence hospitality. Also, the study examined social...

Real World and Its Place in Social Theory

Introduction Sears and Cairns explain that, often, we perceive the real world as an external element in our lives, which we have no control over (83). Also, they make us understand that the real world, which we perceive as an external creation of unknown forces is the making of our...

Behavioral Style: DISC Platinum Rule Assessment

Individual dimensions of behavior The Disk Platinum Rule assessment that I have recently undertaken indicates that my prevailing behavioral style is dominant. It also shows that I value directness and openness in relations with other people. These character traits are closely connected with the dominant behavior style (Robbins & Judge,...

US History: Indian Removal and Trial of Tears

Cherokee Nation Before the year 1820s, the land east of the Mississippi was made up of the Cherokee Nation (Reisman 7). In 1828, the whites began to show interest in the Cherokee nation due to the discovery of gold in the region (Roark 320). During the year 1830, Georgia tried...

Father-Son Relationship in Wiesel’s “Night”

Introduction Wiesel’s book Night can be regarded as a story of dehumanization and lost hopes. However, it is also a story of affection and desire to remain a human in inhumane conditions. There are different themes in the book, but the father-son relationship is one of the central and most...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Gender Roles: “What’s That Smell in the Kitchen” by Piercy

Introduction “What’s That Smell in the Kitchen” by Marge Piercy is a poem that relates to my childhood experience. Since I was young, I have been taught by my parents and grandparents that my role as a woman was to perform domestic chores like cooking, cleaning, etc. On the contrary,...

Eliezer’s Faith Struggle in “Night” by Wiesel

Introduction Elie Wiesel exhibits his struggle in religion and faith in a unique manner. As a Jew, Eliezer was brought up to be a staunch believer in God. However, the same is not evidenced throughout the book. Eliezer grows up believing that God is absolute and omnipresent. He is a...

Correlation and Causation

Correlation is a connection between two events; e.g., when two events occur together. It should be distinguished from causation, a situation when one of the events makes the other happen. When there is a causal relationship between two events, there is also a correlation, but the opposite is not always...

Nationality Factor in Global Product Success

Summary of Article In terms of summary, the article states that nationality is an important factor in the making or breaking of companies in the global marketplace in terms of strategic management and business policy. The article shows that many products from China, Japan, the United States, and other countries...

The Worker’s Behavior: Ethics and Privacy

Problem A worker comes to work with a hangover on Mondays consistently. She is reclusive and distant during the first part of her working day. The worker’s behavior interferes with her duties and potentially lowers her productivity. Solutions Communication Having a hungover at work directly affects customers and workers comfort...

Canada’s Computer Industry and Influences on It

Introduction In PEST analysis, the macro-environmental factors affecting the operations of an organization are examined. The macro-environmental factors include political, environmental, social-cultural, and technological factors (Williams & Green, 1997). In this research paper, the writer wishes to undertake a PEST analysis of the computer industry in Canada. In this case,...

Role-Play Counseling: Skills and Stages

Stages of counseling The first step in counseling is problem identification, which is also referred to as social anxiety scenario. In this stage, the issue should be acknowledged and be explained in detail. Moreover, the needs of the client ought to be understood. Identified skills used The skills that should...

Isaac Newton and the Scientific Revolution

Though implying accuracy and requiring factual information, the world of science is full of legends and has unique mythology that coexists with the foundations of contemporary science (Numbers and Kampourakis 11). Isaac Newton’s biography and the scientific revolution that his discoveries led to (Berkun 4) are the domains that are...

Gender Stereotypes: Research Question

Gender stereotypes are common for any country even if it is an egalitarian society where women are seen as equals to men. Females are still seen as passive and submissive. It is believed that women should focus on domestic issues being ‘good’ mothers and wives. More and more females try...

Twitter, Facebook, and YouTube Influence on Activism and Revolution

The focus on building strong social ties Today, a great percentage of the person’s social activities can be realized within such social networks as Twitter and Facebook and with the help of sharing YouTube videos. However, the role of social media for influencing real-life activities is also important because Twitter...

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“Opinions and Social Pressure” by Solomon Asch

According to Asch, attitudes, and opinions held by individuals are often constrained by various social forces. However, the magnitude of this constraint is still the major issue of concern that demands to be addressed (655). To begin with, the author notes that the reason why this phenomenon occurs has been...

Cambodian Immigrant’s Needs and Human Services

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Penal Policy Determinants in the United States

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New Planet in the “Interstellar” Film

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Demographic Transition in Russia and Canada

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The Interrelationship Between Leadership and Management

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Innovation and Change Management

Introduction Getting ready for Master of Arts and postgraduate diploma in Leading Innovation and Change, the following terms should be completed before writing a dissertation, ‘Leading Innovation & Change’, ‘The Essence of Leadership’, ‘Strategic Thinking and Strategic Leadership’, and ‘Culture and Innovation in Organisations’ (2011). Each term has specific purposes...

What Will Doom the Death Penalty?

The author of the article “What Will Doom the Death Penalty: Capital Punishment, Another Failed Government Program?” observes that four decades have passed since the death penalty was pronounced ineffective and unjust (LaChance, 2014). The increasing levels of crime in the United States encouraged more people to embrace the idea...

Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder Identification

A school environment provided an ideal environment to use my knowledge on health impairments caused by chronic health problems such as asthma, diabetes, rheumatic fever, and epilepsy that limits student’s abilities to perform different learning activities leading to a loss of alertness and vitality to identify students with Attention Deficit...

Beverage Catering in Hospitality Business

Introduction Hospitality businesses implement strategies that promote continuous sustainability across seasons for competitive advantage and growth. Sustainable business practices involve the integration of services and products to meet client’s needs under one roof and for a long period. Beverages serve the basic component in the majority of hospitality businesses, and...

Understanding and Managing Diversity

Diversity is one of the most important issues to address in the contemporary globalized world. Organizations often have employees who have different backgrounds. Of course, gender issues and the generation gap are also important to take into account. It is clear that the development of proper relationships among employees is...

AirAsia X as Long-Haul Low-Cost Airline

Introduction Traveling has become an inevitable element of modern people’s lives, and airline companies are the ones capable of making long-distance commuting easier. However, while all of such organizations can offer speed, hardly any of them guarantees cheapness. AirAsia X is one of the newest low-cost airlines providing people with...

Evidence Value and Research Design

It is important to determine the validity and reliability of the research instruments when reading a research study. How does the validity and reliability of an instrument influence the credibility of the study and the value of the evidence? When carrying out research, one must make sure that the value...

Solid and Hazardous Waste Reduction

Introduction The environment in which we live is composed of people, vehicles, industries, animals, machines, and other enterprises, which in the end, produce wastes to the environment. These wastes may take the form of solid, liquid, gaseous, or radioactive agents. Most of these wastes become hazardous to the environment and...

Healthy Food Access for Poor People

The major concern about the food people eat From a scientific point of view, it is quite critical to mention that health is the most important aspect or factor in foods that are fed on by people. Through numerous studies, it is evident that the secret to good health lies...

Computer Intelligence Testing with Human Tests

Introduction Since 1950, people have tried to compare machine intelligence to human intelligence using cognition. The Stanford Binet test of measuring intelligence utilizes young people in order to assess their ability to understand elements. The elements used in the Stanford test are visual, speech voice, calculable techniques and short-term memory....

Employee Performance Management System

Introduction In human resource management, it is important to ensure that employees are motivated and satisfied with their work. This makes them give their best in their place of work. It is worth noting that one way to motivate and satisfy employees is by carrying out employee performance management (Cokins,...

Customer Integration and Satisfaction

Today we live in the world of customized products, a customer-oriented supply chain, and flexible services. The contemporary customers are becoming more and more demanding towards the goods they can purchase, and the services available. At the same time, product manufacturers and service provides are becoming more and more driven...